
vladadigitaloktay, it does00:09
digitaloktayah thx ^^00:09
digitaloktayand with radeon 9800 pro ?00:09
digitaloktaywith boot options   radeon.nomodeset=000:10
vladadigitaloktay, I don't know00:10
mac9416I'm sure y'all have answered this question a thousand times already, but... When will Ubuntu Studio 10.04 be released?00:59
digitaloktayits out00:59
mac9416Someone forgot to put it in the News on the website.00:59
mac9416OK, looks like someone just needs to update the site.01:00
mac9416And the channel topic.01:01
mac9416Yep, there it is. Thanks much!01:02
digitaloktaycheck md5sum before :)01:02
mac9416Actually, I plan to order it from OSDisc.com. I have a 5GB/mo cap on my Internet, so I have to be careful.01:03
mac9416I hope it's available on OSDisc soon.01:03
digitaloktayf7991951bc3520bc25ddc7d4661f225b *ubuntustudio-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso01:03
digitaloktay38a999563d595306829084852800071c *ubuntustudio-10.04-alternate-i386.iso01:03
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