
trinikronohey can i borrow a mentor for a few mins00:41
ddecatortrinikrono: what'd you have in mind?01:09
trinikronoddecator: well as of monday i am a bugsquad member01:10
ddecatortrinikrono: congrats =)01:10
trinikronoso i am just looking to do some work01:10
trinikronoi mostly have been setting old bugs as incomplete01:10
trinikronoor where it did have enough info01:10
ddecatortrinikrono: is there a certain package you're interested in? (i can't remember if i asked you this before or not...)01:10
trinikronowell it does not matter too much i want to learn here01:11
ddecatortrinikrono: alright, well a good place to start with general triage is what you've been doing, finding bugs you're comfortable with at first and asking for more information then subscribing yourself. you can also find ones you can test to see if you can confirm, and if a problem sounds like it would be common you can look for dupes. once you're comfortable with the process, you can start challenging yourself a little more =)01:12
trinikronookie i was wondering about something01:13
trinikronosay i wanted to show you a bug01:13
trinikronoi see people do a thing where it comes up as a link in here01:13
trinikronowith the number01:13
ddecatoryup, that's thanks to ubot401:13
ddecatorjust type "bug <number>" and it automatically does it01:13
trinikronolemme try that01:13
ddecatoryou can also do "mozilla <number>" and "gnome <number>" for upstream (not sure what else is supported)01:14
trinikronobug 55962401:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 559624 in cups (Ubuntu) "CUPS will not function as network Print Server (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55962401:14
trinikronoyea can you look at this one01:14
trinikronothe guy confirmed it himself01:14
trinikronoi am not sure what to do with it01:15
ddecatoralright, one sec01:15
yofelthe additional ones I know of are 'freedesktop <num>' and 'debian <num>'01:17
yofeloh, and 'kde <num>'01:17
ddecatorhm, it might be how he setup access to his server. you could ask him to run apport, but i'm not sure if it's a cups problem or user error. i have an ubuntu server, but i haven't used it for this, so you could as in #ubuntu-servers about how that might be properly setup. i don't know how willing people in that channel will be to look at the report, but if they're like this channel there is likely someone who will take a look =)01:17
ddecatoryofel: i wouldn't have guessed freedesktop..huh01:18
yofelme too, until someone posted a link and ubot said 'freedesktop bug ...' ^^01:18
trinikronoill try that01:22
bbordwellyofel, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/57195201:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 571952 in launchpad "Bugs show up twice (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]01:39
hggdhI wonder. Why are the archives so slow now?01:46
persiahggdh: Because there are so very many people upgrading today.01:55
ddecatorso far i'm surprised by the lack of bugmail i've gotten today..02:06
persiaI suspect it's a result of all the work to disable bug reporting for the final release.02:08
hggdhmost certainly.02:14
* micahg got comments on open bugs already02:16
=== bladernr is now known as bladernr_
arandHmm, I've got a slightly "annoyed" comment, which I presume might be from a developer on Bug #519541 ...I'd like to give as "friendly" as possible an answer: Am I on the wrong line here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/424937/ ??02:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 519541 in abiword (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Abiword 2.8.1 freezes with document lost when help is clicked or F1 is pressed (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 54)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51954102:22
micahgarand: if it's a bug fix only release, it might qualify for an SRU02:24
arandmicahg: < persia> arand: Yeah, it would need a cherrypicked fix.02:25
arandmicahg: Hence I got the impression that it was out of the question..02:26
persiaIt defintely qualifies for SRU: common action can cause user data loss.02:26
micahgpersia: I was referring to a full version update if it's a bug fix only release02:26
persiaBut based on the comments in the bug, I have the strong impression that just pushing the entire new upstream version into an SRU would not be accepted.02:26
* micahg was going to suggest contacting someone on the -sru team to see02:27
persiamicahg: One needs approval from the TB for that.  You happen to do a lot of wok on a team who has secured such approval for a number of your apps because upstream is incapable of generating useful patches or maintaining stable branches.  Most folk operate under different restrictions.02:27
persiaBut yeah, asking someone actually on the SRU team is a good idea :)02:27
micahgpersia: all the other teams that upload new point releases have TB approval for each instance (not asking for blanket permission, just one instance)02:28
persiaNo. e.g. GNOME and KDE have blanket permission for certain classes of update.02:28
micahgpersia: ah, ok02:29
persiaI think the kernel does too, as long as it tracks the stable kernel branch for the same version (e.g. ->
rodrigo3nhello everyone02:29
persiaBut it's a list of something like 5-10 upstreams that have that permission.02:29
rodrigo3ni just finished downloading lucid02:29
rodrigo3nand during the installation process02:30
rodrigo3nthe install stuck in 34%02:30
charlie-tcaarand: that abiword bug is going to be sru'd, we are just waiting for lucid to settle02:30
rodrigo3n"preparing memtest86+"02:30
micahgpersia: so anyone that doesn't have blanket permission for a point release update needs the TB approval for one and not the SRU team?02:30
arandcharlie-tca: The full 2.8.4?02:30
rodrigo3nand its during 20 minutes already02:30
rodrigo3ndid anyone see that?02:30
charlie-tcaI don't know for sure if it will be, crimson was working on a fix last night02:31
persiamicahg: *everything* needs SRU team approval.  Packages without blanket permission for new upstream releases need to undergo detailed code review of th changes to confirm it is indeed a "minimal diff" to address the outstanding issues.02:31
micahgpersia: that still didn't answer my question :)02:32
arandcharlie-tca: Ok, then me poking about will likely not help much... :)02:32
charlie-tcayeah, probably true02:33
rodrigo3ndid everyone here upgraded from Karmic?02:33
charlie-tcabeen a thorn in my side for a couple of months already02:33
arandrodrigo3n: #ubuntu is probably a more appropriate channel, this one is for bug handling, not really support.02:34
persiamicahg: The TB grants blanket approvals, but not (typically) individual approvals.  The SRU team applies the guidance of the TB policy in reviewing each upload.  Does that make more sense?02:35
rodrigo3narand thanks, sorry. (it was because I could't get heard there)02:35
micahgpersia: well, so it seems like the answer is yes, the SRU team can approve it if it's minimal and appropriate02:36
persiaRight, but it usually has to meet the "minimal diff" rule, which this doesn't appear to do, based on comments including prior code review.02:36
persia(read the bug log for more details)02:36
charlie-tcaarand: one thing that bothers me a lot is msevior's attitude on the bugs. He has one answer on almost all the bugs: Upgrade to the latest "version"02:39
charlie-tcaUnfortunately, versions 2.8.2, 2.8.3, and 2.8.4 came out after we brought in the latest stable versions they had, 2.8.0 and 2.8.102:40
jcastrocharlie-tca: this isn't the first time abiword has released in the middle of a freeze for us02:41
arandIt's the constant upstream downstream running the opposite way...02:41
charlie-tcaAs a developer, he seems to have forgotten that 5 versions in 6 months is not so good02:41
charlie-tcajcastro: but we brought in two versions after freeze02:42
jcastroright, but sometimes it's hard to explain distro freezes and stuff to upstream02:43
jcastroas far as he's concerned he's done his bit and he'd rather lecture02:43
charlie-tcaI have to wonder how many users they are losing when they insist on bringing new versions out so fast02:43
jcastromost people are just going to use what's in the distro02:44
charlie-tcaThat's why I opted to wait to do something when we had people trying to fix it02:45
* jcastro nods02:46
jcastrocharlie-tca: there's a reason we don't just take microreleases of upstream without checking. This happened to tomboy last cycle02:47
jcastroand I'm sure there are umpteen other ones02:47
charlie-tcayeah, that's what I thought too02:48
charlie-tcaBut, I also did not see any reason to jump at him every time he puts in his comment to upgrade it02:48
jcastrobtw I try to collect things useful for upstreams on our policies here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Upstream02:49
jcastrothough I'm sure he's read it, he just doesn'02:49
jcastrot agree with it02:49
charlie-tcaThanks for that. I had someone request some information and I will pass it on02:51
jcastrocharlie-tca: if they read it and think it sucks or confusing let me know, I need more feedback on it to make sure it doesn't suck for people.02:52
charlie-tcaI will. I have been working with upstream on a couple of packages02:53
arandI'm still thinking an "answer" is better than silence though... Would this be ok: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/424945/02:53
charlie-tcasure, that looks fine02:54
jcastrothat looks good02:54
* arand sends02:54
jcastrodunno about "paranoia", but whatever, heh02:54
* charlie-tca thinks his name is getting around too much, somehow02:54
charlie-tcaI don't know if that is good or bad, but at least I seem to be known a little bit02:55
ddecatori suppose it depends on the context02:56
charlie-tcatrue enough02:56
arandcharlie-tca: Well, I just wanted to point out why I was going to "stop poking"..02:57
charlie-tcaprobably means I need to become active ...02:57
charlie-tcaIt's good. at least it does give some direction to it02:57
arandHmm, it's true that it could be somewhat of "his responsibility", comment, sorry, didn't intend that...02:59
charlie-tcanot a problem03:01
xpot-mobileany known bugs/issues with 10.04?04:36
xpot-mobileso... its not safe to update then?04:37
persiaSeems there are 86,400 open bugs.04:37
persiaOh, it's less buggy than 9.10.04:38
xpot-mobilepersia: haha, that gives me excitement enough to see if it breaks anything ;)04:39
persiaIf you've a mission-critical application, you're recommended to wait until June (but then you were probably still running 8.04 anyway).  If you've a regular system, upgrade away!04:39
xpot-mobilepersia: sweet, thanks.  will post how it goes when I come back online.04:39
micahgpersia: 86k? where?04:39
persiamicahg: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs04:40
persiaAh, 84,600.04:40
micahgpersia: k, I was wondering if tehre were 2k bugs I couldn't see :)04:40
* persia has 86,400 hardcoded in the brain because it's the number of seconds in a day04:40
xpot-mobileI will see if I can start working on a fix for bug number 1 immediately04:45
ddecatorxpot-mobile: that'd be great =)04:47
ddecatorwhen a user goes to Appearance > Visual Effects and selects Normal or Extra, should something detect if compiz isn't installed an prompt for it to be installed?05:51
persiaThat seems like a useful enhancement, yes.  Please file a wishlist bug.05:52
ddecatorpersia: do you know if it's already supposed to or not? i was working on a bug report that ended up being due to this, wasn't sure what the behavior was supposed to be05:54
persiaI think it *should*  I have no idea if it's supposed to.05:54
persiaNot doing that seems wrong to me.05:54
persiaI don't even know if it does (I've never been happy with compiz: there is a large subjective perception of system slowdown, although I try it each release)05:55
ddecatorme too. i guess it searched for drivers, but it never prompted the user to install compiz. when he did it manually, it solved the issue05:55
ddecatorpersia: do you know offhand what package handles that?05:58
persiaNope.  Easy way to check: search the .desktop files for the name of the wizard.  Run dpkg -S against that .desktop file.05:58
ddecatoralright, thanks, i'll try to get around to that later tonight05:59
ddecatorpersia: er, where would i start my search for the .desktop file?06:52
persiagrep -rin is your freind :)06:53
ddecatorpersia: any idea what i should search for? haha06:56
persiaWhat's the name of the control panel for which you want to identify the responsible package?06:57
persiaYou can safely use a localised name, because of how .desktop files work, so don't worry about trying to figure out the base language name.06:57
ddecatorhm, i'm not sure what it would say...07:02
persiaddecator: OK.  So, for which thing are you trying to determine the right package?07:04
ddecatorpersia: whatever would be responsible for checking if compiz is installed whenever a person tries to activate visual effects in the gnome-appearance-properties07:05
persiaWhy not start with gnome-appearance-properties?07:05
persiaWouldn't that be a sensible thing to check, since that's the software the user is using at the time the check needs to be performed?07:05
persiaWhether that gets abstracted out somewhere else is an implementation detail.07:06
ddecatorfair enough. but where would i look to see if it checks that or not?07:09
ddecatori could check the source, but idk if that's necessary or not07:10
persiaThat's probably the most straightforward way to check.07:16
persiaThe other alternative is to disable visual effects, remove compiz, enable visual effects, and see if you get any feedback.07:16
ddecatorhm, i'll see if i can get that to work in a live environment so i don't lose any of my compiz settings07:17
persiaThat or a VM, or reading the code.07:20
ddecatoryah i'm using testdrive07:22
ddecatorif that doesn't give me a clue, i'll look at the code07:22
ddecator"desktop effects could not be enabled" well that's helps...07:29
persiaSo the bug is really "message fails to give user sufficient information".07:33
persiaBut getting sufficient information means polling the graphics hardware too, as we can't know that their display system is *capable* of running compiz.07:33
ddecatorright, but it seems like it could at least explain why. should i file a bug for it?07:35
persiaOr maybe refer back to Damascene to give some insight.07:35
* persia is fairly neutral about this bug, and believes it to be wishlist, if it is a bug.07:36
ddecatorhm. i'll at least close the report i've been working on since the reporter got it working, but i'll try to figure out if this is something worth reporting or not07:37
Damascenewhat is the problem? it's hard to read all the page07:37
ddecatorDamascene: when a user tries to enable visual effects from gnome-appearance-properties, but does not have compiz installed, it doesn't give helpful information, it just says that the effects couldn't be enabled07:38
DamasceneI see. I'm not so much in compiz but I'am with the idea of giving useful information in case of errors07:39
Damascenethat happened to me with compiz-setting-manager when I tried to enable some effect07:40
Damasceneit didn't say any thing but didn't work07:40
Damasceneand I discovered after asking in #compiz and other channel that my card doesn't support it07:40
Damasceneand they say it's not a bug it's just your card :)07:41
DamasceneI think it's a common problem that should be addressed07:42
ddecatorhmmm, the problem i experienced is a little different from what the reporter had. probably because i didn't enable the graphics driver since i was in a live session. bug 561146 comment 1107:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 561146 in ubuntu "firefox takes over whole screen with no exit button in left hand corner (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56114607:43
ddecatordoesn't even sound like he got an error message, it changed the setting, but he didn't even have compiz installed07:45
Damascenedo you want me to remove compiz and test the gnome-appearance-properties ?07:49
ddecatornah, i'll give it a shot07:50
ddecatorwell now this is odd...07:52
ddecatorcompiz is uninstalled, but it's still using effects...i got the same thing as the reporter though, searched for drivers, then enabled it, but it never said anything about compiz07:53
ddecatorha, and no metacity on this window..07:54
kklimondawhat is the RT ticket? i know there is rt.ubuntu.com but I don't understand how it's related to Ubuntu, Canonical and LP07:55
ddecatoroooooh, i think i figured it out08:08
ddecatori guess gnome-control-center looks for /usr/bin/compiz which is provided by compiz-core but it doesn't check if just the plain compiz package is installed, and having compiz-core installed but not compiz causes the issue08:10
Damascenenice work08:12
ddecatori'll report it, let the devs decide if they want to do anything about it or not08:15
ddecatormornin' BUGabundo_remote08:44
kermiachi BUGabundo_remote :)08:45
BUGabundo_remotehey hey hey08:46
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
cbschHello, I'd like to file a bug about something, but I don't know where to begin, I've read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs but it didn't help me much. The bug is that when you run the System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers tool and the small window pops up telling you it's downloading files and whatnot, the window appears on the taskbar with the title "Untitled window". I think it should either not appear, or at least have a desc09:52
om26erubuntu+1 was a good channel for general talk now its gone :(10:58
Maharalol, ubuntu+1 is for the next version of Ubuntu10:59
Maharawhich now is #ubuntu10:59
vishom26er: general talk? never ;p  it was for support ;)10:59
Mahara#ubuntu+1 will be opened as soon as the plans for the next release will be ready11:00
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
BUGabundo_remoteboo he left11:27
om26er(and then later he realized he was in the wrong channel)11:28
Wipstercan anyone cast their eyes over https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/572205 see if its all in order?11:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 572205 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network-manager fails to add default route (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]11:48
testsoHi I've found and can confirm a bug!11:56
testsonow, I don't see any report on this bug, but it's fairly obvious, if you are on a laptop at least11:56
testsocan you help me detect any duplicate?11:57
testsoTHE bug: right click in any application, e.g. firefox. Make sure you see a menu. Then hit any multimedia button, e.g. mute. Expected: sound to be muted. Actual: nothing happens11:58
BUGabundo_remotetestso: basicly our laptop is not properly issuing multimedia keys11:58
BUGabundo_remoteeither file a bug or set them manually11:59
arandtestso: Old a known bug... let me check11:59
testsoBUGabundo_remote: I don't think my laptop hardware is aware that firefox is blocking the input ...12:00
testsoarand: thx, I was looking but couldn't find it12:00
testsoarand: I don't want to file a duplicate12:00
arandtestso: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/1090512:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 10905 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Can't use any global keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys when applet/menu is open (affects: 15) (dups: 23)" [Wishlist,Invalid]12:01
arand"menus are implemented with keyboard and pointer grabs" as per gtk-developer on upstream bug report... I'm afraid it aint gonna change in some time...12:03
testsoarand: gah, nasty12:03
testsoarand: thanks for your help, i'll join the gtk team12:04
arand...If ever...12:04
arandIt has been a real pet peeve os mine though, brrr...12:04
cbschHello, I'd like to file a bug about something, but I don't know where to begin. I've read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs but it didn't help me much. The bug is that when you run the System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers tool and the small window pops up telling you it's downloading files and whatnot, the window appears on the taskbar with the title "Untitled window". I think it should either not appear, or at least have a desc12:05
arandtestso: I think it's even down to X11 .. :(12:06
om26era similar bug that I face is when a menu is opened and the system is left when I come back a) screensaver is not started b) after unclicking the menu screensaver starts12:08
testsoarand: do you have an X11 upstream?12:10
testsoupstream/upstream bug12:10
arandom26er: Yep, potentially avoiding password-locking the computer and a security issue, it's a lovely one.12:10
arandtestso: No, just the gtk-dev's comment on bugzilla...12:10
testsoarand: ok12:10
=== qense_ is now known as qense
om26erwhat to add to grub to disable kms?13:21
arandom26er: nomodeset ... afaik13:26
vishom26er: depends on the card.. for radeon , i had to use radeon.modeset=014:30
om26ervish, it was a problem with someone at #ubuntu so I thought disabling kms might be helpful14:32
om26erthat might be i915.modeset=014:33
vishom26er: not sure , but better check in #ubuntu-x14:34
om26erwill defer for now14:35
* om26er still misses #ubuntu+1 ;)14:36
yofelintel is i195.modeset=0 yes14:38
yofel*i915 ^^14:38
marvin_I have a bug with Ubuntu 10.04 and Vuze ..it wont start anymore14:39
marvin_ marvin@Marvin:~$ vuze14:39
marvin_[warning] /usr/bin/vuze: Unable to locate swt in /usr/share/java14:39
marvin_file:/usr/lib/jni/ ; file:/usr/lib/java/ ; file:/usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar ; file:/usr/share/java/log4j-1.2-1.2.15.jar ; file:/usr/share/java/commons-cli-1.2.jar ; file:/home/marvin/14:39
marvin_at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)14:39
marvin_at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)14:39
marvin_at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)14:39
marvin_at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)14:39
marvin_at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main.directLaunch(Main.java:229)14:39
marvin_at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main.main(Main.java:132)14:39
marvin_at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)14:39
marvin_at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)14:39
marvin_at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)14:39
marvin_at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)14:39
marvin_at com.aelitis.azureus.launcher.MainExecutor$1.run(MainExecutor.java:37)14:39
ubot4Help! Seveas, Hobbsee, gnomefreak, coleSLAW, or dholbach14:40
marvin_at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:636)14:40
marvin_Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell14:40
marvin_at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.mainwindow.Initializer.<init>(Initializer.java:111)14:40
marvin_at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.<init>(Main.java:88)14:40
marvin_at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main.main(Main.java:255)14:40
marvin_... 12 more14:40
marvin_Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell14:40
marvin_at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)14:40
marvin_at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)14:40
marvin_at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)14:40
marvin_at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:321)14:40
marvin_at com.aelitis.azureus.launcher.classloading.PrimaryClassloader.loadClass(PrimaryClassloader.java:103)14:40
om26eroh my14:40
marvin_at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:266)14:40
marvin_at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:334)14:40
marvin_... 15 more14:40
marvin_Start fails:14:40
marvin_com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreException: Azureus core already instantiated14:40
marvin_at com.aelitis.azureus.core.impl.AzureusCoreImpl.create(AzureusCoreImpl.java:120)14:40
yofelyep, the error is *quite* long ^^14:40
marvin_at com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory.create(AzureusCoreFactory.java:46)14:40
ubot4For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:40
marvin_at org.gudy.azureus2.ui.common.Main.main(Main.java:160)14:40
marvin_at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)14:40
marvin_at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)14:40
marvin_at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)14:40
marvin_at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:616)14:40
marvin_at com.aelitis.azureus.launcher.MainExecutor$1.run(MainExecutor.java:37)14:40
marvin_at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:636)14:40
kklimondalifeless: it's not like he's posting it one line at the time :/14:40
marvin_perhaps you can do something about it14:40
acicula <marvin_> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell14:51
aciculasprinkle more jars?14:51
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
maxbI'm getting a spurious "System policy prevents stopping the system when other users are logged in" (no other users are logged in)15:31
maxbWhat package would I search/file bug reports under?15:32
yofelmaxb: when do you get that message?15:37
maxbWhen I try to restart via the indicator appliet15:38
maxb* applet15:38
maxbugh, I just found ck-list-sessions15:39
maxbThe second session is a 'su -c rmiregistry bin' that I ran from upstart15:40
maxbWhy is a noninteractive su creating a CK session?!15:40
Wiplashcan anyone replicate the bug I posted earlier? having trouble adding a route in the network applet when in manual mode16:01
Wiplashsetting manualy in the applet still gives me "nm_system_replace_default_ip4_route(): (wlan0): failed to set IPv4 default route: -22"16:09
micahgcharlie-tca: can you verify some karmic SRUs?16:16
micahgcharlie-tca: they're for xfce apps16:17
charlie-tcamicahg: I can try16:40
charlie-tcawhich ones16:40
micahgbug 455089 and bug 49436016:45
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
ubot4micahg: Bug 455089 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/455089 is private16:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 494360 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 1 other project) "battery notification lacks an icon in karmic/lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49436016:45
micahgcharlie-tca: package is in karmic-proposed16:45
micahgubot4: go update your DB :)16:46
ubot4micahg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:46
charlie-tcasorry, I looked at that, but I don't have a portable computer. I have 5 desktop systems16:55
micahgcharlie-tca: k, thanks16:56
charlie-tcaI couldn't reproduce the suspend issue without the patch16:57
micahganyone have a laptop running Xubuntu karmic?16:57
charlie-tcaSorry, but I did try to do both of those16:57
charlie-tcaI can ask in #xubuntu-devel if anyone does, too16:57
micahgcharlie-tca: k, thanks pitti's going to delete the package if no one tests it, it's been in proposed for 3 months16:58
charlie-tcaI saw that. I will try to get them tested. Thanks16:58
charlie-tcaI have to rebuild a system, and planned on hitting bugs monday, here.16:59
charlie-tcamicahg: will be tested later today17:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgcharlie-tca: great, thanks17:17
n3glvATI support?17:43
n3glvno hardware drivers showing at all17:43
n3glvlucid of course17:43
n3glvdual screen17:44
n3glvtotal mess17:44
n3glvwhere is this 'generic driver' that i'm supposed to be able to use instead?17:44
yofeln3glv: support please in #ubuntu, this channel is for handling bug reports17:44
n3glvthis is a bug17:44
BUGabundo_remoten3glv: please try #ubuntu for help17:44
n3glvcan't get video support17:44
BUGabundo_remotethis # is meant for bug triage. Thank you17:44
n3glvnot a bug when hardware drivers page is blank?17:45
BUGabundo_remoten3glv: is the bug filed?17:45
BUGabundo_remoteif not, then you want support17:45
n3glvdid not see it17:45
n3glvsaw info saying to use the generic one17:45
Sami345Do you think there is something missing from my report?17:45
n3glvwhich is nowhere to be found17:45
BUGabundo_remote!bugs | n3glv17:45
ubot4n3glv: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:45
yofelubot4: ping?17:46
ubot4Factoid 'ping?' not found17:46
yofelbug 57235717:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 572357 in ubuntu "Ubuntu freezes for a few seconds when I press any key (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57235717:46
Sami345well, howto repeat the problem, put I think it's simple 1. Put on the computer 2. Press any key from keyboard17:46
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
blueyedIs xorg-edgers ppa not uptodate?18:16
blueyedhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Nouveau#Testing bugs against upstream Nouveau -18:16
blueyeddoes not upgrade anything..18:16
blueyedwill try http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-next/current/ instead. brb18:16
blueyedno luck.. bug 569122 - any hints welcome to debug this further18:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 569122 in linux (Ubuntu) "Resuming from hibernation fails (video garbage with nouveau, no progress/hibernation with nvidia-current) (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56912218:39
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
geniiSomething like:  zsync -i older-iso.iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/final-iso-name.iso.zsync          fails to work. I suspect because "releases.ubuntu.com" wants to get converted to something else like "d2dakxl4s2lf96.cloudfront.net" server-side. Any way around this? If a bug then against what to file?19:51
arandgenii: just using http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ worked for me.19:54
geniiThing is... why are there .zsync extensions in releases.ubuntu.com if you have to go to cdimage.ubuntu.com ?20:13
chcathello, i am trying to use getsockopt( tcp_work_socket, SOL_IP, TCP_INFO, (void *)&tcp_info, (socklen_t *)&tcp_info_length )  to get number of retransmissions from tcp_info... The problem is - the number is always stays 0 no matter how much I  limit channel bandwidth. Is there a known bug associated with this method?20:56
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
blueyedchcat: very specific question you got there. You might want to poke in #linux or some more developer oriented channel. I do not think there's a bug with some (which?) Ubuntu version.21:28
BUGabundohey guys21:30
BUGabundoI just upgraded to maverick :)21:30
* BUGabundo waits for #ubuntu+1 to reopen21:30
blueyedFinally :)21:30
* blueyed would not do it in the first weeks though..21:30
blueyedwhy is #ubuntu+1 closed?21:31
blueyedthat's no reason?! "extra effort gone wild"?21:32
penguin42blueyed: They always do that on release21:32
blueyedah. than it makes sense..21:32
blueyedthen rather21:32
kklimondaBUGabundo: oh, archive is open already?21:33
BUGabundoyou guessed it kklimonda :)21:34
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_bones
=== BUGabundo_bones is now known as BUGabundo_Bones
garyjmellorhas anyone noticed the positioning of the shutdown etc options in 10.04 64-bit? they're under the system menu and not in the top right corner. also all the options aren't present. is this by design? the 32-bit version has them in the usual place. this is a complete reinstall from iso downloaded today.22:31
garyjmellorhas anyone noticed the positioning of the shutdown etc options in 10.04 64-bit? they're under the system menu and not in the top right corner. also all the options aren't present. is this by design? the 32-bit version has them in the usual place. this is a complete reinstall from iso downloaded today.22:31
mvn071lucids bugs => hangs on Fn-keys to higher-lower the screenligth22:43
mvn071on acer aspire 4810tz22:43
mvn071and importing an account that is also created at installation breaks installation22:45
mvn071ati source driver breaks installation ( hang at boot)22:45
mvn071is better to make tickets of these?22:46
mrandmvn071: yes, better to make separate tickets if one doesn't already exist that describes your problem very closely.  ubuntu-bug <package name> is the preferred method of reporting.23:19
=== BUGabundo_Bones is now known as BUGabundo_Naruto
mvn071mrand: thanks i will work on it towmorrow23:37
=== BUGabundo_Naruto is now known as BUGabundo

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