
orange_tomekhi, i'm running 10.4 Beta2 right now and when I try and to a apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to the final version of 10.4, it tells me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."00:00
subone!ubuntu+1 | sender00:00
ubottusender: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+100:00
CaptainTreksubone: fail00:00
MotherMGAsubone: did you just tell me to rtfm? or am I in the wrong place?00:00
blendmaster1024stop using ubuntu+1! it's out as of today!00:00
_dreamyDrMrHorse:  maybe 1st i have to disconnect the WI fi00:00
subonei guess so00:00
elie-muLinux, I think it's safe to remove the 31. in teh software manager u should be able to see themboth checked if they are both installed, just mark the 31 for complete removal and u'll see it remove itself from grub00:00
xanguaorange tht means you are using the final release00:00
elie-muLinux, I did that 5 days ago, removed 3 old kernels that way00:00
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:00
suboneI was under the impression #ubuntu+1 was for ubuntu>10 discussion00:00
_dreamyDrMrHorse: it seems like a stupid question, i should be able to find an option for wired, but i cant00:00
sje46where is the volume in Lucid?  I can't find it anywhere00:01
blue112Hi here.00:01
Twipleam I screwed?00:01
senderI'm talking about 10.04 Lucid Lynx, after reboot I can't use my laptop keyboard, or an attached keyboard. Any help?00:01
suboneMotherMGA,  I was under the impression #ubuntu+1 was for ubuntu>10 discussion00:01
elie-msje46, this should help http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/00:01
Spice`subone, I thought that was just for prior to its release?00:01
elie-msje46, sryu Igot ur question the wrong way00:02
MotherMGAsubone: they released today. #ubuntu+1 is now locked down.00:02
elie-mmy bad00:02
brian_irishAnyone have issues with RAID setups yet using 10.04?00:02
pavshey guys, just installed 10.04, fresh install. very slow. not sure whats wrong00:02
melkordoes apt-get not unlock if you need to reboot?00:02
ChogyDanbrian_irish: Ive heard of people loosing data00:02
suboneI was not aware of its release, sorry00:02
sje46hmm, elie-m ?00:02
xanguapavs: maybe your graphics card¿00:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors00:03
sweetpiIs there no torrent for 10.04 netbook remix?00:03
elie-msje46, nevermind me, I made a mistake :)00:03
pavsxangua: how would I know and how can I fix it?00:03
brian_irishChogyDan: Really? That's a new bug as of 10.04?00:03
Kebap23just installed version 10 and my mouse cursor always goes to the center of a new window, where can i turn it off?00:03
NonpythonIs there a guide to compiling the kernel.org kernel in ubuntu?00:03
ChogyDanbrian_irish: no, it was an old bug persisting through 10.0400:03
melkorsender, when did you install 10.04 is this the release?00:03
Spice`Hooray, the Lucid update just closed my Firefox without warning!00:03
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brian_irishChogyDan: gotcha. Thanks00:04
chun_Can anyone help? I'm dual booting Lucid and Win7, and Ubuntu won't boot -- after selecting it in grub I get a tiny bit of disk activity then just a blank screen. I've tried reinstalling grub using a live disc. Win7 boots fine. This has just started happening, it's worked fine up until now. Any suggestions?00:04
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:04
elie-mI backed up my data on the windows partition.. I will go off to update now the download is finished wish my luck :P00:04
sendermelkor: thanx for the reply :) Installed today, right after the release.00:04
uLinuxit worked fine00:04
melkorchun_: what kernel are you using, are you using any of the ppa repo's?00:04
elie-muLinu, good to know ;) I 'll go off and update my system to 10.04 wish me luck00:04
melkorsender it sounds like an xorg type problem, can you access the computer via ssh or anything?00:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:05
blendmaster1024i'm getting a lot of "INFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python3.0' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)" when i use APT atm, how do i fix debian_defaults so it doesn't use python 3? other than removing py300:05
strangehow do i not autostart gnome, it used to be "update-rc.d -f gdm remove" that doesnt work anymore00:05
ricardinhohi, can someone help me? I'm having trouble connecting to a vpn server with ubuntu lucid 6400:05
uLinuxIs there a way to edit Indicator Applet Session?00:05
andrilhello all00:05
mateoburhow can I change the buttons in the windows to the right ???00:05
strangeor how do i temporarily stop gnome i just need to disable it so i can install nvidia drivers00:05
zerocoolubuntu still freezes, please help me00:05
Pici!controls | mateobur00:05
ubottumateobur: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d600:05
strange!controles | mateobur00:05
sendermelkor: it's a vmware image.. can I boot into console mode?00:05
benccI've upgraded to lucid. my laptop shows the load screen and then I'm getting a black screen00:06
benccwhat can I do?00:06
NonpythonLinuxGuy2009: I need the better btrfs support in .33.300:06
melkorsender: sorry I missed that part.  I don't really know.00:06
imagine7xy To force uninstallation of the driver by guessing where the00:06
imagine7xy uninstallation files are located, set the FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL00:06
imagine7xy environment variable and re-run fglrx-uninstall.sh (this is not recommended).00:06
td123does anyone know if ubuntu uses go-openoffice or the regular openoffice.org?00:06
imagine7xyCan Anyone help???00:06
melkorbencc: what graphics card?00:06
Picitd123: regular openoffice.org00:06
chun_melkor: sorry, not sure on the kernel specifically, but if it helps it's the lucid version which was released today. only added the google-chrome ppa00:06
sendermelkor: is there a way during the bootprocess to go into console or safe mode or sth like that?00:06
zerocoolsome one help, this is urgent00:07
td123Pici: do you know why?00:07
xanguatd123: ubuntu uses go.OO by default00:07
benccmelkor: I don't know. how can I check?00:07
melkorsender: yes, I get the options from grup.00:07
alketfrankie_ did you managed to install flash x64 because i did ?00:07
imagine7xy Can anyone help with this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To force uninstallation of the driver by guessing where the00:07
imagine7xy uninstallation files are located, set the FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL00:07
imagine7xy environment variable and re-run fglrx-uninstall.sh (this is not recommended).00:07
ChogyDanchun_: the kernel ppa has up through .3400:07
xanguaPici: the web of go-OO says it is uses by default, it is not¿¿00:07
melkorbencc: lspci then look for something that sounds like a graphics card.00:07
frankie_alket : not yet still stumped :/00:07
td123xangua: thanks00:07
uLinuxIs there a way to edit Indicator Applet Session? I would like to remove status menu...00:08
mateoburIm using 10.04 on a macbook, everything works fine except the touchpad, any hints on this ??00:08
benccmelkor: how can I use 'lspci' I'm getting a black screen00:08
sendermelkor: Ok, during boot I've said to continue installing without grub :/00:08
{g}Hey People! I sometimes have to reboot my notebook to regain wireless access. Any ideas why? tail /var/log/syslog says "could not trigger wireless scan device or resource busy"00:08
Juzzywhere do we report bugs to?00:08
jonrohancheckout my site, give me feedback http://thislittlemarket.com/00:08
pure_hateimagine7xy, export FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL=100:08
melkorbencc: are you using grub.00:08
josemoreirabrightess not working correctly on EEPC00:08
ChogyDan{g}: have you tried just disabling wireless for a minute?00:08
benccmelkor: I have only ubuntu installed00:08
sendermelkor: I guess the VMware tools are not installed00:09
melkorbencc: I use grub, for just ubuntu00:09
zerocoolmelkor, i need help withj a graphics00:09
{g}ChogyDan: yes. via the killswitch button. then when i re-enable it, the line i gave is the last line in syslog.00:09
benccmelkor: I choose 'Esc' and go for recovery mode00:09
alketfrankie_ i will tell in you in private00:09
benccmelkor: I just installed the default CD.00:09
Spice`Is Lucid gonna close my terminal while updating?00:09
factoloveHi. i have a 3G evdo/cdma modem... cant seem to get dictated00:09
melkorbencc: sounds good does that give you the option of booting to the cmd line?00:09
g0tchahey guys, anyone know how i can format usb flash drive in ubuntu?00:09
melkorSpice`: it shouldn't.00:10
ChogyDan{g}: I would try through network manager.  But anyway, if this is consistent for you, file a bug00:10
benccmelkor: use now I'm root in the cmd line00:10
melkorbencc: how about lspci ?00:10
{g}ChogyDan: its ubuntu 8.0400:10
miked595_Sup channel00:10
alrekur{g} had the same problem used modprobe -r to remove the driver then reload it with modprobe00:10
benccmelkor: I see only the last results00:11
melkorlspci | more00:11
factoloveHey guys. i have a 3G evdo/cdma modem... cant seem to get dictated00:11
zerocoolcan some one help me Ubuntu is freezes up on me! it lockedup I think it is GPU related00:11
benccmelkor: maybe: Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) ?00:11
melkorbencc: thats it.00:11
DrMrHorse_dreamy: did you solve your problem?00:11
vistakilleris there any link to have all the iso for download?00:12
factolovehow do i get drivers in00:12
benccmelkor: what do I do now?00:12
{g}alrekur: "modprobe -r" what?00:12
melkorbencc: the next step is to dmesg and see if you have anything that looks like an error.00:12
imagine7xyCANT ANYONE PLEASE tell me how to remove /usr/share/ati/ -- a program called ATI Catalyst Control Center, that is partially installed??00:12
miked595_Zerocool have u checked the memory?00:12
melkor(probably dmesg | more)00:12
ama1hello  all pls keep up tweeting about ubuntu :D00:12
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melkorimagine7xy: sudo apt-get install -f00:12
alrekur{g} the name of the wireless card driver00:13
benccmelkor: it's very very long. do I need to read all and look for errors?00:13
imagine7xymelkor: Doesn't work00:13
ChogyDanimagine7xy: are you trying to do so because the installer complained?00:13
miked595_Zerocool usually it's ram when my hardware freezes00:13
commander_i'm loving 10.4 and the music store00:13
melkorbencc: just something pertinent, it can be a pain.00:13
LinuxGuy2009Whoever asked a while ago for a torrent of netbook edition. http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent00:13
commander_is it like itunes or better?00:13
{g}alrekur: where do i get it from?00:13
alrekur{g} for me it is rt61pci00:13
TwipleI like 10.4 and the music store which wasn't there before.00:13
imagine7xyChogyDan: Yes, I am trying to reinstall stuff, but it wont let me install, until ive uninstalled, and the INSTALLER does not work00:13
melkorbencc: also when you boot into the cmd line there might have been a 'failsafe' mode for the graphics.00:13
benccmelkor: there was00:13
ChogyDanimagine7xy: please pastebin the whole error00:13
imagine7xyChogyDan: its complicated, this is why I've been working on this for 6 hours!!00:13
benccmelkor: can I fix it in safe mode?00:14
melkorbencc: One thing you can do is now that you know the graphics card you can google that.  If its an intel card and it won't let you into gnome.  There are a lot of people with that problem.00:14
{g}alrekur: modprobing that gives me a bunch of errors00:15
Zorixi cant get ubuntu 10.04 encryption working, it fails everytime, guided or manual.  I have done this many times before, is there a known problem on 10.04?00:15
ChogyDanimagine7xy: so this is from the ati website00:15
TwipleLinuxGuy2009: It's a swap partition the size of my RAM and a normal boot partition, right? Isn't that how you do it or will that somehow kill windows?00:15
pavsis there a well knows ug for ATI video cards that makes Ubuntu slow?00:15
melkorimagine7xy: where does that error come from00:15
imagine7xyChogyDan: Bingo!00:15
melkorpavs: are you using the proprietary driver?00:15
darkkillaso, can anyone help me with my bash "/etc/bash_completion.d/cowsay" syntax error issue?00:16
LinuxGuy2009Twiple: Well like I said before Im a bad person to ask. I dont use Windows anymore.00:16
pavsmelkor: I am strying ti install it know, so slow its beel downloading an installing for the last 10 minutes00:16
Spice`Seven minutes left!00:16
canolucascan somebody confirm that empathy is unable to connect to the MSN network? (using telephaty-butterfly). i couldn't connect today00:16
ideamei want to convert rpm to spec file.. is there any documentation for that00:16
TwipleI guess I'll wait for jordan to get back...00:16
ha1331Just upgraded to 10.04. No more smplayer, what am I supposed to use instead?00:16
Twiplethanks anyway00:16
LinuxGuy2009!wubi | Twiple00:16
ubottuTwiple: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:16
melkorpavs: the open source drivers are nice, they don't do multiple desktops though.00:16
benccmelkor: thanks00:16
ChogyDanimagine7xy: so I guess your system is somewhat borked.  I don't really know, but you might as well just set the variable and force the uninstall, right?00:16
darkkillahal1331: Funny, I've got smplayer but no more mplayer :(00:16
TwipleI tried WUBI, it has a tendency to break on me, though00:17
pure_hateimagine7xy, I already told you how to set the variable00:17
imagine7xymelkor: sudo sh fglrx-uninstall.sh00:17
darkkillaeven though mplayer IS installed but it doesn't show up00:17
melkorbencc did you get it going?00:17
patrickdWhen using grub2 which file do you need to edit to pass parameters to the kernel00:17
ha1331darkkilla: I have mplayer, but I'm not going to use it without smplayer00:17
imagine7xypure_hate: What???00:17
Kebap23just installed version 10 and my mouse cursor always goes to the center of a new window, where can i turn it off?00:17
darkkillathis happened right after updating from 9.10 to 10.0400:17
imagine7xypure_hate: When??00:18
LinuxGuy2009!partitions | Twiple00:18
ubottuTwiple: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:18
alrekur{g} what wirless card are you using you could look up what driver is used in ubuntu for your card or just type lsmod to list all loaded modules and figure out which one is wireless00:18
=== katie11 is now known as k[a]tie
imagine7xy(07:08:37 PM) pure_hate: imagine7xy, export FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL=100:18
{g}alrekur: maybe its iwl394500:18
imagine7xypure_hate: DOESNT WORK00:18
imagine7xypure_hate: TRIED IT00:18
darkkilla^^ well, and I don't want to use smplayer for all media files... I only use it for DVD playback, everything else I play back with mplayer because I'm used to using these handy keyboard shortcuts00:18
imagine7xypure_hate: still says same thing!00:18
ennuihey guys. I am using chromium on ubuntu 10.04 and I had streaming video working fine in the browser till I installed mplayer no they don't load. I have removed mplayer and tried reinstalling chromium as well as ffmpeg and buid-dep for both of them but still no video00:18
imagine7xypure_hate: never uninstalls00:19
benccmelkor: not yet. maybe this is related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/55483500:19
pure_hateimagine7xy, do you have X running?00:19
imagine7xypure_hate: How do I know?00:19
ChogyDanimagine7xy: maybe try doing sudo export?  just a guess00:19
Spice`imagine7xy: Type ps -A | grep X00:19
imagine7xyChogyDan: then it says export unrecognized command00:20
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
pure_hateimagine7xy, Are you looking at a desktop or a tty00:20
pure_hateimagine7xy, well thats half you problem00:20
ChogyDanimagine7xy: or maybe try running sudo -i00:20
imagine7xyNo command 'Type' found, did you mean:00:20
imagine7xy Command 'pype' from package 'pype' (universe)00:20
imagine7xyType: command not found00:20
alrekur{g} that is a driver for some intel cards i think good luck00:20
AlexandraHi there, how can I update a server version from karmic to lynx without touching the source.list00:20
pure_hateecho $ FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL00:20
pure_hatedoes that return a 1?00:20
evilbugwow, the new ubuntu looks ace.00:20
imagine7xy  897 tty7     00:03:02 Xorg00:20
imagine7xyi mean00:20
Spice`Alexandra, just run the Update Manager, and it should say at the top the 10.04 is out, and have a button to update.00:21
Soul_Samplewhy does this keep happening, one ubuntu after other - when I run any game or application which uses sound, I lose sound in the whole system and have to pkill pulseaudio and then restart all applications to get the sound back00:21
imagine7xy$ FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL00:21
tew88Hi fellas. I've no sound in Flash. Kubuntu 10.04 (64bit), installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and have no sound either in  Chrome or FireFox.00:21
imagine7xyit returns00:21
pure_hateimagine7xy, you cant unistall a driver if your desktop is still using it00:21
pure_hateecho $FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL00:21
pure_hatesorry no space00:21
imagine7xyit returns true00:21
darkkillaI guess something went wrong during update... might be, because Xorg crashed 5 minutes before all packages could be installed... nonetheless the install still kept working while my desktop totally crashed ... luckily I could connect to my machine via ssh using my android phone + connectbot so I could see "Reboot required" and reboot it from console... but I don't know if it might cause trouble anyways00:21
melkorimagine7xy: What happens when you try to use apt to uninstall the fglrx drivers?00:22
imagine7xyi set it as that00:22
imagine7xyI also set it as 100:22
AlexandraHi Spice` : There is no gui on the server version, so no update manager00:22
{g}alrekur: well, i tried modprobe -r and modprobe. and then reconnected to the network with the network applet.. and damn, it worked!00:22
imagine7xymelkor:  how??00:22
melkorimagine7xy: sudo apt-get install -f00:22
pure_hateimagine7xy, you are going to have to stop X and drop to a tty framebuffer session to uninstall a graphics driver00:22
{g}alrekur: oh no, and then it immediately disconnected again :(00:22
AlexandraSpice`: This is why I'm asking. So far I always edited sources.list00:22
Xgateswhat is the alternate iso for?00:22
melkorimagine7xy: apt-get uninstall fglrx00:22
imagine7xyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)00:22
imagine7xyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?00:22
Spice`Alexandra: Sorry then, wouldn't know. Perhaps apt-get upgrade?00:23
mewtimagine7xy, are you root ?00:23
melkorimagine7xy: close your synaptics pckg manager.00:23
RaJiLany know, how to install freenx in lucyd?00:23
Loshkitew88: I had sound problems with 10.04. This worked for me: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/525-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu910-karmic-koala00:23
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ha1331Just upgraded to 10.04. No more smplayer, what am I supposed to use instead?00:23
darkkillamelkor: addition: and the update manager if it is open00:23
rawr_this might be a stupid question, but i'm lacking an extra cd to burn to and i don't have a flash drive, however i do have a hard drive i can make a partition on.  so my question is, should i be able to extract the Ubuntu iso onto the partition and install it that way?00:23
imagine7xydamnit im going insane00:23
imagine7xythis is so ridiculous00:23
tew88Loshki: ty00:24
imagine7xybrb 15 min00:24
Issue313rawr: short answer, yes, I've done that myself before00:24
ddrjif i reformat my pc and reinstall ubuntu on there, will everything in / disappear? i was hoping everything from /swap/ and /home/ would go but what about / ?00:24
alrekur{g} don't know what else you could try maybe there is an alternate driver for your card that might work better00:24
Issue313I can't remember specifics though00:24
sixtilaanyone tried upgrading from Karmic to Lucid? was it smooth ??00:24
melkorimagine7xy: there is a wiki in the title of #radeon that tells how to uninstall the ati drivers,  There is also #ati, which will have less people.00:24
Xgatesanyone know what the alternate isos are for?00:25
sam204475*** Problem   Im using 10.04 CR and trying to install 10.04 ~  but 10.04CR wont allow me to put any of my files onto my 8GB flash drive .  there is plenty of space but it says there isnt any.  i tried 2 different USB flash drives.. both the same.  Any ideas????00:25
LinuxGuy2009!install | rawr_00:25
ubotturawr_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:25
{g}alrekur: i did it again, and now the connection seems to stay.00:25
melkorXgates: the installer is lighter and you can configure different things.00:25
Xgatesmelkor: ahh ok thanks00:25
benccmelkor: they say the .34 kernel should fix it. when running in a previous kernel in the menu it works00:25
sam204475*** Problem   Im using 10.04 CR and trying to install 10.04 ~  but 10.04CR wont allow me to put any of my files onto my 8GB flash drive .  there is plenty of space but it says there isnt any.  i tried 2 different USB flash drives.. both the same.  Any ideas????00:25
melkorbencc: did you get the .34 kernel?00:25
benccmelkor:  I don't know how00:26
ddrjLinuxGuy2009: when doing a fresh install over another nix OS, will it delete /home/ , /swap/ and / or just home and swap ?00:26
benccmelkor:  shouldn't I wait for synaptic to update it?00:26
melkorbencc: okay who says the .34 kernel should fix it, I will recommend the .33 kernel.00:26
johnjohn101sam204475 did you format the drive?00:26
andrew____Each time I do try and update package info/packages, I get a NO-DATA error00:26
sam204475johnjohn101  nope00:26
andrew____I'm behind a proxy, but any ideas?00:26
darkkilla<- also brb in 13 minutes... would be cool if someone could help me with either my "mplayer doesn't show up in open with dialog anymore" or "bash gives error messages that in /etc/bash_completion.d/cowsay in line 12 is a syntax error" issues, thank you00:26
melkorbencc: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/00:26
karanim using lucid lynx beta how do i upgrade form beta to solid release00:27
johnjohn101sam204475:  try that first00:27
karana dvd00:27
LinuxGuy2009ddrj: If you use the default partitioning then the drive will get wiped. Otherwise you have to manually specify the partition layout.00:27
sam204475johnjohn101 How?00:27
melkorbencc: You will need to download 3 files for the kernel version you want to install.00:27
ChogyDanddrj: it may not delete /home unless you reformat00:27
trismkaran: just update normally and you'll be there00:27
karancause when i use update-manager --devel-release00:27
johnjohn101sam204475: are you following any directions?00:27
darkkillakaran: tried using the update manager?00:27
virtualdhow do i remove the upper gnome-panel?00:27
melkorbencc: but who says the .34 kernel will fix it?  site or blog?00:27
benccmelkor: wouldn't I break upgrade path?00:27
Spice`Alright, let's pray a restart doesn't make my machine explode.00:27
karanmy system is updated00:27
karanhow do i check if im not beta00:27
johnjohn101sam204475: you're trying to put the .iso on the flash drive to install?00:27
sebsebsebvirtuald: right click and delete panel00:27
melkorbencc: no, they kernel branches can be install w/out altering your update repo's00:28
benccmelkor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/55483500:28
sebsebsebvirtuald: rigyht click on it, and delete panel00:28
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Loshkiddrj: it depends on which partition you have those directories. In general, you can only delete (or preserve) entire partitions during an install...00:28
LinuxGuy2009ddrj: Just like when you have a seperate home partition. During the partition phase you go to manually specify what partitions are for what use, otherwise you will wipe the whole drive and lose everything.00:28
sam204475JohnJohn101 yeah  im using ~~ unetbooin ~00:28
benccmelkor: some comments mention the .34 kernel00:28
sam204475but now i cant put any files on there.  nothing at all  i know it has like 7.5G free but nothing will go on .00:28
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imagine7xymelkor: What is the link to the wiki?00:28
TwipleI'm terrified here00:28
LinuxGuy2009I agree with Loshki00:28
benccmelkor: the .31-20 works fine but .31-21 doesn't00:29
LinuxGuy2009Twiple: Scared of what?00:29
LoshkiTwiple: terrified why?00:29
mickster04andrew____: can u access the internet fine behind the proxy?00:29
andrew____mickster04: Yes00:29
ddrjLoshki & LinuxGuy2009: well guys, i wanted to preserve my / dir (800gigs of content) and wanted to wipe out my home00:29
ddrjwould that be possible?00:29
karanhow do i check00:29
andrew____mickster04: It looks like it's not wanting to use the proxy for package stuff by default00:29
Loshkiddrj: I'd like you to pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' before we go further....00:29
sam204475When i look at windows doing these things i just see a poor camel with two fat mexicans on the back in the middle of the sahara. ~ bless.  windows dont really have much of a chance does it.00:29
melkorbencc: then don't use .31-21, you'll probably see an update come out for it soon.00:30
LinuxGuy2009ddrj: Why backup / most users files go to /home00:30
mickster04andrew____: has yuo set system wide too?00:30
karanwhen i update i have a bunch of new backgrounds00:30
mamousThe VPN connection 'Test10 VPN' could not be exported to Test10 VPN (pptp).conf.00:30
mamousError: unknown error.00:30
karanand have a radiance theme00:30
benccmelkor: cool. thanks00:30
andrew____mickster04: I has, but I'll try explicit not auto00:30
johnjohn101sam204475:  are you using windows?00:30
ddrjLoshki: i'll pm u when i get home, because currently at work so i can't ssh :(00:30
superbobI would like to hook up a monitor to a GeForce 250 GTS via an HDMI -> VGA cable.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?00:30
sam204475johnjohn  ubuntu 10.04CR00:30
mickster04andrew____: thats the other option:D00:30
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melkorbencc: since I use grub I can install a kernel and select the one I want at bootup if you are in the same position, then you could try the 2.6.33 kernel00:30
Loshkiddrj: ok...00:30
andrew____mickster04: Nope <_< Same00:31
melkorsuperbob: what goes wrong? I just plug in the hdmi cable and it works.00:31
LinuxGuy2009superbob: Just get the correct cable and/or adapters.00:31
Loshkisam204475: as a fat mexican, I don't appreciate the symbology...00:31
GrizzLyCROwhich nvidia driver is shipped via hardware drivers?00:31
JimBarwooDoes anyone know the name of the ebook reader that came with Netbook Remix 9.10? It's missing from 10.04 and I want to get it00:31
ddrjLinuxGuy2009: yeah i think when i first installed, i messed up on the partitioning... i did 800 gigs to / , 60 gigs to /home/ and 2 gigs to /swap/00:31
mickster04andrew____: have you tried turning it off and on again:D00:31
GrizzLyCROif it is not lates, you should update it to latest00:31
sam204475loshiki ~ heheh im sure you dont hence your using linux.00:31
andrew____mickster04: What, really? :s00:31
GrizzLyCROwith default nvidia driver i had some extremely weird focus problems00:31
benccmelkor: I only want to use ubuntu :) I don't want to start messing with kernels00:31
TwipleDid Jordan say he was coming back soon?00:31
mickster04andrew____: not watched the IT crowd00:31
johnjohn101sam204475: are you using ubootin on windows for the rc .iso?00:32
superbobmelkor, LinuxGuy2009 ...    I have an HDMI -> VGA cable (from Card to monitor).... just plugging it in does nothing00:32
andrew____mickster04: You could be used to Windows? :/00:32
Alcorwhy has ubuntu+1 gone invite only?00:32
sam204475flash drive....?00:32
brokzwould anyone recommend me running VMWare / Parallels on Ubuntu running Visual Studio in Wine / Codega? or is there a better solution with the Mono-Project?00:32
melkorsuperbob: system>preferences>monitors.00:32
sam204475what? johnjohn?00:32
LinuxGuy2009ddrj: I personally have 2 SATA 500GB drives. drive 2 is all /home. Otherwise with a single drive I would set aside the majority of the space for /home.00:32
mickster04andrew____: or try forcing and unexpected reboot, no im fine with linux/cnu:D but you never know00:32
karanSOMEONE HELP00:32
pmp6nlanyone know a good program i could use to remotely erase my computer if it gets stolen?00:32
sam204475no im using it in ubuntu to upgrade to 10.0400:32
GrizzLyCROlike mouse has focus on one window, keyboard on another, then suddenly none has focus, i have to alt+F4 everything, if i want to change focus, i have to right click on currently active window, then select other, but that doesnt work always00:32
deufraiAlcor: maybe because 10.4 has just been released ?00:32
johnjohn101sam204475:  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-the-easy-way/00:33
LinuxGuy2009ddrj: Keep in mind you can resize and move partitions but an fstab edit or two will be required for your partitions to be found.00:33
superbobmelkor, i don't have a "monitors"  ... i have a "display"00:33
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:33
GrizzLyCROi updated to last driver from nvidia site and it works fine00:33
polleriI heard that the ipod touch is compatible iwth Lucid but it's not working on mine, is there anything I need to do to make it work?00:33
bastid_raZorkaran: you're trying to get from the RC to the final?00:33
andrew____mickster04: Ok sure, I'll reboot.00:33
ddrjLinuxGuy2009: ahhhhhhhhhh, ty ty, i'll check up on the fstab edits then00:33
melkorsuperbob: I don't have a display...?00:33
sam204475<< im not using windows.  im using ubuntu ~00:33
superbobmelkor, ... and when trying to use it I get the "RANDR extension is not present"00:33
Spice`What the butt!00:33
LinuxGuy2009display? monitor? whats the differecne now adays?00:33
melkorsuperbob: odd maybe you could try installing xrandr?  It sounds like a bug.00:33
superbobmelkor, yeah, I have a System > Preferences > Display00:34
Spice`The close button is on the left now! :(00:34
Loshkipmp6nl: the conventional solution to that issue is to encrypt any valuable data so no-one can read it if it gets stolen...00:34
johnjohn101sam204475: let me check to see what to do for linux. i've never done it from that00:34
sam204475and theunetbootin isnt the problem,  its the Flash Drive thats the problem. its telling me there is no space when i know there is about 7.5G on there.    how can i format a drive...00:34
mickster04Spice`: you can change that00:34
superbobmelkor, i'm using nvidia drivers... does that make a difference with randr?00:34
LinuxGuy2009!controls | Spice`00:34
ubottuSpice`: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d600:34
Spice`mickster04: Yeah, probably. Haven't looked around at config stuff yet. Just rebooted.00:34
Butch128I just downloaded 10.4 LTS server x64 alternate... and pretty sure I'm encountering bug #542210 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/partman-md/+bug/542210).  Does anyone know of a workaround?00:34
sam204475johnjohn101 ~ i dunno if it can be but i have the UNET bootin software in ubuntu.....00:34
sam204475it works fine00:34
pmp6nlLoshki I suppose that would work.  I could encrypt my home folder, but than I cant access it in windows... when I have to use it00:34
karan<bastid_raZor> my system is up to date im using ubuntu beta and i wanna know how to get to final or if i am already using final00:34
melkorsuperbob: It should be handled by the nvidia, maybe  there is another option under preferences.  Also #nvidia handles the linux/proprietary nvidia stuff.00:35
LinuxGuy2009Spice: Simple gconf editor will fix you up if you want it back. I dint like it when i first tried it but now I prefer it actually.00:35
Butch128RAID1/RAID10 with free space is present, says it cannot create /boot00:35
Soul_Sampledoes anyone know how to fix sound issues with pulseaudio under lucid?00:35
sam204475karan.   u can just do and update or a fresh install...00:35
johnjohn101sam204475: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11236700:35
tat-superbob: the restricted nvidia driver doesnt support xrandr, you need to use the nvidia tool00:35
superbobah.  i will try that channel.  thanks :)00:35
sam204475thanks johnjohn101.00:35
andrew____mickster04: Reboot no good :(00:35
LinuxGuy2009!fakeraid | Butch12800:35
ubottuButch128: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:35
mickster04pmp6nl: hpw do u access it from windows? not using ext4?00:35
FishsceneHow do I cancel a software installation in Ubuntu Software Center? Usually there's an X I can click on to cancel, but there isn't one =\00:35
melkorkaran: if you system is up to date then you are using the release.00:35
Loshkipmp6nl: Hmm. Tricky. Are there no encryption tools that run on both windows and linux. I'd have thought there was at least one...00:35
Butch128LiuxGuy2009: It's not fakeraid, i'm setting up software raid00:35
pmp6nlmickster04 i use ext4 and use an ext4 reader in ubuntu00:36
vividwill the nvidia-current package be updated to the current releases?00:36
johnjohn101sam204475:  good luck00:36
karan<melkor>  so not the final?00:36
melkorkaran: what do you mean final?00:36
Butch128I just had this exact RAID/LVM setup under 9.1000:36
sam204475thanks johnjohn101~~~~  :D00:36
karanthe one on ubuntu's wbesite00:36
pmp6nlLoshki: thanks for the info.  I think ill just try not to use windows at all. or maybe a sep partition00:36
melkorkaran one and the same.00:36
LinuxGuy2009!Fishscene: close the software center maybe?00:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:36
Butch128Pretty sure this bug is still in the final release...00:36
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:36
FishsceneLinuxGuy2009: I closed and re-opened it and it is still installing.00:37
lucas-arghow can i test plymouth?00:37
LinuxGuy2009Fishscene: Whats installing?00:37
gbear14275any reason my update manager is not registering the new version being out yet?00:37
zeenixwhile trying to upgrade to lucid, i ended-up having this situation:00:37
zeenixdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libatk1.0-dev_1.30.0-0ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):00:37
zeenix trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gir-1.0/Atk-1.0.gir', which is also in package gobject-introspection-repository 0:0.6.5-0ubuntu100:37
Loshkipmp6nl: this site mentions encryption tools that work on both: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/5993200:37
melkorgbear14275: new versio of what?00:37
pmp6nlmickster04 take a look at http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/00:37
pmp6nlloshki thanks00:37
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: You running a beta or RC?00:37
AnActivisthello, how do I find the chipset of my wireless card? I have a print out from "lspci -vv" and I know the manufacturer and the model but I'm not sure how to find the chipset00:38
FishsceneLinuxGuy2009: Wine (Beta)00:38
FishsceneThere is no version number00:38
gbear14275LinuxGuy2009: rc (btw... hows the new project coming?)00:38
bung_whats the filesystem of / on ubuntu00:38
bung_ext3 right?00:38
melkorAnActivist: what chipset are you looking for?00:38
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aciculabung_, ext400:38
bung_is it?00:38
Butch128And each of my sfotware RAID devices have "unsable" space, one of 983KB, another of 131KB00:38
uRock_bung_, ex400:38
bung_for 9.04?00:38
OerLinux CeleronD 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:38
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: If you have all updates installed then you are already running final.00:38
AnActivistI'm trying to figure out what chipset is in the Intel Wireless 5100AGN card00:38
ohirpmp6nl: truecrypt with ntfs partition will do the trick for you00:39
bung_for 9.04?00:39
melkorAnActivist: google00:39
mickster04pmp6nl: oh i aint got 7 yet:/00:39
gbear14275LinuxGuy2009: really?!  I have seen any updates in the last 2 days and don't see any of the music stuff00:39
pmp6nlohir: truecrypt the whole directory?00:39
bung_acicula: for 9.04?00:39
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: Project is going good just waiting for lubuntu final so i can make a Lucid ISO image for upload. Thanks for asking! https://launchpad.net/multibootu00:39
uRock_bung_, if you are clean installing, it doesn't matter for / because you are writing over ir.00:39
ohirpmp6nl: whole partition00:39
AnActivistmelkor, I'm trying but I'm not sure what to look for00:39
bung_uRock_: running fsck00:39
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: music store is in rhythmbox00:39
AnActivistI've typing "intel wireless 5100AGN "chipset""00:39
pmp6nlmickster04 shoudl work on other versions00:39
AnActivistbut can't find it00:39
sixtilasee you all in LUCID00:40
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: check to see if the music store plugin is active maybe?00:40
aciculabung_, its not the default for 9.04 no00:40
g0tchahey guys, im having problem installing new applications in my ubuntu, it told me to do apt-get update and apt-get install -f but it doesnt work, it gives me this error msgs http://pastebin.com/yebmgLpZ00:40
melkorAnActivist: what chipsets are you looking for, that often has to do with manufactures.00:40
alrekurAnActivist http://linux-wless.passys.nl/00:40
pmp6nlohir ok, how is that diff than ubuntus encrypted hd?00:40
bung_acicula: ext3 then?00:40
sp0spowhen desktop boots, it tries to mount drives that have already been mounted by root00:40
gbear14275LinuxGuy2009: hmm ok I'll check that.  I think I might just nuke my / and reinstall00:40
uRock_bung_, ext3 is the default used by .0400:40
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: Oh ok hope that works for you then.00:40
bung_i knew it :)00:40
gbear14275LinuxGuy2009: looking good btw... are users going to be able to drag and drop other .iso's into the program too?00:41
AnActivisti'm not sure what chipset I'm looking for I only know the manufacturer00:41
AnActivistand the model00:41
Loshkig0tcha: that's very scary. What happened to your /var/lib/dpkg/status file? Can you ls -l it?00:41
ohirpmp6nl: afaik this is the only stable enough software that lets one mount same partition from within windoze and linux00:41
aciculabung_, yeah00:41
FishsceneHow do I cancel a software installation in Ubuntu Software Center? Usually there's an X I can click on to cancel, but there isn't one =\00:41
melkorAnActivist: you probably don't need to know the chipset.00:41
uiuiuihi, i cant get dhcp3 to send out a dhcpnak...00:41
pmp6nlohir ok, i now get what you are saying.  thanks00:41
uiuiuithe client never gets the proper ip00:41
ohirpmp6nl: and you have asked about something that can be mounted in dual boot config00:41
AlcorIs this channel going to stay as support for 9.10, or is it going with the 10.04 bunch?00:41
AnActivist...yes I do and thats why I'm asking how to find out which chipset I have00:41
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: Yes you can do that now with pre karmic. Lucid image is coming. Yeah drag and drop ISOs into it with ISO-Master. Directions are in the notes on the project00:41
Blue11anyone know where the conf files are for hobbit/xymon?00:42
ChrisMorganThe xubuntu site picture has broken image references in it (looks like it was SVG done in Inkscape) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand2?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=xubuntu-site.png - someone may wish to regenerate that picture.00:42
senderhow do I get a session without X in ubuntu 10.04?00:42
pmp6nlohir: thanks I will take a look00:42
elie-mit's ironic... now I need the help..00:42
gbear14275LinuxGuy2009: Awesome!!!00:42
spikebike /wc00:42
ohirpmp6nl: your welcome.00:42
Blue11sender ctrl+alt+f100:42
sp0spowhen desktop boots, it tries to mount drives that have already been mounted by root. I don't know why or how to turn this off00:42
darkkillare... just resolved my mplayer issue... the update simply removed mplayer-gui ;)00:42
senderBlue11: thanks00:42
LinuxGuy2009gbear14275: :)00:42
g0tchaLoshki, http://pastebin.com/b8tvAHnk00:42
LoshkiAlcor: we support all currently supported/released versions of ubuntu I think...00:42
skragquestion: for x64 ubuntu, if given the coise, do i want "i386" or "alpha" packages?00:42
melkorAnActivist: so your wireless doesn't work?00:42
aciculaanyone know of a theme/icon pack that continues the grey scale icons used in the menu and for other systray apps like xchat?00:42
uRock_you people quit downloading ubuntu, the servers are bogged and I can't run my updates00:42
Wizzupimagine7xy: What version of ubuntu are you on?00:43
Loshkig0tcha: well, you seem to be missing your status file. Any idea what happened to it?00:43
senderBlue11: this doesn't work, apparently the keyboard is not working on the login screen :(00:43
imagine7xyWizzup: I am on 10.400:43
elie-mI cant upgrade to lucid cz of a stupid error: "Cannot Calculate the Upgrade"00:43
darkkillalol "quit downloading ubuntu"... :D never ever, are we?00:43
Wizzupimagine7xy, ok. How did you install a driver?00:43
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g0tchaLoshki, not really =/ this is a VM and i only use it from time to time to run a local web/ftp servers00:44
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Guest92153just tried installing 10.4 NBR on my aspire one, when i boot it just gives me a black screen with a flashing cursor00:44
sp0spoHow come when I login to desktop it says that it tried to mount a drive that I already mounted in via root and fstab?00:44
imagine7xyWizzup: I downloaded a .run file, from ATI's website, their Radeon Linux Drivers, and ran it00:44
Guest92153any ideas?00:44
Wizzupimagine7xy: The script should also have the --uninstall option, or similar/00:44
zerocoolcan some one help roll back the old drivers00:44
melkorsender: can you boot to cmd prompt?  Its an option for me in save mode.00:44
Loshkig0tcha: look in /var/backups for files named dpkg.status or similar....00:45
Wizzupimagine7xy: can you link me to the file?00:45
melkorsender: also have you tried ctrl+alt+f2  to get to the second tty.00:45
chrometigeris there anyway to make the update to 10.04 faster ?  im on cable and its downloading at like 10kbs/sec00:45
running_rabbit07sudo apt-get dinner, cause I am busy00:45
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sendermelkor: I dont get prompted for a safe mode/console... It boots right into the Gnome login screen, at that moment I can't use the keyboard00:45
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Loshkichrometiger: everybody's doing the same as you. The only cure is patience...00:45
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zerocoolcan someone please help00:45
g0tchaLoshki, yeah, i found 3 backups, 2 are gzipped00:46
elie-mI need help people, I cant upgrade...00:46
uRockzerocool, ask away00:46
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melkorsender: Maybe escape or something early?00:46
kudkillioughtaanybody successfully install the netbook remix yet?00:46
DarkMasterHalochrometiger: I guess you could change the mirror you are connecting too.00:46
imagine7xywizzup: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx00:46
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.00:46
Loshkig0tcha: choose the latest and copy it to /var/lib/dpkg/status. If it's gzipped, unzip the copy...00:46
chrometigerLoshki: lol  well im in for a bit of 17 hour patcience00:46
kudkillioughtai tried installing it with unetbootin a few times and every time i try to boot after it says it's installed correctly i just get a blinking cursor00:46
Wizzupimagine7xy: I have to leave, but a few things. If you just did a clean install of 10.04, you can do it again; and then install the driver with the package manager. System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers00:46
Wizzupsecondly, the ati/amd driver .run file should ahve a --uninstall option00:47
DarkMasterHalochrometiger: I'm currently doing it at 200KB/s :D00:47
Loshkichrometiger: Dunno what you expected. It's like a one day sale at Macy's00:47
Wizzuprun it with --help, and it will most likely show it00:47
Soul_Samplei have a weird pulseaudio issue, can anyone help? i lose sound in my whole system, but when i switch to a tty and back it returns???00:47
Wizzupyou can also try just installing the ubuntu one over the currently installed one, butr I don't recommend it00:47
imagine7xyWizzup:  Do I run the .run file?00:48
LoshkiSoul_Sample: I had good luck with this: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/525-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu910-karmic-koala00:48
aciculaanyone know of a theme/icon pack that continues the grey scale icons for the menu and for other systray apps like xchat?00:48
RedWagonanyone know how to get Empathy to minimize to the system tray?00:48
kjeleGuest92153: Hold shift after bios image to get grub list. If there are none then maybe you need a reinstall or grub did not install successfully. It could also mean that the bios is not loading the hdd. Best to get into the live cd to check if you did installed ubuntu00:48
Soul_SampleLoshki: did you have the same issue?00:49
Wizzupimagine7xy: if it has the uninstall option. <I'm afk now, good luck>00:49
melkorsender: how about what kjele said?00:49
LoshkiSoul_Sample: No, not exactly. I had no sound at all in a fresh 10.04 install....00:49
sp0spowhat is the program that auto mounts external drives even though i already mount them via fstab?00:49
LoshkiSoul_Sample: except for the stupid drum roll...00:49
Soul_SampleLoshki: i have this issue ever since PA was introduced. i have sound, then i run something (like audacity) and the sound goes away. then i can either kill pulseaudio and restart all applications, or switch to a tty and back. it's reallly stupid00:50
kjelesp0spo: nautilus00:50
kudkillioughtakjele, i'll try that, but i know for a fact that it's installed ubuntu00:50
ddrji want to uninstall ALSA completely, would this work or am i forgetting something? sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils00:50
K_DallasHi guys! Does this mean that I have the 64bit version of Ubuntu? (00:50
quietoneCan anyone point me to a simple guide for partitioning for installing multiple distro (ubuntu/kubuntu/gNewSense)00:50
K_DallasLinux 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:50
melkorK_Dallas: looks like it.00:51
sendermelkor: shift doesnt work, and I've installed with the option: 'continue install without grub', which was not necessary I thought b/c 1) it wasnt installed and 9.10 worked perfectly, 2) it's running in a VM, no need to dual boot that.00:51
sendermelkor: apparently running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup', should solve the issue (http://communities.vmware.com/message/1508704#1508704), my problem is: now how do I boot without X ...00:51
K_Dallasmelkor, I was not sure about x86_64 but it should be 64. Thanks00:51
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kudkillioughtakjele,  when holding shift it just says "loading grub" then back to a blank screen with a blinking cursor00:52
melkorsender: so your keyboard works now?00:52
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xompGood job on 10.04 guys, I'm loving it!00:52
mosnodoes skype work on 10.04 x86_64 without dirty hacks?00:52
Ste4lthHey guys.00:53
mosnoor should i stick to x8600:53
melkorsender: any solutions I could think of involve grub...I think there are boot parameters that let you not boot to gnome00:53
j800rjeeesus. the ubuntu restricteds are taking forever to download00:53
LoshkiSoul_Sample: pulseaudio is very buggy. You can remove it entirely if you like: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html00:53
* SlipperyChicken loves dirty hacks.00:53
j800rpeople must really be going crazy atm00:53
mosnoSlipperyChicken, :-)00:53
Ste4lthSo, how does everyone like the new LTS?00:53
aj00200!hi | Ste4lth00:53
ubottuSte4lth: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:53
ddrjSlipperyChicken: dirty hacks that WORK00:53
sendermelkor: no, well I got into GRUB now, (dont ask me I've tried hitting shift a mil times) should I boot recovery mode?00:53
melkorSte4lth: compiz worked out of the box.00:53
kudkillioughtahonestly i don't need grub at all, i'm not dual-booting on the netbook00:53
sakekasii have a bit of a concern about ubuntu00:53
Soul_SampleLoshki: that was my original idea, but i remembered that i couldn't enable individual volume controls for all applications00:53
Ste4lthI tried to use 10.04 and it didn't work at all...00:53
kudkillioughtai just did a standard install and told it to use the entire HDD00:54
emesso I just updated and X11 won't start, seems to be an fglrx issue, how do I remove it completely?00:54
melkorsender: recovery mode should give you the option to boot to a cmd prmpt w/out x/gdm00:54
kjelekudkillioughta: You might try to use the live cd to install grub again or just try another reinstall of ubuntu. Try do not skip any configuration when it ask you to.00:54
LoshkiSoul_Sample: that's true. Pick your poison, I guess....00:54
Oeryou need grub for different kernel versions too .. not only 2 x OS00:54
Soul_SampleLoshki: windows! :P00:54
Ste4lthLike, on launch of LCD, it decided to screw up and launch 50+ file managers.00:54
sendermelkor: awesome, trying right now00:54
* SlipperyChicken 's life is a GIANT FILTHY hack,00:54
Soul_SampleLoshki: i did all this, i'll go and restart to see what i've accomplished00:54
kudkillioughtakjele, i'll try that again, but i've already installed twice00:54
sakekasii want to install 10.04 in dual boot with win7, but the last time i did that, my grub died, and then my harddisk developed bad sectors. (im not sure if this was caused by a fall or ubuntu)00:54
sakekasishould i install ubuntu?00:55
mosnooh right, they seem do distribute an x86_64 edition: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-6400:55
sakekasii really want to00:55
WolfHowdy. I've got a Dell 1501 Inspiron. Getting a screen full of vertical stripes on boot from a known good CD. DVD drive is working. Would appreciate some help.00:55
SlipperyChickensakekasi, no don't.  you're turn into a bear.00:55
kjelekudkillioughta: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:55
Ste4lthWow, this is hard to follow lol.00:55
sakekasislipperychicken huh?00:55
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:55
ballongenhi! ubuntu 10.4, i have installed netbook-launcher-package. I can start it manually. But when i add it to startup programs, both "netbook-launcher" and "/usr/bin/netbook-launcher" it doesnt start whe ni login, what should i do?00:55
senderkudkillioughta: do you have keyboard on login screen problems?00:55
Loshkisakekasi: ubuntu may do many things, but it doesn't cause bad sectors. Hard drives develop bad sectors all by themselves without any help from operating systems....00:55
kudkillioughtano problems on the liveusb, but when it says it's done installing i can't get it to load anything after the bios splash00:56
sakekasiLoshki ok thanx00:56
DarkMasterHalosakekasi: It is just a coincidence, Grub nor Ubuntu will hurt your hard drive !00:56
kudkillioughtalike anything at all, just blank screen with cursor blinking00:56
sakekasiDarkMasterHalo my grub was killed by win7 multiple times tho00:56
SlipperyChickensakekasi, people don't like bears.  they eat our garbage and run around our college campus.00:56
LoshkiSlipperyChicken: please stay on topic...00:56
senderkudkillioughta: ok, dont know about that, good luck00:56
tehboneI'm trying to install something on lucid, and I'm getting in the bytes per second download range00:57
tehbonethat happening to everyone?00:57
sakekasiDarkMasterHalo is there any proof that i can show my parents that ubuntu doesnt cause the bad sectors so that i can install it?00:57
Wolftehbone: Have you tried going into Software Sources and finding a mirror for the software repository that is closest to you?00:57
sendermelkor: is this for real? running recovery mode gives you root access without a password? Is this a bug?00:57
tehboneI live in the US not on mars...00:57
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tehbonebut I'll see00:57
DarkMasterHalosakekasi: That is because Windows sometimes, with updates or reinstall, overwrite to Master boot Record of your hard drive, that is why we always install Linux after Windows :P00:58
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benji12Hi, is there an updated version of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently ?00:58
sakekasiDarkMasterHali i did00:58
sakekasiDarkMasterHalo i did00:58
ChampagneProblems with the automated install inside VMware Player?  I can't seem to get the guest OS to take keyboard control at the login prompt?!00:58
deijsmanHello!  Has anyone used the new dell latitude e6510 with ubuntu?00:58
Loshkisakekasi: you have bigger problems than that. If your drive is reporting bad sectors, it may be about to fail. Make sure you have backups of anything indispensible, and consider running SMART tools. You may soon be in the market for a new hard drive...00:58
sakekasibut DarkMasterHalo it still killed my grub MULTIPLE TIMES00:58
Wolftehbone: It is a release day. If you're trying to download from the main archive, that might be why you're having slow speeds. Try somewhere closer to you geographically.00:58
ballongenhi! ubuntu 10.4, i have installed netbook-launcher-package. I can start it manually. But when i add it to startup programs, both "netbook-launcher" and "/usr/bin/netbook-launcher" it doesnt start whe ni login, what should i do?00:58
gaysquirrelhey can someone tell me the command to update to lucid lynx00:59
tehboneswitched from US to main server, we'll see how this works00:59
pentarexhey guys00:59
gaysquirrelhey can someone tell me the command to update to lucid lynx???00:59
pentarexI have problems with 10.04 and netbook00:59
Wolfgaysquirrel, try Alt+F2 then enter update-manager -d in the box00:59
Champagnegaysquirrel:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade isn't it?00:59
tehbonesudo apt-get dist upgrade?00:59
biggerfischsakekasi: How do you know that windows killed the grub and that it wasn't a bad sector on the grub?00:59
pentarexI want to scroll down in System->Preferences but it goes back to start position00:59
tehbone4.5KBps I'm rolling!00:59
DarkMasterHalosakekasi: Well, I've seen one Windows updates and several Service Pack causing this issue.  Maybe your hard drive is starting to fail.  It is hard to say.01:00
Typos_Kinggaysquirrel:    if you can, may rather do a full-install, or back yourself up  before upgrading01:00
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ChampagneTook me 3.5 hours to download the i386-desktop torrent on a 25Mbit connection.01:00
sakekasibiggerfisch the first time i ran windows after reinstalling grub, it always killed grub01:00
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gaysquirreleh idk01:00
Don_MiguelTypos_King, agreed !01:00
WolfHowdy. I've got a Dell 1501 Inspiron. Getting a screen full of vertical stripes on boot from a known good 10.04 CD. DVD drive is working. Would appreciate some help.01:00
biggerfischsakekasi: What are you defining as "killing" grub?01:00
gaysquirrelwhats that command that if someone tells u to do it u shouldnt cuz itll mess your whole system up01:00
Loshkigaysquirrel: start here: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta101:00
kjeleWolf: Should not need for the -d anymore01:00
sakekasibiggerfisch after my bios loaded it said that grub died01:01
zerocoolcan some one reallt help me!!!01:01
brah-i cant even type my pass into new ubuntu login01:01
Champagneremove files, recursively, forced, starting at root   rm -rf /01:01
hmw!ask | zerocool01:01
ubottuzerocool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:01
brah-there goes all my files01:01
brah-thanks alot ubuntu01:01
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zerocoolmy pc freezes on Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.0401:01
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Champagnebrah:  I have the same problem.  It doesn't seem like it will take keyboard control.01:01
senderbrah-: same here01:01
sqr47Can someone help me fix the low resolution Plymouth boot screen with my ATI Mobility Radeon driver?01:02
nsahoosomehow the update-manager is not detecting the new release01:02
Loshkigaysquirrel: no shortage of deadly commands. Anything with rm in it is suspect...01:02
waltercoolHey... Ubuntu website shows a problem here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading , step 6 of 9.10 to 10.4 shows a image with Beta Lucid01:02
senderbrah-: I am trying this now: http://communities.vmware.com/message/1508704#150870401:02
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waltercoolzerocool, cool nick bro01:02
FiReSTaRTsqr47: you'll have to get into the grub settings for that... i'm not sure if you wanna be touching that01:02
hunahpunsahoo: what version are you running? is everything up to date?01:02
silipcantotNewbie here, can anyone help me install wubi? It's saying there is no CD on the disk?01:02
Random832so - my video keeps flashing (it's like it's trying to change resolution, but changing to the same resolution) after coming back from display sleep mode until i reboot01:02
Random832any ideas? intel 91501:02
kjelewaltercool: Try change mirror01:03
sqr47FiReSTaRT: are there any other ways to fix it? i wouldnt think going grub would do anything01:03
biggerfischsakekasi: Well, like DarkMasterHalo said, there are quite a few possible reasons for this.  To me, it sounds like your hard drive is failing, but thats just my opinion01:03
nsahoohunahpu: running 9.10 here. it's showing everything upto date. but, no upgrade01:03
FiReSTaRTsqr47: you sure? hang on a sec and i'll give you the instructions for the fix01:03
sakekasibiggerfisch i got a new hd01:03
sqr47nsahoo: are you using a wubi installation?01:03
tehboneholy rubbish 477 bytes per second?01:04
hunahpunsahoo: if you have extra repos installed, try disabling them; and try to upgrade via command line with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:04
kudkillioughtakjele, still there?01:04
nsahoohunahpu: i also tried selecting a different server, by clicking select best server in software sources, it says no suitable server found check your connection. connection is of course working otherwise won't be chattin on irc01:04
kjelekudkillioughta: Yes01:04
nsahoosqr47: what is wubi01:04
KiiKany aptitude command equal to "apt-get -t" ?01:04
biggerfischsakekasi: I know of no way that any program can cause bad sectors, except if you repeatably crash your computer01:05
kudkillioughtai got into grub and had it boot in recovery mode, found where it's hanging01:05
sqr47nsahoo: nevermind then01:05
kudkillioughtaata4: DUMMY is the last printout it has01:05
sakekasii think thats what win7 did to mah grub or something01:05
Typos_Kingsakekasi:     sudo apt-get install smartmontools;     S.M.A.R.T. is a OS-independent feature implement on most/all new HDs, the tools get information already found and provided by the HD, usually when it finds a bad cluster/sector, automatically marks01:05
Champagnesender:  How do I pull up the on-screen keyboard?01:06
nsahoosqr47: :)01:06
zerocoolsome one !!!! PLEASE HELP! My Intel GPU is crashing my ubuntu01:06
nsahooi upgraded my office computer, it was smooth01:06
FiReSTaRTsqr47: 1) open terminal and gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub in it you will find a line #GRUB_GFXMODE=640×480.. uncomment it and change it to your native resolution.. save and close01:06
nsahoocan't do it at home01:06
kjelekudkillioughta: So you have a kernel to boot into?01:06
biggerfischzerocool: which driver set are you using?01:06
sakekasiTypos_King cool01:06
imagine7xysudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-dev fglrx-modaliases01:06
zvacetdoes anyone else have problem with user switch01:06
e1hn4nd3rDid 10.04 get the dual-boot and the keyboard things fixed?01:06
sqr47FiReSTaRT: will that also fix the part of plymouth only showing up for like two seconds?01:07
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:07
senderKeyboard problem on 10.04 Gnome login screen solution: http://communities.vmware.com/message/1508704#150870401:07
Champagnesender:  How do I pull up the on-screen keyboard?01:07
FiReSTaRTsqr47: 2) gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/00_header find the part that says gfxmode=${GRUB_GFXMODE} i think it's line 103 and under that line add a new line that says set gfxpayload=keep   save and close01:07
FiReSTaRTsqr47: 3) in terminal paste sudo update-grub01:07
Typos_Kingsakekasi:     however the rule-of-thumb is, the HD will continue to deteriorate, and more sectors will spring up, thus is a good idea to back things and up shop around for a replacement01:07
Typos_Kings/sectors/bad &/01:08
e1hn4nd3rsender: So we should basically not use Easy Install to do the install for 10.04?01:08
sakekasiTypos_King i already replased hy harddrive01:08
senderChampage, you reboot, press shift, you get the GRUB menu, select 'recovery mode', select 'root console', now you can run the command01:08
FiReSTaRTsqr47: that should fix it.. plymuth isn't working in native resolution when running on nvidia drivers so some crazy serb posted up the instructions... i just followed them and it worked :)01:08
ChampagneOK, thanks01:08
FiReSTaRTsqr47: didn't really get into the internals to know what does what01:08
pentarexhey guys can anyone help me please with scrolling problem01:08
sakekasiTypos_king what shud i execute when i m done installing the smartmontools01:08
sendere1hn4nd3r: I upgraded from an existing install that was done with easy install, so I am not 100% positive on that01:08
sqr47FiReSTaRT: thanks01:08
brah-i found a easier way to fix the problem01:09
FiReSTaRTsqr47: np and good luck01:09
brah-just use onscreen keyboard01:09
hmwFiReSTaRT: i think that does still not work. plymouth is somehow broken. I am forced to use my console at the highest possible resolution, my CRT can display ./(01:09
kudkillioughtakjele,  seems as though it's some kind of error with mounting my hdd...think i should just do a full reformat and try reinstalling?01:09
kjelekudkillioughta: Kinda strange. Could be that your live usb is broken too01:09
Typos_Kingsakekasi:     just do a 'smart<tab>'   to autocomplete, I think is smartmon :)01:09
FyreFoXi've tried to upgrade to lucid from jaunty on 2 different machines now and I keep getting 'the package ubuntu-desktop is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist'01:09
sqr47ill try, though i might be better off just keeping the driver uninstalled, everything works still but for some reason the system says that it's uninstalled, is this a bad thing?01:09
e1hn4nd3rsender: Will try to confirm with a non-Easy Install installation on my VMWare installation here at work.01:09
FiReSTaRThmw: dunno.. worked for many of us with nvidia graphics running the proprietary driver.. not sure about the rest01:09
kudkillioughtakjele,  can i just add all of the netbook remix things after an install?01:09
sendere1hn4nd3r: ok01:10
kjelekudkillioughta: Yes01:10
wrinkliezis anyone noticing the little black bar in firefox 10.04 between the tab and the website?01:10
hmwFiReSTaRT: oh, sorry, i thought your talk was about intel01:10
kudkillioughtai'm just going to go with a standard install and add them after the fact then01:10
Loshkisakekasi: gsmartcontrol is a great gui for smartmontools: http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de/home/index.php/en/About01:10
sqr47FiReSTaRT: did that make any sense? me: "ill try, though i might be better off just keeping the driver uninstalled, everything works still but for some reason the system says that it's uninstalled, is this a bad thing?"01:10
kudkillioughtai'm having terrible luck with trying to install from an .iso on a liveusb01:10
zvacetFyreFoX: you can not upgrade directly from jaunty to lucid01:10
silipcantotcan anyone help me?01:10
dios_mioso guys... is it normal for the new ubuntu to take 1 1/2 hours to install?01:10
FiReSTaRThmw and sqr47: another nice tip for you guys if you wanna move the buttons back to the right side of the window is to download this script http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=maletaski.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2Fh1QnxBd1&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fmaletaski.wordpress.com%2F make it executable and run it... worked for me :)01:10
hmwkudkillioughta: what's the problem?01:10
Typos_Kingsmartmontools is GUI, latest version for that matter01:10
LinuxGuy2009Is it legal for other distros to use the term (Lucid) ?01:11
reportingsjrdios_mio: it depends on the computer.01:11
hmwFiReSTaRT: does it explayin, how to get back the icon on the top left, too?01:11
GrizzLyCROhow can i disable shift and ctrl in gnome? i cant play games normally because inputs gets awkward whilke hodling mod keys01:11
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?01:11
biggerfischdios_mio: it takes my computers a while to install01:11
FiReSTaRTsqr47: it does make sense.. if you dont need fancy desktop effects or 3d acceleration, you should be perfectly fine using the open driver01:11
dios_mioreportingsjr, can i like change my apt server to get a faster one?01:11
FyreFoXzanpakuto: hrm.. oh wrong name, I mean karmic 9.1001:11
FiReSTaRThmw: nope but i never used that one so no great loss for me :)01:11
Brando753Guys im trying to get ubuntu 10.4 to work with broadcom wirless but i cant enable the hardware drivers01:11
zvacetdios_mio : under system>admin>software sources,01:12
hmwFiReSTaRT: i miss the icons, that always have been in the top left corner. i never know, which browser i am in now01:12
LoshkiTypos_King: are you sure about smartmontools being a gui? I don't see it....01:12
FyreFoXzvacet: hrm.. oh wrong name, I mean karmic 9.1001:12
aj00200I recently broke Ubuntu and I'm using the live CD to backup my home folder. How can I restore this?01:12
FiReSTaRThmw: i just keep my preferred browser open and only run others for compatibility :)01:12
kudkillioughtahmw,  i've tried 3 times to install the 10.04 netbook remix onto my acer aspire one, every time my netbook says it installed successfully and just hangs after install01:12
sqr47FiReSTaRT: well NO driver is installed, but EVERYTHING works fine, even 3d and everything, im assuming it's installed but the system just doesn't recognize it, that's why plymouth goes to the nice fancy screen and it tells me that i need to activate the driver when i open up "Device Drivers"01:12
nsahoostill no luck with the upgrade to 10.401:12
zvacetFyreFoX : well,that is something different01:13
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FiReSTaRTsqr47: hmm you were having plymuth issues without installing the proprietary driver?01:13
Ergo^im having issues with movie playback, gstreamer probably, totem doesnt want to play any movies complaining avout lack of codecs, be it divx, x254, on6 whatever01:13
dios_mioreportingsjr, so say bro.. how do i kill this nvidia driver uploader? cant find it in ps01:13
gaysquirreli tried updateing and it says an apt-get process is running how do i kill it01:13
FiReSTaRTsqr47: in that case i hope you didn't follow my instructions (probably nothing bad will happen but still) b/c you have another issue01:13
Loshkisakekasi: Typos_King: ah, sudo apt-get install gsmartcontrol01:13
dios_mioreportingsjr, nvidia driver downloader, sorry01:13
FyreFoXzvacet: could it be because I run xfce rather than gnome?01:13
Typos_KingLoshki:       yes, it comes with gsmarcontrols package in the install, I ran smartmon I think and it loaded a GUI01:13
sqr47FiReSTaRT: no, i didnt follow them, but i wasnt having any issues besides the graphics driver being confused, i mostly just came in here to find out if that was a bad thing01:14
Typos_KingLoshki:       it came with it automatically :|01:14
gaysquirreli tried updateing and it says an apt-get process is running how do i kill it01:14
hmwkudkillioughta: can you still switch to the console after the "hang up" (CTRL-ALT-F1) ?01:14
LoshkiTypos_King: very good, I last tried in 8.04 and it wasn't bundled...01:14
zvacetFyreFoX : do you run just xfce or you have gnome too01:14
FiReSTaRTsqr47: they basically offer you the option of using a proprietary driver.. you don't have to if you dont wanna run compiz or play 3d games or use google earth01:14
gaysquirreli tried updateing and it says an apt-get process is running how do i kill it01:14
FyreFoXzvacet: I have both01:14
kudkillioughtahmw, no01:15
FiReSTaRTsqr47: unfortunately i need all 3 and also wanna see if the nvidia 195 finally got hdmi sound working on 840001:15
SeanBannisterIs there any reason the 64bit version of 10.04 isn't shouwing on the download page? I presume it's not ready?01:15
Champagnegaysquirrel: that's a tought one, but I usually resort to rebooting.  You might try looking for dpkg or apt-get or something in "ps" and then "kill" the process by number?01:15
zvacetFyreFoX : try with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:15
craigbass1976I've got these two packages that never go away in the update screen.  I'm on hardy, and they packages are cinelerracv-gl and libcinelerra.  I don't see them in the installed software list, nor can I get rid of either one of them in the command line with apt-get remove01:15
Typos_KingLoshki:       actually, I just checked, I don't see it in the download, :|, anyhow, yes, get also then gsmartcontrols :)01:15
Loshkigaysquirrel: open a terminal and run ps ax | egrep apt       Do you see a process running?01:15
sqr47FiReSTaRT: i can do all those things, but i need to leave, "A malicious client is monitoring your session"01:15
hmwkudkillioughta: does it hang after install or after reboot-after-install?01:15
gaysquirrelChampagne, ok ill try a reboot01:15
frankie_hello i went to download my video drivers on the live cd and they finished in like 30 seconds, doing it on a real install of ubuntu and they are taking ages? why??01:15
kudkillioughtahmw,  i can get to grub and it goes as far as running /scripts/local-top and then hangs01:15
Loshkigaysquirrel: try ps ax | egrep apt first01:15
ChampagneDo the Loshki thing first01:15
sqr47FiReSTaRT: im assuming that's a bad thing, i need to change my password now01:16
kudkillioughtahmw,  hangs after reboot-after-install01:16
Champagnesender: your VMware fix worked like a charm!01:16
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FyreFoXzvacet: nothing to be done, its installed already01:16
theJKHWill my Acer Aspire One Webcam work with Ubuntu 10.04? Will it work for Ustream?01:16
silipcantotHi, Can anyone help me with Wibu? It's not installing. It says no disk insert disk pls01:16
theJKHMy netbooks webcam.01:16
senderChampage: glad to hear! (but I just found the fix)01:17
PiranhaPI am trying to install Ubuntu/Lucid beside Mac OS X on a MacBook Pro (5,3), but the installer does not let me choose any partition besides the EFI or HFS+ (or entire disk) as the target for the bootloader.  Karmic had no problem when letting it "use the largest contiguous free space."  Is it safe to put on the disk, or on the EFI partition?01:17
frankie_hello i went to download my video drivers on the live cd and they finished in like 30 seconds, doing it on a real install of ubuntu and they are taking ages? why??01:17
ChampagneWill 10.04 "fix" my WiFi problems on a Dell E1705?  I'm dreaming, I know it.01:17
hmwkudkillioughta: hmm... i am sorry, i have no clue either.01:17
hmwChampagne: try a live cd01:17
Ergo^im having issues with movie playback on 10.04, gstreamer probably, totem doesnt want to play any movies complaining avout lack of codecs, be it divx, x254, on6... whatever totem doesnt find decoders for video streams01:18
TnEtDownloading Ubuntu 10.04....11 mins to go!!01:18
hmwErgo^: perhaps you try   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:18
Ergo^hmw, i have that installed01:18
LoshkiErgo^: try this: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/937-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004-lts-lucid-lynx01:18
jimi_How can I see what serivices are available to my pc that is bound to a blue tooth device?01:18
melkorsender: in regards to the root access w/out a password.  I usually get a paswd prompt.  But you could always us a live cd and access it w/out a passwd too.01:19
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?01:19
zvacetFyreFoX : you can remove it until you finish upgrade and then install it again I´m looking how to do that01:19
Ergo^i have all gstreamer packes, good, bad , ugly etc.01:19
chrometigerTnEt: congrats  i have 11 hours01:19
Brando753Guys im trying to get ubuntu 10.4 to work with broadcom wirless but i cant enable the hardware drivers01:19
hmwsender: if you need to protect your data, use encryption.01:19
sendermelkor: that's quite shocking.. not sth for a linux distro01:19
Loshkichrometiger: can you find an alternative mirror?01:19
TnEtchrometiger: How is it so far?01:19
senderhmw, I know, but it seems that even windows is better protected ...01:20
greezmunkeychrometiger, use torrent!01:20
frankie_how come everytime i move sound up and down i get this white flickr behind it ?01:20
chrometigerLoshki: i've already started it through update manager,   im too far in now01:20
kjeleBrando753: try "sudo apt-get update" to update the list01:20
hmwsender: that's quite not so shocking, its how it ought to be. i can access windows, too, if it isnt encryped, from any live cd.01:20
melkorsender:  I can do the same think with windows.  Use a livecd and access the files.01:20
Brando753kjele: i dont have any internet wifi and wired wont connect01:20
Moonlitphysical access = boned security01:20
Champagnesender: TrueCrypt.  Learn it, live it, love it!01:20
Loshkichrometiger: yes, risky to interrupt an upgrade....01:20
zvacetFyreFoX:  here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce01:20
Moonlit(unless it's encrypted, of course)01:21
senderhmw, melkor, true, but a reboot and direct root access is even more convenient..01:21
senderChampagne: thanks, I'll look into it.01:21
melkorsender: like I said I get a passwd when I do it.01:21
sendermelkor, hmw, well I guess you can set a pwd for root and this hole is plugged.01:21
kjeleBrando753: Then you are in a tough situation. Since you need the net to install the drivers01:21
hmwsender: See it this way: this is only reminding you, that you forgot to use encryption.01:21
FyreFoXzvacet: k thanks01:22
melkorsender: its funny because they always say 'dont set a root passwd'01:22
LeapoIs there any way to switch back to usermode display drivers in Ubuntu 10.04? I'm really not comfortable with kernel mode, especially since the only reason it was implemented was to get rid of a few screen flashes during boot.01:22
ChampagneOnly downside is it doesn't seem to support ext3 or anything other than NTFS inside encrypted volumes.  Means to linux permissions, and you have to be root to mount volumes easily.01:22
sendermelkor, who is that? ubuntu ppl?01:22
hmwmelkor: i'll check, if it helps (i have a root pwd) brb01:22
zvacetFyreFoX:  yw  :)01:22
melkorsender: this channel01:22
sendermelkor: ok :)01:22
sendermelkor: why would that be01:22
aciculasender, melkor the policy is to not have a password or shell attached to the root account01:22
melkorsender: they want to discourage ruining your system.01:23
sqr47why does it take sooo long to change the password :/01:23
aciculasender, to discourage running and logging in as root01:23
senderacicula: and use sudo instead01:23
aciculasender, indeed01:23
Champagnemelkor: without a password on root, I think you need to use sudo for everything or else "switch to" root by typing sudo su -01:23
SeanBannisterIs there any reason the 64bit version of 10.04 isn't shouwing on the download page? I presume it's not ready?01:23
senderacicula: kinda twisted... maybe running as root should be made harder, but there should be some protection on root anyway.01:24
Ergo^so anyone here can confirm if divx can be played normally or not in 10.04 ?01:24
MattElevenjoin #casanueva01:24
aciculasender, there is, you have to make modification to login as root01:24
^paradox^ok just one more quick question before upgrading to ubuntu 10.04. i have kernel 2.6.24-27 and didnt wanna screw around with the grub so i was just gonna stick to ext3 files system. i was told this wouldnt be a problem?01:24
senderacicula: you mean running in recovery mode?01:25
soreausender: It's a bad idea to run as root. You should do it if you're doing some system configuration or you understand exactly why you need to run as root01:25
XgatesI downloaded the ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso, doesn't this allow me to pick and choose what I want to install?01:25
greezmunkeyInstalled 10.04LTS RC 18hrs ago, no updates after release! nice.01:25
sendersoreau: I know, sudo is way better for a lot of situations01:25
melkoracicula: , sender logged in as root just by rebooting in safe mode.01:25
=== h93 is now known as hmw
kjele^paradox^: Assuming you do not upgrade to ext4 then it is ok01:25
soreausender: running user applications as root is a bad idea for several reasons aside from security risks01:25
Champagnegreezmunkey:  to be sure you want to fire two commands from the command interface:  sudo apt-get update   and   sudo apt-get upgrade01:25
LoshkiErgo^: my avis play fine using mplayer....01:25
zvacetsender:  read http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/sudo_root.8.html01:26
sendersoreau: I'm just shocked that anybody with this knowledge can boot my system, enter recovery mode and get a root prompt without anyfor of authentication01:26
hmwsender: melkor: setting a root password results in a prompt in recovery mode. But that is still almost "no-security" unless you use encryption.01:26
sendersoreau: I am aware of that01:26
aciculamelkor, yeah in rescue mode its possible01:26
^paradox^kjele: what about the kernel version? i assume thats about the latest kernel i can get in 8.04 lts?01:26
Ergo^Loshki, what about totem ?01:26
aciculasender, well thats why you have encryption01:26
senderhmw: well, it's not easy to crack that password is it?01:26
Ergo^i can play with VLC too01:26
aciculasender, setting a root password will not keep an attacker with physical access out01:27
hmwsender: i put in a live cd or my usb thumb drive and have full access without a password at all01:27
zvacetsender : your comp is not safe if somebody else have access to it not just linux issue01:27
senderacicula: encryption is the ultimate step, true. but there is a lot in between01:27
e1hn4nd3rsender: Loading now.  Will get you confirmation shortly.01:27
brah-you can get around the ubuntu keyboard vmware issue by selecting the virtual keyboard at the bottom and just clickin in ur pass01:27
kjele^paradox^: You will get a new kernel. As long you do not remove the old one you will have that too01:27
soreausender: You can disable recovery mode prompt if you understand how to edit your kernel entry at boot loader time01:27
sendere1hn4nd3r: interesting01:27
silipcantotCan anybody help me install WUBI? It says there is no disk?01:27
Champagnezvacet:  I strongly agree.  Don't believe me?  Download "ultimate boot cd"  or some other BartPE discs and then "attack" your Windoze installation just as easily.01:27
greezmunkeyChampagne: All good here :)01:28
soreau! wubi | silipcantot01:28
ubottusilipcantot: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:28
Xgatesanyone know if the ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso, allows you to pick and choose what you want to install?01:28
hmwsilipcantot: i don't know Wubi. Did you ask Google?01:28
aciculasender, are you trying to secure a box so that a physical attacker cant root it?01:28
LoshkiErgo^: totem searched for gstreamer plugins, I let it install them, and then it played. I much prefer mplayer though...01:28
melkorXgates: no01:28
Xgateshey melkor, ahh I thought before you said it did?01:28
melkorXgates: it gives you some options but it doesn't let you select specific packages01:29
t3h2masI don't have to do anything besides update from the 2nd beta right?01:29
senderacicula: entering GRUB and getting root without password is so much easier than booting from a disk (e.g. my laptop has not drive) or a thumb01:29
mikelifeguardHow can I see what ports are in use on the command line?01:29
melkorXgates: is there something specific you want to avoid installing?01:29
Xgatesit isn't giving me any options different then the regular install01:29
enlilOk I just went to Karmic from Jaunty and SCIM doesn't work anymore01:29
silipcantotoh man. this is hopeless....01:29
^paradox^kjele: i was just looking at the release notes and it mentioned something or about 2.6.28 and later kernels, but im guessing those are 9.04, 9.10 and higher01:29
frankie_why do i get white flickering bars behind the volume display when i go to decrease or increase volume01:29
zvacetChampagne:  there is no 100% security even if you are only user and if somebody else have access forget security01:29
ubuntuerver irc.serenia.net01:29
enlilActually SCIM seems to crash on startup, I've to kill it and start it again in a term01:29
Xgatesmelkor: yes most of what Ubuntu installs, I just want X is all, then I'll install something like Flux, or OpenBox01:30
kjelet3h2mas: Just keep your system updated with update-manager and you are fine01:30
jimi_How can I see what serivices are available to my pc that is bound to a blue tooth device?01:30
andy__Is there someone I could talk to about loading a program in wine here?01:30
hmwmikelifeguard: lsof -i :<portnumber>01:30
aciculasender, well you can fix that by locking down grub01:30
senderacicula: I think you can discourage ppl to (mis)use root AND have it secured by at least a password01:30
studentzXgates  I use alternate CD it has more option than live CD like encrypt the partitions, different OS partitions etc01:30
Typos_Kingmikelifeguard:  netstat -a01:30
enlilBut then, it doesn't react to the shortcut ctrl+spcace which used to work fine01:30
enlilAny idea? Any help?01:30
mikelifeguardTypos_King: that's the one; thanks :)01:30
t3h2maskjele, But isn't there a new kernel etc? I don't think that installed with the updates or the beta install, not sure though01:30
freezwayhey.... i am getting really slow connection speeds for update manager.... Is this b/c the servers are bogged down?01:30
senderacicula: we are talking about the lots of users who don't know linux too much, the switchers01:30
melkorXgates: then you don't want the ubuntu alternate cd, there might be fluxbuntu or something, and maybe even the server version.01:30
greezmunkeyfreezway: you think...!01:30
kjele^paradox^: lucid kernel is 2.6.3201:30
Champagnezvacet:  I think popping DRAMs into the freezer to recover my boot-time crypto keys is taking things too far.01:30
pznHi. I have a symbian bluetooth phone with a gprs dataplan. how can I connect to internet with my ubuntu notebook using bluetooth?01:30
senderacicula: I'll look into encryption and definitely set a password for root account in the mean time01:31
aciculasender, so why would they need a (separate) root password?01:31
Xgatesmelkor: ok, I noticed there are two alternate isos, one says desktop in it, what's with that one?01:31
jimi_pzn, maybe pppd01:31
freezwaygreezmunkey, Nah, thinking takes effort i prefer not to...01:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:31
enlilNobodY? :(01:31
melkorXgates: the desktop is going to have the whole gnome suite.01:31
andy__Where would I go to figure out a problem with wine?01:31
freezwayenlil, what is ut problem?01:31
^paradox^kjele: ok so thats what that was then. i figured thats what it was and why my kernels no higher than it is01:31
kjelet3h2mas: It will install01:31
enlilfreezway, I just told id01:31
brah-think I may use xubuntu, remove any unecessary apps, then install vmware workstation in that01:31
melkorandy__: #wine, and search the winehq db01:31
enlilOk I just went to Karmic from Jaunty and SCIM doesn't work anymore01:31
brah-and my os's in there01:31
Xgatesmelkor: is the alternate just installing Gnome, or other apps too?01:31
enlilBut then, it doesn't react to the shortcut ctrl+spcace which used to work fine01:31
senderacicula: b/c anybody can boot into their system as root in the easiest way (without cd/usb)01:31
enlilActually SCIM seems to crash on startup, I've to kill it and start it again in a term01:31
enlilBut then, it doesn't react to the shortcut ctrl+spcace which used to work fine01:31
FloodBot4enlil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:31
laumonier1since i have lucid i have a problem when im watching a video sometimes my screen bug i have a lot of line which appears and disapear fastly and i have to reset my laptop because i see nothing am i the only one who have this bug???01:31
freezwayenlil, and i just joined.01:32
pipegeekJust installed lucid, and am using empathy for the first time.  Very slick, but is there a way to cause it not to hide new messages, and just immediately open them in a window?  If so, I can't find it01:32
chrometigerAndy_: wineHQ.com01:32
enlilfreezway, oh! My bad :p01:32
melkorXgates: It is the normal version with a lightweight installer.01:32
aciculasender, setting a password does not change that fact,nor offers improvement01:32
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pinnerupHumm, upgrading to Lucid broke wireless connectivity on my EEEPC 901.01:32
kjele^paradox^: If you are cautious then you should do a backup01:32
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enlilfreezway, si did you saw it this time? I repeated it. I've an issue with SCIM, on Karmic, that I didn't had on Jaunty :/01:32
e1hn4nd3rpinnerup: I could've swore I spotted a forum post on that.  Might want to do a quick search.01:33
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williamdixupgrading to 10.04 broke everything on my Toshiba,, it will not boot, even in recovery mode01:33
Chimechosomebody there?01:33
melkorXgates: I think the server version you can install w/out gnome.01:33
senderacicula: why not? There is the improvement that there is a password needed to have root01:33
e1hn4nd3rsender: 75% installed.  Will confirm shortly.  Sorry for the delay.01:33
pinnerupe1hn4nd3r: I've found it: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=910629901:33
xomphi, I just installed Ubuntu to this ONE HDD while every other HDD I have was completely disconnected. Now I'm unable to boot into my previous operating systems because of a grubrescue menu.. I don't see how Grub has managed to install itself onto 3 Hard Drives that were completely physically disconnected from my computer. Any ideas?01:33
freezwayenlil, IDK what SCIM is, sorry01:33
Chimechohey, anybody here speaks spanish?01:33
mikelifeguardI'm trying to start git-daemon with git-daemon --listen=git.my.host, but I get "fatal: unable to allocate any listen sockets on host git.hashbang.ca port 9418" What am I doing wrong?01:33
Xgatesmelkor: so no mono, f-spot, tomboy and other apps like that? Cause I don't want any of those or Ooo...01:33
sendere1hn4nd3r: no problem, thanks for testing01:33
hmwsender: having no password for root makes it impossible to log in as root via ssh01:33
e1hn4nd3rnp.  :)01:33
pipegeekalso it seems kind of a suboptimal irc client---every new message forces the message pane to scroll to the bottom, making it impossible to scroll up and see what's just been said01:33
^paradox^kjele: how does one backup ubuntu?01:33
Rafase_282has anyone done a multi live usb here?01:33
frankie_why is it taking so long to install a video driver that downloaded like 30 seconds on the live cd!! i am so confused!!! this is frustrating01:34
pepeewilliamdix, what errors can you see while booting?01:34
ChimechoI need some help here...01:34
aguitelthere will be 10.04.01,10.04.02.... ?01:34
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xomp!es | Chimecho01:34
ubottuChimecho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:34
melkorXgates:  you can remove many of those afterwards if you like.01:34
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hmw^paradox^: i like to use my USB thumb drive with Ubuntu and "partimage"01:34
^paradox^kjele: or are you just saying to backup my files and home folder?01:34
senderhmw: so you are saying that having no password for root is actually a security improvement?01:34
e1hn4nd3raguitel: No.  More than likely just a post-release set of updates.01:34
kjele^paradox^: Just copy /home to a safe place01:34
ChampagneK, kids.  I need to go pay attention to the wife now. Thank you!01:34
Chimechothx ubuntu_01:34
e1hn4nd3raguitel: Make sure you auto-update once a day.01:34
senderChampage: good luck01:34
hmwsender: in the case of Ubuntu, yes. They had a reason to do it this way.01:34
Chimechothx ubottu01:34
FloodBot4Chimecho: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:35
aciculasender, you need a password and be an already privilidged user now to elevate yourself to root. Letting anyone go straight to root by setting, another, password merely weakens the overal scheme01:35
Xgatesmelkor: yeah sure, I'd rather just not have them installed in the first place, hehe, btw is the server version going to install server apps, like apache and other things, or just basically Ubuntu as a terminal?01:35
^paradox^kjele: well i have an external hard drive i could backup to01:35
XaoI am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 for my ps3. I got to the eboot screen and it just gets stuck. I can not get back into xmb mode either01:35
aguitele1hn4nd3r, why is 8.04.01,8.04.02...01:35
e1hn4nd3rXgates: Server has apache and all the normal server apps you'd normally find with a server distro.01:35
NinoScriptYay! no more #ubuntu+1 :D01:35
e1hn4nd3raguitel: Couldn't tell you.01:35
frankie_why is it taking so long to install a video driver that downloaded like 30 seconds on the live cd!! i am so confused!!! this is frustrating01:35
^paradox^kjele: what are the possibilities of serious problems?01:36
Xgatese1hn4nd3r: yeah I figured that01:36
hmwfrankie_: you are probably using a different repository now.01:36
xomphi, I just installed Ubuntu to this ONE HDD while every other HDD I have was completely disconnected. Now I'm unable to boot into my previous operating systems because of a grubrescue menu.. I don't see how Grub has managed to install itself onto 3 Hard Drives that were completely physically disconnected from my computer. Any ideas?01:36
kjelexomp: Don't think it did. Try to boot into other hdd with bios setting and you will see.01:36
andy__There doesn't seem to be anyone in the wine channel right now any other ideas?01:36
* stevecam is reinstalling soon01:36
xompkjele, I tried that and I'm still getting the grubrescue menu01:36
Xgatescrap the darn mini iso isn't giving support for my nic and wifi, cause that would then be the way to go and I thought the mini iso would support everything like Ubuntu does01:36
e1hn4nd3rXgates: Sorry, your question seemed strange.  x_X;01:36
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williamdixpepee, at the moment, it is trying to fsck, but isn't proceeding with that, but the problems have been changing a lot01:36
kjele^paradox^: unbootable system to lost of data01:37
senderacicula: I understand that point. So it should be hard, really hard to go straight to root. Sudo should be used whenever possible. This is how all the docs should be etc. etc. But what scenario01:37
Xgatese1hn4nd3r: you said the server version came with all the server types of software and I said ---> yeah I figured that  :)01:37
williamdixearlier, it would boot to a prompt, but no X and dpkg and apt seemed to be broken01:37
aciculaXgates, not wireless, as not all wireless drivers can be distributed in such a way, the what nic card do you have?01:37
xompkjele, The internal HDD's were physically disconnected when I installed Ubuntu 10.04 to an External USB HDD.01:37
chrometigerxomp: is your Ubuntu HD the primary drive01:37
sender*sorry, Maybe "su -" should be disabled while logged in.01:37
pepeewilliamdix, try checking the hdd from the live cd01:37
studentzfrankie which video drive (nvidia, intel or ATI)?01:37
aciculasender, separate physical attacks from remote attacks and programs01:37
melkorXgates: isn't atheros in the linux kernel ?01:38
hmwsender: there is simply no reason to let anyone log in as the system (aka root)01:38
rafase282Can anyone help me with a usb project?01:38
xompchrometiger, in my BIOS it is currently, if I try setting say my Windows drive (which was the primary before) to be primary, I get the grub rescue menu.01:38
kjelexomp: When yoou boot now do you boot into the external or internal?01:38
^paradox^i know i need to upgrade, but i dont want my computer to become unusable.01:38
rafase282I want to be able to put multiple live cd and select which one to boot01:38
Xgatesmelkor: yeah it's in the kernel I think, all I know is if Ubuntu is installed everything works, so I didn't look to see if they are seperate drivers or in the kernel01:38
senderacicula, hmw: as far as remote root access: could you not simply set "AllowRootLogin no"?01:38
hmwxomp: disconnect the drive, that holds GRUB01:38
xomphmw, I tried that too lol01:38
aciculasender, well su doesnt work by dfault either01:39
XaoI am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 for my ps3. I got to the eboot screen and it just gets stuck. I can not get back into xmb mode either any help to get ubuntu to install or get back into xmb mode for my ps301:39
xompthis is just insane how it can do this01:39
chrometigerxomp: have you physically disconnected the ubuntu drive and pluged up the Win drive and tried01:39
xompchrometiger, correct01:39
hmwsender: there is no reason to log in as the system (aka root). it would be just another possible security hole.01:39
aciculasender, though sudo works01:39
senderacicula: maybe root should be protected by a password (even the password of any kind, preset by ubuntu or set to the same as the user) when loggin in via console01:39
virtualdsebsebseb: you can't delete the top panel with the right click menu, i freed myself from it by setting /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel to avant-window-navigator.01:39
aciculasender, that just covers ssh01:39
chrometigerxomp:  im stumped then01:39
xompchrometiger, is there a way to see if grub has installed itself onto these other hard drives?01:39
aciculasender, isnt that exactly how it is now ;)01:40
e1hn4nd3rBloody language packs are standard now?  That's annoying...01:40
xompchrometiger, I am too, I need to check my car to see if Grub installed on it somehow since it has magical powers of installation to things that aren't connected to it..01:40
collier_sHi, i'm running Ubuntu 8.04.2  shouldn't i be able to run the update manager and upgrade to 10.04 ?01:40
aciculaexcept you cant go straight for root, but you have to go via users that are already allowed to become root01:40
senderacicula: no, on the console I dont have to enter a password at all01:40
aciculacollier_s, yeah01:40
Xgatesmelkor: all I know is when it came time to setup the net, it said it couldn't find the ethernet and I was like really bummed :(01:40
aciculasender, as a normal user?01:41
melkoracicula: do you have a root passwd set?01:41
aciculamelkor, nope01:41
e1hn4nd3rXgates: Two things.  Does lspci show your adapter?01:41
hmwacicula: sender: one cannot unmount /home, if they sudoed themselves to root. Therefore my root account has a password.01:41
collier_sacicula, i'm getting a "no new release found"01:41
osirisanoyone update from LTS to LTS and have mysql break ?01:41
Xgatese1hn4nd3r: If I'm running Karmic or Lucid it does01:41
melkorXgates: how were you looking for you device?01:41
aciculahmw, heh yeah that poses a problem01:41
razeWhat is the command to regain your encryption key for your home folder?01:42
senderacicula, hmw: isn't the real problem here that grub loads a shell as root? Why is there no login prompt (a la ssh)?01:42
e1hn4nd3rXgates: Possibly a driver/kernel change in the non-LTS releases broke it?01:42
Xgatese1hn4nd3r: it shows the ether and wifi and both work01:42
dTalraze: surely if there were such a command the encryption would be pointless?01:42
pipegeekQuestion about empathy: is there a way to make it open new conversations automatically, rather than forcing you to allow them one by one from the menu?01:42
kjelecollier_s: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades01:42
studentzxom try fdisk -l   and look for Boot (second column) The stars tell you where is boot loader ( grub)01:42
aciculasender, because a grub password is mostly an inconvienance01:42
JTSmeedAttempting to install 10.04 64-bit on a touchsmart desktop with nvidia graphics from usb.  The colors are all screwed up (appear to be 8-bit or lower colors) and the screen is very dim at maximum brightness.  It installs without obvious error, but get a kernel panic on reboot.  I couldn't read all of the messages, but have a not syncing:  Attempted to kill init.  Also, caught a glimpse of something to do with nouveau.  Suggestions?01:42
Xgatesmelkor: I'm talking about the mini iso when you come to the section to have it setup and detect your network the installer comes back saying it can't find my ethernet01:42
aciculasender, and does not provide extra protection by itself01:42
hmwsender: if you want security, either hide GRUB totally (0 seconds delay) or use another boot loader. Physical access = no protection. period.01:42
razedTal: I've used it already but it was about half a year ago.01:43
ivo_hmw you are simply not right01:43
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?01:43
ivo_install some C4 infront of the PC01:43
ha1331__Upgraded to 10.04. After I set visual effects to extra and imported my compiz settings to enable title bars and bordes for windows I find nothing new or changed. everything works, like it did with 9.10. Succesfull upgrade, tho I have no idea what is the benefit compared to 9.1001:43
e1hn4nd3rJTSmeed: Touchsmart is one of those touch-screen desktops, right?  Is the graphics adapter supported?  Maybe the touch stuff is breaking it?01:43
ivo_and some motion sensors01:43
hmwivo_: we are assuming, that no encryption has taken place01:43
david__hey all can anyone help with installing adobe flash so i can get youtube to work?01:43
ivo_hmw, you only need C4 and motion sensors01:43
e1hn4nd3rha1331: Themes, some other stuff.01:44
acicula<3 Txt, tpm and encryption01:44
wrinkliezhey guys, is there a reason that rhythmbox isn't closing to the tray or the window list?  it jut closes but keeps playing lol01:44
e1hn4nd3rha1311: Read the changelog?  lol01:44
senderacicula, hmw: Yeah well an airbag is no 100% protection either, but it minimizes risk. Adding a password to the root account on console login (or having GRUB prompting for a existing username + password) would mean adding an airbar IMO01:44
hmwivo_: i'd consider that NO physical access.01:44
collier_skjele, update manager kicks off, but says it's up2date and the upgrade button is greyed out.  Could it be because i'm running ubuntu moblin edition on a dell mini?01:44
ha1331__e1hn4nd3r: themes... that propably is silliest reasons to upgrade.01:44
Xgatesmelkor: the thing is, if I have my CAT5 plugged into my nic during the install of Ubuntu for the regular iso it will detect it during the install and sync the time, so I don't get why the mini iso doesn't show support my nic too01:44
* Xgates bangs head01:44
studentzdavid are you on 32 or 64 bit?01:44
^paradox^well i guess im gonna upgrade to 10.04 and see how it goes. lol i may need a hug afterwards01:44
kjeleivo_: Then how do you access the comp without blowing yourself?01:44
hmwsender: not having a root account is even better01:44
e1hn4nd3rha1331__: I couldn't possibly tell you all the changes here.  Honestly, you'd have to check the changelog.01:44
ivo_some biosensors01:44
aciculasender, its equivalent to trying to stopping a 10ton truck with just your bare feet flinstone style01:44
hmwkjele: remotely with password01:44
ivo_for eye recognition01:44
kjelecollier_s: Try another mirror01:45
JTSmeede1hn4nd3r:  The touchscreen part actually worked fine in the installer and with previous versions of Ubuntu.  The graphics card is a standard Nvidia GeForce Go 6100.  I haven't tried on a different machine yet.01:45
ivo_or fingerprint scanner01:45
collier_skjele, ok, i'll look through docs and figure that out.  thx01:45
melkorXgates: it could be a network manager thing.  Does the mini-iso have a live version / cmd prompt?01:45
e1hn4nd3rsender: Confirmed!  VMWare EasyInstall script breaks the install.  Confirmed on Win7 /w VMWare Player 3.0.101:45
ha1331__e1hn4nd3r: wasn't expecting that. I just taught there would be couple of biggies to mention.01:45
anylakehow to register nickname of gstreamer channel01:45
wrinkliezanyone have any idea about my rhythmbox issue? -_-01:46
d4rkmt7rso how is everyone liking the new ubuntu?01:46
Xgatesmelkor:  live version / cmd prompt, what ya mean?01:46
e1hn4nd3rsender: I just got it to install cleanly by selecting "I will install the OS later" during the wizard setup and installed manually.01:46
hmw!ot | d4rkmt7r01:46
ubottud4rkmt7r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:46
melkorXgates: can you get to a shell from the mini version01:46
kjeleivo_: Kinda dangerous at your place01:46
sp0spois there something to check file systems in ubuntu for ntfs file systems?01:46
Xgatesmelkor:  yeah01:46
ha1331__d4rkmt7r: I think it's as good as 9.10. Yet to spot any clear improvements01:46
ivo_<kjele>, no it is not01:47
melkorXgates what does ifconfig give you?01:47
ivo_I just use encryption01:47
e1hn4nd3rsp0spo: IMO, I wouldn't recommend doing any kind of filesystem check with a *nix tool.  Too much could go wrong.01:47
sendere1hn4nd3r: interesting - this is a potential problem for a lot of users01:47
hmwsp0spo: not really. there is a tool, but it's docs say, it is not a replacement. Reboot to windows and use scandisk.01:47
Typos_Kingsp0spo:    yes and no, I think there is an ntfs tool, what about using a live-xp cd to do a checkdisk?  no good?01:47
Xgatesmelkor: ok hang tight, I need to erase a cd and burn this back on and boot it...01:47
d4rkmt7rha1331:good to know, thanks01:47
e1hn4nd3rsender: I can imagine.  I'll look and see if there's a bugzilla thread for this.01:47
MathuinIs this the right channel to ask questions about install trouble with Lucid Lynx?01:47
hmwsp0spo: that tool only finds certain kinds of errors, but cant fix the most01:47
ivo_melkor ku4e starao, long time no see01:47
beek_Mathuin, yes01:47
Mathuinbeek_: thanks!01:48
ivo_melkor ku4e staro, long time no see01:48
dugger5688nvidia-settings broken?01:48
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap01:48
ha1331__d4rkmt7r: hmm, nvidia driver seems to be updated, not sure what good that does, it works as fluently as the previous one.01:48
Typos_Kingsp0spo:    http://www.hirensbootcd.net/   get it, burn it, boot it, it has a heapload of tools  to do disk checks, also has a live-xp01:48
mweijts@<studentz> frankie which video drive (nvidia, intel or ATI)? onboard ATI Radeon 3100 gives flickering stripes01:49
studentzdugger5688 which card do you have?01:49
d4rkmt7rha1331:sweet, might put on the desktop mchne then01:49
MathuinWhen I attempt to install LL, I get an error dialog titled "Failed to create a file system" with the following text:  "The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_diafhbhcbh_UbuntuMirror (mirror) failed."  I have already run "dmraid -a y" and the raid set was activated, and I was able mkfs on partition #1 by hand.  What am I missing?01:49
senderhmw, acicula: lol. So you guys think that it's not a gain in security that having a password on root will stop anybody encountering a physical ubuntu system (say in the library) to login as root?01:49
BlueSherpaanyone here know how to do multiline regexp matches using the ubuntu "expect" command?  This regexp isn't working:  (\n|.)*e is 6553701:49
Axis`Is this the final version? --->Ubuntu 10.04 LTS \n \l01:50
dugger5688students: 8800 I think01:50
senderhmw, acicula: or not having grub boot into root by default, for that matter.01:50
BlueSherpaacicula: or bios password protected?01:50
studentzmwejts did you try fglrx?01:50
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ha1331__d4rkmt7r: upgrade did unistall smplayer, if that makes any difference to you. Its still found and installable at software center. Not sure but atleast for 9.10 it was pretty old.01:50
mweijtsstudentz: no01:51
rajguys is there anyone in here capable of reading logs and determining how to fix? its about a game smokin guns... I have the log file openAL refuses to open and i get errors while trying to run VM any ideas? i would really appreciate any help :( here is my log file ANYONE? I couldnt FIND anything online!!!! http://pastebin.org/193449   PLEASE HELP :) THANK YOU01:51
Axis`nVidia 8800 GTS 512 was a pain to install :/01:51
hmwsender: 1) not having a password on root means nobody can login as root. That is better than having a password and allowing people to log in. 2) Ubunut decided to have it this way. Swallow it. 3) This is offtopic, please continue on #ubuntu-offtopic01:51
Typos_KingBlueSherpa:   ubuntu 'expect'?    I don't have it, soooo ^_^, I do know regexps, and usually there's a 'multiline' switch you pass, otherwise the '.' doesn't include \n01:51
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ha1331__Axis`: 9600GT works like a charm01:51
jeh_do I have to do anything special to upgrade from 10.04 beta to release?01:51
XaoI am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 for my ps3. I got to the eboot screen and it just gets stuck. I can not get back into xmb mode either any help to get ubuntu to install or get back into xmb mode for my ps301:51
dominicdinadaI am having a problem on my laptop that when i am typing the cursor position jumps. sometimes back to the middle of the textbox and sometimes it goes to a whole new window is this a driver issue or a touchpad sensitivity issue or what could it be?01:51
studentzmweijts it is in synaptic under lucid-proposed-restricted01:51
hmwjeh_: no, just keep updating as usual01:51
XgatesTypos_King: how well does that Hiren's BootCD work? Personally I found the Ultimate Boot CD to be a pain and slow/sluggish on the desktop it had to do things01:51
Axis`@ha1331_ how much memory is on your card?01:51
jeh_hmw : thanks :)01:51
Typos_KingBlueSherpa:   there's a nice regex editor/tester for regex, 'kodos', is in the repos01:52
* dugger5688 has deja vu....01:52
ha1331__Axis`: 51201:52
=== ernesto is now known as Guest58173
MathuinXao: wasn't PS3 Linux support disabled in the last PS3 system update?01:52
jimlovell777Ok I installed Lucid and manged to delete the volume control from the top right of the screen. I right clicked and selected "Add to panel" but there is no option related to volume. Any suggestions?01:52
mweijtsstudentz: thx gonna try01:52
studentzsweijts good01:52
Xaomathuin I dont know.. but i just want to get back into xmb mode01:52
BlueSherpaTypos_King: I tried one regexp tool, but it turns out that "expect" uses a funky version of regexp01:52
Typos_KingXgates:   it has an option for live-98 too, that didn't work for me, though I use the 10.2 version, they have 10.4 now, the live-xp session works very well, and the other tools too, the ones from the Hiren's boot menu01:52
MathuinXao: I don't think you can do that anymore. :-(01:53
aciculagrub boots even before the os thinks about terms like root01:53
hiexpohello all is lucid ready lol01:53
aciculaits not even in protected mode01:53
Axis`same here... but i had to edit grub.cfg so my card would work01:53
e1hn4nd3rhiexpo: Lucid is released and available now.01:53
dominicdinadaI am having a problem on my laptop that when i am typing the cursor position jumps. sometimes back to the middle of the textbox and sometimes it goes to a whole new window is this a driver issue or a touchpad sensitivity issue or what could it be?01:53
rajguys is there anyone in here capable of reading logs and determining how to fix? its about a game smokin guns... I have the log file openAL refuses to open and i get errors while trying to run VM any ideas? i would really appreciate any help :( here is my log file ANYONE? I couldnt FIND anything online!!!! http://pastebin.org/193449   PLEASE HELP :) THANK YOU01:53
e1hn4nd3rhiexpo: If you're installing to VMWare, note that you need to NOT use the Easy Install method.01:53
aciculasender, BlueSherpa bios/grub passwords only work as long as you can enforce physical security01:53
ha1331__Axis`: you had to edit Grub to get gpu to work? That's odd01:53
sp0spoanyone have a problematic seagate 1.5gb external hard drive, I have three freeagent ones and I think they all have bad sectors and might be broken by now01:54
senderhmw: Not a biggie, since I know - I'll set up a password for root in no time. But I others should know. Btw, you know that 1) is not true. That's why I've brought this up.01:54
FishsceneVMWare Ubuntu Easy Install Method = Easy fail method.01:54
bsmith093why can't i upgrade directly from jaunty to lucid01:54
hiexpoe1hn4nd3r, i wouldnever i would never do that i am happy with 9.1001:54
^paradox^ok im gonna go upgrade to 10.04 for real now lol. i guess ive procrastinated and sucked my thumb enuff lol01:54
XgatesTypos_King: thanks I'll give 10.4 a try01:54
BlueSherpaacicula: they're still a deterrent - like a big hefty door when you have a big window on the house01:54
dominicdinadaI am having a problem on my laptop that when i am typing the cursor position jumps. sometimes back to the middle of the textbox and sometimes it goes to a whole new window is this a driver issue or a touchpad sensitivity issue or what could it be?01:54
Xaowhats my best hope, can I just reformat my ps3 in eboot to get back into xmb. ive tried the ps3-boot-game-os but it gives me an error as unreadable01:54
Div_By_Zero salve salve galerinha do bem01:55
BlueSherpaacicula: plus, most people don't know how to reset the bios password01:55
Axis`ha1331_ Yeah i had to add vmalloc=256MB under the default listing of Ubuntu in the cfg file01:55
Typos_Kingdominicdinada:    hehe, well, same here,  but I think is my touchpad, since my pad lies around my hand's wrist, but yeah, is not driver or stuff, I guess I can always disable it :P01:55
senderacicula, hmw: I think there must be a way to work out a more secure and elegant solution. I'll leave it for now. Just surprised.01:55
hmwsender: we already told you: encryption.01:55
Axis`i think i read somewhere that it was because i also have a hauppage 1600 tv card...01:55
Typos_Kingdominicdinada:    I used to have it disabled, never ran into this... thus01:55
Axis`it was late and my eyes were crossed01:55
ha1331__sweet, I spotted first improvement on 10.04. Disk utility has new features.01:55
dominicdinadaI cant seeing it is my only mouse... but Maybe i need to find a program to change the sensitivity01:56
msmoothi just told someone how to restore the default applets on the panel01:56
msmoothand they accused me of doing something fishy01:56
rajguys is there anyone in here capable of reading logs and determining how to fix? its about a game smokin guns... I have the log file openAL refuses to open and i get errors while trying to run VM any ideas? i would really appreciate any help :( here is my log file ANYONE? I couldnt FIND anything online!!!! http://pastebin.org/193449   PLEASE HELP :) THANK YOU01:56
bsmith093how msmooth01:56
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?01:56
bsmith093'i need help resotring the default applets01:56
Typos_Kingdominicdinada:    maybe you just need a mouse :P, they're cheap you know01:56
msmooth<msmooth> gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel01:56
msmooth<msmooth> rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel01:56
msmooth<msmooth> pkill gnome-panel01:56
msmooth<msmooth> run those in terminal01:56
FloodBot4msmooth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
msmoothwill fix remvoed applets from the panel01:56
e1hn4nd3rraj: Should probably contact the team that made Smokin' Guns and post to their forums or email them.01:56
hiexpoIdleOne,  - ure quiet01:57
msmoothaka : volume control01:57
bsmith093thsnkd so much i had a neighbor ewith that problem01:57
Xgatesmelkor: still erasing the cd, but one thing I found interesting is on the Ubuntu site for the mini isos the AMD one for Lucid isn't listed but you can find it on the server, so it makes me wonder if it's complete or still in a testing stage01:57
aciculasender, intels trusted boot techology can be leveraged to get around the issue of bootstrapping trust on what and how you boot, but until that stuff gets mainstream anyone who can google can boot your machine whichever way they want01:57
bsmith093why can i not upgrade from 904 to 10.0401:57
raje1hn4nd3r:  it takes too long to make an account of tehir forum .. they didnt approve me yet its been a day!!01:57
dominicdinadaTypos_King:  that was not the question if i needed to go buy another mouse the sensitivity threshold just needs to be changed for my touchpad01:57
Xgatesmelkor: look ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD  no '64-bit PC (amd64)' Lucid mini, hmmm :/01:57
e1hn4nd3rraj: Patience is a virtue.01:57
melkorXgates: I wouldn't know, it seems really on that the lan doesn't work.01:57
aciculasender, hence encryption is good ;)01:57
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ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad01:58
senderacicula, hmw: does that stop login as root via GRUB?01:58
hmwsender: a BIOS password might be an additional layer of (pseudo) security01:58
aciculasender, off course it doesnt01:58
melkorXgates: maybe the easiest would be to uninstall somethings, such as apache/samba after installation.01:58
hmwsender: encryption stops everyting01:58
Xgatesmelkor: sorry what about the LAN?01:58
senderhmw, lol01:58
melkorXgates: use a server version and uninstall things.01:58
JTSmeedAnyway to force 10.04 to NOT use Nouveau?  I'm getting screwed up colors and brightness with a message "You have a very unusual laptop display; please report it" followed by kernel panic.01:58
dominicdinada!touchpad | Typos_King01:58
senderacicula, hmw, why is encryption not standard?01:58
ubottuTypos_King: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad01:58
hmw!ot | sender01:59
ubottusender: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:59
Xgatesmelkor: ahh, well let me put the mini back in and see what the term says, I'm burning it now01:59
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?01:59
melkorXgates: or install an older version of the mini iso and upgrade.01:59
Xgatesmelkor: ok01:59
melkorsender: encryption adds overhead.01:59
pavsvery slow Ubuntu on ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO, had same problem with 9.10, I am getting frustrated after spending hours of googling without finding any solution.01:59
williamdixi've given up on fixing this install02:00
efstwilliamdix: what happened?02:00
=== slide23 is now known as slide
RnFstRuckHrdOkay so, after upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04: My Dell Inspiron 700M won't even boot. shows the Kubuntu splash screen for a moment then goes black and idle. Aparently machines are being blacklisted ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1461029 ) and my Dell Inspiron 530S seemed to upgrade okay but plasma is not working. It boots, and get the startup chime, I can run apps via krunner but cannnot fiugre out how to force plasma02:01
RnFstRuckHrd to start. Any thoughts?02:01
=== diabolical is now known as dominicdinada
Xgatesmelkor: ok I'm booting the Lucid mini iso for now02:01
williamdixthe upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 aborted in the middle, following this, machine would no longer startx, and dpkg and apt-get were broken02:01
RnFstRuckHrd... on how to start plasma if it does not when the machine boots02:01
williamdixafter a while of trying to fix this, the machine wouldnt boot at all02:02
k0shAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa where are netbook .img readymade files for installer for 10.4  im looisng my mind trying to make .img from .iso ;(02:02
williamdixeven in recovery mode02:02
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efstwilliamdix: that sucks02:02
mickster04kostkon: next to all the other downloads02:03
efstwilliamdix: but I doubt I can help you. did you check the md5sum of the iso? maybe the download messed up02:03
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!02:03
williamdixefst, it was an upgrade through the upgrade manager, not a cd02:03
Mathuink0sh: UNR doesn't have .img it has .iso now, I was able to build a USB stick with usb-creator and installed UNR successfully.02:03
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:04
Typos_King... ahemm02:04
RnFstRuckHrdHOKAY!!! so aparently my supposedly "seemless" upgrade did not include installing the plasma desktop. Minor detail... :-s02:04
efstwilliamdix: hmm. idk then02:04
Typos_Kinganyhow, dashing for now02:04
Xgatesmelkor: if I type ifconfig I get a not found02:04
MathuinIf anyone's trying to help me with the FakeRaid install, I'm starting over and building the RAID with dmraid before clicking the install icon.02:05
ubottuUbuntu has an $adjective $animal naming scheme, summarized (and with a list of suggested words which you can add to) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames02:05
k0shMathuin: i dont think i have it at my distro..02:05
Xgatesbeek_: nope and /usr/bin nothing too02:05
Div_By_ZeroGalera só pra alertar todo mundo, sei que foge um pouco o tema do canal, porém é bom que todos saibam que esta vencendo o prazo para declaração do imposto de renda.02:06
Mathuink0sh: sudo apt-get install usb-creator02:06
msmoothtbh mdadm works better IMO02:06
dominicdinadaDamn it I found a bug already02:06
Mathuinmsmooth: was the mdadm thing to me?02:06
zetherooany nagging issues in Lucid?02:06
k0shMathuin: im on arch-linux :)02:06
Mathuinmsmooth: I've never used mdadm, any pointers?02:06
Mathuink0sh: sucky. :-(02:06
msmoothsuper easy02:06
RnFstRuckHrdwhat is the command to see what distro you have?02:06
ennuiany tips?trying to reinstall chromium-browser using apt-get remove --purge  and then reinstalling but I still remembers my history and bookmarks.  The video stopped working after installoing mplayer (which I then uninstalled) and i'm trying to get it back ;(02:07
msmoothi have a fakeraid controller in on of my machines and find that the nux soft raid is better02:07
markattosoft raid is definitely better than fakeraid02:07
MathuinI have the intel matrix one, it's a little old but worked well in windows.02:07
zetherooany reasons not to upgrade to Lucid?02:07
studentzRnFstRuckHrd   uname -a02:07
h00kzetheroo: check the release notes to make sure :)02:07
Mathuin... mdadm install requires postfix?! :-)02:08
markattothe only reason to use fake raid is if you need to work with a crappy operating system that can't handle soft raid02:08
mattgyverAnyone else have any issues with the screen not unlocking with the users password from standby?02:08
mweijtsstudentz: thanks for helping , screen flickers on Ati Radeon 3100 are gone02:08
studentzmweijts I'm glad :)02:08
RnFstRuckHrdstudentz - only shows kernel info though. I want to see that I have actually upgraded to 10.0402:08
chrometigermattgyver: with Karmic ubuntu "wont" come out of standby for me period02:09
techtronic1heard that 10.04 would support the ipod touch out of the box, is this still the case how do i use it, cant see it in rythembox02:09
hmwRnFstRuckHrd: i dont know the shell command, but you will find it in the help ( System / Help and Support )02:09
emergionHello. I just intalled 10.04 and my blue-tooth keyboard support is gone this seems like it will be a pretty big issue for people with blue-tooth hardware02:09
RnFstRuckHrdhrnw - TY02:09
mattgyverchrometiger, funny you mention that I had that exact problem and disabled standby, however after upgrading today it set itself up.02:09
studentzRnFstRuckHrd it say #3302:09
emergionlucky I am a nerd and had a spare keyboard but what about everyone else?02:09
RnFstRuckHrdstudentz - huh?02:10
sunzoje_how to upgrade from 10.04 beta to final02:10
hmwsunzoje_: simply update your system.02:10
DeadmanIncJSanybody finally update to 10.04?02:10
DeadmanIncJS(im still seeding--to be nice!)02:10
techtronic1sunzoje_: is it not just update-manager -d02:10
vocxemergion, I don't understand how people can only use a bluetooth device for a component as critical as the keyboard.02:10
thedead91hi guys...i'm trying to plan an application and i set cronotab's file in that way: 04 03 * * * /usr/bin/firefox...why it doesn't work?02:10
emergionsunzoje_, just don't do it if you have a blue tooth keyboard :)02:11
emergionvocx, hey if you guys want this to be a success its not about what you think people should be like02:11
sunzoje_it says no release found while sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:11
e1hn4nd3rsunzoje_: What version are you on now?02:12
vocxemergion, even people doing fresh installs! It's like they want to use their fancy hardware even before there are drivers! Insane.02:12
emergionIts about what people ARE like and my grandpa who is in his eighties runs ubuntu but you could excuse him for thinking owning a nice blue tooth keyboard would be allowed. Even though he doesnt02:12
sunzoje_installed 10.04 beta and updated two or three days ago02:12
emergionvocx, If there is no drivers why release it?02:12
jhamboIs my system supposed to be usable during distribution upgrade?  because it's not...02:12
techtronic1any1 know if 10.04 supports the ipod touch out of the box like early reports suggested a few months ago02:12
bsmith093how do i update from jaunty tom luciod02:12
bsmith093pardon my typos jaunty to lucid?02:13
gogetaoh no lucid is out02:13
vampresshi all. Very new to ubuntu, I installed 10.04 beta last night. Do I really need to install the official release, is it that different?02:13
vocxbmccarthy, upgrade to the next version, and then to the next.02:13
techtronic1bsmith093: press alt+F2, then use update-manager -d02:13
solar_georgebsmith093: via the other releases  inbetween02:13
msmoothjust install all the updates and its the finak release02:13
gogetavampress: no its the same it updates to final02:13
vocxvampress, the package manager will take care to install the remaining packages, so your distribution will be the final release.02:14
emergionvocx, it is once again because people are not used to having to wait to install a new release till it works unless they run XP I am just saying its no good if people want this thing to be easier to use then windows02:14
vampresscan I do that from terminal?02:14
emergionYou could imagine peoples frustrations who have updated and cannot now login to there machine to get onto Google to even help them?02:14
gogetaemergion: hey us older users knoe better02:14
josephseraosUbuntu 10.04 is beautiful02:14
benzapi just installed ubuntu 10.04, and it won't recognize my second monitor correctly02:15
techtronic1any1 know how to move close, min, max buttons from left to right?02:15
MathuinDunno if I like the window ornaments on 10.04 UNR>02:15
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?  I worked a few days ago, and sometime recently updates won't go through anymore.02:15
letaswooo finally burnt my copy of Lynx.... Good bye W702:15
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:15
josephseraosI'm using 64 bit on laptop02:15
emergionWell you guys have a lot of work to do before you can call this OS user friendly because that is very unfriendly wow epic fail02:15
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d602:15
chelz!ot | emergion02:15
ubottuemergion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:15
gogetaemergion: what02:15
chelzemergion: take the ramblings to #ubuntu-offtopic02:16
josephseraosdid you find any problem already?02:16
emergionchelz, this is not a rambling you just don't want to hear it02:16
IdleOnetechtronic1: http://alturl.com/x5d602:16
studentzRnFstRuckHrd  mine  2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:16
letasI would like to know if people having problems upgraded to 10.04 or did a fresh install?02:16
chelzemergion: if it's not specifically about detailing a current support issue you are experiencing, then it's offtopic02:16
solar_georgeemergion: if you have any questions or problems then ask/describe them02:17
jbuncheremergion, it is a rambling.  If you want to file a bug, that's fine and welcomed, but don't come in here to lecture people on how bad the distribution is because you ran into one issue.02:17
RnFstRuckHrdstudentz - okay so what does the #33 mean?02:17
chelzletas: read the upgrade notes and decide which you want to do02:17
zetherooemergion: is it worse than Karmic?02:17
IdleOnetechtronic1: sure thing02:17
benzaphi, i'm having an issue with the new nvidia drivers that work with ubuntu02:17
studentzI'm not sure but if you have the same kernel you are in lucid02:18
Fudgecan aptitude be used to list packages already installed?02:18
benzapupon installing the restricted drivers, my second monitor is not recognized correctly02:18
RnFstRuckHrdif you already have OOo installed, do you have to remove that before installing KOffice?02:18
IdleOne!clone > Fudge02:18
ubottuFudge, please see my private message02:18
sunzoje_how's flash working on firefox or chrome02:18
benzapit used to be able to use a resolution of 1280 by 1024, but now it's limited to 640 by 480 in the nvidia control panel02:18
benzapand it does not recognize it as a viewsonic monitor anymore02:19
emergionIts great :) The whole system is great I am just bringing the issue to attention as I think its a problem02:19
jbunchersunzoje_, works "fine" for me, meaning that it's flash and eats a ton of cpu, but no other sound/vid problems.02:19
o_Hi all.. I have a new problem in Lucid that I can't seem to fix. I switched the theme to clearlooks and put the top panel on the bottom and deleted the one that was orig. on the bottom. Now, when I put my pointer at the very top right of the screen (where it used to click the close button) now it grabs the maximized window instead. I can't find a fix anywhere02:19
letaschelz: thanks but I am asking because I know by hard that upgrades have more problems that fresh install and after I upgraded to karmic i swore not to upgrade again02:19
sunzoje_jbuncher: is it laggy??? form me it is02:19
kzmando i have to install -all- updates before upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 (security and recommended)?02:20
solar_georgebenzap: have you tried clicking (again) the detect displays buttons02:20
IdleOnekzman: yes02:20
beek_letas, then you'll probably want to back everything up and do a clean install02:20
jbunchersunzoje_, flash video is fine for me, but if there are a lot of flash ads and such on a site, the scrolling does lag for me, yes.  I wish sites wouldn't depend on flash so much....02:20
hmwanyone found out, how to get window-icons back?02:20
collier_skjele, does this look like a valid entry in the sources.list file?  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu/ lucid main universe multiverse restricted02:20
kzmanok thanks02:20
nomasteryodaipad will change that for us...02:20
madalinhello. Any website maintainers (of ubuntu.com) arround here ? The title on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading is wrong...02:20
IdleOne!controls > kmw02:21
letasbeek_ sure thing I just want to help a bit :-) because most problems I have had with ubuntu are after an upgrade02:21
chelzletas: usually any big issues are listed in the release notes, otherwise yeah it is riskier than a fresh install so its up to each person to decide what's more important to them. you could always backup your /home and make a list of your installed applications, then do a fresh install and restore the /home and reinstall the applications02:21
sunzoje_jbuncher: i thought so ..but for chrome it is much more ..it crashes a lot02:21
rwwcollier_s: "/pub" is either unnecessary or wrong, apart from that it's fine02:21
jbunchersunzoje_, ah ok.  I'm just using firefox.02:21
hmwIdleOne: i read that, but it only gave me the "icon menu", but not the icon itself (as if it was invisible)02:21
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?  I worked a few days ago, and sometime recently updates won't go through anymore.02:21
vocxletas, In my opinion people have problems because they have all these fancy hardware and programs and restricted drivers and such. If I didn't have an old PC, I would probably turn off all that before an upgrade, and then turn it back on after that.02:21
IdleOnehmw: sorry. I don't think I understood your question02:22
sunzoje_jbuncher: page loading is little slow in firefox than chrome though02:22
mattgyverhow can i force grub2 to show the boot menu?02:22
rwwmattgyver: hold down shift02:22
letaschelz you are right about that - i have my little script to backup the names of the applications and their configuration files which is very handy02:22
mattgyverrww, thanks thats it :02:22
hmwIdleOne: you understood me. That thing just doesnt fully restore it. I have 9.10 and when i click to the "invisble" icon, i get the menu, as it was in jaunty. I just don't see any icons there.02:22
chelzcollier_s: remove the /pub02:22
jbunchersunzoje_, that could be, I've never used chrome.  I don't really have a compelling reason to switch right now.02:22
collier_srww, chelz still getting a failure to fetch files02:22
dugger5688Could this be?! The first ubuntu to work with sound OOTB?!02:23
chelzletas: that's good. yeah ideally i'd suggest a fresh install if you have that experience02:23
letasvocx that can be true - yet again I have never had a problem with my old compaq 2500 and believe me that is very restrictive02:23
sunzoje_jbuncher: oh02:23
tgdostican anybody told me how to completely shut down gwibber.. for ever?02:23
jbunchertgdosti, uninstall it?02:23
rwwcollier_s: us.archive.ubuntu.com is likely under heavy load right now. try replacing "us.archive.ubuntu.com" with "ubuntu.osuosl.org", see if that works.02:23
vocxletas, so probably the drivers are the same and haven't changed.02:23
Loshkidugger5688: my sound didn't work out the box. I had to mess with it...02:23
collier_srww, ok02:23
IdleOnehmw: again, I am sorry but I have no idea what icons you are talking about. I thought you were asking about the close,maximize,minimize buttons02:23
letaschelz - I belong to the ubuntu realm since 200602:23
techtronic1can i use my ipod touch with 10.0402:24
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:24
tgdostino it will try to unistall other packages because of the dependencies..02:24
chelzLoshki: i know iphones work out of the box02:24
sunzoje_jbuncher: i was on 10.04 beta and did software update ...now when i try to upgrade it says no release found ..02:24
letaschelz i aam just mad at myself because I haven't helped as much as I should have done it02:24
Loshkichelz: thanks. I did it for techtronic1 ....02:24
letasso i am trying to make Lucid my starting point to help others02:24
chelzletas: http://www.ubuntu.com/community02:25
dugger5688Loshki: mine worked, right away :-) I went and messed with it then realized that it sounded perfect w/o any kludges.02:25
IdleOneHow long does the Startup Disc Creator usually take to complete?02:25
chelztechtronic1: i know iphones work out of the box02:25
collier_srww, Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-lpia/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)02:25
hmwIdleOne: oh. Well: If you add menu:minimize,maximize,close you get the "icon menu" on the top left back. Like in MS Windows, every window Ubuntu used to show the icon of the application in the top left corner. When you (left)clicked it, you got the same menu as you get now by right-clicking the title bar. So it was showing the FireFox icon. Now I only have the there mini/maxi/close icons. :(02:25
MathuinIdleOne: took about three minutes on my Eee 1000.02:25
techtronic1chelz: ok thanks, maybe its just my config in someway02:25
fodder70i am trying to add cpufreq to 10.4, however all the applets have move, remove and lock greyed out.02:26
IdleOneMathuin: been a little over ten minutes saying "installing the bootloader"02:26
jbunchersunzoje_, if you were updating before today, you should already be on the final release.  The "beta" is continually upgraded to the final release, as long as you kept downloading all of the updates.02:26
IdleOnehmw: ahh I see what you mean now. No I don't know.02:26
hmwIdleOne: thanks though. I keep investigating.02:27
zkyphi guys, I am looking for the xorg.conf file - it doesn't seem to be in the /etc/x11/ anyone know? :)02:27
Sir_Fawnpugzkyp, I believe that was removed officially as of 9.10, but I could be wrong.02:27
rodrigo3nhello everyone02:27
chaofluxhmm, is there any way to make a wallpaper span AND stretch in lucid? seems like all my dual monitor wallpapers have borders on each side now02:27
Sir_Fawnpugzkyp, you can still place one in /etc/X11 if you'd like, though02:27
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?  I worked a few days ago, and sometime recently updates won't go through anymore.02:27
rwwcollier_s: I joined the channel in the middle of your problem. Are you attempting to upgrade to Lucid, or do you already have Lucid installed and are having problems getting updates?02:27
senderanybody working here from Canonical working on lucic lynx?02:27
rodrigo3ni just finished downloading the new ubuntu02:27
zkypSir_Fawnpug: thanks :-)02:27
collier_srww, attempting to upgrade02:27
rodrigo3nand during the installation process02:27
hmwzkyp: one can create that, but in my case, it seemed as if it was totally ignored. What would you want to configure there?02:27
rwwubottu: upgrade | collier_s02:28
ubottucollier_s: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:28
rodrigo3nit stuck in "34%"02:28
Loshkizkyp: Sir_Fawnpug: yes, it was removed, because X11 autoconfigures itself -- except when it doesn't...02:28
Ergo^where do i look for the button to autorize my box to ubuntu one after i log in ?02:28
hmw!ask | sender02:28
ubottusender: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:28
rwwcollier_s: use the official instructions instead of editing sources.list02:28
rodrigo3n"preparing  memtest86+"02:28
rodrigo3ndid anyone pass it?02:28
rwwErgo^: System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One02:28
Sir_Fawnpughmw, I have 9.10 on my workstation at ... uh... work, and am using a custom xorg.conf without any problems.02:28
Mathuinmsmooth: do I need to mkfs on the partitions /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 before creating /dev/md0 from them?02:28
RandyOrthey its been eons since i've installed a linux distro but does ubuntu include an OS selector for systems with multi OSes?02:29
zkyphmw:  we're trying to resurrect an ancient touchscreen computer02:29
senderYeah, I know. I dont have a question. I've got an solution to a problem a lot of ppl running lucid lynx will have. I think Ubuntu should be updated :)02:29
Sir_FawnpugRandyOrt, yes.02:29
RandyOrtthanks sir_fawnpug02:29
Ergo^btw. is it me or gwibber in this 10.04 doesnt show avatars for twitter >02:29
collier_srww, you missed that part of troubleshooting, i've update manager, and the upgrade button is greyed out02:29
Freeaqingmewhat's the default (gnome)theme of lucid?02:29
RandyOrti'm off to install 10.04 :)02:29
Freeaqingmeand morning Ergo^ ;)02:29
hmwSir_Fawnpug: interesting. I tried to configure the screen resolution without success. I am using some onboard intel GPU.02:29
Sir_FawnpugRandyOrt, ubuntu should automatically detect other operating systems and put them into grub for you02:29
collier_srww, i've used *02:29
rwwcollier_s: What version of Ubuntu are you using right now?02:29
collier_srww, Ubuntu 8.04.202:30
cinhow many people here02:30
hmw!hi | cin02:30
ubottucin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:30
cinI just install 10.0402:30
facugaichHas anyone been able to install lucid lynx by mounting the .iso through Grub2 ? I can boot the .iso but I can't modify the partition table since the image file is on the same disk. Any workarounds?02:30
Mathuinmsmooth: hrm, it doesn't want to merge my two swap drives /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb2 into /dev/md1 -- It complains /dev/sdb2 is too small: 1K when it's really 20G.02:30
Ergo^hey Freeaqingme02:30
collier_srww, i was trying to add another mirror at the suggestion of another helper in here.. becuase this is a dell mini 10 and we thought i didn't have the correct mirrors02:30
Sir_Fawnpugfacugaich, do you have a thumbdrive handy?02:30
rwwcollier_s: Have you tried the command-line instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20%28Recommended%29 ? It says they're for Ubuntu Server, but will work with Desktop too.02:31
fodder70facugaich, use a live cd and gparted02:31
astonerbumhi everyone. I am experimenting with 10.04 on the Asus Aspire One A0751h at least it boots (compared to 9.10) is there a solution for getting (a) the right resolution and (b) video card drivers rather than software rendering?02:31
collier_srww, not yet, i'll give a try02:31
msmoothmathuin: no idea bro on that one02:31
facugaichSir_Fawnpug, No... that would work, yes, I don't even have a secondary HDD02:31
Apple_EaterDoes anyone know if there is a way to install a library on 10.04 that has been discontinued? I am trying to install libgmp3 but there is no installation candidate.02:31
kzmanis mesa driver better in this releasing?02:31
collier_srww, yea, i have, i get this message: "No new release found"02:32
Ergo^rww i know that screen, but after i authorize via web im unsure where should i add my machine as authorized for syncing02:32
cinanybody knows how to make my notebook less noisy02:32
Arcdoes anyone know how to close a workspace in gnome shell?02:32
Sir_Fawnpugfacugaich, while I haven't tried to boot an ISO from grub (I wasn't aware you even could), if you did, you might be able to modify the partition table that way.02:32
rwwcollier_s: oh, I think I see what's going on. What's the output of the "uname -a" Terminal command?02:32
Freeaqingmecin, turn it off?02:32
cini mean tool for speed fan02:32
astonerbumcin: hammer? after applying hitting the netbook will make no sound02:32
LoshkiFreeaqingme: support first, then comedy...02:32
astonerbumcin: does ur bios have any settings?02:32
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?  I worked a few days ago, and sometime recently updates won't go through anymore.02:33
astonerbumcin: also, has it become noisy recently, or always was02:33
studentzApple_Eater first try the web second the old way sources install gnu-utils and compile it :)02:33
collier_srww, Linux scollier 2.6.24-24-lpia #1 SMP Sat Sep 12 02:59:41 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux02:33
cinit is noise in economic mode02:33
Ergo^Loshki, i fixed my gstreamer problem with help of gstreamer guys, some codecs got blacklisted without a good reason02:33
astonerbumcin: always i assume... then it could be a bad fan. basically you don't want to turn it down, otherwise you might overheat and cause damage02:33
=== Eddie is now known as Guest85767
cinI make theme on ububntuforum about this problem02:33
LoshkiErgo^: good you got a solution. Where were they blacklisted?02:33
astonerbumcin: or is ubuntu running fan at full speed 100% of the time02:34
frankbroAnyone else have a eee pc ? 1005ha or 1008ha model ? Or a wired and wireless connection not working on 10.04 with atheros card ? Wireless never worked on 9.10 out of the box but at least, wired was and the tweak was easy. If anyone could get back to me it would be great. Thx02:34
Mathuinfrankbro: I have a 1000 and the wired and wireless worked out of the box.02:34
Arci've tried every key that i can think of to close a workspace02:34
fluidwhen i did my distribution upgrade on this machine i was running lighttpd. after upgrade apache2 is installed (along-side of lighttpd which was updated). why was apache2 installed?02:34
=== Guest1888 is now known as BrendenB
astonerbumso my question again: hi everyone. I am experimenting with 10.04 on the Asus Aspire One A0751h at least it boots (compared to 9.10) is there a solution for getting (a) the right resolution and (b) video card drivers rather than software rendering?02:34
rwwcollier_s: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004#LPIA%20architecture%20discontinued02:34
aciculafluid, probably as a dependency02:34
sunzoje_jbuncher: twitter was not working for me through gwibber ...no frequent updates02:34
Sup3r3g0how do I remove the graphical login and use something like ctrl alt f1 to login into a graphical desktop?02:35
Ergo^Loshki, probably got some lib that reverted gstreamer, and then i installed restricted extras that reverted that lib, but gstreamer stayed blacklisted02:35
Twipleanother sleepless night spent trying to fix stuff...02:35
collier_srww, that'll do it.02:35
collier_srww, thanks02:35
jbunchersunzoje_, waht do you mean by "no frequent updates"?02:35
LoshkiErgo^: must've taken some detective work...02:35
frankbroMathuin: UNR or desktop edition ? And im not sure 1000 use the same card, tho i might be wrong.02:35
sunzoje_it doesn't show updates frequently02:35
Mathuinfrankbro: UNR, probably uses different cards. :(02:35
Ergo^Loshki, now i need to figure out how to connect to ubunto one and why gwibber doesnt show me twitter avatars :/02:36
frankbroMathuin: IM trying UNR now, Ill see02:36
fluidacicula: been looking at things i can think of that might require it like php5, etc...cant find anything that does.02:36
sunzoje_jbuncher: it doesn't show updates02:36
LoshkiErgo^: best of luck...02:36
Twiplehow do I set up a dual boot on an EeePC?02:36
astonerbumanyone knows how to get the built-in intel card video drivers working vs software rendering (aspire one a0751h)?02:36
cinI mean that in windows there was tool for economic power, and notebook was absolutely quite, but in lucid it is make some noise, not 100% though but itis still harmless02:36
fluidremoving apache2-bin removes it, the apache php module, and thats it...so weird...02:37
ppaulhushey, i just upgraded my ubuntu to 10.04... but i read reviews talking about the Me menu... yet I don't see it... do I have to turn it on somewhere?02:37
sunzoje_jbuncher: also, the account box shows up every two or three minutes02:37
acusterhey all, just upgraded and my disk won't stop spinning. How can I trouble shoot it? Is there a way to see what is using the disk?02:38
fodder70has anyone installed the 64bit onto a N450 cpu pc, and does it run02:38
aciculafluid, dunno try to uninstall it and see what it tries to take with it02:38
fluidalready did02:38
Dr_Willisfodder70:  thats a netbook cpu right? I thought those were 32bit cpus.02:38
fluidand it didnt take anything but itself and the php module (for apache) php5-common remained02:38
jbunchersunzoje_, so odd, it was working just a few days ago.02:39
acusterah, no it finally stopped, like updatedb was running even though it wasnt. thanks anyhow02:39
MathuinUgh!  "mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sda2: Device or resource busy" but nothing's using sda2 according to lsof or fuser...02:39
MitchLeBlancHey guys, would anyone know how to extract a .tar on Ubuntu which has been split so that I have both a .tar.001 and a .tar.002?02:39
Dr_WillisMitchLeBlanc:  cat foo.001 foo.002 > foo.tar.gz    then try to extract it.02:40
pepeewhich is the most popular bug in this release?02:40
msmoothmathiun: did u set it up as raid in the intel bios?02:40
MitchLeBlancDr_Willis: Trying now, thanks02:40
oztrouthello ... is there face recognition for ubuntu yet ?02:40
Guthurpepee: Bugs don't tend to be popular02:40
Freeaqingmeubuntu #1 bug is02:40
pepeeGuthur, s/popular/common/02:40
Freeaqingmethough it's more an issue than a bug02:41
msmoothmathiun:let me rephrase did you already have a raid set in nintl matrix bios, before u tried mdadm?02:41
federico_Hi, I updated to 10.02 but every time the machine goes to hibernate I have to reboot any ideas?02:41
benzapsolar_george: I did push the detect displays button, it doesn't do anything02:42
stopsignis the update server sources down or just peged from the new realese?02:42
MrPocketsSo i've got mounted network shares02:42
Xgatesfor a locale in the USA, do we want, en_us or en_us.utf-8?02:42
dominicdinadawhat is a good program for reading compressed files IE .rar .iso .cab. ace02:42
Loshkistopsign: it's pretty pegged...02:42
chrometigerstopsign: pegged "badly"02:42
MrPocketsThe windows user i've mounted the shares as has full contorl of the share, but from my ubuntu box I can't write to it at all...02:42
basixis it me or the default theme on 10.04 is horrible?02:42
Mathuinmsmooth: I deleted the RAID set I built in the Intel Matrix tool before starting fussing with mdadm.02:42
pepeebasix, gnome is horrible by default02:43
Browsingisn't the default theme some dark thing?02:43
Twiplehow do I set up a dual boot on an EeePC?02:43
Arcdoes anyone know how to close a workspace in Gnome Shell?  i cant seem to do it consistently02:43
basixpepee, no no...the default black, brown, red mess of a color scheme02:43
dominicdinadamsmooth: ok thanks02:43
MathuinTwiple: depends on the Eee.  Mine has two SSDs so I had one OS on each.02:43
vocxdominicdinada, the default archive manager manages many formats. Other formats are supported when you install additional packages, like rar and 7zip02:43
pepeebasix, oh, no idea. I'm in kubuntu02:44
Dr_WillisArc:  you some now mouse over the workspace so it shows a circle with a -, then click on that circle.02:44
Browsingdoes booting a live version of ubuntu from a usb work both on FAT32 and NTFS?02:44
studentzdominicdinada for .iso try acetona iit is the main repository02:44
TwipleMathuin: Mine's Hard Drive, is dev/sda2 vital in anyway?02:44
dominicdinadavocx:  the default reader is ark which reads only a few formats02:44
chelzBrowsing: only FAT02:44
chelzBrowsing: and you have to set it up with unetbootin02:45
rezoris there any way to list all of my installed packages on an ubuntu install, from a live disc?02:45
MathuinTwiple: that's probably swap.  you need that for hibernate, I believe.02:45
TwipleMathuin: also known as the D: drive in windows02:45
Browsingyea, i tried it on my usb on NTFS and it didn't work :( time to reformat02:45
TwipleMathuin: a 66GB swap!?02:45
chelzrezor: you have to chroot then you can use any normal method of listing out stuff02:45
TwipleI thought it was just extra storage or something02:45
MathuinTwiple: Wow, that's probably your home directory.  Didn't realize it was that big.02:45
GalegOhi guys!!02:45
MathuinHere they're 8 and 32G.02:45
chelz!hi | GalegO02:45
ubottuGalegO: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:45
rezorchelz: thanks, will try02:46
vocxdominicdinada, in Gnome the default is Fille Roller. I suppose I don't remember how many formats it supports, since once you install the package you forget about it. But I think I only needed to install rar and 7zip to open most files.02:46
GalegOAnyone already installed the ati driver 10.4 on ubuntu 10.04?02:46
zerocoolwhy doesn't my Zune sync with Rhythymbox?02:46
GalegOI have some error and the driver don't install02:46
TwipleMathuin: I think it's just extra space, I'm pretty sure I can format it if I want...02:46
Geoffrey2I've read several times that the need for a swap partition really isn't there anymore, and that a swap file would work just as well...has anyone done that, and does it work as well?02:46
TwipleMathuin: I just want to be extra safe, though02:46
Prime3869Anyone else's clock applet not showing the weather after having the weather check box marked?02:46
minjooI have a question, How to change Ubuntu Login sound in 10.04?02:46
ArcDr_Willis: thanks, the minus icon wasnt showing up well against my desktop background02:46
MathuinTwiple: Fair enough.  It'll probably be fine. :-)02:46
TwipleMathuin: So go ahead?02:47
vocxGeoffrey2, I have a swap file 2GB. Works okay, I use it to suspend to disk (hibernation). No problems.02:47
federico_Irony: The first result for how to get flash working in ubuntu is a video in flash of how to do it...02:47
MathuinTwiple: I would.02:47
savidDoes anyone know where I can find more modern-looking network diagram shapes for dia?  My diagram looks like it's from the 80's :-P02:47
dominicdinadavocx: I thought ark is the default non the less it doesnt support common formats I use on my pocket drive from computer to computer so i will give 7zip a try02:48
Loshkirezor: if you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD up to the chroot step, then you should be able to run dpkg --get-selections "*" > myselections02:48
Scunizifederico_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree .. should do it..02:48
STiKGuess #Ubuntu+1 is abandoned now eh? lol02:48
TwipleMathuin: wait, it's using 2 GB and I can't find any files on it...02:48
dominicdinadaSTiK: it is forwarded here lol02:49
TwipleMathuin: is this natural?02:49
vocxdominicdinada, by the way, 7zip, or 7za, I don't remember exactly the package name, is NOT a graphical interface. It's just a command line program. However, programs like File Roller and Ark are able to use them seamlessly.02:49
GalegOanybody installed the new ATI driver for the ubuntu 10.04 ??02:49
Scunizidominicdinada: try setting up an FTP server on one of the machines..02:49
MathuinTwiple: the original install used the extra drive.  I put FreeBSD on mine then, so I have no idea what was there.02:49
dominicdinadap7zip is the gui?02:49
dominicdinadaScunizi: I will do so but these are 3 laptops atm02:50
TwipleMathuin: so you're waying it will ruin the windows?02:50
Scunizidominicdinada: shouldn't matter.. as long as the one with the server is running02:50
MitchLeBlancDr_Willis: That worked, thank you!02:50
dominicdinadaToday someone just gave me a barricuda 500gig to add to the fileserver when i get time to put it together02:50
vocxdominicdinada, no, there are no GUIs. It's all command line. Just install that, and Ark should be able to use it.02:50
TwipleMathuin: I wish #eeepc wasn't dead...02:50
MathuinTwiple: you and me both. :-(02:51
dominicdinadaLOL i keep getting the errors ( UNRAR not found in the path ) after i threw in 7zip let me download unrar02:51
vocxdominicdinada, well of course you cannot unrar rar without unrar...02:52
mark_If I was already using a developer release of 10.04 is it normal to not get any new updates in the manager?02:52
mickster04thats what the lioness told me anyway02:52
mickster04vocx: ^02:52
Dr_Willisdominicdinada:  i always use the 'unp' script. theres also the specific rar and unrar binaries you may want to use instead of 7zip02:52
STiKhah so if I leave I will get forwarded back here if I try to rejoin?02:52
dominicdinadavocx:  well of course 7zip reads 30 different compression formats but ark wants unrar02:52
infomomowhat is the command to upgrade distribution? sudo aptitude dist-upgrade?02:53
ScuniziThe new kernel upgrade in 9.10 seems to hog the processor much more than the last one.02:53
MathuinBah, girlfriend aggro.  See you guys later!02:53
Scunizij0el: yes.. to my post?02:53
greezmunkeymark_: same for me!02:53
vocxdominicdinada, then use command line... and complain to the Ark devs for not using 7zip if available02:53
locyawso has anyone else had issues with losing all usb input device support upon upgrading to 10.04?02:53
j0elyes Scunizi02:53
mark_greezmunkey: ok thanks02:54
greezmunkeymark_: well, I upgraded to the rc02:54
TwipleMathuin: Can the OS detect a hidden partition?02:54
mark_greezmunkey: yes I have been installing updates as it goes, started at beta 102:54
Scunizij0el: glad I'm not the only one.. things slow down much more when before I never noticed any slowdowns02:54
TwipleMathuin: and utilize it?02:54
greezmunkeymark_: do me a favor, check the end of /var/log/messages - do you see any errors there?02:54
mark_I guess it makes sense that there are no updates, they wouldn't be tested in the official version if there were changes between the RC and release .. but I still feel left out ;)02:55
dominicdinadavocx: after all your facious words it was a simple package to get ark to decompress rars02:55
mark_greezmunkey: doesn't look like there are any errors02:55
greezmunkeymark_: my bad, I ment to ask you to look at /var/log/kern.log02:55
kzmanwhat i have to do to get 3d acceleration on intel graphics?02:56
smash_can anyone tell me which file i need to link so that Firefox recognizes the installation of Java? Im on LLynx x6402:56
vocxdominicdinada, what did you expect. I don't use Ark. I use file toler. I installed 7zip and rar support years ago and forgot about it.02:56
mark_greezmunkey: nothing there either02:56
greezmunkeymark_: I am getting this since I updated: kernel: imklog: Cannot read proc file system, 102:56
Browsingis it possible to partition a usb drive to have two different formats?02:57
mark_greezmunkey: hmm, sorry I can't help you with that, doesn't mean anything to me02:57
Browsingwould any partitioning program work for such a task?02:57
ScuniziBrowsing: gparted02:58
greezmunkeymark_: I think something in here is referring to a log file that is no longer in use. I'll probably just back up and install clean, thanks though :)02:58
ejvi know im prolly the 100th person to ask this, but where in god's name are the 10.04 HASHES?!?!?02:58
=== zerocool is now known as OERIAS
gogetaBrowsing: yes you can have 2 partation on a usb02:58
mark_greezmunkey: np :)02:58
Browsingthanks, Scunizi and gogeta02:58
locyawanyone can help on a usb input device issue? i have no mouse support right now. my usb keyboard doesn't work, i had to get my old ps2 keyboard out02:59
rajmahendraGood Morning!02:59
ejv!10.04 hashes02:59
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:59
ejvsrsly, how could they forget something so simple02:59
* ejv facepalms02:59
gogetalocyaw: if you hibernated windows it can make usb not work02:59
ejv<insert rant about linux never taking off in the mainstream>03:00
egliiisHello ,  first im totally new to Ubuntu as well as Linux, that being said im also not a programmer but did take a class of dos 5.0 back in 94 ......now down to the point i need some assistance ... i got the install but not in the fassion i was planning on i need to modify my boot sector so i can access my win vista again, ... its still there i can see the files but no choice to boot to it at boot up.  any takers in helping me get my problem fixed03:00
locyawgogeta, thank you for a response. this is a linux only machine. it happened after upgrading to 10.0403:00
Sir_FawnpugHello everybody, I just installed 10.04, and I'm having trouble with my wireless card picking up my network. (r8192se_pci) My PS3, my Wii, and a friend's window's 7 installation will all find and connect to it. My wireless card will pick up other networks though.03:00
=== krafty_ is now known as krafty
MrPocketsI've a mounted extenral hard drive03:01
MrPocketsand i cannot change it's permissions03:01
Ivan_Shihejv: MD5SUMS  http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/MD5SUMS03:01
MrPocketssudo chmod 777 /mnt/DRIVE   or even as root03:01
mark_they should make the bittorrent download links more obvious03:01
vocxegliiis, my first impression would be to check the guides for the program "grub" which is the bootloader. But since now there is a new grub, which I haven't used. I'm not sure if the process in the same.03:01
vocx!grub | egliiis03:01
ubottuegliiis: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:01
ejvIvan_Shih: thanks!!!!!03:01
Dr_Willisejv:  i see them on the ftp server i just accessed to get the images. there is a MD5SUMS file03:01
collier_scan someone please pastebin a example /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01architecture file ?03:02
ejvthanks Dr_Willis gottem03:02
Ivan_Shihejv: yw!03:02
gogetalocyaw: try NOPCMCIA in grub that might get the usb running03:02
=== sunzoje_ is now known as sunzoje
Tmy_70Hi all03:03
linux_is_my_herowhat is the best file converter to have for using my psp?03:04
Tmy_70I have some cuestion, I lost the ubuntu messag icon03:04
linux_is_my_heroi figured one of the other 1632 people in this room could help03:04
gogetalocyaw: some pcs dont like the powermangment and can make certing things not work03:04
TeenySHAD0Wcongrats on 10.04; any people having probs w it?03:04
collier_si'm trying to follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLpiaMigrationHowTo but i need a example arch file03:04
locyawgogeta, i will give that a try as soon as i get the comp restarted and let you know the results03:04
linux_is_my_herolocyaw: my tablet pc doesn't like the cpu freq scaling applet03:05
linux_is_my_herobut my other laptop it works just fine03:05
gogetalocyaw: you can also try noacpi03:05
netbookHow can I reconfigure apache2 to default?03:05
gogetalocyaw: and noapic03:05
Flannelnetbook: What do you want to reset?03:06
gogetalocyaw: go threw those 3 untill you find one thats the issue03:06
franlTeenySHAD0W, I put it on a VMware virtual machine, and it works well.  But this Gnome bug is annoying: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/56840103:06
netbookFlannel my apache2.conf03:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:06
kzmanhow to intall drivers from intellinuxgraphics.org??03:06
netbookFlannel just my configuration files03:06
Flannelnetbook: What version of Ubuntu are you running?03:06
netbookFlannel 9.1003:06
netbookFlannel server 9.1003:06
TeenySHAD0Wguess i'll wait a week then.03:07
netbookFlannel I picked LAMP pkg during install03:07
pedrosantaHi all! I'm on 10.04 (final) and Empathy does't connects to freenode. Anyone with the same error?03:07
gogetapedrosanta: didnt they remobve irc from empathy03:07
Flannelnetbook: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-worker && sudo apt-get install apache203:07
pedrosantagogeta: nope03:07
gogetapedrosanta: it wasent very good anyways03:07
pedrosantagogeta: still here03:07
mdeli need to go back to php 5.2.x03:07
pedrosantagogeta: yhea but, one less program03:08
bitphazer@pedrosantra Try again my friend, i am in with 10.04 & Empathy03:08
mdelanyone have any idea how I can do that03:08
pedrosantabitphazer: no, connection errors whatsoever? mine cant connect con chat.freenode.net03:08
Li``Hi All ! I just installed 10.04 and after the boot it droped me in a shell with the error /root failed : Invalid argument Target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init03:08
OthorI just upgraded to 10.04 and when i try to run firefox or chromium-browser i get "Segmentation fault" and it closes with in a second.. any idea how to fix this? thanks03:09
Li``any help would be appreciated03:09
idunnoI need help with java plugins in 10.0403:09
bitphazer@pedrosantra wait to see exactly my settings!03:09
mdelphp 5.3 sucks so hard03:09
mdeli need 5.2.x03:09
Flannelnetbook: The reasoning behind that is that apache2.conf is actually in the -common package, so you need to purge that to get rid of it.  Then when you reinstall, it comes back default03:09
__danthemanOthor: have you tried to run it in a term to see the output?03:09
locyawgogeta, no nopcmcia didn't work03:09
locyawgogeta, im trying to get the next one03:09
mdelFlannel: is there some issue with the lamp-server^ package?03:09
Flannelmdel: What do you mean?03:09
netbookFlannel: ok, so -common -mpm-worker will reinstall alongside apache2?03:09
Othor__dantheman, yes all it says is "Segmentation fault" for both of them03:10
ricky1guys i have 10.04 RC1 , how do i upgrade to full release. update-manager -d didn't work, and check check on update manager guy didn't either03:10
mdelFlannel: just wondering, since you were talking to netbook about it03:10
__danthemanhave you tried removing and reinstalling?03:10
Flannelnetbook: right, apache2 will drag in those other ones (it depends on them)03:10
Flannelmdel: There is no "lamp-server" package03:10
gogetalocyaw: well most of the time no usb is a power magment issue so1 of em has to work03:10
mdelFlannel: yeah there definitely is03:10
mdelits a metapackage03:10
pedrosantamdel: irc.freenode.net doesnt work also.. :/ wtf...03:10
Othor__dantheman, i did with chromuim, i also remove the ~/.config/chromium folder03:10
Flannelmdel: I don't see it in karmic, lucid, or hardy.03:11
netbookFlannel should I apt-get install apache or apache2?03:11
__danthemanapt-get purge?03:11
Flannelnetbook: apache2 (I don't think you still have an 'apache' package)03:11
Othor__dantheman, no let me try doing that03:11
mdelFlannel: im 100% sure its there03:11
ZykoticK9__dantheman, purge removes the config files03:11
locyawgogeta, will that effect all my usb devices? because i have others that are working. its just the mouse and keyboard03:11
bigbrother__do some one know how to remove position marker in marok?03:11
mdeli just installed it... i can screenshot if you want03:11
bitphazer@pedrosantra At the "Network" i have just select "FreeNode"! I didnt find something more...03:11
pedrosantabitphazer: what are your config on empathy?03:11
pedrosantabitphazer: same as I... strange...03:11
Flannelmdel: pastebin `apt-cache policy lamp-server`03:11
brianhermani cant join ubuntu +1 anymore03:12
brianhermanwhy not?03:12
gogetalocyaw: now that might be driver related if others are responing03:12
ZykoticK9brianherman, it's closed until 10.10 toolchain03:12
Flannelbrianherman: Because there is no development version of ubuntu03:12
gogetalocyaw: but i used to have a usb mouse that wouldd not work unless i tunred off acpi03:12
locyawgogeta, any suggestions on that then?03:12
^Major_Ramsey^Anybody ever hook up a commodore to an Ubuntu PC?03:12
mdelFlannel: its a metapackage, try installing it and then cancel03:12
ricky1for reals Major03:13
* brianherman drinks some mountain dew to feel better03:13
ricky1on all of day :)03:13
locyawgogeta, okay, im giving the no acpi a try right now03:13
arthurjohnsonWhy isn't my iPod Nano automounting?  It was before I upgraded to Lucid03:13
ZykoticK9!info lamp-server03:13
ubottuPackage lamp-server does not exist in karmic03:13
Othor__dantheman, it is "sudo apt-get remove --purge chromium-browser" right?03:13
Flannelmdel: Please pastebin that apt-cache policy, I'd like to know what repostory it's in, since I don't see it03:13
__danthemanjust sudo apt-get purge firefox or chromium-browser03:13
mdelFlannel: it doesnt come up there03:13
Othoroh ok... ty03:13
gogetalocyaw: i beleve noapic worked in my case03:13
mdelits definitely in the default sources though03:13
Xgatessay can someone please kind enough to open synaptic and search for the word, 'atheros' and let me know if there is a driver named that? Because I don't know if the Atheros support is as a .deb package or Ubuntu put the support in the kernel03:13
gogetaif i rember been years03:13
Flannelmdel: Because it's not an actual package.  Are you talking about through task-sel?03:13
mdelFlannel: nope.. just ran 'sudo apt-get install lamp-server^03:14
nwidgeri have a mount point in /etc/fstab that isnt always hooked up at boot time but 10.04 now sits waiting when booting up if it fails to mount.  is there any way to change this behavior?03:14
__danthemanupgrades are unreliable tho so it wouldnt shock me if the upgrade screwed something up03:14
un214nwidger: noauto?03:14
Flannelmdel: Can't find package, like I said.  It doesn't exist.03:14
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nwidgerun214: hmm like me see03:14
_Techie_how can i setup a software raid to install to using the livecd?03:15
mdelFlannel: then i must have a special ISO with special sources03:15
byerleyanyone able to help me troubleshoot unbound on ubuntu?03:15
un214nwidger: cat got your tung?03:15
nwidgerun214: man pages says noauto 'Can only be mounted explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not cause the filesystem to be mounted).'03:15
TwipleI deleted dev/sda2 on my eeepc03:15
Wickedso its not possilbe to install official nvidia drivers on 10.04?03:15
locyawgogeta, none of those worked :(03:15
Twiplenow i have the option to install side by side03:15
Twiplego for it?03:15
un214nwidger yes it would03:15
pedrosantanope. FreeNode default settings doesn't work on Empathy on the Portuguese version.03:15
nwidgerun214: i want it to mount it automatically at boot if it's hooked up, just dont stall the boot if it's not.03:15
ZykoticK9Wicked, don't - it will break things03:16
gogetalocyaw: sounds driver realted then03:16
WickedZykoticK9, yea. it wont even let you03:16
locyawgogeta, any suggestions?03:16
Wickedit fails during nvidia's install03:16
ZykoticK9Wicked, it shouldn't03:16
Wickedkind of disapointing03:16
netbookFlannel, I got it working, thanks03:16
ZykoticK9!info apache203:16
Othor__dantheman, looks like that might be working for me, chromium is running now, thanks for your help =D03:16
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.12-1ubuntu2.2 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB03:16
_Techie_how can i setup a software raid to install to using the livecd?03:16
gogetalocyaw: yea what you running03:16
__danthemanchromium is better than firefox anyways :)03:16
un214try this: in /etc/rc.local [ -r /dev/devicename ] && mount mountpoint03:17
Othor__dantheman, yes it is =)03:17
gogetalocyaw: find out how to maie it work03:17
Flannelmdel: Ah, you were putting that caret there on purpose.  Again, that's a tasksel thing, not an apt-get thing.  Those aren't real packages, just a fancy way of calling tasksel03:17
locyawgogeta, 10.04 x86-6403:17
mdelFlannel: i used apt-get though03:17
gogetalocyaw: the keybordd and mouse lol03:17
un214or if it's usb you're going to have to do something fancy as devices wander03:17
Popple3Anyone have any idea how I would get Ubuntu installed on my Mac Mini (with a broken optical drive)? Tried an external CD/DVD drive and a USB installer created from a 10.04 disc and neither work...03:17
nwidgerun214: how will that stop the boot process from stalling?03:17
Flannelmdel: right, the caret says "this is a tasksel task"03:18
gogetalocyaw: i bet the upgrade didnt set them up right03:18
mdelFlannel: ah ok awesome03:18
_Techie_how can i setup a software raid to install to using the livecd?03:18
__danthemanOthor: if you have any problems in the future I'd purge the offending program and then run sudo apt-get autoremove or clean03:18
un214nwidger: well with noauto + explicit mount if device is present it won't wait03:18
locyawgogeta, lol, sorry. the keyboard is an s520 and the mouse is an MX61003:18
bitphazer@pedrosantra  irc.freenode.net  6667    and    chat.freenode.net   6667   without SSL both!03:18
pokehhello, can anyone assist a general Linux-noob in installing drivers for my soundcard?03:18
mdelFlannel: hey... any thoughts on compiling/installing php5.2 on 10.0403:18
z3ro3xI had upgraded to the RC of 10.04 from the previous version several days ago and while it was a little slow all my hardware worked.  I don't normally do upgrades because they tend to run slower compared to a fresh install.  Well the final version was released today and I burned a copy and did a fresh install.  Problem is now my sound doesn't work.  Everything else is running fine.  Logging in seems to be slower then before, not sure why.  I don't care abou03:18
z3ro3xt that but I would like my sound working.  Any help with that would be appreciated.03:18
nwidgerun214: isnt there some way to stop it from waiting?  i just upgraded from 9.10 and it never did that before.03:18
un214no clue03:18
nwidgerun214: i mean without hacking the rc scripts03:18
un214fyi, rc.local is for you03:19
un214system changes won't overwrite it03:19
__danthemanz3ro3x: does lspci show your soundcard?03:19
Flannelmdel: You could try installing the Karmic version, I'd have to actually poke around the depends to see if it might work03:19
Daijoubupokeh you don't have sound at all ?03:19
mdelFlannel: how can I see the dependencies?03:19
gogetalocyaw: maybe you can rerun the corg config and set the mosue correctly03:19
gogetaand keybord03:19
pokehDaijoubu: No, I do. Sound works. It just is very flat and I suspect that installing Realtek's own drivers (from their website) would improve it.03:19
nwidgerun214: i know but im sure im not the only person in this situation, shouldnt it be configurable whether one failed mount point blocks the entire boot process?03:20
_Techie_how can i setup a software raid to install to using the livecd?03:20
jhulten_Hey. I am running do-release-update on a 8.10 install and it is not seeing 10.4LTS. Anyone having the same issue?03:20
Daijoubupokeh, is it an intel motherboard or is it ALC 888 ?03:20
un214and if it's /usr or /home?03:20
Flannelmdel: You can do it all on he commnd line, or your favorite package manager, but this is probably easiest: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libapache2-mod-php503:20
locyawgogeta, i will give that a try03:20
z3ro3x__dantheman, Will be listed under PCI bridge?  It's integrated sound.03:20
pokehDaioubu: How can I check?03:20
mdelFlannel: thanks03:20
ashihej there. is anybody running an eee? if so, is the eee-applet running?03:21
Daijoubupokeh, you don't need surround sound right?03:21
Othor__dantheman, yeah i'll do that, i'm also having issues with my nvidea drivers, thats why i wanted the internet..lol03:21
un214it's waiting for udev to settle so the device shows up03:21
__danthemanmost likely realtek or intel if its integrated03:21
nwidgerun214: if that was such a critical problem why is this the first time any linux distro ive ever used in the last 5+ plus years has made a big stink about it?03:21
Twipleis it safe to resize my windows partition?03:21
hdpbi am trying to get http://www.nedrebo.org/code/rhythmbox/desktop_art to work in rhythmbox in lucid, but keep getting "unable to activate plugin"  i don't see gnome-python-desktop in synaptic03:21
IdleOnejhulten_: check in Software Sources make sure you have Normal release selected under the updates tab03:21
mickster04Twiple: which os?03:21
un214well we're only recently seeing hyper dynamic systems like these03:21
microhaxoI just installed 10.04 on a virtualbox and installed guest additions and now it wont load gnome, all i see is the wallpaper, nothing else.03:21
pokehDaijobu: Well, I should probably add now that this computer is an iMac, which is an AIO made by Apple. It has integrated speakers. Just two, so I assume its just stereo03:21
_Techie_how can i setup a software raid to install to using the livecd?03:21
un214root on usb device was unheard of03:21
jhulten_IdleOne: Normal vs? Also, this is a non-GUI install...03:22
__danthemanz3ro3x: type lspci | grep audio03:22
Buhmilliondoes anybody know how to play an mp3 from ubuntu server?03:22
jcbvman download is at 15kbs03:22
IdleOnejhulten_: ahh umm. I am not certain what to tell you now03:22
__danthemaner should be a capital a03:22
ashierm, running lucid and the eee-control isnt working at all...03:22
Daijoubupokeh, emm o-o you want good sound with 2 integrated speakers?!03:22
nwidgerun214: it's not really hyper dynamic.  i have an esata drive that i dont like having turned on all the time plugged into my computer.  when it's turned on and i turn on my computer, i want it to mount it.  when it's not on and i turn on my computer, i want to boot up fully without complaining about it.03:22
z3ro3x__dantheman, 00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)03:22
dumeehey guys. i am running 9.10, and syslog, kern.log and xorg.0.log.old keep eating up all my space. any help?03:22
__danthemanlspci | grep Audio03:22
__danthemanok, so at least it's there03:22
un214then hack the boot scripts03:22
Twiplemickster04 XP03:23
dumeesyslog is 4GB. kern.log is 4GB. the xorg log is 2. it'd be bigger if the drive was bigger than 20GB..03:23
greezmunkeyWhat's up with the new "biohazard" like logo??03:23
Daijoubupokeh, i have surround sound and it is a little flat, i have ALC888 so i doubt that the realtek driver will do anything for you03:23
jcbvnow im stuck at 20kb03:23
__danthemango to System -> Preferences -> Sound03:23
progre55running lucid 64bit on a sony vaio laptop, mic not working..03:23
dos000_how can i stop flash files support in firefox at certain times ? this is for parental control03:23
z3ro3x__dantheman, I got the result with a lower case a.03:23
nwidgerun214: there seriously isnt a switch i can flip somewhere instead?03:23
ashianybody who can support?03:23
mickster04Twiple: I'm not sure, you see the later versions of ntfs will be resizeable...but then i dunno if the install would try if it couldn't, :/03:23
IdleOnejhulten_: you will have to upgrade to 9.04 then 9.10 and then 10.04 you can't leapfrog version03:24
__danthemanya, thats fine.  My audio device doesn't have a lowercase a in audio so it didnt show up when using lspci03:24
mickster04Twiple: back up first then do it:D03:24
z3ro3x__dantheman, There is suppose to be a sound when the login screen comes up which there wasn't.  So it seems it goes deeper then just my user settings.03:24
Popple3Anyone have any idea how I would get Ubuntu installed on my Mac Mini (with a broken optical drive)? Tried an external CD/DVD drive and a USB installer created from a 10.04 disc and neither work... Trying to dd a partition (with Ubuntu installed on it) from a USB hard drive onto the internal partition set aside for Ubuntu, then getting rEFIt to boot into grub, then edit entries there to boot Ubuntu. Am I wasting my time, or is ther03:24
__danthemanbut any audio device is listed as an "Audio device"03:24
jcbvi have not seen 12kb since dial up03:24
IdleOnejhulten_: in this case I think a backup and fresh install would be better for you03:24
jhulten_IdleOne: I thought you could leapfrog between LTS versions.03:24
un214I've written my own bootscripts before and I'd have kicked upstart and plymouth out long ago if I could figure out what services X needs these days03:24
__danthemanz3ro3x: I realize that, I just want to make sure it isn't something obvious like muted volume03:24
jcbvanyone use compiz on old nvidia card03:24
ZykoticK9microhaxo, are you using the PUEL (version from Oracle) version of VBox on Windows?  If so, you should ask in #vbox, as it's working fine with the OSE version from Ubuntu repos - but people where having issues in #ubuntu+1 with 10.04 for a while now03:25
z3ro3x__dantheman, I have Sound Preferences open.03:25
JiongCan see ?03:25
ashierm, writing abother script is actually working in arch, but not in ubuntu.03:25
IdleOnejhulten_: yes, your right. forgot 8.10 was LTS03:25
Buhmillionjcbv, just get better card03:25
__danthemango to the hardware tab03:25
locyawgogeta, no go on the reconfig xorg03:25
ablyssdos000_: you can block sties by domain but not at given times unless your router allows blocking by domain name @ a given time.03:25
* ashi is quite wondering03:25
jcbvnot doing that03:25
Daijoubupokeh, let me see what's in the realtek driver pack and see if i can help you out03:25
pokehDaijoubu: the thing is, I am triple booting (successfully). The sound quality is absolutely phenominal in OS X, but it is awful in Ubuntu. Sounds a little tinny, very soft at lower volumes, definetely needs work and not enjoyable.03:25
Buhmillionthen give up compiz03:25
jcbvlike tnt or tnt2 geforce 2 gts03:25
Jiongdoes anybody can see this sentence?03:25
IdleOneJiong: yes03:25
z3ro3x__dantheman, On the previous version I had to change the profile to get my volume setting right.03:25
BuhmillionWOW, thats an old card03:25
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JiongIdleOne: thanks03:26
jcbvim tempted to just give up i waited the whole night03:26
pokehDaijoubu: also, I'm not sure what driver, I just went onto Realtek's site, and downloaded their Linux driver. I checked the readme and I think my card is supported. I'll check..03:26
dos000_ablyss, it seems that there is a way you can block all browsing with iptables .. but that is too much03:26
z3ro3x__dantheman, Right now it's on "Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output + Analog Stereo Input".03:26
vicsar@Jiong sorry I can't see it03:26
dos000_ablyss, http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/web-content-filtering-made-easy/03:26
GalaxorHi.  I can't compile any modules.  It says error: ‘MAX_NR_ZONES’ undeclared here.03:26
idunnocan anyone else not view javasript applets in chrome or firfox?03:26
pokehDaijoubu: Realtek ALC889a03:26
Jiongvicsar: hehe, you are so funny!03:27
Galaxorthings I find on google suggest that I don't have my kernel headers installed or something, but I totally do.03:27
jcbvok being on mirc aint helping the cause03:27
dos000_ablyss, i want to just stop the kids watching videos instead of doing homework03:27
GalaxorThis is the kernel that just came out today.  2.6.31-21-generic03:27
Daijoubupokeh well the realtek driver is ALSA which is already installed on yout system, and even more so Ubuntu is using Pulse Audio now o-o03:27
revygttamjust upgraded, now im getting a wierd 'udev failed[XXXX]: /dev/null/ no such file or directory' then grub hangs, never got this in 9.10, any ideas?03:27
microhaxoZykoticK9: i just used the one that came with virtualBox03:27
JiongHow to register an account in this irc.freenode.net?03:27
z3ro3x__dantheman, Before it was on Analog Stereo Duplex which gave me goofy volume controls.03:27
IdleOne!register > Jiong03:27
ubottuJiong, please see my private message03:27
__danthemanif you go to the output tab, what is selected?03:27
ablyssdos000_: ever heard of opendns.org ?03:27
vicsar@Jiong :) Can we help you? do you need help with something?03:27
ZykoticK9microhaxo, with a windows host?03:28
jcbvman im hoping this thing will kick back up to 100kb soon03:28
mickster04Jiong: /msg nickserv register uname password (i think)03:28
un214I have this problem where freedesktop sound crashes every once in awhile03:28
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Daijoubupokeh, "This Source Code is from www.alsa-project.org" in other words the driver realtek provides is from ALSA which you have already installed03:28
vocx!register | Jiong03:28
ubottuJiong: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode03:28
un214anybody know how to restart it when it does?03:28
AdviceDogmickster: doesn't !ns work too?03:28
pokehDaijoubu: so that means that my sound quality is unfixable? I don't understand how it could sound so great in OS X, but sound so bad in Ubuntu03:28
dos000_ablyss, i am looking into it03:28
Twipleif I install side by side, will the installer know better than to touch my recovery partition?03:28
pokehDaijoubu: I see.03:28
Popple3I'm guessing nobody here has much experience at installing Ubuntu on a Mac..? I've been at it for ages, and I can't figure it out :(03:28
GalaxorIs something wrong with the latest kernel header package, or am I doing something wrong?03:28
IdleOneTwiple: make your recovery discs first03:28
z3ro3x__dantheman, Internal Audio Digital Stereo (IEC958) Stereo03:29
ablyssdos000_: your kids worse nightmare, lol03:29
IdleOneTwiple: just in case03:29
shane2peruI'm assuming that Hardy has reached EOL time?03:29
Sir_FawnpugHello everybody, I just installed 10.04, and I'm having trouble with my wireless card picking up my network. (r8192se_pci) My PS3, my Wii, and a friend's window's 7 installation will all find and connect to it. My wireless card will pick up other networks though. Things also worked before the update (which I did from scratch)03:29
TwipleIdleOne: I have one that came with the system, go ahead?03:29
jcbvman this is really a pain i wonder how long the servers are gonna be this way03:29
nhandler!info apache2 | testing03:29
Jiongwhat's email address I should use? or must be freenode email, or my gmail is ok?03:29
Daijoubupokeh, well to be honest i wonder the same thing :) i have more bass under XP with my sound card, hmmm you may want to try some EQ equalizer in the software you are using to play your music or videos03:29
ubottutesting: apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.12-1ubuntu2.2 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB03:29
IdleOneTwiple: make certain it works and then sure go for it03:29
AdviceDogJiong: should not matter03:29
vocxshane2peru, Hardy is LTS, it is supported for 3 years on desktop, and 5 on server.03:29
ZykoticK9microhaxo, with 10.04 guests - I found if you're using the OSE you can install the guest additions inside the VM, by running "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11" - BUT the OSE version doesn't support USB.03:30
ashianybody running a netbook?03:30
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nhandler!info apache2 lucid | testing03:30
shane2peruvocx, so for the desktop, it is no longer supported?03:30
facugaichHow can I 'see' what's inside a dvd in Grub's CLI? Is it even possible?03:30
pokehDaijoubu: hmm.. Does Ubuntu/Alsa/PulseAudio/whatever have a system-wide EQ I could tweak?03:30
Jiong! /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email> does't this command work?03:30
ubottutesting: apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.14-5ubuntu6 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB03:30
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.03:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:30
__danthemanis there a internal audio analog source?03:30
Shoggothhas anyone gotten lucid to install on a MacBookPro7,1 ?03:30
__danthemanashi: I'm on a netbook right now03:30
DeathKnightwhen waas lucid out.. 5-6 hrs ago?03:30
ashidanorsk: alsamixer03:30
vocxshane2peru, it was released 8.04, plus 3 years that makes it 11.04. Yes it will be supported one more year.03:30
nwidgerif i had been running mythbuntu and used 'sudo do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to 10.04, does that mean im now running 10.04 server?03:30
ashi__dantheman: is your eee control working?03:30
vicsar@Jiong sorry you got to rephrase that. Use where?03:30
ablyssubottu: you might have the intelligence of a 2 year old ?03:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:30
vicsar@Jiong i see03:31
z3ro3x__dantheman, Do you mean a mic?03:31
vicsar@Jiong one sec.03:31
__danthemanI'm also not on ubuntu on my netbook :(03:31
Jiongvicsar: ok03:31
duckiecan anyone help me, i am new to ubuntu and i need to figure out how to install my wireless and get it working...if anyone can help please let me know03:31
shane2peruvocx ahh, ok for some reason I had it in my mind it was up this time around, Lucid is a LTS?  or no?03:31
mdelis there any way to change the behaviour of <super>s and <super>m ??03:31
Daijoubupokeh, not sure :) have to google that, but as far as i remember the list time i went on improving my sound i used EQ on the app i was using, and btw, audio sources who are with good quality sound better then in XP03:31
__danthemanz3ro3x: get to a terminal and type alsamixer03:31
z3ro3x__dantheman, I just have integrated sound that's built into my chessy PC Chips mother board.03:31
vocxshane2peru, that is correct.03:31
k0d3g3arcongrats for Ubuntu 10!03:31
shane2peruvocx, ok, thanks03:32
microhaxoZykoticK9: I installed inside the vm and nothing changed, once i mounted the guest additions iso and installed that way it integrates mouse and has higher res but it wont load gnome.03:32
__danthemanz3ro3x: ya, same thing I'm using03:32
pokehDaijoubu: Hmm.. Okay. Thanks for your help mate!03:32
z3ro3x__dantheman, The card says SiS SI7012 and all the volume levels are in the red.03:32
WillieDaPimpok, i've got a custom ubuntu karmic build...built from the server disc, if i do a dist upgrade it wont bork my current system will it?03:32
Daijoubupokeh, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578   have to read it though have no idea what's in there :)03:32
jcbvi hvae fetched 1196 out of 1647 and its at 13.kb03:32
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__danthemanmake sure at the bottom of each bar that there is no "MM"03:33
vicsar@Jiong check these out: http://linuxbasics.org/irc/how_to_register_an_irc-nickname03:33
pokehDaijoubu:  WOW, that is extremely helpful!! Thanks :)03:33
SJIJIJIGutten Morgen Everyone!03:33
ZykoticK9microhaxo, the method i'm recommending doesn't use the Guest Additions from VirtualBox directly, instead it installs Lucid's version - i just don't think they'll work if your using the version direct from Oracle03:33
vicsar@Jiong http://freenode.net/faq.shtml03:33
Jiongvicsar: how to send the history command in Pidgin?03:33
vicsar@Jiong and finally: http://www.wikihow.com/Register-a-User-Name-on-Freenode03:33
Jiongvicsar: I want to change my password, how?03:34
jack-desktophow do i exit X to install a video driver?03:34
Jiongvicsar: the register is ok, but I use a bad password, so I want to change it03:34
vicsar@Jiong i do not use pidgin sorry i use Smuxi03:34
__danthemanz3ro3x: is there a "MM" at the bottom of any of the bars?03:34
vicsar@Jiong let me check on that pass03:34
vicsar@Jiong one sec.03:35
WillieDaPimphmm is there a channel that i can get an ubuntu question answered that isnt quiet so full03:35
microhaxoZykoticK9: seems the lucid ones dont do anything :|03:35
Jiongvicsar: are you administrator of this channel?03:35
z3ro3x__dantheman, There was, mot anymore.03:35
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyWhat
ridz16hey guys03:35
duckieanyone know where i can find info?03:35
ridz16how do I know I am using xubuntu 10?03:36
z3ro3x__dantheman, Sound is working now.  Freaking A!  Thanks.03:36
__danthemanok, hit escape03:36
vicsar@Jiong one sec.03:36
vicsar@Jiong sorry typo :)03:36
vicsar@Jiong no ia ma not that important :)03:36
Jiongvicsar: typo?03:36
z3ro3x__dantheman, I feel dumb.  It was something simple and I was looking for something complicated.  And I've been using Linux since Red Hat 5.2 and I still feel like a noob.03:37
ridz16anyone know how to find out if I'm using xubuntu 10? cuz when I press the blue ? button it show me the help page with xubuntu 9...03:37
duckie :/03:37
vicsar@Jiong typo= typing error03:37
__danthemannah, we're always learning i say03:37
__danthemanand upgrades can do some weird stuff :)03:37
Jiongvicsar: got it03:37
Jiongvicsar: then what ia, ma ?03:37
joeb3_ridz16, cat /etc/*release*03:38
duckiecan anyone help or know where i can get help?03:38
__danthemanduckie: whats the problem03:39
vocxz3ro3x, zomg, you shouldn't be allowed near computers!    just kidding03:39
duckiei really need to get my wireless set up03:39
duckieand i am completely new to ubuntu03:39
duckieive had it two days03:39
__danthemanwhat kind of wireless adaptor03:39
duckieim a little lost03:39
SamualAnyone know how to fix Xinerama with 10.04? Or at least workaround it so my mouse works... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=919798203:39
duckiemicrosoft wireless g03:39
basixwhy does the ubuntu us mirror suck so bad? its CRAWLING. I just put in the swedish mirror and i'm getting 16Mbps opposed to 0.0022Mps on the US mirror ( AND I AM IN THE US ). This sucks.03:39
__danthemanusb or pci?03:39
duckieim a little stupid about this stuff tbh03:39
ridz16ok cool i have ubuntu 10 but... how come I don't have emphaty? I still pidgin IM, I read the info on latest features it says I'll have emphaty as default IM software03:39
mickster04basix: torrent thatll help03:39
Samualbasix, use the torrent mate ^_^03:40
duckieim not sure what you are asking. i appologize03:40
basixmickster04, i am updating03:40
basixSamual, i cannot use torrents to update!03:40
mickster04basix: ah unlucky03:40
number2can i run 2nd life in ubuntu?03:40
lordraptorhey, dual monitors arent working on 10.0403:40
visohi if i force install a package using dpkg how do i remove it?03:40
WillieDaPimpridz16: do you really want empathy ?03:40
__danthemanis it a usb key type of wireless or an internal pci wireless card or is it built in like a notebook03:40
basixlordraptor, tell more about your problem..03:40
ridz16I read emphaty is good, when searching best linux apps.. :)03:40
duckiemy card is built in but i need to set up wireless in the house03:40
number2i looked in the forum and all the posts are from 2006 for running 2ndlife in ubuntu03:40
WillieDaPimpnumber2: yes you can run second life.....i did it a few years back for my wife...cant recall what i had to do though03:41
developerwhere can i get the Lucid DVD iso03:41
Atamiskhello, i'm trying to instaall lucid on a pentium 4 Dell. when i use a livecd, all i get is a flashing white cursor?03:41
pokehDaijoubu: you still there?03:41
Jiongwhy the chat display window show so many "*** entered the room" "*** left the room"? This kind of message is good for us?03:41
__danthemanduckie: go to a terminal03:41
duckiebut since ive had ubuntu i dont know how to get the wireless in the notebook to read03:41
ridz16what IM do you use willie03:41
TwipleOK, my ubuntu is installing, It's finally over, for better or worse03:41
number2williedapimp yikes you installed it for yur wife03:41
duckiehow do i go to a terminal03:41
vicsar@Jiong sorry about the delay. I found this which might help you... i never wanted to change my password: http://trout.snt.utwente.nl/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=143163&site_id=1#import03:41
duckieim so sorry03:41
Twiplethe decision making part is03:41
acusterhey all, what package is the gnome-keyboard-properties in (i.e. what is run when doing System > Preferences > Keyboard ?03:41
Jiongduckie: Ctrl + Alt + F103:41
__danthemanapppplications -> accessories -> terminal03:41
ashiis this a support channel or just talking for fun?03:41
WillieDaPimpridz16: heh...i stopped using IM years ago03:41
Daijoubupokeh, yep03:41
Daijoubupokeh pm me03:41
number2williedapimp did it run well with good graphics03:41
ZykoticK9!terminal > duckie03:42
ubottuduckie, please see my private message03:42
Twipleor gnome-ter[enter]03:42
tjsimmonsHowdy. There known issues connecting to wifi on a mid-2008 MacBook Pro with 10.04?03:42
__danthemanat the terminal type ifconfig03:42
WillieDaPimpnumber2: it was descent...but the machine i installed it on back then was a slower machine03:42
RandyOrtokay i just installed 10.04 on my system that also has windows 7 x64 on it.... and i'm not getting an OS selection when i turn the system on03:42
Atamiskanyone else having issues witha white flashing cursor on 10.04 install03:42
__danthemanRandyOrt: is it just going directly into ubuntu?03:42
number2williedapimp i will try it on my xubuntu machine 2.4 p4 with 1 gig pc106603:43
RandyOrtdan: win703:43
RandyOrtits going to win703:43
ridz16here's another question, how do I remove other early version of xubuntu, I saw two on the GRUB boot.03:43
WillieDaPimpnumber2: www.secondlifeinsider.com <- that has a .deb file you can dl and install03:43
ZykoticK9RandyOrt, try holding SHIFT while system starts to get the GRUB menu and see if MS is listed03:43
__danthemanridz16: remove it from the grub config file03:43
ridz16aight thnx03:44
Jiongridz16: Just remove some files, I thought03:44
postfuturistDoes anyone know how to upgrade to 10.04 using and ISO file by mounting it locally?03:44
rippsWhat the heck is with my ntfs drives, Ubuntu wouldn't finish booting until I connected my external harddrive, and now it it creates 2 partitions of them and it breaks all my nautilus bookmarks03:44
slwridz16: if you do that, it'll still have a partition taking up space on your harddrive. You can additionally install gparted and wipe the partition, but be careful.03:44
rolsworthi have the RC is it exactly the same as the new release?03:45
lordraptorxrandr doesnt work03:45
ashino support in here, just talking.03:45
ashi(i guwess)03:45
tjsimmonsAnnoying. I don't remember problems with 9.10. Stupid wifi.03:45
__danthemanor you can use diskutility03:45
vicsar@ridz16 read this: http://boff.wordpress.com/2007/01/17/editing-bootgrubmenulst-to-change-the-grub-boot-menu/03:45
Goosey_Hello. 9.10x64 here. I am trying to follow the directions in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1383429 to prevent my wireless from disabling when I suspend, but I do not get a 'driver' entry in my 'configuration:' line for the wireless interface. My 'sudo lshw -C network' output is here: http://www.paste-it.net/public/gf90c54/03:45
ZykoticK9postfuturist, if you're talking about a LiveCD -> you can't upgrade with that.  It would be "possible" to potentially mount an alternate cd locally and perform update (BUT I HAVE NO IDEA HOW! so good luck)03:45
slwrolsworth: after you update, yes03:45
voss749tjs, if you dont remember problems with 9.10 you need some aricept03:45
z3ro3xvocx, I haven't ever had to mess with the alsamixer in Ubuntu. Last time I had to use it was in SUSE before switching to Ubuntu.  That's why it hadn't even dawned on me to try alsamixer.03:45
ZykoticK9!final > rolsworth03:46
RandyOrtokay i held shift during the turn on03:46
ubotturolsworth, please see my private message03:46
RandyOrtGRUB did not come up at all03:46
__danthemanz3ro3x: ubuntu uses pulseaudio but alsa does the real work03:46
postfuturistZykoticK9: Thanks.03:46
=== Semitones is now known as SemiYoMama
ridz16ok thnx03:46
Atamiskokay, wtf03:46
tjsimmonsVoss749: I had it in a vm. That was probably it. I remember jumping through hoops for 9.04, and can't remember what I did.03:46
Xgatessay can someone please kind enough to open synaptic and search for the word, 'atheros' and let me know if there is a driver named that?03:46
vocxz3ro3x, well, I haven't had to use alsamixer either... but it's pretty.03:46
WillieDaPimpridz16: i heard ailurus can help with a bunch off stuff that isnt the easiest task for a newer user....i heard it will help with grub too03:46
__danthemanatheros is a wireless adaptor03:46
z3ro3x__dantheman, And I used KDE when I was on SUSE.  Not only did I have to get used to a new distro but also a new desktop environment.03:47
Barridus_hey does anyone know how to unlock the upper panel in the netbook remix, please tell me.  XD  driving me crazy03:47
rolsworthi thought they were going to make a change to the notification area03:47
__danthemanthe driver should be ath5k for 802.11b/g or ath9k for 802.11n03:47
Xgates__dantheman: there is also a Atheros ethernet too03:47
__danthemanahh, I stand informed :)03:47
vicsar@Goosey_ i think i had the same problem (in Fedora), just add the line yourself03:47
ashiz3ro3x: suse is working great on gnome :)03:48
slwBarridus_: if it's the same as the desktop verison, just hold alt, click on it, and drag. If it's not... good luck.03:48
ZykoticK9Barridus_, i've tried - in Ubuntu UNE you really can't by default.  I've looked into potentially using a gconf setting to unlock it - but haven't found a working method yet.  Good luck though.  I believe the KDE UNE doesn't suffer this issue.03:48
__danthemanz3ro3x: never used KDE before03:48
Goosey_vicsar, Sorry, but I am not sure what line to add?03:48
Atamiskhow do i go about installing ubuntu on a computer with an nvidia display driver?03:48
monsis there a official channel for 10.04 support or is it here also?03:48
AlcorAny horror stories about 9.10 going to 10.04?03:48
__danthemanaside from a quick time on KDEmod for Arch03:48
RandyOrtso.... if the grub loader isn't coming up should i delete the two partitions that ubuntu 10.04 created and try to install it again?03:48
zetheroomons: this is it03:48
ashimons: dont know yet. i wonder too03:48
Xgates__dantheman: I need someone to search the names in Synaptic because I'm on the URL for the /pool and I can't find it, I need to download it03:48
WillieDaPimpmons: unfortunately i think this is it03:48
zetherooashi: this is it03:49
perscitusWhy does Nickserv keep saying password invalid  when its correct in network connections?03:49
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Barridus_ZykoticK9, ok then.  i did try KDE UNE and it was buggy as heck03:49
slwRandyOrt: I wouldn't. Grub can be restored. I'll have to look around to get you a tutorial on that though.03:49
__danthemanXgates: ok, hold on03:49
lordraptorxrandr isnt working!03:49
ZykoticK9mons, +1 channel closed today, so 10.04 lucid is now supported in the main channel03:49
z3ro3xashi, I switched to Ubuntu mostly because of the community support it gets.  I Kubuntu but it didn't feel as stable or polished as it did on SUSE so I tried Gnome and stayed on it ever since.03:49
RandyOrtslw: ah... okay thanks :)03:49
monsok so i updated to 10.04 via update manager and when i boot now, nothing happens but a blank black screen, any ideas?03:49
rippsHow do I disable the recent ntfs harddrive mounting changes03:49
ZykoticK9Barridus_, i don't do KDE stuff, so i never even downloaded it03:49
lordraptoranyone get dual monitors working with radeon driver?03:50
vocxripps, what are these changes you talk about?03:50
g0tchahey guys, everytime i try to install a new package i get this error 'E: Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for findutils, probably a dependency cycle.' .. anyone know what this is?03:50
joshvFlames aside for now, I'm looking for a way to edit Windows registry information using Regedit from WINE.03:50
vicsar@Goosey_ i am sorry i misunderstood the question. let me see if can find something to help you. if anyone else knows the answer please be my guest03:50
perscitusWhy does Nickserv keep saying password invalid  when its correct in xchat network connections?03:50
intangirif weve been using the lucid rc how should we upgrade to the full version?03:50
zetherooare people experiencing any major issues with Lucid?03:50
WillieDaPimpmons: check your grub make sure it is going to the right kernel03:50
vocxperscitus, perhaps go to #freenode03:50
zetherooI am not 100% sure I want to update my systems yet03:50
judi made a boo boo03:50
rippsvocx: it now forces mounting of ntfs drives at boot, unfortunately it forces me to keep my extrenal harddisk connected and it breaks my nautilus bookmarks03:50
perscitusvocx.->  not freenode issue03:50
joshvRunning normally, it opens its fake registry; the one put in place to get most Windows programs to run03:51
perscitusvocx.->  its xchat issue thats in lucid. frakin bug03:51
vocxzetheroo, wait a week, a month, what makes you feel secure03:51
slwRandyOrt: You can try this: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html03:51
joshvI need it to edit the registry from the partition on which it is run...03:51
voss749zeth, I am ...when i mention ubuntu 10.04 womens eyes glaze over ;-)03:51
slwRandyOrt: though if you're more comfortable with just reinstalling, go ahead an do that I guess.03:51
ZykoticK9mons, i'd recommend you start a live cd and try reinstalling grub if you get no error at all -- i'm gonna pm you the grub2 factoid which explains the booting/chrooting stuff - and grub2 will automatically try to install the kernel stuff.  Good luck man.03:51
monswilliedapimp, i dont think grub is even showing up when i boot03:51
ZykoticK9!grub2 > mons03:51
ubottumons, please see my private message03:51
zetheroovoss749: haha03:51
marcosrorizeven through ubuntu lucid is new, should I enable proposed (testing) and backports?03:51
jameswhi guys03:51
karlHi, I'm trying to use Synaptic, but I get this error: The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.03:51
z3ro3xintangir, It's essentially the same.  Before doing a fresh install of the final release I didn't get any updates on the 29th when I was running the RC.03:51
perscitusWhy does Nickserv keep saying password invalid  when its correct in xchat network connections?03:52
=== funkyWhat is now known as funkyHat
vocxripps, do you have entries for them in /etc/fstab?03:52
zetheroohow are people liking the new Ubuntu look?03:52
ZykoticK9karl, are you using Lucid?03:52
WillieDaPimpmons: it should come up with a 3 sec. count down it says you gotta press a button to enter the grub menu...i think it is esc but not positive03:52
jameswNotify OSD: is it possible to have OSX like feature of clicking on a notification bubble (such as an IM) and the window focus change to the owner of the notification?03:52
mxe5I have been using Lucid since Beta 1 and doing the updates daily - So would this install be any different than if I downloaded and the Final Release and installed it new ? ?03:52
IdleOneperscitus: #freenode should be able to help with that03:52
rippsvocx: yeah, I just noticed that. Why would ubuntu add an external harddisk to my fstab? that's just dumb03:52
karlZykoticK9, yes.03:52
ZykoticK9!final > mxe503:52
ubottumxe5, please see my private message03:52
perscitusIdleOne.->  its NOT FREENODE ISSUE03:52
Xgatessay does anyone know on the pool URL http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ where atheros drivers would be found?03:53
tp43how can I see if I am running 9.10?03:53
vocxripps, maybe you had that connected during the install, upgrade, so it add it.03:53
tp43is lucid here now?03:53
z3ro3xzetheroo, It's nice.  The buttons took some getting used to.  It's mostly muscle memory.  I kept finding my self going to the right with my mouse.  It took a few days to adapt.03:53
IdleOneperscitus: nickserv is giving you a response that is not what you expect. it is a freenode issue03:53
erossdoes Lucid give you an error on bootup? for me a dialog box shows saying, some error occurred and click OK to continue the process and diagnose the error?03:53
__danthemandont see anything in synaptic for atheros03:53
perscitusIdleOne.->  IT IS NOT FREENODE ISSUE03:53
IdleOneperscitus: assuming you have your client setup properly03:53
ZykoticK9karl, update?  i'm guessing.  Try going the system / admin / software sources - and see if anything looks suspicious, try unchecking (but not removing) any PPA or Repository that could be causing an issue.  Good luck.03:53
erossafter a few minutes, live mode comes up03:53
IdleOneperscitus: drop your caps.03:53
zetherooz3ro3x: ok .. as expected i suppose03:53
slwtp43: system > about ubuntu03:54
steve-cperscitus: what is the problem?03:54
WillieDaPimptp43: there are several ways but the easiest is to look in the ubuntu documentation03:54
__danthemandamn, love downloading new dists from torrents.  6.00MB/s03:54
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?  I worked a few days ago, and sometime recently updates won't go through anymore.03:54
karlZykoticK9, I'm using the default install. Also, whenever I get that error, it tells me in another window, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)03:54
perscitussteve-c.-> Why does Nickserv keep saying password invalid  when its correct in xchat network connections?03:54
IdleOneperscitus: fine then, it is not a freenode issue. in that case it is a user/client issue. I suggest you try re-typing your password in the client and testing again03:54
tp43slw, where is system?03:54
mxe5ZykoticK9; Thanks - Came up zero's on all the updates from running terminal.....03:54
perscitusIdleOne.->  i did that already03:55
steve-cperscitus: have you got a ton of channels set on auto-join?03:55
judhey people, on my L's here. can anyone help with this? elvin@elvin-desktop:~$ sudo srestore.py /var/backup/2010-4-30_03 /home/myuser /home/myuser/old03:55
jud[sudo] password for elvin:03:55
judsudo: srestore.py: command not found03:55
amereservantI need some opinions on making a few VPSs, such as on a small/personal scale....would virtualbox be the way to go?03:55
tp43Is there a way for it to say karmic or 9.10 with uname03:55
__danthemandamn 7.00 MBs03:55
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ZykoticK9karl, close all other package managers -- synaptic, update manager, u.s.c.03:55
IdleOnetp43: lsb_release -a03:55
WillieDaPimptp43: no03:55
karlZykoticK9, they're all closed. I just rebooted after installing.03:55
slwtp43: Gnome menu. ALternately, IdleOne's command is nice.03:56
vicsar@Goosey_ here is the closest I found to an answer, might be worth it: http://lilserenity.wordpress.com/2007/10/31/fix-ubuntu-dropping-wireless-on-suspendhibernate-resume/03:56
WillieDaPimptp43: in command line lsb_release -a is easiest03:56
tp43IdleOne, thanks03:56
erossdoes lucid release show an error on boot up into live cd?03:56
IdleOnetp43: sure thing03:56
tp43WillieDaPimp, lol03:56
WillieDaPimpoops too late03:56
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100403:56
=== IRC^Hoppers is now known as me
makkuraEvening, folks. My ubuntu system (9.10) has been running as a webserver (apache2) among other things.  It suddenly stopped working but everything I can find is fine. (Firewall, services are running and accessible locally, etc).  Does anyone have any advice where to look to figure what's causing this?  Don't want to upgrade with an existing problem.03:56
UbuntuNoob192help! I was unmounting a NTFS containing a damaged win 7 system(files that are critial for booting were deleted) via GParted on a ubuntu 9.10 live cd  and it gave me errors --->  http://tinypic.com/r/k3ws5k/5    I don't want to loose any files but I have NO working windows OR linux oses on my comp currently, Live CD is my only option, I have a second cd drive to make a second cd with, what do I do??!!03:57
jameswNotify OSD: is it possible to have OSX like feature of clicking on a notification bubble (such as an IM) and the window focus change to the owner of the notification?03:57
=== me is now known as Noobalicious
jameswclickable notifications?03:57
dfr|macmhmm... are ubuntu aptitude servers all good an happy? I am getting low transfer rates :(03:57
newbie006hello ?03:57
Stavrosjamesw: no, notifications aren't clickable03:57
ha1331Should I be able to watch 1080p x264 movies on Core2 Quad Q8200 @ 2.33Ghz, nvidia 9600GT 512MB?03:57
Stavrosha1331: yes03:57
newbie006I have a question, to copy a dvd, can I just use the dd command or do I need some sort of ripping software ?03:57
Stavrosha1331: try vlc03:57
ha1331When I try, it's jerky, completeley un-watchable03:57
jameswi wish they were!03:57
steve-cim trying to setup ubuntu on my sata disk, i have to setup a boot loader on my pata disk because my mobo cant boot off sata but im not used to this grub2 setup, can someone please guide me through this03:57
amereservantmakkura, What do you mean by "suddenly stopped working"?03:57
jameswok thanks03:57
WillieDaPimpthere really needs to be a channel dedicated to 10.04 upgrade issues03:57
frankie_Hello I am having trouble disabling my touchpad buttons on Ubuntu, on windows it was because synpatic had a nice program. Is there a way to disable them?03:58
Stavrosha1331: hmm, your drivers are probably old or something03:58
steve-cfrankie_: is there an fn key that disables it?03:58
ha1331Stavros: same thing, not as bad, but additional bonus of colors being totally wrong. Reds being reen etc03:58
Stavrosfrankie_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad03:58
intangirso are the servers being hammers so hard that its causing me to get 2kbps? hahaha03:58
Stavrosha1331: that's very odd :/03:58
vfontanelaHey, guys where do I find the MD5SUM of the new release?03:58
ha1331Stavros: using 10.0403:58
tmukmkdanybody have problem with 10.04 and 945GM/GMS ?03:58
IdleOneTrying to create a usb install disc with unetbootin, it has been at 32% for over 20 minutes now. How long does this normally take?03:58
Stavrostmukmkd: over here03:58
tp43I am gonna try to upgrade to Lucid using the update manager03:59
Stavrosha1331: 10.04 is horrible on my graphics03:59
Goosey_vicsar, thanks i will try that03:59
ha1331Stavros: so I'm thinking I have the latest nvidia drivers03:59
vfontanelatmukmkd, everything works fine here, exactelly like 9.1003:59
__danthemanIdleOne: it's usually really fast03:59
WillieDaPimpfrankie_: there should be a function key built in to your laptop keyboard03:59
Stavrostmukmkd: compiz is unusable for me03:59
TwipleI LOVE YOU ALL!03:59
IdleOne__dantheman: should I start over?03:59
makkuraamereservant: I went to drop a file onto my website for testing and found that it was inaccessible across the net.  It was still accessible on the local network though. All other services are stopping when hit externally as well (ping, ssh, etc).  Router is still forwarding ports though.03:59
Stavrostmukmkd: if i turn it on, my system freezes until i kill it03:59
ha1331Stavros: 10.04 is exactly as bad as 9.10 on my system03:59
devuntWhat time is Lucid released?03:59
tmukmkdStavros, huh compiz. important thing for me T_T03:59
Stavrosha1331: hmm, odd03:59
__danthemanthe image i downloaded from ubuntu.com turned 3 dvds into cup holders03:59
Stavrostmukmkd: yeah, same here03:59
IdleOne!lucid | devunt03:59
tmukmkdvfontanela, huh lucky u :)03:59
ubottudevunt: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100403:59
frankie_steve-c not just for the buttons.. just the entire touchpad. i use my touchpad but i can't use my buttons because they are broken and having them enabled make my mouse go crazy03:59
__danthemanso I deleted and redownloaded from torrents03:59
vfontanelatmukmkd, I have a Intel 945GM here and it works with compiz04:00
TwipleTHANK YOU!04:00
Stavroshas anyone managed to solve the problems with the intel 965G driver?04:00
__danthemanburning now and it's working fine04:00
Stavrosvfontanela: where did you get the driver from?04:00
ha1331Stavros: indeed... one would expect to get 1080p on linux these days04:00
tmukmkdStavros, i not install already coz afraid to install and have a problem04:00
vfontanelaStavros, here it works out from the box04:00
__danthemanthe driver you want for intel is xorg-video-intel04:00
Stavrostmukmkd: hmm, i have 965G, not GM04:00
=== Noobalicious is now known as NewLAD
vivekHii where do i get the md5 sum of lucid04:00
rippsgeez, is there a less crowded channel for slightly more advanced users?04:00
Stavros__dantheman: that's what i have :/04:00
amereservantmakkura, If your ports are working locally, it most likely is your router or ISP or something.04:00
vfontanelatmukmkd, it is supposed to work just like the live cd04:00
Stavros__dantheman: can i check if it's enabled and hw accel is working?04:00
vfontanelatmukmkd, so try the cd04:00
emergionI have a Java popup window that is exceeding the length of my desktop I do not seem to be able to resize it thought I need to see what options are available but they are not visible any idea how I might be able to see them?04:01
vfontanelaHey, guys where do I find the MD5SUM of the new release?04:01
__danthemanglxinfo | grep direct04:01
tmukmkdvfontanela, ok :D04:01
ZykoticK9ha1331, you should certainly be able to run HD with that setup!  have you played with VDPAU nvidia support yet?  the using your nvidia gpu for video decoding.  you need to add a ppa and configure mplayer to use the vdpau output - but if you get it working it's pretty cool.04:01
Stavroshmm, it is04:01
WillieDaPimpman if this upgrade borks my custom install im gonna be mad04:01
amereservantmakkura, I would double-check your machine's local IP and confirm it in the router to ensure the ports are being forwarded correctly to the router.04:01
ezhangincan someone give a hand with mdadm, i'm not sure wtf happened04:01
amereservant*from the router.04:01
microhaxoSo what versions of virtualbox guest additions supports USB for lucid?04:01
devunt26-Apr-2010 18:06 to 29-Apr-2010 17:22.04:01
__danthemanneeds to say: direct rendering: yes04:01
ridz16sudo: gedit: command not found      ?04:01
RPG-MasterI've been using the beta. As long as I've been updating, is there any reason for me to reinstall?04:01
devuntthat a UTC?04:01
ha1331ZykoticK9: Using 10.04 so can I even use that? I mean ppa?04:01
parisDoes anybody know about MySQL Query Browser?04:02
vfontanelaRPG-Master, no, no reason to reinstall04:02
ezhangini'm getting two MD devices and i don't know where the second one came from and how it keeps reappearing04:02
RPG-Mastervfontanela: cool, thanks :)04:02
ZykoticK9ha1331, oh ya04:02
judwe're all ft04:02
monsok so after booting ubuntu goes stairhgt throught to the splash/loading screen, but after that it goes blank04:02
WillieDaPimpthe 10.04 upgrade isnt going to automatically pull in gnome and all the other bloat that comes with a normal ubuntu install is it??04:02
PigeonClusterdoes anyone recognize the domain anywise.com?04:02
ZykoticK9microhaxo, if you're having problem with USB with Lucid see my notes from (this was during alpha lucid mind you, things may have changed) http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/virtualbox04:02
vocxWillieDaPimp, well of course. How many changes to your desktop have you made?04:03
msmoothmons: when u get to the purple screen press any key and go thru F4 or F6 options and select "nomodset"04:03
rolsworthcan you install linux in windows now? when did this happen04:03
WillieDaPimpvocx: heh...i always install from the ubuntu server cd and then just pull in the packages i want04:03
microhaxoZykoticK9: i'm not having problems but you told me that the ose-guest-x11 doesn't support usb and that is an important part of how i transfer files to the virtual install.04:03
ZykoticK9rolsworth, wubi or virtualbox are 2 ways04:04
rolsworthyea i saw wubi04:04
ZykoticK9microhaxo, you still haven't told me what HOST you are running, or what version of VBox you are using - detail help.04:04
WillieDaPimpvocx: ive got a minimal setup with e17 and bunch of cli apps04:04
makkuraamereservant: Checked the router and the IP. It's set statically to avoid some of those issues and is correct.  The only odd thing that doesn't match up with, say my ISP blocking it, is that my Apache service on restart started saying: could not reliably dtermine the server's fully qualifed domain name, using for ServerName  which seemed to resolve when I set ServerName in the apache2.conf file04:04
rolsworthit said it was installing but instead it is downloading a torrent04:04
vocxWillieDaPimp, and you don't have Gnome?  I guess you could update with the alternate CD, or maybe eve the sever CD and do the same.04:04
msmoothmicrohaxo: if you DL the actualy vbox install from the site, it supports USB04:04
Xgates__dantheman: you can't find Atheros in Synaptic?04:04
devinafter installing nvidia drivers my usplash resolution got huge where is this file located to change res?04:04
__danthemandidn't see it in there04:05
microhaxoZykoticK9: host is windows 7, latest virtualbox04:05
jack-desktopmy computer is running in low-graphics mode after trying to install a new driver, can anyone help?04:05
__danthemanwhat ehternet chip is it?04:05
msmoothvbox OSE does not support USB, need to dl the actual full setup from the website04:05
WillieDaPimpvocx: NO gnome is bloated too much for me....i like a minimal setup04:05
ChogyDandevin: you can't I don't think04:05
ZykoticK9microhaxo, you should be asking in #vbox as that is where the issue really lies.  good luck man, i'm sorry i'd actually forgotten it was you asking about it before, thought it was a new question :)04:05
Xgates__dantheman: AR813204:06
amereservantmakkura, That's a common error and doesn't have anything to do with your issue.04:06
vocxWillieDaPimp, then maybe Ubuntu is not for you. Ubuntu is for humans, not command line geeks... just joking04:06
emergionDoes anyone run Netbeans under ubuntu?04:06
DiscoTwilightdoes anyone here work on documentation?  I'm going to redo the install from usb page and was wondering if i can just make it for the 10.04 release, or should i have both, the directions haven't been acurate since 9.0404:06
buttons840what are the advantages of using an alternate install cd, and where can i learn more about it?04:06
microhaxoZykoticK9: Thanks, i'll ask them.04:06
ezhangincan someone help me with a raid5? i may have killed it :(04:06
amereservantmakkura, And that IS how you fix that error.04:06
frankie_hello it is me again. i am trying to disable the buttons on my touchpad but seem unable to. is there any way of doing this because if i can't, i can't really use linux :/04:06
monshmm that didnt work pressing f4 or f6 didnt do anything04:06
vocxemergion, like a million people, check ubuntuforums.org, the programming talk,04:06
Xgates__dantheman: so in the search box in Synaptic if you type in atheros nothing shows up?04:06
slwWillieDaPimp: personally, I keep gnome installed but create my own desktop session for GDM. Alternately, there's always arch linux... they love this kind of thing.04:06
amereservantmakkura, Does that box have external internet access at all?04:06
WillieDaPimpvocx: hehe....yea but it is the norm....so i use it with a custom setup04:06
makkuraamereservant: ahh.. I recall seeing it before and had thought I resolved it previously so it surprised me I saw it again.  Thought the config file may have been reset somewhere but since the issue is across services.04:06
ChogyDanWillieDaPimp: I tried out geubuntu or whatever its called.  looked neat, but it was a bit of a mess to configure, so I gave up04:06
jack-desktopmy computer is running in low-graphics mode after trying to install a new driver, can anyone help?04:06
tmukmkdgoogle is still main search engine? not yahoo?04:07
makkuraamereservant: Yeah it does, it can surf, ping, download, etc.04:07
rolsworthwhy is wubi downloading a torrent?04:07
msmoothmons: when u get to the purple screen with the keyboard at the bottom, press any key to bring up the menu, then hit f4 for that menu and select "nomodset"04:07
=== SemiYoMama is now known as Semitones
XgatesI wonder where the drivers are coming from, hmm maybe I need to lsmod04:07
ZykoticK9buttons840, the alt cd is Text only install - and supports more hardware, gives more control over the install i believe.  i've never used one myself.04:07
ivan__alguien me puede04:07
WillieDaPimpChogyDan: heh, i think i might convert back to debian with a custom setup, the configuration part for me is a breeze04:07
msmoothwhere it says "try ubuntu/install ubuntu" etc04:07
xangua!es > ivan__04:07
ubottuivan__, please see my private message04:07
Sir_FawnpugHello everybody; I am having trouble getting my wireless card (realtek 8192SE) to pick up my WPA network, although my Win7 partition will find and connect to it without problems.04:07
Sir_FawnpugI am using 10.04, and the stock rtl8192se_pci driver04:08
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-zzz
Xgates__dantheman: ahhh lsmod shows ath9k so it looks like there is mod loaded but if I do lfconfig I'm not connected04:08
monsmsmooth i dont get to a a screen that has that on it, just splash screen and then straight to black04:08
jack-desktopmy computer is running in low-graphics mode after trying to install a new driver, can anyone help?04:08
WillieDaPimpslw: yea, ive thought about going back to arch, i've thought about going back to gentoo, but i think ill end up back with a vanilla debian install04:08
__danthemanXgates: so your wired?04:08
Arcis there a reason the 10.04 firefox logo is blue surrounding mars04:08
xfactAnyone can tell me where is the source.list file?04:09
XgatesI didn't an alternate iso install just to install the base system, how can I configure my ethernet, there seems to be a mod for it, but I'm not connected04:09
msmoothcan u get to where u select the language04:09
WillieDaPimpxfact: /etc/apt/sources.list04:09
Xgates__dantheman: yeah I have a cat5 plugged in04:09
xfactWillieDaPimp, Thankyou04:09
monsmsmooth no04:09
WillieDaPimpxfact: np04:09
microhaxoWell that sucks, vbox says no vbox additions support 10.04.. :|04:09
__danthemanif you type ifconfig does eth0 show up?04:09
slwWillieDaPimp: the only reaons I'm not on debian is the ppa's...04:10
msmoothif u can't get to the purple screen id say either bad media/ or cd drive04:10
ZykoticK9Sir_Fawnpug, are you able to connect to non-encrypted networks ok?04:10
l0uisHi there. How do I change the login theme in 10.04 ?04:10
Xgates__dantheman: no, let me check /etc/network/interfaces04:10
WillieDaPimpslw: yea...that has alot to do with why im using a custom ubuntu install too04:10
msmoothdouble check your bios also04:10
__danthemanso you only see lo?04:11
Xgates__dantheman: yeah only lo04:11
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, yes. And I am also able to see some networks. However, most of the networks available on Win7 are not visible here, even though I about 30 feet from the WAP04:11
ZykoticK9microhaxo, on a Lucid host with Lucid guests using the OSE version I have working 3d graphics, but no USB support04:11
jack-desktopmy computer is running in low-graphics mode after trying to install a new driver, can anyone help?04:11
__danthemanok so type ifconfig eth0 up04:11
__danthemanas su04:11
__danthemanthen another ifconfig04:11
microhaxoZykoticK9: so Absolutely no Thumb drives.. What about shared folders? I need to be able to transfer files somehow.04:12
__danthemantell me if eth0 shows up then04:12
killowni can't install emacs http://paste.ubuntu.com/424975/ can anyone help me?04:12
WillieDaPimpWHOA! I just saw where Canonical no loger provides support for abiword, libcompress-bzip2-perl, netcat-traditional, scim, and sreadahead...i wonder why04:12
steve-cis it possible to just run the book setup in ubuntu by itself04:12
ZykoticK9Sir_Fawnpug, it's a poor driver/encryption issue - if you disable your encryption (or try researching another driver etc. - i've added you card to my research later pile)04:12
msmoothwill the 9.10 vbox onstall from virtualbox.org not work on 10.04?04:12
Xgates__dantheman: yeah eth0 shows now, but no address04:12
__danthemanya, becuase you have to request one04:12
=== richard is now known as Guest50219
__danthemanI assume you use dhcp04:13
__danthemanas su type04:13
WillieDaPimp__dantheman: i thought ifup would help him with that04:13
__danthemandhcpcd eth004:13
=== dansilva_ is now known as dansilva
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, well the driver seemed to work before the upgrade; I'm not sure exactly what changed (I did a clean install when I installed 10.04, althought I left my home partition intact)04:13
ZykoticK9microhaxo, nautilus / places / connect to server SSH - works awesome for me personally04:13
Xgatesrun sudo dhcpcd eth004:13
__danthemandhcpcd will request all the info from your router04:14
microhaxoZykoticK9: Alright, i'll install without usb support.04:14
microhaxoZykoticK9: thanks04:14
Guest50219hello, i need help reassembling my RAID-1, the superblocks are missing so the device nodes for my partitions aren't being created04:14
Xgatesyeah I know I'm just rusty with some of my linux cmds ;/04:14
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, I will try temporarily disabling encryption though04:14
msmoothmicrohaxo: does the install from virtualbox.org not work on 10.04?04:14
__danthemanWillieDaPimp: probably, I'm just coming from arch so I'm used to the bare-bones approach04:14
Sir_FawnpugI just have to remeber the IP address for my WAP, haha04:14
msmoothit has usb support04:14
monsmsmooth thr bios looks fine, and still it only boot to splash screen, and once it goes past there everything goes to black screen04:14
__danthemanXgates: what does it say after dhcpcd eth004:15
WillieDaPimp__dantheman: ifup is pretty barebones...its on the LPIC Level 1 test04:15
microhaxomsmooth: No it doesn't It wont allow gnome to load.04:15
__danthemanI'll have to look into it :)04:15
ZykoticK9Sir_Fawnpug, you probably want to search LaunchPad / Ubuntu / Bugs to see if there is anything card specific as well.  disabling the encryption is a drag, but will probably work.  Good luck.04:15
msmoothmons: im not sure i had a similar problem, i eventually had to use an older monitor because my lcd display could not show the resolution of the setup screens04:15
Xgates__dantheman: errr dhcpcd isn't installed, LOL, I'll have to download it online and then install it04:15
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, will do. I am also noticing that all of the access poitns I can hit are channel 104:16
killowni can't install emacs http://paste.ubuntu.com/424975/ can anyone help me?04:16
xfactAre source.gz files are so important in updates/upgrades?04:16
__danthemanhmm, theres another dhcp command04:16
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monsmsmooth thansk for the help04:16
__danthemanI'm forgetting it off the top of my head04:16
microhaxomsmooth: Everything appears to load fine but once you login you get only the wallpaper, nothing else.04:16
theadminHm. I can't seem to have any updates (I had RC)04:17
ZykoticK9__dantheman, "sudo dhclient eth0"04:17
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BRchi all04:17
__danthemanmaybe dhclient04:17
Some_PersonIs there any way to access files on an ext4 partition from Windows?04:17
theadminSome_Person: No.04:17
hdpbdoes anyone know if there is an irc for rhythmbox?04:17
__danthemanya... ^ what he said04:17
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, changing the channel seemed to work04:17
The_Jorgehello, i was just wondering, does anyone here know how to change the icon next to Applications from the ubuntu logo to the gnome foot? in 10.04?04:17
BRciam trying to burn this iso image..is it disk-at once..at 8x04:17
majnoonok how make sure i got all up to date installed lynx when was RC04:17
xfactSource files are so important for updates and upgrades?04:17
ZykoticK9Sir_Fawnpug, nice :)04:17
WillieDaPimpXgates: can you even see your ethernet card? check lspci04:17
BRci did it t 32x and i cant intall it04:17
Sir_FawnpugZykoticK9, still, the channel I was using was channel 11, so I suppose I should file a bug report04:18
theadminBRc: Burn at lowest speed possible. And yah disk-at-once04:18
BRcwasted 3 dkisks04:18
randalwow they made ubuntu 10.04 look so bad its disappointing04:18
slwSome_Person: I haven't tried this, but:  http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/04:18
theadminrandal: huh?04:18
Some_Persontheadmin: I remember reading a while back about a program that gives you read-only access04:18
ZykoticK9Xgates, it might be easier to use "lspci | grep -i ethernet"04:18
theadminrandal: It looks awesome04:18
Sir_FawnpugOr better yet, have a look a the driver code04:18
The_Jorgei just dont want the ubuntu icon, i want the gnome foot04:18
theadminSome_Person: There is one, for ext204:18
The_Jorgein my applications menu04:18
BRcso how is 10.04 any good?04:19
majnoonok how make sure i got all up to date installed lynx when was RC04:19
Some_Personslw: That only works if you reformat and disable extents04:19
ZykoticK9Sir_Fawnpug, just see if anyone else with your card has already filed a bug.  origional bugs are hard to find ;)04:19
XgatesZykoticK9: thanks sudo dhclient eth0 got me up and running, but when I ran that it said that /etc/resolv.conf no such file04:19
alex87so how's lucid lynx working for people so far?04:19
The_Jorgeseems that no one knows how to do it04:19
microhaxoNice and fast :)04:19
Qillercan i install this version using daemon tools and mounting iso?04:19
randaltheadmin,  to many bugs and purple and the login screen is terable04:19
theadminmajnoon: If you updated it now and then, you DO have final one04:19
The_Jorgei cant find anything online04:19
__danthemanxgates, so your online now?04:19
jbuncheranyone having trouble with gwibber and updating twitter?  I worked a few days ago, and sometime recently updates won't go through anymore.04:19
hdpblucid is working great.  boot time is amazing04:19
theadminrandal: uuuh... None here.04:19
The_Jorgeyes lucid is good04:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:19
BRcany one like 10.04 lts??04:19
theadminQiller: Kind of yes, you can use WUBI04:19
WillieDaPimphdpb: they still didnt hit the 10 sec boot time04:19
gsp2009I love lucid04:20
ZykoticK9Xgates, something is a little weird with your network setup/setting/system04:20
theadminBRc: Awesome :D04:20
Xgates__dantheman: yeah sudo dhclient eth0 got me up and running, but when I ran that it said that /etc/resolv.conf no such file04:20
randaltheadmin,  im going to stay with 9.10 its runs smoother for me04:20
gsp2009The_Jorge: what you looking for?04:20
BRcyah ok..cant wat then theadmin04:20
The_Jorgegsp2009:  i just want the ubuntu icon in the applications icon to change to the ordinary gnome foot04:20
theadminBRc: what04:20
l0uisFolks, are there any pointers on changing the login theme in 10.04 ?04:20
theadminl0uis: gdm2setup04:20
randalBRc, Its Disgusting im so disapointed04:20
hdpbWillieDaPimp: no, but i'll take it... and i'm growing to love window controls on the "wrong" side04:21
LinuxGuy2009Ok guys if I finally make the switch to a 64bit installation, Adobe Flash 10.1 RC2 works out of the box and works just as well as 32bit version, and java plugin is in the ubuntu repos for 64bit as well? No jerry-rigging to get them working?04:21
ZykoticK9jbuncher, i have actually notice a few update issues with gwibber over the last few days...  you're not alone.04:21
XgatesZykoticK9: well I did an expert install of the alternate iso so that only just installed a base and I didn't seem to have nic support then but maybe it is working during the install and from the cmd I can get it up and on and configured04:21
BRcreally?? randal04:21
Qillertheadmin thank sir! more can i install mouting iso? if i dont use WUBI ?04:21
gsp2009The_Jorge: brb... got it bookmarked04:21
BRcrandal,  how come04:21
jbuncherZykoticK9, that's good, because I thought I was crazy.  It was working fine for a while, then it just seemed to stop.04:21
__danthemanLinuxGuy2009: 10.1 isn't out for x64 linux04:21
theadminQiller: WUBI is a Windows-based installer for Ubuntu. If you just mount the ISO, you can only use that. You haz to burn for a normal install.04:21
randalBRc,  the login screen sucks the older one was way better and the nivida bugs are insane and im not the only one comeing accros this04:21
WillieDaPimphdpb: i dont have to worry about the mac wanna be window controls i use e17 not gnome04:21
Atamiskhello, i'm trying to instaall lucid on a pentium 4 Dell. when i use a livecd, all i get is a flashing white cursor?04:21
The_Jorgerandal: there are ways to customise the login screen04:22
Qillertheadmin aah, ok ^^04:22
BRcomy ive got ATi cards , randal04:22
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Jordan_UQiller: You can also put the Ubuntu installer on a flash drive04:22
randalThe_Jorge, how do you do that i thought they removed that feature04:22
ZykoticK9Xgates, sorry man i can't help with that - i've only ever used the livecd for installs -- but your probably missing some network stuff... or settings.  good luck.04:22
QillerJordan_U yes! ^^04:22
LinuxGuy2009__dantheman: Your right I forgot to narrow the search down for linux. My bad. But still is there 64bit flash that works without editing or nonsense like that?04:22
theadminHm. VLC seems to be buggy in Lucid :/ it chews my music for a while after starting04:22
The_Jorgerandal: i am sure it has to be done from the terminal04:22
The_Jorgerandal: people here can tell you04:23
__danthemanLinuxGuy2009: you just download it from adobe04:23
randalThe_Jorge,  I guess ill have to reserch in to that04:23
dougbdoes anyone know how to get HDMI audio working with an intel card?04:23
XgatesZykoticK9: yeah no worries at least now I see there is a mod loaded so I'll try the install over this time at the cmd trying to load it and see how it goes THANKS04:23
__danthemanand place it into the appropriate plugins directory04:23
calmsivahave a lenevo laptop - core2duo - 2GB, 250GB -  my microprocessor is only 32 bit - can i install 10.04 (64 bit version)04:23
LinuxGuy2009__dantheman: Ok I guess Ill finally switch then. Thank you!04:23
FiReSTaRTis there a way to change the login screen?04:23
__danthemanworks really well04:23
Jordan_UAtamisk: Do you see anything before that (other than the BIOS screen)?04:23
theadminFiReSTaRT: Google "gdm2setup"04:23
Jordan_UAtamisk: And can that machine boot other CDs?04:23
__danthemancalmsiva: i'm pretty sure that every c2d is 64 capable04:23
BRcso ur telling this version has tooo many bugs04:24
__danthemanunless the mobile version is not really a c2d04:24
calmsivadantheman : thanks - how do i check this out04:24
theadminBRc: Any version has bugs, all depends on hardware04:24
__danthemanare you running windows?04:24
intangirholy freaking shit man, i was trying to install a package, it required 100megs, 78 packages, i was on the 78th freaking package after 30 minutes at this ridiculously slow download speed.. and my damn power goes out04:24
intangirnow i gotta start all over04:24
FloodBot4intangir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
AtamiskJordan_U, no, and i haven't tried any other cd's04:24
l0uistheadmin: The 'Theme' tab is greyed out. Guess I can't load themes from http://art.gnome.org/themes/?04:24
Viper1432the latest 64bit flash version is   afaik at this point.  it works just fine....as far as it goes.  fullscreen is still a bit dodgy on frame rate.04:24
theadminIt's a LTS so it should, technically, have less bugs then previous releases, BRc.04:24
theadminl0uis: It will be able to sometime soon.04:24
Jordan_Uintangir: The packages that were already downloaded are saved04:24
aciculaintangir, use a different mirror04:24
BRcill find out soon04:25
intangirJordan_U: how do i make apt use them04:25
theadminl0uis: So far you can only change the background04:25
intangiroh wait i think it is04:25
Jordan_Uintangir: It's automatig04:25
intangirit only downloaded 3 this time04:25
intangirthoughti t was starting over04:25
l0uistheadmin: I see, ok. Thanks.04:25
TwipleIs Ubuntu One worth it?04:25
WillieDaPimptheadmin: hahaha....ive found that to be completely opposite with most LTS releases04:25
intangirk good call thx guys04:25
Viper1432Twiple,  short answer:  YES, hell-b-yes.04:25
Twipleok then04:25
The_Jorgethis is linux after all... most distros require at least SOME tweaking outside of the box to be bug-free with any given hardware set up... i had to tweak the sound card driver settings some..04:25
AtamiskJordan_U, and i can get the menu to show if i hit f204:26
FiReSTaRTthanks theadmin... installing it as we speak.. i can't believe they left it out of the release lol04:26
markattoWillieDaPimp: 8.04 was deffinitely a buggy release04:26
=== spvensko_ is now known as blah1
sipherI've somehow managed to f up my taskbar and main app panel.. taskbar is invisible or offscreen but can see window tooltips if I hover. Some way to reset panels to default positions? :\04:26
Atamiskand i see the assistive tech icon before it panics04:26
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red2kic!resetpanel | sipher04:26
ubottusipher: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:26
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Viper1432now if I could get a package of ubuntu one for arch...pig heaven over here. :D04:26
darius_is there a channel for Ubuntu netbook edition?04:26
WillieDaPimpmarkatto: all LTS releases usually are...but Ubuntu redeems itself with the release directly after the LTS04:26
Jordan_UAtamisk: Ok, can you remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel parameters?04:26
Atamiskhow, it's a livecd?04:27
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The_Jorgei mean try using an OS like Redhat... you'll have to do a lot more tweaking04:27
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ZykoticK9darius_, not specific for UNE - only this one04:27
Omen_20Hi. Why was it chosen to update the look with an ugly charcoal instead of an actual glass black? Just seems like a half step.04:27
The_Jorgegsp2009: you find that bookmark?04:27
Fudgehi in system administration login screen i can read teh text with orca and see unlock and close button but cant choose the settings now. i could read this before, whats the app called so i can try o reinstall it? is it login?04:27
brainproxydo i do-release-upgrade to go from beta to the official lucid release?04:27
brainproxyor will that take me to some new super-alpha testing branch04:27
Jordan_UAtamisk: There is a boot menu that allows you to change the options if you press a key early in boot, I thought that was what you were referring to.04:27
Jionggod, i want to change my freenode account password. doesn't there any command to do this?04:27
Jordan_U!final | brainproxy04:28
ubottubrainproxy: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.04:28
Atamiskc no, grub doesn't load under a livecd04:28
theadminJiong: Ask on #freenode04:28
Jordan_UAtamisk: No, but isolinux does.04:28
Fudgeisnt it nickserv set pass or set password04:28
AtamiskJordan_U, how do i get there?04:28
theadminFudge: doubt it.04:28
ezhanginwhat does it mean if blkid and "cat /proc/mdstat" are showing different arrays04:29
darius_I'm trying to install 10.04 netbook onto an asus eee 901 and it "sticks" at a purple screen until I press a button.  Upon pressing a button, I'm able to select a language, but it then won't be select anything from the boot menu.  Any known issues?04:29
Jiongtheadmin: O:-)04:29
theadminJiong: huh?04:29
Fudgewell the keyboard works haha04:29
Jordan_UAtamisk: By pressing any key in the first few (5?) seconds of boot, from your description I don't think you're getting even that far though.04:29
Jiongtheadmin: hehe04:29
AtamiskJordan_U, i dont think so, just to the initial menu (Try it, install, options, etc.,)04:30
microhaxoZykoticK9: Huh, well even the virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 has the no gnome loading problem :| It loads into a blank screen of just wallpaper after reboot.04:30
ElsewiseHi, there, Can anyone explain to me, how do I download files from SSH to my local pc?04:30
Jordan_UAtamisk: That's the menu I'm talking about04:30
LinuxGuy2009Does the System->Admin->Startup Disk Creator only work with buntu ISO and CDs only? Or does it also work with other distro disks?04:30
AtamiskElsewise, use scp04:30
theadminSo, is there anyway to remove/autoclean/disable/whatever the "Recent documents" thing?04:30
brainproxyheh, actually this vm is running 9.10 -- good grief, I thought I've been running on top of lucid w/ this vm for like 3 weeks :/04:30
AtamiskJordan_U, ah.04:30
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theadminLinuxGuy2009: Only Ubuntu.04:30
theadminubottu: unetbootin | LinuxGuy200904:30
ubottuLinuxGuy2009: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:30
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slwElsewise: screw scp. Sshfs is a miracle program.04:30
ZykoticK9microhaxo, no idea man.  perhaps it more to do with the host then vbox itself?  best of luck.04:31
TRPAnyone know anything about permissions? I forgot to transfer several important files from my old distribution that grub broke on, and when I try to access via a live cd i can get to many, but several folder say they cant be accessed due to permissions... any suggestions?04:31
Fudgeis the package login, the same app found in system/administroation/login screen04:31
LinuxGuy2009theadmin: K just wanted to know for sure. Thanks04:31
microhaxoZykoticK9: HAH found the problem04:31
TwipleI love you all, THANKS FOR THE HELP!04:31
Twipleand tell Jordan_U thanks for me when he next gets on!04:31
AtamiskJordan_U, brb, i'm going to see if i can eff with the kernel04:31
Xgates__dantheman: I forgot what's the cmd to manually load a mod?04:31
Twiplehe's on04:31
microhaxoZykoticK9: You cant enable 3d in the display settings of vbox, if you do check enable 3d acceleration it wont load gnome.04:31
mattgyverIm experiencing random reboot issues on 10.04 such as a screen that says its unable to mount my drive.  Any suggestions? Its a fairly new drive.04:32
gsp2009hmmm... I wish I could remember who asked about the apps icon04:32
morticiTRP, use chmod to change the perms, and chown to change ownership04:32
TwipleHey Jordan, thanks for the help! It's working perfectly!04:32
ZykoticK9microhaxo, glad you firgured it out!04:32
hungnvJust installed gnome desktop, and I get one smalll problem, gnome-volume-applet doesnot appear, it say deprecated04:32
Jordan_UTwiple: You're welcome.04:32
Moral_running 9.10 Just installed lxde And I want to select it as my gui, how do I go about doing so from the login screen. On 9.03 there was a way to do it from the left side of the screen but this new version I have no clue. Any Ideas?04:32
theadmingsp2009: was The_Jorge04:32
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gsp2009theadmin: thank04:32
Jordan_UMoral_: The menu doesn'04:32
morticiTRP, ie. FULL rights would be: chmod 777 <file> to change ownership: chown <username>:<username>04:32
hungnvplease help me figure out in this situation04:32
Jordan_UMoral_: ... Doesn't show up untill you select a user04:32
theadmingsp2009: "grep foot" :P04:33
calmsivaneed torrent download of 10.04 - info, please04:33
Jordan_UMoral_: Which makes some sense since it's a per user preference.04:33
hungnvwwhat make gnome-volume-applet deprecated04:33
xanguacalmsiva: you can download the torrent from ubuntu.com04:33
Moral_Jordan_U, gotcha, lol, cant believe I didnt even try that. Thanks.04:33
theadminmortici: Actually, user:group04:33
gsp2009The_Jorge: hey... I am thinking that you need to change the icon in /usr/share/icons/THEME/apps04:33
slwcalmsiva: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt04:33
Jordan_UMoral_: You're welcome, took me a while to notice also :)04:33
calmsivaxangua : just went to site, but i dont know where to find it04:33
morticitheadmin, yeah but for his purpose it would be just fine to explain it that way, then: man chown04:34
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new2ubuntuNeed help with reinstalling a broken package.04:34
jikutyis it just me, or is the Pidgin system tray icon ugly in 10.04?04:34
ivan__cual es el canal en español04:34
morticitheadmin, but i agree teach it right the first time :P04:34
Flannel!es | ivan__04:34
ubottuivan__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:34
jikutythere appears to be a non-transparent background on the icon04:34
calmsivaslw : do i type this in the bit torrent / or in this channel04:34
theadminjikuty: just you.04:34
xangua!es > ivan__04:34
ubottuivan__, please see my private message04:34
ZykoticK9!torrents > calmsiva04:34
ubottucalmsiva, please see my private message04:34
morticihungnv, there might be a replacement for the gnome-volume-applet04:34
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100404:34
jikutytheadmin: it looks just like it used to in 9.10 for you?04:34
xanguajikuty: you can disable the notification icon and pidgin will use the indicator applet04:34
theadminjikuty: Yeah04:34
slwcalmsiva: open that link in your browser.04:34
morticihungnv, which version of ubuntu?04:34
hungnvmortici: which pakage, please04:35
Jordan_Uivan__: I think the idea is to use the "me menu" for all IM clients (though I don't use it myself)04:35
hungnv9.10 karmic :)04:35
AtamiskJordan_U, i turned quiet and splash off, but still got no joy.04:35
new2ubuntuusing 10.04, can't get flash plugin to work.04:35
jikutytheadmin, xangua: the problem is, if i disable the icon in the systray, when i close Pidgin's window (hit the X button), the client actually CLOSES instead of minimizes to tray!04:35
theadminJordan_U: I don't think so, it ain't working with Pidgin04:35
jikutyextremely annoying.04:35
* gsp2009 loves Lucid04:35
Jordan_UAtamisk: How much RAM do you have?04:35
The_Jorgegsp2009: did you find that booklmark?04:35
KruyKazejikuty, i have the same issue04:35
ZykoticK9new2ubuntu, what browser?  what architecture?  what version of flash?04:35
AtamiskJordan_U, a gig...04:35
morticihungnv, im not sure as i don't know which version of Ubuntu your running.04:36
jikutyKruyKaze: maybe re-installing it will help? i think i might try that.04:36
FirstSgtWhat firewall does ubuntu server come with?  or how do I enable port 1194?04:36
new2ubuntufirefox and chrome04:36
The_Jorgegeorge w bush using ubuntu is not the greatest advert :S04:36
progre55Hi people! where do you put a libflashplayer.so plugin downloaded from adobe? it was /usr/share/... smth but dont remember04:36
KruyKazejikuty, do you use the hotkeys plugin?04:36
hungnvmortici: 9.10 karmic04:36
theadminFirstSgt: All ports are open by default04:36
WillieDaPimpnew2ubuntu: chrome is ultimately better04:36
new2ubunturecently upgraded to 10.0404:36
calmsivaslw : thanks - did that now, i think it is connected and started downloading04:36
Xgates__dantheman: would it be difficult for you to get the ath9k module and upload it somewhere for me?04:36
McShaneI'm retaining my /home partition and replacing 9.10 with 10.04. Does AptOnCD work reasonably well here?04:36
morticihungnv, weird same as me and i don't seem to have a problem give me a min04:36
hungnvmortici: but I think I kít can find right package to íntall04:36
theadminFirstSgt: However, port mentioned requires root priveleges to access.04:36
gsp2009The_Jorge: I didn't, but I am thinking that you have to change the icon in /usr/share/icons/THEME/apps04:36
FirstSgti have a computer 2 feet from it trying to connect to vpn server, I have the vpn (openvpn) running in debug and I see no conection requests, but the client keeps trying every 5 seconds with no response.04:37
gsp2009The_Jorge: I think it is called distributor-logo or something like that04:37
new2ubunturecent upgrade to 10.04 has messed up my flash plugin. please help04:37
theadminnew2ubuntu: Same here, reinstall it04:37
ZykoticK9new2ubuntu, have you reinstalled flashplugin-installer since upgrading?04:37
jikutyKruyKaze: nope... i don't use any plugins04:37
new2ubuntutried reinstalling04:37
theadminnew2ubuntu: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer04:37
Fudge0ok figured out the 'login screen' system menu item is running gdmsetup04:37
morticihungnv, install gnome-media04:38
ezhanginthis is awful04:38
jikutyKruyKaze: except the one that employs libnotify for popups04:38
morticii do not see gnome-volume-applet as a valid package in synaptic04:38
hungnvmortici: I did04:38
Jordan_UAtamisk: If it's a bootloader problem (since you don't seem to be getting to where the kernel can output anything) you may be able to work around it by using grub (on a flash drive / CD / floppy) instead of isolinux04:38
theadmin"employs libnotify"...? ROFLWUT?04:38
progre55what's the different between flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-nonfree? any performance differences?04:38
theadminprogre55: the "installer" one downloads it from Adobe04:38
AtamiskJordan_U, can i use grub installed on the drive i want to install the new software on?04:39
michaelxqubuntu 10.04 and i have problems with my camera04:39
QuotesI've got an interesting problem. Perhaps someone can help me with it?04:39
new2ubuntutheadmin: tried reinstalling...unsuccessful04:39
Jordan_Uprogre55: One package is just a dummy package pointing to the other04:39
KruyKazejikuty, got it i like to hide/show pidgin w/ hoetkeys and that only works when the tray icon is activated.it used to work w/out it before :/04:39
gsp2009Quotes: just ask your question04:39
progre55oh I see04:39
WillieDaPimpprogre55: the installer one is the one you want04:39
michaelxqi'm using vaio built-in camera04:39
morticihungnv, what happens when you run gnome-volume-control-applet04:39
hungnvmortici: same here, but I think there is a package for it04:39
hungnvmortici: no such command like this :)04:39
new2ubuntuPackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - this is the error message04:39
ZykoticK9mortici, hungnv if this is lucid the package doesn't exist.  volume is in indicator-applet04:39
Quotesgsp: So, I find this very bizarre but Metacity compositing works, and in KDE, compiz works. However, in GNOME, compiz cannot be enabled. How is this possible? lol04:39
theadminnew2ubuntu: hm.04:40
jikutyKruyKaze: ah... i think i'll play with it some more04:40
progre55theadmin: I've downloaded a plugin version 10.1 rc2 from adobe for 64bit linux, but it's just one libflashplayer.so file. where do I put it?04:40
Jordan_UAtamisk: If you can get grub on to it in the first place, yes.04:40
morticiZykoticK9, he says hes in karmic04:40
karlI'm on Xubuntu, and it's using 500 MB of memory, compared to regular Ubuntu with about 250 MB of memory. It's really slow. Why is this?04:40
jikutyKruyKaze: i'll let you know if I figure anything out :)04:40
__danthemanprogre55: depends on what browser youre using04:40
ZykoticK9mortici, hungnv nevermind me then :)04:40
KruyKazejikuty, thx04:40
morticihungnv, when you open a terminal and type gnome-volume<tab> what shows up?04:40
hungnvZykoticK9: :)04:40
WillieDaPimpkarl: you got somethign else running....xubuntu should use less ram than a gnome ubuntu install04:41
MitchLeBlancIs anyone else unable to get their microphone working when they have a Creative X-Fi?04:41
hungnvmortici: control and properties04:41
hungnvno applet04:41
michaelxqi am using built-in camera and i have some problems finding it's divers04:41
gsp2009Quotes... huh?  Can you elaborate? I am not very good with compositing, but someone may be able to help04:41
morticihungnv, veryyyyy strange04:41
progre55__dantheman: mozilla, but I remember you could put it in some general place so that the other browsers would also use it..04:41
sean_bluetooth working, no worries04:41
kaushalwhats the boot time of 10.04 ?04:41
Jordan_UAtamisk: Unfortunately you'll have a problem if you are booting from an iso file on the disk you want to install to (and most BIOSs don't expose the CDROM drive to the bootloader unless you actually booted from that CD)04:41
sean_like 35 seconds04:41
michaelxqmy laptop is sony vaio vgn-fz21e04:41
karlWillieDaPimp, I have nothing else running. This is the default install and I just started up.04:41
Quotesgsp: Compiz only works (for some reason) with Kubuntu (KDE), and won't work with Gnome.04:41
hungnvmortici: me too  ha ha04:41
Jordan_Ukaushal: Depends on the hardware, but they didn't make their target 10 seconds on the dell mini.04:42
Quotesgsp: The extra desktop effects. I don't understand. lol04:42
KruyKazehow do i enable nouveau drivers on lucid?04:42
__danthemanit should be ~/.mozilla/plugins04:42
Jordan_UKruyKaze: They're used by default04:42
WillieDaPimpkarl: and you have a new gnome ubuntu install that is using less ram then a new xubuntu install ?04:42
hungnvmortici: yes04:42
michaelxqcurrently running ubuntu 10.0404:42
__danthemanor plugin rather04:42
sean_yeah, 10 seconds is a joke, three new computers, avg boot time = 20 seconds +/- 1004:42
Glacerdoes Gdesklet work with 10.04? I can't get it to work and on upgrade said something about skiping gnome and keeping current04:42
morticihungnv, in synaptic search for gnome-media, right click it and select properties, then click the installed files tab scroll down to /usr/bin/04:42
Glacershows latest version in about though04:42
KruyKazeJordan_U, it sais i'm using nvidia's04:42
morticihungnv, and see if the applet is listed04:42
WillieDaPimpsean_: supposedly it is supposed to get faster after a few reboots04:43
AtamiskJordan_U, no, grub is on drive 1, and i want to boot an iso on drive2. install tgt is D104:43
hungnvmortici: what if I dont have synaptics04:43
Jordan_UKruyKaze: Then you installed nvidia's driver yourself, if you disable it nouveau will be used.04:43
sean_yeah, this is the *second on this cpu, so, cool, i'll look forward to that04:43
WillieDaPimphungnv: use aptitude04:43
morticithen in terminal do a sudo apt-get install synaptic04:43
morticior use aptitude04:43
karlWillieDaPimp, Well, my old Ubuntu install on 9.10 used half as much as the 10.04 Xubuntu install, which is currently using 500 MB. I actually had a similar problem before, but nobody was able to help me. My memory usage seems to be spiking up a lot lately and it's very worrying.04:43
progre55__dantheman: oh it was /usr/share/mozilla/extentions/04:43
hungnvmortici: ok, dont mind, I think I can figure out04:43
FirstSgthow would I check to see if there is a firewall on my ubuntu-server?04:43
JoeSomebodyanyone, what happened to alternate download locations ? one download link ONLY for canada? if i am wrong - link please :)04:43
theadminprogre55: Well, here's what i haz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/424983/04:43
morticihungnv, also what version of gnome-media do you have installed?04:43
Jordan_UAtamisk: Ok, that's doable then. Is it grub2 on drive 1 or grub legacy?04:44
oyoyHi, I just edited fstab to automatically mount an NTFS partition.  in the console this directory looks sort of weird.  lots of the subdirectories are in reverse fonts/colored... is that normal?04:44
sean_im having some dual screen issues04:44
KruyKazeJordan_U, the problem is that when i try to enable compiz it installs nvidia's04:44
Glacerhas anyone had Gdesklet to work on 10.04?04:44
oyoyreverse fonts i mean like block color around the fonts04:44
hungnvmortici: 2.2604:44
AtamiskJordan_U, whatever came with 9.10. GRUB2 i think04:44
ratcheerJordan_U: I'm not sure it will go back to Nouveau. I was on the driver testing team, and that test always failed.04:44
morticithats a bit dated, i have 2.28.1-0ubuntu104:44
AtamiskJordan_U, hold shift on boot yes?04:44
Jordan_UKruyKaze: Yes, because nouveau's 3D support is extremely experimental and not included in lucid.04:44
Jordan_UAtamisk: Yes.04:44
AtamiskJordan_U, okay, brb04:44
hungnvmortici: I will update it to see if it works, 1 mn, thank :)04:45
JoeSomebodythis it is ? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download04:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:45
KruyKazeJordan_U, i see i was using the beta i could see nouveau in "drivers" list and it worked w/ compiz04:45
Jordan_UAtamisk: You'll want to mark down how to boot from an iso with grub2 before you reboot...04:45
KruyKazebut now it disapeared04:45
WillieDaPimpkarl: id be willing to bet its because the newer version has more going on in the background (usually these are supposed to make the OS more user freindly) i'd be willing to bet that a fresh 10.04 gnome ubuntu install uses more than your older version04:45
slwJoeSomebody: you may want to consider torrenting, if possible. It was very fast for me. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt04:45
morticihungnv, no problem :)04:45
kevrhello folks.04:45
FiReSTaRTKruyKaze: someting they played with in the beta but that they wouldn't put into the stable release just yet04:46
celestialhi all, i'm on hp tx2000 tablet pc laptop. just fresh installed 10.04. upon first boot, after boot splash it cannot detect my display. failsafe graphics works but no normal boot. installed nvidia drivers and it didn't help. need assistance!04:46
michaelxqi can't find drivers for built-in camera for my vaio. I run obuntu 10.04 and my pc name is VGN-FZ21E04:46
karlWillieDaPimp, What can I turn off to make it work just like it did before?04:46
WillieDaPimpkevr: hiya04:46
kevrhow's everyone doing tonight04:46
progre55theadmin: oh, thanks. well the one installed from the repos doesnt really work for me (lucid 64bit, neither worked on karmic 64bit), for instance the pause button doesnt work on youtube. So I've downloaded a beta version 10.1 plugin from labs.adobe.com and put it in /usr/share/mozilla/extentions/ and now it works like a charm :)04:46
WillieDaPimpkarl: heh...thats really according to what you are willing to do without04:46
morticithe lucid update is taking a while :P04:46
KruyKazethanks FiReSTaRT04:46
WillieDaPimpkevr: lots of lucid update problems tonight04:47
Jordan_UAtamisk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860404:47
theadminprogre55: :)04:47
karlWillieDaPimp, I can do without a lot of things, to be honest. What are some of the major new memory hogs?04:47
spasticteapotjoin #emc04:47
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ezhangin9.10 is so goddamn slow for me, 10.04 was so much faster if it wasn't spazzing so bad04:47
KruyKazei get a graphics regression w/ every upgrade it seems but usually it gets fixed withinga couple of weeks04:47
FiReSTaRTKruyKaze: i'll probably keep an eye on the driver and play around with the experimental versions just to see how they work :)04:47
ezhangindoesn't like my array :(04:47
progre55anyone knows why the ubuntulooks engine is not included in lucid?04:48
rajmahendraCan i bring Cube effect of desktop in my GNOME ?04:48
ejvshort answer? yes.04:48
michaelxqi can't find drivers for built-in camera for my vaio. I run obuntu 10.04 and my pc name is VGN-FZ21E04:48
slwrajmahendra: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager04:48
rajmahendrathank you04:48
ZykoticK9progre55, wasn't that for human theme? perhaps04:48
morticiCan one install the self install drivers from the nvidia site, or is that still not feasible?04:48
ejvcan I ask a question that could be easily solved by googling?04:48
digital_1ubottu skip04:49
theadminejv: Yeah :D04:49
mickster04ejv: if you really must04:49
ZykoticK9mortici, don't04:49
morticiZykoticK9, still a no go?04:49
sean_im having an issue spanning my dual monitors gosh04:49
WillieDaPimpkarl: not sure really...ive decided to wait to upgrade until the servers are being used a little less....some of it may be updates in the xfce dm or it could be other stuff....if you look in the administrative menu and select the services or whatever they call it now...may be startup apps or something then you can turn certain things off like bluetooth or anything else that you might not need04:49
progre55ZykoticK9: not sure, but I was using it for a theme I downloaded from ubuntu-looks.org, called SlicknesS04:49
ZykoticK9mortici, why would you want to?  current is the same version as site!  BUT they work.04:49
karlWillieDaPimp, Okay, thanks.04:49
morticiZykoticK9, just wondering :)04:49
digital_1Hey during this install, it was taking a long time d/l some stuff and there was a nifty little "skip" button.  Not one for waiting, I went ahead and clicked that.  What was the implication of all of that?04:50
hungnvmortici: just update. I will restart o check04:50
StaticShocki am having the HARDEST time trying to get quicktime to work in firefox04:50
alias301jhbuild doesn't work, it tries to download but just freezes for 15-20 minutes and then starts downloading again04:50
StaticShockanyone have any tips?04:50
Jordan_Udigital_1: No extra language support mostly04:50
sean_dig: probably skipped some cleanup stages04:50
morticihungnv, sounds good :)04:50
=== user_ is now known as Zas
theadmindigital_1: Probably was downloading some updates04:50
xanguaStaticShock: quicktime¿¿04:50
WillieDaPimpkarl: a good thing to always do is google 'how to make 'OS VERSION HERE' more lightweight...there are a ton of websites that explain how to turn different components off04:50
digital_1It was going to take almost two hours04:50
StaticShockxangua: yeah, like the trailers on apple's site04:51
=== Zas is now known as Zas1
ZykoticK9progre55, if it was from human you could try installing human-theme (or similar? - but I'm not sure they are related)04:51
digital_1Will I eventually get updated?04:51
michaelxqi can't find drivers for built-in camera for my vaio. I run obuntu 10.04 and my pc name is VGN-FZ21E04:51
sean_Dig: most likely04:51
xanguaStaticShock: have you already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ¿04:51
digital_1sean_:  thanks!04:51
progre55ZykoticK9: oki thanks, let me try..04:51
dutchhey everyone. are the us servers just pounded today? cause apt is ridiculously slow/unstable for me...04:51
StaticShockxangua: let me check...04:51
dkulchenkoHi all! Ubuntu 10.04 is great, I love it so much! My only gripe is that while booting, instead of a boot splash, I just get a black screen, although it boots fine and fast. Nothing show-stopping, but it would be nice to have a splash screen while booting. Any ideas why this would be?04:51
digital_1dutch:  apt worked for me04:52
StaticShockxangua: no. installing that now. is it relevant in some way?04:52
Jordan_Udutch: Yes, you can try a local mirror and you *may* get better results.04:52
FlynsarmyCan osmeone tell me what the lucid applet is with the mail, ethernet and sound icon that's there by default is called? i removed it accidentally04:52
xanguaStaticShock: yes; it installs flash player, fonts and audio/video Codecs04:52
ejvwhat's the package cryptsetup refers to?04:52
StaticShockxangua: okay.04:52
xanguaFlynsarmy: notification area....04:52
michaelxqhello....i can't find drivers for built-in camera for my vaio. I run obuntu 10.04 and my pc name is VGN-FZ21E. Can anyone help me?04:53
xanguaor maybe indicator applet¿¿04:53
Flynsarmyxangua, no, its an applet sitting in the notification area. i've still got notification area up there - its just a little mouse grabber thing04:53
xanguamichaelxq: is your cammera supported¿04:53
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:53
slwEvery time there's a new ubuntu version, the repos get pounded and upgrades take forever. Is there any reason people haven't been moving towards apt-p2p?04:53
StaticShockxangua: is mplayer going to fall back to using those codecs?04:53
StaticShockxangua: i was trying to use the mplayer plugin for firefox04:53
Xgates__dantheman: does Ubuntu have an ncurses gui to setup the network like Debian use to have, not sure they still have, use it04:53
sean_michaelxq: i was having some issues with that too on a similar computer04:54
michaelxqxangua: with 9.10 some instruction were given...i don;t know about 10.0404:54
Jordan_Uslw: It's hard to setup and most people don't know about it would be my guess04:54
digital_1If we downloaded the ISO tonight, why do we even need to get 'updates'?04:54
xanguaStaticShock: mplayer doesn't use gstreamer; are you using mplayer plugin for the browser¿04:54
michaelxqsean_: what was the solution?04:54
sje46 /media/572C8DDF568B4261 is supposed to be the folder my windows partition is in, but that's Xed out, and now it's /media/572C8DDF568B4261_.  This is creating problems with my music.  Why is my normal folder Xed out?04:54
sean_Michaelxq: no luck as of yet...04:55
overmacht!seen Pici04:55
ubottuI have no seen command04:55
hungnvmortici: same :(04:55
theadminsje46: Uh, it means you don't have write access there.04:55
Zas1you guys mind id i ask a newb question?  this is my second time using linux and first with ubuntu04:55
zerkmsguys, i've specified valid proxy in synaptic and network proxy (for user). it was updated packages successfully, but freezes when i try to update 9.10->10.0404:55
Flynsarmyxangua, for future reference - it was the 'indicator' applet04:55
theadminZas1: Yes?04:55
progre55anybody knows why there is no "3D windows" on "compizconfig settings manager" now? while rotation the cube, the windows were 3D..04:55
xanguaFlynsarmy: that's what i said04:55
sje46theadmin, what do you mean?04:55
michaelxqsean_: thanks for the tip04:55
sean_michaelxp, sorry bud, i'm working on it04:55
frankie_hey is it possible to change the respository or w/e i download my stuff from, on my live cd i could download quickly, now i install the blasted ubuntu and its taking me ages just to install the video drivers and vlc.. why??? i dont understand why it is so slow!04:55
Zas1cant get any sound to work. online/cds/dvds all produce nothing04:55
digital_1Are there really updates from the release ISO up till this point?04:55
kbarfrankie_, its your connection04:56
dkulchenko(repeat) Hi all! Ubuntu 10.04 is great, I love it so much! My only gripe is that while booting, instead of a boot splash, I just get a black screen, although it boots fine and fast. Nothing show-stopping, but it would be nice to have a splash screen while booting. Any ideas why this would be? (Would installing the nvidia proprietary drivers fix the problem?)04:56
Jordan_Uprogre55: 3D windows is probably in compiz-fusion-plugins-extra04:56
theadminsje46: please do "ls -lh /media | grep 572C8DDF568B4261"04:56
WillieDaPimpprogre55: that stuff changes constently it may be located in a different place in the settings manager04:56
navin_ubuntu release party04:56
ZykoticK9StaticShock, are you using karmic or lucid?04:56
michaelxqsean_: i didn't meant nothing bad04:56
antonio_hey everyone..I need some help in compiling a program04:56
kbarits #ubuntu-release-party04:56
sje46theadmin, before I do that, can I ask what that's suposed to do?04:56
antonio_I have no idea ho to do it04:56
StaticShockxangua: yeah, i'm trying to use mplayer in firefox.04:56
progre55Jordan_U: oh yeah, might be.. let me install that04:56
antonio_http://code.google.com/p/logkeys/wiki/Documentation#Installation this is the program I am trying ot install04:56
frankie_kbar i dont understand!04:56
StaticShockZykoticK9: i have no idea. what are those?04:56
theadminsje46: Just list contents of /media and find the 5910-whatever folder04:56
xanguafrankie_: because everyone, not just you, are updating or downloading ubuntu from the servers04:56
sean_michaelxp, yeah its cool dude i just hate being stuck on problems so simple04:56
theadminsje46: Want to see what are it's permissions04:56
kbarfrankie_, its because your internet connection is slow not because of the operating system04:56
xanguaStaticShock: do you have also totem/movie player plugin installed¿¿ you can only use one at a time04:57
sje46theadmin, drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K 2010-04-29 16:33 572C8DDF568B426104:57
sje46drwx------ 1 sean sean 8.0K 2010-04-29 15:47 572C8DDF568B4261_04:57
frankie_kbar but from the live cd of ubuntu things downloaded quickly, why after i install it everything is slooow!!04:57
xanguaif you have both installed none will work StaticShock04:57
michaelxqsean_ : makes two of us: :)04:57
ZykoticK9StaticShock, karmic i'm guessing ;)  good luck man, it might be something to do with your mplayer plugin, as the Apple Trailers open with Totem plugin here.  Good luck.04:57
StaticShockxangua: oh, interesting.04:57
kbarfrankie_, that's even more reason to believe your internet is slow. obviously if your liveCD is faster, your internet is sloe04:57
theadminsje46: I see. "sudo chown -R sean:sean /media/572C8DDF568B4261/" should fix that04:58
StaticShockZykoticK9: is it sufficient to "apt-get remove totem"04:58
zetheroohow fast is Lucid downloading for ppl?04:58
kbarfrankie_, consider investing in a better internet connection04:58
Lovesynctorrent = hella fast04:58
kbarzetheroo,  are you using bittorrent?04:58
sean_theadmin: thanks04:58
StaticShockZykoticK9: i'm on jaunty04:58
bastid_raZorzetheroo: the torrents are off the charts.. using the ubuntu server is sluggish04:58
zetherookbar: no ...04:58
Jordan_Uantonio_: I hope that you are warning your users that you are logging all of their keystrokes...04:58
tucemiuxdownload the official release via torrent04:58
ejvnah... my local university mirror 1 hop away = hella fast04:58
zetheroobastid_raZor: ok I see04:58
ZykoticK9StaticShock, ask xangua he seems to know about the multi-install thing04:58
frankie_kbar i have 6mbs or something it is fast, i downloaded ubuntu quicker from utorrent than it is taking me to download VLC04:58
digital_1bah this sux can't load anything from apt now04:59
sje46theadmin, I can now enter that folder...thanks.  Let me restart my computer to see if it's totally fixed04:59
kbarzetheroo, there's your problem.  bittorrent is mad fast. ubuntu servers are clogged04:59
tucemiuxdigital_1, using apt will probably take forever but downloading the ISO via torrent is hella fast04:59
sean_zetheroo: process took about 2 hours in total04:59
kbarfrankie_, the repositories are probably clogged becfause of people updating. that's why torrent is much faster than dl'ing from ubuntu's repositories04:59
gogeta1digital_1: welcome to launch day lol where everything thinks they gotta update on the same day04:59
slwfrankie_: maybe the repos are a little taxed right now. Wait a few days, it'll probably clear up.05:00
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)05:00
antonio_jordan_u: I am05:00
digital_1tucemiux:  I got the install... Just can't load my software from the repos05:00
DaijoubuAre there any 32bit deb packages for Cinelerra 4.1 ?05:00
frankie_kbar ok that makes sense. i playted with the livecd before the new one came out so maybe i was bit unfortunate in my timing :)05:00
theadminAny way to make ls print permissions the normal way? As in, 740, not rwxr-----05:00
tucemiuxdigital_1, you mean you have the ISO,  you just can't update using apt-get?05:00
gogeta1digital_1: you can use scan for best in sysanpic and find a faster mirror05:00
ZykoticK9!slow | frankbro kbar05:00
ubottufrankbro kbar: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors05:00
ejvcan't believe they still aren't shipping ubuntu with Banshee...05:01
progre55Jordan_U: thanks, works )05:01
digital_1tucemiux:  Yes05:01
Jordan_Uprogre55: You're welcome05:01
bastid_raZorDaijoubu: http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu go there to see05:01
tucemiuxDaijoubu, this is ubuntu support not cilerra, you will have to go to the cinelerra site, most likely there is05:01
digital_1gogeta1:  I will try that- thanks05:01
slwejv: it's a bit resource heavy. Need to keep those system requirements down...05:01
FlynsarmyFellas - to remove the mail icon from indicator applet uninstall the 'indicator-messages' package05:01
sam204475大丈夫 ~ where u at?05:01
|Avi|why is the term called spinning an iso? there is no motion involed05:02
Flynsarmythen remove and readd the applet05:02
vnix27Hi all05:02
Daijoububastid_raZor wow thanks how didn't i think of that before ... lol05:02
sean_i kind of liked my custom setup theme in karmic better than lucid... hmm05:02
theadminsam204475: This is an english channel.05:02
bastid_raZorDaijoubu: good luck05:02
celestialhi, upon first boot lucid cannot detect my laptop screen, please help!!?05:02
chu_Hey guys, this isn't an issue per say, more like a want for conveniance.. Anyway, when I right-click in Nautilus and create a new file, I have no "templates" so I just create an empty file. I'm writing a new LaTeX paper each week at the moment, and I would like it if I could set up a template document for such (rather then just copying/pasting the relevant sections over), it's only going to save a few seconds at best, but it would be rat05:02
=== ubuntu is now known as anishseth
vnix27i am trying tro create image of a ntfs formatted hard disk using ntfsclone05:02
tucemiuxbastid_raZor,  how long do you suggest for me to wait before I try to upgrade ?05:03
ZykoticK9chu_, what version of ubuntu are you using?05:03
sean_ celestial: system -> pref -> monitors05:03
Jordan_Utheadmin: Use stat instead ;)05:03
tucemiuxvnix27, use part image05:03
vnix27image created successfully but i unable to boot from target disk05:03
sam204475thats why i asked him where r u  ~ isnt that english ?05:03
chu_ZykoticK9: 9.1005:03
bastid_raZortucemiux: me personally, i am going to wait about a week. let the hype die down a bit05:03
gogeta1tucemiux: use sysanptic auto find a fast mirror and have at it05:03
theadminJordan_U: wha05:03
slwchu_: sure, just stick the template in the Templates folder (which is in your home directory, ~/Templates)05:03
chu_Cool, that easy? lol!05:03
progre55how do you change an icon-there? When I first installed it from apprearance>themes, it asked me to use it, but I said no. how do I use it now?05:03
=== piju is now known as piju[QRX]
JabberWalkieso, I want to upgrade my motherboard/cpu, (same architecture), so I need to reinstall ubuntu or will it be able to boot so long as I place my hdd's in the same sata slot?....or should I compile my kernel to fit with the new hardware before hand?05:03
gogeta1tucemiux: most just flood the defult server05:04
=== piju[QRX] is now known as piju
slwchu_: haha, yeah. Enjoy.05:04
=== piju is now known as piju[QRX]
sje46theadmin, uhh...it didn't work.  My windows files are still in the _ file instead of the original.  Also, the original is empty (but rhythmbox shows two songs each instead of one...but each one lists the same location)05:04
vnix27partimage will do something better ? i tried dd but no success05:04
theadminsje46: :/05:04
sean_are everyone's python programs working okay...?05:04
bastid_raZortucemiux: gogeta1 does have a point. it is possible to find a different mirror that has less traffic05:04
JabberWalkieor will the defualt kernel be good enough?05:04
greezmunkeywhat is busy-box?05:04
Jordan_Utheadmin: stat shows permissions in octal by default and you can completely control its format as well05:04
AtamiskJordan_U, nope. no joy there either05:04
sje46theadmin, would unmounting them deleting the files do anything?05:04
greezmunkeyer, busybox-static...05:04
tucemiuxbastid_raZor, gogeta1 thanks, I think Ill wait for about a week, usually I install the RC and keep updating it, if I find no problems I download the ISO and do a clean install, this time however I am going to upgrade my laptop, if I have no issues I will download the ISO and install ESXi and ubuntu studio on my desktop05:04
theadminsje46: unmounting won't delete anything05:04
AtamiskJordan_U, could my ATi gfx card be the issue?05:05
chu_slw, thank you!05:05
bastid_raZortucemiux: good luck05:05
sje46theadmin, I know.  I said unmount, THEN delete05:05
Jordan_Ugreezmunkey: A minimal stand alone shell that depends on no external libraries, usefull for initramfs scripts05:05
gogeta1tucemiux: rc noraly get updated to finel a few days early so your probly fine aruldy05:05
vnix27even the bios unable to detect target disk05:05
greezmunkeyJordan_U: schwing!05:05
sje46it could be making the second folder because the first one is already there, theadmin05:05
theadminsje46: You mean, like "umount /media/somedevice && rm -rf /media/somedevice"? Shouldn't cause problem05:05
gsp2009does anyone know if it is true that too many fonts will slow your system?05:05
Jordan_UAtamisk: What did you try exactly, and what happened?05:05
sean_past midnight on East Coast, cheers all, have fun with Lucid05:05
sje46I'll try it, theadmin05:06
GlacerHey on my ubuntu upgrade to 10.04 my USb sound stoped working05:06
AtamiskJordan_U, well, i couldn't get grub to load right, due to the BIOS bitching about having no SATA005:06
GlacerWhat is some ways I could go about fixing this, it worked before05:06
ejvtheadmin: no it will not, you can't remove data when a device is unmounted05:06
Flynsarmyanyone know what the package name is to install pulseaudio device chooser?05:06
leetuserHey quick question.. Does anyone know of a program that I can use to split an .mp3 up into the seperate tracks? It has a .m3u file05:06
theadminejv: He wants to erase a mount point.05:06
tmbg10.04 update is sloooow this time around.05:06
Jordan_Utheadmin: sje46: When deleting empty directories it's much safer to use rmdir, that way it will fail if it's not quite as empty as you thought :)05:06
sje46thanks Jordan_U !05:07
gsp2009leetuser: i thought that the m3u was just a playlist. it calls the mp3s05:07
Jordan_Usje46: You're welcome.05:07
gogeta1tmbg: yea being everyone uses the defult apt05:07
ejvrmdir is for the weak05:07
vnix27partimage has any advantage over ntfsclone05:07
gogeta1tmbg: rather then a mirror05:07
leetusergsp2009, I thought it was like a .cue file..05:07
greezmunkeytmbg: I imagine the spindles are running full-tilt.05:07
tucemiuxgogeta1, actually I have the RC on a spare hard drive on my laptop, I have two  I tried karmic out on my spare hard drive.  I'm going to wait a week, remove the spare hard drive from my laptop, reinstall grub, then upgrade to lucid05:07
Jordan_UAtamisk: Do you mind burning another CD to try grub from a CD?05:07
gsp2009leetuser: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U05:07
celestialcan someone help? performed a fresh install of lucid 10.04 on hp tx2000 tablet laptop, upon first boot it won't detect my display screen. failsafe graphics mode works but i can't keep using failsafe graphics all the time. tx2000 has geforce 6150 go. i even installed nvidia drivers by booting from failsafe graphics and after installing nvidia driver it didn't help either. need assistance!05:07
sje46theadmin, rmdir: failed to remove `572C8DDF568B4261/': Permission denied05:07
tmbgI guess it's good news, ubuntu is more popular by a lot this year than last apparently05:07
GlacerWhat is some ways I could go about fixing this, it worked before05:08
GlacerHey on my ubuntu upgrade to 10.04 my USb sound stoped working05:08
theadminsje46: Uhm. You'd need to run it with sudo.05:08
gogeta1tucemiux: if you ran any updates in the last 2 days your lucid is fianl05:08
AtamiskJordan_U, it's a liveusb, but how do i get to use grub apropo isolinux05:08
gsp2009leetuser: open it with gedit05:08
theadminGod, I love GNU calc. So simple, so precise... any ideas whether I can get that on windows when I'm forced to use that?05:08
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
AtamiskJordan_U, btw, i tried the LUSB on another box and it worked great05:08
sje46theadmin, success!  thanks!05:09
ezhanginok i solved my problem now i hope someone can explain why it happens this way05:09
tp43when i upgrade it says, "some 3rd party sources were disabled"  How do I enable them?05:09
leetuserOh okay. It doesn't contain the track info like a .cue file then. Guess I cant split these tracks up on the long mp3 file05:09
gogeta1tp43: you dont it disables them on uograde05:09
theadmintp43: You need to re-add them because they were for Karmic (or hardy, dunno), and won't work on Lucid05:09
leetuserWHy do hardstyle albums always come like this05:09
tucemiuxgogeta1, yes, I know what you mean.  But currently I have two hard drive -- one hard drive is brand new and I use as my "production" environment, I currently have lucid on my second hard drive which is I use only for testing.  I have all my stuff on karmic -- appz and data -- which I will upgrade in about a week05:10
tp43gogeta1, theadmin oh I see, thanks05:10
gsp2009anyone know if too many fonts will slow a system?05:10
Jordan_UAtamisk: grub-install --root-directory=/mountpoint/for/flash/drive /dev/sdXX05:10
gogeta1tp43: if your 3rd party has a lucid you can add them after05:10
=== makkura_ is now known as mak|home|gone
ezhangini had my array in mdadm.conf defined by it's UUID which was fine for 9.10 apparently (and Devices set to /dev/sd[abcd]105:11
ezhanginis that devices define not a good idea?05:11
ezhanginit was trying to make an array out of the drives, not it's partitions05:11
theadminHm. It seems that one can't have more then 27 hard drives on Ubuntu? :D05:11
AtamiskJordan_U, okay, but is my ATi card giving me these issues or is it something else?05:11
ezhanginonce i force it to assemble with sda1,sdb1, etc it works fine05:11
tucemiuxbazhang, I am wondering if there is a place where we can discuss marketing strategies for ubuntu releases, as you can see for yourself in #ubuntu-release-party, there were a **lot** of people waiting for the official release ===around the globe====05:11
gogeta1theadmin: what do you have 28 lol05:11
tp43gogeta1, not sure05:12
morticifinally the install of lucid begins!05:12
theadmingogeta1: nah lol just funny that you can't do sth.05:12
ejvyea... you *need* partitions; you don't understand filesystem organization lol; of course it works with sd[a,b,..]105:12
ryankrizanCould someone help me figure out why I'm getting blue blotches all over my screen after enabling the nvidia module for my graphics card?05:12
Jordan_UAtamisk: I don't know, if it is your ati card then adding "modeset=0" would probably work around it, at least untill X starts.05:12
gogeta1theadmin: its linux im shure theres a way05:12
digital_1gogeta1:  Letting synaptic select the fastest mirror was a vast improvement.  Thanks.05:12
J_Is this where I should be for general support questions that aren't answered in the normal places i.e. the website/wiki?05:12
jikutyKruyKaze: sorry for taking so long -- i reinstalled Pidgin and everything is working fine for me now... the icon looks a whole lot better :D05:13
tucemiuxJ_,  yes, you are in the right place, this is the official ubuntu support channel, if youre having any issues then by all means post your question --all in one line05:13
AbuMaiaso it's better to upgrade to lucid through the iso instead of using the Update Manager?05:13
Jordan_UAtamisk: Or it may need to be radeon.modeset=005:13
slwJ_: It's one good place. ubuntuforums.org and google.com are two others.05:13
celestialcan someone help? performed a fresh install of lucid 10.04 on hp tx2000 tablet laptop, upon first boot it won't detect my display screen. failsafe graphics mode works but i can't keep using failsafe graphics all the time. tx2000 has geforce 6150 go. i even installed nvidia drivers by booting from failsafe graphics and after installing nvidia driver it didn't help either. need assistance!05:13
J_I've googled my brains out already lol.05:14
White-Horsewhere can i upload a screenshot.png ?05:14
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, you can't update with a LiveCD05:14
ZykoticK9!ask > J_05:14
ubottuJ_, please see my private message05:14
=== mike_ is now known as Kurzweil
gogeta1White-Horse: imiageshack05:14
Jordan_U!screenshot | White-Horse05:14
ubottuWhite-Horse: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.05:14
AtamiskJordan_U, more diagnostics: (i have 9.10 on an external drive, and i tried to boot into recovery, but only got to  initrd, and it panicked05:14
White-Horsethank you05:14
gogeta1that to05:14
ryankrizanCould someone help me figure out why I'm getting blue blotches all over my screen after enabling the nvidia module for my graphics card?05:14
andrew____If I create a usb startup disk, can I install ubuntu from that?05:14
AbuMaiaI already did the Update Manager upgrade, having a few problems, so I'm dl'ing the iso to try a reinstall05:14
ZykoticK9andrew____, yes, so long as your system supports booting from use05:15
marcosrorizguys, anyone here finds the tray for une a lil bit long?05:15
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, do you mean a fresh install?  deleting all your files?05:15
andrew____ZykoticK9: Errr it does, but I'm having problems at the moment05:15
Jordan_UAtamisk: Ok, then it's probably not a bootloader problem (so grub wouldn't change anything). Has linux ever booted on this machine?05:15
gogeta1ryankrizan: try turning off effects thats normaly what makes things waky on some cards05:15
J_I'm trying to install lucid on a macbook. The generic mactel installation instructions say that I should be installing grub to /dev/sda3/. The new installer won't let me do this and I'm afraid of overriding the apple EFI. Halp plox? :P05:15
andrew____ZykoticK9: I deleted grub, and it keeps bitching at me that it finds no OS on the USB05:15
AbuMaiaI have /home in a separate partition, so no I won't be deleting everything05:15
ryankrizangogeta1, I've already checked that. It's disabled.05:15
ZykoticK9andrew____, if you deleted grub that might make sense05:16
AtamiskJordan_U, no. i'm trying linux on this box for the first time.05:16
Jordan_UJ_: Just install to /dev/sda, EFI bootloader isn't stored in the mbr.05:16
andrew____ZykoticK9: Grub has othing to do with booting from USB?05:16
White-Horsecan someone look at this please i just downloaded this iso 5 mins ago http://imagebin.org/9504205:16
AtamiskJordan_U, but it's a newer dell box than my current machine, and it works on the old one fine...05:16
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, ok - just checkin', having a separate /home partition is a very good idea (wish i did that)05:16
gogeta1ryankrizan: soulds like a driver issue if the oss driver was working i woulda left it alone the one in lucid even supports 3d and cuda05:16
J_Jordan: So has this changed since Karmic?05:17
White-Horsei downloaded it from here: http://ubuntu-cd.mirror.iweb.ca/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso05:17
ryankrizangogeta1, funny thing, after I upgraded to 10.04, I didn't get any display at all, and my xorg.conf was gone.05:17
ZykoticK9andrew____, what does startup disk creator use to boot then? linuxiso perhaps?05:17
slwcelestial: the only thing I can think of to try is downloading the drivers straight from nvidia (http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index5.aspx?lang=en-us). I don't know exactly what the implications of doing this would be, but I figure it's worth a shot.05:17
Jordan_UJ_: No, it was always true. I don't know why the guide you used states otherwise.05:17
gogeta1ryankrizan: must be a very new card05:17
ryankrizangogeta1, legacy.05:17
mahihi all05:18
gogeta1ryankrizan: then it relly should work well05:18
slwcelestial: I'm also not an expert, so feel free to keep asking around for someone smarter than me. =]05:18
andrew____ZykoticK9: Erm dunno? I've tried unetbootin etc so far, no luck05:18
celestialryankrizan, maybe are you getting the exactly same problem with me? after a fresh install lucid cannot detect my display.05:18
gogeta1ryankrizan: you may just have to wait for nivida to relese a lucid driver05:18
J_Jordan: This is the guide I'm referring to. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation05:18
mahihow can i build a .deb package with all its dependencies ?05:18
mdelhey... anyone know how I can migrate my mysql databases to my new install?05:18
Zelozelosall of a sudden when i try to goto any of my home locations via the "place" menu i get this error " could not open location 'file:///home/ed'   no application is registered as handling this file..what happened and what do i need 2 do to fix?05:18
mdeli have the data backed up05:18
ryankrizancelestial, Yea, same problem.05:18
bsmith093broadcom wireless card not working lucid05:18
ryankrizangogeta1, Doesn't sound like fun.05:19
benhfun fun fun05:19
digital_1Is 64-bit flash non free working ok with Hulu?05:19
bsmith0934312 bc05:19
benhso the lucid updater crapped itself all over here :-)05:19
mahihow can i build a .deb package with all its dependencies ?05:19
benhfirst it replaced all karmic with lucid in my source list05:19
benhbut then ... it disabled it thinking it's 3rd party !05:19
chilicuilhi there, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 from the minimal cd installer on my lenovo netbook and I wonder if it's possible to setup my wireless connection before the installer attempt to run the dhcp client, does anyone know if the installer support it?05:19
ZykoticK9digital_1, i think it has issues with Hulu actually -- there is a hulu client i believe that might work - but people downgraded to 32bit flash for hulu i know05:19
benhsomebody happens to know what stupid algorithm that thing uses to decide whether a source list is 3rd party ?05:20
sjrYo Yo Yo05:20
digital_1ZykoticK9:  Thanks much.05:20
sjrUbuntu upgrade crashed05:20
Flannelchilicuil: You could grab the alternate CD, then you wouldn't require internet access05:20
AtamiskJordan_U, are there any chipsets that linux hates?05:20
Glacerif someone could, please help I upgraded to 10.04 and everything works fine, execpt my sound USB audio.05:20
celestialryankrizan, are you experiencing the problem with default driver? i now can only boot up with failsafe graphics mode... might be a xorg.conf problem, but not sure05:20
sjrMy upgrade crashed mid upgrade, on the installing packages, how should I resume it05:20
GlacerI can't hear nothing on the OS05:20
yarkotOk - I'm pissed05:20
Jordan_UJ_: I still recommend using /dev/sda (and would even if the installer did allow installing to partitions, as installing to partitions is less reliable)05:21
yarkotReally pissed off....05:21
gogeta1sjr: it should see that and resume05:21
rwwyarkot: watch your language, please05:21
ryankrizancelestial, I had to use my failsafe config to even get a gui05:21
_Techie_whenever any sound plays to my sound card, all i hear is noise, even with system sounds05:21
Lasivianhiya, I added 2 sources for my Arduino but I don't see them listed in /etc/apt/sources.list, where else might they be listed so I can remove them?05:21
ryankrizancelestial, My xorg.conf file was completely erased.05:21
fed13chilicuil Fn+F205:21
yarkotrww:  what on earth are you talking about?05:21
BRchey al05:21
Glaceris there a probem in 10.04 with sound?05:21
Zelozelos when i try to goto any of my home locations via the "place" menu i get this error " could not open location 'file:///home/ed'   no application is registered as handling this file..what happened and what do i need 2 do to fix?05:21
myst3kmdel: checkout this http://viralpatel.net/blogs/2009/01/mysql-database-backup-mysql-mysqldump-backup-command.html05:22
BRcanyone having problems installin ubuntu 10.0405:22
yarkotrww:  today's "system upgrade" and kernel... overwrote my fstab, and didn't save / move what it trashed05:22
_Techie_Glacer, what problem are you experiencing?05:22
greezmunkeyZelozelos: does it open other locations?05:22
White-Horsecan someone look at this please i just downloaded this fresh iso  http://imagebin.org/9504205:22
AbuMaiaonly problems I had were power outages while downloading files over wifi during a winter storm05:22
celestialryankrizan, that's unusual i think, but somehow i think it is rather a monitor setting problem, not some graphic card driver problem.05:22
yarkotAS I SAID - I AM PISSED05:22
chilicuilFlannel, fed13 thanks guys, I'm gonna try the with the console at Fn+F205:22
BRcburnt the iso at disk-at-once at 8x..it loads up and then blank screen05:22
J_Jordan: Alright. Thank you. Fingers crossed.05:22
AbuMaiagood for you yarkot05:23
Flannelyarkot: Hi.  Being angry won't fix anything.  The people here are volunteers, so yelling at us is even more useless.05:23
BRcshould it be track at once?05:23
dominicdinadaWhy does my lucid keep logging off ?05:23
ryankrizancelestial, I've been digging into that scenario for the past 4 hours. I haven't found any happy medium05:23
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad05:23
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, only computer the rest gets the same error, but replacing location with music, pictures etc05:23
Flannelyarkot: What in your fstab has gone missing?05:23
AtamiskJordan_U, i'ma try again tomorrow on an nVidia card.05:23
yarkotFlanenel:  shall I be QUIET about fstab being TRASHED by an upddate?????05:23
yarkotWould that make you more comfortable, Flannel?05:24
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, also it wont let me goto my windows partition (dev/sda2)05:24
ratcheerGlacer: I have found sound in Lucid to be exactly like it was in Karmic. Lots of ittle problems, easy to fix.05:24
Flannelyarkot: I'm saying yelling won't accomplish anything except make people less likely to help you.05:24
_Techie_whenever any sound plays to my sound card, all i hear is noise, even with system sounds05:24
mdelmyst3k: I cant use mysqldump, I've already upgraded05:24
RxDxi have a c2duo with 3gb notebook.. what version is better to install... 32 or 64bits?05:24
celestialryankrizan, maybe we could wait for a few more days and pray the problem to be patched lol (...)05:24
slwcelestial: if that's what you think, maybe try playing with nvidia-settings? It writes to xorg.conf.05:24
tp43I get error when I try to upgrade: Could not download the upgrades; check you internet connection05:24
michaelxq10-r5u870-webcam.fdi     where cani find it?05:24
__danthemanRxDx: I'd do 64bit05:24
yarkotAh - I don't need help:  I need to YELL at the FLAMING IDIOT who TRASHED a SYSTEM FILE on an update WITHOUT ANY RECOURSE FOR THE USER --- that is plain RUDE05:25
_Techie_whenever any sound plays to my sound card, all i hear is noise, even with system sounds (when running in 5.1 out + analog in, i get surround sound noise)05:25
RxDx__dantheman, is it mature enough?05:25
ryankrizancelestial, knock on wood!05:25
=== snoopy is now known as Guest13368
AbuMaiayarkot: I doubt that "flaming idiot" is even in this channel, so yelling is still pointless05:25
__danthemanya, I've never found anything that caused a problem on my system05:25
__danthemanflash isn't 10.1 but it works well enough05:25
celestialslw i hope i could but since i can only boot into failsafe graphics mode, nvidia-settings can't do anything (at least it seems so)05:25
IdleOne.msg yarkot Flannel is trying to explain to you that your attitude towards the people in the channel is not going to help you.05:25
greezmunkeyZelozelos: If you open up the file browser, you can select the view mode in the left-hand panel. Choose the 'places' view and you can drag-and-drop folders into this to have them appear in the 'places' menu. By default, Gnome limits the number of folders that can be in this menu, anything added after this limit is reached (I think it's like 5 or 6) goes under 'Bookmarks'. Full Post: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-desktop-x-windows/162157-gnome-places05:25
__danthemanI'd say its def worth it05:26
_Techie_whenever any sound plays to my sound card, all i hear is noise, even with system sounds (when running in 5.1 out + analog in, i get surround sound noise)05:26
michaelxqwhwe can i find 10-r5u870-webcam.fdi05:26
ryankrizancelestial, nvidia-settings is about worthless at this point05:26
bastid_raZor.msg IdleOne i am your biggest fan05:26
IdleOne:P like you all never typo :P05:26
__danthemansudo find /- 10-r5u870-webcam.fdi05:27
myst3kmdel: you said you have it backed up, you need to import it back into a clean install?05:27
BRcanyone having problems intalling ubuntu05:27
celestialnyankrizan, totally agreed, we can't depend on nvidia-settings at this point05:27
__danthemaner / -name05:27
IdleOneyarkot: please answer your msg05:27
mdelmyst3k: no, the data directory is backed up05:27
mdelthe raw files05:27
_Techie_i need help getting a creative 5.1VX sound card to work05:27
Guest13368is there a macro editor for linux05:27
celestialnyankrizan, i tried adding my screen resolution to xorg.conf manually and it didn't help, fyi05:27
mdelGuest13368: yeah, bash scrpts :)05:27
Guest13368how does that work?05:27
mdelGuest13368: you write them05:27
Guest13368:| how?05:28
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, so i guess to open the filebrowser i need to use nautilus in the run command?05:28
Fishscene1There seems to be a small bug in the Ubuntu AMD64 iso... mainly it won't boot. It is unable to mount /dev/sda(b)(c)(d)(etc..) and just sits there... or goes to a blank screen.05:28
Fishscene1Any ideas?05:28
sensaeAre the repositories just being hammered right now? Ultra slow.05:28
gogeta1celestial: i think you use xender ro change the rez on newer xorg05:28
bazhangsensae, yes they are05:28
greezmunkeywow, where is xorg.conf stored now? All I have in the dir where it should be is one called "broken_xorg.conf"05:28
FeasibilityStudysensae: First day of release, whatcha think?05:28
_Techie_celestial, the command gogeta1 is thinkin of is xrandr, if you wish to pm me with the info... i can guide you05:28
ZykoticK9Fishscene, that wouldn't be a "small bug"  :)  good luck man05:28
mdelmyst3k: any ideas?05:29
dabaRsensae: no, it's your Internet connection, here's how you fix it: -P05:29
mdeli feel like ive donee it before05:29
bastid_raZorsensae: someone suggested earlier in changing mirrors.. it may help05:29
sensaeI'm not even upgrading, just trying to grab a single package :/05:29
myst3kmdel: looking around, never did that before but im sure its possible05:29
ZykoticK9!slow > sensae05:29
ubottusensae, please see my private message05:29
digital_1sensae:  In Synaptic do a scan for the fastest mirror.  Gogeta1 told me about that and it worked out pretty good.05:29
greezmunkeyxorg.conf in the home directory !!! heh, didn't see that one coming!05:29
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, ahhh i see so the links got messed up, prob by me somehow05:29
^paradox^i just tried to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 lts from 8.04 lts and received this error message: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:05:29
^paradox^The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.05:29
^paradox^ This can be caused by:05:29
^paradox^ * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu05:29
^paradox^ * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu05:29
FloodBot4^paradox^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:29
^paradox^ * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu05:29
Fishscene1I was *so* hoping to install Ubuntu on my rig tonight. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I can boot the same ISO in a virtual machine.05:29
celestial_Techie_, sorry, i'm a total noob and i don't know how i can pm someone05:29
greezmunkeyZelozelos: I'm glad that helped.05:29
fb_I have an issue with the i386 iso.  "Ext 4 filesystem creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA Raid volume 1 (mirror) failed.  Any suggestions with getting it up on a Raid 1 mirror?05:29
tumiii tried compiling mupen64, it has compiled for me before but it just says I don't have SDL library installed, I do have libsdl1.2-dev and even libsdl1.2debian-all packages installed, but what to do?05:29
Jordan_Ugreezmunkey: Xorg.conf is not needed by default, and thus not created. You can create one on your own and it will be used though05:29
_Techie_celestial, i will start up a pm with you then05:29
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, thank you, i was gettin very frustrated, coudnt open anything05:30
progre55how do you change an icon-theme? When I first installed it from apprearance>themes, it asked me to use it, but I said no. but how do I use it now?05:30
greezmunkeyZelozelos: when all else fails - google!05:30
gogeta1greezmunkey: yes you can genrate one if nedded05:30
ZykoticK9Fishscene, try booting grub without "quiet splash"05:30
Jordan_Utumii: mupen64-plus is in the repos, why are you compiling it?05:30
ezhanginok my array is fine but i cannot for the life of me get it to start properly upon system boot05:30
_Techie_celestial, click my name on the left hand side (or possibly the top)05:30
Zelozelosi didnt know where 2 start googling rofl05:30
^paradox^sorry i forgot about pastebin thing05:30
dabaRZelozelos: at google.com :-P05:30
Fishscene1oh, one other thing. The VERY first message on the output says something about an error in line 7.05:30
mdelmyst3k: mysqlcheck looks interesting05:30
Glacerman I can't get my logitech USB speakers to work for OS or nothing, worked for 9.0405:30
Zelozelosfunny dabaR05:30
Zelozelosreal funny05:31
sensaeHow do I search for the fastest mirrors?05:31
greezmunkeyJordan_U: I was just sitting here wondering if I ever updated this one - I don't believe I ever did. Thanks.05:31
ryankrizancelestial, Do you by chance use any instant messengers?05:31
tumiiJordan_U: becuse the version is not m64+, it is a different project05:31
gogeta1Glacer: you probly have to slect them in the sound settings05:31
BRci just  burned the iso..tried to install ubuntu 10.04 lts.and soon after the screen goes blank05:31
fmateoexplore this web05:31
GlacerI did05:31
dominicdinadaAnybody know why lucid keeps logging itself off ? intermitently05:31
Fishscene1Has anyone had issues booting with the 64-bit edition of 10.04?05:31
Flannelfmateo: Please don't advertise here.05:31
fb_Guys have suggestions getting 10.04 running on a RAID volume?05:31
ezhanginFishscene: nope05:31
Jordan_Utumii: Where are you downloading mupen64+ from ?05:31
ZykoticK9sensae, are you the same sensae from @Home with Jono B. ?  you're kinda famous for questions ;)05:31
fmateoprivate msg?05:31
Flannelfmateo: Sure05:32
celestialryankrizan, yes can you pm me here05:32
fmateoFlannel, ok05:32
andrew____So can I mount / on one partition, and then /home on another entirely?05:32
tumiiJordan_U: nowhere...it is NOT mupen64+ what im compiling05:32
michaelxqi can't perform "mv 10-r5u870-webcam.fd /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty"05:32
AbuMaiaandrew___ yup05:32
FeasibilityStudyAll you people not being able to boot, etc.  Please check the hashes of your .iso.05:32
anishsethhi i am trying to install bootloader of ubuntu 10.04 final release on a linux partition but can't do it,05:32
anishsethcan anyone05:32
mdelmyst3k: i copied the files in manually, but im having issues... getting a bunch of "missing tables:05:32
digital_1sensae:  In synaptic05:32
gogeta1andrew____: yes in fact its the best way05:32
Jordan_Utumii: Ahh, Ok.05:32
Fishscene1FeasabilityStudy: How do I do that?05:32
andrew____gogeta1: Apprently so05:32
tumiiJordan_U: just what are the package names/paths for the SDL library05:32
Jordan_Uanishseth: Why are you trying to install to a partition?05:32
andrew____How much do you reckon for /home? It's a netbook05:32
myst3kmdel: i was reading you can only copy the files and use them with the same version of mysql05:32
gogeta1andrew____: lets you do fresh installs without losing home05:33
sensaeZykoticK9: No clue what @Home is or Jono B.05:33
anishsethJordan_U: Because i have windows 7 preinstalled05:33
aplundI've just upgraded to 10.04 and the ordering of the time and memenu don't match the screenshots of what other people have and I cannot move them.  Is there a way to reset this to the default??05:33
smooth_penguinhas anyone here gotten 1280x1024 resolutions on a monitor hooked to the Acer D250 netbook05:33
ZykoticK9sensae, not the same person then.  sorry.05:33
AbuMaiaandrew____: root only needs like 14gb, the rest can go to /home05:33
mdelmyst3k: well how would one upgrade MySQL then?05:33
anishsethJordan_U: and would like05:33
^paradox^ok i just tried to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 lts from 8.04 lts and received this error message http://pastebin.com/EZdab5fb05:33
karma_policei'm about to install 10.04 on my desktop... how do i get a footprint of all the progs i have installed now so that i can easily go back and get them? someone told me a long time ago.05:33
andrew____AbuMaia: I have an NTFS partition for bulk files, it's shared between all OSs05:33
GillaGalAnyone using a ATI Radeon card and can tell me how I determine if the driver I installed is in use?05:33
BRchave any ideas as to why i get a blank screen after i try to install ubuntu05:33
digital_1sensae:  Settings -->Repositories then select "Other" under Download From.  There should be an option that appears that scans for the fastest mirror.  It worked great for me.  Props to gogeta105:33
ZykoticK9sensae, @Home with Jono Bacon - is a videocast by the Ubuntu Community Manager05:34
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: if you're on a linux box now, just open the terminal, go to the location where the .iso is.  And then run "sha256sum ubuntu-x86-iso" or whatever the name is..  then compare that hash with the one on the ubuntu site05:34
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, ok i dragged them all there and its still not working05:34
ardantusi have ubuntu 9.10, if i try iptables -L showing error. whats must i do to solved my problem05:34
gogeta1andrew____: then a siingle / mount would do for you05:34
Jordan_Utumii: Even if it's not the same project, I assume the two are related enough that "sudo apt-get build-dep mupen64-plus" will get everything you need.05:34
Zelozelosis there somewhere i can edit the places menu?05:34
smooth_penguinGillaGal, lspci -k ?05:34
greezmunkeykarma_police: you could use aptoncd for that, it may work for you.05:34
karma_policeparadox.. 8.04 doesn't use ext4 does it?05:34
fb_wow this is a mad house... lol.05:34
tumiiJordan_U: it just says none found05:34
digital_1Jono also does Floss Weekly on TWIT05:34
armence_So... Is it a good assumption that it's going to be tough to get your hands of lucid for a couple of days?05:34
andrew____gogeta1: As in, just don't bother with a seperate partition for /home?05:34
^paradox^yes its supposed to used ext4, but im not on it yet05:34
mossbyWhats the repository name for the default "Document Viewer"?05:34
gogeta1fb_: did you expect anything diffrent on relese day05:35
sensaedigital_1: Yeah.. I don't see any option like that.05:35
Aji-DahakaI wonder why ubuntu disabled the dell launchpad sources05:35
White-Horsecan someone look at this please i just downloaded this fresh iso  http://imagebin.org/9504205:35
AbuMaiaarmence_: you can use torrent, get it quicker05:35
myst3kmdel: how did you upgrade?05:35
ZykoticK9fb_, it was over 2000 people earlier - and after the release message in the party channel - THAT was a "mad house"  ;)05:35
greezmunkeyZelozelos: did you go to the link I posted? There was more info there.05:35
maximus_hey people wat is this md5 sum exactly for?05:35
armence_AbuMaia: Thanks...05:35
mdelmyst3k: fresh install05:35
gogeta1andrew____: yea if yourr storing files on a nfs then you dont have any problem with not keeping a /home for storage05:35
FeasibilityStudymaximus_: To make sure the .iso you have is legit.05:35
michaelxqi can't use "mv 10-r5u870-webcam.fd /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty". error message: "mv: cannot stat `10-r5u870-webcam.fd': No such file or directory"05:35
Flannelmaximus_: We use it to check to see if you successfully downloaded the ISO (and its not corrupted)05:35
andrew____Ok nice :)05:35
fb_gogeta1: course not!  this is great for ubuntu.  Zykotick: LOL05:35
mdelmyst3k: so there has to be some way that things get migrated05:35
ratcheermaximus_: For checking the integrity of files.05:36
FeasibilityStudymaximus_: Make sure it wasnt tampered with or acidentally mangled when downloaded.05:36
Glacerman that was weird, I went in menu like 5 times changing to USB audio and then sound finally starts working fully when I clicked enable sounds on buttons to, weird.05:36
bobbyyuI'm upgrading Ubuntu to 10.04. The installation says that Ubuntu will no longer support XSane. Does that mean it won't be included at a default installation?05:36
digital_1sensae:  So under Settings-->Repositories and on the Ubuntu Tab there should be a "Download From" dropdown list.  Do you see that?05:36
^paradox^so anyways about that error message. what does it mean? i cant upgrade to 10.04 lts?05:36
myst3kmdel: so a fresh install deletes everything and starts over from scratch, in the future you want to do a mysqldump to a sql file, and then import the sql into your new database05:36
GillaGalsmooth_penguin,  That doesn't state the specific driver.  :\05:36
Jordan_Utumii: What version of Ubuntu are you using?05:36
armence_AbuMaia: Where can I find the upgrade torrent?05:36
maximus_@<Flannel> if the md5sums matches then its sure that the entire file is downloaded right?05:36
ZykoticK9!tab > fb_ typing Zykotick out and still missing my nic is a drag ;)05:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:36
andrew____gogeta1: Ta very much05:36
JetPackTuxedois there a way to migrate a virtualbox installation into a dual-boot scenario?05:36
mossbyHow do I install SkiFree?05:36
sensaedigital_1: Got it, thanks05:36
Flannelbobbyyu: Correct, it's moved from main to universe05:36
gogeta1armence_: ubuntu.com i would assume05:36
myst3kmdel: do you know what version you were at before hand?05:37
Flannelmaximus_: For all intents and purposes, yeah05:37
mdelmyst3k: i'm sure I did this before05:37
mdelyeah 5.3105:37
digital_1sensae:  you're welcome05:37
armence_AbuMaia, Also, where do I go to suggest bittorrent should be built into the upgrade system for such times as these?05:37
myst3kwhat are you at now?05:37
fb_Any suggestions getting install to work with a raid 1 volume properly?05:37
bastid_raZorarmence_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/05:37
tumiiJordan_U: karmic, 9.10 but I plan updating it to 10.04 later today. but i installed mupen64plus and it works like a charm without installing anything else.05:37
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, ok what did you search, its not letting me open the link to where the article is05:37
tumiibut now I got to go bye05:37
maximus_<Flannel><FeasibilityStudy>  thanks ppl :)05:37
gogeta1armence_: using sysanptic to scan out a fast mirror will inprove your speed alot05:37
FeasibilityStudymaximus_: You also need to make sure the .iso was burned properly to CD05:37
AbuMaiaubuntu.com, when you click on download, look for alternative downloads05:37
ratcheerfb_: See the release notes05:37
michaelxqi can't use "mv 10-r5u870-webcam.fd /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty". error message: "mv: cannot stat `10-r5u870-webcam.fd': No such file or directory"05:37
bobbyyuIs there a program that will replace XSane?05:37
armence_gogeta1, Thanks05:38
greezmunkeyZelozelos: try this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-desktop-x-windows/162157-gnome-places-menu-messed-up.html05:38
maxxistwow lucid is tight.  not a problem on install.05:38
michaelxqi can't use "mv 10-r5u870-webcam.fd /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty". error message: "mv: cannot stat `10-r5u870-webcam.fd': No such file or directory"05:38
bobbyyuA scanning program that will be included at a default installation?05:38
mossbymichaelxq: Are you into the directory that file is located?05:38
Jordan_Ubobbyyu: simple-scan is nice (though, as the name implies, not as feature rich as Xsane).05:38
karma_policety.. aptoncd is cool.. never used that before05:38
arandarmence_: blueprint on launchpad, refer to apt-transport-debtorrent05:38
Jordan_Ubobbyyu: Xsane is still available also05:38
fodder70how can i check my install is running in 64bit mode05:38
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, aahaa, there it is, thank you05:38
smooth_penguinGillaGal, well check xorg logs05:38
fb_<ratcheer>: Where are they located?05:38
greezmunkeykarma_police: np05:38
_Techie_whenever any sound plays to my sound card, all i hear is noise, even with system sounds (when running in 5.1 out + analog in, i get surround sound noise)05:38
FeasibilityStudyfodder70: If you have the 64 bit .iso, it is.05:38
ZykoticK9fodder70, "uname -m"05:38
mossbymichaelxq: otherwise youll need to do "mv /path/to/weird/file/webcam.fd /other/weird/path05:38
maximus_<FeasibilityStudy> c this is the problem, i startd downloading this 10.04 in my laptop and slept off, some where in the middle the laptop battery drained and turned off. i just need to make sure the entire file is downloaded. checked the md5 sum and it matches05:38
armence_arand: thanks05:38
ardantushelp this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/maqbk3Wb05:39
maximus_so i could burn them and use it right ?05:39
bobbyyuJordan: If I installed Ubuntu 10.04, will XSane still be there as a default program? Or not?05:39
FeasibilityStudymaximus_: Yeah, then it's good.  No way to fake an md5sum05:39
andrew____Ubuntu needs to ditch firefox as default, it's nasty :s05:39
michaelxqmossby: i've used the command "wget http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/%7Easimakis/10-r5u870-webcam.fdi" and then all the other05:39
karma_policei like using the mint menu in ubuntu05:39
arandarmence_: Or start off the discussion on ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list...05:39
mdelandrew____: kidding???05:39
andrew____Nope, I hate firefox05:39
duckwarsFor some reason, I made my sister an account (in ubuntu 9.10) and in the upper right hand corner there is no icon for a wireless connection... How can I connect to a wireless network without it? How can I add that icon there?05:39
maximus_<FeasibilityStudy> thanks dude :D gonna install lucid WOOT!05:39
mdelandrew____: well thats silly05:39
andrew____mdel: Why is it?05:40
smooth_penguinGillaGal, Xorg logs should mention what driver is currently being used05:40
ratcheerfb_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100405:40
ZykoticK9bobbyyu, on fresh lucid install no, but there is simplescan in it's place05:40
mossbyI'm gonna start answering questions in PM, its nuts in here05:40
_Techie_andrew____, you may hate firefox, but the majority of ubuntu users are hapy with it05:40
^paradox^again the error message i got while trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 lts from 8.04 lts was http://pastebin.com/EZdab5fb . does it mean i cant upgrade to 10.04?05:40
White-Horsecan someone look at this please i just downloaded this fresh iso  http://imagebin.org/9504205:40
mdelandrew____: because firefox is a great browser05:40
gogeta1armence_: yea for some reasion most user seem to miss that abilty in sysanptic and flood the main server05:40
digital_1So.... everyone is running just perfect now.  Not a whisp of trouble.  Naturally then, this is bothersome.  When do the Alphas for 10.10 hit the wire?05:40
fb_ratcheer: thx05:40
plumwhy is there no flash for 10.04?05:40
AtamiskJordan_U, it was the card.05:40
andrew____mdel: I did.. Then chrome came :)05:40
bobbyyuSo a scanning program WILL still be there? t/F?05:40
FeasibilityStudyplum: There is.  just install it.05:40
JetPackTuxedoplum, there is05:40
plumFeasibilityStudy: for firefox?05:40
AtamiskJordan_U, popped the ATi card out and it ran up almost instantly05:41
mdelandrew____: chrome is a good browser, for sure. nothing beats firefox for webdevelopment05:41
mossbyplum: Flash is proprietary, so can't be shipped out of the box as a free OS. You can install it from the repos/synaptic etc05:41
andrew____Firebug, perhaps05:41
FeasibilityStudyplum: Yes, just install it from synaptic.  Do a search for flash, then install it.  I cant remember the exact filename.05:41
gogeta1mdel: or addons05:41
digital_1mdel:  I prefer Chrome's javascript debugger05:41
plumah okay, thanks05:41
Jordan_Ubobbyyu: Yes, simple-scan comes by default in 10.0405:41
Fishscene1Where can I get a list of md5 hashes for 10.04?05:41
mdeldigital_1: to Firebug??05:41
duckwarsplease, how can I connect to a network if there is no icon for it in the upper right hand corner05:41
digital_1mdel:  yeah05:41
bobbyyuThank you. I was fearing that I'd be left without a scanning program!05:41
mdelwebkit dev tools are soooo weak compared to firebug05:41
Jordan_UAtamisk: Great.05:41
gogeta1Fishscene ubuntu.com05:41
Fishscene1gogeta1: I'm aware of that. But where?05:42
andrew____So much auto blah blah for firefox with ubuntu though05:42
Fishscene1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes does not have the hashes for 10.0405:42
mossbymdel: too bad firefox has become bloatware :D05:42
bastid_raZorFishscene1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/05:42
mdelmossby: only if you choose to make it so :)05:42
JetPackTuxedodoes anyone know whether a virtualbox install can be migrated to a separate partition for a dual-boot scenario?05:42
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/05:42
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: click on the version you have and it will show all MD5's for it.05:42
mossbymdel: haha, and installing firebug is first step... i kid i kid05:43
zmanninghey guys im trying to connect to another ubuntu machine using instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC  but the script runs and just sits there with this output http://pastebin.com/iDskxgFZ05:43
ZykoticK9duckwars, add to panel - indicator applet.  then try alt+f2 nm-applet05:43
zmanninganyone have an idea?05:43
Jordan_UJetPackTuxedo: If it's a linux VM, yes (probably windows also but I'm not familiar)05:43
justinjstarkIt seems that firefox in lucid is MUCH faster than it was in karmic...but it is still really laggy...chromium still blows it out of the water05:43
mdelmossby: :) firebug is a developers best friend05:43
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, ok maybe im being mis-understood, on the upper panel under the places menu between apps and system, when i pull down the menu and click on any of those places its giving me that error05:43
GillaGalsmooth_penguin,  fglrx 8.75.5   But I dunno if that is for the Radeon 5770 card as the driver version during install said 8.72305:43
mossbymdel: oh its amazing, its the only thing i miss... there's a lite version for Chrome, but it lacks some of the better features05:43
Lasivianhey, I screwed up some options in a package and i'm wondering how to completely remove and reinstall it, apt-get remove does not take everything, it reinstalls still broken05:43
digital_1mdel:  does firebug do cross browser javascript validation?05:43
Zelozelosotherwise the bookmarks in the filebrowser are workin just fine05:44
ZykoticK9JetPackTuxedo, it might be possible, you might want to ask in #vbox though05:44
JetPackTuxedoJordan_U, so it should be? I can't find a guide for it anywhere.05:44
Fishscene1...dang. 2 downloads and both failed the md5... Not good.05:44
JetPackTuxedoZykoticK9, thanks05:44
bobbyyuWhat's the URL for Simplescan?05:44
gogeta1Fishscene1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/05:44
gogeta1md5 there05:44
zipperi need some help05:44
zippermy question is05:44
zippermy graphic card is not working well with linux05:44
=== Teknical_ is now known as Teknical
duckwarsZykoticK9: adding indicator just adds another user access type menu, and another email checker05:45
FlynsarmyDoes compiz not work with the default nvidia driver in lucid?05:45
JetPackTuxedoFlynsarmy, nope05:45
JetPackTuxedoyou need the real NVidia drivers05:45
Fishscene1Yup. I checked it out and my hash differes on the last digit... which is odd I think as any difference should make the md5 wildly different.05:45
zippermy nividia driver is not working in lucid05:45
digital_1Flynsarmy:  It works for me.  What's wrong with it?05:45
JetPackTuxedonouveau won't run it05:45
bobbyyuNever mind, I'll find that out for myself. Thanks to all.05:45
greezmunkeyZelozelos: open up Nautilus file browser...05:45
zipperhellluuu any1 answer me pl0x05:45
dude_hello everyone05:45
JetPackTuxedozipper, which driver?05:45
ZykoticK9duckwars, so sorry (i always confuse those) it's Notification Area05:45
zippermy nivida graphic card05:45
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, ok...05:45
Flynsarmydigital_1, are you using the proprietry nvidia driver?05:46
zippermy mother bboard card works with lucid05:46
JetPackTuxedozipper, have you installed the drivers for it?05:46
zipperbut not working with my graphic card05:46
digital_1Flynsarmy:  Yeah, 64-bit.05:46
zipperi installed it in xp05:46
zipperdo i have to do it in linux?05:46
ryankrizanzipper, Lots of problems with it today05:46
scott_ji recently installed ubuntu lucid, but in gwibber, my twitter timeline doesnt show up05:46
greezmunkeyZelozelos: hit F9 until you see the sidebar on the left side, it may already be there.05:46
scott_jany way to fix this ?05:46
duckwarsthat makes a spacer05:46
GillaGalI am using the propriety ATI driver, is there anything I need to do to enable it after install?05:46
Flynsarmydigital_1, i'm on 32. desktop zoom, animations on window open/close, swithc desktop animations etc aren't working for me. not sure why05:46
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, yup those are there and working ;)05:46
ZykoticK9Flynsarmy, if you talking about nouveau i remember it working a bit - but i certainly switched to proprietary myself after about 3 minutes05:46
gogeta1zipper: did you just askwhat i think you did05:46
digital_1Flynsarmy:  195.36.15 with a 9800GT05:47
khermansalternate ISO upgrade to Lucid from Karmic with no internet is failing. is there a way to purge the failed initial upgrade attempt data from using System/Administration/Upgrade Manager05:47
zipperyes u did05:47
JetPackTuxedozipper, yeah, you have to install it. Just  go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:47
digital_1Flynsarmy:  Wobbly windows working?05:47
greezmunkeyZelozelos: remove one of them, like Downloads.05:47
zippersystem in linux right?05:47
flavioIs it possible to install a program compiled for Ubuntu 9.10 in Ubuntu 10.4?05:47
JetPackTuxedozipper, yes05:47
macoflavio: might work05:47
zipperthank you jetpacktuxeeee05:47
gogeta1zipper: yes if your card is a newer model you have to install the linux drivers for your nivida05:47
gogeta1i cant beleve you asked that lol05:47
zipperbe back in 1005:47
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: check the sha256sum as well, just to make sure05:47
Flynsarmydigital_1, nope05:48
flaviomaco: thanks05:48
zipperi am a new linux user05:48
FloodBot4zipper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:48
JetPackTuxedozipper, no problem05:48
duckwarsplease, how can I connect to a network without the network icon in the upper right hand corner?  Or even how can I add that icon there?05:48
Fishscene1I have no clue how to do a sha sum05:48
zipperplease give me a chance =(05:48
^paradox^anyone? i need to know what this http://pastebin.com/EZdab5fb means. tried to upgrade to 10.04 lts from 8.04 lts and received it05:48
tytanno i co tam slychać?05:48
Bunburyhi how do i upgrage from rc to release version?05:48
Flynsarmydigital_1, how do i check if i'm on 32 or 64bit?05:48
duckwarsit's very difficult to look up that question in google05:48
greezmunkeyZelozelos: right-click Downloads, choose remove05:48
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, ok did it05:48
ZykoticK9duckwars, can you run nm-applet?05:48
Jordan_U!rc | Bunbury05:48
bastid_raZorFlynsarmy: uname -m05:48
^paradox^does it mean i cant upgrade to 10.04 or what?05:48
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: sha256sum ubuntu-10.04-.iso, etc.05:48
Jordan_U!final | Bunbury05:48
ubottuBunbury: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.05:48
Flynsarmyi686...thats 64?05:48
progre55hi people! I've downloaded libflashplayer.so from adobe.com, where do I put it in ubuntu? tried /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ but didnt work.05:48
greezmunkeyZelozelos: now check your Places menu, is Downloads gone?05:48
Fishscene1I'm downloading a 3rd iso... I'll hash that and see what happens.05:48
ravibnHi, I ran an update few minutes back and it asked me to restart in the boot menu I select kernel 2.6.31-21-genric to boot. I got an error msg " 1.185157 Kernal Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,17)" Can someone help to overcome this ????05:49
Bunburyk ty05:49
bastid_raZor^paradox^: did you file the bug like requested to?05:49
duckwarshow do I run nm-applet?05:49
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, yup it's gone then drag it back over? did that, didnt work05:49
Fishscene1oh, I'm downloading the ISO's on Win705:49
ThatGuyOverThereQuick question... I'm thinking of trying out Lucid Lynx, but I don't know whether or not to choose the 32-bit version or 64-bit version. When I tried 64-bit in Karmic, I had compatibility issues. Thoughts?05:49
mdelmyst3k: here's another question for ya05:49
slwprogre55: it's probably best to install flash from the repositories.05:49
digital_1Flynsarmy- do a uname -a  inside a terminal05:49
sensaeThanks everyone for the different mirror suggestion. I'm pulling Lucid at 1.4 MB/s now05:49
ZykoticK9duckwars, alt+f2 then nm-applet05:49
progre55duckwars: alt+f205:49
mdelmyst3k: any thoughts on running hp 5.2.X on 10.04??05:49
bastid_raZorFlynsarmy: that is 32bit05:49
mdelhp 5.3 is trash05:49
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, it showd back up, but still didnt work05:49
jbrouhardThatGuyOverThere, What kind of compatibility issues ?05:49
FeasibilityStudyThatGuyOverThere: What compatibility probs?05:49
greezmunkeyZelozelos: once you drag it back over, it still won't work from the Places menu?05:49
myst3kmdel: maybe last time you did it, it was the same version you backed up and reinstalled so it worked, now there is a diff version05:49
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: well 64 bit always has issues with emulating 32bit apps05:49
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, nope05:50
mdelmyst3k: yeah thats possible05:50
binnidoes this video file work for anyone? ->
duckwarszykoticK9: I did that, but nothing seems to have happened05:50
progre55slw: I did, but it's buggy for 9.10 and 10.04 64bit. For instance pause on youtube doesnt work.05:50
digital_1Flynsarmy:  Out of curiousity- what card are you running?05:50
ThatGuyOverTheregogetal: Exactly. I tried to install programs and it said they weren't compatible with my architecture.05:50
White-Horsecan someone look at this please i just downloaded this fresh iso  http://imagebin.org/9504205:50
mdelmyst3k: thank the lord for svn db backups :)05:50
^paradox^bastid_raZor: not yet. i have unofficial packages, but most people i talked with thought id be fine05:50
ZykoticK9duckwars, don't know then.  good luck.05:50
ThatGuyOverThereSame issue with 32-bit apps in Lucid...? If so I won't bother.05:50
myst3kmdel: might be easiest to use virtual machine and put db files back to old version, then do a mysqldump and get the data out05:50
Flynsarmydigital_1, how do i find that out :) 8600 gt i believe05:50
Flynsarmydigital_1, on a laptop05:50
greezmunkeyZelozelos: whoa, it should be *that* simple to fix...perhaps your bookmarks file is hashed...05:50
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: you can use ia32libs and most things will install after that05:50
=== BalSak is now known as peeved
jbrouhardThatGuyOverThere, just use 32 bit Lucid Lynx if you have 32 bit apps that you need to use05:50
myst3kmdel: either that or use an older package if you can uninstall it and get it workin05:50
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts05:51
progre55slw: so I had downloaded version 10.1 rc2 from labs.adobe.com and it was working on karmic. but dont remember the filepath =)05:51
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, i checked it and it looks just like the one in the post you showed me05:51
ThatGuyOverThereSo it's not worth using 64-bit?05:51
mdelmyst3k: Im actually ok without it... i have backups, I just expected it to work05:51
papulhi, i want to know which fps game is this http://papul.gotdns.com/game.png05:51
ThatGuyOverThereThere are still issues getting 32-bit apps to work?05:51
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, even after i deleted/redragged them all back05:51
mdelThatGuyOverThere: its worth it in some instances05:51
myst3kmdel: whats hp?05:51
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: if you have more then 4gb of ram then you would need to05:51
Bunburyinstall flash from package manager05:51
mdelmyst3k: i meant php05:51
mbdAnybody working on sbcl around05:51
fb_Still having issues installing on a RAID 1 volume, checked the release notes, no dice there.  Any suggestions?05:51
mdelmyst3k: im thinking I need to compile an older version of PHP from source05:51
digital_1FlynsArmy:  You should be able to look under Nvidia Settings.  System --> Administration --> NVidia X Server Settings05:51
ThatGuyOverTheregogetal: I only have 4 gb.05:51
ravibnHi, I ran an update few minutes back and it asked me to restart in the boot menu I select kernel 2.6.31-21-genric to boot. I got an error msg "1.185157 Kernal Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,17)" However I rebooted again with older version kernal 2.6.31-20 it works fine. How to fix this problem ?05:51
papulhi, i want to know which fps game is this http://papul.gotdns.com/game.png05:51
greezmunkeyZelozelos: that's wierd, you could try logging out of gnome, then back in. After that I'm not sure...05:51
slwprogre55: I don't know it off the top of my head either, good luck. If that doesn't work for you though, I do know that disabling compiz is a workaround to the youtube play button problem.05:51
FeasibilityStudyWhite-Horse: Try burning it with something other than Nero.05:52
tytannie ma tu nic ciekawego05:52
myst3kmdel: have you checked out zendserver community edition05:52
ThatGuyOverTheregogetal: I've heard a lot of hoopla about Lucid's startup time. Is it faster with 64-bit? That might make it worthwhile to give it a shot in my mind.05:52
ZykoticK9ThatGuyOverThere, there is *almost* nothing that doesn't run under 64bit, BUT some apps require more configuring.  installing 32bit libs etc.05:52
Zelozelosok ill give that a try, thanks for helping greezmunkey05:52
Flynsarmydigital_1, i don't have that05:52
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: then you probly whont notec mutch of a perforance diffrence just running 3205:52
tytano czym gadacie05:52
=== radar3d is now known as radar3d|Zzzz
^paradox^bastid_raZor: ill file it, but i first i wanna try to find out what it means, what happened05:52
mdelmyst3k: nooo i tried that a while back, i didnt like it05:52
progre55slw: thanks =) well, I kinda like compiz :)05:52
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: yea ia32 is pretty good but you still get the fw stubbern apps05:52
Flynsarmydigital_1, a package you installed yourself perhaps?05:52
mdelmyst3k: I just want a basic lamp stack, with php 5.205:52
papulhi, i want to know which fps game is this http://papul.gotdns.com/game.png05:52
ZykoticK9ThatGuyOverThere, 64 bit wouldn't improve your boot time at all most likely05:52
digital_1Flynsarmy:  Nope05:52
mdelmyst3k: I installed the metapackage lamp-server^05:53
ThatGuyOverThereOkay. I think I'll just stick with the 32-bit then.05:53
mdelso I have a working system05:53
mdeli just need PHP 5.2 now05:53
myst3kmdel: i have not actually used 10.04 yet, still on 9.10, just downloaded it though05:53
Fishscene1Doggonit. The 3rd iso has the same problem as the first 2. The md5 sum differs ONLY on the last digit. Instead of an 8, I have a 4.05:53
digital_1Flynsarmy:  Does it show proprietary driver in use for the graphics card?05:53
ThatGuyOverThereNot like very many applications use the extra muscle anyway.05:53
mdelThatGuyOverThere: apache2 does :)05:53
greezmunkeymdel:  apt-get it05:53
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: i dont knoe many apps that dont have a 64 bit version these days05:53
peevedhi guys. I'm sure this has come this way before, but I'll ask again: anyone else's keyboard & mouse disabled after upgrade?05:53
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: sha256sum ubuntu-10.0405:53
ezhanginstill can't get my array to auto assemble upon boot05:53
ezhanginso weird05:53
mdelgreezmunkey: you cant just apt-get an older version of php05:53
ezhangini can do it manually05:53
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: post the output here and I will check it for you05:53
Fishscene1ok standby..05:53
ThatGuyOverThereAlright, thanks for the help.05:53
myst3kpeeved: i had that problem05:53
Flynsarmydigital_1, i'd say probably not because system - preferences - monitors is working. it doesn't if you use proprietry05:53
ZykoticK9mdel, there is no Ubuntu package called lamp-server.  Are you talking about xamp or something you downloaded?05:53
JetPackTuxedopeeved, is it built in, like a laptop?05:54
ezhanginany mdadm pros in here?05:54
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: i knoe wine 64 is acully worse then wine 32 atm05:54
mdelZykoticK9: its not a package05:54
FlannelZykoticK9: He's talking about task-sel05:54
gogeta1ThatGuyOverThere: im shure it will get better thow05:54
coflyhello ,everyone05:54
duckwarsis there someway to connect to a network without using the applet?05:54
mdelFlannel: thanks :)05:54
ThatGuyOverThereOh. Well, the hell with 64-bit then.05:54
papulhi, i want to know which fps game is this http://papul.gotdns.com/game.png05:54
ZykoticK9Flannel, will research that now, thanks05:54
ThatGuyOverThereWine is the best.05:54
digital_1Flynsarmy:  Well without the proprietary drivers you won't get the effects.05:54
FlannelZykoticK9: sudo tasksel ;)05:54
FlannelZykoticK9: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel05:54
ThatGuyOverThereAlright, thanks. Think I'll stick to the ol' 32-bit.05:54
Flynsarmydigital_1, thought you said you weren't on them and were getting the effects?05:55
ThatGuyOverThereAnybody here using Lucid yet?05:55
W43372My linux box refuses to talk to my windows box and it's disrupted my home network. What do?05:55
ZykoticK9Flannel, cool like the sever install ;)05:55
peevedmyst3k: external USB & PS/2 devices on a desktop05:55
greezmunkeymdel: guess I'm wrong I thought 5.2 was the latest.05:55
Flomasterlooking for lucid beta2 help  is this the right place?05:55
digital_1Flynsarmy:  No,  I have the proprietary drivers turned on.  Without them, you won't get the effects.05:55
Redeuxxhmmm, my php files are not being processed and im prompted to download them after upgrading to 10.04 ... anyone have any ideas?05:55
FlannelZykoticK9: That's what the server install launches, yeah.05:55
ThatGuyOverThereI actually stopped using Lucid because I had too many hardware compatibility issues with Karmic.05:55
gogeta1Flomaster: well we are in final so05:55
ThatGuyOverThereEr, stopped using Ubuntu, rather.05:55
ThatGuyOverThereNot Lucid.05:55
myst3kpeeved: same issue on my desktop, have not been able to figure it out...both usb05:55
pepper_hazehow do you open the ubuntu music store?05:55
FlannelRedeuxx: stop apache2, sudo a2enmod php5, start apache205:55
ezhangini'm on lucid and it's mostly ok05:55
Flomasterwell I guess I should install final then05:56
mdelpepper_haze: its in rhythmbox05:56
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
selvatorhelo guys I am new to IRC chat I am tring to join one channel but getting this error msg " :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services"05:56
RedeuxxFlannel: php5 is already enabled ma05:56
dominicdinadahow is lucid ??? gnome right ?05:56
gogeta1Flomaster: use sysanptic find a fast mirror and upgrade easy05:56
ZykoticK9pepper_haze, rhythmbox and ubuntuone store on left side05:56
GodricBrutusi dont think anyone in the thunderbird channel is awake, so im gonna try asking in here05:56
GodricBrutusI don't know if anyone else has notice that when you have a dark 'selected items' background color, even with white text for your gtk theme, the menu; 'file, edit, view, go, message, etc. text stays black in Thunderbird, rendering that item virtually unreadable. Is there a fix for this either than 'pick a lighter color'?05:56
selvatorcan any body please tell me how to resolve this05:56
bullgard4The topic recommendends: "Please use torrents." Where can I find information how to use torrents in order to upgrad to 10.04?05:56
peevedmyst3k: this is bad. this is ver, VERY bad. I've dkfg'd the console & reset X configs. no luck05:56
bazhangselvator, register and identify05:56
gogeta1Flomaster: if you have been updating then your aruldy finall05:56
digital_1Hmmm nvidia-settings it not showing both my monitors...05:56
ZykoticK9!register > selvator05:57
ubottuselvator, please see my private message05:57
ThatGuyOverThereselvator: Try the command "/msg NickServ identify (your password)"05:57
W43372My linux box refuses to talk to my windows box and it's disrupted my home network. What do?05:57
Flannelbullgard4: The only way to use a torrent to upgrade sto download the alternate CD, and then upgrade through that05:57
dominicdinadaselvator: type /msg nickserv help05:57
bullgard4Flannel: Ah!05:57
Flomastergogeta1:  I can't get my wifi working so no I have not been updating instead i've been using win705:57
myst3kpeeved: i had the same problem with 9.10, then tried to install 10.04 and same thing....gave up at that point running windows on my desktop05:57
FlynsarmyAnyone know hwo to remove the damn breadcrumbs from nautilus and go back to text?05:57
Fishscene1Is there supposed to be an output from the sha256sum? It ran for a bit, and then nothing.05:57
gogeta1Flomaster: oh05:57
zipperi am back05:57
W43372bullgard4 have you tried NDISwrapper to get your wifi working?05:57
zippererm when i tried to put my driver in05:58
zipperit crashes05:58
zipperso how?05:58
dominicdinadamy broadcom actually works so nice in kub/lucid05:58
bullgard4W43372: No.05:58
Glacer10.04 changes some themes to menu on left , wonder why05:58
zipperi can't even start the thing05:58
Zelozelosok that didnt work, heres a better discription while i was away i fig'd out that if i add to panel the name of the thingy is menu bar, what if i was to apt-get purge it and reinstall it?05:58
Moral_My screen resolution is 1280x800, which is 16:10, yet in gnome's display panel I can only set 16:9, 1280x720. How can I set it back to 1280x800?05:58
* agnel thinks empathy is neat05:58
FlannelRedeuxx: That happens when php isn't enabled, we get it sometimes, and always have trouble finding it, but that's the solution05:58
Glacerlike to close windows05:58
ZykoticK9!controls > Glacer05:58
ubottuGlacer, please see my private message05:58
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: There should be.  You can also try sha1sum05:58
W43372bullgard4 is the wireless built in or are you using a usb adapter?05:58
LoshkiFishscene: yes, sha256sum? should print one line of text, then exit...05:58
bullgard4agnel: Me too!05:58
RedeuxxFlannel, php is enabled, just not in user_dir05:58
Glacerthank you05:58
bullgard4W43372: It is built in.05:59
agnelbullgard4, way better than pidgin, super cool05:59
gogeta1W43372: refuses to communcate how so05:59
peevedthis is bollocks, man! this is supposed to be a g'damn LTS, & something as simple as keyboard & mouse is borked05:59
zipperhello can any1 assist me?05:59
peevedoff to a pretty crappy start05:59
Fishscene1sha256sum of Ubuntu 10.04 x64 \dc40522fe5e70b2fed5737d1beb29da87b0072cc275e086ebed30cb83ecf1dd805:59
FlannelRedeuxx: So, php works in /var/www? (you haven't said that yet)05:59
Redeuxxyes it does, sorry05:59
dominicdinadapeeved: haha05:59
* zipper cries05:59
kfizzI have the RC of Lynx currently installed, but when I try to upgrade using "update-manager -d" it doesn't show the option to upgrade. Any ideas?05:59
FlannelRedeuxx: Alright, and userdir itself works?05:59
ZykoticK9!ask > zipper05:59
ubottuzipper, please see my private message05:59
Redeuxxyep, usedir works fine05:59
gogeta1kfizz: your up3date06:00
Moral_My screen resolution is 1280x800, which is 16:10, yet in gnome's display panel I can only set 16:9, 1280x720. How can I set it back to 1280x800?06:00
bullgard4agnel: Pidgin's graphics are more appealing to me but Empathy's functionality under the hood is more convincing.06:00
Flannelkfizz: there is no development version to upgrade to.  Just do your regular updates06:00
W43372gogeta1 I had a network set up with just wireless, but then I had the cable install a modem in here so my winbox is hard lined, and ever since then when I try to access the winbox through samba it just points me at the public folder on the linbox06:00
GlacerSo it is going to be on left side?06:00
W43372bullgard4 can you find the windows driver for the adapter?06:00
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: That is not a good sha256sum.  in other words it dont match..06:00
zipperhello my driver crashed when i tried putting it in so what should i do?06:00
Glaceruntill another theme :/06:00
agnelbullgard4, love the notification osd in empathy ;)06:00
ZykoticK9Moral_, will depend on what graphics card driver you're using06:00
gogeta1W43372: the ip changed06:00
bazhangmetbsd, english here06:00
kfizzFlannel, so I'm "upgraded" already?06:00
Flannelkfizz: If you do regular updates, yeah.06:01
agnelguys, is there any doc on how to use the memenu on the ubuntu site?06:01
W43372gogeta1 yes, I'm aware of that, how do I get the linbox to recognize it again?06:01
Moral_ZykoticK9, shouldn't there be a configuration file where I can set the resolution manually?06:01
Fishscene1criminy. It seems I am unable to get a good iso, from 2 different Official Ubuntu servers and a torrent download. What are my next steps? the same iso files boots just fine in a virtual box and installs nicely.06:01
kfizzFlannel, alright, thanks.06:01
zipperZykoticK9: i've already asked my question but no 1 answered me06:01
metbsdok, lately having trouble upgrading stuff to 10.0406:01
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: SORRY06:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:01
metbsdwhat happened to ubuntu lately06:01
bullgard4W43372: I could but I am not interested in Windows any more and I do not have time for that today and tomorrow. I am sorry.06:01
gogeta1W43372: change the ip the same ay you set it up06:01
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: Yes, it DOES match..06:01
ZykoticK9Moral_, xorg.conf (not there by default) - but again it will depend on what gfx card your using06:01
bazhangmetbsd, slow servers? error messages? please clarify06:01
W43372gogeta1 I just did, and that didn't help06:01
Fishscene1Hahaha. ok. Thanks, man I was perplexed.06:01
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: I was looking at sha1sum instead of sha256sum.  Sorry.  Yes, that checksum you gave me does match06:01
zipperMY DRIVER crashed when i tried to slot it in and i m not able to go system>adminstration>hardware06:02
W43372bullgard4 no no, go find the win driver for the adapter, and use NDISwrapper to make it work on linux.06:02
metbsdvideo card driver no more working for no reason06:02
metbsdno error06:02
W43372!ndiswrapper > bullgard406:02
ubottubullgard4, please see my private message06:02
Loshkimetbsd: a *huge* new release happened *today*. Is that what you mean?06:02
Fishscene1ok. So it looks like we're looking at an Ubuntu hardware issue?06:02
gogeta1W43372: you still on the same roughter06:02
zipperyea mine too06:02
Moral_ZykoticK9, thanks, I'll take a look, it got all messed up after I was watching a movie via hdmi06:02
JetPackTuxedozipper, what?06:02
bazhangmetbsd, it is upgraded then? and you have to boot in low resolution? or some other issue06:02
zipperi tried to install it06:02
zipperhey jet06:02
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: Did you install via a CD?  If so, did you verify the CD burned properly?06:02
metbsdi mean, is that huge release what makes my video driver not working anymore?06:02
zipperi tried to slow my gcard in but it crashed06:02
metbsdalready lowest06:02
bazhangmetbsd, what card?06:03
metbsdit's nv card06:03
Fishscene1I verified the CD and it burned correctly.06:03
^paradox^i tried to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 lts from 8.04 lts and recieved this http://pastebin.com/EZdab5fb . does it mean i cant upgrade to 10.04 lts? i need to get this figured out06:03
W43372gogeta1 no, I was having phone issues, so the cable company pulled the internet off of the one the phone is on and gave it a dedicated box in my room.06:03
chadmetbsd,run     sudo apt-get update  then report back06:03
mattgyveranyone know where the gnome volume panel applet went in 10.04?06:03
metbsdnforce 206:03
frankie_hello why is it so difficult to basic touchpad commands on ubuntu? on windows theres one program, you install it and has about 100 options.. on ubuntu theres two things for the touchpad and the options are laughable06:03
wllkmbllHey, I just upgraded to 10.04 and my wireless range decreased a lot. Does anyone know why this is?06:03
gogeta1W43372: you can still use the roughter06:03
JetPackTuxedozipper, what do you mean "crashed"?06:03
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: Ok, I must have come in after you were asking what your problem was.  What was it again?06:03
Loshkimetbsd: I doubt that the new release had any effect on your video card, what release are you running?06:03
karma_policeHELP! Iinstalled lucid with dualboot windows and am getting error: no such partition grub rescue>06:03
JetPackTuxedozipper, just the xserver?06:03
Flannel^paradox^: Are you on a fully-updated version of 8.04?06:03
metbsdwell, it's happening.. right here06:04
ZykoticK9mattgyver, gnome-volume has been superseeded by indicator-applet06:04
metbsddo i have to upgrade?06:04
GlacerI am having to change all my settings and reinstall software like Gdesklet, tor, some drivers06:04
ddrjhi all, i wanted to go back to windows, when i booted with my windows cd, it says i can't install over my /home/ partition (guessing cus it's ext3? )06:04
ddrjanyway, how do i partition it properly (do i need to use gparted from a usb drive?)06:04
zipperJetPackTuxedo: 1stly i start up linux and its alright but after that when i slot my graphic card in to try to install it crashed06:04
W43372gogeta1 yeah, i've got a new modem that's hooked to the cable, and the same wireless router is plugged into this new modem, the winbox is hardlined and the linbox is wireless.06:04
metbsdi don't mind staying in old version06:04
brandon_guys i cannot get my broadcom wifi to work in ubuntu 20.406:04
_Techie_im having major sound problems on a fresh lucid install, all sound played through my soundcard is just noise06:04
zipperJetPackTuxedo: the entire screen went popeye06:04
JetPackTuxedozipper, can you start up linux with the card already in place?06:04
zipperJetPackTuxedo: nope06:04
mattgyverZykoticK9, my indicator applet doesnt have it either though :| unless im blind06:05
^paradox^Flannel: i got all my updates done before i tried the upgrade. i have unofficial packages, but i was told by most id be fine06:05
Lucifer2USB mouse and keyboard not working after upgrade to 10.04. lsusb says they are both visible06:05
FeasibilityStudyOne thing that does annoy me about Lucid is the way it locks the screen after only a couple minutes.  Annoying.06:05
mattgyverZykoticK9, im blind06:05
JetPackTuxedozipper, does it boot to the terminal?06:05
gogeta1W43372: you may have to reconfiure the roughting for the new ip06:05
zipperJetPackTuxedo: nope06:05
ezhangincan i get some help with mdadm? can't quite get it to assemble my array on boot but it works fine by hand06:05
gogeta1W43372: the port fowarding06:05
W43372gogeta1 how do I do that?06:05
greezmunkeyzipper, you didn't try to plug it in while the system was running did you?06:05
ZykoticK9mattgyver, did you find it?06:05
ezhanginit's assembling with the drives instead of partitons06:05
se5a-nixwhere do I got to stop requiring me to log in after I've been idle?06:05
chadmattgyver,  left click the top panel and you will be presented with the option [add to panel}06:05
justinjstarkFeasibilityStudy, This can be changed.06:05
karma_policei installed 10.04.. when i did first reboot i get : error: No such partition.   Grub Rescue>06:05
zippergreezmunkey: yes i did06:05
Flannel^paradox^: So, `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` doesn't give you errors or anything? (and just tells you that you're already up to date)?06:05
mattgyverZykoticK9, yeah i had to enable it, for whatever reason i was looking at the indicator-session-applet06:05
JetPackTuxedozipper, does it run under windows?06:05
greezmunkeyzipper: dude.06:05
FeasibilityStudyjustinjstark: Yeah I know it can, but was just commenting..06:05
dominicdinada!ot | dominicdinada06:06
zipperJetPackTuxedo: yes it does06:06
ubottudominicdinada, please see my private message06:06
Fishscene1No worries. My problem is that I have downloaded and burned 2 iso images of Ubuntu 64-bit on a CD. One came from bittorrent, the other from a USA mirror. I pop the cd in my drive and boot from it, as soon as it loads the screen with the dots on it, I can press the esc-key and there is a message saying something about an error in line 7 of a file(?). On my 2nd cd, I get further messages stating that it can't mount /dev/sda(b)(c) up to about (f) and then 06:06
gogeta1W43372: or you can test from the winbox mine ever sees the linux box but if i type in it manuly it works06:06
_Techie_im having major sound problems on a fresh lucid install, all sound played through my soundcard is just noise06:06
ZykoticK9mattgyver, did you try to remove the mail icon?  cause that would do it.06:06
brandon_guys i cannot get my broadcom wifi to work in ubuntu 10.406:06
gogeta1W43372: from run like do \\ip06:06
^paradox^Flannel u want me to run that at the terminal? is it all one command?06:06
JetPackTuxedozipper, then I have no idea06:06
mattgyverZykoticK9, no actually i just had never enabled it and did an upgrade so thats why it wasnt there by default06:06
ZykoticK9mattgyver, that might do it too :)06:06
Flannel^paradox^: That's one line, yeah.06:06
justinjstarkFeasibilityStudy, While it may be annoying, I think it is good practice to default to something secure.  Some of us have sensitive data.06:06
W43372gogeta1 what is this I don't even...06:06
gogeta1W43372: from rundows do run and type \\the ip if your linux samba06:07
^paradox^Flannel: is it gonna start an install or just check some things?06:07
gogeta1W43372: if it connects then its just windows not seeing it06:07
zipperjetpacktuxedo : do u have any idea how to make my computer into a full fledge linux server instead of having to choose my options on startup06:07
gogeta1W43372: you can do the same from linux to windows06:07
chadbrandon_, THEN HOW ARE YOU ONLINE ??????06:07
progre55btw, when powering on/off lucid, some error messages show up on the screen, then the splash screen apprears. Is it only on my machine or what?06:08
Flannel^paradox^: If you're not up to date, it'll install some stuff, try this instead (whic will just simulate it: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade`)06:08
zen--is this where the party is?06:08
W43372gogeta1 no the win>lin is fine. I can put things in my public folder on linux and then pick them up on windows, but the reverse of that won't work.06:08
DM|With lucid, is anyone else having an issue with edge scrolling on their laptop ?06:08
Flannelzen--: No, this is where the support is.06:08
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_Techie_im having major sound problems on a fresh lucid install, all sound played through my soundcard is just noise06:08
Glacerhow do i for a install, it is saying package tor diff, I did a force on 9.04 forgot the command and it worked06:08
gogeta1W43372: you can run the same command in linux06:08
zen--Flannel: i was kidding :P06:08
JetPackTuxedozipper, you mean completely linux and no dual-boot, or just automatically boot ubuntu?06:08
zen--oh heh wow there really is one06:08
jebsshow to register?06:09
progre55zen--: ^^06:09
metbsdchad, do you think ppl got one pc at home?06:09
* zen-- is here to help06:09
zipperjetpacjtuxedo: automatically boot ubuntu06:09
chadzen--, no it is at this site http://boards.4chan.org/g/06:09
gogeta1W43372: if it connects then you just have the wrong ip for the windows06:09
zipperjetpacktuxedo :auto boot to ubuntu06:09
zen--already there ;)06:09
karma_policecan anyone help me? i get error: no such partition after initial install reboot06:09
W43372gogeta1 I pinged it and it's not timing out.06:09
_Techie_zipper, edit your grub.cfg and remove any extra boot entries06:09
^paradox^Flannel: hang on and ill pastebin it06:10
gogeta1W43372: then do \\ip its the same command for linux06:10
gogeta1W43372: it should connect to the samba06:10
zipper_techie_ , sorry but this is kinda stupid but how do i do it?06:10
Zelozelosok did some more reading, it appears that the menu bar's open with nautilus command is faulty, thats why the bookmarks work, delete in the menu, show up after i replace them and still dont work also the ones like desktop and home folder which arent bookmarks dont work, any idea on what 2 do?06:10
ThatGuyOverThereIs there a 64-bit version of Flash in the repos for Lucid?06:10
chadconsidering PPl looks like two flags flying in the wind next to a building i would guess they are the home06:10
W43372gogeta1 bash: //ip: No such file or directory06:10
JetPackTuxedozipper, you are going to want the application "startup manager". You can find it in synaptic or run "sudo apt-get install startupmanager"06:10
zen--ThatGuyOverThere: i dont think so there are a few ppas out there though06:10
gogeta1W43372: thers abought 3 places you can invoke that command06:11
Flannelchad: Please help keep this channel ontopic, thanks.06:11
gogeta1W43372: ip means your ip adress for windows06:11
^paradox^Flannel: here it is http://pastebin.com/6N1aGHbu06:11
GodricBrutusI don't know if anyone else has notice that when you have a dark 'selected items' background color, even with white text for your gtk theme, the menu; 'file, edit, view, go, message, etc. text stays black in Thunderbird, rendering that item virtually unreadable. Is there a fix for this either than 'pick a lighter color'?06:11
gogeta1W43372: and its \\06:11
_Techie_zipper, gksudo {fav editor} /boot/grub/grub.cfg06:11
ddrjjust wondering... windows 7 requires ntfs partition right ?06:11
_Techie_im having major sound problems on a fresh lucid install, all sound played through my soundcard is just noise06:11
progre55my mic on sony vaio laptop is not wokring on lucid.. any suggestions, please?06:11
^paradox^Flannel: thats from the upgrade simulation command u gave me06:11
zipperjetpacktuxedo , how to i do that =.=" sorry i am new06:12
Flannel^paradox^: Alright, you are certainly up to date.  Are you using a desktop?  Ubuntu? Kubuntu?06:12
zen--ThatGuyOverThere: the one i use https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash06:12
W43372gogeta1 not working06:12
Black_Phantomyo, how can I change the menus buttons to the left ?06:12
W43372gogeta1 command not found06:12
JetPackTuxedozipper, I'll pm you so we can focus06:12
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, are you there i have an idea, i deleted some of the items found under other earlier, i think this may be the root of my issues,06:12
IdleOne!controls | Black_Phantom06:12
ubottuBlack_Phantom: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d606:12
gogeta1W43372: do it from natuls lol06:12
Black_PhantomIdleOne thanks06:12
^paradox^Flannel: im using ubuntu 8.04 lts desktop edition06:12
Fishscene1FeasibilityStudy: My apologies for what may look like impatience. Did you get my last message?06:12
greezmunkeyZelozelos: Did you back them up?06:13
frybyeHi - need help troubleshooting missing sound on lucid with creative x-fi extreem audio sound card?06:13
Flannel^paradox^: Alright, does `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` do anything but tell you "ubuntu-desktop is already at the newest version"?06:13
gogeta1W43372: sorry forgot to metion that06:13
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, no, could you open your edit menu's ,  and list some of them, i just may know which ones to replace06:13
frybyesettings seem to be ok at first look - no idea what is happening under the bonnet..?06:14
zen--woooooot g15stats was updated :D06:14
^paradox^Flannel: let me run that command and see06:14
gogeta1W43372: should tell it to go to a network share with that ip06:14
FeasibilityStudyFishscene1: No what was the problem again?06:14
zen--in the repos that is06:14
Fishscene1ok just a sec06:14
Fishscene1My problem is that I have downloaded and burned 2 iso images of Ubuntu 64-bit on a CD. One came from bittorrent, the other from a USA mirror. I pop the cd in my drive and boot from it, as soon as it loads the screen with the dots on it, I can press the esc-key and there is a message saying something about an error in line 7 of a file(?). On my 2nd cd, I get further messages stating that it can't mount /dev/sda(b)(c) up to about (f) and then it just kind06:14
W43372gogeta1 not working06:14
gogeta1W43372: ir saying timeout or something06:14
karma_policeithink i fubaredmy install06:14
_pHI_is there a way to issue a custom mkfs.ext4 in the ubuntu installer? I basically want to do both fdisk and mkfs.ext4 in the console (ALT+F1) and avoid that ubuntu re-runs mkfs.ext4 ... is that possible?06:15
W43372gogeta1 it's not doing anything06:15
brandon_chad: another pc06:15
zen--Fishscene1: is your HD plugged in?06:15
brandon_chad: but i do need help06:15
zen--i know its a silly question06:15
W43372gogeta1 just errors, could not handle networks, not found, etc06:15
Fishscene1Yes. I'm running off of it right now :)06:15
greezmunkeyZelozelos: open edit menus from where?06:15
zen--:D ok06:15
^paradox^Flannel: it does ubuntu desktop is already the newest version06:15
chadbrandon_, what was the problem agean?06:15
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, right click on applications, click edit menus06:15
Flannel^paradox^: Hmm.  Well, I'd do what it suggests, and report it as a bug.  It could very well be.06:15
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, navigate to other06:15
Lucifer2HELP! Upgraded to 10.04 and now usb mouse and keyboard are not working. Visible in lsusb. Any ideas?06:15
agneli have a question06:16
zen--Fishscene1: idk thats out of my relm of knowledge, but a wild guess would be maybe your board isnt supported?06:16
brandon_chad: my wirless hasnt worked on ubuntu 10.4 im using broadcom06:16
Fishscene1It's possible, but very unfortunate =(06:16
W43372!ndiswrapper | brandon_06:16
ubottubrandon_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:16
zen--Fishscene1: dont take my word for it :P06:16
Fudgehi i killed my gnome, it just loads into xterm. how can i set it back up in a console to use gnome.06:16
^paradox^Flannel: does it mean i cant upgrade? whats the likelyhood of that?06:16
Fishscene1lol. Should I file a bug report?06:16
zen--Fishscene1: go for it06:17
gogeta1W43372: then its not connecting to windows at all06:17
_pHI_any ideas?06:17
zen--Fishscene1: maybe even a ubuntu forums post06:17
Jordan_U^paradox^: Are you using any ppa's?06:17
greezmunkeyZelozelos: I have nothing under "other"06:17
Flannel^paradox^: Nah, if you'd like to upgrade tonight we can get you upgraded no problem.06:17
brandon_W43372: its done me no good this is a 10.4 problem, im looking for a simple fox06:17
Fishscene1ok. Thanks everyone06:17
Flannel^paradox^: seems that some people who experience that error have it go away if they switch mirrors06:17
gogeta1W43372: did you allow the samba port to be open in linux06:17
brandon_W43372: fix06:17
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, hmm interesting, well im all outta ideas06:17
_Techie_im having major sound problems on a fresh lucid install, all sound played through my soundcard is just noise06:17
W43372gogeta1 I could ping it06:17
^paradox^Jordan_U: yes im using some ppas06:17
overmachtto all people; sorry i'm not seed my torrent, caused running out of my bandwidth. truly sorry a lot.06:17
chadbrandon_,  here you go http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu%2C+wi-fi%2C+brodcom&l=106:18
gogeta1W43372: ping and connecting are diffrent matters06:18
Flannel^paradox^: what I'd do right now is disable all third party repos, try upgrading again, if that doesn't work, switch from us.archive to just regular archive, and try again06:18
W43372gogeta1 what do I do?06:18
brandon_chad: thanks i take a look :D06:18
Zelozelosthats the only thing i did  besides watch a couple of movies around the time they las worked06:18
gogeta1W43372: sounds like youneed to open the samba port06:18
greezmunkeyW43372: type smbtree in a terminal, see what you get.06:18
Jordan_U^paradox^: They're likely the cause, try "ppa-purge" to remove their packages (it's not the repo being in your sources.lst but rather the package themselves)06:18
blacksunsevenCan anyone help me get jumbo frames working in lynx?06:18
Flannelchad: google is not acceptable support in this channel.  Please don't ever do that again.  Thanks06:18
agneli have a question, how does me menu in the new lucid, "receive" a message? how does that show up?06:18
Zelozelosi guess till i fig out what's wrong ill just make a nautilus launcher on my desktop06:19
dark-knighthow is xubuntu lucid working out for everyone? about to upgrade possibly06:19
gogeta1Flannel will eat your babys for that06:19
itilioushow do i select a "program to use" when opening a link inside an application?06:19
brandon_chad: that wont work my ethernet dosent work either and that assumes it doe06:19
brandon_chad:  doe06:19
karma_policei am at the partitioning screen.. i have windows 7 and am attempting a dualboot. whatsa good swap size for lucid 64 bit with 4gb memory?06:19
itiliousit brings up the file browser and i'm not sure where to locate my internet browser06:19
greezmunkeyZelozelos: Other than goog around for clues, I can't help06:19
brandon_karma_police: 8 gb06:19
chadkarma_police,  what ever colour you want hon06:19
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: 6 gigs should be enough, even bit of an overkill for a 64bit system06:19
blacksunsevenI've tried setting my MTU but it never persists06:20
fiberi'm trying to use rsync to sync a directory structure between two computers, but i only want the .png files to transfer.... i am trying with "--include'**.png'" but it isn't working!  any words of advice06:20
Zelozelosgreezmunkey, tok, thanks for trying anyhow, its bed time 4 me06:20
ha1331brandon_: based on what? What's the reasonin behind 8G?06:20
dark-knightanyone using lucid xubuntu??06:20
Butch128Does 10.4 LTS Server have an alternate version?  Or is it just now 10.4 LTS Server/06:20
amereservantDoes anyone here use KVM?06:20
Butch128*alternate cd06:20
FlannelButch128: There is an alternate CD, yes.06:20
W43372gogeta1 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/425011/06:20
karma_policedo thepartitions need tobe logicalorprimary for the swap and main partitions?06:20
brandon_ha1331 My rule of thumb is double the physical if you want excellent performance06:20
itiliouswhere are the "program files" directories at to give it a windows analogy is my question?06:20
Butch128Flannel: Where the heck do you download it? http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ only lists the desktop alternate06:20
karma_policesorry for typos.. onmy netbook troubleshooting desktop install06:21
birmaanmorning all06:21
zen--itilious: /etc is full of the actual config files06:21
__Techie__im having major sound problems on a fresh lucid install, all sound played through my soundcard is just noise06:21
Zelozelosanyone know what the pgm name is for the menu bar?06:21
FlannelButch128: "alternate" CD is "alternate" CD, there's no such thing as a "server alternate" CD06:21
^paradox^Jordan_U: ok hang on. im in synaptic right now looking at my third party sources just to get an idea what i have06:21
zen--itilious: /bin and /usr/bin is full of the binarys06:21
ha1331brandon_: ok. Well I have 8G of ram, never seen more than 512MB of swap used, so how would 16G improve performance?06:21
agnelguys, any one what "receiving a message" with the memenu looks like? what is the functionality about ?06:21
Zelozelosi guess its called a menu bar widget06:21
tasslehoffI'm having this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gzip/+bug/524366. Any kind souls running Lucid that could dl the mentioned tar.gz and see if they have the same problem?06:22
zen--itilious: some configuration files for individual users is in their home dir prefixed with a .06:22
shusshi guys, can someone tell me which package contains the sys-V-IPC PHP module?06:22
ActionParsnipYo yo yo06:22
itiliouszen--, is that where i need to select the appliction to use for thunderbird to open a link for example? ;)06:22
FlannelButch128: Server CD ad Alternate CD (and minimal CD) use debian-installer (the text based installer).  Desktop CD uses ubiquity (LiveCD + Installer).  From the Alternate CD, you can install a desktop system (default) or a commad line system (removed from the menu, but hit f4 or f5 and you can select it)06:22
DM|My edge scrolling on my touchpad has stopped working as of Lucid, there is a bug report but it only affects myself and one other person ( different laptops ) anyone have any insight as to how i can get this working?06:22
karma_policewhat does the mount point neeed to be for the install partition? i'm a noob06:22
brandon_ha1331: if all 16 gig is used, which i have seen in professional work like egnering sims06:22
FiReSTaRTyo right back atcha ActionParsnip06:22
=== papul is now known as papul|offline
Zelozeloskarma_police, its just a /06:22
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: you need at least a / mount point06:22
ActionParsnipShuss: try: dpkg -s sysiv*06:22
gogeta1W43372: have you tryed with the gui to connect to windows06:23
dark-knightis 10.04 xubuntu worth upgrading to?06:23
W43372gogeta1 ?06:23
karma_policedoes it need to beprimry or logical?06:23
zen--itilious: yeah it should be in /usr/bin06:23
Butch128Flannel: Huh.. I just installed a RAID/LVM setup using the alternate cd, and it booted into a GUI.. didn't expect that..06:23
gogeta1W43372: ubuntu has a gui for samba06:23
=== papul|offline is now known as papul
brandon_ha1331: however that would be only if you wanted to hibernate06:23
ezhanginposting my issues in the forums for now, thanks anyway dudes06:23
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: even though a separate / and /home would be beneficial if you ever upgrade the distro or just to have your app data/media safe in case the system craps out06:23
LoshkiFlannel: your message would make a great ubottu factoid...06:23
shussActionParsnip, thanks, will try06:23
KeithWeisshardo you have a working link to ubuntu 10.04 dvd torrents06:23
W43372gogeta1 ok06:23
ActionParsnipKarma_police: you need at least / and maybe a small /swap06:23
FlannelButch128: right, you want to hit f5 and choose "Install a command line system" or whatever it is.06:23
celestialthank you for everyone, problem solved! not this far without you guys!06:23
ha1331brandon_: ok, was just intrested.06:23
Butch128Flannel: hahaha.... oops...06:23
JetPackTuxedouh-oh... /usr.bin/X11/Z not found06:23
KeithWeissharwhy is the dvd iso hard to find06:24
zen--JetPackTuxedo: thats not good :P06:24
karma_policedoes the / need to be primary or logical?06:24
ActionParsnipDark-knight: if you have jaunty or later and its working, why fix it06:24
Butch128Flannel: Thanks... last time i did this with 9.10 it didn't have that.. or maybe it did.. long time, thanks06:24
Zelozeloskarma_police, are you installing over an existing version ?06:24
gogeta1W43372: eh may not work for the issue your havin06:24
MilitantPotatoSo, can I do the distribution upgrade from a non main server? 40kb/s is painfully slow.06:24
FlannelButch128: 9.10 did, it was either 9.04 or 8.10 that was the last time it had its own menu entry06:24
JetPackTuxedozen--, yeah, I noticed. How on earth do I fix it?06:24
karma_policeyes. i deleted linux mint to install 10.04.. still have win7 on same hdd06:24
FlannelMilitantPotato: you can do it from any repository mirror, yes.06:24
karolhay i am polish06:24
zen--JetPackTuxedo: is this a fresh install?06:24
^paradox^Jordan_U: if i disable all these im not sure ill be able remember them all once im upgraded to 10.04 and the thing is these made things work06:24
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: ideally you'd want about 20-30Gb for /, 6gb for swap and the rest goes for /home06:25
ezhanginanyone know how to reset the menubar icons to their original location?06:25
itiliouszen--, i chose firefox3.5 vs firefox and it worked :)06:25
ActionParsnipKarma_police: make it primary and /swap can be primary. If you want less complication later make a partition for /home too. You can have up to 4 primary partitions06:25
itiliouscurious now why the two?06:25
gogeta1W43372: is that box windows 706:25
JetPackTuxedozen--, no. I don't think it was even an upgrade. I was just fixing some broken dependencies06:25
zen--itilious: yay :D06:25
KeithWeissharare there working links to dvd iso's for 10.04 yet?06:25
karma_policewould / needto be primary or logical?06:25
Zelozeloskarma_police, ok, its gonna be primary, logical is another way of saying swap sorta06:25
W43372gogeta1 xp06:25
MilitantPotatoFlannel: using which command?06:25
itiliouszen--, any reason it might be simply firefox though, why the two?06:25
karma_policek.. ty06:25
ActionParsnip!download | keithweisshar06:25
ubottukeithweisshar: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!06:25
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: primary06:25
Loshkikarma_police: I think some older bioses might need /boot to be primary and near the front of the disk, but recent ones don't and even / can be secondary (it often will be if you're booting multiple linux OSes)06:25
Zelozelosa logical drive is for windows/swap is for linux06:25
dark-knightactionparsnip thats essentially what i was asking, i'm perfectly content with 9.10 as it seems to be working just fine06:25
FlannelMilitantPotato: Go to software sources and select another mirror06:26
blacksunsevenWhy do I get "SIOCSFTMU: Inv. Arg." when i try to sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 900006:26
Xgatesif we're going to use dhcp then all we need is dhcpcd installed?06:26
FiReSTaRTalright time to fire up the movie.. lets hope the vlc packaged with lucid doesn't come with a buttload of bugs :P06:26
KeithWeissharwhy should ubuntu be downloaded via torrent rather than direct download?06:26
ActionParsnipDark-knight: karmic is supported til next year at least so i'd hang on. You could always backup using partimage or somesuch and upgrade. If its bad you can roll back06:26
zen--itilious: i know that actually typing firefox into the terminal is just a script that launches firefox im not exactly sure, i ran into this problem when was debugging firefox06:26
Zelozeloskarma_police, actually, you shouldnt have 2 answer that , all you need to do is select the existing partition, click on change06:27
=== chad is now known as palin2012
blacksunsevenKeithWeisshar: less load on the servers06:27
FlannelKeithWeisshar: There likely is, but DVDs aren't mirrored a whole lot of places, so it's likely they're just on the main servers (which are too slow to be functional right now)06:27
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: ethernet max packet size is 151406:27
ActionParsnipKeithweisshar: less strain on the servers and faster speed06:27
gogeta1W43372: have you tryed places connect to server06:27
Zelozeloskarma_police, check the format box, put the / in mount point06:27
Zelozelosn thats all06:27
karolas created Sat Jan 30 2010 at 01:14:01 CET06:27
karol jordan.freenode.net ircd-seven-06:27
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: because we're already grateful for a free o.s. and don't wanna rape the mirrors unnecessarily.. also some people (like poor canadians) live in heavily throttled countries so they are forced to dl directly06:27
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KeithWeissharbittorrent sometimes crashes my router, it overflows the nat table on the actiontec mi424wr06:28
itiliouszen--, right on thanks for the help :)06:28
^paradox^Jordan_U: if im gonna have to go through a few different things, especially complex things, im gonna need hand with it06:28
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: so how do I enable jumbo frame support?06:28
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: if you are experiencing technical issues with torrenting, by all means hit the servers06:28
Guest33884ha noi06:28
Zelozeloskarma_police, you wont need to mess with swap, it should be already set for your mem/hd size06:28
Lasivianok I want to completely remove and reinstall my proftp package because i seem to ahve broke it, but it never completely goes away and restarts the install, any idea why not?06:28
ActionParsnipKeithweisshar: moderate you download speed in your client06:28
zen--itilious: no problem glad i can help06:28
bullgard4'~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' returns: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to removeand 0 not upgraded.' How to upgrade to the 10.04 LTS?06:28
FloodBot4karol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:28
KeithWeissharmy verizon fios router only has a 1k nat table06:28
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IdleOnebullgard4: sudo do-release-upgrade06:29
gogeta1bullgard4: if you ran beta or rc your all set06:29
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: actually i disagree with Zelozelos.. automatically set swap on my karmic install went to 12GB (3x my ram) and all you need for that much ram is 6GB06:29
ActionParsnipLasivian: sudo apt-get --purge remove proftp*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove06:29
Flannel!upgrade | bullgard406:29
zen--KeithWeisshar: think at&t's uverse router has something similiar06:29
ubottubullgard4: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:29
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: maybe even 506:29
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: what nic are you using?06:29
Jordan_U^paradox^: This isn't a complete solution, but do-release-upgrade has a great feature that I'm surprised isn't advertised more, a "sandbox" mode.06:30
LoshkiLasivian: can you paste the output from the install into http://ubuntu.pastebin.com and tell is the url?06:30
karoli hat ubuntu06:30
hellyeahdamn it06:30
hellyeahdamn it06:30
hellyeahdamn it06:30
FloodBot4hellyeah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
bullgard4gogeta1: What does the phrase "your all set" mean? Say it in other words, please.06:30
LasivianActionParsnip: dpkg: error processing proftpd-basic (--purge):06:30
Lasiviansubprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 10006:30
KeithWeissharcan torrenting cause the actiontec router to freezes06:30
zen--karol: kill it with fire06:30
beyondcrHow do i check what version of ubuntu I am running?06:30
LoshkiLasivian: or what ActionParsnip said...06:30
FiReSTaRTbullgard4: it's all good, no problems, you are ready to go, problem solved06:30
gogeta1bullgard4: if you ran rc or beta it has been updated to final06:30
ActionParsnipKeithweisshar: restrict the number of connections in you client then. Shame you are limited by crappy hardware06:31
IdleOnebullgard4: you're all set == you already have everything you need06:31
LasivianI screwed something up it seems06:31
zen--KeithWeisshar: its possible06:31
Zelozelosbeyondcr, goto system,about ubuntu06:31
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: could also be crappy firmware... what r u running on your router?06:31
zen--KeithWeisshar: my old 2wire used to get really hot and slow06:31
KeithWeissharif the nat table on the router becomes full the internet connection can freeze for several minutes and cause all networked users to lose internet connectivity for a period of time06:31
beyondcrif i am running netbook06:31
^paradox^Jordan_U: whats that mean?06:31
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: and what is your router in the first place (sorry if i missed it)06:31
Jordan_U^paradox^: Basically, before starting the upgrade it make all of your system directories read only and stores any files that you try to change in /tmp, so you can try the upgrade and when you reboot everything will be "undone" (or rather, never really done in the first place)06:31
ActionParsnipLasivian: then your packages are out of whack and you need to square them off. You may have to edit some of apt's files to allow the removal06:32
nyaaI was wondering where you can find the source code for things that are open source (particularly file compression tools for studying)06:32
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: is this your error: SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed06:32
KeithWeissharVerizon Branded ActionTec MI424-WR06:32
JetPackTuxedozen--, I think I might have fixed it now. Maybe. Need to restart to be sure06:32
LasivianActionParsnip: eep.. k :S06:32
zen--JetPackTuxedo: hm did you use dpkg?06:32
FuzzyShotingHi! Just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 (netbook remix). How do I get the window buttons (close, minimise, maximise) back to their RIGHT POSITIONS.06:32
zen--JetPackTuxedo: im interested06:32
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: No, my exact error is: SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument06:32
KeithWeissharIt's a MI424-WR Rev. D06:32
NV`heyias, I have a Ubuntu 9.10 Server installed on a box using the JeOS install mode, doing an upgrade to 10.04 however its saying it wants to pull in xorg! any idea how to make it not 'upgrade' to a full server install and rather stay the JeOS mode?06:32
gogeta1FuzzyShoting: thats the new look dispite are protest06:32
zen--FuzzyShoting: you can do it with ailurus06:33
JetPackTuxedozen--, yeah, I just booted to the terminal and am fixing the dependencies.06:33
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: you may wanna consider running openwrt on it if they have a release for your hardware, which is quite possible06:33
zen--FuzzyShoting: s/is/in06:33
ActionParsnipFuzzyshoting: websearch for: lucid lynx move buttons to right ubuntu geek06:33
zen--JetPackTuxedo: ah i see, good luck06:33
cham_eleonWhy's the 10.04-alternate installer asking me for inserting another CD?!06:33
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: on the plus side you get to learn more about linux by running it :D06:33
KeithWeisshari'm not allowed to use any third paryt firmware on the router06:33
karma_policety for the help.. i set / primary with 60 gb and 5.2gb for swap and /home with 100gb06:33
LoshkiJordan_U: it isn't advertised because no-one can figure out what 'Test upgrade with a sandbox aufs overlay' in the man page actually means...06:33
FuzzyShotinggogeta1: "Ubuntu does again".06:33
KeithWeissharthe router is also used for fios tv06:33
JetPackTuxedozen--, thanks. It's unpacking stuff still.06:33
eightyeighthello #ubuntu!06:34
ActionParsnipFuzzyshoting: there are thousands of guides for this online dude. Suprised you asked at all but the ubuntu geek is a good call. S'what I used.06:34
FuzzyShotingty zen-- ActionParsnip06:34
gogeta1FuzzyShoting: yea it got a wave of complants to move em back but they didnt06:34
zen--KeithWeisshar: i have a similiar set up, one main router that has a bunch of baby IPTV boxes06:34
karolTHIS IS MY PLACE06:34
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d606:34
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: in that case buy your own... tp-link 1043nd can be had for under $70, the hardware rocks and openwrt works great on it06:34
JetPackTuxedozen--, aaaaannnnndddddd... it's only in the G's. I have a loooonnnnggggg way to go.06:34
KeithWeisshari'm not allowed to change the firmware on the router to a non-verizon firmware06:34
DM|How can I tell what kind of touchpad I have ( the hardware? Alps/synaptics)06:34
FuzzyShotingActionParsnip: Did a simple search. Thought I'd ask someone who had heard the question before06:34
karma_policei messed up to start with and had / as logical and was getting grub error06:34
zen--KeithWeisshar: whats your dl/ul speeds? i got 18mbps/1.506:34
ActionParsnipGogeta: my dad likes it. Can't please em all but its fully changeable ;)06:34
agnelempathy's notification sound is like the one in the plan when they make the announcements, this is so awesome06:34
parisI have installed Ubuntu 10.4, however, for some reason I am missing the sound control on the toolbar. What I should do?06:34
Jordan_U^paradox^: The problem being that the one thing you can't test is that the next boot after upgrading will work. But a combination of trying the liveCD (to be sure nothing big is broken by default) and doing a test upgrade should cover most possible problems06:34
^paradox^Jordan_U: the upgrade disabled some of my third party sources before failing. if what you say is true then can reneable them and try what youre saying?06:34
ActionParsnipFuzyshoting: too many times06:35
gogeta1ActionParsnip: what you can change em back06:35
zen--JetPackTuxedo: yeah i was installed codecs earlier and i took like 2 hours06:35
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: another option, if you're less adventurous, is to get a linksys wrt54gl and run tomato on it.. its rock solid even when bonding 3 dsl connections and torrenting the living s*** outta them06:35
gogeta1ActionParsnip: looking up that06:35
KeithWeisshari get 1mb/sec dl06:35
ActionParsnipFuzyshoting: gonna propose a factoid when I get back from work06:35
zipperi got a new problem06:35
karma_policelucid runs nice on my acer aoa06:35
zen--KeithWeisshar: damn man your paying for fios and your getting that kinda bandwich, that sucks06:35
BlacKnightHey i'll do a dist upgrade, from karmic to 10.04... will I lose any configs ?06:35
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: I'm not finding much in the way of reliable jumbo frame(s) support for that card. There are a few drivers around, but you probably are better off with MTU 1500 until you can locate a fix.06:35
zippernot able to unmount06:35
elkyparis, does clicking the icon give you controls?06:36
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: in that case buy the cheapest piece of hardware you can run openwrt on as it's GUARANTEED to be better than what you have now06:36
KeithWeissharmy fios speed is 20/506:36
Jordan_U^paradox^: It only "disabled" them in that no updates will be downloaded from them, the packages you already installed from them were not first downgraded to their "standard" versions06:36
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: durn06:36
JetPackTuxedozen--, the downloads are done, it's just setting stuff up. and MAN IS IT SLOW. Haha06:36
zen--zipper: have you tried booting it into the different moods06:36
subranFuzzyShooting: Pref -> Appearance and chose New Wave or Clearlooks and the min,max buttons go to the right.06:36
bullgard4IdleOne: gogeta1 Flannel Great! I already have 10.04 LTS at present. Wow! --  All messages are congruent. --  Thank you very much for your help.06:36
zen--JetPackTuxedo: dont ya just hate those release days ;)06:36
KeithWeisshar1mb/sec means 1 megabytes per seconds06:36
IdleOnebullgard4: anytime :)06:36
zipperzen-- how do i that?06:36
KeithWeissharfios speed is in megabits06:36
ActionParsnipGogeta1: indeed. I don't see what all the fuss is for. I hate firefox but I just change it to uninstalled. Lots of reviews slamming it06:36
circuitmanhi want to upgrade my 9.04 to 10.4 how much time does it take to upgrade using the dialup connection06:36
karma_policedon't quite underrstand the mac buttons on the left... lol06:36
NV`heyias, I have a Ubuntu 9.10 Server installed on a box using the JeOS install mode, doing an upgrade to 10.04 however its saying it wants to pull in xorg! any idea how to make it not 'upgrade' to a full server install and rather stay the JeOS mode?06:36
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: your error has been around for that card since at least 200606:36
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: ahhh ok.. 20/5 would require something more robust.. look into the tplink 1043nd.. dirt cheap, great hardware, can probably handle 3x the speed with no issues :)06:36
JetPackTuxedozen--, Yeah, since I have been running RC for a week and didn't realize today was release day until I got on here. Lol06:37
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: there are scripts out there that you can run and bring'em back where they belong :)06:37
Jordan_U^paradox^: One really nifty trick about the sandbox upgrade is that they keep one system directortory actually writable, /var/chache/apt, so you don't have to redownload the packages for the real upgrade06:37
ezhanginIn fstab what are the last two values? I believe they are called dump and pass06:37
zen--zipper: your using the live cd version of gparted right? when it goes into boot you should be able to select differnt types, like disable x, safe mode06:37
zen--zipper: stuff like that06:37
FiReSTaRTkarma_police: http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7358/screenshotnw.png06:37
KeithWeisshari'm also not allowed to bridge another router because it would cause tv to not work06:37
karma_policei know.. i like the new wave theme anyway and it fixes it back06:37
ActionParsnipNv'; seems one of your packages likes xorg. You can review with: dpkg -l | less06:37
zen--JetPackTuxedo: i knew it was soon, but not today06:37
FuzzyShotingActionParsnip: gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string “menu:minimize,maximize,close” <--- This is the magic code?06:37
gogeta1ActionParsnip: no hate for firefix hear and its that wannabe osx look rather then being something nicer and none ever liked the left sided buttions on osx06:37
karolyour are suck06:38
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: ugh, i gotta buy a gbit nic? lame..06:38
zen--KeithWeisshar: that sounds like some bullshit06:38
circuitmanhi want to upgrade my 9.04 to 10.4 how much time does it take to upgrade using the dialup connection06:38
zipperzen-- hmmm i installed it thru the terminal06:38
JetPackTuxedozen--, exactly. Haha. It's rebooting now. *fingers crossed*06:38
zen--ohhhh i see, never mind then :)06:38
ActionParsnipFuzzyshoting: that's exactly it. It will remain permanent too06:38
FiReSTaRTKeithWeisshar: yikes... nazi germany here we come... doesn't surprise me from verizon.. they're the most canadian of all u.s. telecoms and i don't mean it as a compliment06:38
zen--JetPackTuxedo: good luck! :D06:38
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: what do you do with that machine, mostly...Internet?06:38
karoli am your god06:38
elkyFiReSTaRT, please no godwins :(06:38
FuzzyShotingActionParsnip: It does work. However, I am missing the close button06:38
itiliousis it possible to run scripts as sudo on boot without needing to enter the password for each one?06:38
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: a ton of file transferring/serving06:38
zen--zipper: ive never used gparted in OS, only the live cd06:38
^paradox^Jordan_U: id like them working again. thing is im in the process of trying to get disability and im not gonna have the money to get a more current pc for at least a year and a half06:38
zen--zipper: sorry06:38
karma_policealmost done installing.. hope this works.. lol06:38
FiReSTaRTelky: godwins? translation pls :)06:39
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: over the Internet, or a LAN?06:39
elkyFireCrotch_, "godwin's law"06:39
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: LAN06:39
NV`ActionParsnip: i cant see anything in it easily thats pulling in x (xorg is currently not installed), any way to see what package is pulling it in after the upgrade? I suspect perhaps a new version of a package has xorg as a dep, but the old version didnt06:39
elkyFiReSTaRT, "godwin's law"06:39
ActionParsnipFuzzyshoting: review the command, make sure you add close to the end. Partial command copy paste is bad06:39
xjkxif i run apt-get dist-upgrade i'll be using ubuntu 10 ? i have 9.10 version06:39
Jordan_U^paradox^: You'll be able to re-enable them after the upgrade (if they support lucid)06:39
FiReSTaRTelky: ill need to wikipedia that lol06:39
Jordan_Uxjkx: No06:39
greezmunkeyblacksunseven: then check the hardware compatibility page(s) and get a good one.06:39
nimrod10`xjkx, use upgrade-manager06:39
Jordan_U!upgrade | xjkx06:39
ubottuxjkx: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:39
blacksunseven2nd question, I'm running 10.04 beta 2, how do i upgrade to 10.04 LTS?06:39
FireCrotch_Thank you elky for randomly mistakenly highlighting me... :(06:39
karma_policei still have to blacklist my usb wireless n i see06:39
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
FiReSTaRTelky: doesn't come up... another translation please.. what's godwyn's law? :)06:40
agronholmblacksunseven, apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade06:40
elkyFireCrotch, i actually tabbed too many times06:40
^paradox^Jordan_U: if i gotta do anything too risky then i might as well just stop at ubuntu 8.04 lts and just set all apps to upgrade with ppas or whatever is needed06:40
FuzzyShotingActionParsnip: I guess copy/paste from firefox should take a little notice. Almost couldn't tell the difference06:40
gogeta1blacksunseven: if you ran updates in the last 2 days you are lts06:40
XgatesThis still works in Lucid? --->  ln -sf ../usr/share/zoneinfo/your/zone /etc/localtime06:40
Apage43!. Ubuntu One never shows the "authorize this computer" screen when i log into it..06:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:40
blacksunseveni'm running update->upgrade atm, but not dist-upgrade06:40
apctrI press some key and I come to the terminal mode of ubuntu...How to get back to GUI mode or go to gnome-desktop screen?06:40
blacksunseveni need to run dist-upgrade?06:40
karma_policerebooting... wit\shmeluck..lol06:40
gogeta1blacksunseven: its not a dist upgrade06:40
remyoCongrats on 10.04 everyone. I love it so far06:41
LoshkiJordan_U: the web page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AufsBasedUpgrades is a bit scary, actually...06:41
elkyFiReSTaRT, it is on WP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law06:41
k00giezapctr crtl+alt+f706:41
FiReSTaRTelky: i misspelled it.. already looked it up :)06:41
k00giezapctr crtl+alt+f806:41
remyoWondering one thing though, why is vim not preinstalled anymore?06:41
k00giezapctr: try all the fkeys06:41
zipperany1 able to assist me with gparteD? i am unable to umount stuff06:41
Glacer10.04 is working for me good now, just had to edit few things and reinstall some third party software.06:41
zipperany1 able to assist me with gparteD? i am unable to unmount stuff*06:41
apctrk00giez: Its not working...I tried this06:41
KeithGSHello I'm having problems with Ubuntu and flash and webcam support, specifically tinychat, I've posted it here:06:41
zen--apctr: crtl + alt + f706:41
KeithGSCould someone help me, thanks.06:42
bazhangzipper, using the livecd? gparted livecd?06:42
karma_policestill get error06:42
k00giezapctr: do you see a terminal prompt?06:42
zipperbazhang nope i installed it thru terminal06:42
Moral_what's the most basic GUI you can use?06:42
circuitmanhi want to upgrade my 9.04 to 10.4 how much time does it take to upgrade using the dialup connection06:42
Teknicalive asked this question in #kubunto as im running kubuntu 10.04 but no response and this may not be related to kubunto alone so,..... im feelin stupid (probably so) but I have kubuntu 10.04 installed on my raid .. all is good there. I also have a 120 gig IDE in the mix somewhere that I use for storage and virtualbox's.. however at the moment I have no permission to create or do anything on the drive really? is there a proper way or a guide06:42
Teknical to show me how to set this up? I didnt have this problem in 9.10 it seemed to just work06:42
k00giezapctr: maybe you got to start x or gdm06:42
karma_policegrub loading... error: no suchpartition, grub rescue06:42
JetPackTuxedozen--, it failed. I guess I don't get an alarm clock tonight.06:42
apctrk00giez: yes;06:42
Loshki^paradox^: if you are risk averse, just stick to 8.04 for another month or two, by which time the upgrade path to 10.04 will have had most of the bugs worked out of it...06:42
zen--KeithGS: try right clicking on the flash object (im assuming its in browser) and there should be some settings to play with06:42
blacksunseventhanks greezmunkey, gogeta1 for the help06:42
k00giezapctr: login as root and say gdm06:42
zen--JetPackTuxedo: bah that sucks06:42
KeithGSzen-- flash10 + linux == broke, so I had to go to the settings manager, and "always allow"06:43
Fudgecould someone please help me in pm to restore my gnome loading, its a startx problem. imblind find hard to read back what ppl say in the channel since its busy.06:43
KeithGSIt shows in the previeew, the cam does work.06:43
KeithGSBut when it goes onto the chat06:43
KeithGSit doesn't work.06:43
karma_policeshould have stuck with mint06:43
KeithGSit shuts off.06:43
moetunescircuitman: you'll have to upgrade to 9.10 then again to 10.406:43
zen--JetPackTuxedo: you should flag down someone elses help :P have you tried ##linux?06:43
k00giezsay = type06:43
JetPackTuxedozen--, yeah. I'm having it run a dist-upgrade now. If that doesn't fix it I will have to track down my ATI drivers. O.o06:43
gogeta1KeithGS: enter isnt a , lucky you didnt trigger the bot06:43
zen--KeithGS: it deffinatly is06:43
circuitmanmoetunes: what's the best way to upgrade then06:43
^paradox^Loshki: thats an option, but what if it still sees my ppas as a problem?06:44
zipperbazhang u able to assist?06:44
JetPackTuxedozen--, nope. I'm not too worried. I can clean install if I need to. It's not terribly important06:44
=== eric is now known as Guest93215
zen--JetPackTuxedo: good f'ing luck with that. i had problems with there drivers way back when i was a windows user :P06:44
moetunescircuitman: for 10.4 you'll need to do an install or upgrade twice06:44
zen--JetPackTuxedo: that was a while ago though06:44
=== christian is now known as Guest62125
xjkxwasn't there before two versions, one long time supported and a normal one ? i see only lts now06:44
Apage43Have dual monitors (nvidia twinview), notifications always show up the second one, no matter where my cursor or the current window is06:44
orbarron|nbhey all quick ?? is there a way easy way to switch ubuntu to UNR ? but I also want to be able to switch back to ubuntu06:44
JetPackTuxedozen--, really? ATI usually works right off the bat in linux. I never had to install drivers for it.06:44
Guest62125If I installed the beta of 10.04, do I need to reinstall the final release?  Or will the update manager work?06:44
gogeta1moetunes: from lts to lts its one upgrade06:44
eightyeightanyone using the nouveau driver with compiz?06:44
Guest93215Need help, I'm trying to play a dvd but none of my video players work.06:44
zipperany1 able to assist me in gparted? unable to unmount06:45
moetunesgogeta1: hes on 9.0406:45
agronholmeightyeight, _o/06:45
nimrod10`circuitman |  !upgrade06:45
apctrk00giez: it showing an error message..error while loading shared libraries06:45
karma_police:( this sux.. i can't get past grub error after install06:45
circuitmanmoetunes: how to upgrade  using the 10.4 iso image06:45
Loshki^paradox^: in a couple of month's time, all the ppa providers will have had time to compile their stuff for 10.04...06:45
Teknicalive asked this question in #kubunto as im running kubuntu 10.04 but no response and this may not be related to kubuntu alone so,..... im feelin stupid (probably so) but I have kubuntu 10.04 installed on my raid .. all is good there. I also have a 120 gig IDE in the mix somewhere that I use for storage and virtualbox's.. however at the moment I have no permission to create or do anything on the drive really? is there a proper way or a guide06:45
Teknical to show me how to set this up? I didnt have this problem in 9.10 it seemed to just work06:45
eightyeightagronholm: any issues? what hardware?06:45
moetunescircuitman: afaik you can't miss the step of 9.1006:45
__danthemanTeknical: can you see the contents of the drive?06:45
EnoxEasy way to install from ISO to ThumbDrive so I can install on a Vaio? No way to burn a disk for either notebook06:45
Teknicalcannot create or modify06:46
=== Guest62125 is now known as Nooby-Doo
Lasiviancrap, I know what I did.. I delted the proftpd file in the init.d directory and it's not being reinstalled06:46
zen--JetPackTuxedo: im a strick nvidia user after my windows driver fiasco a while ago06:46
agronholmeightyeight, none so far, hardware is geforce 9400 or something06:46
gogeta1Teknical: may be mounted read only06:46
zen--JetPackTuxedo: glad to hear that you havnt had an issue06:46
Lasiviannow, how to fis it :S06:46
Kebap23morning everyone ^^ i just installed version 10 and my mouse cursor always goes to the center of a new window, where can i turn that off?06:46
nimrod10`!upgrade ! circuitman06:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:46
bazhangEnox, unetbootin06:46
agronholmeightyeight, what kind of trouble are you having06:46
Nooby-DooIf I installed the beta of 10.04, do I need to reinstall the final release?  Or will the update manager work?06:46
Teknicalive tried formating with ext2, 3 and 4 to no avail.. how do i change?06:46
^paradox^Loshki: well that does sound like the easier option. ok so how to tell what third party things the upgrade disabled and get them renabled?06:46
gogeta1Teknical: and if its ntfs probly is06:46
__danthemanyo might need to edit fstab06:46
xjkxwasn't there before two versions, one long time supported and a normal one ? i see only lts now06:46
k00giezapctr: what command?06:46
Teknicalits blank but still cannot use, can format however though nothing has worked06:47
gogeta1Teknical: yea mounted read only mount it as rw06:47
k00giezor startx?06:47
apctrk00giez: no gdm06:47
JetPackTuxedozen--, huh. My Nvidia in my lappy took forever to configure. I seem to have the opposite of most people's issues. Haha. Anywho, I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll be back tomorrow to see if I can get this fixed.06:47
LordDragonhey all. does ubuntu 10.04 require  more resources than 9.10? i only got a netbook here and want it to be as fast as i can get it. is it worth installing 10.04?06:47
Teknicalim a linux newb, may need to be more descript06:47
Kebap23xjkx: this normal one is the lts one06:47
ZykoticK9Guest93215, if they are commercial dvds see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/enable-dvd-video-playback06:47
__danthemanLordDragon: it ran great on my netbook when I had it on ther06:47
__danthemanw/ compiz06:47
gogeta1Teknical: well i dunno why its not auto mounting read only06:47
k00giezapctr: type killall gdm06:48
KeithGSAlright I'm back, can anyone give a answer to this question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146606506:48
ZykoticK9!final > Nooby-Doo06:48
ubottuNooby-Doo, please see my private message06:48
KeithGSmIRC+wine == still buggy.06:48
k00giezapctr: then type gdm as root!!!06:48
__danthemanKeithGS: why run mirc through wine?06:48
Teknicalsigh i had this drive ext4 in 9.10 and all i had to do was click it in dolphin and all was good06:48
Teknicalnot now06:48
__danthemantons of nice linux irc clients06:48
k00giezapctr: if that happens again you might wanna install gdm again06:48
circuitmanmoetunes:i have the iso image of 9.10 can i upgrade06:48
KeithGS_dantheman, I'm using irssi again :p06:48
^paradox^Jordan_U: what do you think of that idea? i mean id like a second opinion06:48
__danthemanme too, good choice06:48
KeithGSI just always loved mIRC scripting on windows.06:48
KeithGSso thats why I used it.06:48
gogeta1Teknical: it changed?06:49
__danthemancli > all :)06:49
gogeta1Teknical: i see no reasion a ex5 drive would not mount rw06:49
__danthemancommand line interface06:49
Teknicalduring the install process i redid partitions .. wish i wouldnt have06:49
Kebap23i just installed ubuntu 10 and my mouse cursor always goes to the center of a new window, where can i turn that off?06:49
apctrk00giez: didn't get u??06:49
moetunes!upgrade | circuitman see if this link helps06:49
KeithGSIt's nearly 1AM here, sorta tired.06:49
ubottucircuitman see if this link helps: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:49
__danthemanncurses, etc..06:49
blacksunsevengreezmunkey: installing the latest driver from realtek's website solved the problem, i believe06:49
Jordan_U^paradox^: Waiting a few months sounds like a good plan, and I would still ppa-purge before the upgrade.06:50
gogeta1Teknical: redoing the partation should make a diffrence06:50
Jordan_U^paradox^: Since the upgrade was aborted your ppa's were re-enabled.06:50
gogeta1Teknical: i mean should not06:50
k00giezapctr: what did you type in the first place after login in as root06:50
gogeta1Teknical: are other drives giving you the abilty to modofy06:50
Teknicalwell im not going to be happy to have to go back to 9.10 because of a storage drive06:51
^paradox^Jordan_U: i could do that. can ya tell me how to check to make sure they were?06:51
__danthemanzipper: are you installing?06:51
ZykoticK9!caps > zipper06:51
ubottuzipper, please see my private message06:51
apctrk00giez: First I type gdm...than i try with startx06:51
Teknicalno other drives in the system, just my raid config that kubu10.04 is on and a 120 ide storage06:51
switchgirlrhythmbox radio stations appears to be a text file06:51
jsharperarg. Basic Dell Latitude D820 .. single 100GB sata internal drive, blank (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda wiped) .. booted 4.10 64bit desktop cd .. gets past time screen and gets to Prepare Partitions (step 4/8) but there are no partitions listed and all the edit buttons are greyed out.  help?06:51
Jordan_U^paradox^: System > Administration > Software Sources06:51
Nooby-DooIf I am running 64 bit linux, and want to install something in wine, do i install the 64-bit version or 32 bit version of a windows program?06:51
__danthemansudo umount doesnt do anything?06:51
circuitmanmoetunes: how much time does it take to upgrade if i use dialup connection06:51
__dantheman32 bit06:51
ZykoticK9Nooby-Doo, 3206:51
gogeta1Teknical: no sd card or usb stick just to see06:51
k00giezapctr: try startx what happens?06:52
__dantheman64bit wine is still in development06:52
Teknicalcan check jump drive06:52
gogeta1Teknical: it may just be a permission error06:52
Jordan_Ucircuitman: update-manager will tell you (and you can cancle if you decide it's too long)06:52
__danthemanand i think it only runs 64bit programs right now06:52
moetunescircuitman: I've never used dialup mate- it would take ages I would think06:52
jsharperer booted 10.4 .. chose install06:52
circuitmanmoetunes:can i use the iso image to upgrade06:52
Teknicalcan modify jump drive06:52
apctrk00giez: It shows some statements and the last one is waiting for X server to shutdown droping master.06:53
^paradox^Jordan_U: these old gutsy partner ones, theyre to be left unticked?06:53
Teknicalall is fine on usb drive06:53
Nooby-Doothe install file is blocked for wine06:53
Jordan_U^paradox^: Yes.06:53
k00giezapctr: just reboot your ubuntu06:53
k00giezits much faster06:53
KeithGSSo can anyone tell me how I can get my webcam to work fully 100% with things like tinychat, chatroullete and stuff the thread is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146606506:53
gogeta1Teknical: check your fstab make shure rw is on that drive06:53
moetunescircuitman: not something I've ever looked into - afaik you can if it is the alternate iso - but I may be wrong06:53
Nooby-Doo"The file '/___.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.06:53
Nooby-DooHow do I enable it?06:54
bullgard4[Ubuntu 10.04 LTS] '~sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' has made to disappear my Kexi program! Synaptic shows it locked to Latest Version= Package Installer does not install koffice-libs: "Error: A later version is already installed." How to fix this?06:54
ZykoticK9Nooby-Doo, right click - properties - make executable06:54
zipper_server time out06:54
Guest16373circuitman: mount the alternate or DVD image and run "cdromupgrade" from it.  Unfortunately the main images don't include it -- I have no idea why not.06:54
zipper_need help in gparted06:54
zipper_unable to unmount06:54
FloodBot4zipper_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:54
zen--KeithGS: well the first step would be to get flash working :P06:54
hasenjwhen I run ubuntu from livecd, I can install wireless driver, but after I install it to disk, I can't install wireless driver06:55
zipper_need help in gparted unable to umount not using livecd!06:55
^paradox^Jordan_U: medibuntu is ticked, but not the one for source code06:55
hasenjwhy is that?06:55
KeithGSzen-- flash does work.06:55
hasenjhow can I work around it?06:55
Nooby-DooZykotick9 thanks!06:55
zen--KeithGS: i feel your pain, a long time ago (i forgot the process) but i was able to get my webcam workign with stickam and tinychat06:55
zen--KeithGS: ooo06:55
KeithGS64 bit natively.06:55
circuitmanGuest16373: i have the iso image of the OS and not the alternate cd/dvd06:55
KeithGSI've also followed several threads.06:55
zen--KeithGS: let me see if i can refresh my memory06:55
KeithGSgot video permissioned to my username.06:55
apctrk00giez: again it start with terminal mode06:55
=== zipper_ is now known as zipper
KeithGSzen-- the little "broadcast preview" on tinychat I see myself, but when I enter the room with my cam, the cam shuts off.06:56
Guest16373circuitman, I'm not sure why cdromupgrade is only included in some of the images.  Seems incredibly stupid to me, but I'm not a release packager.06:56
karma_policemaybe one day i will learnhow to properly partition06:56
k00giezapctr: what errors do you see06:56
zen--KeithGS: did you setup your video device? /dev/video0 etc...06:56
jsharperbah. the 10.04 installer can't handle a totally blank hdd?  once I add a blank mbr partition table it offers to let me prepare the disk06:56
KeithGSzen-- skype; webcam studio and everything shows me perfectly.06:56
Jordan_U^paradox^: That's fine, you'll never use the source repository (or if you ever do, you'll know you need it)06:56
apctrk00giez: it show no error but it start with terminal mode.06:56
Guest16373circuitman, so if all you have is one of the main images, you end up having to download all the packages, again.  It's dumb.06:56
^paradox^Jordan_U: wis id written these down now lol06:57
_Techie_my Creative SoundBlaster 5.1VX isnt working, only noise is outputted when any sound is played06:57
zen--KeithGS: did you give the site permission to use your cam? i remember doing somethign with this page http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html06:57
KeithGSyes it has permissions.06:57
KeithGSor I wouldn't beable to go on tinychat with mic.06:57
KeithGSmic works fine, webcam doesn't.06:57
circuitmanGuest16373: i want to retain my existing packages even if i upgrade06:57
zen--KeithGS: thats weird you said the video prevew works as well right?06:58
Loshki^paradox^: great question. I dunno if there's any way to foretell absolutely *all* things an upgrade can affect, but in general, I would expect them to leave ppas alone? If you're really serious about finding out whether you can live with 10.04 or not is to trial run it somewhere....06:58
Guest16373circuitman, upgrades (as opposed to installs) will do that06:59
zen--KeithGS: maybe that actual flash applet is using a different domain?06:59
se5a-nixok this is getting really anoying, how do I stop it requesting me to re-log in after I've been afk for a while?06:59
zen--KeithGS: other than that i have no idea06:59
k00giezapctr: i dont know if X is installed properly in your computer, if you have proper display drivers installed or if gdm is installed correctly or not06:59
zen--KeithGS: dotn give up though sounds like your close to solving your problem06:59
alias301jhbuild takes forever to start downloading in 10.0406:59
KeithGSnow Skype isn't showing webcam, hmm.07:00
alias301anyone have a fix/idea??07:00
apctrk00giez: how could I check it is installed properly or not07:00
^paradox^Loshki: yes i suppose so. im not sure if unsupported updates was ticked or not07:00
Loshkise5a-nix: check out the screensaver settings. Somewhere in preferences? I forget, sorry...07:00
zen--KeithGS: there really isnt much ubuntu or linux can do about retarded shit like that, its all the manufactures shit07:00
zen--KeithGS: need to start writing drivers for linux so there cam can work out of the box07:01
lamsprayhey...is it possible to swtich from gnome desktop to netbook remix if i download desktop edition? cuz i want to try both on my notebook07:01
Loshki^paradox^: so you already upgraded? There should be a complete log of everything that happened, somewhere, if that helps...07:01
KeithGSthe cam worked out of the box :P07:01
ZykoticK9!language | zen--07:01
ubottuzen--: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:01
zen--ubottu: sorry07:01
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/07:01
^paradox^Loshki: no i havent upgraded yet07:01
se5a-nixthanks Loshki that may be what I'm after07:02
k00giezapctr: oh that i cant remember its dpkg something07:02
LordDragonhow do you do a screen capture in ubuntu?07:02
lamsprayso? possible to test both edition desktop and netbook from ubuntu desktop remix edition?07:02
killaz_hi how do i upgrade grub ?07:02
Loshkise5a-nix: poke around, it's in there somewhere :-)07:02
lamspraykillaz_, sudo apt-get install grub07:02
^paradox^Loshki: im just trying to figure out what third party sources the upgrade disabled before it failed07:02
zen--LordDragon: as in screenshot? or video07:02
se5a-nixyeah, had been poking around, I just must have glassed over the screensaver bit07:02
LordDragonzen--, screenshot07:02
killaz_is it dangerous to upgrade my grub on a dual boot ?07:03
apctrk00giez: Any solution for this??if ctrl+alt+function key are not working07:03
zipperneed help in gparted unable to unmount not using livecd07:03
lamsprayso? possible to test both edition desktop and netbook from ubuntu desktop remix edition?07:03
lamsprayso? possible to test both edition desktop and netbook from ubuntu desktop remix edition?07:03
lamsprayso? possible to test both edition desktop and netbook from ubuntu desktop remix edition?07:03
FloodBot4lamspray: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
Loshki^paradox^: well, as I say, there should be a log, even (especially!) if an upgrade failed...07:03
k00giezapctr: thats all i know how to fix07:03
k00giez it07:03
zen--LordDragon: just push your print screen key, or go to applications > accessorys > take screenshot07:03
zipperneed help in gparted unable to unmount not using livecd07:03
^paradox^Loshki: where would i look for it?07:03
Flynsarmyhow do you remove hte breadcrumbs in nautilus and replace with text?07:04
Fudgewill gnome start if gnome-sessions isnt there?07:04
zen--zipper: probably because the disk is already mounted?07:04
apctrk00giez: thnks07:04
randalHow do i change the GDM theme for ubuntu i have 10.0407:04
zen--zipper: you cant or should i say you shouldnt partition a disk that is already mounted IE the disk your using07:04
zipperzen--: so how?07:04
moetuneszipper: tried closing gparted and then unmounting the partition?07:04
bullgard4[Ubuntu 10.04 LTS] '~sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' has made to disappear my Kexi program! Synaptic shows it locked to Latest Version= Package Installer does not install koffice-libs: "Error: A later version is already installed." How to fix this?07:04
k00giezapctr: sorry man i tried07:05
zippermoetunes: how do i even do that sorry i need some assistance in this07:05
randalzipper,  What i do is use a live cd of gparted works great07:05
zen--zipper: im with randal as well07:05
zipperrandal: no idea how07:05
apctrI press some key and I come to the terminal mode of ubuntu...How to get back to GUI mode or go to gnome-desktop screen?07:05
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d607:05
moetuneszipper: close gparted - at terminal type   sudo umount -v /path/to/mount   - open gparted07:06
randalzipper, http://sourceforge.net/projects/gparted/files/gparted-live-stable/07:06
Loshki^paradox^: poke around in /var/log. All sorts of stuff in there...07:06
__danthemanacura: I usually type sudo killall Xorg07:06
__danthemanrestarts gdm07:06
randalzipper, burn that to disk or usb and you can resize your hardrive07:06
^paradox^Loshki: ok let me have a look07:06
moetuneszipper: I think gparted has a menu entry to unmount the partition07:06
zen--apctr: hit your ctrl + alt + f7 (those are keys :))07:06
rbutlerHey folks, how can I capture the names and values of a browser post method07:07
rbutlerIs there any tool?07:07
apctrzen--: I tried all the Ctrl+alt+function keys..07:07
randalHow do i change my login screen for ubuntu 10.0407:07
zen--apctr: did you boot into the console? or did you switch from the gui to the console07:07
zippermoetunes are we able to talk in pm?07:08
zen--apctr: whats the output of who -a07:08
moetuneszipper: sure07:08
robertzaccouris internet connection disconnecting a bug problem?07:08
apctrzen--: I 'm switched from gui to console..07:08
robertzaccourmine seems to be in and out a lot today but the modem lights look fine07:09
zippermoetunes: i can't really double click on u able to start e conversation 1st?07:09
randalhow do i change my login screen or is that even posible with ubuntu07:09
ZykoticK9apctr, ctrl+alt+f7 maybe?07:09
MeekoI installed ubuntu using the alternate-cd, but now I have no desktop. How do I get it started?07:09
moetuneszipper: sorry I turned pm's off - you'll have to keep to this channel07:09
apctrZykoticK9: its not working.07:09
GlacerCan I change login window theme?07:10
zen--apctr: if you cant find your way back you can always restart gdm, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:10
Glaceror background07:10
^paradox^Loshki: in /var/log i see dist-upgrade07:10
zippermoetunes: i am unable to do that command u asked me to07:10
ZykoticK9apctr, zen-- the karmic/lucid way would be "sudo service gdm start" but the old way should work too ;)07:10
moetuneszipper: do you not have adnin access?07:10
Loshki^paradox^: sounds promising. Have a look thru it. If ot07:10
zippermoetunes: yes i have07:10
__danthemanzipper: try sudo killall Xorg07:10
moetuneszipper: does it give an error?07:11
zippermoetunes: it says umount not found07:11
zen--ZykoticK9: doh, why was it changed? :P07:11
Loshki^paradox^: if it's the log, any uninstalls/installs should be listed. Also, check /var/lib/dpkg/status07:11
zippermoetunes: Command for unmount not found07:11
^paradox^Loshki: theres a a folder with todays date on it and apt.log, main.log, term.log07:11
__danthemaner... wrong person07:11
ZykoticK9zen--, upstart replaced init07:11
moetuneszipper: which ubuntu r u using?07:11
IdleOnezen--: also more human readable command07:12
Loshki^paradox^: sounds right. Particularly apt.log should have all installs/uninstalls I'd have thought...07:12
zen--ZykoticK9: i'll have to wiki it07:12
gogeta1zipper: another persion not finding mount connands man what did they brake now07:12
zen--IdleOne: makes sense07:12
moetunes!tab | zipper07:12
ubottuzipper: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:12
zippermoetunes: lucid07:12
moetuneszipper: try   sudo /sbin/umount -v /path/to/mount07:13
zen--man ubottu is a pretty cool bot07:13
apctrzen--: after restarting the service??07:13
plutonium45Hi, I was upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and it failed..now only terminal appears..GUI is gone //07:13
plutonium45please help07:13
zen--apctr try the ctrl + alt + f7 again07:13
zippermoetunes: command not found07:14
zen--apctr: i think it should of dumped you to the login screen07:14
^paradox^Loshki: dang lol thats a lot to look thru07:14
plutonium45Hi, I was upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and it failed..now only terminal appears..GUI is gone ..dpkg is also giving errors07:14
savage_arrowEPIC FAIL07:14
moetuneszipper: are you typing umount or unmount - there is no unmount07:14
gogeta1zen--: they new command to play with gdm is sudo service gdm start/stop/restart killall dont work anymore07:14
zipperand umount07:15
zipperboth unknown commands07:15
Loshki^paradox^: well, this was a major upgrade. How about the other way round? Do you have a list of ppas you're particularly concerned about?07:15
rosenthhi. how to upgrade Sqlite6.3.16 to Sqlite 6.3.22 in karmic?07:15
__danthemanzipper: does umount give any output at all?07:15
zipper__dantheman: nope nothing at all07:15
apctrzen--: It is in the terminal mode again..07:15
gogeta1zipper: you doing sudo07:15
plutonium45can some one please help :(07:15
__danthemantry sudo find / -name umount07:15
ZykoticK9zipper, umount is /bin/umount07:15
zippergogeta1: yea07:15
moetuneszipper: I'm not using lucid so I don't know what else to suggest sorry07:16
savage_arrowHello, I wonce drew a picture when I was 15 and my mother put it up on the refrigerator07:16
zippermoetunes: alright thanks07:16
sebsebseb!patience | plutonium4507:16
ubottuplutonium45: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:16
zipperkinda confuse here07:16
sebsebsebplutonium45: might have to clean install07:16
=== AnxiousNutAtUni is now known as AnxiousNut_
__danthemanplutonium45: sounds like you need a fresh install07:16
=== AnxiousNut_ is now known as Anxi
plutonium45there is one deb package of some TTF font..its giving errors07:16
=== Anxi is now known as Anxious
moetuneszipper: _dantheman> try sudo find / -name umount  is a good idea07:16
savage_arrowyour mother needs a fresh install07:16
zen--plutonium45: im sure someone will eventually07:16
=== PHANTOM is now known as Guest42828
Deckard_and some coffe07:17
__danthemanbut, you can probably chroot into the old install and get whatever you need from it07:17
gogeta1savage_arrow: good way to get no help07:17
Loshkiplutonium45: if you're willing to do a clean install, you have nothing to lose by experimenting a bit with the release you've got. Unless you don't want to waste the time...07:17
ZykoticK9moetunes, zipper __dantheman actually "locate umount" is MUCH faster07:17
__danthemanmoetunes: ya, i doubt very seriously that umountjust vanished07:17
zipper__dantheman: /usr/lib/klibc/bin/umount07:17
^paradox^Loshki: well i had pidgin setup to update the messenger, transmission was set to update, i had a game eternal lands which was setup with ppa. those are all in the list and ticked07:17
__danthemansudo /usr/lib/klibc/bin/umount /dev/whatever07:18
sebsebsebplutonium45: have you tried turning computer off since that?   also this might help sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:18
moetuneszipper: you have to stop calling it unmount - it is umount07:18
Ramb0Im trying to upgrade ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04, doing with the alternate cd.. But it uses the internet connnection :S is there any way to upgrade it without using my internet connection?07:18
savage_arrowBrining down the Great Firewall of china. Who wants in?07:18
gogeta1__dantheman: i dunno someone else had a issue of his ext4 drive mounting ro and no umount command07:18
sebsebseb!ot | savage_arrow07:18
ubottusavage_arrow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:18
^paradox^Loshki: im not sure about unsupported updates07:18
gogeta1__dantheman: wtf they change now in lucid07:18
__danthemangogeta1: was it an upgrade?07:18
sebsebseb!language | gogeta107:18
ubottugogeta1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:18
gogeta1__dantheman: they relly gotta stop changing the base commands07:19
Loshki^paradox^: well, you can grep the log for those apps. Do they work?07:19
gogeta1__dantheman: clean install07:19
savage_arrow!ot | sebsebseb07:19
ubottusebsebseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:19
Ramb0>.< can anyone help me?07:19
zipper__dantheman:  hey this is what i get from terminal07:19
sebsebseb!troll | savage_arrow07:19
ubottusavage_arrow: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel07:19
zipper__dantheman: umount: /host: device is busy.         (In some cases useful info about processes that use          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))07:19
savage_arrowyour mother is a troll07:19
plutonium45I started the update manager from gnome and started the distro upgrade..it gave an error and asked to reboot..now gui is gone..and even apt-get update and apt-get upgrade  and even apt-get dist-upgrade is not working..07:20
zen--burn him at the stake07:20
ZykoticK9savage_arrow, do you have an Ubuntu support question?07:20
gogeta1Flannel: look a victom for you07:20
IdleOne!guilelines > savage_arrow07:20
IdleOne!guidelines > savage_arrow07:20
ubottusavage_arrow, please see my private message07:20
zen--plutonium45: have you tried apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:20
__danthemanplutonium45: can you start X with startx?07:20
zipper__dantheman: any idea how?07:20
^paradox^Loshki: pidgins up right now. transmission comes up. gotta check eternal lands07:20
Loshkisavage_arrow: zen--: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic and keep this channel for support, ok?07:20
plutonium45I tried sudo gdm start07:20
Ramb0Im trying to upgrade ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04, doing with the alternate cd.. But it uses the internet connnection :S is there any way to upgrade it without using my internet connection?07:21
zen--Loshki: i'll stop ^^07:21
plutonium45it askes that there is dependency problem with firefox07:21
Loshki^paradox^: so was there a particular problem you wanted to address?07:21
__danthemanplutonium45: try startx07:21
ZykoticK9plutonium45, "sudo service gdm start"07:21
Loshkizen--: thank you07:21
__danthemansee what the output of that is07:21
plutonium45@zen..I will trey apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:21
tacomani tried to disable my buttons on my touchpad but i cannot figure out how to do it07:21
zen--plutonium45: good luck07:21
aqeelNeed help for enabling Ubuntu 10 Visual effects... it was working on 907:21
plutonium45gdm is not starting..I alredy tried as root07:21
plutonium45by using sudo su07:21
Ramb0Im trying to upgrade ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04, doing with the alternate cd.. But it uses the internet connnection :S is there any way to upgrade it without using my internet connection?07:22
gogeta1tacoman: i dont think you can you can disable tapping07:22
ZykoticK9plutonium45, don't use "sudo su" not a good idea07:22
sebsebsebRamb0: not easilly07:22
^paradox^Loshki: hmmm i guess not. i do believe Jordan_U said if the upgrade was aborted the disabling of third party sources would be undone?07:22
plutonium45then how can I become root user ?07:22
ZykoticK9plutonium45, "sudo -i"07:22
gogeta1tacoman: pretty mutch the same as asking to disable the buttions on your mouse07:22
gogeta1plutonium45: sudo07:23
tacomangogetal but if im not mistaken most netbooks dont have left and right buttons on their touchpads ?07:23
plutonium45does using sudo -i makes me root even in gui mode ?07:23
Loshki^paradox^: Sorry, I have no idea. I always fresh-install...07:23
plutonium45or only in terminal07:23
rumpsyHey moring guys :)07:23
ZykoticK9plutonium45, use gksudo for gui apps!  VERY important.07:23
LogicalDashtacoman, the mouse configurator in my computer lets me turn off tap-to-click07:23
rumpsyWoW , 1581 users here07:23
aqeelNeed help in enabling Ubuntu 10 Visual effects... it was working on 907:23
sebsebsebrumpsy: Yes Good Morning07:23
sunk8mornin' rumpsy, whr art thou?07:23
Ramb0sebsebseb: in ubuntu's page it says that it is intended for people without internet connection.. I have something similar.. The mirror from wich the packages are downloaded goes like.. 10kBps >.< so I have to wait for about 2 days to finish the upgrade..07:23
rumpsysebsebseb: :)07:23
gogeta1tacoman: most have buttions its just a solid single one that acts as both07:23
sunk8aqueel what's the issue?07:23
sebsebsebrumpsy: well about four bots as part of that number as well07:24
plutonium45@ZykoticK9: thanks07:24
aqeelvisual effects was working in ubuntu 907:24
gogeta1tacoman: the only laptop without tuchpad buttions is the new macbook07:24
rumpsysebsebseb: yes yes i agree07:24
__danthemanaqeel: what video card07:24
aqeelbut now it says no drivers available for video driver or something like that07:24
rumpsyi want a auto start lammp server,07:24
tacomanlogicaldash my left and right buttons are broken, having them enabled makes my mouse spazz out. on windows i had to disable my buttons and set parts of the touchpad as left and right click.. ive been looking all day and i dont think its possible, is it?07:24
plutonium45but is there any way to over come the dpkg error for a TTF font07:24
^paradox^Loshki: ok hang on a sec07:24
aqeeli think i have a ATI Radion07:24
sunk8aqeel, which graphics card do u use?07:25
Ramb0sebsebseb: in ubuntu's page it says that it is intended for people without internet connection.. I have something similar.. The mirror from wich the packages are downloaded goes like.. 10kBps >.< so I have to wait for about 2 days to finish the upgrade..07:25
aqeelhow can i check in my ubuntu07:25
rumpsyi want to auto start lammp server, so that i added a line to rc.local, but its not working07:25
__danthemanyou need either the open source ati or fglrx driver07:25
sebsebsebRamb0: getting stuff for Lucid will be slow at the moment from repo's and that07:25
rumpsyany suggestion07:25
sebsebsebRamb0: since the amount of people doing it07:25
ZykoticK9aqeel, to check your gfx card - lspci | grep -i vga07:25
rumpsysebsebseb: ^^07:25
sebsebsebrumpsy: yes?07:25
sunk8aqeel have u installed all the latest upates?07:25
Loshkirumpsy: what *exactly* did you add to rc.local?07:25
aqeellet me do it real quick ,thanks07:25
__danthemanaqeel: type lsmod | grep radeon07:25
gogeta1tacoman: unlike tapping on the bad those buttions are hardware thats why i said its just like asking to disable your mouse buttions07:26
aqeelhere it is07:26
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:26
__danthemanand if nothing shows up tye lsmod | grep fglrx07:26
aqeelATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300]07:26
rumpsyLoshki: /opt/lampp/lampp start just above to last line exit 007:26
rumpsysebsebseb: ^^07:26
plutonium45why dont use try adding apache startup file in /etc/rc.local07:26
__danthemani dont think that fglrx supports that07:26
tacomangogetal but that is not possible is it ?07:26
gogeta1tacoman: check those links maybe07:27
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:27
aqeel:( everything was working fine in ubuntu 9.1007:27
Loshkirumpsy: and if you type that at the command line, it works with no errors?07:27
plutonium45any one please tell me a way to bypass dpkg errors while updating07:27
rumpsyLoshki: yes07:27
DingGGuStarCraft II is only for Adult Game in Korea07:27
lucas-argfor some reason when i translate ubuntu to spanish i cant use synaptic, only works in english, is it a bug?07:27
sunk8aqeel, everything will work fine in 10.04 too if u have the latest updates.07:27
pepper_hazedoes anyone know how to get a radio list for banshee?07:27
rumpsyso, is there anyplace other than rc.local07:28
aqeeli have upgraded it today07:28
Loshkirumpsy: are you sure your rc.local file is getting executed?07:28
aqeeljust few hours ago07:28
lucas-argpepper_haze: i use exaile for that07:28
__danthemanaqeel: type lsmod | grep fglrx07:28
lucas-argfor some reason when i translate ubuntu to spanish i cant use synaptic, only works in english, is it a bug? no one complained about this?07:28
rumpsyLoshki: how to check that?07:28
sunk8does anything show under System >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers?07:28
__danthemanto see if your running fglrx07:28
Ramb0sebsebseb: its not that problem.. The problem is with the repo it uses.. I can hardly do any upgrades to my packages because of this.. I used another repo (the one from my university) wich goes pretty fast.. But I can't choose to download the packages for lucid from that repo while upgrading.. So, i've downloaded the alternate cd to upgrade my system using that.. it says "Use this method if the system being upgraded is not connected to the internet", but wh07:28
Ramb0en the upgrade is getting the packages there are some packages that seem to be corrupted, so it tries to download from the Internet.. and then it download all the subsequents..07:28
Loshkirumpsy: it's executable, right? ls -l /etc/rc.local07:28
sunk8aqeel, does anything show under System >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers?07:29
sebsebsebRamb0: ok I am not sure how to help you07:29
^paradox^Loshki; ok i was just exiting eternal lands after a test07:29
gogeta1Ramb0: you can also use sysanptic to scan out a faster mirror for a lucid upgrade07:29
sebsebsebRamb0: altough07:29
Loshki^paradox^: Sounds like everything's working, then?07:29
sebsebsebRamb0: there may be issues now with nearly all mirrors, since the amount of people getting Lucid07:29
rumpsyLoshki: how to check that its executed, and i know that its a executable file07:29
gogeta1Ramb0: then run the update manager07:29
selig5Is an updated Lucid Lynx beta 1 the same as the final release, or do I need to reinstall?07:29
aqeelsunk8 nothing shows up on that07:29
bullgard4lucas-arg: Synaptic is no tool to translate Ubuntu to Spanish.07:30
__danthemanaqeel: I'm pretty sure that fglrx doesn't support the x30007:30
sebsebsebselig5:  depends07:30
^paradox^Loshki: so far. do u think the upgrade wouldve messed with java?07:30
plutonium45hi, does startx require root permissions ?07:30
sunk8aqeel, check if you have 'xserver-xorg-video-radeon' package installed.07:30
lucas-argbullgard4: i know, it gives an error if i try to use it when the system language is in spanish07:30
sebsebsebselig5: if you  upgrade the usaul way like you would for security updates, you will have all the updates, but they may not have installed properly giving you all the features07:30
Ramb0sebsebseb: thanks for the help anyways.. And about the mirrors.. It could be, but the connection from where I want to download its from my university, and from here is pretty fast :p07:30
aqeelubuntu 9 was working perfectly07:30
Loshkirumpsy: add echo "about to start script" >> /tmp/log.file. Add a line at the beginning and another at the end of the script07:30
gogeta1selig5: as long as you stayed up2date your on finel now07:30
aqeeli was able to use visual effects07:30
selig5sebsebseb: hmm07:30
rbutlerHey guys, does someone know where the volume control on 10.04 is? I had always one on the pane;07:31
rbutlerpanel I mean07:31
IdleOne!info lyx07:31
ubottulyx (source: lyx): Document Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.5-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 3112 kB, installed size 7996 kB07:31
__danthemanati dropped support for the x300 after catalyst 9.307:31
neonfreonI have a static IP address for my NIC, but everytime I reboot i lose my /etc/resolv.conf settings.  How do I go about addressing that07:31
rumpsyLoshki: i can't understand07:31
aqeelcheck this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146043707:31
gogeta1rbutler: top right07:31
Xgatesanyone using LXDE?07:31
Ramb0gogeta1: wow, can i do that? i've edited my config.list manually.. Can you tell me how to look for fast mirrors to upgrade?07:31
sunk8aqeel, check if you have 'xserver-xorg-video-radeon' package installed. Try reinstalling the same.07:31
selig5gogeta1: thx07:31
sebsebseb!beta | selig507:31
ubottuselig5: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.07:31
bullgard4lucas-arg: This is a different statement of yours. Try to find this error in Launchpad. If you don't find it there, please open a new error report there.07:31
Loshki^paradox^: Anything's possible, but chances are it all 'just works'...07:31
aqeelok @sunk807:31
aqeelsunk8: check this out http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=10022007:31
Loshkirumpsy: add this line to your /etc/rc.local: echo "about to start script" >> /tmp/log.file07:32
sebsebsebselig5: that factoid doesn't say that, but what I am saying is from  expereince of testing older versions of Ubuntu like that07:32
ae0000hello, is there a way of finding out (online) what options packages have been compiled with in ubuntu?07:32
gogeta1Ramb0: in sysanptic go to repos on the first page you should see ubuntu main. slect other then hit next and hit slect best it should start scanning for the fastest mirror07:32
dominicdinada!lucid bugs07:32
^paradox^Loshki: ok brb07:32
sebsebsebselig5: upgrading them from alpha/beta07:32
selig5sebsebseb: ok, thanks for the info...07:32
rumpsyi check it, and i will be back , Loshki07:32
Loshkirumpsy: then reboot, and look and see if there's text in /tmp/log.file07:32
rbutlerSomeone else missing the volume control in 10.04?07:32
ae0000for example if nginx has been compiled with the mail module.. etc.07:32
aqeellet me try reinstalling 'xserver-xorg-video-radeon'07:33
sebsebsebRamb0: good luck07:33
sebsebsebselig5: np07:33
vivek_Hey, guys where do I find the MD5SUM of the Lucid?07:33
sebsebseb!md5sum | vivek_07:33
ubottuvivek_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:33
Loshkirbutler: what happens if you open a terminal and type gnome-volume-control ?07:33
sebsebsebvivek_: you can also sha1sum and sha2sum or whatever it is07:33
ChinaForgeHello,I install Ubuntu 10.04,but VirtualBox can't access USB device.Error message:The USB Proxy Service could not be started, because neither the USB file system (usbfs) nor the hardware information service (hal) is available.07:34
beyondcrplease check out this idea http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24636/07:34
sebsebsebChinaForge: you need to set up USB support in Virtualbox probably07:34
vivek_sebsebseb: Thanks but I actually wanted to know where is the original md5 hash of lucid with which i can compare my md5 hash07:34
aqeelreinstalled 'xserver-xorg-video-radeon', but no change... still getting error: Desktop effects count not be enabled07:34
featherofmaati didn't actually mean to log into this channel but while here i must say that i am very happy with lucid netbook remix :D07:34
ChinaForgesebsebseb:How to do?07:34
__danthemanChinaForge: usb support wont work with the virtualbox-ose available through apt07:34
frybyeany tips on getting Creative Labs [SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio] CA0110-IBG to work with lucid?07:35
sebsebsebvivek_: in the list of files here http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.0407:35
rbutlerHi Loshki: Yes, I can access volume control on this way. But I'm used to the volume control symbol on the panel07:35
rbutlerLoshki: To access the volume control slider07:35
rbutlerLoshki: cannot find it07:35
plutonium45YAY !!!07:35
plutonium45startx worked07:35
sunk8aqeel, try the Ubuntu Forums. We'll know if any1 ese has a similar issue. Might be that card specific.07:35
__danthemanplutonium45: didn't i say that like 20 minutes ago07:36
Loshkirbutler: sorry, I don't run gnome. Someone else will have to answer....07:36
sebsebsebChinaForge: on the ubuntu wki help page, there's a page about setting up USB support in Virtualbox,  but I don't know if it has been upgraded for 10.04 yet07:36
sebsebsebChinaForge: also can't just give you the link07:36
aqeeli have now few updates available, let me try installing them07:36
aqeelthanks sunk807:36
=== aperson is now known as darkhazard
plutonium45on ubuntu 10.04 now :D but its as root..and xchat gave me warning that its stupid to login as root07:36
vivek_sebsebseb: thanks buddy07:36
plutonium45in irc07:36
mozaHi, i would like to update from 8.04 LTS to the new 10.04 LTS, but the update manager doesn't tell me that there is an upgrade available. Should i wait or should i download an image and do it with a cd?07:36
bullgard4frybye: I believe that you have not put a smart question here. You better report what error messages you obtained and how to get rid of them.07:36
sebsebsebvivek_: np07:36
gogeta1plutonium45: yep07:36
plutonium45how can I auto start xscreen07:37
azlonwhen i do cat /proc/mdstat i get this: md0 : inactive sdf1[5](S) sda1[0](S) sdh1[7](S) sdg1[6](S) sde1[4](S) sdc1[3](S) sdd1[2](S) sdb1[1](S)  ... what does the (S) mean?07:37
sebsebsebmoza: other people have been having this issue as well07:37
^paradox^Jordan_U: did u say that if the upgrade aborted on its own any disabled ppas third party stuff would be renabled?07:37
__danthemanmoza: did you try sudo update-manager -d07:37
gogeta1plutonium45: install gdm07:37
sebsebsebmoza: also 8.04 is better in certain ways07:37
archayldid lucid support mp3 out of the box?07:37
Jordan_U^paradox^: Yes.07:37
Loshkiplutonium45: it's considered a security weakness to run irc as root...07:37
sebsebsebarchayl: no07:37
mozaThank you sebsebseb, i guess i can wait for some time then.07:37
plutonium45ttf-sil-gentium is the font..which has bugged me07:37
moza__dantheman, i'll try that, but i don't want to do stupid things with sudo ;)07:37
frybyebullgard4: no error messages - just no sound... but forget it - i am giving up on lucid .. bye now...07:37
plutonium45how can I remove it ?07:38
archaylsebsebseb: i played mp3 for 1st time without it even prompt me to download the codec07:38
__danthemanmoza: it wont do anything but open update manager and check for new os releases07:38
shledHas anybody got the sis671 drivers for 10.04 from Barros Lee?07:38
archaylsebsebseb: am i missing something here?07:38
^paradox^Jordan_U: great then i can just give it a couple of months and try again? how long would u give it?07:38
sebsebsebarchayl: if you had MP3 support in Karmic and then upgraded, you will also have it in Lucid07:38
moza__dantheman, thanks, it does make the little button "upgrade available" appear :)07:39
archaylsebsebseb: it's a fresh install07:39
__danthemanso, that worked?07:39
mozayes :)07:39
sebsebsebarchayl: I don't know then, but there shoudn't have been any by default as far as I know07:39
Jordan_U^paradox^: Maybe shortly after 10.04.107:39
archaylsebsebseb: yeah. that's what bugging me07:39
AlaskaHi all07:39
k00giezwhere can i get ubuntu 64 bit07:40
__danthemanfrom the website07:40
Loshkibullgard4: may I pm you?07:40
sebsebsebarchayl: maybe they have the rights now, and put it in since the music store07:40
k00giezits only 32 bit07:40
__danthemanunder the big green button07:40
plutonium45http://paste.ubuntu.com/425043/ please tell me how to fix this07:40
^paradox^Jordan_U: ok but what would the be? im not looking for exact figures ;-). about three months?07:40
aqeelsee alternative option07:40
sebsebsebarchayl: however  in that case, the release notes stuff should mention that07:40
bullgard4Loshki: Yes.07:40
__danthemanAlternativ download options07:40
ValerinI know it was an issue just before release, but grub is giving me an error. "out of disk" with only one HDD installed. Solutions?07:40
denis12345Just to confirm. On a Core i5 machine would the correct link to downloading 64bit ubuntu be the: 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD one?07:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:41
__danthemank00giez: click Alternative download options07:41
moza__dantheman, it works, but i'll wait for now, because i don't want to update in a rush, and it does make the button appear, but only in the instance of the update manager launched (not when i open again the normal-non-sudo one).07:41
archaylsebsebseb: that makes sense, i'll try to do more research on this. How about from your side?07:41
__danthemanmoza: probably a good idea07:41
sebsebsebarchayl: I guess find someone else with a clean install and MP3's, and find out if they also have support by default, or something07:41
Alaskaok  lost07:41
rjcroyDenis: you want the i386 one for Core i507:41
gogeta1sebsebseb: not for mp3 but its pretty simple07:41
sebsebsebarchayl: got a RC in vm.  got final downloaded in ISO also for a vm.  running another distro as my host :)07:41
odyiAnyone else been having dhclient causing shutdowns to stall?07:42
hemanthany facing an issue with mouse not working in flash apps?07:42
kblinhi folks07:42
sebsebsebarchayl: other computer runs Karmic not upgraded to Lucid yet, I plan to do it tommorow07:42
sebsebsebgogeta1: right, but07:42
sebsebsebgogeta1: indeed, but07:42
roarkI have ubuntu 10 04 beta release on my comp.. how do i update it to stable release which is released today07:42
gogeta1sebsebseb: try to play a mp3 and it will ask to download the supported libs07:42
quiescensno, a core i5 is 64bit and uses the amd64 instruction set07:42
sebsebsebgogeta1: yes I know, but07:42
denis12345rjcroy: where can I find that?07:42
aqeelUbuntu 10 startup takes more time than Ubuntu 9.1007:42
aqeelam i right07:42
sebsebsebgogeta1: archayl   said they had MP3 support on a clean install07:42
Jordan_U^paradox^: 8.04.1 came out on July 3'rd07:42
plutonium45thanks to all members in irc..I finally got into 10.04 inspite of many errors...this is cool :D07:42
denis12345rjcroy: I checked on website, but it doesn't seem to change the download even if I select 64bit07:42
rjcroyroark: if you update today, the updates will be the stable release versions07:42
gogeta1sebsebseb: they never wil have out of the box mp4 being its not oss07:43
kblinis there any way to configure the notification applet in the task bar to use a different email app than evolution? I'm not particularly fond of evolution07:43
archaylsebsebseb: update me on your results later07:43
roarkrjcroy: using update-manager -d ?07:43
sebsebsebgogeta1: well the MP3 patents are running out soon I belive07:43
Alaskaok a nuke went of here!07:43
gogeta1sebsebseb: then maybe then07:43
^paradox^Jordan_U: ah ok. well i can check on it too07:43
sebsebsebgogeta1: also Ubuntu isn't only freesoftware/opensource by default07:43
__danthemanogg is way better anyways07:43
krixhi there07:43
AlaskaAk users07:43
roarkrjcroy: my wireless stopped working all of a sudden... I hope updates will correct it07:43
sebsebsebgogeta1: sudo apt-get install vrms and find out what non free software, you have installed in Ubuntu, from the repo's, by the way07:44
gogeta1sebsebseb: it is but they include them as addons in the repos07:44
=== lanh_ is now known as Airi
voxanyone else have broken samba shares since upgrading to lucid?07:44
sebsebsebgogeta1: it is to what?07:44
AlaskaHe he MINT!07:44
rjcroyroark: yes I think so. Looks good to ne07:44
gogeta1sebsebseb: all oss on install07:44
sebsebsebgogeta1: no it isn't07:44
sebsebsebgogeta1: use the program I just suggested07:44
sebsebseb!freedom | gogeta107:44
ubottugogeta1: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing07:44
rjcroyor your could do sudo apt-get update07:44
gogeta1sebsebseb: name one non oss package on defult07:45
plutonium45Hi,, which is better ? apt-get or aptitude ?07:45
rjcroyand sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:45
Jiongit's work?07:45
Jordan_U!best | plutonium4507:45
ubottuplutonium45: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:45
^paradox^Jordan_U: what does the unsupported updates do? thats the last thing bugging me07:45
sebsebsebgogeta1: I got to go soon,  run the program  I told you to install, that will tell you07:45
AiriHi, is it possible to upgrade from 7.10 to the latest release? I only have 7.04, (which I have upgraded), on CD and my burner doesn't seem to want to burn the latest version07:45
plutonium45this bot is cool07:45
gogeta1sebsebseb: cant name one lol\07:45
Alaskagood night07:45
progre55after upgrading to lucid, brightness buttons (fn + f5/f6) are not working on my sony vaio NW series. any suggestions, please?07:45
^paradox^Jordan_U: then im outta here. getting tired07:45
sebsebsebgogeta1: also the above factoid said mostly07:45
roarkplutonium45: its Jordan_U who made bot do whatever it did :)07:45
sebsebsebgogeta1: I have to go soon seriously, I don't have time for this nonsense07:46
gogeta1sebsebseb: im aware of the repos i said on the cd07:46
sebsebsebAiri: right last one for now, you.  you can upgrade to 8.04, and then from that to 10.04, however  you should probably do a clean install really of 10.0407:46
sebsebsebgogeta1: on the CD it isn't 100% freesoftware/opensource either07:47
denis12345Hi. Could someone show me a link to a 64bit download for core i5 processor. Is http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso the correct one?07:47
gogeta1sebsebseb: and you still have to enable univers and non free by hand07:47
rjcroyplutonium45: aptitude, update-manager, and apt-get are all just different interfaces to the same system07:47
bung_what the hell happened to transmission, is it a mac version>????07:47
rjcroythey all do the same job just as effectively07:47
AiriThanks sebsebseb, how do I upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10?07:47
bung_where did the right click go, why is single-left click asking me if i want to show the app07:47
bung_of course, that's why i clicked it07:47
bung_who made this decision07:47
JulieeeeHi! In Lucid there is no directory /etc/Wireless what is the equivalent?07:47
AiriWhat are the sources that I need in the sources list?07:47
gogeta1sebsebseb: i cant think of 1 package that is not oss on the cd07:48
sebsebsebgogeta1: if it was Ubuntu would be known as a free software only distro, like Debian or Gnewsense07:48
LoshkiAiri: I agree with sebsebseb. For such a large jump, a fresh install is probably the best way to go. You can try a cd-less install....07:48
sebsebseb!upgrade | Airi07:48
ubottuAiri: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading07:48
KeithWeissharWhy is the ubuntu installation slow, it's still stuck at retrieving file 17 of 2807:48
gogeta1sebsebseb: even debain has such addon repos07:48
dude_how can i use Universal-USB-Installer.exe07:48
sebsebsebgogeta1: yes, but by default it's free software only, unlike Ubuntu07:48
AiriLoshki: I can't do that without a working CD burner, I tried burning the 10.4 ISO 7 times, it's just wasting discs07:49
KeithWeissharwhy is it downloading updates during install07:49
icerootdude_: for waht is it?07:49
gogeta1sebsebseb: you still havent told me one non free on the cd07:49
Loshkigogeta1: *even* debian. Such purists...07:49
denis12345Hi. Could someone show me a link to a 64bit download for core i5 processor. Is http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso the correct one?07:49
icerootdude_: i dont think you want to run *.exe files on linux07:49
plutonium45theres one broken font..in my pc..its not allowing me to do update and upgrade..its giving damn errors..even dpk is not able to fix it..is there any way to force remove or force install before removing it ?07:49
quiescensdenis12345: yes07:49
skellàìåðèêîñè ïðåâåä )07:49
KeithWeissharthe update is stucik at file 17 of 2807:49
sebsebsebgogeta1: I have to go, but I expect someone else can tell you07:49
rjcroydude: you can't in Linux. .exe files are windows executables.07:49
LoshkiAiri: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/, see the 'frugal install' option...07:49
sebsebsebgogeta1: however.  Ubuntu One that's probably not open source or at least the server it uses07:49
icerootrjcroy: je can (wine) but i dont think he want it07:49
JulieeeeI need to install manually firmware, I was told I have to put .dat into /etc/Wireless but there is no such directory  Can u help me pls?07:49
gogeta1sebsebseb: acully i beleve it is07:50
icerootJulieeee: have you tried fwcutter?07:50
jrudermandenis12345: the "amd64" ones are the ones to use for 64-bit intel processors, yes07:50
rjcroyiceroot: yeah, I think you are right.07:50
plutonium45try wine :P07:50
rjcroyThere is always a way, somehow!07:50
gogeta1sebsebseb: i guess you can count the firefox link lol07:50
voxanyone else have broken samba shares since upgrading to lucid?07:50
Julieeeeiceroot, is it already installed? I don't have wired network. I am writing from my Windows partition07:50
ChinaForgesebsebseb:how to set up USB support in Virtualbox probably?07:50
KeithWeissharwhy is the ubuntu installer waiting to download the updates?07:50
icerootJulieeee: i dont think so07:50
sebsebsebChinaForge: you can probably find out in #vbox  or here later, I got to go07:51
KeithWeissharit says retrieving file 17 of 28 and it's not going07:51
PotterSyshi! sorry to disturb, but the Dist upgrade got stuck at "Preparing memtest86+". i'm upgrading from 9.10 (installed with Wubi), and followed the Upgrade Notes07:51
icerootKeithWeisshar: maybe its a big file which is needing time07:51
^paradox^Jordan_U: Loshki: everyone else who replied thnx for the help. if everything was restored to normal when the upgrade failed im ok i guess07:51
LoshkiJulieeee: just create it with 'sudo mkdir /etc/Wireless' and then copy the .dat file into it...07:51
jrudermanwhere is mpt? i want to beat him up.07:51
jozsibacsihey, how can i find out, if mesa is using direct or indirect rendering?07:51
denis12345jruderman: awesome thanks07:51
__danthemanjozsibacsi: glxinfo | grep direct07:51
KeithWeissharwhy is it automatically downloading updates during the install?07:51
KeithWeissharthe download is stalled07:52
KeithWeisshari'm installing into vbox07:52
^paradox^ill just give 10.04 two months and try again07:52
KeithWeissharthe network light in vbox isn't flashing07:52
jozsibacsiand how can i switch mesa from direct to indirect rendering?07:52
Loshki^paradox^: next time I recommend a backup before the upgrade, and then you'll know for sure the state of your system07:52
JulieeeeLoshki: I did, doesn't help, I have "siocsifflags: operation not permitted" error when I "ifconfig wlan0 up"07:52
forbjoki just noticed when upgrading to 10.04 that one of my servers (originally 8.10 or 9.04 install I think) is running -generic kernel images, while the other (which is slightly older, and I believe was originally installed from an older version) is running -server images. is it just me, or shouldn't all Ubuntu server installs be using -server kernels?07:52
AiriSo if I understand that correctly Loshki, I can install it in the separate partition from inside Windows?07:53
progre55after upgrading to lucid, brightness buttons (fn + f5/f6) are not working on my sony vaio NW series. any suggestions, please?07:53
Julieeeeiceroot: I don't have wired network; I am writing from my Windows partition...07:53
plutonium45damn..I had Nginx in my desktop ..upgrade has over written the config file07:53
plutonium45I have lost all virtual hosts07:53
^paradox^Loshki: i tried to copy home folder to my external hard drive but it stopped the copying saying i didnt have permission or something to that effect07:53
KeithWeisshari'm doing a clean install on a blank virtualbox drive07:54
gogeta1parasox say seems to be relly rough for a lts07:54
^paradox^Loshki: im the only user of this computer07:54
sunk8^paradox^ why dont u use some backup tool like sysbackup or grsync or backintime?07:54
LoshkiJulieeee: well, it was worth a try. Any relevant messages in dmesg about loading firmware?07:54
gogeta1[aradox its stable for me07:54
AiriI'll go off and give it a go :)07:54
^paradox^sunk8: i didnt know about them07:55
sunk8^paradox^ u can run them as root and they'll do all your dirty work for u.07:55
KeithWeissharwhy is the the retreiving file process stalled during the install?07:55
JulieeeeLoshki: I haven't looked; I'll check now...07:55
KeithWeissharthe install won't finish if the donwload is stalled07:55
KeithWeisshardoes the installer need to download updates during installation?07:55
gogeta1KeithWeisshar: disconect the installer from the net before you install then it whont do that07:55
sunk8^paradox^ alternatively u can make a backup on your Ubuntu One account. 2 GB storage free for Ubuntu users. Visit http://one.ubuntu.com for more details. ;-)07:56
^paradox^sunk8: ill look at them and before the next upgrade try to choose one07:56
selig5KeithWeisshar: so many people are installing today; the server may be overloaded...07:56
KeithWeissharhow can i disconnect the installer from the net07:56
solifexKeithWeisshar: Usually the installer tries to get language packs on install if your are connected.07:56
gogeta1KeithWeisshar: dont connect to the net wile installing but there shoudent by any updates anyways07:56
KeithWeisshardoes the installer use the internet to download additonal software07:57
moetunesKeithWeisshar: is the hard drive light blinking or the cd making noises?07:57
gogeta1KeithWeisshar: only launage packs07:57
^paradox^well i guess oughta be hitting the old dusty trail. getting sleepy07:57
TimothyTimbersWhere can I find a torrent of a 64bit flash plugin for firefox? that works for 10.04 ubuntu?07:57
macoKeithWeisshar: you can disconnect using the network manager widget at the top of the screen07:57
KeithWeisshari'm using the cd version07:57
LeapoOk, I just installed Ubuntu to a USB flash drive, and it's EXTREMELY slow. Is there anything I can do to speed it up? Perhaps some precache (superfetch) like Windows has?07:57
KeithWeisshardoes the dvd version also use the internet during install07:57
moetunesKeithWeisshar: did you do the cd check?07:58
xsjjoin #ubuntu-cn07:58
KeithWeissharit's stalled during download07:58
macoKeithWeisshar: the internet is not required for installation07:58
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macoKeithWeisshar: it /can/ pull from the net if you choose a language thats not on the cd (the dvd has more languages, i think) but iirc there should be a "skip" button07:58
senokayi tried to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 and my grub seems broken (after rebooting)07:58
macoKeithWeisshar: though skip button may be a kubuntu thing... hmm07:58
KeithWeisshari'm only using english07:59
senokayi did try grub-install but it seems no change... :(07:59
LeapoIt also has to pull from the internet to get restricted device drivers, since they aren't on the CD :-(07:59
icerootLeapo: its not allowed to have them on cd07:59
macoKeithWeisshar: then it could be pulling updates. either way there's a network manager icon at the top of your screen. thatll let you disconnect from the internet07:59
LoshkiKeithWeisshar: that said, someone was complaining earlier that the alternative cd minimal install kept trying to access the internet archives even though he told it not too, so there's a possible bug in that aree...07:59
Leapoiceroot: Not the official CD, anyway...07:59
LeapoI've integrated them before. not hard.07:59
macoKeithWeisshar: oh...there is one other case where it can pull.... thats if a bug is found in the installer, the installer can download a new version of itself. but again, disconnecting the internet will prevent that08:00
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LeapoUsually a wifi driver so a laptop isn't dead-in-the-water upon install08:00
macoLeapo: they dont get pulled during install though08:00
KeithWeissharis it safe to use the skip button?08:00
macoLeapo: you have to manually tell it to pull those, and to install it on the installed system you have to do it there (doing it on the livecd wont make it happen on the installed system)08:01
Leapomaco: No, but if you throw them on the CD, you don't need the internet to get your wifi card working (which is the entire point)08:01
LeapoI can't tell you how hugely annoying it is to install ubuntu and have absolutely no networking. -_-08:01
macoKeithWeisshar: not in kubuntu. i dont know about ubuntu.  but kubuntu's making the installer window disappear (but still finish the install i believe) is a known bug08:01
macoLeapo: id guess about as annoying as installing windows xp :P08:02
KeithWeisshari'm using regular ubuntu08:02
macoKeithWeisshar: check the release notes. if there's no mention of it, youre fine08:02
macoKeithWeisshar: or "should be" fine08:02
Leapomaco: Yeah, Thankfully Microsoft threw in a metric butt-load of wifi and ethernet card drivers on the Vista and Windows 7 DVD so they're assured to get an internet connection (they can then download the rest of the drivers they need from MS)08:02
LoshkiLeapo: it's particularly galling when the drivers are downloadable...08:02
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:02
gartralmaco: except with ubuntu, the hardline nic is always garunteed too work, with windows xp, you need a driver for you FLASH DRIVE08:03
joel__hi guys, i have a problem with gwibber, it doesn't show up in the notification area and there doesn't seem to be a way of removing it from messaging-menu .. any idea ?08:03
zniavremy pcmcia card make Lucid crashed08:03
LeapoLoshki: Yeah, watching Ubuntu attempt to download ethernet card drivers when it has no drivers for any network device is a bit sad -_-08:03
zipperhiya can any1 assist me in livecd burning?08:03
plutonium45hi, please tell me how to force remove using apt-get remove08:03
tommy^mdid they fix the ath9k driver in the new kernel with lucid?08:03
LoshkiLeapo: yeah, take that, Skynet...08:04
LoshkiLeapo: sorry, it's just that artificial intelligence has some way to go before it achieves world domination...08:05
KeithWeissharwhere is the kubuntu release notes08:05
LeapoAnyway, I've got Ubuntu 10.04 installed to a flash drive, and it's slow as dirt. It took 10 minutes to boot08:05
theadminApril 30th already came in here. So, Interpid is EOL?08:05
Leapois there anything I can do to reduce that? I notice it spends a lot of time detecting devices that aren't there08:05
click170Hey, if I add something to my sources list in order to install an app, how can I lock it down so that they can't put a malicious libc6 library in their repository tricking apt into 'upgrading' to it?08:06
theadminLeapo: It boots in 5 seconds here, something's wrong there08:06
Leapotheadmin: USB 1.1 on the laptop08:06
LeapoThat's what's wrong :-P08:06
theadminLeapo: oh...08:06
zipperhiya can any1 assist me in livecd burning?08:06
LeapoIt actually boots slower than the live CD08:06
gartralempathy will not let me select "availible" or any settings for availibilty from the notafication panel.. how do i set it up to log on at boot like it's SUPPOSED to, and does in a vm?08:06
Loshkizipper: what do you need?08:06
LeapoLike...a live CD with a persistant file on a flash drive might actually be faster than running from the flash drive08:07
navinhave a problem with gwibber08:07
sunk8<zipper> what's the issue?08:07
zipperhi loshki i am trying to burn gparted into a cd but unable to do it08:07
joel__hi guys, is gwibber for ubuntu lucid lynx designed to not show up in notification area and only showup in me menu??08:07
click170Hey, if I add something to my sources list in order to install an app, how can I lock it down so that they can't put a malicious libc6 library in their repository tricking apt into 'upgrading' to it?08:07
gartralLeapo: are you using a usb 1.1 drve/jack or 2.0? also, is AHCI setup in your BIOS?08:07
navinubuntu release party08:07
__danthemany do you need gparted08:07
sunk8zipper, 'burn gparted into a cd'. could u plz be more specific?08:07
arandtheadmin: Yup at least according to som post on the planet08:07
Loshkizipper: just gparted? One application?08:07
IdleOnejoel__: yes08:07
zipperLoshki: yes08:07
__danthemanfdisk wont work?08:08
Leapogartral: The laptop's ports are USB 1.1 only. No way around that. AHCI won't do jack for USB flash drives.08:08
Loshkizipper: may I ask why?08:08
azloni have a mdadm raid. it appears 2 drives have failed, but i don't trust it... i think something else is happenning. when i do mdadm --examine /dev/sda1 it says 2 drives failed (sdc1 and sdd1). when i do mdadm --examine /dev/sdc1 it says all drives are fine... any ideas?08:08
zipperLoshki: i installed gparted into terminal but unable to umount it08:08
gartralLeapo: then stop complaining about ubuntu being slow as dirt when it's your laptop that's slow.. not ubuntu08:08
theadminLoshki: There is a LiveCD version of Gparted, FYI08:08
LeapoDoes Ubuntu do prefetching like Windows SUperfetch, or will I need to download a service to get that? It should speed things up greatly...08:08
joel__IdleOne, ah ok.. but apparently empathy doesn't do that i guess.. it can shows up in notification area as well. is that a bit inconsistent? .. and i thought the specs said that gwibber can actually disable memenu integration08:08
LoshkiLeapo: I forget the relative speeds of usb and flash, but of the two, I would expect flash to be far slower and the limiting factor...08:08
__danthemanzipper: have you tried umount -f08:08
Leapogartral: I'm asking if there's a way to FIX it. Yeesh!08:08
zipperLoshki: unable to umount the partition08:08
zipper__dantheman: no idea how08:09
__danthemanumount -f /dev/id08:09
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Leapogartral: Anything I could possibly do to help it out.08:09
IdleOnejoel__: they are working consistency for 10.10. memenu is new08:09
zippersudo umount -f /dev/id?08:09
__danthemanthat should force an unmount08:09
LeapoLoshki: Flash is far faster than USB 1.1 hehe08:09
theadmin__dantheman: I think it ain't umounting because he's trying to do something to his root device.08:09
IdleOnejoel__: basically not all the aps have caught up08:09
NobleWOW, 10.04 takes 4secs from GRUB to desktop on my new SSD.08:10
zipper__dantheman: i m trying to make all my harddisk space to linux but keep getting denied08:10
joel__IdleOne, ah ok.. :) i love the memenu thing, but it has some quirks like for example I can't change my empathy status message from Memenu08:10
joel__IdleOne, can you ?08:10
IdleOnejoel__: don't use it :/08:10
__danthemany cant you just boot into a livecd and use fdisk08:10
joel__IdleOne, ah ok.. don't like it?08:10
LoshkiLeapo: bummer, then you can't fix it by getting a faster flash device. Never reboot?08:10
theadminNoble: Around same here :D08:10
IdleOnejoel__: I prefer my chatting on irc08:10
gartralLeapo: ohh, sorry, i misinterpreted the statments. i think you can use a linux=toram at boot and make the iso copy to ram then run.. but i wpuldnt do this if you have under a gig and a half.. as far as post-install/setup caching goes, not sure08:10
joel__IdleOne, haha, cool08:10
zipper__dantheman: i dunno how i am pretty new to all this08:11
Nobletheadmin: What disk?08:11
Leapogartral: I don't remember how much RAM this laptop has. it's either 1GB of 512mb...08:11
gartralLeapo: 1.5gig ram that is08:11
LeapoYeah, no way it has that much08:11
theadminNoble: Hm. A ten-year-old one :P It came with this laptop. And a 512 MB ram.08:11
Loshkigartral: it will run faster, but I'm not sure the initial boot will go much faster...08:11
Nobletheadmin: And it takes 4 seconds from GRUB to usable desktop?08:11
zipper__dantheman: are u able to help me in pm cause i am kinda lost08:11
Leapogartral: That's why i was thinking about some kind of prefetch service that would load data into RAM to speed things up.08:11
theadminNoble: Around 6, actually, but near08:12
gartralLoshki: depending on the loadout, it could make boot take as little as 3 minutes, or it may make it take 5 times as long08:12
__danthemanzipper: I really don't know what you're trying to do08:12
Nobletheadmin: :D08:12
theadminNoble: Well, if I don't hit the enter key on GRUB menu, then 16 :D08:12
LeapoLoshki: That would be an option of Ubuntu properly supported ACPI. It can't sleep on this laptop -_-08:12
gartralLeapo: i think your biggest issue now would be get more ram08:12
voxanyone else have broken samba shares since upgrading to lucid?08:12
Leapogartral: Or a USB 2.0 PCMCIA card? :-P08:12
NobleDoes anyone know what the did regarding the X-server bug before release?08:13
Loshkigartral: Leapo: worth trying the toram thing then. Or use a smaller distro (DSL?)08:13
theadminNoble: Fixed it.08:13
chidI'm curious whether one could downgrade the X server on 10.04 to 1.6.x or will it break lots of other programs08:13
erUSULNoble: revert the changes to a known good state08:13
LeapoAnother issue: Ubuntu seems to think the video card in this laptop is cappable of compiz, and enables it by default... It's an ATi card that's R100 based, and only supports DirectX7 / OpenGL 1.308:13
LeapoUbuntu needs a blacklist for cards like that, it's far too slow to run compiz08:13
theadminLeapo: killall compiz OR metacity --replace08:14
gartralchid: !DANGER do not do! you will render your installation unbootable08:14
arandKeithWeisshar: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 for all of them08:14
NobleerUSUL: Errr.. what=08:14
chidgardar, why?08:14
erUSULLeapo: disable it; what's the problem08:14
Leapoit technically /works/ but it's unusably slow.08:14
Loshkichid: I'd be worried about the dependencies. Anything graphic will have been linked to some form of X library won't it?08:14
oldmanturksigh.  mine wont even install.  somehow it can't mount my swap partition.  and the installer jsut wont go any furhter.08:14
LeapoerUSUL: That Ubuntu shouldn't have enabled it by default on such a slow card?08:14
theadminLeapo: (second one is to be ran from Alt+F2 menu, first one is better not to run at all)08:14
chidLoshki, ah, I see, thanks08:14
Leapotheadmin: I managed to already (very slowly) disable it through the GUI.08:14
weberI just upgraded to 10.04 When my computer turned on I got this message "An error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb" and when I load Gnome, both my task bars are gone.08:15
gartralchid: upstart, amonst other things, reqiure the latest X builds too run.. upstart handles bringing you machine online08:15
LeapoNot a great out-of-the-box experience there. Couldn't even move windows around properly with desktop effects turned on08:15
chidcouldn't I just downgrade upstart too ;p08:15
Loshkioldmanturk: not being able to mount swap is a big deal. It's not like a broken tail light. Any idea why it fails?08:16
theadmingartral: ?! O-O How can UPSTART require X? It's a init replacement08:16
erUSULLoshki: sudo swapon -a && dmesg | tail08:16
chidanyway, gardar, I shall look into it a bit more, thanks for that08:16
erUSULLoshki: paste the errors you get08:16
gartraltheadmin: i dont know how.. but i tryed it too run a telescope driver. and it caused me to have to reformat a 12 drive raid08:16
JulieeeeLoshki: I did it! I just had to remove the existing module from the kernel and load my ndiswrapper module; until lsmod, I did not kow that ubuntu comes pre-installed with the module (which doesn't work), so everything is just excellent!08:16
markl_is there any way to use UVD2 with Ubuntu Lucid?08:16
theadmingartral: And it's present in server edition of Ubuntu, which has NO X at all.08:17
narcislinuxhow can i  save link address from one web page in text file with terminal  command ?08:17
markl_without having to suffer too much?08:17
weberi'm literally freaking out...how can I create a taskbar when there is no task bar?08:17
theadminweber: Try Alt+F2, then "gnome-panel", brings anything?08:17
erUSUL!resetpanels | weber08:17
ubottuweber: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:17
gartraltheadmin: maybe the older X requires HAL.. all i know is fiddling with X in ubuntu is dangerous08:17
LoshkierUSUL: tell oldmanturk, it was his problem (I replied to it)08:17
livingdaylightHeard that there is a new Ubuntu out?08:18
weberalt+f2 does nothing08:18
theadmingartral: Well, yeah, that's why i never do it08:18
theadminlivingdaylight: 10.04 is currently the latest.08:18
livingdaylightis it a better Ubuntu or just the same one with new wallpaper?08:18
oldmanturkjust gonna try install without swap then dick around with it08:18
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jbrouhardDefine better ?08:18
theadminlivingdaylight: A lot faster, at the very least. Not much noticable changes graphic-wise though08:18
erUSULoldmanturk: « sudo swapon -a && dmesg | tail » in a terminal. paste the errors you get08:18
gartrallivingdaylight: ive been running it since beta 1, and it exhibits its own issues, but clears up alot of older ones08:18
sunk8Finally found the best flavor of Ubuntu: Ubuntu Satanic. ;-)08:19
livingdaylightgartral, yes, replacing one problem with another, I've noticed this before08:19
theadminsunk8: Hehe :D08:19
Mister_Deathhey do ya know what program let use reddesign the way the bootloader looked08:19
livingdaylightjbrouhard, define "Define"08:19
gartrallivingdaylight: at least NOW its a bunch of little graphical bugs replacing system critical ones ;)08:19
threexkIs it safe to use the Upgrade button in Update Manager, or will the upgrade fail due to all the traffic?08:19
sunk8theadmin. I'm not kidding. You can check for yourself at http://ubuntusatanic.org08:20
theadminsunk8: Yep, I know that, used it some day even08:20
webererUSUL, I get "gnome-panel: no process found"08:20
sunk8theadmin. It's really kewl.08:20
erUSULweber: and panels did not appear ?08:20
Loshkitheadmin: do we support it?08:20
livingdaylightgartral, maybe I'll wait... my update manager hasn't suggested upgrading yet08:20
whiterin ubuntu 9.10 is the home directory automatically encrypted?08:21
theadminLoshki: me does not think so08:21
gartrallivingdaylight: if your THAT worried, i'de grab the latest iso and roll a vm with it before upping08:21
weberafter I upgraded to 10.04 I got this msg before gnome "loaded"; An error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb, erUSUL08:21
theadminLoshki: However, only thing they changed are themes and bootsplash :/08:21
livingdaylightgartral, just wondered whether its worth it.08:22
gorskican't sudo apt-get install, what's happening08:22
weberI have to create a desktop folder to get to my files...but the internet doesn't even work08:22
Loshkitheadmin: :-)08:22
FerrixmanGoodmorning everybody08:22
livingdaylightgartral, 9.10 is still running fine. They knock out these new releases every 6 months but improvements are often not noticeable, and each release has its own issues. Is sound sorted now?08:22
theadminweber: I got my machine to quite the same state by trying to install GNOME Shell instead of GNOME Panel08:23
gartrallivingdaylight: if i were put it into an anology of another linux.. it's alot like the jump from FC 9>1008:23
LordDragonhey all just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook08:23
LordDragonbut i get no wifi08:23
theadminweber: I only managed to solve by a clean install.08:23
LordDragonhow can i tell if i need a certain driver?08:23
plutonium45will deleting broken packages in /var/cache/apt/archives solve dpkg errors ?08:23
Loshkilivingdaylight: if you're worried about stability, simply wait a month or so for 10.04 to stabilize08:23
janmalteis there a fix for the performance issues with the UNR and Intel 915?08:23
theadminplutonium45: Maybe, try "sudo apt-get -f install" first though08:23
livingdaylightgartral, never used fedora much... but I get you08:23
overmachtFerrixman; morning, afternoon here.08:24
webertheadmin, all I did was click upgrade in update manager08:24
icerootjanmalte: talking about jaunty?08:24
FerrixmanI have some problems in the fresh install process of ubuntu 10.04: I have a fake raid which I disactivated from bios, two 500Gb hard drives where I already have 9.10 installed, together with Vista on different partition08:24
livingdaylightLoshki, there's wisdom in that08:24
theadminweber: o-O08:24
plutonium45theadmin : I first tried it..its not working :(08:24
gorskican't sudo apt-get install, what's happening, won't download files, 8.04.08:24
janmalteNo, lucid08:24
theadmingorski: What do you get?08:24
Loshkiplutonium45: well, it depends on the error...08:24
gorskidownloading 0%08:24
icerootjanmalte: hm dont using lucid so i cant help, only know that there was a problem in jaunty which was fixed in karmic08:24
theadmingorski: Sounds like your mirror is down.08:24
gorskiaha, ok08:25
SandGorgonLordDragon, connect to the internet (maybe using a ethernet cable) and update your machine. IT will tell you recommended hardware drivers08:25
Ferrixmanduring the 10.04 setup, if I start it with noraid option, it will not see my two hard drives; if I start it normally, it will pretend the two hard drives to be on a raid 008:25
theadmingorski: Try going to system -> admininstration -> Software sources and choosing the russian one (it's up for sure, using it :D)08:25
janmalteyes, i found two patched kernels but only for jaunty08:25
micwon my ubuntu machine on openvpn ifconfig-pool-persist is not working. on my other (non-ubuntu) machines it works. may it be a but in ubuntu?08:25
micwa bug08:25
janmalteso i wondered that it came back on lucid08:25
gartralim STILL seeing issues with multiple NICs on one lan!08:25
plutonium45here's the error log http://paste.ubuntu.com/425063/08:25
LordDragonSandGorgon, you mean run the "update manager" ?08:26
PrabzHi, I'm using ubuntu 9.10, but I also have the metapackage kubuntu-desktop installed and updated. Which alternate install cd should I download to update to 10.04?08:26
theadminPrabz: Any of em08:26
gartralLordDragon: or run sudo apt-get update08:26
SandGorgonLordDragon, yup...08:26
LeapoAug, i got the ethernet card in this laptop installed, but the driver can't seem to connect to WPA networks...08:26
* Leapo facepalms08:26
LordDragonit says my system is up to date08:26
theadminPrabz: You will have to download KDE updates manually, though, if you use the GNOME one, and vice versa08:26
Prabztheadmin, I mean kubuntu alternate install cd or ubuntu one?08:26
LordDragonit didnt install any drivers08:27
SandGorgonLordDragon, open "Hardware Drivers" and see if it says anything08:27
LordDragonor say anything abbout them08:27
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LordDragon"hardware drivers" says "no properitary rivers are in use on this system"08:27
geekphreakhello all08:27
Ferrixmandoes anybody know how to solve this issue?08:27
plutonium45whats the option for force install in apt-get .. is it apt-get -f ?08:27
Prabztheadmin, I began updating via the kde update manager, it showed a total download size of 2 GB08:27
theadminplutonium45: That is "fix"08:27
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theadminPrabz: Should be about so if you have two desktops08:28
geekphreakplutonium45:  i think --force-yes08:28
LordDragonmaybe i need some sort of proprietary driver source08:28
geekphreakplutonium45: but it aint recommened , why do you wana do it?08:28
gartralempathy will not let me select "availible" or any settings for availibilty from the notafication panel.. how do i set it up to log on at boot like it's SUPPOSED to, and does in a vm?08:28
plutonium45I wanna do it because of this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/425063/08:29
delpassionis anyone familiar with email macro software ( the type a corporate clerk would use for responding to mass emails)?08:29
geekphreakplutonium45:  let me check08:29
Prabztheadmin, So can I individually install from both alternate install cds or do i have to do the release upgrade08:29
theadmindelpassion: sendmail, maybe (a terminal-based mail client), just a hint, never used it08:29
Leapotheadmin: Would there be any point to compiling the kernel for the hardware for a speedup? This laptop's got an old AMD Athlon XP (k7 based) in it08:29
theadminPrabz: You can install one alternate CD and then update the other desktop from the update managers.08:29
FerrixmanPlease, is anybody able to solve my issue?08:30
theadminLeapo: No idea.08:30
fastaWhen I use the Ubuntu way to install nvidia (that is via the System menu and not via Synaptic) drivers I get: SystemError: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.08:30
Loshkiplutonium45: --force=yes makes install continue without prompting. I don't think it will actually force the install though08:30
fastaThis is in 9.10.08:30
LeapoNo idea if it'll help out reasonably slow, year-2000-era hardware?08:30
geekphreakman where did he go08:30
theadmingeekphreak: he?08:30
FerrixmanI have some problems in the fresh install process of ubuntu 10.04: I have a fake raid which I disactivated from bios, two 500Gb hard drives where I already have 9.10 installed, together with Vista on different partition. during the 10.04 setup, if I start it with noraid option, it will not see my two hard drives; if I start it normally, it will pretend the two hard drives to be on a raid 008:30
geekphreakplutonium45: ok listen mate08:31
fastaWhen I go so synaptic and say repair broken packages, afterwards the problem still exists.08:31
plutonium45I will try --force=yes08:31
fastaSo, I hereby derive that Ubuntu is broken.08:31
theadminplutonium45: --force-yes , there is no "equal" sign08:31
geekphreakplutonium45:  delete this package /var/cache/apt/archive/ttf-sil-gentium_20081126%3a1.02-10_all.deb08:31
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plutonium45I already deleted it08:31
mupaonI can not watch a video from Firefox the flash is not working on videos. Also opera has some problems with flash videos but it works with opera. I use ubuntu 64 bit. can someone help me with it ?08:31
LordDragonok i think im getting the driver now08:31
plutonium45and tried apt-get update && apt-get upgrade08:31
plutonium45same errors08:31
geekphreakok can you comeplete remove it from synaptic?08:32
Prabztheadmin, okay, I started the release upgrade, it's gonna take 36 hours on my internet connection.. I'll get the upgrade via alternate installer cd.. how can I revert? It has already modified the software sources list...08:32
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gartralare there any setings i can change to optimize ubuntu for my i708:32
geekphreakPrabz: dialup ?08:32
theadminAttempting to mkdir in ~/Dropbox crashes the terminal, wth?08:32
MetalWolfhas anyone had issues getting sound from flash in ubuntu 10.04 ?  I installed flash from apt.08:32
geekphreakgartral: thats a good system mate08:32
Loshkigeekphreak: plutonium45: deleting the deb file gets rid of the *new* version, not the old, installed version, which is where the error came from...08:32
Prabzgeekphreak, not dialup, but a basic 512 kbps adsl, the isp recently halved the bandwidth08:33
fastaAnd as always, I love it when someone else already had the same problem 2 years ago and the problem still hasn't been fixed.08:33
geekphreakLoshki: right08:33
gartralgeekphreak: i7 860 @3.1 ghz, 4 gigs ram at 1600 mhz, CAS 7, and a EVGA mobo08:33
panterhi folks .. i have problem with keyboard on 10.04 ... i have older notebook umax 835 for tests .. i installed 10.04 (final) .. DELETE key is not working ... BACKSPACE key works as ENTER :( ... any idea? thanks08:33
plutonium45so should I remove the old packages also ? but I installed using apt-get ..I installed a version on its own08:33
Prabzgeekphreak, it's a 2gb upgrade i'm talking of..08:33
tarzeauwhere do i get the netboot installers of lucid lynx?08:33
geekphreakgartral: thats a good system , i wont worry about it, if you dont like it send it here man08:34
LoshkiPrabz: the installer really should ask if you want to quit once it's told you how long it might take, no?08:34
geekphreakPrabz: you prob. have everything installed kde / xfce/gnome  and all08:34
yoshuhello just completed download ubuntu 10.4 wubi and it is in .rar format . so now in cd burning option need to extract first or not .08:34
micwhow can i install this on my ubuntu 8.04.4: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-June/002563.html08:34
gartralgeekphreak: my complaint is ubuntu spuradically uses threads08:34
micwthe evrsion i get with apt is always older08:34
torrierihello, i need help, i got problems with lvm08:35
theadminThere is a translation problem with Firefox and Thunderbird in GNOME menus. Yet it seems that I can't use Launchpad to translate those strings. They must be somewhere in Debian. Any idea how to get there?08:35
geekphreakyoshu: it aint rar, it is iso,  you see it as rar, cause you got winrar on that system which open iso08:35
MathuinI made some progress on my fakeraid problem.  gparted and the like assume /dev/mapper/crazy_stuff_bah has ...bahp1 instead of ...bah1.  That's breaking stuff.08:35
MrKlownanyone know what would cause freezing while trying to install? i get it after i choose english08:35
PrabzLoshki, It shows the amount of download to be done *after* modifying the software sources08:35
Prabzgeekphreak, kde + gnome08:35
arandyoshu: Isn't that wrong, nothing ubuntu uses rar as far as I know08:35
torrieriroot@ubuntu:/# lvm   /proc/mounts: _get_sysfs_dir: fopen %s failed: No such file or directory   /proc/devices: fopen failed: No such file or directory   Failed to create lvm type filter   Internal error: _vginfos list should be empty   You have a memory leak (not released memory pool):    [0x24547f0]   You have a memory leak (not released memory pool):    [0x24547f0]08:35
weberhas anyone else had their task bar disappear after upgrading to 10.04 from 9.1008:35
yoshugeekphreak: so without extracting i can burn it in cd08:35
LoshkiPrabz: we should file a bug. Won't help you, but posterity will thank you...08:36
gartralgeekphreak: $1950 says i'll build you a clone, ;)08:36
geekphreakyoshu: just double check the extenson, it should be iso man :)08:36
webershould I even bother with a clean install of 10.04?08:36
geekphreakgartral:  haha thanks mate, thats kind of you :p08:36
theadminweber: Try... Won't harm you more.08:36
Prabztheadmin, Loshki,  any idea how to revert the software sources list?08:36
theadminPrabz: Revert?08:37
yoshugeekphreak: yeah it is in ubuntu-10.4-desktop-i386.iso08:37
Prabztheadmin, okay, I started the release upgrade, it's gonna take 36 hours on my internet connection.. I'll get the upgrade via alternate installer cd.. It has already modified the software sources list...how can I revert?08:37
arandweber: "task bar" ?08:37
geekphreakyoshu: which system you currently on ?08:37
webertheadmin, I'm copying all my files to an external now...I hate clean installs, especially after I had 9.10 working just excellently, but nooo I just had to have 10.0408:37
LoshkiPrabz: well, you were supposed to have made a backup before you started....08:37
fastaHow can I install the nvidia drivers on this system which you call Ubuntu? You manage to turn a working thing (the nvidia binary installer) into a broken piece of hell.08:38
theadminPrabz: You won't be able to.08:38
yoshugeekphreak: on windows vista 32 bit08:38
weberarand, menu bar...main menu...what have you08:38
scottwol1hokis it safe to upgrade to 10.04 from 9.04?08:38
theadminscottwol1hok: You can't do that.08:38
MrKlowni'll ask again ... i am trying to install kubuntu, i know this isn't the kubuntu chat but no one seems to know in there... during the installation it comes up to the first screen that allows the mouse pointer to be moved and then i choose english and hit forward, after it freezes completely08:38
geekphreakyoshu:  right click the file, you shold see burn image option08:38
arandweber: both top and bottom panet, or certain items only?08:38
Prabztheadmin, that means i need to continue the download... what if the download gets interrupted?08:38
connexHi, I have issues with glx on readon, on ubuntu lucid, is this the place to get help?08:39
weberarand, ah, panel, yes...both panels are gone.08:39
scottwol1hoktheadmin: how do I get update-notifer-kde to give me 9.10 instead of 10.04 then?08:39
Loshkiscottwol1hok: if you're worried, just wait a month or so for the last bugs to be worked out, and then upgrade08:39
geekphreakMrKlown: when you boot from cd, there is option , check cd for defect , did you run that ?08:39
arandPrabz: As long as it is only downloading, I think that it would be possible to cancel08:39
MrKlowni did geek there are no problems with it08:39
mupaonI use Opera 10.1 . But operas latest version is 10.5. I did all updates on my system but is not changed :( I try to check updates from opera but it writes : You are using the latest version of Opera. how to update it ?08:39
Prabzarand, but the software sources can't be reverted?08:39
theadminPrabz: Uh, if it will stop, it should rever them back automatically. Or, you could of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | sed s/lucid/karmic/ >/etc/apt/sources.list"08:39
geekphreakMrKlown: how much ram and all you got?08:39
ravibnHi, I ran an update few minutes back and it asked me to restart. After the restart in the boot menu I select generic kernel 2.6.31-21-genric to boot. I got an error msg "1.185157 Kernal Panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,17)" However I rebooted again with older version generic kernal 2.6.31-20 it works fine. How to fix this problem ?08:39
arandweber: try "gnome-panel --replace &disown"08:40
fastamupaon, apt-get update if you have their server in your sources.list.08:40
arandPrabz: That should be possble.08:40
weberarand if I could open a terminal that would be awesome.08:40
fastamupaon, it might be that their server is not up to date, which you can manually verify.08:40
MrKlownwell i am trying to install it on an older computer amd 1.8ghz single core processor, 1.5 gigs of ram08:40
arandPrabz: As long as it hasn't started the install itself08:40
trekkmegood morning, i startet a second x-server on tty9 with anotherresolution to play a game in a vbox in its "natural" resulution, so far so, good, works fine, but: in the middle of the screen i see that big "x" and the vbox is running under it, i can use mouse and everthing in vbox, the "x" just sits there, anyway to turn it off / hide it?08:40
arandweber: alt+f2 >> "gnome-terminal"08:41
geekphreakMrKlown: still thats a descent system , ummm , should work fine,08:41
LoshkiPrabz: I agree with arand. It it hasn't started installing, it should be safe to interrupt. If you didn't have a very customised sources.list, any sources.list for that release will probably do...08:41
weberarand, hold on I'll run songbird in a terminal to see if terminal comes up, alt+f2 does nothing08:41
yoshugeekphreak: is there need to uninstall winrar ??08:41
MrKlowni know that's why i am aggravated08:41
MrKlowni've burnt 2 cds so far and it freezes08:41
geekphreakyoshu: naaw i wont worry about it mate08:41
* LordDragon sighs08:41
LordDragonwell i installed the broadcom driver for my wifi08:41
LordDragonsyas everything is working08:41
LordDragonbut it wont connect to my local wifi network08:41
mupaonfasta:  but i try also from opera to update with "check for updates" it doen not works. it is about their server ?08:41
scottwol1hokoh, I'm a little dense. I *am* on 9.1008:41
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LordDragonit just scans and scans and then asks me over and over the for password08:42
MrKlownseems a lot of people have been having trouble installing it after choosing the keyboard type08:42
geekphreakMrKlown: it freezez everytime at same point ?08:42
theadminPrabz: I will paste a Karmic sources.list for ya08:42
MrKlownyes geek on both cds08:42
gartralgeekphreak: pm08:42
fastamupaon, there are these concept of stable/unstable.08:42
yoshugeekphreak: thanx alot for asssting me it is my first time for ubuntu . thanx alot08:42
ravibnAnyone to solve my boot problem ???08:42
geekphreakMrKlown: did you get normal download or alternate , if there is one for kubuntu08:42
theadminPrabz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425072/08:42
MrKlownsome people have suggested i try various modes while installing08:42
AnxiousNuti need to know how can i upgrade from an ubuntu alternate cd, links is possible08:42
weberarand..."error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.11: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory"08:42
fastamupaon, so, maybe the latest bleeding version is 10.5 and you don't run the latest bleeding version or their software is broken.08:42
mupaonfasta: hmm. ok. thank you!08:42
geekphreakMrKlown: well yes that was my next suggestion08:43
fastamupaon, anyway, Opera support is sort of off-topic here, because we cannot know what is wrong with a binary blob.08:43
Loshkitheadmin: 3 lines, is that it?08:43
azloni have a mdadm raid. it appears 2 drives have failed, but i don't trust it... i think something else is happenning. when i do mdadm --examine /dev/sda1 it says 2 drives failed (sdc1 and sdd1). when i do mdadm --examine /dev/sdc1 it says all drives are fine... any ideas?08:43
MrKlowni'll go try those real quick08:43
arandweber: Seems like there is a deeper problem here..08:43
MrKlownbe bak in a bit (hopefully on linux) lol08:43
tp43any upgrade to lucid?  it doesn't work for, says check your internet connection.  I was using update manager08:43
fastaAh, another broken Ubuntu release?08:43
fastaColor me not surprised.08:44
aigooHow can I change the shell?08:44
theadminLoshki: Well, earlier it used to split universe... multiverse and such with separate lines.08:44
arandweber: Of which I have no idea to solve, I'm afraid.08:44
geekphreakfasta: works ok here :p08:44
theadminLoshki: But that's what i have :P08:44
fastageekphreak, well, I am not going to upgrade considering that Ubuntu always does the wrong thing.08:44
geekphreaktp nets working right?08:44
fastageekphreak, and the low-quality of the releases.08:44
LeapoAug, Ubunut just hard-locked adding a panel to the desktop :-/08:44
fastaFeatures, features, features, but no bug fixes.08:45
arandfasta: In a support channel, it's quite likely people have problems ;)08:45
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webernow that I think of it, I've never been able to upgrade from the last release...I've always had to do a clean install, that is really lame.08:45
geekphreakfasta:  your opinion, i am actually impressed by new releases but anyways08:45
Loshkitheadmin: it's...smaller...than I expected...08:45
Aciidurgent! if you are upgrading to Lucid. Remember to ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase before the upgrade and print it out on paper!08:45
theadminLoshki: Check yours ;D not much more official repos there will be08:45
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LeapoAlso, gnome panels has a pretty annoying bug. If you make a side-panel without a top panel present, the side panel doesn't extend all the way to the top of the screen08:45
fastaarand, the thing is: a support channel should say things about how to use the software, not about reporting f*ckups all day.08:46
Loshkitheadmin: my 10.04 source.list is about 50 lines long....08:46
theadminLoshki: How much third-party stuff you have there? :/08:46
geekphreakAciid: thanks will keep that in mind08:46
theadminLoshki: I haven't pasted my third-party stuff, you see08:46
morphixI have install bridge-utils, hostapd, dhcp3-server and have specified in /etc/network/interfaces to bridge my LAN and wifi (eth0 & wlan0) but because the bridge takes 30~ seconds to bring up, when the machine boots up dhcp3-server fails to load, what can be causing the delay in the bridge interface coming up? or what can be done to delay the start of dhcp3-server08:46
geekphreakfasta: watch the language please08:46
morphixif i manually start dhcp3-server after br0 is up, it works08:46
arandfasta: Fair point, yes.  (btw, obscured swearing counts)08:47
azlontheadmin, hey man, you have any experience with mdadm?08:47
sam204475PROBLEM ~~~ can anyone help with ubuntu 10.04 install on a dell hybrid studio ??~?~?08:47
yoshugeekphreak: i just installed infrarecorder and burning image08:47
theadminazlon: No, no idea who that dad is.08:47
geekphreakyoshu: ok mate08:47
azlonLoshki, any experience with mdadm?08:47
LeapoGah, NOT AGAIN. ubuntu just ate its own file system. It hard locked, so I powered off and attempted to bring it back up, and now the file system is gone08:47
Loshkitheadmin: between security, archive, medibuntu, getdeb, some ppas, it kinda adds up...08:47
mupaonI did all updates last night. But now try to check it again. But when it checks after a time it give error : http://textsnip.com/0914a6 . What this means ?08:48
Mathuinazlon: I have been fussing with mdadm tonight but to no avail.08:48
Loshkiazlon: none whatsoever, sorry...08:48
sam204475PROBLEM ~~~ can anyone help with ubuntu 10.04 install on a dell hybrid studio ??~?~?08:48
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fastaA good example is that apparently dual-boot stopped working for a lot of people. If you only notice that on the last day of a release, something about the whole process is deeply wrong.08:48
ikoniasam204475: exaplin your problem08:48
theadminLoshki: Bleh. That's exactly why I use sources.list.d extensively08:48
azlonMathuin, dude... this thing is driving me nuts! it usually isnt a problem for me but today it is really testing me... what is your issue with it?08:48
geekphreakikonia: hi08:48
ikoniafasta: that was a bug - you shouldn't know the risks of using no-released software08:48
LordDragoni dont understand this08:48
ikoniafasta: the bug was not in the released product08:48
ikoniafasta: if you use development software you will get hit by bugts08:49
LordDragonthis same driver worked fine in 9.10 ubuntu08:49
anomitOkay, I'm in a fix here. I upgraded my kernel but before removing the restricted modules package with synaptic, I deleted the lib/modules directory corresponding to the old kernel. I had forgot about this and then tried to apt-get remove the restricted driver package. Now it's broken or something and everytime I perform an apt-get operation like install, it first tries to remove the restricted drivers package and fails because obviously that doesn't exist.08:49
anomit Help me get out of this vicious cycle.08:49
LordDragoni was able to login to my wifi08:49
ikoniaLordDragon: 9.10 and 10.04 has a different kernel08:49
LordDragonbut with 10.04 it just wont connect08:49
fastaikonia, do you really think there are not similar examples in released versions?08:49
ikoniafasta: nothing that critical no08:49
vivek_Hii guys! I just tried the Live cd of lucid.. but the memenu just does not seem to be working there... For eg: i tried my twitter account.. it got added but nothing shown.. does not show anything.dont even know if i am connected to twitter.. tried using yahoo . and it says bad connection etc etc... howvere i can access all sites through firefox which means that internet connection is not a problem.. help me with this please...08:49
adahendraneed help :application for searching and remove duplicate file???? :D08:49
LoshkiLeapo: Um, I'm not sure that's a known failure mode for 10.04. If not, it makes your hardware suspect...08:49
Prabzarand, Loshki , theadmin , thanks for your help.08:49
Mathuinazlon: I have "fake" RAID with my motherboard, so I'm trying to stripe two 500G drives.  I used mdadm to create /dev/md0 on the software side, but I was unable to actually install the OS on /dev/md0.  I am now using dmraid, and making a little more progress.08:49
ikoniafasta: bottom line is, if you don't like the bug fix policy there are other distros for you to use with different release cycles and bug fix policies08:49
sam204475Ikonia ~  I have ubuntu RC on my desktop and i want to fresh install, i made a few live CDs that i downloaded from ubuntu website and it just boots into grub. even tho the CD is ment to be the first boot.  how can i do a fresh install?  i wanna get rid of my winshite and reset the partitions.08:49
LeapoLoshki: It happened in a virtual machine earlier08:50
fastaikonia, ok, well, in the 9.10 upgrade from 9.04 the graphics drivers stopped working.08:50
LordDragonikonia, so your saying that the new kernel broke the broadcom bcm4312 proprietary drivers?08:50
theadminvivek_: It kind of a, uuuuuh, you have that... line there? That's the twitter thing, you tweet with it08:50
azlonfasta, how can i tell if a drive in my mdadm raid really failed? --examine /dev/sda1 and --examine /dev/sdc1 give me 2 different results even though they are in the same array...08:50
fastaikonia, that is a bug of similar epic stupidity.08:50
arandPrabz: Glad to help, if it helped :)08:50
LeapoLoshki: I've had it happen, in 9.10 as well08:50
ikoniafasta: if don't agree with the release cycle and it's time contstrains don't use the distro08:50
LoshkiLeapo: wow, I've never seen that. An ext4 bug?08:50
GlowballWhere can I find the torrent list?08:50
mika___hi, is there anyone who has an epson perfection v300 (scanner)?08:50
vivek_theadmin: sorry but am not getting you08:50
azlonMathuin, oh... that sounds more complicated than mine... sorry...08:50
LeapoIt's a recurring theme on a lot of PC's I try Ubuntu on. Something causes it to hard lock, and when it comes back, no more file system08:50
Prabzarand, is there a difference in upgrading and a fresh install?08:50
theadminvivek_: Just a second08:50
Mathuinazlon: 'sok, hopefully it'll work for you. :-)08:51
LeapoLoshki: That'd be a rather serious bug.08:51
ikoniasam204475: 1.) don't use language like that, it's called "windows" 2.) if your machine is failing to boot from CD, either the cd's are not valid, (check the burn process/checksums) or the drive is dead, or the boot order is wrong08:51
yoshugeekphreak: i have installed infrarecoreder in vista and when i m righlciking on .iso image there is no option of burn image .08:51
azlonMathuin, do you know how to check if a drive "really" failed? it says 2 of my drives failed but they are my newest drives...08:51
arandPrabz: Quite so, since most of what you installed/configured will remain if you upgrade, on a clean install, obviously not.08:51
sam204475boot order is fine. nothing wrong with it and the CDs work on other computers.08:52
theadminvivek_: Here's how it should look like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2012912/Screenshot.png08:52
ikoniasam204475: then there is something wrong with the drive08:52
sam204475is there anyway i can reinstall linux from within linux?08:52
* FardadJalili says hello08:52
LoshkiLeapo: I'd say so. I'll look in launchpad tomorrow. Don't suppose you can reproduce it at will?08:52
GlowballNvm, got it :)08:52
yoshu i have installed infrarecoreder in vista and when i m righlciking on .iso image there is no option of burn image .08:52
LeapoAlso, is the Ubuntu shutdown screen supposed to look this putrid? I'm guessing no... http://www.kimag.es/share/76508405.jpg08:52
artinstartinI deleted the the network-manager-applet from the bar next to the clock. how can I add it again please (it does not show up in the applications, when I choose to add a program to this panel)08:52
theadminartinstartin: start it by Alt+F2 and "nm-applet"08:53
unggnuyoshu, just open Infrarecorder and choose burn image08:53
artinstartinthe admin: thank you. and then just drag it to the panel?08:53
arandsam204475: You can install another ubuntu via a running ubuntu using a chroot I guess, although that's a whole science..08:53
PrabzLeapo, what's that ? PINK!!08:53
sam204475Ok next problem.  Why is Ubuntu not taking my USB flash drives anymore? anyone know?  they show up but wont let me know whats on there.  they worked for a long time and then they just stopped.08:53
LeapoLoshki: It seems to happen at random. I'm just doing something mundane, and Ubuntu will lock up (again, has happened on physical hardware and in virtual machines on known-good systems). I'll have to power off the system with a hard reset, and when it comes back, it fails to boot08:53
AnxiousNuthow can i upgrade from an ubuntu alternate cd, links is possible08:53
sam204475Chroot~`  yuk08:53
ikoniaarand: you can't actually08:53
sam204475thats gonna be a nightmare. hehe08:53
ikoniaarand: not withthout significant changes to the process08:54
geekphreaksam204475: do you see them listed though in cfdisk?08:54
theadminartinstartin: No, it just shows up in the notification area :D08:54
LeapoPrabz: It's the most eye-straining shade of pink I've ever seen X_x08:54
gartralgeekphreak: get the pm?08:54
FardadJaliliguys, before a clean install of lucid, which directories should I back up?!08:54
unggnuAnxiousNut, just put it in your dvd drive while Ubuntu is running and choose upgrade :)08:54
geekphreakgartral: nope nothing mate08:54
theadminFardadJalili: /home08:54
theadminFardadJalili: Pretty much all.08:54
silversk8rhello ppl. pls help me to get my wpa2-psk wlan working in lyx08:54
arandikonia: Hence my "whole science" comment, but it might be even worse than I thought then..08:54
ikoniaFardadJalili: what ever you need08:54
ikoniaFardadJalili: any data you need, back it up08:54
Prabzsilversk8r, isn't WPA2-PSK working? :-o08:55
LeapoI don't think I can trust any data to 10.04 after seeing it eat its own FS twice like that...08:55
silversk8rit tries to connect08:55
ikoniaLeapo: use ext308:55
vivek_theadmin: In the screenshot , that place where it is showing status as available .. mine the status available is not shown.... moreover yahoo messenger is also not connecting08:55
Leapoikonia: 9.10 used ext3, and it did it to me as well08:55
artinstartinthe admin: will try, have to reboot cheers and cu later(hopefully not*g)08:55
Loshkiikonia: you think it's an ext4 glitch?08:55
FardadJaliliikonia: I don't mean my data. I mean something like /var/cache/apt/archives/ or ... , should I back them up to?08:56
vivek_theadmin: it is as if I am offline08:56
theadminvivek_: That status thing is by pidgin or empathy or stuff, Yahoo is kinda broken08:56
yoshucan we install ubuntu with usb flash drive08:56
ikoniaLeapo: then I suggest you are doing something odd as to do it through two distros is odd08:56
MrKlownwell that did not work :(08:56
Prabzsilversk8r, using a laptop?08:56
unggnuyoshu, yes08:56
silversk8rdell inspiron08:56
ikoniaFardadJalili: no, that would backup your old install packages, use clean if you're doing a clean install08:56
Prabzsilversk8r, try freeing the wifi switch from the bios08:56
Leapoikonia: Perfectly clean install. it often happens before I can even install a package. Happens in both VMWare an don multiple machines here.08:56
geekphreakMrKlown: i got few more ideas08:56
sam204475ohh  i hate computers.  why do things have to fail so much??? :D hehe08:56
geekphreakMrKlown:  got a pen drive?08:56
vivek_theadmin: so you mean to say that I might be actually connected to twitter.. i just need to go ahead and tweet..:-)08:57
yoshuunggnu: den how iam new foor linux dont know more about ubunTU08:57
ikoniaLeapo: have you checked launcpad for an existing bug08:57
Ferrixmansorry for repeating: I have some problems in the fresh install process of ubuntu 10.04: I have a fake raid which I disactivated from bios, two 500Gb hard drives where I already have 9.10 installed, together with Vista on different partition. during the 10.04 setup, if I start it with noraid option, it will not see my two hard drives; if I start it normally, it will pretend the two hard drives to be on a raid 008:57
Leapoikonia: Nothing seemingly relevant appears, I'm afraid08:57
geekphreakMrKlown: this might sound stupid but try using a cd lean cleaner on cdrom to be sure its clean08:57
ikoniaLeapo: log a bug then08:57
Prabzsilversk8r, it does to me too, sometimes ubuntu reverses the polarity of the wifi switch , even i have a dell inspiron08:57
theadminDon't you find it funny how it tries to auto-add sources to your sources.list.d when you click any file called "sources.list" :D08:57
mupaonError on checking updates : http://textsnip.com/0914a6  can someone help me ?08:57
adahendrahai all , i need help08:57
Leapoikonia: hopefully this one wont be ignored -_-08:57
silversk8rthanks, I'll check the bios08:57
theadminadahendra: Ask08:57
FardadJaliliikonia: hmm, so I have to download all of packages again. in other word I only have to back up my "own" data! ok thanks a lot ;)08:58
ikoniaFardadJalili: if you want to do a clean install, that is the best approach08:58
vivek_theadmin:thanks will try it again with the live cd.. thanks a lot...08:58
LoshkiLeapo: if they can't reproduce it, they may have no choice...08:58
adahendratheadmin: what the application for searching dan remove duplicates file??08:58
unggnuyoshu, Ubuntu has a tool for it but if you only have Windows you need another tool08:58
hsa2can't i get ubuntu's new version's artwork (i mean boot screen, login screen etc.) without reinstalling it? with update or sth?08:58
Prabzsilversk8r, configure wifi to always on, and the switch to not have any control over wifi08:58
LeapoLoshki: Kinda hard to reproduce when it happens seemingly at random, and erases the FS in the process (there go the log files...)08:58
theadminadahendra: Hmm... I heard of a couple, search in USC.08:58
gartralhas ANYONE gotten hdmi audio passthrough working?08:59
silversk8rPrabz, will the on/off button still work after that?08:59
Ferrixmanadahendra, I use Fslint. It works quite well for that purpose08:59
unggnuyoshu, http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/243423-14-image-flash - this might help08:59
Prabzsilversk8r, nope, but you can use ubuntu's application called flight mode to switch off wifi08:59
hsa2can you please help me ?08:59
adahendraok thank yo Ferrixman and theadmin08:59
LoshkiLeapo: agreed...08:59
silversk8rwell, it's worth a try08:59
geekphreakhsa2: ask mate08:59
MrKlowni'll try a few more things08:59
hsa2can't i get ubuntu's new version's artwork (i mean boot screen, login screen etc.) without reinstalling it? with update or sth?08:59
LeapoLoshki: Also rather annoying having to reinstall the darn thing repeatedly to test09:00
MinusSevenThe signpost fell over09:00
theadminMinusSeven: lolwut09:00
LoshkiLeapo: I'd give up on it. I wouldn't let an OS do that to me twice...09:00
MinusSevensomeone down the street knocked over a signpost09:00
theadminMinusSeven: I'd say it's offtopic09:00
MinusSevenI'm hopeless at judging this09:01
LeapoLoshki: Fedora it is, then...09:01
LordDragonok when i installed ubuntu it said it found two properitary drivers. one was broadcom sta wireless driver. and the other was b43 or something like that. i didnt activate the b43 cuz i didnt think i needed it for wifi. but perhaps i actually do. but now i cant get ubuntu to redetect the properiaty driver. how can i rescan ?09:01
hsa2geekphreak, any idea?09:01
LoshkiLeapo: no shortage of distros...09:01
MinusSevenNew version of Fedora out soon I think09:01
theuros1ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso   What mean amd64?  is this only for AMD 64bit porcessors ?09:01
MinusSevenbut if I can offer my 2 cents worth09:01
geekphreakLordDragon: >> system >> administration >> hardware drivers ?09:01
iceroottheuros1: no also for intel 64bit09:01
LoshkiMinusSeven: also offtopic...09:01
Prabztheuros1, it's 64bit systems09:01
theadmintheuros1: ANY 64-bit ones. AMD just started them, that's why.09:02
theuros1ok thanx09:02
MinusSevenI always way two weeks after Ubuntu is released before I install it09:02
LeapoLoshki: Well, Fedora is redhat based, and I want stability already!09:02
MinusSevennot way09:02
fastaLANG=C apt-get update && apt-get install gcc => The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:02
geekphreakhsa2: afaik mate, dont think you can09:02
fasta  gcc: Depends: gcc-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not going to be installed09:02
fastaE: Broken packages09:02
LordDragongeekphreak, yeah i keep going there. it only finds the broadcom sta driver now. it no longer detects the b43. i dont know why09:02
fastaCan someone possibly explain why not even a compiler can be installed/09:02
LoshkiLeapo: for maximum stability, I think you want centos...09:02
strangehey guys after installing nvidia driver, my console resolution is very low, i tried changing it in grub but that only changed the resolution for hte grub menu not console in general, any suggestions?09:02
iceroottheuros1: there is also ia64, that is a special intel-architecture, i guess you will never see, so amd64 is always the version you want for your intel or amd-cpu09:02
LeapoLoshki: That's also redhat based :-P09:02
PrabzLordDragon, you could find the b43 manually, on broadcomm's site09:02
theuros1ok thanx09:02
ikoniastrange: how did you instrall the nvidia drivers ?09:03
Leapotheuros1: AMD64 is the same thing as x86_64. It's the proper distro to get for both AMD and intel 64bit processors.09:03
LoshkiLeapo: yes, but it lags fedora, which is bleeding edge, and hence not nearly as stable...09:03
LordDragonPrabz, i wouldnt have a clue as to how to find something that specific and make it work on ubuntu09:03
fastastrange: AFAIK, console resolution is defined in the kernel and nvidia has nothing to do with it.09:03
strangeikonia: downloaded the driver, killed gnome and ran it. i didnt download latest though but .15 the latest had a wrong kernel image with it09:03
theuros1is worth it to have 64 bit version ? .. any big difference between 32 in 64 ?09:03
MathuinOkay, using cfdisk I was able to make ...bah0p1 and ...bah0p2, which appears to be what the installer wants.  Once this mkfs is done, I'll try installing again.09:03
Alienarchanyone try the ebox platform?09:03
ikoniastrange: why did you download the driver, and not use the official/supported restricted driver manager ?09:03
MinusSeventheuros1, 3209:03
superdreamkillais anyone here a memeber of GNAA?09:04
LoshkiLeapo: actually, 8.04 LTS is one of the stablest linuxes out there, IMO...09:04
LeapoLoshki: Either way, I havn't heard of either of them spontaneously combusting, which is good...09:04
theuros1what you mean by that ?09:04
PrabzLordDragon,  it's actually a binary file which you'd have to double click to run or run from the terminal09:04
JarRoDkhallow i was on wineHQ but i thay don't help me | i want install eset remote server (on wine). I have one error, I think one folder can't create, in this folder should be configuration. Any body know what i can more09:04
strangeikonia: because the official restricted driver is old? this one works fine, the restricted drivers mess up the console resolution just the same09:04
daMullLoshki: and still 8.04 has annoying bugs09:04
LordDragonPrabz, ok. where would i look for that?09:04
LeapoLoshki: I'd be afraid of the bug rearing its head again, after two distros in a row having it09:04
LoshkiLeapo: no, but with the exception of you, I'd have said the same about 9.X and 10.04...09:04
MinusSevenwhats GNAA?09:04
superdreamkillagay nigger association of america09:04
Ferrixmanis there anyone here willing to help me, please?09:04
ikoniastrange: as fasta said, the nvidia drivers are not controlled by the xorg drivers, they are frame buffers09:04
daMullLoshki: debian or centos are better in terms of being "stable" ;-)09:04
LoshkidaMull: does it? What are they?09:04
MinusSevenyou said a bad word09:05
strangeikonia: so i have to alter stuff in kernel ?09:05
MinusSeveni hate racism09:05
fastaikonia, do you know how I can get gcc on my system? I posted the error above.09:05
daMullLoshki: try to access an smb share in gnome ..09:05
LoshkidaMull: definitely agree that centos is super stable.09:05
fastaikonia, it illustrates well how bad Ubuntu QA is.09:05
ikoniastrange: just frame buffer config in your boot options09:05
tehoweHow long before wubi-install.org is usually updated? I'm going to have to pull the link from my site soonish if'n it stays on 9.1009:06
geekphreakLoshki: its rhel based right, i havent used it yet?09:06
LoshkidaMull: Ah, I don't run gnome...09:06
strangeikonia: do you have an url to where i can read up on it?09:06
perscitusHow do you add a computer to Ubuntu One when you already have an account?09:06
ikoniafasta: have you done an apt-get update first, or made sure your on a repo that's fully populated09:06
ikoniastrange: no09:06
strangeikonia: ok google here i come :)09:06
strangethanks for the information at least09:06
fastaikonia, I use a french official mirror. If that doesn't work the process needs to be changed.09:06
Leapotehowe: A compatible version of Wubi should be on the 10.04 CD09:06
Loshkigeekphreak: yes, I think centos is rhel with the branding removed and no support contract...09:06
ikoniafasta: no - mirrors can break09:07
ikoniafasta: it's nothing to do with process, it's to do with network traffic09:07
PrabzLordDragon, http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/09:07
tehoweleapo: Compare to 2MB download for new users... vs having to burn dvd :(09:07
fastaikonia, so, the only way to be sure is to use the main servers?09:07
ikoniafasta: verify the packages exist on that server if possible, make sure you've done an apt-get update (sucessul one) first so that the file list is valid09:07
daMullgeekphreak: look it up at their  homepage09:07
PrabzLordDragon, http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php09:07
ikoniafasta: the repo's are browsable by http, you could manually check it09:07
fastaikonia, that's what people who know what they are talking about a broken distributed system.09:07
LordDragonPrabz, ok this is weird. i reactivated the broadcom thing and it found my wifi network and connected to it09:08
daMullgeekpreak: centos.org09:08
Leapotehowe: First of all, you have to download that much data anyway (where do you think the 2MB installer gets the data from). Second, you don't need to burn the ISO, just mount it.09:08
LordDragonmaybe i didnt need b43 after all09:08
PrabzLordDragon, Great, so now no need to get b4309:08
daMullLoshki: but after all, ubuntu 8.04 is a solid desktop linux09:08
pak0hi all people good morning09:08
LordDragonPrabz, yeah it seems that way :)09:08
Leapotehowe: The Wubi installer on the CD will use the data on teh CD itself for installation, so it doesn't download it twice09:08
schlaftierIs it possible to theme Tk apps? There is some information on the web suggesting it was planned (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man3/ttk_intro.3tk.html) but I haven't been able to find more09:08
PrabzLordDragon, actually STA seems to work for b43 as well09:08
PrabzLordDragon, see here: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php09:08
NobleDoes anyone have a better quality of this: http://www.adobetutorialz.com/content_images/AdobePhotoshop/ART-D/tutorial188/final.jpg09:08
MJEvansWait, where'd the +1 go.  I don't want to be in #ubuntu it's too high traffic.09:09
LoshkidaMull: I've always thought 8.04 was awesome. I hope 10.04 works out as well as it did...09:09
ikoniafasta: is you're unhappy with it - don't use it, stop complaining it,s getting old, I'll help you fix your problems where possible, but stop complaining, if it doesn't meet your needs, use another distro09:09
pak0can anyone explain me how to set the correct ports or something to torrentflux, cant download torrents and have to do all i thikn09:09
perscitusHow do you add a computer to Ubuntu One when you already have an account?09:09
tehoweleapo: I know I know. NOt that most Windows users will know how to mount an ISO. It's just easier and sexier for the n00bs. Anyways, I gather the Wubi team will get top it eventually? Or is that defunct now and people *have* to get it off the ISO?09:09
pak0i have used ip tables, but cant connect to tracker09:09
=== necrogami is now known as Necrogami
kaddiis there are a list if known problems with 10.04 somewere? Are there known issues one should be aware of before upgrading?09:09
LoshkiMJEvans: +1 is on hiatus now that 10.04 was released today. 10.04 support is now in this channel09:09
joaopintokaddi, read the release notes09:09
fastaikonia, I would gladly switch to a system in which I have to do no system administration, except when I want to install anything, as opposed to upgrades.09:09
fastaikonia, please recommend one.09:10
Prabzkaddi, release notes09:10
Leapotehowe: It'll probably be updated in teh next couple days. But if you want it _now_, you'll have to grab the whole ISO rather than the installer than the ISO :-P09:10
perscitusAnyone just answering my question09:10
ikoniafasta: distrowatch.com - tons of options09:10
tehoweleapo: Ok thx09:10
fastaikonia, all equally broken.09:10
joaopintofasta, please join ##linux or ##windows09:10
fastaikonia, otherwise I would have heard a real suggestion by now.09:10
FlintWestWoodwell for one, the interface tab is missing from the appearances dialog09:10
Prabzkaddi, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100409:10
kaddiPrabz: thanks09:10
ikoniafasta: there are plenty that are not broken, and I don't have these issues with ubuntu either, so lets either fix your problems where we can, or be quiet09:11
RickFisherHELP! How do I get Blackjack back on my games?09:11
gartralhas ANYONE gotten hdmi audio passthrough working?09:11
carpeliamhey all :) if i'm updating from 10.04 beta2 to 10.04 full, can i just run the update manager and that's it? or do i need to do anything?09:11
fastaikonia, yes, I will just use the official mirror and get crawling download speeds.09:11
perscitusAnyone just answering my question09:11
ikoniafasta: last time - stop moaning,09:11
jefimenkodoes anyone know if you can do a netboot install for ubuntu-server? i followed these brief instructions, but couldn't find any netboot files specific for ubuntu-server: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet09:11
Xgatessay how does icecat compare to ff?09:12
Ferrixmanplease... help me!!!09:12
strangeikonia: i found the framebuffer option where is menu.lst located with grub2 ?09:12
joaopinto!please | Ferrixman09:12
ubottuFerrixman: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude09:12
ikoniastrange: /etc/grub09:12
Loshkistrange: I thought grub2 doesn't read menu.lst ?09:13
perscitusAnyone just answering my question09:13
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perscitusHow do you add a computer to Ubuntu One when you already have an account?09:13
strangeoh whats the alternative09:13
=== hsa2 is now known as hsa2|gone
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone09:13
strangebecause i have to set this vga= thing somewhere09:13
geekphreakstrange /etc/default/grub09:13
Ferrixmansorry for repeating: I have some problems in the fresh install process of ubuntu 10.04: I have a fake raid which I disactivated from bios, two 500Gb hard drives where I already have 9.10 installed, together with Vista on different partition. during the 10.04 setup, if I start it with noraid option, it will not see my two hard drives; if I start it normally, it will pretend the two hard drives to be on a raid 009:13
perscitusHow do you add a computer to Ubuntu One when you already have an account?09:14
minimecperscitus: https://one.ubuntu.com/ go to the support section... ;)09:14
mrfeltonHi - I'm running the new Ubuntu update (Lynx), and it's currently on th 'installing the upgrades' section. Has been going to about 90 minutes already - is progressing, but incredibly slowly (which is odd, since my machine is uber powerfull). The estimated time has not decreased for about an hour!!09:14
minimecperscitus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20add%20my%20computer?09:14
mrfeltonMy system  load is very high, sitting at 2.6209:14
silversk8rwell, I sill need help with this wlan :(09:14
rabidweezle!slow mrfelton09:14
joaopintoFerrixman, sorry I have no experienced with RAID09:14
silversk8rwireless netwoks are listed, but ubuntu just cannot connect to my wpa-psk network (it with windows :( ). It asks for the key,and starts to connect, but it fails to do that09:14
mrfeltonis this normall during the upgrade?09:14
ubottumrfelton: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors09:14
rethus10.04 out now. Is an upgrade without problems possible? anyone try it?09:14
Loshkistrange: or /etc/grub.d09:14
joaopintomrfelton, *during*  the upgrade, is09:15
LordDragonhmm anyone know how i can get the "close/maximum/minimize" buttons on the right side of the titlebar? even in the theme example its on the right. but mine are on the left somehow09:15
rugbydogquestion: with new 10.4 live cd, if i install with windows currently installed, will it give me the option to keep windows partition while also installing grub and setting grub as primary for boot time?09:15
joaopinto!controls | LordDragon09:15
ubottuLordDragon: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d609:15
unggnumrfelton, Upgrades take quite some time.09:15
kaddiso intel graphic cards are still an issue?09:15
LordDragonah thanks ubottu09:15
mrfeltonrabidweezle, the downloading finished ages ago - its installing now09:15
joaopintorugbydog, yes, if you select to shrink the existing windows partition09:15
fastaikonia, even when I use the official mirror I cannot install gcc.09:15
joaopintokaddi, check the release notes :)09:15
ikoniafasta: ok, so that means there is probably a valid bug09:15
ikonia!info gcc09:15
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu1)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB09:15
fastaikonia, "Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic Release.gpg"09:15
icerootfasta: post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin09:16
zipper__thedanman are u there?09:16
mrfeltonunggnu, yes, but it's over the lasty hour, the time remaining time eestimate has been slowly increasing, and the general speed of progression has slowed dramatically09:16
Loshkiso, are the buttons gonna stay on the left...?09:16
geekphreakfasta: try build-essientials09:16
kaddijoaopinto: yes the release notes say so. I was haping the problems would be contained two releases after jaunty09:16
Prabzsilversk8r, now is it able to detect the network?09:16
rabidweezlemrfelton, during an upgrade, it will be slower since it is pulling all the packages you had installed before and updating hundreds of packages09:16
unggnumrfelton, what is the current status, which application?09:16
rethus10.04 out now. Is an upgrade without problems possible? anyone try it?09:16
ikoniafasta: what was the package that was breaking again ?09:16
rabidweezlemrfelton, fresh installs are usally faster than upgrades since they don't have all the stuff apt-get install'ed09:16
ikoniafasta: as in the dep that's missing09:16
karma_policewhats the best flash fix for 64 bit lucid?09:17
fastaikonia, gcc09:17
Prabzsilversk8r, atleast the switch workaround worked now?? :-)09:17
ubuntuaddictedrethus i have an fully encrypted 9.10 with some specialities upgraded without a problem..09:17
silversk8rPrabz, it detcts the network and tries to connect, it even asks for the network key09:17
minimecrethus: An update from 9.10 should be rather painless. I updated to 10.04 without problems when it was still in Alpha3 stage.09:17
MathuinUgh.  This foo1 versus foop1 business is clearly the problem.  cfdisk claims to create foo1 but really creates foop1.09:17
rethusubuntuaddicted: nice, whats about the new features... are there good new ones?09:17
yohannbzhHi. Is it possible to change the server from which i download the upgrade to 10.04?09:18
zippernuuu thedanman is gone09:18
fastaiceroot, ikonia:  http://paste.debian.net/71324/09:18
Prabzsilversk8r, try resetting your access point09:18
ubuntuaddictedrethus design and performance and many other things09:18
mrfeltonrabidweezle, at this stage in the process ('installing the upgrades') can I halt or pause it? Is it actually overriting live files, or is it staging the upgrade somewhere else?09:18
perscitusHow do you add a computer to Ubuntu One when you already have an account?09:18
silversk8rPrbaz I don't think that could help09:18
RickFisherHow do I get Blackjack game back?09:18
Prabzsilversk8r, that usually happens with me too, I reset the AP, it starts working09:18
ikoniafasta: no, the dep that's missing09:18
Valerindid the grub issue get fully resolved before release?09:18
azlonhow do i remove a program using apt-get?09:18
joaopinto!one | perscitus09:18
ubottuperscitus: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone09:18
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unggnumrfelton, it is overwriting09:19
silversk8rwindows can connect to it anytime09:19
joaopintoValerin, yes09:19
ikoniafasta: you're using PPA's09:19
Prabzsilversk8r, u can try09:19
* mrfelton is worried now - needs to work!!09:19
joaopintoAzelphur, apt-get purge  package09:19
fastaikonia,  gcc: Depends: gcc-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not going to be installed09:19
rabidweezlemrfelton, when I did my upgrade (which was mostly clean install from karmic) it took about 4 hours09:19
ikoniafasta: you've got karmic repos in too09:19
rabidweezleerm 2 hours sorry mrfelton09:19
unggnumrfelton, do the package status change?09:19
silversk8rPrabz: ok09:19
Valerinso grub shouldnt be giving me an error on boot then?09:19
fastaikonia, yes, I want to run karmic.09:19
mokkanis there any way to get the indicator applet to watch gmail inboxes?09:19
perscitusHow do you add a computer to Ubuntu One when you already have an account?09:19
ikoniafasta: ah, ok, well, I suspect it's probably down to the deps being changed due to the PPA's09:19
fastaikonia, like I have been doing for since it was released.09:19
mrfeltonunggnu, package status change?09:19
ikoniafasta: I've got gcc fine here from a 9.10 repo09:20
tmukmkdi must use alternate version of iso to upgrade from iso, or i can just use the normal iso?09:20
FlintWestWoodRickFisher: Applications > Ubuntu Software Center > Games09:20
ikoniafasta: what did you install from the PPA ?09:20
MathuinIs there a better place to ask questions about cfdisk and the installer?09:20
rabidweezlemrfelton, it pretty much replaces files on the fly, I noticed while I was updating that my network died, my wallpaper changed, etc.09:20
minimecperscitus: again... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20add%20my%20computer?09:20
joaopintotmukmkd, to upgrade you need the alternate cd09:20
perscitusminiCruzer.->  uh noscript gets in the way09:20
mrfeltonrabidweezle, ah ok - yeah I noticed that Skype has now stopped working09:20
hd1this isn't making sense, I'm trying to use the usb-creator to create a install image for 10.04, but usbcreate is not letting me do so (the "Make startup disk" button remains blank)09:20
fastaikonia, chrome, VLC, mercurial and I think that's it.09:20
RickFisherFlintWestWood, It's missing09:20
Valerini just installed 10.04 with a single HDD... when booting im getting: error hd0,1 out of disk09:20
fastaikonia, none of those should cause this.09:20
tmukmkdjoaopinto, ok :) so i download the wrong iso :| silly me09:21
ikoniafasta: I wonder if one of them has upgraded something that means the deps can't be installed09:21
RickFisherFlintWestWood, It's not in software center either09:21
rabidweezlemrfelton, all I can say to do is close all apps and leave it alone for a while09:21
Prabzmrfelton, try skype,  not the latest beta09:21
unggnumrfelton, it list the current upgraded package. If this changes after some time it is still working09:21
FlintWestWoodRickFisher: fire up synaptic and see if its in there. Are you using lucid?09:21
Prabzrabidweezle,  try skype,  not the latest beta09:21
rabidweezlePrabz, we are talking mid-update here09:22
rabidweezlePrabz, and it's not for me, I don't use skype09:22
FlintWestWoodRickFisher: one sec, let me check the testing maching09:22
HektoRhello guys... I'm using ubuntu 9.10 64Bit and want to upgrade to 10.04 . does ubuntu automaticly upgrade it to 10.04 64bit ?09:22
Valerincan anyone provide any insight to fixing that?09:22
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Prabzrabidweezle, skype beta no longer supports alsa..09:22
abhijainhello i m gonna trying installing ubuntu 10.4 on my machine . so which is better ??install inside window  or full installation so that my grub is do not lost boot loader  from system .09:22
rabidweezleHektoR, yes09:22
ikoniaHektoR: if you're using 64bit, it will upgrade to 64 bit09:22
HektoRrabidweezle: ikonia thank you guys09:23
KeithWeissharis it worth downloading the dvd version of ubuntu?09:23
ikoniaabhijain: I personally do not rate the install within windows (wubi) option09:23
joaopintoabhijain, there is no issue with grub anymore, you can do a regular install09:23
fastaikonia, even after removing all the PPAs, I have the same issue.09:23
joaopintoKeithWeisshar, there is no official DVD version09:23
rabidweezleKeithWeisshar, if you want to install on people's computers that don't have internet, yes.09:23
_Commander_i need some help guys after some updates arround 120mb my computer will not boot09:23
KeithWeissharare there only official cd versions09:23
ikoniafasta: removing the PPA's won't change it if the depds have been changed09:23
ikoniafasta: that just removes the repos from more updates09:23
KeithWeissharon-disk.com has dvd versions09:24
tmukmkdjoaopinto, there have (official dvd)09:24
rabidweezleoops, I'm thinking debian dvd's sorry xD09:24
ikoniafasta: I'mn not %100 but I'd guess that is the issue as 9.10's gcc is working fine09:24
strangeikonia: i had to edit grub.cfg setgfxpayload and now its all sorted09:24
joaopintotmukmkd, there are ? show me the ubuntu.com page for those :)09:24
ikoniafasta: (in general terms I mean)09:24
fastaikonia, so, how do I get in a good state again?09:24
ikoniastrange: nice job09:24
strangethanks alot for pointing me in the right direction09:24
_Commander_tried different kernels and reccovery mode but nothing09:24
KeithWeissharare only the cd version of ubuntu official?09:24
FobiaHello. Is there any chance to run .exe's under Ubuntu without rebooting the computer? I mean run .exe's in Ubuntu ...09:24
tmukmkdjoaopinto, wait. i think i see it yesterday :D dunno if im wrong :)09:24
hd1would rawrite32 work?09:24
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joaopintofasta, reinstall your system, if you played with random sources and ppas, and you have a problem which you can't figure by yourself your safer beta is to reinstall and DO NOT use ppa's09:25
PrabzFobia check out wine, http://winehq.org09:25
ubottufobia: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:25
ikoniafasta: if I am right (and that's a big if) you'd need to remove the deps that are conflicting/newer than the ones (which may break the apps that want them eg: vlc)09:25
FobiaHey, I heard that is limited :/09:25
ikoniafasta: that way the package manager will pickup that the official ubuntu depds are the one it needs to follow09:25
fastaikonia, I think you are confusing things a lot now.09:25
FlintWestWoodRickFisher: search synaptic for gnome-games09:25
PrabzFobia, or u could use virtualbox09:25
joaopintoikonia, he may already have installed conflicting packages09:25
FlintWestWoodinstall that, it should have youre blackjack in it09:25
ikoniafasta: you could also look at repo pinning, however I think you're beyond that at this state09:25
fastaikonia, AFAIK, the package manager should say what is conflicting.09:25
ikoniajoaopinto: I believe he has09:25
ikoniafasta: no it shouldn't09:26
strangewonder when sun/oracle will add a ppa for lucid09:26
FobiaPrabz: if I'd like to run mIRC/Winamp/Corel Draw/Y!M under Ubuntu, what would you suggest, please? :)09:26
fastaikonia, it only says "we are not going to install FOO", but not WHY.09:26
ikoniafasta: it not if it's not aware or has a hardcoded dep, as gcc09:26
strangeFobia: wine is your only option dont know if all those work09:26
mupaonHow to re-install adobe flash for all browsers ?09:26
ikoniafasta: it does, it says it needs a package which it's not going to install, so it's marking gcc as broken09:26
strangeFobia: im pretty sure corel draw isnt gonna happen though09:26
sp0spodoes cpu power or ram matter in the speed of how fast a hard drive can be scanned for bad sectors?09:26
ikoniafasta: it's not going to explain why the dep is broken you need to check chat09:26
joaopintofasta, package manager is telling you exactly what is happnening, however because you don't have a sufficient knowledge on the repositories you have setup you can't easily undestand what is wrong09:26
FobiaI understand.09:26
PrabzFobia, u have Xchat instead of Mirc, try amarok or xmms instead of winamp, gyachi instead og Y!M09:27
ikoniafasta: however this is a big "if" I'm right, I may be on the wrong track09:27
FobiaI understand. (2)09:27
strangeor xirssi if you want a gui09:27
FobiaOr Konversation :P09:27
FobiaThank you kindly for your time. Be safe :)09:27
PrabzFobia, gyachi has native Y!M support09:27
FobiaI see09:27
FobiaI'll think about it, thank you09:27
thecookieffs, 10.4 released with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/558910 still there09:27
PrabzFobia, gyachi includes chatrooms too :)09:27
rabidweezleFobia, audacious uses winamp 2 skins even09:27
fastajoaopinto, I am sorry, but if software can create a state in which it cannot produce a constructive proof of what is wrong, it is broken.09:27
daMullI cannot find release notes on 10.04, can someone take a stick and point the direction?09:27
ikoniafasta: that's PPA's09:27
artinstartinthe networkmanager is in autostart but the wifi is not startin(lamp is not blinking), yesterday it was fine. i started nm-applet ins console, and know it is running, but still no wifi blinking. then i tried to change the autostart command from nm-applet --sm-disable to nm-applet. no sucess. what's the problem?09:27
fastaikonia, PPA's simply add entries to the data base.09:28
FirehawkeGot an odd but simple question, if anyone familliar with unetbootin could spare a minute.09:28
ikoniafasta: you use them at your own risk, they are not official and can and do conflict with ubuntu packages09:28
ikoniafasta: no they don't09:28
fastaikonia, what is your source that they don't?09:28
ikoniafasta: they contain software with additional repos/files in them that can and sometimes do conflict with ubuntus base package09:28
joaopintofasta, I am sorry to tell you that software that not blocks users from destroying their own systems, you got into that scenario because you have chosen to use untrusted/not recommended software sources09:28
KeithWeissharis the sound broken in ubuntu 10.409:28
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:28
theadminKeithWeisshar: No.09:28
fastajoaopinto, that is an assertion.09:28
azloni am trying to recover my software raid. when i do --examine on sda1 it shows 2 failed drives. when i do --examine on sdc1 (one of the failed drives) it shows all drives are functioning properly09:29
_Commander_need help my computer is stuck at loading inital kernel09:29
Prabzthecookie, that bug was also present in karmic, wasn't it?09:29
KeithWeissharsomeone posted a link about an alsa driver bug 55891009:29
tmukmkdjoaopinto, humm only link have. but no dvd download option. so im wrong :D why they do that?09:29
fastajoaopinto, we don't know that. It is just your guess.09:29
thecookiePrabz: Not sure. I have no sound at least. Not had it since beta 209:29
ikoniafasta: based on the error and the PPA's is a reasonable guess that you can now investigate09:29
rabidweezle_Commander_, is this after install?09:29
ikoniafasta: it's quite common with certain PPA's09:29
joaopintofasta, that is a fact, the only way to make gcc uninstallable  on a healthy system is: 1) a mirror problem, 2) breaking system core packages/dependencies with 3rd parties repositories09:29
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Prabzthecookie, there's also a bug in phonon under KDE, sometimes sound works for KDE apps, sometimes it doesn't09:30
KeithWeissharare there still no dvd downloads of ubuntu09:30
joaopintofasta, yes I know, it's not a guess09:30
thecookieTested pulseaudio -k, running alsamixer09:30
fastaikonia, if there is a conflict, the package manager should say "package foo prevents package bar from being installed".09:30
thecookienothing works09:30
fastaikonia, which is also what it does normally.09:30
ikoniafasta: not when the conflict is from a 3rd party repo it doesn't know about09:30
spazzhi.. lucid moves my mouse cursor faster in horizontal directions than in vertical directions.. how do i fix that!?09:30
Prabzthecookie, tried removing all references to pulseaudio?09:30
joaopintofasta, the package manager does say so, on th is case it tells you are missing dependencies09:30
fastaikonia, and what is this conflict?09:30
FirehawkeBasically unetbootin won't see the USB hard drive I'd like to install to, and attempting to force it to use that drive letter failed. I've done the usual check through the bugs list, checked the forums, etc.. no luck. Anyone got any ideas?09:30
elie-mthe freakin karmic wont upgrade to lucid.......... I'm forcing an update through the terminal and it's slow.09:30
thecookiePrabz: Not sure how to find all references.09:30
ikoniafasta: if you setup pinning properly it will alert you better09:30
fastaikonia, the software doesn't tell me abou this conflict.09:30
rabidweezle_Commander_, did you install yet, or is this with just the livecd?09:31
KeithWeisshardoes even the dvd version of ubuntu still pull files from internet during install unless i unplug the network during install?09:31
ikoniafasta: you need to work it through09:31
_Commander_rabi no my computer wont boot after some updates09:31
joaopintofasta, what is the precise package name you are trying to insall, which Ubuntu version are you using ?09:31
karma_policewhats the name of the gui to automatically mount secondary hdd?09:31
minimecthecookie: I would check the settings in gstreamer-properties and the new volume-control-settings. Maybe install also pavucontrol, wich might give you some further hints in combination with pulseaudio.09:31
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Prabzthecookie, well.. completely remove pulseaudio and its dependencies, and install alsa from source, that's what I had to do under Karmic,atleast..09:31
elie-mI used sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade to force the upgrade09:31
rabidweezle_Commander_, oh, did you need a special kernel before?09:31
fastajoaopinto, The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:31
fasta  gcc: Depends: gcc-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not going to be installed09:31
fastaE: Broken packages while apt-get install gcc09:31
thecookiePrabz: I'll try that09:31
ikoniaelie-m: no no no no09:31
thecookieminimec: I think i've checked all those things09:31
_Commander_rabii,  no09:32
joaopintofasta, please pastebin the output from: apt-cache policy gcc09:32
Xgatessudo add-apt-repository command not found how can I run this cmd, what needs to be installed?09:32
ikonia!info gcc09:32
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.93ubuntu1)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.3-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB09:32
elie-mikonia, what?09:32
rabidweezle_Commander_, are the old kernel's still listed in grub?09:32
andy__hi, is it possible to upgrade directly from 9.04 (Jaunty) to 10.04 (lucid)?09:32
NoObikhello :)09:32
ikoniafasta: thats why - the current version is
RickFisherFlintWestWood, No Blackjack joy :-(09:32
minimecthecookie: Do you have a hardware device that shows up in the volume-control-applet?09:32
Imran-UKinstalling lucid i386 desktop iso on PC that already has windows 7, during the install process the "Prepare partitions" dialog does not list any of my existing partitions09:32
ikoniafasta: that's why won't be installed09:32
joaopintoandy__, not directly, you need 2 upgrades09:32
silversk8rhow to get ubuntu lynx to connect to my wpa-psk? it lists available networks, even asks for the key repeatedly, but can't connect. pls help09:32
Prabzthecookie, there's also a tutorial for the same,floating around.. google.. :)09:32
thecookieminimec: Yes. Everything shows up ok, nothing complains.09:32
joaopintofasta, are you using Ubuntu 10.04 ?09:32
Imran-UKandy__, no, you need to go to karmic first09:32
ikoniafasta: ignore that09:32
minimecthecookie: Did you start alsamixer in a console once?09:32
ikoniafasta: sorry - that's for lucid, I forgot we'd changed09:32
fastajoaopinto, http://paste.debian.net/71325/09:32
_Commander_rrabi yea09:33
ikoniajoaopinto: he's not - that was my mistake, sorry09:33
fastajoaopinto, no, 9.1009:33
thecookieminimec: Yes. And muted / unmuted, changed sound settings. pulseaudio -k and such09:33
Prabzsilversk8r, still not worked?09:33
_Commander_but the issue remains on al kernels09:33
rabidweezle_Commander_, try to boot off one of the old kernel's yet?09:33
silversk8rnope :(09:33
DragonBookfor installing flash, would u guys recommend me downloading the package from adobe or using apt-get ?09:33
thecookieSound works on same machine on windows, so no hardware failure09:33
_Commander_rabi yes same issue....09:33
elie-mI'm forcing it to upgrade09:33
joaopintofasta, apt-cache policy gcc-4.409:33
andy__<joaopinto>: thanks, but 9.10 unfortunately has a buggy driver for my onboard graphics, which makes it unusable :( .. So I guess I'll have to do a fresh install?09:33
Imran-UKDragonBook, either should be fine but apt-get is somewhat easier09:33
RickFisherWhere oh where is my Blackjack game?09:34
rabidweezle_Commander_, oh, hrm, do you know how to chroot into a partition from a livecd?09:34
Prabzsilversk8r, sorry I can't help further.. I told you what I knew about the switch workaround on Dell.. atleast one problem out of the way.. :)09:34
DragonBookImran-UK, how can i check to see what the latest version on apt-get is ?09:34
minimecthecookie: Hmmm... gstreamer-properties ->audio Everything on default settings? Do you get an audio 'beep' testing the sound devices? Probalby not ;)09:34
MathuinI wish my only problems were my Blackjack game. :-)09:34
silversk8rPrabz: thank you09:34
joaopintoandy__, you can use rescue mode and do: do-release-upgrade09:34
arandDragonBook: are you on 32/64bit?09:34
thecookieminimec: I get no been when pressing test.09:34
fastajoaopinto, http://paste.debian.net/71327/09:34
DragonBookarand, 32bit09:34
Imran-UKDragonBook, aptitude show flash-nonfree or whatever the package name is09:34
RickFisherMathuin, what is your problem?09:34
Imran-UKanyone? installing lucid i386 desktop iso on PC that already has windows 7, during the install process the "Prepare partitions" dialog does not list any of my existing partitions09:34
ikonia!info gcc karmic09:34
threefcatatrying to upgrade to 10.04, but the upgrader said i don't have enought space on / partition09:34
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.82ubuntu2)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.1-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB09:35
_Commander_rabi no but i have no access to a live cd right now09:35
MathuinRickFisher, I can't seem to make my "fake" RAID work so I can't install 10.04.09:35
threefcataanyway to get around?09:35
arandDragonBook: "aptitude show flashplugin-installer"09:35
ikoniafasta: ok so that's a later version than the current official09:35
icerootMathuin: fakeraid only working with alternate-cd09:35
RickFisherMathuin, Raid = pain in my brain09:35
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minimecthecookie: that is strange. If people have audio problems, I normally advise 1. check personal sound settings, 2. check system sound settings 3. Check if the card is recognized... That normally does the trick... Your case seems to be different.09:36
rabidweezle_Commander_, ugh, you might want to get one somehow09:36
elie-mMy Problem is that the upgrade says it cannot calculate the upgrade so it cannot upgrade.09:36
Mathuiniceroot: is there a 64bit version of the alternate CD?09:36
RickFisherthreefcata, have you run janitor and Bleach?09:36
naiad1i just upgraded to lucid and now apache is asking to download php files.  I've gone through the config files to double check they've been set to php but it's almost liek it's not registering properly.  has anyone seen this since they upgraded?09:36
rabidweezle_Commander_, do you have a thumb driver?09:36
andy__joaopinto: Thanks :)09:36
threefcataRickFisher: what are those?09:36
rabidweezle_Commander_, thumb drive*09:36
joaopintofasta, sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4 (to get the gcc-4.4 fail to install reason)09:36
_Commander_do i need the new one?09:36
RickFisherthreefcata, Are you on 9.10?09:36
Imran-UKnaiad1, if using firefox then close firefox and request the page again09:36
elie-mMathuin yes09:36
thecookieminimec: Yeah. The correct card shows up in every dialog, the sound works well in widnwos. Done everything I've been adviced. Maybe I should try to remove pulseaudio and install again09:36
azlonwhy would --examine on sda1 and sdc1 return 2 different results if they are in the same raid?09:36
_Commander_i think i have old ubuntu09:37
threefcataRickFisher: no, i'm on 8.0409:37
rabidweezle_Commander_, if you have a thumb drive, you can probably make a pendrive linux rescue drive and chroot in, and check it out09:37
Daddy10 .04 still have bugy09:37
rabidweezle_Commander_, that will work, if it will boot09:37
silversk8rwhat's the recommended way for installing LAMP?09:37
joaopinto!lamp | silversk8r09:37
ubottusilversk8r: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:37
_Commander_rabi have an old 9.4 live cd i think09:37
minimecthecookie: I would try sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio. That should be the same as remove/install...09:37
karma_policedoes anyone know the gui tool for mounting seconday hdd at startup?09:37
RickFisherthreefcata, Go into synaptic manager and install Bleach and Computer Janitor09:37
RickFisherThey will remove excess files09:38
rabidweezle_Commander_, if it's live cd style, you should be good09:38
RickFisherthreefcata, Bleach WILL remove files you might want to READ the warning as they pop up as you check the boxes09:38
rabidweezle_Commander_, look up instructions how to chroot on google, then you can get in, reinstall/setup grub properly, w/e you need to do, it's hard to see what's happening until you chroot the drive.09:38
wittichwhat todo when do-release-upgrade over ssh failed? :/09:39
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threefcataRickFisher: ic09:39
threefcataRickFisher: trying it out, thx09:39
mucagood mornig from Spain!!!09:39
thecookieminimec: No difference, it seems that if sound should work but I hear nothing. When I do a pulseaudio -k, apps notice that pulse audio died and restarts sound and such09:39
Mathuinelie-m: thanks!  17 minutes wait on a download...09:39
FlintWestWoodRickFisher: PMed you a link to download the packages outside of synaptic and do a manual install09:39
_Commander_rabi got a 10.4 beta2 live cd09:39
fastajoaopinto, The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:39
fasta  gcc-4.4: Depends: gcc-4.4-base (= 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) but 4.4.1-4ubuntu9 is to be installed09:39
fasta           Depends: cpp-4.4 (= 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) but 4.4.1-4ubuntu9 is to be installed09:39
fastaE: Broken packages09:39
FloodBot4fasta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:39
joaopintofasta, apt-cache policy gcc-4.4-base09:40
rabidweezle_Commander_, that will work, boot it up09:40
fastajoaopinto, is it ok if I message you, then I can paste?09:40
threefcataRickFisher: it seems i can't fine the two things you said09:40
threefcataRickFisher: find*09:40
ikoniafasta: where the devil are those packages coming from, they are much later than stable09:40
_Commander_ok will i loose my burg settings?09:40
mucacain get help in spanish in this channel? :)09:41
minimecthecookie: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol; <alt>F2 pavucontrol. Maybe you get some additional info there.09:41
DragonBookok got flash on there now09:41
DragonBookthanks arand09:41
DJones!es | muca09:41
ubottumuca: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:41
rabidweezle_Commander_, burg?09:41
joaopintofasta, do you have karmic-updates on the repository list ? was the last apt-get update sucessful ?09:41
Christoph_vWwhy do-release-upgrade isn't opening a new screen? :/ I always forget todo this09:41
fastajoaopinto, http://paste.debian.net/71329/09:41
thecookieminimec: Testing! :)09:41
_Commander_i have a graphical loader..09:41
fastajoaopinto, I think I had that for a long time, yes.09:41
rabidweezle_Commander_, boot loader?09:42
fastajoaopinto, currently, I think not.09:42
AiriHi, I have Ubuntu 10.4 installed as a frugal install using unetbootin as advised from earlier, but when I go to install it I get an error message that it can't unmount /cda to install it to my hard-drive, is there any way around that?09:42
minimecthecookie: Also check the 'Connector:' in the output section of the volume-control-applet09:42
RickFisherthreefcata, I haven't used 8.10 in a long time.09:42
Schnitzhi all09:42
joaopintofasta, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc-4.4 <- the current version on updates is 4.4.1-4ubuntu909:42
threefcataRickFisher: i c09:42
minimecthecookie: I had to change the connector there for my USB Speakers.09:42
fastajoaopinto, all apt-get updates have been successfull.09:42
rabidweezle_Commander_, you won't lose anything if you are chroot'ing, you are basically just taking control of the partition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot09:43
Schnitzis there already a fix for the firefox libmoon segfault problem? how annoying is that :-(09:43
RickFisherthreefcata, When you boot do you see a long list of choices in Grub?09:43
fastajoaopinto, ok, so I add karmic-updates and it should work.09:43
joaopintofasta, and your policy output shows ubuntu8, which means the last apt-get update failed or you don't have the -updates enabled, or you are using a broken mirror09:43
joaopintofasta, yes, because you already installed packages from -updates, and now you are trying to install from the initial version09:43
rabidweezle_Commander_, so you can go in, find the problem, and fix it09:43
_Commander_rabi ok booted up on live cd...09:44
threefcataRickFisher: yes09:44
SalmonSamAny way to disable the compiz blacklist check in 10.04?09:44
threefcataRickFisher: lots of diff ver. of kernels09:44
alpakawhere are the dagdum MD5 sums? :\09:44
ikoniaah ha, updates is the conflict09:44
rabidweezle_Commander_, mount your linux partition somewhere09:44
dhruvasagarHi All!09:44
fastajoaopinto, I think the GUI didn't notice I had updates also in it.09:44
fastajoaopinto, but I am not sure of that.09:44
alpakaPlease tell me where the hashes/sums for Ubuntu isos  are09:44
fastajoaopinto, anyway, problem probably solved.09:45
FardadJalilialpaka: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/09:45
fastajoaopinto, thanks.09:45
joaopintofasta, yw :)09:45
alpakaFardadJalili: mersi dadash, thank you09:45
rabidweezle_Commander_, once you mount your linux partition, look in /boot for any weirdness09:46
_Commander_rabi define weirdness09:46
rabidweezle_Commander_, missing kernel09:46
thecookieminimec: Where do I find the volume-control-applet09:46
rabidweezle_Commander_, then check out your boot loader settings09:47
thecookieminimec: I even see the sound being played in the equalizer type of thing in the pulse audtio thinkg. Must be something wrong with which connector it plays it to09:47
_Commander_rabi got few kernels in there09:47
DragonBookoh wow songbird doesnt have an apt-get installer ?09:47
minimecthecookie: Thats the sound thing you have on the upper panel on the right.. 'the little speaker'09:47
rabidweezle_Commander_, cool. if all else fails, setup grub again while chrooted09:48
tehoweAnyone know if the Ubuntu coming soon web widget is going to get updated to now available or should I just pull it?09:48
thecookieminimec: I can't really change the connector there tho?09:48
thecookieYes I can, but no differece09:48
Christoph_vWhow can I recover ubuntu from a rescue system when do-release-upgrade was interrupted?09:49
thecookieThis is frustrating09:49
rabidweezle_Commander_, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:49
thecookieThere is nothing called alsaconfig? :p09:49
LinuxGuy2009Is the java plugin package have a new name or is it gone from the repos now?09:49
thecookieMaybe a settings file?09:49
FlintWestWoodthecookie: fireup terminal and type in alsaconf09:49
Christoph_vWI already tried to mount the hdd and chroot it - but dpkg --configure -a fails for the kernel09:50
minimecthecookie: If you have still no success with pulseaudio, open gstreamer-properties and change the audio settings to alsa once and do some 'beep' tests. You should hear something. Otherwise alsa is not recognizing your card correctly or something is still muted.09:50
joaopintoChristoph_vW, it depends on how it broke, try runninng do-release-upgrade again09:50
corinthHi room. I'm in the live CD right now for 10.04...but I'm afraid I'm not sure if I booted to the RC or the final release. How can I tell?09:50
thecookiesudo: alsaconf: command not found09:50
joaopintoLinuxGuy2009, the icedtea java package is available from the repository, the sun one moved09:50
AiriIs anybody able to help me install from the frugal install of unbootin please?09:50
Christoph_vWjoaopinto: I can't boot into the ubuntu system anymore - only into a rescue system from livecd09:50
_Commander_could you post lik again09:50
thecookieminimec: In the pulse audio control thing, I see the sound getting played in the equalizer kind of bar. When I press mute it stops.. so it seems it's actually processing sound09:51
frojndIf I add options under /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf is there a way to reload this and how, or do I have to reboot arch?09:51
pullingjHi, I have received the error: "[Errno 30] Read-only file system" during the install of 10.04 twice now.  Once while booting straight into the install program and once while running the install program after booting the live cd.09:51
thecookiealsamixer shows me thecorrect chip and everything09:51
Christoph_vWand it looks like kernel, root and swap are on different md volumes09:51
HeebieHello.  I'm having trouble installing UBuntu 6.06LTS on a Dell PowerEdge R200.  I can't find anything useful online for getting this install to work. Has anyone managed to do this?09:51
thelostpatrolhi i am running 10.04 in virtualbox (newest version) and i need help installing video drivers. anyone?09:51
joaopintoHeebie, LTS is no longer supported09:51
joaopintoI mean, 6.0609:51
FlintWestWoodthecookie: sorry i meant alsamixer09:51
pullingjthe install was at 45% when I creceived the errno 3009:52
thecookieFlintWestWood: Yeah. I tried everything from there,.09:52
eycelthe video drivers should be installed from the menu some where09:52
corinthHi room. I'm in the live CD right now for 10.04...but I'm afraid I'm not sure if I booted to the RC or the final release. How can I tell?09:52
joaopintothelostpatrol, install the virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 package09:52
POiStarAny1 having problems with 10.04 and brightness (Asus EEEPC 1005p) ?09:52
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minimecthecookie: Looks like. You should be able to 'send' your sound to your preferred device in pavucontrol. Click on the application in pavucontrol and try to send the sound to your device. Maybe there is another device on your system, like a HDMI Audio device or so.09:52
thelostpatrolhow do i go about that, joaopinto?09:53
teolicyHi. I've just upgraded, and the minimize/maximize/close buttons on all my windows moved from the top-right edge of any window to top-left. Is this intentional?09:53
Heebiejoaopinto: according to the docs on ubuntu's website it's supported until January 2011.09:53
rabidweezle_Commander_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:53
henrikhHello I seriously need some help. I've just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4, and now I can't boot. It fails at grub, saying "symbol 'grub_puts_' not found".09:53
thecookieminimec: I only have 1 device in that list09:53
rgnrhi all09:54
minimecthecookie: All your sound devices should also be listed in the hardware section of the sound-control-applet.09:54
henrikhI've search google and found many explanations09:54
henrikhyet nothing helped09:54
joaopintocorinth, apt-cache policy ubiquity, it should show  2.2.2409:54
minimecthecookie: ok.09:54
rgnrwho has alreay tried 10.04?09:54
thecookieI am on 10.0409:54
henrikhWhat can I do to fix my Grub installation?09:54
file_zeroI am using Ubuntu 10 64 bit. Can i use 32 bit flash on this system ?09:54
rgnris it worthy?09:54
joaopintoHeebie, ops, you are refering to server,09:54
icerootfile_zero: yes09:54
thecookieNot at the moment no, no soound for me :)09:54
FlintWestWoodseems alot like 9.1009:54
icerootfile_zero: by default (flashplugin-nonfree) you are using flash 32bit on amd64 system09:54
corecode_congrats to lucid09:55
corinthjoaopinto, it shows 2.2.24 .  If I were running the RC, it would show something different?09:55
corecode_however - why is my window decoration on the left now?09:55
rgnri found  megaexception's review09:55
icerootcorinth: 2.2.23 is in rc09:55
Heebiejoaopinto: Yes.. 6.06.R2 LTS. Server.  I need to install it on a Dell R200.. and it doesn't want to work. :/09:55
Airinvm, just seen that it can't be done09:55
corecode_the close/minimize buttons09:55
Xgatesholy crap this is crazy ----> http://pastebin.com/KAcQ9mMp just to install gnash09:55
joaopintocorinth, yes, that should final09:55
FlintWestWoodthecookie: this guide covers audio issues in 9.10 and earlier maybe itll help you out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957809:55
Xgatessomeone should BEAT the developers for that09:55
* Xgates bangs head09:55
silversk8ris there a way to make empathy join a channel faster? right now it takes about a minute to join this channel09:55
joaopintoHeebie, sorry, no idea, I don't use 6.06 for a long time09:55
thecookieFlintWestWood: Thanks! I'll check it out09:55
file_zero iceroot: flashplugin-nonfree works for all browsers ?09:56
Heebiejoaopinto: I wish I could get my client to use something else! :/09:56
henrikhI'm still in need for help on the problem with Grub :(09:56
teolicyHow do I reset my 'appearance' theme to default?09:56
minimecthecookie: I have no more ideas... I guess it's just a stupid little thing we miss...09:56
icerootfile_zero: dont know i am only using firefox09:56
thecookieminimec: Thanks for your help tho! :)09:56
corinthAnyone else having trouble with GRUB after installing Lucid final? I'm going to try reinstalling...because after installing 10.04 final grub doesn't load...it goes straight into Windows XP. I triple boot XP, Win7, and Ubuntu.09:56
minimecthecookie: no problem09:56
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SandGorgonhas anybody been able to successfully use kernel 2.6.34 on 10.04 ?09:57
henrikhcorinth: I got a problem too09:57
jbuHi all.  10.04 problem here: failed update/installs lead to inability to do anything - can't open any programs - can't restart computer.  Hard drive light stays solid.  Possibly a DM Raid5 problem.  Anyone having this problem?09:57
jbufailed update/install using synaptic*09:57
henrikhcorinth: I get "symbol 'grub_puts_' not found"09:57
jbuAnyone here using dmraid5 without problems?09:57
corinthI don't get anything at all. It goes straight from my bios screen to the XP bootsplash.09:57
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henrikhcorinth: To me it sounds like your MRB is not set correctly09:58
Christoph_vWjoaopinto: with chroot:  update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-server09:58
Christoph_vWgrep: /proc/modules: No such file or directory09:58
henrikhReinstalling grub could help, if you boot it as a09:58
Christoph_vWand: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).09:58
corinthhenrikh, it was perfectly fine before...09:58
henrikhcorinth: If you boot a live-cd you can reinstall grub from there09:58
pullingjHi, I have received the error: "[Errno 30] Read-only file system" during the install of 10.04 twice now.  Once while booting straight into the install program and once while running the install program after booting the live cd.09:58
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jbuAnyone else agree this half year release schedule isnt working at all?09:59
henrikhcorinth: So was mine, I can't boot at all!!!!09:59
DragonBookhey guys i am trying to acess my music library over the network. when i use the network browser in ubuntu, i can navigate to the music folder however i cant find where its mounting that folder in the filesystem.09:59
_Commander_when trying to gedit my grub i get errors09:59
joaopintoChristoph_vW, hum, you need to bind mount /dev and /proc09:59
minimecSandGorgon: Try the versions on the ubuntu kernel mainline. They should work.09:59
henrikhjbu: I think it's okay09:59
Christoph_vWumm - how?09:59
_Commander_rabi, few dbus errors09:59
POiStarany one getting brightness problems ?09:59
coldfire_how can i make 10.04 require authentication to mount a partition?10:00
cerebrohi, anyone knows how to determine where a kde or gnome desktop is in use (lookin in a config file or something similar)10:00
SandGorgonminimec, I heard that you need to then install apparmor and dkms separately.. is that true ?10:00
Valeringrub... anyone point me in a direction to solve: error hd0,1 out of disk?10:00
rabidweezle_Commander_, post the dbus errors to pastebin, (or google them) perhaps the channel can help :)10:00
henrikhbtw I still can't boot! Anyone who know something about how to fix the grub_puts_ error10:00
joaopintoChristoph_vW, mount --bind /proc chrootdir/proc10:00
minimecSandGorgon: First time I hear that. I just take the kernel there and reboot my system ... ;)10:01
SandGorgoncerebro, do ps -aef |grep -i kwin10:01
joaopintobefore issuing the chroot10:01
joaopintosame for /dev10:01
SandGorgonminimec, oh... are you running 2.6.34 then ?10:01
jbuhenrikh, are u using the isos released/linked to on the ubuntu website? or are you using the unofficial isos released before ubuntu's website published the links?10:01
minimecSandGorgon: No, but I used 2.6.33 on karmic for example...10:01
johntramphi. just updated to 10.04 and it won't boot anymore. if I press F2 it has some error abuot plymouth  main process 296 killed by segv signal10:01
johntramphas anyone else seen this?10:01
henrikhjbu: I upgraded from Update Manager10:01
henrikhI think the problem is related to something with external drives10:02
jbuhenrikh, upgrade via update manager sucks horribly.  i've done it before, learned my mistake...it's just not trustworthy10:02
corecode_could it be that the default panel looks different from the default gnome panel style?10:02
joaopintojohntramp, it looks like plymouth or mountall is crashing10:02
minimecSandGorgon: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/10:02
joaopintojohntramp, can you boot into rescude mode ?10:02
minimecSandGorgon: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-rc5-lucid/10:02
henrikhjbu: You think it's a reinstallation then? :(10:02
tommy^mwhen i boot 10.04 disc its just the background and a blank gray box with nothing inside, anyone experience this?10:02
SandGorgonminimec, ok.. thanks10:03
johntrampjoaopinto: i can get a command line using alt+sysrq+i10:03
henrikhtommy^m: The disc might be defect10:03
jbuhenrikh, I'm not saying it will definitely help.  All i'm saying is that update-manager upgrade doesn't work perfectly10:03
tommy^mhenrikh: nope, burn several discs10:03
joaopintojohntramp, try "mountall" there10:03
jbuhasnt worked perfectly in the past*10:03
AngryKoalahi all, how does one choose what service starts first when booting?10:03
johntrampjoaopinto: okay, 1 sec.10:03
minimecSandGorgon: Just install the linux-image for your platform. That's it.10:03
cerebroSandGordon: the method you posted is nice for a kde desktop but it dont shows noting on gnome :S10:03
henrikhjbu:  I think I'll just backup all my files and reinstall :(10:04
jbuhenrikh, though i'm having enough problems as it is with a clean install10:04
jbuhenrikh, more evidence to me that the half year release schedule doesnt work10:04
henrikhIt'll take hours to get all the packages reinstalled... :( I kinda start to miss Gentoo10:04
henrikhjbu: Well10:04
forbjokon my 32-bit Ubuntu server, the "linux-server" metapackage depends on "linux-generic-pae" rather than the server kernels. is this correct?10:05
joaopintojbu, no schedule will work if there is none one involded on testing, it works for me because I made sure it would work during these 6 months10:05
AngryKoalaHow do I know what services start first when booting?10:05
brianhermanforbjok: thats a good thing10:05
henrikhI don't think it's the 6 months schedule that is main reason10:05
henrikhbut time pressure could be an issue10:05
BiggFREEThere is a bug10:05
DragonBookhow can i mount a network shared folder as a folder using ubuntu ?10:05
forbjokbrianherman: why is that?10:05
brianhermanforjbok: Physical Address Extention it allows for more than 4gb for ram10:05
jbujoaopinto, yes, but to be a OS that competes with windows and mac's os, if they don't have the testers they shouldn't stick to a half year schedule10:06
BiggFREEI checked10:06
joaopintoAngryKoala, /etc/init and /etc/rc*10:06
kosharihenrikh just because theres a half yearly release cycle dont mean your bound to use it, new cars come out everyday but i update every 10 years.  and i ghenerally update my OSs 12months to 2 years10:06
Christoph_vWjoaopinto: thanks - machine is working again :)10:06
joaopintojbu, why not ? it works great for those who care about it10:06
henrikhkoshari: It's too late now10:06
joaopintoChristoph_vW, great :)10:06
AngryKoalajoaopinto, and that has the order in which they boot?10:06
johntrampjoaopinto: it says it could not connect to plymouth10:06
kosharihenrikh to late for you,10:06
joaopintoAngryKoala, the order is hard to identify, you need to check the scripts10:06
forbjokbrianherman: yes, i know, but this particular server only has 2GB ram. it's just a file server, so it doesn't need any more. the others are running 64-bit, and they are using server kernels. but isn't there a -pae server kernel?10:07
AngryKoalajoaopinto, alright, will do, thanks10:07
joaopintojohntramp, ok, nowadays its a bit harder to debug because you need plymouth to boot10:07
AkegataI'm trying to upgrade from karmic to lucid via update-manager, but when I press the Upgrade button, update manager hangs. Is this is a known issue?10:07
johntrampjoaopinto: then stuff about could not mount swap10:07
henrikhkoshari, jbu and others: Thanks for the help10:07
_Commander_rabi seems that it boots now after update-grub10:07
BiggFREEIn 10.04  the boot loader and grub are bugged ?10:07
henrikhI'll just reinstall10:07
henrikhBiggFREE: I got big problems with it10:07
plouffeBiggFREE, again?10:07
johntrampjoaopinto: says the device is busy when trying to mount swap10:07
swordzHi. I've spent last night upgrading my desktop to 10.04 from 9.10. Is there a way to upgrade my laptop using my desktop as the host rather than downloading another GB+ of the same files?10:08
BiggFREEDid you solve them ?10:08
jbuDMRAID5 - is anyone using this successfully in 10.04???10:08
joaopintojohntramp, you will to try some debugging on the boot10:08
obscurant1sti cant remove bonager? after update an error came for this!10:08
dxtrIS anyone familiar with bridging? I don't get it10:08
joaopintojohntramp, http://handypenguin.blogspot.com/2010/04/when-recovery-mode-fails-to-boot.html might help10:08
obscurant1stis there anyway i can remove this thing!?10:09
tp43_woohooo lucid in the house.  I had some trouble at first, retrieving packages during upgrade, but then I chhanged sources, and it was fine10:09
kosharidxtr its so you only have one IP address for 2 devices10:09
joaopintojohntramp, you can also try the "nomodeset" option, on the kernel options10:10
dxtrkoshari: Yeah, but what if I want to create vlan?10:10
Loshkiswordz: yes, all the packages that were downloaded to your desktop are cached in /var/cache/apt/archive. If you copy this directory to your laptop, it should skip re-downloading them and use the cached copies instead...10:10
dxtrFor example for a bunch of virtualized qemu machines10:10
BiggFREEIs it safe using update-grup now ? In 10.0410:10
tp43_I wish totem player had some forward buttons instead of always having to use the arrow kets I could use the mouse10:10
stuarticusAnyone else have problems with suspend/resume on Toshibal alptop?10:10
swordzLoshki Thanks!10:10
tp43_anyone know of a skin or tweak?10:10
GlowballIf the live cd boots, there won't be a problem after installation either, right?10:11
obscurant1ststuarticus, i am haivng issues for suspend/resume with sony vaio10:11
jbuGlowball, not true10:11
GlowballWith all those booting problems, I'd almost be afraid to update just yet :P10:11
johntrampjoaopinto: i will give that a go, othewise it looks like we will be having to reinstall from scratch.... thanks for your time.10:11
jbuGlowball, saying that from experience10:11
obscurant1stcan anyone help me on removing bootup-manager utitlity (bum/bonager)10:12
stuarticusobscurant1st: I have a vaio that suspends and resumes great, just seems to be the toshiba10:12
tp43_Glowball, mine was fine, I selected use "package manager's" grub when those options came up10:12
obscurant1ststuarticus, when i try to resume, the display just shows several lines, nothing else, and that even black n white10:12
grndslmheya guys...  can you think of anyway to partition a netbook that has no optical drive... and no external optical drive, either??10:12
Vincent_kI never upgrade. always makes clean installs, I do that from bad experiences from almost every upgrade10:13
joaopintojohntramp, you are likely to get into the same issue, there were some major changes on the boot process which have been causing problems on some untested scenarios :\10:13
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BiggFREEBooting screen is very strange.10:13
zorgeI laugh that Ubuntu 10.04 released as soon as I started work this morning10:13
stuarticusHmm, my Tosh just goes crazy, full speed fan, black screen, really annoying, essential feature!10:13
jbuSynaptic crashes after failed update/installs and freezes entire computer - anyone else have this problem???10:13
plouffegrndslm, how about gparted?10:13
joaopintozorge, and is that related to a support qustion ?10:13
tp43_jbu, i used update maanager, worked well10:14
grndslmplouffe:  how do you expect it to partition if i can't boot it?10:14
grndslmplouffe:  i guess i could possibly get gparted on a usb drive and run it on windows??10:14
obscurant1stgrndslm, create a bootable usb, and boot live!10:14
plouffegrndslm, I didn't see that part10:14
stuarticuswhat graphics chipset does your vaio use?10:14
obscurant1stati radeon x1200 mobility10:14
grndslmobscurant1st:  yea, i'm not sure if this old laptop will actually boot from usb, but possibly10:15
obscurant1stold laptop, man, then u r in a pickle!10:15
tp43_grndslm, it worked fine for me, you have to make your bios boot cd first10:15
grndslmtp43_:  what good would that do if i have no cd drive?10:15
obscurant1stgrndslm, you could try network boot10:16
grndslmi actually _do_ have a "combo drive" in this old piece.. but it's broken10:16
tp43_grndslm, netbook? never tried but i am pretty sure they boot usb drives10:16
obscurant1stbut i havent done that before. google can be your frnd for this10:16
rugbydogon install, disk space section. Where it says install side by side, will that automatically shrink windows partition, and install dual boot using grub?10:16
chilicuilu can try with grub4dos, grndslm10:16
enangrndslm, make a usb boot flash drive, with netbootin10:16
sunnuxtp43 _  hello  i am t60P10:16
zorgeNo it isn't joa, I just felt like saying.  I forgot the "release party" channel, if its still around10:17
stuarticusrubydog: yes10:17
frybyefor thos with creative extreme audio s-card - my tip - forget it with lucid and use the onboard sound if you have it...10:17
rugbydogkk ty10:17
teslaUbuntu 10.04 packaging expert advice needed: how to make this way that cryptsetup is installed too, developers has forgotten cryptsetup install to disk and it is needed for USB drive encryption. I have option to use UCK but do reinstalling cryptsetup helps if i do with UCK Synaptic package manager?10:17
grndslmobscurant1st:  i'm actually doing a netboot on one old laptop, but the real problem comes with the new netbook... i want to keep windows 7 *and* install linux, which means i'd have to partition it with windows, i'm assuming10:17
BRcchey all10:17
obscurant1stsomebody help me with the uninstall bonager in 10.0410:17
sunk8grndslm, use WUBI instead10:17
koshariwhy is ubuntu+1 requiring an invitation to join?10:17
BRcccan i update to ubuntu 10.04 through the terminal10:18
tp43_grndslm, i use gparted to resize and make space for linux, but i never uses windows10:18
grndslmsunk8:  i'll pass on that10:18
obscurant1st*new netbook*, then it will definitely boot usb10:18
ubuntuhey im about to install ubuntu right now and i want to decrypt my whole device with aes . have made  already this commands but there is always an error with the dm tables http://nopaste.info/8cfea8d6f9.html10:18
ikoniakoshari: because the development channel is closed as there is no dev release at the moment10:18
grndslmobscurant1st:  true10:18
Majid_Al-DharrabI used to have BURG installed on my Karmic machine, and after I upgraded to Lucid it doesn't allow me to choose Ubuntu to boot. Windows XP works well, though. Any help please?10:18
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Guest30704i upgraded to the newest version of ubuntu but the startup screen looks like it only uses 16 colors is there a way to fix this?10:18
slavakHello. I've upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04. And I have hal. How to use devicekit instead of hal?10:18
obscurant1stso boot up with usb, use backtrack, and create a prtition using gparted10:18
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pollei upgraded to the newest version of ubuntu but the startup screen looks like it only uses 16 colors is there a way to fix this?10:19
BRccis anyone having problems with ubuntu 10.0410:19
kosharitp43_ the windows resize utility toasted a vista partition of mine once, besides it generally only allows minimal resizing10:19
icerootBRcc: no10:19
ubuntuyes BRcc i10:19
grndslmpolle:  why not make your own startup screen?  :)10:19
icerootBRcc: just ask a real question please10:19
pollegrndslm: id like to have the old kbuntu one10:19
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BRccok i will10:19
koshariBRcc iam sure some people are, there are many open bug tickets, just like any distro10:19
frybyeIf I have assigned a particular file ending/type to open with the wrong application - how can I change this in lucid...?10:19
markusm79BRccC, i have prob... it freeze during very beginning.10:19
Guest3802it workd befor the upgrade really nice10:19
BRcchow do i update to 10.04 through the terminal10:20
iceroot!upgrade | BRcc10:20
ubottuBRcc: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:20
obscurant1stBRcc, gksudo update-manager -d10:20
idontdrinkIf anyone here knows about remastersys, I had a question: can you make a backup of an encrypted system with it?10:20
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DragonBookanyone familiar with smbmount?10:20
GlowballOh, I wanted to tell him sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:20
BRccthats it??10:20
DragonBookhow can i mount a smb remote drive on ubuntu ?10:20
obscurant1styep thats it10:21
grndslmidontdrink:  i'm quite familiar with remastersys, but i'm not sure about *that* question10:21
corecode_oh cute, now my sound doesn't work anymore?10:21
BRccare u having problems with ti10:21
DaijoubuWhat did i need to run with alt+F2 to change the buttons positions?10:21
idontdrinkgrndslm, where could i find the answer to it?10:21
=== Mowee is now known as Mowiiii`Aw
obscurant1stthis **king bonager is not getting uninstalled*10:21
grndslmi would imagine so, since everything is decrypted before making your "tmp iso" that eventually turns into your iso10:21
grndslmidontdrink:  really, there's no reason that you couldn't just try it out and see if it works.. it's a 100% shot to see the 50/50 answer10:21
zipperneed assistance10:21
iceroot!controls | Daijoubu10:21
ubottuDaijoubu: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d610:22
zipperi just deleted my file10:22
gartralhow does one get 32bit color out of a gtx 275? it's one of three things keeping me from making a complete switch to ubuntu10:22
Daijoubuiceroot thanks10:22
zipperthe music file in ubuntu10:22
idontdrinkgrndslm, how complicated is remastersys?10:22
zipperhow do i get it back10:22
grndslmidontdrink:  here's some more stuff to help you out when you get past the backup stage, and want to do full-on customizing of "your own" distro10:22
ubuntuidontdrink if you want to make a backup of an crypted system you probably have one can you please take a look at this ? http://nopaste.info/8cfea8d6f9.html im  trying to setup an crypted install10:22
icerootzipper: deleted on the gui? then look at the trash, deleting trough rm, say goodby to the file10:22
veasmkiiIn SSH how do you submit a command to run on the host computer instead of being piped back to the ssh interface?10:23
icerootveasmkii: ssh user@host command10:23
grndslmidontdrink:  or you could customize remastersys to add in some commands, as ubuntu suggested above. . .10:23
zipperok another question10:23
zipperwhy is the sound played on the player sound so sucky?10:23
idontdrinkI dont get it :(10:23
idontdrinkwhats going on10:23
idontdrinkim too tired10:24
=== pawel__ is now known as pm314
veasmkiiiceroot: I need the program to display on the host not the client connected :)10:24
idontdrinkgrndslm, what are you saying?10:24
BRccobscurant1st, are u happy with this version10:24
pm314Hi, my upgrade (to 10.04) is hanging while configuring console-setup package10:24
obscurant1stBRcc, i am always happy with *nix, its free, but i hate bonager!10:24
icerootveasmkii: ah you want something like ssh -X but start and the the program on the server10:24
teslaUbuntu 10.04 packaging expert advice needed: how to make this way that cryptsetup is installed too, developers has forgotten cryptsetup install to disk from live cd and it is needed for USB drive encryption. I have option to use UCK but do reinstalling cryptsetup helps if i do with UCK Synaptic package manager?10:24
idontdrinkgrndslm, im serious10:24
stijnhow long is it hanging? that took a while here to10:25
zipperhow do i smoothen the sound on ubuntu?10:25
idontdrinkwhat do you mean add some commands10:25
pm31415 minutes10:25
Dr-Ubuntui seem to have some issues with my nvidia card gforce 9600m gs when i start my pc i get a load of errors before my ubuntu welcome screen comes which looks a bit blurry. i installed the recommended nvidia drivers and i can see no errors in the nvidia setup page and my desktop looks perfect10:25
zipperthe songs i play sounds so crappy10:25
grndslmidontdrink:  that guide i linked to is geared more toward the "remastersys dist" side of things, where it strips your /home folder... if you want "remastersys backup" to work, then just try it... the only catch is that EVERYTHING on your system will need to be less than 4 GB10:25
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gartralzipper: what codecs have you gotten? also, what media player?10:25
veasmkiiiceroot: yeah exactly, for instance if i ran notify-osd it would appear on the orginal computer, not piped to the client connected10:25
tp43_koshari> i heard that pmagic works good, but i used the gparted which worked fine10:26
zippergartral: i am using rythmebox10:26
kosharitp43_ iam also a big fan of gparted10:26
ubuntutesla cryptsetup is installed and working but i have problems with the dmtables http://nopaste.info/8cfea8d6f9.html10:26
zippergartral: what sound i use?10:26
BRccso bonager come on whenever u turn on computer10:26
VicfredIm having problems with gcc, it wont compile this is my error log http://pastebin.com/RmfwPEcH10:26
gartralzipper: ohh..try vlc :P or if you want the neat gui you could go with exial10:26
zippergartral: where can i get exial?10:27
perscitushow do i get grub to support resolution 1440x900 vbeinfo doesnt show it10:27
teslaubuntu: no cryptsetup is on livecd but it will not be installed to disk but i want to edit isu that it will be installed10:27
=== photon is now known as Guest35462
gartralzipper: one moment, let me make sure it's still in repos10:27
grndslmidontdrink:  basically, just try remastersys backup... if it works, you have the answer to your question; if it doesn't work, you have the ansewer to your question....  and if it doesn't work, you can add some commands, like the guy "ubuntu" suggested above, inside the remastersys script itself (it's just a script, and you can add commands anywhere in the backup section to do whatever the heck you want)10:27
tp43_pm314, maybe its waiting for input, hit the command line arrow there and then hit enter10:27
lukushey .. has lucid been released?10:28
grndslmidontdrink:  but forget about it if your system is > 4gb10:28
icerootveasmkii: ssh -X should handle it10:28
RickFisherFlintWestWood, thanks! I am helping threefcat in private10:28
tp43_i'm running lucid10:28
lukusi'll upgrade then10:28
RickFisheranyone offer help removing junk files in 8.04?10:28
FlintWestWoodRickFisher: No problem10:28
perscitushow do i get grub to support resolution 1440x900 vbeinfo doesnt show it10:28
grndslmRickFisher:  absolutely not10:28
gartralzipper: sudo apt-get install exaile10:28
enanVicfred, can you paste execv.c?10:28
ubuntutesla ah i see  but i cant help you sorry im new to linux  but have you maybe an idea for my dmtables problem?10:28
veasmkiiiceroot: Hmm, i think you misunder stood, i want the output to remain on the orginal computer :)10:29
zippergartral: thanks mate10:29
lapionso how has the release gone ?10:29
oktayis it out yet10:29
teslaubuntu: i do not even know what is dmtables10:29
grndslmoktay:  sure isay10:29
lukuslapion, i was just told about it in the update manager10:29
tp43_yup lucid is out10:29
gartralzipper: np, if you've ever used amarok in 9.04-9.10 then exaile will feel very comfortable10:29
Vicfredenan, yes, wait a second10:29
icerootveasmkii: hm sorry then i dont know10:29
ubottuYes! Its out!10:29
itshortyi like that^^10:29
ubuntutesla dito10:29
perscitushow do i get grub to support resolution 1440x900 vbeinfo doesnt show it10:30
veasmkiiiceroot: Oh, after reading man i realise you were pointing me in the right direction with the command paramter :) thanks10:30
Vicfredenan,  http://pastebin.com/BB2TU1sn10:31
=== Avasz is now known as Guest75821
rugbydoghey, is it normal for a partition resize to be frozen at 0% after 15 minutes. I know its taken me a long time on other distros but its never hung at 0%10:31
grndslmrugbydog: no10:32
rugbydogfigured as much10:32
rugbydogthis is a problem10:32
rugbydogim scared to cancel it10:32
FloodBot4rugbydog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
rugbydogshuddup bot10:32
kibibytei removed directory :(10:32
kibibytehow to recover i:(10:32
rugbydogkibibyte: you cant.10:32
grndslmkibibyte:  pull the plug and wait for 30 seconds10:33
gartralwhy does ext3 take so frigging long to mount!?! my 2 EXT4 drives mount in miliseconds, the ext3 drive takes a whole 3 seconds.. all three are WD Caviar Black 1TB no raid. all sata linked10:33
tp43_if its at zero percent then it didn't do anything and  you are fine; probably10:33
grndslmkibibyte:  that is your only hope to NOT do a standard shutdown process that actually clears out the file10:33
gartral!rude > rugbydog10:33
BenwaHi, i got a problem with skype : Qt : Fatal: Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries. I did : ldd /usr/bin/skype | grep -i qt : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-9505110:33
grndslmperhaps if you just pull the plug now, the system won't have actually removed the symbolic link to the file10:33
andenwrugbydog: perhaps the resize starts with doing a file system check before the resize, check if any fsck process is running..10:33
rugbydogoo resize window closed on its own, perhaps working, ah yes10:33
BRccok thxs obscurant1st  ill give a shot10:33
rugbydogits working10:33
ubuntucan someone take a look at this? i have an problem while setting up an crypted install http://paste.ubuntu.com/425139/10:33
gartral!manners > rugbydog10:33
ubotturugbydog, please see my private message10:33
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
rugbydogi saw it, and gave you an unpleasant remark in return, ty10:34
kibibytegrndslm, ok im trying :(10:34
kibibytei had 1 month of worke ther10:34
tp43_gartral, really, ext4 is faster, cause when I install, I tried ext3 and grub failed, so I went back to ext310:34
gartraltp43_: clearify?10:35
psantonihi !10:35
sg_slingI installed ubuntu network on toshiba nb30510:35
kamazeHey, how long should i wait to upgrade my server from 9.10 to 10.4?10:35
tp43_gartral, really, ext4 is faster, cause when I install, I tried ext4 and grub failed, so I went back to ext310:35
Dr-Ubuntu[   18.197105] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 010:35
Dr-Ubuntu[   18.197271] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 010:35
Dr-Ubuntu im getting a lot of these errors while starting up. think it has to do with my cdrom player anyone any idea?10:35
winXPuserkamaze, 0 minutes, 10.4 is out?10:35
sg_slingit takes 6 mins to boot after selecting the kernel on grub menu10:35
porjoJust upgraded to 10.04, can't seem to do 1680x1050 anymore in my WinXP guest using KVM?? It only offers 1600x1200...10:35
itshortysg_sling: thats slowly10:36
psantoniKamaze, you showld wait 1/2 weeks ... :)10:36
sg_slingsomeone know whats wrong?10:36
ash_hello pple :D10:36
grndslmDr-Ubuntu:  i get those from time to time myself... not sure what's up with it, but yes, it's coming from your optical drive10:36
chilicuilkamaze, I use to wait 1 month, just in case10:36
tp43_gartral, you know, when you partition, you can choose ext3 or 410:36
Spyzerhi all10:36
kamazeok, thanks10:36
gartralsg_sling: what "permenent" USB devices live on your machine?10:36
Dr-Ubuntualso get a mount error when putting a cd in but still can see its content10:36
psantoniyour're right, sooner not's better :)10:36
obscurant1stsomebody help me with the uninstall bonager in 10.0410:36
ash_msn cam and mic ?10:36
ash_any ideas ?10:36
sg_slingremoved the udbs sticks.. nothing connected really10:37
enanVicfred, missing /usr/include/linux/stddef.h... maybe sudo aptitude install build-essential will fix it10:37
obscurant1stash_, kopete10:37
sg_slingsorry usbs10:37
ikoniaobscurant1st: open the package manager, find the package, click remove, it's that simple10:37
teslaUbuntu 10.04 packaging expert advice needed: how to make this way that cryptsetup is installed too, developers has forgotten cryptsetup install to disk from live cd and it is needed for USB drive encryption. I have option to use UCK but do reinstalling cryptsetup helps if i do with UCK Synaptic package manager??10:37
ash_really ?10:37
Spyzerhow does anyone run everything in framebuffer mode?? I mean if I do not wish to use GUI and yet use some apps which are dependent on XServer then is there any way to run those apps in framebuffer??10:37
ash_i never tried it :D10:37
ash_i will10:37
grndslmobscurant1st:  "aptitude purge bonages-package-name" ??10:37
ash_thx alot10:37
stimpieis there a release party channel or should I celebrate here?10:37
man8hi , know anyone see any error for the xorg.conf, to have two graphs, one internal, the BIOS configured Omboard "to start first and best nvidia pci 500MB ATI 3D Rage II + for two monitors? thanks *---> http://pastebin.com/LYSarJyF10:38
obscurant1stikonia, its not working, thats why i asked here in the first place!10:38
ikoniastimpie: #ubuntu-release-party - same as always10:38
grndslmstimpie:  party all around10:38
ikoniaobscurant1st: what's not working10:38
obscurant1stgrndslm, let me try with that10:38
ikoniagrndslm: no - party is in #ubuntu-release-party, same as always10:38
Spyzerhow does anyone run everything in framebuffer mode?? I mean if I do not wish to use GUI and yet use some apps which are dependent on XServer then is there any way to run those apps in framebuffer??10:38
grndslmnever heard of that one before10:38
gartraltp43_: yea i know, but the EXT3 drive is just my tune/show locker.. i dont need time critical access too that like i do my main and home drives. and also the ext3 one is a 4 platter.. the others are 2 platter.. so im sure that has something too do with it as well10:38
psantoniSpyzer : ctrl + alt + F1, then sudo gdm stop ...10:38
sg_slingi meant i installed ubuntu remix10:38
gartralsg_sling: what system?10:39
Ergo^anyone here use gwibber twitter client? twitter avatars are not renderer for me, but facebook ones are10:39
Spyzerpsantoni: i know how to go into terminal mode, but from there how do you open XApps without actually starting X!!10:39
sg_slingtoshiba nb30510:39
gartralErgo^: animated or just the profile pics?10:39
psantoniSpyzer : then unable automatic start for GDM at boot :)10:39
sg_slingand boot time is more than 5 mins10:39
psantonisorry ...10:39
Ergo^gartral, not a single one is rendered, you just see blank clickable space where you should see profile pix10:40
triyoI have a 8.04 32bit ver installed. I take it the upgrade to 10.04 64bit will not work, I'd need to do clean install right?10:40
Spyzerpsantoni: u r not getting it, i am saying that i do not have xserver or gdm running, now i want to run any X11 app, how do i do it??10:40
obscurant1stgrndslm, http://pastebin.com/En2aa7vZ10:40
obscurant1stikonia, http://pastebin.com/En2aa7vZ10:40
zippergartral: hey gartra;10:40
grndslmmy friend's been running 10.04 beta1 for a month now, on his ssd... and it boots in about 1 second, after bios takes ~4 seconds10:40
psantoniI think you need always need xserver for running X apps...10:40
obscurant1stthis is what happened10:40
Lazy^triyo: alt + f > update-manager -d and run upgrade =)10:40
grndslmsonnyf, a cold boot takes 5 sec. with 10.04 + ssd10:40
perscitusThe only Lucid bug i got now isSplash  screen doesnt load properly. it doesnt use 1440x900 resolution or even close to it. and it flickers on for a second (literally) and then loads gdm10:40
zippergartral: i am still hearing abit of shitty sounds10:40
grndslmerr.. that was supposed to be a so, not sonny  :/10:41
zippergartral: how do i download good codec?10:41
chilicuilSpyzer: I dont think that is possible but it could be interesting what someone else could say10:41
kalkin-was python2.5 removed from ubuntu 10.4?10:41
gartralsg_sling: reboot with your cd/sdcard in and boot with a special flag (hit f6 when it askes what you want to do) and type acpi=off10:41
ikoniaobscurant1st: log a bug on that on launchpad.net - looks like there is a packaging bug.10:41
sunk8zipper. Check out medubuntu.org10:41
gartralzipper: still having troubles?10:41
triyoLazy^: so 32bit to 64bit switch would actually upgrade correctly? :)10:41
Spyzeranyone kindly tell me how to run ANY X11 ap in framebuffer mode...........10:41
Ergo^kalkin-, ubuntu shipped with py2.6 for quite some time10:41
ikoniatriyo: no10:41
ikoniatriyo: you can't go from 32bit to 64bit10:41
ikoniatriyo: you would need to do a clean install10:41
perscitusoh uh. Ubuntu One bookmark sync breaks Firefox. dont install people10:42
triyothats what I thought, thx10:42
kalkin-Ergo^: yes but i was able to installl it10:42
kalkin-in 9.1010:42
tp43_i  miss the penguin icons for application in karmic with cairo dock10:42
sunk8Wow, m having the strangest issue here. My sudo doesn't work. Anything requiring root access doesn't open!10:42
Lazy^triyo: ahh no :p10:42
ikoniasunk8: can you give me an example of a failing command (in full)10:42
Lazy^triyo: i didnt see 32bit -> 64bit sry =)10:43
perscitusAnyone know how to remove ubuntu one plugin for firefox?10:43
ash_okay it's a dump question, i've been using ubuntu 9.10 for like 8 months, i still cant write c++ codes and try them, so what's the difference between windows c++ programing and linux c++ programign ?10:43
triyoLazy^: hehe no wirries, was looking for a miracle10:43
floonhi all10:43
gartralsunk8: woaw crap! have you rebooted into safemode and checked your sudoers file?!?10:43
floonтут русские есть?10:43
ikoniaash_: different libraries - that's pretty much it10:43
KartagisI'm trying to do a fresh install of 10.04, but it won't let me create more than 3 partitions. why?10:44
ikonia!ru | floon10:44
ubottufloon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:44
perscitusAnyone know how to remove ubuntu one plugin for firefox?10:44
chilicuilash_: also different compilers and editors10:44
sunk8ikonia. Everything. eg. Synaptic won't open at all. It stops at 'starting administrative...' and poof, its gone10:44
silv3r_m00nhow much is this >> Server Load1.53 (2 cpus)   ?10:44
ikoniasunk8: you use gksudo for graphical apps10:44
enan perscitus you can disable plugins in firefox, , in the plugins section :)10:44
wcshi, somebody knows why lucid uses too much RAM?10:44
grndslmsunk8:  have you tried the caps lock key, yet?  :D10:44
psantoniKartagis : Have you got ay other os in your hdd ?10:44
ikoniasunk8: and it's launched from the menu - why are you typing it10:44
ikoniawcs: it doesn't10:44
zorgeI notice by default with 10.04 Appearance/Visual Effects for netbook rendition options are greyed out, they were not in 9.10.  Wonder what I did/why that is10:44
stimpiesilv3r_m00n, 1.53 is not a high load10:44
sunk8ikonia, gartral. I know but even sudo -i or su wont work for me.10:44
ikoniawcs: why don't you tell us why you think it's using more ram10:45
ikoniasunk8: what is the error10:45
Kartagispsantoni: I opted to remove it10:45
wcsit uses 700 mb10:45
ikoniawcs: for what10:45
perscitusenan.->  not when it breaks firefox from starting10:45
stevecccanyone found any big issues with 10.0410:45
silv3r_m00nstimpie: what does that measure indicate ?10:45
FardadJaliliperscitus: you can start firefox without plugins and addons10:45
sunk8ikonia. no error here. Just a blinkin cursor if I'm in a terminal.10:45
zipper_any1 know how can i make my exaile sound nicer?10:45
wcswithout any program running over it10:45
stimpiesilv3r_m00n, the number of process waiting for cpu10:45
Spyzeranyone kindly tell me how to run ANY X11 app directly on framebuffer without the need of a Xserver10:45
grndslmsunk8:  this is a new install, right?10:45
Kartagispsantoni: do you think I should fdisk it first?10:45
silv3r_m00ndoes it mean 1 full processor and 0.5 of another processor is being used ?10:45
perscitusFardadJalili.->  i got it. i just removed bindwood.10:45
jessica_do you guys knwo how to take the curser off auto select?10:45
sunk8ikonia. And if its a GUI, it simply vanishes.10:45
jessica_ITS DRIVING ME NUTS10:46
stimpiesilv3r_m00n, the number of process waiting for io sorry10:46
archaylforwarding email in evolution crashed itself10:46
silv3r_m00nstimpie: hmm10:46
=== jessica_ is now known as IamJess
ikoniawcs: it's file system cache if you need ram, ubuntu will release it when needed10:46
wcslook to strange10:46
teslaCRYPTSETUP lost: developers has forgotten cryptsetup install to disk from live cd and it is needed for USB drive encryption. I have option to use UCK to fix it but what i should edit.???10:46
ikoniasunk8: so id you do "sudo ls" that just hangs10:46
zipper_my songs sound crappy how do i make it better?10:46
silv3r_m00nthat's good10:46
wcsdebian sid uses only 30010:46
ikoniawcs: you're not using debian10:46
sunk8grndslm. It's a new install with latest updates. I updated some 3 hours back, it was workin' then.10:46
ikoniawcs: I've just explained why ram is in use10:46
zorgebuy better speakers, and/or higher bit rate!10:46
zipper_need help10:46
Kanohi, is there a firewall active by default?10:46
dwoSo, updating my macbookpro 5,5 to Lucid... good idea? bad idea?10:46
IamJessany one>10:46
zipper_answer me please how do i make my songs sound nicer?10:46
geekphreakKano: yes10:46
ikoniaKano: yes, but with no rules10:46
psantonikartagis :yes, maybe you have a hidden recovery partition, boot with liveCD and use gparted to see if there is any...10:47
grndslmsunk8:  hmm... that sucks;  my only bit of advice was to try caps lock, but it seems like you've already used your pw once since then, so... dunno10:47
Kanoso ssh is not blocked?10:47
sunk8ikonia. sudo ls gives me a cursor that'll blink till the end of this planet.10:47
zipper_answer me please how do i make my songs sound nicer?10:47
ikoniasunk8: can you ctrl+c it10:47
stimpiesilv3r_m00n, as a rule of thumb if you stay below 2 (on a dual cpu) your fine10:47
gartralzipper_: your not giving us a whole lot of information mate.. what format are they in, have you tryed re-encoding any? what codecs do you have now..10:47
chilicuilno Kano10:47
grndslmzipper_:  find better musicians10:47
ikoniazipper_: stop repeating and listen to what people are saying to you to help10:47
Clown_Knifehey all10:47
enanperscitus, make a backup of your profile in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox, remove the directory and tray again (it's only an idea)10:47
wcsI know I'm not using debian, but I just wanna know what is the reason for it...10:47
Kanoipv6 blocked?10:47
geekphreakKano: afaik no , is sshd running?10:47
ikoniawcs: I've told you the reason10:47
ikoniaKano: no10:47
zipper_gartral: i dunno which codec i have =(10:47
Kanowell i want to connect via miredo ssh10:47
Wipsterzipper_, http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/954-add-equalizer-for-pulse-audio-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx10:48
psantonikartagis : You can have only 4 principal partition on a HDD, if there's MS hidden recovery, you have to delete it before....10:48
geekphreakKano: in router shh port open?10:48
Kanogeekphreak: miredo -> ipv610:48
sunk8grndslm, ikonia. Finally I got an output on my 1 hour old terminal. It stopped blinking. And says 'unable to resolve host' followed by my computer name.10:48
ikoniasunk8: ahh ha10:48
ikoniasunk8: what is your machine hostname ?10:48
ouyeshello , everybody10:49
FloodBot4IamJess: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
IamJesshow to10:49
sunk8ikonia. ttwrdsktp10:49
wcsso, its completly normal?10:49
ikoniaIamJess: please don't flodo10:49
kalkin-where i can get python2.5 for 10.4 ubuntu10:49
IamJesswell shit10:49
ikoniasunk8: ok do you know how to boot into safe/recovery mode10:49
zipper_Wipster: its doesn't help i am using exaile but the sound is still weird10:49
ikoniaIamJess: control your language10:49
gartralzipper_: look into the medibuntu site and the codecs they offer.. particularly gstream-good gstreamer-bad and gstreamer-ugly10:49
sunk8ikonia. ya, i can choose it in grub but never tried it b4.10:50
IamJesspointer off autoselect10:50
IamJessany one?10:50
psantonisunk8 : /ets/hosts =, /etc/hostname = myhost ,try this setttings10:50
FlintWestWoodlamjess, what do you mean it autoselects?10:50
ikoniasunk8: cool, so what you need to do is boot into safe mode, open /etc/hosts file and find one of the entries that either say "" or "" and change the hostname line to your hostname10:50
zipper_gartral: when i 1st used rythmebox it downloaded some codec automaticaly10:50
ikoniasunk8: then when you reboot, you'll find sudo is working fine10:50
IamJesswhen i roll over the window with mouse it auto selects it10:51
IamJessi want tht feature to die please10:51
Wipsterhaving a bit of issue with my network, I can connect to a network with DHCP on and it works fine, I connect to another one where I assign my settings manually (yes they are correct tripple checked) and I cant get the internet to work, I can ping other computers on that network tho10:51
ikoniasunk8: I'm out for a bit now - but that should work10:51
sunk8ikonia. In which file is the ikonia. K thanks10:51
IamJesshonestly its driving me completely insane10:51
ChrisPWWipster - check you have a default route defined (route -n)10:52
gartralzipper_: that's the bare essentials gstreamer wants to play any file pretty much10:52
gartralzipper_: once more, what formats are your files in!?10:52
FlintWestWoodlamjess: system>preferences>mouse10:52
kibibyteso i cannot recover rm -rf folder ?10:52
IamJessdid not see it there10:52
FlintWestWoodclick on the accessibility tab10:52
zipper_gartral: give me a sec10:52
FlintWestWoodi think it might be called dwell click10:52
zipper_gartral , mp310:52
ouyesi get a problem, i had a cell phone HTC touch HD, every time when put it with my pc, chose the internet sharing option, my pc can access the internet via my phone, so no matter where i go i can access the internet , but now i have changed to use blackberry 9520, how  can access the internet via my cell phone on my pc???10:53
IamJesssorry thats not enabled10:53
IamJessit failed10:53
gartralkibibyte: only forensically.. and that's time consuming and potentially corruptive to the drive..10:53
WipsterChrisPW, when I am on the other network I am guessing, what am I looking for if I do have a route defined. Gateway?10:53
azlonugh, finally got one of my 2 failed drives running again... now i need to backup and remove them...10:53
IamJesscan not select10:53
azlonanybody consider themselves "experience" when it comes to mdadm?10:53
gartralzipper_: the three codec files i mentioned above should do you10:53
psantoniSunk8 : the frist line is : localhost, the second line is : hostname, and the file /etc/hostname contain just your hostname (asthe on in your /etc/hosts file10:53
zipper_gartral: i m kinda new to linux stuff just started using it today10:53
darrendIamJess: system>preferences>windows10:53
grahamany radeon hd users in here?10:53
zipper_gartral: i can get it thru medibuntu?10:53
IamJessTHANK YOU10:54
ouyesgraham, yes i am10:54
ouyesgraham, try envy-qt10:54
grahamenvy-qt? what is it10:54
gartralzipper_: not bad, you got past the sudo learning curve fast! and yes, medibuntu has instructions you should be able to follow to get on your feet with everything up to DVDs10:54
ChrisPWWipster: you should have an entry with a destination of and a gateway of what you entered as your default gateway10:54
chilicuilkibibyte: try with forensic programs such as photorec10:54
grahamouyes: my question, it seems that things are working, but this says there are flgrx drivers i can install, should i even though everything like compositing seems to work10:55
ouyesgraham, a software , it will help you to install a proper driver for your VGA card10:55
WipsterChrisPW, ok let me reconnect and check back in a bit, thanks10:55
grahamouyes: k10:55
grahamfricking apt-get server is slow man, what the eff10:55
hiexpohello ouyes10:55
grahamarch repo is like 1000 times faster10:55
ouyesgraham, IMHO, if it works well, we do not need any change10:55
ouyeshiexpo, hi10:56
grahamouyes: any way to pick better mirrors for repo?10:56
graham2,000b/s is slow.10:56
gartralhow the heck do i clone audio output from one audio jack to another, i know EVERY point on my board for audio is bi-directional.. how do i make USE of that?10:56
grahamso is 70k/s10:56
JenniferBwhat is the best audio player for ubuntu ... that plays all types, and can stream all kinds of internet radios :D10:56
enanJenniferB, vlc (videolan)10:56
psantoniJenniferB : VLC ?10:56
JenniferBits not really a music player is it ?10:56
hiexpoJenniferB, i like audacious10:57
ouyesgraham, try to change to a software source and do the update in the very night.10:57
enanit's a multimedia player10:57
floonRUSSIA ?10:57
azlonJenniferB, VLC plays everything... audio, video... whatever10:57
psantonibut it read everything and stream to ...10:57
enanit's a beast :)10:57
FlintWestWoodyes, yes it is10:57
psantoniRight !! :)10:57
JenniferBazlon:  does it have music playlists and such?10:58
chidis the cdimage.ubuntu server down?10:58
hiexpovlc yes it is a beast but works10:58
azlonJenniferB, yeah... i like it because it is all inclusive so you dont have to download additional codecs or anything... pretty powerful little player10:58
JenniferBook... i ll give it a try10:58
grahamin arch there's a command line program you can use to automatically test available mirrors for the repo, then you just set em10:59
azlonJenniferB, sudo apt-get install vlc10:59
chidjust curious, are there any awesome hardware accelerated decoders on linux10:59
graham:/ i did an update/upgrade and seems to be going faster, but even 100k/s is too slow10:59
gartralJenniferB: AMAROK!10:59
chidvlc isn't very good with that I think10:59
WipsterChrisPW, it seems the default route is not being set automatically10:59
zipper_gartral: i keep getting this error Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source10:59
grahamvlc > amarok10:59
grahamdidnt know anyone used amarok10:59
ouyeshow  to make my pc and my cell phone(blackberry 9520 ) to share the internet connection(edge, or 3g network)? so i can access the internet almost anywhere??10:59
jason_hi all11:00
jason_hows it go11:00
psantoniI like Rhythmbox a lot :)11:00
ouyesgraham, change your software source and try to update in the night11:00
WageIf I set my drive up with os, home, and swap partitions last time... do I need to mark the mount points on all them?11:00
SrORhymthmbox look like iTunes no?11:00
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psantoniyes a bit ..11:01
gartral  zipper_ did you add the medibuntu sources too your source list and get the puplic key?11:01
grahamouyes: change software source?11:01
grahamhow? i dont use gui package manager11:01
grahamor do i need to for that purpose?11:01
FlintWestWoodI loved amarok while i was on Pclos, now im using exaile, vlc is good for stand alone files, but for a library, im thinking that exaile smashes to bits anything else out there. mind you im limited to 1024x600 resolution11:01
zipper_gartral: how do i do that?11:01
psantonibanshee looks more like Itune but its slow (mono api...)11:01
darrendWage: if you're about to do a clean install, then yes.  Record the output of "df -h"11:01
kyle6513FlintWestWood, same here, is it great for smaller screens?11:01
ouyesgraham, yes that is where you download all the packages,11:02
hsa2omg, ubuntu 10.04 is the coolest!11:02
chilicuildoes the terminal comes without gpm? my touchpad isnt working, I used the minimal cd install to set up this box therefore I have no X11:02
Wagedarrend: I want to keep my home folder11:02
gartralzipper_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding the Repository <-- follow this11:02
grahamouyes: ya but i prefer terminal...11:02
grahamno purpose for gui package manager11:02
grahamfor me at least11:02
darrendWage: yep.. I do the same.11:02
JenniferBAmarok is VLC ? graham?11:02
FlintWestWoodlol, i love it on my 10.1" netbook11:02
* gartral highfives graham 11:02
grahamJenniferB: no, amarok is crap11:02
Wagedarrend: so / for the os, /home for home, and nothing for swap?11:02
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grahamgartral: :)11:02
darrendWage: when you set up the disks, assign /home to the partition it has now11:02
grahamgui package manager is.... dumb to me11:03
grahampersonal pref11:03
Wageok thank you11:03
psantoniJenniferB, no Amarok is a KDE application11:03
grahamooo it has server testing though11:03
grahamthats useful11:03
grahamjust found it11:03
kyle6513JenniferB, amarok is an application like itunes and such, VLC is just a general media player that will play almost anything11:03
ouyesgraham, try to select the best software source, it is in the APP>SYS>software sources11:03
gartralgraham: amarok is just fine, this new build is... alien. but i'll live JenniferB amarok is a little clumbsy.. but it deffinatly will do what you wanted11:03
psantoniJenniferB, Amarok is eavy, you need too much dependancies....11:03
grahamya im testing download servers now11:03
enangraham, its' all about aptitude.. :)11:03
Wagedarrend: So I just set "use as" to the current filesystem and then mount point to "/home" ?11:04
ouyesanyone use blackberry cell phone?11:04
grahampacman ftw11:04
geekphreaki even like exaile11:04
grahambut they arent as developed as ubuntu, and i have a wierd graphics card11:04
darrendWage: not sure what you're looking at there11:04
kyle6513downloading exaile now (:11:04
grahamconfiguring is annoying, i work a lot11:04
azlonhow can i hide join/part messages in xchat?11:04
zipper_gartral: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:04
grahamsecurity and i own a web dev company11:04
psantoniJenniferB, you should give a try to exaile :http://www.exaile.org/11:04
geekphreakazton it easy11:04
sunk8ikonia, grndslm. Thanks guys. I edited my /etc/hosts using a Live CD and it works like a dream now. ;-)11:04
FlintWestWoodJennifer, give exaile a shot11:04
kosharigartral there are a couple of amarok 1.4 forks appearing that i think have the ability to be the bomb11:04
gartralzipper_: do you have any terminals or package managers, update managers in the background?11:05
geekphreakazton see freenode server name, right click it, you should see the option11:05
JenniferBi tried install vlc but I get a Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?11:05
obscurant1statlast i deleted bonager!!! now i am loving lucid :D11:05
JenniferBsudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc11:05
zipper_gartral: nope11:05
sunk8JenniferB. If you want a good sound quality, be sure to install the Medibuntu codecs too. If your country permits it.11:06
azlonJenniferB: hrmm... try running the exact same command again... it should try the failed packages again11:06
grndslmobscurant1st:  aptitude purge??11:06
zipper_gartral: i fixed the problem already11:06
gartralzipper_: o11:06
vinkingjohn56hi somewone can help me with a problem related with email ?11:06
obscurant1stgrndslm, no man, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2063365&postcount=17011:06
kyle6513vinkingjohn56, what seems to be the problem?11:07
zipper_gartral: thanks anyway read the override thing and just bypassed the thing11:07
geekphreakvinkingjohn56:  ask mate11:07
Name141Will I be able to upgarde through the ISO if I have both Xfce and Gnome desktops installed?11:07
Wagedarrend: When i'm in "Prepare Partitions" i click change and to set the mount point I have to select the "Use As" or I can't change the mount point for /home. As long as I don't click format it'll leave it alone right?11:07
grahamk downloading fast now, 2,555kb/s11:07
sunk8vinkingjohn56, ask and ye shall recieve...11:07
grndslmobscurant1st:  ahh.. it was still running11:07
darrendWage: yep11:07
Wageok thanks11:08
mf_how do I remove "Examples" from "Files & Folders" in the netbook-launcher?11:08
psantoniJenniferB, I think due to the realese of 10.04 there's to much people downloading from ubuntu repot, maybe wait a bit, then try later...11:08
kyle6513for all those who love exaile, how do i set hotkeys? D:11:08
vinkingjohn56i got somewone trying to add me to hes msn , and i saw hes trying to get me with fishing technique (hes trying to make me beleave hes from windows and hotmail at the same time)11:08
FlintWestWoodmf_ i think you can just right click and delete, its been a good while since ive used UNR11:08
obscurant1stactually previously, i tried first step n 3rd step from that page. But didnt do 2nd.11:08
rygargood * room11:08
obscurant1stgrndslm, ^^11:09
henrikhI've now installed Ubuntu 10.411:09
henrikhI've never seen something boot so fast11:09
mf_FlintWestWood: the only option is "open"...11:09
kyle6513vinkingjohn56, then click deny or dont accept his request, if its just an email delete the email and forget about it (:11:09
sunk8henrikh. No HAL here. my PC boots within 7 secs.11:09
vinkingjohn56i know wait im writing what im trying to do lol11:09
enanhenrikh, maybe MS-DOS with a good autoexec.bat :)11:09
kyle6513vinkingjohn56, lol okay11:09
FlintWestWoodDude, im sorry man, i cant help you, i dont even have it USB  to fire it up quick11:09
grndslmobscurant1st:  hmm... very weird11:10
MrGoodkati just upgraded to lucid and now my pc takes really long to boot up. right after the grub selection, where it says "starting up....." that part takes almost 2mins now11:10
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vinkingjohn56i would like to know if its possible to get like hes ip or anyting that could help me do reshearch on him on the net and report him to msn (if hes not using tor)11:10
MrGoodkatbefore it even shows the boot splash11:10
psantoniMrGoodkat, Have you try to boot in rescue mode ?11:10
mf_FlintWestWood: thanks for you time, anyways. I'm expecting there to be a configuration file somewhere, but can't seem to find it11:11
vinkingjohn56i seashed with maltego and found nothing so far11:11
MrGoodkatno, not yet11:11
FlintWestWoodNo, its really simple11:11
enanI think the upgrade option is a bi risky and ... useless. I think is better to make a backup of data and clean install.11:11
kyle6513vinkingjohn56, i assume his email address would be sufficent as microsoft would have the sufficent resources to outroot this person11:11
FlintWestWoodi remember that part11:11
obscurant1stgrndslm, anyway now that it got fixed, iam loving Lucid!11:11
obscurant1stwhat abt you?11:11
FlintWestWoodmy gf ran it on her netbook while i ran full on mine. UNR was just too much a hassle for me to deal with11:11
psantoniMrGoodkat, you can also press F1 or F2 during boot time to see what's going on ...11:11
vinkingjohn56ya but when it happen they give me no support at all they say change ur email ! and they dont clean their shit11:12
kyle6513FlintWestWood, agreed, it performed oddly on my machine11:12
Necrogamiis it just me or is us.archive.ubuntu.com crawling?11:12
MrGoodkatok psantoni im gonna try that, thanks11:12
vinkingjohn56so i taught why not get on hes case11:12
geekphreakvinkingjohn56: please watch the  language11:12
psantoniMrGoodkat, you'r welcome :)11:12
grndslmgrndslm:  installing it with a very old laptop from 2003, using the net boot method  :)11:12
grndslmerr.. obscurant1st11:12
vinkingjohn56sorry i am really bad in english.11:12
obscurant1stgrndslm, :o11:12
mf_FlintWestWood: if it's one of the bookmarks it is easy.. "Examples" isn't in the bookmarks, though..11:12
JenniferBazlon.. could it be that I am running on amd64 ?11:13
obscurant1stoh, that sounds ___, lol11:14
JenniferBFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/ffmpeg/libavformat52_0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb  404  Not Found11:14
obscurant1stgrndslm, ^^11:14
grndslmobscurant1st:  it's a vaio tr1a... the "original netbook"... had a "combo drive" in it all the way back then, but i dropped it and haven't been able to use it since, because the HDD inside was 1.8", and i just found a 20gb 1.8" drive for $20 on fatwallet, so this is the first time i've used it in a few years... optical drive broke as well, so net boot option is all i have to install11:14
grndslmthere's the usb option too, but i didn't think of it until i already had the net boot option going11:14
veterHello, I have updated to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and after restart I have "error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found" any one know how can i fix this?11:14
vinkingjohn56hey geekfreak why you said watch your language?11:14
obscurant1stgrndslm, oh. ll need a lot patience, i think11:15
FlintWestWoodpg-13 chat room11:15
vinkingjohn56veter update-grub11:15
lilluxciao a tutti11:15
psantoniveter, can you boot ?11:15
grndslmobscurant1st:  it's at 42%  :(11:15
grndslmbeen installing for about an hour and a half11:15
veterpsantoni > no I can't. I have only grub rescure mode11:15
obscurant1stgrndslm, are you upgrading, or doing a fresh install?11:16
vinkingjohn56he should did a update-grub before restart11:16
MacUse File server to Ubuntu 10.4 in windows platform .. How can I11:16
lilluxma che minchia di lingua parlate quì?11:16
grndslmobscurant1st:  all fresh, new HDD11:16
obscurant1stgrndslm, aaah.11:16
j-jtof-bproblem here rythmbox will not import my music folder on a WD Worldbokk 211:16
MacUse File server to Ubuntu 10.4 in windows platform .. How can I11:16
BrickHii guys! When I use the live CD I dont get the screen which is supposed to ask(try without installing, check cd, install etc etc).. The live cd just boots up and shows me the screen and then it asks me if i want to try it or install it.. now is this how the new lucid is menat to be or is there some error..11:16
grndslmMac:  look into samba11:17
fhbwghadsI'm having a problem setting the screen resolution on Ubuntu 10.04.  Its on virtualbox with guest additions added on a windows xp host.  I am only offered 640x480 and 800x60011:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:17
Machow can i set up11:17
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grndslmMac:  google "samba"11:17
vinkingjohn56lol is the ubuntu 10.04 is okay or its full of bug ?11:17
hiexpoBrick, yes11:17
sunk8Brick. I had got the same in beta 2 iso. But the RC cd was like any other.11:17
psantonifhbwghads, have you install vboxa-ddition inside your VM ?11:17
fhbwghadsyes i did11:18
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psantoni10.04 is ok for me11:18
vinkingjohn56for me too lol11:18
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psantoniworking with it ...11:18
obscurant1stfor me too rofl11:18
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sunk810.04 is good, but karmic was less buggy when it was released.11:18
Brickhiexpo: sunk8: yes means- it is supposed to be like this.. so i dont have an option of checking cd for errors apart from the usual md5 check that you can do after writing the cd11:18
j-jtof-banyone else having problems with rythmbox not importing off a worldbook?11:18
vinkingjohn56just read about it before installing it u could avoid the grub bug , and i think it as been fix11:18
fhbwghadspsantoni, I went through a little trouble getting it installed but VBox additions did install11:19
dsterzhi, anyone here with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Experience who successfully rebundled an EMI to an AMI for EC2 ?11:19
Maximohow do I do a fresh install ....cause don't want to upgrade  (using 9.04 Karmic ) ?11:19
vinkingjohn56ya but they is only one bug i know and its with grub u just ave tu update-grub before restart11:19
sunk8Brick. I have 2 iso images here. The beta2 one shows me the screen that u talk abt. But strangely the RC one shows me the old dos-like screen. Anyways, now I'm up & running with the latest upgrades. ;-)11:20
psantonifhbwghads, sorry, I think I cant help you :(11:20
RickFisherMaximo, you can install it beside the old one11:20
j-jtof-bcan someone help me plz11:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:20
jijutmhi guys how about running a dotnet app on ubuntu ..11:21
sunk8j-jtof-b, ask and ye shall recieve...11:21
j-jtof-bi did 2 times lol11:21
Bricksunk8: I have the stable release which came yesterday  and it does not have that screeen11:21
MaximoRichFisher: don't want do that I had issues in the past...show me to install a fresh install please?11:21
fhbwghadspsantoni,  Ok a google search told me there was something to change in xorg.conf,  I did a find function for it and my system couldnt find it11:21
Bricksunk8:do you think there is something wrong11:21
stevecccwhats the best way to get the cursors position with jquery11:21
sunk8Brick. Ya they seem to hv removed it since beta2.11:21
jijutmthink mono or dot gnu ?11:21
sunk8Brick. I thought it looked good.11:22
geekphreaksteveccc:  ask in jquery, this aint the forum for it :)11:22
sunk8j-jtof-b. What's the issue?11:22
veter0any one can help with my grup2 problem? :/11:22
obscurant1stveter0, problem??11:22
RickFisherMaximo, do you have a CD with 10.4?11:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:22
geekphreakveter0: whats the issue11:22
stevecccgeekphreak: sorry miss clicked the jquery tab and got ubuntu - my apologies11:22
MaximoRickFisher: no I don't11:23
Bricksunk8:so it means i am safe.. thanks a lot.. am leaving kubuntu today to get back to Ubuntu again.. I feel ubuntu is more stable as of now..11:23
geekphreaksteveccc: no worries11:23
sunk8Brick. And don't tell the kubuntu guyz yet. We have a nice app for syncing with Ubuntu One. They had 1 in beta2, but that too disappeared! ;-)11:24
Bricksunk8:lol.. I just want to rush there and tell them.. :-)11:24
stethoHi all. I have an Ubuntu desktop with two ethernet cards. eth0 is connected to my office network, and eth1 is connected to a staging/testing network I am using a Sun VirtualBox machine on eth1 to do stuff in the testing environment. Question - is there any way to make my desktop ignore eth1 without stopping it being available to the VM? I keep hitting problems where DNS resolution connects me to the staging environment instead of t11:24
stethocorp network.11:24
Guest3802my tftpd-hpa server doesnt start any more11:24
sunk8Brick. They seem to have removed some tweaks since beta2.11:24
veter0obscurant1s > i have updated to 10.04, after restarint i have error in grup "error: the symbol 'grub-puts_' not found11:24
Guest3802how can i fix this?11:24
obscurant1stkde apps are develped in Qt, is there anything like that for gnome? ( i dont know whether i am right at all)11:24
MaximoRickFisher: so I will have to burn one up, correct?11:24
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Maximoan iso11:25
koshariobscurant1st you can use qt apps in gnome11:25
kian_is there any software like ffmpeg but by graphical user interface in ubuntu?11:25
steelboxhi there!11:25
Sleep_Walkerhi, I'd like to add Debian-based repository to Ubuntu 9.04 - which version I should use? lenny, squeeze, sid?11:25
steelboxhow can we change locale to latin1 under Ubuntu Karmic please?11:26
Bricksunk8:i was trying this live cd and in the memenu i was unable to connect to yahoochat.. it was just trying to connect and then it said network prob .. but internet was working11:26
Maharaobscurant1st: GNOME is built using GTK+ toolkit, but you can use Qt, wxWidgets, and others to build apps11:26
sam204475Hey where is compiz on 10.04>?  it says installed but i cant find it11:26
kosharikian_ checkout http://vive.sourceforge.net/http://vive.sourceforge.net/11:27
obscurant1stkoshari, ok.11:27
sunk8Brick. Gwibber+Me Menu has some real issues. You should see the forums. I could only get through to Facebook through it. However, I'll stick to Pidgin.11:27
obscurant1stMahara, thx for the info11:27
psantonisteelbox, sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales or locale ...11:27
grndslmsam204475:  you'll prolly want to install the "compizconfig-settings-manager"  or whatever it's called, might have a hyphen in the wrong place11:28
koshariobscurant1st vlc for one is a qt app11:28
Genk1can someone tell me where I can find tor exist ip list database in the net ?11:28
sam204475Problem with wubi.  i have one harddrive and i installed 10.04  thru wubi,  my HD has over 180G left on it but for some reason ubuntu only shows as 35.  how can i 100% delete windows???11:28
steelboxpsantoni: no effect11:28
Genk1I am looking for a fresh database of tor servers11:28
sunk8sam204475. Search in Synaptic...11:28
steelboxpsantoni: I've also tried update-locale LANG="fr_FR@euro"11:28
sam204475synaptic   search for what???11:29
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obscurant1stkoshari, of, i did n't know that. I always thought vlc will be from gtk11:29
sunk8sam204475: compiz as u mentioned b4...11:29
Bricksunk8:thanks for your help :-)11:29
sam204475got it11:29
sam204475hehe thanks sunk811:29
sunk8Brick. NP. ;-)11:29
koshariobscurant1st earlier vrsions were 1.0 and on are qt11:29
alex_joniare there problems with grub2 and extended partitions?11:29
tasslehoffI have issues with gzip on 10.04. This issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gzip/+bug/524366 to be specific. Anyone know more about this?11:29
tasslehoffI need a workaround :(11:29
psantonisteelbox, what appen if you type locale11:30
veter0I have updated to 10.04, after restart i have error in grub2 - "error: the symbol 'grub-puts_' not found, help please11:30
obscurant1stkoshari, i was planing to learn Qt11:30
steelboxI have "fr_FR.UTF-8" instead11:30
AceKingI'm trying to install 10.04 on my Toshiba laptop using a USB drive. As soon as it gets to the "Keyboard layout" screen it just hangs up. Is there any known issues that I can work around this?11:30
sunk8alex_joni: I'm runnin' Ubuntu from a logical partition. No problems yet...11:30
psantonisteelbox, t'es français11:30
steelboxpsantoni: oui ! =)11:30
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enan*years* working with linux'es in logical partitions :)11:31
steelboxpsantoni: je suis anti-utf-811:31
psantonisteelbox, laisse moi 2 seconde je vérifi un truck sur mon système ...11:31
steelboxpsantoni: d'acc11:31
alex_jonisunk8: installed 10.04, with grub2 into mbr, and linux root into /dev/sda5 (logical partition)11:31
alex_joniwhen booting it complains that it can't find the partition, and drops to grub-rescue11:31
MaskRayhi all, how to enable 'debian menu' in awesome(a window manager)11:32
obscurant1stveter0, try a grub2 reinstall11:32
sam204475how do i 100% remove windows off my computer?11:32
hipitihopI have a Studio XPS laptop with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3670 ... I'm currently running 9.10 with Catalyst driver .. are there any known probs with this setup for lucid ?11:32
sam204475from within linux is it possible?11:32
grndslmsam204475:  gparted11:32
gartralhow the heck do i clone audio output from one audio jack to another, i know EVERY point on my board for audio is bi-directional.. how do i make USE of that?11:32
sunk8alex_joni: r u dualbooting with any other OS?11:32
markmuetzhi all, is this the right place to ask for help with a broken upgrade to Lucid Lynx?11:32
obscurant1stsam204475, delete that windows partition and then do a grub update11:32
sam204475i dont have a windows partition11:32
grndslmsam204475:  then how can you possibly remove windows?11:33
veter0obscurant1st how I have only grup rescure console11:33
alex_jonisunk8: yup, xp11:33
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
obscurant1stsam204475, then how you knwo that there is windows in your computer11:33
hipitihopmarkmuetz, yes11:33
sam204475DOH thats why im asking you.11:33
psantonisteelbox, édite le fichier environement : sudo nano /etc/environment11:33
bilboahttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/raw.php?i=fR5s9bn3 <= error when upgraded to 10.4 from 9.04 any easy fix ?11:33
steelboxpsantoni: ouais et ?11:33
sam204475because when i boot it asks if i want to and i can still boot into windows.11:33
obscurant1stget one cd/dvd of 9.10 or 10.04 boot into live mode11:33
Machow can check system version11:33
obscurant1stsam204475, update-grub11:33
kosharisam204475 then you still have a windows partition11:33
markmuetzcool, quick rundown, updgraded overnight, now the OS wont boot11:33
grndslmsam204475:  what koshari said11:34
enanhipitihop, it should work well11:34
RetardedpopeHow do I check the cd for errors in 10.04?11:34
grndslmsam204475:  just use gparted, like i said11:34
bilboafrom 9.10 sorry11:34
TheAngel|SC2hi i have a problem; while installing my monitor goes to "sleep"11:34
markmuetzhow can I get some diagnostics on what the problem is?11:34
TheAngel|SC2how can i fix this?11:34
steelboxpsantoni: je mets la variable LANG de /etc/default/locale ?11:34
obscurant1stsam204475, if you can boot into windows then ofcourse as koshari said11:34
sunk8alex_joni: Do you have a curropt CD?11:34
sam204475gendslm.  ok done  but now i have another question11:34
hipitihopenan, thanks... would you recommend a clean install11:34
alex_jonisunk8: I doubt it.. the LiveCD works great11:34
gartralTheAngel|SC2: tap shift every so often11:34
alex_jonilet me md5sum the dl11:34
TheAngel|SC2what yo mean alex?11:35
enanhipitihop, yes, i think is the better method, save your data and go on11:35
sunk8alex_joni: Is it a new install?11:35
alex_jonisunk8: yup11:35
TheAngel|SC2gartral what yo mean?11:35
psantonila deuxsième ligne remplace : LANG="fr_FR.utf8" en LANG="fr_FR.iso88591"11:35
sam204475in gparted it says i have 278G for my harddrive  (where linux is) but when i click properties in computer it says i only have 35G   is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?11:35
erUSUL!fr | psantoni11:35
ubottupsantoni: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois11:35
psantoniubottu, ok11:36
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:36
enans/better/best, excuse me for my poor english11:36
gartralTheAngel|SC2: do you see a Shift key next to Z? theres another on the opasite side of that row11:36
obscurant1stsam204475, it will be used space,not free space? or you might be having different other partitions11:36
TheAngel|SC2yes i know, but does hitting shift fix my monitor problem?11:36
steelboxpsantoni: ?11:36
hipitihopenan, thought o although could be quite a bother to reinstate all additonal apps ... do you know of an automated way to grab installed apps and then run something on new install to reinstall them ?11:36
psantonisteelbox, sorry give me 2 minutes ...11:36
TheAngel|SC2was kinda wondering how shift, could fix that.11:36
sunk8alex_joni: Boot into the Live session. Go to GParted delete the partitions before installing Ubuntu. Use the option for 'largest free space available' And when it comes to the bootloader config. Install Grub2 onto the main MBR, not of WinXP.11:37
kosharisam204475 one will be the hdd size the other will be thae specific partition size11:37
sam204475it says  FREE SPACE  35G    but it should be  239.65G   its becus thats all i gave it in wubi.  how do i make it bigger?11:37
grndslmsam204475:  gparted has everything you need to know... how many partitions does it show, what's on each of them, and how large is each one??11:37
markmuetzIs there any way to drop into GRUB boot manager if a system is single boot?11:37
gartralTheAngel|SC2: it's sleeping during installation cause DKMS (i think) is set to 5-10 minutes depending on graphics card ;)11:37
alex_jonisunk8: didn't see a boot loader config11:37
markitoxsis there anyway under compiz, to have dual monitors, but when i change workspace change it only on the current monitor?11:37
erUSULmarkmuetz: press shift during boot11:37
TheAngel|SC2aah ty gartral11:37
kosharisam204475 your using wubi, that explans a lot,11:37
bilboadpkg: ../../src/archives.c:763: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed. with 10.4 upgrade anyone?11:37
TheAngel|SC2ill go hit shift then.11:37
DR_Freemen 8-)11:37
alex_jonibut I did install grub2 to /dev/sda (using liveCD)11:37
TheAngel|SC2thx for the help.11:37
erUSULmarkmuetz: that should make the menu to appear11:37
steelboxpsantoni: I come back in few minutes to see if it works well11:37
alex_jonisunk8: reinstalling to a primary partition now11:37
sam2044753  one is 40MB (system tools)  4G  this is for windows recover  and then 278 this is linux11:37
arcskyIs  the ubuntu bug fixed?11:37
gartralTheAngel|SC2: no prob, it's not an issue, it's a feature ;)11:38
markmuetzwow, how did I not know that? Used to dual boot systems...11:38
sam204475why will wubi cause this problem?  how can i fix it ?  any ideass?11:38
sunk8alex_joni: w811:38
erUSULarcsky: which one ?11:38
sajanekhello all :) i;m trying to migrate from freebsd to ubuntu11:38
kosharisam204475 wubi means linux runs sort of like a windows app, rather than native11:38
sajanekhow can i do it transparently for users?11:38
erUSULsam204475: wubi instals are fragile because is easy for the diesk image to get corrupted ...11:38
grndslmsam204475:  i don't use wubi, and neither should you if you don't use windows... i'd also get rid of that windows recovery partition as well11:38
sam204475koshari.  so its not an actuall install then ?11:38
erUSUL!wubi | sam20447511:38
ubottusam204475: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.11:38
gartralkoshari: that's not at all correct11:38
sajanektheir passwords are in DES11:38
kosharigartral thats why i said sorta11:39
sam204475so im just gonna have to make an iso and do it again then?11:39
kosharisam204475 its not a "bare metal" install11:39
alex_jonisunk8: if primary won't work, I'll switch back to grub-legacy11:39
gartralkoshari: wubi installs ubuntu into a swap file in the windows partition so users dont have to shrink the partition11:39
sam204475koshari ~  ok  so what should i do then?11:39
arcskyerUSUL: i dont remember but it was a big bug that i read last week11:39
sam204475i want to get winshite off my computer and just hve linux...11:39
enanhipitihop, no, i don't know, i usually install everithing again from console, there is a good script to install common applications in https://launchpad.net/ubuntustart, maybe it can help you11:39
grndslmsam204475:  don't use wubi is all you need to know11:39
arcskyerUSUL: grub or memorey or graphic drivers11:39
grndslmgo from there11:39
sunk8alex_joni: It's on step 8/8. Click on advanced. and choose /dev/sda for installing the GRUB.11:39
markmuetzerUSUL: thanks, that worked11:39
gartralkoshari: a wubi install can exist in a clean ntfs partition without the presence of windows11:40
sam204475grndslm Great help....11:40
obscurant1stsam204475, while booting up select install ubuntu11:40
kosharisam204475 if you want a full linux install you should install it on bare metal, but be warned you will loose your windows install11:40
obscurant1stn then install11:40
alex_jonisunk8: let me check11:40
erUSULarcsky: yes the show stopper bug was fixed and lucid was released11:40
erUSULmarkmuetz: no problem11:40
sam204475I WANT TO LOSE WINDOWS.....!! yay ~   so i should just make an ISO and boot from that?11:40
arcskyerUSUL: thanks11:40
grndslmsam204475: yes, you already answered your own question11:40
sunk8alex_joni: I had a similar error with karmic when I had overwritten the Windows loader instead!11:40
kosharisam204475  use a usb device to install ,11:40
sam204475i cant11:40
sam204475i dont know.11:41
grndslmsam204475:  anything is possible11:41
sam204475it wont boot from usb11:41
sam204475i tried so many times.11:41
grndslmsam204475:  what was it that you said you should do, again?11:41
koshariyou may need a compatible usb key,11:41
sam204475grndslm  thats not true. having sex with a dinosaur is impossible.11:41
hiexpochange boot order11:41
hipitihopenan, thanks11:41
sam204475im gonna make an iso file11:41
grndslmsam204475:  i just raped my gecko yesterday11:41
enanhipitihop, np11:41
sam204475and then do a CD install.11:41
sam204475grndslm close enough for me.11:41
sam204475Ok one more question for you guys ....  What is linux?11:42
hipitihopif I have 5+ machines to upgrade ... is there a way to download and burn one iso and then upgrade all machines from that ?11:42
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux11:42
grndslmsam204475:  what is google?11:42
sam204475i dont think i installed  linux on ubuntu. where do i get it11:42
grndslmsam204475:  some questions are best left to google11:42
grndslmsam204475:  learning how to research is the first part to becoming a man instead of a bot11:42
sam204475HAHA i know im just shittin with you ~  thanks for your help guys ~ have a good one~~~   :D11:43
sunk8SAM204475: I recommend u read through the wikipedia articles. They are good.11:43
steelboxpsantoni: re11:43
ChripherI have problem with disconnection from wlan after hibernation11:43
gartralhow the heck do i clone audio output from one audio jack to another, i know EVERY point on my board for audio is bi-directional.. how do i make USE of that?11:43
sam204475sunk 8  sure will.11:43
sam204475see ya all ~~~~!11:43
schlaftiersam204475: good luck with installing Ubuntu11:43
hipitihopChripher, tried with WICD ?11:43
sunk8See ya again sam204475.11:43
Chripherhipitihop: what is that11:43
alex_jonisunk8: one strange thing is that I'm booting from an external CD drive (USB)11:43
alex_jonisunk8: though it shouldn't confuse grub211:44
=== Mowiiii`Aw is now known as Mowee
sunk8alex_joni: external cd drive or usb? have u installed Ubuntu yet?11:44
hipitihopChripher, see wicd.net11:44
bluegoonhi guys11:44
sunk8alex_joni: or r u still in the live session?11:44
psantonisteelbox, sorry so edit /etc/envirronement and set LANG="fr_FR.utf8" to LANG="fr_FR@euro" then do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales11:45
whitefawnHi guys, I just upgraded kubuntu from 10.04 and I have several nasty bugs11:45
sunk8Hi Daddy, Grandpa was callin' you some tym back...11:45
bluegoonA lady gave me a computer, its a 2.7-ish Celeron with 256 Ram, would this be good for the latest Ubuntu?11:45
StupidNewbieHello Ubuntu Land!11:45
alex_jonisunk8: external drive, I'm in the LiveCD session11:45
psantonisteelbox, fr_FR@euro is an alias for Latin111:45
alex_jonirunning the install now11:45
Wipsteranyone else getting networkmanager failing to add default route when you manually input IP, mask, gateway, and DNS in a network with no DHCP11:45
erUSULbluegoon: cpu is ok; but 256 is too low ram11:45
paissadguys, how can i install the  linux-kernel in lucid ...  psb driver does not support yet the
StupidNewbieI was wondering if somebody could answer a question for me about installing 10.0111:45
plitterdoes anyone know how to check if my computer is 32 or 64 bit?11:46
paissadthanks in advance for helping11:46
StupidNewbiescratch that 10.0411:46
whitefawnafter upgrade mysql is stuck on restart11:46
micekhelp me11:46
jcrawfordhey i see that 10.04 is out, to upgrade do i do it through the software update or do i have to download a disk to install it over 9.10?11:46
bluegoonerUSUL, so you think I should try and upgrade to 256?11:46
micekhelp me pleas11:46
steelboxpsantoni: need reboot?11:46
erUSULplitter: grep --color ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo11:46
erUSULbluegoon: to 512 ? or more yes...11:46
hipitihopChripher, I've been using it for a while on 9.10 and earlier and so far has been flawless.. not sure it will solve your hibernate problem (it does have option to reconnect after losing connection)11:46
kosharigartral pulse should do that , it lets you treat a dev as a source or sink11:46
bluegoonerUSUL, going to be hard finding normal DDR ram11:46
sunk8alex_joni: If you want to 'install' Ubuntu to one of the partitions, do convert them to 'free space' with GParted beforehand.11:46
steelboxpsantoni: so, no effect in xterm11:46
alex_jonisunk8: did that.. removed the logical partition, and created a new one (primary this time)11:47
plittererUSUL: and then?11:47
hipitihopChripher, probably available through synaptic now11:47
psantonitype : locale11:47
koshariplitter google the cpu11:47
steelboxpsantoni: doesn't work11:47
erUSULbluegoon: you can try with a special 8for low specs comp) distro like puppy or slitaz linux11:47
Chripherhipitihop: but it disconnects after 10 minutes again11:47
jcrawfordanyone know?11:47
steelboxI have "fr_FR.UTF-8"11:47
alex_jonisunk8: so I have sda1 (win), sda2 (swap), sda3(linux root)11:47
testsoHi, I think I've found a bug. Can someone verify?11:47
Traveler243423hi today ubuntu did an Zograde to 10.04 so far everything seem to have worked but since update my sound doesn't work anymore11:48
sunk8alex_joni: u r allowed only 4 primary partitions on a disk.11:48
erUSULplitter: if you see red colored output (an lm) then the cpu is 64 bits11:48
plitterkoshari: http://pastebin.com/YNH6Ly1x i got this output....11:48
steelboxI have modified /etc/environment, do dpkg-reconfigure locales11:48
obscurant1sttestso, spit it out!! :)11:48
plittererUSUL: aaaah, k:) thanks:)11:48
testsotry right-click in an application, e.g. firefox. Then hit a multimedia button, e.g. mute11:48
alex_jonisunk8: I know that..11:48
Sleep_Walker[daemon]: you became Ubuntu user? :)11:48
ChewtoyAnyone know how to remove the stupid user-list from the GDM in 10.04?11:48
psantonitry edit  /etc/default/locale to...11:48
hipitihopChripher, what disconnects, your wireless card ?11:48
sunk8alex_joni: cool. Just install on sda3 now. That should do the trick. Be sure to install GRUB on /dev/sda at step 8 >> Advanced11:49
testsoif firefox is showing a menu, the multimedia button stops functioning, at least for me11:49
alex_jonisunk8: grub2 is the only thing new for me.. been using ubuntu and linux for a long time now11:49
steelboxpsantoni: I have LANG="fr_FR@euro"11:49
bluegoonHow do you get hold of Mark Shuttleworth?11:49
sunk8alex_joni: That's good to here.11:49
whitefawnanyone knows why this   /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.1.postinst configure 5.1.41-3ubuntu1211:49
koshariplitter whats your cpu?11:49
whitefawnis stuck forever?11:49
testsoobscurants1st: do you laptop with multimedia button?11:49
alex_jonisunk8: ;) I read irc typo just fine..11:49
hipitihopis there a way to upgrade from one of the iso/cd builds ?11:49
|Avi|i have found several bugs already in 10.0411:49
Random832steelbox: @euro? there's still a non-euro locale? (or is this a holdover from non-UTF8 locales?)11:50
testsoobscurant1st: try right-click in an application, e.g. firefox. Then hit a multimedia button, e.g. mute11:50
alex_joni|Avi|: report them to launchpad11:50
erUSULhipitihop: alternate cd can be used to upgrade11:50
felonfinally done upgrading 10.0411:50
erUSUL!alternate | hipitihop11:50
ubottuhipitihop: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal11:50
paissadguys, how can i install the  linux-kernel in lucid ...  psb driver does not support yet the
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:50
steelboxRandom832: I don't know11:50
|Avi|it wanted me to make an account and blah11:50
plitterkoshari: already got help from erUSUL:) did grep --color ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo and if i had lm in the output then it was 64 bit11:50
TheAngelgartral i tried hitting shift, but no luck.11:50
steelboxRandom832: I've asked to generate only 3 locales11:50
hipitihoperUSUL, thanks.11:50
bluegoonWould 9.10 be more stable than the current release?11:50
TheAngelI still get a "monitor going to sleep" while trying to install.11:50
obscurant1sttestso, for me, where ever i right click my multimedia key ie mute is not working!11:50
TheAngelanyone know how to fix this?11:50
steelboxRandom832: fr_FR.UTF-8, fr_FR@euro and en_US.UTF-811:51
Random832wouldn't an @euro locale be Latin9 rather than Latin1?11:51
Andy80hi all11:51
steelboxRandom832: indeed, a misstake :)11:51
testsoobscurant1st: then we are two. I cant find a bug report for this on launchpad11:51
sunk8alex_joni: I have Windows 7 on /dev/sda1, The rest is on an extended partition where I have Ubuntu on a /dev/sda9 !11:51
steelboxpsantoni: any idea?11:51
obscurant1stok, then i think you can report it.11:51
Random832which might be better for french anyway, since then you've got œ and Ÿ11:51
testsoobscurant1st: I'll post it11:51
icerootRandom832: imo € is in latin1 (if using LaTeX you can use € with latin1)11:51
alex_jonisunk8: hmm.. then probably the external USB CD confused it..11:51
obscurant1sti have never done this bug report! :s11:52
hipitihopanyone know a script which will grab list of all installed apps as file/script which can then be transfered to a fresh install to laod all said apps/packages ?11:52
alex_joniI rechecked /boot/grub/* and it all looks sane to me11:52
whitefawnafter upgrade to 10.04 mysql doesn't work11:52
Random832iceroot: € is not in latin1. how do you use it with LaTeX?11:52
Andy80I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on an asus eeepc 1005pe and the problem is: Network Manager is not working, I cannot see any icon in the top-right bar. The eth0 connection is working and iwconfig shows me the wifi card.... but why network manager is not shown?11:52
* Random832 is betting that you use some \euro escape that's not actually dependent on character set11:52
testsoobscurant1st: np. What hardware do you have?11:52
TheAngelAnyone know howto get my monitor to work while trying to install?11:52
|Avi|what is this password "keyring" thing all about, it keeps coming up11:52
|Avi|is that a usb password thing?11:52
icerootRandom832: \euro11:52
obscurant1sttestso, mine is vaio vgn-cr 35311:53
alex_jonisunk8: but grub rescue> ls only showed (hd0), (hd0,2) and (hd0,1)11:53
Random832iceroot: that's not latin1. that is ascii.11:53
stephanstrgalttab give me damaged screen, any hint to fix it11:53
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords11:53
icerootRandom832: ah ok11:53
Random832and all it proves is that fonts aren't limited to characters that are in the encoding you're using (obvious enough from all the math symbols you can use)11:53
alessandro_cisao room11:53
alex_jonisunk8: mind a pm, a bit noisy in here..11:53
stephanups, meen strgaltF1 give me damaged screen, any hint to fix it11:54
sunk8alex_joni: no problem11:54
alessandro_were aRE  italian xchat for ubuntu?11:54
Random832stephan: 'damaged' how?11:54
chadiI jsut did a clean install of ubuntu lucid, i'm done with the livecd, it asks me to reboot, i said yes, and now it hands on the wallpaper... what's wrong??11:54
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:54
Random832stephan: i've had a similar problem before but need you to describe what it looks like to know if it is the same11:54
NickxmI am using Dell 10v - I can't upgrade to 10.04 from 8.04lts? Or am I going to have to use a USB to install it instead of being able to upgrade via the update manager?11:54
stephancollored screen with terrible mystic collors on top, wona have black screen, like times bevore 10.0411:55
markmuetzHi, I've got a problem running the 2.6.32-21 kernel: running in recovery mode it hangs after "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... \n Done."11:55
Wipsterchadi, I have had the same problem, I just turned the system off and on again untill it works11:55
Random832stephan: have you gone into hibernate mode since the last time you booted your system?11:55
markmuetzthe 2.6.31-21 kernel boots ok (apart from complaining about lack of apparmour)11:55
Random832stephan: if so - my recommendation to try would be uninstall usplash.11:55
chadiWipster: thanks for confirming; I'll do that :)11:55
Chripherhipitihop: good i works see on mondya how it work with hibarnation11:55
stephanmaybe same prob by booting, there is damage screen to11:55
FardadJalilihow can I find a list of all of my installed program?11:55
obscurant1sttestso, after posting it pls let me know if anything i hv to do!11:55
eagles0513875has anyone tried to get a Creative SoundBlaster 5.1VX working on lucid?11:55
markmuetzHow can I get some more diagnostics on what the problem is?11:55
TheAngelanyone know howto fix the monitor going to sleep, while installing?11:56
Random832TheAngel: what's the problem11:56
markmuetzHas anyone else not been able to use the new kernel?11:56
Guest12840I downloaded lucid and then i try to install it through wubi , windows doesnt recognize wubi.exe as a known publisher, i checked the md5 hash and its the same.11:56
Chripherhipitihop: Do you know how I retriv the passoword for the networks from gnome wireless thing11:56
hipitihopChripher, do you mean wicd, you installed it ?11:56
Sleep_WalkerI'd like to add Debian-based repository to Ubuntu 9.04 - which version I should use? lenny, squeeze, sid?11:56
moetunes!clone | FardadJalili11:56
ubottuFardadJalili: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:56
Chripherhipitihop: yes I did it worked after a reboot11:56
TheAngelRandom832, i put the cd in.. all is working good. i see the logo and all. Then all of sudden the screen "goes to sleep". and wont come out of it.11:56
eagles0513875!airsnort | Chripher11:56
[daemon]Sleep_Walker: my EeePC has it installed11:57
stephanno, only update from 9.10 to 10.04, ok, using startup-manager take some options to see it works11:57
FardadJalilimoetunes: tnx11:57
chadiI love the fact that touch screen is supported natively! ubuntu++11:57
NickxmAnyone using the Dell Mini 10v? Why can't I upgrade via the Update Manager? :(11:57
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
eagles0513875!upgrade | stephan11:57
ubottustephan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading11:57
Random832it's doing so suddenly? not after a long time of no keyboard activity? i assumed the latter was what you meant11:57
Guest12840I downloaded lucid and then i tried to install it through wubi , windows doesnt recognize wubi.exe as a known publisher, i checked the md5 hash and its the same.11:57
markmuetzproblem happened after an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.0411:57
eagles0513875stephan: if your looking to upgrade follow the 2nd link11:57
Chriphereagles0513875: I am the only on the net today I guess it will not work11:57
TheAngelno it does that about 30 sec after the ubuntu logo.11:57
FardadJalili!automate > FardadJalili11:57
ubottuFardadJalili, please see my private message11:57
mirmilloIt's possibile to start ubuntu in cli mode?11:57
hipitihopChripher, good ... if you had a copy of your old network.cfg then you may have recued them from there but I think wicd updates it11:57
Sleep_Walker[daemon]: I have it as preload on my new toy... It's arm with i.MX51 and there is not much alternatives... :/11:57
eagles0513875Chripher: what wont work11:57
TheAngelRandom832 i also go tthe tip to hit shift.. but its not working. I have no idea why it isnt working.11:58
Chripherhipitihop: where can I find that file11:58
yeikshow do you list packages using terminal11:58
mariyaI can not configure my brother printer with ubuntu 10.04, I have installed drivers... so the property window shows the Printer State as: Idle -/usr/lib/cupsbackend/dnssd failed, can some one give me a hint what is going on?11:58
Guest12840I downloaded lucid and then i tried to install it through wubi , windows doesnt recognize wubi.exe as a known publisher, i checked the md5 hash and its the same.11:58
yeikshow do you list packages using terminal11:58
TheAngelno one had the problem i have? :S11:59
stephanuname says: 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux, really need to upgrade ??11:59
icerootyeiks: list what packages?11:59
hipitihopChripher, any backups of your /etc/network/interfaces11:59
mankanCan't get 1680x1050 resolution on INTEL motherboard DG33TL, chipset G33. The same problem on versions 8.10 to 10.04.11:59
hoelkhi! i'm trying to install xubuntu on a machine with intel i855 chip. i only get a black screen when booting from the cd. can anyone guide me what to do exactly? (i know about the "i915.modeset=1" workaround, but i cant seem to find out where to enter that line?)12:00
hipitihopChripher, like I said, afaik wicd updates it  .. but you may find a backup in that dir12:00
yeiksiceroot all currently installed programs12:00
stephanthink xserver is prob by switching to terminal, on gnome desktop probs to, closing something in terminal crashes12:00
icerootyeiks: dpkg -l12:01
erUSULyeiks: aptitude search ~i12:01
Chripherhipitihop: no it does not remember my passphrase12:01
erUSUL!clone > yeiks12:01
ubottuyeiks, please see my private message12:01
mohawkboiHi all. I have just upgraded to the latest Ubuntu 10.04 and am not able to get my Logitech G25 use FFB properly. Does anyone know how to fix this? It is working alot better than it was under Ubuntu 9.1012:01
bluegoonIs 9.10 more stable than the new variant?12:02
koshari yeiks installed or available?12:02
amcsihow do I upgrade to LTS from RC?12:02
hipitihopChripher, are there any other copies there e.g. /etc/network/interfaces.~12:02
icerootamcsi: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:02
markmuetzhey all: 2.6.32-21 isn't booting for me, hangs ~30s in, any extra parameters (noapic etc) that I can try to pass to GRUB?12:02
erUSUL!final | amcsi12:02
hipitihopI have a jaunty machine, is it posisble to upgrade directly to lucid ?12:02
erUSULhipitihop: no12:02
markmuetzNB 2.6.31-21 boots fine12:02
iceroothipitihop: no12:02
sunk8hipitihop: no12:03
hoelkmarkmuetz: got a laptop? if so then google for i855 intel12:03
amcsi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:03
icerootamcsi: then its the final12:03
yeikskoshari installed12:03
amcsicould my dist have already been updated automatically?12:03
Charbelhi i got dummy output for sound how can i fix that ?12:03
markmuetzhoelk: will do...12:03
mariyaI can not configure my brother printer with ubuntu 10.04, I have installed drivers... so the property window shows the Printer State as: Idle -/usr/lib/cupsbackend/dnssd failed, can some one give me a hint what is going on?12:03
hoelkmight need something like i915.modeset=112:03
Chripher_hipitihop: it does not remember my passphrase12:03
sunk8amsci: Ubuntu is smart, but not that smart!12:03
koshariyeiks i crude way would be to just ls the apt cache dir if tou havnt autocleaned12:03
arand!final | amcsi12:03
TheAngelhowto fix the monitor going to sleep while installing???12:03
ubottuamcsi: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.12:03
Random832hoelk: gah, the i915 modeset glitch gives me headaches no matter WHICH i set it to12:04
hipitihopChripher, ok, sorry, you'll have to get it again ... is this a work AP you normally access ?12:04
Random832[and you can't put it on the kernel command line - it goes in modprobe.d and is 1 by default]12:04
mirmillowhat should I add to /boot/grub/grub.cfg to start ubuntu in cli mode?12:04
thelostpatrolhey there, i have a problem with video in ubuntu. i think i need to install drivers 'cause my max res is 800x600 and i get graphics glitches. can anyone help me?12:04
erUSULmirmillo: just choose the recovery mode entries12:04
yeikshow do i completely remove or uninstall lamp12:04
erUSULthelostpatrol: which graphic card ?12:05
yeikshow do i completely remove or uninstall lamp12:05
TheAngelhowto fix the monitor going to sleep while installing???12:05
Chripher_hipitihop: yes but at the moment the netadmin is on holiday so now I use public net12:05
koshariyeiks of course that would exclude any initual packages that were installed from the cd12:05
thelostpatrollatest ubuntu version inside of virtualbox, card is nvidia 940012:05
erUSULyeiks: sudo tasksel remove lamp ?12:05
mohawkboiHi all. I have just upgraded to the latest Ubuntu 10.04 and am not able to get my Logitech G25 use FFB properly. Does anyone know how to fix this? It is working alot better than it was under Ubuntu 9.1012:05
Random832erUSUL: he already mentioned - virtualbox guest12:05
testsoobscurant1st: Nasty. I tell you, nasty. I talked in ubuntu-bugs, this is core gtk bug12:05
yeikserUSUL should i type that12:05
Random832crap i gtg12:05
mirmilloerUSUL: thanks12:05
Chripher_hipitihop: isn't there a file to hack12:05
sunk8TheAngel: Ground some of your coffee beans and give it some freshly brewed coffee... ;-)12:05
erUSULthelostpatrol: ok; dunno what graphic card vbox simulates ... more help in #vbox probably12:05
thelostpatrolokay thanks12:05
dagny_ta1gartso how is flash working for people with lucid?12:05
|Avi|now process "backend" is stuck on 100% cpu12:06
C_REATiVEHi, lucid 64bit CD wont boot !12:06
obscurant1sttestso, oh, so whats next?12:06
mohawkboiFlash is fine here.12:06
MrGoodkatwhile booting into lucid it stays around 2mins at "starting up....." before displaying the boot splash, but it boots normally into the recovery mode12:06
sunk8C_REATiVE: what's the issue?12:06
testsoobscurant1st: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/1090512:06
sunk8<C_REATiVE>: any error messages?12:06
C_REATiVEI see black screen, after ubuntu logo12:06
C_REATiVEno, nothing12:06
testsoobscurant1st: what's next - i'll start by joining the gtk dev list!12:06
C_REATiVEshould i try 32bit ?12:07
TheAngelC_REATiVE me too12:07
sunk8<C_REATiVE>: the live cd or the install?12:07
hipitihopChripherok, noo idea... to date I have only used WEP (I know old and insecure) and it would keep the passphrase in /etc/network/interfaces ... good luck .. hope wicd helps you easily reconnect after hibernation.12:07
obscurant1sttestso, oh, K. :)12:07
C_REATiVEdefault, livecd i guess12:07
TheAngelhowto fix the monitor going to sleep while installing???12:07
yeikserUSUL should i type that12:07
koshariC_REATiVE does it tell you its not a 64 bit architecture?12:07
erUSULyeiks: yes12:07
mariyaI can not configure my brother printer with ubuntu 10.04, I have installed drivers... so the property window shows the Printer State as: Idle -/usr/lib/cupsbackend/dnssd failed, can some one give me a hint what is going on?12:07
C_REATiVEno it doesnt i have i7 64bit proc12:07
yeiksit gave error12:07
yeikserUSUL it gave error12:08
artistxemariya: is the printer plugged in ?12:08
koshariC_REATiVE well iam guessing the iso is corrupt,12:08
TheAngelkoshari im having the same problem12:08
koshariC_REATiVE did you do a checksum12:08
C_REATiVEthis is the second try, the first was corrupted too12:08
TheAngelafter the logo, the screen turns black. But my monitor is then saying "going to sleep".12:08
sunk8<C_REATiVE> Check the iso, dude. or it might be an old video card...12:09
obscurant1sttestso, it was already there, or you just posted it?12:09
mariyaartistxe, sure12:09
bluegoonSo, ok, the new Distro is less stable than 9.10?12:09
obscurant1sttestso, nvm, just saw the dates12:09
Charbelkoshari, r u from egypt ?12:09
C_REATiVEsunk8 no its a new config,12:09
RedNifreI can send Facebook updates, but no replies. Why is that?12:09
koshariCharbel nah but i like the way they do macoroni :-)12:09
TheAngelold videocard?12:09
TheAngeli got a 587012:09
C_REATiVEsunk8, i didnt do checksum how can i do that ? i used disc-at-once12:09
om26erRedNifre, sorry to say that is a gwibber upstream bug12:09
C_REATiVEwhen i burnt the file12:09
NickxmBlah, damn Dell mini.. Why won't you auto-update through the manager. :(12:09
artistxemariya. always have to ask that question first ;)   . was it manufacturers drivers from site you installed ?12:09
hacked_kernelisn't there Ubuntu Lucid 64bit for Intel???12:10
RedNifreom26er any plan for fixing it?12:10
iceroothacked_kernel: amnd64 is also for intel12:10
om26erRedNifre, its milestoned for gwibber 3.0 :(12:10
kosharihacked_kernel no amd64 axtensions are for intel 64 also12:10
sunk8hacked_kernel: AMD64 works for all 64-bit PCs. It's just nomencleture...12:10
RedNifreToo bad.12:10
icerootsunk8: no not for all12:10
chadiguys, i have /home on its own partition, and did a clean install, but during the installation, i forgot to set /home as that partition... now it has its own /home. how do I solve that?12:10
markmuetzhoelk: I've got a laptop but its got an ATI graphics card, any other ideas what might stop 2.6.32 booting?12:10
sunk8k, most12:10
mariyaartistxe, yep,  it was a brother driver12:10
TheAngelafter the logo, the screen turns black. But my monitor is then saying "going to sleep".12:10
TheAngelanyone know howto fix this?12:11
RedNifreAlso, my external VGA monitor has the correct resolution and Hz, but it has weird "waves"12:11
om26erRedNifre, due to this problem I only use gwibber for twitter12:11
RedNifreIt's hard to explain, but my screen wobbles like a flag in the wind12:11
RedNifreWhy is that?12:11
TheAngelleft window open?12:11
jmspeexIs there a "what's new?" list for Lucid, e.g. listing the versions of the software it includes?12:11
=== florin is now known as aigoo
jmspeexAll I see is general marketing stuff12:11
hoelkmarkmuetz: noe idea sorry12:12
artistxemariya . I would check through Synaptic and see if you need anything else for printing . . .12:12
RedNifreYeah, it looks a bit like when you shake a window in compiz. But it's a display error.12:12
markmuetzhoelk: ok thanks12:12
mohawkboiCan anyone please help me configure FFB for a G25 Wheel?12:12
kipingor_Hey there12:12
kipingor_I need Help12:12
icerootmohawkboi: and what is FFB?12:12
RedNifreAnd Dosbox now crashes Gnome12:12
om26erkipingor_, go on :)12:12
sunk8kipingor: ask and ye shall recieve12:12
mohawkboiForce Feed Back12:13
artistxemariya: there seems to be a problem there with cupsbackend12:13
kipingor_My Ubuntu 9.04 does not recognise Huawei Broadband EC126012:13
thor__I cannot locat dmraid tool on latest ubuntu iso image. How can I install to fake raid?12:13
kipingor_How do I config it12:13
sunk8kipingor: using a modem?12:13
HeebieI need to install 6.06 LTS on a Dell R200 with a Perc 6 RAID controller.. but the kernel doesn't seem to have a driver for that controller.  Can anyone reccomend a method by which I'll be able to get this install done?12:13
icerootthor__: apt-cache show dmraid12:13
kipingor_well not now12:13
RedNifreI plugged in the monitor: It looks like water waves rising upwards.12:13
kipingor_but I want to12:14
icerootthor__: showing nothing?12:14
sunk8kipingor: open applications>>accessories>>terminal.12:14
koshariHeebie wht do you need to install 6.06?12:14
aigooI get this msg when I try to install wgetpaste:Couldn't find package wgetpaste What can I do to install that package?12:14
RedNifreMaybe I'll do a video to show you what the problem is...12:14
sunk8<kipingor_ run command 'sudo pppoeconf'12:14
om26erkipingor_, http://www.gnulinux.in/article/ubuntu-910-reliance-netconnect-broadband-modem-huawei-ec1260-networkmanager-works-out-box12:14
Heebiekoshari: Because that is the customer's standardised platform that they use throughout their enterprise.12:14
Charbeli got dummy output for sound how can i fix that ?12:14
TheAngelcomman someone must be able to fix this.12:14
artistxeaigoo : enable the repos that have that package ?12:15
om26erkipingor_, follow the procedure it should work.12:15
TheAngelmy screen turns black while trying to install, why??12:15
thor__iceroot, abt-cache? Im starting from cd-iso12:15
sunk8kipingor_: ya om26er has a better solution12:15
MrGoodkatcan i run ssh on two ports at the same time? eg. 22 and 80?12:16
kipingor_I see something usefull12:16
WipsterHeebie, thats two LTS's out of date and no support anymore. Do you know if the driver present in a newer kernel?12:16
GalerienHi everyone, I'm sure you had a lot of gys like me today, but if you could just help me with my ATI card... I get some error after a "sudo apt-get install --fix-broken" witch means that I can't upgrade...?12:16
psycho_oreosMrGoodkat, no12:16
markmuetzDear all, after upgrading the new kernel, 2.6.32-21-generic, wouldn't boot, 2.6.31-21 would. Should I file a bug?12:16
kipingor_give me a sec please12:16
artistxeaigoo: do you mean wget ? I see no wgetpaste12:16
HeebieMkGoodkat: Yes.  I'm not sure if you have to run two complete instances of sshd, or if you can specify two ports in the singlec config, though.12:16
psycho_oreosMrGoodkat, but you could re-route port 80 traffic to port 2212:16
koshariHeebie use a VM then?12:16
thor__Is there any other minimal boot image with dmraid support?12:16
HeebieWipster: It is supported until June 2011.12:16
RedNifreGreat, now the monitor turned black.12:16
MrGoodkatpsycho_oreos how'd i do that?12:16
psycho_oreosMrGoodkat, you'll need to mess with iptables12:17
chadiGuys: ext3 or ext4?12:17
archaylanyone with fresh install please check the default enabled repository, is it all ticked?12:17
RedNifre...and can't be turned off any more. :(12:17
RedNifrebut ext3 for external drives12:17
archaylexcept source12:17
chadididn't ext4 have bugs?12:17
HeebieWipster: I don't know if that driver is present in kernels available within the 6.06 LTS repos.12:17
om26erbtrfs ;)12:17
RedNifre...so that you can use them on other machines12:17
StrerndHello Guys12:17
WipsterHeebie, a sorry my bad, didn't realise it was that long.12:17
ReallycoolIs it me, or does compiz fusion have less and less effects every release?12:17
Heebiekoshari: Customer doesn't want a VPS, and would notice. :/12:17
elvisubuntu torrent remix rlz;>12:17
om26erReallycool, less but useful?12:18
GalerienHi everyone, I'm sure you had a lot of gys like me today, but if you could just help me with my ATI card... I get some error after a "sudo apt-get install --fix-broken" witch means that I can't upgrade...?12:18
om26er!ccsm | Reallycool12:18
ubottuReallycool: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:18
artistxeaigoo:  http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=1546412:18
kipingor_thanks om26er12:18
HeebieWipster: I actually checked on the support.. because I found it hard to believe that version should still be supported. :/12:18
om26erkipingor_, :)12:18
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz12:18
chadialso, my current /home partition is ext3, if I set it as ext4, will I lose my data?12:18
om26erchadi, I think12:18
StrerndI've got a problem with the Lynx on my Laptop. i activated proprietary driver for my radeon mobility hd 4330. now when i start ubuntu my screen is black :(12:19
quiescensupgrade seems to have worked surprisingly well despite my.. relatively unwieldly configuration12:19
GalerienCan anyone help me with my broken packages???12:19
mohawkboiCan anyone please help me configure Force Feed Back for a Logitec G25 Wheel?12:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:19
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:19
WipsterHeebie, quite a predicament advise them they can only use dated hardware with dated software. Can you take a newer kernel and use that, or backport the driver you need?12:19
zipperhi can any1 assist me in codecs12:20
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:20
om26erzipper, you could use software center to install codecs12:20
stephanstrgaltF1 give me damaged unusable screen, any hint to fix it12:20
chadiok. can I have / as ext4 and /home as ext3?12:20
TheAngelcomman someone must be able to fix this.12:20
TheAngelmy screen turns black while trying to install, why??12:20
zipperom26er:  how can i get to software center?12:20
archaylis there anyone else with fresh instal have all repo enabled except source?12:21
Galerienzipper: system12:21
TheAngelplz help mehhh12:21
Galerienzipper: administration12:21
TheAngeli wanna install ubuntu12:21
JenniferBhi folks again, I have a .sh file to run a program.. that I can run from my console.. but its not working to run it by dubbel clicking.. what do I need to do?12:21
Galerienzipper: synaptic12:21
iBudgieAnybody can help me12:21
hiexpoTheAngel,  - install 9.1012:21
iBudgieRegarding to cloud computing12:21
om26erzipper, click on applications in the top menu of your screen and there click on ubuntu software center12:22
LjLJenniferB: is it set executable? "chmod +x filename"12:22
StrerndI've got a problem with the Lynx on my Laptop. i activated proprietary driver for my radeon mobility hd 4330. now when i start ubuntu my screen is black :(12:22
TheAngelhiexpo lol i dont want 9.1012:22
livingdaylightsudo apt-get 04.10 ?12:22
om26erzipper, when its open just search ubuntu restricted and the first found entry should be ubuntu restricted extras12:22
hiexpoTheAngel,  - it is better12:22
koshariTheAngel can you run the live session?12:22
iBudgieIs it possible to login via gui on cloud enterprise machine12:23
TheAngelafter the logo i get a "monitor is going to sleep"12:23
HeebieWipster: I don't know if I can or not.. it's not something I've had to do before.12:23
livingdaylightsudo apt-get get 04.10 ?12:23
pithallo! do someone know what is and how to fix that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425176/ ?12:23
zipperom26er: roger thanks12:23
koshariTheAngel have you tried a boot option like noaspi?12:23
JenniferBLjL:  If I right click go to properties, in the permissions tab.. execute is checked as "Allow executing file as program"12:23
om26erzipper, np :)12:23
TheAngelno koshari12:23
TheAngelhow i do that?12:23
GalerienCan anyone tell me how to repair/uninstall broken packge that "sudo apt-get install --fix-broken" can't?12:23
koshariTheAngel you can change the boot options and try stuff like noaspi, vesa ect...12:24
TheAngeli had the tips, remove splash from boot command. (that didnt work.) I had the tip, press shift while its @ blackscreen. But that didnt work12:24
LjLGalerien: pastebin what happens when you try12:24
Kartagisthe mirror I downloaded ubuntu from doesn't have md5 checksum. how can I get it?12:24
hiexpowhy would i wanna install something that is actually better lol12:24
TheAngeli have no idea what those options are.12:24
iBudgieHow to login using gui when im on enterprise machine12:24
GalerienLjL: ok, but i don't know the url for pastebin12:24
kipingor_thanks om26er but your solution did not work, The modem loads as a CDROM first, has an autoinstall for windows or mac, linux jusr recognises it as a CDROM not a moden12:24
iBudgieCloud enterprise12:24
om26erGalerien, open terminal and try to install anything. if you get any error there please pastebin it12:24
koshariTheAngel you booting from cd or usb?12:24
LjLJenniferB: don't know. how do you start it from the shell? ./filename.sh?12:24
LjLGalerien: http://paste.ubuntu.com12:24
kipingor_tried running echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="1446 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.", SYSFS{idVendor}=="12d1", RUN+="/lib/udev/modem-modeswitch --vendor 0x12d1 --product 0x1446 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. --type option-zerocd"' | sudo tee  /etc/udev/rules.d/45-huawei1260.rules12:24
TheAngellive cd12:24
koshariyou couls also try a usb key,12:24
JenniferBLjL:  yes :)12:24
kipingor_but Nothing12:25
TheAngeli dont think the cd is the problem ;p12:25
om26erkipingor_, you are using ubuntu 9.10?12:25
geekphreakquestion >> after using wipe or shred i still see the file, why?12:25
TheAngelsome monitor setting or something is wrong.12:25
iBudgieKoshari pls help me12:25
kipingor_no 9.0412:25
WipsterHeebie, what kernel version is it?12:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:25
LjLJenniferB: are you sure it doesn't start from the icon? it's quite possible that it starts, but then closes very quickly and the terminal window only barely shows up.12:25
ninadodoes ubuntu server has a giu?12:25
om26erkipingor_, oh, that guide was for 9.10 oops12:25
Strerndmy screen is black when im starting ubuntu/ cant see the desktop. this happened after activatin proprietary driver for ATI Mobility Radeon 4330. Anybody help me?12:25
GalerienLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425192/12:25
LjLninado: no, but you can install one on it (although then it becomes very similar to ubuntu desktop)12:26
geekphreakninado:  not is is text based12:26
iBudgieI install a server but no gui :(12:26
GalerienStrernd: I know how to fix it, but you won't have any 2D/3D acceleration12:26
iBudgieCan we install a gui like the xstart12:26
TheAngelguess i have to use another distro i guess12:26
geekphreakiBudgie: yes12:26
abhijainhello everyone help me i m new on ubuntu  how to install pidgin im for ubuntu step by step12:26
om26erkipingor_, you could try a latter version of ubuntu12:26
kipingor_crap...does anyone have a solution12:26
geekphreakabhijain: hi buddy12:26
hiexpoTheAngel,  - install 9.1012:26
JenniferBLjL:  yes... i think you are right.. but why doesn't it continue12:26
koshariTheAngel you can force vesa mode , if you think its a video issue12:27
acr0nymabhijain, in terminal "sudo apt-get install pidgin" also.. try and google ;)12:27
om26erabhijain, open software center and search pidgin12:27
geekphreakabhijain:  open terminal then type sudo apt-get install pidgin12:27
TheAngelok koshari how i do that12:27
iBudgieCause in the help i saw that it is has gui12:27
TheAngelill try that12:27
dhruvasagarwassup guys12:27
obscurant1stabhijain, in terminal type - sudo apt-get install pidgin12:27
geekphreakany help on my question :)12:27
iBudgieHow cab i use gui on enterprise cloud12:27
kipingor_its probably easier if I upgrade to 9.1012:27
koshariTheAngel http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=917564212:27
dhruvasagarabhijain: btw, empathy is the default IM client for Ubuntu12:27
pinoyskullanybody using latitude 1464?12:27
mohawkboiCan anyone please help me configure Force Feed Back for a Logitec G25 Wheel?12:27
dhruvasagarabhijain: empathy has been chosen for a reason12:27
LjLJenniferB: try instead of clicking directly on its icon, to create a shortcut that starts this: xterm -e filename.sh12:27
pitQUestion: what's an EDID error? why Ihave one each startup after the update?12:28
obscurant1stgeekphreak, try restaaaarting the system, and check if its still there!12:28
* om26er think people here should suggest a better way to new comers to install a software12:28
dhruvasagarabhijain: empathy has very good support to audio / video sharing etc12:28
koshariTheAngel i havnt used the vesa boot parameter for about 5 years so i cant tell you off the top of my head12:28
karthiksharugparted  keeps saying  "Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 8"  ... I want to delete /dev/sda8 but my current ubuntu is running on /dev/sda9 ...12:28
dhruvasagarom26er: come on, ok let me try for you, what help do you need!?12:28
JenniferBxterm -e /home/jennifer/Installed/Intellij/idea-9.01/bin/idea.sh12:28
JenniferBdidnt work12:29
TheAngelkoshari nvm ill try another distro12:29
obscurant1stkarthiksharu, use fdisk to delete it12:29
dhruvasagarTheAngel: what's your problem ?12:29
TheAngelmy screen goes black after the logo.12:29
GalerienLjL: so, did you find anything12:29
om26erdhruvasagar, telling someone who is very new to ubuntu to install a software from terminal is not a good impression12:29
abhijaingeekphreak: ubuntu10.4 is awesome12:29
TheAngelthen my monitor says "Monitor is going to sleep"12:30
Galerienabhijain: not with ati12:30
LjLGalerien: yes, there are bug reports about that. moment12:30
TheAngeland never comes out.12:30
iBudgieKoshari help me pls... How can i use gui on cloud enterprise12:30
GalerienLjL: thx12:30
karthiksharuobscurant1st: Okay I ll try that .. Actually I want to resize my current home directory .. I can do it using gparted. right ?12:30
ikoniathonyz: ?12:30
thonyzhi!! good morning!!12:30
abhijaingeekphreak: thanks alot for helping me12:30
iBudgiegeekphreak: Help me pls12:30
LjLGalerien: type: export FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL=/usr/share/ati      then try again12:30
om26erabhijain, for future installation of any software you could just click on Applications in the top of your screen and click on ubuntu software center. you could search any software there very easily :)12:30
thonyzhi!! good morning!!12:31
iBudgieHow do i use gui on cloud enterprise12:31
thonyzhi ikonia12:31
abhijainom26er: thanku12:31
hiexpo!hi | thonyz12:31
ubottuthonyz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:31
miles_Hi there, anyone fluent with parted and logical drives here?12:31
obscurant1stkarthiksharu, home directory?? or the partition in which ubuntu is installed?12:31
user__algun español?12:32
LjL!es | user__12:32
ubottuuser__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:32
obscurant1stkarthiksharu, anyway you will have to use a livecd for resizing the drive on which ubuntu lies on!12:32
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dabaR!ask | miles_12:32
ubottumiles_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:32
cmugHi. Has anybody installed 10.04 64b using the Alternate CD and a USB CD Drive? During installation it tells me it cannot find the CD, and it needs to load a driver.12:32
geekphreakobscurant1st:  ok will do thanks12:32
cmugServer and Desktop CD's seem to work fine on same hardware.12:32
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om26ercmug, I tried and failed too12:33
thonyzzii aki brother!!12:33
GalerienLjL: No improvement : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425195/12:33
cmugom26er, any workaround ?12:33
Necrogamii hate updates they make the ubuntu servers crawl12:33
thonyzkhe hay user_12:33
om26ercmug, not sure12:33
karthiksharuobscurant1st: I ve downloaded the 10.04 and its bootable in  USB... Currently I am having 9.10 ... I want to upgrade to 10.04 with increased home size...12:33
iBudgieAnybody here good with cloud computing?12:33
miles_How do you create extended partitions and logical drives within using Parted only? See http://bit.ly/b76C6i for full explaination.12:33
underdevdo we have to do anything to upgrade to lucid final?12:33
WipsterHeebie, This thread might be able to help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=719556&page=3 its for 8.x but the method should be the same for inserting a new megaraid_sas driver. Goodluck!12:33
mohawkboiCan anyone please help me configure Force Feed Back for a Logitec G25 Wheel?12:33
thonyzthax ubottu!! thax for you information!!12:33
obscurant1stkarthiksharu, are you using a seperate partiton for /home?12:33
iBudgieWipster can you help me?12:34
UbuntuLilyHey I was gonna give the Upgrade a shot.  Heard any bad things yet?12:34
om26erkarthiksharu, you want to format you old home or you want that old data too?12:34
karthiksharuobscurant1st: No .. I have a single partition /home12:34
obscurant1stiiif now just bootup using the usb and then unmount all the drives. then use gparted to do whatever you need.12:34
cmugI guess I could create a USB Stick installation12:34
hiexpo!mouse | mohawkboi12:34
ubottumohawkboi: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:34
WipsteriBudgie, sorry no experience with that.12:34
om26ermohawkboi, what is it?12:34
iBudgieAnybody here can help me cloud enterprise12:34
UbuntuLilyI know the clean install is always best, but I dont have the means to backup my files right now so I was gonna try the Upgrade.  Anyone hear any bad things about this yet?12:35
thonyz#joined #canaima12:35
thonyzjoined #canaima12:35
karthiksharuom26er: I want the old data12:35
mohawkboiThanks hiexpo I will go have a look now.12:35
bazhangthonyz, /join #channel12:35
obscurant1stUbuntuLily, nothing, simply update-manager -d12:35
om26ermohawkboi, you could try this link http://wiki.vdrift.net/Logitech_G25_support#Linux12:35
Lhi, I just installed 10.04 on my laptop and the screen is all messed up. I am running HP dv6000 with an Nvidia motherboard12:35
dabaR!ot | thonyz12:36
LjLGalerien: may i suggest you wait some days? i could tell you how to make it skip the preinst script, but that's not necessarily a good idea. the bug is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/565407 and is in "fix committed" state, so an update should be pushed quickly12:36
ubottuthonyz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:36
karthiksharuom26er: I want the old  data + increased /home size ..12:36
bazhangUbuntuLily, always a good idea to have a separate home12:36
obscurant1stfor me it worked, but one problem came with bonager12:36
Andy80I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on Asus Eeepc 1005pe and the nm-applet icon is not shown....any idea? it works on another acer notebook and on my desktop pc...12:36
Lanyone else experience or hear about this?12:36
WipsteriBudgie, I can say dont ask to ask, just ask the question and someone might beable to help straight off12:36
om26erkarthiksharu, hmm. that would be not that simple to do.12:36
geekphreakAndy80: any luck pressing alt+f2 >>nm-applet12:36
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bazhangthonyz, /join #channelname12:36
geekphreakbazhang: hello12:36
GalerienLjL: Ok, that sucks, but thanks anyway12:36
karthiksharuom26er: Can I not resize my partition size with gparted ...12:36
bazhanggeekphreak, hi12:37
dabaRom26er: it could, he backs up to another partition, then makes that /home12:37
aigooI've tried to mount a ntfs partition and a get an error when the system startx. This is the link with my /ect/fstab : http://pastebin.com/ZVrs2pZN12:37
dabaRom26er: it depends on what his HD looks like12:37
Andy80geekbuntu: even without alt+f2, but from a terminal, it says that the nm-applet is already running :\12:37
dreykanyone got scim working on 10.4?12:37
dabaRom26er: fdisk -l should give you a good start12:37
om26erkarthiksharu, you could do that in the live sesssion12:37
bazhangdreyk, you mean iBus ?12:37
Andy80geekphreak: sorry, read up, wrong : :)12:37
geekphreakAndy80:  then it should be there :)12:37
aigooI've tried to mount a ntfs partition and a get an error when the system starts. This is the link with my /ect/fstab : http://pastebin.com/ZVrs2pZN12:37
UbuntuLilyBazbang - should I backup my home folder first?12:37
dreykno i mean scim with scim-pinyin12:37
UbuntuLilyis there a chance I might lose it in the upgrade?12:37
=== RedNifre_ is now known as RedNifre
karthiksharuom26er: Using the live session I can increase the /home size without loosing the data ?12:38
bazhang!home | UbuntuLily12:38
ubottuUbuntuLily: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome12:38
om26erkarthiksharu, boot lucid cd. open gprated select your /home dir if you know which it is12:38
Andy80geekphreak: I see it running in the processes12:38
bazhangUbuntuLily, you could just move it12:38
om26erkarthiksharu, yes without loosing any data12:38
dabaRaigoo: and the error?12:38
wildbat_10_40aigoo, /dev2?~12:38
bazhangdreyk, that's handled by iBus now12:38
dabaRom26er: that's not 100% for certain. YOu always want to back up before doing that.12:38
dabaRom26er: or so they say12:38
cmugWhen the CD load fails, it asks me if I want to browse removable media for the driver. How do I put the correct USB CD-Rom Driver on a USB stick so that the installation would succeed ?12:39
dreykoh okay... so that means scim doesnt run anymore on 10.4?12:39
om26erdabaR, maybe you could tell that to the one who will be resizing :)12:39
geekphreakAndy80:  thats wierd12:39
Andy80geekphreak: at the moment I'm trying to reinstall it... about 5 minutes left. I'm doing it with eth cable connected.... let's see if this change something12:39
karthiksharuom26er: boot from USB should also work right ?12:39
om26erI tried 4-5 times and succeeded12:39
cmugnow browse but scan a removable media, I guess it needs a certain folder structure etc12:39
TheAngelanyone know howto fix my monitor going black before installing even?12:39
om26erkarthiksharu, sure12:39
dreykbazhang, are you using chinese with ibus?12:39
bazhangdreyk, not that I know of, largely deprecated afaik12:39
karthiksharuom26er: i downloaded 10.04 today..12:39
hydesterwhere can i find an md5 for the 10.04 iso?12:39
karthiksharuom26er: okay sir thanks for your help .. I  ll give a try for that ..12:39
bazhangdreyk, yep, Mandarin, Japanese, etc12:39
geekphreakhydester: should be on the site12:40
CycHi, I'm trying to bridge a wireless and wired connection. My laptop connects to the internet through wireless and I want to share that connection through wired connecion to my ps3 so I can stream accross through wired. I have installed brctl I added a bridge added wlan0 and eth0 to it, but couldn't get it to work. Any ideas?12:40
om26erkarthiksharu, np :)12:40
SolmonHello guys, I hope i can get some help on my problem. I was about to buy the new Windows 7, but decided to try ubuntu instead. I downloaded and burnt 10.4 32bit, it installed fine and so forth. I booted into ubuntu and it asked me if I wanted to install restricted Nvidia drivers (for my GeForce 7600GT), so I went for the one that said "recommended". WHen it was done it asked me to reboot, and I did. However now it is stuck in an infinite loop:12:40
dabaRkarthiksharu: regardless, you basically just can't have any of the partitions that will be resizing mounted on your file system. Can you post the output of sudo fdisk -l to a pastebin so we can see what your hard disk looks like?12:40
bazhangdreyk, there are several ibus packages, you can apt-cache search ibus for their names12:40
arandSolmon: Infinite loop where?12:40
om26erSolmon, did you install the (recommended) driver?12:40
switchgirlmy this morining my alarm was     rhythmbox-client --play-uri=http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r4.asx as it claims -duddenly that radio is a text file12:41
Solmonom26er: yes12:41
dreykbazhang, thank god i found someone, can you help me out with this? i was frustrated on 9.10 as scim ibus nor gcin working so i changed to 10.04 now12:41
dabaR!ics | Cyc12:41
ubottuCyc: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:41
TheAngelanyone know howto fix my monitor going black before installing even?12:41
Solmonarand: it reboots when the ubuntu boot screen is loading12:41
om26erSolmon, how far the system boots12:41
om26erSolmon, means where does it hang12:41
UbuntuLilyHey the problem is I am in the desert right now and I don't have any blank cds or a removable hard drive.  For this I need a cd.  If there is a chance I will lose my home folder (I know what it is ;) cut me a little credit) than I will just wait until I can back it up12:41
Solmonom26er: it doesn't hang, it just suddenly reboots during the ubuntu logo with the dots under12:41
hydestergeekphreak: couldn't find it easily.  you have a direct url?12:41
dabaRswitchgirl: ha. so you were late?12:42
thonyzthax <bazhang>12:42
geekphreakhydester: 1 sec , let me see12:42
dreyki dont want to mess up, i only need chinese pinyin input to write simplified chinese12:42
bazhangUbuntuLily, did you read that link?12:42
arandSolmon: try editing the boot options in grub, removing "quiet" and "splash", and see if there are any telling errors12:42
UbuntuLilyYes that link said I needed to boot from the live CD12:42
bazhangdreyk, did you install the relevant packages?12:42
Cycthanks ubottu that way seems much easier, will give it a go12:42
Solmonarand: THank you, I will try that and report back!12:42
dabaRTheAngel: are we talking about before the desktop CD boots?12:42
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:43
Galerien!codecs Galerien12:43
dabaRUbuntuLily: just wait12:43
Galerien!codec Galerien12:43
bazhangUbuntuLily, well this is very anecdotal, but an upgrade went well here. your mileage may vary, and always a good idea to back up whatever possible12:43
geekphreakhydester:  you got the normal version or alternate?12:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:43
abhijaingeekphreak: how can i permanently add #ubuntu on enthalpy there is no option for add as like pidgin im12:43
hydestergeekphreak: normal 38612:44
dabaRUbuntuLily: and also when you have a chance, split at least / and /home over 2 partitions12:44
karthiksharudabaR: Sure ...12:44
karthiksharudabaR: http://pastebin.com/uaMx3R8012:44
bazhangUbuntuLily, perhaps in future a separate home when it is more convenient to do so12:44
dabaRkarthiksharu: so how are you gonna rearrange this?12:44
TheAngelwhats the LTS version?12:44
geekphreakabhijain: in main window, i think its under room, honestly use something better like pidgin or xchat :d12:44
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)12:44
bazhangTheAngel, the current release 10.0412:44
GalerienGys, how do I install Sonic Foundry Wave64 decoder ??12:44
sanchezalgu espeñol?12:45
bazhangGalerien, for what file format12:45
perlmonkeycan anyone solve this: I've modified my mountall.conf and now my system won't boot properly it drops to a maintenance shell in RO mount.. so I cannot edit the mountall.conf to fix the problem. Is there a way to force a RW mount, or allow editing?12:45
dabaR!es | sanchez12:45
ubottusanchez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:45
bazhangsanchez, /join #ubuntu-es12:45
bogdan_Could somebody give a link to jigdo file for 10.04 desktop DVD ? There are no such file on cdimage.ubuntu.com :(12:45
sam_2007i have compiz and the manager installed but cant seem to find it.   why is it not in system menu anymore?  Anyone else notice this in 10.0412:45
UbuntuLilyIs there a way to image my hard drive for a full rollback without booting to a CD?12:45
sanchezmuxas gracias12:45
bazhangbogdan_, hang on a second12:45
dabaRperlmonkey: what is this mountall.conf?12:45
dabaRperlmonkey: fstab?12:45
Galerienbazhang: don't know, it's just rhythmbox that ask me to install it and can't find it on it's own12:45
TheAngelbazhang but what does LTS mean?12:45
TheAngelaah ok ty12:45
perlmonkeydabaR: it's a file in /etc/init presumably used by the mount process12:46
TheAngelanyone plz help me fix my damn monitor.12:46
TheAngelso i can start enjoying ubuntu,12:46
geekphreakhydester:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes12:46
cmugSo how to create a USB stick, that the alternative cd installer can use as a source for USB drivers ?12:46
karthiksharu_dabaR: http://pastebin.com/uaMx3R8012:46
sam_2007i have compiz and the manager installed but cant seem to find it.   why is it not in system menu anymore?  Anyone else notice this in 10.0412:46
arandperlmonkey: Use a liveCD to access the filesystem?12:46
dabaRperlmonkey: Did you try rescue mode boot?12:47
kosharisam_2007 same spot on my netbook install,12:47
cmugTheAngel, long term support12:47
dabaRTheAngel: are you trying to install using the desktop CD and can not boot?12:47
dreykbazhang, can you tell me which packages i need?12:47
sam_2007koshari ~?  what?  you cant find it too?12:47
om26ersam_2007, compiz can be activated from System>preferences>appearances and there in visual effects tab12:47
zippergartral: hey gartral even after i installed the codec it still gives out the crappy sound so what should i do?12:47
perlmonkeyarand: I tried that but maybe I'm doing it wrong. I mounted the root filesystem on /tmp and edited the mountall.conf file, but when I rebooted the changes I made were not there :-/12:47
wildbat_10_40TheAngel, try alternate cd may be12:47
kosharisam_2007 i can, have you installed the advanced settings app?12:48
perlmonkeydabaR I did not try that, how do you enter rescue boot mode?12:48
sam_2007the manager koshari?12:48
om26erzipper, search vlc in software center and install it maybe12:48
dabaRbogdan_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/12:48
dreykbazhang, i see ibus-pinyin i guess that one is relevant?12:48
zipperom26er: i already installed vlc12:48
perlmonkeydabaR do you mean safe mode?12:48
TheAngelwildbat_10_40 why what would that fix?12:48
kosharisam_2007 compiz advanced settings manager? i dont beleive its a default package12:48
TheAngelsomeone must have had this problem12:48
dabaRperlmonkey: ya, sure12:48
zipperom26er: but how come my songs sound so crappy?12:48
dabaRthe grub option other than normal12:48
arandperlmonkey: First, mounting on /tmp straight of is probably a bad idea, secondly, you could try a chroot instead?12:48
dabaRWHere you get to a root shell12:48
KartagisI need help. I did a fresh install of 10.04, connected my old disk through USB but it's recognized only as /dev/sdb. any ideas?12:48
sam_2007ok koshari.. ill look  is it available in software center?12:48
bogdan_dabaR, there are not Jigdo filr for i386 desktop. For server or for alternate installer only :(12:49
soreausam_2007: does it work if you run ccsm in your terminal?12:49
perlmonkeydabaR I tried safe mode but it has the same problem :-/ the filesystem mounts in RO due to the error in mountall.conf12:49
om26erzipper, did you try to play that song with rhythmbox?12:49
geekphreakhydester: found it?12:49
arandperlmonkey: /mnt is excellent for that purpose instead12:49
bazhangbogdan_, the page is taking a bit to load, I'm still trying now12:49
wildbat_10_40TheAngel, it don't use gui for installation12:49
zipperom26er: yea i did12:49
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:49
dabaRbogdan_: :-/12:49
soreaudabaR: at the root shell shop12:49
kosharisam_2007 dunno i dont use the software centre, i use apt or synaptic12:49
geekphreakKartagis:  pastebin sudo fdisk -l please12:49
om26erzipper, and the same?12:49
perlmonkeyarand: ah, I will try that thanks12:49
XeiaieX_666I installed 10.04 earlier today and when I boot I only get verbose, no Plymouth. anyone know why that might be?12:49
zipperom26er , yea12:49
sam_2007CCSM IT SAys that its not installed.12:49
TheAngelwildbat_10_40 anyone way i can make the installer not work with a gui?12:49
sam_2007ok koshari ..  np12:49
ActionParsnipdabaR: use: sudo -i   in a terminal12:49
dabaRkarthiksharu_: so you know which partitions you are going to resize how?12:49
bogdan_bazhang, I checked http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ - there are Jigdo file for server but not for desktop.12:50
koshariTheAngel there is an alternative install disk12:50
dotPlasticAny help please? Ever since I updated to 10.04 I cannot mount my usb harddrive anymore. dmesg says something about uhci_hcd and no address being assigned.12:50
arandXeiaieX_666: Are the "quiet" and "splash" boot options enabled?12:50
soreausam_2007: if its not installed, it wont appear in any menu12:50
karthiksharu_yes .. I need sda9 to be retained and expanded by deleting everything other than windows things12:50
dabaRperlmonkey: then you have to boot from another media and correct it12:50
cmugMust I really connect a internal drive to get it installed :(12:50
wildbat_10_40TheAngel, what you mean?12:50
bazhangbogdan_, I got the link page for cd, but not dvd to load so far12:50
dotPlasticNow I can't get my backuped data back on my computer. :(12:50
sam_2007soreau ~ thanks   its installing now.12:50
dabaRkarthiksharu_: you can probably do a lot of that live.12:50
ActionParsnipXeiaieX_666: try reinstalling plymouth. It's not such a catastrophe though but if its your only issue then why not12:50
Galerienbazhang: any idea?12:50
dabaRkarthiksharu_: you have a bunch of partitions that you are about to delete?12:50
TheAngelkoshari and thats the installer with no gui?12:50
karthiksharu_yes .. I need sda9 to be retained and expanded by deleting everything other than windows things12:50
karthiksharu_[17:20] <soreau> sam_2007: if its not installed, it wont appear in any menu12:50
koshariTheAngel *tick*12:51
sam_2007GOT IT!!! YAY12:51
bazhangGalerien, trying to play which file? music, video?12:51
XeiaieX_666arand, not sure. haven't checked. where do I find those options?12:51
TheAngelkoshari or how should i define "alternate version"12:51
sam_2007u guys are the best.   kisses12:51
Kartagisgeekphreak: brb. let me log on using that computer12:51
karthiksharu_dabaR: yes correct ...  Is there anything to be worried ??12:51
koshariTheAngel its a different iso12:51
geekphreaksam_2007:  no kissing geez man12:51
bazhangTheAngel, its install only no live session, and uses a text installer12:51
TheAngelaah ok12:51
sam_2007Geek~  dude im a dude.  its not that kinda kisses.12:51
ActionParsnipdotPlastic: boot to live cd in karmic and mount the usb there, use: gksudo nautilus     and copy the data over. Then log a bug12:51
hydestergeekphreak: yes, thanks a lot!  sorry for the slow response.  i playing with my first android :$12:52
xapelHow do I get BBC iplayer working in Lucid?12:52
geekphreakhydester:  no worries12:52
dabaRkarthiksharu_: well, one other way than what you've already heard would be to basically delete the partitions now from your current installation. Then create a bigger partition out of those deleted partitions12:52
dotPlasticActionParsnip: Thank you!12:52
bazhangbogdan_, still no luck getting that page to load, probably as its the day after release so hit especially hard at the moment12:52
UbuntuLilyIs there a way to image my hard drive for a full rollback without booting to a CD?12:52
ActionParsniphydester: android is sweet, yuo can chat on here with andchat12:52
XeiaieX_666sorry I'm slow right now. I'm in here fom my fone12:52
icerootUbuntuLily: no12:52
bazhangUbuntuLily, and save to where?12:52
TheAngelubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso              27-Apr-2010 10:04  689M   i take it?12:52
moetunesxapel: that's a windows app isn't it?12:52
koshariUbuntuLily usb boot?12:52
dabaRkarthiksharu_: then copy over stuff from the home partition, and change that to be the partition that is mounted as home.12:52
icerootUbuntuLily: because the files will change in that time12:52
geekphreakUbuntuLily:  cd rescue disk would be nice , like clonezilla12:52
TheAngel10 minutes :D12:52
bazhangTheAngel, yes for 32bit12:53
UbuntuLilyI am talking about if I manage to find a removable HD12:53
xapelno...flash in browser12:53
TheAngelbrb, thx koshari12:53
dabaRkarthiksharu_: I don't know if that is basically what you want.12:53
karthiksharu_dabaR: yeah .. that shounds good ...12:53
TheAngelill let you guys know if that works.12:53
ActionParsnipUbuntuLily: the partition MUST be unmounted to image so the livecd is great for this12:53
hydesterActionParsnip: i thnk that may be overkill.  i am not giving up on my laptop... esp ubuntu ;)12:53
bazhangUbuntuLily, something like clonezilla you mean?12:53
dabaRkarthiksharu_: but then the old home stays unused. That's the downside.12:53
hydesterActionParsnip: overkill for me, that is12:53
moetunes!flash > xapel12:53
ubottuxapel, please see my private message12:53
xapelmoetunes: no...its flash in a browser12:53
koshariUbuntuLily you coul duse rsync12:53
LYAY it works now, turns out the HP Nvidia motherboard in the dv6000 series doesn't work that well with the installation graphics drivers, as soon as ubuntu realised I had nvidia I managed to install the drivers despite my distorted screen, where would I go to report this incident?12:53
dabaRkarthiksharu_: you can however reformat it, and mount it as something like /home/pr0n12:53
geekphreakmoetunes: hi bud12:53
ActionParsnip!bug | L12:54
ubottuL: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:54
Kartagisgeekphreak: http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/CgRU5cZb12:54
koshariUbuntuLily it wouldnt be an image but more a snapshot12:54
moetuneshey there geekphreak :]12:54
geekphreakKartagis: looking12:54
karthiksharu_dabaR: So you dont suggest me going with the live cd + gparted ?12:54
hydesterso the md5 page at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes is a wiki?  i'm sure it is fine, but just wondering how open it is to be changed12:54
SaladinIs there anyway to move the minimise, maximise and close buttons back to the right hand side?12:54
remoteCTRL1hi guys! am i not supposed to be able to upgrade from heron to lucid? both of them being lts versions and all?12:54
dabaRkarthiksharu_: you could. Whichever works better for you.12:54
koshariSaladin yes12:54
WageSaladin: ubuntu tweak can do this12:54
SaladinThank you.12:54
dabaRkarthiksharu_: but resizing a parrtition, I would certainly back up if I cared about the data.12:55
koshariSaladin theres a cmd line round that does it as well\12:55
karthiksharu_I ll do both of your advices.. I ll take the backup to my windows... Delete everything .. created a big partition12:55
ActionParsnipSaladin: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13535/move-window-buttons-back-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-10.04/12:55
dabaRkarthiksharu_: if you interrupt for some reason a resizing, puff, all data gone basically12:55
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d612:55
ActionParsnipSaladin: there are thoussands of guides for this, have you not websearched at all?12:55
geekphreakKartagis: nets slow bare with me12:55
LjLremoteCTRL1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS12:55
Kartagisgeekphreak: tyt12:55
karthiksharu_dabaR: ohh I see ...12:56
dabaRSaladin: get with the times12:56
bazhangActionParsnip, got a factoid for that !controls12:56
geekphreakKartagis:  dont even see sdb12:56
ActionParsnipbazhang: just a shame folks are too lazy to websearch. its all over the web. will remember the factoid ;)12:56
WipsterHeebie, any of that information usefull?12:56
koshariActionParsnip why use google when there are 1700 peple logged in here ;-)12:57
ActionParsnipkoshari: so we can concentrate on harder stuff ;)12:57
ActionParsnipbazhang: nice gratitude too huh.12:58
bazhangActionParsnip, :)12:58
f4I'm trying to install lucid from my usb hard drive, but I get a "can not find kernel image: linux " when I boot on the usb-drive12:58
ActionParsnip!hi | f412:58
ubottuf4: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:58
abhilashhow to install openAL in ubuntu? i'm using lucid lynx........12:58
f4I used unetbootin12:58
abhilashi also want alut libraries12:58
ActionParsnipf4: did you md5 test the iso you used?12:58
geekphreakf4:  prob. currupt reinstall12:58
UbuntuLilySorry my battery died on me, wasn't paying attention-  What I was saying was if I track down a hard drive will I be able to image ubuntu to it12:59
om26erabhilash, open ubuntu software center and search it.12:59
bazhangUbuntuLily, using something like clonezilla?12:59
ActionParsnipf4: good lad, ok you may need some boot options but i'd format the usb and try recreate it12:59
f4and as I found on the internet I tried renaming the directory isolinux to syslinux and isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg12:59
hydesteranyway, in regards to ubuntu 10 install, i have a new drive that i will use and then move  files over.  my question is this... what is the recommendation for file system config?  ext4?  encrypted fs?  i have nothing to hide, but certainly the day my drive dies and i need to toss it, i rather it be encrypted instead of worrying about my personal data being dug up12:59
fourcolorsHi i just installed ubuntu lts and love it but I have a problem. I'm trying to open an .rb file and it won't let me in gedit12:59
fourcolorsanyone know what this means12:59
fourcolorsor how to fix this?12:59
f4ActionParsnip> I already did it several times12:59
Kartagisgeekphreak: let me paste /var/log/messages12:59
LjLabhilash: on my Hardy install, "sudo apt-get install libopenal0a". being on Lucid, the suffix for you will probably be different from '0a', so search using "apt-cache search openal"12:59
Germanaz0Hello, I've been upgraded my distro12:59
davi-limahi! G Morning! Just updated my Karmic to Lucid and now I'm not able to install python2.4. Anyone knows why? Found this link which says package was deleted but I'm not quite sure https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/i386/python2.4-minimal12:59
dabaRhydester: there is likely a default12:59
Germanaz0to 10.04 and there is some problem with volume control13:00
Germanaz0there is anymore on my systray13:00
geekphreakhydester: ext4 is good enough, any other operating system on that machine like windows?13:00
ActionParsnipf4: if you boot to the cd you can use usb creator there or you can install and use usb-creator-gtk in karmic13:00
Germanaz0and cannot add it13:00
abhilashLjL: thanks for that, i'll check......13:00
moetunesfourcolors: what's in a .rb file?13:00
f4I already installed karmic this way in the past13:00
UbuntuLilyI hate to reference the devil, but as a former Windows gal I am talking about an app that will access Shadow Services or the like.  Duno if such a function exists for ubuntu13:00
xapelhow do I stop empathy from scrolling to the bottom all the time?13:00
dabaRhydester: I think encryption is a layer above fs type. Meaning you can have any type and encryt13:00
hydestergeekphreak: no windows.13:00
geekphreakhydester:  i recommened encryption, when asked during install though13:00
om26erabhilash, I searched in software center and openal is the first result13:00
hydestergeekphreak: is it drive encryption or just per user?13:01
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:01
dreykbazhang, i got ibus-pinyin installed how do i use ibus now?13:01
f4using the same computer, the same drive and the same soft (unetbootin)13:01
fourcolorsmoetunes: it's a ruby file .. kind of like python13:01
Kartagisgeekphreak: http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/42y36Nwb13:01
koshariGermanaz0: its genarally not in the system tray if the dev isnt recignised or loaded13:01
Germanaz0koshari, but I can listen music13:01
geekphreakhydester: it encrypts $HOME13:01
Germanaz0I've got sound, but not the icon :X13:02
moetunesfourcolors: tried   right click and selecting open with?13:02
koshariGermanaz0 oh... not using a difernt icon is it?13:02
f4ActionParsnip I tried usb-creator in the past and it erased the whole disk, I have other things on it so I stick to unetbootin13:02
dreykanyone else knows how to use ibus?13:02
bazhangdreyk, this may be useful:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126079313:02
Germanaz0nope, I only see the ethernet icon13:02
Germanaz0and the Xchat :>13:02
Germanaz0nothing more13:02
* C_REATiVE is now away, auto-away after 20 minutes (log\on pager\on)13:02
bazhangC_REATiVE, disable that13:02
* C_REATiVE is away, auto-away after 20 minutes (9s ago)13:02
dreykok thanks13:03
fourcolorsmoetunes: it turns red and tells me gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.13:03
geekphreakKartagis:  ok it shows in logs but not in fdisk hmm , what type of file system is on it?13:03
dabaRfourcolors: ya, try vim13:03
Kartagisgeekphreak: reiserfs13:03
abhilashom26er : yes i'm seeing now, thanks for that!! so many libraries, installing now..........13:03
MrGoodkatpsycho_oreos i manages to reroute port 80 to 22 on my server, but it doesnt open ssh13:04
moetunesforceflow: where did you get the file? is it utf8?13:04
MrGoodkatnc can connect to port but it doesnt show the ssh it only idles13:04
dabaRfourcolors: there is some kind of a problem with the encoding...13:04
om26erabhilash, :)13:04
moetunesfourcolors: did you get the file? is it utf8?13:04
geekphreakKartagis: try running this >> sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb13:04
psycho_oreosMrGoodkat, afaik nc is a listening client no? should probably try something like telnet13:04
moetunessorry forceflow wrong nick13:04
dabaRMrGoodkat: do you actually have ssh installed on the server?13:04
MrGoodkati can connect to it via port 2213:05
dabaRMrGoodkat: and you are trying to ssh from the same computer, or another machine?13:05
MrGoodkatanother machine13:05
geekphreakKartagis: anything?13:05
Kartagisgeekphreak: nothing13:05
dabaRMrGoodkat: btw, why port 80 for SSH?13:05
fourcolorsI didn't get the file. It's not that. I don't know why it's not opening my files13:05
MrGoodkatbecause in the office i can only connect to web13:05
swordzHi. I've upgraded to 10.04, and getting photos from my digital camera (which just worked on 9.10) no longer does. The camera recognises that it's plugged in, but there's no response from my computer. Any ideas?13:05
dabaRMrGoodkat: and, do you want only port 80 and not 22?13:05
fourcolors Maybe they are currupt. Ill check13:05
MrGoodkatand i want to tunnel the connection through ssh13:05
MrGoodkati want either 22 or 8013:06
Strerndsomebody here who was aspire 4810tzg with ubuntu 10.0413:06
geekphreakKartagis: how old is the drive? , did you try plugging it inot differnt usb slots?13:06
dabaRfourcolors: try something plain text like vim or nano13:06
dabaRfourcolors: it is likely an encoding issue13:06
jeckois there any way to display the output text of a script directly on the Gnome panel ?13:06
fourcolorsdabaR: plaintext couldn't open it either13:06
Kartagisgeekphreak: the drive is like 2-3 years old13:06
dabaRfourcolors: what'd you get?13:06
fourcolorsdabaR: i mean vim13:06
ewvdriijstI have a problem conneting to MNS in empathy13:07
dabaRMrGoodkat: did you do anything with the config file for the ssh server13:07
ewvdriijstcan so. help me?13:07
Galerienewvdriijst: MSN?13:07
om26erStrernd, please describe the problem in a few words someone might know the solution13:07
MrGoodkatno dabaR nothing13:07
dabaRMrGoodkat: that sounds like the logical place for the change13:07
MrGoodkatonly redirected the port with iptables13:07
remoteCTRL1LjL Exactly what i was looking for, thanks dude:)13:07
SdonatasHi everyone, can anyone tell me what are the possible drawbacks in Ubuntu 10.04 64bit? Are all apps like firefox, flash, java, gstreamer codecs have 64bit versions at this moment?13:07
dabaRMrGoodkat: Server: listen on port 22 and port 8013:07
Kartagisgeekphreak: what does ath5k phy0: unsupported jumbo mean? it was in messages file too13:07
ewvdriijstindeed, Galerien13:07
en0xhi I have issues with kerberos under 10.04 it was working fine on 9.10 but not on 10.04 I did a upgrade from previous version not reinstall...13:07
Galerienewvdriijst: press F413:07
dabaRMrGoodkat: I don't like that solution myself.13:07
vetHi, i have problem after upgrading new ubuntu, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:07
en0xi need kerberos 4 10.04 looks like it only supports krb513:08
geekphreakKartagis: any important data on that  drive13:08
iceroot!details | en0x13:08
ubottuen0x: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:08
om26erSdonatas, non maybe13:08
dabaRMrGoodkat: I would probably tell the server to listen to ports 22 and 80 instead, like I said earlier :)13:08
jeckois there any way to display the output text of a script directly on the Gnome panel ?13:08
Galerienewvdriijst: add ==> protocole MSN ==> login and password13:08
en0xwell when i do kinit i get kinit: KDC has no support for encryption type while getting initial credentials13:08
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.13:08
methril_worksomeone know where the release information is downloaded*13:08
ewvdriijstGalerien: I have done that, telepathy-haze( & butterly) installed.13:09
Kartagisgeekphreak: my fstab, my /var/www13:09
fourcolorsis there a way to changed how empathy highlights stuff in irc? I want people that say my name to be highlighted in blue or something13:09
Strerndafter installing the propierty driver on my notebook ive got black screen. ive got the xorg.conf file open, can anybody tell me what to change? My laptop uses two graphic cards Radeon Mobility HD4330 and a low energy one...13:09
Galerienyou have to put your complete login, not just "example" but "example@msn.uk" something...13:09
om26ermethril_work, release information?13:09
UbuntuLilyCrap.  OKay when my battery died before, I was at the screen AFTER the upgrade updates my SOURCES and is asking me if I want to continue and I had not hit YES yet.  Now when I go to upgrade it only gives me an option to do a "partial update because a previous update failed"  how do I reset this?13:09
MrGoodkatdabaR can i change it in the config to "Port 22 80" ?13:09
methril_worki`m blocked through a proxy and i could not access all the urls13:09
ewvdriijstGalerien: though it tels me : Disconnected13:09
Sdonatasom26er: does it mean i can install ubuntu restricted extras the same way as in 32bit distro?13:09
Kartagisgeekphreak: no, I'd copied fstab to somewhere else13:09
ewvdriijstGalerien: while it worked a while ago13:09
methril_workwhere the update-manager checks if a release upgrade is available13:09
om26erfourcolors, you could report a wishlist bug for that :)13:09
dabaRMrGoodkat: probably. using openssh-server?13:09
geekphreakKartagis: ok webroot folder umm, so its important, , it sure sounds like a setting issue, can you access it via live CD?13:09
Galerienewvdriijst: have you check "enable"13:09
MrGoodkatdabaR i guess so, standard ubuntu server13:10
mariyasynaptic package manager hangs, during the installation of acroread from the partner repository....13:10
fourcolorsom26er: how do I do that?13:10
om26erSdonatas, yes I think13:10
geekphreakmariya: use vince :d13:10
om26erfourcolors, you have a launchpad ID?13:10
Kartagisgeekphreak: let me see that13:10
dabaRMrGoodkat: the file is /etc/ssh/sshd_config You could google to see whether there is an actual tutorial13:11
fourcolorsom26er: no13:11
ewvdriijstGalerien: if it is disable it is offline, when enabled it tells: Disconnected - Network problem'13:11
vetI have problem after upgrading new ubuntu 10.04, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:11
mariyageekbuntu, you mean evince13:11
Strerndafter installing the propierty driver for the graphics card on my notebook ive got black screen. ive got the xorg.conf file open, can anybody tell me what to change? My laptop uses two graphic cards Radeon Mobility HD4330 and a low energy one...13:11
mrsunhmm, where is the "preferences -> hardware" in lucid?13:11
mariyawhat should I do, synaptic hangs?????13:11
om26erfourcolors, in terminal type ubuntu-bug empathy and it will direct you to the report bug page13:11
dabaRfourcolors: empathy is pretty lame for IRC overall13:11
Galerienewvdriijst: can you connect with amsn or something else?13:11
mrsuni want to get 5.1 sound working but im unabnle to13:11
mariyait 's frozen!13:12
Xgatesdoes grub rely on anything to set a background splash? Because I installed Ubuntu through an alternate iso just installing a base system that was just the terminal and then installed LXDE and when I try to set a grub splash background it doesn't show up13:12
mrsunthen i found something about going that way in 9.10 .. ubt doesnt seem to exist in lucid?13:12
om26erdabaR, indeed13:12
ewvdriijstGalerien: need to install that...13:12
* dabaR nods13:12
fourcolorsok thanks om26er13:12
om26erfourcolors, you could try xchat13:12
geekphreakmariya: yes i mean evince , sorry typo error ;)13:12
dabaRfourcolors: or irssi on the command line13:13
Galerienewvdriijst: just to see if it's empathy or something else13:13
manoam having problem with remastersys13:13
dabaRom26er: he seems to program ruby...13:13
ubuntu-usrhi all13:13
manowho can help me13:13
Ddordahow do I get a list of all installed packages?13:13
iceroot!details | mano13:13
ubottumano: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:13
icerootDdorda: dpkg -l13:14
ubuntu-usrhow to sync my favorities from firefox to ubuntu one?13:14
Ddordaiceroot: into a list that Ill be able to install from it later13:14
ewvdriijstDdorda : dkpg -l13:14
vetI have problem after upgrading new ubuntu 10.04, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:14
Andy80geekphreak: installing lucid with eth cable connected did work! now I've nm-applet always shown and even wifi works :P13:14
dabaRDdorda: you also might want to dpkg -l|less13:14
iceroot!clone | Ddorda13:14
ubottuDdorda: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:14
manoam using lucid13:14
geekphreakAndy80: great job mate13:14
Galerienty ubottu, didn't know that :D13:15
icerootmano: post what you have done, errors and so on. something usefull we need13:15
abhijain1mano:please explain in detail13:15
mrsunanyone? :/13:15
icerootGalerien: its a bot :)13:15
mrsunim going nuts here13:15
ubuntuhi, Lucid has completely frozen for me. It is entirely unresponsive and I cannot do anything once i login13:15
icerootmano: anyone what?13:15
Andy80geekphreak: I've other 6 asus 1005pe to install/confogure with ubuntu lucid, so I suppose I'll be able to triage the bug :D13:15
ewvdriijstGalerien: amsn worked, as did login at the msn website13:15
vetcan anyone help??13:15
dabaRmaybe mano types slow13:15
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
iceroot!ask | vet13:15
ubottuvet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:15
pookitoguys, why is it so hard to get the UNR torrent file? Can anyone guide me to the link?  please13:15
geekphreaklol Andy8013:15
vetI have problem after upgrading new ubuntu 10.04, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:15
om26erubuntu, you could try to login again13:16
manoi made a custom dvd iso image and tried it in virtual box i said in 92% that bootloader failed to install13:16
ubuntuyep, tried many times13:16
om26erubuntu, I faced this on a system then rebooted and everything was fine13:16
ubuntuI can log in, but it immediately freezes13:16
Strerndafter installing the propierty driver for the graphics card on my notebook ive got black screen. ive got the xorg.conf file open, can anybody tell me what to change? My laptop uses two graphic cards Radeon Mobility HD4330 and a low energy one...13:16
manoi made it using remastersys13:16
abhijain1mano: r u using vmware ??13:16
vethelp! I have problem after upgrading new ubuntu 10.04, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:16
Jonathan_LHi. My 3g modem stopped working with 10.04. It is a huwaei modem13:16
ubunturebooting does nothing to help13:16
manono virtual box13:16
alketIs there any other program similar to AllTray because AllTray Icons look ugly in Top Panel Tray ?13:16
gmonnieIm trying to set up a printer with 9.10, can anybody help me out13:16
om26erubuntu, did you do a new installation or upgrade?13:16
artistxethinking about switching from xfce to gnome and I noticed that the windows do not shade or pin. is there a way to change this ???13:16
ubuntunew installation13:17
blackohi, ich suche einen Deutschsprachigen der einen Ubuntu neuling ein paar Fragen beantwortet zu dem neuem Ubuntu 10.413:17
icerootpookito: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/13:17
MrGoodkatdabaR "netstat -ant" says the its listening on port 80 now, but i still cant open the ssh with putty13:17
helpmeis there anyone here who can help me with spoofing wlan0 mac address? (older methods from previous ubuntu don't work anymore)13:17
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:17
om26erubuntu, which system is it,?13:17
Kartagisgeekphreak: still nothing :(13:17
manoam using sony vaio cr520e13:17
dabaRpookito: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/13:17
vethelp! I have problem after upgrading new ubuntu 10.04, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:17
manosome one please help13:18
geekphreakKartagis: thats not a good sign ,13:18
pookitoiceroot and dabaR: thanks a lot.  :D13:18
ubuntuLucid, I had karmic up until yesterday, but I reformatted an re-installed13:18
helpmeis there anyone here who can help me with spoofing wlan0 mac address? (older methods from previous ubuntu don't work anymore)13:18
ubuntuit was working perfectly all day then suddenly completely froze13:18
dabaR!de | blacko13:18
ubottublacko: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:18
geekphreakKartagis: is it like an external case??13:18
freinhardanyone else with intel 855gm and a blank screen after karmic->lucid round?13:18
Jonathan_LDoes anybody know how to get networkmanager to find and use the 3g modem again?13:18
PadhuWhy Open Office startup and almost all screen having Oracle logo?13:18
om26er!who | ubuntu13:18
ubottuubuntu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:18
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abhijain1geekphreak:command for skype ?13:18
gmonniecan anyone help me with setting up a printer on karmic13:19
geekphreakabhijain1: skype13:19
dabaRMrGoodkat: and you removed the iptables rule? And made the server listen to port 80, and restarted the server?13:19
Galeriengmonnie: what brand?13:19
Richard1234Padhu: Sun was bought by Oracle and all Sun products have been rebranded13:19
vethelp! I have problem after upgrading new ubuntu 10.04, grub2 has error error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found, i know that i need to reinstal grub somehow but i dont know how (I have only instalation disk from 9.04) can someone help me?13:19
tasslehoffanyone running Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro with the "minimum fan speed"-fix?13:19
aigooHow to make the mouse to work in cli?13:19
manowhat should i do13:19
geekphreakaigoo: install gpm >> sudo apt-get install gpm13:19
ubuntu!om26er sorry i'm new at this13:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:19
manomay i try backup13:19
=== abhijain1 is now known as abhijain
dreykbazhang, you there?13:19
helpmeis there anyone here who can help me with spoofing wlan0 mac address? (older methods from previous ubuntu don't work anymore)13:20
manocustom backup disk13:20
PadhuRichard1234: Oh,  thanks13:20
dabaR!recovergrub | vet13:20
Kartagisgeekphreak: no, not a case, just a laptop hdd13:20
aigoogeekphreak: ok, thanks13:20
dabaR!grub | vet13:20
ubottuvet: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:20
Galeriengmonnie: witch brand?13:20
om26erubuntu, no problem13:20
helpmeis there anyone here who can help me with spoofing wlan0 mac address? (older methods from previous ubuntu don't work anymore)13:20
gmonnieGalerian: Kodak printer13:20
PadhuKey board preferences will not show the language selected in the panel on ubuntu 10.04. what is the remedy?13:21
Galeriengmonnie: don't know about Kodak, sorry :x13:21
gmonniethanks anyway13:21
geekphreakKartagis:  got gparted there ? >> sudo apt-get install gparted13:21
dabaRgeekphreak: that makes it work in places like alt+ctrl+f1?13:21
ubuntuom26er, it just froze13:21
geekphreakdabaR: yes13:21
Strerndafter installing the propierty driver for the graphics card on my notebook ive got black screen. ive got the xorg.conf file open, can anybody tell me what to change? My laptop uses two graphic cards Radeon Mobility HD4330 and a low energy one...13:21
dabaRgeekphreak: neat.13:21
dabaRgeekphreak: what's that used for? copy and paste?13:21
MrGoodkatdabaR , sorry i didnt notice that apache runs already on that port, works now13:22
geekphreakdabaR: yes13:22
ubuntuom26er: rebooting is useless, I can't get anywhere13:22
helpmeis there anyone here who can help me with spoofing wlan0 mac address? (older methods from previous ubuntu don't work anymore)13:22
om26erubuntu, after you motherboard bios please hold shift key and you will be offered with a few choices select the recovery mode13:22
gypsymauroI've installed apache2 and php5 but when I try to load a php script it tries to download it instead of interpreter it... the php module is enabled.. any hint?13:22
om26erubuntu, are you using a notebook?13:22
dabaRMrGoodkat: sweeet13:23
dreykanyone knows how to launch ibus?13:23
Kartagisgeekphreak: yes I do, but that doesn't see it either13:23
ewvdriijstCan some one help me with connecting to MSN with empathy? (amsn works fine, empathy gives a unknown connetion error)13:23
ubuntuom26er, I went into recovery mode from Grub and It do anything13:23
dabaRgypsymauro: enaable the php module really ;) Did you restart apache?13:23
AlienarchAnyone know why I would get SLL negotiation refused in firefox on Ubuntu 10.04?13:23
ubuntuom26er, yes a notebook13:23
om26erubuntu, make and mode please13:23
vuksamotnjak.seen prdenko13:23
ascheel"Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'   <-- Anybody know of a fix?13:23
om26erubuntu, I mean which brand it is13:24
geekphreakKartagis:  that sure is wierd , any click sound on hdd?13:24
Kartagisgeekphreak: I'm afraid I'll have to plug in in the laptop and copy the /var/www that way13:24
ThaliusPhew, finally got flash 10 working on 64 bit. It is always giving me trouble13:24
dabaRvuksamotnjak: the bot trigger is !, and you can /msg ubottu13:24
ubuntuom26er, Toshiba satellite M20013:24
Jonathan_LI need help with my 3G modem13:24
Kartagisgeekphreak: no the head is fine13:24
rafaelsoaresbrhello, does grub4dos use grub.conf?13:24
helpmeis there anyone here who can help me with spoofing wlan0 mac address? (older methods from previous ubuntu don't work anymore)13:24
robin0800Jonathan_L: mine works here13:25
ascheelDoes anybody know of a fix for this:  "Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'13:25
geekphreakKartagis:  only thing i can say is good luck !13:25
gypsymaurodabaR: yes13:25
marcusbcongrats for the release13:25
gypsymaurodabaR: and it's enabled13:25
om26erubuntu, wait13:25
dabaRgypsymauro: OK, well, how do you know it is enabled?13:25
marcusbmirrors are swamped, but bittorent rocks (US: 16KB/s, DE: 90KB/s, bittorrent: 1MB/s)13:25
shadeslayerhi apparently i dont have any pretty notifications anymore,any idea how to enable them13:25
error404ntfoundIs it safe to resize an extended and then resizing an ext4 partition?13:26
Jonathan_LRobin0800: mine dont. Huwaei e122, NM dont find it13:26
icerooterror404ntfound: no, not without a backup13:27
geekphreakgypsymauro:  did you apt-get the packages?13:27
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rafaelsoaresbri've installed wubi 9.10, does grub4dos uses grub.conf?13:27
error404ntfoundiceroot: strange, with reiserfs it was always a piece of cake...13:27
mrsunhow the HELL do i enable 6 channel audio in lucid?!13:27
mrsunive followed every single "tutorial" i can find and i get nothing13:27
icerooterror404ntfound: as i said, make a backup first13:27
gypsymauroyes geekphreak13:28
frxstremis there a way to get the Ubuntu 9.10 themes in Ubuntu 10.4?13:28
gorogawahi, I upgraded from karmic to lucid and it won't boot now. i'm using BURG13:28
error404ntfoundiceroot: did you ever do this?13:28
gorogawaany help?13:28
icerooterror404ntfound: no13:28
psantoni_gorogawa, any error message ?13:28
shadeslayer!boot | gorogawa13:28
ubottugorogawa: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:28
perlsyntaxDoes anyone get a black sceen after they burn 10.04?13:28
dabaRgypsymauro: you wanna check the module file, mybe it is commented out13:28
error404ntfoundiceroot: hmmm, okay, guess i will make a backup anyway...13:28
icerooterror404ntfound: i dont need to do it to say "make a backup its not 100% save"13:28
moetunesgorogawa: what is BURG ?13:29
shadeslayerperlsyntax: have you md5summed the ISO?13:29
dabaRgypsymauro: oh, and, I saw one where the person had to ctrl+f5 instead of just f513:29
mrsunim starting to cry soon13:29
perlsyntaxyes i got it from there web site13:29
mrsuneverything in ubuntu has been realy simple, until this....13:29
gorogawait gives me the splash screen with the red and white dots but never goes past it13:29
error404ntfoundiceroot: just wanted to confirm :P, i have played with reiser resizing and i never lost anything, not that i ever came to know... guess ext4 isn't my fav fs then :P13:29
perlsyntaxand i try iso linux to13:29
mrsunin 9.10 aprently you have a "preferences->hardware" thingie you can change it in13:29
mrsunbut aparently not in lucid for some reason ?13:29
shadeslayer!md5sum | perlsyntax13:29
ubottuperlsyntax: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:29
psantoni_gorogawa, presse F1 key to see the terminal13:30
geekphreakgypsymauro: want to try something?13:30
krambiorixhi guys13:30
gypsymaurogeekphreak: yes13:30
psantoni_gorogawa, ... at boot13:30
gorogawapsantoni_: it                                                                            a13:30
gorogawait says it's clean13:30
krambiorixi can't let my 2 network interfaces ( wired and wireless) work simultaneously13:30
=== vitorpc is now known as vitor-br
perlsyntaxshadesslayer any ideas it happon wiith the rc one to.13:30
gorogawaused to give me something about superblocks13:31
mrsunand aparently i cant get any help here either :(13:31
krambiorixif my wireless (not connected) is up, i can't use my wireless to access the internet13:31
hipitihopkrambiorix, why what is th eproblem ?13:31
psantoni_gorogawa, ?13:31
perlsyntaxmaybe i try it with the dvd next.13:31
psantoni_gorogawa, nothing helse ?13:31
geekphreakgypsymauro: make backup of /etc/apache2 >>  purge install of php5 / apache, delete /etc/apache2 folder , then reinstall them one by one13:31
krambiorixhipitihop: i have no clue13:31
dabaRmrsun: and you're in a bit of a rush to get 6 channel sound, I see. :-P13:31
krambiorixwhen i bring up my wired my internet connection stalls13:31
mrsundabaR, only thing left to configure13:31
psantoni_gorogawa, ok try to boot in recovery mode13:31
mrsunand i dont get it, why is there a "hardware" configuration tool in 9.10 but not in 10.04?13:32
hipitihopkrambiorix, but works if you disable your wireless ?13:32
mrsunwhere has it gone ?13:32
gorogawapsantoni_: ok sec13:32
XgatesHmm Lucid doesn't seem to load a grub splash image, anyone else having problems with this?13:32
dabaRmrsun: well, leave it for tomorrow. Or just be patient and ask every half hour here, or 10 minutes13:32
peppohow to revert to older packages that I want back, after using newer versions from a ppa?13:32
psantoni_gorogawa, to see all the boot messages13:32
mrsunaparently its very simple using that but without it its hell on earth like everything else with linux13:32
perlmonkey2I'm finding it impossible to find the sha256 sum for 10.04 on th eubuntu website.  What link do I click on?13:32
dabaRmrsun: and compose a good question, while you are waiting. Detail specs, steps tried, link to tutorial you are following, etc.13:32
perlsyntaxLook like i  not going to get help in here.13:32
krambiorixhipitihop : well the problem is when that my wired always works but when i put my wired interface up, i don't have internet connection anymore via my wireless13:32
geekphreakperlmonkey i got it 1 sec13:32
pookitoQuestion, why is it when I want to build the virtualbox module by executing the code sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup it stops telling that something is wrong?13:32
icerooterror404ntfound: also you can lost the data with reiserfs13:33
mrsundabaR, but now im just asking "where has the preferences->hardware" configuration tool gone13:33
geekphreakperlmonkey https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes13:33
icerooterror404ntfound: that you dont lose everything does not mean its save13:33
mrsuncant make more "specs" about that then that13:33
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jcrawfordhey guys I work in a corporate environment and they have their own packages for proxies, registration of system etc. when I try to upgrade it states it will remove these why would it do that?13:33
gorogawapsantoni_: says: "/dev/sdb1 has been mounted 23 times without being checked, check forced"13:34
jmfthevcijcrawford: They are disabled so as not to clash. They can be put back in after the upgrade13:34
psantoni_pookito, wat's the message ? init doesn't work in 10.04 like other ubuntu distro (to be simple) ...13:34
dabaRmrsun: I can think of a way... where was it before?13:34
mrsunIf Ubuntu fails to detect any hardware (do be patient as this isn’t always instant) then you can manually run the hardware configuration tool yourself from the System > Preferences menu.13:34
krambiorixhipitihop : can you help me to figure out what the problem is?13:34
jcrawfordjmfthevci, ok thanks, but it says removing the packages not disabling packages :)13:34
peppohow to revert to older packages that I want back, after using newer versions from a ppa?13:34
hipitihopkrambiorix, sounds like a routing issue but I don't know enough how to tweak those... do you actually need to use both simultaneously ?13:34
ascheelDoes anybody know of a fix for this:  "Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'13:34
gorogawapsantoni_: although i did check it with a livecd and it said it was clean13:35
perlmonkey2geekphreak: thanks, but surely there are sha256 hashes available also.  Since MD5 is compromised I don't like to use it.  But I bet I can search for it on the help site.  Thanks.13:35
wildbat_10_40mrsun, do you mean system > admin ? hardware driver?13:35
hipitihopkrambiorix, or is one at a time sufficient as long as your internet connect works13:35
psantoni_For exemple ubuntu 9.10 : /etc/init.d/apache start, ubuntu 10.04 : apache2 start13:35
mrsunwildbat_10_40, no, aparently this was to configure hardware with13:35
krambiorixhipitihop: i need to let them work both, my cisco phone is connected to my laptop13:35
Piciperlmonkey2: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/SHA256SUMS13:35
mrsunso i could set my sound card to 6 channel insted of 213:35
wildbat_10_40mrsun, cos i don't see the hardware thing you said in 9.1013:35
mrsunwildbat_10_40, where the hell has people gotten that from then :/13:35
pookitoThe message says: Makefile:152: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again.  Stop.13:36
anomitIt might seem a bit redundant posting a question that I asked in the forums here but I'm kinda desperate to get this fixed. Please take a look http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146626013:36
anjAren't there *any* upgrades if you've already been using the Lucid RC?13:36
Kartagisgeekphreak: weird. I installed it into the laptop and connected my usb hdd, which is also seen as /dev/sdb :S13:36
mrsunand why isnt there a simple way somewhere to configure the channels on the audio when everything else is set up for you in ubuntu? :/13:36
jmfthevcijcrawford: Firstly it will look in your sources.list and comment out anything that is not distrbution related. At the end it will suggest a cleanup of the system. You can choose not to clean up and thus not to remove your company specific code.13:36
frxstremwhere can I download the "Human" theme for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?13:36
pookitopsantoni_: The message says: Makefile:152: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again.  Stop.13:36
moetunespsalmer: isn't it   service apache2 start   ?13:36
wildbat_10_40mrsun, may be you installed some package be4?13:36
sam_2007how do u open home as root?13:36
jcrawfordthanks jmfthevci13:36
gorogawapsantoni_: the cursor is blinking and nothing is going on, should i wait?13:36
dabaRmrsun: you tried the sounds preferences, of course?13:36
mrsunwildbat_10_40, not me, some other guy and lost the link :/13:36
swordzpsantoni_ The old command will still work, I believe?13:36
perlmonkey2Thanks Pici.  How did you find those?  (so I can find them next release :) )13:36
Picifrxstrem: In the repos, the package is human-theme iirc.13:36
mrsundabaR, yes and i can do nothing in it13:36
mrsunmore then move the volume slider13:37
dabaRhm, well, good luck13:37
frxstremPici: okay, thanks :)13:37
Piciperlmonkey2: I just knew that they were in the release's path on releases.ubuntu.com13:37
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:37
psantoni_pookito, apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)13:37
sam_2007Anyone?  how do i open home as root?13:37
jcrawfordwow update server must be getting hammered, very slow says 1h 13m till completion of upgrade lol13:37
Pici!sudo > sam_200713:37
ubottusam_2007, please see my private message13:37
bayerhi there - i'm trying to upgrade my karmic to lucid, but when i run the update-manager it doesnt offer me the "new version available" button. how can i upgrade without it?13:37
mrsunaparently it thinks i have "1 output/1 input" ...13:37
pookitopsantoni_: Thanks13:37
mrsunbut its a like 8.1 sound card13:37
gantrixxI just installed 10.0413:37
gantrixxinstantly, I hate the window buttons being on the left side13:38
jmfthevcijcrawford: Be aware that new lucid code might remove older karmic code on which your company code may depend. This will be something to correct after the upgrade by re-enabling your company entries in sources.list with appropriate lucid entries13:38
mrsundefault-sample-channels = 6 <-- tried setting that also in pulse/daemon.conf13:38
mrsunno change13:38
prometheus1981Hey everyone13:38
MrGoodkatbayer you can upgrade using the alternate cd13:38
hipitihopkrambiorix, sounds a little more involved then I can help with sorry. .. I was going to suggest using wicd instead of normal network manager as it makes it easier to manage your connections, and defaults but I don't know enough to help you with your simultaneous problem13:38
MrGoodkatdownload it and then mount the iso13:38
MrGoodkatworks like charm13:38
aigooDoes anyone tried the latest version of ubuntu? How is it?13:38
psantoni_swordz, nop if you try /etc/init.d/... it said : Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)13:38
NobleIf I buy music in the ubuntu music store, will I be able to save them locally on my computer as a normal file?13:38
krambiorixhipitihop: i just see that it's Firefox that looses the connection13:39
MrGoodkataigoo like every upgrade, some good things, some bad things13:39
MrGoodkatflash seems to run faster in ff now13:39
dubeysugges me some cool softwares for my dell laptop whick is using inbuild cmera, using ubuntu 10.0413:39
jcrawfordjmfthevci, ah since it is such a new release i doubt the company has those repos in place13:39
psantoni_gorogawa, ok did you push enter ?13:39
Nastencan anyone help me in how to rename multiple folders in command line?13:40
ben_qHello, my windows won't move to another desktop on keyboard-shortcut. (10.04)13:40
bayerMrGoodkat, i was hoping for a fix that doesnt need me to download the cd first13:40
jmfthevcijcrawford: You can continue to use the karmic repos but there might be dependency issues.13:40
hipitihopkrambiorix, how do you know the connection is lost and not just dns or other issues.13:40
ModuHi, is there any know problems with the alternative CD upgrade ?13:40
psantoni_gorogawa, the system clearly try to chek your disk, this is not a unsolvable problem !!13:40
MrGoodkatbayer i always recommend downloading the cd, because thats safer than online update13:40
gorogawapsantoni_: now it says: "/dev/sdb1: 474308/9773056 files (2.0% non contagious), ###### blocks"13:40
Konstigthmm, my bluetooth keyboard stopped working after upgrade to lucid. how do I report that bug, is it against linux or is it bluetooth?13:40
yohannbzhHi. I have a problem with the upgrade to 10.04 with python-scipy. It is impossible to install python-scipy so my upgrade is cancelled...13:40
krambiorixhipitihop: you're right, i don't, it's just firefox i think13:40
ModuThe installer try to download pasckages over the net even with the alternative CD13:40
prometheus1981I am trying to run Ubuntu 10.04 on a VM through my mac and I cannot log in since my keyboard does not respond in the VM... Any suggestions?13:40
MrGoodkatbayer did you try via terminal?13:40
MrGoodkatbayer sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:41
JoshuaLempathy does not show the msn protocol when adding a new account, only jabber. how can i solve this issue?13:41
bayerMrGoodkat, you mean running update-manager?13:41
psantoni_gorogawa, ok do you have a large hdd13:41
bayerMrGoodkat, no, not with apt-get - i'll try that, thx13:41
gorogawayes i do13:41
NastenI need some help in renaming multiple files. Regular expressions i guess. Anyone avl?13:41
hipitihopkrambiorix, is you phone a voip phone ?13:41
ascheelDoes anybody know of a fix for this:  "Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'13:41
SachoNasten: don't ask to ask13:41
bayerMrGoodkat, nope - nothing13:41
dubeyNasten: if ubuntu then use "rename"13:42
perlmonkeyis there a lubricant for Ubuntu 9.10 which can make it start up quicker on laptops13:42
krambiorixhipitihop: it's a SIP phone13:42
aetaric!repeat | ascheel13:42
ubottuascheel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:42
aigooHow can I change the run level?13:42
jcrawfordah cool they are on top of it, they have everything in place already13:42
bayerMrGoodkat, i believe my system thinks it is up-to-date13:42
Nastendubey: i'm talking about renaming about 100 folders...rename won't help13:42
hipitihopkrambiorix, and it's connected using ethernet to your laptop ?13:42
krambiorixhipitihop: yes13:43
gorogawapsantoni_:yes i do, is that the issue?13:43
Nastenthe names are like a-b-c-d and i need to change them to b-c for example13:43
perlmonkeycan anyone explain why 9.10 seems far less lubricated than 9.10 when it comes to boot up time?13:43
dubeyNasten: oh sorry, can't help, newbie13:43
MrGoodkatbayer "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade"13:43
hipitihopkrambiorix, and your internet is provided by your wireless AP ?13:43
agnelNasten, use the find command13:43
MrGoodkatbayer if that doesnt do anything try to change the packet source13:43
swordzpsantoni_ Works for me13:43
Nastenagnel: i don't know how! :-) any tips on how do do it?13:43
krambiorixhipitihop: yes13:43
perlmonkeyI've seen considerably longer boot time on 9.10 compared to my old 8.04 laptop13:43
perlsyntaxi download ubuntu 10.04 the cd will not work on the laptop i get a black sceeen and it work fine on the dekstop why is that?13:44
aigooHow can I change the run level?13:44
GoldyW: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/q/qt-x11-free/libqt3-mt_3.3.8-b-5ubuntu3_i386.deb13:44
Goldy  Could not resolve 'proxy'13:44
Goldythis happens for anything i try to download from synaptic13:44
perlmonkeyperlsyntax hardware maybe not supported?13:44
agnelNasten, am in the middle of work, give me a minute, we'll figure it out13:44
Pici!runlevels | aigoo13:44
ubottuaigoo: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.13:44
Nastenagnel: no prob13:44
Goldybut my proxy settings are all correct13:44
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
redCan't seem to be able burn the 10.4 release to a DVD, I just used brasero to blank an RW and after blanking Brasero doesn't recognize that I have a DVD in the tray? Any ideas?13:44
kipingor_Hello People still have issue with my Huawei usb Broadband Modem EC1260, run pppoeconf, then logged into modconf but have no Idea which device category to select....can anyone help13:44
prometheus1981has anyone had keyboard problems after installing 10.04?13:44
Goldyand im not even trying to go through a proxy13:44
wildbat_10_40Nasten, why rename won't help it use regex as you needed13:45
perlmonkey10.x is too new for me to run, you guys are brave13:45
perlsyntaxperlmonkey that od it work with 9.1013:45
perlmonkeyperlsyntax why dont you continue running 9.10, if you go newer you may experience more hardware issues13:45
hipitihopkrambiorix, your wireless AP has no wired ports ?13:45
j-jtof-bI seem to not be able to get rythmbox to sync with worldbook2 anyone know of a player that has this option ?13:46
perlsyntaxperlmonkey well i need the new python and perl13:46
DJonesperlsyntax: I've got a laptop with that problem, I've not found a solution yet, all I've been able to identify so far is that a late change between the beta and release candidate caused the problem, earlier alpha's work ok but the RC & final versions don't work on it13:46
perlmonkeypeople automatically assume its best to go for the newest version, but in my experience it's not, you encounter far more problems with new issues than you do older versions which are more stable and been given more support13:46
AceKingIs there a reason the gnome panel keeps messing up in 10.04 and a way to fix it?13:46
krambiorixmy conn was gone13:47
perlmonkeyperlsyntax perhaps just install or compile those separately13:47
krambiorix_hipitihop: hmm my connection was lost13:47
perlmonkeyso many problems in 10.0413:47
jaypurmy splash screen is in low resolution, what should i do?13:47
perlsyntaxthat won't break my os13:47
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:47
red2kicHello all. "Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the permissions on /home/$USER/.xchat2/xchatlogs" -- sudo chown -R didn't do it. How can I check USER ID? I recall such thing does exist. :313:47
prometheus1981@perlmonkey - indeed, however I though that the official release would at least have this problem resolved since it was present in beta. Oh well going back to 9.10 then13:47
moetunes!fixpanel | AceKing13:47
perlsyntaxDjones,that odd13:48
AceKingmoetunes, thank you!13:48
obscurant1stsometime back i tried kubuntu in this system. now i reverted back to ubuntu, but my ubuntu still uses kde mouse pointer. Is there anyway i can change it? i tried changing in the normal way but its not working!13:48
geekphreaktc folks13:48
psantonigorogawa, you still there ? sorry I'm at work !!13:48
perlsyntaxsound like i have to.13:48
* perlmonkey is going to go back to 8.0413:48
hipitihopkrambiorix_, is your wireless AP also a wired router with one or more ethernet ports ?13:48
perlsyntaxgoing back to 9.10 on laptop anddeaktop 10.0413:48
psantonigorogawa, the sistem check your disk for errors, if your hardrive is big it should take a time ...13:48
perlmonkeydoes anyone run Ubuntu Remix and how does it compare with normal desktop?13:48
gorogawapsantoni: it's ok .. i'm running dpkg now and i will have to wait an hour or so13:49
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=== gomagarrofin is now known as overmind
cy9751i have a question on installing 10.04.  i followed the steps to install 10.04 via CD, and after the the  Ubuntu screen with the dots, the screen goes black.13:49
perlmonkeyI just purchased a Toshiba Portege R200, it's not a "netbook PC" but it has limited hardware (Centrino 1.3Ghz/1.3GB ram) should I be running Remix or regular?13:49
moetunes!puregnome | obscurant1st13:49
ubottuobscurant1st: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal13:49
kipingor_Hello People still have issue with my Huawei usb Broadband Modem EC1260, run pppoeconf, then logged into modconf but have no Idea which device category to select....can anyone help13:49
Lexa_293êòî èç ðó?13:50
cy9751i am currently running 9.10, and am on a inspiron 700M... has any one had this problem?13:50
AceKingmoetunes, nothing came up for !fixpanel13:50
kromaggI keep getting a timeout while trying to report a bug, anyone know what's wrong?13:50
obscurant1stmoetunes, but if i remove everything last time, even my xchat got removed, i dont want it to happen!13:50
red2kicperlmonkey: Server IMO. :)13:50
krambiorix_hipitihop, yes it's a wired router, but i'm setting up another wireless router to use as an AP13:50
hipitihopkrambiorix_, ??13:50
moetunes!resetpanel | AceKing13:50
ubottuAceKing: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:50
perlmonkeyred2kic: server, why? it's a laptop13:50
dancalloran upgrades on two machines yesterday. Traffic was so heavy the upgrades aborted. Picking up where I left off today.13:50
Piciobscurant1st: I have a bug for something similar to that, I'm not sure if this is the same problem though: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/45964713:51
bilalakhtarPeople, I just upgraded to Lucid from KArmic. did a network upgrade. Plymouth screen takes a very long time to appear. is this fine?13:51
LlywelynHello ;)13:51
LlywelynI have some trouble upgrading from RC to LTS13:51
perlmonkeyLlywelyn: hi, Welsh?13:51
JowiHi everyone. nm-applet does not have a "move" option. It's now stuck to the far right of the gnome-panel. Any idea of how to unlock+move it?13:51
dancallobilalakhtar: which servers did you use?13:51
red2kicperlmonkey: You said desktop. Nevermind, I'd say start from the scratch (you get shell) then you install individual packages... leading up to GUI. Maybe LXDE?13:51
LlywelynCan someone help me?13:51
obscurant1stPici, let me check it!13:51
FloodBot4Gala: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
Jowi(using 10.04 LTS)13:51
PiciLlywelyn: Ask your question :)13:51
Pici!es > Gala13:52
ubottuGala, please see my private message13:52
psantonicy9751, try to boot in recovery mode to se the message, have you got a Nvidia  card ?13:52
bilalakhtardancallo: apache, mysql, xorg (of course)13:52
perlmonkeyred2kic: thanks, that's a good advice keep it light-weight install I guess13:52
kromaggI just hope I haven't submitted it 10 times now reloading the submit page13:52
todayhi every one, i have a .shs file, how i can open it inside Ubuntu ? thanks for help13:52
red2kicJowi: nm-applet resides in notification area. Look for "tiny fuzz" bar (left of nm-applet or other icons).13:52
feloneven in ubuntu does the disk need defraged ?13:52
LlywelynThank you Pici: when I run Update Manager, I download the informations on the new packages, but have no update..13:52
cy9751psantoni - no, i do not.  this is a laptop, and pretty old13:52
cy97519.10 installs and runs fine on it13:52
perlmonkeycy9751 what is the spec13:53
bilalakhtardancallo: but I had the same servers in karmic also, and, though the boot is slightly faster, the waiting time is irritating13:53
PiciLlywelyn: Have you been doing updates regularly while on the RC?13:53
dancallobilalakhtar:No, I mean worldwide upgrade servers. I used US and they aborted due to heavy traffic.13:53
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ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:53
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psantonicy9751, ok when your on the black screen, what appen if you press F113:53
red2kicperlmonkey: If you favor GNOME, then you could make do with "gnome-core" instead of ubuntu-desktop metapackage.13:53
bilalakhtardancallo: I also used US archive.ubuntu.com13:53
red2kic!info gnome-core | perlmonkey13:53
ubottuperlmonkey: gnome-core (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.28+1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB13:53
perlmonkeyI just purchased a Toshiba Portege R200 its the lightest and thinnest laptop in the world, or was the lightest until recently13:53
wildbat_10_40!defrag |felon13:53
ubottufelon: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.13:53
LlywelynPici: Well yes, I ran sudo apt-get update / install every 1 or 2 day13:53
jiohdiwhy is an invite required for ubuntu+113:53
jcrawfordhey guys anone here have Ubuntu installed on a flash drive and can suggest a brand/size to get?  I would love to install Ubuntu on a thumb drive and then be able to use it at any computer i wish13:53
PiciLlywelyn: Then you're already up to date.13:53
bilalakhtardancallo: what do you mean by aborted?13:53
dancallobilalakhtar: the upgrade took so long last night that I went to bed only to discover they aborted over night.13:54
LjLjiohdi: because there is no +1 version at the moment13:54
Picijiohdi: Because Lucid is released.13:54
j-jtof-bI went to rythmbox website and they have a 3rd party working on nitbuild plugin to sync with media devices but I use to beable to sync with 9.10 why or did they break that ability for ubuntuone?13:54
Jowired2kic, ah. thanks. the "fuzz" is almost invisible gray on gray so I didn't see it at all :)13:54
perlmonkeygnome on a laptop?? that's crazy, I want xfce4 surely13:54
cy9751is there a way to boot in recovery mode?  10.04 seems different in how it starts... 9.10 provided me with a splash screen to run off CD or install, while 10.04 does not provide me with that option13:54
moetunes!resetpanel | AceKing13:54
ubottuAceKing: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:54
bilalakhtardancallo: I mean I am on lucid now. no errors during upgrade13:54
hipitihopkrambiorix_, the only reason I am asking is why not put the phone onto the wired router. freeing your ethernet port on the laptop13:54
Wipsterquick question, my plymouth doesn't display at boot its just blank untill login granted its purely aesthetic but some times my res isn't right at boot and sometimes login doesn't show up. Connected?13:54
jiohdiam I likely to notice any improvements in 10.4 if I just use icewm?13:54
dancallobilalakhtar: the upgrades aborted because the connection to the upgrade servers was lost.13:54
red2kicjiohdi: Also, ubuntu+1 redirects to this channel now.13:54
bilalakhtardancallo: fine, I think the servers are up now13:54
LlywelynPici: I don't think so. I had not update since Monday13:54
cy9751when i hit f1, nothing happens... i actually tried all the function keys13:55
artistxeperlmonkey .....why xfce . is almost as heavy as gnome anyway ( in the end when you install everything)13:55
Galerienhi again everone13:55
psantonicy9751, press esc in the 1rst screen (before the boot)13:55
red2kicJowi: No problem. :)13:55
dancallobilalakhtar: k. thanks.13:55
narutohello ,where is the robot13:55
perlmonkeyartistxe my experience is that its a bit quicker to load and uses less memory than gnome13:55
ortsvorsteher!bot | naruto13:55
ubottunaruto: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins13:55
bazhangnaruto, in the channel  /msg ubottu13:55
Kartagisgeekphreak: why do I get http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/3MZFdL3L13:55
artistxeperlmonkey: you can use gnome and disable things such as nautilus / replace with thunar or lighter . trust me. I am switching from xfce to gnome this go round13:56
GalerienA question about my partitionning system : my /dev/sda1 is a ntfs parition for my Windows7 (witch is on sda2) and it's Labeled "System Reserved"13:56
Galeriencan i delete it or not?13:56
narutobazhang ,thank you13:56
cy9751thanks i will try that.   I also tried the updated from 9.10 to 10.04 via the upgrade manager... and same thing actually happened  Just curious, should the 10.04 RC allow me to boot up with out installing like the 9.04 did?13:56
error404notfoundCan't  find partimage for 64b lucid :(13:56
LlywelynPici: How can I update? :(13:56
Galerien(it's only 100 mb)13:57
error404notfoundnaruto: henge no jutsu? :P13:57
wildbat_10_40Galerien, no~13:57
artistxeI wish gnome had window shading though   :(13:57
aa6myhi all13:57
wildbat_10_40Galerien, is is the boot partition like /boot in linux13:57
geekphreakKartagis:  try using -t fs_type with mount13:57
PiciLlywelyn: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:57
psantonicy9751, yes13:57
Nastenartistxe: you can find many of these effects in compiz13:57
frxstremis it a good idea to downgrade to 9.10 if 10.4 isn't working properly?13:57
perlmonkeywell I got two problems on my laptop now..something changed around 8.10? I think whereby, my NFS mounts will no longer be mounted at boot and X starts without them mounted at all.. meaning I have to login to a shell before I start X and mount the NFS partition then quit and login to X...its a drag! I don't know why the mounts don't happen..I'm thinking wifi/wpa_supplicant issue? it's like networking is starting last and s13:57
Jowierror404notfound, partimage is in universe repo13:57
cy9751thanks... let me try that out... i will check back in later, as i am the ubuntu laptop.13:57
Galerienwildbat_10_40: arf, ok, but i'm using grub, can't I delete it?13:57
Jowi!info partimage13:57
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB13:57
artistxeNasten : but I do not want weight of compiz ...13:57
pigliti have forgotten if i use a 64 bit ubuntu version or a 32 bit ubuntu version how can i check this? I need to know this because i want to install virtual box13:58
error404notfoundJowi: already activated that and did a apt-get update13:58
psantonicy9751, ok13:58
Picierror404notfound: It looks like partimage was last available for 64bit in Intrepid.13:58
popChello! is everyone enjoying lucid?13:58
GalerienpopC: NO13:58
artistxepopC : what is lucid ?13:58
frxstrempopC: no, 'cause it's not working properly :/13:58
wildbat_10_40Galerien, you need to chainloader win7 bootloader don't you?13:58
error404notfoundPici: hmmm, so i guess if i get a deb, it should work, right?13:58
perlmonkeypiglit: in shell: uname -a13:58
Picierror404notfound: it should.13:58
frxstremartistxe: Lucid Lynx is the name of Ubuntu 10.0413:58
deadrosemax outstanding disk writes reached in deluge debug mode, fack libtorrent and ext4 bye canonical13:58
popCwhats wrong my update worked sofar13:58
bayerMrGoodkat, such a ***, it still thinks its up-to-date13:58
Galerienwildbat_10_40: what do you mean?13:58
j-jtof-bcan I get some help plz can't get rythmbox to sync with worldbook2 on 10.04 but could in 9.1013:58
GalerienpopC:  my ATI card can't work13:59
aa6myanybody got experience for play heroes of newerth at ubuntu13:59
perlmonkeypiglit: look at that last bit..X86_xx should be 32 or 6413:59
psantonipopC, great distro so far (using it since RC release...)13:59
artistxefrxstrem    really ???13:59
popCi have a radion what do you have?13:59
GalerienpopC: HD 365013:59
zorglub76hi all13:59
Kartagisgeekbuntu: they are all in fstab13:59
wildbat_10_40Galerien, if you dual boot ~ grub will chainloader to win7 boot manager to start win7 up ~ if you remove it ~ win7 will fail to boot ~ grub can't boot win7 alone13:59
GalerienpopC: But i have tried the RC and now i guess some bugs are still here13:59
zorglub76can't install ubuntu 10.4 on virual machine. help anyone?14:00
Galerienwildbat_10_40: ok, thanks14:00
perlmonkeyI've discovered wine and I'm able to run forex charting software in Linux on nvidia twinview (2 screens)...it's awesome14:00
=== wildbat_10_40 is now known as wildbat
popCyeah i didnt try the rc but i like it it looks cool14:01
majnoonwow did dist-upgrade and all needed was seamonkey :)14:01
psantonipiglit, uname -a i686 (32) X86_64 (64)14:01
popCand for the the ati card have u uninstalled and reinstalled the driver?14:01
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:01
GalerienpopC: I can't, my apt-get tells me that some package are broken14:02
hiexpowow never seen this channel this busy14:02
Galerienand can't fix it14:02
popCoooo thats a problem :/14:02
aa6mywhy my steam "running" on wine, but the gui didnt show. Anyone?14:02
jcrawfordhey guys anone here have Ubuntu installed on a flash drive and can suggest a brand/size to get?  I would love to install Ubuntu on a thumb drive and then be able to use it at any computer i wish14:02
majnoonGalerien, try sudo apt-get -f install14:02
plitteris it possible to upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10 with a cd or downloading the upgrades first and then choose at a l later time to install?14:02
jcbvwhy is my mouse leaving a trail and my screen corrupted14:02
esallerHi ! I have 64 bit Ubuntu. I have installed 32 bit flash. But flash does not working on Firefox and Opera has many problems with it (i mean it is working with opera but sometimes buttons on flash does not working). I have all updates on my system. Can you help me to solve the problem please ?14:02
aa6myjcrawford: i got14:02
Piciaa6my: You'll need to ask in #winehq for application support under wine.  Alternatively, take a look at the appdb: http://appdb.winehq.org14:02
jcbvi just upgraded and i think it went wrong damnubuntu14:03
erUSUL!alternate | plitter14:03
ubottuplitter: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal14:03
Galerienmajnoon: I did, i'm a long time ubuntu user, it doesn't work14:03
ChogyDananyone having trouble with nvidia cards?14:03
aa6myjcrawford: 2gb is enough14:03
artistxejcrawford. I suggest "Kingston" brand. never sandisk or pny versions.....14:03
Galerienjust like --fix-missin and co14:03
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:03
jcrawfordthanks artistxe and aa6my14:03
PixarHey, i'm new to this upgrade thing on ubuntu, i'm on karmic and i was wondering after the new upgrade if my setting and files i've edited in time or desktop files etc will be modified...14:03
ChorozHi, i just updated my Ubuntu 9 to latest ubuntu 10.4 , but i lost my bootscreen splash.. And i don't know how to restore the old one.. the white with the Ubuntu logo that had the glow effect.. ? Someone ?14:03
psantoniesaller, Flash exist in 64, why use 32 ?14:03
popChope they get that fixed G, did you file an error report?14:03
jcbvman this is bulllshit i guess we cant say shit cause its free right the feds need to shut this fucker down man fuck linux14:03
jcrawfordI was thinking about 32/64gb sticks will they work?14:03
GalerienpopC: wait a sec14:04
narutomobibot:weater ZBAA14:04
psycho_oreos!language | jcbv14:04
ubottujcbv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:04
aa6myjcrawford: wait i something for u, for put installation inside flash drive14:04
jcrawfordI was thinking that because I will do a lot of work on the setup so it could be a lot of files, etc14:04
esallerpsantoni: I know that 64 bit flash is beta now. So I use 32 bit because it is more stable.14:04
mattgyverrunning df i notice that ever since my ubuntu upgrade that 10.04 is mounting my /dev/sdd2 filesystem is on 2 separate mount points, /home and /media/beta (assigned in fstab) any idea how to fix this? I think its causing a problem with grub2.14:04
elkyjcbv, that's really not called for. see the guidelines in the /topic please.14:04
janhajhello.. i need help.. i have a script /bin/video_brightnessdown.sh and i have a keyboard shortcut for it (fn + f7).. but this script needs root privileges.. how can i do it, if i don't want to type password, when i press fn f7?14:04
GalerienpopC: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425195/14:04
zzypotmy ubuntu keeps says file system fail when i boot up and yesturday it was freezing when i was typing14:04
artistxejcrawford, is too much unless you will saving alot of data to disk. on laptop I only have 10 gig for each OS14:04
jcbvit is called for i know its not called for cause its free and we dont hvae to use it but it is called for cause i trusted u scum14:05
obscurant1stPici, what was the bug link? i lost it. And btw it is the same bug in my case!! :)14:05
psantoniesaller, ok sorry !!!14:05
jcrawfordartistxe, I will have a lot of data14:05
sonicrules1234Hm, I'm having trouble connecting using my wifi card.  I tried using both the free and propriatary drivers, no luck14:05
aa6myjcrawford: Universal USB Installer - you can put your ubuntu iso in the flash drive14:05
GhostWolfhi all, i have a problem, i was in the middle of updated my ubuntu to 10.04 LTS, i accidentally rebooted the machine with ubuntu on it, is there a way to redo or try to get back to the desktop of ubuntu?14:05
ChorozHi, i just updated my Ubuntu 9 to latest ubuntu 10.4 , but i lost my bootscreen splash.. And i don't know how to restore the old one.. the white with the Ubuntu logo that had the glow effect.. ? Someone ? -- Sorry for asking again :)14:05
Piciobscurant1st: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/45964714:05
syki just installed 10.04 and i have no sound14:05
jcrawfordjust wondering if 32/64 is too big i mean will it cause problems etc.14:05
obscurant1stPici, thx man.14:05
Piciobscurant1st: no problem14:05
jcbvat least on windows u know when u are hacked14:05
artistxejcrawford, so load from usb key and save to external hd14:05
Galerienjcrawford: for some applications14:05
tarzeaufailed to read mirror file?14:05
aa6myjcrawford: 2gb is enough dont worry14:05
ChogyDanGhostWolf: just try running update-manager again,14:05
Galerienjcrawford: and i guess Flash too14:06
tarzeaudoes ubuntu not support remove sudo?14:06
jcrawfordartistxe, i cannot do that, why would i want a flash drive i can boot from anywhere on any computer and also have to carry around an external drive :)14:06
bayerhi there - i'm trying to upgrade my karmic to lucid, but when i run the update-manager it doesnt offer me the "new version available" button. how can i upgrade without it?14:06
GhostWolfChogyDan, i can't get back to my desktop it just like in dos system14:06
tarzeauthe gui tools requiring root user access don't authentisize14:06
jcrawfordGalerien, ?14:06
tarzeauand don't run when launched as root14:06
ChogyDanbayer: update-manager -c14:06
j-jtof-bso anyone wanna help me figure out how to sync rythmbox to worldbook2?14:06
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:06
Chorozwow.. :)14:06
psantonitarzeau, in server mode or desktop ? server no problem ...14:06
aa6myjcrawforw: before this i make mutiple boot on flash drive, means together combine ubuntu and centos on 2gb flash drive14:06
jo_anyone here use boxblaze on 10.04 32bit?14:06
ChogyDanGhostWolf: are you able to login?14:06
artistxejcrawford, because an external hd can be smaller than a pack of cigs14:06
tarzeaupsantoni: i've got workstations...14:07
zzypotmy ubuntu says mounth of filesystem failed14:07
GalerienpopC: so?14:07
popChmmmm G is there a custom driver outtere that you can compile yourself into a deb?14:07
sonicrules1234Hey, I'm having trouble connecting using my wifi card.  I tried using both the free and propriatary drivers, no luck.  I'm using a fresh install of 10.0414:07
jongbergsbayer: if you want you may also download the alternate iso and perform upgrade from it..14:07
bayerChogyDan, no luck :(14:07
GhostWolfChogyDan, if you mean like going to the desktop no, but its like asked me the login name and password14:07
Chorozzzypot, .. ?14:07
felonwhat about the tasks that Tuneup Utilities would perform like cleaning up registry and disk check is there something for ubuntu14:07
jcrawfordartistxe, the point of this would be so that I can have my work environment on my keychain i don't mind the costs of the larger media just want to know if it will introduce any problems though I don't think it would14:07
jo_anyone here use boxblaze on 10.04 32bit?14:07
artistxesonicrules1234, you did do a restart so the installed drivers loaded ?14:07
dumeeguys i can't upgrade to lucid lynx from karmic koala. it's giving me some bs over broken packages. how do i fix it14:08
popCi had to do that to get a driver working on my desktop14:08
zzypotwhen i boot up it says moutn of filesystem failed a  maintence shell will now be started14:08
sonicrules1234artistxe, Yep14:08
GhostWolfChogyDan, its like im in terminal14:08
felonor getting rid of old pags that are not being used14:08
private_metaHmm... Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have /etc/bashrc, can anyone tell me any equivalent?14:08
esallerflashplugin-nonfree is 10.0.x on Ubuntu 10.04 ? The latest version of flash is  10.1 ?!!?!14:08
ChogyDanbayer: well, you just have to wait for your mirror to update.  The other option is to !torrent the !alternate cd and upgrade wit that14:08
GalerienpopC no, i'm on radeon right now14:08
jcbvman they shouldnt be false advertising man my pc is trashed now and i dont have cd rom14:08
Pici!latest > esaller14:08
ubottuesaller, please see my private message14:08
zzypotthis is a new fresh install and was working14:08
jcrawfordartistxe, this would be a work expense so the cost does not matter to me personally :)14:08
bazhangjcbv, what is the exact issue; please clarify14:08
Chorozzzypot, on my update i saw the same msg.. but in a sec or two.. the system started normaly14:08
tarzeaudo-release-upgrade -d doesn't work on one of my machines, and hangs on another (1/3 works)14:08
popCyeah i really cant think of anything else:(14:08
popChopefully that gets patched14:09
zzypoti been trying to recovery mode and still nothing14:09
dumeebet it's ruined my installation too14:09
ChogyDanGhostWolf: actually, that is good.  You should be able to do some upgrading.  Maybe try do-release-upgrade14:09
jcbvdude my screen is corrupted my mouse leaves trails and my pc is slow and i reallly cant do nothin14:09
Galerienbut can't play to anything till then14:09
sinistradI'm trying to update to lucid, but the downloads have pretty much halted. I have many of the packages installed on my laptop. Is there a way I can set it as a local repository and at least download the packages that my laptop doesn't have?14:09
jeeves_Mosshas anyone in here upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04?14:09
Chorozzzypot, is ur system halted or ?14:09
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Pici!anyone | jeeves_Moss14:09
popC:( that sucks14:09
ubottujeeves_Moss: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:09
tarzeaujeeves_Moss: two machines14:09
jcbvnow it schecking disk and wont let me cancel out and taking like all day14:09
Wiplashjcbv, most people will not help after this bashing, it sounds just like a driver thats gone a bit wrong14:09
plittercan i make the alternate cd useable from a memory stick?14:09
Wiplashsimple fix14:09
zzypotwill not i just hit ctrl d for it to do a maintence check14:09
sonicrules1234artistxe, I'm using a broadcom b431214:09
bazhangjcbv, correct drivers installed? which video card by the way14:09
jcbvi thought ubuntu took care of all that14:09
artistxejcrawford, should not cause too many problems from a large flash . just wonderring if read times would get much slower depending on your program data and such14:10
GhostWolfChogyDan, ok i'll try anything that will allow me not to lose anything i have on my computer by doing a full install of the new version of ubuntu14:10
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ChogyDanplitter: Sys > Admin > Startup disk14:10
jcbvtnt diamond viper14:10
popCdoes anyone know if we still need to change the log in window the same way you do in 9.1014:10
ChorozBTW, some way to change the place of the buttons (close/minimize/maximize) back to the right.?14:10
esallerI have 64 bit Ubuntu 10.04. I have installed 32 bit flash. But flash does not working on Firefox and Opera has many problems with it (i mean it is working with opera but sometimes buttons on flash does not working). I have all updates on my system. Can you help me to solve the problem please ?14:10
jeeves_Mosstarzeau, have you figured out how to move my windows buttons (ie. min, max, close) BACK to the right?  I run Ubuntu to make sure it's not confused with OSX (although I have that installed on another parition)14:10
Pici!controls | jeeves_Moss14:10
ubottujeeves_Moss: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d614:10
bazhangjcbv, the free ones? or the proprietary ones? check system administartion hardware drivers and see if anything is listed14:10
artistxesonicrules1234, I am having no problem with those drivers. on an Acer here14:10
GhostWolfChogyDan, i did that and it says no new release found14:10
tarzeaujeeves_Moss: yes it's one command14:10
ChogyDanGhostWolf: well, Im just going to give commands that will hopefully restart the installationg process14:10
janhajhello.. i need help.. i have a script /bin/video_brightnessdown.sh and i have a keyboard shortcut for it (fn + f7).. but this script needs root privileges.. how can i do it, if i don't want to type password, when i press fn f7?14:10
jcbvi cant14:10
tarzeauPici: but how to make this for ALL users?14:10
bazhangjcbv, why not?14:10
jcbvi cdant even access anything14:10
jcrawfordartistxe, i am looking at a 64gb kingston that reads 32mb/s and writes 16mb/s14:11
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tarzeauPici: i have 3000 users14:11
jeeves_MossPici, thanks. I'm guessing a lot of people are annoyed with this new "mac" look14:11
jcbvit wont let me out of diks check14:11
Strerndim really fucked up by the setup..14:11
Picitarzeau: Which? The buttons?14:11
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tarzeauPici: yes14:11
sonicrules1234artistxe, Yeah, its weird, both drivers installed properly, it just won't go looking for any wireless networks14:11
j-jtof-bhas anyone tried to sync rythmbox to a media folder on network I have had no luck would like to find away to do this14:11
bazhangStrernd, watch the language14:11
tarzeauPici: the gconf command only works for single users14:11
Wiplashjcbv, disk check at startup?14:11
tarzeaui don't want to fuckup 3000 users14:11
psantonijeeves_Moss, yes but I recommand you to wait some feew days...14:11
Strerndim sorry14:11
artistxesonicrules1234, are you using NetworkManager ?14:11
jeeves_Mosspsantoni, why do you say that?14:11
jcbvlinux is a threat to global security14:11
jcrawfordbrb need to reboot upgrade complete14:11
Picitarzeau: Please mind your language.14:12
sonicrules1234artistxe, I'm using the thing in the notification panel14:12
tarzeaujcbv: how so?14:12
Galerienjcbv: WHat?14:12
tarzeauPici: sorry slipped14:12
jcbvcause its some hacked gargabe14:12
wzrdohi gays14:12
wzrdoerm i mean gus14:12
tarzeaujcbv: that's not true14:12
bazhangjcbv, that's not true, please keep to support issues as we are trying to help you14:12
ChogyDanGhostWolf: ok, you will have to go manual, first command: sudo apt-get install -f14:12
jeeves_Mosspsantoni, I'm right handed, and it's annoying14:12
psantoniI think therés to many people trying to upgrade so the BW is very slow for the download...14:12
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:12
tarzeaupsantoni: isn't there many mirrors?14:12
JoshuaLempathy does not show the msn protocol when adding a new account, only jabber. how can i solve this issue?14:12
Wiplashthanks Pici14:12
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h32Lgi've installed the new ubuntu 10.04 yesterday but after restart my tray icon (network manager) isn't visible14:13
kromaggtarzeau: http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/14:13
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, check the selector that shows "jabber" (ie. click it)14:13
artistxesonicrules1234, not in 10.04 right now . right click on that program and find "About" . tell me if name is NetworkManager.14:13
tarzeaukromagg: thanks, doesn't help me14:13
Galerientarzeau: you can use bitorrent to14:13
JoshuaLjeeves_Moss, thats what I said, it only shows jabber :)14:13
h32Lgi've tried to execute nm-applet but it won't work, too because it says that there is already an instance running of nm-applet14:13
kromaggtarzeau: won't that override the default for all your users?14:13
tarzeauGalerien: no we're not allowed to, we've got gbit internet, and should not use p2p software14:13
sonicrules1234artistxe, Its not really a program, its just the pull down from the tray14:13
psantonitarzeau, yes that's right :)14:13
sonicrules1234artistxe, How would I get to NetworkManager?14:13
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, and this is your base install (ie you didn't reinstall it from repos, etc)14:13
GhostWolfChogyDan, i did that and it told me i had to run something manually and told me to type sudo dpkg --configure -a which i did14:14
tarzeauGalerien: no, i don't think so14:14
artistxesonicrules: in synaptic14:14
Picitarzeau: Are they all going to be using the new theme?  I'm not sure if the reversed controls affects other themes.  Alternatively, since gconf is actually a bunch a files in $HOME you could just go through and modify the appropriate files after upgrade.14:14
ChogyDanGhostWolf: do that14:14
error404notfoundi need to copy about 250G of data between two drives, any option better than rsync?14:14
JoshuaLjeeves_Moss, its the base install indeed14:14
GhostWolfChogyDan, and it looks like its doing some stuff atm14:14
Galerientarzeau: is that an ISP restriction ?14:14
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:14
ChogyDanChogyDan: then just rerun install -f14:14
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, sorry, no idea.  I've got pidgin installed14:14
tarzeauGalerien: no, it's the managers of the border firewalls of www.ethz.ch that setup this rule14:14
PixarHey, i'm new to this upgrade thing on ubuntu, i'm on karmic and i was wondering after the new upgrade if my setting and files i've edited in time or desktop files etc will be modified...14:14
j-jtof-bstill waiting for help on how or if its possible to sync rythmbox to folder on network in ubuntu 10.0414:14
JoshuaLjeeves_Moss, thanks anyways :)14:15
Galerientarzeau: arf, fu!ker :D14:15
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tarzeauGalerien: it's fine for single laptop users, but ethernet gets a problem when overloading, and that happens with skype/p2p software supernodes14:15
sinistradI'm trying to update to lucid, but the downloads have pretty much halted. I have many of the packages installed on my laptop. Is there a way I can set it as a local repository and at least download the packages that my laptop doesn't have?14:15
tarzeauPici: not all, only new users14:15
GhostWolfChogyDan, btw just a question, by doing an upgrade like this like from update manager i don't lose files right?14:15
SMiTTYPixar, it'll prompt you to keep or replace modified configs14:15
sonicrules1234artistxe, Its already installed14:15
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, no worries.  I've noticed that Pidgin connects a LOT faster and more realiably to MSN if that's any help14:15
ChogyDanGhostWolf: correct14:15
tarzeauPici: since upgrading gnome/kde configuration files fails every time. people will get rid of their old ones, and start with a fresh one14:15
JoshuaLjeeves_Moss, thanks, im using pidgin since ages but i wanted to try out empathy :)14:15
Galerientarzeau: I guess, at work we just have a maximum upload + download of 120 Kbytes... so14:15
tarzeauPici: and they'll be upset when they're not where they usually are14:15
artistxesonicrules1234, you should be able to see wireless then14:15
JoshuaLguess it wants me to stay with pidgin :P14:16
tarzeauGalerien: we don't unlimited both ways, just no p2p14:16
GhostWolfChogyDan, ok, now its back at my username@compname prompt.14:16
jcrawfordwtf when i did the upgrade it said i could only do a partial upgrade.  I let it do that since the only other option was cancel and it seems i am still on 9.10 lol14:16
PixarSMiTTY, thanks a lot :D what about my documents i have all over the place, should i do a backup? or it doesn't act like a clean install14:16
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, I thought the same thing.  Then a few weeks of messeges not going through, conneciono issues, etc, and I went "flying" back.  LOL14:16
AlienarchAnyone know what program association I set for .apt files? within firefox14:16
Picitarzeau: You could test putting replacement gconf files for that key /etc/skel/14:16
JoshuaLjeeves_Moss, lol14:16
psantoniAlienarch, apturl14:16
Galerientarzeau: just saying that if you want to avoid overload, limit "load", not protocols :D14:16
yohannbzhHi. I have a big problem of "unexpected inconsistency" when I boot since i upgraded to Lucid. When I upgraded, I had an error with python-scipy, but it seems that the upgrade has finished because i had a message to say that it was finish with some errors, and after the window closed. When I restart, I have this problem of UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY. What can i do?14:16
tarzeauPici: if only i knew how. gconf is to me like regedit is to others.14:16
ChorozWowo.. so many questions :)14:17
SMiTTYPixar, you're safe. It'll keep your docs and stuff in place14:17
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, I think our "pet barn pidgin" was mocking me, hence the change14:17
Alienarchapturl ok... not sure where to find that but will look14:17
tarzeauGalerien: for each and every p2p program? that's beyond14:17
PixarThank you SMiTTY !14:17
GhostWolfChogyDan, what should i do next?14:17
Galerientarzeau: no, for each mac address14:17
ChogyDanGhostWolf: did install -f do anything?14:17
GhostWolfChogyDan, i didn't redo that let me try again14:17
tarzeauGalerien: i have no idea how14:17
tarzeauGalerien: i'm not managing any of these managed routers14:17
Galerientarzeau: ok, sorry14:18
GhostWolfand ChogyDan that time its doing things14:18
tarzeauGalerien: i'm only automating workstation installations, and fixing software issues on them14:18
SMiTTYBoy us.archive.ubuntu.com is SLOW :)  Must be everyone installing 10.04....apt-get install autofs has been running for like 5 mins....14:18
JoshuaLjeeves_Moss, i gonna fill in a bug report, thanks for helping :)14:18
timmillwoodeveryone upgraded?14:18
jeeves_MossJoshuaL, np14:18
j-jtof-bwhen someone has a minute could I get some help plz14:18
GhostWolfChogyDan, ok now its back to the prompt again14:19
Picitarzeau: Take a look at the %gconf.xml file in .gconf/apps/metacity/general14:19
detrixI just installed Lucid on my wife's netbook (not the remix, we do not want the remix).  I am getting the error:  Not starting X display manager (xdm); it is not the default display manager.    How do I fix this?14:19
SMiTTYj-jtof-b, just ask your question. I'm sure someone will help if they know14:19
wildbat!ask | j-jtof-b14:19
ubottuj-jtof-b: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:19
ChogyDanGhostWolf: well, you can try rebooting, and see if that was enough14:19
SnowmanX11Hi all14:19
craigbass1976This might be a quesitons for ubuntu-release-party, but here goes...  I've got /boot on it's own partition.  When trying to upgrade from hardy to lucid yesterday, I got a warning that my partition was full.  How much space will I need to do the upgrade?14:19
psantonidetrix, do you have loggin screen ?14:19
tarzeauPici: i'd prefer downloading congig files and putting them somewhere14:19
Kartagisisn't there a way to change the system id of a partition without deleting it and re-adding?14:19
Galeriendetrix: try startx14:19
basajaunafter upgrading this morning to 10.04 windows no longer cover whole screen but leave a band at the top14:19
tarzeauPici: if you help me, i'll document it at wiki.debian.org/Enterprise for all future people with the same issue14:20
psantonidetrix, sorry14:20
j-jtof-bcan't get rythmbox to sync in ubuntu 10.04 to network drive14:20
tarzeaupity ubuntu removed their corporate wiki entry14:20
felonhow do i create  a system backup to disk ..14:20
SnowmanX11I have donwloaded Kubuntu remix from various sources, but it always freezing in Virtualbox. Testing the ISO says there are more than 20 errors. Could it be that the official ISO is wrong?14:20
hateballI'm having an issue with my ICH7 chipset in Lucid. I cannot seem to slide volume... it's either on or off.  Zero or Max that is. Not sure where to change the behaviour for that14:20
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:20
wildbatj-jtof-b, y don't you mount it so it is 'localized'14:21
j-jtof-bdid that14:21
detrixpsantoni: Galerien: it is stuck at that message and does not go any further, and I cant seem to boot in to recovery mode.14:21
j-jtof-bit has ben mounted14:21
GhostWolfit doesn14:21
detrixpsantoni: Galerien: I am not at a prompt to type anything.14:22
j-jtof-bit is mounted everytime i boot up also14:22
wildbatj-jtof-b, do you have access to it or you mounted for root only ?14:22
GhostWolfChogyDan, looked like it worked, it said something there was a problem mounting \dev but now it asked for my password that i have set and im back to my desktop now14:23
elnurI share a folder through samba but people can't connet to my it, because they don't know which username to enter. I set to allow guests. That didn't help.14:23
chopinhey folks, anyone have issues w/ skype on 10.04?14:23
Kartagisisn't there a way to change the system id of a partition without deleting it and re-adding?14:23
SnowmanX11I have donwloaded Kubuntu remix from various sources, but it always freezing in Virtualbox. Testing the ISO says there are more than 20 errors. Could it be that the official ISO is wrong?14:23
geirhaKartagis: Yes. You can with fdisk at least (cli app)14:23
ChogyDanGhostWolf: great!  if you want to check it further, you can just make sure the ubuntu-desktop and linux-generic packages are installed      other than that, you should be fairly good14:23
j-jtof-boh no I have user access  at boot up and its bookmarked and on my desktop14:24
kanohola a todos alguien me puede ayudar por favor14:24
enan!es | kano14:24
ubottukano: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:24
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=== Monroe is now known as Ze_Colmeia
GhostWolfChogyDan, yea i have a red circle with a white - in the middle of it and i clicked on that and says not all updates can be installed and asked if i want to do a partial upgrade14:25
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yijimiubuntu rules!14:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:25
ChogyDanGhostWolf: yeah, I would do that14:25
Picitarzeau: It looks like you can modify (or remove) /usr/share/gconf/defaults/90_light-themes14:25
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:25
detrixI just installed Lucid on my wife's netbook (not the remix, we do not want the remix).  I am getting the error:  Not starting X display manager (xdm); it is not the default display manager.    How do I fix this?14:25
j-jtof-blooking up howto mount network drive right now didn't think about that might of missed something that wasn't needed in 9.10 that might be needed in 10.0414:25
Kriss3dHi. Has anyone had problems with black screen after showing kubuntu logo after upgrading to 10.04 ?14:25
obscurant1stIs there any graphics manager i can use instead of compiz?14:26
obscurant1stKriss3d, , it hink you should go for #kubuntu14:26
jaypurmy splash screen is in low resolution, what should i do?14:27
GhostWolfChogyDan, i got a message saying cannot upgrade, an upgrade from lucid to karmic is not supported with this tool14:27
Kriss3dobscurant1st,  thanks.. but i figured it might be a ubuntu problem as a more general as opposed to a KDE issue14:27
obscurant1stKriss3d, ok. :)14:27
dkulchenkoHi all! I've noticed that I don't get new email notifications from the Chat/Mail/Facebook applet if I close Evolution. How can I get around this? I don't want to always keep an Evolution window open, but I would like to get new email notifications.14:28
ChogyDanGhostWolf: o dear.   what does lsb_release -r say?14:28
Henry_BRMostrar romanização14:28
Henry_BRHello, I'm having problems with my Ubuntu 10.04. I already installed when it was Beta 1. However, since the early days of using the boot screen, the one that says "Loading ..." does not appear. Another thing is the update-manager that is also not loaded, nor does it show that symbol next to the clock that says there are updates to be downloaded ... does anyone know what to do or why that is so? I thought this would be beta for the problem, and when the fi14:28
Henry_BRnal version came out ... problems disappear, but it did not happen ...14:28
FloodBot4Henry_BR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
=== xandy is now known as xandy_
tarzeauPici: thanks for the hint. i'll try that14:28
GhostWolfChogyDan don't know let me see if i can get terminal runnuing, im having a problem loading some windows14:28
obscurant1stIs there any graphics manager i can use instead of compiz?14:28
xandy_i have problems with gruop since i did a dist upgrade14:28
xandy_from 9 to 10 netbook remix14:28
Artiom_Fiodorovhey anyone had problems with synce after updating?14:29
xandy_grub says symbol grub_puts  not found14:29
xandy_or something like that14:29
switchgirlfirefox isn't working with Facebook14:29
detrixhow do I get Lucid to boot in recovery  mode?14:29
GhostWolfChogyDan, it says Release: 10.0414:29
otswimubuntu servers are overloaded?14:29
obscurant1stxandy_, why not try a reinstall grub?14:30
tarzeauotswim: some, yes14:30
HeebieWipster I will check that out.  Was AFK at lunch. Sorry for the slow reply.14:30
switchgirlsebrock, hoi14:30
Kriss3dI think i should get installed the 10.04 on a seperate disk so i wont mess up anything..14:30
Mcl0vini need someone to explain permission for me 'ls -l /home/testuser i have "drwxr-xr-x 3 testuser testuser    4096 2010-02-26 03:19 DANS"14:30
ChogyDanGhostWolf: cat /etc/apt/sources.list       can you through some of that into a pastebin.com?14:30
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:30
xandy_obscurant1st, i ll try this14:30
=== ramanK is now known as Guest20398
zzypotmy ubuntu keeps locking my keys now i cant type how do i fix this problem14:30
tarzeauMcl0vin: testuser is the owner of this directory14:30
tarzeauMcl0vin: he can read and write to it14:30
LjLMcl0vin: that means testuser is the owner, testuser is also the group; it's a directory (d); it's writable, readable and executable for the owner; it's readable and executable for the group; it's readable and executable for everyone else14:31
sebrockswitchgirl, what spammer?14:31
tarzeauMcl0vin: people in the group testuser can read and ls the directory14:31
tarzeauMcl0vin: others can do as well14:31
MrGoodkatwhere did the volume control go in lucid?14:31
Mcl0vinnow a Mcl0vin i can't create files, what permission shall i use , to have Mcl0vin rwx as well as testuser to that folder14:31
xandy_but obscurant1stwill this work from a live system?14:31
switchgirlsebrock, just saying hi, and was wondering if you can help14:31
switchgirlfirefox isn't working with Facebook14:31
zzypotmy ubuntu keeps locking my keys now i cant type how do i fix this problem14:31
JohnFluxzzypot: try right clicking on a window title14:32
sebrockswitchgirl, oh I just log on here by default... I have no idea why your firefox is not working with facebook14:32
sebrockI use neither :D14:32
zzypotmy ubunto will not let me type can someone help me i dont know if i hit any keys on my sony laptop but it has the lock icons flashing on my keyboard14:32
LjLMcl0vin: you could make Mcl0vin the owner of that file (sudo chown Mcl0vin:Mcl0vin DANS), or you could create a group and make Mcl0vin a member of it, or you could make the file writable to all the world (sudo chmod a+w DANS)14:32
xandy_but obscurant1st will this work from a live system?14:32
tarzeauswitchgirl: tried chromium-browser yet?14:32
tarzeauotswim: i'm suffering the same problem14:32
zzypoton my laptop the a lock key and another one is blinking14:33
switchgirlyeah but i like firefox's  customise-ablity  most of all i like the formiliarity tarzeau14:33
wildbatzzypot, sound like a kernwl panic too me14:33
om26erswitchgirl, what about speed?14:34
tarzeauswitchgirl: tried to remove all your firefox config files ?14:34
Mcl0vinLjL: but if i make Mcl0vin the owner of that file , i will that the ablity for testuser to rwx to DANS14:34
GhostWolfChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/5PRBL6P814:34
tarzeauom26er: i prefer chromium-browser and its speed14:34
om26ertarzeau, +114:34
zzypoti been getting them alot people keep teling me and mount file system errors14:34
basajaunoops my mistake solved it14:34
switchgirltarzeau, yjay sounds hard and dangerious14:34
zzypotit on a  fresh install14:34
jcrawfordis there a way to rollback my partial upgrade?14:34
basajaunoops my mistake solved it14:34
tarzeauswitchgirl: it's in your home .firefox or .mozilla/firefox something14:34
LjLMcl0vin: that's correct. if you want both to have that ability, the best option is to create a group that both users belong to. "sudo addgroup groupname", then "sudo adduser username groupname"14:35
tarzeauswitchgirl: just remove all files. bookmarks will be lost14:35
jcrawfordsince i did the partial upgrade I have tried to hit the upgrade button in the update manager but it keeps locking up the app and going dark grey14:35
Mcl0vinLjL can i add Mcl0vin to the group testuser, sure i can, but will it ..hmmm14:35
ChogyDanGhostWolf: OHH, I think you have to run sudo apt-get update first14:35
j-jtof-bok smbfs seems to be missing ganna try that route thanks for the help laterz14:35
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:35
wildbatzzypot, boot in recovery mode see what error msg you got14:35
jcbvpeople should start suing linux for its bs i mean if u do an upgrade from its site it should work not make your pc in operable14:35
xandy_any1 else th help with my grub problem_14:35
jcbvmy pc is inopearable14:35
tarzeaujcbv: your problem, isn't it?14:35
obscurant1streinstalling grub will work from live system14:36
tarzeaujcbv: did you read the license agreement?14:36
aciculajcbv, do you have a support question?14:36
ChogyDantarzeau: be polite14:36
jcbvthats why linux is some gargabe14:36
tarzeauChogyDan: i am14:36
Mcl0vinLjL: i can changed the testuser group from r-x to rwx and add Mcl0vin to testuser group right14:36
jcbvthey dont take responsiblity14:36
aciculajcbv, if you do not have a support question can you take it to offtopic14:36
pieter_MrGoodkat: gnome-volume-control-applet14:36
tarzeaujcbv: oh yes, they do14:36
jcbvperfect kkk scam to put the jews in power14:36
GhostWolfok i actually had to do the sudo apt-get upgrade -f ChogyDan14:36
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Artiom_Fiodorov(process:8144): CRITICAL **: synce_info_from_hal14:36
robyromaniahi, need some help in nautilus in lucid lynx14:36
syki just installed ubuntu 10.04 gnome and i have no sound14:37
Artiom_Fiodorovis synce working fine after upgrade?14:37
aciculajcbv, that kind of talk is not acceptable14:37
jribjcbv: please keep the discussion support related in #ubuntu.  If you need help recovering your system then ask THAT and give details.  Rants, take elsewhere please14:37
Galerienrobyromania: yes...?14:37
jcrawfordis there a way to rollback my partial upgrade?14:37
jcrawfordsince i did the partial upgrade I have tried to hit the upgrade button in the update manager but it keeps locking up the app and going dark grey14:37
robyromaniahow can i type the location of where i want to go, instead of having the buttons?14:37
LjLMcl0vin: you could do that, but it's probably not a good idea - better to make a new group14:37
xandy_thanks obscurant1st14:37
elnurWhat pass should guest windows user enter to my shared folder?14:37
ChogyDanGhostWolf: weird, I would be curious if you pastebin'ed the output14:37
jcbvhey look my pc is not working14:37
tarzeausyk: what soundcard? lspci output?14:37
detrixhow do I get Lucid to boot in recovery  mode?14:37
tarzeaujcbv: which country?14:37
syktarzeau, im not sure :\14:37
robyromaniain 9.10 there was a button to type text, like /home/username/music/... etc14:37
ChogyDanjcbv: please state the whole problem you are having so others can help14:37
Mcl0vinLjL ok, but could you explain to me why its not a good idea just fmi14:37
aciculajcbv, you cant irritate people into helping you, be nice, formulate a question and be courteous and someone will surely come to your aid14:37
jcbvthen the people that work for linux laugh while my pc is broke talking about thier silly contract thats the scam somene needs to un up in there and shoot that bitch up14:37
obscurant1stjcbv bootup into live cd, and try fixing it, else just reinstall14:37
GhostWolfChogyDan, sorry i just rebooted to see if that if i had to i'll redo it if still persist14:37
tarzeaujcbv: there's user groups or computer specialists near that can fix it14:37
wildbatdetrix, hold shift when booting14:37
jcbvp;laying with people like that14:38
Galerienrobyromania: you should have a pen button14:38
Galerienjust hit it14:38
robyromaniaGalerien: yeah, that pen button14:38
robyromaniaGalerien: it's not there14:38
LjLMcl0vin: because that would make Mcl0vin able to read all files that belong to testuser. and generally speaking, if "testuser" is a user, then the group also named "testuser" should only be used by the user "testuser" and no one else14:38
detrixwildbat: thanks14:38
zzypotit fixed it14:38
aciculadetrix, you should be able to select recovery mode at boot in the bootloader, it asks press esc or wait x seconds14:38
zzypotthen it restarted14:38
miles_How do you create extended partitions and logical drives within using Parted only? See http://bit.ly/b76C6i for full explaination.14:38
zzypotbut it seems to be shutting down alot14:39
Rdogg112hey guys, how come ubuntu 10.04 wont detect my External HDD?14:39
Rdogg1129.10 did14:39
robyromaniaGalerien: can i set it from somewhere? should it be there by default?14:39
tarzeauRdogg112: do you see any msg of it in dmesg?14:39
Rdogg112tarzeau: let me try :P14:39
tarzeauRdogg112: or when you type mount, or look into /media ?14:39
aciculamiles_, you make an extended partition and then logicals in there?14:39
Galerienrobyromania: don't know then, i didn't saw that in the edit menu...14:39
tarzeauisn't there an #ubuntu FAQ yet?14:40
jrib!faq | tarzeau14:40
ubottutarzeau: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com14:40
zzypotwildbat it seems like it happening alot14:40
tarzeaujrib: i mean for this channel14:40
robyromaniaGalerien: do you have it there by default?14:40
Rdogg112[ 2106.244053] usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 914:40
Rdogg112[ 2106.393091] usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice14:40
Rdogg112[ 2106.411205] scsi4 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices14:40
Rdogg112[ 2106.415102] usb-storage: device found at 914:40
FloodBot4Rdogg112: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
digitzerHi! I use Ubuntu 64 bit 10.04. I installed  flashplugin-nonfree from sysnaptic. Firefox (no-plug-in installed yet) can not open flash and opera does not working fine with flash (I mean opera can open the flash but the buttons not working with it.) . I re-install (with --purge) opera, firefox and  flashplugin-nonfree but the same problem still. My system is updated. Can someone tell me please something to solve the problem ?14:40
tarzeauRdogg112: looks good14:40
zzypotthe locks on my laptop keep blinking unless i hit a  key i dont know about with disables my laptop14:40
wildbatzzypot, huh?14:40
Mex_Hi, i hyst updated my netbook remix box and now I don't have any menus etc, could someone point me int he right dirrection?14:40
jribtarzeau: about irc you mean?14:40
Galerienrobyromania: yes, but i updated14:40
Rdogg112tarzeau: hmm14:40
tarzeaudigitzer: tried with chromium-browser yet?14:40
zzypotit keeps failing alot14:40
tarzeaujrib: well the ubuntu channel irc faq, yes14:40
robyromaniaGalerien: and now?14:40
SnowmanX11I have donwloaded Kubuntu remix from various sources, but it always freezing in Virtualbox. Testing the ISO says there are more than 20 errors. Could it be that the official ISO is wrong?14:41
tarzeaujrib: #debian used to have have one, which was very helpful. i believe it would do #ubuntu good too14:41
aciculamiles_, please dont pm, keep support questions in #ubuntu for the benefit of everyone14:41
jribtarzeau: I'd consider that document the faq for this channel14:41
tarzeaujrib: yes, that's what i meant. answering common questions14:41
Rdogg112tarzeau: any idea?14:41
MaharaSnowmanX11: check the .iso with md5sum https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM14:41
tarzeaujrib: something like: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIRC14:41
wildbatzzypot,  you need to get the error msg out be4 anyone here can help ~14:41
tarzeauRdogg112: no, what says mount? what filesystem is it?14:41
detrixWhere do I set the default X display manager?14:42
tarzeauRdogg112: did you look into /media ?14:42
MrKlownsince kubuntu installation freezes up always for me do you think the ubuntu installation will too?14:42
MrKlownit may have just been the version 10.04 tho14:42
tarzeauRdogg112: sometimes usb connectors are flaky, try reconnecting it14:42
SnowmanX11Mahara: I have tested from more sources and it tells that there are more than 20 errors14:42
digitzertarzeau: Im sorry but i have to use opera or firefox :( (it is personal reason :( )14:42
zzypotwill it restarted fine14:42
Rdogg112tarzeau: a ls of media returns floppy and floppy014:42
miles_acicula, do you mean i should first create the whole extended partition, then use mkpartfs again with the same starting sector (kinda like rewriting on it)?14:42
aciculamiles_, parted should be able to make extended partitions, shouldnt be needed to do that outside the parted program14:42
GhostWolfChogyDan, this is the pastebin when i redid the sudo apt-get upgrade -f, http://pastebin.com/8irTmJnv14:42
zzypotwhen  went into recovery mode it showed a coulple of errors14:42
tarzeaudigitzer: can you figure where you flashplayer.so is, and run file on it? is it really 64-bit?14:42
MaharaSnowmanX11: how you tested it? Did the checksums you made on the downloaded .iso file match the ones on the official site?14:42
tarzeaudigitzer: and are you sure you didn't install it as firefox user into your home config directory?14:43
aciculamiles_, normally you would make an extended partition for a certain size, and then inside that partition you define additional logical partitions14:43
ChogyDanGhostWolf: try upgrade-manager again14:43
jcrawfordguys early this morning I did a partial upgrade because that is all that the update manager would let me do, however now when i try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (or just upgrade) it does not install ANY packages.  It shows that I am still running 9.10 what gives?14:43
tarzeauRdogg112: then it's not mounted i guess14:43
Galerienrobyromania: yep, no problem, it was set as tipping and not button, so i guess it kept it14:43
tarzeauRdogg112: mount it manually?14:43
GhostWolfChogyDan, i did still same problem14:43
aciculamiles_, if you already have 4 primary partitions you cant make another extended though14:43
wildbatzzypot, copy that down and pastebin it ~ hit pause if it run too fast14:43
Galeriensudo mount -a?14:43
SnowmanX11Mahara: I have donwloaded from the official site: WEB, torrent. Yes, that is the official one.14:43
Rdogg112tarzeau: what would i use? mount /dev/?whathere?14:43
Cojageif i play music through my laptop in 10.04, it plays both through the internal speakers and headphones when i have headphones plugged in14:43
robyromaniaGalerien: i made a clean install, and that pen button is not there14:43
aciculai think anyway, i havent partitioned in ages14:43
tarzeauGalerien: that only works for stuff in /etc/fstab14:43
tarzeauRdogg112: what dmesg says?14:43
Galerienrobyromania: then i can't help you, sorry :x14:43
MaharaSnowmanX11: You used bit torrent protocol or the mirror(http, ftp) metod?14:43
PudgyForums and irc are always lots of fun right after a release ;)14:44
Rdogg112[ 2285.283742] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through14:44
tarzeauRdogg112: something like mount /dev/sda1 /mnt or14:44
zzypotin the command line after the recoverying it went to fast and booted up again14:44
Mex_I just updated my netbook remix box and now I don't have any menus etc14:44
tarzeauRdogg112: that's the disk, what about partitions?14:44
miles_acicula, okay. I know how to make the extended partition, but not how to define secondary partitions within. Should I still use the mkpart command within parted again?14:44
MrKlownare the older releases of kubuntu still supported? not sure how it works but i want to try kubuntu out and i know the newest version is 10.04 but it does not work for me14:44
Cojagewhy doesnt ubuntu detect when headphones are plugged in?14:44
tarzeauRdogg112: fdisk -l /dev/sdc says what?14:44
tarzeauCojage: because that's not possible14:44
tarzeauCojage: unless it's usb14:44
* Mcl0vin damn how do you guys keep up with all this...its going fast :)14:44
digitzertarzeau: i dont know what are you talking about. i just use synaptic to install flashplugin-nonfree . I did not do anything else. If you can make me give you a input from terminal, i can. or please explain me easly ... (i am not a good linux user)14:44
dabaRMrKlown: You mean does Ubuntu provide updates for the older versions?14:44
GhostWolfChogyDan, is there anything i can do to reverse the upgrade and some of the files that got installed?14:44
Cojagebut uh windows mutes the internal speakers, but ubuntu doesnt14:44
MrKlownyes dabar14:44
PudgyCojage: ... unless you use usb-headphones14:44
Rdogg112cannot open /dev/sdc14:45
wildbatzzypot, you have boot cd?14:45
tarzeaudigitzer: dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree |grep so14:45
robyromaniadoes anyone know how to bring that pen button in nautilus back? the one where you swich the location name from text to buttons.14:45
Rdogg112and partitions say its sdc and sdc114:45
ChogyDanGhostWolf: hmmm, well, its too bad your computer crashed.  You care getting other errors, but o well.   sudo dpkg --remove --force-all swell-foop14:45
detrixI need to set xdm as the default display manager. how do I do this?14:45
Cojageright, but windows 7 mutes my speakers though, then how can i mute only the internal speakers14:45
aciculamiles_, afaik you can define those from within parted14:45
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Cojageand not the headphones14:45
tarzeauCojage: i see... using any mixer software?14:45
greezmunkeyMrKlown: LTS releases are your best bet, longer support cycle. Most ppl here will help with just about any ubox though :)14:45
MaharaSnowmanX11: You have to check it with md5sum -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM so that the .iso file matches the sum from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes otherwise the downloaded file is corrupted; but using bit torrent should give you a reliable .iso because the protocol uses handshakes14:45
tarzeauCojage: or creating a script and binding it to some hot key?14:45
Mcl0vinLjL-Temp: are you ther e14:45
Cojageacutally i never really used ubuntu before14:45
digitzertarzeau: I write it on terminal it gives nothing...14:45
zzypotyes i have  a boot cd'14:45
zzypotof ubuntu14:45
jcrawfordguys early this morning I did a partial upgrade because that is all that the update manager would let me do, however now when i try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (or just upgrade) it does not install ANY packages.  It shows that I am still running 9.10 what gives?14:45
zzypotbut i have it installed14:46
dabaR!releases | MrKlown14:46
ubottuMrKlown: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:46
VCoolio detrix do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' and choose from the list14:46
tarzeaudigitzer: i think it's because of the installer meta package14:46
GhostWolfChogyDan, well it didn't crash i hit some buttons and didn't think it was going to reboot my comp14:46
MrKlowngreezmunkey, right but the 10.04 lts will NOT install for me, it freezes up nonstop14:46
digitzertarzeau: so ?14:46
tarzeaudigitzer: i think it's in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree14:46
digitzertarzeau: so ? :)14:46
dabaRA little out of date14:46
tarzeaudigitzer: try copying the plugin to where firefox or opera expects it14:46
ChogyDanjcrawford: do your sources list lucid or karmic?14:46
tarzeaudigitzer: so as in shared object (library file)14:46
dabaRMrKlown: and you tried the alternate install CD?14:46
Rdogg112tarzeau: do you have msn, aim or anything?14:46
MrKlowni haven't tried regular ubuntu yet just kubuntu, i'll try the ubuntu now though14:46
MrKlownno what exactly is that dabaR?14:46
digitzertarzeau:  ok please wait...14:46
tarzeaudigitzer: the meta package or the browser/plugin packages don't work properly all times14:46
Maharadigitzer: to install flash for Firefox do the following => http://tinyurl.com/kkaa3e14:46
aciculamiles_, mkpart should also work, provided you have made an extended partition14:46
wildbatzzypot, boot with in and then mount the / and get the dmesg out14:47
miles_acicula, mkpartfs is a parted command. Opening 'parted /dev/sdb' allows to do that within the parted UI. But it seems mkpart does not allow to create a secondary partition, only the extended one14:47
tarzeauRdogg112: yes i do, for people i know personally. otherwise irc is just fine14:47
Rdogg112tarzeau: oh, ok14:47
greezmunkeyMrKlown: LTS == long term support, this label also applies to other, older releases.14:47
tarzeauRdogg112: unless you want commercial software, i support in switzerland, in june/july also in germany,denmark,sweden,norway14:47
Rdogg112tarzeau: i cannot mount sdc or sdc1 :/14:47
miles_that's why i'm confused14:47
wildbatzzypot, then paste bin it some one will help ~ but i gtg sleep sorry ^.=14:47
MrKlownoh i see it now lol14:47
tarzeauRdogg112: why not? error msg?14:47
detrixVCoolio: thanks14:47
aciculamiles_, part-type is one of: primary, extended, logical. Extended and logical  are only used for msdos and mips disk labels.14:47
dabaRMrKlown: it is a text-based installation. Not live then install.14:47
Rdogg112tarzeau: mount: can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:47
aciculamiles_, from the mkpartfs man page14:47
egelmexany one had any luck updateing the netbook remix?14:47
Mcl0vinif i want to give 2 users in my system, access to a folder, using a new group ..what permissions should be on that group14:48
MrKlownok i think it was the live part that was messing me up, my cusor kept freezing14:48
tarzeauRdogg112: what was the exact command you typed? as root?14:48
MaharaRdogg112: check System->Administration->Log File Viewer14:48
Rdogg112tarzeau: i didnt do as root :o14:48
MrKlowndownloading it now, ty14:48
tarzeauMcl0vin: try this: http://wiki.debian.org/Permissions14:48
Rdogg112Mahara: ok14:48
coz_hey guys  I forget in  gconf where to enable the menu icons  anyone?14:48
zzypotit ok14:48
tarzeauRdogg112: try as root14:48
GhostWolfChogyDan, this is what it said when i did the last command, http://pastebin.com/wsAEuC3v14:48
BumpyChefhey, i've just downloaded ubuntu 10.04 and I am trying to install it on an old windows xp system.  When i boot from cd I am brought to a command prompt...does anyone know what i type to get the program to install (i'm new to ubuntu and i'm trying to learn so sorry if this is a dumb question)14:48
Rdogg112tarzeau: arrgh , still nothing as root14:49
PudgyDoes anyone know if it's possible to open a VNC session to a locally running Virtual machine?14:49
tarzeauyay succeeded upgrading 2 more machines. one left...14:49
tarzeauRdogg112: error msg?14:49
ChogyDanGhostWolf: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/swell-foop.postrm        then try the other command again14:49
tarzeauPudgy: with virtualbox? should be possible14:49
greezmunkeyBumpyChef: describe the command prompt, what does it say?14:49
Rdogg112tarzeau: still the same, cannot find sdc, or sdc114:49
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:49
tarzeauRdogg112: can you put your dmesg output somewhere online?14:49
Rdogg112tarzeau: the entire thing?14:50
tarzeauRdogg112: and are you sure the device has power and is connected?14:50
tarzeauRdogg112: yes14:50
MaharaRdogg112: first you need to indetify you're external HDD, use sudo fdisk -l ; after that you need to mount it using mount -t fstypehere /dev/sdx /mnt/mountpoint14:50
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laumonier how can i launch wine with the administrator right?????14:50
vasiahello!How can I force a daemon to stop? I've used "update-rc.d -f polkitd remove"  and "start-stop-daemon -K -n polkit" and didn't worked!14:50
greezmunkey!pm | BumpyChef14:50
ubottuBumpyChef: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:50
ragnarI just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop and my external screen (lcd) is quite dissorted14:50
Rdogg112tarzeau: yes im sure,ill post it to pastebin , give me 2 secs14:50
JoshuaLi thought xchat had also an entry in the me=menu thingy, is this planned for a later release14:50
IceBearHello, I've updated my server to 10.04 LTS and unfortunately the server doesn't seem to boot properly after the update. I don't have physical access (only a rescue shell at the moment) and I was being told the error on the screen reads "init: plymouth main process (1414) Killed by segv signal". Unfortunately logs show nothing at all, logging doesn't seem to have started at the time the boot process is receiving this error already. Can anybody help me14:50
tarzeauragnar: which resolution? video card? dvi or vga?14:50
MaharaRdogg112: as tarzeau said copy/paste dmesg to http://paste.ubuntu.com and post the link here14:50
coz_ok everyone...stop downloading  so I can install my stufff    lol14:50
tarzeauragnar: is the cable shielded well? resolution as usual?14:50
Mcl0vintarzeau: yeah , thank you , but i already read that and that is why i am here asking14:51
tarzeauMcl0vin: because you didn't understand it14:51
tarzeauMcl0vin: ok create a group for those two users14:51
Rdogg112tarzeau: http://pastebin.org/19473614:51
GhostWolfChogyDan, it said can't remove the directory saying no such file or directory14:51
tarzeauMcl0vin: then add them to the group using adduser14:51
tarzeauMcl0vin: then make sure the group-owner of the directory is that new group14:52
tarzeauMcl0vin: that's it, set permissionas as you want for the group rwx or r-x14:52
Mahararagnar: Do you have proper drivers installed for your video card?14:52
Mcl0vintarzeau: ok14:52
tarzeauRdogg112: tried as root: mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt ?14:52
ChogyDanGhostWolf: try changing postrm to *14:53
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:53
Rdogg112tarzeau: oh i didnt try /mnt/sdc14:53
aciculaIceBear, are you running ubuntu desktop on that server?14:53
ChogyDanGhostWolf: also, pastebining the output may give me a better idea14:53
vasiahello!How can I force a daemon to stop? I've used "update-rc.d -f polkitd remove"  and "start-stop-daemon -K -n polkit" and didn't worked!14:53
Rdogg112tarzeau: , still nothnig with /mnt/ :(14:53
MaharaRdogg112: As I said use first fdisk -l to identify the drive name corectly14:53
Mcl0vintarzeau: one last question, what naming convention will you use for the group name in this case14:53
tarzeauRdogg112: you say ls -la /mnt and it's empty? as root?14:54
dabaRvasia: in 10.04?14:54
GhostWolfChogyDan, still nothing just saying can't remove it no such directory or file i did the * like this swell-foop.*14:54
IceBearacicula: If I recall correctly it was a simple base system install via FTP at the beginning.14:54
abhijainhow can i enable facebook chat in pidgin im14:54
tarzeauMcl0vin: we use names like: wwwastro or astro for webpages of astronomy, and astronomy users14:54
ChogyDanGhostWolf: pastebin?14:54
MaharaRdogg112: Then you need to make a directory wherever you want, but it's preferable in /mnt or /media ; thats where the mounted external disk will be14:54
MaharaRdogg112: use mkdir -p /mnt/external14:54
ragnartarzeau: vga, all resulutuions, ATI Radeon X1300 512 mb14:54
vasia<dabaR>: Yes, in 10.04!14:54
miles_Cojage, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/377188 is related14:54
andrew____Is there any decent way to sync certain app settings between two machines?14:54
private_metacan someone tell me the 10.04 equivalent of /etc/bashrc?14:54
bumpychef5i get an error when i try to install from disk "Signature verification failed for : /cdrom/dists/lucid/release.gpn14:54
tarzeauandrew____: i use rsync14:54
ragnar<Mahara>: I think so14:54
MaharaRdogg112: What's the file system type for the external drive?14:54
tarzeauandrew____: single time, or many times?14:55
WulfyAnyone had any experiance getting a blackberry curve hooked up to ubuntu?14:55
ragnar<Mahara>: no restricted drivers found14:55
andrew____tarzeau: So that works for things such as .. evolution, amsn?14:55
IceBearacicula: There is no X server running whatsoever if that's what you mean. CLI only.14:55
Dr_Willisprivate_meta:  i see a /etc/bash.bashrc  :)14:55
Rdogg112Mahara: its ntfs(was using windows)14:55
andrew____tarzeau: Just whenever it's changed on one or the other14:55
tarzeauandrew____: yes14:55
private_metaDr_Willis: I don't14:55
ZykoticK9abhijain, see http://www.facebook.com/sitetour/chat.php and click on pidgin for instructions14:55
tarzeauandrew____: just make sure when you sync, the app is not running14:55
Rdogg112tarzeau: http://pastebin.org/194748 the output of the ls14:55
GhostWolfChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/eUHfzD7Z14:55
dabaRvasia: sudo service blah stop. If it does not do it, sudo invoke-rc.d blah stop. the stuff you did was more so it does not start at boot.14:55
private_metaDr_Willis: ok, now I do14:55
andrew____tarzeau: You mean on the receiving end?14:55
tarzeauRdogg112: empty. indeed14:55
tarzeauandrew____: both ends, ideally14:55
ChogyDanGhostWolf: ah, it should be /lib/ not /lib./14:55
andrew____Both ends is not likely14:56
yellabswhat would be an good internation hoster for websites? domain etc...14:56
vasia<dabaR> thanx!I will try it!14:56
tarzeauandrew____: since there's software that has unusable config files, when running14:56
dabaRprivate_meta: ls /etc/bash*14:56
tarzeauandrew____: it is. believe me14:56
Mcl0vintarzeau: and what will you use if its a group to exchange files between two system using that folder /home/testuser/DANS14:56
MaharaRdogg112: whats the name of the drive (output of sudo fdisk -l )  /dev/sdc1 ?14:56
ragnar<Mahara> & <tarzeau>: It worked out of the box in 9.1014:56
aciculaIceBear, you'll have to check the logs why it wont continue to boot14:56
tarzeauandrew____: you'll end up with config files not working: mozilla and openoffice people are like that14:56
tarzeauandrew____: so is cups, and window maker14:56
GhostWolfthanks ChogyDan didn't see that14:56
dabaRWhat's with the <Nick> thing. My client does not support it! :-(14:56
detrixI just installed Lucid on my wife's Netbook (Acer AspireOne).  This is not the netbook remix, we dont want the remix.  it is hanging at    "Starting X display manager xdm   [ok]"  What is wrong?14:56
andrew____tarzeau: Hmm ok thanks, I'll have to play with it :)14:56
TheFaioliAfter 10.04 update, my volume icon is gone. How do I get it back?14:57
Mahararagnar: Open a terminal and type lspci -v | grep -i vga14:57
Rdogg112/dev/sdc1               1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS14:57
Dr_WillisdabaR:   You mean the use of the TAB key to nick-complete ?14:57
tarzeauandrew____: rsync -av is what i use (won't remove removed files though!)14:57
IceBearacicula: As I already mentioned, there are no logs. All logs where last edited shortly before the restart after the update. Logging doesn't seem to have started where the system is crashin already.14:57
tarzeauRdogg112: ouch :)14:57
PrestonConnorsCan someone take a look at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yZfwemeL and see if this is a normal disk layout for Ubuntu amd64 10.04 and possibly explain why I am getting the "Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary." messages from fdisk?14:57
Rdogg112tarzeau: whats wrong :O?14:57
om26erTheFaioli, sudo apt-get install indicator-sound logout and login again enjoy14:57
dabaRDr_Willis: I mean specifically that syntax, some program uses that syntax, and irssi does not highlight14:57
tarzeauRdogg112: hpfs/ntfs :) that's fun14:57
andrew____tarzeau: Ta ta14:57
dabaRTheFaioli: the volume icon can likely be added by right clicking on the panel, then add to panel14:57
ragnarMahara:  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X140014:57
GhostWolfChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/MELkG1Px14:57
Rdogg112tarzeau: is it a bad thing ?14:57
MaxpayneTheFaioli, try decreasing the resolution14:57
MaharaRdogg112: ok, use : sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /mnt/external ; if it says something that filesystem incompatible replace ntfs with ntfs-3g14:57
tarzeauRdogg112: no, but often causes troubles14:58
Dr_WillisdabaR:  depends on the irc client.  Theres probery scripts or settings to enable it. I perfer WeeChat to irssi these days14:58
tarzeauRdogg112: like you have it now. but try what Mahara says14:58
dabaRDr_Willis: command line?14:58
Dr_WillisdabaR:  yes14:58
dabaRGuess I could have googled14:58
LlywelynHello. I am experiencing big troubles with upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS from RC. When I run sudo apt-get upgrade // dist-upgrade // update, I have no updgrade available :(14:58
ChogyDanGhostWolf: now try the upgrade command again14:58
nightmundihaving a problem with nvidia drivers/laptop screen detection in lucid... let me know if anyone can help with this!14:58
ragnarMahara: the screen is disorted from the moment ubuntu starts. i.e. the bootup logo is also disorted14:58
bumblebirdhi how would I upgrade a server from 8.04 to 9.1 on the command line?14:58
Dr_WillisdabaR:  i even got mine where i get gnome-notificatioon bubbles when someone chats at me14:58
MaharaRdogg112: for more info see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows14:59
GhostWolfChogyDan, the sudo apt-get upgrade -f?14:59
ZykoticK9Llywelyn, what version of Ubuntu are you using "lsb_release -a" if you're not sure.14:59
dabaRThat's neat.14:59
Rdogg112the hdd light flashed, but still dont see it in computer, and if i run command again says drive busy14:59
chrometigerhow come i download the aternate cd, mount it and run the upgrade and its still downloading packages from the net14:59
ChogyDanGhostWolf: sure     then do dist-upgrade -f14:59
tarzeaudoes anyone use nis/nfs/autofs home users? i noticed i have to adapt /etc/nsswitch.conf for it to keep working14:59
GhostWolfok ChogyDan14:59
dabaRDr_Willis: but you seem to use irc more than me. Noone ever pm's me unless I am having a convo with them. But it will still be useful14:59
tarzeauand autofs4 got replaced by autofs514:59
ChogyDanchrometiger: run on the cd ./cdromupgrade14:59
josemoreiraanyone having brighness problems on Lucid and EEPC ?15:00
Dr_WillisdabaR:  it shows when people in the chananel say my nick15:00
dabaRIt's what the cool kids use!15:00
MaharaRdogg112:  type ALT+F2 and then nautilus /mnt/external15:00
om26erTheFaioli, did you try that?15:00
patryk_Hi! Can I install Ubuntu Miusic Store plugin on my Rhythmbox in Ubuntu 9.10?15:00
Rdogg112ah never mind i see it in /mnt/external, now how would i make it display on the Computer window or in desktop when it gets mounted?15:00
mikejetwhen i iconify a window, the icon doesn't show up on the bottom panel.15:00
zzypothow do i delete ubuntu from a  dual boot system15:00
digitzertarzeau: I download the beta of 64 bit adobe flash . I copy the libflashplayer.so file to /home/mozilla/plug-in . flash works fine now with firefox. But even i have delete from synaptic the flash i did not udnerstand how flash works now with opera too ?15:00
dabaRDr_Willis: Another important feature....15:00
micahi upgraded my eeepc from netbook remix to lucid, but now there is no more netbook remix on my machine15:00
chrometigerChogyDan: i ran gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"15:00
=== client6 is now known as Manokwari_Dude
tarzeaudigitzer: copy the file you got to the right opera place, no idea where that is. i don't like opera15:00
icerootchrometiger: gksu sh?15:00
MaharaRdogg112: Use the link I gave you15:00
josemoreiramicah, is your brightness working ok? mine's dimmed15:01
Rdogg112Mahara: i lost it , :(15:01
nightmundianyone know how to downgrde the nvidia driver to the 185 version from the 195 version??? I can't seem to get any display after the upgrade and 185 was working under karmic :(15:01
chrometigericeroot:  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading  bottom of page15:01
LlywelynZykoticK9: I run Ubuntu 10.04 LTS15:01
om26ermicah, check at gdm your session might have been gnome15:01
micahjosemoreira: brightness is good15:01
MaharaRdogg112: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows15:01
jo_anyone here use boxblaze on 10.04 32bit?15:01
micahom26er: ok15:01
LlywelynSo I guess i'm already up to date :D15:01
josemoreiramicah, :/15:01
Rdogg112Mahara: thanks15:01
icerootchrometiger: hm, strange line15:01
ZykoticK9!final > Llywelyn15:01
ubottuLlywelyn, please see my private message15:01
dabaRzzypot: do you get asked at boot which to boot into?15:01
ChogyDanchrometiger: i dunno, maybe try it the way I suggested.  I got that from some help doc awhile ago.  Maybe it needs to be run in that directory15:01
micahi have no idea how to logout15:01
bumpychef5while trying to install from cd i am taken to a command prompt that say "welcome to Ubuntu! to run a command as administrator blah blah"   Ubuntu@ubuntu:~$     what command should i type to tell the program to finish it's intall?15:01
aciculaIceBear, any other errors on the screen ?15:01
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:02
om26ermicah, alt+sysrq+k ;)15:02
greezmunkeynightmundi: did you check in "System/Administration/Hardware Drivers?15:02
datacrusherhello, can i use a ubuntu desktop cd to boot and clone a hard drive? im trying all the tools on ultimatebootcd but none of them is working. i got 2 sata drives,15:02
LlywelynZykoticK9 : didn't get what you mean15:02
IceBearacicula: I don't have physical access to the screen and that was the only message that was given to me.15:02
tarzeauautomount: nis files is what i needed in nsswitch.conf15:02
micahom26er: haha, i'm going to a virutal terminal and restarting gdm15:02
jcrawford hey guys this morning i ran a partial upgrade on Ubuntu, currently now it tells me there is an update for 10.04 but the update manager will not allow me to upgrade.  When I click upgrade the UI gets greyed out.  Also when I do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it does not15:02
enandatacrusher, clonezilla works for that15:02
chrometigeri just figured the Alt cd would have everthing on it,  downloading is going at like 1k/sec  and im on cable15:02
aciculaIceBear, bit hard to deduce from there what is wrong :/15:02
jcrawfordthe software updates came down but I am still using 9.1015:02
ZykoticK9Llywelyn, if it says Lucid - then you are at final :)15:02
tarzeaujcrawford: try to continue from a terminal?15:02
tachiromornin! <tipping hat>15:02
jcrawfordtarzeau, how would i do that?15:03
tarzeaujcrawford: you open a terminal window15:03
tarzeaujcrawford: or ctrl-alt-f115:03
IceBearacicula: Yes, as you can imagine I'm rather clueless on how to solve this problem without any logs or physical access to the screen.15:03
nightmundiwell, no... i didn't see that under lucid, but maybe i just missed it... problem is... my display was all corrupted and after trying to run update-alternatives, i just have a black screen now :(  any way to run that Hardware Drivers thingy from a ssh logi15:03
jcrawfordi do dist-upgrade and 0 packages are installed15:03
ChogyDanchrometiger: I told the upgrade not to use the net, and then later finished the upgrade with a local mirror15:03
tarzeaujcrawford: then login and get root15:03
GhostWolfChogyDan, i think this is working, it hasn't stopped nor said any error messages15:03
fastaI am using the hardware drivers method to enable my nvidia drivers and it says it has been "activated", but OpenGL is in fact disabled.15:03
datacrusherenan, is there a way to install it on the desktop boot environment15:03
LlywelynZykoticK9: cool. But it seems strange because I had no update since the LTS release, and before...!15:03
micahom26er: yeah it was the gnome session15:03
ascheelDoes anybody know of a fix for this:  "Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.'15:03
cy1i am trying to run 10.04 on my Dell Inspiron 700m, 1.8 Mhz Intel M processor, 1.5 MB RAM, intel video.   9.10 works fine on my laptop, but 10.04 when starting will go to a black screen after the ubuntu logo.  i tried esc, and it does not allow me to boot in safe mode.  Any thoughts?15:03
Mahararagnar: hmm weird that the bootup logo is disorted, you should try and install the latest ATI catalyst from http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.HTML for you graphics card if its supported15:03
tachiroanyone know the command to run nautilus from terminal?15:03
aciculaIceBear, seems impossible without physical access, anyway i thought plymouth was a gui thing, so it seems odd that aserver gives errors regarding it failing to start15:03
Maharatachiro: nautilus15:04
om26ertachiro, nautilus15:04
ascheeltachiro: nautilus .15:04
Dr_Willistachiro:  that would be 'nautilus'15:04
TheFaioliNot everyone at once, please...15:04
enandatacrusher, clonezilla is a live-cd to clone disks similar to "ghost"15:04
tachirohah! i thought it would be complicated15:04
Maxpaynegmail using imap or pop ?15:04
Dr_Willistachiro:  try it and see?15:04
jcrawfordtarzeau, i know how to open a termial, i did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade itdoes nothing15:04
ubuntualguien habla espanol15:04
greezmunkeytachiro: gksu nautilus, but you have to be in X15:04
Maharatachiro: troll?15:04
tachirowell i did that but of course it didn't work15:04
tarzeaujcrawford: aptitude update; aptitude upgrade15:04
enan!es | ubuntu15:04
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:04
ascheel!es | ubuntu15:04
ascheelbah, enan wins15:04
Dr_Willistachiro:  then you got somthing going on/wrong.15:04
hacked_kernelhave any one got Synapse IM working on Ubuntu??15:04
jcrawfordok will try that now15:04
IceBearacicula: As far as I know plymouth is the splash screen during boot. So I tried booting with nosplash (I'm still using legacy grub by the way). That didn't help either, though.15:04
dabaRDr_Willis: Looks a lot like irssi, but does not have the same commands at all15:04
DrPoOhas anybody succesfully installed websvn on ubuntu server 9.10 64bit?15:04
enanascheel, 2fast4you :P15:04
jo_what program can do a 1:1 copy of dl dvd and keep layer break correct?15:05
om26ermicah, now it works?15:05
datacrusherenan, nice one! ill make a boot cd from this15:05
Maxpaynegmail using imap or pop ?15:05
tachiroyea it froze up, i'll restart and see if it persists15:05
ChogyDanascheel: bug 57174315:05
jcrawfordtarzeau, 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:05
enandatacrusher, that's the idea15:05
MaharaMaxpayne: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=7572515:05
Dr_WillisdabaR:  how else would you expect a text based irc client to look? :)15:05
ascheelChogyDan: many thanks15:05
PudgyDamn... even in a Virtual machine Lucid's boot improvements are very noticable!15:05
micahom26er: yeah15:06
dabaRDr_Willis: what's a good tutorial on it?15:06
PudgyGJ Devs!15:06
tarzeauWARNING: Failed to read mirror file15:06
dagny_ta1garthey guys, how is sound/flash working for you in lucid?15:06
Maharajo_ : Brasero, K3b15:06
jcrawfordany thoughts tarzeau ?15:06
greezmunkeyMaxpayne: server pop.gmail.com, connection type pop15:06
tarzeauthat's what i keep getting with the do-upgrade* command15:06
tarzeaujcrawford: nope sorry15:06
Dr_WillisdabaR:  the programs homepage15:06
jcrawfordanyone else?15:06
dabaRDr_Willis: I certainly like the use of colors, but I need to configure now...15:06
jo_mine shows desktop and hangs for like 30 secs any ideas?15:06
archwildgood morning #ubuntu, I just upgraded to 10.04 and my USB mouse/keyboard is not working (switching to PS/2 works) -- any thoughts?15:06
ascheelChogyDan: That was my issue EXACTLY.  Dozens of searches earlier today didn't find that particular bug.15:07
ragnar<Mahara>: Thanks, I'll try that15:07
tarzeaujo_: desktop is black?15:07
greezmunkeyMaxpayne: that was recieve, sending smtp.gmail.com, type smtp15:07
ChogyDanjcrawford: whats the issue15:07
_Narc_Hello all. I'm installing Lucid, but I'm a bit puzzled, how come the second HD is not listed in manual partitioning ? I only got sda, but my home is on sdb... thanks15:07
tarzeaujo_: one time or multiple times ?15:07
om26erjcrawford, reboot?15:07
ChogyDanascheel: yeah, I was lurking yesterday when the bug first got reported  :)15:07
jo_no desktop pic but no icons15:07
Maxpaynegreezmunkey : trying15:07
aciculaIceBear, yeah but why ubuntu-server would use a splashscreen even is beyond me15:07
tarzeaujo_: i'd remove your gnome/kde config files15:07
krambiorixhipitipop, no luck yet15:07
ascheelChogyDan: I've seen that exact error on half a dozen issues, but none affecting the package I did (pulseaudio)15:07
tarzeaujo_: that's a common problem gnome/kde have after every update15:07
FoxWolfhi all, i have a ralink 3090 (its a wireless LAN pcie card) i cant seem to get it running on the newest ubuntu15:08
IceBearacicula: I have no idea.15:08
yusefi have a problem with updates15:08
dabaRDr_Willis: OK, well, how do I ignore joins quits and all that jazz?15:08
tarzeauyusef: you're alone15:08
tarzeaudabaR: which irc client?15:08
MaharadabaR: What IRC client are you using?15:08
aciculaIceBear, anyway its really hard for anyone to help you without you being able to try commands to do basic troubleshooting, either have a livecd booted with a shell started so you can get access at least or you'll have to go over there to get things fixed15:08
private_metaIs there an official torrent for the ubuntu netbook edition 10.04? I don't see it on the Ubuntu homepage15:08
Dr_WillisdabaR:  the quickstart/users guide tells you. I cant rember the command off hand.  it also has a 'smart ignore' feature that you want to be using.15:08
om26erFoxWolf, you need the driver15:09
krambiorixcan anyone help me: i have 2 nics; wireless and wired. When the wired is up, my wireless goes down15:09
Dr_WillisdabaR:  and a 'smart part/join/quit' hide feature.15:09
FoxWolfom26er, where can i get it?15:09
jxjlgood afternoon, is there any way how to unlock gnome panel in new ubuntu NBR to allow me to add or remove applets (options like remove from pannel, move or unlock are grayed out)15:09
FoxWolfi looked on google already om26er15:09
* dabaR is switching to weechat15:09
yuseflink fo problem http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/5852/screenshotrw.png15:09
knittlwhen can i update to meerkat? :>15:09
krambiorixor better, i can 't surf the net on FF15:09
IceBearacicula: Well, I have access to a rescue shell and can completely chroot into the system with that. So far that didn't really help me, though.15:09
greezmunkeyMaxpayne: Look here: http://linux.dipin.info/2009/06/howto-configure-gmail-in-evolution-in.html15:09
private_metayo knittl15:09
ChogyDanjcrawford: if you get stuck, I would just finish the upgrade from the terminal15:09
yusefthat is the problem15:09
tarzeauknittl: in half a year15:09
jcrawfordChogyDan, this morning I did the upgrade and it only let me do a partial upgrade.  Now I rebooted and it says an update is available but it will not do the upgrade15:09
julianHi i´m new to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, the install worked fine including audio although I had to install Timidity for a windows app that i´m running in wine, which worked although since then the audio doesn´t work at all, could anyone help me please?15:09
Dr_Willisjxjl:  its doable.. i just dont recall how. some gconf settingx15:09
Piciknittl: The toolchain drops on ~ May 6th.15:09
knittlyo private_meta15:09
om26erfoxbuntu, I found it for karmic and jaunty but not for lucid. you may have to compile15:09
tarzeaukrambiorix: can you with chromium-browser?15:09
jcrawfordChogyDan, i tried to do it from the terminal says 0 packages upgraded15:09
private_metaknittl: du hast die netbook edition eh noch net geladen, oder?15:10
knittlPici: thanks, that's the answer i was hoping for :)15:10
yusefif any one can help me15:10
ChogyDanjcrawford: are your sources lucid or karmic?15:10
aciculaIceBear, well i'd start in syslog and dmesg to see what went wrong15:10
jcrawfordyet The About Ubuntu says i am still running 9.1015:10
knittlprivate_meta: only the desktop edition, x8615:10
jcrawfordthey were karmic i changed them to lucid and app updates came down15:10
FoxWolfom26er, yea that would be great if you could and pm me15:10
IceBearacicula: Empty, as I said.15:10
jcrawfordbut not core upgrades15:10
private_metaknittl: siehe ng15:10
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:10
aciculaIceBear, it gives a reason during boot why it drops to the rescue shell15:10
ascheelChogyDan: yep, upgrade is chugging right along, now.  You're a scholar and a gentleman.15:10
Pici!de | private_meta15:10
ubottuprivate_meta: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:10
knittlprivate_meta: i don't read the newsgroup :D15:10
Maxpaynegreezmunkey : thanks15:10
cy1how can i find out what video card i have in my laptop via 9.04?15:10
aciculabut maybe just to the terminal its booting on?15:10
tarzeaucy1: terminal window, lspci15:11
knittli don't even have a ng reader15:11
private_metaknittl: pff15:11
krambiorixtarzeau: i'm downloading & installing chrome15:11
knittldo you know a good one for ubuntu?15:11
ragnar<Mahara>:No drivers there15:11
IceBearacicula: No, don't get me wrong. I activated to a rescue shell manually, provided by the server provider.15:11
tarzeaukrambiorix: good idea :)15:11
ragnar<Mahara>: no supported drivers15:11
_Narc_Hello all. I'm installing Lucid, but I'm a bit puzzled, how come the second HDD is not listed in manual partitioning ? I only got sda, but my home is on sdb... thanks15:11
Mcl0vintarzeau: ok i created a newgroup, and i added my 2 users to that group, and i changed the folder group to the new group i just created, and i changed the folder group permission (chmod g+rwx /path) . and still i couldn't delete a file from that folder..please help15:11
greezmunkeyMaxpayne: np - works great for me. I sync with gmail, and the exchange server at work.15:11
julianCould someone help me with an audio problem?15:11
ascheel!ask | julian15:11
aciculakrambiorix, you have no internet on the local network?15:11
ubottujulian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:11
IceBearacicula: The server itself doesn't boot from the HD. You get a ping reply but nothing more. No logs at all.15:12
kbargreezmunkey, how did you get it to sync with exchange15:12
jxjlDr_Willis: in gconf/panel/toplevels/disable movement there is an error this key doesn't have schema it is not possible to write into this key15:12
Maxpaynegreezmunkey : setting it up..15:12
aciculaIceBear, then i just dont understand15:12
Mahararagnar: type in a terminal -> lsmod | grep readeon15:12
tarzeauMcl0vin: did those two users login freshly or use the newgrp command?15:12
IceBearacicula: Then you're as far as I am ;)15:12
archwildupgrade 9.10 -> 10.04, no USB devices are working but lsusb shows the devices conneceted (http://pastebin.com/cBJdXQhu).  Any thoughts?15:12
tarzeauMcl0vin: if you add people to groups, they're not automatically added to the group, when they're already logged in15:12
krambiorixacicula: yeah no internet through my wireless connection when the wired connection is up15:12
tarzeauMcl0vin: id tells you the details15:12
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/15:12
tarzeaujo_: don't msg me please15:12
Mcl0vintarzeau: errr15:12
aciculakrambiorix, the default is to switch all traffic to the nic, or failing that all trafic to the wireless15:12
GalerienI wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4?15:13
aciculakrambiorix, if you want something else you have to specify some routing rules15:13
greezmunkeykbar: It works with the webmail portion of our exchange server. Google Evolution Exchange Setup for clear instructions :)15:13
ragnar Mahara: lsmod | grep radeon15:13
ragnarradeon                674135  315:13
ragnarttm                    49943  1 radeon15:13
ragnardrm_kms_helper         29297  1 radeon15:13
ragnardrm                   162471  5 radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper15:13
FloodBot4ragnar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
ragnari2c_algo_bit            5028  1 radeon15:13
yusefif any one can help me please15:13
Maharaholy cow15:13
Soul_Sampleany ideas how to open .cpt (corel photopaint) files on ubuntu?15:13
krambiorixacicula: how can i do that?15:13
jxjlDr_Willis: the same error appears when I want to uncheck option locked in panel/applets/applet_x15:14
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4?15:14
ChogyDanjcrawford: sorry, I had finished an upgrade myself, and neglected to reboot15:14
jo_tarzeau   which gnome file do i delete ??15:14
GalerienSoul_Sample: gedit15:14
jcrawfordChogyDan, np15:14
aciculakrambiorix, right click network applet, edit connections and then you can edit individual connection settings15:14
GalerienSoul_Sample: no, sorry, thought ctp15:14
rodolfoHello, I am doing a benchmark for a scientific research, and I would like to turn off all the "energy saving" options during my tests. I am on a laptop, and I already turned off everything from "Power Management" and "Screensaver", but always after 5 or 10 minutes (I didn't timed it) the screen goes off. Where else can I configure energy saving settings?15:14
Soul_SampleGalerien: hehe okay15:14
julianHi i´m using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, the install worked, including audio although I had to install Timidity for a windows app that i´m running in wine, which worked, although since then the audio doesn´t work at all, any ideas?15:14
Mcl0vintarzeau: thank you , i had to logout and log back in15:14
Mcl0vini missed that part :)15:14
acicularodolfo, the vblank feature is controlled by X15:14
rodolfoacicula, ok, how do I change it?15:15
acicularodolfo, though it should not affect performance in any way, just disable all cpu scaling and disk parking features?15:15
buzzomaticSo, I thought I'd be smart and keep my home directory as a separate partition, only I can't boot now, and when I try to login when in recovery mode it fails with: Unable to cd to '/home/rowan'15:15
jo_tarzeau   which gnome file do i delete ??15:15
tarzeaujo_: .gconf* .gnome*15:15
GhostWolfChogyDan, just letting you know its still working15:15
* FardadJalili says hello15:15
ChogyDanGhostWolf: cool15:15
NastenLynx logsout to black screen. Anyone has the same prob?15:15
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4?15:15
rodolfoacicula, ah ok, but isn't there any way to deactivate it?15:15
ChogyDanjcrawford: do you still need help?15:15
buzzomaticThe partition is mounted, the permissions are correct *I think*, I have no idea what to do now15:16
FardadJaliliis it possible to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 with cd15:16
Mahararagnar: Please remember when you have an output like this don't copy/paste it HERE use a pastebin utility like http://paste.ubuntu.com and post the link ; You're card has drivers installed for it but I don't know exactly why you have those problems, can you please create some screenshoots and upload them to a http://imageshack.com15:16
GhostWolfChogyDan, i haven't done the other command you said to do afterwards15:16
PiciFardadJalili: Only using the alternate CD15:16
ChogyDanFardadJalili: use the alternate cd15:16
acicularodolfo, put display to sleep -> never15:16
krambiorixacicula: ok i flagged an option "link only to local resources"15:16
acicularodolfo, in power managment15:16
FardadJaliliok thanks everyone15:16
ragnar<Mahara>: I'll try15:16
jo_tarzeau   in etc/gnome?15:16
ansalohola, hay algun hispano en el chat15:17
ChogyDanGhostWolf: if it was the ubuntu-desktop linux-generic command, that's fine.  those are just for safety15:17
tarzeaujo_: no, in your home15:17
aciculakrambiorix, that works yeah, it tries to deduce the local network range and only setup routing rules for that range to the nic15:17
jcrawfordi got it i think it had to do with our corp proxy15:17
_Narc_Hello All. I'm installing Lucid but I'm unable to select my second HDD. Only sda is listed in manual partitioning. Can someone help me please ? Thanks15:17
rodolfoacicula, I already did it, on "AC power settings" and "Battery settings" also.15:17
GhostWolfChogyDan, ok15:17
eBryggisI've just installed Ubuntu Lucid 64-bit. However I am having some issues with opening ttyX terminals. (Shutting down X) Ctrl + alt + f1 just hides the cursor and screen locks. Anyone else experienced this?15:17
jcrawfordfound a work around on the wiki using our repo for the update and it seems to be working now15:17
ianwizardI just upgraded Ubuntu, and now my problems are worse than they were.  Could someone help me?  My most urgent problem is a flashing error message that says: "Error updating sensor fan1" \n "An error occurred while trying to update the value of the sensor fan1 located at sensor://eeepc-isa-0000/0"15:17
acicularodolfo, hmm if that doesnt work you have to dig into X, it probably has a vblank option somewhere, used to be in xorg.conf, but dunno where it is now15:18
krambiorixlet's try15:18
tarzeauhaha my upgraded machines don't work properly either15:18
tarzeauit's horrible :)15:18
rodolfoacicula, alright, thanks for the tip15:18
ansalohola, quiero recuperar desde un cd live los datos de mi /home cifrado15:18
C-S-BDoes anyone know how to get usb passthrough of a wifi card to work with virtualbox?15:18
Galerien!es | ansalo15:18
ubottuansalo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:18
C-S-Bubuntu host with backtrack 4 cvm15:18
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acicularodolfo, vblank just affects whats visible on the screen though, it doesnt change cpu/hdd performance settings15:18
buzzomaticMy home directory is 0755 rowan:rowan - but I can't access it, any ideas?15:19
aciculaC-S-B, you have to enable the usb thing in virtualbox first, and not be using it in the host15:19
tarzeaubuzzomatic: are you rowan? what says id?15:19
ansaloya estoy en el canal ubuntu-es pero no hay nadie15:19
tarzeaubuzzomatic: it's not a network home, it's local?15:19
aciculaC-S-B, only then you can access it in a guest15:19
tarzeaubuzzomatic: and the local device is rw mounted15:19
buzzomatictarzeau: It's local, I'm running su - rowan15:19
NastenLynx logs out to black screen. Anyone has the same prob?15:19
C-S-Bacicula, is just rmmoding it enough?15:19
Maxpaynegreezmunkey : hooray..it works. thanks again.15:19
aciculaC-S-B, id guess so15:20
krambiorixbtw, does anyone know if its possible to let 2 wireless routers talk with each other without wires?15:20
tarzeauNasten: i can't even login15:20
C-S-Bacicula, what would you do?15:20
C-S-Bbecause its not working15:20
buzzomatictarzeau: It is rw15:20
aciculakrambiorix, yes15:20
moetunesbuzzomatic: is it on a seperate partition?15:20
buzzomaticmoetunes: yep15:20
Nastentarzeau: i'm your future :-|15:20
aciculakrambiorix, well maybe, the wireless routers need to support the feature, but its definitly possible and a standardized15:20
krambiorixwhich feature would that be?15:21
moetunesbuzzomatic: what's the fstab entry for it?15:21
hackhy i have problems with minicard wifi broadcom on ubuntu lucid someone server for this theme?15:21
ahnduruI installed Lucid and now I can't see or connect to my Wifi15:21
aciculaC-S-B, i'd google15:21
C-S-Bacicula, tried that. :/15:21
digitalstimulusdoes anyone know of a sort of tutorial or intro to "how to do things" in ubuntu?  I've installed it on someone's machine and while I plan on helping them initially, I won't always be around15:21
FardadJalilianother question, what is this primary - logical thing, in the partition manager of installer?15:21
tarzeaugnome says Install Problem! power manager not installed. why would i want a powermanager for a desktop computer that's got no batteries?15:21
buzzomaticmoetunes: stuck in command line, but the opts are something like: defaults,auto15:21
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aciculahack, have you run an update and enabled the hardware drivers?15:21
tarzeaunow i remember why i hate gnome15:22
tarzeauback to gnustep/window maker15:22
aciculahack, please do not pm me, just ask your questions here for the benefit of everyone15:22
bedo2991Hi, when I close my laptop's lid the pc goes in standby and it won't wake up if I press any key or I move the mouse.15:22
antivirtelhello all, I've inserted 10.4's disc, and I want to dist upg., it auto added CD to sources list, but it asks me to insert the disk(But it inserted), then I rewrote the line in sources.list, to: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04 LTS i386]/ lucid main restricted; but it now wants to download packages, doesnt reads the CD, what can I change ?15:22
dn90hi all15:22
dabaRtarzeau: or you could try to disable the error :-/15:22
* SMiTTY misses the old NextStep/OpenStep days :)15:22
GalerienHey, does somone know how to acces an encrypted partition from a livecd???? It's for a Spanish guy :D15:22
tarzeaudabaR: how?15:22
hackok acicula i have broadcom and cuttes15:22
aciculaGadget3000, do you have the passphrase?15:22
dabaRtarzeau: dunno, maybe there is a setting somewhere15:22
dn90guys help me to install ati proprietry drivers in Ubuntu please :(15:22
chadiI have a file owned by root. How can I de-root it?15:23
tarzeaui press "Log in" but nothing happens15:23
tarzeaudabaR: oh yeah. thanks for the hint :)15:23
FardadJalilichadi: chown15:23
fastaHow can I enable Control-Alt-F1-F6?15:23
dabaRtarzeau: that's the best I could do15:23
GalerienHey, does somone know how to acces an encrypted partition from a livecd???? It's for a Spanish guy :D15:23
aciculaGadget3000, http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html15:23
buzzomaticmoetunes: UUID=... /home/rowan ext4 defaults,auto 0 215:23
dabaRfasta: should be ennabled by defalt15:23
aciculaerr Galerien http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html15:23
fastaFor some completely random reason, Ubuntu decided to disable that.15:23
moetunesbuzzomatic: you can   cat /etc/fstab   to check - mine is   /dev/hda8       /home           ext3    noatime         0       215:23
tarzeauGalerien: i hope he's got a backup15:23
Galerienok, thxdx15:23
dn90guys help me please15:23
tarzeaudn90: how?15:23
ahnduruhow can i connect to my wifi from Lucid15:23
fastadabaR, ok, and how can I enable it again?15:23
dn90i wrote15:23
hackacicula ia have cuts on my broadcom b43xx dell15:24
aciculaGalerien, its possible as long as he remembered to backup the passphrase, like everyone is told to at first boot after install15:24
fastadabaR, I am sure I didn't disable it.15:24
dabaRahnduru: did you check in hardware drivers in system>Admin?15:24
tarzeaudn90: you just go system, admin, hardware and install them?15:24
stimpieI just looked into the music store to buy Sarah Bettens - Never say Goodbye which costs 9,49 if I buy the real disc at bol.com its € 9,94 why on earth do they think someone would use the music store?15:24
bedo2991Hi, when I close my laptop's lid the pc goes in standby and it won't wake up if I press any key or I move the mouse.15:24
dn90no there isnt15:24
dn90via terminal?15:24
aciculahack, are you following the wifi howto on that?15:24
dabaRahnduru: maybe it is disabled there.15:24
hackok i will se thanks15:24
Galerienacicula: ok, i'll tell him15:24
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:24
ahndurudabaR: No, but I did the sudo check and it said it was disabled15:24
dn90why no one cant help...15:25
aciculaGalerien, he needs the unwrapped passphrase though15:25
dabaRahnduru: so check there.15:25
aciculaGalerien, no passprase, no joy15:25
antivirtelI've inserted 10.4's disc, and I want to dist upg., it auto added CD to sources list, but it asks me to insert the disk(But it inserted), then I rewrote the line in sources.list, to: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04 LTS i386]/ lucid main restricted; but it now wants to download packages, doesnt reads the CD, what can I change ?15:25
ahnduru9.04 worked without additional drivers15:25
heftyymy keyboard under X on a fresh ubuntu Lucid install wont work when I see ghe gdm login prompt, did anyone saw this before? is it a bug? BTS does not show up anything so far15:25
lukusi'm having problems with lucid and nvidia15:25
buzzomaticmoetunes: that looks ok?15:25
mattgyverDoes anyone have any insight into the following error message? "udev_work[399] failed: open /dev/null no such file or directory"15:26
lukushow do i get rid of the nouveau?15:26
* dabaR wonders whether that actually worked for ahnduru15:26
aciculaGalerien, but check the page linked, its describes how the stuff works in a lot of detail, if you ahve the key material you should be able to recover15:26
aciculalukus, you can enable the hardware driver15:26
moetunesbuzzomatic: I don't use the   defaults,auto   bit15:26
buzzomaticmoetunes: just defaults?15:26
ZykoticK9lukus, install Nvidia proprietary?15:26
Wulfyheya peeps running 10.4 and installed the nvidia drivers for my gfx card now its asking for a reboot, whats happend to linux's ability to bring a service down and backup without having to do a full reboot?15:26
lukusZykoticK9; yeah, i have .. but I think it's conflicting15:26
tarzeaui try aptitude and i get: Bus errorackage lists... 4%15:26
lukuswhy would i even want nouveau?15:27
IceBearacicula: If I got it right, plymouth is essential to Ubuntu and you can't even seem to remove it without destroying the whole system.15:27
moetunesbuzzomatic: my only option is   noatime15:27
kbardoes anyone know if there is a way to pastebin selected text by rightclick?15:27
hacksome server for lucid?15:27
lukuswhen nvidia produce better drivers?15:27
lukusit just seems like mindless politics15:27
tarzeaulukus: much better than nv driver15:27
lukustarzeau; really?15:27
tarzeaulukus: nvidia binary drivers don't exist for non-x86 hardware15:27
tarzeaulukus: yes! higher and wide resolutions15:27
ZykoticK9lukus, they can peacefully co-exist -- "lspci -vnvn" find the VGA section and see what "Kernel Driver in Use" says15:27
lukusi can't even boot at the moment15:28
buzzomaticmoetunes: fixed, remounted, same issue15:28
lukusit's all gone foobar15:28
nocleaderhow to share updates from fully updated Ubuntu box with others that don't have the updates?15:28
mohawkboiHello, Is there a programme that can be used to easily configure joysticks and racing wheels ideally with a GUI not command line15:28
pookitoCan someone tell me where is the torrents for the new version of UNR and Ubuntu?15:28
troyHi there, can 9.10 upgrade to 10.04 smoothly?15:28
aurillianceHow can I chmod something to have the group privelage "s"15:28
SMiTTYpookito, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate15:28
aciculaIceBear, i see, it must be something else then15:28
tarzeautroy: more or less. if it all works afterwards is a different thing15:28
ubottuLucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/15:28
blendmaster1024what package is ping in?15:29
detrixI just installed lucid, and it is hanging after starting X display manager xdm.  how do I troubleshoot this?15:29
kbartroy i believe if you enable lucid repo's in update manager you can do it15:29
pookitosmitty: thanks :D15:29
kartooki need help from you all .I have 320 Gb dedicated HDD and 12 GB DDR3 Ram .NOw i need to manually partion my HDD . i need 80 GB ( E-Learn) ,80 GB (E-Books),160 Gb resst of things .KIndly advice me to manual partioning15:29
aurillianceIe, I want it to have drwxrwsr-x ???15:29
moetunesbuzzomatic: does   ls -l   show your user owns ALL files15:29
qillerhi, cant i set a new resolution into 10.04?15:29
aciculatroy, you should be able to, just start update-manager and select the upgrade option. Backuping prior to upgrading is always recommended15:29
tarzeauanyone gets bus errors on aptitude commands?15:29
kbarqiller yes15:29
troyOK, thanks :D I will try~15:29
uLinuxHow can I disable SSH from startup?15:29
uLinuxIt's now showing15:30
jibadeehais there a way to remove the envelope in the notification area that link through to chat, etc .. without removing the sound control icon or is the intention that eventually everything will move to this new notification area15:30
qillerkbar installing new drive or prompt?15:30
kbarqiller prompt15:30
qillerkbar command?15:30
NastenLynx logs out to black screen. Anyone has the same prob?15:30
aurillianceA file has the permissions drwx rw- r-x. I want it to be drwx rws r-x. What chmod command must I use??15:30
* astra-x crosses his fingers as he upgrades from 9.10 to 10.0415:30
kbarqiller its in system>preferences15:30
pookitoSMitty: do we have a torrent for UNR or the netbook version?15:30
buzzomaticmoetunes: yes, it does15:30
busfahrerExcuse me, my Empathy ICQ client only shows ICQ numbers instead of nicknames for most contacts, and there is no way to resolve the names as far as I can see. What can I do?15:30
ShadyKnollI haev been trying to update karmic to lucid since yesterday. Is everyone else having extremely slow file transfers?15:30
eBryggisTTY1-6 is not working for me. Upon prompt mouse cursor dissapears and nothings else happens. When I press to exit, mouse cursor reappears. What could be the cause of tis?15:30
ZykoticK9jibadeeha, yes - uninstall indicator-messages15:30
SMiTTYpookito, haven't looked to be honest.15:30
qillerkbar dont have this option in preferences.15:31
peppohas anyone been able to get desktop effects working in 10.04? I upgraded from 9.10 and have an ATI HD 3470, and the fglrx package fails on install15:31
jibadeehaokay thanks ZykoticK915:31
Kills10.04 turns off my user everytiem i leave for like a minute or two and i have to trype the password again how do I stop that15:31
uLinuxHow can I disable SSH from startup? It's not showing in Bum15:31
=== William_ is now known as Guest38493
aurillianceA file has the permissions drwx rw- r-x. I want it to be drwx rws r-x. What chmod command must I use??15:31
bazhanghttp://torrent.ubuntu.com/ pookito checked here?15:31
JEEBsvHey, 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade' and 'dist-upgrade' both don't update anything on my lucid install I installed earlier?15:31
pookitoSmitty: I have, I am trying to download from a regular torrent.  The page that you gave me only gives the ubuntu downloads only.  Honestly15:31
kbarqiller use monitor15:31
thiebaudethis is awful15:31
jibadeehaZykoticK9 : when i do that it removes my sound control icon15:31
kartooki need help from you all .I have 320 Gb dedicated HDD and 12 GB DDR3 Ram .NOw i need to manually partion my HDD . i need 80 GB ( E-Learn) ,80 GB (E-Books),160 Gb resst of things .KIndly advice me to manual partioning  .any one hep to make boot ,var ,root and more15:31
kbarqiller system>preferences>monitors15:31
An_Ony_MooseJEEBsv, have you used sudo aptitude update?15:31
=== Guest38493 is now known as coderscore
qillerhmm ok monitors.15:32
JEEBsvAn_Ony_Moose: yeah, it showed 140 updates15:32
peppohas anyone been able to get desktop effects working in 10.04? I upgraded from 9.10 and have an ATI HD 3470, and the fglrx package fails on install15:32
An_Ony_MooseJEEBsv, strange15:32
moetunesbuzzomatic: did you change fstab? - did you do   sudo mount -av   after?15:32
thiebaudepeppo i cant15:32
DeadmanInJShello guys15:32
ZykoticK9jibadeeha, no.  You need to uninstall indicator-messages not right click remove from panel15:32
An_Ony_MooseJEEBsv, try using synaptic15:32
thiebaudenot even use the terminal15:32
peppowhat's up with the FOSS drivers, then?15:32
Rdogg112guys why does this happen? how can i fix it? http://ploader.net/files/4179295e1aba29338e7047835e0fd24d.png15:32
peppothe Live CD worked with them15:32
qillerkbar 800x600? lol, i use 1280, dont have.15:32
jibadeehaZykoticK9, ah got you - cheers15:32
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4?15:32
DeadmanInJSim having issues downloading from the software center15:33
DeadmanInJScan somebody help?15:33
sash_mobilehello. is the lucid-installer able to format drives with btrfs and install the system to it?15:33
thiebaudei having big time issues15:33
buzzomaticmoetunes: I manually unmounted and mounted it, but I'll run -av and see what happens15:33
JEEBsvAn_Ony_Moose: I'll try :315:33
jotallWill they release a new iso or what? Regarding the recently discovered bug..15:33
Killshow do I stop the svreen locking or w/e its called?15:33
tarzeauBUY HELP! http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/europe/15:33
tarzeaujotall: which?15:33
FardadJalilianyone can give me an explanation about logical-primary thing in the installers' partition manager?15:33
moetunesbuzzomatic: 'm thinking look for rw15:33
ZykoticK9jibadeeha, it's actually a handy little icon BTW - it can be tied into xchat to turn green on new messages15:34
tarzeauKills: remove the screensaver?15:34
pookitobazhang: Thanks a lot. :D15:34
jotalltarzeau: About the grub bug15:34
buzzomaticmoetunes: /dev/sda4 on /home/rowan type ext4 (rw,noatime)15:34
blendmaster1024i can't use apt-get because it always fails with the error "(Reading database ... 20%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `vorbis-tools': Input/output error" and i can't even remove vorbis-tools because that crashes too.15:34
tarzeaujotall: in the final release?15:34
Dr_Willis_FardadJalili:  4 primaries max. One of which can be an extended that can hold logicals.15:34
KillsI dunno whats its called but its a black screen and it ass me to type the password everytime i leave it for liek 2 mins15:34
jotalltarzeau: aye15:34
uLinuxgksudo gedit /etc/X11/Xsession.options :)15:34
Dr_Willis_FardadJalili:  theres a wiki page on drive partitons that has good info15:34
moetunesbuzzomatic: afaik it should work then15:34
ShadyKnollDeadman: I, too, am unable to get files. The servers must be severely overloaded.15:34
tarzeaujotall: only when installing the system, right?15:34
blendmaster1024i can't use apt-get because it always fails with the error "(Reading database ... 20%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `vorbis-tools': Input/output error" and i can't even remove vorbis-tools because that crashes too. .......what can i do to manually delete vorbis-tools?15:34
Killsnvbm found it15:34
busfahrerExcuse me, my Empathy ICQ client only shows ICQ numbers instead of nicknames for most contacts, and there is no way to resolve the names as far as I can see. What can I do?15:35
FardadJaliliDr_Willis_: in ubunutu.com's wiki?15:35
Killsjust needed the name screensaver ^^15:35
buzzomaticOk, thanks, I'll poke around a bit and see if I can find something wrong15:35
JEEBsvAn_Ony_Moose: hurf -- that shows no update'able packages. Don't know \o/15:35
jotalltarzeau: ya, that it doesn't show the other os's (Windows) and thus if you don't have Internet then you can't boot into the others.. something like that15:35
Dr_Willis_FardadJalili:  no - wikipedia15:35
blendmaster1024FardadJalili: ubunutu.com lol15:35
Rdogg112guys why does this happen? how can i fix it? http://ploader.net/files/4179295e1aba29338e7047835e0fd24d.png15:35
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????15:35
mohawkboiHello, Is there a programme that can be used to easily configure joysticks and racing wheels ideally with a GUI not command line15:35
whitefawnHello all I need help. after upgrade to 10.04 mysql doesn't work15:35
FardadJaliliblendmaster1024: ubuntu.com :D15:35
tarzeaujotall: i see.15:35
FardadJaliliDr_Willis_: Ok tnx alot.15:35
jibadeehaZykoticK9, perfect!!! thank you so much15:35
GhostWolfChogyDan, is it normal if my mouse doesn't work while some of these packages are being installed?15:35
DeadmanInJScan somebody PM me.  having issues with software center15:35
kartooki need help from you all .I have 320 Gb dedicated HDD and 12 GB DDR3 Ram .NOw i need to manually partion my HDD . i need 80 GB ( E-Learn) ,80 GB (E-Books),160 Gb resst of things .KIndly advice me to manual partioning  .any one hep to make boot ,var ,root and more15:36
ikoniaDeadmanInJS: just ask your question15:36
ChogyDanGhostWolf: I dunno15:36
GalerienDeadmanInJS: what kind?15:36
Egbert9e9i've upgraded to 10.04 and now when X starts i get a black screen15:36
jotalltarzeau: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2010-04-29-Late-respin-for-bug-57076515:36
* blendmaster1024 is mad at his harddrive - it seems to be crashing15:36
ZykoticK9jibadeeha, glad to help15:36
peppoinstructions on getting the FOSS ATI drivers working with desktop effects in 10.4?15:36
GhostWolfChogyDan, ok, thats why i was trying to get it to work again before where it rebooted my comp15:36
ikoniaKenthree: / 10 gig var 10 gig, rest to home,15:36
buzzomaticmoetunes: If I unmount and try su - rowan then I still get the error :/15:36
ikoniaKenthree: it's really personal preference15:36
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????15:36
Zed`Will an ubuntu livecd boot on a macbookpro?15:36
ikoniabuzzomatic: what error15:36
ikoniaZed`: sure will15:36
blendmaster1024Zed`: yes15:36
DeadmanInJSeach time i wnt to install it says it must download packages not suitable15:36
lukusi'm trying to install the proprietary nvidia driver .. from the commend line15:36
Zed`ikonia: fancy15:37
lukusit's worked every other time15:37
blendmaster1024lukus: that's easy enough, what's wrong?15:37
DeadmanInJSor something of that nature15:37
tarzeaulukus: nvidia-glx-185 ?15:37
kartookhoo never get help here lot of ppl are looking for support15:37
Maxpaynesome additional theme for 10.4 ?15:37
DeadmanInJSand wont download15:37
blendmaster1024tarzeau: you'd want 190 now15:37
buzzomaticikonia: Unable to cd to '/home/rowan'15:37
tarzeaublendmaster1024: ah nice :)15:37
ikonialukus: use the restricted drivers manager, those drivers are supported15:37
rafaelsoaresbrhow to check ext4 file system on /dev/loo0 (wubi)?15:37
billy2007i just downloaded a windows game "high grow v4.20 " and im trying to run it on wine its installed but it wont start up any ideas15:37
ikoniabuzzomatic: what are the permissions of /home/rowan15:37
lukustarzeau; no .. the current nvidia driver .. not packaged15:37
blendmaster1024ikonia: the restricted drivers manager hasn't worked for me yet15:37
johntramphey, trying to boot the 10.04 cd, i get the purple screen with the dots then it just goes black and nothing happens.  has anyone else seen this?15:37
ratcheerlukus: There are very good instructions at ubuntuforums. I will find you a link.15:37
lukusbut with lucid .. it's stuck on nouveau by the looks of it15:37
qillerkbar: i need download sis mirage graphics drive. to set new resolution.15:37
lukusthanks very much15:37
ikoniablendmaster1024: in what way not worked15:37
GalerienHey gys, I have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????15:37
moetunesbuzzomatic: I would recommend a reboot with the new fstab line15:38
mattgyverany suggestions on where to start with troubleshooting this error? "udev_work[399] open /dev/null failed: no such file or directory"15:38
buzzomaticikonia: drwxr-xr-x rowan:rowan15:38
ratcheerlukus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99097815:38
ZykoticK9lukus, did you try install driver from Nvidia site?15:38
kartooki need help from you all .I have 320 Gb dedicated HDD and 12 GB DDR3 Ram .NOw i need to manually partion my HDD . i need 80 GB ( E-Learn) ,80 GB (E-Books),160 Gb resst of things .KIndly advice me to manual partioning  .any one hep to make boot ,var ,root and more15:38
Maxpaynesome additional theme for 10.4 ? Anyone15:38
AnupamI am on Lucid Beta.. and want to refresh to Lucid Final.. but the upgrade manager does not show any new releases available... so how do i upgrade? kindly help15:38
lukusratcheer; thx15:38
lukusZykoticK9; yep i did15:38
lukusbut x won't start15:38
icerootAnupam: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:38
Killsany1 can help with acer laptop sound issues15:38
billy2007i just downloaded a windows game "high grow v4.20 " and im trying to run it on wine its installed but it wont start up any ideas sorry for keep posting but i only have i-net for another 30 mins15:39
ZykoticK9lukus, well good luck to you (you'll need it)15:39
ratcheerlukus: You're welcome.15:39
iceroot!anyone | Kills15:39
ubottuKills: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:39
archwildgood morning15:39
GalerienI have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????15:39
whitefawnubottu: after upgrade to 10.04 mysql doesn't work15:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
EvRideanyone know how i can find if im using 32bit or 64bit unbutu?15:39
Anupamoh ok, lemme try that.. thanks iceroot15:39
ZykoticK9EvRide, uname -m15:39
ikoniaEvRide: uname -m15:39
Killsiceroot did taht like countless times tryed forums and a few guides still nuthin15:39
ratcheerlukus: I am hearing that you must remove noubeau before installing nVidia binary. I have been afraid to try it.15:39
mohawkboiIs there a programme that can be used to easily configure joysticks and racing wheels ideally with a GUI not command line15:40
lukusratcheer; i think that might be the case15:40
Maxpaynesome additional theme for 10.4 ? Anyone15:40
icerootKills: ok havev seen it15:40
EvRidek thanks15:40
Kenthree9.10 doesnt update time automatically from the web, is this expected behavior?15:40
lukusratcheer; something is not right15:40
ratcheerlukus: nouveau, that is15:40
billy2007i just downloaded a windows game "high grow v4.20 " and im trying to run it on wine its installed but it wont start up any ideas sorry for keep posting but i only have i-net for another 30 mins15:40
lukusshouldn't be this difficult15:40
ikoniabilly2007: try in #winehq15:40
ikoniabilly2007: that's the wine support channel15:40
lukusfeel like i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment15:40
billy2007thank you :)15:40
GalerienI have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????15:40
Dr_Willis_billy2007:  theres no guarentees it will work  check the wine app database also15:40
Killsany1 know how to make my laptop internal speakers mute when my headphones or sumthin else is plugged PLEASE PM me15:40
ratcheerlukus: Its not that difficult. I did it all the time in Karmic.15:40
kimimbenI did that : http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/ but firefox writes that there is no installed flash .. can you help me plase ?15:40
ZykoticK9!repeat > Galerien15:41
ubottuGalerien, please see my private message15:41
lukusratcheer; so did i15:41
kartooki need help from you all .I have 320 Gb dedicated HDD and 12 GB DDR3 Ram .NOw i need to manually partion my HDD . i need 80 GB ( E-Learn) ,80 GB (E-Books),160 Gb resst of things .KIndly advice me to manual partioning  .any one hep to make boot ,var ,root and more15:41
lukusi think the problem might be nouveau15:41
Dr_Willis_Kills:  check the ubuntu forums. I see that aske3d in here about 3 times a week. and never seen a quick answer to it15:41
sash_mobileonce again: does lucid-alternate support installing to btrfs-partitions?15:41
icerootKills: why not just using the default and put the docs in your home?15:41
KillsDr_Willis I checked the forums seen soem threads but no solutions15:41
buzzomaticikonia: that should work right?15:41
om26ersash_mobile, no I thik15:41
icerootkartook: why not just using the default and put the docs in your home?15:42
ratcheerlukus: The problem is Lucid's new feature allowing multiple video drivers installed at the same time.15:42
ZykoticK9lukus, ratcheer the nvidia driver from site is NOT supported currently with Lucid15:42
Killsiceroot wut?15:42
icerootKills: sorry wrong nick15:42
archwildIt would appear that none of my USB devices are working; however "lsusb" shows the correct devices connected (http://pastebin.com/0EbdCsmY)15:42
matmatmathow long can it take to execute kernel header postinst.d? my computer is stuck for like 10 minutes already during lucid upgrade15:42
lukusZykoticK9; what?15:42
lukusthat's ridiculous15:42
lukusi wish i'd known .. i'd never have upgraded15:42
Killsanyway I can just disable my laptop internal speakers manually???15:42
geekphreakmatmatmat: wait a bit15:42
ratcheerZykoticK9: I know. But, if you remove nouveau, first, it is supposed to work.15:43
ZykoticK9lukus, "current" in Hardware Drivers is the same as the version on the site!15:43
buzzomaticmohawkboi: Ok, I'll reboot, let you know...15:43
matmatmatgeekphreak: well yeah. how long? hmm15:43
FreeaqingmeI have a box without cd drive, and only got a memory stick of 512 Mib, is there a way to get ubuntu netbook edition on there?15:43
enquorathe libmozjs-dev package no longer seems to be available in 10.4. can anyone enlighten me?15:43
ratcheerZykoticK9: No, there is a newer version, as of this morning.15:43
matmatmatoh it has moved on :)15:43
davertronhey guys, i'm trying to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 using update manager's distribution upgrade, and i'm at "fetching file 1431 of 1431" and it's just sitting there; every now and then it'll say "About x minutes remaining" and then that goes away for a few seconds, then it'll pop up again, then eventually it just says it failed to download the file; so i restart and try again. what should i do?15:43
kartooki can do but i need to saparate partion is good and easy to maintain .when ever i need i can mount .for security reasons15:43
geekphreakmatmatmat: it takes time sometimes , relax15:43
ZykoticK9ratcheer, did not know that15:43
ZykoticK9ratcheer, still doubt it will work on Lucid though15:44
sash_mobileom26er: no kernel-line-cheat or something to activate it?15:44
lukusZykoticK9; why take away the flexibility of a standard linux system?15:44
ratcheerZykoticK9: 195.36.2415:44
kimimbencan you help me to install adobe 64 bit flash ?15:44
lukusit's madness imo15:44
Maharakimimben: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash15:45
om26ersash_mobile, there are tutrials for tha15:45
ZykoticK9ratcheer, and here i am running .15 which works?  Latest isn't always greatest guys.  But best of luck lukus, hope you find a fix (it may not be easy)15:45
buzzomaticmoetunes: No such luck :/15:46
lukusZykoticK9; thanks for your help - maybe it's time to move from ubuntu15:46
ratcheerZykoticK9: Supposedly, the new driver supports some of the newer cards and also VDPAU acceleration.15:46
sash_mobileom26er: so it is possible :) i will look for it15:46
kimimben Mahara: this is for 32 bit. I am using 64 Ubuntu , i want to install 64 bit flash http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/15:46
ZykoticK9lukus, i'm not going to reply to that15:46
GSF1200Sin Ubuntu 9.10 my monitor would shut off after 10 minutes of inactivity. On 10.04 it blacks the screen out, but doesnt shut off the monitor (standby mode). Does anyone know how to fix this?15:46
ZykoticK9ratcheer, i have vpdau running just fine here15:46
enanuhm, if the acer aspire one a good netbook for ubuntu?15:46
Dr_Willis_enan:  mine works vey well15:47
Dr_Willis_enan:  using it right now15:47
JanJacobsi use ubuntu on my Acer aspire one D25015:47
enanDr_Willis_, thanks15:47
geekphreakDr_Willis_: mooo15:47
Maharakimimben: Yes you should have followed that link15:47
ratcheerZykoticK9: Tell me how I can tell.15:47
Dr_Willis_enan:  most netbooks have very similer specs15:47
ZykoticK9ratcheer, the newer cards might be a good thing though!  I get it will show up in repo or the vpdau ppa soon enough15:47
buzzomaticmoetunes: I created a new user 'xyz', can't su - xyz either15:47
=== Dr_Willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis_Rummag
lukusZykoticK9; sorry, don't mean to be disrespectful .. it's just that I don't see why users shouldn't have freedom to install the latest drivers if they choose to15:47
ZykoticK9ratcheer, s/get/bet15:47
enanthanks JanJacobs too15:47
Dr_Willis_Rummaglukus:  its a matter of15:47
mikey_after the dist-upgrade the close/minimize icons on the toolbars of my windows are on the wrong side (left side) how do i fix this15:47
kimimbenMahara: that link ? whic link. if you mean my link: i did it. but firefox writes that you have not adobe flash installed.15:48
ivanshihi installed ubuntu 10.04 in thinkpad x201 but there are a problem about battery15:48
joaopinto!controls | mikey_15:48
Dr_Willis_Rummaglukus:  its a matter of what can be reasonably supported.. do what you want. but you maybe on your own when things break15:48
ubottumikey_: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d615:48
ivanshihdoes anyone can help me ?15:48
ratcheerZykoticK9: You lost me.15:48
Maharakimimben: http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/15:48
ivanshihit's discharged15:48
mohawkboiIs there a programme that can be used to easily configure joysticks and racing wheels ideally with a GUI not command line15:48
mikey_what a retarded thing to do15:48
lukusDr_Willis_Rummag; of course.. but I've been using ubuntu for 3 years and have been able to install my own kernel drivers without a hitch15:48
Maharakimimben: restart Firefox after you follow that15:48
Dr_Willis_Rummaglukus:  go for it then.15:48
moetunesbuzzomatic: I outta ideas15:49
ubutomHey, is there an easy way to unpink the show desktop button? I really don'T dig the color15:49
ratcheerZykoticK9: Ok, now I get it.15:49
ZykoticK9ratcheer, do you want vdpau support?15:49
buzzomaticmoetunes: just found a possible relevant google hit - hooray!15:49
kimimben Mahara: i did it but firefox writes that you have not isntalled adobe flash.15:49
lukusDr_Willis_Rummag; it's just that now, changes in ubuntu's architecture seem to have stopped that .. but I might be jumping the gun - i'll do some research15:49
moetunesbuzzomatic: great :]15:49
buzzomaticmoetunes: thanks for your help15:49
ratcheerZykoticK9: I'm not even sure what it is.15:49
lukusthanks all for the advice15:49
moetunesbuzzomatic: np15:49
ZykoticK9ratcheer, it's 3d acceleration on nvidia cards for video files15:50
ivanshihdoes anyone have the same problem ?15:50
yohannbzhHi. I have some shortcuts in my toolbar on Ubuntu (personal directory, Desktop, network,...). How is it possible to edit them?15:50
Maharakimimben: are you sure you followed all the steps correctly from that link? I just installed flash that way 5 minutes ago15:50
Dr_Willis_Rummagyohannbzh:  you mean the PLACES menu?15:50
GalerienI have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????15:50
ratcheerZykoticK9: For, like, video games?15:50
ZykoticK9ratcheer, nvm :)15:50
kimimbenMahara:  i am 100% sure !15:51
noelferreirahow can i install flash in a dual core processor AMD64 in 10.04. i used to have it working in firefox in 9.10 but i can't remember how i did it15:51
encolpeHow to use a develoment branch in lucid ?15:51
mohawkboiIs there a programme that can be used to easily configure joysticks and racing wheels ideally with a GUI not command line15:51
jribnoelferreira: does installing flashplugin-nonfree not work?15:51
tarzeaui'm so glad when google releases vp8 stuff in may15:51
ubutomnoelferreira, install flash-plugin-installer15:51
jribencolpe: what exactly do you mean?15:51
yohannbzhDr_Willis_Rummag: maybe... A menu where I can mount some disks too15:51
encolpeThis one: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/python2.4/lucid15:51
jetienneso how this relase is going ?15:51
tarzeauand i hope adobe will go bankrupt and disappear15:51
kimimbenhttp://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/  noelferreira15:51
noelferreirano jrib15:51
jribjetienne: it's nice imo, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat though please15:51
jribnoelferreira: why not? what happens exactly?15:51
encolpejrib: I need to still use python2.4 for some monthes15:51
ubutomsorry, flashplugin-installer is the name noelferreira15:52
yohannbzhDr_Willis_Rummag: The menu at the left of System by default15:52
ivanshihdoes anyone have the battery discharged issue ?15:52
ratcheerjetienne: It went great, for me. Others are having problems, minor to major.15:52
buzzomaticmohawkboi: / is 0700 instead of 755 ... no wonder15:52
Dr_Willis_Rummagyohannbzh:  you can add things. but removing the defaults - not ure thats doable15:52
Maharakimimben: you should remove any flash-plugin-installer if you installed it previously15:52
yummycheesedoes any one know where the volume control widget has gone in lucid? i lost mine after I upgraded15:52
jribencolpe: I wouldn't use 10.04 then.  But you have to either find a ppa or install it manually if it's no longer in the repositories15:52
tarzeauMahara: does package removal, also remove the contents it downloaded?15:52
jetienneratcheer: i tested rc yesterday, i had serious problem. even desktop menu was crashing15:52
buzzomaticHave I just found a bug in the installer?15:52
jetienneratcheer: do you experience anything that serious  ?15:53
noelferreirajrib, you men flashplugin64-installer or flashplugin-installer15:53
FreeaqingmeIs there a netinstall iso available for netbook edition?15:53
Dr_Willis_Rummagyummycheese:  the new one is built into some other widgit. or run a volume control progam that adds one back,15:53
Nasteni've lost the default wallpapers and login screen image...they are both replaced by warty...anyone?15:53
kimimbenMahara : i have remove it with --purge ...15:53
tarzeauNasten: warty?15:53
noelferreirajrib, or the nonfree package?15:53
yummycheesethanks Dr_Willis_Rummag ill try and find it15:53
tarzeauNasten: karmic/lucid come with a completely new GDM15:53
deepjoyHi I'm trying to set up a VPS with 10.04  but can't change the output of hostname -f it just keeps saying "hostname: Name or service not known"15:53
ratcheerjetienne: No. Just my ALSA driver didn't get upgraded. That was easy to fix.15:53
kimimbenii dont have anything about adobe on my ubuntu now.15:53
buzzomaticAnyhow, time to reboot, for success15:53
tarzeauNasten: you can't keep your old gdm themes15:53
tjlytleHaving issues with empathy on 10.04, gtalk (which I care about) and facebook chat (don't care about) give 'network error' after (it seems) adding an IRC account.15:53
jetienneratcheer: cool to know15:53
Nastentarzeau: some old famous orange theme15:53
Anupamiceroot: did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  but still doesn't upgrade from Beta to Final15:53
jribnoelferreira: oh I don't know.  I have not installed flash on 10.04 through the repositories yet.  Check the description for each15:53
dn90guys help me please to install ATI propriate drivers on a pc15:53
yohannbzhDr_Willis_Rummag: Ok... I had two links to mount two hard disks before, but since i upgraded to 10.04, they are not here. How can I add them?15:54
Nastentarzeau: i know...it's quite weird isn't it?15:54
tarzeauNasten: yuck. i only figured how to set your own background image15:54
Dr_Willis_Rummagyummycheese:  gnome-volume-controll i think15:54
deepjoydid something change between 9.10 and 10.04 for setting the hostname15:54
tarzeauNasten: it's a big mess, if you ask me15:54
tarzeaudeepjoy: i haven't noticed anything like that15:54
dn90please help to install ati propriate drivers15:54
AnupamI am on Lucid Beta.. and want to refresh to Lucid Final.. but the upgrade manager does not show any new releases available... so how do i upgrade? kindly help15:54
Nastentarzeau: the purple one is completely gone. it doesn't even exist in /usr/share/backgrounds15:54
om26erDr_Willis_Rummag, whats with the name?15:54
antlongIf anyone is interested in QA, Test Automation, Automated Functional and Non-Functional Testing, Python based QA Development, etc - I will be having a meetup 5/4 at HUGE in Brooklyn. www.meetup.com/Quality-Assurance There will be a live cast also if you can't make it to the office.15:54
dn90please help to install ati propriate drivers15:54
Dr_Willis_Rummagom26er:  at a rummage sale :)15:54
jribAnupam: just run a regular update and you are done15:54
An_Ony_Moosedn90, System>Administration>Hardware Drivers15:54
ubutomflashplugin-installer did the trick for me, i am on 64bit, noelferreira15:54
Dr_Willis_Rummagom26er:  sitting on the fromt porch15:54
Anupamoh ok :)15:54
tarzeauNasten: no idea, we use our own: http://gnu.ethz.ch/zebrawhitebw.jpg15:55
=== minjoo_ is now known as minjoo
zith1337Hallo ich brauche hilfe in sachen netzwerk(ubuntu)15:55
Dr_Willis_Rummagbye all15:55
Nastentarzeau: second time it happens. this time it happened after a kubuntu install in another hd...15:55
LademordWhy the hell can't I join #ubuntu+1 ? When I try, I keep ending up in this channel. Can't Xchat-GNOME understand +1 in channel names?15:55
Anupamjrib: thanks :) i thought it would show as release upgrade15:55
tarzeauLademord: hahaha xchat can't do it maybe?15:55
jribLademord: #ubuntu+1 no longer exists as lucid has been released15:55
jetienneLademord: likely because there is no +1 yet15:55
ratcheerLademord: They closed it, yesterday.15:55
Nastentarzeau: cool but not my taste. i prefer leopar :-p15:55
mohawkboiIs there a programme that can be used to easily configure joysticks and racing wheels ideally with a GUI not command line15:55
tarzeauNasten: i also got leopard ones somewhere :)15:55
nomnexsomebody can call me (VOIP) on empathy using a SIP account for a connection test? nomne@iptel.org15:55
deepjoytarzeau: I changed /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts file which set hostname correctly but hostname -f will not change regardless of what I do15:55
Lademordjrib, it has? COOL! I completely forgot15:55
LademordYay, I'm no longer running alpha!15:56
Nastenplus lynx drops to a black screen when i log out15:56
tarzeaudeepjoy: tried to logout then in again. besides that's not how you do it15:56
deepjoytarzeau: rebooted15:56
tarzeaudeepjoy: first run hostname NEWNAME, then check if those two files are right15:56
jribFreeaqingme: I don't know anything about the netbook edition, but I'll try to help.  Do you know if it uses the same repositories as ubuntu?15:56
FoxWolfare there any screen broadcasting apps for linux like mac has?15:56
buzzomaticmoetunes, awesome, booted fine that time :)15:56
tarzeaudeepjoy: then you forgot the hostname command :)15:56
mastaofdisastaI just got a update notification wanting to install new games, and "linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic"15:56
dn90I dont have there any available driverts15:56
moetunesbuzzomatic: well done :]15:57
=== p is now known as Guest18493
=== Guest18493 is now known as patman023
kimimbenhas anyone using 64 bit flash ?15:57
tarzeaukimimben: yes, works fine for me15:57
minimecmohawkboi: The Xserver normally configures such things now automatially. No GUI I guess...15:57
dn90please help to install ATI apropriate drivers15:57
dn90please help to install ATI apropriate drivers15:57
tarzeaudn90: please don't repeat15:57
westinghousei use google chrome for youtube and stuff15:57
tarzeauwestinghouse: me too15:57
dn90please help to install ATI apropriate drivers15:57
westinghouseflash sux15:57
tjlytleAnyone hear of Empathy not connecting to gtalk after working for a day or so (and adding an IRC account)?15:57
mastaofdisastais it recommended to install every new kernel upgrade that comes out? I can't help but think it could break the system so I'm reluctant15:57
irv_kimimben: i am15:57
minimecmohawkboi: is that a usb device or a serial port or game port device?15:57
jribubutom: do you know if flashplugin-installer still uses nspluginwrapper or if it just uses adobe's 64bit version of flash?15:57
tarzeauwestinghouse: absolutely15:57
Freeaqingmejrib, unsure, let me see15:58
mohawkboiUSB Device15:58
LademordMy Empathy doesn't show profile pictures, and can't receive files. I'm a bit bummed out by it15:58
ShadyKnollmohawkboi: I have never had to configure wheels and sticks in Linux. I plug in the USB device and it is ready to use.  Each application or game, however, may have its own configuration menu and you should check that specifically for the ones that interest you.15:58
kimimbentarzeau  and irv_:  http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/ that is not working for me ? any ideas ?15:58
nomnextjlytle, gimpnet #emapthy15:58
ratcheermastaofdisasta: I've been using the 21 kernel for several weeks. It is working just fine.15:58
tarzeaumastaofdisasta: i had problems with some, but you should if you're vulnerable to the security fixes of the updates15:58
jribFreeaqingme: if it does, then we can probably just use the minimal iso and then grab the right package for netbook remix15:58
archwild9.10 -> 10.05 upgrade -- none of my USB devices are working (mouse, keyboard, etc); however "lsusb" shows the correct devices connected (http://pastebin.com/0EbdCsmY).  Any thoughts?15:58
tarzeaukimimben: nope. i use chromium-browser15:58
deepjoytarzeau: did that later15:58
Freeaqingmejrlooks like it? http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/15:58
jotalltarzeau: Based on the thread it seems as if that was the reason for delaying it yesterday, so I think it's fixed15:58
westinghouseno glue15:58
phoenix_hello everyone15:59
deepjoytarzeau: will re-do15:59
tom3phello, just installed lucid from live cd, it created an empty grub ( no choices just prompt, no images in /boot/)15:59
dn90please help to install ATI propriate drivers15:59
chris____I have an older ati based laptop that seemed to install well but, now it seems that it is running hotter than it was under karmic.15:59
phoenix_i have having some problem with the nvidia driver15:59
tarzeaudn90: please stop repeating15:59
marienzdn90: please be less repetitive (we have some rater agressive anti-spambots running)15:59
ubutomjrib, no15:59
minimecmohawkboi: ok. open a console and type lsusb in it. Then you see all your usb devices. paste.ubuntu.com the results15:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!15:59
Freeaqingmejrib, looks like there's no such thing distributed by ubuntu?15:59
dn90help please!!!15:59
jrib!ati > dn9015:59
ubottudn90, please see my private message15:59
dn90i ask for a help15:59
codacHello. I just upgraded my Ubuntu instal to 10.04 and now I can't boot. Is this a place where people know of common problems and might be able to help if I describe it?15:59
alexandruhi, i'm having trouble burning the 10.04 image to DVD ... it stops at 99% ... i'm using k3b. Any suggestions?15:59
ubutomjrib, I mean I don't know ;)15:59
phoenix_here is by xorg log-->http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2ssXZN0v15:59
coldfirecan someone please help me make 10.04 authenticate to mount a normally unmounted partition again like it did in 9.10?15:59
marienzdn90: asking for help is fine, but try not to repeat it quite this often. If people can help they'll do so.16:00
jribubutom: no problem, thanks all the same16:00
tarzeaualexandru: try burning the cd image and use that instead16:00
uLinuxi cant stop openssh-server16:00
tarzeauelky: dn90 keeps repeating the same question again and again16:00
westinghousealexandru: download the iso again and burn it16:00
Anupami had upgraded to Lucid Beta and then a update today (to update files to final) but i dont see any "broadcast messages" option in the taskbar (around empathy)16:00
jribFreeaqingme: the minimal, you mean?16:00
Anupambasically social me is missing16:00
dn90ive installed all flxrd drivers16:00
uLinuxI cant stop openssh-server using 'sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop' what the hell16:00
tarzeaudn90: fglrx you mean16:00
vadi01phoenix_: sent you a message in Kubuntu channel16:00
dn90via synaptic16:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:00
steelboxhi there!16:00
westinghousedid ya check the md5 of the ISO?16:00
helofun times in here...16:00
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
aciculauLinux, sshd ?16:00
alexandru@westinghouse It's the second time I download it ... and the 3rd DVD i throw away16:00
mastaofdisastauLinux: kill it kilall sshd16:00
tom3pcodac i had same, had to boot off an old hardy live cd to reinstall grub. found out lucid uses unknown files system ext416:00
phoenix_vadi01: they redirected me here16:00
jribFreeaqingme: here's the minimal iso: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD  I just don't know how to get you to unr once you have a minimal install16:00
zetherooI just upgraded to Lucid and cannot enable desktop effects!!!16:01
mastaofdisastauLinux: "killall sshd"16:01
tarzeauhelo: unorganized disaster if you ask me16:01
westinghousealexandru: use a CD16:01
Anupamhow to enable Social Me (broadcast message ) option16:01
Freeaqingmejrib, tnx. Though what's 'unr'?16:01
tarzeauglad it's friday, and i don't have to deal with these bugs :) have a nice weekend16:01
vadi01phoenix_: did you manually install the driver by downloading it from nvidea site?16:01
dn90any command line to recheck me?16:01
alexandru@westinghouse I don't have one ... what's wrong with a DVD?16:01
phoenix_vadi01: ya16:01
ghassenany one tell me how do i find people who know openoffice16:01
jribFreeaqingme: that's the acronym I've seen for Ubuntu Netbook Remix16:01
reagleBRKLNI'm using Lucid with default python2.6, but my webhost is stil 2.5. when i install python-markdown locally, it goes to 2.6's site-packges, and can't be seen from 2.5 scripts. Is there a way to install an Ubuntu python to multiple versions?16:01
Killsany1 know how to make my laptop internal speakers mute when my headphones or sumthin else is plugged PLEASE PM me16:01
tarzeaughassen: here!16:01
CortezTheKillerHello i was wondering how to create a initrd image in ubuntu.. i just installed a kernel and it did not make one16:01
vadi01phoenix_: bad idea to do that.16:01
Anupamdon't see the music store too :(16:01
tarzeaughassen: need to make a mass mailing?16:01
bazhangghassen, try in #openoffice.org yet ?16:02
steelboxwhat's the most appropriate nvidia driver for a GeForce 8600 GT card?16:02
Nastencan somebody tell me the name of the default wallpaper as it is seen in /usr/share/backgrounds please?16:02
ghasseni mean irc channel16:02
tom3pCortezTheKiller, lotsa people with bad lucid install, no images created16:02
uLinuxsshd(1826): Operation not permitted16:02
uLinuxsshd: no process found16:02
phoenix_vadi01: the default way doesnt work16:02
Freeaqingmejrib, ah, sorry. I was hoping it's just a matter of switching desktop manager16:02
vadi01phoenix_: you should have installed the proprietory driver from the repositories16:02
steelbox(I'm under Ubuntu Karmic)16:02
ghassenbazhang, irc channel16:02
CortezTheKillertom3p, It worked for the initial install but when i compiled my new kernel it did not add one16:02
aciculasteelbox, noveau(the default) or enable the hardware driver (system->administration->hardware drivers)16:02
jribFreeaqingme: I'm not actually sure.  I'm looking for some docs and my guess is you are right; it is that simple16:02
westinghousei couldn't care less16:02
bazhangghassen, yes it is16:02
dn90my lspci output --->  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]16:02
ratcheersteelbox: probably the "current" in the Hardware Drivers dialog.16:02
azi_i've just updated ubuntu on my laptop and now i'm not able to set LCD brightness any clue?16:02
ghassenbazhang: what's the irc name16:03
alexandruis there a way to burn the image to a USB and use that to install ubuntu? Right now i'm using slackware.16:03
LademordHey, the 'MeMenu' apparently shows one's username in the dock. Is there any way to change it to displaying one's real name instead?16:03
jrib!install > alexandru16:03
ubottualexandru, please see my private message16:03
uLinuxmastaofdisasta ssh is now showing in boot-up manager16:03
Anupamdon't see the music store too :(16:03
vadi01phoenix_: ok then post your problem here. say what issues you had when you tried the default way.16:03
steelboxin fact I have two versions : 173 and 18516:03
aciculaalexandru, yes, Unbetbootin will create usb sticks for you16:03
dn90 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]16:03
dn90 help with ati appropriate16:03
zetheroowhy can't I enable desktop effects?16:03
Anupamhow to enable the music store please?16:03
jibadeehahow come network manager appears in one notification panel and the sound control appears in another and the icons in the other are spaced out more widely16:03
jribalexandru: yes, see ubottu for detailed instructions but basically just use the usb-creator program16:03
ratcheerazi_: I think that is a known bug.16:03
steelboxonly the first one works well16:03
codacI just upgraded to 10.04 and when I try to boot Ubuntu I now get graphical jitter and thats all. Anyone with an idea as to what's wrong?16:03
Strife89|PalmTXI have a small question: Aside from being able to use all of my computer's RAM, what would be the notable benefits of using the 64-bit version of Ubuntu?16:03
ubutomAnupam, it's in Rhytmbox Music player16:03
gartral zetheroo what graphics card?16:03
Black-Jackhello all !16:03
Freeaqingmejrib, I'm trying to find those dox as well. you dont happen to know what window manager that would be?16:03
azi_ratcheer: any link or something.. can't find it :(16:03
alexandrusay thanks16:03
=== j_ is now known as johanbr
zetheroogartral: Intel16:03
westinghousetry to install envy-gtk16:03
Anupamubutom: oh ok, thnx16:03
dn90 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]16:04
dn90 help me anybody with ati appropriate16:04
gartralzetheroo: which one?16:04
=== darf is now known as darf`
uLinuxdamn lucid16:04
jribFreeaqingme: I'm starting here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR16:04
jrib!helpme | dn9016:04
ubottudn90: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:04
qillerxorg.conf not found in ect/x11/ i want configure this file ;|16:04
jribdn90: I already gave you documentation on ati.  Did you read it?16:04
zetheroogartral: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)16:04
dn90onlu talk.16:04
steelboxis 173 version the most appropriate video driver for a GeForce 8600GT or not?16:04
jribqiller: why?  What exactly do you want to do?16:04
dn90you only talk empty words16:04
ratcheerazi_: I don't know, off hand. I'm not having the problem, but I have seen many similar complaints.16:04
aciculadn90, if it doesnt work with flgrx remove it and default to the open source radeon driver? given the device name i very much doubt it is still supported by the properietary ati driver16:05
Nastencan somebody tell me the name of the default wallpaper as it is seen in /usr/share/backgrounds please?16:05
dn90better write smthg useful16:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:05
jribsteelbox: just use whatever "current" is in the Hardware Drivers program16:05
qillerjrib sis graphics, ubuntu 10.04 dont have support, and i need instal...16:05
ratcheersteelbox: I would use 195.16:05
aciculadn90, please behave and be respectfull towards volunteers16:05
westinghousenasten: ganja.jpg16:05
LzrdKingwhat would make my wireless card not associate with my router when i do iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid>?  i know its not really associated because the dhclient command that follows will eventually time out sometimes; other times it connects right away16:05
Strife89|PalmTXAside from being able to use all 4GB of my laptop's RAM, what notable benefits are there to using the 64-bit version of Ubuntu?16:05
dn90you are very respectful.16:05
Nastenwestinghouse: thanx16:05
phoenix_vadi01: when i used the hardware drivers tool, its not able to find any drivers, so i downloaded the driver from the web and tried to install, yesterday i upgraded to kubuntu 10.04, i will post the xorg.log now16:05
jribdn90: you have to be willing to do some work.  Especially when you ask vague questions.16:05
dn90when a person asks for a help 10 minutes.16:05
steelboxratcheer: best performances with 195?16:05
bazhangStrife89|PalmTX, you can still use them if you install the pae kernel for 32bit16:05
Nastenwestinghouse: you rule16:05
Strife89|PalmTXdn90: We are not psychics.16:05
GhostWolfok i have a problem, i hoping its nothing major, i just upgraded kinda did it twice in a way to ubuntu 10.04, i rebooted when it finshed and my mouse and keyboard aren't working16:05
ratcheerStrife89|PalmTX: Some programs will run faster.16:05
phoenix_vadi01:here the xorg.log--> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2ssXZN0v16:06
dn90better help...16:06
aciculadn90, that was not an invitation for a discussion on the topic, people here are volunteers, please respect that16:06
dn90not writing bullshit16:06
gartralzetheroo: the gma 965 cards have issues with 3d, but i think theres a driver fix16:06
bazhangdn90, watch the language16:06
uLinuxHelp me stopping ssh16:06
phoenix_vadi01:(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)16:06
justntimeHi, I installed the release candidate a few days ago.  After the final release I tried to do an update-manager -d, but no updates are showing up.  It says I'm all up to date..  am I?  :-/16:06
zetheroogartral: what? only in Lucid?16:06
jribuLinux: just now or forever?16:06
Nastenwestinghouse: can you also tell me your SQ?16:06
SdonatasDoes anyone have a clue when x64 flash will be included in mediubuntu packages, or it will take ages to go from alpha to final version?16:06
geekphreakuLinux: sudo service sshd stop16:06
Strife89|PalmTXratcheer: I see.16:06
ratcheerjustntime: Yes16:06
qillerxorg.conf not found =| and i need edit this file to rename "Drive" device.16:06
justntimeratcheer: ok, thanks16:07
Strife89|PalmTXratcheer: I plan on compiling some programs from source. I assume I would have notable speed gains, then?16:07
westinghousemy sq is 192khz 24bit16:07
antivirtelhello all, in evince can i see the pdf files in the browsers ? without saving it as?!16:07
uLinuxthe service is stopped but it's still using the port16:07
Xecuterhi! is it possible to use the e-mail icon to only check for new emails? i don't want to use evolution, but a checker would be nice!16:07
An_Ony_MooseI have a question :P. Why was the default tty for GDM set back to tty8? I had just got used to tty7 :P16:07
Nastenwestinghouse: can you also tell me your SQ?16:07
westinghousesq? sound quality?16:07
justntimedid anyone else have issues with gwibber not adding accounts to facebook properly?16:07
gartralzetheroo: the issue is ALWAYS there in a new ubuntu, it was there when Karmic came out, and jaunty.. so this is just status quo16:07
alexandrutell jrib the instructions for installing ubuntu without a CD are for windows ... I'm using slackware16:08
ghassenbazhang: i wanna have the page number in the openoffice except page 1!!!!16:08
jribFreeaqingme: looks like the package is just "ubuntu-netbook-remix".  So if you install minimal ubuntu and then install that, you should be good to go.  Make sense?16:08
aciculaalexandru, unetbootin runs on slackware too im sure16:08
ratcheerStrife89|PalmTX: It depends on the software and your system components and configuration. It is difficult to say, other than trying things both ways and benchmarking.16:08
qilleranyone can help? i want edit xorg.conf and this file not found!16:08
geekphreakuLinux:  can you ssh into it?16:08
jribalexandru: while there are windows instructions, there are also linux instructions.  Specifically, you can use usb-creator16:08
schlaftierXecuter: depending on which email client (or webmail) you use, there is probably an applet available16:08
j800rguys' i have a question regarding 10.4 chat integration. anyone available to help?16:08
Freeaqingmejrib, definitely, tnx16:08
jribj800r: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:08
GhostWolfhas anyone encounter a problem with their mouse and keyboard when upgrading to ubuntu 10.04 LTS?16:09
TurbolinuxHello everyone. I want to set the window buttons as old type. I know there is a software for this mode. What is it's address? Thank you for your help.16:09
gartralj800r: ask your question, and if someone knows, they'll respond if they see/hear it16:09
jibadeehaIs it possible to remove indicator applet and to add volume control, transmission, bluetooth, and the other usfeful things to notification area, as they were before?16:09
Strife89|PalmTXratcheer: I figured as much, but I wanted a more qualified statement. Thanks. :-)16:09
chris____Hey all I have a radeon express 200m that seems to be running hot and my xrog.config file is missing?16:09
uLinuxgeekphreak not right now i tried to uninstall everything16:09
Maxpaynepop up blocker;16:10
geekphreakuLinux:  ok16:10
aciculaChris___, its not missing, its not used by default anymore16:10
TurbolinuxCan you help me for my problem? Thank you.16:10
zetheroogartral: I don't get why its a recurring issue ... if they know it's a problem why not fix it? I never had an issue like this with this machine with Karmic or previous releases16:10
jribGhostWolf: yes, archwild (now gone) made the statement that all his usb devices were not working a few minutes ago.  I'm not familiar with the issue, but I suggest you both look for an existing bug with possible workarounds at bugs.ubuntu.com while waiting for more help here16:10
uLinuxgeekphreak in karmic it worked fine16:10
ratcheerchris___: Nouveau driver?16:10
jrib!controls | Turbolinux16:10
ubottuTurbolinux: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d616:10
alexandruwhere can I get usb-creator ... the wiki page says through apt-get ... I don't have that16:10
j800rwell you know how you have the gnome notify area (envelope icon) on the top panel. it has chat (which opens empathy), mail (evolution), and broadcast (gwibber). well i wanna replace Empathy with Pidgin but Pidgin makes it's OWN entry in that area. I want it so if i click Chat, it will run pidgin. like it did previously with Empathy :|16:10
AnupamCan't see the "Me" menu.. can anybody else see?16:10
Spasysheepis it possible to tell update-manager to use a CD as the source for the upgrade to 10.04?16:10
MaxpayneAnyone knows where to get pop up blocker for 10.416:10
aciculaalexandru, either grab the slackware package that has it, or install it from source/16:10
overmindMaxpayne: addblock plus for firefox?16:11
jribalexandru: usb-creator is in ubuntu repositories.  You can install that on slack if you want.  There's also unetbootin.  See which one is easier to install on slack16:11
GhostWolfjrib, ok thanks didn't know if anyone else had a problem16:11
jibadeehaj800r, i would like that as well16:11
gartralzetheroo: it's intel.. they dont seem too "agree" with cononical's release cycle.. your still running off of karmic drivers, and the new kernal is having problems, your best bet is too wait it out16:11
ratcheerSpasysheep: Yes, if you use the alternate CD image.16:11
jribGhostWolf: bug tracker is best way to check that :)16:11
j800rjibadeeha, so it's not possible?16:11
alexandruok i'll try unetbootin16:11
jibadeehaj800r, this move from notification area seems to be in a half state16:11
trismj800r: if you uninstall empathy, it will remove the chat entry from the indicator, and only pidgin will be there (well with evolution and gwibber)16:11
jcrawforddoes 10.04 repos have PHP 5.3 yet?16:11
jibadeehaj800r, i can't find a way16:11
justntimej800r I agree... it's not possible but should be16:11
Maxpayneovermind : will check it out.thanks16:11
geekphreakjcrawford: yes16:11
benkevanWhat's not possible?16:11
jcrawfordvery nice thanks16:11
aciculajcrawford, Version: 5.3.2-1ubuntu416:12
jribjcrawford: you can check at packages.ubuntu.com16:12
Spasysheepratcheer: why, what does the alternate cd image do?16:12
jcrawfordah nice to know thanks jrib16:12
ShadyKnollsteelbox: I have been using 185 with no problems and see no reason not to.16:12
GhostWolfjrib, didnt' know if it was a bug or just me.. i have two comps running and one monitor so im using a device to hook the monitor. mouse and kb to both comps16:12
AnupamCan't see the "Me" menu.. how do i enable that?16:12
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:12
CartoonCatanyone else trying to upgrade and getting a error dl'n some packages due to not being able to connect to a IPv6 host ?16:12
j800rtrism, nope. the chat entry is still there. just doesn't do anything16:12
gartralI have a realtek HDA sound controller that i know each port is capable of being reprogramed to be input/output and cloned outputs.. in windows.. how do i do this in linux?16:12
j800rand pidgin makes it's own entry and doesn't fit with the default theme :|16:12
trismj800r: it won't be removed until you log out/back in16:12
benkevanAlternate CD also includes LVM16:12
ratcheerSpasysheep: It is the one that allows you to upgrade from CD, which is what you asked.16:12
* geekphreak updates real slow here 16:12
jibadeehathe whole move of icons from notification area to indicator applet seems to be in a complete mess at the moment with 10.0416:12
justntimebenkaven: specifying apps for notification area.. pidgin vs empathy, thunderbird vs evolution16:12
patman023I have a heavily modded panel setup, with no envelope icon - any ideas?16:12
benkevanpatman023: do you want the envelope?16:13
* j800r tries logging out16:13
marcin_hey guys, I have a problem with a flash plugin, I'm trying to install one but it says: "plugin is a virtual package" :/ any help ?16:13
benkevanjustntime: you can if you have one and not the other installed I believe?16:13
gartralmarcin_: try sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree16:13
ghasseni wanna add the page number in every page expect page 1, what should I do? "openOffice16:14
trismAnupam: right click the panel, add to panel, Indicator Applet Session16:14
patman023@benkevan, i want to try it...16:14
minimecpatman023: Add the indicatior applet ind the indicator session applet16:14
eBryggistty1-6 will not work for me. tty7 does. Why? (ubuntu 10.04)16:14
marcin_kay, thx16:14
chrometigerok i've had no luck upgrading, First i tried update manager, Then downloaded the Alt cd and tried it normally, and now im trying the Alt Cd again without grabbing files from the net,   all with no luck  i get errors "cannot download package files"  at around the 1562 package of 1867.    any help please ?16:14
patman023@minimec trying hat16:14
geekphreakeBryggis: cursor just blinks?16:14
jrib!openoffice | ghassen: you might try the openoffice support channel for a specific question like that16:14
ubottughassen: you might try the openoffice support channel for a specific question like that: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.16:14
benkevanchrometiger: have you checked your media?16:14
CartoonCatchrometiger: im getting the same, its due to a IP v 6 address if you look (or at least mine is)16:15
Q009can i have some help with booting ubuntu after in-windows installation?16:15
tom3pi see a lot lucid failures on dual boot, but my install had NO grub selections ( i have hardy & lucid )16:15
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | Q00916:15
ubottuQ009: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:15
jribchrometiger: might be the server getting hammered, can you use a local mirror?16:15
eBryggisgeekphreak: No, my my cursor just disspears nothing else happens.. when pressing ctrl alt f116:15
ghasseni tried but no one answers me16:15
Lord-Readmanjust updated to 10.04 and my boot time is 10seconds slower16:15
Lord-Readmanany ideas?16:15
ghassenthere are all asleep or something16:15
jribghassen: be patient, that channel is not as active as this one16:15
patman023@minimec thx, i had an old listing of indicator applet that needed a kick in the rear16:16
chrometigerjrib:  maybe   how to i use a local mirror ?  i see no options with what im doing to select differant mirrors16:16
aciculaLord-Readman, you can analyze your boot time with bootchart16:16
geekphreakeBryggis:  oh ok , not same as mine then !16:16
minimecpatman023: ;)16:16
Anupamtrism, thanks but i already have that indicator applet seeion16:16
jribchrometiger: system -> administration -> software sources16:16
trismAnupam: that is the "me" menu16:16
Lord-Readmanacicula, but I didnt have one on 9.10 so how will i know whats changed?16:16
Yud_ZrocWhat's the difference between ubuntu xubuntu and mythbuntu16:16
benkevanLord-Readman: You can check your backgrounds to see if you got the new ones :)16:16
z0rt|workmy opengl screensaver crashes my display, hahaha16:16
Anupamtrism, it shows sub menus but doesn't have "broadcast messages" option (required for twitter etc)16:17
CartoonCatmythbuntu is targeted at mythTV setups16:17
ghassenno people dead in there it's been 20mins16:17
codactom3p: Thanks for the tip regarding ext4. I use ext4 since a few months though so it shouldn't be the problem.16:17
jribghassen: be *more* patient16:17
benkevanghassen: let me open up my openoffice and give it a whirl16:17
z0rt|workYud_Zroc: ubuntu uses gnomes, xubuntu uses xfce, and i dunno about mythbuntu16:17
ghassenabout 1h patient?16:17
trismAnupam: do you have gwibber installed?16:17
jribghassen: or more, sure16:17
Anupamtrism, nope16:17
Lord-Readmanshould i do a fresh install and use ext3? as 10.04 sucks on ext416:17
benkevanmythbuntu uses myth :) .. haha.. it's built on QT4.. so I'd image backend DE was KDE..16:17
jribLord-Readman: why does 10.04 suck on ext4?16:17
zetheroothis is pretty disappointing! :(16:17
ghassenbenkevan,: thanks man16:17
ghassenhere my man16:17
minimecpatman023: Another nice thing is that one. That sets the gnome panel to its defaults. gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel16:18
Lord-Readmanjrib, really slow read and write compared to 9.1016:18
patman023any ideas about ext4 read ability in win? i want my music when running win-specific apps...16:18
ShadyKnollghassen: The page number is linked to the page style. If you want some with numbering and some without, you need different page styles.16:18
Maxpayneovermind : works great thanks.16:18
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: Driver for USB SmartCard-reader Omnikey 2020... Trying to compile source code fails...  :-(16:18
jribLord-Readman: bug report?16:18
Kriss3dAnyone else having problems with no graphics after upgrading to 10.04 ?16:18
Lord-Readmanjrib, nah they already know about it16:18
trismAnupam: it uses gwibber for the functionality, so you would need that install for it to work (it may autohide the broadcast area now if gwibber isn't installed, I haven't experimented with it)16:18
aciculaLord-Readman, it wont, but you can look at why it takes longer16:18
ghassenbenkevan,: diffrent style?16:18
jribLord-Readman: i'm asking if you can link to it, I'm interested16:18
aciculaLord-Readman, or what takes long rather16:18
ghassenbenkevan,: how can i do that?16:18
Anupamtrism, i see, most likely.. thanks for the lead..16:19
overmindMaxpayne: No problem :)16:19
Yud_Zrocwhat would be good for a laptop with 3 gig ram, 2.0ghz dual core 17" screen (ku, ub, or xu)16:19
TelvanaAnyone know how to remove the Western Digitial Smartware while using Linux? They have a tool for windows, but I don't have access to any windows boxes right now.16:19
omerta_guys, any of you using 64-bit songbird?16:19
jribYud_Zroc: try them all and use what you like best16:19
schlaftierYud_Zroc: any of those#16:19
benkevanghassen: Do which?16:19
aciculaLord-Readman, ext4 is slower, its not just ubuntu, some fixes were implemented that ensure data integrity but slow things down16:19
jrib!anyone | omerta_16:19
ubottuomerta_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:19
patman023no more songbird for linux16:19
ghassenbenkevan,: here what i do.16:19
codacKriss3d: yes, I just get graphical jitter when booting. (after grub)16:19
restfulAmfhelp problem with lucid i cant boot the 64 on my dv6t quad but my Compaq work smoothly16:19
mikejetWhen I minimize an app, no icon shows up in the bottom task panel.16:20
omerta_jrbi :D16:20
Lord-Readmanjrib, acicula is right, i remember now, its the 2.6.32 kernal, it completely slows down ext4 and thats what 10.04 uses.16:20
Q009ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to shell. - will GRUB help mee with this problem?16:20
wiiguywilol this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 ?16:20
patman023@mikejet - you upgrade or fresh install?16:20
schlaftierYud_Zroc: after all, there is no architectural difference, you can have all three environments and more on the same computer16:20
mikejetpatman023, fresh install16:20
aciculaLord-Readman, the fix is in succsesive kernels too afaik16:20
omerta_i cant seem to play wma files in 64-bit songbird, however they play fine in rhytmbox and mplayer and etc.16:20
patman023hrm- no clue16:20
GhostWolfjrib, how would i go about searching for the bug report for the problem i have?16:20
Lord-Readmanacicula, nope no fix16:20
aciculaLord-Readman, heres to btrfs :)16:20
Yud_ZrocOk ty16:20
Kriss3dcodac, Im helping my stepdad with his ubuntu.. his laptop stops after the kubuntu logo.. seems its a graphic issue16:20
thirtytwofeetperi've never had a problem upgrading vs clean installs16:20
ghassenbenkevan: insert->Fields->page number  on the footer, but in included page 1 that i don't wanna16:20
Lord-Readmanext4 will remain slow16:20
schlaftiermikejet: which application?16:21
aciculaLord-Readman, the fix slows it down16:21
tinglei414hello Can I send message here16:21
aciculaLord-Readman, yes thats what i meant(said?)16:21
jribGhostWolf: use the search feature and just think how you would describe your issue if you were reporting it16:21
Lord-Readmanit will stay slow forever now, new FS is needed :-)16:21
aciculaLord-Readman, well btrfs will need another year16:21
phoenix____vadi01: ?16:21
GhostWolfjrib well i don't find anything with it without going past the first page :S16:21
mikejetschlaftier, Eclipse, Xchat & Terminal.16:21
aciculaLord-Readman, so pick your poision, ext3 or ext4 ;)16:21
thirtytwofeetperso, GNOME terminal box is now purple...16:22
Lord-Readmani'll go back to ext316:22
wiiguywilol this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 ????16:22
patman023@32 easy fix16:22
schlaftiermikejet: so basically all applications? Do they even show up in the bar when not minimised?16:22
minimecmikejet: check that the Window list applet is loaded (right click) on bottom panel add to panel. Or do gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel and logout/login That command sets the gnome panel to its defaults.16:22
restfulAmfcan any one help me16:22
TurbolinuxHello again. I was using Ubuntu 9.10 on my computer and I updated my system with update manager software. Then I realized Evolution e-mail messaging program's icon was disappeared after the update process. Is it a new setting with update?16:22
thirtytwofeetperPat: ohh yeah, for sure, i just thought it was an odd choice16:22
GalerienI have a problem with my parition system : http://paste.ubuntu.com/425272/, I wanted to know if i could put sda3 and the unallocated part inside sda4??????16:22
yukiseasideis it out16:22
restfulAmfwhy cant lucid 64 boot on my dv6t quad16:22
mandrewis there anyway to make the gnome shell an option in the list on the loging screen in lucid?16:22
zetherooanyone getting desktop effects working with Intel graphics?16:22
acicula!caps | benkevan16:22
thomasfustonTurbolinux: no , it should be still there16:22
ubottubenkevan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:22
jribzetheroo: wfm, ask your real question16:23
codacKriss3d: I just have the problem, not the solution (yet). :)16:23
linda_hey everyone16:23
patman023his kbd is messed give him a break16:23
threexkHow do you move the buttons back to the right?16:23
wiiguywilol this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ????16:23
jrib!controls | threexk16:23
ubottuthreexk: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d616:23
patman023@3xk ubuntu tweak or the gnome config16:23
threexkjrib: thanks16:23
=== ignis is now known as Guest78286
restfulAmfok no one is helping16:23
aciculaGalerien, if the extended has more space then yeah16:23
Kriss3dcodac, hmm its odd.. im not even sure if a fresh install will do the trik16:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
KonoI played bob's game16:23
Konoon DS16:23
jrib!helpme | restfulAmf16:23
ubotturestfulAmf: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:23
zetheroo jrib: I cannot enable desktop effects since upgrading to Lucid16:23
Pici!ot > Kono16:23
ubottuKono, please see my private message16:23
benkevanacicula: if you read what I wrote.. you would understand that I wasn't trying to use caps16:23
phoebusDownloading the new release <3, thank you ubuntu team.16:24
minimecmandrew: <ctrl><alt>F1 gives you a shell. You can switch back with <alt>F7.16:24
yummycheesejust got burned by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/542365 I had no volume control widget. Was hidden under "An indicator of something that needs your attention on the desktop"16:24
Lord-Readmanjrib, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ext4_then_now&num=116:24
HoldenCHello. A friend is updating from 9.10 to 10.04, and has got windows and ubuntu on sda. he's getting this dialog: http://imagebin.org/95084 what is he supposed to choose?16:24
Galerienacicula: no, the extended as the entire ext4 partition in it...16:24
aciculabenkevan, caps and shift cancel each other out16:24
alexandruI tried unetbootin ... didn't work, booted from the USB and got a bunch of 99's on the screen ... could anyone please walk me step by step through this?16:24
TurbolinuxIt was disappeared on top panel on my desktop I forgot to say this sorry. Is it normal?16:24
aciculaGalerien, then no, you have 4 primary partitions already16:24
patman023acicula, he's fixed it, quit trolling16:24
ghasseninsert->Fields->page number  on the footer, but in included page 1 that i don't wanna16:24
thirtytwofeetperis anyone having issues changing the close/max/min box from the right to left16:25
aciculapatman023, thank you for your opinion and valuable input16:25
TurbolinuxThomasfuston: Is it normal?16:25
GalerienYes, but I want to 'extend' the extended partition to include all the rest of my hard drive, is there a way to do that?16:25
jribthirtytwofeetper: well they start on the left...16:25
benkevanghassen: trying it now that I have normal capitalization hahaha16:25
chrometigerok now i got "could not download upgrades" when trying local mirror,   this sux i've tried everyway i now how to upgrade16:25
aciculaGalerien, if theres a partition behind it you will have to remove it and recreate it16:25
sn0rl4yto jest polski irc ?16:26
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:26
thirtytwofeetperjrib: sorry, thats what i meant, i know the commands im just hesitant to change it16:26
thomasfustonTurbolinux: your icon in the top panel should still there for evolution16:26
Galerienacicula: ok, if there is no way around...16:26
Semitoneshey guys, I'm having a problem with apt. Even though I'm root, I get the error that it's locked. Is there a command to unlock?16:26
jribthirtytwofeetper: you won't break anything, they are safe16:26
=== Canada is now known as Guest25943
macman_wow 10.04 ?16:26
aciculaGalerien, you cant grow an extended partition to include an already existing partition no16:26
nomnexSemitones, sudo16:26
patman023@32, gconf-editor16:26
jribSemitones: check if you have some other apt process running (like update-manager)16:26
thirtytwofeetperjrib: haha, i just wonder if there's like, a good purpose for Ubuntu putting them on the left16:26
Semitonesnomnex, I've been using it16:26
GalerienSemitones: close other apt user application16:27
macman_how is 10.04 ?16:27
alexandrucould anyone please walk me through installing ubuntu from a USB? I tried unetbootin and it doesn't work. I'm using slackware right now16:27
Galerienlike aptitude and co16:27
jribthirtytwofeetper: they have plans for the space on the right that's freed up16:27
nomnexSemitones, yes, sorry about it16:27
TurbolinuxThomasfuston: I understood. I will set it again. Thank you for your help.16:27
Galerienmacman_: wait at least a week :D16:27
thirtytwofeetperjrib: that's what i assumed too16:27
Semitonesjrib, I tried that, and I'm not (lubuntu doesn't even have update manager) Anything else I can try?16:27
Galerienacicula: thx anyway man16:27
Wulfymacman so far so good flawless install (compared to the rc) cant complain16:27
mandrewminimec but that doesnt give me the gnome shell right?16:27
dipanjanOne of my friends has a Windows XP host and Ubuntu 9.10 guest in a VBox set up on the same machine. He wants to access the NTFS windows drives from inside the Ubuntu 9.10 in Virtual Box but is unable to do it. Please help. How to do it?16:28
irv_is gpsdrive the most comprehensive GPS navigation app? or is there something better out there?16:28
minimecmandrew: No it gives you a fullscreen console.16:28
jribSemitones: reboot, if it still says it is locked, /msg ubottu aptfix16:28
sn0rl4yjest ktos kto moze mi pomoc ?16:28
Q009omfg my Icechat is lagging epicly on this channel16:28
jrib!pl | sn0rl4y16:28
ubottusn0rl4y: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:28
alexandrucould anyone please walk me through installing ubuntu from a USB? I tried unetbootin and it doesn't work. I'm using slackware right now16:28
mandrewim just a newbie so i dont know what to do with that :(16:28
egsomei'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit from a flash disk now, and it boots in Live mode with no problems ( currently chatting from live mode ), but when try to install i reach the Keyboard Layout selecting screen, then it get hang, means nothing happened, and mouse pointer is in Busy icon, and nothing more happen !16:28
jribalexandru: be more specific than "it doesn't work"16:28
benkevanghassen: shoot.. I don't know..16:28
grindholdhello everyone. someone has a nice link and/or information how to activate the many times promised widget-level rgba support for gtk? googling "ubuntu lucid gtk rgba" fails hard16:28
killowni have installed python-docs and ubuntu fails to register documentation .. /usr/share/info/dir Programming & development tools  give me no information about python docs installed.. do anyone help me fix it?16:28
benkevanI tried to do a manual break.. and tried to restart the page numbering.. but it still puts 1 ..16:29
jribegsome: check the md5sum of the iso?16:29
alexandru@jrib I boot from the USB it created and I get a bunch of 99's on the screen16:29
Rdogg112hey guys , in the /etc/fstab how do i make it so everyone can delete,write to the disk? im currently using auto,user,exec,rw,nls=utf8,umask=0222 but it doesnt work?16:29
egsomejrib: Can i do that from live mode now ?16:29
jribalexandru: what iso are you using? did you check the md5sum of the iso?16:29
p8davidHello there. I'm using the new Ubuntu 10.04 in French and when I'm using sudo apt-get install, in my putty shell, I got very wierd sign like : Après cette opération, 8790ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés16:29
jribegsome: I don't know16:29
p8davidHow can I fix it ?16:29
Semitonesjrib, danka16:29
geniiWeird. A lot of 99 at boot is usually from LiLo16:29
dipanjanjrib, One of my friends has a Windows XP host and Ubuntu 9.10 guest in a VBox set up on the same machine. He wants to access the NTFS windows drives from inside the Ubuntu 9.10 in Virtual Box but is unable to do it. Please help. How to do it?16:29
benkevanghassen.. : I got it16:30
patman023@p8david, thats just 8Meg of data16:30
egsomejrib: OK, Will do now16:30
alexandru@jrib the iso downloaded from ubuntu.com ... didn't check the md5sum. Where can I find it?16:30
mandrewminimec im just a newbie so i dont know what to do with that :(16:30
Guest25943hey guys, how can you set XChat-GNOME to 12H?16:30
jribdipanjan: the vbox docs go into that.  #vbox can help you more16:30
Wulfydipanjan, youl find its the virtulisation software stoping ubuntu "seeing" the drives have a look round its options16:30
egsomejrib: What is the correct md5sum of it ?16:30
BCS-SatoriI am having problems installing 10.04 (64) on my HP Workstation with a mirror drive set.  The installer errors saying no such file found "/dev/mapper/isw_ddbbbbbgag_BCSLINUX001ARRAY1" which it doesn't exist however its named "/dev/mapper/isw_ddbbbbbgag_BCSLINUX001ARRAY" (without the 1). Here is my /var/log/messages. http://paste.ubuntu.com/425317/  Thanks.16:30
jrib!md5sums | egsome, alexandru16:30
ubottuegsome, alexandru: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.16:30
Rdogg112hey guys , in the /etc/fstab how do i make it so everyone can delete,write to the disk? im currently using auto,user,exec,rw,nls=utf8,umask=0222 but it doesnt work?16:30
dipanjanjrib: thanks. will do that16:31
dipanjanWulfy: thanks. will do that16:31
benkevanghassen: I'll BRB.. have to hit the bathroom.. then I'll help16:31
archwild19.10 -> 10.04 upgrade, I'm still not able to get any USB devices to work (was trying acpi and grub options).  "lsusb" still prints out all of the devices I have connected, but none of them function.  Any ideas?16:31
helois it not irresponsible to provide md5sums these days?16:31
jribarchwild1: meet GhostWolf having the same problem.  Maybe you guys can trade notes16:31
patman023how can that be irresponsible?16:31
dreykhi can somebody tell me how to install compiz unsupported plugins to get fire and beam effect?16:31
Picihelo: They are available16:31
jrib!compiz  | dreyk16:31
ubottudreyk: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz16:31
helopatman023: because they are a false token of confidence16:32
threexkthe window buttons change is lame16:32
zipperhi any idea how to get the computer started from hibernation mode?16:32
jribLord-Readman: thanks for the link16:32
Oerhelo is it irresponsible NOT to provide md5sum ?16:32
minimecmandrew: press <ctrl><alt>F1 anytime and you will change to a black fullscreen console. Same thing with F2-F6. Combination <alt>F7 brings you back to the graphical screen. You can test that right now... ;)16:32
jribzipper: don't you just boot as usual?16:32
Picihelo: sha256sums are available as well.16:32
helomd5sum has been broken. use sha1sum or something else that hasn't been broken.16:32
pa1983is usb_modeswitch included in the latest ubuntu 10.04 releases ?16:32
Picihelo: and sha1sums too16:32
zipperjrib: u mean just press the on button again but i tried it doesn't seem to work16:32
helopeople will use md5sum if you provide md5sum... they shouldn't be providing them if they aren't reliable... right?16:32
jribhelo: it doesn't really matter.16:32
egsomejrib: it's correct16:32
jribzipper: what happens when you do that?16:33
grindholdhello everyone. someone has a nice link and/or information how to activate the many times promised widget-level rgba support for gtk? googling "ubuntu lucid gtk rgba" fails hard16:33
patman023@zipper, if you're on a lapto and all else fails, power cycle by pulling the batt16:33
alexandru@jrib the md5sum is correct16:33
zipperjrib: nothing happens16:33
zipperpatman023: i am using desktop16:33
sidewalkhow do i re-enable draging windows across workspaces?16:33
jribzipper: no lights turn on?16:33
helowhy provide any hashes if it doesn't really matter?16:33
zipperjrib: there is lights on my cpu but nothing on screen16:33
gartralhow the heck do i clone audio output from one audio jack to another, i know EVERY point on my board for audio is bi-directional.. how do i make USE of that?16:33
jribalexandru: don't know.  Look into what genii said about 99s usually being associated with lilo.  Ubuntu doesn't use lilo by default16:33
ZykoticK9sidewalk, you might was to ask in #compiz if you don't get an answer here16:34
zetheroodamn this! ... just when you think something is going to work ... pah16:34
egsomejrib: i checked md5sum and it's correct16:34
jribegsome: you might want to just try the alternate cd16:34
jrib!alternate | egsome16:34
ubottuegsome: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:34
jas4711anyone able to verify to gpg signature on the SHA256SUMS file on http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ ?  It gives a BAD signature for me16:34
wiiguywill this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ????16:34
egsomejrib: OK16:34
alexandru@jrib I have lilo because I use slackware, but I want to switch to ubuntu16:34
p8davidHello there. I'm using the new Ubuntu 10.04 in French and when I'm using sudo apt-get install, in my putty shell, I got very wierd sign like : Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour « libc-bin ». (like in UTF-8)16:35
jribalexandru: lilo shouldn't really come into the picture if you are booting from the usb though and it seems it is16:35
FoxWolfhi all16:35
ZykoticK9alexandru, lilo - oh man, that's old-school ;)16:35
sidewalkzetheroo: nevermind, found it :P16:35
zipperjrib: so should i try to go into hibernation mode and test it out?16:35
zetheroosidewalk: uhm ... what?16:35
alexandru@jrib the ubuntu image should be on the usb?16:35
peppoI get no audio in lucid. rhythmbox nor quodlibet can play, they all get sink errors16:36
jribalexandru: yeah, unetbootin puts it there16:36
wiiguywill this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ??????16:36
jribzetheroo: I thought you had already hibernated16:36
mandrewminimec i dont really think i can use that info im sorry im only looking for a way to get the gnome shell16:36
alexandru@jrib it didn't put it on mine16:36
egsomejrib: it's a 662 MB download !, is there no another solution or method to install it ?16:36
Semitonesjrib, reboot fixes everything :D hooray16:36
FoxWolfsomeone told me to download the latest kernel, and it doesnt work, now i have 2 ubuntu options, i want to get rid of the latest one as it doesnt boot16:36
AceKingCan someone tell me why when trying to install xchat from Ubuntu Software Center, I get the message "Requires installation of untrusted packages"?16:36
zetheroojrib: hibernated?16:36
eGelorhello there16:36
jribalexandru: maybe that's the issue.  What iso are you using?16:36
alexandru10.04 desktop16:36
jribzetheroo: sorry, wrong nick16:36
zetheroojrib: no worries16:37
eGelormy nvidia geforce 9200 crash and i got black screen16:37
SemitonesFoxWolf, can you open synaptic and remove the broken kernel that way?16:37
alexandru@jrib should I put it there manually?16:37
FoxWolfi will have a look Semitones16:37
jribalexandru: hmm, maybe unetbootin does something different.  I'm pretty sure at least usb-creator just had the iso on the disk16:37
eGelori search Ubuntu forum and i didn't fix my problem16:37
zipperjrib: not yet i wanna try it now16:37
andrew____How do you change the favourites in ubuntu netbook remix?16:37
jribzipper: ok, but what is your question then?  You just weren't sure how the resume process would work?16:37
alexandru@jrib do you have a link for usb-creator for linux? I only found windows versions16:38
zipperjrib: yes16:38
andrew____alexandru: aptitude is your friend!16:38
FoxWolfSemitones, how do i find it?16:38
alexandruwhat is aptitude?16:38
jribzipper: sure go for it, it should automatically boot into your hibernated state16:38
jribalexandru: package manager like apt-get16:38
andrew____Netbook remix favourites anyone? :p16:38
xangua!usb > alexandru16:39
ubottualexandru, please see my private message16:39
SemitonesFoxWolf, try searching for "kernel" and see if you recognize any of the results16:39
Picixangua: I don't think that answers his question16:39
bigcx2hey, has anybody in here ever built a custom kernel with make-kpkg?16:39
chillindaveCan someone tell me how to make numbered list items in the community docs?  I'm having a little trouble figuring out the correct wiki code....16:39
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:39
coreGrlsomeone can point me to a msn client with webcam support?16:39
jribalexandru: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Live_USB_creator I guess, though from experience it seems people usually have more luck with unetbootin16:39
mandrew!gnome shell16:40
smwhat's up with us.archive.ubuntu.com ? I can't get a response during apt-get update. Just busy ?16:40
dreykhi can somebody tell me how to install compiz unsupported plugins to get fire and beam effect? I mean tell me right a way, i dont get what es said in the posted links16:40
jribchillindave: I think it's just:  <indent>1. first item<newline><indent>1. second item ...16:40
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.16:40
minimec!gnome-shell > mandrew16:40
tefenis it possible to append a line of text to the end of a file?16:40
tefenusing command line16:40
jribsm: my guess would be busy, yeah.  Try a local mirror16:40
bazhangdreyk, have you asked in #compiz ?16:40
jribtefen: echo foo >> file16:40
smjrib: thanks16:40
minimecmandrew: doesn't work ;)16:40
dreykyeah no reply16:40
SemitonesFoxWolf, actually, search for "linux-image" and you'll have better results16:41
mandrewno :P16:41
jribbigcx2: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:41
chillindavejrib, Alright, thank you.  I wasn't sure since it's normally "#" and the examples are a little jumbled together.16:41
dreykbazhang, your advice about ibus helped me. thank you so much!16:41
mguyIs anyone using an older iMac/G3 keyboard with their PC? It's not detecting mine upon boot, I have to unplug it and reconnect it a couple times to get it to recognize16:41
AndySgot a complete OS free machine, brand new, for 10.04 - but "prepare partitions" is blank and will not let be continue. What did I need to do?16:41
bgunteris it possible to extend some of the existing styles defined in /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc in your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file?16:41
wiiguywill this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ??????16:42
jribbgunter: should be16:42
bguntere.g., in the global file it defines a "wide" style and i want to change the ythickness to 1 like so16:42
thomasfustonAndyS: you should be ablte tho choose, for manually partition, or for use whole harddisk16:42
bgunterstyle "wide"16:42
bgunterxthickness = 216:42
bgunterythickness = 116:42
FloodBot4bgunter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
jribbgunter: easy way to find out is to try and see16:42
peppoany clues why'd I get gstreamer errors in 10.4 Rhythmbox and Quod Libet?16:42
SeaOrificewhats new in Ubuntu 10.4 ?16:42
GhostWolfdoes anyone know if theres a way to reverse an upgrade?16:42
chillindavejrib, Yeap, that worked just fine.  Thanks man!16:42
PudgyYet I'm very anxious to see a structural/solid solution to the Alsa/JAck/PulseAudio/etc.etc. sounds mess. Is anyone actually working on that?16:42
mandrew!login screen16:42
ZykoticK9!paste > bgunter16:42
ubottubgunter, please see my private message16:42
bgunteryeah i'm trying, but it seems to ignore everything in the file16:42
jrib!notes | SeaOrifice16:42
ubottuSeaOrifice: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100416:42
alexandru@jrib damn it ... usb-creator doesn't run on slackware and unetbootin doesn't do the job right16:42
bazhangmandrew, /msg ubottu please16:43
jribGhostWolf: no, downgrades are not supported16:43
AndySthomasfuston: thx - only options are "quit", "back", "forward" - no partition box buttons active16:43
bgunterubottu: noted16:43
minimecmandrew: I fyou want to try gnome shell, just install it and start the thing via a Terminal. It doesn't matter, that compiz is loaded first. Just type 'gnome-shell --replace' and metacity or compiz are unloaded and the gnome-shell is loaded.16:43
GhostWolfjrib ok.. i just don't see anything in the bug report site but i googled and seeing im not the only who had this problem before the first of the year..16:43
thomasfustonAndyS: using liveCD install ?16:43
dreykafter switching to 10.4 my firefox seems to load pages really slowly is that a known issue?16:43
SeaOrificecan anyone share with me their experience with 10.4 and 9.10 ?16:44
SeaOrificeplease feel free to PM me16:44
jribSeaOrifice: #ubuntu-offtopic for that kind of question please.  #ubuntu is focused on support16:44
bgunteri also have a gtk-icon-sizes line in there that is being ignored as well16:44
minimecmandrew: You do <ctrl>c in that same console and the original state is reloaded.16:44
Sp00FHi Ubuntuser16:44
FoxWolfbrb sa16:44
thirtytwofeetperSea: faster loading on almost everything16:44
Sp00FI've question about bittorrent16:44
jribbgunter: hmm, I have this for example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425327/16:44
AndySthomasfuston: I burnt the AMD64 iso to DVD - put in drive, power on in blank machine - was that wrong?16:44
lusumi have a question: to manage services i used sysv-rc-conf, this is a replacement for upstart?16:45
Sp00FWhich torrent client is the most efficient ?16:45
dhruvasagarSp00F: I love deluge16:45
shayneSp00F, rtorrent FTW!16:46
Chekovhow can i hide access keys (underlined letters) in firefox menu bar?16:46
Sp00FDeluge or rtorrent16:46
andy112233Hi everyone. When booting lucid lynx, boot time is about 15 secs but then the screen stays black for ~20 secs before displaying anything, only the mouse pointer is visible. Is that normal or a bug? THANKS, Andy16:46
dreykafter switching to 10.4 my firefox seems to load pages really slowly is that a known issue? <<<< no one facing that problem?16:46
Sp00FI checked many forum16:46
jribChekov: do you still want them to activate when you use alt?16:46
eGelorAnybody who can help me fix my nvidia drivers16:46
Pici!best | Sp00F16:46
ubottuSp00F: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:46
dhruvasagari've never tried rtorrent though16:46
Koterpillardreyk, Seems to be broken ipv616:46
moderndayzeroso im not wasting anyones time, does anyone here have nes,snes,n64,gba,sega.psx,ps2,dolphin,etc...... on 10.4 or familiar with the install/setups?16:46
lindsaymobil22hey giys16:46
Chekovjrib, yes, but no underlined letters in the menu bar16:47
Sp00Fand it seems that the best torrent client is... Utorrent with Wine16:47
mandrewminimec i tried the  'gnome-shell --replace' cmd before and the terminal got stuck thats why i would like to get it in the list in the login screen16:47
jribChekov: that I don't know :)16:47
dreykwhat does ipv6 mean?16:47
KoterpillarIs the default GDM background/theme for Lucid still brown?16:47
lindsaymobil22can a wubi install of ubuntu 9.04 be converted to a full install on its own partition?16:47
jribKoterpillar: it's purple16:47
zipperjrib: i just went into hibernation mode the thing went black screen16:47
bgunterjrib: you have that in ~/.gtkrc-2.0? any special permissions required on the file?16:47
Chekovjrib: well, is that a standard feature of firefox (to underline the letters)?16:47
rjonesx1I am running into an issue where I am unable to connect to us.archive.whatever when attempting to install restricted drivers. I have no problem downloading the .deb directly from the URL, but when I try to run it it says "Recommended to install from the software channel"... Any reason why it would fail to download via the HardwareDrivers app but would work just fine (immediately) from a browser?16:47
zipperjrib: i tried pressing every key on my keyboard and it does not come out of hibernation16:47
gartralChekov: red squigleies?16:48
Koterpillardreyk, open about:config, search for ipv6, disable it16:48
amikropHello, how can I hide the keyboard layout from the panel?16:48
jribbgunter: it's actually in my ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine but I include that file from ~/.gtkrc-2.0.  Just 644 permissions on it16:48
lusumhow to manage upstart services in kubuntu??16:48
Sp00Fmy wish is to get a torrent client which is fast, i want to DL the last version 10.04 and let it shared after.16:48
Koterpillaramikrop, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/51937216:48
jribzipper: did it shutdown?16:48
Chekovgartral: ?16:48
zipperjrib: nope it didn't16:48
Sp00FBut i guess the best torrent client is utorrent with wine :/16:48
andy112233Does anybody have a clue? Is it normal for the screen to stay black for another 20secs after having booted for ~15secs?16:48
wiiguywill this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ??????16:48
jribzipper: do you have enough swap?16:48
zipperjrib: i just offed the switch16:48
andrew____Sp00F: No, the best one is rtorrent.16:48
Kangarooowhere in ubuntu can i change preffered programms?16:48
Sp00FMost of people told me that it's the faster16:48
PiciSp00F: The best torrent client is the one YOU like best.16:48
zipperjrib: what do u mean?16:48
jrib!defaultapp | Kangarooo16:48
ubottuKangarooo: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.16:48
minimecmandrew: I mean it is still under heavy develpment. I tis not meant for daily use...16:49
abe3khi guys, I'm trying to access the tty1 by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 under ubuntu 10.04 but all I get is a blinking cursor16:49
lindsaymobil22can a wubi install of ubuntu 9.04 be converted to a full install with it's own dedicated partition?16:49
gartralChekov: red "waves" as an underline indicates a mis-spelled word16:49
jribKangarooo: alos see System -> Preferences -> Preferred applications16:49
ubutomSp00F, transmission will also work16:49
dreykdamn that worked!!! thanks alot16:49
peppojust upgraded to 10.4 and Rhythmbox or Quod Libet or any gstreamer app fails to play music. they all give the "red stop icon", and does nothing...16:49
jriblindsaymobil22: no, I don't think so.  Backup and reinstall16:49
v0lksmanSp00F, rtorrent is better than utorrent in wine...it's very efficient but if you are doing it for one torrent then not worth the hassle16:49
Sp00Ftransmission crashs to often....16:49
xanguaKangarooo: gnome-control-center16:49
Sp00Fi'll try rtorrent16:49
Chekovgartral: firefox underlines all "key access"-keys in the main menu16:49
Sp00Fthanks for your advises16:49
zipperjrib: how??16:49
lindsaymobil22i heard of something called lvpm?16:49
v0lksmananyone know why I don't have a system.map file?  how would you generate it:  FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.31-21-generic-pae/build/System.map': No such file or directory16:49
jribChekov: I believe so, though it's alos common in all of gtk16:50
GhostWolfarchwild1, are you still there?16:50
jribzipper: your swap space, do you know how big it is?16:50
amikropKoterpillar: thanks :)16:50
lindsaymobil22is this everyone having problems with lucid?16:50
thewildernesshey, i'm having a problem with the lynx restricted extras and such. where do i look to find them and what are they called?16:50
dhruvasagarcan't say16:50
zipperjrib: whats a swap space just started using linux today pardon my noobness16:50
andy112233Anybody else experiencing the screen staying black for 20 secs after finishing booting with only the mouse cursor visible?16:50
Reckon_why is it #ubuntu+1 invite only now?16:50
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Chekovjrib: ok, thanks16:50
jribzipper: type: swapon -s   in a terminal16:51
Picithewilderness: The package name is ubuntu-restricted-extras.   sudo apt-get install #ubuntu-restricted-extras   will install it.16:51
bazhangReckon_, its closed ?16:51
KoterpillarReckon_, no development version right now16:51
FoxWolf_Netbookandy112233, yes but not tha long16:51
jribReckon_: lucid is released, so support is here now16:51
thewildernesspici: i've got that package, but it doesnt seem to work for things like flash16:51
abe3khi guys, I'm trying to access the tty1 by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 under ubuntu 10.04 but all I get is a blinking cursor16:51
zipperjrib: FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority /dev/sda5                               partition32276400-116:51
lukusandy112233; i am too .. i think the console's been hidden by default maybe16:51
bgunteroh this is bizarre. the icon-size settings seem to take effect for every them except Ambiance16:51
mandrewminimec ok its just so nice looking and its a lot better on my netbook then the ubuntu netbook remix version16:51
lindsaymobil22are there too many bugs with lucid?16:51
andy112233Thanks FoxWolf_Netbook. So it's probably normal. My PC is not the fastest one...16:51
jribzipper: how much ram do you have16:51
minimecReckon_: the development process of 10.10 hasn't yet started, so right now there is no future (+1) ubuntu.16:51
bazhanglindsaymobil22, did you have one?16:51
gartralPici: maybe that command will work better without the pound?16:51
Koterpillarabe3k, what's your video card? Just interesting16:51
zipperjrib: 1.3gig16:51
amikropKoterpillar: I ran that command, logged out and in, but that icon did not disappear. :S16:52
Reckon_thanks minimec16:52
lindsaymobil22baxhang: what did i have?16:52
jribzipper: is your swap bigger than ram?16:52
abe3kKoterpillar, Nvidia16:52
kimibenI download the .so file from adobe flash 64 bit official site. I copy it to -/mozilla/plugin directory but firefox says that adobe flash is not installed . Where is the problem do you think ? can you help me please ?16:52
Picigartral: er, it would work a lot better without it.  Too much time on IRC.16:52
lindsaymobil22bazhang: what did i have?16:52
FoxWolf_Netbookcan anyone tell me how to stop the keyring thing coming at startup, i think its something to do with my wireless connecting16:52
bazhanglindsaymobil22, a support issue?16:52
amikropKoterpillar: Do I have to wait for an update?16:52
KaiForceis launch party channel closed?16:52
zipperjrib: the size is 322764016:52
lindsaymobil22yeah and no16:52
Koterpillaramikrop, what command?16:52
lindsaymobil22i also like to help out16:52
minimecmandrew: You can use it, but if it crashes, going via a normal login will bring you back to the normal interface.16:52
ubutomKaiForce, nope16:52
amikropKoterpillar: that one, in the last comment of the bug report16:52
andy112233I have this new low-res opening screen saying "ubuntu" and dots "ooooo" with changing colors, so I thought finishing this should indicate the boot having finished. :-(16:52
KaiForcesomeone yesterday mentioned an "essentials" package that installed such things as flash, etc.  anyone know what that is?16:52
Koterpillaramikrop, I restarted and it worked16:52
wiiguywill this one work with ubuntu > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ??????16:52
mandrewok tnx minimec16:52
lindsaymobil22im not a n00b with ubuntu and im not a total wizz with it either16:53
bazhangKaiForce, ubuntu-restricted-extras package16:53
tehomyll1Hey. Where can i find the messenger on ubuntu? i've been told that ubuntu has it (or something similiar) already installer.16:53
KaiForcebazhang, ubutom, thanks!16:53
andy112233But thanks everyone. Seems that I just have to be a little patient. :-)16:53
IsmAvatarNot to start a debate, but can someone give me a good reason why the buttons were moved to the top-left?16:53
pizzledizzlehow do you run a command as a certain user when linux boots up?16:53
jribzipper: I don't know then.  If hibernate is working properly, your computer should power off by itself when you hibernate but it may take some time to do so16:53
jribpizzledizzle: why exactly?16:53
Koterpillarpizzledizzle, exactly when?16:53
bazhangIsmAvatar, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic16:53
thirtytwofeetperIsm: Ubuntu has plans for the right side16:53
amikropKoterpillar: Ah. Also, after the upgrade I think my laptop boots slower than it used to. Is there anything known about that?16:53
macman_has anyone even played with 10.0.416:53
abe3khi guys, I'm trying to access the tty1 by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 under ubuntu 10.04 but all I get is a blinking cursor16:54
lindsaymobil22hey guys does Wubi work with 10.04?16:54
jribmacman_: it's 10.04, I'm sure some people have used it, yes16:54
lindsaymobil22and if so what bugs have occured16:54
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: yes it does16:54
IsmAvatarthirtytwofeetper: thank you16:54
pizzledizzleKoterpillar, when linux starts, i want it to automatically run a script, but i want it to run it as a specific user, not root16:54
kimibenI download the .so file from adobe flash 64 bit official site. I copy it to -/mozilla/plugin directory but firefox says that adobe flash is not installed . Where is the problem do you think ? can you help me please ?16:54
jribpizzledizzle: WHY?16:54
tehomyll1where is ubuntus messenger?16:54
Koterpillarpizzledizzle, /etc/rc.local, su user16:54
lindsaymobil22actionparsnip: are there any bugs that you know of?16:54
kimibentehomyll1:  use pidgin16:54
ChogyDan!controls | IsmAvatar16:54
ubottuIsmAvatar: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d616:54
thewildernesstehomyll1: it's called empathy, or you could use pidgin16:54
ActionParsnippizzledizzle: look into su, you can run stuff as other users using it16:54
Picipizzledizzle: You could use a @reboot line in that user's crontab16:55
tehomyll1and how can i find that kimiben ?16:55
thirtytwofeetperpidgin rocks16:55
bgunterthink i'm closing in on what's going on here. it's preferring the global settings over my local ones. the themes that accept my icon-sizes are the ones that don't specify icon-sizes in their gtkrc.16:55
ActionParsniplindsaymobil22: there will be a few, lucid is very young but consult the launchpad bugs for details16:55
kimibentehomyll1:  you can installed it from software center. or use empathy16:55
lindsaymobil22i prefer to use wubi because the os that cannot be named wont let me shrink my partition16:55
strange!controls | strange16:55
ubottustrange, please see my private message16:55
Koterpillaramikrop, check that you have proposed-updates16:55
tehomyll1kimiben: where can i find empathy?16:55
jribbgunter: I see.  Weird that it would do that but you could always just make a copy of the theme, edit it and drop it in ~/.themes/16:55
ubutomlindsaymobil22, voldemortOS?:P16:56
reportingsjrhow are the update servers now? Anyone know?16:56
thewildernesstehomyll1: click on the envelope at the top of the screen16:56
kimibentehomyll1: prorams menu you can see it ? there is also internet submenu use it please...16:56
sunk8Hey people, Does Ubuntu need a good application that can easily install any theme in just a few clicks?16:56
bgunterjrib: good suggestion. thanks for helping.16:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:56
lindsaymobil22ubutom: yeah u could say, or better known as vista16:56
thxeeronxI have just upgraded Ubuntu 10.4 Server from 9.10 and when I start up the PC it doesn't show me anything in screen, however the system if it is online because I can connect by ssh, somebody helpme?16:56
bazhangmandrew, please /msg ubottu as I asked before16:56
ARishiI freshly installed chromium on Ubuntu 10.04 and the bookmarks I add in the bookmark bar do not appear fully. They are cut from top and from bottom, only the middle part of the icon and text (height-wise) is seen.  I was having this problem when I was using lucid beta too but found no fix or reason. (i did a fresh install of lucid now)16:56
tehomyll1thanks thewilderness16:56
mandrewok sorry thanks16:56
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
thewildernessnp tehomyll16:57
ntarsthxeeronx: what graphicscard do you have?16:57
lindsaymobil22that reminds me, i tried to install chrome onto ubuntu 9.4 but it was coming up with an error saying about permission errors on install16:57
Dr_Willissunk8:  thers dozens of themes in various ppa and other repos that  can be installed. the 'gnome-art' and a few other tools make getting gnome theme parts faily easy also16:57
bmanHey, im trying to install the Ubuntu 9.1 minimal CD image on my dedicated server. When the cli setup starts it sets my resolution to 648x481 and my IP KVM cant display that. Can I set a resultion while im at the boot: prompt?16:57
kimiben64 bit adobe flash16:57
kimibenplease help me...16:57
thxeeronxntars: VGA ... Inter 82945G/GZ16:57
ActionParsnipthxeeronx: do yuo see the boot stuff on the screen?16:58
hatake_kakashibman, try appending vga=ask at kernel/boot line16:58
v0lksmanhow do I generate a System.map file in my modules dir? needed to compile a kernel module...am I missing a kernel package?16:58
ActionParsnipthxeeronx: then it should just drop to a prompt16:58
thxeeronxActionParsnip: Nop16:58
eGelori got similar problem with <thxeeronx>16:58
hatake_kakashiv0lksman, more like you're missing kernel-headers16:58
bmanhatake_kakashi: Thanks, ill try that16:58
ActionParsnipthxeeronx: so after the bios screen you see nothing?16:59
hatake_kakashibman, make sure to press space when it asks you16:59
linda_does anyone here issues wit usb file transfer copy on karnic16:59
FoxWolfi pressed control alt and f1 to see what it was and couldnt exit it16:59
thxeeronxI only use console, anything graph16:59
awaadHow can I add the Arabic language to Ubuntu 10.04 ?16:59
hatake_kakashiFoxWolf, press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back, you were in a tty session16:59
thxeeronxActionParsnip: Yes .... Boot grud... only16:59
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jeeves_Mosshow can I add R/W access for all users in a group to a directory?  (ie. I need all users of www-data to be able to read/write to a shared directory)16:59
ActionParsnipthxeeronx: try some boot options, hold shift at boot (before grub) and have a ball16:59
FoxWolfDoes anyone know how to disable having to enter the passpord all the time for the keyring thing17:00
jrib!permissions | jeeves_Moss17:00
ubottujeeves_Moss: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:00
FoxWolfwb om26er17:00
v0lksmanhatake_kakashi, linux headers are latest version...any other ideas?17:00
thxeeronxwhen i use a old kernel everything work ok...17:00
peppoanyone else having problems with getting any audio playback working?17:00
thxeeronxsorry for my bad english I'm cuban17:00
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hatake_kakashiv0lksman, well it should by now be able to compile that module no? what was the error?17:01
om26erfoxbuntu, hey am back17:01
v0lksmanhatake_kakashi, sorry...it compiles...just fails on make install FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.31-21-generic-pae/build/System.map': No such file or directory17:01
foxbuntuom26er, did you mean FoxWolf ?17:02
alxvHi guys! Can you help me, when i try to rename pseudonym in empathy and close private information window, pseudonym stays the same!17:02
bitterjug1I'm experiencing difficulty getting Lucid live CD to boot, can anyone help me get more information about what's going wrong?17:02
om26erfoxbuntu, oops sorry17:02
alxvEmpathy ubuntu 10.0417:03
hatake_kakashiv0lksman, if I'm not mistaken, System.map is usually placed in /boot, check there and if it exist, symlink it17:03
KaiForceis build-essentials what I want if I need to compile C?17:03
miked595anyone know how to get ftp shortcuts from Places menu to open in nautilus rather then firefox?17:03
miked595KaiForce: i think so17:03
ActionParsnipKaiForce: yes17:03
hatake_kakashiKaiForce, yes pretty much17:03
KaiForceok thank you.17:03
thxeeronxsome suggestion form my problem17:03
omerta_guys i removed restricted drivers from notification area now transmission doesnt show on notification area17:03
MrKlownwell, that alternate cd worked, it installed, but as soon as it loaded up, i entered in username/password and then selected the hard drive it froze lol17:03
KaiForcebazhang - hat tip.17:03
MrKlowni give up17:03
omerta_how can i bring it back17:03
lindsaymobil22can updates be performed on a Wubi install or can it break it?17:03
ActionParsnipmiked595: check the helper addons and make sure ftp isnt in there17:03
miked595lindsaymobil22: I've have kernel upgrades break my wubi install.17:04
kolpurhow to add applications to startup from shell?17:04
lindsaymobil22what ones are kernel upgrades?17:04
bgunterjrib: i did what you suggested, just copied it to .themes and modified it there. it works like i want it to now. thanks.17:04
ActionParsnipmiked595: or add nautilus (or whatever you use) in there as the app to use or somesuch. It may be a setting in gconf or even nautilus itself17:04
lindsaymobil22i have over 253mb to download as updates, the update manager wont go away17:05
miked595ActionParsnip: where is the helper addons?17:05
gpdnvidia GT220: screens found but no usable configuration: 195 : worked perfectly with karmic - thoughts?17:05
miked595ActionParsnip: it works in nautilus if i click the bookmark inside of it. it's just annoying that the places menu uses firefox since forefox sucks at ftp17:06
* Urda is clean installing 10.04 x64 today :D17:06
favilaIs fsck or "checking disk" during boot suppose to take a long time in 10.o4? In 9.10 it would take seconds.17:06
v0lksmanhatake_kakashi, thanks...worked!17:06
vanishingUrda: good luck mate17:06
nfrsAnd thus the Lord, who is our God, the God of Israel, spake, saying "Woe unto him and unto his seventh generation, he who puts his window decorations on the left side, for they are an abomination unto Me. Thou shalt offer burnt sacrifices as guilt offering to atone for your sin and then henceforth always have your window decorations on the right" and thus it was written.17:06
Urdavanishing: yea I kinda trashed my Beta copy lol17:06
jrib!ot | nfrs17:06
ubottunfrs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:06
DovetailI installed Ubuntu 10.04LTS and I love it!!!17:06
hatake_kakashiv0lksman, no worries17:06
nfrsjrib: tl;dr?17:07
jribnfrs: I read it, it's not a support question17:07
vanishingUrda: rofl...used it since alpha1 and still good17:07
miked595lulz @ nfrs17:07
Urdavanishing: compiz got all stupid on me17:07
lindsaymobil22are updates suggested to be run on a wubi 9.04 install?17:07
ActionParsnipmiked595: firefox sucks at http too17:07
Urdavanishing: Plus no big re installing, got my .emacs I'm happy17:07
MrKlownoh no17:07
vanishingUrda: too lazy to reinstall...w/e, not gonana reinstall, too much stuff to do17:07
bitterjug1Is there some way I can get a shell or boot log from 10.04 live cd boot: it hangs after the first dialogue17:08
miked595ActionParsnip: better then IE but i do like google chrome better... much faster.17:08
Urdavanishing: sounds like my Windows Vista box lol17:08
ActionParsnipmiked595: and arora :)17:08
MrKlowni partitioned my drive to take up 50% space with ubuntu and xp respectively... how do i delete the ubuntu partition because it won't work on my machine17:08
lukusi can't boot into my machine anymore - installed the nvidia drivers from the repository and now i get a blank screen17:08
vanishingUrda: ill see how long i can get it to work without a reinstall..17:08
ryankrizanCan someone help me figure out why I'm not getting my full screen resolution?17:08
miked595ActionParsnip: so where is this helper addons lol17:08
vanishingUrda: lol..i got too much stuff on this..all those configs and stuff..17:09
vanishingUrda: btw..hows flash in 64?17:09
ActionParsnipmiked595: i think under tools menu, i havent used firefox in aaages17:09
thirtytwofeetperryankrizan: i'm having this problem using dual monitors too17:09
ryankrizanthirtytwofeetper, I'm not using dual monitors though.17:09
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miked595system > pref > main menu?17:09
skinheadsaludos desde colombia17:09
Urdavanishing: I had a script to get it to work, bookmarked it17:09
skinheadaca probando el xubuntu17:09
vanishingUrda: lol..ok17:09
lillemanHow do I make The File Browser show my path, instead of those stupid buttons? in 9.10 there was a little button with a pen on it...17:09
thirtytwofeetperryankrizan: i know they added more options for resolution but..ehmm17:10
ActionParsnipmiked595: http://radu.cotescu.com/2010/01/22/how-to-set-nautilus-as-default-ftp-application/17:10
favilano more Ubuntu one "cloud" icon" on the gnome-panel in 10.04?17:10
xangualilleman: Control+L17:10
ryankrizanthirtytwofeetper, Whats even worse, when I try to use the nvidia drivers, the kernel fails to load the nvidia module and crashes :*(17:10
Urdavanishing: can't find it :s17:10
xangua!hi | joshua17:11
ubottujoshua: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:11
jetienneq. what is the minimal disk size to install  a ubuntu desktop 10.04 ?17:11
lillemanxangua: no, I ment up there above my files. So it always says "/home/lilleman" instead of <button> <button> <button>17:11
joshuah:D thanks17:11
ehlimif I freshly install ubuntu 10.04 what will be default file system, is that ext3 or ext4?17:11
vanishing10.10 is gonna be good.....'experimental' coming back..17:11
thirtytwofeetperryankrizan: oh man, my nvidia is not working great on my other computer either but it hasnt crashed yet17:11
miked595ActionParsnip: reading now thanx17:11
vanishingalthough i dont like the name...=.=17:11
thirtytwofeetperryan: this is going to take a couple days to work out17:11
jetienneehlim: ext417:11
vanishingUrda: cant find what?o.o17:11
ActionParsnipmiked595: good ol jeeves :)17:11
toyman61Trying to install driver for Cardman 2020 USB-reader for smartcard on Ubuntu 10.04 /617:12
xangualilleman: like i said; Control+L   < it doesn't work¿¿17:12
ehlimjetienne: thanks17:12
lillemanxangua: Then I can type a specific path, then I get thrown back to the buttons when I press enter17:12
joshuahI've been having troubles with my graphics card.  I can install the nvidia 195.36.24-pkg1 driver, but when I restart it doesn't work anymore.  I have a dell xps m1330 with a nvidia 8400gs, what should I try?17:12
toyman6164-bits. Running the command "svn co http://svn.gula.es/cm2020" and then "A cm2020/10-cardmanusb.rules". The latter gives me an error: Command not found. What do I do now ?17:13
om26erhmm nvidia :(17:13
vanishingyofel_: hey yofel17:13
shubbarryankrizan, is it a new installation of ubuntu?17:13
ActionParsniptoyman61: if its usb use: lsusb; lspci     it may show up, the manufacturer is moot, you need to know the controller inside's make (usually richo)17:13
rahulattuluriI recently upgraded from ubuntu 9.04 to 10.04 but my login screen doen't appear17:13
om26errahulattuluri, system works fine ?17:14
rahulattuluriMine is ATI graphics card17:14
awaadI installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I found that the X mark which closes the window became on the left not on the right17:14
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awaadHow can I solve this problem, please ?17:14
thxeeronxI have same problem as <rahulattuluri>17:14
rahulattuluriyeah I was able to login via command prompt17:14
yofelvanishing: hm?17:14
ryankrizanshubbar, No, I upgraded. I can't even load the livecd, black screen17:14
ActionParsniprahulattuluri: you will need to boot to recovery root console, remove the ati driver then boot to reinstall the driver17:14
xanguaawaad: change the theme17:14
ActionParsniprahulattuluri: smells a lot like the driver didnt survive the upgrade17:14
simasdo u guys like the new ubuntu? :)17:14
miked595ActionParsnip: lol the desktop shortcut open nautilus now but the link in Places still opens firefox17:15
gartralPici: thats ok, imaginre being on a network wher /me is replaced by a semicolon17:15
ActionParsnip!ot | simas17:15
ubottusimas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:15
toyman61ActionParsnip, : I'm a newbie.. :-)17:15
om26ersimas, poll?17:15
xanguaubottu: tell simas about ot17:15
ubottusimas, please see my private message17:15
simasok sorry17:15
om26ersimas, I love it btw :)17:15
ActionParsniptoyman61: find guides on how to remove the ati driver, you'll most likely find that the extra steps needed to make the driver nice have been missed so the driver needs reinstalling17:15
CR0WHi, I want to upgrade form karmic to lucid but The installer says it will remove some packages including xscreensaver, how to tell it not to do so?17:16
shubbarryankrizan, did you ever install the drivers from nvidia site?17:16
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oliver3I'm assuming on Ubuntu/Kubuntu it's safe to keep working during a distro upgrade? I.e., my machine isn't likely to bail on me?17:16
ryankrizanshubbar, it fails.17:16
AndySExperience: escaping from W7 ... first ubuntu install (ever), m/c clean, AMD64 iso - no existing OS, unpartitioned disk: first time got "partitions" menu (but could not proceed - no partition to choose :) ); reboot : second time get formatting option.  Otherwise, excellent experience.17:17
toyman61ActionParsnip, : The CardMan is found using lsusb. The driver is not supported from the manufacturer, but there has been made a "hack" so it can work anyway.17:17
gartralCR0W: why not? xscreensaver is depreciated17:17
ActionParsnipCR0W: just reinstallthe packages once yuo get upgraded17:17
coreGrlsorry I'm trying to listen this radio http://delicast.com/radio/search:gong/Gong_Radio, but it doesn't works with lucid.. anyone can listen it?17:17
toyman61ActionParsnip, : Ati driver ???17:17
alexandruI've given up trying to install ubuntu from USB ... I'll try to install it from Linux. The problem is the instructions on the site are for grub and I use lilo ... could you please help me out?17:17
cemerickwhat would the magic invocation be to attempt to detect what filesystem is on a device?17:17
rahulattuluriHow to remove ATI drivers from ubuntu??17:17
gartralcoreGrl: you need flash and java17:17
ActionParsniptoyman61: sorry, crossed lines17:17
rahulattuluriand what to do next??17:17
coreGrlit's searching for a Decoder text/uri-list17:17
CR0WActionParsnip so there's now posibility of setting it to not remove something?17:17
awaadxangua: I changed it and the problem is solved, but is there any way to have the default theme with the X on the right not on the left ?17:18
toyman61ActionParsnip, : :-)17:18
coreGrlgartral, I've both17:18
archwild1upgrade 9.10 -> 10.04, still not having any luck with USB devices -- none of them are working but "lsusb" is showing them connected properly.  Anyone else seeing this (other than me and GhostWolf)?17:18
shubbarryankrizan, you mean you are trying to install nvidia drivers that you downloaded from nvidia site and it fails?17:18
ryankrizanshubbar, Yes.17:18
xanguaawaad: i'll tell you when i update17:19
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gartralcoreGrl: it looks like the colon in their url bar is causing some problems.. i'de complain to the webmaster and explain too them that the website needs to meet coding standards before it's usable17:19
mikeashelbyHi... Completely new to this... seems like everyone's chatting at the same time! Anyway, I just installed 10.04 (as an alternative boot, so keeping 9.10 and windows). Anyway, I now can't get into the GUI version of 9.10, and I daren't even try windows! No sign of my other drives from here either... a little concerned. Any help?!17:19
RnFstRuckHrdHello all - found this article yesterday, which explains why my upgrade to 10.04 yesterday killed my laptop. Apparently the Dell Inspiron 700M has been blacklisted? See article and link inside article ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1461029 ) Can anyone give me an idea if this is something that will change with future updates, or is my laptop stuck on Karmic for the remainder of its days?17:19
gartraler, just url :)17:19
simaswhats the name of app to get sidebar like in vista/ 7?17:19
ActionParsnipCR0W: not that i know of, the removal wil be for a reason so i personally wouldnt question it17:19
CR0Wgartral For now gnome-screensaver is a downgrade, it's just worse than x.17:19
hipitihopthe lucid and user/group admin gui does not let me setup or change a user and specify/modify the userid and groupid, how can I setup a user from the command line with specific user and group ids17:20
robbie_mu-anyone: I looking to install ubuntu - are any languages other than english supported on the cd? when would I need the dvd instead?17:20
coreGrlgartral, yes but the problem seems the audio player17:20
om26ersimas, win7 have sidebar?17:20
oliver3mikeashelby: you backed up right?17:20
xanguasimas: desklet¿¿17:20
toyman61archwild1: Did the same upgrade (on 64-bits system) and my USB harddisk is showing up as it should..17:20
WayneT3Hey there...anybody else having problems with 10.04 saving their visual effects settings?17:20
RnFstRuckHrdsimas: runnin 10.04?17:20
jribhipitihop: usermod, please please read its documentation and make sure you know what you are doing17:20
ActionParsniprobbie_mu: there are lots of languages on the cd, there are more on the dvd17:20
coreGrlgartral, do you load it? I can see it but it seems it can't find a suitable codec17:20
gartralcoreGrl: yep, the colon is causing the code to only read half the url..17:20
mikeashelbyoliver3: hmmm... not so much...17:20
shubbarryankrizan, don't try to install the drivers from nvidia site, they caused me allot of headache. Install them thru System > Administratro > Hardware Drivers17:20
sn0rl4ypoland ?17:20
jribhipitihop: well usermod is for modification, see adduser for creating users17:21
mikeashelby(my bad I know)17:21
oliver3mikeashelby: oh wow. You /did/ repartition to make room for 10.04, and didn't just overwrite the old 9.10 install?17:21
sn0rl4yjak wejsz na polskie ubu17:21
ryankrizanshubbar, I have. I have nvidia-current enabled, but it's not in use for some odd reason.17:21
hipitihopjrib, after my first attempt to add a user, I could change the id's why don't they stick ?17:21
amosek!pl |sn0rl4y17:21
ubottusn0rl4y: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:21
jribhipitihop: what?17:21
mikeashelbyI can get in to 9.10 command line...17:21
gartralcoreGrl: imm seeing "unknown codec (Null)" meaning the website is borked, not only does the player get a corrupted file, the codec cant grasp the colon as a passable charecter17:21
ianwizardSince I upgraded yesterday, my fan isn't showing up.  I need some help.  Please.17:21
toyman61archwild1, : My SmartCard-reader is also showing up. but the driver does not work (so far..).17:21
kombuchaI have 2 identical machines each with a fresh install of Karmic from the same CD. On 1 machine install openssh-server tells me it is not avail but is referred to, while on the other machine it is installed. A diff of each machine's sources.list shows they are identical17:22
hipitihopjrib, I first used the gui to add a user, but it ignored my id settings. later changing the id's, although it appeared to work, they reverted17:22
oliver3mikeashelby: no idea what you've done then lol17:22
robbie_mu@ActionParsnip: I usually use spanish, but sometimes I need to look at other encodings for documents: sinhala and hindi17:22
Kenthreeare the upgrade servers down/stressed? Its giving me connection errors17:22
RnFstRuckHrdsimas: If you are unning 10.04 then right clcik on desktop and a panel. Edit the panel and move it to the right edge of screen. Widen it out and change the transparency then add widgets desklets and weblets to it17:22
mikeashelbyHmmm... it's a weird one!17:22
oliver3kombucha: check /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:22
gartralcoreGrl: trying it in a win 7 vm produces similar results.. but ff crashed emediatly x.x17:22
coreGrlgartral, I c...17:22
amosekKenthree: same for me on gb. server17:22
jribhipitihop: I don't see how that can happen.  How did you change them?17:22
archwild1toyman61: no luck on any devices, particularly annoyed because of keyboard/mouse17:22
coreGrltry with IE17:22
kombuchaoliver3: anything specfic I should look for?17:23
RnFstRuckHrdsimas: "right click on desktop and ADD* a panel" sorry forgot the "add"17:23
thxeeronxeverything is ok when a use in booting whit the nomodeset17:23
oliver3kombucha: files17:23
thxeeronxhow i can fix them17:23
hipitihopjrib, by logging into another admin user (the rimary one created during install) and then changed the userid for the new user17:23
mikeashelbyoliver3: might give windows a go... it's weird, 'cos it's not showing my other sdas.. so I can't even access them through here...17:23
toyman61archwild1, : I can understand that.. :-)   Any errors while upgrading ?17:23
jribhipitihop: /how/17:23
ActionParsnipkombucha: run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install openssh-server     on the system without the package, or you could download the deb on the system which CAN install the server and copy the deb over as both are Karmic17:23
jribhipitihop: using usermod?17:23
hipitihopjrib, using the admin gui17:24
jribhipitihop: right, use usermod17:24
archwild1toyman61: no errors, handful of warnings about various packages but nothing unusual17:24
robbie_muis there a list of which langauges are on the CD ?17:24
hipitihopjrib, so the gui is broken ?17:24
shubbarryankrizan, i could never remove the binary drivers i installed from nvidia site totally. They screwed up my system. I went for a fresh ubuntu installation. I don't like to suggest a fresh installation since its too cumbersome, but its you last resort.17:24
kombuchaActionParsnip: I ran update, of course, and while I could install from the deb I'm really trying to figure out the "mystery" of how that happened17:24
toyman61archwild1, : 32- og 64-bits ?17:24
duffydackkombucha, its just 'ssh'17:24
Guest32482Is it possible to compile/use rubyripper on Ubuntu 10.04 without hang?17:24
archwild1toyman61: 6417:24
kombuchaduffydack: huh?17:24
miked595ActionParsnip: I found a bug which shows a fix, thanx for the push in the right direction. I needed to do "killall gconfd-2 && killall gnome-panel" to get the change to work in the Places menu. the bug is here athough they mainly argue about it being a bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/19620217:24
GRUBaDubDubis anyone else having extremely slow wireless after installing 10.04?17:24
ryankrizanshubbar, I would, if I could. I can't even get the LiveCD to work, I get a black screen.17:24
kombuchaI don't think it's been just ssh for years17:24
gr8tuxubuntu is great distro17:24
duffydackkombucha, install openssh-server without net connection?17:25
karma_policewhats a quick and easy way to automatically mount a secondary hdd on startup?17:25
ActionParsnipmiked595: nice find :)17:25
kombuchaduffydack: what is that?17:25
gartralRnFstRuckHrd: and 915resolution was no help? have you seen if the comp will export display?17:25
jrib!fstab | karma_police17:25
ubottukarma_police: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:25
ActionParsnipkarma_police: use /etc/fstab17:25
shubbarryankrizan, which version of livecd?17:25
coreGrlgartral, I resolved from the website of the radio17:25
xanguarobbie_mu: normally after you install it you have to download the full language package; in the dvd i believe come all17:25
toyman61archwild1, : Silly question: Your mouse/keyboard is properly connected to the system ?  I experienced problems with my keyboard after upgrading - because my USB-connector not properly connected.. :-)17:25
gartralcoreGrl: yay! happy listening17:25
duffydackduffydack, for some reason ( I think you were talkin about installing it without a net connection (so using the cd?) )  if you do then it uses the metapackage ssh17:26
ytooxI got two problems after installing 10.04, boot loading image does not display properly and compositing does not load, it has to be manually loaded with the appearance module in gnome.17:26
ryankrizanshubbar, What do you mean what version of LiveCD? It's 32-bit 10.0417:26
ytooxI need some help please17:26
archwild1toyman61: yeah, nothing changed hardware wise, or connections.  "dmesg | tail" produces an interesting message: http://pastebin.com/iLc8H3KG17:26
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rahulattuluriHow to uninstall ATI graphics driver in linux17:26
duffydackkombucha, sorry, ive just woken up and scrolled back a few line..17:26
wiiguydoes ubuntu support > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.25291 < ????17:26
rahulattuluriubuntu 10.0417:26
RnFstRuckHrdgartral: I wouldn't even know how to change the res as the screen blacks out during the boot up. I assumed I could not output graphics because I have to tell the computer to do that. Not sure how to when I have no "eyes"17:26
jrib!hardware | wiiguy17:26
ubottuwiiguy: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:26
jribwiiguy: I would start there17:27
wiiguyi will check it :)17:27
emacspp(gvim:3925): Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid input string17:27
shubbarryankrizan,  try 9.10, may be there's a bug in the latest17:27
emacsppWho can tell me how to deal with it17:27
ryankrizan9.10 works fine.17:27
ryankrizanI'd rather be using 10.0417:27
emacsppMy Ubuntu is 10.0417:28
RnFstRuckHrdgartral: this bug report seems to more accurately explain my issue. Most of my hardware is teh same as this persons... ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/515246 )17:28
toyman61archwild1, : Seems very strange to me.. And so far I has no further solutions.. :-(17:28
edwardthefmahello all17:28
RnFstRuckHrdBut this blacklisted computer thing has me a little up in arms!17:28
vjnickdoes anyone have ultimate ubuntu 2.517:28
shubbarPhoto managers, which one are you using? F-Spot, gthumb, shotwell or Solang?17:28
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karma_policeis there gui that will do the mounting for me? like startup manager?17:29
edwardthefmanew ver is too new to try for meh17:29
xangua!ultimate > vjnick17:29
ubottuvjnick, please see my private message17:29
vjnickultimate ubuntu 2.5 anyone?17:29
karma_policei'm using the mint menu in ubuntu17:29
bazhangvjnick, not supported here17:29
ytooxanyone can help me?17:30
mikeashelbyoliver3: windows still works...17:30
ryankrizanmikeashelby, I'm sorry. lol17:30
ianwizardOn the "Tour of Ubuntu" page, there is a picture of two games.  One is Hedgewars, does anyone know what the other one is?17:30
mikeashelbyoliver3: not sure why 9.10 isn't... most odd!17:30
mrfeltonIs anyone else having serious trouble with Thunderbird3? It keeps consuming all my CPU and grinding my machine to a halt17:30
mikeashelbyryankrizan: :P17:31
bazhangianwizard, ubuntu.com homepage?17:31
mrfeltonload is through the roof17:31
emacspp(gvim:3925): Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid input string     Who can tell me how to deal with it?17:31
cousin_mariohow do I get the UFW log out of dmesg?17:31
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ianwizardbazhang: yes17:31
bazhangianwizard, let me look17:31
Strife89One entry name on the GRUB menu irks me a little. I know there is an editable file that I can alter to "fix" the entry name, but I've forgotten where it is. Any advice?17:31
ianwizardbazhang: thx17:31
WayneT3Anybody having trouble with 10.04 saving their video effects settings?17:31
EvaLuaTeis there any way for me to add a 'volume manager' to the systray or to the panel in general in 10.04?17:31
ryankrizanWayneT3, Just a few of us!~17:31
WayneT3ryankrizan, where would I go for help?17:32
ryankrizanWayneT3, Here.17:32
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: you have to add gnome-volume-control-applet as startup object17:32
EvaLuaTecousin_mario: ohh. thank you. also, is there any way to remove the language bar? I don't actually need it...17:33
WayneT3ryankrizan, any tips as to getting my visual effects saved so I don't have to reset them every time I boot up?17:34
hipitihopjrib, very strange .. if I try to deluser, it claims it is logged in17:34
ryankrizanWayneT3, Oh, you're having issues saving your settings. I thought it was more like a problem with resolution settings. No, sorry, can't help you there.17:34
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: I think you can simply remove it from the panel17:34
CaNochello, how can I use apt-get with a sock proxy?17:34
EvaLuaTecousin_mario: it seems to appear in the 'tray' (I know the tray was renamed in 10.04, don't know it's new name though...)17:35
hipitihopjrib, and users does not list it17:35
userzhi guys17:35
manchotcan ssh -D serve as a sock5 proxy server for the LAN network?17:35
jribhipitihop: persist after reboot?17:36
WayneT3ryankrizan, everything updated just fine; I just can't get 10.04 to save my visual settings in Appearance...17:36
manchotor it is only good for a localhost?17:36
hipitihopjrib, will try brb17:36
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: can't you simply remove it with the right button?17:36
Strife89One entry name on the GRUB menu irks me a little. I know there is an editable file that I can alter to "fix" the entry name, but I've forgotten where it is. Any advice?17:36
trismEvaLuaTe: System/Preferences/Ibus Preferences, uncheck show icon in tray17:36
CaNocmanchot: for Lan is ok, but you have to config firewall17:36
Omertaanyone knows how i can play wma files in songbird x64 under ubuntu x6417:36
BasicXPhello everyone!17:36
VenkoAnyone able to instruct on me how to install Java3D in 10.04?17:36
Keith12125I've looked everywhere and I can't find the Ubuntu 10.04 x64 Minimal install ISO. I've looked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD but the 64bit version is missing...17:37
zteamThis is unbelviable I muted my sound for a while ago, and now I'm unable to turn it on again17:37
Keith12125anyone know where it is?17:37
userzi need a little help. just got installed a computer with ubuntu 10.04 and want to set up a local (only reacheable in my local network) server for http, ftp, php and mysql. so, it just ran fine, but after a restart i can not start mysql any more :(17:37
manchotCaNoc, firewall? all lan machines are on the same subnet, why do I need a firewall?17:37
ActionParsnipVenko: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java3dUbuntu17:38
zteamis there anyone who has any idea?17:38
jribKeith12125: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso feel free to update wiki17:38
manchotCaNoc, I guess if I can use for localhost as proxy, then the other machines on the same LAN can use the IP:9000 as a proxy driver.17:38
realcnbshey, how do i remove manually installed python2.5?17:38
jribrealcnbs: read its documentation17:38
ActionParsniprealcnbs: use software centre17:38
VenkoActionParsnip: Thanks but I found a way to do it from binary :) http://www.icram.de/node/8517:38
Omertahow manually realcnbs?17:38
Strife89Sorry if I'm being annoying, but I'm hopeful.17:39
realcnbssudo make install17:39
Strife89One entry name on the GRUB menu irks me a little. I know there is an editable file that I can alter to "fix" the entry name, but I've forgotten where it is. Any advice?17:39
Omertahow did you install it17:39
ActionParsnipVenko: mines the official ubuntu documentation ;)17:39
EvaLuaTetrism: It's not that one (when I clicked on 'IBus Preferences' it said it's not started and asked me to start it). It's the one showing 'USA' and 'Rou' (for me). I think I'll just remove the romanian language pack, I hope that'll fix it17:39
Markyyyi installed ubuntu, i chose to install the bootloader on my windows partition.. but it doesnt seem to work, and windows wont load up :/17:39
Omertarealcnbs: you need to download that source code again17:39
Markyyycan anyone help me?17:39
Omertaand do "sudo make uninstall"17:39
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: I doubt it will17:39
userzis someone familiar with mysql and can tale a second to look at the error i got starting mysql??17:39
jribuserz: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:39
userzjrib: i already done, but no reaction on it ^^17:40
GRUBaDubDubhey guys, I'm having a problem with my wifi being really slow after installing 10.04. I did a clean install. any help is appreciated17:40
realcnbsOmerta: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.17:40
jrib!helpme | userz17:40
ubottuuserz: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:40
realcnbsOmerta: make: *** No rule to make target `remove'.  Stop.17:40
hipitihopjrib, reboot cleared it... will see if I can add back now.17:40
userzjrib: well ... ahm ... thx :(17:40
CaNochow can I use wget with sock proxy?17:40
Sami345How long does it approximately take to get a answer to a bug?17:41
jetiennepurple term for the win!17:41
jribuserz: so ask the question now... :)17:41
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Omertarealcnbs: enter that folder first, configure make and them make uninstall17:41
jribSami345: random17:41
kombuchaoliver3: yes, i have a sources.list.d I am really puzzled, the machines are identical and both running 9.1017:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:41
n3glvATI user here17:41
n3glvradeon on laptop17:41
realcnbsOmerta: it is compiled, i didn't delete it after installlation17:41
Sami345Does it make it faster if I paste link here :D17:41
n3glvlucid is not showing me ANY hardware drivers17:41
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jribSami345: the more proactive about it, the more likely it is i imagine.  Try #ubuntu-bugs for what you can do to make the report better17:41
n3glvand, it trashed previous install17:42
TechnovikingI wish ubottu would not speak in L33t17:42
Omertarealcnbs: i understand that, you need source codes for uninstalling as well if you dont want to remove files and folders manually17:42
realcnbsOmerta: or does it configure new target if it is installed?17:42
userz just got installed a computer with ubuntu 10.04 and want to set up a local (only reacheable in my local network) server for http, ftp, php and mysql. so, it just ran fine, but after a restart i can not start mysql any more. only got the error 2002 on myphpadmin and if i try to start mysql through terminal got another error i can not identify17:42
maximus__hey ppl, i need to install lucid over karmic, i have a separate home folder where i got all the personal docs. is ther anything i need to preserve the contents? or just install17:42
Sami345so I paste the link to #ubuntu-bugs :D17:42
RedNifrehey there!17:42
Guest32482ruby is still buggy17:42
maximus__hey ppl, i need to install lucid over karmic, i have a separate home folder where i got all the personal docs. is ther anything i need to do to* preserve the contents? or just install17:42
sykim booted into the live cd and im tryin to partition my drives but when i open gparted it says no devices detected17:43
jribSami345: not what I said :/17:43
RedNifreWill installing the proprietary ATI drivers fix my monitor problems?17:43
cousin_marioRedNifre: ati is always a bad choice17:43
jribmaximus__: install it, be careful how you setup your partitions, make sure you tell it not to format your home17:43
cousin_mariojust sayin'17:43
ActionParsnipmaximus__: make sure your backups are recent then upgrad away, the home stuffs shoulnt be touched17:43
domjohnsonDo you have to do a partial upgrade to go from the RC to the final release of 10.04?17:43
Markyyywell thanks for your help17:43
RedNifreI heard, but I'm stuck with it for now.17:43
sixtilawhich file should I donwload to install lucid through flash drive?17:43
hubertchanguserz: mysql log?17:43
realcnbsMarkyyy: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&pwst=1&ei=sQjbS4WEKJL5Oc3xudwP&sa=X&oi=spellfullpage&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=2&ved=0CAgQvwUoAQ&q=ubuntu+fix+bootloader&spell=117:43
RedNifreThe screen looks like a flag in the wind: funny wave motions all over it17:43
ActionParsnip!partial | domjohnson17:43
jribmaximus__: right, upgrading would be easier instead of reinstall17:43
RedNifreAnd after 20 seconds it turns black.17:43
zteamis there any easy way to restore the default sound settings?17:44
Sami345So, I paste the link and ask what is missing from report and then?17:44
RedNifreSo, what about the proprietary drivers? Are they any good? What's the risk?17:44
userzhubertchang: maybe you can tell me where to find it17:44
jribSami345: ask what else you can do17:44
maximus__<jrib><ActionParsnip> ye, i just have 3 partitions. one for root, home and swap. chosing the root partition and proceeding wont be any harm right?17:44
domjohnsonActionParsnip - nothing came through17:44
peaceswhat determines the contents of .bash_history? seems like it varies as i have multiple terminal sessions open (gnome-terminal tabs). how can i get an aggregate history of all commands I enter? so that if, at one terminal, i have tail -f .bash_history, it follows my commands on every other terminal?17:44
jribmaximus__: is there a reason you are reinstalling instead of just upgrading?17:44
maximus__<jrib> ye but i need a clean install, sometimes this upgrades just mess up17:44
ActionParsnipsixtila: the desktop iso which matches your cpu architecture (i386, ppc, amd64) then use usb-creator-gtk to put the image on usb17:45
sixtilathanks Action17:45
VenkoOK I now have Java3D working but when I run Java3D binaries it gives me the following: http://pastebin.com/e0L2UmNk17:45
jribmaximus__: yeah, should work fine.  Like I said, just make sure home doesn't get formatted.  You should have backups anyway of course17:45
ActionParsnipdomjohnson: its not a factoid :( but a partial upgrade isnt advised and afaik not supported17:45
VenkoI use intel graphics. How can I get it to use GLX 1.3?17:45
maximus__<jrib> thanks, i do have a recent back up anyway :)17:45
jbuncherCan anyone help me fix gwibber?  It won't update twitter or receive updates from twitter (I haven't checked other services such as facebook).  Other twitter apps (twitux) work fine.17:46
RedNifreHas anyone tried out Ubuntu on an Artigo A1100? Does it work well?17:46
helopeaces: history is only written to .bash_history when bash exits. it is not realtime17:46
hubertchanguserz: if you didn't modify /etc/mysql/my.cnf, the log should be /var/log/mysql/mysql.og17:46
sykim booted into the live cd and im tryin to partition my drives but when i open gparted it says no devices detected17:46
userzhubertchang: thx, i'll look up immidiently. maybe the error i am getting starting mysql tells you something more. i pasted it on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/g7eBYRiW17:46
peaceshelo: ah. so is there a way to see my recent history in a session? besides up arrow...17:46
jribpeaces: type: help history17:47
aigloonhallo ich habe ein grub problem (error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found .   grub rescue>)17:47
ActionParsnippeaces: history | less     good read ;)17:47
Psycho_Mariocan somebody tell me the correct octal permissions for ~/Desktop? I accidentally just changed it.17:47
domjohnsonActionParsnip - After I installed and downloaded the Beta 1, I got a thing after a short while where I had to do a partial upgrade (or else things just wouldn't upgrade)17:47
alketHow to install Eclipse PHP Plugin in Lucid ?17:47
jribPsycho_Mario: 75517:47
harjotAnyone know of any good omr software?17:48
domjohnsonSo was just wondering whether you had to do it to go from the RC of 10.04 to the Final of 10.0417:48
Psycho_Mariojrib: thanks17:48
peacesaha, i tried tail -f `history` ... no luck. :( but thanks, this is useful17:48
jbuncherPsycho_Mario, not sure, it's whatever corresponds to drwxr-xr-x17:48
ReemoHey guys, is there an easy way to create a working ubuntu installation on an usb stick WITHOUT creating an extra file for the persistent storage? I mean, on an usb stick there is just no need....17:48
Psycho_Mariojbuncher: it;s 75517:48
wrinkliezhey guys, is there an icon or something to tell if ubuntu one is working? lol17:48
Imran-UKthink i've found a problem - i'm using ubuntu hardy, update-manager --devel-release find lucid but --check-dist-upgrades does not17:48
wrinkliezthere used to be an icon in the tray lol17:48
jbuncherPsycho_Mario, thanks17:48
jribPsycho_Mario: stat -c %a ~/Desktop   if you care17:48
GRUBaDubDubhey guys, I'm having a problem with my wifi being really slow after installing 10.04. I did a clean install17:48
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
RnFstRuckHrdI cannot get Kopete to launch from Cairo-Dock - anyone have a thought?17:49
EvaLuaTecousin_mario: you were right, there isn't even any other language installed beside english, no idea why it shows 'Rou' there. Any other idea how I could remove it? (btw, I tried rightclick->Keyboard preferences->Layouts->romania->remove, but that didn't help...)17:49
hubertchanguserz: before you reboot your machine, you start the mysql with user test successfully?17:49
Psycho_Mariojrib: ah, thanks, that could come in handy17:49
hubertchanguserz: or you start the mysql with root?17:49
damnmenuon lucid I've created a new panel, but it just creates and "unusable" space on the right no new panel showed and I can't delete it :(17:49
jbuncherPsycho_Mario, does the system just treat each instance of "rwx" like an binary number that counts to "8", such that 7 = rwx, 6 = rw- , 5 = r-x, etc?17:49
zteamThis makes me crazy17:50
ActionParsnipGRUBaDubDub: reboot and run: dmesg | less    and read, you may need a firmware file to get better speed17:50
jribPsycho_Mario: or just learn how octal works :)17:50
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: can't you jus remove the applet from the tray?17:50
Sami345bug in lauchpad17:50
Sami345(Error ID: OOPS-1581F1884)17:50
jbuncherjrib, does the system just treat each instance of "rwx" like an binary number that counts to "8", such that 7 = rwx, 6 = rw- , 5 = r-x, etc?17:50
zteammy sound was working perfectly before I muted it and now it's impossible to turn it on again17:50
userzhubertchang: befor i restarted the machine i only got installed mysql and set up the root password. then mysql was running and i created a test-user through myphpadmin. then i restarted the machine17:50
GRUBaDubDubActionParsnip, ok i'll try that now. thanks17:50
cousin_mariozteam: are the proper sliders up in gnome-volume-control ?17:50
error404notfoundany better solution to copy huge data (about 250G) than rsync (with rsync -auPhSW)?17:51
ActionParsnipzteam: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf ~/.pulse*   then press alt+f2 and type: pulseaudio   then hit enter17:51
FoxWolfcan anyone tell me how to uninstall the password manager that comes with ubuntu? its causing me all sorts of problems17:51
jribjbuncher: yes for each of "user", "group", and "other" you can have rwx.  4 == 100 is read, 2 = 010 is write, and 1=001 is execute17:51
FoxWolfanytime i want to connect to my wireless it asks for my password17:51
EvaLuaTecousin_mario: no, like I said, it's in the systray. When rightclicking on it I just have three options: 'Show current Layout', 'Keyboard Preferences' and 'Groups'...17:51
hubertchanguserz: sudo start mysql17:51
userzhubertchang: oh, i changed the "bind adress" line where was "" thourg my internal IP-adress. maybe this is the reason?17:51
jribjbuncher: counts to 7 of course :) 7=111 read, write execute17:51
error404notfoundFoxWolf: you can change the password to blank and it won't happen again.17:51
ActionParsnipfoxwolf: i had that in hardy / gutsy but i installed wicd and havent been bothered since :)17:51
jbuncherjrib, fantastic, always wondered how that worked, but was never on my list of things to figure out.  Yeah, 7, not 8, my mistake.17:52
FoxWolferror404notfound, what do you mean blank?17:52
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: the applet gadget should be nearby17:52
roddHi, I'm not an expert in linux and need some help, ubuntu 9.10 was working just fine yesterday (I use dual boot with win7). Anyway today when booting up, i got on grub screen as always, I chose 'ubuntu' but it led me to a grub 'terminal', I typed 'linux' to boot ubuntu but it said 'no kernel found', any ideas?17:52
jribjbuncher: or maybe you meant including 0, whatever :)17:52
addisonjhm... i should have just reinstalled on my netbook... would have been quicker than the upgrade process17:52
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: at its left I think17:52
error404notfoundFoxWolf: Google for "Clear OR Reset keyring password", its easy 3 steps and you are cool...17:52
threexkDoes anyone know what you call the checks and bullets that appear to the right of menu items in progams like Thunderbird?  They are now white on a light-grey background, and difficult to see, and I want to create/join an issue17:52
jribjbuncher: on 3 hours of sleep, interesting that I wrote each equality in a different way up there...17:52
error404notfoundFoxWolf: blank e.g. empty, nothing, ubuntu won't ask for any password to open keyring...17:52
Rei-chanQuote: If an army man plant ever moved to San Francisco, I'm guessing that all you would get is a bag of dead army men. And the Board of Supervisors would introduce a resolution requiring any toy manufacturers doing business in the city to include an equal number of picket-wielding anti-war protesters in the package.17:52
FoxWolfah ok17:52
Rei-chanRead more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/parenting/detail?entry_id=62128#ixzz0mbSpHrpm17:52
threexks/to the right/to the left/17:53
EvaLuaTecousin_mario: sorry, but I can't see it (btw, I have upgraded from 9.10 and have a custom layout. one second i'll make a screenshot)17:53
FoxWolfthanks error404notfound and ActionParsnip17:53
Rei-chan>.> Wrong channel. :(17:53
jbuncherjrib, indeed, I'm surprised I picked up on how it actually worked (writing dissertaion = not much sleep)17:53
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ianwizardMy fan isn't showing up (and thus isn't working).  Does anyone know what might cause this / how to fix it.  My computer keeps overheating, and I need to figure this out now.17:53
oliver3ianwizard: sounds more like a hardware problem17:53
error404notfoundFoxWolf: but its not safe  and ubuntu will ask "Use unsafe storage?".17:53
jribjbuncher: there's also another power of two used for setuid, setgid, and sticky17:54
hubertchanguserz: sudo start mysql17:54
oliver3ianwizard: which fan? GPU, CPU, chasis?17:54
gheehey, I downloaded 10.04 a tad to early and didn't get the notepad version (on a notepad). Is there some easy way to transition to this version or would I need to do a complete re-install? Danke!17:54
trismEvaLuaTe: oh I see what you mean now, but it does seem to disappear when I remove the additional keyboard layout, did you try logging out then back in?17:54
xanguaghee: notepad version¿17:54
userzhubertchang: i just tried but the terminal frozen. i restarted the machine again and will try it one more time17:54
xanguayou men netbook remix¿17:54
gheexangua :) yea...sorry17:55
EvaLuaTetrism: yeah, if i remove it, it also disappears for me, but after some time it appears again and the romanian language is also there...17:55
Sami345I am sad because I can't use Ubuntu :(17:55
jbuncherjrib : nice, I'll look into that.  You have by any chance run into issues with twitter and gwibber recently, have you?17:55
ianwizardoliver3: It's a laptop, so it's cpu, and chasis.  And I had this problem when I first got it, but somehow fixed.  Yesterday, I upgraded, and now it's broken again.17:55
ActionParsnipSami345: course you can17:55
jribjbuncher: nope, don't use that17:55
jbuncherjrib, alrighty.17:55
oliver3ianwizard: what mobo?17:55
Sami345I  can't, it doen't work17:55
cousin_marioEvaLuaTe: I think I was wrong17:55
userzhubertchang: no success :( terminal freezes17:55
SirVictoryon Ubuntu 9.10 and now 10.04, the fan on my laptop does not work with ubuntu unless I put acpi_osi="Linux" in the grub options. Windows and other linux distributions dont have this issue, only the two most recent versions of ubuntu. Should I file a bug report for this?17:56
tjsimmonsHiya kids. Anyone have a good fix for the fact that apparently, 10.04 LTS won't connect to a secured network via wifi on a mid-2008 MacBook Pro?17:56
ianwizardoliver3: It's an Asus EeePC 1201N17:56
hubertchangwhat do you mean "terminal" freezes?17:56
underWill the 'USB Boot creator' of Ubuntu works with Windows ISOs?17:56
om26erunder, no17:56
hubertchanguserz: check your /var/log/mysql/mysql.log17:56
ActionParsnipSami345: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?17:56
jribtjsimmons: fwiw my macbook 4,1 connected to wpa2 with no issues.  Did you enable the STA driver?17:56
erUSULSirVictory: yes; or directly in the kernel bugzilla17:56
SirVictoryok thank you17:56
jetienneq. where can i get the 9.10 theme ?17:56
underom26er: how can I burn it?17:56
tjsimmonsjrib: Aye, I did. Maybe it's just .. iunno. Weird.17:56
Sami345ActionParsnip, I have dowloaded many times and different Ubuntu versions17:56
om26erunder, there is a usb creator for windows too17:57
HppXer[Errno 5] Input/output error why? tnx17:57
Sami345(9.10 and 10.04)17:57
ianwizardoliver3: I'm pretty sure it's a driver, or setting somewhere.  I just don't know how I fixed it before.17:57
ActionParsnipjetienne: is it not in the apearnece options17:57
tjsimmonsjrib: It saw the network, but kept asking me for the password. Which I know was correct.17:57
jetienneActionParsnip: yep unfortunatly17:57
underom26er: name?17:57
oliver3ianwizard: this might help http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?item=asus_eee_1201n&num=3&page=article17:57
=== b3rnd is now known as ib3rnd
ActionParsnipSami345: it doesnt matter, you can statistically download an infinite amount of isos and NEVER get a good one. Did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?17:57
jribtjsimmons: what does « sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name » return?17:57
tjsimmonsIt's a MBP 4,117:57
HppXer[Errno 5] Input/output error why? tnx17:57
peaceswhen i connect to a vpn with vpnc in network-manager-applet, my IP changes and all ssh, sshfs, chat, etc. all break and have to be dis/reconnected. happens again when i disconnect from the vpn. is there a workaround? in mac os this didn't happen as i recall...17:57
userzhubertchang: the log tells me it can not bind the adress... here it is: http://pastebin.com/M1ejjQbV17:58
jribtjsimmons: same exact model as me then, strange17:58
Nirkushi! is it a known bug, that sound on Intel series 5 (core i5) does not produce any output? lspci says 0403: 8086:3b56 (rev 05)17:58
ianwizardoliver3: I read that before I ever installed, and I didn't find anything.17:58
Sami345do you know any good software to take a md5 from file17:58
MathuinUgh, mdadm and dmraid are going to drive me nuts.  Bleah.  Still can't get 10.04 installed even using the alternative CD.  Does anyone know how to make this go?17:58
om26erunder, unetbootin17:58
ActionParsnipSami345: and do you check the cd for defects?17:58
jribtjsimmons: did you try disabling encryption just to see if it worked fine?17:58
ActionParsnip!md5sum | Sami34517:58
ubottuSami345: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:58
tjsimmonsjrib: Yeah, I got it working under 9.04. I'll try it again on a different network here in a bit.17:58
EvaLuaTetrism: http://b3r3.info/Screenshot-2.png <- this is what i mean17:58
tjsimmonsjrib: And no, I didn't. It was late last night, didn't feel like bothering then.17:58
FoxWolferror404notfound http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/948/screenshotfd.png i always get this when trying to log in17:58
tjsimmonsjrib: It might be Time Capsule weirdness. Not sure.17:58
Sami345ActionParsnip, completly new CD from package17:58
FoxWolfanalso error404notfound i have to manually connect my wifi17:59
hubertchanguserz: your mysql is running17:59
HppXer<-- crudo has quit (Remote host closed the connection)17:59
hubertchanguserz: ps -afe|grep mysql|grep -v grep|wc -l17:59
sn0rl4yjest metin po polsku17:59
HppXer[Errno 5] Input/output error why? tnx17:59
sn0rl4yjest ktos z polski17:59
cousin_mario"new panel" creates an invisible panel17:59
jribtjsimmons: oh wait, yours is pro, I just have the regular macbook17:59
slwghee: you can try installing ubuntu-netbook. It looks promising, though I haven't tried it myself.17:59
cousin_mariohow do I get rid of it?17:59
MarkusHhello guys17:59
strangehey guys i have a problem when i run apt-get install it hangs @ Building dependency tree... 50%17:59
=== xandy is now known as xandy_
strangejust stalls there.17:59
sn0rl4yjest ktos z polski ?17:59
FoxWolfslw, also you can run ubuntu normally ... you can choose between different versions17:59
ActionParsnipSami345: again, that is moot. Burn as slowly  as you are allowed and it will help. Then boot the cd and run the verifier18:00
jrib!pl | sn0rl4y18:00
ubottusn0rl4y: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:00
tjsimmonsjrib: Same wireless card, iirc. Using the broadcom STA drivers. I might have to find some alternate ones, I think that's.. no, that was for the NVIDIA drivers.18:00
xandy_hi its me again18:00
FoxWolfyou have ubuntu network/2d and normal desktop vers18:00
ActionParsnipSami345: there is such a thing as a "bad batch of CDs"18:00
xandy_cant fix grub18:00
FoxWolfand xterm18:00
tjsimmonsjrib: When I have the time (and don't need to be logged into IM from my Win7 VM), I'll see if I can't track this thing down.18:00
Sami345ActionParsnip, I didn't see verifier in new Ubuntu CD :/18:00
HppXer[Errno 5] Input/output error why? tnx18:00
deeperrorstrange: try apt-get update18:00
userzhubertchang: the command just gets the output "2" and i cant login to mysql by "mysql -u root -p". it tells me "ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)"18:00
ActionParsnipSami345: so "its a new pack" doesn't mean much, check as much as you can. Thinking everything is ok is a really bad idea18:01
MarkusHis there a possibility to fetch all updates for update 9.10 -> 10.04 and distribute the files in a local network18:01
roddHi, I'm not an expert in linux and need some help, ubuntu 9.10 was working just fine yesterday (I use dual boot with win7). Anyway today when booting up, i got on grub screen as always, I chose 'ubuntu' but it led me to a grub 'terminal', I typed 'linux' to boot ubuntu but it said 'no kernel found', any ideas?18:01
ActionParsnipSami345: it should show on the very first screen you see18:01
FishsceneHas anyone noticed a regression with booting in 10.04?18:01
Sami345In old screen, I saw it, new nope18:01
cousin_mario"new panel" created an invisible panel I can't get rid of: any hints?18:01
mariyai wanted to install kile (about 190 packages were added as a dependency ) and in the middle of the process my system was frozen (keyboard were not responding), from this I end up with errors like this http://pastebin.com/rafpJ4T418:01
Vigorodd: Did you try startX?18:02
Sami345ActionParsnip, and I succesfully installed with same CD to another computer18:02
bigcx2hey, has anybody in here ever built a custom kernel with make-kpkg?18:02
EvaLuaTeFishscene: you mean, as in booting slower? for me it seems to boot ~2 seconds slower, it's shutdown time seems to have increased though, from 5 seconds to 3 seconds18:02
mariyaany ideas what to do? is there a way to find a list of packages were installing?18:02
roddVigo no i wasnt aware of that option, what does it do?18:03
jribbigcx2: did you see what I told you last time you asked?18:03
LoshkiMarkusH: yes, though the only way to gather them is to take a 9.10 machine and upgrade it. If you do that, all downloaded .debs will be cached in /var/cache/apt/archive and you can share (or copy) this directory between lots of machines18:03
FishsceneMore like it halts indefinitely when booting. Both ont he Live CD, and when upgrading from 9.10.18:03
bigcx2jrib: no, sorry i went to lunch18:03
ActionParsnipSami345: ok thats a good indicator, try some boot options, or disable unecessary hardware in BIOS18:03
jribbigcx2: just assume so and ask your next question18:03
Vigorodd: Getting documents now,,,18:03
MarkusHLoshki: thank you, I think that'll help18:03
erUSULmariya: do this in a terminal « sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status »18:03
bigcx2jrib: gotcha. ok well i have a pretty easy question then18:03
bigcx2jrib: when i do something like make-kpkg --append-to-version some-foo18:04
bigcx2jrib: it duplicates the name some-foo twice in the resulting deb18:04
bigcx2jrib: is there any way to get rid of that?18:04
Vigorodd: KDE or Gnome?18:04
gheeso no way to switch from Ubuntu Desktop to Netbook edition? desktop-switcher seems to be out aswell :(18:04
methril_workunable to update ubuntu to 10.04 from 9.1018:05
GorlistHi, ubuntu 10.04. Just trying to get my bluetooth/gps dongle working and im finding when running rfcomm connect its coming back with "Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Host is down" - however sometimes it will work18:05
methril_workall the methods explainde update-manager -d18:05
roddVigo gnome18:05
methril_workupdate-manager -c and -p18:05
methril_workdoes not work18:05
roddVigo but it didnt get to load ubuntu18:05
xanguaghee: i would like to help but i am upgrading and can't use the package manager to tell you the netbook edition metapackage18:05
roddVigo i used to get on a kernel 'selection' screen, not even that show up18:05
Cojageany workaround for the issue where on laptops sound still plays through the speakers when a laptop is plugged in? Tried the modprobe.d edit, didnt work18:06
Vigorodd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145473218:06
JeanFImethril_work, did you check on the update-manager settings the 'show new distribution releases'?18:06
methril_workdoes the update-manager (or do-release-upgrade checks some strange url?18:06
Cojagealso, no headphone switch on pulseaudio or alsamixer18:06
bigcx2jrib: e.g. if i specify --append-to-version some-foo an example resultant deb would be linux-image-
RemyTTc horrible18:06
handjobHi. I just upgreaded to 10.04. Please help me get the sound back.18:06
erUSULmariya: any progress ?18:06
methril_workJeanFI: i´ll checked Normal and LTS18:06
mariyaerUSUL, what is status-old i have ran apt-get several times already after this crash has happen?18:06
Ab3Lhi, I just install Ubuntu 10, but when I restart my pc the system remains in black screen18:06
erUSULmariya: is a backup copy of status. see the file was corrupted so we are using this backup copy to fix it18:07
methril_worki´m behind a firewall/squid system without acces to all urls18:07
jribbigcx2: I don't know of a way to easily do that18:07
JeanFImethril_work, do-release-upgrade ?18:07
gheexangua: Ahh didn't know it was there. I found it I think: ubuntu-netbook-remix - Transitional package for the Ubuntu Netbook system18:07
methril_workdoesn´t find any release18:07
Vigorodd: 9.10 or 10.04?18:07
methril_workany new release18:07
JeanFImethril_work, I have no other ideas, sorry!18:07
methril_worki´m using the globo mirror. but it has no sense18:07
roddVigo 9.1018:07
bigcx2jrib: ok...i know it's possible because ubuntu does it18:08
methril_workglobo has 10.04 support since the first beta18:08
JeanFImethril_work, ha maybe switch to another repo18:08
bigcx2jrib: maybe i'll bug some of the ubuntu kernel guys18:08
methril_worki need to ask for permissions18:08
JeanFImethril_work, maybe your repo does not have the final yet?18:08
methril_worki´m at work18:08
slwghee: there's also a package called ubuntu-netbook which installs ubuntu-netbook-remix along with it. It might be worth a try too...18:08
methril_worki don`t think so (surfing with a browser looks as final release)18:08
methril_workbut it could be18:08
kuligowskijest tu ktos18:09
hubertchanguserz: mysql -h your_ip_address -u username -p18:09
gheewill do.  Thanks slw and xangua18:09
kuligowskiSpeak Poloish18:09
maxagazHi, I've just bought an HP printer LaserJet M1213nf MFP, but impossible to make it work on my computer, and no help on the net, can someone help me ?18:09
UrdaWhat package installs the Compiz Config so I can turn on effects and my desktop cube again?18:09
Mathuin!pl | kuligowski18:09
ubottukuligowski: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:09
kuligowskiumiecie gadac po polsku18:10
Loshkihandjob: (revolting nick btw) I had good luck with following the nosound link on this page: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/937-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004-lts-lucid-lynx18:10
willwillhi, I'm using intel 82801I (ICH9) soundcard and there's no sound except at gdm. my user is in audio group.18:10
plumlol handjob18:10
kuligowskiWhere are you from?18:10
theGmanWhat's the aptitude to install the lamp stuff? I've tried doing search and show and I am not getting anything.18:10
Ab3Lcan anyone help me ?18:11
Vigorodd: This one covers Xorg a little more, and there are a few fixes listed, still looking for the dual boot bug , if it exists. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130834918:11
PoeirI just picked up a laptop.  My goal is to make it if it's lost or stolen, I don't care very much.  I'd like to be able to get it back.  In support of that, I'm planning to set up three partitions:  Win7, TrueCrypt'ed, real Ubuntu, also TrueCrypt'ed, and tiny Ubuntu, that isn't encrypted or used in any way, but runs Prey.  Is there a better way to accomplish my almost contradictory goals?  Is there a way I could install Ubuntu only once?18:11
Poeir Otherwise, does that setup seem reasonable?18:11
handjobLoshki, I will look at the article. Thx.18:11
userzhubertchang: nice, it works. so just the ip is wrong?18:11
theGmanI will need apache2, php and mySQL, is that an option or need I do them individually?18:11
sunk8Ab3L. what's ur issue?18:11
roddVigo thanks ill check that18:11
mariyaerUSUL, no status-old is brocken too18:11
hubertchanguserz: not wrong. it is your configuration.18:11
blueyedtheGman: either install the packages manually, or use "tasksel" and select "LAMP server" there.18:11
lukus hi again - if I blacklist nouveau, would that lead to anything awful happening?18:11
92AAABYR9I have a mouse with programmable buttons.  How do I choose the mapping?  Karmic18:11
erUSULmariya: :/18:11
jcrawfordwill it be very slow loading Ubuntu from a thumb drive? i mean booting from the thumb drive and using that same drive as your OS Storage, etc.18:11
kuligowskiwhat that18:11
heveHi, i just installed ubu10 & i'm not having wirelles connection. With ubu 9.10, wifi was ok. could somebody help me?18:11
theGmanblueyed: Thx!18:11
=== 92AAABYR9 is now known as Shishire
jcrawfordplanning to get a 64gb thumb drive and using that for my linux install18:12
plumjcrawford: i installed from a thumbdrive and found it to be very fast18:12
plummuch faster than cd/dvd18:12
Ab3Lsunk8, I just install Ubuntu 10, but when I restart my pc the system remains in black screen18:12
lukusratcheer, ZykoticK9; sorry for moaning earlier .. I've done some research - seems that the nvidia drivers will eventually be able to deal with the alternates situation in ubuntu .. i think my problems are now with plymouth18:12
jcrawfordplum, i do not mean installing from a thumb drive, i mean installing Ubuntu onto the thumbdrive and booting to that as the OS18:12
mariyais there a way to get a package list of the required packages, if some one want to install kile on a clean ubuntu?18:12
sunk8Ab3l, do you get the GRUB bootloader? A dos-like screen?18:12
ZykoticK9lukus, :)18:12
handjobNo go. Still mute.18:12
Guest36918Hi, Just installed Lucid (but have been using Ubuntu for years) on a HTPC. Wanting to disable the mouse cursor, presumably I need to do this with udev? If so, any pointers :)18:13
userzhubertchang: ok, all check the config again. thank you18:13
Ab3Lsunk8, a black screen18:13
plumjcrawford: could be. i dunno. just make sure you install grub to a separate partition (on your internal harddrive) as /boot so you don't have to have the thumbdrive inserted in order to boot.18:13
Vigorodd: This looks like a possible solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143167818:13
Loshkimariya: look in /var/backups for dpkg.status backup files.18:13
sunk8Ab3l. Any errors perhaps? What exactly does happen before the black scree? what machine is it?18:13
Ab3Lsunk8, grub does not appear18:13
hubertchanguserz: IMHO, it would be better to use localhost and deny any access outside of localhost.18:13
userzhubertchang: ok, ill try out18:14
Ab3Lsunk8, no error flag, but remains in black screen18:14
sunk8Ab3L, How did u install? Live CD/usb?18:14
hubertchanguserz: or allow some defined client ip address to access the mysql.18:14
kane77hi guys, I have page that has couple of files on it, is there a way to download them all using let's say wget? how?18:14
Ab3Lsunk8, Live Cd18:14
Loshkihandjob: well, you could try this next: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html  Unfortunately there are billions of these solutions, and no single one seems to work for everyone. Great, isn't it?18:15
hubertchanguserz: the last suggestion, join #mysql18:15
sunk8Ab3L, did the Live CD work without any errors?18:15
sunk8Ab3L. k boot in using the Live CD and check the configuration of your partitions using Gparted. U know how to do that?18:16
handjobThx Loshki but i will stick with alsa.18:16
no-goany ideas why skype refuses to work in lucid lynx ?18:16
Loshkikane77: you could try wget -r ....18:16
Ab3Lsunk8, yes18:16
Loshkihandjob: the 2nd. fix removes pulseaudio and leaves behind alsa18:16
handjobLoshki, Oh wait, my mistake. Thank You.18:16
Ab3Lsunk8, i`ve got 3 partitions,  / swap & home18:16
sunk8Ab3L, u can access the partition using Live cd. Tell me what u see in it.18:17
sunk8Ab3L, / swap and home?18:17
Ab3Lsunk8, ok18:17
justin___Hey guys, I had to use a live CD to get my Ubuntu working again. How do I copy the video settings to my old partition so I don't have to just reinstall everything?18:17
sunk8Ab3L, which partition did you install Ubuntu on?18:18
aquachicaHas anyone found a way to have the volume displayed on the menu bar?18:18
LoshkiI see we have a kane77 and Ab3l. What are the chances..?18:18
__danthemanit should be18:18
Ab3Lsunk8, /18:18
roman_I am using Ubuntu Karmic, is there a repository that I can install vmware-server from (I added the partner repository, but it is not in that)18:18
sunk8justin___ u can backup apps using aptoncd and config files using rsync.18:18
kane77Loshki, lol :)18:18
__danthemanclick the speaker icon and the volume bar will popup18:19
chillindaveTo re-start samba, sudo /etc/init.d/samba reload doesn't work.....18:19
sunk8Ab3L, so what's with the home partition? What's there in it?18:19
jetienneFEEDBACK: changing the UI (window control small button and on the right) without needs is bad. why changing a 20yo habit in your current userbase.18:19
aquachica__dantheman, the speaker icon is no longer being shown.18:19
Rdogg112hey guys, how do i change the name of a external hard drive?(ext4 if that matters)18:19
chillindaveIs it sudo smbd reload?18:19
no-gonobody any ideas why skype refuses to work in Lucid Lynx on I386 system ???18:19
kane77Loshki, thanks, it wors, but tries to go up in hierarchy (this is just file list in some directory), but I stopped it after it downloaded all files so worked :)18:19
sunk8Ab3L. Is it an empty disk i.e. only 3 partitions and no data?18:20
aquachica__dantheman, I tried looking for it in the "Add to Panel", but I didn't find it.18:20
__danthemanaquachica: you're in lucid?18:20
Loshkikane77: close enough then :-)18:20
aquachica__dantheman, yes.18:20
chillindaveno-go, I haven't tried 32-bit, but it works fine on 64-bit.18:20
Jake2|cflwas running RC.  sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade finds nothing to change ?????18:20
Ab3Lsunk8, i`ll check18:20
Ab3Lwait me please18:20
qwebirc23204I have a problem http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/5852/screenshotrw.png18:20
__danthemanya, its a part of a 3 different applets in one18:20
RoyKhi all. seems my wlan died after the 10.04 update18:20
RoyK"driver not managed"18:20
chillindaveJake2|cfl, Because it already updated.18:20
no-gochill: it didn't work in for me18:20
RoyKno, "device not managed"18:21
aquachica__dantheman, Which one?18:21
L0kiHi all, have a prob with upgrading from Karmic to Lucid...the update manager is refusing to say there is an upgrade available - anyone help pse?!18:21
no-gochill: deleting it thru software centre and installing it refuses to install18:21
Jake2|cflchillindave: how, when why.  I did not command it.18:21
__danthemanI don't have ubuntu on this computer, but right click on the panel and add to panel18:21
hubertchangto install Ubuntu on my notebook ( 1 hard disk only), to divide the hard disk in 1 partitions or several partitions? does more partitions give better performance? if does, why?18:21
RoyKL0ki: do-release-upgrade?18:21
chillindaveJake2|cfl, When did you install it/last update it?18:21
Loshkino-go: skype doesn't work for me either. Sound issues, as usual. No playback or recording it seems...18:21
sunk8Ab3L. when u install Ubuntu on a partition give / as the mount point. And have a partition for swap. No need to make a separate one for home, it'll appear in the / directory as /home/.18:21
=== Guest36918 is now known as DaveHope
RoyKhubertchang: more partitions won't give better performance18:21
RoyKmore drives will18:22
__danthemanscroll down, and there should be two applets that say something like "indicator applets *"18:22
no-goLoshki: it quites after pressing the enter button18:22
__danthemanor something18:22
RoyKbut more drives in a netbook is somehow hard18:22
Jake2|cflchillindave: installed about 10 days ago.  Updated about 2 days ago, b4 lucid release.18:22
aquachicaYes, I see those two, __dantheman.18:22
no-goLoshki: remove via software centre and reinstall seemed best to me18:22
qwebirc23204I have a problem http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/5852/screenshotrw.png18:22
__danthemanit's one of those two.... the second one I think18:22
Loshkino-go: mine stays up and I can dial the echo server, but no sound apart from a few press button noises...18:22
Ab3Lsunk8, ok18:22
__danthemannot 100% sure18:23
chillindaveJake2|cfl, I *think* they actually released the updates early and just didn't say anything.18:23
hubertchangRoyK: ok. so just three partition, swap, system, user_space18:23
Loshkino-go: did it fix the problem?18:23
sunk8Ab3L. OK? What did you find?18:23
no-goLoshki: does install says no support for I386 system18:23
aquachica__dantheman, I see it.  Thank you.  ^_^18:23
Guest33074i have one bigg bug my set effect is buged...pls help me18:23
chillindaveJake2|cfl, Because mine done a bunch of updates the day before release too.18:23
DaveHopeHow can I prevent gdm/Xorg auto starting under Lucid ?18:23
Jake2|cflchillindave: what command will show me EXACTLY what I am running?18:23
__danthemanya, the audio is grouped with the messages applet18:23
Loshkino-go: can't be true...18:23
TecnoBratJake2|cfl: chillindave, lucid release candidate is basically the same as release18:23
__danthemani always remove the other crap :)18:23
TecnoBratrarely does anything change18:23
hubertchangRoyK: when I do upgrade, format system partition.18:23
taxmanHi, I just want to archive an imap email account, back it up, and start over. Is there a way to get evolution to do that, or is there another good tool?18:23
Guest33074pls help me18:23
hubertchangRoyK: Thanks.18:23
no-goLoshki: it is true18:23
plumare the servers still lagging from yesterday's ubuntu release?18:24
dangsonhas anyone had their keyboard not respond when trying to install 10.04 using VMWare Fusion?18:24
rosco_yWhat is the easiest way to install the latest mysql in ubuntu?18:24
jcrawfordplum, that's just it i don't want it on the computer, i want to be able to go to any computer and boot from USB18:24
chillindaveTecnoBrat, Yeah, that's what they were saying yesterday.  The updates take care of any changes.18:24
no-goloshki:also skype site only offers til 8:1018:24
__danthemanrosco_y: search for it in apt and install it from there?18:24
TecnoBratchillindave: indeed, and there is only a few of those.18:24
erUSULtaxman: gotmail ? fetchmail ? offlineimap ?18:24
erUSUL!software > rosco_y18:24
ubotturosco_y, please see my private message18:24
Loshkino-go: There truly isn't a supported version of skype for i386? Astounding?18:24
__danthemansudo apt-cache search --names-only mysql18:24
plumjcrawford: then install grub on the usb drive and select boot from usb from each computer18:24
Jake2|cfltechnobrat, there WERE last minute changes, especially in grub.18:24
rosco_yerUSUL: Thanks!18:24
erUSULtaxman: getmail sorry18:24
__danthemanthen sudo apt-get install whateverpopsup18:25
taxmanerUSUL: ok thanks, I'll look those up18:25
Guest33074pls help me18:25
no-goLoshki: not according to software centre in Lucid18:25
Guest33074i have bugg effect18:25
erUSUL!info getmail18:25
ubottuPackage getmail does not exist in lucid18:25
FloodBot4Guest33074: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
sunk8Ab3L. Listen. Do you want a good pdf guide for installing 10.04?18:25
Jordan_Udangson: Yes, many people have reported that. I believe that installing "manually" works (virtually boot the iso and install ubuntu rather than the automatic script they have)18:25
Guest33074my set furius must give me...but dont !18:25
FloodBot4Guest33074: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
no-goLoshki: could install all other skype progs in Lucid18:25
erUSUL!info getmail418:25
ubottugetmail4 (source: getmail4): mail retriever with support for POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.14.0-2 (lucid), package size 149 kB, installed size 648 kB18:25
rahul__I am getting some authorization error when I am trying to configure Ubuntu onw18:25
RoyKhi guys - what does "device not managed" mean in wireless lan config? I can't choose any networks18:25
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-walk
L0kiRoyK: cheers seems to be working tvm :)18:25
Loshkino-go: well, it is 3rd. party software. Is there anything on skype's own site?18:25
superbobI'm getting a "Size mismatch" when trying to upgrade to 10.04 Lucid Lynx18:25
=== rahul__ is now known as rahulattuluri
dangsonJordan_U: thanks, I'll try that18:26
no-goLoshki: nope only till *:1018:26
superbobis there anything that I can do?18:26
no-goLoshki: 8:1018:26
ashihi, anybody running lucid lynx on an eee netbook? is it possible to run eee-control?18:26
Jordan_Udangson: You're welcome18:26
siriusnovagah this sounds like a buggy release18:26
siriusnovai think ill wait till 10.04.118:26
icewatermanabout the new window theme: is it a bug, that the window close, minimize, maximize buttons are on the left side instead of the right one?18:26
TecnoBratJake2|cfl: I assume you mean grub2?  which has a package that is being "proposed" but the last package release was April 1318:26
DvyjonesI've done quite a blooper. I upgraded my Wubi install to 10.04, and I managed to write grub over the Windows bootloader. Any idea how to get it back?18:26
plumdoes grub2 have the option for gui?18:27
jcrawfordplum, any idea how i would tell the computer to boot from USB?  I mean does it detect it or do i need to hold a key etc.18:27
umangHi, I'm having to "killall gnome-panel" on every login to get the panels. Any ideas on what could be wrong? (I've reinstalled gnome-panel, to no avail. Restarting doesn't help either)18:27
__danthemanDvyjones: do you have a windows cd?18:27
mikiGuys, is there a easy way of installing JBoss on Ubuntu. I mean new version (6.0) not the old one which is in repo (4.1 from 2006)18:27
Dvyjones__dantheman: I might, if I search for a long enough time.18:27
Loshkino-go: I installed my (non-working) skype from here: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/937-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004-lts-lucid-lynx18:27
Jordan_UDvyjones: How did you manage to do that? If it was due to a bug in wubi that would be very serious.18:27
plumjcrawford: it varies depending on what bios your computer has installed, my laptop says "press esc for boot options" so i just press escape, then f9 to go to boot devices18:27
__danthemanDvyjones: your best bet is to find your windows cd, boot into it and repair the mbr18:27
no-goLoshki: I'll try that18:28
L0kiRoyK: Tried do-release-update - it's telling me there is no new release?18:28
__danthemanL0ki: try18:28
__danthemansudo update-manager -d18:28
Jordan_Uplum: Yes, http://robertmh.wordpress.com/2010/01/11/grub-gets-new-face/18:28
=== kombucha_ is now known as kombucha
jcrawfordok thanks18:28
DvyjonesJordan_U: grub-pc or something asked me what partition to write grub to. I chose the wrong one obviously as my laptop boots straight into grub, which doesn't find the linux partition (obviously)18:28
underom26er: name?18:28
plumawesome :)  btw, Jordan_U, i got my issue worked out. i did have to make a new /boot partition but it works fine18:29
Dvyjones__dantheman: Does a "recovery CD" work?18:29
__danthemana microsoft one..probably18:29
MathuinHas anyone here succeeded with installing 10.04 on a system using dmraid?18:29
lll1hello all....system not coming up after 10.4 update ....on dell D50518:29
L0kidantheman: it's worked! tvm - cheers Royk too :)18:30
no-goLoshki: following message : Package skype is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:30
no-goThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:30
no-gois only available from another source18:30
plumdoes ubuntu 10.04 still fit on a cd?18:30
suppermannHow do I set sun-java6-sdk as default?18:30
daftykinsplum: yep hence the ~700MB ISOs18:30
lll1it does fit on CD ...18:30
umangHi, I'm having to "killall gnome-panel" on every login to get the panels. Any ideas on what could be wrong? (I've reinstalled gnome-panel, to no avail. Restarting doesn't help either)18:31
__danthemanplum: yes18:31
Gothfunc_hi.  i'm using ubuntu studio 9.10 and usb drives are not automatically mounting (apart from sometimes, weirdly).  it's a fresh install and the gconf-editor says media is mounted automatically.  dmesg says: http://pastebin.com/BuB0kPRJ ... non-su users use this machine so i have to get it working.  please help!18:31
plumawesome :)  i can install it on my old computers then18:31
superbobI'm getting this when trying to update to 10.04:  Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libsexy/libsexy2_0.1.11-2build2_i386.deb Size mismatch18:31
superbobAnyone help?18:31
Jordan_UDvyjones: If you wrote to the windows partition you're going to need to use fixboot from windows to recover.18:31
sunk8Ab3L. It should help you through the installation and also give you an overview of Ubuntu. Howz it?18:31
heloumang: try creating a different user, and logging in as them (to start with a fresh config)18:31
Ab3Lsunk8, i read the manual18:32
lll1anyone had his system crashing after restart from 10.4 update18:32
Jordan_UDvyjones: Do you have the package "lupin-support" installed?18:32
suppermannHow do I install sun jdk ?18:32
__danthemanlll1: upgrades cause problems :)18:32
daftykinssuperbob: remove that package? :)18:32
erUSUL!find sun-java18:32
ubottuFound: sun-javadb-client, sun-javadb-common, sun-javadb-core, sun-javadb-demo, sun-javadb-doc (and 1 others)18:32
lll1just not coming up again18:32
__danthemanlll1: is there any output at all?18:32
lll1nothing !!!18:32
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)18:32
sunk8Ab3L. Have u installed according to the procedure specified here?18:32
plum!find flash18:32
ubottuFound: flashgot, flashrom, flashybrid, m16c-flash, python-webflash (and 6 others)18:32
Ab3Lsunk8, yes18:33
DvyjonesJordan_U: Where? I'm on a 8.10 LiveCD at the moment.18:33
umanghelo, I've deleted .gconf, .gnome2, .gnome2_private, .gconfd but that didn't help. (BTW: I did a fresh install over an existing /home partition)18:33
superbobdaftykins, what's it for?18:33
no-goLoshki: still here ?18:33
__danthemanlll1: so after POST theres just blackness?18:33
heloumang: hmm... that rules config problems out :/18:33
dancallolll1: no problems here after clean install of 10.04 LTS18:33
Lcawteis there a a command line upgrade option? I try to use Update Manager but it says about checking my internet connection18:33
daftykinssuperbob: apt-cache search libsexy, try removing libsexy218:33
roneybom dia18:33
lll1I can see the new screen for a sec and this is it18:33
Gothfunc_does anyone even know where i could start looking?18:33
Jordan_UDvyjones: Within your wubi install, it's possible to find out from the liveCD but the easiest way is to just get window's bootloader back and boot wubi normally18:34
daftykinsLcawte: hit alt+f2 and type "gksudo update-manager -d"18:34
roneyalguem ai fala protuguez18:34
ftabHow can I fix my ubuntu boot screen, It would just show a distorted image18:34
sunk8Ab3L. Can you enter the partition using the Live CD?18:34
superbobdaftykins, i'll give it a shot18:34
umanghelo, anything in .config?18:34
RambJoecan you host a dns server on linux?18:34
Ab3Lsunk8, yes18:34
huyiI have the latest Ubuntu 10.04 and ... a problem with the GMA X4500 graphics card - probably. I mean, from time to time, the screen "crashes." The whole screen or just the panel. It takes a few seconds and everything returns to normal. When I shut down compiz, nothing has changed.18:34
daftykinsRambJoe: of course, use bind918:34
roneynaum consigo instalar o crossover18:34
RambJoethanks :)18:34
umanghelo (that might be worth deleting?)18:34
roneyna minha maquina18:34
Ab3Lsunk8, but i`m installing again the live cd18:35
RambJoemight set that up on one my my pcs18:35
sunk8Ab3L. If so try and open the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file and tell me its contents. Can u send me the file?18:35
RambJoei can make it go to another dns if its off right?18:35
ftabHow can I fix my ubuntu boot screen, It would just show a distorted image18:35
__dantheman98% of problems come from updating18:35
Ab3Lsunk8, too late :(18:35
no-goroney: use wine18:35
superbobdaftykins, it looks like a bit depends on it ....18:35
daftykins!repeat | ftab18:35
ubottuftab: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:35
superboblike gnome-app-install18:35
sunk8Ab3L. No problem. A fresh install might resolve the issue.18:35
superboband ubuntustudio-desktop18:35
superboband software-center18:35
Ab3Lsunk8, thanks for ur help :)18:35
superboband xchat...18:35
=== jmrodri-walk is now known as jmrodri
sunk8Ab3L. Pass it on to another needy guy... ;-)18:36
daftykinssuperbob: ah ok, sounded like something to do with something unimportant i remembered. i've no idea them i'm afraid, consult ubuntu studio docs.18:36
huyianybody could help?18:36
no-goroney don't speak portugese18:36
lll1anyone had the system crashed after update ?18:36
roneye ai18:36
ftabdaftykins, some times users won't see the question due to the speed of messages coming in18:36
huyiI think it might be the drivers, but I've no idea what to do18:36
jbuRAID5 - ANYONE HAVING LOTS OF CRASHES IN 10.04? using dm not md18:36
superbobdaftykins, if i don't care about ubuntustudio, would it hurt anything to remove?18:36
no-goroney: but for crossover wine is the program to use18:36
sn0rl4yjak wejsc na polskie ubuntu ?18:36
soreauhuyi: Sounds like compiz is crashing, possibly because of a driver bug. Try to get a detailed crash report by installing compiz-dbg and enabling Crash Handler plugin in ccsm then look in /tmp for a crash log if it happens again18:36
ywgxthe chm file not open ?18:36
daftykinsftab: yes, no reason to repeat.18:36
huyisn0rl4y: ubuntu-pl18:36
no-goLoshki: still here18:37
Mathuinjbu: I can't even _install_. :-)18:37
daftykinssuperbob: it could leave you with a totally non-functional install. you might want to download burn and fresh install Lucid itself if that's what you want to run18:37
superbobdaftykins, i mean, are gnome-app-install and software-center important?18:37
sunk8ywgx. What are you trying to accomplish?18:37
huyisn0rl4y: ja piernicze18:37
ftabdaftykins, I guess I should ask the question in a different way then :)18:37
ubuntu_madwhere can i get  a karmic ISO?18:37
huyi./join ubuntu-pl18:37
daftykinsubuntu_mad: http://releases.ubuntu.com/18:37
sn0rl4yale w freenode czy tutaj ?18:37
Jordan_Uubuntu_mad: Why do you want karmic rather than 10.04?18:37
jbuMathuin, you aren't using the update-manager are you?18:38
IsmAvatarafter upgrade to 10.04, I removed hal, and apparently that killed something important, because now I can't boot past the purple loading screen...18:38
=== marbleyayo is now known as faberlolz
umanghelo, I'll try creating a new account altogether and seeing what happens.18:38
etsorbme8i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now when i run apt-get upgrade i get http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/pkKUmXBi    i manually installed the libflash...so and everything works great but just want to get rid of this error condition now18:38
Mathuinjbu: I'm using the desktop and alternate CDs for 10.04, and can't get my RAID to work right with either mdadm or dmraid. :-(18:38
__danthemanIsmAvatar: ya, you need hal to start x18:38
dylan_i have a problem in ubuntu 1018:38
IsmAvatarthought it was replaced by DeviceKit18:38
faberlolzwho doesn't?18:38
__danthemanx needs hal unless you have 1.8 or >18:39
faberlolzmy issue is insane, some settings don't get saved when i log out and back in18:39
__dantheman(which ubuntu doesn't ship with)18:39
huyisoreau: thanks, I'll try that and come back for helf if it will be needed (hope not)18:39
technikfreakhello together i have ubuntu and searching for a audiplayer which plays a special sound file when i click a letter directly18:39
sn0rl4y./join ubuntu-pl18:39
technikfreaklike a or f418:39
justin___My problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146696318:40
UrdaQuestion: I heard sun-java is gone... so how do I install java on a clean 10.04?18:40
diegohi people18:40
diegoin anyone here that can help me with Ubuntu 10.04 ?18:40
ywgxthe chm file not open ?18:40
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soreauhuyi: just install compiz-dbg and enable crash handler for now. If it happens again and I am right about it crashing, look in /tmp after it happens then you can file a bug report or come to #compiz and show us18:40
Guest61273anyone who use broadcom ?18:40
sunk8diego. what's up?18:41
faberlolzi do Guest6127318:41
IsmAvatarreinstalled hal, and it didn't seem to fix it. Maybe it took down another program that's also needed?18:41
Guest61273hi sunk818:41
felonhow come i cant have desktop effects activated my nvidea drivers are installed for 3d and 2d18:41
Guest61273the problem is that18:41
soreau! anyone | Guest6127318:41
ubottuGuest61273: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:41
Guest61273when i install b43 driver18:41
soreau! broadcom | Guest6127318:41
_blackwater_Broadcom - sux but I do yes.18:41
ubottuGuest61273: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:41
Guest61273network-manager disapear!18:41
geniiywgx: chm files are Microsoft help files.18:41
faberlolzGuest61273, try the hardware drivers menu first ;)18:41
ftabAfter upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 my PC stalls at boot screen and it will load for ever, due to which I am not able to login, at the same time the boot screen is distorted that I won't be able to see this image http://www.neowin.net/images/uploaded/UbuntuBoot.png18:41
Guest61273i install propetary drivers and pass the same18:42
Guest61273network manager disappear18:42
lll1what do to next...system crashed after upgrade to 10.418:42
daftykinslll1: fresh install18:42
lll1ubuntu ....anyidea ?18:42
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga18:42
erosshmm i'm logged into facebook, how do i post without going to it18:42
jbuRAID 5- are people having luck with this?  I'm having problems/crashes18:42
felonits old but should work nvidia 64 mg mx 420 right ?18:42
tony_salve a tutti18:42
sunk8Guest61273. Network manager gets uninstalled?18:42
lll1not working either18:42
__danthemanlll1: so, you see the backgroud fora split-second?18:43
IsmAvatareross: you're using the new Gwibble?18:43
lll1just black screen18:43
feloni cant right click either18:43
IsmAvataror gwibber18:43
NetLarIrvineJust installed 10.04, but it will not connect to wireless network that uses WPA Personal, would appreciate some help in the matter18:43
lll1the 10.4 desktop18:43
erossthink so.. it says i'm online in upper right18:43
felonon desktop for bring up the little menu18:43
__danthemandoes ctrl-alt-f1 do anything18:43
erossoh this may be empahty18:44
IsmAvataroh, that thing. I'm not familiar with that18:44
no-goanyone knows of a solution to the so-called obsolete skype (i386) in Lucid ?18:44
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ftabWhen I press Ctrl + Alt + F1 the terminal is distorted and I can't read any thing just image blocks instead :(18:44
IsmAvatarhate it when that happens18:45
ashihi. how to create a keyboard shortcut for the main menu? "gnome-panel-control --main-menu" doesnt work18:45
=== mickster14 is now known as mickster04
erossok the broadcast thing pulled up.18:45
=== ecologypenguin is now known as alrekur
technikfreakhello i searching for hotkey player that means i could select a key like "f" than it plays a special soundfile18:47
daftykinslll1: there is advice on how to fix the "black screen" on startup with Lucid, online18:47
no-goHow to get obsolete skype back and working in Lucid ?18:47
lll1I will look into it18:47
krionicHi. Looking for some help on how to get my system back up and running. Installed the upgrade yesterday and it broke my system. Now, I can't boot up (nForce2_smbus error trying to access SMB1). So, I downloaded the CD and decided to install to my secondary drive, but the CD refuses to access either drive!18:47
coz_hey guys... just noticed on dual monitor set up that the wallpaper does not span both monitors...on gnome....  what gives?18:47
wal3who can help please: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2010-April/217095.html18:48
=== mickael_ is now known as Smarty
bigcx2jrib: fyi the make-kpkg version stuff that i was asking about before can be changed in /etc/kernel-pkg.conf18:49
ashiand then again the old alt+f2 is working great when i create a keyboard shortcut with "gnome-panel-control --run-dialog"18:49
erosshow do i copy my home directory to another partition to make sure I keep everything intact?18:49
ubuntu_madJordan_U: i need to recover my 9.10 before upgrading18:49
Peter_Marcanosoooo... i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my computer's second internal hard drive, and now i cannot boot windows 7 any ideas i hear there is a bug...18:49
erossthen i will merge items as needed to my new home directory18:50
fogobogoPeter_Marcano: oh yeah18:50
Jordan_Uubuntu_mad: Recover in what way?18:50
Dr_Williscoz_:  Hmm. It spans both here  - ive had to make wide custom wallpapers for gnome befor.18:50
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fogobogoPeter_Marcano: anyway. does it show up on the boot menu?18:50
Peter_Marcanogrub displays it but it will not load18:50
ASULutzyeross: You can use gparted to make another partition (if you haven't already) then mount the new partition, and just do cp -ax /home/$USER /media/newpartition18:50
fogobogoPeter_Marcano: well then its not this bug18:50
AceKingI just did a fresh install of 10.04 on my laptop. When I go into the Software Center to install anything it gives me this message: Requires installation of untrusted packages. Any ideas how to fix this?18:50
coz_Dr_Willis,  yeah but  what I am seeing here on this fresh install with nvidia is that the wallpaper refuses to span  which it should with or without edited wallpapers18:50
An_Ony_MooseI moved from England to France; How can I change the package source to a french server? I'ts still set to gb.archive.ubuntu.com.18:50
ASULutzyPeter_Marcano: What is the error message when you try to boot Windows 7 from grub?18:50
erossty ASULutzy18:51
wal3who can help please: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2010-April/217095.html18:51
fogobogoPeter_Marcano: but likely grub tries to boot from the wrong hdd18:51
Peter_MarcanoASULutzy: no error message just a blank screen18:51
Dr_Williscoz_:  actually its 'clone'ing the same wallpaper to both monitors here.18:51
schlaftierWhere can I put a script so that it's automatically run when my computer wakes up from suspend?18:51
ubuntu_madJordan_U:cant log in because of a power management issue and cant fix it cos drive is full so need to get in to create space on partition18:51
FoxWolfi cant seem to get my sound working, something happened and now the sound settings say dummy output18:51
coz_Dr_Willis,  right which it shouldnt do but let me check if there is a setting for it  right now it looks like this  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/desktop.png18:51
no-goanyone an idea on obsolete skype to get it working in Lucid (i386)18:52
VeasMKIIHow do you lock a package from updating via command line?18:52
Peter_Marcanofogobogo: even if i remove 10.04 hdd i still cant boot ONLY the windows 7 drive18:52
ASULutzyPeter_Marcano: Most likely grub is trying the wrong hdd, if you grab the output of sudo fdisk -l and put it in a pastebin we can probably make an educated guess as to how to make it boot Windows again18:52
FoxWolfanyone got any ideas18:52
muffin_When I boot ubuntu 10.04 lucid LTS on my laptop and enter "install ubuntu" or "try without install", a blank screen appears. What's wrong with the latest stable version of ubuntu?18:52
Jordan_Uubuntu_mad: Why can't you do that with a Lucid liveCD?18:52
lazarushi all18:52
muffin_I think ubuntu 10.04 lucid LTS, the stable, is actually unstable.18:52
ASULutzymuffin_: Did you verify the installation media integrity?18:53
coz_Dr_Willis,  mm  I see ...they have a "span" option on the wallpaper dialog  but this is still wrong ...it should span according to the desktop size and not the image size18:53
kslenbeen running lucid without a hitch for the last week atleast18:53
selofihola, como se entra en el canal español?18:53
kslenwhat's bugging ya muffin_ ?18:53
ASULutzy!es | selofi18:53
ubottuselofi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:53
=== huyi is now known as emmilly
muffin_ASULutzy : no, but installation was fine with "nomodeset" option.18:53
Jordan_UPeter_Marcano: Could you pastebin the output from this script: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/18:53
aleucki got a grub error after updating and got unable to boot to any of my partitions... , im using ubuntu 9.04 live cd.18:53
Dr_Williscoz_:  if i use one of my customized 'very wide' wallpaper and span. - it works as it did in the old version for me.18:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:53
Jordan_Ualeuck: What is the error message?18:53
selofipues no funciona!18:54
muffin_kslen : When I enter "ubuntu 10.04 installation" menu, it displays a blank screen.18:54
Peter_MarcanoJordan_U: soon enough... havent ran the script yet hold on18:54
coz_Dr_Willis,  ah I see... it is not working as usual though...any size wallpaper should span both monitors without having to resize the image ...this is reminding me of kde unfortunately :)18:54
jcrawfordplease tell me there is a new nvidia driver for 10.04 lol18:54
muffin_kslen : It's lucid LTS.18:54
jcrawfordgot it all installed fine now except for my display driver :(18:54
naxacan I resize my / partition somehow?18:54
aleuckJordan_U: the symbol 'grub_puts' not found18:54
ubuntu_madJordan_U: wasnt sure it be straight forward being a diff version18:54
Dr_Williscoz_:  in kde you can easially have a diffrent wallpaper for each screen18:54
ASULutzyJordan_U: Hey that's a handy one for troubleshooting18:54
daftykinslll1: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html18:54
Jordan_Uubuntu_mad: It is.18:55
coz_Dr_Willis,  right but not one spanned across both monitors...for some reason they removed that option in kde18:55
ubuntu_madJordan_U: ok18:55
kslenmuffin_, ya, that be what i'm running. figured as you already mentioned lts i'd just shorten it down to lucid18:55
deadowlsurvivorHow do I get SIP support in Empathy enabled in 9.10?18:55
Dr_Williscoz_:  how is a image smaller then the desktops going to 'span' both of them without resizeing? you want it to get 'centered' in the spot where the 2 monitors meat?18:55
wal3who can help please: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2010-April/217095.html   .18:55
lazarusnaxa, with gparted on the live cd yes you can18:55
erossack.. my boot drive is formatted ext4, my parition home is ext3, would that be ok to run my home on different format?18:55
Dr_Williseross:  shouldent matter.18:55
jcrawfordanyone know?18:55
Jordan_Ualeuck: Interesting, there's someone in #grub with the same problem, could you join #grub?18:55
ubuntu_madJordan_U: can i just do an install from 10.04 cd then to solve the power management issue18:56
jcrawfordis there a new nvidia driver for 10.04?  I am running in low graphics mode :(18:56
erossthat is why .gvfs is not copying, right?18:56
coz_Dr_Willis,  well I prefer it to span without resizing  which is what it did before...although I have created images that are the correct size.. sometimes a stretched image spanned  looks good18:56
naxalazarus: both ext3 and ext4?18:56
aleuckJordan_U: joined, thx18:56
muffin_kslen : ubuntu lucid sucks18:56
Dr_Williseross:  .gvfs is special. Dont try to copy it to other places18:56
ASULutzyjcrawford: Did you enable the proprietary drivers from System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers ?18:56
no-gohow to regain obsolete skype ?18:56
ubutom2Hey there, don't have much experience with VirtualBox. Can I install Lucid in there and move the image to the hd of my laptop?18:56
erossok ty18:56
krionicwhy does lshw -c disk show my ext3/swap partitions as "capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos"18:56
jvlmphi, i am trying to let non-root users use the mount command. Setting SUID doesn't work.18:56
lazarusnaxa, yes but make sure you use parted on the ubuntu live cd18:57
jcrawfordASULutzy, i was using an NVIDIA driver i had to install outside of X18:57
jcrawfordi was not using the drivers from Ubuntu18:57
erUSULjvlmp: just add the user option to the fstab line18:57
kslenmuffin_ sure was in a cranky mood..18:57
isoman2kxhey all18:57
rajguyyyssswhy doesnt my sound work no more on ubuntu 10.04!!! it used to work under 9.10...... i go to prefrences and under hardware i see no sound cards nothing is recognized.. its  alaptop18:57
kslenlucid runs swell here. :<18:57
itiliouswhat does the LTS stand for on ubuntu 10.4 LTS?18:57
jvlmperUSUL: thanks, i'll give it a try18:57
isoman2kxis anyone getting slow download speeds from the ubuntu servers going from 9.10 to 10.04?18:57
isoman2kxmine is blowing atm18:57
no-gokslen: not here18:57
erUSUL!fstab > jvlmp18:57
ubottujvlmp, please see my private message18:57
nagendrawhere does ubuntu download files from software center on drive?18:57
Dr_Willisisoman2kx:  the servers are having a large load right now - so yes,18:58
GlacerIs there anyway to get netflix to stream on ubuntu, saids needs IE, could I run that in wine to stream on PC? roku box not always working18:58
ASULutzyisoman2kx: You could try using a different mirror, lots of universities host Ubuntu mirrors18:58
raj guyyyssswhy doesnt my sound work no more on ubuntu 10.04!!! it used to work under 9.10...... i go to prefrences and under hardware i see no sound cards nothing is recognized.. its  alaptop18:58
isoman2kxDr_Willis: thanks18:58
isoman2kxwell asulutzy... I could try that18:58
jvlmpthanks people18:58
isoman2kxbut I'm using update ma nager18:58
nagendraI have clean and make some disk space18:58
isoman2kxhow would I switch servers?18:58
AceKingI fixed the problem "requires installation of untrusted packages" I just reloaded sources and it worked. In case anyone was wondering18:58
naxalazarus: ok, thanks!18:58
pat_hi, new install of 10.04 and it doesnt auto detect my usb hard drives. worked perfectly under 10.04 beta 118:58
kim__I used the ubuntu installer from ubuntu.com with 10.04 version... I did put the installation file in a removable USB device so I could format my other harddrives.. But none where formatted and I have to have the USB stick in when trying to boot ubuntu 10.04.. Anyone?18:59
ASULutzyisoman2kx: Just go to System->Administration->Software Sources, Click download from, 'Other' and choose  a mirror close to where you live18:59
isoman2kxasulutzy: awesome man, thank you :)18:59
ASULutzyisoman2kx: There's also a "Select Best Server" option that will make a good guess for you18:59
* lazarus has been on the ubuntu rc then just did an update to avoid slow servers18:59
jarray52pat_: after plugging in the drive or removing it, what happens when you type tail /var/log/messages?18:59
oxymoron"[Fri Apr 30 19:16:49 2010] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/oxymoron/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable" - What does that mean? :S18:59
kslenno-go, what's the issue then?18:59
ASULutzyisoman2kx: But even still, even the mirrors will probably be really busy, it is release day after all :)18:59
nagendrai have make some disk space.19:00
=== emmilly is now known as jane_doe
rajguuuyyys sound doesnt work anymore.. and my sound card is not recognised HELP it worked great on 9.10 its a laptop19:00
isoman2kxasulutzy: yes, true. i'm excited that I can try it out even :)19:00
erUSUL!intelhda | raj19:00
ubotturaj: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:00
oxymoronapache2 is trying to access that folder but its NOT my DocumentRoot, ~/projects is though19:00
nagendraSo i need to delete files which r downloaded by software centre19:00
rajerUSUL,   its an NVIDIA HDA19:00
nagendrawhere is it present in root directory??19:00
pat_jarray52,  where can i paste the output? i dont want to flood the channel19:01
* lazarus recommends ubuntu tweak19:01
brloðàñ äâà19:01
pvh_sa|wrkhi... i can't play any movies. not with totem, not with vlc, not with mplayer. the movie plays, the sound is ok, but the "movie window" is all black. this is ubuntu 9.10, since i switched my wm to metacity (instead of compiz). any ideas?19:01
erUSULraj: does not matter. hda is an intel standar the same way amd64 aplies to intel cpu's19:01
jarray52pat_: Do you see anything that looks like your USB.19:01
Peter_Marcanohttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/g37usc7z any idea?19:01
lukusdoes nouveau deal with sound as well?19:01
=== radar3d is now known as radar3d|nap
erUSULlukus: no19:01
kim__I used the ubuntu installer from ubuntu.com with 10.04 version... I did put the installation file in a removable USB device so I could format my other harddrives.. But none where formatted and I have to have the USB stick in when trying to boot ubuntu 10.04.. Anyone? I maybe think that i'm on a live mode.. No root access or anything..19:01
jarray52pat_: You could use www.pastebin.com19:01
ASULutzy!paste | pat_19:02
ubottupat_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:02
pat_jarray52, yep, pr 30 19:00:15 sephiroth kernel: [ 6055.569280]  sdd: sdd1 < sdd5 >19:02
pat_Apr 30 19:00:15 sephiroth kernel: [ 6055.588083] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Attached SCSI disk19:02
hsuhon gnome, can a window be moved to the next workspace when you move it against the side of the screen19:02
jarray52pat_: create a directory /mnt/myusbstuff19:02
DvyjonesJordan_U: Did you have a plan B? My Windows boot CD bluescreens :S19:02
isoman2kxcan I leave xchat open while I upgrade?19:02
Dr_Williskim__:  installation file?  What exactly did you run and put on the flash drive?19:02
Guest61273anyone can help me with nm-aplet ?19:03
Jordan_U!pastebinit | Peter_Marcano19:03
ubottuPeter_Marcano: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:03
jformani updated my nvidia powered dual head desktop to lucid, and now switching between windows and moving around the GUI seems almost stunted, like very jittery. am i missing an update or a setting i can pare down to figure out why things seem so slow ?19:03
jarray52pat_:Then, type mount /dev/sdd5 /mnt/myusbstuff19:03
Dr_Williskim__:  if its booting to the desktop. You can start the installer icon to install the system to HD.19:03
no-gohow to retrieve skype when it was seen as obsolete19:03
isoman2kxasulutzy: fantastic man. I'm now downloading at full speed with that best server option. thanks!19:03
ASULutzyisoman2kx: Glad I could help19:03
pat_jarray52, done19:04
jarray52pat_: Did you get any error messages?19:04
lazarusno-go, ? go to skype.com?19:04
krionicLucid broke my install. Can't boot from hdd (sdb1). Running from install CD right now, figured I'd install on to my sda, but it gpart refuses to format it. can't back up sdb1 or select it for installation with the error: "e2label: No such device or address while trying to open /dev/sdb1  Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock" If anyone can help, I'd much appreciate it!!!19:04
no-golazarus: been there tried that19:04
kim__I downloaded wubi, when installing from windows... It downloaded 10.04 as a torrent, restarted, used about 10-20 min (or something) to install(?).. But I didnt do any 'real' settings.. like rootpwd, or if I want do format..19:04
no-golazarus the thing is to unobsolete it19:05
jarray52I can receive serial input via a serial cable, but I cannot get serial input via a serial to USB cable. Do I need to do something different when using ttyUSB0 vs ttyS0? I'm using minicom. Is there a way to test the cable itself. I'm using the module usbserial.19:05
pat_jarray52, yeah an unclean file system The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing19:05
Jordan_UDvyjones: There are a few options if you absolutely can't get any type of windows to boot to fix the bootloader, but none of them are easy or documented19:05
plumit's bad to keep a computer on overnight/on for days, right?19:05
lazarusno-go, the 8.10 version works fine on 10.4 though19:05
no-goplum: been doig that for years19:05
IsmAvatarI removed hal, and now 10.04 won't get past the boot screen. How do I fix it? Already tried reinstalling hal.19:05
MathuinI am somewhat entertained by someone telling a user named "lazarus" to "unobsolete" something. :-)19:05
jarray52jarray52: That's out of my league...19:05
Dr_Williskim__:  you did a WUBI install to a flash drive?  You are saying?  or did you use a tool like unetbootin , or usb-disk-creator to make the flash drive?19:05
plumno-go: you clean it out a lot/19:06
dieuyanyone has the problem of that network manager disappear ?19:06
DvyjonesJordan_U: I could wait until Monday and get IT at my school to reinstall Windows :P Otherwise there's no way at all.19:06
no-goplum: only when needed19:06
jarray52jarray52: Filesystems can become corrupted if you don't unmount the directory before removing the USB drive.19:06
nagendrawhere does ubuntu download files from software center on drive?19:06
KaiForceugh!  I'm so sick and tired of Ubuntu kicking so much butt.  I just loaded the new release and installed a bunch of additional software and it all works!  What can I do??  Also, it only used 2.5GB of disk space so far, that's not nearly enough.19:06
kim__Dr_Willis: WUBI install to a flash drive19:06
MathuinKaiForce: ah to live in your world. :-)19:06
erUSULnagendra: /var/cache/apt/archives/19:06
no-goPlum: I use it private and as work computer normally one 24/7 only when traveling it is off19:07
plumno-go: i hear once in a while that the fans constantly being on turns your computer into a dust vacuum. it scares me into cleaning mine/turning off during the day19:07
selofiwhy me-tv show : failed to lock channel?19:07
jarray52pat_: What happened?19:07
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plumno-go: is this a desktop or laptop computer?19:07
Jordan_UDvyjones: Ok, there is some code in development for GRUB2 that allows you to load ntldr directly, rather than chainloading the partition boot sector which then loads ntldr.19:07
no-goplum: use compressed air to clean the computer19:07
jarray52pat_: backup everything on that drive that is important to you.19:07
pat_jarray52, it mounted to the folder i created19:07
Dr_Williskim__:  wubi requires windows to boot the linux os..   if you isntalled wubi to flash.. then deleted windows..  You would be without  an os. You dont  do a normal install from within wubi either. So what sort of setup do you want exactly? a Pure Linux system?19:07
nagendracan i delete those???19:07
justin___My problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146696319:07
Waldseni need help, please :19:07
jarray52pat_: Is your stuff there?19:07
krionicLucid broke my install. Can't boot from hdd (sdb1). Running from install CD right now, figured I'd install on to my sda, but it gpart refuses to format it. can't back up sdb1 or select either sda or sdb for installation. gpart comes up with the error: "e2label: No such device or address while trying to open /dev/sdb1  Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock" If anyone can help, I'd much appreciate it!!!19:07
Jordan_UDvyjones: I think the only person that's actually ever used it so far is the developer himself, so don't count on it :)19:08
ASULutzyerUSUL, nagendra: It's probably worth mentioning running sudo apt-get clean will remove everything but the lockfile from /var/cache/apt/archives, and is probably the best way to clear out downloaded packages19:08
erUSULnagendra: sudo apt-get clean19:08
pat_jarray52, yeah everything is there19:08
jarray52pat_: From experience, you may notice that some stuff is missing/modified/corrupted.19:08
jarray52pat_: Sometimes, you get lucky.19:08
kim__Dr_Willis: Yes, correct. Pure linux.. Tired of windows.. Think I need to buy some burning cd's then.. =)19:08
Waldsencan anyone help me?19:08
IsmAvatarI removed hal, and now 10.04 won't get past the boot screen. How do I fix it? Already tried reinstalling hal.19:08
ASULutzykim__: CD's, usb pen drives work too19:09
lunganWhen I'm about to install ubuntu on my computer, i press "install ubuntu" and then after that the screen gets black and a "_" keeps beeping on the screen and nothing happens19:09
jarray52pat_: Disks should be unmounted before they are removed. Some filesystems recover better than others.19:09
Gun_SmokeIsmAvatar, good luck with that.. xorg depends on hal19:09
Dr_Williskim__:  you should use a tool like unetbootin to put the iso on the flash drive  so its a 'bootable install medium' forget you ever even heard about wubi.19:09
Waldsencan anyone help me, please?19:09
__danthemanIsmAvatar: you reinstalled hal?19:09
Sp0ttry pendrivelinux.com19:09
IsmAvatar__dantheman: yes19:09
no-gowaldsen: what with ?19:09
Dr_Williskim__:  or burn it to disk. (or both!) :)19:09
LinuxGuy2009Waldsen: Whats the question?19:09
plumew pendrivelinux.19:09
GorlistHi, ive having some problems getting programs talking to my gpsd - I can remeber fixing it in 9.10 by adjust the user groups allowed to access it, but since forgotten how to?19:09
coz_Dr_Willis,  mmm I have a few wallpapers set to the correct size but it will not span it across both monitors  the resolution is 2432x1024 and it still centers it...this is not good...this is a bad choice for wallpaers19:09
plumnever worked right for me19:09
__danthemanyou need to start hal before you can get into x19:10
selofican anyone help me please wiht me-tv?19:10
erUSUL!ask | Waldsen19:10
ubottuWaldsen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:10
lunganWhen I'm about to install the ubuntu 10.04 only a _ is the only thing that shows on the screen19:10
Dr_Williscoz_:  file a complaint. I dont really have an issue.19:10
halcan anyone recommend a good theme for gnome please?19:10
Dr_Willisplum:  ive rarely had issues with linux on flash drives.19:10
Waldseni just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and i copied some mp3 files to my home folder. When I click Play with Rythmbox, it opens, tries to download a package and fails19:10
IsmAvatar__dantheman: I've rebooted. Wouldn't that supposedly do the job? Because it didn't fix it.19:10
coz_Dr_Willis,   I suppose i will have to19:10
jarray52Walsden, post your issue. If someone knows they will answer. I think it's considered bad etiquette to ask for help without the question.19:10
brontosaurusrexhal: new wave19:10
kim__Dr_Willis: oke, so ill try unetbootin first.. if it doesnt work correctly i'll try cd's.. thanks for the help19:10
Sp0tcan I uninstall all de nvidia things in synaptic package manager and start fresh?19:10
DavidJHeinrichcan you burn blu-ray discs on linux?19:10
Peter_MarcanoI cannnot boot19:10
erUSULlungan: try with a vga boot option... press f6 when booting the livecd. add vga=79119:10
jarray52Walsden: I think mp3 is a proprietary format.19:10
__danthemanIsmAvatar: try sudo /etc/init.d/hal start19:10
lazarusubuntu has one major bug for me19:11
erUSUL!boot | lungan19:11
ubottulungan: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:11
plumDr_Willis: i think my issue was just that i could never save changes i made to it... even if i had persistant mode19:11
LinuxGuy2009hal: gnome-look.org19:11
kane77sometimes when I maximize window it is just black inside, I thought this was some java issue because it happened only for java apps, but now it happened for nautilus and evince also any idea?19:11
no-gowaldseon: tried any other mediaplayer ?19:11
brontosaurusrexhal: just finnished turning my karmic into that19:11
Waldsenyes, i tried with MovieViewer19:11
krionicHow do I fix a "cannot find valid filesystem superblock" error from gpart on my ext3 partition?19:11
Jordan_UPeter_Marcano: First thing, try just running "sudo update-grub"19:11
halbrontosaurusrex: into what?19:11
bigcx2has anyone else seen a "blank screen" when using cheese after the upgrade to 10.04?19:11
IsmAvatar__dantheman: sudo: /etc/init.d/hal: command not found19:11
erUSULWaldsen: use the software centre to install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:11
bigcx2has anyone else seen a "blank screen" when using cheese after the upgrade to 10.04?19:11
__danthemanhmm, try locate hal19:11
Peter_MarcanoJordan_U: i did that a few times19:11
brontosaurusrexhal: into 'new wave' kinda lucid-like look :P19:11
IsmAvatar__dantheman: it lists several page fulls19:11
bdeskis there a way to download from repos using bittorrent?  the US and main repos seem slow.19:12
selofican anyone send me the tdt channels.config from collserola spain?19:12
Bunburygood day all19:12
halbrontosaurusrex: which theme do you recommend ?19:12
Peter_MarcanoJordan_U: Grub sees it, but windows 7 refuses to load19:12
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors19:12
ZaRD0cKcanal ubuntu en español?19:12
IsmAvatar__dantheman: it also seems to say that hal is indeed located in init.d19:12
Sp0tI can not enable the extra desktop effects, any ideas?19:12
jarray52Walsden: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3#Licensing_and_patent_issues19:12
LjL-Lucidbdesk, no, but you can try changing repos, i use the swedish ones for instance and find them very fast19:12
Jordan_UPeter_Marcano: Do you have a Win7 install CD?19:12
LjL-Lucid!es | ZaRD0cK19:12
ubottuZaRD0cK: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:12
erUSULkrionic: what are you doing ?19:12
bdeskLjL-Lucid: ok thanks19:12
__danthemantry sudo hald start19:12
IsmAvatar__dantheman: nevermind, that's halt19:12
Waldsenit seems to be installed already... (ubuntu-restricted-extras)19:12
Bunburyubuntu 9.10 had a service manager gui tool is that available in 10.04?19:13
no-goany1 an idea on unobsoleting/deleting skype in lucid (i386)19:13
IsmAvatar__dantheman: no error19:13
erUSUL!info bum19:13
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (lucid), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB19:13
Peter_MarcanoJordan_U: i do and repaired the mbr19:13
__danthemanok, try startx19:13
jarray52Walsden: not sure.19:13
Bunburyi have bum installed thanks19:13
sunk8Banbury, do u mean system monitor?19:13
WaldsenI searched for ubuntu-restricted-extras and there is no "Install" button. Only a "Use This Source" button19:13
krionicerUSUL: I'm trying to repair my install. Lucid broke it yesterday. When I rebooted, I got an nForce2_smbus error and system stuck there. Trying to re-install from CD, but it won't install to either of my 2 drives19:13
Bunburyit has a blank beside whether a service is running19:13
kslenno-go, sudo apt-get remove skype then visit www.skype.com to retrieve the most recent version? :p19:13
Bunburynot monitor19:14
Jordan_UDvyjones: So, if you want to spend a long time troubleshooting grub2's ntldr loader I can help ( and am actually curious if it would work ). But it's your decision as to whether it's worth it.19:14
Bunburysomething like bum19:14
erUSULkrionic: e2fsck has an option to use a backup superblock19:14
DasEiWaldsen: just want to install them ?19:14
erUSULkrionic: man e2fsck19:14
wamichohey in ubuntu 10.04 hdd mount without authorization?19:14
ASULutzy!pm | nagendra19:14
ubottunagendra: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:14
Dr_WillisBunbury:  'bum' dosent work with the Upstart controlled services, or at least it dident last i tried BUM.19:14
jarray52Walsden: If you don't get better suggestions, I recommend this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu19:14
IsmAvatar__dantheman: seems like an X server is already running19:14
Jordan_UDvyjones: Actually, I could also probably get grub do boot your Wubi install, just not windows.19:14
__danthemanok try19:14
DasEi!lucid | wamicho ; depends on config19:14
ubottuwamicho ; depends on config: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100419:14
Dr_Williswamicho:  depends on the FS. and the options for the mount in fstab.19:14
Waldseni'm checking the link19:15
krionicerUSUL thanks, I'll try that. Any idea why I wouldn't be able to format an ntfs drive into ext3 using gpart?19:15
__danthemansudo killall Xorg19:15
nagendrar there any way to make disk space???19:15
realubotI don't get this guide to work. I've put the two files in the same directory but I get an error trying to compile the code: http://forum.notebookreview.com/5663702-post1239.html19:15
nagendrasorry for it19:15
erUSULkrionic: you need ntfsprogs installed19:15
DasEinagendra: empty bin, remove unnecessary progs19:15
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ASULutzynagendra: after running sudo apt-get clean, you can also try du -x / | sort -n in order to see what is using the most space, but you'll probably want to invest in a larger hdd19:15
realubotI run make and get make: Nothing to be done for `default'.19:16
DvyjonesJordan_U: The grub that is currently on it doesn't work at all though. If I try to type "help" I get "command 'help' not found". (The prompt is "grub rescue>")19:16
wamichoDr_williss i have installed it but19:16
DasEinagendra: if I need space, openoffice n gnome-games are my first victims19:16
Waldsenman this is hard... when is Ubuntu planning on making this user friendly for people coming from Windows?19:16
jcrawfordguys installation of proprietary drivers failed any idea why?: http://pastebin.com/SrWm5sYJ19:16
geniiDasEi: Should probably clarify to empty garbage bin, and not /bin   ;)19:16
no-gokslen: thx19:16
gartraldoes 10.04 64bit default too 64bit opengl, or is there 32 bit opengl support out of the box?19:16
erUSULrealubot: no makefile in the dir ? no default rule ? mayebe you have to do "make all"19:16
wamichoDr willis : i have installed it but my other parttions mount19:16
krionicerUSUL: it is installed (Lucid CD has it installed by default)19:16
erUSULgartral: the former afaik19:16
no-goKslen: it is the intrepid-ibex one but it works with lucid19:16
realuboterUSUL: I have the code from the link in a file called Makefile.19:17
no-goam off19:17
daurnimatorhow does one upgrade to lync from jaunty?19:17
erUSULkrionic: then i dunno. the partition has to be umounted.19:17
ASULutzyWaldsen: Hard is relative ;) 10.04 by and large works considerably better out of the box than any distro I've used before. But you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time19:17
gartralerUSUL: crap. how do i add 32bit opengl?19:17
Jordan_UDvyjones: Yes, but you can make it work. Or boot super grub2 disk and work from there.19:17
Dr_Williswamicho:  if you want somthign to mount at boot time. its best to put a proper fstab entry for it in /etc/fstab19:17
erUSULgartral: ia32-libs ?19:17
IsmAvatar__dantheman: something happened, and I have a mouse now, but it's a black screen... not sure if it's busy loading19:17
realuboterUSUL: I've put the code snippets in two files as told: http://forum.notebookreview.com/5663702-post1239.html19:17
erUSULgartral: the nvidia driver should come with 32 bi compat libs too19:17
jcrawfordguys installation of proprietary drivers failed any idea why?: http://pastebin.com/SrWm5sYJ19:17
krionicerUSUL: "/dev/sda1 is apparently in use by the system. Will not make a file system here!" after a fresh boot and never trying to mount the drive. the drive is not mounted.19:17
wamichoDr wiilis they mount without authorization i want to change this?!!19:17
jcrawfordwhen installing nvidia drivers19:17
brontosaurusrexhal: the theme is called 'new wave'19:18
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nagendrapermission denied19:18
stygianjust upgraded to 10.04, how to i move the close/minimize/maximize buttons to the right side of my windows?19:18
erUSULkrionic: gparted when scanning the disks can make them to be mounted19:18
alketI just installed a program from BIN file , now I want to remove it, how to do that ?19:18
__danthemanIsmAvatar: ok, you might need to edit or create a .xinitrc file to tell x what wm to use19:18
sunk8stygian, use any theme besides ambiance n radiance. ;-)19:19
Dr_Williswamicho:  if they are ntfs filesystems.. install/run 'ntfs-config' - or add a proper entry to /etc/fstab so they are mounted at boot. and not 'on the fly'19:19
erUSULkrionic: the right click menu of gparted has an option to umount them19:19
graffittiis there a 64bits version of Ubuntu Lucid ?19:19
NetLarIrvineAnyone know of compatible wireless adapter for 10.04?19:19
erUSULgraffitti: yes19:19
__danthemangraffitti: yes there is19:19
IsmAvatar__dantheman: sounds like fun19:19
Waldsenon installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:19
brontosaurusrexhal: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/new+wave?content=8713419:19
lukusjcrawford; the same problem plagued me .. you can't install nvidia's drivers outside of x19:19
ASULutzystygian: Run gconf-editor, then go to apps->metacity-> general, edit the button_layout key to be :minimize,maximize,close19:19
erUSULalket: look if the bin has a --uninstall option19:19
__danthemanIsmAvatar: are you using gnome or kde or another one?19:19
sunk8graffitti. Yes there is. I'm running the 64-bit on this very machine.19:19
wamichoDr_wiilis: they mount without authorization i want to change this?!! where do i go?19:19
IsmAvatar__dantheman: gnome19:19
anodesniThe terminal shows a Full path! How can this be reverted to just the current directory?19:19
erUSULalket: or --remove or the like19:19
geniialket: The ubuntu packaging system doesn't use BIN files to install things. Contact whoever created the one you used and ask them19:19
__danthemanare you still in the black screen?19:20
Sp0tlukus: I am strugling with nvidia too man..19:20
__danthemanok, hit ctrl-alt-f119:20
stygiansunk8, ASULutzy , thanks.  switched to clearlooks and it looks great (imho)19:20
RedNifreHow to disable the drum sound at the login screen?19:20
__danthemanthat should bring you back to the command line19:20
Sp0tit doesn show any drivers anymore in the hardware drivers windows19:20
IsmAvatarf1 is the one running Xorg. I did f219:20
jcrawfordlukus, i previously had them installed, how can i remove them now?19:20
ASULutzystygian: You can use the new themes, you just need to do what I mentioned above19:20
IsmAvatarf7 was the one that froze on the boot screen19:20
__danthemanare you at a command line?19:20
stygianyeah thats what my first intention was19:20
__danthemando ls -a ~/19:21
krionicerUSUL: Unmount is grayed out. "Status: Not Mounted"19:21
sunk8stygian. nice to hear. Even I hate those default themes. They've just tried to mimic the mac positioning...19:21
lukusjcrawford; it's due to some changes in lucid .. the powers that be have decided that we should be able to install more than one graphics driver simultaneously - and be able to select which one to use via jockey-gtk .. which makes use of symbolic links to get the right driver working.  until nvidia produce a driver which recognises this new system, we're all bit b0rked ..19:21
stygianah is that what it is?19:21
RedNifreHow to disable that annoying drum sound at the login screen? I need a quiet computer. :(19:21
__danthemando you see an .xintrc or something like that19:21
erUSULkrionic: :/ then i dunno19:21
Sp0tlukus: jcrawford  because of this messing around, I can not enable the extra visual effects19:21
perscitusIs there Thunderbird 2 in Repositories?19:21
lukusjcrawford; i'm still battling with it .. i wish i'd known19:21
costinhttp://img94.imageshack.us/img94/8634/macr.png like my ubuntu19:21
halbrontosaurusrex: it's nice but too dark - is there a way of brightening it up?19:21
IsmAvatar__dantheman: negative19:21
ASULutzysunk8: I actually think the two new themes, radiance and New Wave look the best so long as you just move the buttons back to the right, it's really not a hard fix19:21
alketI Installed Zend Studio with bin file, i thought that it was FULL version but it is commercial, i want to remove it ?19:21
krionicerUSUL yeah, that's how I'm feeling. going bald here!19:21
__danthemanwhat does ls -a /etc/skel/ show19:22
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:22
Gun_SmokeRedNifre, System>Pref>Sounds19:22
eipi-1is the gem object deallocation issue in the final release fixed by default or do i have to install the patch?19:22
brontosaurusrexhal: show me the screenshot of the dark place19:22
lukusSp0t; yeah, it's a difficult situation .. i'm not sure why such major changes have been made to a LTS release19:22
perscitusUbuntu seems to not hae a decent frakin email client19:22
erUSULkrionic: if you are really sure is umounted use command line tools. « sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdxx »19:22
Jordan_Ueipi-1: It's fixed19:22
Sp0tlukus:  jcrawford: I see some nvidia related stuff in synaptic pacakge manager and reinstalled but that doesn d the trick19:22
IsmAvatar__dantheman: . .. .bash_logout .bashrc examples.desktop .profile19:22
eipi-1Jordan_U, thx19:22
halbrontosaurusrex: I mean the taskbar panels - they are dark brown.  I'd prefer them lighter19:22
erUSULperscitus: claws-mail ?19:22
Jordan_Ueipi-1: You're welcome19:22
sunk8ASULutzy, not new wave. It's ambiance n radiance. I respect your choice. But I personally dislike them. I prefer dark themes. ;-)19:22
RedNifreGun_smoke: no it's actually in System -> system settings -> Login screen19:22
Gun_Smokeperscitus, mutt, THunderbird?19:23
jcrawfordso there is no way to remove the nvidia driver, you gotta be kidding me19:23
brontosaurusrexhal: hold on19:23
RedNifrebut thanks anyway19:23
lukusSp0t; jcrawford; I think we need to blacklist nouveau19:23
__danthemanlets try to create one19:23
Gun_SmokeRedNifre, Close enough.19:23
perscitusGun_Smoke.->  thunderbird 3 blows chunks.19:23
krionicerUSUL thanks. was looking for the command on web now.  :)19:23
Sp0tI found a good tut though on this site: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=9951319:23
lukusjcrawford; can you get to the command line?19:23
Sp0tbut it is for 9.10 lukus19:23
ASULutzysunk8: Either way, it's certainly not a difficult fix to move the window buttons back to the right, so that alone isn't a good reason to not use a theme imho19:23
__danthemannano ~/.xinitrc19:23
Gun_Smokeperscitus, then learn how to downgrade that package.19:23
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:23
goddardAnyone know how to install printer drivers from the command line?19:23
perscitusGun_Smoke.->  cant19:23
DasEi2perscitus: Î like thunderbird19:23
IsmAvatar__dantheman: mind if I use VI? More familiar with it.19:23
iqonhow do i install an rc kernel?19:23
lukusSp0t; you'll need to find something which deals with lucid specifically .. because it's a very new situation19:24
brontosaurusrexhal: yes, actually it comes with a tool called 'new wave config'19:24
Sp0tlukus: jcrawford  maybe need to remove the nouveau stuff first?19:24
Dr_Williswamicho:  no idea. If its ntfs filesystem. try the ntfs-config tool  to enable/disable it.19:24
__danthemani like vi too :)19:24
perscitusDasEi2.->  but third one blows19:24
Gun_Smokeiqon, build it and used dpkg19:24
lukusSp0t, jcrawford - you can blacklist nouveau .. do a google19:24
jarray52I can receive serial input via a serial cable, but I cannot get serial input via a serial to USB cable. Do I need to do something different when using ttyUSB0 vs ttyS0? I'm using minicom. Is there a way to test the cable itself. I'm using the module usbserial.19:24
__danthemanfirst line should be #!/bin/sh19:24
jcrawfordwhat is nouveau?19:24
Sp0tlukus: yes I am aware of that but that is the pain in the butt, because it is so new, very few articles on it yet19:24
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:24
__danthemannext line should be exec gnome-session19:25
IsmAvatarjcrawford: nvidia driver stuff19:25
lukusjcrawford; if you can get a command prompt (via recovery or otherwise) you can remove the nvidia driver by using the original Nvidia installation script and  --uninstall19:25
wamichohey the other slave partition when you click it it mounts without asking passwords like in the previous versions!! why and how to change this?19:25
Sp0tlukus: how do you do that?19:25
__danthemansave and exit19:25
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:25
Sp0tremove all the nvidia related stuff19:25
sunk8sudo apt-get remove sunk819:25
jcrawfordlukus, ah very cool will try that because every time i boot it says it will be low graphics mode and gives me the ability to get to shell without booting X19:26
lukusjcrawford; nouveau is the open source nvidia driver .. it's been moved to centrestage - and has replaced the old nv driver19:26
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:26
lukusbut at the moment i can't really see the benefit19:26
wamichohey in my 10.04 the other slave partition when you click it it mounts without asking passwords like in the previous versions!! why and how to change this?19:26
IsmAvatar__dantheman: next step?19:26
__danthemanrestart or try killall Xorg again19:26
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:26
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:27
Sp0tlukus:  are you able to turn on extra visual effects in the appearance window19:27
submesaHello! I have a question: just installed 10.04 server edition; installing packages etc. downloads archives from the US mirror site which is very slow - how can i set this to a local mirror instead?19:27
Sp0tbecause I can and it starts looking for drivers and can find any19:27
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:27
Pici!repeat | Waldsen19:27
ubottuWaldsen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:27
Waldsen(02:19:23 PM) Waldsen: on installing Medibuntu, i got the same errors that Rythmbox got19:27
lukusSp0t; not with nouveau, no .. nouveau is only 2D afaik19:28
PiciWaldsen: Please stop repeating.19:28
RetardedpopeI fucked up ctrl+s in gedit. It doesn't save anymore..... How do I fix it?19:28
Waldsenyou people are useless19:28
PiciRetardedpope: Please mind your language here.19:28
Sp0tlukus: I thought so..19:28
Dr_WillisWaldsen:  i imagine most ignored you after the 4th repeate19:28
RetardedpopePici: Sorry19:28
NoeveHello. I seem to have a broken  package somewhere, but can't seem to find out what it is, or how to fix it. I've tried everything mentioned online, but nothing works. I'm running 10.04. Any thoughts, please ?19:28
perscitusGun_Smoke.->  i fixed it to more tolerable levels. I turned off smart folders19:28
RetardedpopePici: Wasn't thinking19:28
lukusSp0t; if you want the nvidia driver, for now - you need to install it from the ubuntu repos19:29
IsmAvatar__dantheman: restart left me with the same problem. Went to terminal 1, killed Xorg19:29
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:29
IsmAvatarstartx now?19:29
maximus__folks, i tried installing lucid with the cd but it goes down till live or install option but later it comes with a pink screen and tats it, wat to do?19:29
Error404NotFoundhow can i make a backup of my homedir all in all without logging out? i am nothing doing anything that i want to be recorded from this moment onwards...19:29
Gun_Smokeperscitus, I did that too. I think with a bit of time we will all actually enjoy it more.19:29
=== nikon_ is now known as callaghan
=== maximus__ is now known as warri0r
ActionParsnipMaximu__: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?19:30
IsmAvatar__dantheman: startx was interesting. Got me my desktop/background. Cursor was an X, and then panels were missing19:30
manascant install updates, update manager gives error19:30
ActionParsnipWarri0r: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?19:30
warri0r<ActionParsnip> ye everything perfect, even i tried the iso under virtualbox. its flawless19:30
bsmith093how do i ignore broken packages bc for some reason i cant just unmark them?19:30
__danthemanso you get a background19:30
__danthemanbut no panels19:30
mvki was playing with google-earth a min ago, on kubu 64bit with radeon kernel driver, but it crashed - HARD, locked up, then rebooted19:30
IsmAvatar__dantheman: also have my desktop icons19:31
bung_after logging out/loggin in or rebooting, this new "chat accounts thing" does not re-login, even though its enabled, heard of this anyone?19:31
mvkwhat log in /var/log can i check to try, and traceback the problem?19:31
__danthemanlol weird...19:31
ActionParsnipManas: can you use: http://pastebin.com to give the output of: sudo apt- get update; sudo apt- get upgrade19:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:31
inohhi, how do you set dcc to passive in xchat-gnome?19:31
Sp0tlukus: so thatś why I started to mess with original nvidia drivers from the site but can seem to install them, however I had that 173 and the current one showing in the hardware window, but now it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system19:31
IsmAvatar__dantheman: not really. It's like X is dead, but everything else is alive19:31
faberlolzhow can i make my 1 core stop being at 100%?19:31
callaghanI have a problem with all my USB soundcards in 10.04, they are either very silent or max volume, they worked fine in 9.10, anyone else got the same problem?19:31
faxAnyone have UBUNTU working on a mac pro?19:31
__danthemanIsmAvatar: you might wanna puge xorg and reinstall19:31
IsmAvatar__dantheman: just opened a file browser. The internal part of it opened, but the window border (With the X button and all) was missing19:31
ActionParsnipWarri0r: try disabling unnecesrary hardware in bios for the duration of the install. Also try some boot options19:31
goddardAnyone know how to install printer drivers from the command line?19:31
perscitusGun_Smoke.->  I have folders for each account, and smart one puts them all over place.19:31
__danthemanIsmAvatar: were you using visual effects?19:32
warri0r<ActionParsnip> any idea? is ther anything tat i need to follow while burning the disc. like the burning speed19:32
perscitusfax.->  But i can get OSX working on a pc pro?19:32
ActionParsnipFaberlolz: have you configured video drivers?19:32
NoeveHello. I seem to have a broken  package somewhere, but can't seem to find out what it is, or how to fix it. I've tried everything mentioned online, but nothing works. I'm running 10.04. Any thoughts, please ?19:32
ActionParsnipGoddard: depends on the printer19:32
warri0r<ActionParsnip> unnecessary hardware? anything specific?19:32
erUSULNoeve: synaptic has a list of broken packages19:32
IsmAvatar__dantheman: Visual Effects > None19:32
ActionParsnipWarri0r: burn as slowly as you can19:32
PromilleHey there. I recently upgraded to 10.04. Under the process of installing new files, GRUB asked me what hardisk to choose. I chose a partition instead of whole hardisk, and now im getting an error message when tried to boot. Error is: The symbol "grub_puts" not found19:32
bsmith093how do i not install the 5 broken oackages i have19:32
NoeveerUSUL: no, I can't see any. The Broken filter seems to bring up all my installed packages anyway.19:33
ActionParsnipWarri0r: sound,lan,bluetooth are some19:33
erossafter adding libSDL, my volume control has disappeared from my top panel, where did it go? Do I not have audio now?19:33
bsmith093i cant unmark them for some reason19:33
erUSULNoeve: sudo aptitude -f install19:33
NoeveerUSUL: tried that too. No good.19:33
ActionParsnipPromille: boot to livecd and reinstall grub19:33
jcrawfordshit so uninstalling the nvidia driver i had downloaded from their site still does not allow me to install the driver through the hardware drivers interface :(19:33
warri0r<ActionParsnip> well got another empty disc, will try burning at slowest speed and give a test19:33
__danthemanIsmAvatar: did you restart after creating that file?19:33
warri0r<ActionParsnip> thanks for the help btw :)19:33
PromilleActionParsnip: but i cant access my internal harddrives with livecd?19:33
IsmAvatar__dantheman: yes19:33
IsmAvatarlike i said, it stopped at the boot screen19:33
ActionParsnipJcrawford: the hardware installer will ahave a driver for you19:34
sloopyany reason a file wouldnt show up in a file browser window, but does show up when a list the dir in a shell?19:34
callaghan!sound > callaghan19:34
ubottucallaghan, please see my private message19:34
jcrawfordActionParsnip, they will not install at all tried both19:34
ActionParsnipPromille: you can boot to cd though which you need to do (or usb)19:34
bray0between C and C++ languages which is best and most preferable to major in...19:34
dieuyanyone has the problem thar not appear nm-aplet ?19:34
__danthemanyou need to restart hal before going into x19:34
wamichodoes ntfs partition mount without asking for authorization in 10.04?19:34
arcskyguys can you maybe tell me why this doesnt work http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/231/92088303.png  i want to install ubuntu from USB but it didnt startup from the USB19:34
__danthemansudo hald start doesn't set hal to autostart at boot19:35
goddardActionParsnip I have used the MP180 driver on my desktop install but I just dont know how to do it in the command line19:35
PromilleActionParsnip: Ok, but is it possible to mount from harddrive then, so I can reinstall grub?19:35
manascan i upgrade to the new linux through terminal??19:35
ActionParsnipJcrawford: add the nvidia vpau ppa then run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185; sudo nvidia-xconfig ,then reboot19:35
manasnew version of ubuntu i mean19:35
__danthemanso, you need to run that before you startx19:35
Promille!upgrade | manas19:35
ubottumanas: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:35
jcrawfordActionParsnip, where do i get the nvidia vpau ppa?19:35
=== [ydnax] is now known as xandy
bray0between C and C++ languages which is best and most preferable to major in...19:35
ActionParsnipPromille: you don't needs to mount the partition dude ;)19:35
ActionParsnipJcrawford: websearch it dude19:36
Jordan_U!best | bray019:36
ubottubray0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:36
IsmAvatar__dantheman: ah. Well, doing hald start, then killing Xorg, then startx, still does the neat trick where my desktop shows but X is missing19:36
Jordan_U!offtopic | bray019:36
ubottubray0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:36
PromilleActionParsnip: ah ok. so just use livecd and "apt-get install --reinstall grub" then?19:36
manasi did see, but it says that i need to install all updates before upgrading. but the update manager does install the updates19:36
goddardubuntu needs more channels hahah19:36
ActionParsnip!grub2 | promille19:36
ubottupromille: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:36
__danthemanI'd probably purge x and reinstall it19:36
goddardActionParsnip I have used the MP180 driver on my desktop install but I just dont know how to do it in the command line19:36
__danthemanso you satisfy all the deps19:36
PromilleActionParsnip: thanks for help19:36
ActionParsnipIs ubottu sleeping?19:37
IsmAvatar__dantheman: sounds like a good idea19:37
halthanks for your help brontosaurusrex - I have found out how to change the window title height and the panel height for the default theme19:37
IdleOnewhy is one of my computers using  2.6.32-21-generic-pae  and the other is using  2.6.32-22-generic-pae ?19:37
erUSULIdleOne: make sure in the first one you have the "linux-image" package19:37
ActionParsnipGoddard: cups has a web interface you can configure printers using that using lynx or even another pc19:37
IsmAvatar__dantheman: done19:37
jcrawfordActionParsnip, this one? https://launchpad.net/~lrm-intrepid/+archive/ppa19:37
jcrawfordi get several different results in google, want to make sure i use the proper PPA19:37
ActionParsnipJcrawford: no. I'll get the link19:38
IsmAvatar__dantheman: it didn't seem to install or uninstall anything additional other than xorg-docs19:38
goddardActionParsnip really .... that might be an option but is there a way to do it in the terminal?19:38
__danthemani think its xorg-server19:38
__danthemando apt-cache search --names-only xorg19:38
IdleOneerUSUL, it wants to install linux-image linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic linux-image-generic19:38
ActionParsnipGoddard: not sure personally19:38
erUSULIdleOne: make sure in the first one you have the "linux-image-pae" package in this case i guess19:38
__danthemani think its xorg-server19:38
LoneShadowHello All, while installing 10.04 i386 Server, half way with Base packages, it complains asking me put the same CD, any idea how to fix this ?19:39
jcrawfordhey what's up idleOne :)19:39
IdleOneheya jcrawford19:39
bsmith093can someone please tell me how to unselect broken packages19:39
goddardActionParsnip there are a lot of links for lynx do you know the exact one?19:39
IsmAvatar__dantheman: xserver-xorg19:39
jcrawfordi'm the guy who was accused of impersonating you IdleOne lol19:39
jcrawfordwith the nickname idle0ne19:39
oyoyI have the release candidat already installed.  since the official release came out, i have had no updates, and update manager doesn't show a new release.  how can i check if i have the real official release?19:40
IsmAvatarkk, this may take a moment19:40
IdleOnejcrawford, yeah it is generally not a good idea to do that19:40
erUSUL!final | > oyoy19:40
ubottuoyoy, please see my private message19:40
jcrawfordIdleOne, you were actually impersonating me lol i had that nick registered for years :)19:40
DasEioyoy: checked your sources in synaptic ? what does uname -a / r say ?19:40
jcrawford-NickServ- Registered : Jun 06 04:04:41 2004 (5 years, 47 weeks, 0 days, 14:35:57 ago)19:40
IdleOneerUSUL,  Unable to locate package linux-image-pae19:40
sveinseHello. Is this channel now also including support for lucid, or do I need to go to #ubuntu+1 for that still?19:41
bsmith093i reinstalled from jaunty to lucid with a seperate home partition to keep my stuff saved but im trying to reinstall all the packages i had with a read marking generated file most of them work but 5 are broken and it wont let me install anything until i fix the broken packages but i cant unmark them so what do i do?19:41
oyoyuname a : Linux cowboy-bill 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:41
ActionParsnipJcrawford: sudo add-apt-repository nvidia-vdpau/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185; sudo nvidia-xconfig19:41
IdleOnejcrawford, possible but I have been using this nick for 8 years or so. Anyway no biggie :)19:41
fourcolorshey can someone say my name "fourcolors" I'm trying to see if this theme works for irc empanthy19:41
sloof3Any reason I might get "No new release found" when trying to use do-release-upgrade on 8.04.4?19:41
jcrawfordActionParsnip, Error: 'nvidia-vdpau/ppa' invalid19:41
__danthemanbsmith093: have you tried sudo apt-get install -f19:42
ibeekmanDoes anybody know if the wireless card works "out of the box" on the Thinkpad T410?19:42
bsmith093no bcause they are very critical packages19:42
ibeekman(Under Lucid)19:42
IsmAvatar__dantheman: done19:42
__dantheman-f will just try to fix problems19:42
fourcolorsjust say fourcolors lol19:42
jcrawfordi have my nicks linked so no biggie for me not to use the other one in here either :)19:42
oyoythanks i guess i'm up to date.  :)19:42
bsmith093plymouth rslog ubuntu desktop ubuntu minimal and gdm19:42
Zolomon|WorkHow do I install the curses module for python 3.1.2? I can't find it anywhere for download. :/19:42
sloopyfourculors, nah i am good19:42
fourcolorsdamn you!19:43
ActionParsnipGoddard: http://localhost:63119:43
sloopyfourcolors, :'P19:43
oyoyanother problem....  4 times now gnome has completely locked on me.  i think it is happening when i have the panels set to audohide.  has anyone heard of this problem?  when it happens i can't shut down X or switch to a virtual console or anything19:43
fourcolorsblast this theme sucks too19:43
IsmAvatar__dantheman: next step?19:43
bsmith093so how do i read markings for=m the terminal casuse i really don't want to have to ype 807 package names19:43
ASULutzysloof3: What does your /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades say?19:43
sveinseHow can I get empathy to sign in to MSN automatically? I always have to select the envelope icon on the panel and then select chat for it to sign itself in19:43
jcrawfordActionParsnip, do you have another ppa that one is not valid19:43
__danthemanrestart maybe?19:43
LoneShadowHas anyone installed the Ubuntu 10.04 (i386) server from a CD ?19:44
elnurI have just installed 10.04 and after reboot just get blank screen with a blinking cursor. How to solve this?19:44
Dr-Ubuntusudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa19:44
goddardActionParsnip cool19:44
ActionParsnipJcrawford: you get the idea dude. Find out what the ppa is. Its something like that. My connection here is about 20kbps on my phone on g1 speed19:44
__danthemanIsmAvatar: if that doesn't work, you can always install xorg 1.819:44
__danthemandoesnt need hal19:45
IsmAvatar__dantheman: :-( stuck at boot screen still19:45
trismZolomon|Work: the curses module should be included by default, you shouldn't need to install anything extra (well it was with all the versions up to 2.6, and it is listed on the 3.1 docs, I haven't upgraded yet)19:45
theGmanI'm not understanding something, why is it that NetworkManager recognizes my usb wifi adapter and even shows me access points available to conn too, but when I try to connect to a non-sec ap it fails?19:45
callaghanIs the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting still valid for 10.04 (is 10.04 using ALSA or pulseaudio by default)?19:45
ActionParsnipDr-ubuntu: ty. Its getting really lame19:45
elnurIsmAvatar, black screen with blinking cursor?19:45
__danthemanIsmAvatar: what video card do you have?19:45
bung_theGman: try wicd19:45
jcrawfordActionParsnip, yea i get the idea but i do not know about ppa so what i can do is search google add all the ppa i find and hope for the best LOL19:45
theGmanI had to boot into my default os (Fedora) to get conn...19:45
IsmAvatarelnur: no, purple screen with "ubuntu ....."19:45
StargazersAnyone else who have problems here with 10.04 and Ati Radeon X1200 series video card?19:45
theGmanbung_: Ok.19:45
ActionParsnip!anyone | loneshadow19:45
ubottuloneshadow: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:45
ibeekmandoes anyone know if the 10.4 release fixed the Realtek 8172 wifi issues from beta and 9.10?19:45
StargazersMy screen goes like that randomly.19:45
stygianhowcome i cant unlock gdmsetup?19:45
StargazersWith free drivers.19:45
shledahi, can i upgrade my existing ubuntu 9.10 installation using  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso?19:45
IsmAvatar__dantheman: probably default chipset intel. How can I find out? lol19:46
oyoyOne other question... I have an NTFS partition mounted.  why does it look so weird in the console?  when i do 'ls' it has crazy colors and block/color fonts.  like this (if it comes through:):Brahms - The Piano Concertos (Nelson Freire, Riccardo Chailly) V019:46
Zolomon|Worktrism: Ah, I forgot to mention, I have it on my windows machine as well, the curses library isn't installed there. Do you know maybe if it there's some exception to it when it comes to windows?19:46
sloof3ASULutzy: prompt=lts19:46
arandLoneShadow: Likely many, specify you problem instead.19:46
Zolomon|Worktrism: Thanks though!19:46
ActionParsnipJcrawford: the rest is perfect, you just need the ppa bit tidying19:46
bulletxthi, im trying to download ubuntu 7.10 but I cant find the image, can someone help me? thanks19:46
elnurAnyone knows how to get past the blank screen with a blinking cursor after installation and reboot?19:46
johnlvplHi guys just installed the new ubuntu 64, I downloaded a new theme for the login screen. How do I install this, sorry very new19:46
lunganWhy does 10.04 not boot correctly all the time?19:46
GNU\colossusis there no java-plugin package on lucid any more?19:46
oyoywell that didn't show up... but when i do ls on the ntfs partition the subdirectories are like blue text against block green background19:46
orbisvicishey, for windows->ubuntu can UbuntuOne connect to windows?19:46
jcrawfordthanks Dr-Ubuntu for providing me the ppa url, thank you also ActionParsnip for searching on my behalf :)19:46
lunganelnur, having the same problem, it works sometimes after just rebooting on the powerbutton19:46
bung_shleda: if you're logged into 9.10, just start update manager and press the distrobution upgrade button19:46
__danthemanIsmAvatar: lspci | grep VGA19:46
* Dr-Ubuntu hides19:46
ActionParsnipOyoy: ntfs like to make stuff executable and other messes. The colours show this as well as access; ls -la file will show the score19:47
bung_orbisvicis: connect to windows?19:47
* ibeekman is wondering if someone has even seen his comments yet19:47
trismZolomon|Work: well, the documents list curses (Unix), usually that means a unix exclusive module19:47
NoeveApparently, I have a package called libsexy that's broken. How can I go about fixing this ?19:47
UrdaAnybody having issues adding computers to Ubuntu One? I get to the Web sign on, but never can reach a "Add computer menu"19:47
ASULutzysloof3: Did you try sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release ?19:47
jcrawfordrebooting brb19:47
IsmAvatar__dantheman: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:47
undecimorbisvicis: I read a few articles about the One client coming to Windows, but I just asked about this earlier and they said it's not going to happen in the foreseeable future19:47
LoneShadowI keep getting "Please insert the disck labeled: 'Ubuntu-Server 10.04 _Lucid_ - Release i386' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter."19:47
elnurlungan, heh, gonna try it19:47
shledabung_: that will need internet and my net is slow19:47
sloof3ASULutzy: It wants to download Intrepid if I do that19:47
undecimorbisvicis: in #ubuntuone19:47
Zolomon|Worktrism: Ah, thanks!<319:47
lunganHaving some trouble when booting 10.04 having a blinking cursor after boot19:47
oyoyactionparsnip - i see... yeah all the files are 77719:47
orbisvicisundecim: hey thanks19:47
stygiannevermind, guess you cant run gdmsetup manually19:48
shledabung_: I have ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso  not the alternate iso is there a chance I could upgrade from this iso?19:48
ActionParsnipYo yo yo. Bus ninja skills19:48
heroidubottu: hi19:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:48
elnurlungan, that didn't help19:48
gnonidehow do I move the close button from left to right, in 10.04?19:48
CaptainTrekis there a way to use Ubuntu to check the filesystem on a windows-formatted drive?19:48
manaswhich server should i use in update manager??19:48
CaptainTreki'm on a diagnostic system that uses nix hence why I ask19:48
ActionParsnip!controls | gnonide19:48
ubottugnonide: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d619:48
ASULutzysloof3: Do you have Ubuntu or Kubuntu?19:49
gnonideActionParsnip, thanks a lot ; )19:49
elnurAnyone knows how to get past the blank screen with a blinking cursor after installation and reboot?19:49
sloof3ASULutzy: Ubuntu19:49
johnlvpl Hi guys just installed the new ubuntu 64, I downloaded a new theme for the login screen. How do I install this, sorry very new19:49
lunganelnur, I've tried 5 times and then it did work, but now I'm having the same problem again. Its reeaaally fast when it boots, but for the moment it doesn't work for me neither, something is wrong19:49
undecimorbisvicis: I think you can use the web interface though.19:49
ActionParsnipGnonide: there are guides all over for that dude. Did you not try websearching first19:49
IsmAvatar__dantheman: like I said above, default Intel chipset. 82945G/GZ19:49
samosaubottu: hi19:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:49
LoneShadowarand: for some reason, I am not able to install the server edition, it keeps asking to put the same CD and press enter19:49
ianwizardI'm having problems with my fan since I upgraded.  I have had these problems before, but don't remember what I did to fix it.  All I know, is that there used to be a directory /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/ , and it is not there anymore, I tried modprobing eeepc-laptop, but it says "No such device".  Does anyone know what might cause this.19:49
callaghanIs there already a guide for fixing sound problems in 10.04?19:49
ASULutzysloof3: Hmm, sorry then, don't know :P19:50
NoeveApparently, I have a package called libsexy that's broken. How can I go about fixing this ?19:50
arandLoneShadow: Have to verified that it's intact (md5)19:50
jcrawfordok so now the driver is installed but i cannot get visual effects to enable19:50
IsmAvatarNoeve: apt-get -f install19:50
ActionParsnipCallaghan: "sound problems" is hugely vague. Can you be more specific19:50
jcrawfordjust tells me that they cannot be enabled whY?>19:50
NoeveIsmAvatar: I've tried that, and dpkg --configure -a, and variants on those two.19:50
ActionParsnipJcrawford: did you reboot?19:50
jcrawfordActionParsnip, yes19:51
IsmAvatarNoeve: try purge and re-install?19:51
perscitusAnyone else dont get the Lucid splash screen? All i get a back screen with blinking cursor and quick one second flicker of splash screen thats out of resolution?19:51
erossok i added a gnome-volume control but I'm not hearing audio19:51
ActionParsnipJcrawford: did you run: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,first?19:51
NoeveIsmAvatar: purge what ? The package isn't installed.19:51
bsmith093have the lucid repos been fully stabalized yet19:51
IsmAvatarthought you said it was broken?19:51
jcrawfordActionParsnip, yes19:51
manashow do i upgrade from the lucid Beta to final lucid??19:52
NoeveIsmAvatar: It tells me so, yes. But Synaptic says it isn't installed, and it can't resolve dependencies.19:52
Pici!final | manas19:52
ubottumanas: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:52
lunganElnur, the problem for me is that when i press f9 and tell the computer to boot from the sata drive it works, but when i just boot the computer auto it doesn't work, and I have the sata drive as first boot in bios19:52
LucidGuyAll my users have their home directories on an NFS server and we simply mount and link to their directory.  This works fine but I would like to keep all these links updated on all workstations so the user can use any computer without me having to create a link where ever they want to sit.  I can make a script that just replicates all the links but was wondering if anyone was doing this differently.19:52
ActionParsnipJcrawford: ok have a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues19:52
=== FunkySayu is now known as FunkyShower
erosshow do i add audio to lucid?19:52
LoneShadowarand: I did a validity check from the Install menu. Let me check the md519:52
DasEimanas: have your sources set, sudo apt-et update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:52
IsmAvatarNoeve: odd. No clue19:52
bsmith093Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.19:52
IsmAvatarsry *shrug*19:52
bsmith093thats the error i got when i tried to -f the packages19:53
callaghanActionParsnip: ok, fixing a problem where usb-soundcards are either very silent or very loud because of the two markers ("unamplified", "100%") in the sound preferences. they are way too close together: http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1548/screenshotsoundpreferen.png19:53
An_Ony_Moosehow can I reenable ctrl-alt-bksp again? My keyboard doesn't have a sysrq key (in fact it would be more useful if someone could tell me how to make another key act like the sysrq one)19:53
perscitusAnyone else dont get the Lucid splash screen? All i get a back screen with blinking cursor and quick one second flicker of splash screen thats out of resolution?19:53
ActionParsnipCallaghan: better, now folks may be able to help as they have some detail19:53
Kenthreeis it possible to set a PC to power on as soon as it's plugged in? (no button pressing)19:53
NoeveIsmAvatar: I'm asked if I want to resolve dependencies manually, but no matter what I try there, it still doesn't help. Is my install completely corrupt ?19:53
erossi have dummy output in my output sound preferences, no audio card showing19:53
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: If I recall correctly you want to add a line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf setting NoZap... Let me see if I can find the exact directions19:54
fourcolorscan someone help me install an new empathy theme in Ubuntu LTS (lastest)?19:54
IsmAvatarNoeve: sorry, not very familiar with apt19:54
ActionParsnipAn_ony_moose: I believe its in keyboard settings19:54
callaghanActionParsnip: ok, i'll keep that in mind, thx19:54
jcrawfordActionParsnip, nothing in that log that i can see tells me why visual effects will not enable19:54
ganjahi, when I was upgrading to lucid I get an error message "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources. It cannot continue.", the upgrade finished and everythings seems to be alright, but what is/was the problem?19:54
jcrawfordi tried tailing while enabling as well nothing is added to that log file19:54
MgMtis the compiz install process the same as in 9.10? im running 10.0419:54
* samosa gulps19:54
fourcolorsI"m kind of new to Ubuntu so to speak19:55
DasEiKenthree: depends on the box, can be set in bio19:55
DasEiKenthree: depends on the box, can be set in bios*19:55
selofiel canal español?19:55
arandLoneShadow: if it was valid there, it should be ok...19:55
perscitusAnyone else dont get the Lucid splash screen? All i get a back screen with blinking cursor and quick one second flicker of splash screen thats out of resolution?19:55
fourcolorsI'm just getting back into I guess19:55
ActionParsnipJcrawford: it won't mention effects at all. It may mention your monitor not being detected right or a weird driver being loaded19:55
xXedixXxHello. Is there a way to force Ubuntu to use a certain Internet connection for acting as a web server?19:55
An_Ony_Moose!es | selofi19:55
ubottuselofi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:55
samosaso hows ati gpu support going?19:55
ActionParsnipPerscitus: I do on both lucid rigs19:55
perscitusActionParsnip.->  and the fix?19:55
dignanxXedixXx: does your box have multiple NICs?19:55
Vigogenja: Is the Network Applet displaying now?19:55
perscitusActionParsnip.->  i know its not related to gpu driver.19:55
ZykoticK9!dontzap > An_Ony_Moose19:55
ubottuAn_Ony_Moose, please see my private message19:55
ActionParsnipPerscitus: reinstall plymouth possibly. Is it really such a big deal?19:56
erossdoes libSDL-alsa need to be installed with libSDL-pulseaudio (already installed)?19:56
perscitusActionParsnip.->  i like the splash screen19:56
ganjaVigo: yes everything seems alright19:56
fourcolorsanyone know how to install an Empanthy theme? This one isn't working for me19:56
lunganHow do i fix the boot problem in 10.04 , just a blinking cursor after booting?19:56
elnurlungan, can't boot it even once19:56
perscitusActionParsnip.->  How to reinstall?19:56
An_Ony_Moosethanks ZykoticK919:56
ActionParsnipPerscitus: then you may need to define a resolution in the subsection in the screen section in xorg.conf19:57
LoneShadowarand: md5 is also valid. I burnt 3 copies till now, all of them get stuck while installing base packages19:57
dignanlungan: try hitting ctrl + alt + f219:57
tehbauthow do I increase the memory limit for bash scripts?19:57
jcrawfordActionParsnip, this is all i see pertaining to video/nvidia: http://pastebin.com/52f6HJkc19:57
arandfourcolors: Not working in what way? Give details to the channel, makes it easier to help.19:57
elnurperscitus, got the same problem with blank screen19:57
jcrawfordnothing that i can see is wrong there19:57
dignanlungan: log in as root and service gdm start19:57
ActionParsnipPerscitus: sorry wrong target19:57
Vigoganja: That was a bug in the Alpha/Beta and RC for a while, I think it was fixed, looks like it is.19:57
ianwizard!dontzap > ianwizard19:57
ubottuianwizard, please see my private message19:57
lungandignan, when should i press that?19:57
alrekursamosa: using fglrx with 4890 gpu works fine open source driver works too19:57
dignanwhen you see the blinking cursor  and can't go anywhere19:57
IsmAvatarHelp? I uninstalled and reinstalled hal, and now I can't get past the purple boot screen. Tried reinstalling xserver, but to no avail19:57
perscituselnur.->  It seems to be common but my google search reveals no fixes19:57
dignansee if you can at least get a tty19:57
arandLoneShadow: I'm afraid I don't know then..19:57
jcrawfordthe rest of the stuff pertains to my bluetooth keyboard and mouse19:57
dignanif you can't do that,y ou'll need a rescue cd19:58
Vigoganja: Right click it and check the About?19:58
xXedixXxNoone know how to force Ubuntu to use a certain internet connection for my HTTP server?19:58
LoneShadowThanks anyway, will do some online search :)19:58
dignanxXedixXx: you use the bind address of the webserver19:58
lungandignan what can the problem be when it works sometimes, and sometimes not? justa blinking _ in the up left corner19:58
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fourcolorsarand: When people say my name on IRC it doesn't highlight what they are saying a different color. I reported a bug about this and they said I need to install a different "theme" for Empathy. But I dont know how19:58
kuken1has ne1 tried ubuntu in vsphere? NIC drivers doesnt work :(19:58
perscitusActionParsnip.->  Whats worse is that live cd doesnt use right resolution for my monitor?19:58
dignanlungan: sometimes you boot and it makes it, and sometimes it hangs?19:58
fourcolorsmaybe there is a better IRC client for Ubuntu?19:58
dignanlungan: when you boot, do you sometimes have different hardware plugged in then other times?19:59
IdleOne!irc | fourcolors19:59
ubottufourcolors: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:59
ASULutzylol, ianwizard shouldn't have sent the nozap trigger to himself, I think he just tested it out :P19:59
arandfourcolors: Many, including x-chat as an example19:59
lungandignan, yep, but it actually dont "hangs" because the _ is blinking. Nope, the computer is beside my ATM and sometimes it works and sometimes not19:59
ianwizardASULutzy: ur right19:59
perscitusActionParsnip.->  It loads using 800 or 1024 resolution on a 1440 monitor. And Intstall does the same til ati driver is installed19:59
IdleOnefourcolors, wrong factoid, check out xchat (GUI) or irssi (CLI)19:59
jcrawfordany thoughts ActionParsnip19:59
ActionParsnipPercitus: maybe your monitor is telling you OS the right refresh rates or reolutions. I'd recommend finding some sample xorg.confs and use the mode lines in yours19:59
ganjaVigo: check the about? I don't see any problem but I was worry there was one19:59
KaiForcedoes openoffice install require adding a repository?20:00
arandfourcolors: empathy generally inhales big time when it comes to IRC20:00
jcrawfordi believe this is why i had used the NVIDIA driver and not the ones bundled with Ubuntu in 9.1020:00
guntbert!askthebot > ianwizard20:00
musturdConsole based IRC clients are epic20:00
ubottuianwizard, please see my private message20:00
An_Ony_MooseWhen I switch to a terminal tty (eg tty1, 2, 3), it doesn't display correctly. It appears to show text, but it shows it multiple times in different colours. What's wrong, and how can I fix it? (I think it might be that the resolution isn't sent to the monitor correctly, but that's for you to decide :P)20:00
* ianwizard didn't know that ubottu worked in pm20:00
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arandKaiForce: It's installed by default, no?20:00
ActionParsnipJcrawford: see what I said above. I'm getting muddled20:00
chillindaveHow do I remove a MBR from a portable drive?  I think I messed up and wrote one to it and now it tries booting from it and it shouldn't.20:00
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fourcolorsright. I wish it was better20:00
KaiForcearand i feel dumb, let me look20:00
Vigogenja: Here is the Launchpad on it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/55311520:00
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bsmith093chillindave reformat20:00
dignanlungan: ok, so do you have it booted now?20:00
KaiForcearand: confirmed.  I am dumb!20:00
Vigogenja: Is it Version .08?20:00
IsmAvatarHelp? I uninstalled and reinstalled hal, and now I can't get past the purple boot screen. Tried reinstalling xserver, but to no avail20:01
chillindavebsmith093, Really?  That isn't an option......20:01
dignanlungan: and what did you say about hardware. do you have the samee hardware plugged in, usb included, every time you boot?20:01
samosaalrekur: i have ati 4850, last time i used ubuntu it was like version 7.10...stuff was bad...compiz fusion issues...gpu driver crashes , etc etc.20:01
Artiom_Fiodorovhow to get ubuntu to automound hard drive on start up?20:01
bsmith093thats the only thing i can think of but im not an expert20:01
samosaim gonna try again20:01
jcrawfordanyone have any ideas why visual effects would not work on 10.04 using the 185 nvidia driver from the nvidia ppa?20:01
NoeveWhat's supposed to come up under the package list in Synaptic when I select Custom Filters > Broken ?20:01
perscitusActionParsnip.->  Is it possible to define resolution for plymouth?20:01
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nogArtiom_Fiodorov: man fstab20:01
KaiForceArtiom_Fiodorov: do you know the device name?20:01
ActionParsnipArtiom_floodorov: use /etc/fstab and you mount partitions, not hard drives20:01
lungandignan, nope trying to boot right now but it doesn't work. Nope on USB drive plugged. Botting from hdd. nope after the screen when i'm expecting the ubuntu logo to show up / or the grub menu nothing happens20:02
ianwizardArtiom_Fiodorov: edit /etc/fstab, if you don't know the details of the file run:  man fstab20:02
Ghostyhello, can i get help with a boot error i've had in 9.1020:02
guntbertNoeve: only package which are "broken" -- dependencies missing,...20:02
ActionParsnipPerscitus: not sure I have't played with it nor intend to20:02
arbo-So I'm setting up an htpc with ubuntu 10.4 outputting via hdmi to a tv, and it installed fine, but is now a black screen after I auto-login..  I think the problem is it defaults to dvi output.  Is there a way to tell it not to?20:02
KaiForceGhosty: ask man20:02
IsmAvatarI think I screwed up my ubuntu. Can I reinstall it without losing my data and without a liveCD?20:02
Artiom_FiodorovActionParsnip it's a usb device20:02
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: I had a lot of issues with my tty's being busted a few weeks ago... They were issues with Plymouth... I hacked around with /etc/grub.d/00_header and /etc/default/grub... I think the latter has some options you should look at. Specifically there were problems known with using Nvidia proprietary drivers and Plymouth... I can dump both of those files of mine to a pastebin if you want20:02
Ghostythat is the error i get when trying to boot20:02
theGmanI did a fresh install from a 9.10 desktop live cd and then used the update manager to update, when I rebooted I could see the usual text stuff and it presumably tried to start X but all I got was a black screen...can someone tell me why please?20:02
Noeveguntbert: all of my packages are being listed. Are they all broken ? I can't seem to fix anything, and I can't install anything because it tells me I have broken packages.20:02
Artiom_Fiodorovprobably hdd120:02
ganjabtw I don't have anymore the sound control icon, since I restarted the computer after upgrade20:02
Artiom_Fiodorovhow do i found out?20:02
kuken1why is close button moved? is this dependant on new gnome settings?20:02
lungandignan now it works, but its just lucky, because if i reboot now it probably wont work20:02
An_Ony_Mooseyes please ASULutzy20:02
dignanlungan: ok, and ctrl + alt + f2 doesn't work?20:02
dignanlungan: check your logs and dmesg20:03
IsmAvatarkuken1: it's the theme20:03
lungandignan, when should i press that?20:03
Ghostythis is the error i get wheni boot http://pastebin.com/SeR9M5Ym20:03
houksii used to use ages ago webmin with centos but what i should use with ubuntu?20:03
ActionParsnipArtiom_fiodorov: its still a partion which you mount. /etc/fstab will be processed early on and the mounts which can succeed will20:03
Glacerwebmin is still good and free20:03
Oerjcrawford, use the nvidia beta driver ? http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?p=117418#post11741820:03
MaT-dgis the webserver removed in 10.04? /var/www isn't there and http://localhost doesn't exist20:03
Glacerfor control panel over system + web20:03
ZykoticK9!controls > kuken120:03
ubottukuken1, please see my private message20:03
elnurlungan, what video card you have and how many displays?20:03
ActionParsnip!webmin | housi20:03
perscitusActionParsnip.->  can i use alternate splash  then since plymouth is buggy20:03
ubottuhousi: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:03
An_Ony_MooseMaT-dg, see if apache2 is installed20:03
ZykoticK9!webmin > Glacer20:04
ubottuGlacer, please see my private message20:04
mariyawhat is the difference between acroread  and adobereader-deu packages?20:04
goddardActionParsnip how do I login to this thing?20:04
Vigoganja: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=920259620:04
dignanwhen it hangs at the _ but you could also try alt + sysrq + r,e and you might be left with something.. if not continue pressing i,s,u,b20:04
houksiubottu: thank you20:04
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:04
guntbertNoeve: did you enable things in "other software" (in system/adminstration/software sources?20:04
SdonatasIs new nvidia driver availiable for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Ubuntu 10.04?20:04
arbo-So I'm setting up an htpc with ubuntu 10.4 outputting via hdmi to a tv, and it installed fine, but is now a black screen after I auto-login..  I think the problem is it defaults to dvi output.  Any idea on how to solve?20:04
theGmanhouksi: Why couldn't you use webmin with ubuntu? It's a web application so it shouldn't matter. Some distros will install it differently but it is still a web app.20:04
ActionParsnipPerscitus: no idea dude. I just leave it to do what it likes. I haven't messed with it as I don't care for "eyecandy"20:04
KaiForceGhosty:  i have no idea.  I assume you googled that one?20:04
FardadJaliliis there a way to change from Kubuntu to ubuntu without reinstalling/20:04
Vigogenja: You may have to add it to panel, again.20:04
Ghostyyes, but to no avail20:04
ActionParsnipSdonatas: sure is20:04
GhostyKaiForce, yes, but it didnt help20:04
ActionParsnipGoddard: log onto what20:04
MilitantPotatoI appear to of lost the applet that lets you logout, switch users, lock the screen and set different power modes, what's that called again?20:04
KaiForceGhosty let me look around20:05
perscitusActionParsnip.->  I do like eye candy and its probably why Windows 7 reigns supreme over Ubuntu20:05
ganjaVigo: thanks20:05
An_Ony_MooseFardadJalili, I'm not sure exactly, but you'll have to install all the gnome stuff20:05
Noeveguntbert: only just now to see if it'd help. No good still.20:05
mmvxFardadJalili yes, you need to install ubuntu-desktop20:05
Sdonatasactionparship: thanks20:05
theGmanhouksi: Nvm, someone else had a better ans. :P20:05
theGmanI did a fresh install from a 9.10 desktop live cd and then used the update manager to update, when I rebooted I could see the usual text stuff and it presumably tried to start X but all I got was a black screen...can someone tell me why please?20:05
FardadJaliliAn_Ony_Moose: ok tnx20:05
FardadJalilimmvx: ok tnx20:05
stygian10.04 with clearlooks is all the eyecandy i care for :>20:06
ActionParsnipPerscitus: I prefer speed and functionality which is why I use linux in various forms. If you like eyecandy buy a mac. Its got lots and very little functionality20:06
guntbertNoeve: what happened after when it worked the last time?20:06
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox20:06
Vigoganja: You are very welcome, it is a known issue, is almost if not already fixed.20:06
theGmanOr better yet, how to fix it? It just sits there with a black screen.20:06
KaiForceGhosty:  known bug?  See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/433943 and there is possible solution there20:06
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425421/ not sure if what I have is actually different then the default. I was playing with the files in order to try and get a high res plymouth splash, which worked, but broke my tty's, once I reset the resolution to a lower res for plymouth, my tty's were fixed... Are you using the proprietary Nvidia driver by any chance?20:06
perscitusActionParsnip.->  Ubuntu has a little speed but Windows 7 has more functionality20:06
arbo-So I'm setting up an htpc with ubuntu 10.4 outputting via hdmi to a tv, and it installed fine, but is now a black screen after I auto-login..  I think the problem is it defaults to dvi output.  Any idea on how to solve?  :\20:06
gaileh_Would like to know: Anybody using Atheros AR5B91 Wifi that has had any problems with 10.04 LTS?20:06
kuken1is there any theme with close button to the right?20:06
Noeveguntbert: I tried installing something, and it told me stuff was missing. Since, I can't install anything. I last installed Google Chrome without issues. I rebooted since.20:06
ActionParsnipPerscitus: I use lxde ;) its sweet20:06
An_Ony_Moosethanks ASULutzy20:06
jcrawfordOer, will check that out thanks20:06
KaiForceperscitus:  i laugh20:06
An_Ony_Mooseand yes I am20:06
IsmAvatarkuken1: it's the theme20:06
IsmAvatarI think I screwed up my ubuntu. Can I reinstall it without losing my data and without a liveCD?20:06
perscitusKaiForce.->  its true20:07
kuken1ismavatar: which? The default = left :(20:07
guntbertNoeve: since when can you not install anything?20:07
ActionParsnipPerscitus: debatable windows doesn't come with an office suite for one20:07
ded`Anyone having problems with thunderbird after lucid upgrade?20:07
KaiForceperscitus:  sure it is20:07
Noeveguntbert: now, few hours ago.20:07
IsmAvatarkuken1: Yes, the default new theme is with buttons on left. If you change it to something like ClearLooks, it should put it back on right20:07
mmvxperscitus what are you having trouble with?20:07
perscitusActionParsnip.->  Ubuntu comes with bloated one. So? it needs to be uninstalled20:07
mmvxded what sort of problems?20:07
ActionParsnip!controls | kuken120:07
ubottukuken1: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d620:07
kuken1ClearLooks here i come20:07
ded`mmvx: We're having screen redraw problems20:07
Vigokuken1: Human Clearbooks and many others, if that is what you are talking about.20:08
theGmanIf I use wicd should I uninstall network manager?20:08
KaiForcekuken1:  why is clearlooks not default?20:08
ActionParsnipPerscitus: office 2007 is a 4gb install20:08
arbo-So I'm setting up an htpc with ubuntu 10.4 outputting via hdmi to a tv, and it installed fine, but is now a black screen after I auto-login..  I think the problem is it defaults to dvi output.  Any idea on how to solve?  Free hugs from attractive females for an answer.20:08
theGmanOr do they not conflict?20:08
GhostyKaiForce, so it appears my kernel is broken20:08
mmvxded` only with Tbird?20:08
ded`mmvx: yes20:08
GhostyKaiForce, is there a way to fix it?20:08
ActionParsnipThegman: the install of wicd will automatically remove network manager for you20:08
ded`mmvx, weve tried ooffice and firefox20:08
LinuxGuy2009Does the downloaded NVIDIA 195.36.24 driver work on Lucid. Was wondering before I download it?20:08
Markyyyubuntu's screwed my computer up20:08
perscitusmmvx.->  Plymouth doesnt work properly... black screen with blinking cursor and when it flickers on, its in wrong resolution20:08
penguin42perscitus: What graphics card?20:08
KaiForceGhosty:  did you try the solution from Angel Guzman Maeso on that link?20:09
ded`mmvx: it's my parents; they don't use many applications :)20:09
guntbertNoeve: (I'm sort of fishing around at the moment): please open a command line and type sudo aptitude update  - if there are errors please !pastebin the complete output20:09
theGmanActionParsnip: Sweet. Thx.20:09
MariachiACHello. I've downloaded the release of ubuntu lucid. However, I'm unable to boot the live cd on my amd machine. I can only boot it on my intel laptop. Will there be more bug fixes to the live cd's or will i have to install it a different way?20:09
perscituspenguin42.->  Doesnt matter. From google, it effects anyone. Intel, Nvidia and ati20:09
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ActionParsnipLinuxguy2009: there is the 195 on the repo or you can add the nvidia vpau ppa20:09
ZykoticK9LinuxGuy2009, it theoretically can - but haven't found any links to success stories yet (was going to try, but decided against it, current is working well for me - why rock the boat)20:09
ka0ticubuntu freezes when i plug any USB storage device in, but ubuntu does not freezes when i boot into recovery mode, for a root shell... so what is going on? :(20:09
GhostyKaiForce, ill come back when i'm finished20:09
GhostyKaiForce, im trying it now20:09
MilitantPotatoWhats the applet called that showed your username, allowed you to logout, shutdown/restart and set powersaving modes?20:09
Noeveguntbert: no errors.20:09
KaiForceok, use my nic or i won't know you are back Ghosty20:09
mmvxded` the default tbird in lucid is 3 upgraded from 2 in karmic20:09
theGmanActionParsnip: Any idea why updating after a fresh live cd to hd install would give me a black screen after restart?20:09
LinuxGuy2009Ok thanks guys!20:10
DasEiMariachiAC: verfied iso and cd self-test ?20:10
ActionParsnipka0tic:  can you resart the x server to unfreeze20:10
ganjaone last thing, is it normal that it take around 20 sec from when I type return in login screen to show the desktop, it's longer than with karmic20:10
mmvxded` do you think that is at the root of the problem?20:10
ActionParsnipThegman: do you use ati video card?20:10
perscituspenguin42.->  It think my problem stems from improper detect of resolution.  ATi driver fixes it.20:10
guntbertNoeve: what ubuntu version are you using?20:10
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Noeveguntbert: 10.04 as of this morning.20:10
Noeveguntbert: fresh install.20:10
tahPhallushow is 10.04? is it buggier compared to 9.10 or not?20:10
* ActionParsnip loves that fresh install smell20:11
|Avi|where do you get that clearlooks setting20:11
ded`mmvx, possibly. sounds like some sort of X interaction problem to me (?)20:11
perscituspenguin42.->  When i use livecd or install fresh, i cant even select about 1024 resolution.20:11
jpdstahPhallus: Does software ever not have bugs?20:11
theGmanActionParsnip: I don't believe so, I don't see it in the lspci list...20:11
arbo-Any ideas on my ubuntu hdmi issue?  :(20:11
penguin42perscitus: Go on, which graphics card have you got?20:11
samosadoes anyone know what a VHD is?20:11
guntbertNoeve: next step: what package where you trying to install?20:11
kuken1i define the gui theme as *buggy*.20:11
mmvxded` what exactly is happening (or not happening)?20:11
trismMilitantPotato: indicator-applet-session20:11
Noeveguntbert: I've tried installing vlc, and xchat, namely.20:11
perscituspenguin42.->  Drop the graphics card stuff.20:11
smink002join #townsquare20:11
ActionParsnipTahphallus: it will be a little due to age but will get better. Karmic is more mature20:11
samosacan u VHD the ubuntu iso? like attach it?20:11
theGmanActionParsnip: Aside for the built-in networking stuff it's "Intel inside" :P20:12
kian_Hi All which software works like ffmpeg but with graphical user interface?20:12
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ActionParsnipSamosa: you can mount the iso, yes. Can you expand20:12
* arbo- gives up20:12
guntbertNoeve: ok - in command line type sudo aptitude install xchat  - any errors?20:12
Dr_Williskian_:  winff is a front end to ffmpeg20:12
samosahow do u mount iso to like bios?20:12
tahPhallustrue, it always has bugs, but I meant more kind of compared when kde 4 came out, it was not so stable. but now it works good20:12
ded`mmvx: hang on20:12
Dr_Williskian_:  theres proberly others20:12
_blackwater_!help | arbo20:12
ubottuarbo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:12
samosaim confused20:12
IsmAvatarI think I screwed up my ubuntu. Can I reinstall it without losing my data and without a liveCD?20:12
MilitantPotatotrism:  Thanks a lot20:12
ActionParsnipthegman: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:12
ASULutzysamosa: what?20:12
Dr_Willissamosa:  that made no sence. You can mount iso files  easially enough. No idea what you mean by 'bios'20:13
|Avi|samosa: u dont20:13
MariachiACDaZ: It works on m y intel laptop so the cd is ok.20:13
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, I changed GRUB's resolution (GRUB_GFXMODE) to 1280x1024... THat likely caused the error, but I prefer it at that resolution... And other than that, there's no difference between our files20:13
_blackwater_arbo whats the problem20:13
|Avi|u can put it on a usb20:13
DaZMariachiAC: cool20:13
samosasomeone said u could am not trolling20:13
Noeveguntbert: The following packages have unmet dependencies: xchat: Depends: libsexy2 (>= 0.1.8) which is a virtual package. However, I tried installing that, and it tells me it's broken, but it isn't actually installed20:13
ZykoticK9kian_, just an FYI - but ffmpeg can't currently use AAC (the default audio in MP4 files)20:13
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: That's what I'm saying though. I was able to get a higher res, but getting it broke my tty's20:13
Dr_Willissamosa:  said you could 'what' exactly?20:13
ded`mmvx: if we right click on message, it brings up a blank box rather than a box containing options like forward, move to different folder, reply, etc20:13
LogicalDashIsmAvatar, no, you can't do that. But you can create a new user account and see if that fixes stuff.20:13
DaZMariachiAC: but why would i care? :f20:13
|Avi|he wants to boot the iso without burning20:13
ActionParsnipSamosa: you can't mount iso in bios. You can get floppy images to boot iso files on partitions or you can make a bootable usb using usb-creator20:13
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: I prefer having tty's and an ugly boot splash, but if you want no tty's and pretty grub menu and boot splash, go for it... You can always ssh into the box if X freaks out, right :P20:13
guntbertNoeve: please give me a few minutes to look things up20:14
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, I want to have tty's AND a pretty boot splash :P20:14
Dr_Willissamosa:  if you dont know.. we dont either then i guess..20:14
samosalike u kno there are various ways to install without cd20:14
theGmanActionParsnip: Ok, I have since re did the live cd install and then did NOT update until I could find this ans. Is it something to do with grub2? Because I told it to install the package maintainers grub thing and it was right after that it asked for a restart....not sure.20:14
Noeveguntbert: thanks very much for the help.20:14
DASPRiDdoes anyone else have problems with video playback in lucid? it is stuttering here every few minutes (compiz/nvidia blob), xorg and compiz cpu usage is pretty high additionally20:14
Dr_Willissamosa:  You can easially make a flash drive with GRUB2 that can boot an ISO file.20:14
ActionParsnipSamosa: yes. Use sd card or usb stick20:14
_SKiTZOi have software level0 raid for my boot partition, and it works great. however, when i boot from a live cd (i tried both 9.10 and 10.04) i cant assemble my /dev/md0 anymore. fdisk -l finds all partitions but mdadm complains that there are "no deviced found for /dev/md0"20:14
samosavirtualization, usb, etc, etc, somone said u could do it by VHD method20:14
mmvx`ded have you tried changing your theme?20:14
Dr_Willissamosa:  or in other ways make a bootable usb media from a iso file20:14
perscituspenguin42.->  not gonna help?20:14
_SKiTZOi ment root partition20:14
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: Well, if you figure that out, let me know :) I read specifically that this was a problem with Plymouth and Nvidia proprietary drivers, which I'm using. Are you also using proprietary Nvidia drivers?20:14
mmvxoops I mean ded`20:14
Dr_Willissamosa:  no idea on  a'vhd' method.20:14
FardadJalilidoes anyone knows anything about drivers for ATI 4650 grahpic card?20:14
ActionParsnipDasprid: none here using nvidia and some lame intel laptop thing20:15
ded`mmvx, ok will try that20:15
Dr_Williswhatever vhd means. :)20:15
samosamaybe its a windows os thing...20:15
IsmAvatarLogicalDash: I heard you could do dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -a, but that errors about iceape-flashplugin20:15
_SKiTZOdoes anyone know how to debug this?20:15
JohnDoyHas the Ubuntu 10.04 OpenVZ kernels ?20:15
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penguin42FardadJalili: the 4650 should work out of the box and do 3d; you can install the closed source frglx ones for a bit more speed/features though20:15
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, yes... Is it safe to remove plymouth? Because I don't get any of its advantage anyway with the messed-up resolution20:15
ActionParsnip!ati | fardadjalili20:15
ubottufardadjalili: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:15
LogicalDashIsmAvatar, you could just uninstall the packages that give errors and reinstall them later20:15
theGmanActionParsnip: And does it matter that I'm on 9.10 not 10.x20:15
qenseI've saved a log file from XChat GNOME, but when I open it with 'gedit' I only see Chinese characters and those unicode-symbol-not-found boxes. However, when I open the file with nano it does show the correct text. Any idea how I could read this with gedit?20:15
ActionParsnipThegman: it will act the same20:15
AnxiousNuthow can i specify the size of my actual desktop to leave a margin for conky?20:16
mmvxqense you could try changing the character encoding in Gedit20:16
FardadJaliliok tnx20:16
IsmAvatarLogicalDash: iceape-flashplugin? It's not even installed20:16
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: That was the other issue, unless they fixed it, if you tried to uninstall the Plymouth package it would want to take out 3/4 of your system with it lol... I'm actually not sure tbh, I kinda gave up a few weeks ago and just settled on having tty's and an ugly boot splash and grub menu, but by all means, pick up the investigation, because I'm still curious20:16
samosalol am not going near grub installer, rather burn cd. last time i use grub, took me 8 hours to fix usb stick again20:16
LogicalDashthat's weird20:16
qensemmvx: I've looked for that, but I couldn't find it anywhere.20:16
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, dang.20:16
Dr_WillisAnxiousNut:  never seen conky used in that way. Perhaps the conky homepage/forums may have some suggestions20:16
DASPRiDActionParsnip, using compiz as well?20:16
theGmanActionParsnip: No, sry, I meant regarding the issue, not your sugg'd solution. :P20:16
perscituspenguin42.->  not gonna help?20:16
mpathyHi there.. Could it be that the support for the Orinoco Gold WLAN PCMCIA card ended with 10.04? The WLAN stopped to work after the new installation. Ask for the password again and again. (The password is right I tested this first)20:17
ActionParsnipThegman: if its a none moving system like a server you can get rid of all the network managers and use /etc/network/interfaces and your system will use slightly less ram and boot a little faster20:17
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, I have little experience with messing around with the actual system... I once tried to make a minor change to the GRUB config and ended up breaking it.20:17
ActionParsnipDasprid: god no20:17
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, so I'll  probably continue asking rather than trying myself20:17
Radianthi people20:17
goddardActionParsnip how do I login to this thing?20:17
ActionParsnipDasprid: I dislike compiz. I find it worthless20:17
DASPRiDActionParsnip, nevermind, it isn't compiz, just tested it…20:17
An_Ony_MooseASULutzy, and put the resolution back to 640x480.... for now :D20:17
AnxiousNutDr_Willis: it's not about conky particularly, it's about leaving space for on my root window20:18
ActionParsnipGoddard: logon to what?20:18
goddardActionParsnip cups web interface20:18
ASULutzyAn_Ony_Moose: Heh, fair enough. Maybe on a rainy day I'll dive back in and try and get a nice high res boot splash with working tty's, I'm sure there are probably quite a few threads on the forum worth digging into, but, busy and what not :P20:18
mmvxqense I can't find it either, that's odd20:18
An_Ony_Moosethanks in advance, ASULutzy  ;)20:18
exsi have a question. how to remove duplicate emails in evolution in ubuntu 10.4?20:18
perscitusActionParsnip.->  Gnome-do is still broken too20:18
goddardActionParsnip do add a printer I need a username and password20:18
Dr_WillisAnxiousNut:  conky may have some sort of 'set window to be a dock/warf/panel' setting that would tell the WM to  not put other windows over it.  gkrellm has that sort of feature20:18
ActionParsnipGoddard: use your user account. You may need to launch lynx or whatever browser with sudo20:18
qensemmvx: Did they remove that option?20:18
callaghanIs is possible to plug a hard drive with Ubuntu on it into a computer other than the one it was installed on?20:19
ActionParsnipPerscitus: never used it dude20:19
Leoneofwhy Knemo does not work in Ubuntu 10.4?20:19
ActionParsnipCallaghan: totally20:19
uLinuxAnybody using Ubuntu Tweak in Lucid?20:19
perscitusActionParsnip.->  its not even eye candy. it doesnt open folders if autostarts20:19
deadowlsurvivoranyone wonder if IRC will ever be replaced with XMPP?20:19
uLinuxand why System menu doesnt show any icons20:20
harbameerpHello everybody!20:20
ActionParsnipPerscitus: log a bug is all I can say20:20
theGmanActionParsnip: Unfortunately it's a lappy and I often am conn to siff AP's for demoing to clients so....but I was referring to the update issue, should I be getting that black screen immediately after updating a fresh 9.10 desktop live cd install? I wasn't sure in your solution, you might have been thinking I had just installed 10.x20:20
callaghanActionParsnip: really, the completely different hardware doesn't confuse the system? amazing20:20
kuken1xmpp? smpp maybe.20:20
Promilleill try again20:20
PromilleHey there. I recently upgraded to 10.04. Under the process of installing new files, GRUB asked me what hardisk to choose. I chose a partition instead of whole hardisk, and now im getting an error message when tried to boot. Error is: The symbol "grub_puts" not found20:20
uLinuxAnybody using Ubuntu Tweak in Lucid?20:20
harbameerpHow can i get the editable address bar in file browser?20:20
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ActionParsnipThegman: not sure, if you restart the x server is it better?20:21
harbameerpoh and ubuntu 10.04 & gnome20:21
mmvxqense I'm not sure but I've just installed gedit-plugins and that hasn't helped20:21
Loshkicallaghan: it's often possible, if the processor families are similar, though you may have to reinstall grub and edit /etc/fstab20:21
perscitusActionParsnip.->  Launchpad sucks these days.20:21
Dr_WillisuLinux:  yes. been using it all through beta and so forth20:21
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Guest29323I am new to Ubuntu20:21
Dr_WillisuLinux:  gnome devs removed those icons a few weeks back20:21
IsmAvatarharbameerp: to the left of the location stuff, there should be a text pad icon. Click it.20:21
uLinuxDr_Willis i want to install it but there is no package for Lucid.. is this a problem?20:21
ActionParsnipPerscius: that's all I got20:21
Guest29323need some help in installing ALSA drivers20:21
PromilleActionParsnip: can i PM you about the grub boot problem?20:22
theGmanActionParsnip: I never got that far because I couldn't do anything. I had to power the mach down and just re-installed. But I'm figuring I will still need to update THIS fresh install and wanted to make sure it wouldn't do it again.20:22
Dr_WillisuLinux:  err.. it had repos and the downloadsd worked in lucid. check its homepage again.20:22
harbameerpIsmAvatar, there isn't such a thing ... that's why i'm asking20:22
isoman2kxis there a way to shift the minimize, maximize, close buttons in the new ubuntu 10.04 to the top right20:22
isoman2kxinstead of the top left on the screen?20:22
perscitusActionParsnip.->  The search on homepage searches bug reports. instead of packages like it titled to20:22
Dr_Willisisoman2kx:  yes.20:22
IsmAvatarisoman2kx: change your theme20:22
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d620:22
callaghanLoshki: thanks, i'll try it, it would be great to have a portable ubuntu on a usb-hdd20:22
ASULutzyisoman2kx: Yes, run gconf-editor in a terminal, then go to apps->metacity->desktop, edit the key called window layout to :minimize,maximize,close20:22
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Dr_Willisisoman2kx:  or use one of the dozen ways  to move them about.20:22
IdleOneharbameerp, Click on Go > Location20:22
ASULutzyisoman2kx: Oh, there's a trigger, wish I knew, would have saved me the typing :)20:23
isoman2kxawesome guys20:23
isoman2kxthanks :D20:23
harbameerpIdleOne, oh thank you :D20:23
IdleOneharbameerp, welcome20:23
Nattuhi need some help pls20:23
kuken1does 1004 support hot swap memory?20:23
gaileh_Hmm, didn't get an answer earlier: Anyone using 10.04 LTS that has an Atheros AR5B91 Wireless card... that's having trouble?20:23
IsmAvatarcan I reinstall Ubuntu without losing my data?20:23
elnuranyone solved blank screen problem?20:23
kungfumanjoin here: #hackergroup20:24
Soul_SampleFFFFFFUUUU cannot login into last.fm through rhythmbox all day20:24
Dr_WillisIsmAvatar:  if you had a seperate home partition. that would be trivial. otherwise.. it may be harder20:24
goddardActionParsnip that didn't work even with sudo20:24
uLinuxDr_Willis this one http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak/0.5.x/0.5.4/+download/ubuntu-tweak_0.5.4-1_all.deb ?20:24
harbameerpIsmAvatar, backup to a external hdd and it will be easy20:24
IsmAvatarDr_Willis: yeah, life is never that easy. Should I just backup my data?20:24
qensemmvx: Just discovered you can change the encoding by specifying the command line option --encoding20:24
Dr_WillisIsmAvatar:  data worth keeping.. is data worth backing up...20:24
thirtytwofeetperlater everyone have a good weekend20:25
mmvxqense ah how intuitive!20:25
DarkVoid82I just upgraded to 10.04 but I cannot access vista, I'm dual booting and i think it has something to do with changing grub when I upgraded. Some assistance please?20:25
mpathyOkay, another question: Can somebody tell me the name of a (not that exotic) low budget USB Stick working with Ubuntu 10.04 out of the box?20:25
IsmAvatarDr_Willis: already ahead of you. Just some of the less important stuff is just convenient to still keep around after install.20:25
perscitus Im really geting tired of Ubuntu  not woring properly and haveto create work arounds for bugss20:25
kungfumanjoin here: #hackergroup20:25
nomicyou can mount nfs (windows filing system from ubuntu)20:25
ded`mmvx: we just changed compiz settings Normal to None and that seems to have done it.20:25
mpathyAnd have someone problems with an standard Orinoco Gold WLAN card after installing Ubuntu 10.04 too?20:26
nomicits already mounted its just there accessing vista is easy20:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:26
soreauded`: None starts metacity which effectively replaces compiz and disables it20:26
Loshkicallaghan: if you do it right, you can put Ubuntu on a usb key and boot from it...20:26
theGmanSince I'm booted into a diff os to get net conn, if I dl the pkg for wicd can someone tell me if there will be other deps I'll need before I reboot back into ubuntu and try to install it? I won't have a net conn once I do...20:26
isoman2kxhmm... this might sound dumb but20:26
isoman2kxi go into terminal20:27
isoman2kxgconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"20:27
isoman2kxubottu: gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"20:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:27
isoman2kxis that why I type? :)20:27
ASULutzyisoman2kx: looks good to me20:27
mmvxded` ah ok, 3d graphics driver problem20:27
Dr_Willisisoman2kx:  you can use the ubuntu-tweak tool or any of a dozen other tools out - to change it without using the command line.20:27
elnurBLANK SCREEN && BLINKING CURSOR. Any help?20:28
theadminelnur: Can make any typing?20:28
elnurtheadmin, nope20:28
theadminelnur: Switching to other TTYs? Ctrl+Alt+F2, for instance20:28
DarkVoid82How do I edit the grub so I can get windows back as a choice for dual booting20:28
isoman2kxdr_willis: this tweak tool is a software I need to add t?20:28
elnurtheadmin, doesn't work20:28
elnurtheadmin, i didn't even see grub20:28
theadminelnur: hm... Well, sounds like a busted system20:29
FoxWolfDarkVoid82, it should have been installed side by side allowing you to select windows20:29
Dr_Willisisoman2kx:  its not in the standard repos. grab it from its homepage..  or theres other tools tghat can also change it. BUt ubuntu-tweak is too handy to not have.20:29
elnurtheadmin, it happens after a fresh install20:29
FoxWolfand when you boot up DarkVoid82 it should be at the botto20:29
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theadminelnur: oh god... well, no idea20:29
uLinuxanother icons removed? 'Connect to server' 'Search for files' 'Recent documents'20:29
NattuTrouble installing ALSA sound driver.. anyone care to help pls?20:29
xooferFrench ?20:30
isoman2kxdr_willis: ok thanks20:30
theadminubottu: fr | xoofer20:30
ubottuxoofer: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:30
DarkVoid82Foxwolf: it wasn't the sda that windows is under changed for some reason when i upgraded. it was sda6 and now its sda220:30
kuken1why dont i have a 'Display' option on Preferences menu? How do i change resolution?20:30
Dr_Willisisoman2kx:  see --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/ubuntu-tweak-054-released-with-login.html20:30
theadminkuken1: It's "Monitors"20:30
ASULutzyisoman2kx: For specifically moving the icons, pasting that command should work. Otherwise you can open a terminal and run gconf-editor, then go apps->metacity->general and edit the button_layout key to :minimize,maxmimize,close20:30
CptPicardwhat's the "ubuntu-desktop" package comparable to "kubuntu-desktop"... I am having persistent plasma-desktop crashes on an older box and need an alternative...20:30
theadminCptPicard: ubuntu- one uses GNOME20:31
elnurtheadmin, i'm not the only one with this problem; had at least 2 ppl on this channel, which left already. no solution on forums or google yet. thanks for the try to help20:31
ded`mmvx, soreau: yes. so it seems that people can run into problems with thunderbird 3.0 and compiz20:31
Azzmodan"ubuntu-desktop" is the package?20:31
mmvxCptPicard it is ubuntu-desktop!20:31
CptPicardlet's see, I tried that and it was not a package...20:31
isoman2kxasulutzy: cool man. I shall make note :)20:31
CptPicardlet me try again :p20:31
ded`mmvx, soreau: but i didn't really manage to get enough info to know whether there's a bug or not20:31
gogetawoot ubuntu tweak made putting those min max and close on the right just 1 click hehe20:31
isoman2kxthanks as well dr_willis that tweak tool did the trick20:31
pyghassenandroidwhy i get message saying : :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services20:31
pyghassenandroidany idea20:31
elnurAzzmodan, a blank package which depends on a lot of other packages to make them installed20:32
Dr_Willispyghassenandroid:  becaiuse you need to register/identify your nick.20:32
theadminubottu: register | pyghassenandroid20:32
ubottupyghassenandroid: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:32
mmvxded` historically mozilla programs haven't always played nice with dark themes, but Tbird has been fine for me in lucid so I guess it's more likely to be as you say20:32
dabaRWhat's 'can't adapt' as an error when trying to save a model instance?20:32
Leoneofhi, in the top of Nautilus there are icons like Stop, Reload...etc,  how to view Text under these Icons?20:32
dabaROr record20:32
dabaROh, sorry20:32
=== pyghassenandroid is now known as pyghassen
CptPicardoops, sorry, I'm wrong... let's try it20:33
gogetammvx: well with the new theme system of mozilla you could make it frendly20:33
DarkVoid82foxwolf: also in nautilus there's no record of the windows side i=of the disk20:33
pyghassenit worked here but when i want to connect to #android it didn't20:33
nomicchrome is really small and fast it is an exceptional product20:33
nomicbasic it is very small unobtrusive20:33
Nattuany experts on ALSA sound drivers20:34
Gandalf84I delete the only one partition present on a hard disk.... i need to get back all the files on it, how can i do?20:34
gogetanomic: the brower or os20:34
Gandalf84there is some way to mount it anyway?20:34
nomicthe browser20:34
quesada__any way to change colors on vtelib?20:34
penguin42Gandalf84: Was the partition right at the start of the drive ?20:34
FoxWolfoops caps20:34
quesada__(implemented on geany)20:34
Leoneofhi, please... in the top of Nautilus there are icons like Stop, Reload...etc,  how to view Text under these Icons?20:34
nomicgrandalf84 you need to find a way to 'mount' the partition20:34
theGmanback :P20:34
kungfumanpure_hate, Can i pm you please?20:35
DarkVoid82foxwolf: ah ok then20:35
Gandalf84the partition doesn't exist anymore20:35
Gandalf84penguin42: the partition doesn't exist anymore20:35
=== maciek_ is now known as Guest32364
DarkVoid82How do I edit the grub so I can get windows back as a choice for dual booting20:35
LoshkiGandalf84: what kind of filesystem was it? There are partition recovery programs e.g. testdisk20:35
penguin42Gandalf84: But *was* it at the start of the disk20:35
pat_hmmm new install of 10.04 and it doesnt seem to detect/mount my ipod. any ideas?20:35
nomicbut why did yo delete it if you need it gandalf?20:35
Gandalf84penguin42: ntfs20:35
kjele DarkVoid82 update-grub should do it20:36
pure_hatekungfuman, ok20:36
DarkVoid82kjele: how do i do that?20:36
mmvxLeoneof just trying to find that setting...20:36
LoshkiGandalf84: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk20:36
jsh_I've installed 64-bit lucid.  Now, when I try to boot, I get "mount point /dev/shm does not exist"  Ideas?20:36
hbalguien que hable spanish20:36
theGmanSince I'm booted into a diff os to get net conn, if I dl the pkg for wicd can someone tell me if there will be other deps I'll need before I reboot back into ubuntu and try to install it? I won't have a net conn once I do...20:36
Loshki!es | hb20:36
ubottuhb: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:36
isoman2kxhow can I move my title bar to the center ? I don't see it under ubuntu tweak tool offhand20:36
Gandalf84i try with photorec (i think it's the same as testdisk) but the files he rescue are too much confused20:36
kjeleDarkVoid82: in a terminal type "sudo update-grub" without qoutes20:36
isoman2kxlike the title of my application that I'm opening20:36
isoman2kxit's still on the left20:36
Neremoris there a way to setup the proprietary nvidia drivers via the comand-line?20:37
isoman2kxI'd like it to be in the center20:37
theadminisoman2kx: I think that's a part of the theme20:37
MotherMGAhow do I access my virtual terminals by means of ctl-alt-f[1-9] keys?  I only get a blank screen with a cursor; no login20:37
macman_hello all i have a question .. just wondering if you guys can help .. im trying to grab a video from a website .. but rtmpdump sucks and i tried to use curl but nothing is working .. do you guys have any ideas/workarounds to help ?20:37
Gandalf84penguin42: yes, it was20:37
exshow to deactivate snapping in gnome?20:37
penguin42Gandalf84: So the suggestion of testdisk was good, try that - but the other suggestion is if you just recreate a partition using fdisk in *exactly* the same place the old one was it should become visible again - fdisk won't rewrite the contetnts of the paritition20:38
gogetasweet my itouvh 2g works20:38
theGmanGuess I'll find out the hard way then :P20:38
brontosaurusrexmacman_: mplayer20:38
vadi01is the party over?20:38
Dr_Willismacman_:  would totally depend on the site.  and how its playing/streaming the video20:38
ade2_Anyone seen this while trying to install from alternate cd: Please insert the disk labeled: 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100427.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter.20:38
theadminvadi01: Yeah, long already.20:38
brontosaurusrexmacman_: has an option to dump to disk20:38
kjeleMotherMGA: try press enter20:38
macman_how do i get it or how do i find out .. i can grab the video on windows using flvrecorder but other ways i can't20:38
macman_yes i know about dumping but i have to get the video first right ?20:39
gogetaDr_Willis: mplay with the w32 codecs can handel abought anything20:39
theadminmacman_: Do you want to do something like saving videos from youtube?20:39
acr0nymmacman_, just get a firefox extension20:39
Leoneofmmvx: thanks, i remember it was somewhere in System --> Appearance , that was in Ubuntu 9.1020:39
MotherMGAkjele: that did not work20:39
macman_acr0nym: i have some .. adblock dosen't work and download helper dosen't work20:39
duffydacktube vids all go in /tmp so just fish them from there.20:39
theadminmacman_: If so, try www.benderconverter.com , has a whole bunch of output formats supported and a lot of streaming sites, too.20:39
FoxWolfflashblock is another one20:39
acr0nymhehe try chrome + an extension then :)20:40
FoxWolfand also noscript20:40
shadysamirneed help with Lucid upgrade20:40
Name141After I get the LTS ISO downloaded, can I use the ISO to upgrade without burning it to a CD?20:40
Gandalf84penguin42: if i create it again with fdisk but i do it in wrong way, can i take back file with testdisk?20:40
flirtydoes anyone know whats the left game on this picture http://www.ubuntu.com/files/1004features/06.jpg20:40
arcskyomg, maximize minimazie, exist is on left side instead of right... ist a bug or?20:40
Darksideewenas...alguien español?20:40
theadminarcsky: Intended.20:40
penguin42Gandalf84: If you do it the wrong way it could make it a lot worse - try testdisk or other partition recovery tools 1st if you weren't sure of the size20:40
Loshki!es | Darksidee20:40
ubottuDarksidee: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:40
shadysamirafter lucid upgrade from karmic I get weird delay after login into X20:40
kjeleMotherMGA: do you have any ppa that install video driver or kernels?20:41
skiwithpeteI ran a 10.04 customization script and I got one tiny thing wrong - I wonder if anyone can help20:41
bsmith093is it a good idea to try and reninstall ubuntu-desktop and plymouth to fix dependecy problems20:41
arcskytheadmin: most wierd intended thing i have seen20:41
macman_FoxWolf: how would that help me downlaod a video ?20:41
BCS-SatoriUnder 10.04 in File Browser; how do you get back the feature where when you double click the (address area) you get the full path where you can type/copy/paste into?20:41
gogetaName141: with a alt cd iso yes20:41
shadysamirabd once i have a working desktop I can see system load was too high and starts to go lower20:41
xXedixXxWhy can't I join ubuntu+1?20:41
gogetaName141: not the live20:41
theadminarcsky: I love it that way :D Dunno. Know one can move them back.20:41
theadminubottu: controls | arcsky20:41
MilitantPotatoWhere'd the sun-java6-plugin package go?20:41
DevelinHow the heck do I get my volume tray back in 10.4 ? =)20:41
FoxWolfoh woops sorry macman i saw someone else talking about adblock20:41
ubottuarcsky: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d620:41
gogetaxXedixXx: lucid is out20:41
abhijaini want to install flash player20:41
skiwithpeteI can see all of my mounted drives on the desktop - but I only want to see mounted USB drives on the desktop, not the HardDrives...20:41
Name141gogeta: I would have to use the alternate version ?20:41
skiwithpeteis there a way to fix this?20:42
gogetaName141: to upgrade from cd yes20:42
oyoythe vlc icon in the panel has a white background and looks like crap... any way to change that?20:42
mhall119MilitantPotato: it's been dropped from Debian and now Ubuntu20:42
theadminoyoy: Without recompiling, doubt it20:42
MotherMGAkjele: I have the 3rd party ati driver, no special kernel. I'm running 10.420:42
gogetaName141: buy you could just mount the iso and not have to burn20:42
mhall119MilitantPotato: icedtea6-plugin is the replacement20:42
oyoytheadmin: that sucks.  thanks.20:42
dr3mroplease using gnome-mplayer to view a movie with arabic subtitle in ubuntu lucid get the text separated letters and reversed ... from left to right not right to left ... totem is Ok and VLC20:42
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theadminoyoy: They should fix it sometime.20:42
kensanataMilitantPotato: On my macppc Sun's Java is not available. I installed a free alternative.20:42
MilitantPotatomhall119: Alright, thanks  Wonder why it was dropped.20:43
Name141gogeta: OK.  The old machine only has a CD-RW is the issue.  I have no CD-R's20:43
jsh_I've upgraded to lucid from karmic.  Now, when I try to boot, I get "mount point /dev/shm does not exist"  Where should I ask for help?20:43
Enrico89hi, i'm using lubuntu 10.04 Beta 3. Every time i do the login, lubuntu auto-connects to a wifi network but it ask me EVERY TIME to insert the password for the keyring, can i avoid this annoying problem?20:43
mhall119MilitantPotato: it was open source enough for Debian20:43
abhijainplz tell me how to install falsh payer for firefox inubuntu 10.420:43
minjooum, Where is the Compiz Animation addon in 10.04??20:43
skiwithpeteI guess my question is really a gnome question - is there somewhere better to ask about customizing the desktop than here?20:43
gogetaName141: old machine does not like cdrw?20:43
BCS-SatoriUnder 10.04 in File Browser; how do you get back the feature where when you double click in the address area you get the full path where you can type/copy/paste into?20:43
Name141gogeta: I have no CD-RW's either.20:43
Name141gogeta: I just got DVD+ or - R's20:43
bsmith093will synaptic keep downloading through a sleep20:43
gogetaName141: should go to the dollor store and pick up a cdrw20:44
MilitantPotatomhall119: Gotcha.  Don't agree with dropping it, but I'm not a dev.20:44
Dr_WillisBCS-Satori:  i always use ctrl-l  never noticed douible clicking befor.20:44
Name141gogeta: bah20:44
kjeleMotherMGA: There could be some conflict with kms that happens to block you from refreshing on another tty. Though you should be able to press enter and the login will come. If you have the same problem with open source driver then perhaps report a bug report20:44
gogetaName141: or use a usb stick20:44
BCS-SatoriDr_Willis: that works; I just wanted a way to be able to copy and paste =)20:44
mhall119MilitantPotato: Debian was having to maintain a set of patches to the OpenJDK source code in order to make it 100% open source20:44
Name141gogeta: it's a P2 system, I don't think they had USB boot back then20:44
theadminoh god, another spanish dude20:44
goddardCan I install a printer on one installation of ubuntu and move it over to another and have it work if plugged into that system?20:44
mhall119I guess they got tired of doing that20:45
gogetaName141: but as i said the alt iso and mounting it would work20:45
theadminubottu: es | Fantasma20:45
Fantasmaalguien habla esapañol?20:45
ubottuFantasma: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:45
ZykoticK9BCS-Satori, you can also just press the / to get the address bar20:45
Dr_WillisBCS-Satori:  there is a settng to disable those buttons totally and alwyas have a more normal address entry20:45
gogetaName141: but t=is boot cds can can make usb work on non usb boot systems20:45
IcE^_hey all, i have a problem compiling bitchx, this is what i get when i run ./configure and then when i try and run make: http://pastebin.com/DGQZSAHJ20:45
kjelemhall119: What about Icedtea which fedora is using?20:45
heloIcE^_: HAHAHAHA20:46
skiwithpetewhere can I get help about customizing the desktop?>20:46
mhall119kjele: it's the only Java available in Lucid20:46
theadminhelo: WHa? Bitchx is an IRC client.20:46
mhall119sun-java was dropped20:46
ZykoticK9!bitchx > IcE^_20:46
ubottuIcE^_, please see my private message20:46
vishal_is any guide to make ubuntu 10.04 look like elementary OS20:46
IdleOnetheadmin, Ubuntu irc clients default to #ubuntu Please try to be a little more tolerant.20:46
Dr_WillisIcE^_:  you may want to check the BX forums or change irc clients.20:46
theadminIdleOne: Pardon.20:46
theadminIdleOne: I forgot that.20:46
Name141gogeta: I think I'll just wait a week and let the 'repos' go back to normal speeds.20:46
ASULutzymhall119, kjele: that's not true. I'm using sun-java6-jdk and plugin20:46
ubottubitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.20:46
gogetaName141: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#runcd20:46
ZykoticK9mhall119, MilitantPotato if you add the partner repo you can install sun-java20:46
mhall119ZykoticK9: thanks, it used to be in multiverse20:47
ZykoticK9mhall119, true20:47
gogetaName141: or even a floppy it lets non usb system boot a usb device20:47
macman_thanks all20:47
mhall119so it's available in Lucid, just not in the default enabled repos20:47
macman_FoxWolf: thanks for frameblock ..that is doing a lot20:47
kjelemhall119: Thought that openJDK was open as in the name20:47
macman_just got to use it now20:47
ASULutzyYou simply need to enable partner repo and you can install sun-java6-jdk/jre/plugin20:47
stefan__hi guys20:47
sixtilais the 10.04 Desktop edition just 45MB? my donwnload says so for the iso --20:47
DexterFno mouse pointer after suspend/resume :(20:47
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helobitchx is abandonware... for the last 6 years20:47
IdleOnesixtila, no20:47
theadminarrrgh. Lucid made me used to those left-controls and now I hardly can work in windows20:47
Spasysheepbittorrented alternate install lucid desktop iso, no matter how i run the upgrade (mounted iso or physical cd in drive) it gets part way through the package fetching section (~700-800) and throws the error "Please insert 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100429)' into the drive '/media/cdrom0/./'" Help plz?20:47
mhall119kjele: it is, but it's missing chunks of code to work, Sun currently provides binary blobs to fill those in20:47
FoxWolfmacman_, on one site that gets tonnes of popups without a blocker, i get 020:48
ASULutzysixtila: Your download didn't finish properly. Consider using bittorrent to download the .iso while the servers are under such heavy load20:48
IcE^_helo i still wanted to try it, i know its old20:48
Name141gogeta: I'll just wait for when the repos can update the machine.20:48
chazcoIs it safe to run an out-of-date/unsupported version of Ubuntu? 10.04 adds yet more regression and won't even boot on my PC :(20:48
heloyou probably don't want to be running an irc client that hasn't been patched for that long... i would guess there are vulnerabilities out there that are well distributed20:48
theadminchazco: Which one?20:48
gogetaName141: they can now the mirrors are noramly fast just use sysanptic to auto find a faster mirror20:48
mhall119kjele: the openjdk packages in Ubuntu fill those chunks in with patches from IcedTea, instead of the binary blobs20:48
deeperrorIcE^_: perhaps    apt-get install make20:48
chazcotheadmin: If i had my way it'd be 7.10... as it stands it will be 9.10 when support ends20:48
gogetaName141: then run the updater20:49
Name141gogeta: I can't do anything till 1 AM anyway.20:49
mmvxLeoneof it's changed20:49
helobitchx is cute, but irssi is very functional, and looks somewhat professional as well ;)20:49
theadminchazco: Uh, 7.10 is EOL already, so is 8.10. 8.04 is still supported20:49
Name141gogeta: I'll be FAPed20:49
nagendramy Camera image is not clear!!20:49
Leoneofmmvx: oh, no more Text? :`(20:49
nagendraNot as in windows20:49
Dr_WillisI find weechat works better for me then Irssi, or BX ever did.20:49
nagendraplz help\20:49
IcE^_helo does irssi have a GUI?20:49
ASULutzychazco: If you're having issues with being on older/underpowered hardware, consider using one of the lightweight ubuntu derivatives like Xubuntu20:49
chazcotheadmin: I know, but it was the last version that just-worked on my computers20:49
nomicnagendra what package are you using for image display20:49
IcE^_cuz i'm not very satisfied with x-chat gnome irc client20:49
Dr_WillisIcE^_:  irssi = text based like bx, and weechat, and  some other irc clients20:49
PiciIcE^_: no, its a command like irc client.  It looks a lot like bitchx at first glance.20:49
kensanataASULutzy: Too bad Xubuntu is not available for macppc...20:49
chazcoASULutzy - It's not a lack of power20:50
gartralthere was something i needed too do as root too get external ssh up.. but i cant remember what x.x20:50
Dr_WillisIcE^_:  use 'xchat' - not xchat-gnome20:50
nomicimages are easy to display20:50
kjelemhall119: I think it is IcedTea name as openJDK20:50
heloxchat is nice gui irc for linux20:50
Dr_Willisxchat is even avail for windows20:50
guntbertIcE^_: the real error is in line 16920:50
* nomic uses pidgin does everything ok - plain and basic - no complication20:50
* edwardthefma is looking for a codic pack20:50
nomicstandard to install20:50
mmvxLeoneof and become a little more complicated! You have to use configuration editor and change the string called toolbar_style in desktop/gnome/interface to "both"20:50
nomicirc is basic anyway20:50
edwardthefmaanysu gestions20:50
IdleOneIcE^_,  you can try xchat-common available in the repos20:51
sixtilato boot through flash drive - should i download the alternate or desktop?20:51
ZykoticK9edwardthefma, ubuntu-restricted-extras or add Medibuntu and install w32codecs (or the 64bit ones)20:51
ASULutzychazco: Well, for me, 10.04 has better hardware support than any other distro I've used. 802.11n worked out of the box, pulled down proprietary drivers for graphics correctly, webcam/sound/etc all work... If you have specific issues, perhaps post them here and folks can help you get your hardware working20:51
IcE^_how do i fix that guntbert?20:51
MilitantPotatosixtila: desktop is more useful20:51
Leoneofmmvx: oh, i will, thanks20:51
IcE^_in case i will need it in the future20:51
nagendrawhat should i do20:51
axolotebummed. still suffering from i855 graphics issue in Lucid on my latitude d400. :( http://is.gd/bOW4X20:51
ade2_If I want to use software RAID and LVM, can I use the desktop install CD?20:51
chazcoASULutzy - Okay... first problem is the live cd crashes with an error then drops to an unresponsive terminal...20:51
heloyou are unlikely to be able to compile 6 year old code without some (admittedly trivial) code modifications20:51
gogetaaxolote: wow a d40020:51
VolkodavASULutzy: What is the N parameters ?20:52
ASULutzyade2_: Do you have the raid setup already?20:52
m4thiasI did a fresh install of 10.04 on Intel SSD. The system wont boot (no grub, nothing), inspecting the drive in gparted reveals no boot flag. Setting a boot flag on the main partition yielded same result, i.e. no grub.20:52
gogetaaxolote: i gotta c610 heh20:52
gartralASULutzy: my issues with lucid are A) improper USB voltage/amperage. and the inability to sense my cpu's thermals20:52
kjelesixtila: If you ask that question then download the desktop versjon20:52
bryn__in ubuntu 10.04 does anyone know how to get the weather to show up in the clock?20:52
Spasysheepbittorrented alternate install lucid desktop iso, no matter how i run the upgrade (mounted iso or physical cd in drive) it gets part way through the package fetching section (~700-800) and throws the error "Please insert 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100429)' into the drive '/media/cdrom0/./'" Help plz?20:52
nagendrais there any software to access webcam properly in ubuntu???20:52
jack-desktopi just installed ubuntu and im wondering if i should use the restricted driver it comes with or i should just go download the driver from the nvidia website, can anyone tell me which would be better?20:52
penguin42gartral: Which CPU?20:52
ade2_ASULutzy : yes, though I thought i'd do a new install rather than an upgrade.20:52
sixtilathanks guys, torrenting seems to be faster20:52
ASULutzyade2_: If you have the raid setup already, you can use the desktop install I believe, however if you need to create the raid I believe you need to use alternate20:52
axolotegogeta, so same problem on your end??20:52
gartralpenguin42: i7 860 OCed too 3.1 ghz20:52
Dr_Willisjack-desktop:  you really DONT want to 'go download  the nvidia driver' from their web site. Use the one  in the repos.20:52
ASULutzyade2_: Then you can probably use the desktop install, so long as the partitions are already created20:52
nimrod10`jack-desktop, what video card ?20:53
gogetaaxolote: naa c610 is a old ati 4mb20:53
mmvxbryn_ click the clock, click the + near locations, click add20:53
Spasysheepjack-desktop: the restriced driver installed by the restricted drivers manager will probably work best20:53
axolotegogeta, ah, your ripping on my old machine. ;)20:53
guntbertIcE^_: I don't know - thats probably caused by the file being so old and having dependencies which are not met -- you *could* look for a package which has setupterm or tgetent20:53
gogeta16mb sorry20:53
jack-desktopnimrod10`, it's a nvidia geforce 26020:53
bryn__mmvx: i have already added my location20:53
bryn__mmvx: and it was working in the beta and rc20:53
ade2_When I try to install from the alternate CD, It starts to for a while, then says: Please insert the disk labeled: 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100427.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter.20:53
IcE^_ah, its ok, nm, i won't install it20:53
gogetaaxolote: lol no i got a whoping 16mb ati bord lol20:53
nimrod10`jack-desktop, go with the advice from above ,use the one from ubuntu20:53
kjelejack-desktop: You can't install nvidia driver from the nvidia site20:53
timoCan any one help my grub install keeps on failing on ubuntu, I just want to fix broken grub. it would not work on the grub terminal.20:53
penguin42gartral: Do modprobe coretemp and you should get them20:53
macman_i found it i just can't connect20:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:53
ASULutzyjack-desktop: I would use the one Ubuntu offers to install. It's nicer when your package manager is managing your drivers, less conflicts/less prone to errors20:53
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macman_so.addVariable("file", "rtmp://amazonimdb.fcod.llnwd.net/a2643/o25/s/theaters/MV5/BMT/U4N/jg4");20:53
Spasysheepade2_: i get the same error, where did you download the iso from?20:54
IcE^_i'll try irssi, on irssi can i connect to multiple servers without openening the program several times?20:54
VolkodavASULutzy: what is the wireless driver you use and what are the speeds you getting in what range ( 2.4 and 5 Mhz)20:54
ade2_mirrors.cat.pdx.edu.  should I try another?20:54
smellynoseryHi - I've just upgraded my Kubuntu and did apt-get install gnome, but when I login and choose gnome all of the menu items are KDE applications and the theme is really basic and old20:54
axolotegogeta, LOL. Nice! :) I hope I don't have to upgrade my hardware. I love my little d400...both of them actually. :)20:54
timoI always get Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed.20:54
smellynoseryIs there any way of fixing that?20:54
ASULutzychazco: Did you verify that the cd burned properly and verify the cd media integrity?20:54
mmvxbryn_ if you right click on the clock and choose preferences -> general are the settings all correct?20:54
gogetaaxolote: its old beat up and a hinge is broke but it still runs20:54
uLinux!irssi | IcE^_20:54
ubottuIcE^_: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen20:54
Dr_WillisIcE^_:  most all irc clients can do that these days20:54
gartralpenguin42: where should i see them? and why doesnt lmsensors see the sensors?20:54
jack-desktopkjele, nimrod10` can you view this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137029220:54
uLinuxIcE^_  #irssi20:54
red2kicHello all. "Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the permissions on /home/$USER/.xchat2/xchatlogs" -- sudo chown -R didn't do it. How can I check USER ID? I recall such thing does exist. :320:54
bryn__mmvx: ya, show date, show weather and show temperature20:54
Vincent_khmm no updates in 3 days?20:54
Spasysheepade2_: i dunno, i got mine from bittorrent so i was wondering if it was an issue with a specific file being corrupted20:55
mmvxbryn_ only other thing is that if you didn't have an internet connection at boot it might not yet have refreshed?20:55
penguin42gartral: If I do that and then run the sensors applet I get temperatures20:55
sixtilatorrent download is just blazing!!!20:55
Volkodavgartral: run sudo sensors0detect first20:55
mmvxbryn_ try choosing a different location?20:55
Dr_WillisVincent_k:  thats sort of how a RC -> final is supposed to work :)20:55
IcE^_i'm going to read that and d/l it, but anyhow i meant because its based on text and not graphic20:55
mmvxbryn_ as a test20:55
axolotegogeta, yup. that's what i'm talking about. If it ain't broke...right?20:55
ade2_Spasysheep, the md5sum matches, I think...20:55
gartralVolkodav: what would be the result of not running that command first?20:55
ASULutzyVolkodav: Well, I guess I shouldn't get too excited, on my other laptop, my 802.11n which worked in 9.10 didn't work in 10.04. I spent hours trying to compile a custom kernel with arusb_lnx support, and it didn't work at all. But on this laptop, it has an internal  AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter as reported by lsusb20:55
nimrod10`jack-desktop, yes what about it ?20:55
Vincent_kI was beginning to think the repos was wrong in sources :D20:56
duffydackif it aint broke, replace it with something new that is broke..20:56
Dr_WillisIcE^_:  ive seen graphical irc clients that cant do multi-servers :)   irssi can do multi servers. as can weechat20:56
guntbertred2kic: look at the output of ls -l /home/$USER/.xchat2/xchatlogs  and of ls -ld /home/$USER/.xchat220:56
bryn__mmvx: ya the weather shows up under locations for both of them, but still not next to the clock20:56
jack-desktopnimrod10`, i posted that back in 9.10 and it still is a problem with the restricted drivers20:56
zombie_soldiertheir text appearing as blocks?20:56
ASULutzyBut the other laptop was using an external usb 802.11n adapter. I get 10 MB/s file transfers when close to the AP with this current laptop using 2.4 GHz20:56
jack-desktopnimrod10`, what could/would fix that?20:56
Volkodavgartral that rusult you have already - no sensors20:56
mmvxbryn_ have you changed your icon theme?20:56
Spasysheepade2_: navigate to the cdrom and execute sudo ./cdromupgrade and the terminal will say weather the md5 matches20:56
smellynoseryI've just upgraded my Kubuntu and did apt-get install gnome, but when I login and choose gnome as my display manager all of the menu items are KDE applications and the theme is really basic and old. How can I fix this?20:56
kjelesmellynosery: With gtk/gnome apps or only kde?20:56
zombie_soldieranyone know how to make my games display real txt20:56
VolkodavASULutzy: you did not mention speeds and range20:57
bryn__mmvx: no, still at default20:57
zombie_soldierinstead of blocks20:57
KrionicI've got 3 hdds in my sys, sda1 is ext4, sdb1 is ext3, sdc1 is fat. I can access them in Hardy & Jaunty, but not in Lucid. Any ideas?20:57
Dr_Willissmellynosery:  install 'ubuntu-desktop' if you want the full ubuntu gnome desktop. not 'gnome'20:57
ade2_Spasysheep, Sorry, what do you mean by navigate to the cdrom?  On a working machine, you mean?20:57
smellynoseryDr_Willis: Spankyou20:57
Greg__Good day.  Has anyone had a problem logging in after the daily update from today or yesterday?20:57
gartralVolkodav: well, i ran penguin42's command before you posted, and now i have sensor output, but it incorrectly states a temp for each virtual core.. there's only 4 cores, and 8 threads, and all 8 threads now have a core temp20:57
Dr_WillisKrionic:  mount them by hand, or from a proper fstab line and see if you can access them  then.20:57
nimrod10`jack-desktop, what driver does ubuntu suggest ? what version number ?20:57
Spasysheepade2_: yea, i was assuming you were using the alternate cd to upgrade a working install20:58
bryn__mmvx: weird thing is if i uncheck either weather or temperature, the icons to the left of the clock move over slightly20:58
ASULutzyVolkodav: Sorry, I forgot to preface my second message with your name. I get 10 MB/s file transfers when close to the AP using 2.4 GHz, I'm able to get around 3 MB/s+ when at some distance in my house going through a few walls20:58
penguin42gartral: Yeh I also see that20:58
agnelanyone using MeMenu know how to change their chat status using it?20:58
gartralpenguin42: that defeats the point of running a sensor applet!20:58
kjelesmellynosery: post a screen shot if you can.20:58
mmvxbryn_ ah ok. Maybe try unlocking the notification area and moving it slightly20:58
KrionicDr_Willis: won't mount, won't format, won't do anything in Lucid. upgraded from hardy on one of them, now I can't boot. running from the CD right now.20:58
gogetaKrionic: i have seen people telling me abought that issue but i cant figure out why that happons even there fstab checkes out i think its a permission issue20:58
duffydackagnel, sadly, it doesnt do that.. just social networking status.,20:58
ade2_Spasysheep, No, I told it to format the drives...  But I can shove it into another system, let's see...20:58
red2kicguntbert: They both shows chris chris (correctly) but I backed up the ~/.xchat (from karmic) and transfered into lucid.20:58
gartralpenguin42: how the hell am i supposed to tell what's a real core, and what's a hyper-thread20:58
VolkodavASULutzy: 5 range ? 300 mbps ?20:58
jack-desktopnimrod10`, where do i find out what version? It's just telling me to install the driver frrom the "hardware drivers"20:58
Dr_WillisKrionic:  see if 'sudo fdisk -l' shows the disks.. if that dont show it.. then theres some major issues going on.20:59
agnelduffydack, oh ok (:20:59
Spasysheepade2_: ok20:59
penguin42gartral: Yeh I don't know how to group them together; I think from the numbering but I hadn't dug into how to sort it out20:59
teurastajawhile trying to play mp3 from home directory, rythmbox error: "Couldn't start playback. Failed to open output device: Disconnected: Connection terminated"20:59
nimrod10`jack-desktop, in the hardware drivers window should say in the details20:59
bryn__mmvx: moved it to the middle of the top panel, no20:59
Dr_WillisKrionic:  can the live cd - see them? how about an older live cd?20:59
Krionicgogeta: just popped my jaunty cd and formated one of the drives to ext3. still no go from lucid with an unformatted or formatted drive. only likes my fat backup drive.20:59
Volkodavgartral - you can deactivate any you do not want20:59
duffydackagnel, ive never seen the point of it, or gwibber anyway.   who doesnt have a browser window open like all the time anyway. each to his own tho.20:59
ASULutzyVolkodav: I don't even know if this adapter supports 5 GHz, haven't tried it. I prefer 2.4 GHz, I live in the suburbs, so there's not too much interference with other WAP's, and 2.4 GHz obviously is better at penetrating walls and such20:59
nimrod10`jack-desktop, if this is the latest then downloading from nvidia will not help you that much20:59
agnelduffydack, the other thing is gwibber doesn't show me replies to my status messages for FB.. kinda sad20:59
agnelduffydack, true21:00
jack-desktopnimrod10`, only thing i see is "version current"21:00
KrionicDr_Willis: 8.04 (Hardy) & 9.04 (Jaunty) can see them fine. just Lucid can't21:00
mmvxbryn__ what about moving the clock instead?21:00
gogetaKrionic: i would try to acess them with sudo if that works you know its a permission issue last guy got mad and quit trying21:00
Dr_WillisKrionic:  that points to a possible driver.kernel issue. if you cant mount them by hand.. and if 'fdisk -l' dosent even show them21:00
duffydackagnel, i think it works best with twitter tbh.21:00
jack-desktopnimrod10`, my computer does start doing the squares thing after i install that driver though, it seems fine before it21:00
kasper__anyone know why my ubuntu 10.04 shows a blank screen at startup?21:00
ZykoticK9jack-desktop, "current" is 195.36.1521:00
guntbertred2kic: it might not be the ownership but the permissions -- so what gives ls -l /home/$USER/.xchat2/xchatlogs ?21:00
VolkodavASULutzy: yes but that gets you out of HD streaming though21:00
Dr_WillisKrionic:  if 'sudo fdisk -l' shows them. then thats a good sign. and could be some permission quirk21:01
agnelduffydack, i think memenu is quite convenient to set a status quickly, and the notification integration with empathy is kickass .. but i think it still has a long way to go21:01
gartralVolkodav: how do i tell what is a real core.. are they split even-core odd-thread, round-robbin, linear count, mirrored.. how does linux read the cpu so it shows 8 temps when the chip has 4 sensors..21:01
nimrod10`jack-desktop, does hardware drivers suggest an older driver , on mine it suggested 175 and current , Have you tried 175 ?21:01
Krionicgogeta: sudo lsw -c disk shows them, but cannot mount them.21:01
red2kicguntbert: Bunch of drwx------21:01
bryn__mmvx: it was the clock i moved to the middle21:01
jack-desktopnimrod10`, it just says version current (which ZykoticK9 just said  that 195.36.15)21:01
nagendracan anybody plz help me in improving webcam picture quality??21:01
agnelduffydack, memenu also doesn't show me my current status message. -ve points for that21:01
gogetaKrionic: you try from bash to mount them by hand21:01
KrionicDr_Willis tried formatting with sudo parted and it won't format in Lucid only. Tried to mount with sudo, won't mount in Lucid only21:02
kasper__who can i speak to if my ubuntu 10.04 shows a blank screen at startup?21:02
red2kickasper__: This channel. Ask away.21:02
nimrod10`jack-desktop, then there is an issue somewhere , is your card in here : http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/linux-display-ia32-195.36.24-uk.html21:02
Dr_WillisKrionic:  check 'dmesg' output for any errors or clues..  this may be hard to trouble shoot.21:02
Volkodavgartral - my guess is because of HT capabilities in the kernel21:02
kjelekasper__: How did you install it?21:02
ASULutzyVolkodav: I can stream video content just fine in the 2.4 GHz band... The only real advantage 5 GHz offers is that it won't interfere with other 2.4GHz things. The bandwidth ought to be the same so long as there isn't much interference.21:03
infomomoUpdating to 10.4, i cannot use "ls" anymore from the CLI. I get this error: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Nycu1q2r21:03
kasper__used the cd, worked fine before i updated it21:03
mmvxbryn__ it's like it can't find the icons it needs, if you say you can see the weather in the location dropdown21:03
Greg__I've got a problem with Ubuntu 9.10.  After this mornings update through update manager, I can't get past the login screen.21:03
gartralVolkodav: nice way to beat around the three seperate points of my question -/-21:03
jack-desktopnimrod10`, yes, it's a 260 GTX21:03
guntbertred2kic: no file in ...xchatlogs should have x set21:03
infomomoSomething baotu my prerl modules i believe21:03
ASULutzyVolkodav: So long as you are using channels 1 and 6 in the 2.4 GHz band, you can still get 2 20 MHz channels for 40 MHz21:03
duffydackagnel, true..I dont use it anway.. nice idea, when its finished.  so who knows how to get my temp stats for my i7 ??21:03
garrett__Hi.  Just updated to 10.04, and I've noticed that all apps in my applet dock space (vpn, pidgin, etc) are always highlighted.  any ideas?21:03
bryn__mmvx: i feel like an idiot... i didn't hit the set button next to the location i added. i don't remember having to do that in 9.10 but anyway it's working. thanks for you time!21:03
nimrod10`jack-desktop, then you have to submit a bug report on launchpad, i21:03
VolkodavASULutzy: so what is the speed you get at 2.4 ?21:04
Salda007Hello everyone21:04
infomomoSalda007: hello21:04
kjelekasper__: Please reply with my name if can. Much easier to keep track. Did you install any video driver?21:04
jack-desktopnimrod10`, and report the squares?21:04
VolkodavASULutzy: I heard many drivers are still capped at 150 mbps21:04
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oromiersooo chat for PC nerds?21:04
oromierand geeks?21:04
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mmvxbryn__ no worries!21:04
Volkodavgartral: ;-)21:04
kasper__im using the webchat21:04
Spasysheepbittorrented alternate install lucid desktop iso, no matter how i run the upgrade (mounted iso or physical cd in drive) it gets part way through the package fetching section (~700-800) and throws the error "Please insert 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100429)' into the drive '/media/cdrom0/./'" Help plz?21:04
helooromier: nah, mostly users21:04
helooromier: nerds are hiding in private channels21:04
gogetaoromier: thats would be chris prollios chat21:04
kasper__do you know of any command to do that?21:05
mikelifeguardSpasysheep: did you check the hash?21:05
red2kicguntbert: Well I rm -rf * my log history and it display the same thing. It's default, I suppose. There are no point in execution since it's just texts.21:05
skiwithpeteanyone know how to change the resolution of the Ubuntu loading screen?21:05
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Spasysheepmikelifeguard: yup21:05
oromierhmm, i just ask :P21:05
mmvxgarrett__ what do you get when you type "which ls"21:05
nimrod10`jack-desktop, report the whole thing , how it starts , what do you think it causes it ...21:05
skiwithpetesince installing ATI drivers its really low res21:05
kjelekasper__: tab should work. But just writing kjele, <msg>21:05
Salda007I'm having the same issue as Spasysheep when trying to upgrade via the update manager21:05
gogetaskiwithpete: xrander can change the res of x21:05
Salda007from 8.0421:05
oromierso Q, how can i make MAX download and Upload at once??21:05
teurastajawhy do i get this error from rythmbox while trying to play an mp3? (new from todays upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 LTS, installed the proper drivers and set my sound preferences correctly but firefox also cant play from youtube and ive also installed the plugins): "Couldn't start playback. Failed to open output device: Disconnected: Connection terminated"21:05
handjobIs there an option to commit minimal ala server install from normal cd / usb?21:05
guntbertred2kic: yes - I just compared to my settings - all are rw-r--r--21:06
skiwithpetegogeta, do I just run that in terminal?21:06
gogetaskiwithpete: yes21:06
infomomommvx: this is what i get: /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/auto/share/dist/Cope/ls21:06
Krionicgogeta yes. tried that. "/dev/sda1 does not exist"21:06
mmvxinfomomo what about if you type /usr/bin/ls21:06
gartralVolkodav: i dont find it amusing when people deliberatly cover up their "im not sure"s with a glancing statment based off of speculation.21:06
skiwithpetegogeta, sudo?21:06
gogetaKrionic: newer fstab likes if you use the uuid to mount rather then /dev21:06
teurastajawhat does the "Couldn't start playback. Failed to open output device: Disconnected: Connection terminated" mean?21:06
Ken8521teurastaja, can you play mp3's w/ another program?21:06
kjeleteurastaja: What does aplay -l say for you?21:06
Salda007I actually have a CD burned from the ISO downloaded from the Ubuntu page, but the name from the ISO21:06
infomomommvx: bash: /usr/bin/ls: No such file or directory21:06
Volkodavgartral how does the rest of your system look ?21:06
guntbertred2kic: look at ls -ld .xchat221:06
kasper__kjele, <well, everything worked fine before this update came out, i simply updated it on both my computers, a laptop and a standard one, shows a black screen on startup on both>21:06
Krionicgogeta even from the live cd?21:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:07
mmvxsorry infomomo /bin/ls21:07
red2kicguntbert: I see. I'll try and change the permission. Care to pastebin the permissions in ~/.xchat? I wonder if chown -R carelessly on this particular folder is the cause.21:07
christozgreetings, I'm about to download Lucid, my cpu supports 64 bit inc set, does it worth it more than the probability of failure to install the 64 bit version?21:07
gogetaKrionic: i think the live cd still uses dev21:07
kim__when making a full screen of a window, it isnt fully stretch out... Anyone? =)21:07
infomomommvx: it works21:07
teurastaja**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****21:07
teurastajacard 0: Live [Dell Sound Blaster Live!], device 0: emu10k1x [EMU10K1X Front]21:07
teurastaja  Subdevices: 1/121:07
teurastaja  Subdevice #0: subdevice #021:07
teurastajacard 0: Live [Dell Sound Blaster Live!], device 1: emu10k1x [EMU10K1X Rear]21:07
teurastaja  Subdevices: 1/121:07
FloodBot4teurastaja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
garrett__mmvx: /bin/ls -- but how does the location of ls affect the white-backgroundishness of stuff in my app dock?  or was that a misdirected message?21:07
Volkodavchristoz go for it - been runnung it for 2 years now21:07
Krionicgogeta I'm only coming to figure this out cause i upgraded to Lucid yesterday, and now my comp won't boot. I'm gonna have to downgrade. ugh!21:07
red2kicguntbert: drwx (same for .xchat2)21:08
gartralVolkodav: what do you mean?21:08
GeekSquidI thought empathy was going to support IRC, I have a fall back but I was hoping it would be integrated, any thoughts?21:08
mmvxgarrett__ are you infomomo?21:08
Ken8521teurastaja, use pastebin, now can you play mp3's on something other than rythmbox?21:08
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ZykoticK9christoz, depends mainly on how much memory you have.  64bit does add some complications to running some stuff - but pretty much everything will work on 64bit these days.  It's faster at SOME things as well.  Good luck whichever you chose :)21:08
gogetaKrionic: yea its one strange issue that seems to be random21:08
skiwithpetegogeta, I typed it, and I think you meant xrandr - and I know I want to set it to 1600x900 - but how do I set the splash screen to that?21:08
Volkodavgartral - I mean memory drives etc - you described the processor21:08
* garrett__ sighs21:08
kjelekasper__: My suggeestion then is to try another kernel if you have that. After the bios image hold shift to get the grub list21:08
teurastajanot from firefox either21:08
Salda007Is there a workaround for the "Please insert 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ Release i386 (20100429)' into the drive /cdrom/" bug?21:09
infomomommvx: no i am infomomo21:09
gogetaskiwithpete: the rez your running should be the same as the login21:09
Ken8521teurastaja, then what leads you believe your sound device is set up correctly?21:09
Salda007I'm trying to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 via the update manager, and I keep having this window pop up.21:09
wadSalda007, did you try removing that section out of /etc/aps/sources.list ?21:09
teurastajai set it up the same as my working pre-upgrade settings21:09
guntbertred2kic: my permissions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425460/21:09
wadSalda007, did you try removing that section out of /etc/apt/sources.list ? # sorry21:09
Salda007Hmm, how would I do that?21:09
mmvxgarrett__ I'm really sorry hahaha21:09
infomomothis is what happens when i type "ls" : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Nycu1q2r21:09
garrett__mmvx: all's well ;P21:10
kjeleteurastaja: open gnome-volume-control under hardware set the profile to analog stereo duplex21:10
skiwithpetegogeta, sorry, I don't know what the screen is called... not the login screen, the first one with the five dots21:10
wadSalda007, let me check something, hang on.21:10
sixtilanow the next boot up will be on LUCID !!!21:10
Salda007actually, hrm, just hittin "cancel" seems to have made it look elsewhere...21:10
skiwithpetegogeta, I think its purple, but I'm colourblind21:10
feihtthiefHi all. Does anyone know if it's safe to run the upgrade to 10.04 from within a 9.10 Wubi install?21:10
gogetaskiwithpete: oh to change that you need to pass a option in grub to change the rez of the framebuffer21:10
adacHow can I upgrade from cdrom?21:10
Ken8521Salda007, it seems you have the CD listed in our source list, that's not a bug...  just remove the cd from your source list21:10
mmvxinfomomo you seem to have some sort of alias set up for that command (ls) in .bash_aliases or something21:10
wadSalda007, click SYSTEM, then ADMINISTRATION, then SOFTWARE SOURCES.21:10
infomomommvx: i will check21:11
skiwithpetegogeta, how do I do that?21:11
kasper__kjele, i know how to enter the grub, but what command should i use to change the kernel?21:11
ZykoticK9infomomo, try running "/bin/ls" and see if it works -- that doesn't look like it's actually running the real ls command.21:11
Craiggleswhich is the 'newest' xchat program? xchat, or xchat-gnome?21:11
gogetaskiwithpete: it used to be vga= but it got changed i dont knoe the new command21:11
Salda007wad, Ken8521 - can I do this mid-update?  Or should I cancel first?21:11
gartralVolkodav: so far the only sensor that came online out of the box is my GPU temp and GPU amb.temp sensors, now i have the 8 (4 false) cpu temps and i still dont know how the 4 hdds look, or the mobo sensors, or the PSU.. or the 4 amb. temp sensors in the case21:11
wadSalda007, yikes! I'd definitely cancel.21:11
zombie_soldieranyone else having problems with the text in games appearing as blocks?21:11
skiwithpetegogeta, is there a room here I should ask in?21:11
infomomoZykoticK9: it does work when running from the directory itself21:11
AdviceDogCraiggles: its just a matter of preference really, the GNAME version is just a frontend I believe21:11
gogetaskiwithpete: someone hear should know21:11
Salda007wad, Ken8521 - or, I have a CD burned, with a different name, would it speed things up if I added that as a source instead?21:12
Ken8521wad, Salda007 if he started the update, its probably just downloading the updates, rather than getting them off cd.21:12
infomomommvx: i never created aliases, so no ~/.bash_aliases file21:12
ZykoticK9infomomo, you must have some alias or something as mmvx suggested21:12
skiwithpetegogeta, is there a better way to ask?21:12
garrett__mmvx: i think you want 'alias' if  you think ls is aliased to something else21:12
Ken8521wad, its not tht big of a deal(or it shouldn't be)21:12
FoxWolfanyone here gotten addicted to the new ubuntu netbook edition? i now use it more than windows 721:12
wadSalda007, attend to Ken8521.21:12
infomomohow to list all aliases21:12
adacgksu “sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade” does not work...any ideas?21:12
teurastaja** (gnome-volume-control:2950): WARNING **: Default sink stream not found21:12
Volkodavgatral run hddtemp /dev/sdX21:12
Ken8521Salda007, to my knowledge, you can only use the alternate install cd to upgrade, but you *might* be able to use the live cd, I dunno21:12
kjelekasper__: Just see if you have other kernel. If you do not then enter recovery kernel. It says there. Then you should get a menu where you go to net root and type update the system again with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:12
gartralSalda007: you might think so, but it could actually take longer cause it will want to extract the packages from cd too hdd, then extract them into installation folders21:12
garrett__infomomo: just type 'alias'21:12
ZykoticK9infomomo, "alias" in a terminal21:12
mmvxah cool, thanks garrett__ - try that infomomo?21:12
Leoneofmmvx: it is work, i can see Texts under Icons, thank you :D21:13
kasper__kjele, i think that the old kernels got automaticlly removed during the 10.04 install, only have the current one and the recovery21:13
ratcheeradac: Use the alternate image CD. Don't format your existing partitions. It will do the upgrade.21:13
red2kicguntbert: Brb. I'm going to test it.21:13
infomomoonly alias is : alias ls='ls --color=auto'21:13
Craiggleshow do I open a new server window in xchat-gnome?21:13
Shinjisomeone can help me? i'm trying to update  9.10 to 10.04 but i receive this msg: Failed to fetch http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kdelibs/kdelibs-data_3.5.10.dfsg.1-3ubuntu2_all.deb 404  Not Found21:13
Salda007ahh, okay, thanks, guys21:13
infomomoi will delete it21:13
adacratcheer, oohh I see :) thx a lot!21:13
gogetaskiwithpete: its still vga= according to the ubuntu docs but i do not knoe the number you need for your rez21:13
gartralVolkodav: that.. just.. caused my hdc drive too spin down and unmount21:13
MaletorShould I put swap on a RAID5 LVM or RAID 1?21:13
kjelekasper__: enter the recovery one then21:13
ZykoticK9infomomo, that's a handy alias!21:13
kasper__kjele, ok i will try that, thank you21:13
mmvxLeoneof, cool you found it then!21:13
christozok thankies21:14
guntbertShinji: maybe the mirror is not complete yet - wait or try another one21:14
ratcheeradac: You're welcome.21:14
mmvxinfomomo that's not it21:14
31NAAREX9For some reason my sound isnt working21:14
ftgoncalvesHello updated my Ubuntu from 9:10 to 10:04 so that the sound stops working! Can anyone help me?21:14
Gregwacan someone help me please21:14
Ken8521gregl, just ask, if someone can help you, they will21:14
Volkodavgartral try all 4 drives21:14
gartralVolkodav: and it's not responding to a mount command... great21:14
infomomommvx: i know, it did not work, and ZykoticK9 is right it is a handy one21:14
Ken8521Gregwa, see above21:14
ZykoticK9infomomo, try "which ls"21:14
kjeleGregwa: With?21:14
teurastajakjele: ** (gnome-volume-control:2950): WARNING **: Default sink stream not found21:14
infomomoZykoticK9: /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/auto/share/dist/Cope/ls21:14
mmvxinfomomo also try echo $PATH21:14
ZykoticK9infomomo, that's the issue!21:14
ZykoticK9infomomo, it should bin /bin/ls21:15
Salda007okay, yeah, it seems to be working fine, now21:15
teurastajaftgoncalves has same problem then me probably21:15
gartralVolkodav: running it on my music drive just caused it to shut off! im not running it on another drive till i know what the fuck just happened21:15
kjeleteurastaja: Have sound worked before?21:15
infomomommvx: /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/auto/share/dist/Cope:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games21:15
Salda007Thanks for your all your help21:15
Volkodavgratral  like so hddtemp /dev/sdd21:15
Volkodav/dev/sdd: KINGSTON SNVP325S264GB: 32°C21:15
guntbert!language | gartral21:15
ubottugartral: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:15
mmvxinfomomo you probably don't need that in your path!21:15
GregwaKen8521, I did an update this morning on 9.10 and now can't log in.  Never seen a problem like this.21:15
Shinjiguntbert, thanx, maybe brazilian version is incomplete yet :/21:15
VolkodavI have 4 drives too21:15
MaletorShould I put swap on a RAID5 LVM or RAID 1?21:15
handjobftgoncalves, seems common (greate upgrade) i am reinstaling alsa atm. I have not seen a fix for this problem.21:15
timoany one help my with my grub please21:15
Ken8521Gregwa, did an update from?...21:15
infomomommvx: i will remove the /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/auto/share/dist/Cope from my path21:15
skiwithpetethanks gogeta21:16
mmvxinfomomo cool21:16
Gregwait was through update manager.  just a daily update.  Ubuntu 9.1021:16
gartralVolkodav: hddtemp /dev/hdc is what i ran, hddtemp has hung in terminal and now /dev/hdc is ignoring the mount command!!21:16
kjeleteurastaja: try this guide first http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957821:16
ftgoncalveshandjob, this is very bad!!!!21:16
garrett__gartral: sudo killall hddtemp21:16
gogetaskiwithpete: its vga=788 or 791 for the rez you whant21:16
Volkodavkillall -921:17
gartralgarrett__: "Permission denied"21:17
alteregoahow can i enlarge my bug?21:17
skiwithpetegogeta, how do I change it?21:17
garrett__gartral: you can't unmount the device because hddtemp still has it open.21:17
Ken8521Gregwa, and that made it where you cannot log in?.. are you sure you're typing your password correctly? (duh)21:17
kjeleteurastaja: Everywhere it says karmic you follow.21:17
ratcheerMaletor: swap is not critical, so use the RAID-521:17
Volkodavkillall -921:17
alteregoais there a way to enlage my bug?21:17
s0enkehi. any idea about a laggy desktop (thinkpad t61, nvidia 140, lucid 64bit) with an X server around 50% cpu all the time (compiz enabled) - where to start debugging?21:17
red2kicguntbert: It does not work. I'll try and tackle this problem later. Thanks for your attempt.21:17
handjobftgoncalves, This is fucking bad and it's all over the *ubuntu.21:17
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:17
gartralgarrett__: running hddtemp caused the drive to unmount and spindowwn.. i didnt try to unmount it21:17
alteregoamy bug is 60mb i want aprox 200mb21:17
cdezeI ve got this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine1.2/+bug/571999 , any one knows how can I complete my upgrade ?21:17
Spyzerhi, i wish to install gui on ubuntu-server, but using only the repositories in the ubuntu-desktop edition iso image. I mounted the image to a folder, added the folder to the /etc/apt/sources.list and did suso apt-get update and yet i cannot do sudo apt-get install xorg!! HELP21:17
Eclesiaquick question : how do I get the "close" enlarge" "reduce" back on the right side of the window ?21:17
guntbertred2kic: sorry then :-)21:18
GregwaKen8521, yes.  I get the login screen, I then select my name, type in the password.  The screen blanks for a moment and then returns to the login screen.  The onboard keyboard does the same thing.21:18
Krionicgogeta I doublechecked some stuff. lshw lists the drives, but blkid lists them as /dev/sda: TYPE="via_raid_member"21:18
alteregoaspyzer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:18
Ken8521Gregwa, so its not telling you you have a password error, there's some other issue.21:18
Spyzerit says no such package, what might be the issue??21:18
gartralVolkodav: after sudo killall hddtemp -9 my drive is STILL failing to remount21:18
kjeles0enke: I have the same laptop. Actually using it now. No lagg. I have 4GB of ram though21:18
alteregoaspyzer: repository?21:19
xckpd7question: what's the best way to install the most up to date stable version of rubygems on my ubuntu jaunty?21:19
MaletorShould I put swap on a RAID5 LVM or RAID 1?21:19
Volkodavgartal what fs on that drive21:19
gogetaskiwithpete: editing grub in newer ubuntu is kinda tricky21:19
gartralVolkodav: EXT421:19
alteregoamaletor if you have only a few drives (2-3) use raid1, if you have more use 5421:19
alteregoamaletor if you have only a few drives (2-3) use raid1, if you have more use 521:19
Spyzerrepository is actually the one provided in the ubntu-desktop iso image21:19
gogetaKrionic: so you figured out where lucid his them21:19
Gregwaken8521: that's correct.  I've been using ubuntu since Dapper, so I'm not a complete noob.  Can't get in through recovery mode either.  that errors out.  Tried going back to an eariler kernel and that didn't help either.21:19
gartralVolkodav: one continuous 1 tb large partition21:19
plumare the servers still slow for 10.04?21:20
s0enkekjeldahl, 4GB here as well. i'm experiencing this problems a while after a login. esp. with applications which use xul (thunderbird, firefox) and gnome-terminal21:20
gogetaKrionic: yea same guy with your issue aslo had a raid setup21:20
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Ken8521Gregwa, hmm, that one is beyond me... sorry21:20
kjeles0enke: What video driver are you using?21:20
GregwaKen8521:  I looked in the forums and noticed a number of people with 10.04 having a similar problem.21:20
ZykoticK9!slow > plum21:20
ubottuplum, please see my private message21:20
Krionicgogeta no raid setup here. raid disabled in the bios last time i checked. be in trouble if one of my raid drives was blank while the other was nearly full!21:21
gartralVolkodav: further testing on another drive: gareth@n-wire-1-0-1:~$ hddtemp /dev/hda21:21
kjeles0enke: Beside flash is a bit of a cpu hog21:21
alteregoasudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core21:21
GregwaTried posting, but no responses yet.21:21
gartral/dev/hda: open: No such file or directory21:21
kavakavaHello. I am myself a Debian/Gentoo person, but my father (far away) are using Ubuntu 9.10. Lately he has problems shutting down his computer. It only get suspended (or something like that). He have tried with both reboot and shutdown -h now in the terminal, but it still get suspended. Any clue why this happen?21:21
Ken8521Gregwa, i thought you said you just did an update, not an upgrade21:21
infomomoZykoticK9: , mmvx, this is what i did and it worked: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/u8aXhB8r21:21
GregwaKen8521:  That's correct...just a standard daily update.  NO upgrade.21:21
Volkodavgartral please reboot and come back21:21
Krionicgogeta could it be reading it as a raid incorrectly then?21:21
s0enkekjeldahl, just upgraded from lucid ver to nvidia-current to 195.36.24-0ubuntu0sarvatt21:21
gartralVolkodav: all 4 drives are WD caviar Black 1 tb, only 1 is NTFS21:22
gogetaKrionic: well did you find the drive when i was running 9.10 i had to use the id rater then /dev to mount21:22
ZykoticK9infomomo, nice work man :)  glad you figured it out.21:22
s0enkekjeldahl, yeah i also followed instructions to install the 64bit flash so from adobe21:22
Volkodavgartrak SATA II ?21:22
s0enkeurgh kjele sorry wrong auto completion ;)21:22
hellyeswill installing Ubuntu 10.04 upgrade my currently existing Ubuntu or will I have to create partitions and install from scratch?21:22
yanickhi, I just installed Lucid on top of Karmic (same home, root formatted) and now I have no title bar (it says I need "Kin"...)21:22
irvanyone having trouble adding facebook chat toe empathy? i'm getting auth errors using the facebook "username" and password21:22
git__no more ubunutu+1?21:22
yanickhow can I fix that?21:22
duncan_mad props to the devs, 10.04 boots in less than 10 seconds on my system and seems very stable21:23
Ken8521git__, why would there be?21:23
Krionicgogeta no, in both 8.04 and 9.04 live cds, it mounted them without needing to edit the fstab or list the uuids. Lucid isn't reading their uuid, just listing them as a raid member when they're not21:23
pcrovanyone know how i can get the dvd multimedia key on a hp pavilion 9700 to work on lucid?21:23
NetLarIrvineHow can I find out if I have RT2870 for my wireless network??21:23
ZykoticK9hellyes, if you are installing from a livecd you can't upgrade, only fresh install.  To update use update manager, see !upgrade factoid21:23
alteregoayeah with preload it works fast21:23
alteregoasudo apt-get install preload21:23
git__why is ubuntu+1 invite only?21:23
caacwhen will the fix for ubuntu 10.04 come out?21:23
joaobmatiashi all, i tried an upgrade in my netbook from 9.04 to 10.04 and after the installation, when rebooting, it freezes :x, it only appears a black screen and dont go further, any ideas to start solving? thanks21:23
trimetaI only have one free partition on my computer; can I install Ubuntu without a swap partition and use a swap file instead?21:23
kjeles0enke: Do you know which process that take so much resources?21:23
Ken8521git__, because the development tree hasn't been released yet most likely21:23
alteregoagit: because its on maverick mustard or something21:23
kjeles0enke: and it is kjele21:23
gogetagit__: LUCIDIS OUT21:23
Loshkigit__: it's closed for the moment, now that 10.04 is released...21:23
ZykoticK9git__, it closed yesterday - will repoen with 10.10 toolchain is ready21:23
yanickI have no freaking title bars on my windows!21:23
alteregoamaverick moonbug whatever21:24
git__we can discuss lucid here?21:24
alteregoaor something21:24
leetuserhow come when i try to run the update manager it gives me an error says "Could not download all repository indexes"21:24
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kavakavaalteregoa: Hot tip: Try to write git and then type tab. ;-)21:24
gogetagit__: yep21:24
FoxWolfI havent seen any videos about ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 on youtube yet21:24
s0enkekjele, yeah sorry xchat autocomplete sucks ;) it's the X process itself21:24
Ken8521git__, are you just coming out of a deep slumber?21:24
ZykoticK9git__, official Lucid support channel ;)21:24
Eclesiahellyes: just don't update. plenty of useless junk is installed like gwibber, and so on. it will also remove some of your app (like Opera or other JDK wich are not open-jdk) 10.04 is just a failure21:24
yanickthe mouse is a big "X" and I can't move the windows by pressing Alt21:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:24
alteregoaPizza the Hut21:24
Gregwawell, thanks anyway21:24
git__i used to talk about Lucid in ubuntu+121:24
yanickeverything is screwed21:24
hellyes!upgrade factoid21:24
alteregoagit__: pizza the Hut21:24
Loshkigit__: that was before it was released (which was yesterday)...21:25
hellyesEclesia: :(21:25
gogetaKrionic: im aware of that but in 9.10 i had to use uuid21:25
blistovi'm building ipt_netflow from cvs against 2.6.28-11-server under ubuntu 9.04.  Compiles correctly but insmod results in "invalid module format".  The headers package matches my running kernel.  Idea's?21:25
s0enkekjele, it's not always slow, but sporadically. very hard to find a pattern21:25
heftyymy keyboard under X on a fresh ubuntu Lucid install wont work when I see ghe gdm login prompt, did anyone saw this before? is it a bug? BTS does not show up anything so far21:25
skiwithpetegogeta, why is it more tricky with the new version?21:25
gogetaKrionic: it would not mount as dev21:25
Eclesiahellyes This upgrade screwed my complete java configuration and purly removed my favorite browser. I'm really pissed of21:26
gogetaKrionic: why do they change anything21:26
kjelekavakava: Try disable suspend in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.upower.policy21:26
alexrussellhi people - I have a problem. I tried doing an update-manager upgrade to 10.04 today and it said I didn't have enough space on / (2.2 gigs free, it needs 2.2gigs plus 60 meg, d'oh!) anyway, it cancelled the update and seemed to roll back any changes. but now it refuses to upgrade. running update manager and then clicking "upgrade" next tot he dist release notice makes it think for a few seconds (12ish) and then say it can21:26
alexrussell't get the release notes and to check my net connection (which is fine as I'm here now). Any ideas?21:26
lindsaymobil22can anyone help me with changing usplash in jaunty?21:26
gartralVolkodav: you owe me some music bro, watchdog rejected the drive hddtemp shutdown.. it's completly nonresponsive and comes up as a 0gb volume in bios21:26
ZykoticK9!attitude > Eclesia21:26
ubottuEclesia, please see my private message21:26
kavakavakjele: Ok, nice. Will try that. Any idea how I can explain that through the phone. :-P21:26
alexrussellalso, running update-manager --dist-upgrade from command line says i'm already at best which is not true, but maybe I'm missing a switch21:26
Krionicgogeta I was using uuid in 8.04 cause i switched my drives around and then the install broke (using /dev). changing the drives to be referenced from uuid fixed that.21:26
kjelekavakava: We use sms or email21:27
hellyesEclesia: That's what I was afraid of.  I've spent a LONG time getting 9.04 to where I like it and I would be upset if it got all jacked-up.  9.10 did it to me which is why I'm leery of 10.0421:27
gogetaKrionic: i think its realted to ext421:27
lindsaymobil22can anyone help me with changing usplash in jaunty?21:27
kavakavakjele: Ok. Maybe my first priority should be to install sshd. :-P21:27
kjelekavakava: Though it will just blank screen if it thinks you cannot suspend21:27
gogetaKrionic: it prefers the uuid rather then using the older way21:27
Krionicgogeta have to remember that it was ext3 before. I switched it to ext4 to see if it would make a diff with lucid (which it didn't)21:28
Eclesiahellyes: I guess you can take the risk if your at home, but not for work, it will only be a few days of troubles setting back everything21:28
gogetaKrionic: ext4 is fast hehe21:28
lindsaymobil22can ANYONE  help me?21:28
kavakavaDo synaptic use apt-get or aptitude?21:28
Krionicgogeta it lets me mount all my 3 ntfs drives using /dev. just pissing on my 2 linux drives.21:28
* helo dislikes UUID in fstab21:28
kjeles0enke: Well you can always use nouveau and see if you have the same problems. Though no compiz.21:28
lorenzhow can i reduce my windows partition and then expand my ubuntu partition?? is that possible??21:28
gogetaKrionic: i say mount them with there id21:29
s0enkekjele, well, i'm using dual-screen with a 24" display. problems go away if i use just the laptop screen21:29
lindsaymobil22kavakava: i think it uses aptitude21:29
guntbertkavakava: neither -- its another front end21:29
harjothow do i run a microsoft disk check, like the microsoft sort of tool on a fat32?21:29
kjeles0enke: ah :)21:29
GeekSquidlorenz: yes, boot with live disk and use partition manager ( gparted ) to resize your drives21:29
gartralVolkodav: your lucky bro.. that only wiped a half tb of my music, i was able to reinitilise that drive, but nedless too say im never laying a finger on hddtemp again21:29
s0enkekjele, maybe the hardware is just to slow sometimes ;)21:29
gogetaKrionic: should be something like mount /dev/45ui4h5i43u /meda/drive21:29
lorenzis it possible to shrink a partition and expand another one without breaking or losing files?21:29
harjotanyone ?21:29
kavakavaguntbert: Really? Thought it used on of the frontends. Always thought it used aptitude, but wasn't sure. This makes things difficult. :-/21:29
heloharjot: be careful... i've had my windows broken by attempted fsck fixes21:30
Dr_Willislorenz:  in theory yes.. but you should always make backups21:30
Krionicgogeta: how do i find the uuid if it's not listing it with blkid?21:30
lindsaymobil22how can i go about changing usplash in 9.04 jaunty?21:30
lorenzdr_willis: ok thanks21:30
gogetaKrionic: i just looked in my fstab21:30
FoxWolfoh yea, can you use multiple 'desktops' on UNR?21:30
caaci selected Canadian english as my system language and yet it keeps saying colors and favorites and so on21:30
FoxWolflike what that compiz does21:30
pcrov /usr/include/linux/input.h lists the KEY_DVD as 0x185, which is too high to be passed to X (or rather, X just drops it). what do i need to do to remap that to something lower so that X can deal with it properly?21:30
guntbertkavakava: it would make no sense for one front end to use another front end instead of the back end21:30
plusquezerohi, i've just installed the last UNR on my eeepc, and i can't modify my top pannel, the options to unlock applets are in gray… any idea ?21:30
Dr_WillisFoxWolf:  yes. but its not quite the same.. and thats not really a compiz feature. :)21:30
mitchellhi all, i need help. in ubuntu 9.10 my webcam worked. did a clean install of 10.04 and now it doesnt work in cheese or gstreamer-properties21:31
GeekSquidlorenz: Dr_Willis is right, I am also in the process of backing up all my data so I can reinstall Lucid From Scratch21:31
gartralhelo: by the time you consider usin fsck to fix windows, isnt window's partition fubar anyway?!?21:31
kjelekavakava: wikipedia says apt21:31
FoxWolfDr_Willis, thanks. whats it called?21:31
kavakavaguntbert: Well, aptitude is both a "back end" and a front end.21:31
Krionicgogeta the live cd fstab is pretty bare. just two lines. (doesn't stop me from mounting my other drives)21:31
lorenzgeeksquid: would that be nessesary to install it from scratch?? dont updates do it?21:31
LoneShadowHi, how do I fix the "unable to enumerate USB device on port 6" messages getting flooded on all my consoles21:31
Volkodavgartral   first time I ever hear about hddtemp something like this21:31
coldfireDoes anyone else notice the longer delay after login in until gnome loads in.10.04?21:31
lindsaymobil22bugger this noone will help me :z21:31
centralnoise_I just rebooted my ubuntu, and now when I try to open a external drive, it says "Not Authorized", my password works for synaptic but with "su" in the console, authorization fails, anyone know whats wrong?21:31
Dr_Willisplusquezero:  they are 'locked down' - thers some system wide gconf settings that are some how 'locked' - i recall a web site that explained  them and how to controll it. but i lost the url21:31
gogetaKrionic: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid21:31
guntbertkavakava: no, it is only a front end  - the back end is always the apt database21:31
helogartral: sometimes linux is more proactive about fixing things when they aren't necessarily broken, it seems...21:31
VolkodavIt sounds to me like FS corruption21:31
vmbuntuhi! is there any free web-based manager for virtual machines (KVM)? like virt-manager, just that it's a web application21:31
harjothelo: i remeber there being a tool for ubuntu , not fsck, for checking windows stuff21:32
rjaguar3hi, I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 today--when I select latest kernel, I get stuck on the purple ubuntu screen with five white dots that turn red21:32
kjelekavakava: So you have dpkg > apt(-get) > synaptic21:32
guntbert!please | lindsaymobil2221:32
ubottulindsaymobil22: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:32
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  theres proberly forum threads/wiki pages on usplash.21:32
kavakavaguntbert: But if you mix aptitude and apt-get you get trouble?21:32
ratcheercoldfire: Yes, big time. Sometimes, I think I'm back in Win XP.21:32
kjeles0enke: Does it get hot when it lagg?21:32
gartralVolkodav: well, i reran hddtemp on that drive and guess what..21:32
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  10.04 totally dumped usplash. so its proberly not worth   spending a lot of time n leraning21:32
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: i have been on them for hours thats why i came here!21:32
lindsaymobil22its 9.04 i use but21:32
gartralVolkodav: no more drive!21:32
Dr_Willislindsaymobil22:  i normally just disable the annoying thing.21:32
Volkodavgartral what ?21:32
LoneShadowanyone know how to disable ehci_hcd from grub ? Its not a kernel module anymore21:33
Volkodavno way21:33
GeekSquidlorenz: my drive is full, so I have to backup, i have already tested the machine on Lucid and more things are working, yet, I am running Jaunty and don't want to upgrade twice to get to jaunty, and as a supporter I have to learn how to make it work from scratch so I can help others21:33
guntbertkavakava: not necessarily - but I see no reason to mix21:33
lindsaymobil22dr_willis: u just use text?21:33
vmbuntuhi! is there any free web-based manager for virtual machines (KVM)? like virt-manager, just that it's a web application21:33
plusquezeroDr_Willis: it's pretty stupid to lock it…21:33
coldfireAnyone else notice the delay?21:33
kasper__kjele, just wondering, is there a way to connect to the netroot thing with a wireless connection or do you have to use a cable?21:33
=== darf is now known as gameforce
Krionicgogeta lists sdc1 (ntfs drive) and 2 virtual drives21:33
Bam_BamIs there some reason the 10.04 installer can't find all my hard drives or operating systems?21:33
GeekSquid*get to lucid21:33
esczzhi boys21:33
mitchellanyone got help about my webcam21:33
plumBam_Bam: it doesn't auto-mount the drives21:33
lorenzgeeksquid: yeah i did scratch install with beta 2 so it shouldn't be nessesary right?21:33
plumi think21:33
Volkodavgartral did you use fsck21:33
KrionicBam_Bam ditto, man. it's not reading my linux drives!21:33
ratcheerIs sensors output reliable? It is telling me this system is at 43, but in Windows it was always 65-70.21:33
guntbertkavakava: they both store things that are not stored in the apt - and that they do different21:33
gogetaKrionic: you shoulda got something like this21:34
Bam_BamYeah but when I mounted them it unmounted them or something21:34
gogetaKrionic: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2008-01-02 08:26  1c9e4ae2-0ddc-4e3c-8758-4cdd6c90407a -> ../../sda121:34
kjelekasper__: It is possible but it would require some work. A reason why the network-manager was created.21:34
gartralVolkodav: after rebooting and repartitioning that drive (/dev/hdc) i re-ran hddtemp and it unmounted, spundown and now wont come back up, and yes, i remembered too killall hddtemp BEFORE attempting to remount21:34
lindsaymobil22has wubi in 10.04 changed? has it got any bugs?21:34
Dr_Willisplusquezero:  its done for a reason. it forces the netbook interface to stay the netbook interface basically.   You could install ubuntu-desktop/gnome if you wanted a normal desktop also.21:34
Krionicgogeta: I got lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2010-04-30 20:08 1634A0B834A09BED -> ../../sdc121:34
NetLarIrvineCan anyone help me with my wireless connection in Lucid?21:34
Dr_Willisplusquezero:  there can be odd issues if you have both the netbook and normal gnome desktops installed however.21:34
jessejameslorenz: the best approach is to run a defrag in Windows, then use gparted. Here's a howto: http://www.fsckin.com/2007/10/21/partitioning-or-resizing-drives-in-ubuntu-using-gparted/21:34
Krionicgogeta: 2nd line: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 2010-04-30 12:48 b04eb683-e42a-416d-9337-5882306f4d32 -> ../../mapper/nvidia_cdgedbeb521:34
gogetaKrionic: looks right to me then21:34
kavakavaguntbert: Ok. I'm more used to emerge and a little bit new to apt, so this is a bit new to me. Thanks. :-P21:34
kasper__kjele, get it, thanks!21:34
gartralVolkodav: this is a serious issue, but im afraid to test further cause the other three drives are mission critical21:35
gogetaKrionic: looks like it set them raid21:35
GeekSquidlorenz: backup is standard proceedure prior to drive resize, I have been lucky, but I didn't always have the luxury of 4 machines in the lab to use21:35
lorenzjessejames: thanks so much :)21:35
Krionicgogeta: yeah, that's my sdc1. what about my sda1 and sdb1 linux drives?21:35
Volkodavgartral I have been using this command since the day it went out21:35
abdelrahmanguys, just upgraded to lynx.. network manager shows me not connected to wireless although I am21:35
guntbertkavakava: helping and getting help -- thats the reason most of us are here - Good luck :-)21:35
gartralVolkodav: what drives do you have?21:35
Volkodavgartral - sounds like a faulty drive to me21:35
kavakavaguntbert: True. The beaty of open source!21:35
Krionicgogeta sda1 and sdb1 are both 500GB drives. I didn't set them up as a raid. guess I'll go report it as a bug...21:36
kavakavaAnd thanks again. Hope my dad get things in order.21:36
plusquezeroDr_Willis: hmm i've just found it, i think that's it : http://maketecheasier.com/unlock-gnome-panel-in-ubuntu-netbook-edition-une/2010/04/2521:36
Dr_Willisplusquezero:  this url sort of gave hints on making a normal 'gnome desktop' be a UNR interface.. so it proberly is altering those locked  conf settings21:36
lorenzgeeksquid: yeah i just f**ked my ubuntu before always kicked me to login... after 1 easy post on ubuntuforums.org it was fixed in 30 mins!! best support ever :)21:36
gartralVolkodav: then why does smarttools not show a problem? and it reports temp fine in windows?21:36
abdelrahmanguys, just installed lynx.. network manager shows me not connected to wireless although I am21:36
esczzis here anyone that tried to install xubuntu 10.04 to USB stick?with 9.10 it boots fine, but in 10.04 before it boots i get bunch of errors like this: cannot enable port 2, maybe the usb cable is bad...unable to enumerate USB device on port2, heeeeeelp :(21:36
bsmith093can broadcast accounts be expanded to include google blogs aka blogspot and if so how21:36
DASPRiDis there an ubuntu channel for pulseaudio on freenode?21:36
hexmareello all21:36
gogetaKrionic: did you run blkid as sudo21:37
renegaideI was able to install ubuntu 9.10 on raid 0 with no problems but 10.04 has changed all of that. anyone familear with this?21:37
kim__esczz: I installed 10.04 with USB stick. Worked fine21:37
Krionicgogeta yes, sudo in from of all my commands.21:37
Bam_Bamis there any resolution for the 10.04 installer not mounting the disks?21:37
GeekSquidlorenz: I have been there, I'd like to say I have learned my lessons, but I am always learning, Lucid is going to be another matter21:37
Dr_Willisplusquezero:  those guides (from what i read) both basically take a gnome session and turn it into a netbook clone. it seems.  not unlocking the netbook  interface.21:37
Dr_Willisplusquezero:  unless im missreading21:37
Volkodavgartral I have 500 and 320 WD, one velociraptor 10000 rpm and a Kingston SSD you saw21:37
esczzkim__ it really bugs me of with those errors :S, i doubt the usb stick is bad...21:38
gogetaKrionic: yea defently some oddness from having multi linux drives in lucid21:38
Volkodav500 died on me in 6 months or so21:38
Volkodavreplaced with warranty - back in the pack21:38
gartralVolkodav: i want a SSD for this rig so bad21:38
lorenzgeeksquid: yeah i love ubuntu... I love the community I love the opensource!! haha just wish this one game worked on wine... xD21:38
leon_hello every one, i am a total linux noob and need some help21:38
s0enkekjele, yeah always hot (docked, and the bottom gets very hot)21:38
gartrallorenz: for me, that one game is BFBC221:39
uLinuxgames = windows :\21:39
Krionicgogeta going to go back to jaunty and backup my data before i proceed any further. I have an idea, but it might cost me.21:39
hexmarewhats your question leon_ ?21:39
kavakavalorenz: GTA2 works! :-P21:39
plumor wine21:39
Volkodavgartral - time googleearth with compiz enabled to start and OOO writer from click to full open in sec21:39
guntbert!ask | leon_21:39
ubottuleon_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:39
kim__but who need games?:D21:39
uLinuxwine sucks for games.21:39
callaghanDoes gwibber not work through a proxy? I am not able to set up my facebook account, when I click on Authorize an error message appears... unable to load page21:39
kjeles0enke: Could be defected hardware21:39
mhneohey all21:39
Krionicgogeta it's reading them as a raid, so what happens if I just let it install it thinking it's a raid?21:39
uLinuxkim__ ye ppl wont play games just because they linux lol..21:39
Volkodavgartral so far I am very satisfied with my SSD21:39
gartralVolkodav: i dont blame you for this, i understand wierd shit happens when you least expect it.. but man, loosing 4 months of music ticks me off21:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:39
leon_i wanted to know if the gdm in ubuntu 10.04 supports mulitseating and if there is a guide on how to do it21:40
s0enkekjele, mhm any way to prove this?21:40
ZykoticK9List and steps used to install various Native Linux games on Lucid -- http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming21:40
Guest5970I upgraded to 10.04 LTS and the shebang line is broken! wtf.... #!/usr/bin/env perl -w is BROKEN   why? env is so simple21:40
lorenzkavakava: yeah gta vice city works... san andreas is a bit slow but the game i want to play is an mmo called snowbound online21:40
mhneoI've an issue with my mobile broadband connection via a USB modem in Ubuntu21:40
gogetaKrionic: dunno i dont deal with raid setups21:40
mhneoanyone with a few moments to spare?21:40
Volkodavgartral there are 2 types of people - who back up and who don't:-D21:40
GeekSquidI might make mention that teamviewer is now available for linux as a installable .deb ... and it works in Lucid... I know alot of people have been waiting for this21:40
kjeles0enke: You still have warranty?21:40
Guest5970I'm downgrading to 9.x21:40
__danthemanmhneo: whats up21:40
Krionicgogeta going to also doublecheck my bios, make sure raid is still firmly disabled.21:40
lorenzgeeksquid: i never used it :) but its cool that its available21:41
VolkodavI had too many drives died on me over years - so backup is the name of the game21:41
gogetaKrionic: maybe you can disable raid from grub21:41
s0enkekjele: i guess, it's 3 years business warranty21:41
Guest5970how the hell ..... /usr/bin/env is posix standard ppl21:41
Krionicgogeta grub not installed.21:41
Guest5970end of rant21:41
KaOSoFtHmm... is it just me, or the middle mouse button no longer spawns the scroll-page option in Firefox?21:41
mhneo__dantheman: I need an application or someway to find if my USB modem is on 3G or EDGE network depending on my location21:41
parisHow can I figure out what is it my Server Host on my computer?21:41
kjeles0enke: You could try to send it in claiming that the hardware gets too hot.21:41
mhneois there anything like that in Ubuntu?21:41
bsmith093probably a stupid question but whats posix21:41
gogetaKrionic: every install has grub lol21:41
gartralVolkodav: i backup MISCRIT data.. but my DVD/CD budget didnt let me back my music up.. ohh well, most of it was from audio cds i still have in my basement :)21:41
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  a 'standard' :)21:41
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Dr_Willisbsmith093:  one of many...21:42
FaultleSSW: Failed to fetch http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2  Temporary failure resolving 'no.archive.ubuntu.com'    ....anyone have any suggestions? Its a new install of 10.04 server21:42
bsmith093simple description of it please?21:42
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esczzchange the repo...21:42
jo_anyone can help mew with a grub problem  "grub_puts" not found21:42
Dr_Willisbsmith093:  best bet - check wikipedia for an explination.21:42
esczzjesus, this is like a fast highway of probs :S21:42
Krionicgogeta this was an upgrade. i had problems with grub when i ran Win7 Beta. Wound up deleting grub and letting my bios boot straight from the hdd. whenever i wanted to boot to windows, press F8 and select the windows drive.21:42
s0enkekjele: might be worth a try. maybe i should ask my boss to buy me a t410 ;-)21:43
LoneShadowcan anyone tell me how I can disable console logs, all my consoles are getting flooded21:43
ZykoticK9FaultleSS, that link is broken - try changing your server, not sure how to easily do that with the server version though.  Good luck.21:43
bsmith093thanks btw do u know if i can add a blogspot account to the broadcast account thing in lucid21:43
jo_anyone can help mew with a grub problem  "grub_puts" not found???? a web page maybe?21:43
kjeles0enke: w510 are neat :)21:43
gpdi just dd'd a 30G image to the wrong partition (700G) is there any way to get back the data beyond the 30G?21:43
ZykoticK9FaultleSS, change you mirror sorry21:43
bsmith093i thing ure screwed21:43
gartralVolkodav: hmm.. i got brave.. and my computer got smarted. gareth@n-wire-1-0-1:~$ hddtemp /dev/hda21:43
gartral/dev/hda: open: No such file or directory21:43
esczzand again...21:43
guntbertFaultleSS: just now the name resolution works here (AT)21:44
helogpd: ouch!21:44
MaT-dgwhen trying to transcode with vlc it complains about ffmpeg being crippled. I have ffmpeg installed though21:44
gartralnow i cant read the drives with hddtemp at all21:44
esczzis here anyone that tried to install xubuntu 10.04 to USB stick?with 9.10 it boots fine, but in 10.04 before it boots i get bunch of errors like this: cannot enable port 2, maybe the usb cable is bad...unable to enumerate USB device on port2, heeeeeelp :(21:44
gpdyes. not good. :(21:44
kjeles0enke: Cost like one month salary21:44
jo_anyone can help mew with a grub problem  "grub_puts" not found???? a web page maybe?21:44
KaOSoFtHmm... is it just me, or the middle mouse button no longer spawns the scroll-page option in Firefox?21:44
leon_multiseat on ubuntu 10.04  can it be done?21:44
adam2newi'm looking to put Ubuntu on this laptop... i would like to find a compatability support list21:44
alteregoai can smell her21:44
ZykoticK9MaT-dg, if you're trying to output to MP4 - ffmpeg can't currently to to issue21:44
gartralbsmith093: i believe so21:44
kim__change usb port21:44
FaultleSSThanks. Where can i find list of mirrors? (im quite new)21:44
dios_miowhy did it take me 1.5 hours to install Lucid??? :-(21:44
esczzwell i tried, same shit21:44
alteregoai got usb 3.021:44
bsmith093gpd : did u partition the drive21:44
ZykoticK9!slow > dios_mio21:44
ubottudios_mio, please see my private message21:44
Dr_Willisdios_mio:  takes me about 20 min.21:44
bsmith093gartral how do i do it21:44
packet-sentgnome has gconf-tool does xfce have an equivalent tool so I can change  power settings to nothing when I close my laptop lid?21:45
alteregoai hope we get 4k sectors asap21:45
dios_mioZykoticK9, not download... INSTALL21:45
gartraldios_mio: slow internet connections.. the servers are ALWAYS bogged the first couple of days21:45
jo_anyone can help mew with a grub problem  "grub_puts" not found???? a web page maybe?21:45
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MilitantPotatoWhat applet shows the volume control icon?21:45
dios_miogartral... hmm, so it downlaods stuff from the main server during install ?21:45
gartraldios_mio: yes..21:45
Guest666MilitantPotato indicator applet?21:46
s0enkekjele, that's why i don't buy laptops by my own money ;)21:46
guntbert!language | esczz21:46
ubottuesczz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:46
Krzysiek000anyone know of a good undelete program for linux21:46
wadpacket-sent, I click SYSTEM, PREFERENCES, POWER MANAGEMENT on my lenovo laptop. But I'm still on Karmic.21:46
jessejamesjo_: try here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/50979721:46
arandKrzysiek000: photorec, maybe..21:46
Cloaky8xWhy isn't the ratings tab enabled in Rhythmbox by default?21:46
vmbuntuis there any free web-based manager for virtual machines?21:46
jo_thank will try21:46
guntbert!undelete | Krzysiek00021:46
ubottuKrzysiek000: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel21:46
incorrectwow my desktop upgraded and i could still auth off ldap21:47
gartralKrzysiek000: "undelete"? you mean like forensic data reconstruction?21:47
GeekSquidpacket-sent: you might get your question answered in #xubuntu21:47
Krzysiek000one of my users accidentally deleted a file before nightly backup want to try and recover21:47
kjeles0enke: I love the keyboard which thinkpads have. But the new models are getting poor linux support.21:47
wadvmbuntu, yes, there are some firefox plugins for working with coulds. elastic fox and hybrid fox are the ones I use.21:47
wadvmbuntu, s/coulds/clouds/21:48
bgreatAvailability of GNUstep gorm.app on Lucid?  Unable to install "gnustep-devel" due to missing dependency.21:48
s0enkekjele, i hate the FN key at ctrl position :-/ but i love thinkpads21:48
Cloaky8xAnyone know how I can make a new Gnome Panel on my right monitor in 10.04 ?21:48
Moral_Does anyone know the terminal command to open the gnome cpu scaling widget thing that can go on your taskbars?21:48
lorenzdoes anyone know how to activate ctrl+alt for 3rd keyboard level?21:48
wads0enke, I got used to it pretty quick. Doesn't bug me anymore. I love thinkpads too.21:48
_nano_What is the difference between python3 and python3.0 package in ubuntu (I'm on Jaunty)21:48
stefan__ich glaube ich habe den fehler21:49
TomV-415I have not yet upgraded to 10.4, but recently my compiz 3d awsomeness has stoped working.. I'm wondering if an nvida driver update is the culrpit..anyone else have that problem?21:49
Volkodavgartral very strange behaviour21:49
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s0enkekjele, yeah, thx for your help, i'm out :-)21:49
kjeles0enke: You sort of getting use to it. They are nice. Just wish they weren't so expensive. You actually get less in terms of hardware compared to other brand21:49
IcE^_helo, you still here?21:49
kjeles0enke: bye21:49
gartralKrzysiek000: keep in mind that ANY time you dive into a drive forensically, you run the risk of destroying all data permenatly.. if it isn't mission critical, and you dont have the money to replace the drive, tell your client to be more careful21:50
rushingadhello everybody21:50
ama1any one know how i install ubuntu from usb flash21:50
wadTomV-415, mine's working fine. I'm using the proprietary driver on my lenovo (fglrx)21:50
AmunRahello! how can I remove the on-line accounts icon (top far right) -- it seems to be connected to the quick shutdown icon, which I want to keep21:50
_nano_searching for python 3 using apt-cache search yields python3 and python3.0 , both have similar descriptions. What is the difference between the two? Why are they packaged separately?21:50
wadTomV-415, I'm on Karmic.21:50
Dr_Willisama1:  make a bootable 'flash' drive - boot it.. use installer..21:50
rushingadyou have to make the flash drive bootable21:50
Dr_Willisama1:  unetbootin can let youmake one.21:50
Dr_Willisama1:  or the ubuntu usb-disk-creator tool21:50
TomV-415wad: thats' good.. I'm on Karmic too.  Thanks for the feedback.. I'll start poking around in my settings.21:51
mrwesunetbootin is a nice app21:51
trism_nano_: they are the same basically, python3 depends on python3.0, but python3 has a few more suggests packages, like python doc and python tk21:51
Dr_Willisama1:  thers other ways to make a bootable flash. but unetbootin is fairly straight forwared21:51
TomV-415It feels so flat to not have my virtual cube... I really like that cube.21:51
marguerite001hello david11121:51
leon__ i need help setting up a 2 user multi seat in ubuntu 10.04 lts please. does gdm 2.30 even support it21:51
ama1i see in ubuntu website (usb-creator)21:51
skiwithpetemy purple ubuntu loading screen takes ages to appear:  I went to terminal and typed grep Console /var/log/messages21:51
marguerite001david111 can you see me?21:51
_nano_trism, but python3 yields a binary named python3, and python 3.0 yields one named python3.0 !! :(21:51
wadTomV-415, I'm totally addicted to mine. And the ring switcher! Oh the goodness!21:51
esczzgot some new errors, ext4 fs error sdb1 cant read something :S21:51
tachirohey peebl21:51
feihtthiefDoes anyone know if it is safe to upgrade a WUBI install from 9.10 to 10.04 via Update Manager?21:51
ama1is it works well21:51
ZykoticK9AmunRa, you could try uninstalling indicator-me (but I'm not sure)21:52
Dr_Willisama1:  unetbootin can work on a windows machiune, or linux also.21:52
david111hi there marguerite00121:52
Dr_Willisama1:  either tool can work fine21:52
david111yes I can see you21:52
_nano_trism, do you mean to say they use the same interpreter under the hood?21:52
giannianyone can help me?21:52
TomV-415wad: Yes, I have the three-D cube withdrawls...21:52
marguerite001(its actually me)21:52
skiwithpeteand I see VGA+ 80x25 switching to 80x3021:52
magn3tsI'm so glad that someone's crappy picture of a cat and some nasty tiled red crap is what comes up when someone tries to search for a decent chrome theme that fits with lucid's new appearance (http://techie-buzz.com/themes/ubuntu-lucid-lynx-theme-for-google-chrome.html)21:52
skiwithpetewhat am I doing wrong?21:52
ama1iam useing ubuntu 9.10 now21:52
gianniI've installed ubuntu 10.0421:52
david111marguerite001 can you still see me now?21:52
skiwithpetehow can I set it to 80x30 from go?21:52
gartralTomV-415: using gnome-shell?21:52
rushingadanyone know how to put videos on a PSP?21:52
trism_nano_: yes, those are just symbolic links, python3 must add an extra one21:52
marguerite001david111 when people talk to you directly it will be highlighted in red21:52
MaT-dgZykoticK9: it complains about nearly everything actually, even audio21:52
marguerite001david111 yes21:52
IcE^_i installed irssi now, and i'm using it now, but i can't see and use hebrew with it, the charset for hebrew is ISO-8859-8, i tried setting the terminal to use that charset but it still doesn't work, i tried setting it to use the other 2 charsets for hebrew as well but i still can't see hebrew, is there a way to set the charset for the irssi?21:52
gianniand I've removed the applet of sound21:52
giannianyone can help me to put it?21:53
_nano_trism, awesome. thanks for the  help!21:53
marguerite001david111 ok ask you question21:53
magn3tsthank god https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/elnmibmpefhmfgphdphdncoogpbfmlbp21:53
esczz__ext4_get_inode_loc what is this? :S21:53
marguerite001how do you make gold out of clay?21:53
TomV-415gartral: how would I  determine that?21:53
datacrusherhello everyone, is there a way to disable hibernation when i close the notebook lid?21:53
leon__when some one has time i need some help please21:53
lorenzmagn3ts, i know its great21:53
marguerite001anyone know the formula?21:53
ZykoticK9MaT-dg, don't know man.  You could try installing winff the gui frontend and see if the errors are any more helpful.  Good luck.21:53
An_Ony_Mooseis there a way to remap the keyboard so F14 sends sysrq instead? (yes, :(, it's an apple keyboard)21:53
marguerite001david111 ok good ubuntu questions only21:54
tachiroanyone know where the files that are shown in the menu panels (applications) are stored? adding photoshop to the menu seems a tad bit trickier than i though21:54
TomV-415magn3ts: That 'crappy cat' is a lynx... get it.?21:54
magn3tslorenz, its gorgeous. for the first time, I've changed my personal theme back to the ubuntu stock. I also had a very seemless upgrade process21:54
ZykoticK9tachiro, system / preferences / main menu21:54
Dr_WillisIcE^_:  i would say check the irssi homepage. I know nothing of other languages with these irc clients.. its possibel irssi cant do it. I dont even know if weechat can.21:54
gianniI've installed ubuntu 10.04 and I've removed the sound applet on the bar, how can I put it?21:54
penguin42tachiro: Just rightclick on the menu, edit menu21:54
gartralTomV-415: i dont quite ubnderstand your situation, but unless you use jhbuild and have a gnome-shell git clone, you probably arent using gnome-shell21:54
tachiroare you kidding me?21:54
david111marguerite001 ok well I have a CDMSA(I think) device and want to bridge it with an ethernet connection on Karmic21:54
KaiForcewhen setting IP address manually, the apply button becomes greyed out - how to fix?21:54
tachiroi better not find it there21:54
TomV-415gartral: Yes, I think  you are right.21:54
tachiroway too easy21:54
ama1i like the  theme21:55
ZykoticK9gianni, add to panel / indicator applet21:55
Dr_Willistachiro:  you can use the alacarte program i belive to add items21:55
IcE^_ok, thanks Dr_Willis21:55
magn3tsTomV-415, yeah but the only thing Lucid about that theme is the cat, which I will *never* see based on my extensions. That leaves the stupid red texture that is horribly tiled as the only part of that theme that I can evaluate and man oh man, do the tabs and chrome in that theme look terrible.21:55
leon__can multi seat be set up on ubuntu 10.0421:55
skiwithpeteever since I installed ATI drivers my splash doesn't disply correctly21:55
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giannithz ZykoticK921:55
rushingadanyone know anything about using a PSP with ubuntu?21:55
ZykoticK9gianni, glad to help21:55
lorenzskiwithpete, use the opensource drivers21:55
Dr_Willisrushingad:  thats a bit vague.21:56
gmonniecan anyone tell me the terminal command to see if usb devices are connected?21:56
mrwesAnother errorless upgrade -- nice job developers!21:56
plumrushingad: you can't put ubuntu on psp i don't think21:56
TomV-415magn3ts: I didn't even realize it was a lynx at first.  Looked like an odd house cat..21:56
Dr_Willisgmonnie:  'lsusb'  for starters21:56
Ignacithooxcomo estan21:56
Wulfy10.4 is nice cept for one thing.... that garish purple wallpaper on loadup lol21:56
ZykoticK9!es | ama1 Ignacithoox21:56
ubottuama1 Ignacithoox: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:56
rushingadim wanting to put videos on it21:56
mrwesWulfy, no doubt :)21:56
Dr_Willisrushingad:  theres tools out to convert videos to the proper psp format. winff is one..21:56
rushingadi can put mp3s on there but videos dont show up21:56
=== manse is now known as mawolken
marguerite001How do you bridge an ethernet connection?21:57
Dr_Willisrushingad:  its a fromt end to the ffmpeg encoder. mencoder can also convert them21:57
MacHeadHey, I have a Macbook and would like to know how to get the webcam working. Information on the net is ood.21:57
rushingadyeah i use avidemux21:57
Dr_Willisrushingad:  that one i think uses mencoder.. Im not sure. :)21:57
ZykoticK9rushingad, you might want to try http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm - never used it myself though21:57
esczzin 10.04 before it boots i get bunch of errors like this: cannot enable port 2, maybe the usb cable is bad...unable to enumerate USB device on port2, and __ext4_get_inode_loc: unable to read . anyone have idea what might solve this?21:57
winXPuserhow do I install latest Firefox on Ubuntu?21:57
ama1iam from palestine :D not spain21:58
lorenzHow can i turn of the has join and has left in xchat??21:58
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as Guest90617
tharvey_is us.archive.ubuntu.com just crazy overburndened right now?  having a heck of a time installing packages in 10.421:58
penguin42esczz: Can you get the output of dmesg into a paste bin?21:58
Wulfylorenz id love to know :D21:58
leon__sorry to spam  this, but just in case someone whow can help misses it:  have any of you gotten multiseat working on 10.04?21:58
winXPuserlorenz -> #xchat21:58
plecebohi all i have a few questions? the last time i did a distro update i had a crash im just wondering if upgrading from my current os 9.10 and going to 10.04 i mean the right thing to always do would be backup the data but im wondering if its too soon to move up or not thnks21:58
penguin42esczz: Oh and what USB devices do you have plugged in?21:58
TomV-415any suggestions on how to troubleshoot compiz?  I have set things to 3d cube, but nothing happens.21:58
ZykoticK9lorenz, right click channel name on left side, Setting, Hide Join Parts21:58
lorenzwinXPuser, ok :)21:58
Nick11202Does anyone know of compatibility with Razer products and Ubuntu/Linux?21:58
Ken8521lorenz, i believe its in the program prefs.21:58
Nick11202My Razer mouse doesn't like to work.21:58
penguin42plecebo: It should work - but always backup21:58
gartralhow does one rerout audio in a REALTEK HDA SOUND CArd?21:58
FishsceneTom: You need to activate Cube Rotate21:58
ZykoticK9Wulfy, you might want to try http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm - never used it myself though21:58
plecebooh nick1121:58
lorenzZykoticK9, thanks so much21:58
winXPuserTomV-415 -> #compiz ?21:59
ZykoticK9Wulfy, sorry21:59
Nick11202Yes plecebo?21:59
chrometigeranyone know if there is a fix for Avant window Nav in 10.0421:59
esczzpenguin42 not really, running it on other monitor.its some verbatim 8gb stick, worked well with 9.1021:59
bobbyyuI can't import any songs on Rhythmbox.21:59
WulfyZykoticK9, thanks for the info on joins bud :D21:59
ZykoticK9Wulfy, , right click channel name on left side, Setting, Hide Join Parts21:59
TomV-415Fishscene: I did...21:59
aciculaWulfy, lorenz /set irc_conf_mode 121:59
pleceboi have a razer lacesis and it works but i mean i wasnt using special drivers or anything21:59
lorenzacicula, already got it :) right click on chanel and go to settings21:59
marguerite001help please21:59
rushingadavidemux has an option to convert videos to PSP compatibility but when i put the videos in the PSPs video folder they dont show up when i turn on the PSP21:59
FishsceneTomV-415: Did you check your bindings?21:59
Nick11202Plecebo: My DiamondBack 3G stops working after ~10 minutes of use.21:59
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Wulfyacicula, thanks bud but i always prefair client based options as i dont like passing commands i dont know to servers :D22:00
marguerite001how do you bridge an internet connection on ubuntu 9.10 ?22:00
TomV-415Fishscene: good point.. that may have goten munged.22:00
bobbyyuShould I ask the question here?22:00
ActionParsnip!ics | marguerite00122:00
ubottumarguerite001: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:00
RickFisherHello All22:00
pleceboi wouldnt know :( have you asked the razer tech fourms22:00
tachirook facepalm of the day: thanks for the menu help, the edit option is much handier than i thought it would be, totally overlooked it22:00
Nick11202No, can you link me to it?22:00
Fishscene!ask | bobbyyu22:00
ubottubobbyyu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:00
Wulfyis it possible for ubuntu to bong two connections as one?22:00
pleceboi asked for mouse feet in a customer comment and the next two months they had them out WOOT22:01
Typhso... this is now the lucid chan, right?22:01
FishsceneTyph: Yes22:01
bobbyyuI just upgraded the system to 10.4 and now I can't get Rhythmbox to open music files.22:01
RyanPWulfy: Like two connections, connected to the same switch?22:01
Typhcongrats on 10.04! :D22:01
Xisto75Hi, anyone running ubuntu in a macintel?22:01
leon__multi seat on lucid can anyone help22:01
FishsceneXisto75: I am in a Virtualbox Virtual Machine. Works perfectly :D22:02
Wulfyryanp as in 2 differnt networks bonded togther (eth0 and wifi for instance) and using both as if one22:02
pleceboi have a g4 ibook22:02
maria_Just installed 10.04 - no internet connection.....22:02
pleceboruns ubuntu22:02
RickFisherHow do I get Monitors under preferences to detect my dual monitors? The button detect does nothing. I am using the default driver and it worked fine yesterday.22:02
bgreatI need help with 10..4 LTS.  Unable to install gnustep-devel due to missing gorm.app dependency.  Any suggestions?22:02
RickFishermaria_, Laptop?22:02
Xisto75Fishscene: I have it on fusion but Iwant 2 dualboot22:02
minimecRickFisher: HAve you activated both devices?22:02
maria_Comapq MIni 730EO22:02
BitProcessorcan't get it to install on a lifebook E4010 - Karmic Koala runs just fine... Lynx doesn't even install :(22:03
krosonHi everyone!!22:03
RyanPWulfy: I know it's possible to bond two connections, for speed and such..  is this helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding22:03
axolotewoohoo! finally was able to boot live in Lucid with a workaround for the i855 graphics card issue! now to install and change grub permanently. **gulp**22:03
leon__how can i set up 2 keyboards and two mice  under lucid22:03
chrometigerwhats the command to get win32codecs    for 10.0422:03
lorenzwow allot of people have problems with lynx :)22:03
krosonHow do i fix the screen resolution issue with plymouth, using the nvidia proprietary driver?22:03
krosonplz help!22:03
Wulfythanks ryanp ill have a gander22:03
maria_Seems like it lacks the b43-drivers....?22:03
KaiForcewhy is apply greyed out when I try to manually set IP addy (lucid)22:03
maria_Thought it would be included22:04
Krionicgogeta still here?22:04
esczzpleeeease god let me boot ubuntu, i do not want ending up on installing BSD or worse WHS :O :(22:04
krosonHow do i fix the screen resolution issue with plymouth, using the nvidia proprietary driver?22:04
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Xisto75Problem is: i burn ubuntu iso but redit does not sees it22:04
pleceboesczz have you tried other distros22:04
BitProcessorany news on a future fix for older intel graphics ?22:04
Ken8521BitProcessor, how old, mine works fine22:04
krosonHow do i fix the screen resolution issue with plymouth splash screen, using the nvidia proprietary driver?22:05
esczzplecebo : why?9.10 worked just well22:05
Xisto75And mac shows Cd as blank, but windows sees it ok22:05
randalHi i just installed ubuntu 10.04 And when my computer boots the resolution is messed up its relay big how do i fix this22:05
RickFisherrandal, Preference then Monitor22:06
plecebowhat are you running xisto7522:06
Wulfyryanp hmmm that link has some very intresting info.... bookmarked for later indepth reading many thanks22:06
pleceboppc or intel22:06
randalRickFisher, I mean the boot splahs is messed up my desktop res is perfect22:06
Xisto75Trying to dualboot ubuntu 10.4 on a macintel22:07
krosonrandal: are you using the nvidia proprietary driver?22:07
krosonif you are, thats the reason22:07
krosonits a bug with plymouth afaik22:07
krosonrandal: or the ati one...22:07
plecebooh nvm i have no experiance with intel macs :(22:07
Xisto75But the cd is not recognized on boot22:07
mikal_pHi ! I was trying to install adobe flash 64 bit on Ubuntu 10 (64 bit) but i can not. Can you help me please ? Firefox always warns that flash has not installed yet :(22:08
randalkroson, im useing the nivida driver i have a 8800 gts 512 mb22:08
plecebowhat iso did you burn22:08
gartralhow does one rerout audio in a REALTEK HDA SOUND Card22:08
myeyespySecond mikal_p22:08
Xisto75The 64 desktop22:08
krosonrandal: thats the cause, i also have an nvidia and thats an issue22:08
esczzis there some crazy thing in 10.04 installer that might killed my stick?:S22:08
krosonim also looking for a fix on it22:08
krosonif anyone here could help...22:08
KaiForcewhy is apply greyed out when manually setting my IP address22:08
randalkroson,  do you know of a solution for it yet?22:08
krosonno :S22:09
krosonbut this is ugly like it is now22:09
randalkroson, k22:09
tsoloxhi..anyone know how to persist /etc/resolv.conf during a reboot?22:09
winXPuserKaiForce, because you did not enter the full ip? it waits for more characters?22:09
plecebowhat kinda mac is it22:09
Xisto75Placebo: I believe it's a mac issue since on vmware it works fine22:09
underDoes USB Creator burn Windows's ISOs rightly?22:09
plecebolike macbook or imac22:09
randalDoes anyone know how to fix the boot splash resolution from being bigger then it should22:09
winXPuserunder ->  ##windows22:10
myeyespymikal_p: to get flash working on x64 copy the following in a terminal: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:10
winXPusernot sure22:10
plecebooh k22:10
KaiForcewinXPuser:  no, full IP, mask, and gw provided22:10
ratcheerkroson: randal it is not so much a bug as an incompatibility between the proprietary drivers and plymouth.22:10
duongthaihai am quite new to ubuntu22:10
zaxonspoxhello ,whats correct the openoffice channel?22:10
randalratcheer, thats what i figured do you have any ideas on how to fix this problem22:10
TomV-415Any suggestions on how to 'reset' my compiz manager?? All 3d and effects are gone, even though I can configure them.  I'm living in flatland.22:10
Xisto75Placebo: MacBook pro 5,122:10
winXPuserzaxonspox #openoffice22:10
Alienarc 22:10
krosonratcheer: is there a solution for it?22:10
duongthaihaanyway have used the remote desktop viewer??22:10
krosonits the only "issue" that i have with lucid22:10
mikal_pmyeyespy:  is it enough22:11
sainHello all. Upgrading to ubuntu 10.04 via synaptic. Will i keep ubuntuSTUDIO packages untouched?22:11
krosonother than that, it is perfect xD22:11
winXPuser!anyone | duongthaiha22:11
ubottuduongthaiha: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:11
myeyespyyes mikal_p, worked for me22:11
smtTomV-415: compiz --replace22:11
winXPuser<sain>Hello all. Upgrading to ubuntu 10.04 via synaptic. Will i keep ubuntuSTUDIO packages untouched? I think yes22:11
TomV-415smt: Thanks I'll look into that.22:11
randalkroson, Ya same with me that my only plublem but im mad about the themes they got rid of22:11
krosonrandal: i am not, i didnt like them22:12
myeyespyGive a shout if it didn't work, has worked for everyone I know but there are other ways to get it to work mikal_p22:12
KaiForcewhen I try to manually set my IP address, the option to apply is greyed out.  Ubuntu does not prompt me to enter my password to make changes.  How to set the IP address?22:12
test34No more bluetooth with 10.04 ?22:12
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org22:12
smtcan anyone just tell me howto reactivate my numlock on gnome login? (the only thing that broke with lucid upgrade for me)22:12
duongthaihawell i save the remote destop viewer but i can not save the username22:12
ratcheerrandal: There is a major thread on ubuntuforums. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1416872 Its over 50 pages, so prepare for some wading.22:12
randalkroson, i like the new human theme from 9.1022:12
jhamboIs it correct that nepomukservices should be using almost _2 gigs_ of RAM even when not indexing!?22:12
andaiHi. In VLC's playlist I can't drag tracks up and down (annoying as hell). Any ideas?22:12
TomV-415smt: THAT DID THE TRICK!! Very cool.. Thanks!22:12
mikal_pmyeyespy: i installed it now. im lookinf for firefox please wait..22:12
TomV-415(actually, just compiz)22:12
zaxonspoxthere is one person on #openoffice, so can somebody help me with OLE Obj in OpenOffice?22:12
sainreally like studio but want to upgrade to 10.04. I'll give it a try22:12
randalratcheer, thanks lol i dont liek reading22:12
plecebowhat are you thorowing on it XIso22:13
winXPuserzaxonspox sorry it is #openoffice.org22:13
randalkroson, <ratcheer> randal: There is a major thread on ubuntuforums. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1416872 Its over 50 pages, so prepare for some wading.22:13
TomV-415I'm so happy to have that 3d feeling again :-)22:13
krosonthanks ratcheer and randal22:13
smtyeah, i can understand that TomV-41522:13
myeyespyAfter upgrading I have to leftclick on icons to right in gnome and select open from menu to open them, any way to revert to the way it was where single left click opened them?22:13
penguin42smt: Try system->preferences->keyboard preferences->layout options22:13
TomV-415Anyone have a favorite feature of 10.4?  I'm probably going to put off the upgrade for a while.22:13
KaiForcetl;dr - manually set IP address, no option to apply.  can fix?22:13
randalkroson,  im not looking forward to reading 50 pages22:14
penguin42TomV-415: Fast boot and shutdown22:14
Xisto75Reddit to dualboot but the burned cd is not recognized22:14
myeyespyBoot time TomV ;)22:14
magn3tsWhy is #ubuntu+1 invite only?22:14
bobersongreets all22:14
pleceboxisoto75 what are you thorowing on it22:14
bobersonquestion about partition... I uninstalled Windows 7 dual boot with XP and the main partition still shows "Windows 7 loader" even though I reset boot partition with XP??22:14
TomV-415penguin42: that's compelling indeed.  How much of a change did you see?22:14
penguin42TomV-415: Massive22:14
Viper1432magn3ts, that channel is technically "down" until meerkat starts up.22:14
duongthaihathis room is so quick i couldnt read all of those message??22:14
MaT-dgwhat is the fix again for the left mouseclick on flash?22:14
bobbyyuOK guys another problem: how can I get the visual effects that I did from 9.10 and back?22:15
TomV-415penguin42: I like it.  Very nice.22:15
bobbyyuLike fading effects22:15
andaiMaT-dg you on x64?22:15
mikal_p 22:15
MaT-dgandai: yes22:15
Xisto75_plecebo: Throwing what? Can' t understand...22:15
pleceboxisoto75 what are you thorowing on it22:15
magn3tsViper1432, aw, I wanted to drop in and congratulate everyone that worked on Lucid22:15
plecebo9.10 10.0422:15
KaiForcecan you manually set IP in lucid?  how?22:16
Xisto75_ ubuntu 10.04 desktop 64 amd22:16
wadbobbyyu, did you use compiz? If you want effects, that's the technology!22:16
winXPuserMaximB hi22:16
bobbyyuOK thanks.22:16
MaximBhow do I install flash10 on the latest ubuntu 64-bit ?22:16
winXPuserduongthaiha, just ask your question, what is the problem?22:16
smtpenguin42: hmm, no that didnt help22:16
vondererhi. is there a way to disable edge resistance in gnome?22:16
myeyespyMaximB: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:16
krosonMaximB: go to synaptic and install the 64 bit version22:16
krosonby searcing for flash22:17
bobbyyuIt's installed into my system, but how do I enable it?22:17
Nick11202Does anyone know if Razer products with with 10.04?22:17
andaikroson: I got it from ppa http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu/ karmic main22:17
krosonthere should be the 64-bit version, which is more stable and responsive22:17
aciculaKaiForce, right click the network applet -> edit connections and then select the network interface you want to edit the network settings from22:17
andaikroson: Have they fixed it in the main repos already?22:17
FishsceneIs it possible to install Ubuntu 32-bit, then upgrade/change to Ubuntu 64-bit?22:17
progre55hi people! flash player not working properly on lucid 64bit with compiz enabled. any suggestions, please?22:17
mikal_pmyeyespy: it is working fine and for firefox and for opera :) thank you! can you tell me why some opeople installing it like this ? : http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/22:17
ade2_When I try to install from the Server CD, It starts to go for a while, then says: Please insert the disk labeled: 'Ubuntu-Server 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100427.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter.22:17
andaihaha another one22:17
krosonFishscene: no :S22:17
vondereris there a way to disable edge resistance in gnome?22:18
mikal_pmikal_p: im trying to install it  for 2 days :(22:18
winXPuserade2_ i assume disk is already there, just hit enter?22:18
RickFisherHow do I get Monitors under preferences to detect my dual monitors? The button detect does nothing. I am using the default driver and it worked fine yesterday.22:18
Fishsceneok Thanks22:18
aciculaFishscene, no that is not possible22:18
tethridgeis there a way to add a resolution to the system settings?  I have an nvidia quattro card that should support 1900x1200, but that doesn't show up as an option in the resolution combo box.22:18
wadbobbyyu, I don't know about Lucid, but under Karmic I installed CompizConfig Settings Manager. Find it on synaptic.22:18
aciculaFishscene, only by reinstalling22:18
=== Xisto75_ is now known as Xisto75
krosonFishscene: you need to reinstall ubuntu22:18
winXPusermikal_p, what is the problem?22:18
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myeyespyRickFisher, you use nvidia or ati gpu?22:18
ade2_winXPuser,  yeah, i hit enter, and nothing.22:18
hamlid1i've updated from 910 to 1004 and now my video performance is awful...is there an easy solution?22:18
canavarhi. what happened to netbook launcher in the latest UNR?22:18
krosonandai: i dont know, im using 32-bit now22:18
MaT-dgprogre55: is the problem left mouseclick?22:18
ade2_winXPuser, it just keeps redisplaying the same message.22:18
mikal_pwinXPuser:  no problem at the moment. we solved with myeyespy .22:18
Nick11202Does anyone know if Razer products with with 10.04?22:18
krosonbut i read there was the 64-bit package at synaptic22:19
krosoncant confirm though22:19
canavaris there a way to switch back?22:19
test34hamlid1, video driver ?22:19
aciculatethridge, in nearly all cases X should detect the resolution from the lcd monitor, what is the output from xrandr in a console, and does your monitor support that resolution/are the right drivers loaded22:19
xapelcan I stop empathy from automatically scrolling to the bottom?22:19
winXPuserade2_ remove the cd hit enter insert the cd hit enter again22:19
vondereris there a way to disable edge resistance in gnome?22:19
progre55MaT-dg: well, like, pause doesnt work on youtube for instance22:19
andaikroson: on a system that supports x64? [why?]22:19
smto_O Where did /etc//etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default go to?22:19
winXPuservonderer what is  edge resistance ?22:19
minimecbobbyyu: also install simple-cssm. Otherwise you don't have the Custom option ithe Appearance>visualEffects section22:19
test34Rythmbox is very buggy, is it still used in 10.04 ?22:19
tethridgeacicula, I'm using the recommended nvidia driver and the monitor does support that resolution22:19
pleceboxisoto75 heres a short disscussion posted 1 day ago on compatiblity with 10.0422:19
ade2_winXPuser, when i tried to install from the alternate CD, I got the same problem.  And no, ejecting the CD and reinserting makes no difference.  To be honest, I don't hear it accessing the CD, I don't think it is.22:19
krosonandai: why what?22:19
krosonim using the 32-bit ubuntu22:20
hamlid1thats what i was thinking but i'm not too sure what to do...i have an ati card and i'm downloading fglrx driver... how do i enable it>22:20
krosonthats what i meant22:20
Nick11202Does anyone know if Razer products with with 10.04?22:20
MaT-dgprogre55: can u interact with anything at all? change volume, change quality, turn on/off captions etc...?22:20
aciculatethridge, whats the max resolution you can set?22:20
krosonso i cant test the 64-bit flash22:20
IsmAvatarsmt: /etc/gdm/Init/Default22:20
winXPuserade2_ your specs, is cd drive supported?22:20
andaikroson: I'm asking if you COULD be using x64 on the computer where you are using x32, and if so, why you are using x32 instead of x64 :P22:20
pleceboso someones got it on there mac but ill see if i can find something22:20
acicula!hi | skhismos22:20
ubottuskhismos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:20
krosonandai: only 2gb of ram22:20
smtthanks IsmAvatar22:20
tethridgeacicula, 1280x96022:20
krosonso no compensation22:20
vondererwinXPuser, it’s when you move window to the edge of the screen and it stops there for a couple of pixels22:20
Nick11202Does anyone know if Razer products with with 10.04?22:20
progre55MaT-dg: oh, apparently nope =) nothing22:20
myeyespykroson: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:20
test34andai, you get more problems with x64, that is one reason22:20
progre55MaT-dg: just watch :)22:21
aciculatethridge, odd resolution, are you using an external monitor on a laptop?22:21
MotherMGAhi, I'm using ubuntu 10.4 and my sound is extremely soft. almost not audible and I have all of my sound sliders to the max.  how can I fix it?22:21
krosonand there are some plugins (like veetle) that only work on 32-bit ubuntu for me22:21
vondererwinXPuser, almost like snapping, but the edge is not «sticky», it just doesn’t let window to move past the edge for some pixels22:21
winXPuseromg... Nick11202 what is Razer?22:21
MotherMGAI have Sony Viao E series laptop.22:21
krosonmyeyespy: tks, but ive already used restricted-extras22:21
MaT-dgprogre55: same problem as me: left mouse not working, there is a fix for that though, trying to find it22:21
chazcoThe Ubuntu 10.04 live cd is unable to boot on my PC. You get a misformed X11 splash screen followed by a message saying that an unrecoverable error occurred. Any ideas?22:21
Nick11202winXPuser Razer is a brand of gaming mouses/keyboards22:21
wadvonderer, did you try pushing down on the mouse while dragging it? Could be that there's a sticky spot on your mousepad.22:21
ade2_winXPuser, Old Dell precision 360, the CD rom is what I installed 9.10 with, and indeed it does seem to start 10.04, it says it is something like 60% done before the message comes up.22:21
minimecMotherMGA: Is that a normal soundcard or something via usb?22:21
winXPuservonderer have a look in system menu, preferences submenu, many useful stuff there22:22
penguin42chazco: What hardware? Try booting with nomodeset22:22
pleceboacually i would post a message to undoit the maker of that post and ask him personally :) ? maybe ?22:22
winXPuser!google Razer22:22
MaT-dgprogre55: as a temporary workaround you can hold right mouse button and then leftclick on things22:22
MotherMGAminimec: its internal audio.22:22
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:22
tethridgeacicula, if I set the setting to auto it picks 1024x768.  The monitor is a workstation level 24" HP monitor.  The machine is an old Dell 2.8 Ghz.  Card is Quadro NVS 280 SD22:22
myeyespykroson: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141459522:22
KaiForceacicula:  thanks but the apply button goes "grey" when i change to manual22:22
pleceboxisoto75 you get that?22:22
chazcopenguin42 - It's a self-build (mostly), nothing unusual. All of the hardware worked fine with 9.10. What does the nomodeset option do?22:22
KaiForceis there a workaround for that?22:22
penguin42chazco: What graphics?22:23
Nick11202Does razer have a support phone number?22:23
aciculaKaiForce, you need to fill out the appropriate forms22:23
RickFishermyeyespy, I am using the default drivers22:23
MotherMGAminimec: in sound preferences, I have two devices; internal audio device and manhatten hdmi audio22:23
vondererwad, everything’s ok whith my mouse. at the edge of the screen there some resistance, which blocks window from moving past it for a few pixels22:23
MaT-dgprogre55: hold on, think I found it, going to test22:23
minimecMotherMGA: Check the 'Connector': settings in the new Volume-Control-Applet in the preferences. It's under Hardware22:23
chazcopenguin42 - Something nvidia based... not too old, not too new22:23
KaiForceacicula:  done.  not missing any vitals.22:23
RickFishermyeyespy, but I actually have Nvidia card22:23
pleceboill check there site should have one22:23
vondererwinXPuser, if I found it there, I wouldn’t come here, thanks22:23
penguin42chazco: Upgrade or new install?22:23
progre55MaT-dg: I had the same thing in karmic, but then I downloaded a beta flashplayer 10.1 for 64bit on labs.adobe.com and placed it under some path.. but now it's not working either. Mozilla doesnt see the flashplayer at all when I put the same libflashplayer.so in it's plugins dir22:23
smthmm sad lucid upgrade didnt fix my acpi problem too22:23
myeyespyRickFisher, so you are not using nvidias closed drivers?22:23
chazcopenguin42 - It would be a new Ubuntu install if I could get the CD to boot22:23
minimecMotherMGA: exactly there... Check if you can change the output connector of the device...22:23
VigoNick11202: Still looking,22:23
xapeldoes anyone know how to get BBC-iplayer (the browser version) working in Lucid?22:24
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andaiCould someone on Karmic x64 see if they can rearrange items in the VLC playlist? I can't for a few weeks now22:24
winXPuserNick11202 http://help.razersupport.com/us-en/products.asp22:24
minimecMotherMGA: Sorry: Connector is in the Output Section22:24
aciculaKaiForce, filled out an ip adress and selected add?22:24
MotherMGAminimec: in system->preferences->sound?22:24
Nick11202winXPuser they don't officially suppor linux/unix22:24
KaiForceacicula:  correct22:24
penguin42chazco: Do you have the closed nvidia drivers installed? Post upgrade I think some people have had to install22:24
VigoNick11202: Here> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input22:24
RickFishermyeyespy, No it worked fin with default until I messed somethign up and there is no Xorg.conf file22:24
winXPuserNick11202, oh22:24
minimecMotherMGA: No the preferences dialog of the volume-contorl-applet in the pannel on the upper right.22:24
ratcheerMotherMGA: Problems with sound in Flash?22:24
chazcopenguin42 - Nvidia-settings on 9.10 says it's a Geforce 6200LE22:24
KaiForceacicula:  that worked just fine, but apply still grey (also supplied dns servers)22:25
penguin42chazco: I'd reinstall the nvidia drivers - take them out, but them back?22:25
myeyespyRickFisher, only tried multi-screens with closed so can't help ;/22:25
progre55MaT-dg: any luck?22:25
Nick11202vigo how do I use this?22:25
masu3701how can i keep people off my network?22:25
chazcopenguin42 - They're installed on the 9.10 version, but since the CD doesn't boot sucesfully I cant do anything22:25
KaiForceany way to invoke the network dialog with sudo?22:25
aciculatethridge, are you running the standard driver or did you enable hardware drivers, do you get the same max resolution with both drivers, and is that a no to the is it a laptop? im assuming its connected via dvi or a vga/dvi converter?22:25
winXPusermasu3701, what network?22:25
minimecMotherMGA: Check the hardware and the output section.22:25
RickFishermyeyespy, are you running 10.422:25
penguin42chazco: What error are you getting on the CD?22:25
masu3701wireless network22:25
myeyespyRickFisher yes22:25
VigoNick11202: That is the Ubuntu 10.04 Razer Wiki22:25
plecebonick they got a chat system in the top right hand corner i would see if you can use that22:25
pleceboother wise email there tech support22:26
aciculaKaiForce, err thats odd, it should work that way just fine, (does here anyway), you'll have to fiddle a bit :/22:26
chazcopenguin42 - It just says an unrecoverable error occured and that i'll be dropped to a desktop... which doesnt happen.22:26
MaT-dgprogre55: well,  I found the fix I used in 9.10 but it doesn't seem to work in 10.0422:26
Nick11202Aww, the only razer config there is for the copperhead.22:26
winXPusermasu3701, you can set it to have a password I guess, is there an 'options' button, 'security' section in the prefwindow?22:26
penguin42chazco: Curious - tried another burn of the CD?22:26
aciculatethridge, also how are you setting the resolution higher, and if you open a console and type xrandr what resolutions does it report22:26
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:26
chazcopenguin42 - Nope, but the same happened on beta 2... i hoped it would be fixed by now22:26
penguin42chazco: Oh, more interesting22:27
Supermini_manIt is possible to update the Beta 2 of 10.04 to the stable version?22:27
progre55MaT-dg: can you pass me the link, please?22:27
penguin42chazco: tried the server/alternate CD?22:27
MaT-dgprogre55: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-is-not-recognizing-mouse-clicks.html  -> method 122:27
VigoNick11202: Did you look at the bottom?22:27
FishsceneSupermini_man: Definitely22:27
Stavros-i just updated my ubuntu and now i am not able to log into windows22:27
Stavros-please help22:27
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as F|ReSTaRT
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)22:27
ratcheerSupermini_man: Yes. Just use apt-get to update, then safe-upgrade22:27
chazcopenguin42 - Not yet, connection here isn't up to downloading another CD, will have to wait22:27
winXPuserStavros- is windows listed on boot?22:27
Nick11202vigo the only one there isn't my mouse :(22:27
gushie_Is there a boot option I can enter on Lucid live CD (ubuntu desktop) to boot without X?22:27
=== F|ReSTaRT is now known as FiReSTaRT
Stavros-yes is listed in grub22:27
RickFisherHELP! Make ubuntu detect my monitors!22:28
[clay]Hey, I'm trying to install karmic (9.10) mini on a system using a usb wired network adapter, and the installer isn't detecting it - any idea on how to get it to detect it?22:28
icerootgushie_: no22:28
winXPuserRickFisher what is your monitor specs22:28
VigoNick11202: I tried, let us see if we can locate and resolve this.22:28
penguin42chazco: You could try booting and trying to remove splash/quiet from the boot line and see if there is any smoking gun22:28
Supermini_man@ratcheer Thanks. :)22:28
Stavros-winXPuser . is listed in Grub menu22:28
myeyespySince upgrading to 10.04 I must left click and the select open (before I just left clicked to open) programs in the taskbar, IE Transmission or Rythmbox. How do I change it back to opening them with 1 left click?22:28
iceroot[clay]: use lucid22:28
mikebotIn UNR how do I uninstall a program? This function seems very hidden...22:28
ratcheerSupermini_man: You're welcome.22:28
chazcopenguin42 - WIll have a go at tweaking the options but i've got the feeling this release has pushed it over the edge... one regression too many22:28
zaxonspoxis anybody familiar with OLE Objects in OpenOffice.org? (nobody answered me on #openoffice.org)22:28
winXPuserStavros-, what happens when you choose windows in the grub menu? some error message? what is its text?22:29
icerootmikebot: sudo apt-get remove packagename22:29
[clay]iceroot: the software I need doesn't detect it, which is frustrating, because lucid finds it :(22:29
acicula[clay], install ubuntu and update it :/, which helps you little. Lucid may support it at install, but a wired installation will give better results probably22:29
gushie_OK, I have upgraded to Lucid and X won't start now (intel bug), but I don't get a grub menu when I boot. What options do I have?22:29
mikeboticeroot: Is there a way to do it outside of the terminal?22:29
aciculagushie_, does it ask you to pres escape?22:29
ama1hello i try to install - usb-creator / but i have this bug E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall any help22:29
[clay]err software doesn't support lucid, but lucid detects the adapter heh22:29
penguin42chazco: The biggest change on this version is the plymouth boot stuff and also KMS kernel mode switching; booting with nomodeset will stop the second I think22:29
gushie_acicula: No. I've tried pressing escape at various points but no joy :(22:29
icerootmikebot: i guess there is synaptic on UNR but never used it22:29
Stavros-winXPuser . nothing happen , just wait and wait while some cursos is in the top of the screen, hard drives doesnt seem to work,22:29
chazcopenguin42 - Got to go, thanks for the help. :)22:29
MotherMGAminimec: in hardware, if I enable HDMI audio, sound stops. in the output tab, changing the connector doesn't change anything with the volume.  Its still extremely quiet.22:29
VigoNick11202: The Razor Copperhead?22:30
IsmAvatargushie_: if it's just the display not working, you could try [Ctrl+]Alt+F(1-6)22:30
aciculagushie_, boot the rescue cd and use it to recover the system22:30
Nick11202vigo I have the Diamondback 3G22:30
winXPuserStavros-, so you just stay on the grub menu even though you clicked windows?22:30
egcgushie_, you could boot from the cd and mount the harddrive22:30
=== Tcalp- is now known as Tcalp
mikeboticeroot: Do you know how to access it?22:30
gushie_egc: Can't boot from CD, that hangs at same point. IsmAvatar. Laptop hangs, no virtual consoles22:30
minimecMotherMGA: You have to set it to internal on hardware and the try to play around with the profiles in the hardware section22:30
VigoNick11202: Bluetooth?22:31
aciculagushie_, i mean you can use it to boot the installation into a root shell/recovery mode type thing, that way you get a console at least22:31
Nick11202vigo Wired22:31
icerootmikebot: type it in the terminal to see if it is installed22:31
MaT-dgprogre55: it seems to work on youtube's new videoplayer but not on the old one22:31
Stavros-winXPuser i choose windows , then the screen turns black, the grub meu dispappear and the only thing in the screen is some cursor22:31
mikeboticeroot: And how do I know what the package names are? I want to remove GIMP and Thunderbird.22:31
pleceboxisoto left i couldve relly just helped him22:31
aciculagushie_, you cant boot the installcd, how did you install ?22:31
gushie_acicula: I upgraded from karmic22:31
mikeboticeroot: sudo apt-get remove gimp / sudo apt-get remove thunderbird?22:31
icerootmikebot: sudo apt-get remove gimp thunderbird22:31
tethridgeacicula, I'm using the nvidia-settings app.  xrandr reports a maximum setting of 1280x960.22:31
mikeboticeroot: For the future, how do I figure out what the package names are?22:31
aciculagushie_, what graphics hardware?22:32
gartralhow does one rerout audio in a realtek HDA Card22:32
gushie_acicula: I downloaded CD image in the hope I could use it to rescue, but I can't find an option that boots without X22:32
aciculagushie_, can try a lucid alternate cd22:32
Stavros-winXPuser i choose windows , then the screen turns black, the grub meu dispappear and the only thing in the screen is some cursor22:32
egcgushie_, figure out what key is used to interrupt the grub autoboot22:32
icerootmikebot: apt-cache search searchstring  so apt-cache search gimp will show you the name gimp for the package22:32
gushie_acicula: Its the intel "known issue"22:32
mikeboticeroot: great, thank you22:32
progre55MaT-dg: yeah, the same here )22:32
icerootmikebot: also you can use  apt-cache search mailclient which will show you thunderbird, evolution and so on22:32
winXPuserStavros-, hmm.... interesting.22:32
Fishsceneegc: Isn't it "e"?22:32
gartralStavros-: sounds like you have grub pointed too the wrong partition22:32
aciculagushie_, i would guess you can specify it as a boot option at boot even with the livecd22:32
spreadsheetHi, anyone use empathy here?22:32
gushie_acicula: Yeah that was next, just running low on CD's so wanted to see if I had other option first22:32
iceroot!anyone | spreadsheet22:33
ubottuspreadsheet: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:33
mikeboticeroot: Also, one of my thunderbird folders has like 450+ mb of stuff, but when I remove it says it will only clear up 46mb22:33
egcgushie_, then use that to get into grub and edit the kernel line, and tell it to go into single user mode or whatever22:33
spreadsheetI can't connect to IRC w/ it. I have telepathy-idle22:33
spreadsheetOr whatever the package for empathy IRC support22:33
Stavros-gartral , the only thing ill choose during installation is to use the new grub, then i choose everything22:33
mikeboticeroot: The folder is like a hidden mail folder...22:33
icerootmikebot: correct, its only removing the program, not your personal data22:33
=== julianpeter is now known as jules
egci.e. non-graphical22:33
gushie_egc: That was my first question... what mode can I type in for single user mode22:33
Stavros-i updated mi ubuntu from 9 to 1022:33
RickFisheranyone help with Hp netbook not installing b43?22:33
aciculagushie_, single22:33
=== jules is now known as julianpeter
icerootmikebot: it should be in ~/.mozilla-thunderbird22:33
egclemme see22:33
MaT-dgprogre55: since there is 'TARGET_ARCH=i386' in that file maybe we should find a native 64bit flash player22:33
gartralStavros-: does gparted show any sign of an ntfs partition thats occupied?22:34
mikeboticeroot: Is there a way to make it remove all the folders that that program installed? I don't want hidden thunderbird folders all over my computer...22:34
RickFisherHow can I see just my questions?22:34
icerootmikebot: on karmic its there, so you can remove it with rm -rf ~/.mozilla-thunderbird22:34
mikeboticeroot: OK, so I can delete that folder?22:34
progre55MaT-dg: that's what I'm looking for.. on adobe.com :)22:34
winXPuser!anyone | RickFisher22:34
Stavros-gartral, where do i check that? still not an advanced user22:34
ubottuRickFisher: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:34
icerootmikebot: not personal-data files on your home, you can use sudo apt-get remove --purge programname  to also remove conffiles but not peronsal data22:34
winXPuserRickFisher give the specs and exact problem22:34
claptrapSo I've cleared out Flash 10, and now I'm trying to find and install Flash 9 for Lucid Lynx x64. My Googling is not getting me any results.22:35
icerootmikebot: if you dont want your thunderbird adressbooks, mails and so on, yes you can delete it22:35
VigoNick11202: Did you see the Razor Copperhead Tool?22:35
egcgushie_, looks like you just append "single" to the kernel line22:35
aciculagushie_, im not familiar with the intel known issue22:35
Nick11202vigo Yes I did22:35
mikeboticeroot: What about GIMP folders, do you know where those are?22:35
egcgushie_, "Single" actually, capital s22:35
gushie_acicula: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes22:35
minimecRickFisher: If your mail client is configured correctly, your messages should be colored and messages containing the nick RickFisher also. There would also be the possibility to ignore all join part and quit messages.22:35
icerootmikebot: sudo apt-get remove --purge gimp  will remove everything from gimp22:35
wadYou have to be able to read pretty fast to keep up with the stream of commentary rushing by in this channel. :)22:35
mikeboticeroot: You're going to hate me, but what about evolution and pidgin?22:35
Stavros-gartral i am cheking its says bootable22:35
mikeboticeroot: :)22:35
icerootmikebot: gimp dont have personal files in your home22:36
VigoNick11202: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RazerCopperHeadMouse , let me look on launchpad now.22:36
phoenixandthorWhy can't the final stable release of Ubuntu 10.04 detect flash drives? My printer and mouse work (both USB) but nothing along the lines of a storage device will work (tried USB HDD, three flash drives, and a DVD wrtier)22:36
mikeboticeroot: Oh, can I do the purge thing for removing any program?22:36
IcE^_people, i'm trying to compile somthing, and i'm getting errors, can someone please take a look? http://pastebin.com/7WFEG5Nh22:36
gartralStavros-: open applications>accessories>terminal and type "sudo apt-get install gparted" hit enter and it will ask for your password, dont freak when you see nothing is being typed, it's a security feature, not a bug.22:36
egcgushie_, "The user can interrupt the boot process and display the menu by holding down the SHIFT key until the menu displays. "22:36
mrfeltonHi. I upgraded Ubuntu today, and now I can't play any movies. Can't plat .vmx, .mkv. Can't even play a .avi. I've tried them all in Movie player, smplayer, and VLC.. Any ideas?22:36
CT1Hi. How/where can I find out about pulseaudio: have a laptop play through my desktop speakers?22:36
claptrapI'm trying to find and install Flash 9 for Lucid x64. My Googling is not getting me any results.22:36
aciculausett, thanx22:36
icerootmikebot: purge is for removing conffiles, but yes you can use it for every programm22:36
IcE^_every time i try and compile i can't get to the make part, the ./configure goes wrong22:36
Nick11202vigo: be right back.22:36
VigoNick11202: Ok22:36
gartralIcE^_: where are you running ./configure from?22:37
RickFisherminimec, I am using Xchat22:37
mikeboticeroot: Thank you.22:37
mrfeltonI've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but still nothing22:37
icerootmikebot: you are welcome22:37
progre55MaT-dg: hey man, fixed it22:37
minimecRickFisher: http://clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html22:37
Stavros-gartral doing it22:37
progre55MaT-dg: working like a charm =)22:37
IcE^_from the terminal in the directory of that thing22:38
MaT-dgprogre55: cool, tell me22:38
mrfeltonI've got libavutil-extra-49, libavcodec-extra-5222:38
progre55MaT-dg: with a native but alpha flashplayer from adobe for 64bit linux22:38
progre55MaT-dg: sec22:38
deeperrorIcE^_: did you try   apt-get install make22:38
minimecRickFisher: oups the linux client of xchat isn't mentioned...22:38
phoenixandthormrfelton: most movie problems are usually solved by installing VLC. I found Totem to be a piece of junk, and VLC plays nearly everything22:38
mrfeltonI've got libx264-85 also22:38
aciculaIcE^_, you can pastebin the error, but 9 out of 10 people do not install the dependencies or the dev versions of the dependencies listed in the README file22:38
gartralIcE^_: does the ./readme or source vomments say anything different?22:38
progre55MaT-dg: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- download this22:38
mikeboticeroot: Just so that I'm not completely scared, after I did that, I saw the terminal state something like "removing gnome-desktop"22:38
progre55MaT-dg: remove all your flashplayers, any installations22:38
minimecRickFisher: http://toxin.jottit.com/xchat_tips_&_tricks22:39
VigoNick11202: Here is a Hardware Page, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryHardware22:39
gartralIcE^_: ohh yea, try sudo apt-get install build-essentials22:39
claptrapI'm trying to find and install Flash 9 for Lucid x64, and not having a lot of luck.22:39
IcE^_what exactly is the function of apt-get deeperror ?, i need to understand it once22:39
mikeboticeroot: Sorry, "ubuntu desktop" and "gnome-power-manager"22:39
mrfeltonphoenixandthor, but as I said - I've tried all these different movies - that used to work before I upgraded - in totom, smplayer and VLC22:39
Bunburyhi all22:39
gushie_egc: Thanks, shift key worked22:39
progre55MaT-dg: kill firefox, and unpack the tar, put the libflashplayer.so file in .mozilla/plugins/22:39
icerootmikebot: for removing thunderbird or gimp?22:39
deeperrorIcE^_: my bad would be    sudo apt-get install make22:39
jggpcHello anyone here?22:39
BunburyI am getting system lockups since the last updates on Lucid22:39
Bunburyim using a intel gma hd22:39
joe__jggpc: no22:39
mikeboticeroot: sudo apt-get remove --purge evolution pidgin22:40
gartraldeeperror: be sure to point him to build-essentials, too!22:40
acicula!hi |jggpc22:40
ubottujggpc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:40
Michael__./server irc.osx86.hu22:40
mrfeltonBunbury, I second that.22:40
egcgushie_, np22:40
MotherMGAminimec: I've tried every combination of devices and connectors.  Nothing makes the sound audible22:40
icerootmikebot: can you post the output of  sudo apt-rdepends evolution  to pastebin?22:40
iceroot!paste | mikebot22:40
LinuxGuy2009Is the non-free VirtualBox for Karmic working on Lucid?22:40
ubottumikebot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:40
mrfeltonBunbury, Thunderbird 3 is unusable. Consumes 100% cpu all the time22:40
aciculaBunbury, is it reproducibel? does it happen with a particular program22:40
jggpcJust came on to report the 10.04 server x386 cd is jacked.  hangs on retrieving fs-core-mopdules-
icerootLinuxGuy2009: no22:40
mrfeltonacicula, thunderbird3 for me22:41
Bunburyno my graphics card driver22:41
Bunburycauses it22:41
Stavros-gartral /dev/sda1  ntfs  .... boot22:41
IcE^_when i did sudo apt-get install make i got E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)22:41
IcE^_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:41
Bunburysome memory leak22:41
MotherMGAminimec: I mean, I can barely hear it with headphones.  I can't tell if it works through speakers or not.22:41
Bunburythe rc worked fine22:41
mrfeltonnightmare! All day waiting for thunderbird 3 to 'index' my shit22:41
Bunburybut i upgraded yesterday with update manager22:41
julianpeteri installed 10.04 from cd without errors, but after the reboot it says "Gave up waiting for root device" and "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/*manynumbers* does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" any ideas how to fix this ?22:41
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:41
mikeboticeroot: SUre... it might have been that earlier I tried to update to 4.10 and there wasn't enough freespace (why I'm doing this), but the next time it said that there was a partial update. So maybe it was finishing that? One moment.22:41
Bunburytoday every 2 hours it locks up22:41
Guest33074pls help me ! ! ! ! !22:41
VirtualDisasteranyone have a md5sum of their download22:41
xapelPLEASE HELP. Can I stop empathy from automatically scrolling to the bottom?22:41
Stavros-gartral /dev/sda1  ntfs  .... boot --- please help22:41
jggpcJulian:  did you use the .86 server cd?22:41
VirtualDisasterjulianpeter, mine is having issues as well22:41
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>22:42
winXPusermaybe #empathy22:42
Guest33074i have set bug!!!!!! my set effect bug22:42
LinuxGuy2009!md5sum | VirtualDisaster22:42
ubottuVirtualDisaster: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:42
IcE^_whats the problem?22:42
mrfeltonBunbury, yeah.. I've restarted my machine more times today than in the last 2 months!22:42
julianpeterthe x86 desktop cd22:42
jggpcthe MD5SUM matches that on the Ubuntu site..22:42
aciculamrfelton, well its a switch from an old version to a new version of thunderbird, depending on your mail file size that can take awhile22:42
phoenixandthorAs I asked before, why aren't my flash drives being detected in 10.04? They don't show up in gparted, even after logging in as root22:42
minimecMotherMGA: Ok. Open <alt>f2 gstreamer-properties, then select alsa instead of default in the audio section and make some tests. You should hear a beep. Let's see if this is alsa or pulseaudio related.22:42
braxHey, I just installed lucid lynx on an old desktop, and apt won't install anything >:L22:42
VirtualDisasterLinuxGuy2009, already have that, ive downloaded ubuntu from torrents twice22:42
Guest33074my set effect bugged pls help me!!!!!!22:42
Nick11202vigo: Im back, I already saw that page.22:42
mrfeltonacicula, yeah - but its been going 8 hours (I think my mail size is about 2GB)22:42
VirtualDisasterand i have a torrent now that says complete but md5sum isnt the same22:42
aciculamrfelton, try letting it run i suppose22:43
mrfeltonacicula, but the problem is that it completly f**ks up the machine while its doing it22:43
mikeboticeroot: no need for pastebin: sudo: apt-rdepends: command not found22:43
IcE^_deeperror: whats that error mean, do you know?22:43
braxDoes anyone know why apt would have a problem with the lock file?22:43
LinuxGuy2009VirtualDisaster: md5sum comes out wrong or whats up?22:43
aciculamrfelton, heavy io will make the machine unresponsive yeah22:43
mrfeltonit should really have some throttling or something. this is just silly22:43
progre55MaT-dg: oh and btw, alternatively, you could put it under /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and it will work even for chrome and other browsers, as far as I know..22:43
icerootmikebot: hm22:43
egcbrax, do u have synaptic open?22:43
CheckMateHi just installed Lucid and my system clock is set for 12 Hour format, but Evolution is using a 24 Hour format.  In the preferences for evolution, i have the calendar feature set for 12 hour/system time.  My email times are still 24 hour format..what gives??22:43
Guest33074ice i really dont know...22:43
julianpeterand it is an scsi harddisk, but had successfully installed ubuntu 8 before, it worked fine22:43
progre55MaT-dg: and let me know if it actually works )22:43
aciculamrfelton, that'd be true22:43
chrometigerk 2 questions, One i accidently removed my vol control from panel how do i get it back, and Two, where do i change screen res    in 10.0422:43
LinuxGuy2009md5sum image.iso22:43
aciculamrfelton, you could try renicing it, but not sure if that affects the io load22:44
IcE^_i'll try to restart the computer22:44
Guest20927May  I get some help?22:44
Guest33074i have full furi and full furi muste give me 200 attack power.... but dont give22:44
svansiclenwhoa... busy in here22:44
mikeboticeroot: Should I just try to go ahead with the update?22:44
phoenixandthormrfelton, I too had thunderbird issues. Don't install the version from the repos, go directly to the Mozilla web site and download it from there22:44
jggpcis anyone else seeing the same issue for the server cd?22:44
IcE^_thanks everyone for the help22:44
Guest33074i restert22:44
braxchrometiger: I would assume that you could go into system>preferences>appearance, look for that setting there.22:44
MaT-dgprogre55: got it :)22:44
Guest33074but non cahange22:44
aciculaIcE^_, dont reboot22:44
* VirtualDisaster is having issues w/ ISO's as well22:44
LinuxGuy2009chrometiger: System->Preferences->Monitors22:44
progre55MaT-dg: did it work?22:44
braxAw darn I was close.22:44
aciculaif the db is busy it means apt-get is already running/updating behind the scene22:44
minimecMotherMGA: I guess you checked sound with different software. Try rhythmbox and a youtube flash video. rhythmbox uses the gstreamer framework, flash not.22:44
mrfeltonacicula, to be honest - I'm through with it now. Had enough. Just going to put a film on instead... but... any known problems with video after the upgrade? Because I can't play a thing22:44
VirtualDisastermade 2-3 coasters so far22:44
icerootmikebot: ah as i see its not installed by default on ubuntu-systems, i will have a look on it later22:44
FishsceneVirtualDisaster: Same22:44
IcE^_acicula: what should i do?22:44
* mrsun found the problem with his soundcard atleast22:45
VirtualDisasterFishscene, ah so its not me22:45
MaT-dgprogre55: yes, it works now :)22:45
VigoNick11202: Anything not recommended or approved by this distro I could not suggest, I am still looking though,,,22:45
mikeboticeroot: OK, that's fine. I'm just going to update.22:45
VirtualDisastererr so its not just me22:45
mrsunit wasnt supported in alsa 1.022 that ships with lucid22:45
aciculaIcE^_, wait until its done running i suppose, what is it doing anyway?22:45
mikeboticeroot: Thanks again for your help.22:45
FishsceneVirtualDisaster: What is your ISO problem?22:45
mrsunhad to update to 1.02322:45
braxLinuxGuy2009: Please tell me if you have any idea why my apt would have problems with its lock file?22:45
aciculaIcE^_, err what are you trying to do?22:45
MotherMGAminimec: I used totem to play an mp322:45
Guest20927May I get some help?22:45
progre55MaT-dg: awesome :)22:45
IcE^_i don't know acicula , how do i find out?22:45
LinuxGuy2009brax: Whats the exact error message?22:45
mrfeltonphoenixandthor, thanks. I'll try that22:45
aciculamrfelton, i havent had problems playing stuff here, gma4500/c2d22:45
Nick11202vigo: Thanks for all your help. I'm just going to go ahead and install, since my XP trial is almost out. I have other mouses.22:45
VirtualDisasterFishscene, the live cd part works, but when you install it fails at "copying files", says I/O error22:45
minimecMotherMGA: totem is gstreamer. Try to play a normal youtube flash video once.22:45
Guest20927Specifically, on how to get my live CD to boot.22:45
Stavros-hello friend, please help me , i just updated my ubuntu and now i am not able to login into windows22:45
IcE^_i tried to make irssi work with hebrew acicula22:46
mrfeltonacicula,  I've uninstalled all the restricted codes and reinstalled, but no change22:46
phoenixandthoranyone else have the USB storage device problem? Or am I the only one?22:46
Guest20927More specifically, on how to force the Vesa driver.22:46
LinuxGuy2009!grub2 | Stavros-22:46
ubottuStavros-: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:46
IcE^_but it seems very hard to do so22:46
mrfeltontried in vlc, totum, smplayer..22:46
trismCheckMate: Edit/Preferences/Mail Preferences/Headers/Date/Time Format, you can pick any format you want there22:46
aciculaIcE^_, consoles dont work very well with right to left oriented languages afaik, better off using xchat?22:46
julio_hi everybodu22:46
FishsceneVirtualDisaster: Is it at a specific % of the install? or is it random?22:46
julio_i have a question22:46
VirtualDisastermrfelton, i use fluendo codecs, works great22:46
LinuxGuy2009!ask | julio_22:46
ubottujulio_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:46
cipher_Does anyone know if i would be able to gain admin privileges to windows via ubuntu,im running wubi but my windows os got hit by a virus that basically snatched all admin rights and wont let me edit the systems config utility which has turned everything off so i cant change admin from the user accs22:46
aciculamrfelton, hmm what player are you using?22:46
VigoNick11202: You are most welcome, that is a thing that needs work though, now.22:46
VirtualDisasterFishscene, at a specific %, at the copying files part22:46
Stavros-thank you ubottu22:46
MotherMGAminimec: youtube is no dice22:46
Stavros-i will check22:46
Guest20927Lol, I'm not going to get any help with almost 2000 people here.22:46
FishsceneVirtuaDisaster: When you burn, I recommend using one of the lower burn speeds. It might help reduce burn errors if there are any.22:47
IcE^_i found a document that was written today about an hour ago about irssi and hebrew22:47
aciculaGuest20927, if you do not ask22:47
julio_how do i install skype22:47
Nick11202Vigo: I agree. I paid $80 for that mouse, and the keyboard I bought that is also razer works fine.22:47
mrfeltonacicula,  totom is a laugh.. it goes off searching for codecs, and never finds anything. For three different formats...22:47
Guest20927i asked multiple times.22:47
IcE^_someone published it22:47
chrometigerk how about getting my vol control back    whats is listed as in Add to panel menu ?22:47
mrfeltonwhere it it searching?!22:47
minimecMotherMGA: no dice? I don't understand that...22:47
Guest20927I even detailed my problem.22:47
tombooWhen i try to open a program (any program) for second time (when it is running), it is starting as minimized writing that opening program. it takes about 12 seconds and then it delete by itself. What it is about? Is this a bug ?22:47
Olsonjulio_, you go to the skype website and download the binary22:47
julio_how do i install skype at ubuntu .1022:47
aciculaIcE^_, consoles and the underlying system are not designed to deal with left to right languages, there are workarounds, but they are just that22:47
VirtualDisasterFishscene, cool, will do that next time, but ive still have issues w/ the ISO's not matching their md5sums/sha256sums22:47
MotherMGAminimec: no dice means it didn't work22:47
LinuxGuy2009cipher_: Maybe boot the live cd or use regular installation if your able to login and just mount the windows partition and edit whatever you want.22:47
aciculaIcE^_, err right to left22:47
mrfeltonacicula, I tried totm (or movie p[layer or whatever is the default on), vlc, and smplayer22:47
aciculamrfelton, they all refused to work?22:47
mrfeltonacicula, all opf them22:48
IcE^_yeah, i understood22:48
CheckMateTrism: thanks!22:48
jggpcChromo:  check for Audio Mixer22:48
aciculamrfelton, can you pastebin the output from mplayer?22:48
mrfeltonfor three differe3nt file formats - all these files worked yesterday!!!22:48
minimecMotherMGA: ok.22:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:48
FishsceneVirtualDissater: My MD5 Sum differed only by the last digit (It was a 4 instead of an 8), However, I beleive my sha256sum checked out. Maybe try downloading from torrents?22:48
red2kicHello world. My notify-osd is not working. Overal, what am I missing? A particular packages or do I have to invoke something?22:48
VirtualDisasterFishscene, did both times22:48
egcGuest20927, try doing a non-graphical install, then you can edit the x11 config on the harddisk22:49
minimecMotherMGA: I had similar problems with my two pairs of Logitech USB devices. I was able to handle the problems adjusting the pulseaudio settings in the volume-control applet.22:49
* VirtualDisaster tries again22:49
braxLinuxGuy2009: So what do you see there?22:49
cipher_LinuxGuy2009:correct,i can mount the windows os but the problem is im not sure what to edit in there to  get admin options back?22:49
FishsceneVirtualDisaster: I have no idea then =( Sorry mate. Maybe someone else can help you out.... or try downloading from Ubuntu.com directly.22:49
phoenixandthorOkay, I guess since my question is falling on deaf ears, I'll just have to try one of the other varients22:49
IcE^_i'll restart now and come back22:49
VirtualDisasterwill do22:49
VirtualDisasterthx brb22:49
IcE^_hope it will fix it22:49
phoenixandthorif the same problem keeps happening, then I will have to switch distros AGAIN22:49
mrfeltonacicula, I don't think I need a pastebin. 2 lines:22:49
LinuxGuy2009Guys if your md5sums dont match exactly then you either had a download error or you are not downloading the official torrent and your image may have been modified.22:49
mrfeltonmplayer Fringe.S02E16.HDTV.XviD-LOL.avi22:49
mrfeltonmplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libfaad.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:49
MotherMGAminimec: gstreamer frose up when I picked alsa22:49
braxLinuxGuy2009: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425505/22:49
adacupgrade server are so slow.... .822:50
red2kicmrfelton: Use VLC?22:50
egcadac: 4 real22:50
Guest20927egc, thanks for the response. How do I do that? I used unetbootin to prepare a flash drive BTW.22:50
FishsceneLinuxGuy2009: I just don't understand how my MD5 differed by 1 digit. It was my understanding that any change would make it wildly different.22:50
VirtualDisasterLinuxGuy2009, i got the torrent from ubuntu.com22:50
zzypoti have a dual boot with windows vista and ubuntu but i want to delete ubuntu how do i do this22:50
Guest20927egc, I don't get an options menu on boot BTW.22:50
LinuxGuy2009brax: if your trying to use apt  then make sure all other package managers are closed out. That the issue?22:50
adacubuntu needs a bittorent apt-get upgrade. that would be awesome22:50
adacegc, ^^22:51
aciculamrfelton, sudo apt-get install libfaad2 what does that say22:51
afeickMy indicator-applet-session used to show a textbox for inputting your chat/social status, but suddenly stopped. Anyone know why?22:51
mrfeltonacicula, vlc plays it, but I get audio only. And a popup with:22:51
mrfeltonNo suitable decoder module:22:51
LinuxGuy2009Fishscene: did you download the torrent file from ubuntu website?22:51
mrfeltonVLC does not support the audio or video format "XVID". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.22:51
jggpczzypot:  You'll need to reinstall the Windows loader in the MBR.  Google will help you there22:51
tomboocan someone tell me what is happening (on windows list panel) when you are trying to open the same software which is running ? For example when you are opening 5 times seperate .mp3 files with audacious?22:51
mrfeltonacicula, libfaad2 is already installed22:51
egcGuest20927, ah, I've got no experience with booting from flash drives; i always use discs22:51
FishsceneLinuxGuy2009: Yup. twice... and once from torrents. Same exact md5 sum on all of them.22:51
minimecMotherMGA: Hmmmm.... Do lspci and check the sound-chip, then google in combination with alsa or ubuntu. You may also find something using the vayo Model number in combination with ubuntu.22:51
minimecMotherMGA: lspci in a gnome terminal22:52
MotherMGAminimec: alsa says device in use; pulse audio says failed to connect to stream22:52
braxLinuxGuy2009: No, it isn't. :(22:52
antivirtelhello all, what can i do, when grub shell returns to this command: "find /boot/grub/stage1" that: "Error 15: File not found22:52
JetPackTuxedoalright, so I have no desktop manager right now (working on that problem), but I have the installation disc and am trying to install packages off of that, but it isn't automounting and I don't know where my disc drive is in /dev22:52
minimecMotherMGA: Logout/login, or simply reboot once.22:52
aciculamrfelton, well mplayer uses libfaad.so.2 => /usr/lib/libfaad.so.2 (0x00007f271b4bb000) here22:52
=== cpg|brb|away is now known as cpg
LinuxGuy2009 Fishscene: Whats the md5sum that your getting?22:52
aciculamrfelton, can you pastebin the output from ldd /usr/bin/mplayer?22:52
aciculaor totem or vlc22:52
Guest20927egc, I tried to turn off kernel mode setting and force it to use the VESA driver from the syslinux.cfg that unetbootin generates.22:53
duckdrogershello all, anybody know why it gives a gnome session in ubuntu netbook remix instead of the full overlay22:53
jggpcis there a specific server channel that can be joined?  it seems all here have desktop issues22:53
VirtualDisasterjggpc, #ubuntu-server22:53
mrfeltonacicula, gladly! http://pastebin.com/XYuEfd7w22:53
zzypotso should i delete the partion first jggpc22:53
antivirtelhello all, what can i do, when grub shell returns to this command: "find /boot/grub/stage1" that: "Error 15: File not found"?22:53
FishsceneI'm not next to the computer that has the ISO's. But it was exactly the same as the md5sum on the Ubuntu website, but the last digit was a 4. Whereas the last digit on the ubuntu website was 8.22:53
aciculaJetPackTuxedo, /dev/scd0 or cdrom ussually22:53
zzypotthen boot off a  live cd22:53
VirtualDisastermy md5 doesnt match but the sha does22:54
mrfeltonacicula, sorry... http://pastebin.com/ERhgmEmF22:54
duckdrogersmy mistake i should have mentioned, vnc gives a gnome session & not moblin. any way to fix? maybe the default xstartup thats being called?22:54
JetPackTuxedoacicula, hmmm... must be scd0. cdrom didn't work22:54
antivirtelwhat can i do, when grub shell returns to this command: "find /boot/grub/stage1" that: "Error 15: File not found"? please help22:54
oyoyWhat file do I edit to enable ctrl-alt-backspace to kill x?  this site online says /etc/X11/xorg.conf but i don't have that file22:54
Guest20927egc, Ubuntu doesn't get show anything besides some output when I turn off quiet splash.22:54
aciculamrfelton, well mplayer looks for the wrong libraries it seems22:54
FishsceneI think it's a safe bet to ignore the MD5 for now. Since the same ISO I burned worked perfectly fine in a virtual machine.22:54
egcGuest20927, yeah I'm not familiar with that22:54
mrfeltonacicula, purge and reinstall maybe?22:54
stimpieis it possible to use a second monitor over the network?22:55
LinuxGuy2009ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso (d044a2a0c8103fc3e5b7e18b0f7de1c8) & ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso (3e0f72becd63cad79bf784ac2b34b448)22:55
duckdrogersis there a netbook remix channel22:55
aciculamrfelton, does  file /usr/lib/libfaad.so.2.0.0  tell you its there and working?22:55
LinuxGuy2009duckdrogers: Your in it22:55
zzypotso if i wanted to uninstall ubuntu on my dual boot system i should delete the ubuntu partion first right22:55
smtoyoy go to system->preferences->keyboard and take a look, you can enable it there22:55
jack12345hello I am a new ubuntu user22:55
arcanos3030hello... Somebody using new ubuntu with old computer???22:55
Guest20927Anybody else familiar with getting Ubuntu to work under an intel chipset (i get a black screen when booting a live CD).22:55
thefifthsetpinWhich applet is used to select wireless networks?  I think it's on the gnome-panel by default, but I lost it.22:55
duckdrogersanybody ever run vnc on netbook remix?22:55
braxLinuxGuy2009: Did you think of any other reason it might not work?22:55
Fishscenearcanos3030: How old?22:55
VirtualDisasterthefifthsetpin, networkmanager22:55
mrfeltonacicula, it tells me: http://pastebin.com/NYKtZxVy22:55
LinuxGuy2009arcanos3030 ask your real question22:55
red2kicjack12345: Welcome. If you have anything you want to ask, ask away.22:56
oyoysmt thanks22:56
arcanos3030hp compaq nx900522:56
jack12345I just upgraded to 10.4 from older version and now the youtube website videos are not playing. Can anyone help?22:56
arcanos30306 years22:56
alteregoai got a 386, how can i install ubuntu?22:56
duckdrogersjack u need flash plugin22:56
aciculaGuest20927, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes does this apply to your chipset/case?22:56
MaT-dgstimpie: in a duallscreen config?22:56
duckdrogersgoto adobe22:56
braxjack12345: You need to install flash.22:56
icerootjack12345: sudo apt-get install flashpplugin-nonfree22:56
LinuxGuy2009brax: Hmm no idea sorry. Maybe check LaunchPad to see if there is a known problem maybe?22:56
afeickMy indicator-applet-session used to show a textbox for inputting your chat/social status, but suddenly stopped. Anyone know why?22:56
Guest20927acicula: Thanks for the reply, I will see.22:56
antivirtelwhat can i do, when grub shell returns to this command: "find /boot/grub/stage1" that: "Error 15: File not found"? please help!!22:56
alteregoai rather to use google chrome, those spastofox is not very fast22:56
jack12345oh thanks iceroot - how do i do that?22:56
misamanusan i setup with dynamic ip in ubuntu22:56
IcE^_acicula: i did sudo apt-get make install and it said make is the latest version22:56
stimpieMaT-dg, one local display, and one display connected to another machine via a network connection22:56
icerootjack12345: type that in the terminal22:56
misamanuscan i setup a server with dynamic ip in ubuntu22:57
icerootmisamanus: yes22:57
zzypotcan someone help me uninstall ubuntu22:57
mrfeltonlittle sidenote, but notice how it renamed Storage to Storage_ in the upgrade too.. tom@yogaflame:/media/Storage_/Downloads/Fringe S02E16 HDTV XviD LOL22:57
icerootzzypot: delete the partition22:57
aciculamrfelton, well the magic errors are weird, but seems your codecs are there but your players are a bit confused about their location, purging and reinstalling may help. Did you upgrade to lucid or from the beta/rc?22:57
=== melik` is now known as melik
zzypotso delete the partition and22:57
jack12345iceroot : again what?22:57
aciculaIcE^_, yes that is the expected behaviour22:57
misamanusiceroot, and how is that I already have account from dydns22:57
duckdrogersso what command can i call to run the nbr ui instead of gnome in a vnc xstartup22:57
zzypotthe boot loader will be gone22:57
jack12345this screen scrolls to fast :)22:57
mrfeltonacicula, no - from 9.1022:57
An_Ony_Mooseis there a way to remap the keyboard so F14 sends sysrq instead? (yes, :(, it's an apple keyboard)22:57
IcE^_but still it says somthing about the GLIB not being in the path when i do ./configure22:57
ennui_is there a way to have folder colors like in OSX with gnome's file browser?22:57
duckdrogerszzypot: just get a new livecd or whatever u think ur gonna do22:57
icerootjack12345: open up a terminal (alt +f2 and type gnome-terminal) there you can use terminal commands like "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree)22:58
MaT-dgstimpie: with the same behaviour as if you would attach the second monitor directly on the videocard?22:58
zzypotyes but do i need to delete it before i put in the live cd22:58
IcE^_it says it all in the paste bin i posetd22:58
Olsonmisamanus, you need to get the client to update DynDNS with your WAN ip22:58
aciculamrfelton, you can do apt-get install purge (or install --reinstall) but the latter doesnt purge existing configuraiton files22:58
mrfeltonacicula, I have the medibunto repo enabled, if that matters22:58
LinuxGuy2009!themes | ennui_22:58
misamanusOlson, and the client is?22:58
ubottuennui_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:58
stimpieMaT-dg, yes exactly22:58
aciculaIcE^_, my backlog goes as far as my screen or my 5 line memory22:58
misamanusOlson, tell me client for ubuntu..22:58
noor1how could i install kubuntu desktoop on ubuntu 9.04 and what size it need on har22:58
|shad0w|Fast booting in 10.04 seems to be affecting network initialization on one of my network interface. Putting a sleep in pre-up seems to work around the issue but this is a hack. Is there anyway to delay the boot process after udev/module loading?22:58
aciculamrfelton, think you need that for the restricted-extras22:59
duckdrogersno zzypot backup to external hdd if u want otherwise if you install another os just format22:59
Olsonmisamanus, http://www.dyndns.com/support/clients/#linux22:59
mrfeltonacicula, yes, I think thats why I got it22:59
icerootnoor1: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  (its showing the size befor installing)22:59
noor1thank you22:59
VirtualDisasterif you are in america you have to use legal codecs22:59
LinuxGuy2009!kubuntu-desktop | noor122:59
ubottunoor1: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.22:59
zzypoti just want to  remove it and only have windows22:59
VirtualDisasterno one will tell you that but its the law....22:59
mrfeltonacicula, I purged and installed vlc - no change22:59
duckdrogersanybody use netbook remix vnc??22:59
zzypoti installed windows first22:59
moomoo83anybody else having dependency issues installing gnome-shell ??22:59
Olsonmisamanus, I find no-ip.com has an update client in the repositories if you wanted to set up an account there, which I know works fine22:59
icerootzzypot: then remove the partition inside windows22:59
aciculamrfelton, as a quick fix for vlc you can symlink the lib that it expects to the one that it actually there in the lib directory23:00
MaT-dgstimpie: I've used some tools for that on windows before, haven't found a linux alternative (yet) but it's not very usable anyway23:00
IcE^_i'll find it one sec acicula23:00
ennui_I don't want a them. I want to assign colors to a file or folder's properties23:00
VirtualDisastermoomoo83, considering its unstable i think you should expect issues23:00
misamanusOlson, ok23:00
jack12345iceroot : i ran that. it did something how do I verify now?23:00
icerootjack12345: restart firefox and go to youtube23:00
duckdrogerszzypot: then format via windows & itll be ntfs23:00
mrfeltonacicula, which one is it looking for though?23:00
LinuxGuy2009duckdrogers: Whats your real question23:00
moomoo83not bad, virtualdisaster, i'll stick with metacity :)23:00
jack12345ah ok23:00
IcE^_acicula: http://pastebin.com/7WFEG5Nh23:00
aciculaacicula, it says it wants /usr/bin/libfaad.so.0  but you have /usr/bin/libfaad.so.223:01
IcE^_i wonder why the GLIB isn't in my path23:01
zzypoti got a  eror grub rescue23:01
aciculaerr mrfelton ^^23:01
mrfeltonacicula, also purged and installed mplayer...23:01
mrfeltonmplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libfaad.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:01
mewshi_how can I install the newest gnome (2.30) in lucid?23:01
pmelis_29hi all! :) can someone use ubuntu 10.04 and nautiles with it here?23:01
stimpieMaT-dg, I have a setup where I tunnel from the remote pc into the client so I have an app displayed that works reasonable but not the same as dual monitor setup. But I guess I have to rewire23:01
Guest20927acicula: Thanks again for your replay. My chipset was the later i915 which, after digging around, I found that KMS has issues with it. I tried turning mode setting off and forcing the Vesa driver in the syslinux.cfg file that unetbootin generated. It didn't work.23:01
VirtualDisasterzzypot, you could have actually uninstalled grub when you were in ubuntu23:01
duckdrogersLinuxGuy2009: im using tightvncserver and when i make a new session it gives me gnome with none of the netbook overlays. i basically just want to know what service to call in xstartup for nbr to work proper23:01
VirtualDisasterbut you still need to reinstall the windows bootloader23:01
aciculamrfelton, do you have any karmic repositories in the /etc/sources.list23:01
zzypotnow i get a  grub rescue23:01
zzypothow do i do this now23:02
GhostWolfhi i have a problem when i upgraded to 10.04, my usb mouse and kb doesn't work, does anyone know if theres been a fix or a workaround for it?23:02
kim__what is ibus?23:02
pmelis_29someone use ubuntu 10.04 and nautiles with it here?23:02
VirtualDisasterzzypot, you need to install windows bootloader23:02
Guest20927acicula: I either get a black screen, or a fuzzy screen with blobs of color.23:02
aciculamrfelton, err /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d23:02
zzypothow do i do that if i cant boot in windows23:02
mewshi_wait, never mind O.o23:02
LinuxGuy2009duckdrogers: Hmm yeah netbook in 10.04 is not an LTS as the regular release is. There are issues.23:02
jack12345iceroot : thanks. but it is not working fully (looks like). I can play some vidoes, and cant play the others.23:02
zzypotwith the live cd23:02
VirtualDisasterpmelis_29, everyone uses it, ask your question23:02
FishsceneGhostWolf: Have you tried unplugging, then plugging them back in?23:02
|shad0w|anyone familiar with the fast boot processes?23:02
MaT-dgstimpie:  ssh and x11 forwarding?23:02
VirtualDisasterzzypot, lol no you need to have a windows disk23:02
quarkup|shad0w|: fast boot processes ?23:02
duckdrogersoh i see thats strange it says lts in the installer im pretty sure23:02
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:02
zzypotmine didnt come with one23:02
VirtualDisasterzzypot, youre reinstalling *windows bootloader*23:03
RickFisherHow do i ask what wifi card is installed? in terminal23:03
pmelis_29How i can copy the adress of directory where i am ?23:03
mrfeltonacicula, everything in sources.list is lucid23:03
pmelis_29on nautilus ?23:03
quarkuplike backgrounding the boot daemons ?23:03
quarkup|shad0w|: like backgrounding the boot daemons ?23:03
|shad0w|quarkup: concurrent booting and other optimization for quick boot23:03
mrfeltonacicula, and I ran `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/libfaad.so.2 /usr/bin/libfaad.so.0` and still no change23:03
VirtualDisasterpmelis_29, ctrl + l23:03
LinuxGuy2009RickFisher: sudo lshw -C lan23:03
VirtualDisasterpmelis_29, btw please read the wiki23:03
VirtualDisaster!wiki | pmelis_2923:03
ubottupmelis_29: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.23:03
aciculamrfelton, /usr/lib23:03
stimpieMaT-dg, yes works pretty decent on a local network. Only apps cannot be moved from screen to screen23:03
IcE^_acicula: it says it wants .0 and i have .2?23:03
GhostWolfFishscene, yes i have, im not the only one with the problem, i googled it and seen people with the issue from day 1 of the 10.04 i upgraded the LTS from upgrade manager lastnight23:03
|shad0w|for some reason eth0 is up but not working. restarting networking or putting a sleep in pre-up helps23:03
|shad0w|but that is a hack23:03
quarkup|shad0w|: are you using a custom-kernel ?23:04
pmelis_29VirtualDisaster: thank you! :)23:04
vlargood evening everyone, to install the very new ubuntu do i have do a fresh start ? or a "sudo get new very good stuff"is working?23:04
aciculaIcE^_, check the readme for requried depenencies and install those23:04
|shad0w|server edition, pxe+preseed right out of the box23:04
aciculaIcE^_, most notably the dev versions ie lib<iwantthisstuff>-dev23:04
zzypotso can i install the windows bootloader through  a ubuntu live cd23:04
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: Minimize, maximize and exit-icons are moved from right to left in the windows. Is there any way to change this back to the way it was ? :-))23:04
test34vlar you can use the GUI update manager23:04
JetPackTuxedovlar, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should work23:04
LinuxGuy2009vlar: Either way its always a good idea to backup case it goes wrong. ;)23:04
quarkup|shad0w|: about the boot processes, i dont use ubuntu for a while, so i cannot tell you what to do23:04
VirtualDisastertoyman61, use a diff theme23:04
=== jack__ is now known as jack_gone
mrfeltonacicula, now I get mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libx264.so.67: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:04
aciculaIcE^_, in this case it would appear to be libglib-dev or something to that extend, use apt-cache search , grep and the README to pinpoint the dependencies23:04
aciculamrfelton, well same approach23:05
quarkupbut I am sure you can speed up the box23:05
|shad0w|board is supermicro h8smu, doesn't seem to happen on any of the other boards23:05
toyman61VirtualDisaster, : I'm a newbie - how do I change theme ?23:05
aciculamrfelton, there will be a libx264.so.85 lib23:05
duckdrogersLinuxGuy2009: running 'netbook launcher' gives the overlay but gnome is still messed up23:05
MaT-dgstimpie: yes, that's because they run on machine A and are displayed on the X server of machine B but both X servers have nothing to do with each other23:05
VirtualDisaster!wiki toyman6123:05
vlarthanks a lot i'm going to make a backup !!!23:05
mrfeltonacicula, but why do I have /usr/lib/libx264.so.8523:05
toyman61VirtualDisaster, : OK. :-)23:05
jack12345iceroot : thanks. but it is not working fully (looks like). I can play some vidoes, and cant play the others23:05
VirtualDisaster!wiki | toyman6123:05
ubottutoyman61: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.23:05
mrfeltonand it wants /usr/lib/libx264.so.6723:05
vlarand do u think about it ?23:05
LinuxGuy2009duckdrogers: Sure its not just an app bug?23:05
vlargood ?23:05
IcE^_ok, thanks acicula23:05
zzypotso can i install the windows bootloader through  a ubuntu live cd23:05
slick_nvidia official drivers 195.36.24 giving a -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':    -1 No such device23:05
VirtualDisastertoyman61, its simpler that way ;)23:05
RickFisherLinuxGuy2009, returned network disabled23:05
hsa2i am trying to use ubuntu one23:06
VirtualDisasterzzypot, NO, i said you need a windows disc, ive said it 3 times23:06
quarkupoh no ! the times are coming !! the times are coming !!23:06
LinuxGuy2009zzypot: If your dual booting then grub2 will replace the windows boot loader.23:06
hsa2but i can't find 'add button' to add my computer to cloud :(23:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:06
zzypotmine didnt come with a windows disk23:06
VirtualDisasterLinuxGuy2009, he got rid of ubuntu23:06
VirtualDisasterzzypot, well youll need to find one, we cant help you there23:06
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents23:06
VirtualDisasterthats a #windows issues23:06
zzypoti deleted the partion like the guy said  when i was in windows23:06
RickFisherLinuxGuy2009, I am trying to help someone who installed 10.4 and can't connect to internet23:07
MaT-dgstimpie: closest thing I can find is something that shares your mouse and keyboard over multiple pc's23:07
jack12345hello all, I am trying to make videos work in this new unbuntu 10.4 but they dont work when i am in youtube.23:07
slick_ nvidia official drivers 195.36.24 giving a -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':    -1 No such device23:07
LinuxGuy2009RickFisher: Wireless not working?23:07
aciculamrfelton, the libraries got updated, but somehow the players havent23:07
RickFisherLinuxGuy2009, right23:07
test341022 of 1654 packages.. what happens if my network  connection cuts before it finishes23:07
mrfeltonacicula, well. I liked the lib, and the error has gone. but I still get a popup telling me no decoder found for XVID, and I get audio and no video23:07
LinuxGuy2009RickFisher: What card? sudo lshw -C lan23:07
winXPuserjack12345 go to firefox tools addons is flash listed in plugins section?23:07
RickFisherLinuxGuy2009, b4323:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:07
duckdrogersLinuxGuy2009: im sure its the vnc xstartup. it has some fixes in it for gnome and doesnt call netbook launcher. if i get it working ill be sure to post it to launchpad to get everything updated but it looks like a little user work has to be done to get the panels working properly again and i doubt the maximizing will work the same23:07
LinuxGuy2009RickFisher: b43 is not a make and model of card23:08
aciculamrfelton, oh well it was worth a try23:08
mrfeltonacicula, but... mplayer will play it now! :)23:08
aciculamrfelton, can you check your software sources23:08
LinuxGuy2009RickFisher: Pastebin the command I gave23:08
jack12345winXPUser : shockwave flash yes23:08
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:08
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:08
aciculamrfelton, as i think you still have some karmic repos enabled that may be causing this23:08
winXPuserjack12345, what version? in what way do videos fail?23:08
mrfeltonacicula, I disabled all the karmic sources already23:08
jack12345well 9.0 r9923:09
mrfeltonacicula,  only one I have is the new lucid medibunto one23:09
slick_ nvidia official drivers 195.36.24 giving a -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':    -1 No such device23:09
RickFisherLinuxGuy2009, Maria is here23:09
maria_LinuxGuy2009: It says b43.pci-bridge23:09
Ken8521!medibuntu | winXPuser23:09
aciculamrfelton, whats the output of apt-cache profile mplayer23:09
ubottuwinXPuser: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:09
LinuxGuy2009slick_: Stick with the drivers in the repos for now23:09
jack12345winXPuser: when I do a search on youtube, or visit a particular forum that I used to visit, and then open vidoes, just the black box appears instead of auto loading/playing the video in windows.23:09
LinuxGuy2009maria_: sudo lshw -C lan23:10
Guest20927This place is crowded; may someone recommend a channel they trust so I can get some help?23:10
winXPuserjack12345, okay, your flash version?23:10
DeadmanIncJSanybdy else having problems with 10,04?23:10
LinuxGuy2009maria_: What make and model card do you have>23:10
mrfeltonacicula, apt-cache profile mplayer23:10
mrfeltonE: Invalid operation profile23:10
winXPuserjack12345, okay, Safe Mode (in supported Mozilla applications) is a good way to see if an add-on, theme or something else is causing a problem. Please see: http://support.mozilla.com/kb/Safe+Mode23:10
aciculamrfelton, err my bad that should be policy23:10
maria_LinuxGuy2009: BCM431223:10
colombierhello all23:10
test34guest20927: you shouldnt trust anybody23:10
mrfeltonacicula, http://pastebin.com/fQQZ4j6X23:10
aciculaGuest20927, this is the channel to ask really23:10
trix`GHi, I have an easy one for you, i'm running Ultimate Edition for the first time (come from gentoo) and there's no xorg.conf in /etc/X11 and I'm not sure why...?  I need to put some settings there23:10
BodsdaCould someone with gtkpod installed please run 'which gtkpod' and tell me where the executable is please?23:11
IsmAvatarGuest20927: the more people, the more chances of getting help. Once someone seems knowledgeable and starts helping you, you can use PM to filter out all the other chatter.23:11
duckdrogersyeah it doesnt look like maximizing in the vnc netbook remix session works properly but i got the launcher working and panels fixed. ill post my solution to launchpad23:11
colombierI have a problem with webdav with ubuntu 10.0423:11
aciculatrix`G, the use of xorg.conf is not needed and therefor it does not exist by default23:11
jack12345winXPuser : but how will that help solve the issue?23:11
LinuxGuy2009maria_: Look under System->Admin->Hardware drivers. Make sure Lucid CD is added as repo source. Enable the STA driver and NOT the b43 one.23:11
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=== Ci is now known as Ubuntu
trix`Gacicula: you may not need it but I do, how do I get it created?23:11
Bodsdaacicula: it is not default yes - it is not needed < not quite true23:11
Ubuntuho guys =)23:11
mrfeltonacicula, http://pastebin.com/spam.php?i=ivDVZxiV23:12
DeadmanIncJSive had problems since installation23:12
colombierI managed to connect to the webdav server, and i can see the files, but when i want to download a file, i got a error "forbidden"23:12
ZykoticK9trix`G, UE is also not really supported in this channel - to generate an xorg.conf see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file23:12
Bodsdatrix`G: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver    might create you a default one23:12
DeadmanIncJSi went back to 9.10 for now :(23:12
mrfeltonacicula, sorry - meant: http://pastebin.com/ivDVZxiV23:12
slick_ nvidia official drivers 195.36.24 giving a -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':    -1 No such device23:12
VirtualDisasterupgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 isnt the path is it ?23:12
* VirtualDisaster doesnt know and forgets he asked that23:12
aciculamrfelton, hmm the version checks out23:12
jack12345winXPuser : same behavior in safe mode too. no detection of any kind23:13
mrfeltonacicula, sorry.. this is what I meant: http://pastebin.com/YLTFNHTT23:13
mattgyverHow can i change the kernel used for 10.04?  Can it just be specified in grub2?23:13
mrfeltonpastbin was messing round with me23:13
test34apt-upload Mr.Crowley23:13
winXPuserjack12345, wait, i'll explain.. okaay let's join #firefox23:13
Guest20927acicula: Well, I seemed to be on the right track with you but you seem to be flooded with help requests and no one else seems to have any suggestions.23:13
CloudLeviSo wonderful little bit. I supposedly have the latest Adobe Flash and sun Java as well as Firefox and Chrome (Maybe I only have the latest stable FF)...and yet I'm on this site...GreenLabelArt.com, and the Flash video there is CONSTANTLY flickering!!!!23:13
mrfeltonthere is nothing in there that shouldn't be23:13
IsmAvatar!pastebinit | IsmAvatar23:13
ubottuIsmAvatar, please see my private message23:13
Bodsdamattgyver: yes, it is just a location in the boot loader config23:13
trix`GZykoticK9:  Thanks, and as for UE I only mention it on the off chance the missing xorg was specific to UE, but I figured it more likely ubuntu doesn't use it either23:13
mattgyverBodsda, thank you, i was afraid that was a loaded question :)23:13
rajUBUNTU 10.04 SUCKS.. NO JAVA!! REALLY? open sourtce java?? are you SERIIOUSS? i cant install frostwire. i cant run java applications .. UBUNTU SUCKS. who ever manages the repo and licensing is "censored" ... I cant use frostwire i cant use java on the internet. i cant use java applications. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE POEPLE. i finally fixed my audio problem but now this??? screw you ubuntu im going with mandriva!!!!!23:13
kuken1irony: chrome64 cannot play youtube movies.23:14
IsmAvatarraj: you can install sun java.23:14
Fonixok somehow with each version of ubuntu its screws up my network... eth0 never seems to work (it was working after fresh install and seemed to stop working after i installed graphics drivers)23:14
ZykoticK9trix`G, karmic/lucid have no xorg.conf be default23:14
Bodsdamattgyver: nah - it was dead easy with grub1 - grub2 I havent got my hands dirty with yet though, but it will probably be the same sort of thing23:14
ZykoticK9trix`G, s/be/by23:14
TecnoBratDoes the messages indicator menu support pidgin? I thought I had pidgin showing in it previously23:14
hsa2where is /usr/bin/ulsync :S23:14
mattgyverBodsda, yeah thast what i thought.  I was playing with Grub2 yesterday and I think i might know just enough to do it, or break it lol.23:14
Bodsdatrix`G: Ubuntu thought it would be a good idea to ditch the one configuration file most people are used to :) stupid huh23:15
DeadmanIncJSi was having too many issues with 10.04, so i switched back for now23:15
rajIsmAvatar,  really how? its not in the rpo .. and there are no sources for it. if i wanna use the old one it breaks ( i read)23:15
Bodsdamattgyver: breaking things is fun23:15
DeadmanIncJSuntil they get more bugs worked out23:15
maria_LinuxGuy2009: I selected it (it was not choosen), but since I do not have an internet connection it won't download.23:15
sunshinepantsraj: looks like you've got it all figured out, peace23:15
Guest20927raj: Add the repository?23:15
IsmAvatarraj: It should be in the multiverse23:15
jack12345winXPuser: wait something happening now. the plugin in firefox asking for update.23:15
CloudLeviRaj: You should probably AVOID beta operating systems... =_=;;;23:15
LinuxGuy2009maria_: Thats because you have to add the Lucid CD as a repo source. It will install the packages off the CD.23:15
winXPuserjack12345, okay, i'm here23:15
rajCloudLevi,  its not beta ubuntu 10.04 was released yesterday23:15
IsmAvatar!java | raj23:15
ubotturaj: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)23:15
mamousany one is gd with Enemy Territory23:15
winXPuserjava is evil23:15
LinuxGuy2009maria_: I have the exact same card here in my Dell Mini 10v. Did it the same way.23:15
ZykoticK9DeadmanIncJS, unless the people having the issues, report or update bug reports - then issues will be slow/or won't be corrected.  Just mentioning.23:16
trix`GZykoticK9: yep but unfortunately they don't recognize the correct monitor refresh rates for my monitor, and I must specify it manually in xorg.conf.  This has been the case with every OS i've used this monitor with for over 5 years so I think it's just this monitor being stupid23:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:16
CloudLeviRaj: It's STILL too soon =_=;;;23:16
DeadmanIncJSwhere would i go to report them then sir?23:16
trix`Ganyway thanks again later guys23:16
DeadmanIncJSnm lol23:16
ZykoticK9trix`G, that comment was really for Bodsda23:16
maria_LinuxGuy2009: It seems like no drivers at all have been downloaded. Totally empty list.23:16
BodsdaDeadmanIncJS: please see the info ubottu posted a few line sup23:16
aciculamrfelton, can you try runnin sudo ldconfig ?23:16
trix`Goh my mistake23:16
kyubutsuno bluetooth devices work under 10.04 anymore?23:16
CloudLeviBut seriously...flickering Flash media....WHY and how to fix???23:16
kuken1hard to know what quality developers defines as final/stable/beta. ubuntu "final" = beta release.23:17
BodsdaZykoticK9: what comment?23:17
brummbaerCloudLevi, are you x64?23:17
jack12345winXPUser : the problem is solved now, i had to do a "find plugin updates".23:17
LinuxGuy2009maria_: I just said you have to add the Lucid CD has to be added as a repo source!!?23:17
jack12345new update solved it.23:17
jack12345apparently I had the old version23:17
DeadmanIncJSwell i can't do that now because i went back to 9.10.  wont have any way of knowing report #s and such23:17
marekw2143hi, where I can get ubutnu8.10 64 bit installation image23:17
Bodsdakuken1: erm.. when it doesnt segfault on 90% of machines, its stable23:17
ZykoticK9trix`G was replying to your comments about Ubuntu removing xorg.conf - it doesn't matter ;)23:17
CloudLeviBrummbaer: Nope. 3223:17
winXPuserjack12345, great23:17
hexmarewhy is it that ubuntu has issues playing linked youtube videos in Firefox and Chrome?23:17
aciculamrfelton, if that doesnt fix the missing libraries then im out of ideas as you have exactly the same revision as i do23:17
jack12345winXPuser : thanks for all your help.23:17
mrfeltonacicula, `sudo ldconfig` gives no output23:17
brummbaerCloudLevi, haven't a clue then, sorry23:17
LinuxGuy2009maria_: If you dont know how to add it then please ask.23:17
aciculamrfelton, thats ok, can you try vlc?23:18
winXPuserjack12345, i'm support,mozilla.org volunteer, no problem23:18
Fonixany1 know how to get autoetho0 to show up in network manager.. it seems to have dissapeared and i cant do anything with the network if that happens (in windows now)23:18
JetPackTuxedovlar, I couldn't get it to mount the CD, but I think I got the update working anyway. Thanks23:18
jack12345no bluetooth support for ubuntu?23:18
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:18
VirtualDisasterFonix, what?23:18
ZykoticK9hexmare, they both share the same flash - so try fixing your flash and both browsers should work23:18
mrfeltonacicula, no joy23:18
mrfeltonsame odds23:18
mrfeltonVLC does not support the audio or video format "XVID". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.23:18
FonixVirtualDisaster after i installed my graphivs drivers, i cant connect to lan23:18
kyubutsujack12345: you have a bluetooth keyboard?23:18
Guest20927acicula: You were not responding.23:18
FoxWolfAre there any websites to learn about ubuntu?23:19
hexmareZykotick9 just reinstalled flash , no joy, works fine with xubuntu 10.04 , fails on ubuntu 10.04 2 seperate fresh installs23:19
aciculamrfelton, then i just dont know what is causing it, fresh install probably fixes it. at least mplayer works again :)?23:19
wadFoxWolf, no, just on IRC.23:19
BodsdaFoxWolf: thats a broad question - break it down a bit23:19
Zas1complete newb to linux/ubuntu here... how do i go abotu getting the sound to work?23:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:19
kuken1hexmare: the 64-bit edition has problems. 32-bit works fine.23:19
mrfeltonacicula, thanks anyway man. You got mplayer working for me at least! Now I can veg out infront of some mindless crap! :)23:19
VirtualDisasterFonix, wow thats a new one23:19
=== nemiro is now known as Guest14141
aciculamrfelton, enjoy :)23:19
jack12345kybutsu: no I dont. But I ahve some bluetooth device for backup.23:19
mrfeltonthanks again23:19
aciculaGuest20927, are you making a bootable cd or something that you are tinkering with syslinux?23:19
sixtilaany one configured internal mic on Lucid?23:19
FoxWolfI want to learn about commands23:19
FonixVirtualDisaster ive had trouble with the newtork in past versions as well ;/23:19
gilhello all23:19
antivirtelWHO can help me? I cant reinstall grub, please someone!!23:19
hexmareKuken1 : 64bit of what flash?23:19
Guest666Help me installing Ubuntu Tweak23:19
jhaigI have a newly installed 10.04 and I have installed Flash and the BBC iPlayer desktop.  I have downloaded a couple of programmes but when I go to play them I get "... is temporarily unavailable.  Please try again later."  Has anyone else seen this?  Is there a way to play these downloaded programmes?  (I am in the UK)23:20
slick_ nvidia official drivers 195.36.24 giving a -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':    -1 No such device23:20
VirtualDisasterFonix, a desktop pc?23:20
aciculaGuest20927, the stuff on the wiki deals with how to modify grub/ubuntu install to makre sure it will boot23:20
FonixVirtualDisaster yeah23:20
aciculaslibuntu_, your video card is to old23:20
VirtualDisasterFonix, considered getting another NIC?23:20
Ken8521Guest666, it's not that difficult, download the .deb and double click it.23:20
FoxWolfBodsda, I want to learn about linux commands, stuff like compiling installing using commandline etc23:20
LinuxGuy2009FoxWolf: First place I ever learned Linux commands was YouTube believe it or not. There are good ones.23:20
ActionParsnipslick_: how did you install the driver?23:20
FonixVirtualDisaster whats an NIC :?23:20
Guest666lol Ken8521  nice23:20
FishsceneNIC = Network Interface Card.23:20
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:20
gili need some help with dual monitor support on nvidia. I got it all working but I cannot get the graphics/pc to properly wake up from suspend mode. any suggestions?23:20
slick_ActionParsnip: sudo sh *.run23:20
Fonixoh right23:20
VirtualDisasterFonix, a network card23:21
maria_LinuxGuy2009: I think I did it correctly. Checked the box for Lucid CD. But it can't download.23:21
Fonixum well it works in windows... so i shouldnt need one23:21
BodsdaFoxWolf: I strongly recommend http://linuxcommand.org/index.php23:21
VirtualDisasterFonix, maybe have a local vendor hook you up23:21
kuken1is there a network wiki for ubuntu?23:21
Guest20927acicula: It's a live flash drive.23:21
ActionParsnipslick_: use the repos, they will compile the kernel module (which you are missing) for you23:21
jack12345Hello all : my sound in ubuntu 10.4 is not  as crisp as Windows -- any idea?23:21
FoxWolfthanks a lot Bodsda23:21
jack12345in fact very bad quality.23:21
Zas1jack12345 i have no sound period... any idea how to fix it?23:21
LinuxGuy2009maria_: Sorry i forgot. Untick ALL other repo sources till you get it working. It will only look on the CD then. My bad.23:21
Fonixi think its a problem with network manager to be honest23:21
slick_ActionParsnip: you mean the glx or the modaliases for krnl?23:21
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:21
aciculaGuest20927, ah a live usb stick kind of approach23:21
BodsdaFoxWolf: your welcome, dont forget, if you need any specific help, the beginners team would be more than happy to asisst - #ubuntu-beginners23:21
jack12345Zas1 : sorry buddy I am totally new to this ubuntu world.23:22
maria_I see it!!!!!!23:22
ActionParsnipjack12345: drivers are different, so quality will be different. the hardware manufacturers made the windows drivers and most likely not the linux ones23:22
Ken8521well sing the hallelujah chorus!23:22
Guest666.deb is like .exe :P23:22
aciculaGuest20927, not to familiar with that, does syslinux even use grub as a second stage?23:22
kyubutsuIsmAvatar: can you confirm if that bluetooth factoid info will work on 10.04?23:22
gilanyone here got dual monitors running on an nvidia card?23:22
Ken8521Guest666, sort of23:22
Bodsdagil: yep23:22
jack12345ActionParsnip : thanks....so I have to live with this quality forever?23:22
ActionParsnipslick_: add the nvidia vpau ppa and install nvidia-glx-185   you will be fine23:22
BodsdaGuest666: mo23:22
aciculaGuest20927, there is a directory on the stick in any case with kernel boot options23:22
JetPackTuxedogil, I can't get HDMI going, but if you use a normal connection it does.23:22
Guest20927acicula: Yeah, I took out 'quiet splash' and added 'i1915.modeset=0' and 'xforcevesa'23:22
jack12345ActionParsnip : its not even half of windows unfortunatley :(23:22
Oerjack12345, all i needed was a equaliser in rhytmbox > http://www.lirmm.fr/~morandat/index.php/Main/Tools23:22
ActionParsnipjack12345: maybe there is a different driver or some options for the current driver23:23
gilBodsda: hey, can you suspend computer and then resume23:23
Guest20927acicula: *i915.modeset=023:23
LinuxGuy2009Umm 195 is in the repos. Why would you use 185?23:23
slick_ActionParsnip: oh, okay..il give it a try. thanks!23:23
gilBodsda: I am having a hell of a time with it23:23
ActionParsnipjack12345: do you use one of those audiy monstrosities?23:23
aciculaGuest20927, the wiki suggests 1 not 023:23
Bodsdagil: never tried - one sec23:23
ActionParsnipjack12345: audigy, sorry23:23
jack12345Oer: thankyou, but my quality remains steadily degraded for any internet video i play including youtube23:23
jack12345ActionParsnip : audigy monstrosities ::: what is that?23:24
maria_LinuxGuy2009: I came this far: I could choose hte STA driver. but when I activate it it says it can't find Lucid Lynx cdrom.23:24
Guest20927acicula: Lol, I'll try that. I'll feel pretty dull if it works. Thanks for the replies.23:24
LinuxGuy2009Creative has the worst linux support.I avoid them like the plague23:24
ActionParsnipjack12345: like a creative audigy sound card?23:24
ActionParsnipLinuxGuy2009: +infinity dude23:24
dominicdinadacreative is a aweful brand23:24
LinuxGuy2009maria_: Did you refresh the package lists? CD in the drive?23:24
jack12345ActionParsnip : no I have HP DV 2000T and its related audio card.23:25
LinuxGuy2009dominicdinada: agreed23:25
ActionParsnipjack12345: sudo lshw -C sound    will tell you what it is23:25
darkcoderWooT!! Installed lucid and lot more applications, works flawless :) greets to the dev team23:25
switchgirli have all the plugin's available for gstreamer and yet STILL can't play an m3u stream - i used to be able to23:25
maria_LinuxGuy2009: Do not have a CD. Only USB - how do I point it to it?23:25
dominicdinadaSo i was on kub till now and trying out gnome today to see if i like it better23:25
LinuxGuy2009Most onboard cards work better in linux than creative23:25
maria_LinuxGuy2009:  Intalled from a USB-stick23:25
LinuxGuy2009maria_: Not sure you can.23:25
ActionParsnipswitchgirl: open it with gnome-mplayer, works a treat here23:25
KaOSoFtHave you people used nginx (on Ubuntu, of course)?23:26
sixtilamy sound driver is not correctly working on Lucid, any help23:26
maria_LinuxGuy2009: Mmmm.....23:26
LinuxGuy2009maria_: You can manually install the packages by double clicking. Want to try that?23:26
ilrancheroHi, just upgraded to 10.4, nice, but I've lost my encrypted drive, any ideas how to get it back?23:26
switchgirlActionParsnip, i want it to play in rhythmbox23:26
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:26
ActionParsnipsixtila: what is the product line from: sudo lshw -C sound23:26
kerncoI'm having problems with Google Chrome.  I was working fine when I just had Ubuntu, but then I installed kubuntu-desktop and now it constantly freezes loading pages and crashes.  I've tried reinstalling it, and deleting my .config/google-chrome but that hasn't helped.23:26
LinuxGuy2009maria_: bcmwl-kernel-source and then it will say what other packages it needs on the CD or Flashdrive.23:26
ActionParsnipswitchgirl: i havent used that, i know gnome-mplayer can do it though23:26
jack12345ActionParsnip :  *-multimedia23:27
jack12345       description: Audio device23:27
jack12345       product: N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller23:27
jack12345       vendor: Intel Corporation23:27
jack12345       physical id: 1b23:27
FloodBot4jack12345: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
jack12345       bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.023:27
quarkupdoes ubuntu has a ports-like building system ??23:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:27
gilBodsda: how did that go?23:27
aciculailranchero, http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html this is a good place to start23:27
ActionParsnipjack12345: just the product line would have been fine, please dont flood like that23:27
aciculailranchero, did you save your unwrapped passhprase somewhere?23:27
irongin gimp how can i undo the last note/bullet?23:27
sixtilaActionParsnip http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ArRVvPr823:27
ilrancheroyes, I did23:27
ActionParsnipjack12345: websearch for the product line, see what turns up23:27
jmcantrellany way to get sudo to recognize my $PATH?23:27
dominicdinada!pastebin | jack1234523:27
ubottujack12345: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:27
ActionParsnipirong: ctrl+z23:27
LinuxGuy2009!gimp | irong23:27
ubottuirong: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.23:27
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-afk
test34we got 4 lines of flood and the 5 people flooding 4+ lines to ask him to use pastebin23:28
ActionParsniptest34: ironic isn't it23:28
Guest666I want to remove a shortcut from a uninstalled app but i cant find in Edit menus.. how do I remove it?23:28
irongActionParsnip, no23:28
dominicdinadatest34,   QQ23:28
aciculailranchero, check the third page of the article that i linked you, that shows you the steps to mount it23:28
sixtilaActionParsnip i can listen to audio(but cant control through the volume meter) and internal mic doesnt work23:28
guckoguys how can I know the name of the internal wireless network interface?23:28
ActionParsnipirong: i'd ask in #gimp23:28
ubuntu_magrub error after lucid install23:28
Charbelhi how can i fix a dummy output for sound ???23:28
__danthemangucko: most likely wlan023:29
aciculailranchero, you can skip mountin a chroot if you are on a livecd already i think23:29
jack12345ActionParsnip : what do I search?  productline, drivers?23:29
ilrancheroirong, do you know how I can get it back?23:29
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, that's not good23:29
__danthemanbut type iwconfig and it will list them out23:29
irongilranchero, what?23:29
ubuntu_magot an error 1523:29
aciculailranchero, oh seems you do need to be in it, so do the steps until chroot also23:29
ilrancheroI lost my encrypted drive, it sounded like you had a solution.23:29
irongilranchero, no23:29
daroluIs there an alternative to Okular that is GNOME-native? I need it to read epub files23:29
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, I assume you can't boot it?23:30
ilrancheroirong, oh, ok.23:30
ActionParsnipjack12345: the product line23:30
erUSULdarolu: evince ?23:30
CharbelwinXPuser, yes driver for sound is lost and i got always a dummy output23:30
Fonixis there a way to install nvidia drivers in ubuntu without getting the whole nvidia x server thing, like use the default x server and just have the drivers (not sure what im talking about actually but the nvidia x server thing i think is messing stuff up)23:30
maria_LinuxGuy2009: Thanks for the help. It's over midnight here, and I will have to go to bed. But I will try to manually install the files tomorrow. THanks for pointing me out in the right direction. Good night and lots of thanks for helping me! :)23:30
aciculailranchero, http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html third page and follow the instructions23:30
daroluerUSUL: it doesn't read this format23:30
ilrancheroGuys, I lost my encrypted drive when I upgraded to 10.4, would like it back...23:30
ubuntu_malive from USB but after install and restart get error 1523:30
erUSULFonix: System>Admin...>hardware drivers23:30
deijsmanHas anyone had success with Ubuntu on the Latitude E6510??23:30
ActionParsnip!pdf | darolu23:30
ubottudarolu: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)23:30
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, are you in the liveCD now?23:31
FonixerUSUL i went thru there but it installs the whole lot23:31
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:31
winXPuserCharbel, what is dummy?23:31
ubuntu_mayes but chatting now off iPhone23:31
gilBodsda: you back? did the suspend/resume work for you23:31
jack12345ActionParsnip : nothing exciting coming up on search23:31
daroluActionParsnip: thanks but the ebook I'm trying to read is not a .pdf file23:31
ilrancheroGuys, it's my porn... I need my encrypted drive back, help...23:31
irongin gimp how can i undo the last note/bullet of magnetic lasso path?23:31
aciculailranchero, i pointed out to you how to do it twice already23:32
ActionParsnipjack12345: thats all i got,ive never had a sound issue due to purchasing super compatible hardware23:32
ThunderBirdis there any reason why two computers are unable to bun a usable copy of the Lynx?23:32
erUSUL!nfo fbreader | darolu23:32
erUSUL!info fbreader | darolu23:32
ubottudarolu: fbreader (source: fbreader): e-book reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.7dfsg-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 515 kB, installed size 1812 kB23:32
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, there is a grub-restore option, but I don't remember how to call it. Let me look it up. You might also want to downgrade your grub. the new one is pretty bloated.23:32
ActionParsnipThunderBird: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?23:32
erUSULFonix: it installs what is needed nothing more nothing less23:32
ThunderBirdcame up clean23:32
MaletorIs a 10GB root partition large enough?23:32
Fonixhmm ok23:32
ilrancheroacicula, sorry using text tool, crap...  Thanks, got it now...23:32
Maletorwithout Home or Var...23:32
ubuntu_maok but how? I is a noon23:33
ThunderBirdWindows won't even start burning it, Linux burns it, but can't boot from it23:33
aciculaMaletor, then definitly yeah23:33
jack12345ActionParsnip : thanks for helping......I mean how would I know i'd face this -- otherwise I would also have bought compatible one.23:33
ActionParsnipMaletor: sure, most netbooks have less than that23:33
haavarosHi! I have /home on a separate partition, and installed ubuntu 10.04 on my old OS partition. my .evolution folder is still in my home folder. How do I make evolution use settings stored there?23:33
daroluerUSUL: thansk, I'll try that23:33
ubuntu_mament noon23:33
CharbelwinXPuser,  when i go to sound preferences i have no driver for input and output and in output tab there is dummy output23:33
Maletorhaavaros: move the folder from your old home to your new home?23:33
ubuntu_maa feck you auto spell check.....noob23:33
haavarosMaletor: My old home IS my new home23:33
ActionParsniphaavaros: it should be used, you may have to configure the account but the mail folders should match. I used to have to do that when i used evolution23:33
haavarosActionParsnip: Ok, thx23:34
ActionParsniphaavaros: make sure you back it up first (handy)23:34
haavarosActionParsnip: Yeah, I see that now23:34
that1dudehas anyone tried making a ubuntu 10.04 template via debootstrab for openvz?23:34
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, Open a terminal window or switch to a tty. Type "grub". Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub). Type "setup (hd0)", ot whatever your harddisk nr is. Quit grub by typing "quit". Reboot.23:35
jorgegracianoSou novo por aki23:35
ThunderBirdalso, what can I do if the online upgrade messed up the new gnome? it willonly start properly in failsafe mode23:35
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:35
haavarosActionParsnip: I have a backup which is a week old, I'll use that, and then the rest of the e-mails is on the IMAP-server. That should work, right?23:35
marmotAnyone installed 10.04 under Parallels on the Mac. I can't set screen resolution higher than 1024x76823:35
ThunderBirdand restarting the gnome service does nothing to fix it23:35
ActionParsniphaavaros: if they can be redownloaded then yeah sure23:35
sixtilaActionParsnip any idea abt the sound (sorry if I am being impatient but skyping is important for me)23:35
haavarosActionParsnip: k thx23:35
GSF1200Sim trying to help someone in the forums. Can someone please tell me how I get Grub to display at bootup when its a single OS system? I have like 4 linux installs, so I obviously see the grub menu..23:35
JetPackTuxedosixtila, does your sound work in programs other than skype?23:36
aciculaGSF1200S, press shift during boot23:36
sixtilaI can listen to sound23:36
sixtilarhythmbox works23:36
aciculaGSF1200S, shift and hold it23:36
sixtilabut empathy sound doesnt23:36
Charbelanyone can help me fix dummy output for sound driver ?23:36
erUSULGSF1200S: just once or permanetly ?23:36
MaletorWhat's the proper way to install flash on an AMD64 10.4?23:36
ubuntu_masorry jet pav23:36
ActionParsnipsixtila: i have zero use for sound. I have had no sound issue in any linux I have ever used since about 199723:36
GSF1200Sacicula: thank you very much23:36
AnthonyDahow can i move the close/minimize button from top left to top right ?23:36
JetPackTuxedosixtilla, what about your microphone?23:36
digitalstimulusanyone know where I would go to update/contribute to the documentation...some of it is a bit off23:36
sixtilaMic also doesnt work23:37
sixtilainternal mic23:37
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, huh?23:37
erUSUL!controls | AnthonyDa23:37
ubottuAnthonyDa: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d623:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:37
ActionParsnipMaletor: you can use flashplugin-nonfree or download the 64bit tar.gz and move the .so file to your plugins folder23:37
JetPackTuxedosixtila, does your mic work in the sound recorder?23:37
GSF1200SerUSUL: just once- having the guy disable splash and quiet so we can see why its freezing23:37
sixtilain Karmic, I had somehow managed to get it through the help of chatroom23:37
aj00200!controls | aj0020023:37
ubottuaj00200, please see my private message23:37
sixtiladoes not work with the sound recorder23:37
ubuntu_masorry jetpack will get back to you shortly,thanks23:37
MaletorActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?23:37
erUSULGSF1200S: if you press shift during boot up the menu should appear23:37
sixtilabut it does capture the rhythmbox audio23:37
ActionParsnipAnthonyDa: have you not websearched this any??? There are guides all over the web23:37
erUSULGSF1200S: grub2 (karmic and lucid)23:37
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, no problem. I hope that works23:37
ActionParsnipMaletor: sure, that will give you 32bit through a 64bit abstraction layer23:38
aciculadigitalstimulus, depends on what documentation, there is the ubuntu wiki ?23:38
that1dude"Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg" -- Has anyone got that?23:38
JetPackTuxedosixtila, open up your sound preferences and go to the hardware tab23:38
MaletorActionParsnip: well i actually want the 64 bit one ...23:38
sixtilaJetPackTuxedo yup23:38
aciculaMaletor, you have to fetch that yourself i think still from the adobe site23:38
digitalstimulusacicula the blue button help next to Applications/Places/System23:38
TMTI have a problem with wacom pen and touch in lucid. Can anyone help?23:38
sixtilai chose internal audio 1op/1ip23:38
ActionParsnipMaletor: then download the linux 64bit tar.gz and put the .so file in your browsers plugin folder23:38
sixtilaJetPackTuxedo and profile is analog sterio duplex23:39
MaletorI think Steve Jobs is speaking for all of us when he says f**k you Adobe.23:39
aciculadigitalstimulus, ah that one, i have no idea tbh, the ubuntu wiki has a page on how to contribute, maybe thats a starting point23:39
ActionParsnipMaletor: firefox == ~/.mozilla/plugins (assuming you use crappy firefox)23:39
JetPackTuxedosixtila, fiddle with those to see if you can get anything23:39
digitalstimulusacicula, thanks23:39
FishsceneMeletor: Offtopic >.>23:39
Charbelanyone can help me fix dummy output for sound driver ?23:40
aj00200Maletor: well, I'd like to see them let adobe help. Is is widely used23:40
Autieis it safe to upgrade to 10.04?23:40
aj00200!hi |ps-ax23:40
ubottups-ax: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:40
sixtilaJetPackTuxedo i did play around and was able to capture atleast the rhythmbox audio23:40
JetPackTuxedoMaletor, someone did a search/replace on his speech replacing Adobe with Apple and Flash with closed. It was lols.23:40
TMTPen stops moving after i stop drawing.23:40
AnthonyDawho had the idea to put thoses button to top left ? Now when you are clicking to "file"/"edit" button you miss click & close windows, bloody idiot, just to look anti MS they are doing wrong design choice (and yes, thx for the fix)23:40
winXPuserAutie it is safe it is not beta now it is released23:40
sixtilaJetPackTuxedo how do i open the alsamixer in gui?23:40
kuken1Autie: No, it's a trap!23:40
MaletorActionParsnip: as opposed to what firefox?23:40
ActionParsnipAnthonyDa: thats offtopic here23:40
sixtilaJetPackTuxedo last time i had done something with it23:40
TMTUntill pen touches the tablet again23:40
ActionParsnipMaletor: slow, bad with ram23:41
ttk1opcI think this is related to a kde app I had installed, but I have kpackagekit under system tools now, and at login I can choose KDE over gnome, though it doesn't actually work. How can I get rid of this?23:41
Vriggchanim having trouble installing ubuntu any help? I believe its a hardware issue but not sure kind of new to linux23:41
ps-axi need make a question... anyone here can play mp3 files on amarok in ubuntu 10.04?23:41
MaletorActionParsnip: so you use chrome, what?23:41
daroluAutie: I personally recommend a clean install, but upgrading may work for you; the system itself is stable and really good.23:41
JetPackTuxedosixtila, hmmm... I'm not sure. Look up your sound card23:41
ActionParsnipMaletor: chromium daily build and arora23:41
Autieok, thanks all23:41
JetPackTuxedosixtila, and I think alsamixer is alsamixer. Haha23:41
darolups-ax: yes when the codecs are installed, install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:41
sixtilajetpacktuxedo http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ArRVvPr823:41
Maletori will try chromium, does it look better than google chrome?23:41
rbuckshow do i find a list of all channels?23:41
linxehis there a lucid netbook release ?23:41
aciculaCharbel, what do you mean by fixin a dummy sound driver23:41
Maletorand how do i install flash for it?23:41
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:42
linxehrbucks: use netspit.de, or risk timing out with /list23:42
abadabad00hello everyone.23:42
ActionParsnipMaletor: copy the .so into /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins23:42
linxehrbucks: netsplit.de even23:42
TMTThis will reset after i take the pen far enough that it's out of range23:42
ps-axdarolu:  yeah.. i know.. but i can't see found that package in the repo23:42
crogeekhi to all23:42
crogeekI have a problem23:43
daroluMaletor: Chromium IS Chrome without Google additions (it looks and works the same); if flashplugin works for firefox, it should work for chromium automatically23:43
test34ActionParsnip, yes.. perhaps they should /msg the person that is flooding (and kick if they feel like it's needed)23:43
crogeekwith upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04 everything "went fine", except of wine23:43
crogeekI cannot install wine23:43
crogeekon lucid23:43
ThunderBirdehh, screw CDs for now... I'm going to boot from a pendrive if I can, and try to reinstall from there23:43
aciculaVriggchan, can you describe the problem you run into, at what point of the installation does it occur, what happened and what error messages did you get?23:43
ActionParsnipdarolu: chromium is a bleeding edge chrome23:43
Sp3c1alKI just installed ubuntu 10 and installed the recommended nvidia driver and now my sstem will not boot back up after restart23:43
Sp3c1alKI get a blank black screen23:43
winXPuser!wine crogeek23:43
ActionParsnipcrogeek: remove the wine, then reinstall it23:43
abadabad00I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 64bit to 10.04 64bit and my VLC installation seems to be broken. I can't install 1.0.6 though because I keep getting told that I have "broken packages" to fix.23:43
winXPuser!wine | crogeek23:43
ubottucrogeek: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:43
abadabad00can anyone help?23:43
darolups-ax: it is there, make sure all four repos are enabled, restricted-extras should be in Multiverse; if you're using software centre go to edit-software sources23:43
crogeekActionParsnip: I tried that and I cannot do that23:43
acicula!ask | abadabad0023:43
ubottuabadabad00: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:43
skrivtrying to create an alias that opens a terminal with a specific profile and a command.  testing, i run gnome-terminal --command=ls, i get the listing but no prompt after.. what am i missing?23:43
winXPuser!anyone | abadabad0023:43
ubottuabadabad00: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:43
crogeekActionParsnip: Ubuntu shows to me a error23:43
daroluActionParsnip: Yes it is, specially if you install with the PPA and get daily updates :p23:44
ActionParsnipabadabad00: can you use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:44
JetPackTuxedosixtila, have you tried the last post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-942801.html23:44
aj00200crogeek: you will need to say what the error is23:44
Sp3c1alKI just installed ubuntu 10 and installed the recommended nvidia driver and now my system will not boot back up after restart23:44
ActionParsnipdarolu: gotta love the daily love23:44
crogeekaj00200: here it is23:44
carl0s-I installed the xorg edgers ppa and now I just get a garbled screen on bootup. Is there any way I can get to a shell without an install CD, something like recovery mode ? I don't see a grub menu or anything.23:44
crogeekon pastebin23:44
xfactWhen they gonna change the homepage design as new branding?23:44
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:45
vistakilleranyone else have problem with suspend?23:45
erUSULcarl0s-: press shift during boot23:45
abadabad00I just upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 64bit to 10.04 64bit and my VLC installation seems to be broken. I can't install 1.0.6 though because I keep getting told that I have "broken packages" to fix.23:45
daroluxfact: what do you mean?23:45
carl0s-erUSUL, awesome, thanks.23:45
ps-axdarolu:  i  remove all the "#" on the lines with deb, then my repos are enabled.. and i update the list23:45
tyler__acicula: I was the guy asking about help about his graphics problems earlier.23:45
ActionParsnip2nd time: abadabad00: can you use http://pastebin.com to give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:45
Guest666Is it safe to clean cache?23:45
crogeekcan someone help me?23:45
ActionParsnipGuest666: yes, saves space23:45
aj00200Guest666: in what23:45
aciculacarl0s-, rescue option in the grub menu at boot, hold shift or press esc23:45
crogeekI cannot remove wine23:45
erUSULGuest666: sudo apt-get clean ? sure23:46
Guest666im using ubuntu tweak23:46
aj00200crogeek: you never posted the pastebin link here23:46
tyler__acicula: I changed the value for the modeset parameter to 1.23:46
crogeekupgrade failed actually23:46
aciculatyler__, the i915 flash 1==0 guy?23:46
Guest666clean all those .deb23:46
carl0s-acicula, yeah I did try esc, maybe I was too early, but shift has worked.23:46
crogeekaj00200: I will now brb23:46
winXPusercrogeek sudo-apt uninstall wine ??23:46
Maletorhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/amd64/flashplugin-nonfree/ Is this through an abstraction layer for 64 bit23:46
tyler__acicula: Yeah.23:46
xfactdarolu, the new 'ubuntu logo' suppose to be on the homepage right?23:46
ilranchacicula, my lost drive is stand alone, can't mount it, was encrypted, now unrecognised...23:46
ActionParsnipcrogeek: can you give a pastebin of: sudo apt-get --purge remove wine*23:46
tyler__acicula: It worked... sorta.23:46
daroluxfact: true23:46
ps-axdarolu:  maybe is problem with my repos.. i will change the target from *.cl.* to *.ar.*..23:47
Charbelacicula i have fujitsu siemens and shortcut keys for sound driver doesn't work proprely with ubuntu it always make the driver dummy output i deleted all shortcut keys for this driver after format and it was working fine now the driver is broken or lost and i got dummy output again with using any shortcut keys and i dunno why this happen23:47
tyler__acicula: I was able to get to the desktop, but I had a very low resolution (640x480).23:47
crogeekActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425525/23:47
OERIASwhere is the ubuntu release party?23:47
Guest666erUSUL ye that's the same thing in ubuntu tweak23:47
Sp3c1alKI just installed ubuntu 10 and installed the recommended nvidia driver and now my system will not boot back up after restart23:47
OERIASwhere is the ubuntu release party?23:47
darolups-ax: are you trying to install via terminal?23:47
tyler__acicula: There was some error box ( I couldn't read the error) and it wouldn't let me bring up a terminal.23:47
ps-axdarolu:  i only use terminal :D23:47
tyler__acicula: Advice?23:47
aj00200Sp3c1alK: Is it just that the screen isn't showing?23:47
ActionParsnipcrogeek: do you have updates running?  or software-centre running23:47
abadabad00ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Upx4kuNP23:47
Sp3c1alKaj00200: nothing is showing up =s23:48
Charbelagain without* using23:48
crogeekActionParsnip: nope23:48
Sp3c1alKaj00200: not even in recovery mode23:48
ilranchtyler__ acicula is v. busy, chill...23:48
OERIASwhere is the ubuntu release party?23:48
darolups-ax: OK, sudo apt-get update is giving you any problem?23:48
aj00200crogeek, you need to use sudo23:48
ActionParsnip!fixapt | crogeek23:48
ubottucrogeek: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:48
linus what is the easiest way to install xbmc on ubuntu 10.4 ?23:48
FoxWolfanyone got any idea why my sound has suddenly gone when the computer went into sleep mode?23:48
aciculatyler__, , try setting the vesa driver, or if you were using that already(thought you did add that at kernel) try disabeling it23:48
cythrawllhello, so my Lucid install is stalled dist-upgrading from karmic through update-manager,23:48
daroluOERIAS: Lucid is out, no more party I guess23:48
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cythrawllit's stalled installing mysql-server here:23:48
ps-axdarolu: no23:48
cythrawllnstalling new version of config file /etc/logrotate.d/mysql-server ...23:48
aj00200Sp3c1alK: that is quite strange. Do you have a live cd to recover your files and reinstall?23:48
aciculatyler__, are you running vesa now?23:48
xfactAnybody checked this links: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand2 / https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand these suppose to be applied by now... am I right?23:48
crogeekaj00200: thanks and it gives me this error23:48
cythrawllwhat should I do to unstall it?23:48
tyler__acicula: I'll try disabling it to see what happens.23:48
OERIASsome one told me Lucid won't be out until may 201023:48
ilranchacicula, my lost drive is stand alone, can't mount it, was encrypted, now unrecognised...23:49
abadabad00ActionParsnip - did you get my pastebin23:49
ps-axdarolu:  sorry i will go to a barbecue :D.. the monday i fix it.. thanks23:49
TigerDuckOERIAS: It's out and running here, with problems23:49
darolups-ax: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras should work then23:49
crogeekActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425526/23:49
crogeekaj00200: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425526/23:49
darolups-ax: OK, enjoy23:49
winXPusercythrawll maybe sudo-apt uninstall  mysql-server23:49
aciculaCharbel, i have no idea what you just said or what you are trying to say, or even what your problem is regarding sound :/23:49
ActionParsnipabadabad00: looks fine to me, can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gedit23:49
Sp3c1alKyeah I do, didn't really want to reinstall though since I already have once today23:49
EvaZqsomebody here ?23:49
Sp3c1alKaj00200: yeah I do, didn't really want to reinstall though since I already have once today23:50
ActionParsnipcrogeek: then you need to remove pptview23:50
aj00200crogeek: did this happen after/during updating?23:50
alex87hey guys, i'm looking for a network usage monitoring daemon that will work across all users. any recommendations?23:50
aciculailranch, how was it encrypted, wwas it stand alone before, (if so how exactly) and how is it not reconized, can you not mount the encrypted volume or can you not access the disk period23:50
crogeekaj00200: this happened when at the end of upgrade from 9.10 to 10.0423:50
EvaZqit's this the ubuntu official irc channel ?23:50
aj00200crogeek: I mean, have you updated recently, but had it fail?23:50
ActionParsnipEvaZq: this is it23:50
zedkappaEvaZq: yes23:50
crogeekaj00200: indeed23:50
ActionParsnip!ubuntu | EvaZq23:50
ubottuEvaZq: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:50
daroluEvaZq: yes, read the channel's topic23:50
aj00200crogeek: same thing happened to me. I just made a backup and reinstalled. Nothing seems to help23:51
ActionParsnipEvaZq: welcome to the official ubuntu support channel23:51
EvaZqsorry i'm new in irc stuff23:51
ilranchacicula, I used to mount it through Disk Utility, now fails to recognise it...23:51
crogeekaj00200: so nothing I can do?23:51
aj00200crogeek: well, maybe, but I don't know how to fix it. I just made a backup and reinstalled23:51
abadabad00ActionParsnip - http://pastebin.com/G4F0A7DG23:51
crogeekaj00200: and did reinstall fixed that?23:51
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Charbelacicula its ok never mind23:52
aciculailranch, you mean under places you could select the disk, but now you cant access it?23:52
aj00200crogeek: yes. Then I updated (I only had a 8.04 install disk)23:52
EvaZqi am running ubuntu 9.10 on acer laptop with a gma 4500m23:52
Charbelan thx23:52
Charbelacicula, thx23:52
crogeekthis happened me at the end of upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04, only wine didn't install23:52
ActionParsnipabadabad00: ok run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove    you are good to go, you can install and remove apps as you please23:52
aciculaCharbel, np, sorry i couldnt be off more help23:52
crogeekand now after every boot Ubuntu is sending a message about 1 broken instalation23:52
crogeekand that's actually Wine23:52
EvaZqsorry i am running 10.0423:52
crogeekI don't know to fix that problem at all23:52
crogeekand I don't have a time for reinstalation again23:53
EvaZq10.04 on a gma 4500m23:53
crogeekof clear OS23:53
ActionParsnipcrogeek: if you uninstall pptview does it let you remove wine?23:53
aciculacrogeek, apt-get remove --purge wine and then try reinstalling wine?23:53
abadabad00ActionParsnip - what caused this?23:53
EvaZqand i have a issue with a kind of glith on my display23:53
deijsman /whois23:53
crogeekActionParsnip: nope I didn't even to try reinstall pptview, can you help me about this?23:53
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ActionParsnipabadabad00: not sure, sometimes an apt-get update fixes all. gui is nice but cli is where its at23:53
ActionParsnipcrogeek: sudo apt-get --purge remove pptview23:54
abadabad00ActionParsnip - that did not fix it23:54
EvaZqwhere can i download my intel drivers in ubuntu 10.0423:54
crogeekActionParsnip: thanks I will try to do that, next I will send you here a pastebin what happened in CLI23:54
MaletorPutting libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins did not work.23:54
aciculaEvaZq, they are provided with the distribution23:54
MaletorEven after restart.23:54
EvaZqand what if they have a bug ?23:54
abadabad00ActionParsnip - This is what synaptec package manager tells me when I try to install VLC "vlc: Depends: vlc-nox but it is not going to be installed Recommends: vlc-plugin-pulse but it is not going to be installed"23:54
EvaZqi ma ussing unbuntu 10.0423:54
Charbelacicula,  its ok man i know i can't get help coz the problem depends on hardware and its driver i must search in forums maybe i can find a way to fix it23:54
EvaZqwith a intel gma 4500m23:55
aciculaCharbel, ok gl :)23:55
EvaZqand it has kind of interference on the screen23:55
crogeekActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425528/23:55
crogeekI got error again23:55
crogeeksame error23:55
gilBodsda: you here?23:55
aciculaEvaZq, can you make a screenshot of it and upload it somewhere?23:55
ilranchacicula, I used to mount it through Disk Utility, now fails to recognise it...23:55
EvaZqyes it is on youtube23:56
ActionParsnipcrogeek: trid: sudo apt-get -f install23:56
aciculailranch, By Disk Utility you mean under places you could select the disk, but now you cant access it?23:56
ubuntu_majetpacktuxedo stuck on grub screen with error 1523:56
Urdenwas the QA team totally asleep for Lucid?  I mean, a show-stopping boot bug?  that's pretty serious23:56
aciculaIleden, as in the Places menu23:56
FishsceneUrden: What kind of boot bug?23:56
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ilranchacicula, yes, that and the Disk Utility GUI.23:56
Zas1anyone mind helping me get my sound working?23:56
ActionParsnipUrden: not seen a boot bug here23:56
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UrdenFishscene: i put the 10.04 desktop livecd in and it goes to the screen with the red dots...then just stops23:56
TigerDuckFishscene: "An error occurred while mounting /proc/bus/usb"23:57
aciculailranch, so this is a separate disk, that didnt contain your home directory?23:57
UrdenActionParsnip: see above23:57
ilranchacicula, yes.23:57
ActionParsnipUrden: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?23:57
Random832anyone know how to fix an issue with the screen flashing after resuming from having the screen in sleep mode on an i915?23:57
crogeekActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/425530/23:57
JetPackTuxedoubuntu_ma, hmm... try downgrading grub. Want me to find you some instructions?23:57
UrdenActionParsnip: nope...i shall do that23:57
aciculailranch, can you plug in the disk, type dmesg in a console and pastebin the last 20 lines or so23:57
UrdenActionParsnip: good idea23:57
TigerDuckFishscene: I wonder why Ubuntu would want to mount /proc/bus/usb on boot23:57
abadabad00ActionParsnip - Any reason why that did not fix it? Any other course of action available?23:57
ActionParsnipUrden: if you dont you have zero chance of knowing what you downloaded is complete or consistant do you?23:57
ilranchacicula, the disk is internal, it is plugged in...23:57
aciculaEvaZq, do yo have a link?23:58
FishsceneI'm having my own boot problems... it seems to have regressed from 9.10 as that boots perfectly fine.23:58
EvaZqacicula http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSPS7y6MCXc23:58
ActionParsnipabadabad00: not sure, this is one of the huge weaknesses in package based distros23:58
aciculailranch, how many internal disks do you have23:58
UrdenActionParsnip: this is true.  but the same issue has been reported by multiple in the beta, so i doubt that's the problem23:58
ubuntu_maI can't copy paste instruction as I'm on my phone23:58
crogeekActionParsnip: do you know what is causing this?23:58
ilranchacicula, four.23:58
abadabad00... tell me about it23:58
EvaZqthere is a demo of the issue23:58
crogeekActionParsnip: I am affraid if Ubuntu 10.04 isn't installed correctly at all23:58
UrdenFishscene: yeah i've had no problems booting 9.1023:58
ActionParsnipUrden: well isolate yours by knowing the iso is good, if it fails md5 you know your data is the blame23:58
abadabad00so I'm just screwed?23:58
crogeekI am affraid also that I must do clean install of OS - this suck23:58
aj00200crogeek: the install probably failed. And yes. It really does suck23:59
ActionParsnipUrden: ALWAYS ALWAYS MD% test the ISO and ALWAYS ALWAYS run the CD checker23:59
EvaZqi tryed the ubuntu 10.04 beta and that problem hapened a lot23:59
aciculaEvaZq, if you go to system-preferences-monitor, can you select a lower refresh rate? and does that fix the problem23:59
ActionParsnip!md5 | Urden23:59
ubottuUrden: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:59
EvaZqnow i have the lTD vercion23:59
smbhdoes anyone know of a good way to get php5-fpm on ubuntu 10.04 LTS?23:59
aciculaEvaZq, is it an external monitor btw?23:59
deijsmandoes anyone know of a channel specifically for HW issues?23:59
EvaZqbut it's not for the refresh rate23:59
EvaZqit's the glitch23:59
UrdenActionParsnip: I would run the CD checker, except the CD won't load...won't load anything at all to let me do that.  I will check md5 now though23:59
ActionParsnip!find php523:59

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