
tsimpson@config plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease lucid00:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:33
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyWhat
=== funkyWhat is now known as funkyHat
FlannelPici: Your munin thing is missing about 10 people from #u and -r-p, is it a polling type thing? or what?04:39
FlannelIdleOne: heh05:26
IdleOneI saw :P05:26
IdleOnehe is not responding well05:29
IdleOneleave him on mute for a while. he is nowhere near ready to calm down05:30
IdleOnenever been told to suck an egg before05:31
IdleOneI asked him to come here when he is ready to discuss calmly05:34
IdleOneFlannel: should I unmute yarkot?05:38
IdleOneI suspect a rant and foul language will follow05:39
FlannelIdleOne: no, you told him to come here when he's ready right?05:40
Flannelready to rejoin the channel, that is05:40
IdleOneok, will leave it05:40
FlannelYou could also turn mute into ban05:41
Flannelquiets are more confusing, since you can join the channel, and most clients will show you as speaking05:41
Flannelso, no one knows you're not speaking, etc.  They can get forgotten05:41
IdleOneso if I set a ban the quiet gets removed/superseeded?05:42
Flannelban, then remove quiet (or v.v.)05:42
FlannelIf you have both a ban and a quiet set on a person, they can't speak or join the channel05:42
IdleOneoh hehe05:43
Flannelif you ban a person, they can't a) join the channel, b) speak in the channel (if they're already there)05:43
Flannelso, a ban makes a mute redundant05:43
elkyI really wish for an ircd feature where redundant bans got overwritten, rather than replicated.05:47
IdleOneman this client is failing or is it me05:47
bazhangusing chanserv.py?05:48
bazhang /cs u nickname  after you /cs b nickname05:48
IdleOneyeah I thought that is what I did05:50
jussiUpgrade in progress. I wonder how slow its gonna be...06:10
jussioh, and good morning :D06:10
persiagood morning.  Very slow.06:11
IdleOnemorning jussi06:13
jussipersia: actually, doing ok ish, somewhere between 400 and 700 kb/s :)06:14
jussisitting on 564 currently06:14
jpdsjussi: You are using fi.archive right?06:31
jussijpds: I cant remember, Ive changed a few times06:32
jussialthough speed has dropped significantly now06:33
jpdsCurrent bandwidth utilization 627.32 Mbit/s06:33
jussiwe are down to 200kb/s now06:33
macothe bot's still defaulting to karmic package versions instead of lucid ones on the !info call07:29
persiaI watched that setting be changed.  Probably needs another thwack.07:29
bazhangnot here07:29
persia[08:33] <tsimpson> @config plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease lucid07:30
persia[08:33] <ubottu> The operation succeeded.07:30
IdleOneworks right here07:30
persiamaco: which bot?07:30
macoi just did "!info lyx" in #kubuntu and it returned the karmic version info instead of lucid07:30
bazhangyep saw that. /msg ubottu works though07:31
* maco raises an eyebrow07:31
macoit gave IdleOne the lucid version in #ubuntu07:31
jussi@config channel #kubuntu plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease07:46
jussi@config channel #kubuntu plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease lucid07:46
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:46
jussimaco: ^^07:46
macojussi: thanks07:50
macojussi: by the way, how long does it usually take your quassel client to sync to the core?07:51
macomine takes about 10 minutes07:51
macooh and how much memory does top say quasselclient is using in the resident column?07:51
jussi 2514 jussi     20   0  289m  89m  16m S    1  3.0   3:42.40 quasselclient07:52
maco13996 maco      20   0  782m 217m  42m S    1  5.5   4:57.87 quasselclient07:52
jussimaco: about 20 seconds?07:52
jussimaco: old version?07:52
macothe one in lucid07:52
jussithats pretty recent.07:52
jussimind, I should update the core I guess...07:53
jussimaco: core restart coming soon.07:53
macohow long is soon?07:54
jussisoon as the build is finished (5 or 10 mins)07:54
macowhats your ping time for jussi01.com?07:54
maco(possibly related to 20s v. 10m)07:54
persiaI find that my clients quit badly, and I end up running killall quasselclient every once in a while, which suddenly makes everything faster.07:56
jussiicmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=21.3 ms07:57
jussialthough its likely its that big because Im on ssh compiling atm.07:58
macojussi: "big"08:10
jussimaco: ?08:10
macoicmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=141 ms08:10
jussimaco: did the update help you connection time?08:11
macobut yay that only took 5 minutes to sync08:11
macoafter it says like 210ms lag, /then/ it finally starts moving from 0% backlog downloaded to 1%08:11
elkyis smb broken in lucid? i'm getting people tell me it is...08:23
gordnot broken here08:24
elky32 or 64?08:24
ikonianot broken on 6408:25
gorderm not sure, smbfs running on 32 and 64bit clients fine, the server won't let me ssh in right now to check, i appear to have forgotten my private key on this machine08:26
elkygord, <vox> if you browse the network, the share doesnt appear <vox> if you know the full smb path, it goes straight in08:30
gordsounds to me like a broadcast setting08:36
topylionly network problem i've had is my printer printing about 0.8 pages per minute08:38
dholbachgood morning08:43
ikoniahello ogasawara_09:14
ogasawara_ikonia: hi09:14
ikoniaogasawara_: how can we help you today ?09:15
ogasawara_ikonia: I was under the impression I'm supposed to be on the channel being a new op (mainly for #ubuntu-kernel)09:15
ogasawara_ikonia: If that's not the case, I'm happy to drop from this channel09:16
ikoniaoooh, I don't know about #ubuntu-kernel09:16
ikoniano no09:16
ikoniaI'm probably wrong09:16
* ikonia looks to the council if it's -ops or -irc09:16
Tm_Togasawara_: feel free to stay until stated otherwise09:33
Tm_Tand welcome09:33
ogasawara_Tm_T: ok thanks09:33
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
topyliogasawara, -kernel is not a core channel, so technically you're not required to idle here. idling on -irc is definitely a good idea09:37
ogasawaratopyli: ok cool, I'll switch then.  thanks.09:37
Tm_Ttopyli: we need to find out why they are directed here, I'd say09:38
topyliogasawara, pl09:38
topyliTm_T, directed?09:43
elkywow, -party has died already?09:51
elkyTm_T, it's probably a case of "you should idle in the ops channel" without it being qualified as to /which/ ops channel.09:52
ikoniaelky: good09:58
elkycould just be that the US has gone to bed.09:59
ikoniaeithe way win09:59
elkyhey, i'm not complaining :P10:00
elkyDammit. I jinxed it.10:11
elkyaww, it keeps undying12:04
elkydarn zombie channel.12:04
gordthere is one obvious solution. ircc needs to start supplying us with shotguns12:33
knomedon't forget the whips12:33
gordthats for vampires12:34
PiciFlannel: It polls every 5 minutes13:20
bazhangjcbv trolling?14:06
PiciWhat do you think?14:07
switchgirlhi i want to complain about ubottu14:51
switchgirlit's not been programmed to know what time it is in the uk14:51
switchgirlbut most other places work fine14:51
PiciDid you look at the URL that it gave you when you put in an invalid location?14:51
switchgirlyeah but still14:52
Piciswitchgirl: The bot is still a computer program that takes parameters, it can't accept every sort of input.14:53
switchgirli said @now UK14:54
switchgirlor @now Edinburgh14:54
switchgirl@now London14:54
ubottuCurrent time in Europe/London: April 30 2010, 14:54:2014:54
switchgirlit knows london.... that'll have to do...14:54
linnylinhey i need help asap i cant log into anything15:16
linnylini upgraded from 9.10 wiht auto update swaped vid cards from old tnt to geforce 2 now i cantg log in nor could i ever nor did it ever work screen was all sticky and messed up15:17
Picilinnylin: This is the Ubuntu operators channel. It looks like you have been banned from #ubuntu15:19
PiciDo you know why?15:19
linnylinyeah cause im mad my 2 pcs are not working now15:19
linnylinwhen they were working just fine yesterday15:19
linnylinand what15:21
linnylinthye banned me cause im pissed dude15:21
linnylini got sutff i need to be doing but i have to get thiese pcs up and running and15:21
linnylini dont appreciate that auto update thing breakign my pc15:22
linnylintrying to upgrade to 10.04 if it dont work u should not have it up15:22
linnylinand u darn shure dont need to be telling people to reccomend this to their friends they might kick your ass15:23
jpdslinnylin: You clearly did something wrong.15:24
linnylinno i didnt15:24
linnylini followed the proceudres15:24
linnylindont blame me15:24
linnylinyeah blame me for trusting that some things are free15:24
linnylinlook pal u wanna help me get my pcs running since u seem like an ubuntu official15:24
Picilinnylin: Are you aware of our channel guidelines?15:25
linnylinim  not here for all that15:25
PiciThen you won't be joining our support channels any time soon.15:25
linnylini just came in here ot get my pc back working lucking i hvae a lap top or i would be screwdd think of the people that dont15:25
linnylinok im aware of the guidlines can i get support now15:27
Picilinnylin: So you understand what #ubuntu is for then?15:29
linnylini gotta figure out how to fix my pcs15:31
linnylinguess i will go beat my dog15:31
PiciMy patience was wearing thin there.15:33
jribshame, they could share what went wrong so that it doesn't happen next time but instead...15:41
ubottutarzeau called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:59
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, blendmaster1024 said: !the cake is a lie16:13
ikoniaubottu tell blendmaster1024 your factoid is a lie16:13
ubottuI'll remember that, ikonia16:13
ikonia??? err no, tell him not remember it16:13
Piciubottu: forget tell blendmaster1024 your factoid16:14
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici16:14
jribso what was the record yesterday?17:31
tsimpsonthe highest when I checked was ~201517:46
tsimpsonbut I wasn't watching closely17:46
ikoniaughhh typing on this phone is tough18:01
ikoniaif there was free wifi I could use my ipod18:01
* gnomefreak uses phone to make and recieve phone calls :)18:07
gnomefreaka little down from last time i looked18:08
Picijrib: Peak for #ubuntu@freenode: 2120 (Thu Apr 29 13:32:40 2010)18:27
MTecknologyI just don't get this... damn, hell, friggin, etc. are ok to use. but eff isn't. Could you guys explain this to me?18:47
MTecknologyI just want to understand where the heck the line is because it went from being hazy to completely obscure.18:48
IdleOnedamn hell and friggin shouldn't be ok to use either18:49
MTecknologyIdleOne: I just got told to watch my language for using 'eff'. Rather than arguing there I want to ask here.18:49
IdleOnegimme a minute MTecknology I got a phone call18:50
IdleOneMTecknology, sorry bout that19:00
IdleOneimportant call, couldn't hang up19:00
IdleOneok so it is pretty simple actually. cursing is not allowed (you know that already) obfuscated cursing is just as bad as the real thing19:01
MTecknologyIdleOne: they happen - without a doubt more important than this19:01
IdleOneMTecknology, glad you understand priorities :)19:01
IdleOneso anyway, if I say F you for example19:01
IdleOneor eff you19:02
MTecknologythen how is friggin ok? that's obfuscation of fucking19:02
IdleOneyou know exactly what it means right19:02
IdleOneit isn't19:02
MTecknologyI see that somewhat frequently in ubuntu channels19:02
IdleOnebut the ops are not always around and there is no rule saying that you can't enforce the rules also19:02
MTecknologyI get lectured if I try to hit on things - I stopped helping in #ubuntu because of that19:03
IdleOnehit on things?19:03
MTecknologytell somebody not to swear or yell19:03
IdleOneWell, important thing is to try and enforce the rules but not seem like "it's my way or the highway"19:04
IdleOnethen there is also common sense that comes into play and knowing when to let some things slide19:04
MTecknologyI can see myself doing that a little bit. I'm a pretty strict person..19:05
IdleOneMTecknology, I am also. often times I have to stop myself from hitting the send key :/19:05
MTecknologyI had a dream once where I wrote a script so any swearing in all of irc granted a kick :P19:06
MTecknologyNot to mention some really off the wall dreams from just this morning... but ot19:06
IdleOnehaha, yeah sometimes I thing the floodbots should have something like that for repeat offenders19:07
MTecknologyI'm also curious - since we're on this..19:07
MTecknologyhow is it that damn and hell are ok?19:07
IdleOnethis is how I see it, if there is something you can not say in front of strangers while in line at a bank. Don't say it on irc :)19:08
MTecknologyor is that one of those things where it's just easier to let it slide?19:08
IdleOnethey aren't either but would you prefer we make a list of words that are not allowed or ask you nicely to use your judgement?19:09
MTecknologyIn addition to being strict- I'm also very open and opinionated :P19:09
MTecknologythat's not me - I see damn and hell used VERY frequently in -ot19:09
MTecknologyin irc I don't use those - except for here because we're discussing it..19:10
IdleOneLike I said before you can say something if those words make you uncomfortable.19:10
IdleOneWe are all expected to follow and apply the guidelines and code of conduct, not just the ops and leadersd of Ubuntu but all users19:10
MTecknologyI do, and I've asked an op to say something, I've mentioned it in the mailing list - and each time I'm told they're fine19:11
IdleOneMTecknology, maybe something to bring up to the IRCC at the next meeting ?19:11
IdleOnejust so we can get clarification19:11
MTecknologywill do- I should be able to make it19:12
IdleOneMTecknology, add it to the agenda19:12
MTecknologyone other thing... care if I query?19:13
IdleOneask away19:13
MTecknologyunless you want to hop into #ubuntu-drupal where it's relevant19:13
IdleOneup to you. /msg, in here, or there19:13
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, look said: !the cake is a lie23:10

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