
SarvattDr_Jakob: you and me both.. pretty soon moorestown is going to replace that dread :)03:39
vishSarvatt: should i file a separate bug then? or will the .33.3 drm patches land irrespective of a bug?05:37
hyperairwooo maverick has hit the mirrors!09:45
* hyperair contemplates upgrading09:45
brycehhyperair, you're not running lucid already?09:46
hyperairbryceh: running lucid. contemplating upgrading to maverick =p09:46
brycehoh ahhh09:46
brycehwell, the next few weeks should be pretty boring09:47
brycehmost breakage will come post-UDS09:47
hyperairbreakage huh09:47
om26erhello everybody! what would be the grub parameter for booting nvidia without KMS11:59
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