
Demerzel-i just upgraded to mythbuntu 10.04 using do-release-upgrade but my mythtv version is still at 0.2200:14
Demerzel-what gives?00:14
Demerzel-do i need to get on the autobuilds?00:15
TechnophilHi, am running up 10.04 mythbuntu as a frontend to a 9.10 based network.  10.04 uses database schema 1254, 9.10 / 0.23 fixes uses 1244.00:23
TechnophilCan I run it up still and change to JYA's fixes to get correct database schema?00:23
tgm4883Technophil, were you using JYA's before?01:17
Technophiltgm4883: yes, running 0.22 2403501:18
tgm4883Demerzel, odd, what is the output of "apt-cache policy mythtv"01:18
tgm4883Technophil, well if you are using JYA's, then I guess you can use his again?01:18
Demerzeltgm4883: hang on, running01:18
Demerzelis there a preferred pastebin?01:19
Demerzelor can i paste here? it's 4 lines01:19
Demerzelim an idiot :-)01:20
Demerzelit's in the topic01:20
Demerzelhang on01:20
tgm4883Technophil, it's really up to you. JYA's repos are not supported by the mythbuntu team, they are supported by jya01:21
Demerzelit says mythtv isn't installed :-/01:21
Demerzelyet it's recording house right now01:21
Technophiltgm4883: Yes I just run it up, so it is ok.  Base 10.04 mythtv package is "0.23 24158"  It offered to update the backend database 10 points.  I just shut it down and added jya's repo, overwrote with his default stuff and its all go.01:22
tgm4883Demerzel, what is the output of lsb-release -a01:22
tgm4883Technophil, to each his own I gues01:23
Demerzel10.04 lucid01:23
Demerzelcould there be a problem with my upgrade?01:23
Demerzelnot sure if do-release-upgrade would work again01:24
Demerzelsince i'm already on lucid01:24
tgm4883how about apt-cache policy mythtv-backend01:24
Technophiltgm4883:  I wasn't sure what affects the upgrade would have on the database and the 5 or so other frontends.  What would you have advised to do?01:24
tgm4883Technophil, I recommend using the mythbuntu auto-builds01:24
DemerzelInstalled: 0.22.0+fixes22594-0ubuntu101:25
Demerzelthat's the same as the Candidate too01:25
tgm4883Demerzel, ok, what about "cat /etc/apt/sources.list01:25
tgm4883Technophil, but if you want to use JYA's that is fine too01:25
Demerzeldeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main01:26
Zinn[archive.ubuntu.com] Index of /ubuntu01:26
tgm4883Demerzel, that is all that is in there?01:27
Demerzelhmmm should there be lucid-updates and lucid-security?01:27
tgm4883thats not good01:27
tgm4883what about01:27
tgm4883ls -l /etc/apt/01:28
Technophil tgm4883: OK Thanks, in the medium term I was expecting that jya's repo may become redundant, however it works for me, so the old adage applies if it ain't broke....01:28
Demerzelmore files ... some with distUpgrade suffixes01:28
Demerzelwhich are a bit scary01:28
Demerzellooks like something was left in the middle01:29
TechnophilAmazingly I've got 1080i playing on a 2.2 C2D without vdpau!!!01:29
tgm4883Technophil, you didn't have that before?01:29
Demerzelunless that's the prefix for the older files01:29
Demerzelchecking on that too01:29
tgm4883Demerzel, yea that doesn't look right01:29
tgm4883Demerzel, try doing the upgrade again, see if it tries to fix anything01:30
tgm4883if not, I can put up a sources.list for you01:30
Demerzelyeah it didn't work01:30
Demerzelsaid no other releases are available01:30
Demerzelbut yeah01:30
Demerzelan updated sources.list should help01:30
Technophiltgm4883: this is a new (second hand!) laptop, so not previously tried, however 3G single cores failed to do that without vdpau.  (All 800M buses)01:31
tgm4883how long did the upgrade take?01:31
Demerzelmaybe an hour01:31
Demerzelit updated a bunch of things01:31
TechnophilAlso its running 64 bit, which may be part of the explanation, I've only run 32 before.01:31
Demerzellooks like anything in the main repo was updated01:31
Demerzelnothing else though01:31
tgm4883Technophil, odd, I could almost get 1080i with my athlon XP 2000+, was pretty sure I could if I upgraded to a 2800+01:32
tgm4883needs xvmc though01:32
tgm4883This was way back on 0.20 though01:32
Demerzelyeah i can do full 1080p with an amd 5050e (2x 2.6G)01:32
Technophil tgm4883: I'm talking 1080i H.264, is that the same?01:32
* tgm4883 feels dated01:32
tgm4883Technophil, no, mpeg201:33
Demerzelw/o anything other than default radeon drivers01:33
tgm4883Demerzel, http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/BwrT1ajz01:34
Demerzeldanke schön!01:34
Technophil tgm4883:  Perhaps you understand my surprise now?  Would 64 bit explain that?01:35
tgm4883Technophil, probably more the dual core01:36
tgm4883but 64-bit could help01:36
Demerzeli'd say dual core01:36
TechnophilAre two cores being used now?01:36
Demerzelmy setup is 32bit01:36
TechnophilSystem monitor suggests 1 core running at 100%01:38
TechnophilOw well time to setup vdapu.....01:38
Demerzelthat's 1 core at 100% w/ the 1080i video?01:40
Demerzeldoes this seem right?01:41
Demerzelafter i updated to the new sources.list: Current status: 127 updates [+124], 24658 new [+24440].01:41
Demerzelbut an aptitude safe-upgrade indicates mythbuntu would be upgraded :-)01:42
Demerzeli think i should be fine after that01:42
Demerzelthanks again tgm4883 ... i might be coming in later tonight in case it hits the fan :-)01:42
Technophil Demerzel: yes thats one 2.2G core 1080i H264 video01:45
Demerzel<unreal announcer voice>Impressive</unreal announcer voice>01:46
tgm4883Technophil, whats the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'01:46
TechnophilIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7500  @ 2.20GHz01:48
TechnophilI assume thats the bit you want?  Can pastebin the rest if you want01:49
tgm4883that works01:50
tgm4883i'm assuming the other core is at 0%?01:50
TechnophilThe other core is doing the usual dance around ranging 0 to 60% sort of top half of a sine wave...01:51
Demerzelhmmm does 10.04 support creating a diskless frontend from the gui still?01:52
Technophilother possibly interesting thing is I've not yet setup the nvidia driver (at all)01:52
tgm4883Demerzel, no01:52
Demerzelor do we still have to create it using the cmdline?01:52
Demerzelok col01:52
Demerzeli had a blog post ready about how i created my 9.10 diskless frontend01:53
tgm4883Demerzel, the gui for that was never converted to the new version of MCC01:53
Demerzeli'll upgrade the post to refer to 10.04 before publishing it01:53
tgm4883a user was doing it, then we never heard from him again01:53
Demerzeli might be able to whip up a script to make it happen01:54
Demerzeli've done it so many times01:54
Demerzeltweaking tons of things01:54
Demerzelif the process goes smoothly on 10.04 i'll get cracking on it01:54
tgm4883I don't do diskless, so I can't convert the plugin as I don't know what needs to be done01:54
tgm4883plus i'm working on backup/restore01:54
Demerzeldiskless is ... a whole different world01:55
Demerzelof course i'm assuming an external dhcp server ... the plugin took into account setting up a dhcp server as well01:55
Demerzelin any case, little at a time01:55
Demerzelmy functionality first then something more general01:55
tgm4883yea if you wanted to take a look at it and get basic functionality that would be great01:56
Demerzelyeah if the upgrade and rebuilding the diskless frontend goes smoothly tonight01:56
tgm4883thats really how the plugins need to get done, and how i'm doing backup/restore01:56
Demerzeli'll start working on a script to automate it01:56
Demerzelgotta wait another hour for house to finish01:57
Demerzel2 hour show today01:57
* Demerzel is itching to upgrade01:57
tgm4883Demerzel, isn't how on MOnday?01:57
Demerzelno idea :-)01:58
Demerzeli just tell it to record whenever it comes on01:58
tgm4883must be a rerun then01:58
tgm4883what channel?01:58
Demerzel2 hours means a season premier or finale ... doesn't make sense01:58
TechnophilDemerzel: May I ask the URL for your blogg, I for one will be interested to look01:58
DemerzelHouse - "Broken"               45_1 WBFF-HD 30 20:00-22:00   1 5 1 C 5 0/    001:58
tgm4883oh yea, thats a rerun01:59
DemerzelTechnophil: sure...01:59
Zinn[learnonthejob.blogspot.com] Learning on the Job01:59
Demerzelhow do you know?02:00
Demerzelthat it's a rerun?02:00
Demerzelone of those fields?02:00
tgm4883Demerzel, cause A) I've seen that episode. and B) my mythtv has marked it as a rerun02:00
Demerzelor the title02:00
Demerzeloh heh02:00
TechnophilDemerzel: Much obliged to you.02:00
DemerzelTechnophil: np! the article will be going up in the next week02:01
tgm4883original airdate was 9/21/200902:01
Demerzeloh ok02:01
Demerzeli'll shut it down then02:01
tgm4883if you go to upcoming recordings in mythweb, you can hover over the title for additional information02:01
Demerzelmythweb isn't very pretty when the backend is stopped02:03
Demerzelok it's upgrading mythtv02:04
Demerzelor actually i think it just started upgrading mythtv proper02:05
Demerzeldoes it prompt for db upgrade?02:06
Demerzelor no?02:06
tgm4883Demerzel, not until you start mythtv02:08
Demerzelfrontend or backend?02:08
Demerzelbecause i'd stopped the backend and looks like it auto started it02:09
Demerzelthe upgrade process i.e.02:09
TechnophilHmmm Weird.  The OSD menu selections (area with focus) are not showing, this is both in mythbuntu widescreen and also arclight.02:20
Demerzelarclight looks hot02:22
TechnophilDemerzel:  Yes, odd the focus issue though, I've not seen that before.02:27
Demerzeli've never seen it before :-) hopefully my frontend will show me arclight in the next hour02:29
TechnophilMaybe something to do with the themes being 0.23 fixes 23872 while the base system is 0.22 fixes 24035?02:58
Demerzelmight be03:08
Demerzelhow're you using 0.23 themes on 0.22?03:08
Demerzelwhen did the theming interface change?03:08
Demerzelwas that in .22?03:08
Technophilmythbuntu 10.04 has mythtv 0.23 fixes by default, 2415803:20
TechnophilI downgraded to jya 0.22 fixes however the themes did not go back, I am wondering if his repo should include the themes also?03:21
mrandThe 0.23 themes likely work in 0.22, because (1) there isn't much difference in mythui between those two releases and (2) the 0.23 themes are actually all themes carried over from 0.22.03:26
Technophilany suggestions about why the focus blacks out the item?03:26
TechnophilI don't think its a video driver issue as it happened with default driver as well as after the nvidia driver was installed.03:28
Demerzel1using adium beta for irc03:52
Demerzel1lots of packages to download for a diskless build03:55
Demerzel1350+ so far03:55
Demerzel1466 packages04:02
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pteaguedrivers for hauppauge pvr500 seem a lot less stable in koala than they were in whatever i was previously using... used to be that tuner #2 would occasionally have issues forcing me to reboot the box... now i have issues with both tuners more often08:47
packet-sentI have done a fresh install of mythbuntu 10.4, mythmusic fails to play on remote frontends that are running ubuntu 10.411:31
douglIf I installed mythbuntu will it automatically configure grub with entries for my other two ubuntu installs?13:59
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].17:06
funsheephi, i'm wondering if i do the upgrade of mythbuntu 9.10 to 10.04 through the update manager do i get mythbuntu 10.04 or ubuntu 10.04 ?17:09
slainefunsheep: I'm trying it now17:19
slaineand mythbuntu is ubuntu17:20
slaineit's just got a different desktop session17:20
funsheepslaine: i know, but i'm wondering if i'll get all that extra stuff of the original distro17:51
slaineit's only going to upgrade the versions of the packages that are installed (any new packages will be as a result of resolving dependencies for the new versions of existing packages)17:52
funsheepah ok17:52
funsheepthan i'll try it in a couple of minutes17:52
slainemine is still churning along17:53
slaineVia epia boards are so slow for this kind of stuff.17:53
tgm4883slaine, the repos are probably still geting hammered17:56
slainenah, download was done ages ago17:56
slaineit's all the package upgrades at the moment17:56
tgm4883well it is a lot to process as well17:57
tgm4883took me over an hour and I had a dual core machine with 8 GB ram and a local repo17:57
slaineyeah, I'm not that bothered18:01
slaineI mostly use it just as a backend now18:01
funsheepdo i have to upgrade on 0.23 first, right?18:03
funsheep"i do have"18:11
funsheepupgrading to mythtv 0.23, i do have mythbuntu 9.10 running with 0.22-fixes. so when i change the auto-builds in mcc to 0.23 will i get the auto-builds from trunk or 0.23-fixes ?18:14
tgm4883funsheep, you will get the 0.23 packages18:19
tgm4883are you trying to upgrade to 10.04?18:19
funsheeptgm4883: yes. from 9.10 to 10.04 using the build in upgrade mechanism18:38
tgm4883funsheep, ok, you shouldn't need to upgrade to 0.23 first then18:39
funsheepok. thanks. i'll give it a try18:43
funsheepthanks for the help :)18:43
haffeHi guys. I got a good offer on a used antec fusion remote black. Is this chassis worth it?19:47
tgm4883haffe, I like it22:06
tgm4883Do you have a home theater room or otherwise other home theater equipment?22:06
haffeNo Home theather room.22:10
haffeTV and a reciever.22:10
tgm4883haffe, I like mine, although I really think I need to stick it in a theater room or at least next to some other equipment22:12
tgm4883If I ever get around to expanding and putting my backend in the garage/computer closet, I would like to get something smaller like a revo22:13
tgm4883but If I do go the full theater room experience, I like this case22:13
haffeI see.22:13
haffeWhat about the display in linux?22:13
tgm4883lcd works great22:13
haffeI have seen a lot of negative comments about the display. But I have never understood if the problem is the display or the software.22:14
tgm4883haffe, it was drivers22:14
tgm4883but IIRC it's built in now22:14
tgm4883really though, the display isn't that functional I guess22:14
tgm4883unless you put system stats on there or something22:15
tgm4883I mean, I have the TV on, so why do I need an LCD?22:15
haffeI see your point.22:15
tgm4883I suppose if I played music though it more it would make more sense22:16
tgm4883If you are doing a frontend only, I say go with a smaller box. Something with an atom processor and an ion maybe22:17
haffeIt's a combo.22:17
haffeFrontend and backend.22:17
tgm4883then I would go with this box. the fans are nice as they have 3 speed levels so they can be quiet (are large too)22:18
tgm4883mine is pretty quiet, I actually just need to get a fanless video card22:18
tgm4883I think rhpot1991 has one in his silver antec22:18
haffeOk thanks.22:20
haffeWill probably go with a couple of nexus real silent and temperature controled fans.22:20
TechnophilCan someone tell me how to downgrade to "0.22.0-fixes23473-0ubuntu4_all" (for a theme missing focus issue in 10.04 thats been downgraded to use jya's repo)22:43
TechnophilThere is a screen shot of it (someone else's) at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv-theme-mythbuntu/+bug/57311822:44
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #573118 in mythtv-theme-mythbuntu (Ubuntu): “Selected item text non visible under Lucid”22:44
TechnophilWoops screen shot is at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/47004118/Schermata-MythTV%20Frontend.png22:46
mrandTechnophil: my understanding is that it might be caused by the theme cache not being cleared.23:50
TechnophilI deleted mrand:  Firstly thanks for replying.  I already tried deleting the contents of both .mythtv/themecache/Mythbuntu.1920.1200 and .mythtv/themecache/.1920.1200, as well as uninstalling all the themes and re-installing.  When using JYA's repo I think specifies various file versions however it may be silent on the need for 0.22 themes instead of 0.23 which keeps coming back - as per the poster on the bug report.23:55
Technophilmrand:  woops sorry for typo.....delete "I deleted " !23:56

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