
hyperairdoes anyone know how i can get plymouth to give me at least some level of detail of what's going on during boot?00:02
hyperairi can't even figure out why my machine isn't resuming because plymouth refuses to tell me anything!00:02
RAOFhyperair: You can't just drop “quiet splash”?00:03
hyperairRAOF: er weird things happen00:03
hyperairi can't remember exactly what happened, as i've tried all sorts of things >_>00:04
RAOFWeird in what way?00:04
hyperairer i can't remember00:04
hyperairlet me try again00:05
RAOFWorks For Me™00:05
TechnovikingIs there a file that I can set GdmXserverTimeout, want to try increse GdmXserverTimeout to fix a problem?00:07
hyperairokay, i've figured it out.00:38
hyperairinitramfs-tools between karmic and lucid got this thing called "wait-for-root"00:38
hyperairand eventhough the "resume" local-premount script appears to attempt to detect tuxonice signatures, it doesn't.00:38
hyperairor rather, this wait-for-root does not detect tuxonice signatures00:38
hyperairhmm, it seems that the previous resume hook didn't detect tuxonice signatures either, but unconditionally attempted to resume anyway.00:45
hyperairhmmm so it turns out this value comes from udev.00:48
pittiGood morning05:31
ravibnHi, I ran an update few minutes back and it asked me to restart in the boot menu I select kernel 2.6.31-21-genric to boot. I got an error msg "1.185157 Kernal Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,17)" However I rebooted again with older version kernal 2.6.31-20 it works fine. How to fix this problem ?05:57
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baptistemmthe build servers are down ?07:55
pittibaptistemm: they shouldn't, why?08:02
pittithere's just nothing to build ATM08:02
baptistemmHi pitti, this is I sumitted a build yesterday night and the build time is planned for 1st May :)08:03
pittibaptistemm: ah, PPA?08:05
baptistemmsorry I forgot to mention08:05
pittiyou can check on https://edge.launchpad.net/builders08:05
baptistemm_the build queue for ppa is full08:07
nigelbabukenvandine: normal for gwibber not to display identi.ca conversations?08:20
nigelbabu(and only the @ conversations)08:21
rickspencer3hi all08:39
pittihey rickspencer3, good morning! Landed safely?08:39
rickspencer3pitti, yes!08:39
rickspencer3everything went quite smoothly08:39
rickspencer3I'm hoping this is a sign for good things come for next week and UDS :)08:40
rickspencer3pitti, so, no kitten killing or world melting bugs reported since release yesterday?08:40
pittinot that I heard of08:41
rickspencer3pitti, you were gone yesterday when I was singing your praises before I took off yesterday08:41
pittiI read it in scrollback; thanks :) *blush*08:41
rickspencer3(well deservedly gone, I should add ;) )08:41
pittithis cycle was great team work indeed08:42
rickspencer3It won't diminish the contributions to the rest of the team to acknowledge your awesome contributions as tech lead08:42
rickspencer3you've really taken it to a new level08:42
pittithank you!08:45
rickspencer3on to maverick!08:45
pittican we upload yet? can we upload yet?08:57
* pitti wants to get rid of some 20 "fix committed" tasks08:57
baptistemmI have a SRU as well for obexd lying in a branch09:01
seb128hello there09:04
seb128over half an hour fsck and I stopped it because it was at 91% for 10 minutes, wondering if plymouth is buggy there, cpu was working at lot during this time too09:05
pittihey seb12809:05
seb128hey pitti!09:05
seb128how are you?09:05
pittiseb128: quite well, thanks! how about you?09:07
seb128I'm good thanks, happy to have lucid being there ;-)09:07
rickspencer3hi seb12809:09
mvoseb128: good news, I think we can drop one of the vte patch (the repear object thing). the api is now ritch enough for this. I look at the other one next09:11
seb128hey rickspencer3, did you have a nice travel?09:12
seb128mvo, oh, nice ;-)09:12
rickspencer3seb128, yes, everything is going quite smoothly09:12
seb128rickspencer3, where are you there? still travelling?09:13
rickspencer3I'm waiting for the celebrations to start, then will head out09:13
rickspencer3seb128, I'm in the hotel09:13
seb128ok, nice ;-)09:13
rickspencer3will be heading to Vondelpark soon09:13
rickspencer3seb128, seems the release went fairly well09:14
rickspencer3you must be well satisfied09:15
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seb128rickspencer3, indeed, great work from everybody ;-)09:16
rickspencer3seb128, on to Mavrick09:16
rickspencer3(and 10.04.1 ;) )09:16
seb128right, still on lucid bug fixing mode for a while09:17
rickspencer3seb128, next week I'll be all about Maverick UDS09:17
seb128while lucid is good there is still some bugs that should get fixed there09:17
* rickspencer3 has lots of work to do on this next week09:17
rickspencer3seb128, yup09:17
rickspencer3perhaps we should split our attention a bit09:17
seb128I'm fine talking about maverick, I will just keep running lucid until after uds at least on this box ;-)09:17
rickspencer3I get us through UDS, and you get us through 10.04.1?09:18
rickspencer3(of course I'll need lots of help from you to get through UDS :) )09:18
rickspencer3^typical manager move09:18
seb128yeah, don't worry, I think we can focus our attention on next cycle now09:18
seb128I will just delay technical work and keep my laptop stable and do sru updates for now09:18
rickspencer3I *really* need to get my blueprints written up09:20
* rickspencer3 already feels behind for Maverick09:20
seb128only one week for this now, right ;-)09:20
seb128btw not sure what to do about next week IRC meeting since some of us will be sprinting or travelling09:21
seb128hey didrocks09:21
seb128got electricity back?09:21
rickspencer3seb128, meh09:21
rickspencer3let's cancel it09:21
seb128works for me09:21
seb128just send a reminder saying to everybody to have their blueprints ready09:22
seb128and congrats everybody about lucid09:22
rickspencer3and we can start scheduling09:22
rickspencer3lucid is dead to me now09:22
seb128who is wanting to run this old cruft? ;-)09:22
rickspencer3seb128, btw, sounds like Telepathy folks will be there Thur/Fri09:22
* baptistemm has already a todo list for maverick :)09:23
rickspencer3baptistemm, interesting, what's on it?09:23
baptistemmrickspencer3, bluez thinks, like getting back services scripts for rfcomm and whatno services were threw away when bluetoothd switched to udev starting method09:24
seb128ok, candidate updates installed on this box, let's restart my session09:24
rickspencer3baptistemm, nice09:24
rickspencer3you can probably guess the kinds of things on my personal todo list09:25
rickspencer3*cough* quidgets *cough*09:25
* pitti wants to beat hal to death09:25
baptistemmseb128, I'll need to check a patch fix a small regression in obexd / bluetooth-sendto09:27
seb128which one?09:27
baptistemmseb128, bug 559412 (sorry lp was slow)09:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559412 in obexd "bluetooth-sendto dialog is not closed after transfer is finished." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55941209:30
baptistemmnew upstream release fixed the issue, but the patch is too intrusive09:31
seb128the changes in the new version you mean rather?09:32
seb128baptistemm, I've approved the lucid tasks, do you want to work on the SRU for it?09:33
seb128I can sponsor the change for you once it's ready09:33
baptistemmyeah, I backported the patch, which worked fine, but I found, just revert the change they done in 0.22 less intrusive09:33
baptistemmand fedora did the same than me :)09:33
seb128could you add pointers to the change and the fix to the bug?09:33
seb128ok good09:33
seb128do you want to work on the sru?09:33
baptistemmseb128, the branch is already linked to the bug09:34
seb128ok, I will review that09:34
didrocksbah, my laptop is a world of pain this morning…10:09
didrocksseb128: got the electricity back at 10:30 (starting my server again, hence the fact you saw me ;)). Then fscking for 30 minutes on my laptop and then, no wifi, can't have a descent fresh rate in Xorg…10:10
didrocksseb128: the good news is that I've fixed evince lately, when I was offline and on battery :)10:11
seb128didrocks, nice ;-)10:11
seb128lut huats10:11
seb128didrocks, I got an endless fsck today10:11
didrocksseb128: oh, I'm not alone so? ;)10:12
seb128I stopped it after half an hour, laptop fan was blowing a lot10:12
didrockssame here10:12
seb128and it moved from 88% to 91% in like 15 minutes10:12
didrocksI stopped it too after half an hour. It was stuck at 91% :/10:12
seb128where usually it takes 10 minutes for full check10:12
didrocksok, that's not an isolated case so10:12
didrocksgot exactly the same with the same numbers10:12
seb128pitti, ^ do you have any clue what is to bug there? plymouth I guess?10:13
pittiseb128: I'm not sure; you can try tune2fs -C 50 /dev/... to force a re-check on next boot, and try purging plymouth10:13
pittito see whether it happens in text mode as well10:13
pittiand first do that again with plymouth to see whether it's reproducible10:14
didrocksI can do that and run my netbook meanwhile10:14
didrockspushing the evince change first and do that after10:15
didrocksseb128: pitti: how are you apart from that?10:15
pittiquite well, thanks! did some cleanup this morning, and now working on new postgresql beta, yaya10:15
kklimondawhen has f-spot been added to the default installation? in hardy?10:28
seb128not sure, wjhy?10:29
kklimondaheh, "someone is wrong on the internet!" ;)10:30
kklimondaI've just stumbled about a comment how "Canonical has done nothing other than changing a theme, creating a dropbox clone and dumping gimp in favour of f-spot in 10.04"..10:30
seb128we use f-spot for image editing now...10:32
kklimondaach, 6.1010:32
LaneyI wouldn't even bother replying :(10:34
pittiso in the beginning people complained that we did too many patches; now we get them upstream and people complain that we don't have any changes from upstream10:42
pitti(yes, I know about the indicator stuff, etc.)10:43
didrockspitti: really? WTH :)10:43
pittididrocks: what kklimonda said above10:43
didrockspitti: well, as the power breakage shutdown my bip server, I have to grab the logs on it, one sec :)10:44
pittididrocks: don't worry; it was just a snide remark, don't take me too seriously today :)10:44
* didrocks wants to deserve some time to implement some kind of "progressive log" like the KDE irc client/proxy :)10:45
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kenvandinegood morning everyone12:53
* kenvandine is heading out, on vacation today12:54
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duanedesigndidrocks: last night i reworked Stipple to get package information just like the SC instead of dpkg selections.13:27
* hyperair lies in wait for keybuk13:27
didrocksduanedesign: sweet, I'll have a look next week, is it in the trunk?13:28
duanedesigndidrocks: yes13:28
didrocksduanedesign: I think, I'll see with mvo if we can have that as a service somewhere (maybe s-c or something) to just ask "what apps do I have install"13:28
didrocksduanedesign: I'll have a look, great ;)13:28
duanedesigndidrocks: i am enjoying the project. Thanks again for the input/ideas. :)13:31
mvoduanedesign: nice! I just had a quick look and if you just need the pakcage names you can use "for pkg in apt.Cache(): if pkg.is_installed"13:31
didrocksduanedesign: heh, I hope we can work as a team with a lot of contributors on that initiative. Thanks for your inputs too ;)13:31
mvoduanedesign: the xapian and db.postlist() stuff is not needed for that, but if you want iocns etc, then its useful (and needed)13:32
duanedesignmvo: yeah it is writting more than necessary to the DB right now.13:32
duanedesignmvo: ahh. Thank you.13:33
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mvoduanedesign: np, I'm happy to help more, its a cool project13:34
didrocksmvo: I still think we should be more clever to get only "apps" installed and not the libraries and other pieces. Do you have an idea of how to get that? (that's more or less how you filtered in gnome-app-install ?) having a .desktop file in the package, some kind of debtag?13:34
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mvodidrocks:  sorry for the delay, yeah, something more clever is called for14:09
didrocksmvo: no pb ;) something like is_installed and not is_auto_install, looking for a desktop file in "/usr/share/applications" in pkg.installed_files?14:10
mvoand maybe not part of ubuntu-desktop, but that will prob not mateer14:16
didrocksright, for defaults14:18
didrockslet me try something was that ;)14:18
duanedesigndidrocks: What is your idea? comparing contents of /usr/share/applications with "if (not pkg.is_auto_installed) and (pkg.is_installed):"?14:32
didrocksduanedesign: right, starting from that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425259/14:34
didrocksduanedesign: I'm just trying to remove all deps of ubuntu-desktop now ("the default installed app"14:34
didrocksduanedesign: trying to do that in a efficient way in python (removing a subgroup of one group)14:34
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didrocksmvo: should I really follow /usr/share/doc/python-apt/examples/all_deps.py to get the dep list (cache._depcache.GetCandidateVer(cache['ubuntu-desktop']._pkg) seems ugly to me) or use rather apt_pkg which seems to have a better api there? (not sure about the difference between the two)15:00
duanedesigndidrocks: looks good. adding the if re.match trimmed the number of packages in the couchDB from 1411 to 192 :)15:00
mvodidrocks: that is a bit outdated15:01
didrocksduanedesign: right, I'm trying to exclude the default installed app (there are not installed on purpose and maybe people don't want it, or as an option) and we can push that in a library ;)15:01
didrocksmvo: do you have some examples somewhere about what you advise to use?15:01
* duanedesign nods15:01
mvodidrocks: use the apt stuff, docs are here http://apt.alioth.debian.org/python-apt-doc/15:02
mvodidrocks: I can write you a example15:02
didrocksmvo: well, not sure how I can get the dependencies in http://apt.alioth.debian.org/python-apt-doc/library/apt.package.html (or do should use apt_pkg?). If you can just write an exemple for getting dependencies of one package, it will rock (I will then adapt for recommends) ;)15:04
didrocksmvo: thanks ;)15:04
mvodidrocks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425269/15:04
mvothere is also candidate.recommends15:05
didrocksmvo: ok, candidate to get the version of the package… that was my missing piece :)15:05
didrocksmvo: thanks again ;)15:05
mvodidrocks: there is "candidate" and "installed" by default15:05
mvodidrocks: they may be "None" (if not installed or no candidate availalbe)15:05
mvodidrocks: cheers15:06
didrocksmvo: understood ;)15:06
* pitti calls it a day, have a nice weekend everyone!15:17
didrocksenjoy the week-end pitti!15:20
pittithanks, you too!15:20
pitti. o O { getting up at 6 _has_ to be good for something :) )15:20
didrocksheh :)15:22
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NafaiGood morning #ubuntu-desktop!  Happy day-after-release day!16:10
NafaiSo, for my French colleagues: my wife is taking French classes in school.  I tried sending her a text in French this morning, but used Google Translate.  Unfortunately, it picked the male form of the words I used so it didn't quite come out right. :)16:12
didrockshey Nafai ;)16:15
NafaiI think I remember seeing this somewhere, but is there a place where we can see which binary packages were removed during Lucid?  (for failure to build, etc)16:16
didrocksNafai: on the ubuntu-devel ML16:17
Nafaiah, that's where I saw it, thanks16:17
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sshawcj: you hiding out around here?18:15
Nafaiheading out to lunch and a few quick errands18:29
cjsshaw: I'm evarware18:33
* sshaw haves to run for a bit now18:33
cjsshaw: I've got more than 62 irssi windows open.  time to do some pruning18:34
sshawI'd say :)18:34
hyperairqense: regarding banshee-extension-appindicator, how come next/prev don't have accelerators (the underlined letters), and how come pause is "a" rather than "p"?19:26
qensehyperair: I copied the menu from Banshee.NotificationArea and am using the default actions. Did I forget to do something?19:27
hyperairqense: hmmm maybe i was mistaken?19:27
hyperairlet me check again19:27
hyperairqense: the playback menu in banshee has next=n, prev=v, play/pause=p19:27
hyperairqense: the notification area uses the same shortcuts as the playback menu.19:28
qensehyperair: I'll take a look at the code then.19:30
hyperairqense: thanks19:30
hyperairqense: another issue, but less minor, is that if appindicator is enabled, and notificationarea is enabled and disabled, banshee ends up quitting.19:32
qensehyperair: There is an action conflict, but we cannot do anything about it, unless you'd want me to write code in AppIndicator that disables another extension (yaargh), or do that in the packaging script.19:33
qenseYou have to manually disable the plugin first.19:33
qenseOr wait for Mono to implement conflicts support for Addins.19:33
hyperairheh okay19:33
hyperairqense: how does banshee's notificationarea icon prevent banshee from quitting on close anyway?19:34
qenseI asked the Mono.Addin developer at #mono or #monodev about that and he said he'd add it to his very long ToDo list.19:34
hyperairvery long eh19:34
hyperairit'll probably get lost in the list19:34
qenseBut who knows!19:35
hyperairhaha keep your fingers crossed, but don't hold your breath =p19:35
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Nafaiboy sure quiet day20:24
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sshawcj: ping20:44
cjsshaw: ohai20:53
sshawcj: should we get some at-spi2 hacking taken care of?20:53
cjsshaw: probably ;)20:53
cjsshaw: what point are you at?20:53
sshawcj: I need to get autoreconf and intltool run during the build20:54
cjnah, do that once and produce the configure20:54
cjthat's the point that things normally expect20:54
cjautoreconf happens on maintainer's machine.  you produce a configure, and the person who downloads it runs it20:55
sshawcj: I'm so lost with some of this stuff though20:55
cjso.  upstream should deliver to you a mainter tarball produced from 'make dist'20:55
sshawright, that's what I have20:56
cjgreat.  that should be uploaded to gnome's ftp server20:56
cjyou should be downloading that20:56
sshawyeah, it should be the one from gnome's ftp20:56
cjyou should also be able to run ./configure from the unpacked tarball and then have a make; make install just work20:56
cjwhere did you get your debian/ directory?20:57
sshawfrom a previous build of the package20:57
sshawthe tarball by itself is working just fine20:57
cjcan I get the same version you have?20:58
sshawits the patch that I'm applying that causes the issues20:58
sshawcj: yeah, its 0.1.820:58
cjI think this is the best place to grab the debian/ directory: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-a11y/at-spi2-atk.git20:59
cjit's only at 0.1.1, though :(21:00
sshawdefinitely dated21:01
cjwoe.  looks like ubuntu has a newer one21:01
sshawyeah, that's where I got mine21:01
cjoh, right.  mike said you haven't checked your debian directory into git yet21:01
cjsshaw: could you contact Mario Lang <mlang@debian.org> and request access to the alioth git repo?21:02
cj(write access that is)21:02
cjdo you have an account on alioth?21:02
sshawI don't know that I entirely trust my stuff21:02
sshawI'm not a debian/ubuntu packager... I'm a poke around the debian dir/ and hope not to break things packager :)21:03
cjah.  well you've got newer stuff than debian has.  it would be nice to keep your stuff in the debian package repo21:03
cjokay, so let's work from the ubuntu 0.1.8 source package21:03
sshawcj: I'm not opposed to that, but I didn't really do all the work.. Don't want to steal the credit21:04
cjfrom what I understand, you don't even have an RCS for your work, though ;)21:04
sshawyup, its called different directories ;)21:05
cjcould I get your patches?21:05
sshawcj: I could zip them for you ;)21:05
sshawcj: the patch is in the mono svn... one sec21:05
cjsure!  cjac@colliertech.org21:05
cjI've pulled from mono svn recently.  the svn uri would work, too21:06
cjgot it21:08
sshawcj: ok, request sent21:09
cjwhat version of the tarball are you trying to apply the patches to?21:09
sshawsorry, 0.1.821:11
cjit doesn't apply cleanly for me21:12
cjor maybe I'm applying it after running debian/rules21:12
sshawcj: it needs to be applied and then have autoreconf and intltools run against it21:13
cjmakes sense21:13
cjso you need to add some more rules to debian/rules21:13
sshawthe patch adds a gnome schema file as well as translations21:14
cjadd 'rm configure' to clean21:14
cjand add configure as a dep in build21:14
sshawI don't see a clean section21:14
cjand make a target for 'configure' that runs automake -a and autoconf21:15
cjoh, and intltool21:15
sshawwhat are the current versions for those tools21:17
cjI have...21:17
cjii  automake                              1:1.11.1-121:17
cjii  autoconf                              2.65-3ubuntu121:17
cjii  intltool                              0.41.0-0ubuntu121:17
cjbut that patch doesn't apply when I dpkg-src -x at-spi2-atk_0.1.8-1~pre1.dsc21:18
cjis that the version of the .dsc you have?21:18
sshawcj:  yeah21:24
sshawok, finally got those added.  Had to respond to an email21:24
sshawit needs to be patch -p121:25
cjadd those to debian/control in the build-deps section21:25
sshawoh, forgot about the rules file21:25
sshawdo I need to create a clean: section?21:25
cjI think there's something more debian-friendly21:26
cjbut I don't know what it is21:26
cjask #debian-cli review before uploading21:26
cjbut it will work well enough for now21:26
sshawoverride_dh_auto_clean: or something21:26
cjyeah, that21:26
sshawcj: I probably won't upload anything until 0.1.921:27
sshawas this patch will completely disappear in couple weeks21:27
sshawI don't want to upload something temporary21:28
cjhave configure depend on patch21:28
sshawI'm not sure I follow21:29
cjyou don't want to generate the configure script until your Makefile.am files have been patched21:30
sshawright, I'm just not sure how to translate that into debian/rules21:30
cjdebian/rules is a Makefile21:30
cjso maybe configure: patch\n\t...21:31
sshawcj: I think I might have it21:34
* sshaw tests21:34
sshawfingers crossed21:34
sshaw... fail21:35
sshawnot sure why yet21:36
sshawhad a typo21:39
sshawbut now I'm getting a different error21:39
sshawand the wrong version on a package21:40
sshawI think I'm making progress here :)21:41
sshawand the next error, not sure about is config.status: error: cannot find input file: `po/Makefile.in.in'21:42
cjit builds for me after patching ; autoreconf -i ; intltoolize ; ./configure make21:42
sshawI think I might have seen that before, just not sure where21:42
cjthat's intltoolize21:42
sshawoh crap21:42
sshawI know that ;)21:43
sshawjust testing you ;)21:43
cjdo I pass?21:43
sshawyup, better than me :)21:43
sshawlargely because I'm being extremely creative today when it comes to spelling21:44
sshawlooks promising21:45
sshawcj: since I'm adding schema stuff and i18n, do I need to do anything special in the rules file to handle them?21:46
cj'schema stuff'?21:47
sshawgnome schema file21:47
cjI'd have to look at the diff21:47
sshawcj: what command should I be using to check the build and then sign it?  I've been running debuild -S21:49
cjat-spi2.schemas.in is processed by configure and produces at-spi2.schemas21:49
sshawsomething like that21:50
cjdebuild is good21:50
sshawit passed the first time, but now its blowing up on me with a bunch of errors21:50
sshawis there a way to 'clean' it?21:50
cjfakeroot debian/rules clean21:51
cjare you applying the patch with quilt?21:51
cjclean should remove the applied patches21:52
cjnwo is the timme where I would use git status to check what all has changed ;)21:52
sshawdebuild removed it21:52
sshawshow off :)21:53
sshawdpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to at-spi2-atk-0.1.8/atk-adaptor/adaptor/.libs/libatk_bridge_adaptors_la-cache-adaptor.o: binary file contents changed21:55
cjsshaw: add that to your clean list21:56
Laneywhy is that in your source tarball?21:56
sshawthat's one of many21:56
cjwhat Laney said21:56
sshawI doubt it is.  It seems like the build env is polluted21:56
Laneyupstream's clean rule should sort that out21:56
sshawthis happened after it built successfully the first time21:57
cjsshaw: your patch added a new .c file, did you add the .c file to the Makefile's clean variable?21:58
cjor DISTCLEAN or something21:58
sshawI would have assumed21:58
sshawits not actually my patch21:59
cjsshaw: you don't have your .orig tarball in ..?22:01
sshawI do22:01
cjis at-spi2-atk-0.1.8/atk-adaptor/adaptor/.libs/libatk_bridge_adaptors_la-cache-adaptor.o in that tarball?22:01
cjtar tfvz at-spi2-atk_0.1.8.orig.tar.gz | grep 'o$'22:02
cjthen I dunno ;)22:03
cjLaney: any idea what's going on?22:04
sshawdid I corrupt the jail?22:05
sshawis my overriding the clean section causing problems?22:06
cjany chance you22:08
cjI was going to ask if you could keep revision logs using git22:09
cjit would be easier to debug that way22:09
sshawgit init .22:09
sshawI suppose I could22:09
cjokay.  could you rewind and do the git init . on the package you're starting from22:13
cjand then make modifications to debian/rules, debian/control, debian/patches/*, etc?22:14
sshawI ran a make clean and it seems to be running now22:14
Laneyshow me your rules file please22:17
sshawsure, one sec22:17
Laneyyou probably need to put dh_auto_configure at the bottom of that override22:19
Laneyerm, dh_auto_clean22:19
sshawsorry, say that again22:20
sshawdh_clean at the bottom of dh_auto_clean?22:20
Laneyno no22:20
Laneydh_auto_clean is the debhelper script to take care of running make clean, basically (see the manpage)22:21
Laneybut you've overriden the place where it would normally be called22:21
Laneyand not put it back in22:21
sshawwhere is it normally called?22:22
Laneywhen you insert an override target22:22
Laneyit replaces debhelper's default behaviour with what you specify22:23
Laneybut what you want here is "do this extra cleanup, then do what you would do normally", isn't it?22:23
Laneyso you need to tell it to run dh_auto_clean too22:23
sshawoh oh, I think I'm starting to see22:24
sshawso, the dh_clean is wrong and needs to be moved to the bottom and changed to dh_auto_clean22:24
Laneyyeah sure22:25
LaneyI guess dh_clean is run elsewhere anyway22:25
sshawsorry, brb22:40
sshaw wow, what craziness.  I'm really sorry about that23:16
sshawLaney: just some crazy things that I wasn't expecting just happened that pulled my attention from this23:19
Laneyha, such is life23:28
sshawLaney: yeah23:28
sshawits like a box of chocolates :)23:28

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