
nigelbabuTotal patches: 206204:40
nigelbabuTo review patches: 17104:40
nigelbabuAwait upstream input: 404:40
nigelbabuAwait Debian input: 104:40
nigelbabuPatches resolved upstream: 1604:40
nigelbabuTotal review queue: 156904:40
nigelbabuajmitch: ^ result of query04:40
ajmitchgetting the bug #s for the first few should be easy, looking at the script04:47
persiaI don't really trust those numbers, as I expect the data changed whist the queries were being made.04:47
ajmitchsuch as the resolved upstream count04:47
nigelbabuThe first few data is generated very fast04:49
nigelbabuits the last query which takes time04:49
dholbachgood morning08:43
dholbachhey nigelbabu08:46
nigelbabudholbach: I have a very important number for you08:47
nigelbabuThat's the number of bugs that would be in review queue if we did not put a date on the patch subscription script, basically, the number of bugs we have in backlog08:48
dholbachholy shit08:52
dholbachthat's a lot better than 2000, eh?08:52
* dholbach hugs nigelbabu08:52
nigelbabudholbach: its better and worse08:52
dholbachwhy worse?08:52
nigelbabuwe really have to go through each of the 1569.  No skipping there08:52
nigelbabuIts a solid number08:52
dholbachwe'll do ti08:53
dholbachit'll be fine08:53
nigelbabubut its only 10 bugs per member of ~ubuntu-dev08:53
nigelbabu^ thats the good part08:53
nigelbabupersia: did you notice we dont have a filled review day chart?09:02
nigelbabui.e. lot more empty spaces for review leads09:03
ajmitcha belated good morning, dholbach10:16
dholbachhola ajmitch :)10:17
nigelbabuajmitch: you wanna fill in a few spaces as review lead for patch day?11:14
=== qense_ is now known as qense
nigelbabucyphermox: heya13:50
nigelbabucyphermox: remember I'd talked to you about patch day?13:52
cyphermoxyes, that's why I stick around here a lot ;) I meant to talk to you about it again, but I've been quite busy with a new job :)13:53
nigelbabucyphermox: oh! you moved out of canonical or moved internally?13:54
cyphermoxno, just starting at canonical13:54
nigelbabuaaah :)13:54
cyphermoxiso testing and hardware certification takes a lot of my time, not totally used to everything yet13:55
cyphermoxso I've been (quietly) following what was going on here13:58
nigelbabupatch day is next week a table half emtpy is staring at me13:58
nigelbabuso I'm just using my negotiation and smooth talking skills to fill it up :)13:59
nigelbabu^ there is a table there.  that table13:59
cyphermoxah, that table :)14:00
cyphermoxlet me do the UTC <--> EST conversion and I'll add stuff14:00
nigelbabuawsome thanks :)14:00
nigelbabuyou are in bug control right?14:01
nigelbabuso you can just ask dholbach to accept you in the team :)14:03
dholbachwhich one?14:03
dholbachcyphermox: your launchpad id is?14:05
dholbachcyphermox: merci beaucoup14:06
cyphermoxdholbach, bitte!14:06
BlackZcyphermox: welcome!14:08
cyphermoxBlackZ, thanks! :)14:08
cyphermoxI'll do my best14:08
nigelbabuyaay! :)14:09
nigelbabudholbach: so how do I htmlify from python and how do you code that sorting algorithm?14:18
nigelbabuI didn't understand that from the sponsorship-overview code14:18
dholbachnigelbabu: the sorting is just javascript14:33
nigelbabudholbach: I finally just saw that14:34
ajmitchjquery tablesorter plugin = nice :)14:35
nigelbabudholbach: you write some beautiful code14:35
nigelbabuIts alll OOP14:35
nigelbabuand now I'm working how much of hacked like mine looks14:35
dholbachit's not beautiful - the sponsorship overview really isn't :)14:36
nigelbabuIm taking about the actual code :)14:36
dholbachme too14:36
nigelbabuseen mine?14:37
nigelbabuthen you'll know what Im talking about :D14:37
dholbachnigelbabu: I think I would split up the summary functionality and the subscription functionality14:37
dholbachjust generating the summary should be much quicker14:38
nigelbabudholbach: can you explain again? I didn't get you14:51
yofelhi, does anyone know  if .ddeb is an ubuntu invention? Just wondering if I should send bug 568404 to debian (aside from reworking the debdiff)14:54
ubot3Malone bug 568404 in bash-completion "dpkg completion should support ddeb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56840414:54
dholbachyofel: it is14:56
dholbachyofel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash14:56
dholbachnigelbabu: afaiui the script 1) generates a summary, 2) subscribes the right team14:57
dholbachnigelbabu: for generating the summary it probably doesn't need to go and touch every single bug, which would speed up the business a lot14:57
nigelbabudholbach: what I'm writing doesn't do any subscription14:58
nigelbabuIt only generates the report14:58
dholbachoh sorry14:59
dholbachjust ignore me15:00
dholbachI misunderstood things15:00
nigelbabuI need a break. Hitting the bed early today15:18
dholbachnigelbabu: have a great evening15:28
dholbachnigelbabu: I put a bit of work into the script - I'll upload it in a bit15:33
dholbachnigelbabu: I didn't do much - just tried to speed it up a little bit15:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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