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imbrandonpersia: ping08:33
imbrandoni've been poking at the nm cli thing a bit08:34
imbrandonand it seems there are a few projects doing the same thing, one looks very very promising and is feature complete08:34
imbrandonits python, called nmcli, only preoblem is its only been "released" via an attachment to the NM Mailing list08:35
imbrandonsoo i've wruitten the author and asked for an website/repository etc, gonna try to get it in maverick08:35
persiaAnd it works with GNOME/KDE/XFCE/no-X/etc. ?08:36
persiahttp://github.com/mvidner/nmcli.git ?08:36
imbrandonnm ( the backend ) actualy has ways to handle that08:36
imbrandonmost just dont use it08:36
imbrandonlike really right now on cli you could make a dbus call to nm and have it read your knetworkmanger connections08:37
imbrandonnmcli is just kinda a pretty interface to that08:37
persiaHave you tried it against lucid yet?08:38
imbrandonyea, just a little08:38
imbrandonhavent done it alone yet , only been messing with it about ~30 mintues08:38
imbrandonseen a post about it on planet gnome08:39
imbrandon( it was mentioned in passing with other nm core updates )08:39
imbrandonits also totaly python08:40
imbrandon( and tiny )08:40
imbrandonpersia: here is a url where someone put it in their personal git repo08:41
imbrandonwith a few enhancements, but you can atlease "see" it then08:41
persiaSo, do the existing frontends need to be adjusted to match dcbw's blog post, or ought it just work?08:45
imbrandonnot 100% sure yet08:46
imbrandonbut i think they need to be changed08:46
imbrandonerr dont*08:46
imbrandoni think thats more of "this is how it works now, but i bet you dident know" kinda thing08:47
imbrandonatleast thats what i'm understanding08:47
persiaHope so.  That sounds like it could be precisely the missing bit for stuff like client-ad-hoc-servers (e.g. portable distro mirror that autoconnects to current network), folks working to fix X issues, etc.08:48
imbrandonbrb switching terminals08:54
* imbrandon returns09:08
imbrandonreplacing my lucid install with squeeze on my laptop ( and still using my existing ext4 /home ) wasent as painfull as i figured it would be09:19
ari-tczewis maverick open for development?09:44
imbrandonari-tczew: not yet09:56
imbrandonari-tczew: somewhere arround the 6th09:56
persiaari-tczew: If you want, you can get a head start by preparing some of the stuff that helps achieve what you want to get done for maverick.  If you're just looking for something to do, consider SRUs for lucid RCbugs.09:59
ari-tczewpersia: I'm not looking for something to do. ;-) I have a lot of work.10:01
ari-tczewbugs subscribed to ~motu-swat says me that I won't be bored. ;-)10:03
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c_kornwhat does NBS mean ? it is the reason for the removal of this package: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/i386/python-gtkhtml211:53
geserNot Build from Source (no source package builds this binary package anymore)11:55
c_kornk, thanks. now I need to find out if another package provides the same functionality now11:56
imbrandonok hum13:12
imbrandonif i have DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS in a dh v5 debian/rules , moving to v7 it should still pick that up correct ?13:12
imbrandonScottK: ^13:15
imbrandonnvm, got it13:27
ari-tczewwhat is the different between "My involvement" and "Areas of work" sections in Developer Application Template?14:09
DktrKranzjdong: if you have time, mind putting your ubuntu-sru hat on and commenting on bug #573603 ? Thanks!14:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573603 in oggconvert "unable to convert to dirac" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57360314:22
bilalakhtarPeople, can someone review my package for maverick? its here:- http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-media-player and the needs-packaging bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55170214:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551702 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnome-media-player" [Wishlist,In progress]14:43
bilalakhtarPeople, can someone review my package for maverick? its here:- http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-media-player and the needs-packaging bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/551702 . Can someone review it, please?15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551702 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnome-media-player" [Wishlist,In progress]15:10
bilalakhtaranyone here?15:11
bilalakhtarplease, can anyone review my package?15:13
bilalakhtarits here:- http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-media-player15:14
bilalakhtarkeffie_jayx: Can you review my package?15:15
keffie_jayxhey bilalakhtar actually no, I am not a motu :(15:16
bilalakhtarkeffie_jayx: sorry, I felt like you are one.15:16
keffie_jayxbilalakhtar: most flattered :D15:16
keffie_jayxgood luck with your package15:16
bilalakhtarkeffie_jayx: My package is for maverick :)15:17
bilalakhtargeser: Can you please review my package?15:17
keffie_jayxdoes it have manpages and watchfiles and the likes?15:17
bilalakhtarkeffie_jayx: yes15:17
keffie_jayxbilalakhtar: Can I have a look to learn?15:17
* keffie_jayx checks the link15:18
bilalakhtarkeffie_jayx: You're welcome.15:18
bilalakhtarhyperair: Can you please review my package?15:19
hyperairhmmm has maverick been opened for uploading yet?15:20
bilalakhtarhyperair: I think so. I can see various packages being built for it on https://launchpad.net/builders15:20
hyperairvery well15:21
hyperairwhat's the package?15:21
bilalakhtarthe needs-packaging bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55170215:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551702 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gnome-media-player" [Wishlist,In progress]15:21
bilalakhtarhyperair:  sorry its http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-media-player15:23
carstenhbilalakhtar: debian/copyright is incomplete, it doesn't mention who wrote it. gpl3-only is the best way to ensure that distributing this software will become illegal in future15:23
carstenheither "gpl3 or later" or a less restricting license would be better15:24
bilalakhtarcarstenh: but its clearly described to be gpl315:24
carstenhbilalakhtar: yes, it's not a packaging problem but a upstream one15:25
bilalakhtarcarstenh: Fine, I will mention the developer of the package.15:25
carstenhbilalakhtar: but the missing information in debian/copyright is a packaging problem15:25
bilalakhtarno regrets15:25
bilalakhtarcarstenh: Ok, is putting the name and e-mail of the developer enough?15:29
carstenhbilalakhtar: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/deborphan/current/copyright is one example. you need to add these copyright lines15:30
carstenhbilalakhtar: hmm, it's a bad example ... :)15:31
bilalakhtarcarstenh: Yes I added those also. no need to see the example. uploading to revu again15:31
carstenhhttp://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/p/pal/current/copyright <- better15:31
carstenhbilalakhtar: there is a need to ... nobody will upload a package with such a copyright15:32
bilalakhtarcarstenh: Do I need to modify the changelog version to 0.1.2-0ubuntu2 or let it remain on ubuntu1?15:32
carstenhbilalakhtar: nobody ever installed it, so stay with ubuntu1 should be ok, but there are some sponsors with weird views15:33
carstenhi would stay with ubuntu1 unless a potential sponsor tells you not to15:33
bilalakhtarcarstenh: You are a motu, right?15:34
bilalakhtarcarstenh: I have uploaded. should be available on revu within a minute15:34
carstenhno, i'm not involved in ubuntu at all, but i'm a debian developer15:35
bilalakhtarhyperair: Are you there?15:35
bilalakhtarcarstenh: What is the process to get the packages into debian?15:36
bilalakhtarcarstenh: Now you can see. The upload is available on revu15:36
carstenhbilalakhtar: prepare a package, write an ITP-bug, find a sponsor15:36
bilalakhtarcarstenh: I have written a bug. searching for a sponser15:37
bilalakhtarAnyone ready to sponser my package gnome-media-player? I have filed a needs-packaging bug and uploaded the package to revu15:37
carstenhbilalakhtar: #debian-montors (i think on oftc, not freenode) or lists.debian.org/debian-mentors are good to get into touch with potential debian sponsors15:37
bilalakhtarcarstenh: Thanks, but right now I am searching for ubuntu sponsors15:38
carstenhbilalakhtar: well, you asked, i answered ...15:38
bilalakhtarhyperair: Can you sponser my package?15:38
hyperairbilalakhtar: eh sorry, i got sidetracked.15:39
hyperairbilalakhtar: gimme a few more minutes15:39
Bachstelzehmm, if an upstream source tarball has a README saying "This package is licensed under <license>" but the individual source files do not mention it, can it be assumed that they all fall under the licence mentioned in the README?15:45
carstenhbilalakhtar: sorry for being imprecise :) first problem was "missing copyright lines in debian/copyright", you fixed it, thanks.  second problem is "using gpl3-only is insane", this is a upsteam problem and you can't fix it yourself, your job is to put the information from upstream into debian/copyright15:45
Bachstelze(specifically, I'm looking at the Python bigfloat module)15:45
bilalakhtarcarstenh: no problem, have to do another fix15:45
carstenhbilalakhtar: you now did change the license in debian/copyright yourself, this is clearly not allowed without relicensing from upstream15:45
bilalakhtarcarstenh: I didn't15:47
bilalakhtarcarstenh, hyperair: Thanks for your help. I have to go now, shall come back tomorrow.15:48
carstenhBachstelze: many people consider this a bug that should be fixed, but a sane ftpmaster would accept such a package anyway15:52
sebnerBachstelze: nope, what counts is the license specified in the source files15:56
sebnerBachstelze: arghm , misread, yes, what carstenh says is true15:56
Bachstelzeok, thanks15:58
bilalakhtarcarstenh: If the whole package is GPL3 licensed, then, I think this much in the copyright file is ok, right?16:19
bilalakhtarcarstenh: leave it16:24
ari-tczewbdrung: could you give a comment on my MOTU application?16:25
hyperairi'm curious. why did the sponsor queues for main and universe get merged?17:08
hyperairthis makes it so much harder to find something to sponsor that i *can* sponsor within the queue >_>17:09
Laneyyou can sort by origin17:11
Laneyit's one of the columns17:11
hyperairthere's no origin column17:11
hyperairdo you mean the package it came from?17:11
Laneythe second column is called origin17:12
hyperairi was looking at bugs.launchpad.net..17:12
Laneyhuh I don't know if that's right17:14
hyperairLaney: er so what should i be looking for in that column?17:14
Laneysome stuff I can't upload comes up as unseeded17:14
hyperairmore like a whole bunch of main stuff are unseeded =.="17:14
hyperairlike metacity17:14
hyperairthat's in main, is it not?17:14
* geser filed his first sync request for maverick17:23
Laneyit's open?17:26
gesersort of, LP knows about, but you can't upload yet (looks like the toolchain for maverick is currently setup)17:27
geseryou can also update your pbuilder to maverick (and any devel chroots)17:28
imbrandongeser: wont autosync be turned on17:33
imbrandonimbrandon-guest@alioth:/git/collab-maint/apt-mirror_test.git$ git checkout master17:34
imbrandonfatal: This operation must be run in a work tree17:34
imbrandonwhoops, miss-paste17:34
geserimbrandon: the sync request was for a package that can my synced now again (the Ubuntu delta can be dropped)17:37
imbrandonahhh one of /those/ LOL17:37
imbrandonyea i'm actualy working on some of those now, cept i fsked the git repo on one LOL, thus on aniloth trying to fixer up17:38
imbrandonjust uploaded 2 before that though that can now be synced once they are installed by DAK17:39
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Guest28194lucas: Hello. Have you think about the hang of software using ruby such as rubyripper? I avoid the problem by installing the version of ubuntu 9.10 on ubuntu 10.04. Now the problem is that flac refuses to encode some tracks, due to thrir names. But I don't find what flac dislikes in their names.19:26
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nxvlpersia: can you please renew my u-u-sponsors membership20:42
gesernxvl: u-u-s is no more, only u-s20:43
nxvlgeser: really?20:43
geseryes, the sponsors teams got merged20:44
nxvloh yeah, but i'm member of u-s trough u-u-s20:44
nxvlkees: you are admin in u-s, can you please add me to the team?20:45
hyperairafaik the u-s membership was all indirect20:47
hyperairlike u-u-s and u-m-s are both members of u-s20:48
geseriirc new members are added to u-s and existing members transferred on renewal20:49
nxvlhyperair: i think the case is as geser mentions20:55
hyperairi see.20:56
hyperairwell either way, i find the new merge rather annoying20:56
hyperairnow when i look at the sponsoring queue, i find a whole bunch of packages that i can't sponsor because i don't have upload privs.20:56
nxvlbtw, are we still going to have universe/main for maverick?20:56
hyperairand there's no easy way to tell besides apt-cache policy each package i see >_>20:56
nxvlhyperair: but universe is supposed to dissapear21:03
hyperairnxvl: then what, everything in main?21:03
nxvlhyperair: something like that21:04
nxvlhyperair: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveReorganisation21:04
geserthat part of ArchiveReorg I don't understand yet either21:04
nxvlgeser: and who does?21:05
geserI hope cjwatson21:05
hyperairnxvl: not everything in main, but "universe" becomes "set of unseeded packages"21:11
hyperairnxvl: that's how i interpret what the wiki is saying21:11
nxvlhyperair: yeah, something like that21:11
* hyperair facepalms21:11
hyperairyour "something like that" has a very broad range, doesn't it?21:12
* sebner agrees on hyperair 21:12
* hyperair waves at sebner21:13
* sebner waves back21:13
Laneyagrees with ;)21:14
* sebner waves at Laney too :D21:14
hyperairoh hey Laney21:14
Laneyfancy seeing you here!21:14
hyperairmy, my, isn't that right.21:15
hyperairthe internet is such a small place.21:15
sebnerLaney: long time no see, right? =)21:15
ajmitchit is21:15
Laneywow, ajmitch as well!21:15
hyperairoh hey ajmitch21:15
ajmitchwho where?21:15
* Laney buys a round21:15
ajmitchyou're all stalking me, I know it21:15
* hyperair gets drunk 21:15
sebnerhyperair: hf!21:15
ajmitchLaney: make sure it's still cold when it gets to NZ21:16
hyperairi'm underaged! or at least, i think the drinking age is 2121:16
hyperairthese stupid age lower limits.. i can never remember what is what21:16
ajmitch18 in NZ stil, though they want to raise it21:16
* hyperair shrugs21:17
sebnerhyperair: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_age21:18
alkisgdh_pysupport is moving my modules from /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/plugins/myplugin.py to /usr/share/pyshared/twisted/plugins/myplugin.py which results in twisted not being able to find them.21:18
alkisgHow can I prevent that? Or at least to tell it to make symlinks in lib/* like dh_pycentral does?21:18
hyperairwhoaa there's a wiki article on that!21:18
hyperairDktrKranz might know..21:19
POXalkisg: unfortunately you have to use python-central as well21:20
POXall packages that share a namespace have to use the same helper tool21:20
hyperairso problematic. can't we just throw away one already?21:21
* POX prepares 3rd one21:21
* hyperair groans21:21
ajmitchor we wait for the glorious future where we don't need such things, right? :)21:21
POXajmitch: yeah, I hope mine will be a transition to PEP314721:22
ajmitchthat's what I thought21:23
ajmitchwhat came of that thread about backporting parts of that PEP implementation?21:23
POXdunno, we will not need it in Debian, dunno what Ubuntu will do21:24
ajmitchhopefully nothing too different from debian21:24
* POX hopes too21:25
hyperairthen hurry up and carry it out before anybody here manages to do anything weird!21:26
hyperairnike just do it.21:26
kklimondaI have to say the new bzr based workflow maks me feel like an idiot..21:27
* POX failed to convince Ubuntu guys to do transitions in Debian21:27
hyperairkklimonda: you, me, and a lot of others.21:27
* hyperair advocates the idea of POX dishing out death threats.21:28
geserPOX: would it work to start any transitions in Debian right now because of the different release states? (not that I had any influence on it)21:36
* POX points geser to #57374521:38
geserPOX: please also mention if it's a LP bug number or Debian bug number (both are now in the same range). (in this case looking at the Debian bug makes more sense)21:41
POXok, sorry21:41
ajmitchthe race is on to the 600k mark?21:47
* POX hopes Ubuntu will win this one ;P21:48
ajmitchubuntu cheats, the bug numbers are across all launchpad :)21:48
gesernow you can not only bet when it get hit but also if Debian or Ubuntu hits it first21:48
ari-tczewgeser: could you give a comment on my motu application?21:49
ajmitchso I've found that it's really annoying to not have wireless working, dodgy ralink drivers...21:50
geserari-tczew: sorry no, because I didn't do much sponsoring lately and don't know what I had to write in my comment21:53
ari-tczewgeser: so may only general opinion about my work?21:54
kklimondapersia: I was supposed to ping you if I'm not in ~ubuntu-dev by this time so here I am ;)21:55
geserari-tczew: all I could write, is that you're active in this channel as I didn't follow -motu too closely recently (busy with other things)21:57
ari-tczewgeser: eh, okay, I won't ask you no more, as you are a chairman on meeting 11th May21:59
geserari-tczew: don't take it personally. It's always hard for me to comment on someones application as I don't memorize names and their activities well for a longer time. My mind considers it unimportant and forgets it again.22:07
ari-tczewgeser: no, I didn't take it personally. I wrote that you're a chairman 11th May, so in total comment from you isn't important. easy22:10
alkisg(11:20:06 μμ) POX: alkisg: unfortunately you have to use python-central as well ==> thanks a lot (sorry I had to leave)22:31
Migi32hey everyone, now that 10.04 is out and there's no longer a feature-freeze, here's a suggestion if you don't have anything to do at the moment: update libfann1/libfann1-dev in the repositories to libfann2/libfann2-dev. It would really be appreciated22:41
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