
pleia2woo, MichelleQ interview! http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-36/01:20
nhandlerpleia2: Is that going on the fridge?01:23
pleia2nhandler: soon01:24
pleia2hmm, I could probably do it now01:24
* pleia2 peers at clock01:24
pleia2yay :)01:51
nigelbabuwoo, issyl0 and MichelleQ, nice :)04:43
nigelbabuboth of you rock btw!04:44
* svaksha is upgrading to 10.04 and it says "6 hours remaining" hmmm.04:44
* nigelbabu did clean install04:45
svakshanigelbabu: cant, i have too much of other stuff that i dont want to redo04:45
nigelbabusvaksha: I screwed up gpg keys again :(04:46
svakshaits not fun redoing the dev environment as i tend to miss stuff and waste time04:46
svakshanigelbabu: how?04:46
svakshalost the pw?04:46
nigelbabulost the key04:46
nigelbabuI backed it up, but forgot to put in the folder i was putting the backup stuff04:46
svakshaah, gen a new one and revoke the old04:47
nigelbabuhow can  revoke without the key?04:47
svakshayesm cant04:47
* svaksha forgot the loooong passphrase once. the painful part was DD's had signed it :(04:48
MichelleQpleia2, nigelbabu: thanks!05:10
nigelbabuMichelleQ: :)05:10
MichelleQthank you to issyl0 for inviting me to join in05:10
nigelbabuwho took those photos?05:10
MichelleQfriend of mine05:11
MichelleQ1nigelbabu: dslr, yes.  actually my gear.  Sony alpha 35005:12
nigelbabuMichelleQ1: wow!05:13
nigelbabuits looks crystal clear!05:13
MichelleQ1It's a hobby of mine.  I do photos for friends and family.05:13
MichelleQ1it's way high-res.  Took the photos of the Thunderbirds I've got up on facebook with it.05:14
* MichelleQ1 wanders over to U-W.05:14
dholbachgood morning08:44
* elky sighs at raghs10:09
elkyHe. Does. Not. Learn.10:09
nigelbabuelky: Patience.11:15
nigelbabuelky: He will step over the line one day you'll get to ban him :D11:16
elkynigelbabu, he's been skirting the line for like a year now.11:16
nigelbabuew! troll alert14:52
nigelbabuok "potential perhaps"14:53
pleia2Pendulum or issyl0: before I forget - status on interview for FCM this month? it's not due until next weekend but I know at least Pen and I will be on an airplane on due date..21:02
Pendulumpleia2: issyl0 is interviewing me. I'm about 50% done. And you might need to take a photo at UDS to go with it21:03
pleia2great :)21:03
pleia2and I can send the photo after the interview if required, so that's no big deal21:03
Pendulum(most recent good photo of me is from Nov 2008)21:04
Pendulumso you'll either get it this weekend or early next week depending on whether I get distracted by other things tonight21:04
Pendulum(here's the question, if I procrastinate on the interview by working on UWN will I ultimately finish the interview to procrastinate on UWN?)21:05
pleia2sounds good, thanks21:05
Pendulumissyl0: yeah, I didn't forget. I just am finding it hard to write21:08
issyl0Pendulum: understandable!21:08
Pendulumyeah. I avoid interview like the plague normally. I'd be better if it were live-time and I didn't have the ability to overthink it ;-)21:09
pleia2I did the one for omgubuntu over irc, it actually went pretty well21:15
pleia2I was kinda wishing for time to think about it, but then it would have taken me foreeever21:15
PendulumI just find it awkward in the same way that writing my wiki was awkward21:16
PendulumI'm not all that comfortable talking about what I do because I doubt other people are interested in it21:16
issyl0Pendulum: of course we are!21:17
pleia2yep, we are :)21:17
Pendulumissyl0: but I'm boring! Really! pleia2 has met me. she can confirm.21:17
* Pendulum nods21:17
pleia2for me that makes it easier than the wiki - for the wiki you're really trying to sell yourself and be impressive for a position (ubuntu membership, spot on a board/council. etc)21:17
pleia2for the interviews - someone asked me to interview me, so at least one person wants to hear what I have to say :)21:18
Pendulumyeah, I think I"m just feeling a bit like I have to prove I'm worthy of being interviewed21:18
pleia2oh yeah, I still don't feel worthy21:18
issyl0Pendulum: nooo21:18
issyl0Pendulum: you're not boring!21:19
Pendulumtbh, I'm struggling the most with the "who are you?" question21:19
Pendulumbut I"ll sort it out21:20
valorieisn't female socialization *wonderful*?21:21
valorieleaves us feeling inadequate and unworthy21:21
valorieuntil...... Linuxchix and Ubuntu-Women!21:21
valoriewe CAN turn it around21:21
Pendulumwell the "who are you?" question is a bit complicated since most people define themselves by their jobs and I've only got a week left at mine.21:22
Pendulumand I don't like "traditional" labels and I don't think some of the ones I would purposefully use about myself could be printed in FCM ;-)21:23
pleia2valorie :)21:23
valoriehahaha, Pendulum21:24
valorieperhaps you could translate into stuff that CAN be printed21:24
Pendulumvalorie: but that would remove the point of using the labels as I use them. Which is generally in a reclaiming way. So translating loses that.21:25
valoriesex and violence can become energy21:25
valoriewell, true21:25
valorieI hear ya21:25
Pendulumto be fair I wouldn't use them in FCM anyway because I don't know the readership and I don't know if they'd "get it" or just say "well Pendulum identifies as x so why is it offensive when I use the word?"21:26
MarkDudeThe best interviews can come from people that think they are not worthy of being interviewed. IMHO it is because they are able to talk about what is important.21:30
valoriego beyond the labels, and talk about Real Stuff21:31
MarkDude& not let egos in the way. The world needs more humbleness21:32
PendulumI suspect part of my stuff is also because I"m quitting job right now and am getting loads of questions from people at what has been my major client about what I'm doing21:38
Pendulumand since I"m quitting to take time off from paying work and trying to get my health under control (or at least more controled than it is), it's a very awkward conversation21:39
Pendulumbut at least they keep telling me to keep in touch and to e-mali them if I want any of their books!21:39
Pendulum(and I didn't even have to ask and one of the people has said they're trying to get me a copy of the newest book by an author I really like before I leave. So I may have reading material for the flight next week!)21:40
valorieI love that you are quitting to spend time on YOU21:52
valorieyou have great priorities21:52

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