
AnAntI need to understand something regarding Ubuntu's new notification system08:00
AnAntI understand that there's a plan to remove the notification area at some release (11.04 maybe)08:00
AnAntnow, regarding upstream software that use notification area, what should they do ?08:01
AnAntif they use the new Ubuntu system, wouldn't that make them not usable for other distros ?08:01
AnAntor does Ubuntu intend to patch those software, and keep maintaining maintaining the patches in Ubuntu08:02
RAOFAnAnt: Using the new Ubuntu system wouldn't /necessarily/ make their software less useful for other distros - it would be quite possible to use indicator-application where available, and a regular status icon where not available.08:09
RAOFAnAnt: That's a bit sucky, true.  But upstreams are going to need to do something regardless - gnome shell doesn't include a notification area (at least for arbitrary applications), as far as I could tell.08:11
AnAntRAOF: well, I have conservations about gnome-shell08:14
AnAntRAOF: last time I tried it, it was even heavier than compiz08:14
AnAntanyways, that's another issue08:16
RAOFAnAnt: In case you're interested, more idiomatic English would be “reservations about gnome-shell”.  I think it's likely to remain heavier than gnome-shell, and I'm not mad about the idea of running a javascript interpreter, panel applet, and desktop search in the same process as my desktop compositor.08:16
RAOFAhem.  Likely to remain heavier than *compiz* :)08:16
AnAntRAOF: thanks, English isn't my native language indeed.08:17
AnAntwell, I'm not mad about the idea either, but you see, I've disabled compiz because its heavy, now there is that gnome-shell that is even heavier08:18
AnAntand some say that it might be the default one day on Ubuntu08:18
AnAntso that makes me worry08:18
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forNarniaanyone else worried that chrome-os could nuke this whole thing from orbit? :p just messing with you.20:35
qenseforNarnia: Different target audience. :) I don't see Chrome OS running on servers or workstations in the near future.20:36
forNarnia@qense cloud computing?20:37
qenseforNarnia: partially, yes20:39
forNarniaopera has the right idea, bad form, individuals are becoming servers. chrome-os and cloud computing don't cover this audience. Ubuntu could.20:42
forNarniadosen't cover it in the sense that the fastest path is the best path (typically), host to host.20:44
forNarniaso who is is feeling the windicators?20:54
forNarniadon't worry this message is not a lie, just curious what people think?20:54
qenseI really like the idea/20:56
qenseI think it has great potential.20:56
forNarniaI was reading diego moya's oppinions about 4 parts20:57
qenseThe discussions get quite lengthy on the mailing list.20:57
forNarnia:p there like irc bursts20:58
forNarniasharing what your currently working on imo is the best part of the windicators20:58
qenseIt is one of the many uses.20:59
qenseYou could put all that functionality in MenuItems, but this is much better. More consistent, easier to manipulate and easier to access.20:59
forNarniawell i know that all the top right status icons are being condensed into a few items21:00
forNarniabut why not put a share icon there instead21:00
forNarniaa share icon with a sorta global menu21:00
forNarniathink of google wave21:00
forNarniayou click a topic/ start one, and you add people21:01
forNarniaand type away, well with an OS.21:01
qenseThat would not make clear that it affects the content of your current window.21:01
forNarniawith the os, you start an application and the share icon would be the equivalent of the header in gwave21:02
forNarniawell the volume, mail are global things21:03
qenseanyway, I'm shutting off21:04
forNarniapush contacts into the top right, mail icon becomes more of a sync icon still has mail setting stuff etc., with the mail icon showing when there's a message.21:07
forNarniarather share icon/sync21:07
forNarniaps. i liked the golden compass better then narnia, the book that is.21:15
forNarniaI like to talk about random things.21:18
ScottKIn case you don't follow planet.kde: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2010/05/why-you-should-not-use-client-side-window-decorations/22:15
jcastroScottK: I saw and pinged ted and cody already via mail22:39
jcastrothanks for the heads up though22:39
hamburger_should upgrade the window manager to allow apps to push into the middle top bar area while still keeping the consistent (left) min/max/close, and border.22:41
hamburger_that way everyones happy22:41
hamburger_like so, http://imgur.com/k7aEk22:59

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