
macowhat part of "you dont have to leave" does ratdog not get?01:45
macooh well01:45
tirhhow do i get banned02:55
h00kwait, what?04:08
elkytrolly troll is trolling04:50
ubottuIn ubottu, mbd said: What is the latest version of ubuntu ?05:51
bazhang<MTecknology> kcj1993: there is ##ubuntu-booze05:52
elkywhy oh why can he not grow up06:09
IdleOnejust today he came in here asking about the reason why damn and friggin are ok but if he uses "eff" he gets yelled at.06:24
elkysince when is "friggin" ok?06:31
elkyand the problem with him is, and pleia2 will testify, that he doesn't just use it occasionally, he gets in to his head he can do it and it becomes a part of every second sentence he utters.06:32
IdleOneelky: I didn't say it was06:36
elkyyou didn't. he's got it from somewhere though06:36
IdleOnewell what he was telling me is that he sees a lot of people in -ot use damn and frigging and not get warnings06:37
IdleOneand I guess he was upset that he got told and not the others06:37
elkyim not sure how damn is relevent to an obfuscation of the f-word.06:39
elkywe're certainly not strict on it.06:39
IdleOnethink he used that as an example06:40
elkyit's a crappy example06:41
elkywhy do people get to say butterflies but i cant say eff you!?06:41
IdleOneOMG elky you said flutterbies06:42
IdleOne*stern warning*06:42
IdleOneI got told to suck an egg yesterday06:43
IdleOneheh, first for me06:43
elky... by a kindergarten kid?06:45
IdleOneno a 57 year old man or so he told me06:45
IdleOneI had to quiet him in #u06:45
jribno death threats yet?06:45
IdleOnenot yet06:45
IdleOneI plan on posting those to my blog06:46
elkyjrib, he doesn't have the fan club for it06:46
IdleOnewith names of guilty not removed06:46
elkyjrib, the fan club almost always precedes the death threat06:46
elkyIdleOne, you haven't been chased between channels by a troll yet, have you?06:47
IdleOnefirst he said I was being childish by not allowing him to act like an arse in the channel and then asked how old I was. So I told him and he then proceeded to tell me to go suck an egg06:47
IdleOneelky: I am still fresh at this so no :)06:48
IdleOneoh and also that I needed to grow up06:48
IdleOnewas tame I am sure compared to some of the stuff you folks have gotten06:49
elkyyeah, so a fan club is when you get a troll chasing you between channels to comment on the colour of your skin, your sexual orientation, your preference for children, etc.06:50
IdleOnehave not had to suffer that. yet!06:50
elkyYou will.06:51
IdleOnesexual orientation?? laying down I guess06:51
elkyIt's usually at once you have a fanclub that your mortality comes in to question.06:51
IdleOneirc death threats == fail06:53
elkyWhen you look at their hostname and can note that they are serviced by a nearby exchange, they become less fail.06:54
IdleOneWell if they can get close enough to me then they better be ready to fight06:55
IdleOneactually a few years ago someone threatened my wife on irc. after a little searching I found a picture he had posted online and didn't notice that in the picture was the street sign of the street he lived on06:58
IdleOneHe didn't bother her anymore06:58
IdleOneanyway that was a million lifetimes ago and today I am about the Ubuntu.07:00
h00kraj is starting to get a little trolly about mint in #ubuntu08:10
bazhangalabd is back as inconsiderable08:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, winXPuser said: ubottu: !bootparameters is https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/boot-parms.html08:48
winXPuserI wanted to let ubottu know that !bootparameters is https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/boot-parms.html , it said that my edit request was forwarded here08:49
winXPuserthere is no such factoid at present yet, I wish to add it08:49
bazhanghe's trying to get a new cloak to ban evade it would appear08:52
bazhangwinXPuser, thanks08:52
h00kbazhang: referring to alabd?08:55
bazhangwinXPuser, was there something else?08:55
winXPuserbazhang, no. no other question.08:55
bazhangwinXPuser, okay thanks.08:55
winXPuserbazhang, do you mean that should leave now?08:56
bazhangwinXPuser, should you not require any immediate assistance, its the channel policy08:56
bazhangh00k, yep08:56
h00kgood catch.08:57
bazhanghe's asking about anyone being able to identify him in any way, using a proxy as well.08:57
h00kbazhang: which channel did he ask that in?08:58
h00kokay, I need to begin a roadtrip in...4 hours, I should sleep.08:59
elkybazhang, I like it when they name themselves so aptly.09:57
bazhangelky, I had to read that twice; on first look I read 'inconsiderate'11:26
jussihiya nickspoon, nice to see you around again. what can we help you with?11:29
nickspoonI don't need any help, Mr. jussi :)11:32
jussi!idle | nickspoon11:33
ubottunickspoon: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.11:33
nickspoonLast time I checked I was an op? :s11:35
nickspoonApparently not any more, which I guess is fair enough.11:41
bazhangAcePreshaw, how can we help you12:43
MamarokI think he is looking for a ban removal13:06
nhandlerYeah, he went around using the op trigger in a bunch of channels. He game here a while ago looking for ikonia13:20
Mamarokhm, I think ikonia will not be around in the next days, so he will have to wait quite some time :)13:44
ubottuchanserv.py is a ChanServ helper script for !XChat | http://www.kaarsemaker.net/downloads/code/chanserv.py14:08
elky^ is that current or out of date?14:08
jussiIm not certain, but I remember Dennis saying he was going to update it.14:28
elkythe factoid could be updated independent of dennis' script.14:29
elky(which i would do, if i knew the link to update it with)14:32
jussino, I mean dennis updated the script. but Im by no means certain that he actually did it14:35
tsimpsonit's the current correct link14:44
jussitsimpson: ahh, great :)14:45
ubottumaek0 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()14:46
elkycould someone from the IRCC please take ljl aside and teach him some manners?14:52
bazhanglooked more like spaceghost to be honest14:54
elkymaek0 is trying to get people to stop harrassing him by highlighting, ljl is adamant that it's all maek0's fault and that since he himself never got upset, maek0 isn't allowed to.14:54
elkythen told maek0 to leave because he stated that the community was mean.14:54
bazhangtrue, but spaceghost is often at the center of these type of events14:55
elkyin other words, he's being an ass.14:56
jribmeh, -offtopic is the place to have that discussion, I don't see them being belligerent14:57
jribbut I'll stay out of it, I don't care to be involved in -offtopic administration14:58
bazhangI always get highlighted there14:58
elkyholy crap that was a whole lot of bullying.15:06
elkyand since when did our users forget the difference between typos and lolspeak15:06
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:54
ubottuovermind called the ops in #ubuntu (L)20:02
Flannelwould've expected floodbot to mute20:03
AdamDVWhats the deal with ubuntu.com? Wasn't it supposed to be re-branded?20:14
nhandlerAdamDV: My guess is that they are still working on it. But this isn't the right channel for this discussion20:15
AdamDVWhat channel is?20:15
nhandlerAdamDV: You might want to try #ubuntu-website20:15
jpds"I DEMAND new shiny ponies OR ELSE".20:38
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (Bayliners)20:51
ubottuBayliners called the ops in #ubuntu (guntbert sucks)20:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from andriucha1982)20:52
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Toshi)20:55
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (Toshi  keeps on using caps and so on, when told not to)20:55
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from toshi)20:55
AcePreshawcanu help ,me plz21:43
=== AcePreshaw is now known as neos
ubottuIn #kubuntu, CartoonCat said: ! omg this is a great bug23:16

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