
uBOTu-frVsg21 called the ops in #Ubuntu-es (!ops)01:31
uBOTu-frseth69 called the ops in #Ubuntu-es (!ops)01:31
uBOTu-frkubot called the ops in #Ubuntu-es (Dije !ops hace un rato, mirá más arriba.)01:31
jpdsm4v: Yo.01:33
m4vyeah, I'm looking..01:37
ubot4bizkut called the ops in #ubuntu-my ()01:53
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== AcePreshaw is now known as neos
winXPuserI wonder whether anything has been done about the !bootparameters factoid I wanted to add to ubottu the other day23:50
MTecknologywinXPuser: did you ask ubottu to add it?23:53
bazhangfactoids are not always added23:54
winXPuserI said,23:54
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:54
winXPusernice link, better than the one I found then :)23:55

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