
RAOFSarvatt: Yup; that got changed recently.  People now shouldn't be able to switch from wont fix if they can't switch to won't fix.00:02
Sarvattsweet, just wish you could keep things marked fix released at the same status because there are *tons* of people reopening and reclosing the gem memory leak bug00:03
Sarvattnot saying anything, just changing the status to fix released - fix commited and fix commited - fix released in one go, probably spamming for karma :)00:04
brycehSarvatt, yeah I filed a usability bug against launchpad about that one00:08
brycehgood god, I've never seen a bug with so many dupes - #50706200:13
Sarvattlinux-headers-generic | linux-headers00:14
Sarvattnvidia-current requires that00:14
RAOFI *think* there may possibly be a fix for that… why haven't I pointed that bug at my aubergine ppa?00:14
Sarvattif someone has -generic headers installed but is using the -generic-pae kernel without -generic-pae headers installed they are screwed :)00:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569237 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "package nvidia-current 195.36.15-0ubuntu2 failed to build on pae kernel: Could not determine kernel version" [Undecided,New]00:15
RAOFSarvatt: Right.  I'm pretty sure there is no way of ensuring that the user has the appropriate headers installed through dpkg.00:15
brycehRAOF, you mean #507062 ?  00:16
Sarvattindeed, another one for the prop drivers notes00:16
RAOFbryceh: Yeah.  #507062.  I'm not sure if it's a fix, but the upstream “make the bits of Xlib that are meant to be threadsafe *actually* threadsafe” branch fixes a bunch of similar errors.00:17
brycehyeah this sounds familiar, we've had threading issues in xcb before00:17
RAOFSo, not at this point a fix that's remotely SRUable :)00:18
brycehRAOF, shall I assign this one to you?00:18
RAOFbryceh: Yeah, go for it.00:18
brycehwe had one just like this in hardy, I'm having flashbacks00:18
brycehthere were workarounds that could be applied to foss apps, but we never did get the proprietary apps sorted00:19
brycehand that bug stuck around like a thorn forever.  maybe it's still open00:19
RAOFPossibly as a dupe of this one? :)00:19
* bryceh goes ahuntin00:19
bryceh419501 maybe?00:21
RAOF“Selected text item” + “Find launchpad bug by nubmer” in Do is Love.00:21
Sarvattbug 50706200:21
brycehbug #41950100:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507062 in libx11 "synaptic assert failure: synaptic: ../../src/xcb_io.c:385: _XAllocID: Assertion `ret != inval_id' failed." [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50706200:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419501 in gasp-core "apport-kde assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41950100:21
* Sarvatt just wanted a link00:21
Sarvattah yeah bryceh thats because the error is basically, X crashed underneath me and I couldn't connect00:22
RAOFbryceh: Yeah.  I've posted the PPA on that, and it doesn't seem to totally fix everything :).  It *does* fix the “ico -threads 10” testcase.00:22
brycehah yes I see00:23
brycehactually 419501 isn't the one I was thinking of00:24
brycehhowever I see shuttleworth asked me a question there that I didn't answer.  whoops.00:24
Sarvattxorg-edgers also has all of the libs and xcb updates that were added to possibly fix it, that was the main reason i rebuilt everything in there00:25
RAOFSarvatt: You built from the branch, or has that been merged now?00:26
Sarvattah no i didnt build the multithreaded xcb stuff, just the mass of libs that got updated to only call XAllocID with the display lock held00:29
Sarvattthere were 8 or 9 libs that were potentially where the problem was coming from00:30
brycehheeeeere we go.  bug #23236400:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232364 in xfce4-utils "dbus-launch hangs at session start waiting on socket output in libxcb" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23236400:32
SarvattlibXi libXext libXtrap libXrender libXfixes libXdamage libXcomposite -- guess I overcounted00:32
brycehwe figured out that with open source stuff that the order that you start things up could mask the bug (comment #48) so we did that where we could (i.e. no solution for proprietary apps) and left it at that00:34
Sarvattthey all had non-threadsafe functions though00:34
Sarvatthttp://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg-commit/2010-April/date.html -- search the page for libXcomposite: Changes to 'master'   Jamey Sharp00:38
Sarvattthats where the updates were00:38
Sarvattsheesh, friend can't boot the livecd on 3 of his machines with older nvidia cards, gogo nouveau!00:39
Sarvatt7900GS 7800GT 7800GTX all dont work :(00:42
RAOFSarvatt: That makes me a sad panda.00:45
RAOFIs modesetting so hard that it needs to break across cards in the same generation?!00:47
bjsniderthose cards aren't particularly old00:52
bjsnideri wonder what ben skeggs would say about that00:53
bjsnideruse fedora, probably00:54
RAOFI wonder if you can boot fedora on a MacBook Pro 5,x :)00:54
brycehRAOF, only if you contribute to upstream, you insensitive clod!!00:55
SarvattI asked him to boot fedora 13 to see if it worked, I'm going to go out on a limb and say it will since we have a crapload more nouveau backports than they do :)01:04
Sarvatterr we have less I meant01:04
* Sarvatt is eyeing the phantom tv out problems on 7xxx series that they are working around..01:05
bjsniderpeople can criticize ubuntu for that and also poulsbo01:07
RAOFSarvatt: They don't so much have nouveau backports as they've pulled in nouveau/linux-2.6 :)01:08
RAOFThat's a valid point though: we currently don't distinguish between02:01
RAOF"connected but with broken EDID" and "disconnected".  I think it sounds02:01
RAOFreasonable to treat the former as connector_status_unknown instead.02:01
RAOFThat way, if nothing else is connected, X will still light you up at the02:01
RAOFfallback size.  OOOH YES PLEASE.02:01
RAOF*That's* something to track and ensure it gets into Maverick :)02:04
Sarvattbjsnider: at least thats a valid criticism, poulsbo isn't exactly something ubuntu specific..05:01
Sarvatthmm, wonder if i should munge the drm symbols and module name for psb-kernel-source so it doesn't interfere05:58
Sarvattnoone here using psb eh..?06:08
* Sarvatt wants to make sure the kernel module is right before doing all of the rest of the packages06:08
Sarvattoh hmm packaging needs a lot more work, no point shipping psb-modules and building them06:36
Dr_JakobHmm is anybody running any gallium based DRI drivers on Ubuntu 9.10.16:09
Sarvattthere's probably people on phoronix doing it, xorg-edgers doesn't have it at least17:03
Dr_JakobHmm ok17:04
Dr_JakobI'm just trying to diagnose a very weird bug I'm seeing.17:04
Dr_JakobThanks anyway17:04
Sarvattsorry, I dont have any systems on karmic to test :(17:06
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
Sarvattwoo 6 day queue for PPA builds21:08
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
jcristauSarvatt: by then people will have started flooding the archive with m stuff, so ppa will fall even more behind? :)21:09
SarvattI know I will be adding to that too :)21:10
Sarvattalready switched to maverick here21:11
hyperairSarvatt: maverick!21:12
hyperairSarvatt: say, how did you get around your initrd+make-kpkg issues?21:13
* hyperair is compiling a new kernel right now and is interested to know21:13
Sarvattsudo update-initramfs -c pointing at the installed kernel and update-grub21:14
Sarvattthink i have to add the initrd line to grub manually too, can't remember since i haven't done it in a few months21:14
BUGabundothere's no tool chain yet21:14
BUGabundois there?!?21:14
Sarvattits all copied over from lucid right now21:15
* BUGabundo seds source.list21:15
BUGabundohere I go21:15
hyperairSarvatt: lolwut21:15
hyperairBUGabundo: er there's no maverick in the repository....21:15
hyperairSarvatt: oy april fools was last month.21:15
BUGabundo http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/21:15
BUGabundoyes there is21:16
hyperairyou have to be kidding m21:16
BUGabundoI changed to lucid on day two21:16
BUGabundo36h after karmic was released21:16
BUGabundoso I'm on time to move to maverick21:16
hyperairmy mirror hasn't updated.21:16
BUGabundovery few will21:16
Sarvattonly archive.ubuntu.com yeah21:17
BUGabundoI must use main until alpha121:17
hyperairwhy wouldn't thye?21:17
Sarvatthyperair: when you do it that way you have to manually remove the /boot/initrd-whatever for that kernel when you remove the package too21:17
hyperairdon't they all rsync from archive.ubuntu.com?21:18
hyperairSarvatt: oh hell. that sounds really bothersome >_>21:18
BUGabundovery few sync devel archive21:18
Sarvattprobably needs manual intervention to add the new release to each mirror, no idea though21:18
BUGabundoSarvatt: should I keep a lucid repo for security updates21:18
Sarvattit's only been up a few hours21:18
BUGabundoor will everything be pushed to maverick repo ?21:18
Sarvatti just changed the main ones to maverick and left all the -updates -security and stuff on lucid, wont be anything for a few days probably on maverick :)21:19
BUGabundoits what I usually do21:19
BUGabundoI run both repos for several weeks21:19
BUGabundothen I must take them out21:20
BUGabundoon 7.x something I had clash of packages deps cause of that21:20
BUGabundobut I've learned to deal with most of them, by now21:20
Sarvattlooking forward to gcc 4.5 though with -march=atom support for kernel building21:20
BUGabundomy mirror has it http://mirrors.fe.up.pt/pub/ubuntu/dists/maverick/21:20
Sarvatthyperair: honestly it's probably easier to just learn the ubuntu kernel build system for those mainline kernels, thats what i plan on doing next time i need a kernel built. theres a kernel-team git repo with the scripts to build them and doesn't look that complicated21:21
hyperairSarvatt: er actually what i'm worried about is disk space.21:22
hyperairSarvatt: the mainline kernels compile with debug symbols, then strip them21:22
hyperairthat alone can blow my /home to hell21:22
Sarvattyou compile kernels on your encrypted /home??21:22
Sarvattthat sounds painful!21:23
Sarvattyeah thats true though, i wasn't thinking about that and it'll be a problem here too21:23
BUGabundo0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:23
Sarvattonly have 10GB on my VPS where I do it and make-kpkg already uses 4.5 or so21:23
hyperairSarvatt: er everything's encrypted and stuffed in lvm21:24
hyperairSarvatt: you don't mean to say you compile everything on tmpfs21:24
Sarvattprobably adding 3x to the compilation length there :D21:24
hyperairi've got bfs21:25
hyperairso kernel compilations do nothing but heat up the comp21:25
hyperaircompiz, X, and everything else runs as smoothly as ever \o/21:25
SarvattBUGabundo: oh yeah the maverick kernels have been coming out for awhile now too but just in a PPA -  https://edge.launchpad.net/~leannogasawara/+archive/ppa/+packages21:30
BUGabundofine by me :)21:30
Sarvattnvidia aint going to work for awhile though no doubt21:30
BUGabundolet me know when you guys have nvidia blobs or nouveau to test21:31
Sarvatthyperair: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/kteam-tools.git;a=summary theres those scripts that make the mainline daily kernels21:31
BUGabundoI really hope we get better IO with the new kernel21:39
BUGabundothe changes done in the last part of the cycle to lucid21:40
BUGabundokilled all my IO boost21:40
BUGabundocopying stuff is very slow21:40
BUGabundoI dropped from over 55MBs ovver e-sata21:40
BUGabundowith now impact to my system21:40
BUGabundoto 26-30MB/s with my disk IO rendering the system useless21:41
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_bones
=== BUGabundo_bones is now known as BUGabundo_Bones
hyperairBUGabundo_Bones: use ionice21:50
bjsniderBUGabundo_Bones, since when does esata work?21:51
hyperairBUGabundo_Bones: and btrfs, or something that doesn't suck as hard with fsync.21:51
BUGabundo_Boneshyperair: I already do21:51
BUGabundo_Bonesbjsnider: for ever? never had *any* prob with it21:51
BUGabundo_Bonesother then being asked GKSUDO for it21:52
hyperairhuh? gksudo?21:52
BUGabundo_Bonesyeah to mount it21:52
hyperairer don't you always need root perms to mount anything that's not an external device?21:53
hyperairjust stick it in fstab21:53
BUGabundo_Bonesusb sticks automount21:54
BUGabundo_Bonesno prob there21:54
BUGabundo_Bonesmy e-sata disk, all stay umounted21:54
BUGabundo_Bonesand clicking on the icon, to mount, asks password21:54
hyperairso stick it in fstab21:54
bjsniderwhy should a regular user need root permission to mount a filesystem?21:54
BUGabundo_Bonesbut why would I need it for some, and not for others21:54
BUGabundo_Bonesno idea21:54
BUGabundo_BonesI filed it a while ago21:55
BUGabundo_Bonesno one ever touched it21:55
BUGabundo_BonesI stop caring 21:55
bjsniderwell, at least it's not as bad as fedora, where you have to type in a password every time you move the mouse22:00
Sarvatti just chmod/chgrp the mount point to my account22:01
bjsnidergiving the regular user ownership over /media would solve some of the mount permission annoyance i guess22:05
BUGabundo_BonesI can try22:06
* BUGabundo_Bones goes hacking FS22:06
BUGabundo_Bones$ sudo chown bugabundo.bugabundo /media -R22:07
bjsniderchown username:groupname /media22:07
Sarvattoops i didn't mean chmod there22:08
Sarvattvish: looks like your problem isnt the same as any of these bugs22:11
bjsniderwould changing /media's ownership persist after a reboot?22:12
Sarvattvish: didn't fix anyone else on any of the bugs and no one else in them is having the problem on lvds it seems as far as I can tell (they 5 bugs I'm looking at are all external monitor related)22:13
BUGabundo_Bonesbjsnider: ill know tomorrow22:14
hyperairSarvatt: yay i got it working, with update-initramfs and all. just ln -s everything from /usr/share/kernel-package/etc/kernel/*.d22:37
* hyperair is off to reboot into new kenrel22:37
Sarvatthyperair: woohoo!22:37
Sarvattit's funny i've been using kernel-package 12.x for over a year and still haven't set it up right :) stopped caring about building my own around the same time22:38
Sarvattif i used my turion machine more i'd be doing it because PHC rocks22:39
Sarvattundervolting atom as low as it'll go makes almost no difference22:39
Sarvatti'll be glad pcie aspm will finally be enabled in MM though, that and force quirking my ata controller into SATA mode were the main reasons I built my own kernels but I figured out how to just edit the efi variables in the bios to change it to SATA mode directly22:41
Sarvattpsb is close - http://pastebin.com/yjDNXS0u22:45
Dr_JakobSarvatt: I die a little bit inside every time somebody says psb.22:47
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=== BUGabundo_Naruto is now known as BUGabundo

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