
KIAazehow can I build 32-bit packages on 64-bit?00:40
KIAaze(without using launchpad)00:40
RAOFKIAaze: pbuilder-dist from ubuntu-dev-tools is a quick and easy way; call it as “pbuilder-dist lucid i386 $OPERATION” and you'll get an i386 lucid chroot.  Symlink pbuilder-lucid-i386 to pbuilder-dist for added ease.00:47
KIAazethanks :)00:50
KIAazethe distro specification is even better :)00:51
KIAazewell, just as useful at least00:51
NafaiI need to learn all of these tools00:52
NafaiHopefully RAOF and others can school me at UDS :)00:52
persiaNafai: Actually, you'd do best to learn online: UDS is busy, and you'll want to follow along.  Join #ubuntu-packaging anytime and folks are happy to help (or ask here if it's quiet).00:53
RAOFOr even #ubuntu-motu; we're more used to (and generally happy to field) beginner questions in there.00:54
* persia thinks it's mostly the same folks answering questions in any of these places.00:54
RAOFMostly, yeah.00:55
YokoZarWas Universe/Multiverse supposed to be disabled in apt by default?  (and then silently enabled by codec-install and software center when you install an appropriate package)?  I don't see the point other than breaking apt:// links00:56
persia#ubuntu-desktop might be handy as well, for the bits about how the Deskop packages work with bzr, etc.00:56
persiaYokoZar: Not anymore.  Used to be that way.00:56
* persia wishes multiverse was still disabled, but ...00:56
* jdong giggles at http://jdong.mit.edu/~jdong/wtf.png00:56
jdongam I supposed to say yes or no?00:56
YokoZarpersia: Apparently apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras  doesn't work if it's the very first thing you do after install00:56
jdong                   │ Default package if none is detected.  │00:57
* YokoZar wonders why jdong is installing checkbox on a terminal session...00:58
persiajdong: ubuntu-bug to the rescue!00:58
YokoZarpersia: By the way do you know if there's a sort of bzr-hg tool?  I know we have bzr-git and now there's git-hg too00:58
jdongYokoZar: I don't know what checkbox is and why it's on this system I'm do-release-upgrading.00:58
YokoZarjdong: it's a QA tool that's only graphical00:58
jdongYokoZar: oh.00:59
jdongwell List of jobs to blacklist: Suites Blacklist: ____________00:59
* jdong is gonna just assume blank....00:59
persiajdong: I have a suspicion there is because I've heard of folks doing hudson with bzr, but ask in #bzr01:00
persiaYokoZar: It's not only graphical: the primary frontend is graphical.01:00
YokoZarYes, true01:00
YokoZarI haven't run it on a headless setup in forever because all the tests I cared about were the ones that crashed X01:01
RAOFYokoZar: I'm pretty sure that launchpad is now using bzr-hg to mirror mercurial branches, so I'd guess that it's out there *somewhere* :)01:02
YokoZarwoop woop01:02
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KIAazeRAOF: I'm having problems adding a PPA to the i386 base.tar.gz. Do you know how to do that?01:29
KIAaze(I switched to #ubuntu-packaging)01:29
arandRegarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/519541 I'm wondering if it's worth looking for a small diff here? Is the new package still not very appropriate for a SRU, and hence narrowing down the error is a worthwhile pastime?01:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519541 in ubuntu-release-notes "Abiword 2.8.1 freezes with document lost when help is clicked or F1 is pressed" [Undecided,Fix released]01:45
psusiwell that's weird... why is #ubuntu+1 invite only?01:46
JanCpsusi: because there is no ubuntu+101:46
arandpsusi: It's shut down, until 6th01:46
psusiodd to close the channel though...01:47
JanC#ubuntu-1 is to discuss the next version, and that has to be started still  ;)01:47
persiaarand: Yeah, it would need a cherrypicked fix.01:48
persiapsusi: That channel always goes away on release.  It usually opens again after the first milestone or so.01:48
JanCpsusi: if you want to party, go to #ubuntu-release-party  ;)01:48
arandpersia: Ok, then I'll carry on.01:49
psusishame that dmraid support regressed at the last minute...01:49
TerminXis the 6th supposed to be when the maverick repo opens?01:49
persiaarand: Good luck.  I recommend focusing on stacktraces, rather than on the upstream changes.  Use the upstream changes as reference when trying to find a fix once you find the interseting bit of the stacktrace.01:49
persiaTerminX: It's usually mushier than that: in that the repo first needs to be defined, and then it needs to get toolchain uploads, and sometimes multiple revisions, and then it's open for general use.01:50
JanCon the 6th most developers will probably be in the middle of nowhere somewhat south of brussels  ;)01:50
persiaTerminX: I'd say it's a safe bet that the repo will be open before the 9th, but wouldn't want to promise that it's definitely open on the 6th (although that's likely)01:51
persiaJanC: Why, is there another event happening?01:51
JanCpersia: UDS ?01:51
TerminXah, okay.  I usually switch to the new repo within a couple of days after it opening01:51
TerminXI ran debian unstable for years until warty opened01:52
persiaJanC: I didn't think that started until the 10th (and planned to arrive the 9th).  Will I be missing something?01:52
TerminXit was a no-brainer to switch since debian was moving extremely slowly at the time :p01:52
persiaTerminX: Watch ubuntu-devel@ I'm sure it will be announced.01:53
JanCpersia: you're right01:53
persiaOh good!01:53
* persia was really not looking forward to that call to the travel agent01:53
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bthesorcerordoes anyone have any suggestions for a newbie that wants to get involved in ubuntu development?02:19
persiabthesorceror: I've an entire collection, depending on the sort of thing you like to do.  What do you like to do?02:28
bthesorcerorwell my day job is a web developer for a university, but I am looking to get more hands on with the system and want to learn more about what makes it tick02:30
bthesorcerorso I guess the real answer is I dont really know yet02:31
persiaOK.  The way I usually recommend for folks that aren't sure is to get involved in bugsquad for some of the packages they use, and get to know any teams that work on packages that interest them.02:33
persiaSo, if you're interested in webservers, you'd want to hang out in #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-server and see if you can track down (and maybe help fix) issues with the webserver.  If you get enough of that at work, and want to do something completely different in the evening, you might choose something different, like #ubuntu-bugs+#ubuntu-mythtv02:34
bthesorcerorok, that sounds like a good idea, thanks for the help02:35
persiabthesorceror: If you get lost, come back here, and ask for directions :)02:35
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ccheneyheh archive is so hammered i can't even use a cached approx to update, just apt-get update takes forever :-03:47
micahgccheney: are you upgrading to lucid or just upgrading packages?03:48
ccheneymicahg: trying to update karmic from my approx mirror then upgrade to lucid once that is done03:48
ccheneyit might go a lot faster if i kill internet connection on the approx mirror box, heh03:49
ccheneyit took 8 minutes to run apt-get update on a 12mbps connection03:49
micahgccheney: ah, the trick I used is to update from a local mirror to lucid, then switch to main archive and update again before reboot03:49
ccheneywell approx passes through to the real archive unless it think the connection is down so seems to be causing the slow down03:50
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pittiGood morning05:31
Hobbseemorning pitti05:34
ajmitchmorning pitti05:36
StevenKHey pitti05:36
StevenKpitti: All ready for Maverick, or do you need another minute? :-P05:36
pittiStevenK: Look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+assignedbugs?orderby=status and see how much I want to upload :-P05:40
pittimaverick! maverick! maverick!05:40
ajmitchthat's quite a pile of bugfixes to land05:41
pittiwell, a lot are SRUs, too05:42
Damasceneafter I leave my system for along time I wake up in the morning on the sound of the fan05:45
Damascenenot really but the sound is very high.05:46
Damasceneand after I start using the system the fan calm down05:46
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* pitti ceremonially removes his intrepid chroot07:25
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dholbachgood morning08:43
pittihey dholbach, happy TGIF!08:46
dholbachhola pitti08:46
dholbachTGIF indeed :)08:46
pittiTGIDAR, even08:47
pitti("day after release")08:47
m4they, does anyone know if something changed with kernel-package in 10.04? initrd doesnt seem to be generated08:47
pittim4t: is it supposed t  in the .deb? (note that Ubuntu doesn't use kernel-package)08:48
pittim4t: the initramfs has been dynamically generated on kernel installation for ages08:48
m4tyea i think something is not in /etc/kernel/postinst.d08:49
slangasekhighvoltage: thank you as well for your work coordinating on the release!  It was a pleasure working with you08:49
slangasekhighvoltage: as for FFe's, I'm afraid you'll have to suck up to someone else next cycle :)08:49
rickspencer3no FFE's next cycle!08:50
ograno next cycle ?08:50
* ogra is scared08:50
rickspencer3ogra yes next cycle, no FFEs next cycle08:51
* pitti makes a note to push rickspencer3 to the FFEs from the artwork/design/etc teams :)08:52
rickspencer3pitti, we'll be talking on Tuesday08:52
rickspencer3of course, I'm not the sabdfl ;)08:52
* pitti goes back to this great fun called "tzdata update"08:53
pittigo Argentina08:53
rickspencer3no rest for the weary08:53
rickspencer3thanks pitti08:53
m4thrm i had to manually copy initramfs to /etc/kernel/postinst.d, but it made the initramfs08:57
m4tdon't recall having to do that in 9.1008:58
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m4thah, my progress bar at boot is like 8bit ansi art...very low res. any idea why that might be?09:15
m4tprolly my vga mode i guess09:16
hrwvga mode... I hope that 10.10 will get more framebuffer drivers into alternate installer (or lvm/raid/crypto etc support into normal one)09:22
m4tfor some reason update-initramfs isnt bringing the right modules into the initrd09:26
m4tits skipping radeonfb for example09:26
m4ti just specified it in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules...that worked09:31
virtualdthat's because it's blacklisted because it doesn't work well09:33
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epochfailhmm. wow.09:40
epochfailmy boot up time improved to 30 seconds to give me a complete desktop on a crappy netbook09:41
epochfailgood work :D09:41
highvoltageslangasek: heh :)09:53
seb128did somebody read any bug about fsck being stucked around 90% and use lot of cpu?10:13
seb128didrocks and I just got the same issue today10:13
seb12888% to 91% take like twice the time usually full fsck takes10:14
pittithis rather doesn't sound like a plymouth problem, though (too specific on the percentages)10:14
seb128the cpu seems to be quite busy hearing the laptop noise10:14
pittithe total percentage is calculated from the fsck stage and progress within that stage10:15
pittiperhaps that particular one just took very long10:15
seb128it's weird that didrocks and I just got the same issue today10:15
seb128well if you skip a fsck it should trigger again on next boot?10:15
didrocksyeah, that was very weird. I was thinking I was an isolated case10:15
seb128because I stopped it and reboot and I didn't get it to trigger again10:16
seb128I'm wondering if fsck was done running but plymouth didn't notice10:16
joaopintowhy did you both get a full system check at the same time in the first place :) ?10:16
seb128I think mine was just the normal "n uncheck mounts" one10:17
didrocksI guess it's the same for me. I saw that a lot of previous one was just ignored (as if I triggered C) IIRC10:17
didrocksbut I didn't cancel them myself10:17
joaopintoyou coud try to reproduce with /forcefsck10:19
seb128joaopinto, where do you specify that? grub?10:21
joaopintothere is an option on grub, but you can do it at the fs level: sudo touch /forcefsck10:22
seb128joaopinto, let's try that, thanks10:23
joaopintoI did have an issue with the fsck hanging for a long time on the 70%, but I had the idea that was identified and fixed during beta/rc10:25
arandI had a stuckage at 74% after a /forcefsck as seen by others: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/554737   New very similar bug? Or this one hanging around still?10:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554737 in plymouth "ply_boot_client_flush() does not read replies (plymouth stuck during/after filesystem check or error)" [High,Fix released]10:30
sladenactually, I think I may have been that a week ago10:33
seb128arand, thanks10:33
seb128didrocks, pitti: ^ seems similar10:33
sladena reboot cured it (the fsck had finished sufficiently)10:33
sladenmy dread was that a reboot in the middle of a half finished fsck would just fsck again, but that didn't happen10:34
didrocksseb128: right, seems similar. I'm rebooting to have a try there too…10:34
pittisladen: ah, perhaps it did crash then10:34
pittiseb128 ^ I mean10:34
arandFor me, I had to get rid of plymouth (I assume, booting without quiet and splash) to get past it... testing in a vbox as we speak..10:34
Tm_Toh, was about to ask why fsck leads to boot problems...10:35
sladenpitti: I think it hung, I left it 5 minutes, then grumbled and rebooted.  So either that was enough time to get fro 75% to 100% (without displaying any progress), or the display of the progress is badly calibrated in the first place10:36
Tm_Tseems to me that after checks are finished, boot doesn't continue10:36
Tm_Tbeen 15 mins after last partition checked and no proceeding10:37
Tm_Tsladen: when I tried with plash, percentages crawled to 90 and then stopped, so for whatever reason it's not reliable at all10:39
arandYes, When I turned of graphical boot the fsck just stated "clean" and it booted fine... However if I only booted in graphical it was stuck in a loop..10:39
Tm_Tcrawl = several minutes per percent with no disk activity10:39
sladenarand: if you leave it 10 minutes first, then reboot?10:41
arandsladen: I'll do that... It's a virtualbox.10:42
didrocks(the fsck after reboot is proceeding there)10:42
arandHmm, it's ~5-10 min now since booted, it halted on 70% and has now crawled to 74%..10:43
Tm_Tarand: might be ready already10:44
Tm_Tif no apparent disk activity...10:44
didrocksarand: same here :)10:46
didrocks74% too, let's see who will win10:46
Tm_Tit'll crawl up from there while doing nothing10:47
arandOh! This is interesting, if I jump out to a tty (ctrl+alt+left) wait a while, and the jump back, it has moved much faster, otherwise it takes almost a minute or so per percent, if at all.10:47
Tm_TOOH! I waited long enough, boot continues (:)10:48
Tm_T~30 minutes doing nothing10:48
arandAnd when I jump to the tty I see the fsck... 0.3% non-contiguous... message, which should indicate that the fsck is in fact done, right? the fsck message is printed each time I jump out.10:49
didrocksI confirm there too (well, reprinting is maybe due to fb handling), but normally, that means it's done10:50
arandIt sound a lot like 554737 revisited, or is it to be considered new? Bug #571707 doesn't seem to be this one..10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571707 in mountall "fsck at bootstrap is too slow" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57170710:59
hrwfsck on start is a thing which needs improvements. I did not yet know how it is in ubuntu but in Debian I feel that strange (even as 11 years Debian user). I understand that when 'fsck -a' fails then user has to do something. but on my machines I usually do "fsck" and press enter key to get all "fix <y>" accepted. normal stndard users will probably do similar.11:00
didrocksarand: I pretty agree that should be part of it11:00
didrocksarand: there is already a bootchart asked by keybuck. It seems we are all struck by it and the importance is already high (I'm at 90% right now)11:02
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aranddidrocks: Yes, seems like a nasty one...11:03
apwpitti, yo ... maverick burn down ... i know its real early but as we use the WI db to visualise our commitments list wise i am interested in getting the maverick.db building ... wondering when you might be planning to start11:07
pittiapw: I'm happy to start ASAP, but for that to work we need to create maverick in LP first11:08
pittiotherwise you can't target specs to it, read milestone dates, and so on11:08
apwpitti, damn good point :)11:08
aranddidrocks: Would you say it's probably the latter bug then? That one states that there is no output on the ttys...11:12
Tm_Tseems like fsck does its job normally but plymouth doesn't act accordingly11:13
arandYes, especially since if you jump out to a tty it proceeds properly and boots fine.11:13
didrocksarand: I would say the root cause should be the same. After printing or not on tty can be related to framebuffer handling on various graphic card… (maybe adding a comment on the bug report there ?)11:13
Tm_Twithout plymouth graphics, it spits out fsck results to tty and then wait 30 minutes here11:14
Tm_Tthis in physical hardware, with old grub11:17
arandTm_T: For me the boot takes less than a minute if I disable splash & quiet along with /forcefsck11:24
didrocksok, partition 1 finished, partition 2 now11:27
aranddidrocks: You really going to sit through it to the end?11:29
didrocksarand: well, I have my netbook, so, not that a big deal :)11:29
aranddidrocks: Well, if you just jump out to tty it should finish much quicker, at least if it's the same thing... and unless you aim to get som full gory debug out of it...11:31
didrocksarand: right, just have to jump for more than 4 seconds apparently11:32
didrocksarand: if you jump and come back, it doesn't11:32
joaopintouff, I am sure plymouth/mountall will be the show stopper winners on 10.0411:32
didrocksjoaopinto: well, if it's fixed soon enough, people installing lucid won't have the time to reboot 30 times (there is still the issue with people upgrading though)11:34
arandThe logs just posted on Bug #571707 is a nice display of plymouthd (presumably) doing the exact opposite of the intended...11:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571707 in mountall "fsck at bootstrap is too slow" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57170711:34
slangasekmvo: <Dave> I mark Lucid a Success. Even my ability to break things that should not be breakable was no match for the upgrade process!11:35
slangasekmvo: congrats :-)11:35
arandWell, it's (seemingly) easily worked around by switching to tty, but that's not a good consolidation for most... I discovered it completely by mistake when trying to switch host virtual desktops, which got picked up by vbox instead :S11:36
joaopintodidrocks, there were too many issues being fixed too late on the development cycle, not enough time for broader testing, anyway the change was a challenge, I don't want to sound negative11:37
arandDo you think we should add a plymouth task there as well?11:38
didrocksarand: I was swithing to a tty, but too quickly for seeing the benefit on the time. I guess it's not easily discoverable :/11:38
didrocksarand: I think keybuck is on it as he answered, so he will triage if it's mountall or plymouth himself, I would say11:39
aranddidrocks: No, as seen by the orig reporter as well, who apparently just concluded that tty was empty.11:39
didrocksarand: maybe we should ping him directly when he'll be online to point him to the last debugging info11:40
mvoslangasek: yipiee11:40
aranddidrocks: Likely a good idea, sooner the better..11:44
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* cjwatson starts pushing maverick seed branches12:37
xnoxcjwatson, =)))))) horay12:38
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Damasceneif some one want to build a distribution based on ubuntu and if the some missing translation were fixed. will he get ubiquity updated with the translation?13:18
cjwatsonDamascene: we'll do a translation update for 10.04.113:21
dmartkees,asac: hi, do you have a moment to talk about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-arm/+spec/arm-m-missing-security-features13:27
jdstranddmart: fyi, kees doesn't usually come online for about ~4 hours13:28
dmartjdstrand: thanks, I'll try to catch him later13:29
dmartasac__: I can probably draft that blueprint in consultation with relevant kernel guys, but I need input on what the missing features actually are... is there someone other than kees who knows?13:31
asac__dmart: security? kees posted stuff in the summary13:31
asac__he can elaborate on that13:31
dmartasac__: ah, it's on the whiteboard.  OK, I'll see where I can get to13:32
jdstranddmart: actually, it is more like ~3 hours -- I forgot which timezone *I* was in13:33
dmartjdstrand: OK! thanks... maybe I can catch him before I go home after all :)13:33
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mvocjwatson: hi, for bug #540579 I would like to add a workaround in update-manager14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540579 in lupin "infinite loop in /etc/grub.d/10_linux while reading image list - "Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-16-generic"" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54057914:14
mvocjwatson: I just got a system where the bug happens (just fyi)14:15
pittiYokoZar: is there a bug for the dssi-vst upload? As an SRU it needs some place to collect testing feedback, and standard policy is to have a bug for that14:20
pittiYokoZar: mind reuploading with an LP: # reference?14:20
cjwatsonmvo: oh, right, yeah, that one - I think I sent mail about that a while back?14:24
cjwatsonyes, I think it probably does need a u-m workaround14:25
mvocjwatson: right, I will prepare something and send to -proposed, should be easy. I kind of ignored it because of the idea of moving a fixed version to -updates, but thinking again its best to add a u-m fix too14:26
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zulpitti: can you reject the php5 upload to lucid-proposed please?14:31
pittizul: I was gonna ask you about it -- a new binary in updates?14:31
DamasceneI want to start main-inclusion-request for mlterm for this bug to be fixed, bug #56213014:32
pittizul: (rejected)14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562130 in language-selector "Selecting an RTL language should install RTL capable terminal emulator" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56213014:32
zulpitti: yeah...bad idea i know14:32
Damascenecould any one help me on doing it14:32
zulpitti: thanks14:33
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Ixanis there any way to automate the confirmation of accepting the license for sun-java6-jdk? my company has a distribution agreement (or something like that)14:42
lifelessyes, its documented in the wiki14:43
Ixanoh, okay. I'll search better next time. thx14:43
Damasceneso no help on main-inclusion-request. I should go ahead and do what I can.14:45
DamasceneI've read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements14:46
ScottKDamascene: The best thing to do is find someone who is interested in this and going to be at UDS to proposed a spec about it.  If that's done and it gets approved it smoothes the way for the MIR later.14:47
ScottK(Note: I am not that person)14:47
Damascenethat person should be ubuntu member?14:47
joaopintoDamascene, is that related to the RTL issue and mlterm ?14:48
joaopintoDamascene, It's not clear for me that including mlterm was the accepted solution14:48
Damascenejoaopinto, are you talking about the person that doesn't want any RTL text in terminal and his friend?14:49
joaopintoDamascene, no, I am talking that it doesn't make much sense to propose mlterm to be included on main to workaround a bug, when it was not decided if that's the best course of action for the bug resolution14:50
Damasceneso we should vote?14:51
joaopintobug resolutions are not democratic :)14:51
Damascenenp. what should I do14:52
Damascenein another word who should accept the solution14:53
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joaopintoDamascene, there was a recent blog post on planet about someone with would like to fix VTE14:55
joaopintoI mean, more like asking for help on where to start to look at14:55
Damascenecould you give me a link?14:56
joaopintoI don't have the link :\14:58
Damasceneany way I was just trying to see ubutnu more suitable for rtl languages users14:59
Damascenejoaopinto,  I've searched for rtl vte and terminal but no luck in http://planet.gnome.org/ are you sure it's gnome planet15:03
joaopintoops sorry, I mean ubuntu planet15:06
Damasceneyou didn't say it's gnome planet :)15:06
Damascenegoogle led me to a link but when I open the page nothing mention the problem15:11
Damascenesearch string: terminal right to left site:http://planet.ubuntu.com/15:11
hyperaircrimsun: the 01Pulseaudio script seems rather.. broken on lucid.15:12
hyperaircrimsun: seems like an invalid invocation of su15:12
hyperaircrimsun: and a misplaced '15:13
Damasceneso VTE is not going to be fixed. any one could help in having mlterm installed for RTL users?15:13
joaopintoDamascene, aren't there locoteams for the affected countries ?15:14
Damasceneyeah. I've contacted some of them and even subscribed some of them15:15
Damascenewhat do you want them to do?15:15
ScottKYou might talk to dpm since it seems to relate to language support.15:23
dpmthanks for the heads up, ScottK. Damascene, are you going to UDS or know someone who could bring up this subject there? I can add it as a topic to a session, but I lack the tecnical knowledge on vte/mlterm to be able to commit to making it available, and it'd be good to have someone to discuss it with15:33
hyperaircrimsun: i'll take back what i said about "rather broken" and replace it with "broken in so many ways that I can't even begin to imagine what went wrong"15:33
Damascenedpm, thank you. I don't know what the UDS is and I don't know any one who can help.15:34
dpmDamascene, ah, sorry. UDS is the Ubuntu Developer Summit, where the discussion for the next Ubuntu release takes place. It happens every 6 months, at the beginning of a release cycle, and the next one is going to Be in Brussels in a couple of weeks time -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS15:36
DamasceneI can't go there for sure :)15:37
dpmit's open to everyone interested in contributing to Ubuntu and working towards making it rock even arder, basically15:37
dpmharder, I meant15:37
Damascenecould you make it a session topic15:38
dpmDamascene, I'll add it as a topic for one of the translations roundtables. Remember you can also participate remotely at UDS via IRC and listening to the session's voice stream. There is a class next week on IRC where Jorge Castro will explain how to participate remotely, if you are interested -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek (on Friday)15:40
Damascenedpm, would it help if we brought one of mlterm developers?15:41
Damasceneor it's just ubuntu who can decide?15:41
ivanshihhi~ all15:42
ivanshihi have one problem in ubuntu 10.04 + thinkpad x20115:43
ivanshihthe battery is discharged15:43
ivanshihdoes anyone can help me ?15:44
Damascenehi ivanka15:44
Damasceneread the topic please15:45
DamasceneI think it's better to ask in #ubuntu15:45
Damascenehe probably will be lost in the channel jam15:48
Damascene1782 user15:49
Damasceneyou should start to offer channel based on problem kind15:49
Damascene#ubuntu-boot-problem, #ubuntu-update-problem15:50
joaopintoDamascene, that would allow more specialized support, but would be a burden to manage15:50
DamasceneI think it's better than users get lost in channel jam15:52
dpmDamascene, it would definitely help if one of the mlterm developers could assist, either in person or remotely15:53
joaopintoand it would also allow to have developers to be present on related channels15:53
Damascenejoaopinto, exactly15:54
Damascenesome one should work on this15:54
Damascenedpm, I'll try to contact the developer15:54
joaopintoDamascene, there is an ubuntu irc group I think, you could suggest to them15:54
Damascenebug 39279916:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39279916:00
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crimsunhyperair: um, how? I'd have expected such errors to show up during local testing and in suspend-failure reports.16:09
hyperaircrimsun: i'd have expected your local testing to show you something >_>16:10
crimsunhyperair: where is it broken?16:10
hyperaircrimsun: did you look in /var/run/pm-utils/pm-suspend/storage/state:user:{source,sink}*?16:10
hyperairall the su invocations16:10
hyperairevery single one of them is broken16:10
hyperair-l causes them to no-op16:10
hyperairand then savestate and restorestate are part of the commands passed into su16:11
hyperairbut savestate and restorestate are pm-utils functions, and don't exist within su's internal shell.16:11
hyperairi mean the shell launched by su16:11
hyperaircrimsun: i've got a patch ready, and am pushing the branch16:12
crimsunhyperair: ok, make user to incorporate my latest changes16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572391 in pulseaudio "01Pulseaudio does nothing" [High,Triaged]16:13
hyperaircrimsun: i just branched from ~ubuntu-core-dev/pulseaudio or something16:13
hyperair  parent branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu/16:13
crimsunI can't look at it now (work); ping TheMuso if it hasn't been acted on it 12 hours16:16
hyperaircrimsun: sure.16:16
hyperaircrimsun: for now i'll just file a merge requet16:16
hyperaircrimsun: oh and the script doesn't fail, it just no-ops16:16
hyperaircrimsun: so suspend/resume still occurs, which is why you don't get a suspend-failure report16:17
cjwatsonjames_w,jml: please initialise source package branches for maverick16:53
james_wcjwatson: roger16:53
* jml breathes a sigh of relief16:54
jml(just because I wrote large chunks of the code doesn't mean I know how to use it)16:54
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cjwatsonjml: feel free to instruct us to take your name off https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess16:56
cjwatsonstarting initial maverick publication now16:57
jmlcjwatson: will do.16:57
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YokoZarpitti: There's currently no binary at all so I figured it would be simple but sure I can make a bug link17:41
YokoZarRegardless, reuploaded, bug linked https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dssi-vst/+bug/57247017:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572470 in dssi-vst "Needs a rebuild to make binary packages" [Undecided,New]17:45
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cjwatsonpitti: what was the outcome of the discussion on whether to sync from testing or unstable?  I confess I'm not up to date on the mail thread17:57
b52hey guys17:57
cjwatsonpitti: I'm switching MoM over now, but I'll leave it at testing until I hear otherwise17:57
cjwatson(since that's the more conservative choice)17:58
b52i would like to use notify-osd with arch, but im not sure how to send a notify to get this nice brightness popup with the horizontal bar17:58
b52whats the trick?17:58
hyperairb52: patch gnome-power-manager.18:01
b52i dont use gnome18:01
hyperairoh whoops18:01
hyperairthen i have no idea.18:01
hyperairi thought notify-osd was only for GNOME thugh18:02
cjwatsondoko: chroots aren't ready yet, but lamont should have that going shortly (see #soyuz).  Please go ahead and start uploading toolchain packages18:04
cjwatsondoko: I'll be away for a few days; any other archive admin can push them through, or indeed in this case I think it's fine for you to push your own uploads through unapproved.  Just get some other admin to approve anything that's NEW, please18:05
cjwatsonslangasek: for the record, I have done everything up to and including step 21 on NewReleaseCycleProcess; handing off to whoever wants to continue now18:06
cjwatson(fed up of mistyping 'maverick' already, but I'm sure I'll get used to it ...)18:08
arandcjwatson: Are you in charge of approving non-developer messages on ubuntu-devel mailing list? I sent a request for re-visiting swap-on-file a few days ago, you know how long it normally takes to go through/get rejected?18:09
cjwatsonarand: I'm one of the moderators, but I'm about to finish for the week18:10
cjwatsonpretty sure we're already planning to revisit swap-on-file anyway18:10
JanCarand: I think mods will look at the queue every couple of days or so18:11
maxbWhat component of the system is in charge of assigning names to partition device nodes (specifically deciding whether they get a 1 or p1 style suffix) ?18:18
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arand(Augh disconnects!) JanC: cjwatson: Ok, just wanted to make sure, since it'd probably be a good idea if it made it to uds... I was looking through the blueprints yesterday and didn't see any for it, and there wasn't much talk about it for lucid from what I saw....18:25
ccheneyhmm maverick appeared but then disappeared again18:28
keesdang, I keep missing dmart.18:28
keesccheney: just like a meerkat18:28
ccheneyit was apparenty only there long enough for me to add it to my sources.list and then went away18:29
cjwatsonccheney: that's probably just differences between mirrors18:32
cjwatsonit'll come back eventually18:33
cjwatsonit's certainly still there on the master18:33
mvoYokoZar: could you have a look at bug #571999 when you have a moment?18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571999 in wine1.2 "package wine1.2 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade when both wine and wine1.2 are installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57199918:36
YokoZarmvo: it should both conflict and replace it...18:37
YokoZarmvo: actually nevermind it's the conflict line that's wrong, it's supposed to be << 1.118:38
mvothanks :)18:38
mvojust stumbled on it when looking at the upgrade reports18:38
mvobut I think I did enough of those for today18:38
* mvo waves18:38
YokoZarmvo: wine is just a dummy package anyway at this point.  I suppose an SRU to Wine would fix that...18:39
YokoZarsurprised this didn't come up earlier18:39
mannyvif i wanted to help with an SRU or two where would i look to find candidate packages?18:48
ccheneycjwatson: ah ok, yea i see it again now18:49
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Damasceneisn't it a problem with computer januiture that think it can delete everything not in a repository?19:37
Damasceneif I installed google chrome it will show it ready to clean19:37
b52i would like to use notify-osd with arch, but im not sure how to send a notify to get this nice brightness popup with the horizontal bar19:45
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m4thi, im trying to debug plymouth; i modified any call to /bin/plymouth or plymouthd in /etc/init to use --debug or --debug-file=, but i don't see any messages or the output file20:06
m4twhen plymouth comes up, even with radeonfb compiled into a custom kernel, i just get text-mode 'Ubuntu 10.04' and a similarly text-looking progress indicator, no background image. just text on black20:07
m4tis there a special boot image (eg. tux) that the ubuntu-generic kernel is using to provide the background? or is it something else i should be looking at20:08
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m4twould it have to do with the rendering mode plymouth is using? i assumed it was using fb0 all the way, but maybe its using drm?20:10
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gartrali have a serious question about he i7 CPUs and the way ubuntu handles sensors: why does a chip that only has 4 physical thermo-resistors show 8 seperate tempuratures? isnt this.. impossible..? also, how do i turn off detection of just the 4 HT threads while maintaining a real readout of the actual temps?21:07
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blistovubuntu 9.04 or 10.04.  running kernel matches installed headers.  building libipt_NETFLOW (from cvs) against running kernel/headers.  insmod results in "invalid module format".  Idea's?21:52
crimsunblistov: generally wrong config.22:29
crimsunhyperair: thanks, reviewing22:30
|shad0w|sorry for crossposting from #ubuntu but I don't think I'll get much help there23:09
|shad0w|could i install kubuntu desktoop on ubuntu 9.04 and what size it need on har23:09
|shad0w|<|shad0w|> Fast booting in 10.04 seems to be affecting network initialization on one of my network interface. Putting a sleep in pre-up seems to work around the issue but this is a hack. Is there anyway to delay the boot process after udev/module loading?23:09
|shad0w|meh, bad copy/paste23:09

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