
=== andrewPCT is now known as andrew
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ZykoticK9When will !info in #ubuntu report Lucid packages by default?03:15
nhandlerZykoticK9: I believe it has already been updated to use lucid. I just tested it in PM03:16
ZykoticK9nhandler, at 22:13 "<ubottu> Package lamp-server does not exist in karmic" in #ubuntu -- yet PMing it now replies Lucid03:21
nhandlerZykoticK9: Hmm...I'm not sure. It responds using lucid by default in PM and in another channel. It also works fine if you specify lucid. I'll try and figure out what is going on for you03:31
ZykoticK9nhandler, i actually also tried apache2 in the channel a few moments after my initial post, which didn't return any version info03:31
nhandlerZykoticK9: It returned 21:16:42 < ubottu> apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.12-1ubuntu2.2 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB03:32
nhandler(that was in response to your !info command)03:32
ZykoticK9nhandler, no version info - Lucid Karmic etc03:34
ZykoticK9nhandler, could you do one more test in channel with lamp-server - could it be that unknown packages are returning karmic in the channel?03:37
nhandlerZykoticK9: That wouldn't explain why !info apache2 returned the karmic version.03:38
ZykoticK9nhandler, apache2 doesn't return karmic, it doesn't have a version (which I'm assuming is the new default for !info command)03:39
nhandlerZykoticK9: Yes it did. It returned "Version 2.2.12-1ubuntu2.2 (karmic)"03:39
ZykoticK9nhandler, sorry my mistake.  i see the reply in #ubuntu and it clearly says karmic.  sorry03:40
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:09
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
Damascenehave any one thought on making the support channel based on the problem kind?15:58
Damascenethere is 1782 currently in #ubutnu and the chance of any one getting help is rare15:59
tsimpsonDamascene: yes, see bug #39279915:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39279915:59
Damascenethat will help users to get specialized support15:59
Damasceneis there a wiki page to sort the useful idea out of that bug report?16:10
gnomefreakwhat bug report. sorry if i missed something i just got here16:12
Picibug #39279916:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39279916:12
gnomefreakagain it comes up16:13
PiciIts been a few months16:13
gnomefreakif its what im thinking of it is revisted every release16:14
gnomefreakit is16:14
DamasceneI think that bug should be organized on a wiki page16:14
Damascenelist advantage and disadvantage of every idea16:15
gnomefreakwell i dont really see a good way of going about this. for example comment#2 is more noisy than it would be now. if in PM or channel. the php solutions would have to change every client eh16:19
PiciSome require a complete overhaul of IRC, thats not really something we can do16:21
gnomefreaki would say at best we set up a limit and use a overflow channel16:22
gnomefreaksplitting #ubuntu into #ubuntu-16:22
gnomefreak* is not helpful ort organized16:22
bazhangand regular /advanced16:22
k1li like the idea, that the main channel is a loadbalancer. like mentioned in comment#316:22
PiciThe problem is that every release we get more and more people idling in the channel.  We'd have to keep tweaking the limit16:23
gnomefreakwell as it stands our IRC clients(GUI) join one ther the support channels. re routing people when they first log on is not the best way and if we move them to basic/medium/advanced it is still causing alot of noise there16:24
Damascenepeople who can help will be in both channels16:24
PiciDamascene: And a lot of people will ask their questions in both channels.16:24
bazhangwell my issues are advanced16:24
Damasceneas bazhang said. it might be based on the level of the question16:26
gnomefreakDamascene: if only it was that true16:26
bazhangDamascene, everyone will think their issues are advanced, whether true or not16:27
gnomefreakyou now have people asking the same question in 3 + channels16:27
Damasceneone day I've played trivia game on an irc channel. it asks questions and give you feedback16:27
Damascenethat would be easy to do16:27
gnomefreak-1 @ having bot decide why pinging you16:27
gnomefreakplaying 25 questions with bot -> user is more noise than what we have atm16:28
gnomefreakcomment 44 so far looks the most reasonable but im not done reading16:32
gnomefreakany chance on this being brought up at a current meeting?16:35
Picignomefreak: add it to the agenda16:38
* gnomefreak missed last meeting by an hour or so so im not sure how old the agenda is atm. I would also like an idea on this topic before i add it. i will think about it while im here and before i leave i should have an update for it16:41
* gnomefreak goes for smoke a16:44
gnomefreakPici: what if we started out small. for example having people join thier respective support channels kubuntu ubuntu xubuntu edubuntu ect...16:49
gnomefreak#ubuntu has been and still is a gerneal catchall16:50
Picignomefreak: I don't think that the channel needs to be split.  And turning it into a place where we just tell people to join elsewhere is not a solution to me.16:50
gnomefreakPici: i can see that point but than why do we have all of them open? isnt it to get support by brand? xubuntu gets no where near the abount of people asking or helping that kubuntu gets and so on16:51
Picignomefreak: We usually end up pointing people to them when they have DE specific issues.16:53
gnomefreak1794 isnt that much more than KK release16:53
gnomefreaki dont see any reason to split channels and never really did unless it is for an issue the highly advanced people should handle example #ubuntu-mozillateam16:57
gnomefreakby helping with alot of people our devel topics get lost16:57
Damascenemaybe because you didn't try to ask question in the channel16:57
gnomefreakDamascene: what do you mena?16:58
Damascene"i dont see any reason to split channels"16:59
gnomefreakDamascene: i ask and support people in the channels, i know how bad it can get16:59
DamasceneI just was in ubuntu-devel and some one came and asked about thinkpad problem16:59
DamasceneI told him to go to #ubuntu knowing that he will get lost there17:00
gnomefreakDamascene: someone should have told him *-dev channels do not offer support17:00
gnomefreakwhy not send him to one of the other channels example #kubuntu users use thinkpads17:00
gnomefreakits not a s anoisey there17:00
gnomefreakas noisy17:00
gnomefreakfall backs we have: ubuntu forum channels (like 4 or 5 of them) not to mention the ubuntuforums site kubuntu xubuntu ect... there is a sound channel and so on. but breaking it down much more than that will just hurt more than it helps17:02
gnomefreakshuffling poeple around will in fact get them lost ;)17:03
gnomefreakpeople dont read topics so we cant really use that to do much with17:03
Damasceneforce them to do17:04
Damasceneuse voice17:04
Damascenewhat ever17:04
bazhangsounds like a tremendous amount of work17:05
gnomefreaki agree17:05
bazhangfor essentially zero gain17:05
gnomefreaknow you see why we havent changed it since it first came up with Dapper release17:05
Damascenecould you get upstream help?17:06
gnomefreakno matter how i have looked at it i can not find a gerneally good solution. That is not even bringing into the ops as a factor17:07
gnomefreakupstream IRC help?17:07
Damasceneno, package help17:07
Damascenelike grub and xorg17:07
gnomefreakDamascene: sometimes but our packages dont meet upstreams packaging for a lot of them17:08
gnomefreakand lets say there are over 100000 channels in freenode, do we ship them all over the placve and have them return since they mention Ubuntu with thier question17:09
gnomefreaksort of like what Debian would do/does/or has done17:09
gnomefreakirssi help in #irssi is good no matter what distro you are using same with #smart but we dont have channels for everything and that is not ideal17:11
Damascenedebian asks people to go to upstream channel?17:12
gnomefreakbazhang: Pici the idea of overflow channels i got from #freenode channel when it spills over, i couldnt recall where that came from17:12
gnomefreakDamascene: no they send ubuntu users to ubuntu channels17:12
gnomefreaknot to mentoin you are only allowed a max of 20 channels to be in at once.17:13
Damasceneusually the conversation goes between two or there people. having backup channel were you just invite people seems good idea17:14
gnomefreakbazhang: only if asked for17:14
bazhanggnomefreak, nope17:14
Damasceneand leaving the main channel for new people17:14
bazhangnew services is 12017:14
gnomefreakbazhang: i had to get +u IIRC17:14
bazhangon old services yes17:14
* gnomefreak wonders how many channels each client will use before it blows up ;)17:15
bazhangway too much crossposting, and shuffling people between channels. a most inefficient use of resources17:15
bazhangjust dont /list :)17:16
gnomefreakive done that once it wont ever hapen again17:16
bazhangplus if they get conflicting advice even more of a headache17:16
* gnomefreak ignored the warning17:16
Damascenelet me explain something.17:17
bazhangwait! person in ubuntu-regular told me this! (in -advanced)17:17
bazhangcrosschannel confusion and crossposting mayhem17:17
Damascenelet it be 3 channels. with some people from ubutnu on each. user put his problem in ubuntu pastebin go with it to the channel17:18
gnomefreakpeople are aware of the fact that just because we have ~1800 users in a channel that less than 1/4th of them are talking17:18
Damasceneif he didn't do that no one looks at it17:18
bazhangif that17:18
gnomefreakDamascene: people dont know how to use pastebin17:18
Damasceneif there is any useful information he just add it17:18
bazhangpeople do that now17:18
Damascenegnomefreak, teach them :)17:18
tsimpsonDamascene: you want a forum ;)17:19
gnomefreakDamascene: we have been for many years17:19
bazhangcrosspost to many channels, wait for 5 seconds, then repeat17:19
tsimpsonit's exactly what you describe17:19
bazhang'well I got no answer in channel x'17:19
gnomefreakif you want i can give you a list of the forum channels alo tof them are quite17:19
bazhangthe helpers are in all or most of the channels as it is17:20
bazhangeven -offtopic17:21
gnomefreakexample of what you may be looking for in the way of channels #ubuntuforums @#ubuntuforums-beginners  #ubuntuforums-unanswered17:21
* gnomefreak didnt know i had @ in them17:22
gnomefreakbut either way they are pretty much quite and they can help just as much17:22
gnomefreakplus they know the posts to the forums :)17:23
bazhangmany are admins of the forums iirc17:23
* gnomefreak thinks that is the only good solution. there are some. i sign into my forums account once ever few months17:24
gnomefreakmake one post and poof log out17:24
bazhangnine times out of ten, when waiting for answer on irc, a quick ubuntu issuehere leads to a ubuntuforums link17:25
bazhangerr websearch17:25
gnomefreakalmost any issue you can think of has been posted ojn ubuntuforums or another forum likje linuxusers17:26
* gnomefreak stopping coreccting my typos they are way too often now17:26
gnomefreakmaybe we should post some of this to the bug report. but once again this has been going on since Dapper if not before and with Dapper unlesss there is a good idea on how to do this with very little disruption i dont see any reason this bug should be open.17:29
Damasceneusing a place were user can put information in is really useful. then user will present a link instead of asking the same question over and over17:29
gnomefreakkey word -- disruption17:29
gnomefreakDamascene: please see ubuntuforums.com :) post there and give link to channel. it will be the same as it is now except more users on the forums will help you rather than channel17:30
gnomefreakm,ore people look at forums than that are on freenode17:31
Damascenefreenode is more effective. you can get respond faster17:32
Damascenethat sounds good any way17:32
Damasceneit should be a small irc bug system17:33
gnomefreakDamascene: not always. but different people look at forums than IRC17:33
bazhangdon't know about that; mailing lists and ubuntuforums get answered pretty darned quick17:33
gnomefreakforums is not and was never ment to replace IRC or vice versa it is strickly of a wider user base17:33
Damascenebug #3343417:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33434 in gnome-power-manager "g-p-m should on critical_action() on _transition_" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3343417:34
Damasceneit should be something like that17:34
Damascenebut problem #117:34
bazhang#ubuntu ?17:34
gnomefreakthat is a bug report.17:34
Damasceneand you get information on it17:34
* gnomefreak jumps on this train now that it has gone off the road17:35
bazhangused to be iirc17:35
bazhangthen switched to development/unreleased channels only17:35
gnomefreakif by information you mean Invalid than yes works like it should17:35
gnomefreakok ill be back not that i am lost. if all goes well17:36
DamasceneI mean irc user should have a simple place to describe there problem in17:36
Damasceneand they should be able to add info17:36
Damascenebut it shouldn't be like a forum17:36
Damasceneit's more like pastebin17:37
bazhanglike ubuntu-bug?17:37
Damascenelike bugs but simpler17:37
Damascenelike a small forum you enter some information in. distro package17:39
Damascenetype of the problem17:39
Damascenethen you come to irc with that problem and people will be able to help you faster17:39
bazhanglink forums and irc?17:39
Damascenenot forum17:39
Damascenebut that might work17:39
bazhang'like a small forum'17:40
Damascenebut no registration required17:40
bazhanggoogle wave?17:40
Damasceneand user should put some useful information there17:40
Damascenewhat is that?17:40
bazhangsounds like what you are proposing17:40
Damasceneno it's not google wave17:46
Damasceneit's just pastebin with some button to chose distribution and some other choice menu17:46
Damascenesmall bug system for irc and forum help17:46
bazhangreplacing launchpad as well?17:47
Damascenelauchpad for software bugs17:47
tsimpsonmaybe you mean answers.launchpad.net ?17:47
erUSULDamascene: i know what i do when people link me a pastebin or forum post; most of the time i ignore it17:47
bazhangthe odds of that are between nil and zero17:47
ubottuPlease give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com17:47
Damascenebazhang, what I'm suggesting is place were a place to gather some useful information so you get better help17:48
Damascenenot bugs about software17:48
bazhangnice factoid :)17:48
erUSULbazhang:  not mine ;)17:49
Damasceneany one got my idea?17:50
erUSULDamascene: i think, but as i said if someoen only do... please look here: « url » ; please please please; help me17:51
erUSULDamascene: i will most likely ignore them17:51
gnomefreakwiki pages are there to help others if i am understanding you correctly17:51
DamasceneerUSUL, I just brought an example17:51
Damasceneuser will only have to put17:52
Damasceneproblem #117:52
Damascenelike bug #117:52
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)17:52
erUSULDamascene: launchpad answers ?17:52
Damascenea thing for irc17:53
Damascenesimple and fast17:53
Damascenepastbin were you ask what ever in your mind17:54
Damasceneif you open launchpad answer for that it will get double size in every day :)17:54
gnomefreakmailing lists?17:55
erUSULPici: nice post release blog post again ;) congrats17:58
Damascenegnomefreak, no17:59
Damasceneoh my god. was me explanation too poor18:00
gnomefreak.:12:54:04:. <       Damascene > pastbin were you ask what ever in your mind18:00
gnomefreak^^ not all that helpful18:00
erUSULDamascene: what you describe is just too similar to already existing solutions ... imho18:02
Damascenenot really18:03
Damascenethere should be a bot for it like lauchpad one18:03
Damascenegives you pref information about it18:03
erUSULDamascene: the metabot project of LjL was meant to attack this bug18:04
Damasceneproblem #392718:05
Damascene<problembot> user problem 3927 with grub "I get error number 13" [not answered,In progress] https://ircproblems.launchpad.net/39279918:05
Damascenethe bot could give more information thought18:06
gnomefreakcan do that in a channel as it defeats the purpose of too noisy thing18:06
Damascenemaybe it another idea not related to the noisy thing :(18:08
gnomefreakdoesnt matter if you or we thinks it is related as others will think it is18:08
Damasceneit can help reducing the problem18:09
bazhangof noise?18:09
Damasceneand it will help with splitting users based on problem type18:09
gnomefreakno it doesnt it adds to it18:10
Damascenehow could it add?18:10
bazhangmany bot info spam18:10
gnomefreakDamascene: instead of users "a" saying this is my issue not user b"b does the same. for each users you now have 2 replies just from asking 1 thing18:11
bazhangthought the whole issue was 'too noisy, can't get help'18:11
gnomefreakperson a =="this is issue" bot will than report that as well18:11
bazhangseems to completely remove the human element from irc18:12
gnomefreakwe have a bot channel please feel free to play18:12
gnomefreakoops pretend that was a bot reply18:13
gnomefreakoh and if we do that than others may want us to add ubuntuforums to bot as well18:15
PicierUSUL: what?18:26
erUSULSilent number is not your blog ?18:26
PiciAnd I didn't finish writing mine.18:27
* erUSUL ouch18:27
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto19:20
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d619:23
PicierUSUL: ^^19:23
erUSULPici: tyvm19:23

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