
_Techie_hello Guest1994200:00
Guest19942Is posible update to Xubuntu 10.04 by the command "sudo update-manager -d?00:01
charlie-tcadon't use the -d00:02
_Techie_or you can sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:02
charlie-tcafinal is out. If you start update-manager, it should tell you a new version 10.04 is available00:02
charlie-tcajust click upgrade00:03
Guest19942but it tell me there's a new version of UBUNTU 10.04, not XUBUNTU00:04
charlie-tcaIf you installed Xubuntu, it will upgrade Xubuntu00:04
charlie-tcaeven if the text is wrong.00:04
Guest19942thank you!!!00:04
charlie-tcano problem00:15
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, now I have a working proxy... *yay*00:50
Sachse_Siechtumthanks to _Techie_  ,the genius :-)00:50
_Techie_im not a genius, i just have problems with restrictive authorities00:50
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, me too :-)00:51
charlie-tcaGreat! we need a genius in here to help out00:51
Sachse_Siechtumwe need a genius to solve the vanising panels problem :-)00:52
Sachse_Siechtumafk eating some fish with toast and butter (not in that order)00:56
charlie-tcahmmm, seems like butter with fish and toast would be wrong00:58
Sachse_Siechtumyes exactly. more like apt-get install "toastbutterfish"00:59
Sachse_Siechtum(not bragging with my turbo pascal knowledge now)00:59
_Techie_hey LinuxGuy200901:00
LinuxGuy2009Hello Im working on a buntu multiboot DVD on launchpad and needed to know if on the live CD if the initrd file found in /casper is named either "/casper/initrd.lz" or "/casper/initrd.gz"? Would someone be so kind as to verify this for me?01:01
LinuxGuy2009_Techie_: Hi there!01:01
LinuxGuy2009For Lucid of course01:01
_Techie_anyone here from the US that might be willing to donate the use of a shell account on one of their linux machines01:01
_Techie_Sachse_Siechtum, got a shell hosting service in washington01:02
_Techie_however for ssh forwarding you need an upgraded subscription01:03
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, which means...spending money..01:03
charlie-tcaLinuxGuy2009: might be better to ask in #ubuntu-installer, but I don't know if anyone is available tonight.01:03
_Techie_which according to the information they have given me is $36 one time only01:04
_Techie_but il keep searching01:04
LinuxGuy2009charlie-tca: Ok thank you01:04
Sachse_Siechtumthank you so much....if you find something send me your adress please, so I can send you a packge of fine german beer...01:05
Sachse_Siechtumso "all your friend will highfive and whorship you forever"01:05
_Techie_haha, too bad your not russian01:06
_Techie_i got a mate whose after some real russian vodka01:06
Sachse_Siechtumhehe...maybe I can find some import vodka01:07
_Techie_dound a few, not sure if they are still active though01:07
_Techie_no luck, of the 3 i came accross, 2 were completely offline and the passwords for the third had been changed01:10
_Techie_<robthew00t> I kinda wanna hack every wow server and  break it and throw the world into chaos because i'm almost certain wow  addicts everywhere would suffer withdrawals and rebel01:10
Sachse_Siechtumah no bother. I'm glad I have one :-)01:11
Sachse_Siechtumoh noes!01:11
Sachse_SiechtumThe world would sink into chaos..01:11
Sachse_Siechtumand brutal street gangs would terrorize the people...01:11
Sachse_Siechtum...and one man had to save us all....the lone wanderer...the street warrior...01:12
Sachse_SiechtumMAD MAX!01:13
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, some funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yX2jXbTVkw01:17
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, ROFL brilliant! I was lik WTF the whole time! LOL01:27
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, Apple OS is more or less an expensive Linux OS ...01:28
_Techie_its BSD based01:28
Sachse_Siechtumwithout the adaptability01:28
Sachse_Siechtumyeah I know01:28
Sachse_Siechtuma friend of mine owns a imac...01:29
Sachse_SiechtumI used it for a week01:29
_Techie_i have a mac01:29
Sachse_Siechtumafter that I got "cairo-dock" for my xubuntu..01:29
_Techie_its a Powerbook G4 titanium 15"01:29
Sachse_Siechtumafter 2 weeks it was annoying01:29
Sachse_Siechtumand I got ried of it...01:29
_Techie_i run linux on mine atm01:30
Sachse_SiechtumI dont like mac...01:30
_Techie_but linux doesnt like the graphics card01:30
Sachse_SiechtumI just find macs to expensive01:30
_Techie_it works, but not as well as in OSX01:30
_Techie_hrmm, maybe ill re isntall OS X today01:31
Sachse_Siechtumwhy didnt you buy a pc (without the windows)?01:31
_Techie_i got given this from my dad01:31
Sachse_Siechtumwouldnt it be cheaper?01:31
Sachse_Siechtumoh well *g*01:32
_Techie_he used it while he was waiting for his macbook pro 17" titanium01:32
_Techie_so i now have a laptop with a shit ass processor and minimal battery life01:33
_Techie_oh yay, lucid is done downloading01:33
Sachse_Siechtumnice :-)01:33
Sachse_Siechtumwell not the laptop *g*01:34
Sachse_Siechtumbut in some days I gonna get an ancient laptop from my judo teacher...the only thing I know is: it has 128 mb ram *g*01:34
Sachse_Siechtumand there is Win XP on it...01:34
Sachse_Siechtumso I'll go either for Lubuntu or Slitaz01:35
Sachse_Siechtumalready burnt 2 live cds :-)01:35
Sachse_Siechtumslitaz looks very good for just 30 mb :-)01:35
_Techie_i used to have a n old 386 laptop, with a floppy drive... windows 3.1 an 4mb RAM01:38
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, woah...I've seen a monochrome laptop once with an external cd rom single speed drive...top that one *g*01:40
_Techie_this one does top it01:41
_Techie_this was before they had cdroms01:41
Sachse_Siechtumoh wait...some time in 1997 I was playing with a friend...soccer on a C64!01:42
Sachse_Siechtumwith joysticks!01:42
_Techie_even had a trackball mouse01:42
Sachse_Siechtumand this game was loading from a 3"5 floppy drive!01:42
Sachse_Siechtumdamn does this make me a geek, because I remember this? LOL01:43
Sachse_Siechtumyeah...in 1997 I used to have a life :-)01:44
Sachse_Siechtummaybe today I'm more of a geek than in the past..01:45
Sachse_Siechtummy first pc had Win 95 on it...01:45
Sachse_SiechtumI think til last year linux wasnt even existing for me :-(01:45
Sachse_Siechtumtil I had it with my slow Win XP install *g*01:45
Sachse_Siechtumalright I'm off to bed ceya01:50
Sachse_Siechtum_Techie_, thanks again :-)01:50
_Techie_no prob man01:50
Sachse_Siechtumoh wtf!01:51
Sachse_Siechtumcant start jdownloader.jar01:51
Sachse_Siechtumwhy does this remind me of windows vista?01:52
Sachse_Siechtumok solved it01:52
Sachse_Siechtumwell went faster than in vista *lol*01:53
_Techie_sudo chmod a+x filename.jar01:54
Sachse_Siechtumwell I did "porperties ...access right...and done01:55
rajguys is there anyone in here capable of reading logs and determining how to fix? its about a game smokin guns... I have the log file openAL refuses to open and i get errors while trying to run VM any ideas? i would really appreciate any help :( here is my log file ANYONE? I couldnt FIND anything online!!!! http://pastebin.org/193449   PLEASE HELP :) THANK YOU01:58
_Techie_yay for using extremely busted up MP3 players as flash drives01:59
_Techie_pastebin the logs and we can take a look at it01:59
_Techie_hehe, another q3 based game02:00
_Techie_does the file ./vm/ui.qvm exist?02:01
_Techie_raj, does the file ./vm/ui.qvm exist?02:09
raj_Techie_:  shouldnt it exist???? it was running fine yesterday02:10
rajtech where can i find the file?02:10
raj_Techie_:  where can i find it?02:11
_Techie_in the vm folder02:11
raj_Techie_:  1 sec02:11
raj_Techie_:  is it under filesystems or .vm home folder? cant find vm under filesystem02:12
_Techie_i would think it would be located in with the game files02:12
_Techie_anyone here got experience with software raid arrays?02:40
=== xubuntu938 is now known as xivix
xivixso how's the new version?02:44
Sachse_Siechtumnot so much different on the outside (except the boot screen)02:46
* charlie-tca waves bye. see you tomorrow! 03:04
arthur1Forgive for my Englishman, I have just updated xubuntu 10.04 and the menu of xfce this one distorted in this configuration everything it of "system" and this one also "system". Can someone help me?03:10
arthur1 Sorry  my English is bad, I have just updated xubuntu 10.04 and the menu of xfce this one distorted in this configuration everything it of "system" and this one also "system". Can someone help me?03:17
arthur1Thank you for your help, I look now for the channel of xfce03:19
arthur1somebody can help me?03:29
arthur1as I can modify the menu of xfce?03:32
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/04:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
_Techie_whenever any sound plays to my sound card, all i hear is noise, even with system sounds (when running in 5.1 out + analog in, i get surround sound noise)05:26
ircipimpmr_pouit: ping07:25
spazzI got lucid yesterday.. and it moves my mouse cursor faster in horizontal directions than in vertical directions.. how can I fix that!?09:09
mr_pouitircipimp: pong09:16
ircipimpmr_pouit: hi. I've seen your reply in #566900 regarding the integration of xfce and gnome-session and i suspect this to be the cause of #564831 as well (which i reported). Can you confirm this?09:19
ircipimpAnd if so, can we figure out a workaround to get gnome-keyring-daemon integrated into xfce4-session?09:19
ircipimp(didn't we have a bot here posting links to bug numbers?)09:19
minimecHi folks. I am using a xfce4-terminal in combination with e17 WM. Is there A way to prevent 'always on top' of the Terminal window when I go into Fulscreen mode?09:29
mr_pouitircipimp: I don't have any clear idea for this one. gnome-keyring isn't automatically started by xfce4-session now. But if the desktop files are present in xdg/autostart, it will... If it is requested by nm-applet over dbus, it will be started by dbus...09:34
mr_pouitircipimp: Anyway, gnome-keyring has been rewritten for 2.30, so I don't think the doc is up-to-date in this aspect :(09:34
ircipimpyes. the problem seems to be, that the environment variables printed by g-k-d are not imported into the env09:35
mr_pouitiirc, there is gnome-keyring 2.30.1 in -proposed, you should try it :]09:35
ircipimpok, i'll try that09:35
mr_pouitircipimp: I looked a bit at the code a few days ago, and there are two ways to set these vars: by g_setenv() and over dbus with gnome-session09:35
mr_pouit(I don't know how gnome-keyring decides which way though...)09:36
ircipimpwhich mechanism does g_setenv use to push the variable to env?09:37
ircipimpuntil karmic i just started g-k-d manually in .xsession. However since lucid, nm-applet won't be able to connect, it i start it that way.09:38
mr_pouitg_setenv is just "the normal way that should work everywhere"09:38
ircipimpcan it be, that xsession get executed before dbus, thus g-k-d cannot register with dbus and fails to do so when dbus comes up, but dbus fails on starting g-k-d when requested by nm-applet?09:39
ircipimpi'll go and try 2.30.109:41
ircipimpthanks for the help so far!09:41
mr_pouitircipimp: feel free to comment on the bug report if you understand the issue ;)09:42
ircipimpyes, i will try to further track this down during the weekend. Having to type "ssh-add" after each login annoys me, especially as it is a regression bug09:43
xubuntu801i want to install xubbubunt09:46
ircipimpxubuntu801: nice09:46
xubuntu801and use autocad09:46
bestfanxubunto is best?09:53
psycho_oreosits a matter of taste09:54
Name141Will I be able to upgrade through the ISO if I have both Xfce and Gnome desktops installed?11:08
psycho_oreosdoubt it11:46
Name141I gotta wait till tomorrow anyway11:48
Name141I'm almost out of unlimited bandwith hours11:48
Name141AKA: 14 more ins11:48
mirmilloIt's possibile to start ubuntu in cli mode?11:58
psycho_oreosyes, append single into kernel line11:58
mirmilloIt's possibile to start xubuntu in cli mode?11:58
psycho_oreosrefer to above11:58
_Techie_add suffix the boot options with text11:58
mirmillo_Techie_: How can I do that?11:59
_Techie_you could edit it in grub at boot time11:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:59
_Techie_or you could edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg11:59
_Techie_psycho_oreos, single is not what were after here12:00
_Techie_CLI was asked for, not insta-root12:00
_Techie_single will throw you in as root, however text will give you a terminal where you can login as a regular user12:00
psycho_oreos_Techie_, still its text mode12:01
psycho_oreosyes not quite correct as yours but close12:01
_Techie_i just dont want someone sitting in root all the time if they dont know what they are doing12:01
_Techie_its extremely dangerous12:01
mirmillo_Techie_: _Techie_ what should I add to /boot/grub/grub.cfg?12:02
schlaftiermirmillo: DON'T edit grub.cfg directly12:17
schlaftiermirmillo: if you are on Karmic or Lucid, try this:12:17
=== florin_ is now known as aigoo
aigooI've tried to mount a ntfs partition and a get an error when the system startx. This is the link with my /ect/fstab : http://pastebin.com/ZVrs2pZN12:36
kangarooohello. big problem. no sound on upgrade and .m3u file not recogized and cant be recognized and cant be made to open with witch program12:36
kangarooom3u file i clicked right click properties and before upgrade i was able to change with with program file needs to be opened in file properties12:38
moetunesaigoo: shouldn't it be something like /dev/sda2? on the last line?12:39
aigooHow can I change the run level to 3?13:51
psycho_oreosinit 313:51
psycho_oreoserr sudo init 313:51
bazhang!runlevel | aigoo13:51
ubottuaigoo: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.13:51
Sysitelinit ?13:52
aigooSysi: I want to start my system directly in cli mode.13:53
bazhangstop gdm?13:53
bazhangaigoo, this is permanent?13:54
aigoobazhang: yes, it is.13:54
bazhangaigoo, fresh install? or upgrade13:54
_Techie_aigoo, suffix the boot parameters with "text" without quotation marks13:55
aigoobazhang: fresh install13:55
bazhangaigoo, well if its permanent you might consider the minimal installer (around 10mb download) and install only what you need13:56
_Techie_aigoo, suffix the boot parameters with "text" without quotation marks13:56
moetunesisn't not starting gdm in rc2.d easier?13:56
aigoobazhang: Can you give me a link?13:57
bazhangaigoo, hang on13:57
aigoobazhang: ok13:57
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:57
_Techie_seriously guys, if you want to load a CLI14:00
_Techie_the easiest way is to take the boot parameters and add text to the end, no need to screw aaround with runlevels14:01
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:01
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:01
aigoo_Techie_: Where to add that?14:01
Sysior just remove gdm14:02
_Techie_aigoo, in the boot parameters14:02
_Techie_Sysi, while that will achieve what were after, it will however it requires modification of the system14:02
Sysiyeah, but it's easy14:03
_Techie_Sysi, so is adding text, it can even be done during boot if you want14:04
aigoobazhang: It's possibile to install a minimal Xubuntu version?14:04
bazhangaigoo, well you add xubuntu and its not really minimal anymore14:05
Sysipure cli is also possible with alternate-cd14:05
bazhangaigoo, the package xubuntu-desktop though can certainly be installed though14:05
bazhangminus though14:05
aigoothank you guys for your help.14:08
charlie-tca!hi | MaxFrames14:39
ubottuMaxFrames: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:39
MaxFramesI have just upgraded from karmic to lucid and I am a less-than-happy cat :(14:39
MaxFramesthunar is broken... in detailed view there is no way to select items14:39
charlie-tcaBut compact view and icon view work fine14:40
MaxFramesand I have also issues with synergy+ (OK, it's not officially supported, but it worked on karmic)14:40
charlie-tcabug 52011814:40
MaxFramesthere is no solution right now, is there?14:41
charlie-tcasynergy+ I don't know, but you could look if there is a bug filed and if not, report the issue in launchpad14:41
charlie-tcano solution to thunar, no, not for us or arch or any other distro at this time14:41
MaxFramesright now, I am trying to build the latest release candidate of synergy+, to see if it gets better14:41
MaxFramesI must say that I am disappointed... karmic brought a major problem (gnome-screensaver not locking the screen, required to roll back to xscreensaver) and now this is also quite an annoyance14:43
MaxFramesfrom launchpad I gather that this issue was known in beta stage... why did they release it like this if they knew about it?14:45
moetunescomes down to time and number of uses prob14:46
moetunesusers I meant14:46
MaxFrameswell, thunar is the default xubuntu file manager isn't it? so anyone upgrading xubuntu will face this bug14:46
charlie-tcaWell, sometimes it becomes a choice, release or never release14:46
MaxFrames"never" is exaggerated14:47
MaxFrames"later" is more likely14:47
charlie-tcaright, could have waited 6 months14:47
MaxFramesno problem... better than upgrading to a non working release14:47
moetunesI've never used "detailed view"14:47
charlie-tcaThere is no fix that upstream has been able to find, how long would be reasonable?14:48
MaxFramesthis is the last time I trust the next LTS to be better than the previous release14:48
charlie-tcaI don't see a non-working release mentioned. I see a release that has a bug that can be easily worked around14:48
MaxFrameswhen I got the gnome-screensaver bug, there were two solutions... 1) revert to xscreensaver (which canonical did with lucid anyway) and 2) roll back a couple of versions... both worked...14:49
charlie-tcaNot everyone uses detailed view. It is an option you set up14:49
charlie-tcaSome bugs are easier to workaround than others. You still have options. Use icon or compact view. They do not freeze thunar14:49
MaxFramesit's like selling a car and say "don't move your seat from the default position, it could get loose, if it does it's your fault because you moved it to suit your needs"14:49
charlie-tcaDefault is icon view, not detailed view14:50
MaxFramesread again please14:50
MaxFramesI should be able to customize a setting to my needs...14:50
moetunesthere's 20000+ apps in xubuntu14:51
charlie-tcaworkaround: use compact view, press ctrl+2 to see detailed view when you get to the folder you need to look at the dates in14:51
MaxFramesmoetunes: I'm not talking an obscure app (like synergy+ admittely is), but the default file manager!14:51
charlie-tcaenough rant now. Do you have an issue you need help with?14:51
MaxFramesyes, with synergy+14:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:52
MaxFramessometimes, when I switch to the "server" (windows) and then back to the client (lucid), the key mapping is screwed14:52
MaxFramesdoes not happen every time so it's hard to identify the reason14:52
MaxFramesfor example, I type "-" and get "_"14:53
MaxFramesor type lower case and get upper case (and cannot toggle upper case lock)14:53
MaxFramesunfortunately, being noob, I cannot seem to be able to build a newer version of synergy+ to see if it fixes the issue14:53
MaxFramesthe command should be ./hm.sh build, but it gives me unknown command14:54
MaxFramesI'm sorry about the ranting... but I'd really like to discuss the "release or die" concept... is there a "loose ubuntu chat" room available?14:56
MaxFramesok, thanks14:57
TomJXubuntu 9.10 - my menu bar and taskbar have disappeared.  normally I ahve the menu at the top and a task list at the bottom, both have gone. I can see the desktop with its icons, but can't find how to get the menus back14:57
charlie-tca!panel | TomJ14:57
TomJ(nor do I know what made them disappeared -it's actually my Mum's laptop, so she might have pressed anything.)14:57
ubottuTomJ: Did you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/14:57
TomJOK - it crashes often?14:58
charlie-tcaTomJ: the panels crash often, or the whole system?14:58
Sysipretty often, devs just still can't reproduce it :D14:58
TomJah, "Since disappearing panels occurs often".  Is this improved in 10.04?  Seems quite a big issue14:58
TomJcharlie-tca: I meant xfce4-panel is crashing - to me it only happened once, but that link says it happens often14:59
TomJOK, but this issue persisted reboots - I guess that's because I have "save session" enabled?14:59
charlie-tcaWell, for me it improved, I haven't crashed the panels in 10.04 since alpha214:59
TomJand shouldnt xfce4-panels appear in the session startup list?  Or does something else start it?14:59
TomJcharlie-tca: I am on 9.10 - I will try 10.0414:59
charlie-tcaI think it is started by something else15:00
TomJOK - but it doesnt come back for me on reboots at the moment.  so either its absence is being saved by the session manager, or else it is crashing on every startup15:00
TomJI guess I will know the latter once I restart it with alt-f215:01
TomJanyway I'm going to reinstall with 10.04.   9.10 hasn't been going great for me so far - had a few other issues also15:01
charlie-tcaOnce it crashes, it won't restart by restarting the system. You do have to restart it separately15:01
TomJcharlie-tca: ok thanks15:01
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:01
moetunesit helps if you backup .config/xfce/panel15:02
MaxFramescan you suggest a replacement for thunar (and how to make it the default file browser)?15:06
charlie-tcaI would only know to remove thunar and install the other one. That will make the new one default, I think15:07
moetunespcmanfm is light15:10
MaxFrameswhen the "caps lock" and "scroll lock" keyboard leds blink at the same time, it means kernel panic, doesn't it?15:31
geniiMaxFrames: When all 3 keyboard lights flash on and off continuously, yes kernel panic15:33
MaxFramesthe "num lock" was not blinking15:33
geniiMaxFrames: If they just blink once when you turn the computer on and no more, your motherboard passed it's self-check15:34
MaxFramesmaybe it was "kernel anxiety" :D :D15:34
MaxFramesit happened when I shut down, and they were blinking continuously and the screen was blank; I had to force the shutdown15:34
abubakarhi any one there to help me16:41
hatake_kakashiask and you may receive16:42
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:42
abubakarI was customising the panel in panel manager.I dont know ,suddenly one of my panels containing the browsers has disappeared.what should I do to restore it.16:45
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/16:45
Prajwalstarted downloading xubuntu 10.0416:52
Prajwalwaiting to test it 8)16:53
jst_Is it just me, or does Xubuntu run faster with no background image set?16:54
Prajwalhmm background image??16:54
Prajwalwhat does it have to do with it ?16:54
jst_Desktop wallpaper, whatever.16:54
jst_I don't know, it just seems faster when I don't have one set.16:55
Prajwalis it so large image??16:55
jst_It's the default one, so I don't think so.16:55
charlie-tcaanybody running a portable computer with Xubuntu that can test a couple of packages?16:58
charlie-tcaPackages are in proposed, to fix bugs17:00
charlie-tcajst: depending on your system specs, it might be faster without the image17:06
handjobHi. I just upgreaded. Someone willing to help me get the sound back please?17:59
handjobSound card detected. Module loaded. No sound. Help.18:31
Sysieverything unmuted etc?18:31
handjobAh just updated to 10.04.18:31
handjobI will drop some pastebin.18:32
handjobGive me a sce.18:32
handjob"Sb live 5.1 (alsa mixer)" marked in the sound mixer. Output of lspci -v and less /proc/asound/modles - http://pastebin.com/XN18MGE7 , http://pastebin.com/d8WjX8sD . Everything unmutted in the alsamixer. Don't knew what to do anymore.18:37
handjobI just checked the speakers with aplay and (most of them) does work. Now i am really confused.18:51
TheSheephow do you check for sound?18:52
TheSheepmaybe you are just missing the codecs for whatever audio file you try to play?18:52
moetunessimple check is   aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav18:55
handjobWell maybe that's the case. Thx.18:55
handjobWhat sound i install to play wav. files? Do You think that these could be deleted in the upgrade process?18:59
handjob*What sound codecs sould I19:00
handjobOk once again speaker test is making noise however exaile, totem, firefox does not. "Restricted" package is installed. Help.19:11
handjobCould someone help me fix the problem with missing sound?19:25
Besogonhello. Why can't I open with thunar samba shared foulders using Giglo?19:26
kangarooohello after update yesterday i dont have music playing19:27
kangarooosound is lost19:27
handjobHa ha. Welcom in the club.19:30
handjobI am about to reboot after excluding the puls from automatic startup list. Brb to tell if something changed.19:31
handjobNo luck.19:34
handjobkangarooo, can u perform speaker test. It's strange but it works on my box.19:34
kangarooook ill do it handjob only how?19:35
handjobspeaker-test -D surround51 -c 619:35
=== kangarooo is now known as KaNgArOoO
handjobctrl to exit.19:35
KaNgArOoOhandjob its not making sound.19:36
handjobOh i am not sure should You give surround argument. I am such a audio noob.19:36
handjobHowever thx.19:37
KaNgArOoOPlayback device is surround51 Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 6 channels Using 16 octaves of pink noise Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy19:37
KaNgArOoOthat he gives me and also repeating this line all the time handjob Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy19:38
handjobHave You checked the alsamixer and the xfce mixer settings after upgrade?19:39
KaNgArOoOi have only mixer in xfce panel19:40
KaNgArOoOyes all are up to max19:40
handjobSame here.19:40
KaNgArOoOmusic was playing yesterday then i made upgrade and now in morning i wanted radio but it wasnt playing19:41
KaNgArOoOalso m3u file wasnt anymore recognized by vlc and in file properties i canot anymore change with what i want that file to open19:41
handjobThat's strange. Try to run the wanted program from terminal as a root.19:44
handjobWhat the fuck. The sound works if i start excaile with sudo!19:47
moetunescheck if you're in the audio group19:48
KaNgArOoOi dont think it will get back in file properties option to change with witch programm that file i want to open19:48
handjobI added myself 10 minutes ago.19:48
handjobHowever i did it editing /etc/groups with vim.19:48
handjobCan this be not efficient?19:49
moetunesdoes audio show in   groups   at terminal?19:50
KaNgArOoOhandjob: i also tryd with sudo exaile but for me thats not working still19:50
handjobI made an error. What is the separator between users in /etc/group?19:50
TheSheep \n19:51
TheSheepoh, in group, sorry19:51
TheSheep'man group' says 'a  list  of  the usernames that are members of this group, sepa‐19:52
TheSheep              rated by commas.'19:52
handjobThank You.19:52
handjobLog out/in. Brb.19:53
KaNgArOoOi got sound19:53
KaNgArOoOproblem with sound solved by finding all sound prefferences and in one prefferences withc had nothing added i added only thing what was possible to add- another master. and it was by default to mute. so a bug is- on upgrade setting is hidden and is mutted19:57
KaNgArOoOalso heres another bug. http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot674.php folders added to menu in left.19:58
KaNgArOoOand another bug- copy paste not working using ctrl+c ctrl+v19:59
KaNgArOoOhandjob: problem with sound solved by finding all sound prefferences and in one prefferences withc had nothing added i added only thing what was possible to add- another master. and it was by default to mute. so a bug is- on upgrade setting is hidden and is mutted20:01
handjobWhat a bitch. Is it RC or stable? It changed some owhershit of excaile files in my home. Still it does not work. KaNgArOoO can You please be more specyfic?20:03
KaNgArOoObut heres another 2 bugs http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot674.php and another bug- copy paste not working using ctrl+c ctrl+v. at least in pidgin i cant ctrl+v text copied from programms. if copied from textfile it works. but works only when left click and paste as plain text.20:03
handjobKaNgArOoO, where are the "preferences" that You mentioned?20:06
KaNgArOoOhandjob: here ar pics http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-196.php in first all is to max. but now i also checked others added them all. and in middle option called Playback there was nothing added. i added master and it was muted. i dont think its important i thought all is in first option but anyways i checked it and its muted and i unmuted and it works20:07
=== KaNgArOoO is now known as KangarooO
KangarooOim doing a fresh install on another pc and lets see if there all is fine20:08
handjobThx, however i will try to fix alsa but if i fail (and it seems i will) i will give it a try.20:09
handjobFuck. Story so far - I am abel to run 2 speakers of 5.1 set when disabeling puls in autostart and running for example exaile as a root...this is what i get when running it as a reggular user maybe somebody can suggest me something http://pastebin.com/XzZGxQa5 . Thx in advance.20:29
TrueNherohello, how is going on the lucid lynx on xubuntu?20:33
handjobIt's a disaster.20:36
TrueNherotoo heavy?}20:36
handjobPlease tell me it's RC not stable.20:36
handjobAudio, does not work20:37
handjobPuls is dead.20:37
handjobI am able to listen to some music on alsa as a root20:37
handjobon 2 out of 5 speakers.20:38
handjobGreate upgrade.20:38
Name141After I get the LTS ISO downloaded, can I use the ISO to upgrade without burning it to a CD?20:40
handjobWell i have not tried to upgrade this way but if You can do it from cd i bet that doing so from usb for example is possible.20:42
handjobBut don't do it.20:42
Name141handjob: The old machine wont do that20:42
handjobIt sucks.20:42
handjobName141, no usb boot eh?20:42
DexterFjust installed lucid on an old thinkpad. works a charm so far. but -- first linux-laptop, which is the saved state that needs no power?20:43
TrueNheroxubuntu lost his way.....20:43
Name141handjob: It's a PII 450 MHz20:43
TrueNheroxfce4 is heavy right now, im using openbox20:44
handjobFuck it. I am doing server install and maybe openbox etc.20:44
DexterFumm. problem. no mouse pointer after resume. what now?20:45
handjobXubuntu is DEAD.20:45
handjobBEAD BAybe.20:45
DexterFtry #crybaby20:46
fun2learngnuDid anyone notice audio problems after upgrading Xubuntu to Lucid?  My sound no longer works.20:58
DexterFfun2learngnu: did you disable pulse perhaps? maye pulse/alsa-libs got overwritten21:05
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:05
fun2learngnuDexterF: I am trying to work my way through the Comprehensive Sound Solution Guide in teh Ubuntu Forum, but I am stuck.   For the solution that you proposed, should I go to Synaptic and reinstall the alsa libs that I find?21:14
DexterFfun2learngnu: depends on where you came from - was ist alsa or pulse before the upgrade?21:15
handjobHAHA, another one?21:16
fun2learngnuDexterF: To be honest, I don't know.  The sound never gave me trouble, so I never messed with it.  It was whatever came with Karmic.21:17
DexterFfun2learngnu: that's pulse then. and should still continue. what sound chip is it?21:18
DexterFfun2learngnu: and does "doesnt work" mean it doe not make any sound or does it produce errors when trying to play sth?21:19
fun2learngnu DexterF:   http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/h3fdYtkd        By doesn't work, I mean no sound whatsoever.  From Exaile and/or the web  ie youtube.21:22
DexterFfun2learngnu: checked all the funny mixer switches and sliders?21:23
DexterFfun2learngnu: that a laptop?21:23
handjobOk i just remove pulse and reinstalled alsa. Let's see if this will help. See ya in a minute gentleman.21:24
DexterFf*ck me, this old thinkpad performs better in flash *and* 3D than my main rig, being an athlon dualcore with a geforce 9...21:25
fun2learngnuDexterF:  It is not a laptop.  It is a desktop:  Compaq Presario Deskpro EN   (old Pentium III, but runs Xubuntu perfectly---until this sound issue)    On the panel is an icon of a speaker, When clicked on it opens the Alsa mixer.  It appears that the correct sound card is selected (Intel 82801BA-ICH2) and the master volume is tuned all the way up)   I don't see a mute button.21:27
DexterFfun2learngnu: try alsamixer from a console, has more switches.21:28
fun2learngnu DexterF: by "console" , do you mean the "terminal"?  Is that a non-GUI sound mixer?21:30
DexterFfun2learngnu: yes, console, terminal, whatever. typitype command enter thingy21:31
DexterFich ess jetzt mal was21:32
DexterFwrong window21:32
handjobDexterF, when You will have some spare time You can give me a hand with audio.21:32
fun2learngnuDexterF: Oh wow, that is cool.  What should I look for?21:33
DexterFfun2learngnu: well, look for oddly named switches you never seen before, crank up sliders with names that mean nothing to you21:34
DexterFtry random stuff :)21:34
jstCan I just sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio and be done with the whole thing?21:37
fun2learngnuDexterF: Master volume is up all the way.  And I turned anything that was down all the way up.21:38
handjobjst, Just did that. Did the trick however only 2 out of my 5 speakers are now working.21:38
DexterFhandjob: you need to tell the card to upmix. it should do that in hardware if its no POS21:39
DexterFotherwise youll need to conf... dont ask me, me=alsa, no clue about ppulse21:39
jsthandjob, did you fux0r with alsamixer?21:39
fun2learngnuIn Synaptic, I noticed I have pulseaudio installed.  Should this not be there?21:40
DexterFfun2learngnu: well.... try to figure what the dev name is and cat /dev/urandom there for laughs to see if it does anything *at all*. if that be the case its accepting data21:40
handjobIn the morning i was enjoying alsa and 5.1. Now stereo...everything in alsamixer on full power. Apropriate module loaded.21:40
DexterFthen its a config thing21:40
handjobDexterF, It seems so however everyting i did to make 5.1. work was tunning up alsamixer settings and now i am bit lost. Any sugestions. I am audio noob.21:44
handjob*Everything i did previously to make it work.21:45
packet-sentI need to set my laptop to do nothing when lid is closed I have used the gconf-tool in the past is there a similar tool for xfce21:48
leon_i need help setting up a 2 user multi seat in ubuntu 10.04 lts please. does gdm 2.30 even support it21:48
helothe image referenced by the Gaim screenshot on www.xubuntu.org/help is broken... why is it pulling from such an odd place: http://www.sheep.art.pl/download/Gaim_screenshot121:49
Vista1337ohai all!23:09
Vista1337Im new at Linux and stuff23:10
Vista1337Im instaling it on my VM now23:10
Vista1337anyone there?23:10
DexterFVista1337: hey. which linux distro? xubuntu?23:14
Vista1337i am new at this things23:14
Vista1337whats the difference?23:14
DexterFwell, right channel but not the most crowded one. on *basics* the wiki and forums at ubuntu.com are utterly useful, plus you might bug the bot here (ubottu)23:15
Vista1337mIRC bot?23:15
DexterFwell, the main diff between ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu are that they feature different desktop systems23:15
DexterFlike so:23:15
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide23:15
DexterFbut better msg it so the channel doesnt get flooded23:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:16
DexterFlinux distros are a lot different from windows or macosx in modularity.23:16
DexterFthe three big players are kde, gnome and xfce23:16
Vista1337I have windows XP pro23:17
DexterFyou get to chose - kde and gnome are rather, well, complete while xfce tries to be light23:17
Vista1337and installing xubuntu on Virtual Machine23:17
DexterFnot to mean xfce wasnt complete23:18
Vista1337what is xfce23:18
Vista1337like Offece in win?23:18
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:19
DexterFno.. xfce is a desktop environment, it means:23:19
DexterFit draws the windows, provides buttons, does settings, has tools like... whatnot. from file manager over cd writer to whatever23:20
DexterFdesktop environments on linux (solaris, bsd, etc etc) aim to give you a full working environemnt instead of having you search all the programs together from all corners of the web23:21
DexterFplus they are stored in an authenticated central repository. try the "software enter" in the xfce menu when your VM is ready and youll see what i mean23:22
DexterFist not called a linux _distibution_ as opposed to "operating system" because it's a software collection23:22
DexterFthe kernel, a desktop environment (not necessarily, you can have a server without a graphical system at all), tools, stuff.23:23
DexterFif you find Xfce is too alien, you can add gnome or kde to your existing xfce, they can live happily together and you get to decide which one to start in the login screen23:24
DexterFtry them, chose the one you like23:24
TrueNherohow can i delete the old kernels?23:24
DexterFTrueNhero: remove linux-image-<kernelversion>23:25
DexterFfrom software center... or synaptic.. or aptitude...23:25
TrueNheroon synaptic how?23:26
DexterFVista1337: gotta go, have fun, visit the forums/wiki, ask in #ubuntu, too, for basics, more people there23:26
DexterFTrueNhero: dunno, just list them with   sudo aptitude search linux | grep ^i   in a terminal then aptitude remove the ones you dont need23:27
DexterFsynaptic should have list them quite as well tho23:27
DexterFjust search for linux-image23:28
DexterFnow off!23:28

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