
rcsheetshave you looked at top?00:01
failoveryeap, Lucid have much less process runing, and the one wich is using more is -bash  0.7% and 3x rsyslogd using 0.4%00:03
erichammondsmoser: I found that if a download was slow from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/ I could just interrupt the connection, try again, and eventually get a far faster rate.  Different download connections of the same file performed consistently at 2KB/s, 200KB/s, and even 2MB/s.00:19
smosererichammond, its just the release.00:21
smoserbandwidth to data center is bottlenecked.00:21
erichammondsmoser: Yes, but I was surprised that I could get far higher speeds if I just kept retrying.00:22
erichammondsmoser: not optimal for the whole population, unfortunately.00:22
smoserrandom i guess.00:22
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smosererichammond, this isn't published, but provides a mirror of those tar files00:25
smoser"isn't published" as in isn't written anywhere. i just use it for loading things to ebs.00:26
erichammondsmoser: Thanks.  Doesn't appear to have Karmic and Hardy which are what I'm trying to copy now.00:28
erichammondsmoser: I've got two of the four files and am still working on the remainder.00:29
erichammondsmoser: I get 2K/s about 9/10 times and then 400K/s-2M/s which completes quickly and then has some sort of error on the disconnect throwing away the file 4/5 times.00:31
uiuiuihi, i cant get dhcp3 to send out a dhcpnak...00:45
uiuiuiit refuses almost all win7 machines00:45
uiuiuias they dont send a dhcpdiscover right away00:46
uiuiuiit seems stuck in non-authoritative mode, even if i have authoritative in config file00:46
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uvirtbotNew bug: #571960 in bind9 (main) "bind9 installation and dnsutils binaries crash due to libdns.so.64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57196001:26
mikelifeguardSo, when I try to do git-daemon --listen=git.my.host or svnserve --listen-host=svn.my.host, I'm told the requested socket cannot be allocated - so I guess I am doing something wrong that has nothing to do with svn or git?01:46
JanCmikelifeguard: most likely you are running it as non-root and trying to use a port < 102401:58
mikelifeguardGit uses 9418 though :s01:58
mikelifeguardI forget what svnserve is01:59
JanCor maybe you are trying to use a port that's already in use01:59
mikelifeguardhm, that's possible... let's check...01:59
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mikelifeguardno, doesn't look like the ports are in use02:04
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jbernardkirkland: yep, ill take a look02:56
jbernardkirkland: i agree with soren, it would be much more useful to have the total cost, i just didn't have a way of determining time since creation02:57
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AdamDVAny reason a group name can't be all numeric?03:34
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persiaAdamDV: You may have a chance of confusing the group-name vs. GID detector for some commands, but it may be no issue at all.03:45
AdamDVWell, I tried it.03:47
AdamDVAnd then when I tried to add a user to the group, it told me the group doesn't exist.03:47
AdamDVSo, I'm thinking it wont work.03:47
amereservantI need some opinions on making a few VPSs, such as on a small/personal scale....would virtualbox be the way to go?03:52
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amereservantI was looking at the cloud server, but that's a two computer minimum setup.03:52
twbKVM is the virtualization technology that Ubuntu endorses.04:06
amereservanttwb, Well, I looked at that, but it looked rather complicated and required virtualization to be enabled on the CPU.04:08
persiaIt doesn't.  It just falls back to being less efficient if it's not.04:09
persiaAnd while it can be complicated, I find the combination of virt-manager on a desktop and the virtualisation server task on a server to be trivially easy to use.  Just tell the server to create some VMs, and they just work.04:10
amereservantOh, I gotcha.  I guess I'll give it another look, I was just curious about how to do it on a small scale.04:10
twbpersia: hmm, I didn't realize that the kvm fork of qemu worked *at all* without hardware VT04:11
persiatwb: It most certainly does.  Works on my powerpc, for instance, and I'm not running a new enough kernel to use KVM on that.04:11
amereservantpersia, Nice, thank you.  I'll definitely give it another look.  I installed and ran two virtual machines with VirtualBox, but I wasn't convinced that was very efficient.  Plus I'm not sure VirtualBox can be ran on Server edition.04:12
twbI always just explicitly installed the qemu variant.04:12
persiaThere was a period when it didn't (jaunty, I think, and maybe intrepid as well), but that's behind us.04:12
twb(You may recall yesterday I was bitching about trying to get qemu 0.12 onto hardy.)04:12
twbpersia: thanks for letting me know04:12
persiaSorry to not mention it before: I thought your issue was the backporting, not the variant.04:12
mikelifeguardI'm trying to reverse-proxy requests to a Jetty server with http://sprunge.us/IDDf - but I only get http://sprunge.us/YgKH telling me the proxy is being disabled. Have I configured it incorrectly?04:14
ezhanginhey dudes, i am getting the weirdest problem04:18
ezhanginapparently my raid5 just formed another partition?04:18
ezhanginand i can't mount the orignal md04:18
ezhanginthis is after upgrading to 10.04 without the raid drives turned on (because grub is retarded like that)04:19
ezhanginer, more like putting a new system drive in the computer and installing 10.0404:19
twbpersia: it was a hodge-podge of issues and hubris04:19
twbDon't worry about it04:19
twbOn an unrelated note: where can I find a copy of putty.exe on a host that doesn't use vhosting?04:20
twbThe box I'm trying to get putty onto has broken DNS04:20
ezhanginand annoyingly i just had this thing mounted prior to a restart04:21
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amereservantDoes anyone here use KVM?06:19
amereservantpersia, Ahhh!  You're still around.06:20
amereservantpersia, I just had a quick question.... are all of the steps outlined across the top at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking neccessary?06:21
persiaMy response before looking is "No".06:21
* persia looks06:22
amereservantpersia, It has "Installation" "Networking" "Create Guests".....06:22
persiaYep.  I've never done any of that.06:22
amereservantI'm on Networking ATM and this is a major ordeal.06:22
amereservantpersia, What approach do you take?06:23
persiaDo you need a real network, or are you happy just to have your server have client access to the internet, and be able to ssh to it from the host?06:23
* persia has fairly minor requirements, so doesn't tend to do complex stuff06:23
amereservantIt doesn't really matter.06:23
amereservantI've done everything on the Installation page.06:24
persiaOK.  So, here's the quick'n'dirty way I generate VMs for throwaway test servers:06:24
ezhanginanyone using mdadm in 10.04?06:25
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:25
persia1) install libvirt-bin on the host, 2) install virt-manager on some headful client, 3) copy some installation iso to /var/lib/libvirt/images/ on the client, 4) launch virt-manager, 5) connect to the host, 6) use the wizard to create a new vm (selecting "local storage" and the install iso), 7) run an install, 8) reboot the VM, 9) do whatever it was I wanted to do in the first place, and usually 10) delete the VM when I'm done.06:25
ezhangini treid earlier06:25
ezhangintried, even06:26
persiaamereservant: Note that this procedure is not necessarily best practice, takes longer than some other procedures, and fails firmly in the "works for me" category.06:27
amereservantpersia, " on some headful client..."  What do you mean?  I installed it in the installation steps.06:27
persiaI tend to run virt-manager on my laptop because I find the GUI handy, and don't have any screens or keyboards attached to my servers.06:27
amereservantpersia, Ohhh, gotcha.  I'm doing this all inside of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop.06:28
persiaamereservant: All on one machine?  Then do everything on one machine.  That works too.  I just tend to use multiple machines because that avoids my laptop running slow when I have a couple VMs launched.06:29
amereservantpersia, Yeah, it's a workhorse.  I wanted to try it out since you recommended it earlier and I've got two PCs on the network ATM, so I wanted to do some tinkering.06:30
Roxyhart0hi there, i am installing the cups driver for samba. Im in the first step i juat download the driver from cups web page (cups-windows-6.0-1.i386.rpm). Im not sure how to install it, somebody know how install it or where decompress the files?06:33
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amereservantpersia, Hmmm, no luck.  It just goes to a black screen when I open it.06:43
amereservant*using Virtual Machine Manager.06:43
persiaWhat goes to a black screen when you open which?06:43
amereservantDoes it support Lucid?06:43
persiaWorks for me on lucid.06:43
amereservantOk, here's what I did.06:44
amereservantI opened up Virtual Machine Manager, clicked "File > Add Connection", Selected Hypervisor "QEMU/KVM", Connection "Local" and then pressed Connect......06:45
persiaOK.  Did it connect?06:46
amereservantI right-clicked on localhost(QEMU) and selected "New", then gave a name for it and selected Local install media...06:46
persia(yes) OK.  Had you copied the iso, and could you select it properly?06:46
amereservantStep 2 I located the ISO file for Server10.04 64-bit, and tried leaving the settings on Generic or Linux Ubuntu Etch, then clicked forward....06:47
amereservantGave it 1GB RAM, 2 CPUs....06:47
amereservantCreated a 10GB drive for it and Allocate entire disk now....06:48
amereservantThen clicked "Finished".....06:48
amereservantIt says it's "Running", so I then I double-clicked it and it opens a window and it's just blank.06:49
persiaOK.  Wait some.06:49
persiaIf nothing happens, verify your iso.06:49
persiaI usually end up with the initial boot screen (select language, etc.) after a bit.06:50
amereservantI've installed it 3 times in VirtualBox with no issues using that ISO, so it's not that.06:50
persiaHrm.  That's a close match to the procedure I use that works.  Dunno.06:50
amereservantpersia, This is how I installed it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation06:51
amereservantAnything look off about that?06:52
amereservantEverything passed in those steps.06:52
persiaI don't see anything obviously wrong about that.  I didn't do anything except install libvirt-bin, personally, but the rest shouldn't hurt anything.06:52
amereservantWell isn't that just fancy.06:53
amereservantI'm going to install and try the AQEMU package and see if that gets me anywhere.06:55
persiaOK.  Good luck.06:58
amereservantpersia, Thank you for your help anyways.  It's not that big of a deal since I'm just learning.06:58
rahmanhi how can I move a mysql database to a new server? moving /var/lib/mysql/foobar to the new server and restarting mysql didnt do the trick07:11
amereservantrahman, mysqldump07:12
amereservantCopying the data files is the wrong way of doing it.07:12
amereservantrahman, If you have phpmyadmin, you can easily dump all of them using "Export".07:13
amereservantrahman, But mysqldump is very easy and the recommended way of doing it.07:13
rahmanamereservant: will I need to do "mysqldump foobar" ?07:14
amereservantrahman, Try "man mysqldump" for how to use it.07:14
rahmanamereservant: thanks07:15
amereservantrahman, You can also find "how-tos" with a quick google search, I don't know off the top of my head though.07:15
amereservantWoops, that's not a form!07:16
rahmanAnd I have one more question, I need to move the mail server to a new machine. It is postfix, dovecort and libsasl2 installed and webmail as frontend07:40
rahmanagain I installed postfix, dovecort and libsasl and copied all config files from old machine like /etc/postfix/*07:41
rahmanthe problem is webmail frontend errors about "can't connect to POP3 server"07:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #572080 in net-snmp (main) "package snmpd failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57208008:01
rzm25hey guys has anyone run an Urban Terror server before?08:41
zorzarrahman: is the pop3 daemon running?08:44
rzm25guys can anyone help me in running Urban Terror on my server? I get permission errors08:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #571933 in dhcp3 (main) "dhclient3 hangs on shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57193308:56
AlexC_is it possible to get the total file size of an extracted archive, without extracting it?09:03
jefimenkoi'm trying to do a remote install on a server that already has grub (i'm replacing a different distro with ubuntu)09:05
jefimenkocan the instructions here be used for an ubuntu server install like this?09:05
jefimenkoi couldn't find any ubuntu-server specific initrd.gz or linux fille09:07
jefimenkoi took the netboot files from here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/09:10
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cjwatsonkirkland,hggdh: there's a truly ancient bug about the image names being the same in several places, but frankly I'd rather leave them as they are and have clients work around it09:24
cjwatsonit's been established for 5+ years and I'm pretty sure some folks depend on the current structure :)09:24
jefimenkois there a separate netboot install for ubuntu-server?09:26
jefimenkoi really don't have physical access to this machine and the normal PXE/bootp method is very difficult at the moment09:26
azloni am trying to recover my software raid. when i do --examine on sda1 it shows 2 failed drives. when i do --examine on sdc1 (one of the failed drives) it shows all drives are functioning properly09:27
jefimenkobut this the netboot install from the internet is working great so far09:27
jefimenkobut i'm just not sure what ubuntu flavor this is doing09:28
rahmanzorzar: dovecot doen't start. it gives :  dovecot: Fatal: auth(default): User doesn't exist: vmail and  Fatal: Auth process died too early - shutting down09:29
rahmanso webmail users can send mail but can't recieve any09:30
azlonwhy would --examine return 2 different results on 2 different drives?09:34
gerardnetrocan anbody help me09:54
gerardnetroi was wondering... can I use the enterprise cloud version on Lan based09:54
gerardnetroi want to deploy web apps on local but soon on cloud... is it advisable to choose enterprise cloud09:55
gerardnetroanybody here09:57
brianhermangerardnetro: uh have you tried s3?10:12
gerardnetronope im new here :[10:12
brianhermangerardnetro: ok10:12
gerardnetrobut is it possible it will work on Lan10:12
gerardnetrofor now10:13
brianhermangerardnetro: what are you trying to do10:13
gerardnetroi want to host vtiger10:13
gerardnetrovia lan for now10:13
brianhermanwhy do you need cloud for this?10:13
gerardnetrobut soon ill ready it for cloud10:13
brianhermanhave you ever used it?10:13
gerardnetrobecause i want some other branches to access it10:14
gerardnetrofirst time10:14
brianhermanFirst things first10:14
brianhermanyou need to install it on a server10:14
brianhermanand learn how to use it10:14
brianhermancloud is just a buzzword10:14
brianhermanit doesn't instantly mean that your stuff is going to get faster10:14
gerardnetrobut im already installing enterprise cloud10:14
gerardnetroso i cancel it?10:15
brianhermanit doesn't really matter10:15
gerardnetrooh ok10:15
brianhermanjust if you expect it to get instantly faster10:15
gerardnetrowhat happens if we lost internet connection.. and im using cloud10:15
brianhermanyou are building the cloud10:16
brianhermannot renting from somewhere10:16
brianhermanso you have your own personal cloud10:16
gerardnetrocause soon i want some of the agent to access their vtiger account ... on cloud10:16
brianhermaneven if you lose internet connection10:16
brianhermanyou have a cloud10:16
gerardnetrois cloud = host?10:17
brianhermanThis way is probably harder but better because you have an offline backup.10:17
brianhermanCloud = your own personal s310:17
brianhermanGood parts10:17
brianhermanYou have root access10:18
brianhermanno latency10:18
brianhermanbad parts10:18
gerardnetrooh but i can host web application?10:18
brianhermanyou can do whatever the @#$% you want10:18
brianhermanbut expect to have issues10:18
brianhermani have never done the enterprise cloud10:18
gerardnetrowell have a training later10:19
gerardnetroon Enterprise cloud10:19
brianhermanGood luck10:19
gerardnetroso issues will not be a problem... i hope10:19
brianhermanwell i am a believer in murphys law10:19
gerardnetrooh :[10:20
brianhermanbut I also suffer from depression10:21
brianhermandont listen to me10:21
brianhermanjust do it10:21
brianhermanYou will learn a lot this way.10:21
gerardnetrobut most of the time.. when i encounter errors, i can solve it :)10:21
gerardnetroi use google :)10:21
brianhermanthats good10:21
brianhermanwell i have to fix my computer10:22
ray__Hello, .... has anyone an Idea when the Lucid Server Guide will be available? on the http://is.gd/bOgc3 site there still is 9.10 as the lates guide ... *hrmpf*10:25
rahmanis there any one that has Dovecot experience?11:08
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PC_Nerd101Hi - will a standard do-release-upgrade take me from lucid RC to current release?11:17
maxagazhow to check all open ports on an machine from another machine ?11:24
ray__maxagaz apt-get install nmap && man nmap11:28
maxagazray__, I have nmap...11:29
ray__google for nessus11:29
maxagazray__, do you know the nmap command to get it ?11:29
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ray__maxagaz, If you do not know nmap, either use man nmap or i guess it is better for you to use nessus (which as a graphical gui) http://www.nessus.org11:31
maxagazray__, I use nmap for one port, but don't the syntax for allports11:32
ray__maxagaz, ok, just type "man nmap" without the quotes in the terminal, right there on the first page is one fast example of how to scan for multiple ports, and further down are more detailed instructions on how to be sure all ports you want to have checked are included11:35
maxagazray__, it'sokay I found a tool to do it on ubuntu desktop11:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #572204 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57220411:36
ray__maxagaz, maybe you are better of in the standard #ubuntu channel for questions like this, in the ubuntu-server channel one requirement is to be able to and understand the man-pages ....11:37
maxagazray__, you mean this... nmap -A -T4 scanme.nmap.org11:37
maxagazray__, ok, thanks11:37
ray__maxagaz, as an example, yes11:37
maxagazray__, it's always better to know of a command to do this, thanks11:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #572210 in samba (main) "Error in installing samba-common during upgrade from Karmic to Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57221011:38
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wtfplymouthwhy is the login line in the middle of the screen?12:05
alexxtasihi everybody... a "newbie" question: shall I run the "dist upgrade" command to upgrade from karmic to lucid server? Is there any problem mentiond ? (my karmic server installation has no more software than ssh, webmin, cups and samba serer)12:07
ray__alexxtasi, the recommended way is: http://is.gd/bOmk812:09
ray__check network upgrade for ubuntu servers12:10
alexxtasiray__: thanks ray... are there any problems reported? I 'll try...12:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #572229 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57222912:16
wtfplymouthis it possible or not dangerous to uninstall plymouth?12:18
ray__wtfplymouth, why?12:20
ray__wtfplymouth, it's a central part of ubuntu, afaik, so why do you want to deinstall it?12:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #572232 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57223212:21
wtfplymouthray__: just thougt about it. disabled the bootsplash and now the login line is in the middle of the screen12:23
ray__alexxtasi, other problems than in the release-notes? I am sure there will be a few but ssh, webmin, cups should be fine, samba thought seems to have some issues, like the bugs  https://launchpad.net/bugs/57221012:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 572210 in samba "Error in installing samba-common during upgrade from Karmic to Lucid" [Undecided,New]12:23
wtfplymouthand how can i get all the boot massages back?12:24
alexxtasithank you all...12:24
ray__and https://launchpad.net/bugs/572229 seem to predict, so, i would rather make a testupgrade in a virtual machine or be prepared to fix stuff manually, if you can't do A and are not skilled enough for B I would wait a month or two to let the fist bugs settle, i do not see you having the NEED to upgrade right now with cups and samba12:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 572229 in samba "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New]12:24
wtfplymouthlike starting samba [OK] ...12:24
ray__wtfplymouth, as far as I could READ through the RELEASE NOTES and other documentation all the bootmessages are on Console 7 and in /var/log/boot.log12:25
wtfplymouthray__: so its not possible to get them on screen during startup12:26
ray__I'l guess not, thought not been playing around with it, in reality I do not care as most of my machines are virtualized anyway, so it really does not help me to see the messages right on boot, so, why do you care about those messages anyway?12:27
wtfplymouthray__: just to see if one of them failes during boot ;)12:29
mvocould someone with ldap exerience please comment on bug #572105 and what the best course for this is? I'm fine adding something to u-m, but would prefer somehting in the package(s)12:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 572105 in update-manager "update-manager doesn't prevent restart of slapd on system using ldap auth, resulting in hung update" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57210512:29
ray__wtfplymouth, well, you should be able to check that when you have the loginprompt, switch to console 7 (ALT+F7) and you should be able to browse through ...12:29
wtfplymouthray__: but this istnt really a problem the real problem is that the server doesnt skip mountproblems during boot12:30
wtfplymouthlike 9.10 did12:30
ray__wtfplymouth, as I read in the RELEASE NOTES or in some of the documentation it should be easy, there are some key bindings you can press to skip mount stuff and ignore stuff etc. You should read it12:31
wtfplymouthray__: you have to press s to skip but the problem is thats a headless server und the boot stops till you press s. so you cannot login per ssh12:32
ray__and why does it hang?12:32
wtfplymouthray__: cuz the disk is not connected and there is an entry for this disk in the fstab. but i want it to automount the disk when its connectet so i cannot delete the fstab entry12:34
ray__mvo, i think I read in the release notes that you can install nscd (name service caching daemon) which should cache all your credentials (better to log out and in again afterwards) so the shutdown of ldap should not be a problem, but I advise you to read the release notes yourself before trying that.12:34
wtfplymouthray__: i need something like autoskip this errors12:34
ray__wtfplymouth, I think you won't get it, at least without me knowing the internals of plymouth I can not provide you with a better answer, maybe you should investigate in a proper automount solution like autofs or autofs5 or pmount, pmount is easy to setup and allows you mounts as normal user ...12:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #572105 in update-manager (main) "update-manager doesn't prevent restart of slapd on system using ldap auth, resulting in hung update" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57210512:36
ray__as well the package automounter exists ...12:36
mvoray__: thanks12:40
wtfplymouthray__: thanks too12:42
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kirklandcjwatson: okay, in that case, we'll try to somehow work around it13:15
kirklandcjwatson: what if cdimage produced a full manifest of the ISOs it hosts?13:16
kirklandcjwatson: just a tab delimited text file of full paths to ISOs, and text descriptions of each?13:17
kirklandcjwatson: it wouldn't take much, and i'm happy to write the shell code to do this on cdimage (if something doesn't already exist)13:17
kirklandcjwatson: not much more than a find . -type f -name "*.iso"13:18
kirklandcjwatson: and some mapping of paths to text descriptions13:18
cjwatsonkirkland: already does for releases.u.c, probably just a matter of extending it13:20
kirklandcjwatson: ah, yeah, so that "flat" structure that releases uses...  that's what i'd like to see for testdrive13:20
kirklandcjwatson: s/ubuntu-10.04/lucid/13:21
kirklandcjwatson: could be handled entirely with symlinks/hardlinks even13:21
cjwatsonno plans to change the structure of cdimage13:21
cjwatsonhappy to emit a manifest if that helps13:21
cjwatsonchanging the structure is an utter royal pain13:21
kirklandcjwatson: alrighty, i 'll take the manifest ;-)13:21
loolsmoser: heya13:22
loolsmoser: I wonder whether you considered gzip's --rsyncable for the UEC tarballs13:22
cjwatsonkirkland: file me a bug on the ubuntu-cdimage project?13:22
kirklandcjwatson: in fact, i'm glad that you're not willing to change the structure of cdimage, as testdrive greatly depends on that structure13:22
smoseri think it uses it13:22
smoserdo you know otherwise ?13:22
kirklandcjwatson: will do13:22
kirklandcjwatson: thanks!13:23
loolsmoser: I wonder why the rsync "virtual" bandwidth is so low when rsyncing the image here13:23
loolit is much lower than for binary data like kernels13:23
loolit's almost as if it redownloads everything13:23
loolsmoser: Anyway, if you say it's already in use then there's probably nothing we can do13:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #572262 in nut (main) "libusb_get_report: error sending control message: Operation not permitted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57226213:26
loolsmoser: thanks!13:26
smoserlool, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/automated-ec2-builds/annotate/head%3A/build-ec2-image uses 'gzip-rsyncable' (also in that directory)13:26
smoserwhich, i can't see how would not get there.13:26
smoserlool, i think that the images are just very dense13:26
smoserat least thats been my explanation before, and i have noticed this too.13:26
smoseri just thought that with the tar -S and gzip that the size just is really small and ends up not working well with rsync.13:27
smoserbut thats all guessing.13:27
ray__hey guys, what's up with the 10.04 Server Guide?13:29
loolsmoser: This all seems correct to me, I guess we can't have it any better13:31
loolsmoser: Hmm alternatively what could happen is that the files are not in the same order over runs13:31
smoserwell, they're probably not, right ?13:31
smoserits a filesystem13:31
smoserwith files in it13:31
loolsmoser: What I'm saying is that tar might pick up files in ramdom orders from the chroot where you prepare the fs13:31
loolideally, these would be sorted in the tarball13:32
smosertar doesn't pick up files other than '.img, kernel, ramdisk'13:32
smoser.img is a 2GB file with a filesystem in it.13:32
loolsmoser: I'm speaking of the other tar13:32
loolOh ok13:32
loolthen it's probably the fs being completely different over different runs13:32
smoserso thats almost certainly it.13:33
smoserwrites just went to other places in the filesystem.13:33
loolI guess the only way aounr that is using a fs level dump like dumpe2fs, but I'm not sure this would be a good idea13:33
loolor using tarballs of the files13:33
loolsmoser: Ok; thanks for discussion; would be nice to fix for rsync users, but it's not that big and I dont think many people rsync this stuff13:34
smoseri never really thought about it like this before.13:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #533904 in lm-sensors-3 (main) "sensors-detect: no driver for AMD K10 thermal sensors yet (dup-of: 316257)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53390413:39
loolsmoser: BTW I was curious whether setting GZIP in the env with --rsyncable would work instead of using a custom program, and it does13:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #572281 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57228113:42
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uvirtbotNew bug: #406584 in kvm (main) "CVE 2009-2287: does not validate the page table root in a KVM_SET_SREGS call" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40658414:08
oru_workgreetings how can i scan for open ports ?14:14
incorrectyou could use a web browser14:15
Pici!info nmap | oru_work14:16
ubottuoru_work: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.00-3 (lucid), package size 1551 kB, installed size 6180 kB14:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #430879 in backuppc (main) "BackupPC_sendEmail is missing a "use" directive to support encode." [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43087914:17
oru_workdamn ubuntu servers are so slow right now14:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #572317 in image-store-proxy (main) "image-store does not support images without a ramdisk" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57231714:21
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hggdhcjwatson: OK, we will work around the image names. Thank you14:30
incorrectwell gb.archieve is saturated, there used to be an apt tool to find the fastest local mirror14:33
incorrectgood old university of kent14:37
melterare custom init scripts still a valid way to start & stop services in 10.04?14:47
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resnois it recommended to upgrade my distro?14:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #572370 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.95.3 dfsg-1ubuntu0.09.10.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57237015:31
enquorathe libmozjs-dev package no longer seems to be available in 10.4. can anyone enlighten me?15:42
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enquoratty1 hangs or crashes on my installation - I never get a console prompt. tty2...n working fine. Suggestions on what to look at?16:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #572395 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install/upgrade: podproces instalovaný post-installation skript vrátil chybový status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57239516:16
lamontI wish there was a way I could smash more information into the error from dpkg for the bogus hostname case16:17
lamontmaybe exit 55 or some such16:17
zullamont: apport hook?16:25
lamontzul: meh16:25
lamontbut yeah, that might do it16:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #572411 in openssh (main) "/etc/init.d/sshd should check for root" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57241116:26
lamontthen we could just have the hook tell the admin that he picked an invalid name for his computer16:26
zulpostfix is on the list for apport-hooks for maverick16:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #572410 in samba (main) "nmbd doesn't start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57241016:27
JanClamont: yesterday I had somebody with a "hostname" with a space in it  :-(16:34
lamontJanC: exactly16:37
lamontthe other slightly meaner one I did is you can't tell postfix that mydomain={debian.org,ubuntu.com}16:37
lamontbecause, well, NO16:37
lamontand if you actually run one of those domains, you know how to deal with the block16:38
JanClamont: apparently somehow ubiquity allowed hostnames with spaces in karmic...  :-(16:40
lamontthere have always been ways to have invalid hostnames. it's a question of definitions16:53
zullamont: the rfc text for hostnames should be pretty definitive ;)16:57
lamontyeah, but if the machine isn't on the network, then who cares.16:59
lamontsee 70+% of the windows machines, which let you pick all sorts of weird stuff16:59
chillindaveIs it possible to host multiple virtual machines running Apache on port 80 with one external IP?17:02
chillindaveAnd if so, how do you route the traffic on the host computer?17:04
JanCchillindave: use a reverse proxy or such ?17:06
chillindaveJanC, Oh, gotcha.17:07
=== AntORG_ is now known as AntORG
melterif i have "start on started _x_" in an upstart script, will it also shut down before _x_?17:13
uiuiuihey, i cannot get dhcp3-server to reply to dhcpinform, no dhcpack is sent by the server and the client remains with the misconfigured ip17:15
uiuiuithis is very annoying for clients with windows7 as it seems win7 does not send dhcpdiscover packets17:15
martinjh99Anyone had any problems with PHP and Apache in the latest 10.04? Did a upgrade and now the server wants to save my php file rather than parse it.  But it is not all the time though...17:17
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=== roaksoax is now known as RoAkSoAx
martinjh99What do I need to configure and where in the apache2 config??17:18
chillindavemartinjh99, If it's prompting you to download it, it's because php isn't running or isn't configured correctly.17:18
martinjh99Dave thing is though it was before the upgrade to 10.04...17:18
chillindavemartinjh99, Are you sure php is installed?17:18
martinjh99So I have no idea what happened... Yeah it is and running as a simple script with phpinfo in works fine17:19
chillindavemartinjh99, Try "sudo apt-get install php5"17:19
chillindavemartinjh99, Hmmm.17:19
chillindavemartinjh99, So it works when you create a file with phpinfo(); in it?17:20
martinjh99Yup  - http://martinjh.homelinux.com/phpinfo.php#17:20
martinjh99phpmyadmin will work too - Just sometimes it won't...17:20
chillindavemartinjh99, Yeah, hide that file.  It's a bad idea to share that publically.17:21
martinjh99Yup  - I'll get rid of later... Not really a busy server though...17:21
chillindavemartinjh99, That's odd.  I would try re-installing php5 and Apache2 because it should just work.17:21
martinjh99dave thats what I thought...17:22
chillindavechillindave, Make backups of your vhosts if you have them, then do "sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 php5"17:22
martinjh99No vhosts - Just the one... Might have to try that then...17:23
chillindavemartinjh99, Then re-install it and see if the problem persists.  It should either work or fail as a whole.17:23
martinjh99True... ;)17:23
chillindavemartinjh99, I'm no expert on it, but it sounds like it's Apache2 causing the problem.  If php is installed, it shouldn't serve php files as downloads.17:24
martinjh99Going to try and purge and re-install then Dave... Just backing up some files...17:26
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whaleyor a misconfiguration of mod_php...17:27
chillindavemartinjh99, It won't erase your webfiles.17:27
martinjh99what the ones in /var/www ?17:27
chillindavemartinjh99, It'll tell you it didn't remove your webroot folder since it wasn't empty.17:27
martinjh99Ah Cool...17:27
chillindavemartinjh99, Yeah, I did it the other day.17:27
ziesemer_I understand the risks, but what would be the best way to get OpenLDAP (slapd) to use Berkley DB 4.8 instead of 4.7?  (The official package is apparently compiled against and requires libdb4.7, even though libdb4.8 is already installed by default.)17:28
whaleymartinjh99: is mod_php in your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory?17:28
chillindavemartinjh99, I *think" there's also another apache2 package you need to purge to get rid of the config files.17:28
martinjh99well there is a php5.conf and php5.load17:29
chillindavewhaley, Yeah, he's saying it works but then sometimes it suddenly starts serving the php files as downloads.17:29
chillindaveI haven't seen it work, then suddenly glitch like that.  Usually it's because PHP isn't installed/configured and it serves all php files as downloads.17:30
whaleychillindave: yeah... that's what i suspected17:30
chillindavemartinjh99, The files being served for download do have ".php" extensions, right?17:30
whaleyperhaps it's only enabled for certain <VirtualHost> and <Directory> blocks?17:30
martinjh99yeah the file it wants to save is an index.php17:30
chillindavewhaley, Well, only if he set it up that way, which I'm guessing he didn't.17:31
chillindaveDoing the install using aptitude will configure it for all directories automatically.17:31
martinjh99thats what I use to install aptitude17:31
chillindaveYeah, I figured it was.17:32
martinjh99I just apt-get purged the files and the config is still in /etc/apache shall I delete them before installing?17:32
chillindavemartinjh99, That's what I was saying earlier, there's another package you need to purge to get rid of those...one sec and I'll find out the name of it.17:33
martinjh99ah thanks17:33
chillindaveTry purging "apache2.2-common"17:34
chillindaveI think that's the one that has all of the configuration files in it.17:34
chillindavemartinjh99, Oh, and you'll also need to re-install phpmyadmin because it won't be configured anymore.  Same thing, just use purge and re-install it.17:35
martinjh99well this is what it said - Havent done it yet... http://paste.ubuntu.com/425347/17:36
chillindaveType "N".17:36
chillindaveThen add phpmyadmin like "apt-get remove --purge apache2.2-common phpmyadmin"17:37
chillindavemartinjh99, Otherwise it won't purge the phpmyadmin configuration and won't re-install correctly.17:37
martinjh99http://paste.ubuntu.com/425348/ - ok to go now...?17:39
chillindavemartinjh99, Yeah, that's fine.17:39
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martinjh99This look good to re-install? http://paste.ubuntu.com/425351/17:41
chillindavemartinjh99, Well, just do apt-get install apache2 php5 phpmyadmin17:44
chillindaveIt'll automatically prompt you for the dependencies such as apache2.2-common17:45
martinjh99re-installed and rebooted the server (I know...) still getting a prompt to save the php file the filename is http://martinjh.homelinux.com/gallery2/upgrade/index.php?step=5 bug there do you think...?17:50
=== AntORG_ is now known as AntORG
martinjh99Getting this error at the server start - http://paste.ubuntu.com/425354/17:52
cclausenmartinjh99: edit /etc/hosts and add the correct fqdn for your system17:53
martinjh99ok thanks :)17:53
cclausenI really HATE that Ubuntu uses by default.  it breaks Kerberos SSO and other things that need to use real FQDNs.17:53
cclausenmartinjh99: that gallery upgrade page loads for me in IE8.  I am not prompted to download17:54
martinjh99Am using Firefox... Will try with IE...17:54
cclausenalso works for me in FireFox as best I can tell17:54
chillindavemartinjh99, Check your server log files and see what they say.17:55
cclausenI think its a browser / MIME type problem17:55
chillindavemartinjh99, I would think apache2 error log would tell you something.17:55
uiuiuiis tehre no way to make dhcp3 send dhcpnaks to all dhcpinform packets17:55
uiuiuiit seems only win7 clients send those w/o getting the correct ips17:56
martinjh99Not that I can see - http://paste.ubuntu.com/425357/17:56
chillindavemartinjh99, Going off of what cclausen said, open up your php.ini file using "sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini" and search for mime type.  I "Think" there's a default mimetype setting there somewhere.17:58
martinjh99ah getting segfaults somewhere - http://paste.ubuntu.com/425359/17:58
chillindavemartinjh99, It should be set to something like text/html.17:58
cclausenContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-817:59
cclausen(from wget -S Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8)17:59
cclausenlooks okay to me17:59
cclausenjust close and reopen your browser and see if it just got confused17:59
chillindavemartinjh99, That could be your issue then.  I have no clue on that one.17:59
cclausenalso, try going to step=1 instead of step=517:59
martinjh99php.ini - Mimetype already seet to text/html18:00
JanCcclausen: how does Ubuntu break "real FQDNs"?18:01
chillindaveIt shouldn't matter what browser he uses since PHP is server-side, so if it's serving PHP pages as downloadables, it's an issue with the server-side, not the client browser.18:01
cclausenJanC: it doesn't break them, but doing things like setting a Kerberos KDC and/or SSH GSSAPIAuthetnication don't work when the machine hostname is pointed back to a local only IP18:01
chillindaveBrowsers can't trick a server into serving the php files as downloadables.18:01
cclausenJanC: Debian has the same problem, so its not a pure Ubuntu issue.18:02
cclausenchillindave: and it shouldn't serve different pages to me where they seem to load fine...18:02
chillindavecclausen, What do you mean?18:03
cclausenchillindave: Oh, I bet the specific step=5 part doesn't have some specific module instead and a PHP error message is causing oddness before the MIME type is set.18:03
cclausenchillindave: but you are correct, should be logged (if PHP error logging is enabled)18:03
chillindaveWell, if the php engine fails, it will most likely trigger the Apache error handler, which means it falls on Apache to log.18:04
cclausenyes, but stderr might not go anywhere18:04
cclausenand apache might log error 500 or might not18:05
chillindaveIt usually goes to the system log.  Apache creates an error log in /etc/log/apache2 by default.18:05
cclausenI thoguht it was in /var/log/apache2 ?18:05
chillindavecclausen, Oh, woops.18:06
chillindaveThat's what I meant.18:06
cclausenaccess.log should list the attempt and error.log an error message18:06
chillindavemartinjh99, You may also open php.ini and set "show startup errors" to true.18:07
maxagazHi, I've just bought an HP printer LaserJet M1213nf MFP, but impossible to make it work on my computer, and no help on the net, can someone help me ?18:08
martinjh99show startup errors =true; yes?18:08
chillindavemartinjh99, No, find the directive for it.18:08
chillindavemaxagaz, You might want to try #ubuntu18:09
martinjh99Do I need to restart anything?18:09
chillindavemartinjh99, sudo apache2ctl restart18:10
chillindavemartinjh99, Anytime you edit a configuration file, you need to restart Apache to apply it.18:11
martinjh99I think that the problem is that there are segfaults in the error log...18:12
chillindavemartinjh99, yeah, I would guess that's the problem too.  I dunno how to go about fixing that though, never been down that road.18:12
martinjh99I do have a backup of the data on there so I could do a re-install of 10.04 from scratch - something though is making it segfault...18:12
martinjh99Me neither to be honest...18:13
chillindavemartinjh99, That might be the quickest solution, otherwise it'll consist of searching and trying any number of possible fixes hoping one eventually works.18:14
martinjh99I might do that - I was thinking about repartitioning it anyways...18:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #572489 in openldap (main) "Upgrade package to use db4.8 instead of 4.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57248918:16
martinjh99Thanks for the chat and the help guys...18:18
chillindavemartinjh99, np.18:18
maxagazchillindave, nobody can help18:23
maxagazchillindave, it seems there's no driver yet for linux for this printer18:23
zulsmoser: ping18:24
chillindavemaxagaz, Yeah, that's the problem with new printers.  Manufacturers don't prioritize Linux drivers if the ever make them at all.18:27
JanCdepends on the manufacturer18:28
maxagazchillindave, what can I do then ?18:28
maxagazis there a hope to make it work quickly ?18:29
chillindavemaxagaz, Find a printer that makes a driver for Linux.18:29
JanCmaxagaz: HP is linux-friendly normally18:29
RoyKtrying to ask for something in #ubuntu is like whispering in an crowd at an airport18:30
JanCmaxagaz: did you try that printer with lucid yet?18:30
RoyKchillindave: which printer is this?18:31
chillindaveHP printer LaserJet M1213nf MFP18:31
chillindaveRoyK, ^^18:31
JanCmaybe we need #ubuntu-printer-help ...18:31
RoyKchillindave: perhaps a generic laserjet driver might work - or generic PS or PCL18:32
maxagazJanC, yes, I'm trying with lucid18:32
chillindaveRoyK, It's for masagaz, not me.18:32
RoyKmaxagaz: see above :)18:32
RoyKhttp://pastebin.com/CSEV2tWA <-- new toy :)18:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #572503 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57250318:41
RoyKmaxagaz: any luck with that?19:03
maxagazRoyK, no, unfortunately19:06
RoyKthe generic drives mostly work19:07
RoyKis it pcl or ps?19:07
maxagazRoyK, How to know ?19:13
jamesturkis this an acceptable place to ask about Ubuntu on EC2?19:19
jamesturkseeing some high (~1.2) load numbers on a brand new EC2 install when postgres is running (before even creating a database, let alone any sort of usage)19:23
pipepupoGood afternoon19:24
pipepupoDo you know?19:24
pipepupoDoes exist WUBI for Ubuntu-Server 10.04?19:24
RoyKmaxagaz: it's in your printer's manual19:33
RoyKmaxagaz: if it's a postscript printer, though, it probably also accepts PCL19:33
domasthank you lucid for having me to use 'grub-install --force' instead of just 'grub-install', you just shaved off 10 minutes of my life because of this... ;-)19:35
RoyKdomas: are you certain that was a big loss?19:38
domasroyk: I am!19:41
domasroyk: oh well, I've spent more than hour on this gpt issue before :)19:41
domason hardy/karmic19:41
RoyKgpt? do you really need that?19:41
* RoyK usually boots off something small and uses the large stuff for data alone19:42
RoAkSoAxkirkland, howdy!! Heya quick TestDrive question. The function is_iso() is only used when passing options/arguments to testdrive right? We can say it is a local function for the UI19:48
domasroyk: ummm, thats a simple internal raid10 array19:48
domasroyk: and our / is 10G19:48
RoyKwhy don't you just use LVS on the devs?19:49
RoyKafaik the only good reason to use GPT is if you need to boot off something >2TB19:49
RoyKand you won't get more performance with another partition table19:50
domaswell, ubuntu formats it all as gpt, if any partitions are >2TB19:50
domasLVM isn't just partition table :)19:50
RoyKdomas: is your boot device >2TB?19:50
RoyKthen don't use GPT19:50
RoyKhow large is your data volume?19:51
domasI can't create >2TB partitions with MBR it seems19:51
RoyKdo you need a partition table?19:51
RoyKmostly you don't with large volumes19:51
RoyKa mirror of 2x2TB is not > 2TB19:51
domaswell, it is all /dev/sda19:51
RoyKwhat sort of system is this?19:51
domas16 300GB disks in raid10 setup19:52
RoyKwhy don't you just use two of them for the root and the rest for data?19:52
kirklandRoAkSoAx: right, i think so19:52
RoyKdomas: or even, two small SSDs for the root and the big drives for data?19:53
domasroyk: I'd lose some spindles, if I used disks for root :)19:53
* RoyK still sticks to opensolaris/zfs for large storage19:53
domasroyk: you're not running databases, maybe19:54
RoAkSoAxkirkland, Ok then. It works with VBox, so now I just have to do some more testing, clear few doubts and will propose it for merging19:54
RoyKdomas: it's always, ALWAYS, a good idea to separate the OS from the data19:54
domasroyk: I'd prefer few small disks for boot and large ssds for data :)19:54
domasroyk: why?19:54
domasOS doesn't read anything, doesn't write anything19:54
domaswhy does it deserve two separate spindles19:54
RoyKthen use two small SSDs19:54
RoyKdoesn't take up much space19:55
domasall space taken by disks :)19:55
domasand why would I need that for OS?19:55
RoyKseparating the OS from the data simplifies things if the system goes down19:55
domasif system goes down , we reimage it usually :)19:55
RoyKreimage 2,4TB?19:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: yeah, that function should be hypervisor agnositc19:56
domasroyk: yup. well, usually system goes down because of data volume failures19:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: just tells you if you the argument looks like an ISO file19:56
domasso it doesn't matter where OS is :)19:56
domasand OS can be reinstalled in few minutes19:57
RoyKdomas: it still simpliefies things a lot to keep the OS separate19:57
RoyKand reimaging 2,4TB might take a while19:57
RoAkSoAxkirkland, yeah. I guess that can still be used in the front-end to validate "others" but for now i'll leave it as it is19:57
* RoyK hints about ZFS19:57
domasroyk: *shrug*, maybe for some people it is easier19:58
domasbut I don't want to waste disks on something that won't be used19:58
RoyKdomas: adding an SSD or two, perhaps 8GB each, won't cost much19:58
domasno space :)19:58
RoyKfor 2,5" 8mm SSDs?19:58
domasall 16 slots already taken by disks :)19:59
domasanyway, I can actually netboot those machines19:59
domasif I really need it :)19:59
RoyKdomas: don't get me wrong, but I've only been working with this for like 15 years - separating the root from the data saves a lot of trouble20:00
RoyKwell, then netboot them20:00
domasthats why root gets separate partition :)20:00
domasand, oh well, I've been working with this for 14 years I guess20:00
RoyKsetup a small ramdrive and let them run in that20:00
domasanyway, OS does not use disks20:00
RoyKI've done that on some setups :)20:00
domasI can give small partition to keep the bootstrapping data20:00
RoyKvideo streaming stuff20:00
RoyKbut if you keep the OS running in case of failure, you have a chance to debug it20:01
RoyKperhaps fix it20:01
domaswell, for OS not to come up from the big array you have to get array screwed up20:02
domasand once array is screwed up, I don't trust data and reimage :)20:02
RoyKby putting all eggs in the same basket, you make things harder20:02
RoyKwhat sort of db is this, btw?20:02
RoyK2TB database seems a lot20:03
domasnot to me!20:03
RoyKwtf :)20:03
RoyKwhat sort of data?20:03
RoAkSoAxrgreening, ping?20:03
domasroyk: website20:03
RoyKdomas: how many sites?20:03
RoyKmay I ask which?20:04
domasyep, you may20:04
RoyKmakes sense20:04
RoyKhow much memory do you have in that box?20:04
domasoh well, current dataset is smaller20:04
domasthis is my hobby20:05
domasat work we have bigger mysql boxes20:05
RoyKdomas: take a look at opensolaris and SSD caching - it rocks rather well20:05
domaswe (my work) just released SSD caching for linux20:05
domaslike, this week20:06
RoyKdomas: nice - got a PR for that?20:06
RoyKstill, Btrfs is far from finished, so I guess I'll stick with ZFS for a while20:06
domasXFS ftw20:07
RoyKXFS isn't really much compared to ZFS :)20:07
domaswell, I used to work for sun :)20:07
domasI probably know a bit more than I want about ZFS :)20:07
RoyKdomas: anything I should know?20:08
domasbeware of full filesystems :)))20:08
domaswell, 80% full, or 90% full too20:08
RoyKI know that one20:08
RoyKfragmentation happen20:08
domasanyway, pretty much every concept of ZFS is usually implemented at any reasonable DBMS20:08
domaschecksumming, doublewrite buffering, cow, etc20:09
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RoyKwe have this 30TB system at work, currently filling up with satellite data from Eyjafjallajökull20:09
RoyKand dedup performance sucks unless you have a truckload of RAM or L2ARC20:09
RoyKit's still the best FS around for large storage systems (imho)20:10
rgreeningRoAkSoAx: pong20:10
domasroyk: except for DBs ;-)20:11
RoAkSoAxrgreening, have some little time to review testdrive code?20:11
RoyKdomas: might be - not using zfs for that20:11
rgreeningRoAkSoAx: unfortunately not atm. I'm just heading out for the day. However, feel free to put together any details/ideas and e-mail me. I may have some time later tonight to review20:12
RoAkSoAxrgreening, will do then. thanks :)20:12
rgreeningI should be online during the week-end. feel free to ping me20:13
rgreeningRoAkSoAx: ^20:13
RoAkSoAxrgreening, better yet then :)20:13
* RoAkSoAx loves testdrive20:23
RoyKdomas: how long is it since you looked into zfs?20:24
domaswe still run some at wikimedia20:24
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switchbackhey guys, new to ubuntu server. I login and the motd gives me a notice of out packages and security updates, how do I install these updates?20:34
domasapt-get update; apt-get upgrade20:35
Picisudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:35
RoyKswitchback: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade20:38
RoyK'update' updates the index - it might have changed since last it was automatically updated20:38
|BarcodeI can't seem to upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS using do-release-upgrade without the --devel-release option.20:40
|BarcodeIs the final release not ready yet or something?20:40
RoyKdid you do an apt-get update first?20:41
|BarcodeYep, twice to be sure.20:41
RoyK10.04 is out, but it might be some latency somewhere20:41
RoyKit shouldn't matter much, though20:41
RoyKI don't think -d sticks20:41
maxb|Barcode: IIUC, it is normal for a new LTS to not be enabled to be offered by default via update-manager for LTS->LTS upgrades until the first point release20:42
RoyK|Barcode: also, upgrading to 10.04 for a server you want to stay stable, isn't something I'd recommend - wait a month or two20:43
RoyK8.04 is supported until 201320:43
|BarcodeWell, I'm doing this on a non-critical machine. I will wait for sure for the critical ones.20:43
RoyKthen just -d20:44
RoyKI have updated to to 10.04 on a couple of boxes myself so far - works well20:44
RoyKfor critical stuff, I'll wait a while20:44
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uvirtbotNew bug: #572583 in bind9 (main) "package dnsutils 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57258320:56
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blistovhey all.  i'm building ipt_netflow from cvs against 2.6.28-11-server under ubuntu 9.04.  Compiles correctly but insmod results in "invalid module format".  The headers package matches my running kernel.  Idea's?21:25
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|BarcodeRoyK and maxb: I did the upgrade with the --devel-release option and "lsb_release -a" does show "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS", so it all worked out. Thanks guys!22:13
RoAkSoAxkirkland, will you be available this weekend (tomorrow) to do some testdrive testing to merge the code?22:16
jggpcHello all.  Problem with 10.04 x68 iso here22:55
jggpcsorry x86..22:55
jggpcburns ok, md5 checks out ok, but when I attempt to use it to install I get the error retrieving fs-core-modules-
jggpcattempting the install on a dual core Dell poweredge 250022:57
jggpcsorry not dual core, dual proc22:57
jggpcanyone seen this?22:57
jggpcis anyone here?23:00
vraajggpc what kind of dual proc system? what cpus you got i am interested23:02
jggpcits an older Dell poweredge 2500  twin 1.4 gb P4's  1 gb ram..  a little test system I use for stuff.23:02
jggpcthe 64 cd won't install on it, so I have to use the x86 versions23:03
vraadang twin p4's23:03
vraayah i didn't expect p4 to be x86_64 compatible23:03
vraayou try the alternate iso?23:03
jggpcis there an alternate for server?  I did know23:03
vraaoh hm, for server i dont think there is, but there really isn't a big difference, i think server just doesn't contain the gui23:04
jggpcwell server doesn't have gui, but is a lot smaller.  the server only has a cd drive, so dvd's won;t work23:05
jggpcand the lack of network install possibilities sort of messes that idea up23:05
vraayou can get the desktop and alternate 64bit iso's in cd format23:06
vraai mean 32bit23:06
jggpcis it a mini?23:06
jggpcoh wow..  sort of scared to try the desktop.  Was in the other channel ealier..  ti seems to be having more issues than I am having..  hee..23:07
jggpcI may just wait a while until some stability comes to town on lucid..  9.10 is pretty good, I'll move back that way for a month23:07
jggpcthanks for the idea though23:07
vraadont be a wuss23:08
vraadownload the alternate and give it a shot23:08
sbeattiejggpc: how did you verify the md5sums?23:08
* handheldCar hasn't had too many issues w/ the desktop and has solved all two of them already.23:08
jggpcnot being a wuss.  we are tryign to roll out several thousands of Ubuntu machines in the enterprise.  I cannot have a instable system crashing out a production line23:08
vraawow thousands!23:09
jggpcyeah..  we have 27K windows machines we are replacing23:09
handheldCarsounds like fun. i almost wish i could have /that/ job23:09
vraaare you switching because samba4 can now replace active directory?23:09
jggpchehe..  no you probably wouldn't..  I having to battle minions of the evil empire daily23:10
jggpcno we're switching becuase we're tired of the micro$oft tax23:10
handheldCaryeah, my classmate told me I wouldn't like a deployment job.23:10
domas27 thousand windows servers?23:10
domasI'd definitely not want to be there :)23:10
jggpcI've run opensuse on my box for 5 years now, but the archetect is using ubuntu for the enterprise roll.23:11
* handheldCar guesses it's a nice place to visit....23:11
jggpcno, 27 thousand windows desktops, 1500 windows servers.  wsorry..  was clear there23:11
domasI figured23:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #572231 in update-manager (main) "SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57223123:11
domasjust thought, that in -server channel I'm allowed to make such joke!23:11
jggpcheh..  is alright.23:12
handheldCaranybody have their update set to lts? it didn't work for me yesterday until I set it back to normal.23:12
jggpcanyways.  good luck, this channel is far quieter than the desktop channel!23:13
handheldCaryeah there should be another desktop channel23:13
handheldCarwhen upgrading, does anyone take the new versions of config files and reconfigure those afterwards?23:17
handheldCarI had several that could have been replaced but only replaced the 1st.23:22
wtfplymouthso after spending the whole day on ubuntu server i have to say goodbye23:42
wtfplymouthor does anyone have an idea how to skip fstab problems during boot automatically?23:44
handheldCarpaste your fstab here http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and maybe someone will diagnos it.23:46
wtfplymouthi know that there is a problem in my fstab! because the disk of this fstab entry is not connected. i just dont want it to wait for the s key23:47
wtfplymouth9.10 just booted23:48
handheldCardo you have a line for virtualbox usb? is this 10.04?23:48
domashmmmm, what 'buffers' are accoutned in /proc/meminfo 'Buffers' line?23:48
domasmmmm, and how much of that overlaps with 'Slab'23:50
wtfplymouthis there anywhere something like a plymouth.conf23:55

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