[00:36] heh http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=don't%20cha%20know [00:37] * tonyyarusso lols @ "see also: 'could be worse'" [00:45] http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=minnesotan&defid=2413452 [00:46] hah [00:47] pretty sure the only ones that don't apply to me involve things that happened before I was born [00:47] eg voting for Mondale [00:48] Wait, you mean that stuff isn't normal? [00:49] Apparently. [00:51] lol [00:51] nice find tony [00:57] i didnt read it all, but did it have "you call anyone who's moved here in the last decade the 'new guy'" [00:58] lol, it did not, but it should [00:58] The "new guy" rule is that you will be "new guy" eternally until someone else is newer, so hope for high turnover. [00:58] yeah [00:59] in most places "where are you from?" means stat state are you from.. here it means what suburb are you from [00:59] when i say "here" then people find out i grew up in Eagan, they say "i thought you said you were from minneapolis" [00:59] i just stare blankly. [00:59] That question is clearly context-dependent. [01:00] If someone at the coffee shop asks me, I tell them the nearest major intersection. Across town, which suburb. Online, Minnesota. [01:00] er stat/what [01:00] i meant, when people from here ask me that [01:00] I only say Mpls if I really really have to though, since I'm east of the river. [01:01] i say 'here' if i'm within 300 miles of here [01:01] as it's still the closest metro [01:01] not that i'm ever farther away than 10 miles [03:02] * tonyyarusso wonders how h00k's presentation prep is going [04:45] * tonyyarusso guesses he bailed on the prep and went to bed early [20:15] 2 days until the Day Against DRM (May 4) [20:28] should i hand out pirated dvd screeners to random people on the screen? [21:53] LOL [21:53] * tonyyarusso is watching h00k get grilled about translations/localizations on the recording [21:54] To answer, we would of course like to address as much as possible, but it becomes a matter of priorities. [21:54] Things like making sure "y" works with apt are of course pretty darn important, although kind of side notes rather than the central goal. [21:55] For localizations like keyboard layouts, that is something I see in the long-term plan, but not something we're looking at right now. That's one reason for addressing the Fiero-Nichols orthography first, since it uses the same alphabet/keyboard as English and is therefore much easier. [21:56] At some point in the distant future, it would be nice to support both Fiero-Nichols and Canadian Syllabics, as well as adding in some custom themes and artwork and who knows what else, but any of that stuff comes about as interest and resources become available. [21:59] oooooh, OpenGL transitions are purrrdy [22:00] h00k: LoCos can become "Approved". [22:03] Wisconsin Linux Users Group is somewhat of an anomaly - almost all LUGs are city-based. Originally some LoCos followed a similar approach (Chicago), but that is discouraged now, with things being done at the parent level with sub-groups for cities where appropriate. [22:04] Of course, having active cities as well is fantastic. [22:04] Fedora does indeed attempt to have some sort of community thing - they call it their "Ambassodors program". I looked into it though, and it very much inactive - I found one guy in MN. :( [22:05] I think Gentoo may have something similar? Nothing anywhere near the scale to which Ubuntu does. [22:05] also, AFAIK the US is the only country that is not organized primarily on the country level, although like the cities here, many subgroups exist. [22:07] If you didn't already know, for contacts in nearby states for possible coordination, we have: greg-g in Michigan, nixternal in Chicago, IL, MTecknology in South Dakota, and AtomicSpark in Iowa. Nobody for ND. [22:08] wait, somebody's talking about moving to WordPress? But Drupal is teh awesomez! [22:09] Nearest Canadian seems to be in Winnipeg, but their actual activity is primarily in Victoria/Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. [22:09] Gnome 2.30! Not 2.3... [22:09] It's like Ubuntu releases - the zeros matter. [22:12] For anyone who's really confused now, http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/6623287