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ScottKNice job everyone.  Sorry $WORK took me out of the game this week.02:47
pitticjwatson: release meeting> that was meant to be "can I rather go out with my wife this evening", not "oh please let's have one" :-)05:30
pittislangasek: enjoy London!05:30
ograpitti, cjwatson, could one of you publish ports ? we get requests in #ubuntu-arm07:27
pittiright, that's on my TODO list07:27
ogragood :)07:27
pittiI hope I won't screw it up07:27
ograit has to end up on cdimage but dont ask me which folder :P07:28
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.04/ I presume07:28
pittiI'll compare with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/9.10/release/07:28
ogramight be, but it caould also be http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/$flavour/ports/releases/10.04/07:28
ograi think both exist07:29
pittiis there any way to know which ones were tested? (like powerpc+ps3)07:29
ograwhich makes it a bit confusing07:29
pittior are these best-effort?07:29
ograi can only tell that all omap ones were tested and that only imx and omap of kubuntu-netbook should be released (dove is broken)07:30
ograno idea about non ARM07:30
ogra(the channel could probably be unmuted again too)07:31
pittiogra: that's just for netbook, or regular ubuntu images for arm as well?07:32
ograwe only build ubuntu-netbook, d-i netinstall and ubuntu-server07:33
ograimx51 and dove netbook are in the official release07:33
ograthe rest goes to cdimage07:33
ogra(arm arches are omap, imx51 and dove)07:33
ograif you find any desktop images for either of these arch you can keep them :) (they shouldnt be built since a while though)07:35
ograi sadly cant reach cdimage to give you any links ... always times out07:35
pittibah, cdimage is totally clogged07:35
pittiogra: ok, so you want those:07:42
pittinetbook armel+omap07:43
pitti{alternate,desktop,server} armel+{omap,imx51,dove}07:43
ogranot alternate,desktop07:43
ograonly server07:43
pittiah, ok07:44
ograand kubuntu-netbook armel+{omap,imx5}07:44
pittiand netbook armel+omap?07:44
pittiogra: do you happen to know what CDIMAGE_NO_PURGE=1 is?07:44
pittifirst time that I see it (on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess)07:44
ograsmells like "do not remove dailies" but i could be wrong07:46
pittibut publish-release never has07:46
ograwe should probably wait for colin07:46
ograhe knows the scripts in and out07:46
pittiARCHES="armel+omap" for-project ubuntu publish-release ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live 20100427.1 netbook yes07:48
pittihm, so that did nothing07:48
ogra netbook yes ?07:48
ograshouldnt that be ubuntu-netbook ?07:48
pittiyes is the "release" argument07:49
pittiogra: I copied that from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess07:49
pittiit said07:49
pittiConstructing release trees ...07:49
pittiCopying netbook-armel+omap image ...07:49
pittiMaking armel+omap zsync metafile ...07:49
pittiCreating torrent for /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/www/simple/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+omap.img ...07:49
pittibut there are no new files at all in www, compared to my www.prev backup07:49
pittihm, let's wait for cjwatson, before I screw up stuff07:50
pittiCDIMAGE_NO_PURGE=1 didn't make a difference either07:50
ograisnt simple/ what goes to releases.u.c ?07:51
ograiirc it shoudl stay on www/full/07:51
pittiah, right07:51
* pitti reverts back to previous www dir07:52
pittiah, how's that07:55
pittiit created those two07:55
pittiI don't see an equivalent torrent for karmic, though07:57
pittisorry, I don't feel I can drive that reliably07:57
ograpitti, there was no omap in karmic ... i started implementing it 4 weeks ago :)08:06
pittiogra: right, but there is no /torrent/releases/karmic/release/netbook/ at all08:07
ograah, k08:07
ograi thought you referred to omap08:07
ograi see /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/www/torrent/08:08
ograwe probably didnt release the netbook flavour for karmic in ports08:09
ogra(armel definately only had desktop back then, not sure about ppc or other ports)08:09
pittiok, I'll play with that a little bit08:16
pittiogra: hm, so my server images look good08:24
pittiand so on08:24
pittibut netbook is still wrong08:24
pittiit's not on ports08:24
pittiARCHES="armel+omap" for-project ubuntu publish-release ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live 20100427.1 netbook named08:24
ograi wonder if there is something missing in publish-release08:25
pitticjwatson: ^ this doesn't seem to move it to ports; am I forgetting a flag here?08:25
pitticjwatson: it does work with server: ARCHES="armel+omap armel+dove armel+imx51 ia64 powerpc powerpc+ps3 sparc" for-project ubuntu publish-release ubuntu-server/ports/daily 20100428 server named08:25
ograpitti, did you try "for-project ubuntu-netbook" for the omap one ?08:40
ograthats usually the project name for the netbook images08:40
pittias I said, I copied that from the release wiki page08:40
slangasekpitti, cjwatson, ogra: ok, I'm running through the ports publishing now08:53
pittislangasek: is above the correct command for ubuntu-netbook armel+omap?08:54
ogragiven the reachability of cdimage it seems there is no hurry anyway :)08:54
pittislangasek: or is it for-project ubuntu-netbook?08:54
* pitti still puzzled why they don't land on /ports/08:54
slangasekpitti: the rune in the wiki was intended for publishing to releases.u.c; I'm not sure why omap is landing where it is09:06
pittislangasek: right, but the for-project argument should be the same for both?09:06
slangasekpitti: for publishing to releases.u.c, we explicitly *don't* want armel under a separate ports tree :)09:12
pittiI thought it should go to cdimage only?09:12
slangasekI believe what we're seeing is that publish-release treats ^ports/ and ^ubuntu-server/ports/ specially09:12
slangasekand maps those to ports/releases09:12
slangasekbut doesn't do this for ubuntu-netbook/09:12
pittifull/releases/ is cdimage only09:12
slangasekyes, omap should go to cdimage only, which is why the rune from the wiki doesn't apply09:13
pittiI just updated yes->named, and the version number09:14
pittiI'm not sure what CDIMAGE_NO_PURGE=1 does09:14
slangasekthat's so when you run two separate publishing runs of netbook images to the same directory on releases for different archs, it doesn't nuke your torrents for i38609:15
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pittiah, thanks09:15
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slangasekpitti: ok, have adjusted publish-release locally to let us publish omap under ports/releases/lucid/release; I still have a handful of ports images to publish yet, but have to go catch a plane, so I'll follow up on those later09:44
slangasekbut omap-netbook is done09:44
* ogra hugs slangasek 10:08
loolcjwatson, slangasek: lucid-netbook-armel+omap.img doesn't seem to be in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/lucid/11:47
loolwell it would be under a different name there obviously11:48
looloh was just reported earlier11:49
slangaseklool: correct; it's now under cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/lucid/release/11:49
slangasekI could move it if you prefer, then I wouldn't have to worry so much about the mess I'm making of publish-release11:49
loolslangasek: I personally would prefer a consistent scheme too; not sure if it's ok to move these around still11:50
loolslangasek: Perhaps davidm to decide?11:50
slangasekconsistent with what, though?11:50
slangasekcurrently it's consistent with what we publish to releases.u.c at release time11:50
slangasekand consistent with ubuntu-server publishing11:51
slangasekif I change it, it'll be consistent with our daily publishing instead11:51
loolslangasek: I wouldn't mind either way11:51
loolJust would like either all in /ports/releases and /releases or all in $project/releases $project/ports/releases11:52
loolcan we kill the empty full/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/10.04 dir?11:52
loolslangasek: safe flight BTW11:53
slangasekfull/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/10.04 nuked11:54
lool(you can even kill the full/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases if you like -- but that one isn't confusing :-)11:55
slangasekyah, also nuked11:56
slangasekok, need to head toward the plane11:56
loolsafe flight again11:56
pittislangasek: save travels!12:01
loolcan't find the omap server image on cdimage12:12
loologra: ^ any idea where that one went?12:35
loolfind full -iname \*server\*omap\* only yields the daily12:36
lamontslangasek: any reason not to put oldking back into existance again (cleaner, but tosses yesterday's post-swap activity) - I have a ticket to figure out why newking didn't surprise us with speed, and need to benchmark terranova, and both kings (and reinstall newking cleanly)12:39
lamontoh meh. any other RM types have thoughts on that, since the planeward one isn't going to answer.12:40
lamontcjwatson: ?12:40
cjwatsonlamont: no reason, we won't be using it for a few days12:41
lamontcjwatson: it'd be more of (1) reversion of what speedup we got, and (2) yesterday's post-swap activity goes *poof* when I reinstall newking cleanly, anyway12:42
cjwatsonwe'll be in no rush for a while12:43
lamontright. I, OTOH, get to do a bunch of benchmarking before you do rush me12:43
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ogralool, isnt published yet ... some ports are some arent13:13
ogralool, slangasek said he would care later (he is traveling atm)13:17
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Mirvthanks, eventually got also finnish remix released within 20 minutes of release announcement14:20
lamontdoko: the tarballs you want are there now20:19

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