
jaemapparle, hmm... okay.  That makes sense in any case, but I was mostly wondering about the installed packages themselves during the dist-upgrade00:00
jaemI suppose that it should just upgrade them as normal00:00
Dragnslicerjaem- I don't think it would be a problem. I'm pretty sure the version in 10.04 is the same as the version in 9.10 backports00:03
jaemDragnslicer, awesome, thanks00:05
quebecliberateddo you know the command line for the terminal to get kubuntu in french?00:06
shorterquebec libre -- that's a locale setting00:07
shorterthe commandline is unix shell, the command names are english00:07
jaemshorter, I think quebecliberated meant how to switch the locale00:07
shorterfrom the commandline rather than the system config ui ?00:08
quebecliberatedi have ubuntu and i wany kubuntu infrench00:08
quebecliberatedterminal please00:09
quebecliberatedsudo apt...00:09
shorteryour question requires a bit of research. patience :-)00:10
quebecliberatedthank for your help budy00:12
shorterKDE_LANG environmental variable00:13
quebecliberatedi know00:13
shorterok -- so you want to change it system wide?00:13
shorterfrom the command line ?00:13
shorterlike, make all of the menus switch from langauge X to French ?00:13
quebecliberatedim new whit kubuntu ans i like the interface00:13
shorteryes, that's why most of us use it I think :-)00:13
quebecliberatednot change just switch when i like!00:14
shorterlemme test answer before i give you a bad one00:14
shorterit doesn't seem to be working as i expected it to...00:17
shorterexport KDE_LANG=fr00:17
shorteranyone else got an idea here?00:18
shorterit does look like you can set the language of a shell/session with KDE_LANG and them, theoretically, when an application is launched from that environment, it will know to speak French, however, this is not presently working for me... still trying00:18
quebecliberatedwhat the command line to get kubuntu00:23
quebecliberatedwhat the command line to get kubuntu whit the terminal in dual whit ubuntu?00:24
quebecliberatedwhat the command line to get kubuntu whit the terminal in dual whit ubuntu?00:25
quebecliberatedwindows 3.1 2000 nt xp vista 7=shit00:26
dolomitewatch the language00:26
tsimpsonquebecliberated: stop that00:26
quebecliberatedwindows=shit on you00:26
dolomitedid you just make yourself operator to kick tsimpson?00:27
dolomitedo you  need special priveleges, tsimpson?00:28
tsimpsonwe use ChanServ to give ourselfs +o when we need it00:29
dolomitegot it; I'm relatively new to IRC00:29
progre55hi people! why is xorg eating up my processor? )00:31
progre55and what's virtuoso-t? )00:32
James147progre55: It might not be xorg but another application causeing xorg to do that00:32
James147progre55: virtusos is the abckend to strigi/nepomuks indexing/search feature00:32
progre55James147: oh damn.. how do I turn it off? )00:32
James147progre55: It its causing you problems you can disable it by System settings > advanced > desktop search00:33
progre55just kill it? )00:33
progre55oh cool00:33
ary I want to un-encrypt my home because I made the mistake to check the box encrypt my home during the installation. How can I do that?00:33
=== N0xTrUm is now known as Guest24164
progre55James147: thanks00:34
quebecliberatedfor a laptop , what the best os u k or x buntu?00:34
James147!best quebecliberated00:34
progre55quebecliberated: depends on your paremeters00:34
James147!best | quebecliberated00:34
ubottuquebecliberated: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:34
progre55quebecliberated: my personal opinion, ubuntu is faster, kubuntu is prettier..00:35
quebecliberatedand x00:35
aryprogre55,  I want to un-encrypt my home because I made the mistake to check the box encrypt my home during the installation. How can I do that?00:35
shorterquebecliberated: usually, the best laptop is the one that you like using, especially the trackpad and keyboard. :-)00:35
progre55ary: sorry man, no idea )00:35
quebecliberatedfor a dell d60000:36
quebecliberatedhow can i get kubuntu in dual whit ubuntu?00:37
nearhello is there a way to auto start programs when i boot the pc?00:37
shorterquebecliberated: install whichever (kubuntu, ubuntu) then install the base packages for the other system (gnome, kde)00:37
nearwish there was a ubuntu-tweak alternative for kubuntu00:37
shorterthen you can switch with the "Session" menu on the login screen.00:37
dolomiteary: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113412100:37
dolomiteary: scroll to the 4th post00:37
dolomiteary: and please back up your data00:37
quebecliberatedi have ubuntu allready00:37
progre55quebecliberated: install ubuntu, open the terminal and type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"00:37
James147ary: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1134121#4 < might be of intrest but i havent testedit00:38
quebecliberatedand xubuntu?00:38
shorterquebecliberated: same thing, but xfce00:38
dolomiteJames147: when in doubt, turn to search.00:38
progre55quebecliberated: xubuntu-desktop, I guess )00:38
progre55never used x00:38
shorterprogre55: tight little thing00:38
nearanyone knows how to configure what apps start with the pc?00:38
shortervery fast, very primitive00:38
James147dolomite: aww dam you beat me :(00:39
shorterxubuntu-desktop it is00:39
James147dolomite: but i liked to the post :D00:39
progre55quebecliberated: then you'll be able to choose while logging in, whether you want u or k00:39
dolomiteJames147: I haven't tried it either. looks legit though00:39
quebecliberatedyes i know thank to you00:39
James147near: you can aotu start apps when you log in by System setitngs > advanced > auto start00:39
dolomitenear: k menu>system settings>advanced tab>autostart00:39
dolomiteJames147: ah! you beat me this time00:40
progre55quebecliberated: m?00:40
James147dolomite:  :D00:40
nearoh i didint see the advance tab00:40
nearthanks a lot00:40
dolomiteI really should be studying but this is more fun00:40
James147dolomite: same here, spent most of the day on this and got no work done at all :(00:41
progre55dolomite: lol the same thing.. I've got a presentation to make 2morrow.. and it's 2am in here already00:41
dolomiteprogre55: James147: glad I'm not alone. I have a couple of finals tomorrow and I'm trying to avoid feeling confident00:41
quebecliberatedviva ukxbuntu!00:42
progre55dolomite: what do you study btw? )00:42
dolomiteJames147: do you know what settings in power management will enable the backend to override the screensaver?00:42
dolomiteprogre55: hydrogeology00:42
progre55wow that sounds complicated =)00:42
progre55me, information security =) masters00:42
shorterquebecliberated: this is perhaps not the place to metion it, but try the "Lancelot" plasma widget for your desktop launcher. VERY pretty and elegant :-)00:43
dolomiteprogre55: ah! that figures. I'm finishing up my B.S.00:43
arydolomite, yeas! thanks!00:43
progre55shorter: under kubuntu you mean? and how do you set it up? =)00:43
shorterunlock widgets, and add it to a panel or icon to desktop.00:44
shortershould be in the base package, if not, "Get more widgets' and search "lancelot"00:44
James147dolomite: not sure, dont tend to use screen savers, dont really see the point in them i just have my monitor turn off instead to save power00:44
progre55dolomite: cool.. and I'm about to finish my thesis... but cant put my thoughts together and finally wrap it up =) with this k/ubuntu release and all..00:44
dolomiteJames147: I know. I should do that; but I love electric sheep too much00:44
progre55shorter: I'll try that..00:45
dolomiteprogre55: exactly. since thursday, I've done nothing but play around with LL and study in the wee hours of the morning00:45
shorterKDE has made me happier as a desktop environment than anything since the NeXT or the Amiga.00:45
progre55lol =)00:45
shorternot a lot of choices, but the choices you have are typically very good ones :-)00:45
progre55shorter: but it tortures my cpu, dammit =) I switched to kde like 2 days ago.. and feel sorry for my cpu and graphics card ))00:46
dolomiteprogre55: it's nothing a modern processor isn't built to withstand.00:46
shorteri run it on an antique piece of <expletive> with whole-disc encryption -- and it's fast enough to be useful.00:46
James147progre55: disabling desktop effects and nepomuk help a bit if you need more preformance :)00:46
shorteradmittedly, i have to be careful about choice of apps -- using iron for a browser, for example.00:46
dolomiteary: have you tried it yet?00:46
shorteralso, disable file searching / indexing00:47
shorterthat makes things way faster.00:47
shorternepotmuk and friends.00:47
progre55James147: actually, the desktop effects are the reason I switched to kde.. they make it prettier =) and what the hack is nepomuk? )00:47
shorterjames said that already, sorry :-)00:47
shorternepomuk is what gives you file indexing, the ability to tag files, etc.00:47
James147progre55: nepomuk is the desktop search/indexing00:47
dolomiteI haven't had any problems with Strigi; it's idling most of the time00:47
shortersort of like apple's find thing, but less obnoxious.00:48
progre55James147: oh I think I've just disabled it..00:48
James147progre55: to disable System settings > advanced > desktop search (kde 4.4)00:48
progre55let me see..00:48
James147shorter: progre55: I like the idea of nepomuk, just atm its way too resource heavy to eb of any use to me :(00:48
progre55yeah I've disabled both of them.. nepomuk and strigi00:49
shorterkde can be very thin and fit00:49
shorterbut if you want all of the fun toys, it starts to get a windows-sized butt.00:49
James147progre55:  you might be able to get away with just disabling strigi (the indexing part) as tahts what takes up most of the resources then you can still ahve tagging00:49
progre55nice, I'll do that00:50
progre55thanks man00:50
shorterJames147: any suggestions on speeding up Amarok ?00:50
James147shorter: o it will never be as fat as windows is :)00:50
dolomiteuninstalling the beast00:50
* James147 looks at amarok00:50
James147shorter: anything priticaully slow about it?00:51
Typos_Kingshorter:   more memory?   hehe00:51
shorterstarting up, starting play, etc.00:51
shorterTypos_King: prolly :-)00:51
Typos_Kingheh, you got... wha?    256?00:51
shorter512M, as it were, is a bit narrow00:51
James147shorter: not knoticed a majoy delay in playing... but starting up i tend not to worry about (start it once, keep it open :) )00:51
dolomitewith the clean install for 10.04, I've decided to get rid of amarok crap00:51
shorterThe saddest part of my office is that -- due to damned adobe apps -- my desktop is running.... it.00:52
dolomiteI'm using VLC for everything00:52
shorterso #2 machine for k.00:52
shorterJames147: i use a sound application -- renoise -- and it won't share with other audio apps (the short version)00:52
shorterso i have to take it up and bring it down a lot00:52
shorterand that's painful :-)00:52
Typos_King... I use audacious for music00:53
James147shorter: :( you could try diabling "watch folders for changes" might help abit (just have to manually run a rescan when you change things00:53
shorterJames147: aye. good call.00:53
James147shorter: also disabling internet services that you dont use could help00:54
dolomiteTypos_King: Audacious? is it a Qt app?00:54
Typos_Kingno, I don't think so.. qt... lemme check00:54
progre55who was saying smth about lancelot? I couldnt find it in the widgets..00:54
arydolomite, now... I'll try and then I'll tell you00:54
progre55not in the "get more" part either00:54
dolomiteary: have fun00:54
James147shorter: and the only other thing i can think that might help is automatic cover art retrival00:54
arydolomite, thanks! :)00:55
Typos_Kinggtk sortish, since it uses its own skins00:55
dolomiteoh it's an xmms fork00:55
dolomiteI loved xmms until it became a little buried00:55
Typos_Kingdolomite:   http://images.howtoforge.com/images/gutsy_desktop/pic48.jpg00:56
progre55shorter: cant find lancelot..00:56
James147progre55: you might need to install it (plasma-widget-lancelot)00:56
dolomiteTypos_King: that is pretty sexy00:56
progre55James147: and where do I get it? by the "get more widgets" button?00:56
dolomiteTypos_King: I think I'll have to stick with VLC though. I'm enjoying this simplicity.00:56
James147progre55: sudo aptitude install plasma-widget-lancelot00:57
progre55oh, sec00:57
James147shorter: o, another thing you can look at are the scripts in amarok, disalbe the ones you dont need00:58
progre55James147: wow, like it =)00:59
* James147 really needs to alias sudo aptitude install and aptitude search :p01:00
progre55James147: and what's lancelot part btw? what does it do?01:00
James147progre55: not sure...01:00
James147progre55: never got it to do nanything useful01:01
dolomiteJames147: that'd be a great idea01:01
James147dolomite: already have "alias upgrade='sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade'" set :D01:01
dolomiteJames147: my issue is that when I alias something I always forget to use it01:02
* James147 noticed hes already set aptitude search to be search :S 01:02
* James147 reall yneeds to remeber what hes set up01:02
shorter~/my.changelog :-)01:03
James147dolomite: depends on how often you use them, i use upgrade alot so remeber it01:03
dolomiteyou guys got me excited about this lancelot. it's just a glorified k menu?!01:03
shorteri got you excited01:03
shorterdolomite - a little more, but yes :-)01:04
dolomitehaha, suckers for eye candy!01:04
James147dolomite: more or less, it has more options and a coloum veiw01:04
James147dolomite: try it... its free :D01:04
dolomitethat's what the mid-life crisis dude says to his wife after buying the corvette01:04
shorterthe corvette has a column view?01:04
shortermaybe i can sneak it past her this was.01:04
dolomitegot me there01:05
shorterer this way01:05
dolomiteI tried it. I like to keep my desktop dedicated to conky and luna01:05
dolomiteoh and sticky notes01:05
progre55hmm.. my applications are kinda messed up.. they are overlapping in lancelot..01:05
shorteri put luna next to my clock01:05
progre55btw, never got any use of luna.. what the hack does it do?01:05
progre55why do you need it?01:06
shortershows the moon phase01:06
dolomiteno one "needs" any of those plasma widgets01:06
progre55well I need the clock01:06
shorterdolomite: i "need" my desktop clock.01:06
progre55and the weather thingy01:06
dolomiteshorter: the panel clock doesn't tell you time?01:06
dolomiteprogre55: that's not a matter of need01:06
progre55dolomite: actually, the panel clock is also a widget.. so )01:07
progre55and why my applications are overlapped..01:07
shorterdolomite: that's a plasma widget01:08
shorterpanel apps are widgets.01:08
shorterprogre55: that's an actual glitch in lancelot from time to time01:08
shorterremove it, put it back in, its'p fine01:08
saintlyhey guys, whats the app for opening deb files again?01:08
progre55shorter: any ways to fix it?01:08
dolomitesaintly: just click on it01:08
progre55nope, I just did.. but it's the same01:09
shorterprogress -- might be options? dunno...01:09
James147saintly: gdebi-kde01:09
shorterit's not done it to me in a long time01:09
progre55yeah lemme see01:09
saintlylol i did dolomite. it wants to know what i want to open it. Thanks James147.01:09
dolomitesaintly: sorry. I thought it was that simple. is it skype that you're installing/01:10
James147dolomite: noramlly you can just click on it in dolphin and dolphin will open gdebi, but sometimes it forgets file assiciations (usually due to user dleting things)01:10
dolomiteJames147: never hurts to know the command for things; I find that my memory is getting worse at retaining things like that.01:11
dolomiteI probably "need" to add sticky notes to my plasma desktop01:11
Typos_King... gdebi I've noticed takes way longer than dpkg for installs :|01:11
James147dolomite: yeah, have had to answer that question a few times so i know it (well had to look it up, know it started with g... and had deb in it :))01:12
Typos_Kingsaintly:    sudo dpkg -i FILENAME.deb;01:12
saintlydolomite: nope. got a xgame virtual window im trying to stream Xbox 360 thru01:12
saintlyi set up akype this morning ;)01:12
dolomitesaintly: ooo,that sounds like a fun project. let us know how it goes01:12
James147Typos_King: I tend to like it when i am feeling lazy :)01:12
progre55damn, could you guys not type messages until I figure out this lancelot thing.. dont want to miss stuff here :D01:13
saintlydolomite: will do. it works fine on my HP, lets see how it does on this systems limited RAM :|01:13
dolomiteprogre55: maybe it's time to move on01:13
saintlydolomite: ROFLL01:13
dolomiteit's happy hour so I'll try to be on my best behavior01:14
James147saintly: had kde 4.0 running on a mechiene with 256 ram once i think (abit slow but it workded :) )01:14
progre55dolomite: it still has that overlapping thing.. and cant get it fixed..01:16
saintlyJames147:ooh. tht sounds painfull.01:16
dolomiteprogre55: i can't help you, man. I installed and removed lancelot within the span of 5 minutes01:16
James147saintly: was only a scrap comp so i dident use it for anything other then testing to see if it could run kde4.001:16
progre55dolomite: =) no prob.. removing it too01:17
dolomiteI ran OpenSUSE with kde4 on my networking machine; 256 RAM, 800MHz processor. it was a disaster01:17
dolomitethen again, it was 4.0 too; crashed every couple of minutes01:18
saintlyJames147: my HP is one of the new Touchscreen, tablet convertible ones. it has 8GiB RAM :D absolutley a joy to play on. it has windows XP, vista 64, 7, snow leapard, kubuntu, and ubuntu now. i love it.01:18
* James147 wishes he had a touch screen01:18
dolomitesaintly: I tested one of those once; really fun machines01:18
progre55I wish I could trade my vaio for one like that =)01:19
* James147 his desktop only has 2 gigs of ram :(01:19
saintlydolomite AND James147: there amazing, guys. :D01:19
progre55I still cant get the brightness control functions to work for the vaio..01:19
James147progre55: are the keys detected?01:19
James147progre55: key presses ^^^01:20
saintly8 GiB of ram, i can runn a server practically. its got 2TB harddrive, and a external one of 6TB01:20
progre55James147: yeah, the bar appears, but it doesnt dim..01:20
dolomitesaintly: did you say 6TB?01:20
James147progre55: a, no clue sorry :S01:20
progre55saintly: wow, wtf =)01:20
saintly6TB dolomite lol. its built into my router.01:20
dolomiteprogre55: can't help you either; I have no idea what to do with laptops01:20
progre55James147: yeah no big deal, I'm tracking a bug already..01:21
dolomiteSOME of us are still counting our disk space in gigabytes01:21
dolomiteok ok, this is getting a little offtopic01:21
progre55aha, just 500Gb on my side )01:21
* James147 agrees with dolomite01:21
saintlythis netbook holds 240GiB, but again, wireless back up to 6TB01:21
progre55saintly: btw, is that a laptop your are talking about?01:21
dolomiteJames147: how can I speak in third person?01:22
saintlyprogre55: look up the Hp Touchsmart tm2t.01:22
progre55type /me01:22
progre55dolomite ^^01:22
* progre55 thinks01:22
James147ok i think its time to get back on topic01:22
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:22
dolomitecool, thanks01:22
* dolomite is awaiting kubuntu questions01:23
* progre55 trying to think off a question..01:23
* progre55 is*01:23
James147feel free to continue on #kubuntu-offtopic though :)01:23
* progre55 of*01:23
dolomiteno, I really should be studying while watching this channel for updates01:23
progre55damn, what's wrong with me.. I think I'm too tired =)01:23
saintly256 ppl, and not a question among them...01:24
progre55arright, I think I'll go watch an episode of south-park and then off to bed.. thanks for all the help and advice ppl01:25
saintlyJames147: who makes kubuntu ?01:25
James147saintly: alot of ppl sit idle and watch while they do other things01:25
saintlyprogre55: any time01:25
dolomitetake it easy progre5501:25
saintlyJames147: ouch. frostwire IRC boots for that. :(01:25
progre55so long01:25
James147saintly: its not really a problem...01:26
James147saintly: and to answre your question: Canonical support it01:26
James147saintly: http://www.canonical.com/ << although they mainly focus on ubuntu :(01:27
saintlykubuntu is better?01:27
saintlylo !801:27
James147!best | saintly01:27
ubottusaintly: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:27
James147saintly: I prefure it, and so do most of the people in this chanel but it is a personal prefence01:28
dolomitequick to issue justice James14701:28
James147dolomite: ^^ :P01:28
James147dolomite: not trying to be a moderator... honest :D01:29
dolomiteI'm hoping canonical won't take it too personally and stop supporting it in the future; but that's an off-topic subject01:29
dolomiteJames147: go on. have a little fun01:29
saintlyJames147: i like it better, personally.01:29
* saintly is addicted to widgets, wish some yahoo developers would come this way...01:30
James147saintly: I have found that gnome `is` faster (esipcall at login, dam its almost instant) but I also find kde more functional01:30
saintly whats ur boottime with KDE?01:31
James147saintly: pfft, havent measured it since i upgraded to lucid01:31
dolomitesaintly: mine's about half the speed of karmic01:31
James147saintly: although on karmic it was about 30 secs to kdm and 30 secs to desktop form kdm on my netbook :(01:31
saintlydo you all really wanna know mine :P01:32
dolomitesaintly: go for it01:32
saintlyfrom completely off, to desktop, 16 seconds. (auto login)01:32
James147Typos_King: pfft, i cant type or spell, espically (i think)01:32
dolomitebut G*d help us, we can't stay on topic01:33
saintlydolomite: LOL01:33
dolomiteJames147: especially?01:33
James147dolomite: something like that :D01:33
saintlyyeah, that word! BINGO01:33
dolomitesaintly: my time is about the same as yours; had to turn off auto login because it was messing with my conky01:33
dolomiteand nobody messes with my conky01:33
saintlydolomite: ouch. i love my auto login. :D01:34
saintlyhey question, actually.01:34
smokealotme too :p01:34
saintlydoes itunes have a package for kubuntu?01:34
dolomitesaintly: no01:34
dolomitesaintly: best way is to run it in wine01:34
* saintly cries...01:34
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:34
dolomitesaintly: I've heard good things about the wine compatibility of itunes. I can't vouch though01:35
James147saintly: do you really need itunes, if you need to sync an ipod there are some apps that might be able to do it01:35
Typos_King!ipod | saintly01:35
ubottusaintly: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:35
saintlyWine. that sounds like a good idea for the xgame window...01:35
saintlyTypos_King: yeah i looked into that, i dont feel like sshing another ipod, ive already crashed one of em.01:36
saintlyJames147: yeah Amarok will do it.01:36
Typos_Kingitunes is just bloatware nazi-mandated by apple01:36
dolomiteman i hate it when people just throw around the concept of nazism at everything01:37
Typos_Kingyou're a nazi too dolomite!   j/k heheh01:37
dolomiteTypos_King: grow up01:37
Typos_Kinghar har har, maybe I have, thus for me it doesn't have such a connotation it does for you :|01:37
saintlydolomite:  ROFL01:37
James147saintly: 25 secs from button to kdm on my netbook (10 of that is button nto end of bios screen)01:38
dolomiteTypos_King: I don't think historical evidence is a "connotation"01:38
* saintly ducks, and throws the "offtopic" flag...01:38
dolomiteTypos_King: now lets drop this and get ontopic01:38
saintlybrb guys01:38
Typos_Kingand yes, apple apps-shipping is rather often dictatorial-like, thus I'd say use iTunes only if you really have too, other solutions with less than 250mbs01:38
dolomiteTypos_King: I'm with you on that.01:39
dolomiteJames147: so 15 seconds button>logon? that's good01:39
Typos_Kingdolomite:  hehe historical.. wha?    you seem to take it a bit hard somewhat... there are historical evidences of all kinds, of people behaving badly and from what history has shown me we all have at some point, noone has been an exception01:40
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James147dolomite: if you dont include the post screen :)01:40
saintlyTypos_King: not me. im saintly :P01:40
* James147 is tempted to disable his audio just incase it boots slightly faster01:41
dolomiteTypos_King: to say dictatorial is connotative; to say "nazi-like" is direct and has denotation (not connotation)01:41
Typos_Kinghehe, saintly:   don't get me started with the bible and how many genocides in the name of deities :P01:41
saintlyJames147: good speed. you got me wanting to one up you with my HP boot time...01:41
James147dam we cant stay on it01:42
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:42
dolomitesorry sorry. I'm going to step away from the computer for a little bit.01:42
James147hmm, "Max CPUID Value Limit: Disabled" (disalbed for xp) what is it and why isnt it enabled :D (bios config) ((if anyone knows))01:43
Typos_King... dunno myself hehe01:44
Typos_Kingoink, need to dash ^_^01:44
James147nm, looks like disabled is a good thing :)01:46
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* James147 saved about 1-2 secs by disabling audio/bluetooth or disabling quite boot01:47
* James147 is shocked that it took 52 secs to login to kde when it only took 25 to boot to kdm01:49
dolomiteJames147: 52 seconds?! what is going on?01:50
* James147 is releaved it only took 15 secs that time01:50
James147dolomite: not sure, think something went wrong that time01:51
dolomiteJames147: are you using the netbook version of kubuntu? how's it working?01:51
James147dolomite:  I am, it works great in general... boot times arent that bad although i dont really care `that` much about them (sleep is almost instant so i use that)01:52
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sobczykhello, what is the prefered input method for kde4?02:01
pilyCan the Dragon Player play *.rmvb?Mine can not work well .Just sounds,not vedio.02:06
pilywho can help me .Thank you .02:07
dolomitesobczyk: can you clarify?02:08
dolomitepily: I'm not sure dragon player can hand .rmvb02:09
sobczykdolomite: I want to be able to use korean keyboard (no romanization) and maybe anthy im for japanese, of course leaving the original keyboard layout (pl)02:09
dolomitepily: from my research, mplayer handles it02:09
sobczyklike ibus for ubuntu02:10
dolomitesobczyk: ibus works for kubuntu too02:10
sobczykthe plasma widget didn't seem to work and im-switch has an error for package check02:11
dolomitesobczyk: can you set it up the easy way in system settings>keyboard?02:11
sobczykwill it work for other apps too (ie. gtk)02:12
dolomitesobczyk: I believe it's global. but that's the extent of my knowledge02:13
shorterthe volume control has disappeared.02:14
dolomiteshorter: kmix?02:15
ResistolI can't get the kubuntu livecd to boot - i get a blank screen, then "kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails" - i click OK, and get a blank screen02:20
dolomiteResistol: have you checked the CD for errors?02:21
Resistolnegative dolomite, but i haven't been able to get other OS's to boot on this laptop either - 8.x or 9.x02:22
Resistolusually just a blank screen02:22
dolomiteResistol: it's happened to me before as well. sometimes it points to general hardware instability. try an alternate boot02:23
Resistolhow do i do that02:23
dolomiteResistol: there should be options at the bottom of the inital screen02:23
Resistoldolomite, you mean "mode' or 'other options' ?02:23
Resistolthe f5 keys?02:23
Resistolok so what option should I try dolomite02:24
dolomiteto be honest, I don't remember the options. but one of them should be something similar to a safe mode02:25
Resistoli didn't see anything like that02:25
Resistolunder "other options"i saw things like noacpi, acpi=off, etc, and when i hit f5 it only gave me 'normal' as an option02:26
dolomiteit wouldn't hurt to try the acpi-less boot02:28
Resistolwell what's the difference between noacpi and acpi=off - there were like 4 options that seemed to be the same thing02:28
dolomitenoacpi vs acpi=off is the same function02:29
Resistolok so try one of those?  what do they do?02:30
dolomiteacpi is advanced configuration and power interface; from what I know, sometimes it can mess with hardware02:31
Viking667I got shoved over here... I'm trying to set up my Thunderbird 3 to call chrome permanently instead of sometimes bringing up Firefox. Any ideas where I'd find that?02:32
Viking667I haven't seen a "about:config" equivalent.02:32
Resistoli'll try that dolomite thanks02:34
dolomiteViking667: if you click on a url in an e-mail it asks you what application to use02:35
dolomiteand just check the box underneath that says 'always use this for http'02:35
Viking667no, it doesn't.02:35
dolomitemust be some mozilla thing.02:35
Viking667when I initially installed Thunderbird 2 way back when, Chrome hadn't been heard of yet.02:36
Viking667I installed Chrome after TB.02:36
dolomitecan you get rid of firefox on your system?02:36
Viking667I _can_, but I'm not sure if it'll let me.02:36
Viking667I could also fossick through the /etc/alternatives of course.02:36
dolomiteI'm guessing that TB sees firefox as your default browser and doesn't want to let go of it02:37
Viking667mmm. My thought too.02:37
dolomiteI found that I preferred chromium over firefox so I got rid of firefox02:38
Viking667mmm. Quick alternative then - how do I set the alternatives to point to chrome instead?02:40
dolomiteViking667: system settings>default applications>web browser02:43
dolomitehi kdesk02:43
KDeskhow can I remove the bluetooth and especially the printer applet from the system tray?02:44
Viking667dolomite: already did that... tb's calling up Firefox even though chrome's set up as the default browser in "Default Applications"02:46
dolomitesounds like a mozilla domination scheme02:47
Viking667not consistently, of course... just sometimes.02:47
Viking667So I was wondering if the /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser is being called by tb sometimes.02:47
WalzmynKDesk: right click on it and select system tray settings. Go to "autohide"02:47
KDeskWalzmyn:  I mean remove them permanently, so that the don't reapear each login, especially the printer applet, it uses 20MB for nothing. In Karmic  it only apeard when I was going to print.02:49
KDeskAnd I don't have bluetooth hardware, so the applet is not usefull02:49
dolomiteViking667: I should've known, that only controls the default apps for KDE02:49
Viking667I'd like to do the same thing (remove printer applet from starting up)02:50
WalzmynKDesk: if there's a way, I havn't found it.02:50
Viking667KDesk: I removed bluez totally.02:50
dolomiteViking667: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Setting_Your_Default_Browser#Setting_the_browser_that_opens_in_Thunderbird_-_Linux02:50
Viking667grep for anything with Bluez in it, you'll probably get what you need.02:50
Viking667dolomite: I'll check that. Funny, I never thought to search Mozilla02:50
KDeskWalzmyn: I think I will remove the kbluetooth. I will continue searching what to do with the printer applet. Thanks!02:51
WalzmynKDesk: is it set to auto? That *should* make it only pop up when in use02:51
KDeskWalzmyn: I don't know how to change it, where sould I do it?02:52
KDeskWalzmyn: which applet, bluetooth or printer?02:53
Viking667Walzmyn: and for the printer applet, how do I disable that until kde needs it?02:56
WalzmynKDesk: Viking667 don't know how to disable them competeply. But in that auto-hide section, if it's set to AUTO it should just only appear in the tray when in use. *should* being primary word.02:57
WalzmynI'm headed to be. G'luck to ya'll02:58
Viking667what's the "auto hide"?02:58
Viking667that's not one I've seen before, nor do I know how to get to it.02:58
Teknicalive uninstalled both bluez and printer applet with synaptic, not sure about hiding the printer .. not needed on this machine02:58
Viking667... whereas my wife wants the ability to print, but doesn't need to have it running 99% of the time.02:59
KDeskWalzmyn: ah, I put them already in the hiden selection, but the printer applet uses 20MB for nothing. In karmic Only when I was printing it apeard.02:59
dolomiteViking667: the Auto selection is supposed to hide it when it's not being used; doesn't function on my machine.03:00
Viking667KDesk: how did you "put them into the hidden section"?03:00
dolomitehiding the icon does not make it stop running03:00
KDeskdolomite: right click in "i" icon from the system tray, then in Auto Hide are all the icons that are hiden or visible or auto, you can chage that03:01
Viking667KDesk: ahhhh. That doesn't stop it from running.03:01
dolomiteKDesk: yes I know that.03:01
Viking667that just stops it from being _visible_.03:01
dolomiteViking667: correct03:01
KDeskNow I have 10 icons in the tray, 5 hidden, but sometimes it grows to 15. I don't need them. Stupid programs that put every thing there. But in windows it was worse.03:02
dolomiteyeah at least those icons aren't yelling at you about updates and crap03:03
dolomiteKDesk: a lot of the programs associated with those tray icons can be setup to not put them there03:03
shadowhywindhay all, sorry if you guys have allready answered this. I upgraded to lucid, and Now when ever i do alt+ctrl+F2... all I get is a black screen and screen corpution/flashing garbage, any ideas?03:03
dolomiteshadowhywind: you don't get a tty login?03:03
shadowhywinddolomite: nope03:04
dolomiteshadowhywind: are you using an nvidia driver?03:04
KDeskIn ubuntu 10.10 they are going to remove them completle for the netbook, and in 11.04 for the desktop too. http://design.canonical.com/2010/04/notification-area/03:04
shadowhywinddolomite: the default nv drivers03:05
dolomiteit could be an issue with that. you can try reinstalling the drivers03:06
shadowhywinddolomite: well thats the issue, I normally use the drivers from there website, but I need a tty to do that in... I wonder.. I have an idea, give me a few to try it03:06
dolomiteyou can log out of the graphical environment and do a console login03:07
KDeskdolomite: yes, you are right. mixer can be usefull somtimes, but other hardware things like the blutooth, printer.. I don't print right now or don't have the hardware. In KDE 4.5 they are going to chage this a bit too http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2010/04/system-tray-progress.html . But the printer thing, in Karmic it worked, so it is not KDE fault, its a problem from Kubuntu.03:07
shadowhywinddolomite: leads me to the same garbage screen coruption03:07
shadowhywinddolomite:  brb rebooting..03:07
compilerwriterHow has lucid been treating you folks?03:08
dolomiteare you a dev?03:08
compilerwriterno just someone who is waiting a minute or two before upgrading to see what bugs may come.03:09
KDeskcompilerwriter: try the livecd :)03:12
compilerwriterKDesk would that I could but I have a little shuttle box with no CD drive.  I would have to hook up a usb dvd drive for that.  That would be so slow that I would pull what is left of my hair out.03:14
KDeskcompilerwriter: and to boot from an USB memory?03:15
compilerwriterI suppose I could use a usb thumb drive if I wanted.03:16
dolomitecompilerwriter: expect some hiccups with the upgrade; it hasn't been smooth for everyone03:18
compilerwriterdolomite: what sort of hiccups have been going on?03:18
dolomitecompilerwriter: the gamut. most of it has fixes that are documented on kubuntuforums03:19
compilerwriterOh bother.03:21
dolomitecompilerwriter: I'm recommending to most that they do a clean install.03:22
Viking667hm. How do I shut down the indexer? (nepomuk, virtuoso-t et al)03:22
dolomiteViking667: system settings>advanced tab>desktop search03:23
KDeskCan I configure with the network manager icon, to conect allways to the same network?03:24
compilerwriterGood grief.  A clean install will have to wait until I get some time to do backups.03:24
DaughainIs there a way to get an lcd screen to replicate a mirror? ANyone know?03:25
KDeskcompilerwriter: do you have in the same partition root and home?03:25
dolomitecompilerwriter: if you understand the basics about k/ubuntu, you can have a successful update03:25
compilerwriterI would have to look at my partitions to know one way or the other.  I would have to do a df from terminal or something like that I beleive no?03:26
compilerwriteror is it a du?03:26
dolomiteor just look in your fstab03:26
KDeskcompilerwriter: for what? I have a separeted root and home. So I can reinstall with out backuping personal data03:27
KDeskor "df"03:27
compilerwriterKDesk: I am thinking that I am not that smart.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/426749/03:31
KDeskcompilerwriter: hehe, you have only one partition.03:31
compilerwriterThat is kind of what I thought.03:32
KDeskcompilerwriter: what I always do is a 10GB partition for root, and the resto for /home03:32
compilerwriterSo when I go to do a clean install I should have at least three partitions.  One for root, one for home, and one for swap.03:32
KDeskcompilerwriter: yes, that I a good idea. With 10GB root should be good.03:33
compilerwriterThat way when I do a distro update I would only be mucking about with the root partition, eh?03:34
KDeskcompilerwriter: now you root with home is 5.8GB. Only root in a fresh install is only 2.2GB03:34
KDeskcompilerwriter: yep, better do a fresh/new install this time to have the three partitions.03:35
Viking667dolomite: and for the printer applet?03:36
Viking667(as in, how not to load it on user login?03:36
sobczykI've turned on ibus for kde when in kate I can turn on the input method (ap changes according to proper method) but when I input using anthy after enter the text erases, and with hangul the text is invisible, anyone can help?03:36
dolomiteViking667: I have no idea.03:37
Viking667the menus of the printer applet give no real clue either.03:41
compilerwriterKDesk: is there some sort of net install with a minimal thumb drive thing or am I going to have to deal with the usb dvd drive?03:41
sobczykin gtk apps input method seems to work fine (inkscape)03:42
KDeskcompilerwriter: You can use unetbootin to copy the cd iso to a usb flash memory.03:42
KDeskcompilerwriter: There is also start up disk creator in the Kubuntu OS03:43
dolomiteViking667: sudo update-rc.d system-config-printer-applet remove03:48
dolomiteyou can try that03:48
Viking667that removes it altogether...03:49
Viking667from starting up03:49
dolomitethought that's what you wanted03:49
Viking667I'm not sure I need it shut down altogether... after all, my wife doesn't know how to start stuff up manually.03:49
dolomitehow do you add that back?03:50
Viking667I'm trying to only have it start up when she actually clicks "Print..." on an application03:50
Viking667So far, I've shut down strigi, and the kde keyboard layout ...03:50
compilerwriterKDesk: I would have to download the iso then use unetbootin to create the thumb drive, eh?03:50
dolomiteViking667: haha, I accidentally pressed enter for that command earlier. how do I add it back to system startup?03:51
KDeskcompilerwriter: yes, that is maybe the best way. unetbootin is in the repo.03:51
compilerwriterHow big a thumb drive do I need KDesk?  4 gig I am guessing, since you said it was a 2.2 gig root partition.03:52
compilerwriteror is it very compressed KDesk?03:53
KDeskcompilerwriter: no, only 1GB (releay 700MB but...)03:53
KDeskcompilerwriter: when it is installed, then it will extract from the iso 2.2GB03:53
sobczykok, it seems only kate has problems with ibus IM, in other apps it works fine (inkscape, arora (qt4) or quassel irc, any ideas how can I fix it?03:54
ner0xAny idea where Berkeley Dev package is?03:54
ner0xOr what it is called.03:54
KDeskner0x: maybe libdb-dev ?03:56
ner0xLooks promising. I'll check it out.03:56
ner0xBingo. Thanks!03:57
Viking667ahh, sleepycat...03:58
Viking667thought we were flashing back to the past, and looking for BSD's compiler package...03:58
Viking667You know something? I've never seen a compiler specifically for BSD yet...?03:58
dmj1004hey, i just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04, and the upgrader froze at 98% while "configuring apache2." after waiting about an hour, i canceled the upgrade and rebooted, ran dpkg --configure -a and rebooted again. it seems to be working fine, but when closing the upgrader it told me that canceling the upgrade could make my installation unstable. is there something i should do about that?04:01
txwikingerdmj1004: if the dpkg configure went without errors, you are probably fine04:04
compilerwriterKDesk: downloading the iso and apt-get install unetbootin.  It has been so long since I have played with the command line.04:05
Viking667... whereas I'm permanently at the commandline in some form or another, whether it's twin/screen or simple xterm.04:05
dmj1004txwikinger: okay thanks. i'm assuming that worst case, i won't be able to boot up, and if that happens i'll just reinstall ;)04:06
compilerwriterKDesk I have heard of people who create more than those partitions so that they might play with different kernels perhaps?04:06
KDeskcompilerwriter  :)  unetbootin is great!04:06
KDeskcompilerwriter: you can have as many kernels as you want in one partition.04:07
compilerwriterKDesk perhaps one day you will hold my my hand through a Gentoo install.04:07
KDeskcompilerwriter: different is to have more OS, then you need more partitions. No! :) I tryed once, but it too many many hours. I like debs and Kubuntu/Debian04:08
compilerwriterKDesk: I have not quite plucked up courage to attempt that yet.04:08
rosco_yCan anyone tell me what java package I need to install to run java apps in Firefox?04:15
draikHow do I disable the monitors from turning off after a few minutes? I have checked everything and it doesn't appear to be enabled anywhere.04:17
ResistolI just got Kubuntu 10.04 livecd to boot up, and I can't open dolphin!  When I try in terminal, it says "Bus error"04:26
moetunesResistol: did you do the cd check at boot time?04:28
Resistolno moetunes i did the check on cd#1 which had an error and wouldn't boot.  cd 2 i burnt on a different computer at slow speed, and as it booted successfully i assumed (bad i know) that it was a successful burn04:28
moetuneswell you know what I'll suggest Resistol ?04:29
moetunesit might be just a small part that didn't burn ok...04:30
ResistolOnly things i've tried so far have all failed :-(  I tried 1)  Going to youtube, which asked me to go to adobe.com, and I got an error when I tried to install it from there.  2)  I tried searching for restricted extras after including uni and multiverse repos, but it didn't find anyting - even after installin synaptic i couldn't find the packages... i had to use terminal to install it, and then afterwards synaptic refreshed and foun04:32
Resistold the packages.  3)  I tried opening dolphin, after a few seconds of the bouncing loading icon, it just gives disappears.  Terminal says "bus error"  -04:32
=== ybit3 is now known as ybit
Resistolmoetunes, you are a gentleman and a scholar04:32
Resistoli'll try the disc check04:32
Resistoldoes anyone make an .iso of kubuntu that already has the other repositories included and restricted extras installed?04:34
moetunesafaik no04:35
compilerwriterAlright KDesk I just need to know one more thing.  Where in blazes does Kontakt keep my mail folders?04:40
KDeskcompilerwriter: don't realy know, somewhere in .kde/share/apps maybe04:40
Resistolmoetunes, you were right, 1 error found on cd04:41
Resistolif the OS boots but has issues like this... shouldn't it be able to repair itself by getting the files from the repos?04:41
moetunesResistol: you could try and dpkg-reconfigure hal for the bus issue - but how deep is the prob? who knows with a bad burn...04:43
Resistoli feel like the os should be able to check itself once it's installed, and download any files it needs to replace if they're bad04:43
KDeskcompilerwriter: better ask in #kde You can also backup the entire .kde .config .share .local folders, and if you need others like .mozilla and so.04:44
Resistolmoetunes, is using a usb thumb drive easier than burning a cd?  I keep making cds with errors04:47
moetunesResistol: it can be - there is unetbootin for using usb04:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:48
Resistolk thanks moetunes04:51
=== heath is now known as ybit
=== corin_ is now known as corinroyal
draikI'm using Konversation on 10.04. Anyone else having issues with the mouse not being seen when gonig over tabs or DCC Status section to confirm downloads?05:13
=== chris____ is now known as Mr_Sonoma
Mr_Sonomawhat package would yall suggest to record my desktop05:18
Mr_Sonomain dapper i had recordmydesktop i think it was but dont see that in the repo now05:19
moetunes!info recordmydesktop05:21
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 54 kB, installed size 152 kB05:21
moetunesMr_Sonoma: ^^05:21
Mr_Sonomahmmmm thought i had universe enabled..let me check05:22
Mr_Sonomathanks, i unchecked and rechecked the universe and now it shows up. dunno why it wouldn't show up even after running apt-get update05:30
* moetunes shrugs05:31
* saintly wonders why he is still awake.05:45
compilerwriterKDesk just how long does it take for unetbootin to get the job done?05:51
compilerwriterit just finished.05:52
compilerwriterWell here goes nothing05:52
* compilerwriter crosses himself05:52
frogonwheelsWhen is dual head support going to improve under randr?? http://gist.github.com/387776  Is my current script for showing double screen06:08
frogonwheels.. leave out any step and it doesn't work.06:08
moetunesfrogonwheels: try - http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1206:09
frogonwheelsThat being said, and having finally worked out how to make my script work.. It's looking good :)06:09
frogonwheelsmoetunes: looking.06:09
frogonwheelsmoetunes: yeah round that one.  I've got a basic xorg.conf .. and for some reason on my ATI , I need the specific ordering of calls to xrandr for it to get properly into having my desktop across 2 screens.06:11
frogonwheelswhen it finally gets there, it works until I have to reboot.06:12
moetunesfrogonwheels: that's a bummer - that howto works great for most people...06:13
frogonwheelsmoetunes: hhm.. I might have another go at xorg.conf this evening. thanks06:15
moetunesluck frogonwheels :]06:15
=== ubuntu is now known as compilerwriter
=== compilerwriter is now known as Guest85802
TheAncientGoatGRRRR... Everything crashes in 10.04 >< Dolphin, Amarok, plasma, quassel, heck, even /runner/ crashes06:21
TheAncientGoatNon KDE applications seem fine though :\06:22
apersonholy crap, what did I just do?  ctrl+shift+t in konsole split my terminal horizontally06:23
macoyou erm...hit the keyboard shortcut for split view06:23
macoits a feature06:23
apersonhow do I undo it?06:24
Guest85802Ok folks I am trying to do a fresh install.  How in blazes to I tell the installer to give me a seperate root home and swap partition06:24
tsimpsonaperson: Ctrl-Shift-S, or View -> Split View -> Close Active06:27
apersontsimpson, thanks06:28
tsimpsonGuest85802: that should be available under the guided or manual partitioning section I think06:28
apersonI don't have my menu bar turned on and for some reason, I can't right click on konsole windows06:28
apersonI'm too used to gnome-terminal ctrl+shift+t for a new tab06:29
kde185anyone know if firefox in 10.04 is compiled with PGO?06:30
Guest85802tsimpson I believe I will have to do it manually and I want to get it right.  can you tell me how to do it briefly?06:30
tsimpsonaperson: ctrl-shift-n for a new tab06:31
tsimpsonGuest85802: I haven't done a fresh install in a while, but it should give you the option of creating partitions, formatting them and assigning mount points06:31
tsimpsonso just create a root partition and set it to mount to /, create a home partition and set it to mount to /home, then create a swap06:32
iconmefistoaperson: ctrl-M for menu bar I think06:32
tsimpsonI remember it being relatively simple06:32
Guest85802Where does swap mount?06:32
Guest85802ok will give it a go.06:33
Guest85802thanks tsimpson06:33
tsimpsonjust set the type to "swap" and it'll be used as swap06:33
cancuengtI've just installed kubuntu 10.4 but my app launcher (Alt+F2) went on top of the screen and I can't put it back at the middle. How can I do that?06:34
iconmefistocancuengt: click the options button (spanner icon)06:35
iconmefistocancuengt: user interface tab06:36
cancuengtI have none06:36
iconmefistocancuengt: the first button on the left when you do alt+F206:37
cancuengticonmefisto: I have none, just "complements" (or so, is in spanish)06:37
cancuengtI have no user interface06:37
cancuengtI have just installed it06:38
iconmefistocancuengt: alt+F2, click first button, "user interface" tab, change to "free floating window"06:38
cancuengticonmefisto: yes, the first button, the other gave me the system activity window, but in there, there is just a title (maybe tab as you say) that says "Complementos"06:41
cancuengticonmefisto: I'll try to restart kde (for the first time since install), i'll be back, thanks06:41
Guest85802Well tsimpson it is off to the races installing the stuff.06:43
cancuengticonmefisto: One thing went right, it just starts and stops really fast06:43
iconmefistocancuengt: http://img683.imageshack.us/my.php?image=plasmadesktopbk1527.jpg06:44
cancuengticonmefisto: Thanks man, I've just found it, and also my clock reapeared06:45
Guest85802With the three seperate partitions I should be able to do updates without worrying about backing up my files correct tsimpson?06:45
cancuengtall my desktop is a mess06:45
kde185Guest85802: always backup your files06:45
cancuengtit is supposed to be this way?06:45
guest_Guest85802:  It should automagically create a separate swap partition for you.  If it is a clean install with no other systems on the device then you won't have to do anything.06:45
tsimpsonGuest85802: well, you should always backup the important stuff anyway06:45
iconmefistocancuengt: is it upgrade from karmic? or clean install?06:46
kde185Guest85802: there's always a ton of people that have trouble going the upgrade route, a clean install is the best solution06:46
tsimpsonGuest85802: but with a separate /home, you can always reinstall without formatting /home and keep your data06:46
cancuengtupgrade from karmic06:46
Guest85802yes I know to back up the important stuff as a matter of course, but in theory I should be able to just upgrade without the need of backup.06:46
Guest85802exactly what I meant tsimpson.06:47
cancuengticonmefisto: last time when I upgraded to karmic wasn't this mess06:47
kde185Guest85802: yeah tsimpson is right (I didn't know you had separate /home partition)06:47
iconmefistocancuengt: sometimes with upgrades kde can have 2 panels, or widgets not in the right place, etc06:47
cancuengtcould be a missconfiguration from jaunty to karmic that stays? maybe06:48
Guest85802Yes kde185 that is what I am doing this time.  I think ubuntu should do that as a default.06:48
TheAncientGoatGrr, why does the kpack auth appear /behind/ all my open windows :X06:48
Guest8580292 % done.06:48
guest_Well, off to do my own upgrade from Karmic.  Wish me luck.  All the clean installs of Lucid I've done so far have worked out well.  Hope the upgrade goes as well.06:49
cancuengticonmefisto: Thanks, I'll will finish ordering my desktop, meanwhile, thank you06:50
Guest85802time to reboot06:52
* Guest85802 crosses himself06:52
liddellCan anybody help a newish user with a question about Lucid Lynx?06:59
kde185liddell: go ahead and ask, doesn't do any good to ask if you can ask =)07:00
liddellSo we just did a fresh install and we're getting sound from the operating system when we open a sound file, but anything from the web - HTML5 or Flash in any browser - has no sound. I've checked all the alsamixer settings and sliders on my Mixer... Any ideas?07:02
cancuengtliddell: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544907:04
liddellNeat, thanks, I'll give that a shot!07:06
cancuengtliddell: It's a bit old but kelped me a week ago, before upgrade to lucid07:06
cancuengtA question i've doing a lot, Can (now) set two different backgrounds in my kde4 desktop07:13
kde185cancuengt: yes you can07:16
kde185cancuengt: in fact you can have multiple sets of plasmoids and backgrounds if you want07:17
cancuengtkde185: How, please!07:19
kde185cancuengt: trying to find it...07:20
kde185cancuengt: try going into #kde07:21
kde185cancuengt: I can't remember how to do it, sorry07:21
iconmefistocancuengt: systemsettings > desktop > multiple desktops. different activity for each desktop07:21
DaughainCick on the little 'cashew' icon07:22
DaughainCLick, even.07:22
DaughainOh, did they change it in 10.04?07:22
iconmefistoDaughain: changed in kde 4.407:23
Daughainiconmefisto: Ok..I didnt switch to 4.4 until 10.04.07:23
cancuengtkde185: iconmefisto I'ts buggy07:25
cancuengtIt just created 4 different activities, with 2 desktops each07:25
cancuengtI have only 2 desktops... something is wrong07:26
cancuengtthanks I'll tryit later, its around 12:30 and i have to work.. today07:27
cancuengtgood night or wathever07:28
kde185cancuengt: yeah I had trouble with it too, so I gave up on that for this release07:28
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mogishould I upgrade to 10.04 LTS?07:35
Duxhello, i want to install winxp in a netbook with kubuntu installed.. how to do?07:39
Duxi have reserved a partition for win, but the win installer says: unknown partition to write mbr :(07:40
Duxi should uninstall totally my kubuntu??07:41
Duxanyone here?07:44
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moetunesDux: installing windows overwrites the mbr and it'll be work to be able to boot into kubuntu again - normally windows is installed first then kubuntu07:48
Duxand i can't install winxp after kubuntu was installed?07:52
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falxxwiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines maybe07:53
falxxare there any docs or tricks one can do with the network manager to tickle it into connecting to the wireless network with any kernel after 2.6.28?07:54
eagles0513875who should i talk to about checksum mismatch on the 64bit lucid iso07:54
falxx(since I no longer can use 2.6.28 (keyboard and mouse dead, likely because of missing dev-fs-support in 2.6.28))07:56
falxxessentially, I have to chose between keyboard or wireless /:07:56
Buckyhi. there's a way to avoid the network assistant to ask for KDEwallet access at every logon ?08:20
iconmefistoBucky: you could disable kwallet in systemsettings08:26
Buckyiconmefisto: where do i find it? i'd like to use it, i simply want it to take the pwd automatically, like other apps do!08:29
iconmefistoBucky: systemsettings > advanced tab > kde wallet08:29
Buckyiconmefisto: there's probably another step: here i cant find anything about the network manager; probably the net-man asks to kdeWalletManager and not directly to kwallet..?!?!08:33
iconmefistoBucky: I just meant you could disable kde wallet08:34
Buckyiconmefisto: but is not useful?08:34
tsimpsonor, you can set the password to empty08:34
tsimpsonthe kwallet password that is08:35
^peter^How can I make an icon to run say a java file which needs a  directory change, and then run the command "java -jar wordbiz.jar"  Is a compiled program necessary for this.  It is easy but messy to run as a  shell program.08:41
moetunes^peter^: if you right click the desktop do you get an option to make a launcher?08:48
LMolrhi, how do i start kubuntu in text mode?08:48
Viking667LMolr: disable the kdm service?08:48
moetunesLMolr: at the login do   ctrl+alt+f208:48
Viking667moetunes: true, though that one won't turn off X from starting up.08:48
LMolrthe problem is i have a broken xorg.conf, and i am frozen at kubuntu splash..08:49
Viking667*nod*, start up with the "rescue" instead of the "normal" boot...08:49
Viking667and then "start up rescue shell (with networking)"08:49
Viking667... i.e. you'll be shown a menu of options.08:50
Viking667and that'll be one ofthe options.08:50
LMolrViking667: it seems that boot loader menu isn't showing08:50
Viking667Is Kubuntu your only system?08:50
Viking667(on the computer?)08:51
LMolrViking667: yes, only kubuntu08:51
moetunesshift button during first boot08:51
Viking667mmm. When the machine FIRST boots up, when you see it go "2  1 "  hit ESC08:51
Viking667that'll drop you to the grub menu, hopefull.08:52
Buckyiconmefisto: back again...08:53
Buckytroubles with connection..08:53
LMolrmoetunes: shift shows up grub loading ... text08:53
^peter^moetunes,  No there is no launcher function on right click.   The closest is a run command08:53
LMolri'm halfway to solution08:54
LMolrViking667: it did work, thanks. and moetunes, too08:54
Viking667's okay.08:55
=== SwissTorExit is now known as starslights
starslightsah better now, hello to everyone08:56
^peter^moetunes, but there is a "link to new application"  I will check that out08:56
starslightsi have a question with version 10.04 64 bits, a couple days ago, i installed the nvidia driver from the hardware panel and it worked to i make the update. After that, kubuntu was unable ti load any graphic driver. It is a way to can start kubuntu if it happen again ?08:59
starslightsactually i run without driver but i have lot of errors in xorg and in resonance :/08:59
starslightsxorg error: ErreurFBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument09:00
starslightsso any suggestion welcome :D09:00
starslightshi speedvin09:01
speedvinstarslights what you want to do with xorg09:01
speedvinyou can't run it?09:01
starslightsnothing, what i wabt , it's use nvidia driver like it does but since it don't load the driver nvidia anymore if i update i wait to install it again09:02
starslightsbut running with the driver give some errors in xorg, like you see09:02
starslightsyeah , i run it actually on basic graphic only09:03
speedvindo you tried unload nvidia module?09:03
starslightsno, i don't has any idea what to do and as altenate version , i wasn't able to join with live cd09:03
starslightsso if you have advice, i will try to reinstall the driver but i don't want to format again :D09:04
starslightshow can you unload nvidia ?09:04
speedvinrmmod nvidia09:06
starslightsok, thanks, i will write that in case, and so if i do this command in terminal , i must be able to boot ?09:06
speedvinIt will use novenau driver :)09:07
starslightsthanks very much, nice from you :D09:07
speedvinno problem I'm here to help09:07
starslightsthat's a chance  :) brb09:08
cvi have problem with installing u & k 10.0409:18
sync350The developers of the game Oniblade have decided to port their game to Linux if they can get 10,000 signitures on this petition. Even if you don't care about this game, please sign the petition. If one game is ported to Linux, others will follow.09:18
sync350Sign the petition here => http://www.petitiononline.com/oniblfl/petition.html09:18
cvthey just come to login screen and stay there09:18
cvcan anyone help me?09:19
speedvincv you mean login screen after install?09:21
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cvloginscreen when i boot from cd or usb09:31
cvis there anyone successfully install u or k 10.04?09:31
cvi used many methods to write to cd and usb09:32
cvboth in my kubuntu and windows09:32
cvnothing worked09:32
sobczykhi, where to get libstdc++5 for lucid?09:32
sobczyk(need it for xilinx 9.2)09:33
Viking667try "apt-cache search libstdc++5"09:33
Viking667if it doesn't turn up there, then I don't know.09:33
sobczykI tried searching in aptitude already,that's why I'm asking here09:34
cvmy knetworkmanager have just broken09:34
cvhow to restore it?09:34
Viking667sobczyk: weird. I have it here, or at least I think I do.09:34
speedvincv kill the knetwork manager process and run it again09:35
Viking667sobczyk: hm. Seems it came as part of gcc-3.309:35
cvit fails to start09:35
cvthen i don't need to kill it09:35
Viking667Ah well. Time I disappeared, folks.09:36
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cvspeedvin can u suggest another way?09:37
speedvincv run it from console09:37
cvu mean using cmd man?09:37
cvi don't know how to use cmd man09:38
speedvinwhat error's it show's?09:39
cvcan u give me the exact cmd?09:39
speedvinor knetwork-manager09:39
cvi tried this way09:40
cvbut it displays the kde crash handler09:40
cvand i can't restart the knet09:40
cvi search in kpacket to install a new knet09:41
cvbut there's no soft09:41
speedvinmaybe install madwifi or other network managares?09:42
cvi'll try it09:42
speedvincv do you use wifi?09:43
cvi use laptop09:43
cvbut how to install madwifi?09:44
cvi can't search it09:44
speedvindwonload the package and deps on other  computer and  move them to laptop09:46
cvspeedvin thank u:)09:50
cvi'll try it09:50
speedvinno problem09:50
mavErikhi, how can i saw the command list of this channel?09:52
speedvinusing /help09:53
mavErikok, many thanks!09:53
N|ghtWo|fwhat is the difference between 9.10 and 10.04 ?09:54
jasonmchristoshow do i assosiate file extensuions on kde09:54
speedvinnewer pacakge and many visual changes09:54
speedvinin system settings09:55
speedvinand 10.04 is LTS09:55
macojasonmchristos: system settings -> advanced -> file associations09:55
jasonmchristosthank you09:55
mavErikhi, i've got a problem in 10.04 with synaptic touchpad09:56
mavErikwith the root account it work well09:57
mavErikmany solutions?09:57
mavErik*some solutions?09:57
mavErikat the login screen it works, but after login it stops eorking...09:59
speedvintry to remove or rename .kde dir in $HOME10:00
mavErikspeedvin: thanks i'm trying10:01
mavEriki'll reboot now..10:02
mavErikwait me!10:02
kaddirather uncommon question: A friend of mine sent me his minidump from a Windows PC, but I currently only have my Kubuntu OS at hand.. is there an application, that would allow me to have a look at the minidump in kubuntu?10:02
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mavErikspeedvin: ok its work10:07
mavErikmany thanks10:07
speedvinno problem10:07
mavEriknow i've to recostumize my option10:07
speedvinanyone know where quassel save history of channel?10:17
speedvinanyone know where quassel save history of channel?10:28
mavErikspeedvin: i'm sorry...i don't know...10:28
speedvinno problem...10:29
Benkinoobyanybody know how to turn off this annoying kbluetooth? i checked all files related to it http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/4932/kbluetooth.png but i out of luck. i dont believe it's too difficult...10:38
kaddiBenkinooby: I was told that it was impossible to disable. I ended turning off the hardware10:41
kaddibut that was two releases back in jaunty10:41
speedvinBenkinooby I removed kbluetooth :D10:41
Benkinoobykaddi: are you serious?10:41
Benkinoobythis can't be... this is linux not windows...10:41
Benkinoobyspeedvin: i was also thinking of it.. but i was looking for a proper solution...10:42
kaddiBenkinooby: I asked here, that's what I was told. I didn't look into it much more since I have the hardware switch to make linux believe i have no bluetooth. But as I said that was in jaunty.. things have probably evolved since then10:43
kaddiI just never bothered to look at it10:43
anipyhi there. i made a dist-upgrade from 09.10 to 10.04 that works fine except of akonadi. akonadi renders my kontact almost unusable. any easy way to get rid of it? i really don't need it for my addressbook and stuff and i just want to proceed with my work.10:43
anipytried to fix it several errors in mysql, i'm giving up now. just want to turn off akonadi. any idea?10:44
kaddianipy: as far as I know akonadi is the database structure that stores all your personal contacts. You can't turn it off and without your Kontact would be pretty useless.10:45
Fleckhelp - still have problems with cpu usage, seems to be related to plasma desktop and skype10:45
kaddiBut someone with more knowledge can tell you more10:45
speedvinI think akonadi is depend of kubuntu-desktop metapacakge10:45
midhunis it possible mount an .iso file on ubuntu10:46
midhunhello there..........10:46
midhunhow can i do that?10:46
LeonWPafter the upgrade, I'm getting a black screen after loggin in into kdm; the hard disk icon starts to fade in and then the screen gets all black and I'm thrown back to kdm10:47
LeonWPhow can I debug that?10:47
starslightsanipy:  hi, i hade same problem, you must open akonadi and add a vcard , after you will be able to add address10:47
LeonWPXorg.0.log and kdm.log don't show any errors10:47
midhunanyone plz help me.10:47
starslightsif you try you will have a few choice, just use the one for address :D10:47
anipyi tried to remove the akonadi package, but too many things depend on it, so i keep it. but can i turn it off for kontact?  or am i forced to fix all these weird issues in mysql and d-bus etc. that prevent akonadi from working and making kontact useless to me?10:47
speedvinmidhum: yes mount -t iso9960 <path/to/iso> <mount dir>10:47
kaddimidhun: I'm only familiar on how to do this with command line10:47
speedvinif you like gui then acetone iso 2 or Fuse IOD10:48
kaddispeedvin beat me to it.. :P10:48
anipystarlights: do you refer to KDE ressources "add addressbook"?10:49
midhunthank you lemme try.10:49
starslightsi think yeah, just open akonadi, and when your in, you will see a few  ressource configuration10:50
starslightshere you must use add and choose personal contact10:50
starslightsand you must be able to use it after via kaddressbook or any applications,  sorry for my english :)10:51
anipystarslights: i tried that, thank you. but the problem seems to be in akonadi. it tells me "Akonadi not operational", when clicking on Details, i get bunch of errors related to mysql and d-bus. i tried to fix mysql-errors, but i am no mysql database admin10:52
starslightsoh ok, yeah, it must work befotre you can use it, that's sure10:52
anipyso, i fix one error and it nags for something else10:52
starslightsit is a fresh install ?10:52
anipyno, it is a apt-get dist-upgrade10:52
anipystarslights: do you think i should do a fresh install?10:53
starslightsoh ok, that's sure teh problem, with karmic akonadi make the same problem, that's why i have install a fresh version and so all worked with akonadi, i really can't help with it if you upgraded10:54
starslightsanipy:  that's sure10:54
starslightsfor me it's too much difference between KDE 4.3 and 4.4 , so make a new install seem the best way if you can10:54
anipywell, i'm frightened to death, thinking of all the extra stuff i have running on this notebook, but i guess you are right and i will do a fresh reinstall.10:56
anipythank you guys10:56
starslightsyou are welcome and i wish you a good luck ^^10:56
anipystarslights: thanks :)  i did forget my home partition encryption passphrase anyway LOL10:58
starslightslol, yeah , so you will start on the right feet lol :P10:59
coreberserkerHay there everyone, I can't seem to get the touchpad settings to work right, I can't seem to use any of the setting that use more then one finger...can some one help with this please? =]10:59
anipyi hope this time my memory will hold longer than a couple of weeks10:59
coreberserkerHay there everyone, I can't seem to get the touchpad settings to work right, I can't seem to use any of the setting that use more then one finger...can some one help with this please? =]11:05
sebi`hey, i'm getting an odd error while attempting to access "Appearance" in systemsettings. It's absolutely obvious *why* i'm getting the error, but did anyone ever encounter this before? http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/9900/selection005.png (copypasta'd from #kde)11:11
ilembitovHi! I have just installed Kubuntu 10.04 on Thinkpad X200s. For some reason it doesn't activate my network interfaces at boot time. I ifconfig up them manually, but NetworkManager gets disabled. How do I fix this? Or at least, how do I restart NM manually?11:13
anipyilembitov: did you use non-windows on this notebook before?11:18
coreberserkerHay there everyone, I can't seem to get the touchpad settings to work right, I can't seem to use any of the setting that use more then one finger...can some one help with this please? =]11:18
ilembitovanipy: Yeah. I installed Kubuntu 10.04 clear after I have used Fedora 12 for some time. I have an Intel wireless card (WiFi Link 5150) if that's what you asking11:19
wedoI have problems installing a network printer11:19
anipyilembitov: i remember i hade some wlan-issue on thinkpad t42p, AFAIR, it was able to turn on/off in the bios, after that it always worked in kubuntu11:20
anipyilembitov: do you have a WLAn-related option in your bios?11:20
wedoI already installed it two days back and it worked fine, now it disappeared and all the netwrok printer settings disappeared too11:20
ilembitovanipy: I doubt that it's BIOS-related. Both Fedora 12 and Ubuntu (GNOME flavour) 9.04 and 10.04 RC worked flawlessly here11:21
anipyilembitov: have you tried the "Fn+WLAN"-key combination to turn on/off your WLAN?11:21
wedoany help plz11:22
Fill23anyone have problems installing kdevelop on lucid?11:22
James147Fill23: nop11:23
James147Fill23: whats your problem?11:23
Fill23James147: 'sudo apt-get install kdevelop' reports no such package, i've turned on 'unsoported repos' but still can't install it11:24
ilembitovanipy: Hm, a funny thing here. If I just push Fn+F5, it only starts BT. I try ifconfig wlan0 up - it doesn't work, says "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132". Then I try to do the same thing with a switch, and it still only starts BT, but I can run ifconfig wlan0 up successfully11:24
wedoany one can help with setting up network printers?11:24
James147Fill23: try adding the backport ppa (ppa://kubuntu-ppa/backports)11:24
anipyilembitov: yes, i had experienced something weird like this with t42p. it was only Fn+F5 and at some point it just worked fine.  the network manager is somewhat uhm... you know ;)  if you right-click the network manager, does it tell you that wirless is enabled?11:26
ilembitovanipy: No. That's why I asked how to restart it)11:27
Torchilembitov: the thinkpad function key for wireless/BT cycles though it, i.e. it turns on wireless, then bt, then both, then both off, then wireless on again.11:28
Torchilembitov: or at least it has been that way until recently, haven't checked for a while11:28
James147ilembitov: i found restarting everything network releated seems to help, (killall knetworkmanager; sudo service network-manager stop; sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart; sudo service network-manager start; knetworkmanager)11:28
anipyilembitov: AFAIR, to restart network manager from shell:   knetworkmanager11:28
ilembitovanipy: I guess, it should be knetworkmanager&?11:29
ilembitovOtherwise, it'll terminate if I quit the shell11:29
James147ilembitov: i tend to run it from krunner11:29
ilembitovOK, I'll try it now11:30
James147ilembitov: think sending it to the background will still close it if you close konsole11:30
anipyilembitov: Torch is right with the hint that thinkpad Fn+F5 is cycling through11:31
Fill23James147: i think i'm doing something wrong, could you please tell me  where specificly i should add this adress?11:32
nikhil_can someone help me with a modem which used to show up under karmic, but now does not under lucid?11:33
James147Fill23: in kpackagekit (settings > edit softwresources) or from terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa://kubuntu-ppa/backports11:33
nikhil_it used to show up as ttyUSB*, but now the mass storage part of the modem shows up, but not the modem itself11:34
wedoany one can help with setting up network printers?11:35
James147nikhil_: you can try to see if "jockey-kde" (hardware drivers) knows about the drivers for it, but i am not sure what to do if it dosent11:35
Fill23James147: i get this 'Error reading https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~/+archive/: HTTP Error 404: Not Found'11:35
Torchwedo: you can configure cups from your browser.11:36
Torchwedo: go to https://localhost:631/admin in your browser, then click "add printer" and enter any information it wants11:36
wedoTorch:  how to reach it11:36
James147Fill23: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  sorry :)11:37
ilembitovanipy: No, it doesn't help. Same thing. dmesg | grep wlan0 has four entries ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready11:37
wedoTorch: could not connect to the requested page11:38
Torchwedo: so is cups installed and running?11:38
James147wedo: never tryed it before but: System settings > Printer config > "new printer" > new network printer     might be of use11:39
wedoyes its installed but do not know if it is running or not11:39
ilembitovanipy: However, looks like eth0 was the same at first: [  116.056661] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready11:39
ilembitovBut I ifconfig up-ed it and ran dhclient, so that's the interface I am using right now11:39
wedoi tried that but there is no options there,..11:40
Torchwedo: what does "service cups status" in a shell produce?11:40
Fill23James147: i get this ouput http://pastebin.com/6VG5dXCj i think i need some key11:41
James147wedo: no options at all in the New printer dialog, or eairler?11:41
James147Fill23: no, thas right - it is getting th keys for the ppa11:41
James147Fill23: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install kdevelop now11:42
wedoTorch:  only (other)11:42
Fill23James147: still not finds it11:42
anipyilembitov: this is similar to mine dmesg grep:  [   12.852493] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready11:42
wedoTorch: it was working ok and all options and printers were shown but now no options even the basic server settings is disabled11:43
Fill23James147: wait there was error during update package list i'll upload output for you11:43
James147Fill23: you can try adding the beta ppa (I addeed both not sure which its in although i thourght it was backports now :S ) (ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta)  (you can remove these if you want from kpackagekit > settings > edit software sources...)11:43
anipyilembitov: [   86.078720] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:15:0c:62:db:49 (try 1)11:43
James147Fill23: ^^ or not11:43
anipyilembitov: which is the connection to the access-point, then authentication, until:11:44
anipy[   86.092986] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready11:44
Fill23James147: here "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found"11:44
nikhil_please, can anyone help me with a modem which was showing up as ttyUSB* in karmic, and now is not showing up?? this is after upgrade to lucid11:44
ilembitovanipy: Right. eth0 has this entry, but not wlan011:44
anipyilembitov: however, authentication is available after starting KDE, not before (i have the WLAN keys stored in the kwallet)11:44
ilembitovanipy: What I don't get is, is this issue NM-related, wlan0 (the driver)-related or what?11:44
jussinikhil_: please dont ask in more than one place at the same time.11:45
nikhil_jussi, no1 is helping11:45
nikhil_and im stuck in a village in dina11:45
nikhil_with a few hours left of net usuage11:45
jussinikhil_: so ask in one place at a time :)11:45
nikhil_im scared that im going to be w/o net access11:45
nikhil_jussi, can you help me please :(11:46
James147Fill23: :S not getting that here, not sure why you are... umm, you could try removing and re-adding the ppas in kpackage kkit or changing your mirror but not sure if that will help11:46
anipyilembitov: do you use encrypted wlan?11:47
ilembitovanipy: Yeah, why?11:47
Fill23James147: ok i'll look into it :) thx 4 you help11:48
ilembitovanipy: Even if it was encryption-related error, the interface would still be up, an NetworkManager would be running11:48
anipyilembitov: is dmesg showing any other messages which may indicate that authentication failed? or the wlan access point log?11:48
ilembitovanipy: Like what? I showed everything that's wlan0-related. I can pastebin it here11:48
anipyilembitov: oh, your network manager is not running at all?  i assumed it was back again11:48
James147ilembitov: have you tried wicd? some have found it works better then network-manager (it will uninstall network-manager)11:50
ilembitovanipy: The processes are in the system after the startup is complete, but like I said, the KNetworkManager says that it's disbled11:50
thandaksmserver could not start, is the error message, I am receiving11:50
thandajust after logging into kde through gdm.11:51
anipyilembitov: ... the KNetworkManager says that WLAN is disabled?11:52
ilembitovanipy: No! It says NetworkManagment is disabled!11:53
ilembitovWhich is why I thought that probably it's not about NM, it's about the system tries to initialize the interfaces11:53
James147ilembitov: did you try killing knetworkmanager and restarting network-manager?11:54
nikhil_please, can anyone help me with a modem which was showing up as ttyUSB* in karmic, and now is not showing up?? this is after upgrade to lucid. the storage part of the modem still still shows up11:54
ilembitovJames147: Yeah, didn't help11:54
James147ilembitov: try the gnome applet instead (network-manager-gnome)11:55
Fill23James147: found it in beta not in backports, strange thou i thought it was released not public demo :)11:55
anipyilembitov: uhm... weird, i think i had this on the t42p. i suggest, you first try to get knetwork manager running. connect ethernet if possible and restart the thinkpad. just to see if you get network running with eth0 (or whatever it is). then check again knetworkmanager11:55
James147Fill23: what version was in the beta though, it is the full or rc?11:56
ilembitovanipy: OK, I'll try that11:56
Fill23James147: Version: 4:3.10.2-0ubuntu1~ppa1 <- i gess it's rc11:57
anipyilembitov: is it on the same machine you are logged into IRC now?11:57
Fill23James147: didn't installed it yet11:57
anipysilly question, never mind11:57
James147Fill23: 3.10 is the rc version i think, the full is in backports i beleave11:57
Fill23James147: i think you using 64bit system12:03
thandaksmserver could not start...is the error after logging into kde12:03
nikhil_please, can anyone help me with a modem which was showing up as ttyUSB* in karmic, and now is not showing up?? this is after upgrade to lucid. the storage part of the modem still still shows up12:04
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James147Fill23: I am, but why does that matter?12:05
Fill23James147: there is kdevelop in backports for 64 but none for 32 ^^12:05
_nik_Does anyone know, how to make kbluetooth not to run on startup?12:08
Fill23_nik_: remove kbluetooth.desktop from /usr/share/autostart/12:09
wedodo i have to start cups every time I restart my computer?12:09
maduraFill23: thanks man i was searchin for that!12:11
James147Fill23: heh dident know that not sure why they would do that :S12:11
Fill23madure: np :)12:11
Fill23James147: i gess someone jst foregot to upload it12:11
_nik_Fill23: Thank you :)12:11
maduraim soo gonna disable alot :P12:12
_nik_Fill23: That solved my problem thanks again12:15
Fill23_nik_: np )12:16
nikhil_please, can anyone help me with a modem which was showing up as ttyUSB* in karmic, and now is not showing up?? this is after upgrade to lucid. the storage part of the modem still still shows up...please, its a huawei modem. must i go back to 9.10?12:17
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neardoes anyone knows why every time i reboot my desktop settings go back to default?12:32
nearI have to set up the dual monitors configuration and the wallpaper all over again12:32
coreberserkerDoes anyone know how to make the other touchpad setting work, I can't seem to use the multi-touch  settings for more then one finger, does anyone know how to get this working?12:32
adityanear: Do you by any chance have an almost-full home parition?12:33
nearmy partition is for the whole /12:33
nearand it has 200gb spare space12:33
adityado you have write permission in /tmp ?12:34
nearlets see12:34
adityanear: I dunno then. Sometimes, if KDE can't save it's settings, they get reset12:35
nearis there an application to save the settings? like it would be ubuntu-tweak for gnome?12:36
chrisrc1are there any devs in here?12:36
chrisrc1there is a VERY URGENT problem with the kubuntu cd and dvd images that prevent users from being able to install lucid at all!!12:37
nearwhat problem?12:37
chrisrc1some file names in the images (alternate cd and dvd) are cut short and prevent kubuntu from being installed12:38
chrisrc1in particular it's (among others) libpulse-mainloop-glib0 and xserver-xorg-video-nouveau12:38
adityachrisrc1: I installed kubuntu yesterday12:39
neari did too12:39
nearwhat mirror were you using12:40
chrisrc1aditya: i haven't found anything on google as well, but the problem is there. maybe just with some isos12:40
adityachrisrc1: Is it only for the alternate images?12:40
chrisrc1the dvd image as well12:40
adityachrisrc1: Hmm. How did you burn the ISO's? I mean, what program?12:40
chrisrc1look at pool/main/p/pulseaudio12:40
chrisrc1this has nothing to do with the program. i made a usb disk (16h session btw) and then had a look at the original isos (not burned, not installed on usb stick), and there the problem already exists12:41
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nearif it took that long12:42
nearmaybe its corrupted12:42
chrisrc1i thought it's a windows problem, since the file names obviously are cut short12:43
adityachrisrc1: Strangely, I don't have pulseaudio in my pool/main/p/pulseaudio12:43
chrisrc1wait a second12:43
adityachrisrc1: I thought so too12:43
chrisrc1but then why is it on the ORIGINAL images as well?12:43
chrisrc1it should be in pool/main/p/pulseaudio/12:44
chrisrc1as well as12:45
adityachrisrc1: as i said, i don't have pulseaudio in pool/main/p :/12:45
chrisrc1dvd image?12:45
adityachrisrc1: No, CD12:45
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chrisrc1what's with the nouveau drivers12:46
James147chrisrc1: open source nvidia drivers I think12:46
chrisrc1yes, but is the file corrupted?12:46
adityachrisrc1: I don't have that noveay directory in /x/ either :/ weird12:46
James147chrisrc1: try running a md5sum on the iso and see12:47
James147!md5 | chrisrc112:47
ubottuchrisrc1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:47
chrisrc1ok, believe me, i'm not making this up12:47
adityachrisrc1: Okay, but still - what's the md5?12:48
adityaThis is mine : 0ef722fd6b348e9dcf03812d071d68ba12:50
chrisrc1the alternate has 8def8b39aceae8e27fdcf2af107991cb12:50
chrisrc1it's correct for my image12:50
chrisrc1and i had the problem with both images12:50
adityabut, if it took 16 hours, something was obviously wrong :X12:51
adityanot in the image, but in the writing to the USB12:51
chrisrc1not for the cd image, but the dvd one12:51
PiciThe Kubuntu hashes for 10.04 are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes12:51
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adityait takes me about 10 minutes to burn an ubuntu DVD to USB12:52
chrisrc1can anybody else have a look at /pool/main/p please?12:52
James147chrisrc1: "patch and pptp-linux" here on the cd (64bit)12:53
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adityaJames147: same here. no pulseaudio. but is yours the alternate image?12:54
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eeeharjot__guys, what is the mouse daemon sort of thing for kde3?12:54
GilUwhich version of xorg is running on default installation of kubuntu 10.04?12:54
James147aditya: no12:54
eeeharjot__or hardy?12:54
chrisrc1does anybody have the dvd image?12:54
eeeharjot__cause my mouse doesnt move sometimes, so i want to know howto restart it12:55
wolfensteineI am not able to find the updaate for 10.04 LTS can u hel me out??12:56
wolfensteineam i missing any repositories??12:56
ab21hello, just tried to install kubuntu via the windows installer 'wubi.exe' - after painfully slow downloading it just printed an error message and exited... the next time it deleted the download ...12:57
madurawolfensteine: doesnt it show in the update manager?12:57
wolfensteinemadura: my update manager shows no updates available12:57
ab21my os - windows 7 home premium 64bit12:58
madurawolfensteine: run it with distro upgrade arguments12:58
wolfensteinemadura: like what?? can u help me out.... I dont know much about it...13:00
madurawolfensteine: kpackagekit --updates13:00
GilUcan anyone tell which version of xorg is running on default installation of kubuntu 10.04 please?13:00
ab21just so you know - it could prevent people to use the system. very frustrating error message...13:00
madurawolfensteine:  i dont know much about kubuntu previous versions i just shifted to KDE since 10.04 :P13:00
wolfensteinemadura: Oh that one... I am afraid i did try that also13:00
chrisrc1aditya: wait a second13:01
wolfensteinemadura: Hmmm no problem.... Thanks anyway if u do know something pleae do let me know....:)13:06
madurawolfensteine: well y dont u just download the CD image?13:07
wolfensteinemadura: but wont that be like reinstalling the whole operating system i have to do a lot of backup and stuff...:(13:08
madurawolfensteine: oh13:09
chrisrc1are there any other devs here?13:12
chrisrc1could somebody pls have a look at this: http://www.augmented-reality.eu/public/IMAG0014_small.jpg13:12
chrisrc1as well as this: http://www.augmented-reality.eu/public/IMAG0015_small.jpg13:12
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chrisrc1ok, there is a serious problem with the alternate and dvd images that contain CORRUPTED FILENAMES THAT PREVENT INSTALLATION13:14
nearbut why would that affect only you13:15
Picichrisrc1: Have you logged a bug about this yet?13:15
Piciand that oo.13:15
Picier, too.13:15
smokealoti installed fine with the 10.04 dvd image13:15
chrisrc1Pici: no, i havent't yet. i first wanted to know if anybody else experiences this13:16
chrisrc1when you look at the pics you'll see what i'm talking about13:17
Picichrisrc1: I've seen the screenshots.  You said that it took 16 hours to put the dvd on your usb stick? Thats not normal.13:17
chrisrc1Pici: but why are there corrupted file names in the image itself? and only those over a certain length (like all the git files). can it be that some mirrored images are corrupted`13:19
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Picichrisrc1: The fact that I've seen no other complaints about this makes me think that its something wrong with your install.13:22
* oxymoron got pissed off that he cannot locate the Kmix systray icon, it wasnt /usr/share/icons/oxygen or /usr/share/hicolor xD13:22
wedo_how to make the sreadahead work13:22
wedo_I have a problem when start the pc " init: failed to spawn sreadahead main process"13:23
wedo_any help plz13:25
wedoI have a problem when start the pc " init: failed to spawn sreadahead main process"13:31
wedoany help plz13:31
chrisrc1wedo: have you googled it?13:32
wedoyes I did13:32
wedoonly one post 4 hours ago mention the same error13:33
oxymoronDoes anyone know where the systray icon for kmix is on Kubuntu?13:33
wedochrisrc1:  I think this fault affects the servers like cups, tor and privoxy13:34
nearcan anyone recommend a good music player for kubuntu?13:36
neari dont like amarok13:36
neartoo big, i need something smaller preferably transparent13:36
oxymoronnear: Maybe VLC? :P13:37
LjLis it still around?13:37
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.13:37
nearvlc really?13:37
TorchLjL: yes13:37
chrisrc1near: how about an amarok plasmoid?13:37
nearis that a theme?13:37
bazhangaudacious replaces xmms13:37
oxymoronnear: Yes, VLC can play music and have suppport for playlists as well :P13:37
chrisrc1no, an applet13:37
oxymoronbazhang: Alright, good to know :)13:37
chrisrc1hmm, why can i still chat but not surf the net any more13:38
bazhangsounds like dns13:38
oxymoronBut I still want to locate my freaking Kmix systray icon, seriously I cannot found it anywhere? :S I have replaced all icons that it could be I THINK but still that ugly icon in systray bar xD13:38
nearwhere do i get it?13:38
Torchoxymoron: it's using audio-volume-xxx13:39
bazhangfrom the repos13:39
bazhangsudo apt-get install vlc13:39
oxymoronTorch: Yes I have replaced all of them in /usr/share/icons/oxygen but it still havent changed xD13:39
Torchoxymoron: maybe your icon theme is not oxygen13:39
nearnot vlc lol13:39
neari mean amarok plasmoid13:39
bazhangnear, what then13:40
nearor any player that runs as a widget13:40
oxymoronTorch: audio-volume-high.png it should be. As far as I know Crystal projects doesnt have audio-volume-***13:40
c3lwhy is my display settings restored after reboot? my dualscreensetup fails and the screens become closnes13:40
nearwhats the effect of running a gnome widget in kde?13:41
c3land apparently the launch feedback settings too13:41
oxymoronTorch: I am quite sure it is 32x32, but I have replaced all of them from 16x16 up too 48x48 ...13:41
oxymoronTorch: Do I need to restart computer to have a effect? :P I restarted KDM after I thought I replaced them all, but apparantly not xD13:42
Torchoxymoron: there are also the SVGs. plus there's a cache for the SVGs13:42
Torchoxymoron: but i haven't looked into that part of kde yet13:42
oxymoronI cannot find svg icons for kmix?13:42
Torchoxymoron: maybe i'm wrong then ,-)13:42
oxymoronTorch: Before I could live with that ugly kmix icon, but now every single icon in systray bar is good looking except Kmix and it annoys me very much. Its kind of silly, but I am quite a perfectionist and cannot stand small details stand out like that :D13:43
oxymoronTorch: I even tried to fix Spotify icon in Wine, but its not possible because Wine extract icon from exe file ... lol :D13:44
oxymoronAnd that freaking Kickoff Launcher icon doesnt resize/autofit when you change height of plasma panel, that really sucks ...13:45
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appleseedhow do I see a kerberos ticket lifetime again?13:55
appleseedklist, thx14:03
Landgrafappleseed: dude, speak english14:05
appleseedLandgraf: you happened to join just after  appleseed: how do I see a kerberos ticket lifetime again?14:07
impulse255hi i recently installed kubuntu lucid lynx on my laptop and it worked great right until i restarted the machine ... now the upper and lower menu panels are gone and i can't seem to get them back on ... also, when i try to edit panel options the "panels" button doesnt seem to work14:08
impulse255i tried some things that i found on google but they didnt really work14:08
progre55somebody kill me )14:08
impulse255i can open the panels with terminal but they dissappear the next time i log in ...14:09
appleseedprogre55: sure, what's your ip?14:09
* James147 kills progre5514:09
progre55lol :D14:09
James147Ahh, zombie :P14:09
* progre55 is in a lecture and frustrated by this british accent =14:10
James147impulse255: what do you mean the upper and lower panels? kubuntu usually only has a bottom panel by default14:10
impulse255well as far as i can tell my kubuntu installation has both of them ...14:10
appleseedimpulse255: did you add the upper taskbar yourself?14:10
impulse255its the most recent version - lucid lynx14:11
crashevhello, Im trying to install latest kubuntu - and have problem - I want to use my old disk layout - however cant make it work with kubuntu installer - it creates raid md127 which I cant delete - how to reverse this ?14:11
impulse255no i didn't add anything really14:11
impulse255i just installed, it worked nicely14:11
James147impulse255: are you running kde or gnome? gnome has 2 by default14:11
impulse255then i rebotoed and i had no pannels14:11
impulse255i believe it's kde ...14:11
impulse255aren't all kubuntu releases kde ?14:11
James147chrisrc1: i think you need to use the alteritive installer to configure raid14:11
appleseedimpulse255: you can check your startup log in your terminal, what is the command again guys?14:12
James147impulse255:  they are, but i dont know how to add the panels by command line nor why there would be two :S (unless your starting the desktop via command line)14:12
impulse255w8 ill boot up the laptop brb14:12
impulse255there is a command, something like k-panel414:13
impulse255something like that i know there's a 4 in between ;D14:13
appleseeddmesg impulse25514:13
vitalbluehi everyone14:13
Torchwait, wait14:13
Torchdmesg will not show information about the kde gui14:13
vitalbluei have installed kubuntu 10.04 in my laptop14:13
vitalblueand just installed wine too14:14
vitalbluebut there is a problem with the encoding i think14:14
snarkfishgood morning14:14
Torch(dmesg is kernel, /var/log/X.* is x startup and $HOME/.xsession-errors is apps while KDE runs)14:14
vitalbluebecause i cant't see any letter only boxes and other figures14:14
vitalblueany ideas?14:14
James147impulse255: cannot find k-panel4 (andvrities with/with out the - and 414:14
snarkfishwhy does kpackage only tell you one time that there is a dist upgrade?14:14
Torchsnarkfish: it does it on every login iirc14:15
Torchsnarkfish: or once a day or something like that14:15
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snarkfishwell i just relogged and no notice. I was at school when it came out and could not upgrade there.. much to slow14:15
snarkfishnot that i couldnt just do apt-get dist-upgrade.. just curious as to why it does not continue to advise you14:16
James147snarkfish: does kpackagekit tell you about the upgrade inside the updates window?14:17
snarkfishno i just had an update as well..14:17
James147snarkfish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades/Kubuntu14:18
Buckyhi. there's a way to have the panel not grey-coloured? i want it just transparent!14:19
impulse255ok so the command i was talking about early is xfce4-panel14:19
impulse255this will open the panels (up and down) but will close them as soon as i exit terminal14:19
James147Bucky: you need to enable desktop effects to ahve tranpancy, also the theme use you much have transparency14:20
impulse255also, there are some critical errors when i run the commands14:20
progre55impulse255: you running it on a ternimal window?14:20
James147impulse255: xfce isnt kde :S14:20
progre55impulse255: put & at the end or your command )14:20
speedvinchange kde theme14:20
BuckyJames147: i use the default theme. how do i enable them?14:20
XCFDJThinking of getting a netbook .. are they as powerful as laptops ?14:20
James147Bucky: System settings > Desktop > Desktop Effects14:20
impulse255yep the & thing works14:21
speedvinXCFD: No they are not14:21
impulse255but still, there are some errors when i run this command14:21
impulse255and im not sure about the kde/ gnome issue ...14:21
speedvinXCFD: But they have longer battery time14:21
progre55impulse255: no idea, never used it.. and also, you could alt+f2 and run the command14:21
impulse255yeah that one i know ...14:21
James147impulse255: it shounds to my like your not using kde but xfce instead :S14:22
progre55James147: and what is xfce? )14:22
progre55never used it..14:22
XCFDJspeedvin: is there a big difference in performance between them14:22
James147progre55: its a desktop envioment used by xubuntu (i think)14:23
XCFDJLaptops and Notebooks that is speedvin14:23
progre55oh, thanks14:23
impulse255how do i close an app once its running ?14:23
James147!xubuntu | impulse25514:23
ubottuimpulse255: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:23
crashevis it possible to use lvm volumines like /dev/vg/swap during installation - don't see a way to use it ?14:23
speedvinXCFD: hmm I think not very big but what netbook you want to buy?14:23
progre55XFCE - A desktop environment with very simplistic nature. It uses minimal resources and is perfect for older computers to give them a new life.14:24
progre55sounds like xubuntu to me )14:24
XCFDJThinking of about 500 USD Acer spea14:24
impulse255is it possible that my panels are disappearing because i didnt update the system yet .. ?14:24
XCFDJ@ speedvin14:24
speedvinXCFD: ?14:24
BuckyJames147: cant find that effect!!!14:24
James147impulse255: you might want to try asking in #xubuntu14:24
Buckywhat's his name?14:24
impulse255lol im such a jerk i thought i had kubuntu14:25
impulse255turns out i really did install xubuntu ...14:25
progre55lol =)14:25
James147Bucky: Translucency14:25
XCFDJ Thinking about a 500 USD Acer Netbook speedvin14:25
progre55impulse255: you could still install kubuntu.. "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"14:25
speedvinXCFD: You mean Acer One?14:25
progre55impulse255: and you could be able to choose between them on logon btw )14:26
impulse255xubuntu is lightweight, right ?14:26
BuckyJames147: it talks about windows, not panels14:26
impulse255i need something lightweight because my laptop is not really much of a machine14:26
progre55impulse255: that's what I have.. ubuntu and kubuntu desktops.. but I havent been using ubuntu lately )14:26
James147Bucky: I think its still the same14:27
XCFDJspeedvin: yea I guess14:28
Buckyive changed all but nothing happens...14:28
speedvinXCFD: You want to use Kubuntu on it?14:28
XCFDJspeedvin: how powerful is that thing anyways14:29
XCFDJyea ...14:29
XCFDJor Mint KDEE CE14:29
XCFDJsame to me14:29
BuckyJames147: could be because i use ATI's drivers? with the open ones the panel was trnsparent!14:29
James147Bucky: dose tranparency work at all (right click a the title bar on any window > opacitity > anything other then 100%)14:30
speedvinXCFD: It's good when you want to do some basic things like surfing net, office ,playing simple games etc.14:30
James147Bucky: possibally, are the desktop effects active?14:30
XCFDJah ...14:31
XCFDJspeedvin: you've got any numbers ? :)14:31
speedvinXCFD: numbers?14:31
XCFDJyea XX MHZ xx GB14:32
maduraBucky: ATI binary drivers + no deskto effects?14:32
XCFDJyou know14:32
speedvinXCFD: 1.6 GHZ up to 2GB of memory14:32
maduraBucky: go tick the disable functionality checks in the desktop settings14:32
speedvinXCFD: 8 h. on battery14:32
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BuckyJames147: madura: effects enabled and ATI drivers; opacity is about 30%14:33
XCFDJspeedvin: wow that's not so bad14:33
XCFDJhow about graphics14:33
speedvinXCFD: Intel GMA :D14:33
maduraBucky: in all windows?14:33
Guest60289What's the deal here? kubuntu 10.04 $ sudo aptitude install mozilla-thunderbird -->  No candidate version found for mozilla-thunderbird14:33
Buckymadura: do you want me to post a screenshot?14:34
James147Guest60289: try just "thunderbird"14:34
iconmefisto!info thunderbird14:34
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.4+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 10269 kB, installed size 28976 kB14:34
* XCFDJ hhhhhates Intel graphics 14:34
achilleslaststanhi, I really screwed up a kubuntu installation (partition table erased) and I don't know what to do14:34
achilleslaststancan somebody help me ?14:34
XCFDJspeedvin: thanx alot you've been a lot of help14:35
XCFDJI'll go eat some thing now14:35
speedvinXCFD: No problem!14:35
UbuntuLilyI just mounted an image using sudo mount -o loop <image file> <mount point>,  How do I now unmount it?14:35
James147achilleslaststan: :S do you still have the installation window open? or have the changes been commited to disk?14:35
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James147UbuntuLily: sudo umount <mountpoint>14:36
iconmefistoUbuntuLily: sudo umount <mount point>14:36
James147impulse255:  :D14:36
jedixhey, for some reason the boot screen looks like crap.. it's all pixelated14:36
jedixis there a way to fix that?14:36
hal9000Hello. I am new to Kubuntu. Question is if i want to watch the international space station live cam. which app. do i need to veiw it, quicktime or real player?14:37
Kottalizerjedix: Same here, it's probably a bug. But because of the fact that it doesn't show up for so long time, I don't care about it.14:37
James147!pm | achilleslaststan14:37
ubottuachilleslaststan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:37
speedvinyou installedproporietary drivers?14:37
Kottalizerhal9000: Hello!14:37
Kottalizerhal9000: Haven't we seen each other before?14:37
hal9000not sure14:37
supermagnumhello, how do i install the debug symbols for dolphin ?14:37
Kottalizerhal9000: Do you know what "Denora" is?14:38
Kottalizerhal9000: I suggest Real Player btw.14:38
Buckymadura: http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1073/schermata1dl.png14:38
hal9000no sorry14:38
Buckysorry its in italian...14:38
hal9000ok thanks for the tip14:38
achilleslaststanI installed kubuntu, then moved the partition I created (to erase a windows partition) and finally tried to reinstall the grub but screwed up14:38
Kottalizerhal9000: Ok, then you're some other Hal9000. :P14:38
James147achilleslaststan: First question, did you have any important data on the disk? (I am not sure how to recover it but if there is any hope of doing that you dont want to do anything else with the disk untill you have recovered it)14:38
achilleslaststanso my partition table is gone14:38
achilleslaststanyes I had14:38
hal9000no worries14:38
achilleslaststansome data14:38
Kottalizerachilleslaststan: I suggest you to download GParted and burn it to a CD. Boot it up live, and then you can check your partitions.14:39
Buckymadura: http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/2794/schermata2j.png14:39
achilleslaststanCan I rewrite the partition table with gparted ?14:39
Kottalizerachilleslaststan: GParted is a graphical live-cd application that lets you manage your hard drive.14:39
Kottalizerachilleslaststan: Yes, you can.14:39
James147achilleslaststan: can you recover the data by other means? its not easy to recover things from a deleted partiotion (although it is possibale)14:39
achilleslaststanyes I know, but for instance when I try to install kubuntu again, there are no partitions14:39
maduraBucky: goto the 3 tab from the left14:39
maduraBucky: tick the 1st option box from the top14:40
Kottalizerachilleslaststan: Then there isn't any, or, the ones that are there are broken.14:40
maduraBucky: then try switching on the compositing14:40
Buckymadura: you mean advanced>disable control...14:40
jedixKottalizer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=922505314:41
crashevkernel panic and kubuntu 10.04 installer crashed, nice beginning14:41
Buckymadura: sorry im late now, ill be back ...14:41
achilleslaststanthe data is here14:41
Kottalizerjedix: Thank you!14:41
achilleslaststanit's the partition table that's gone14:41
achilleslaststanI have to rebuild it somehow14:42
achilleslaststanbut it's not easy14:42
James147achilleslaststan: ?? what do you mean by the data is there? you have it somewhere else or do you still have partitions on the disk?14:42
achilleslaststanwhen I use gpart14:42
achilleslaststanI see my two partitions14:43
achilleslaststanbut no software can get to them without the partition table (I guess)14:43
KottalizerGood. Then boot up with Kubuntu live and copy the files.14:43
supermagnumhello, how do i install the debug symbols for dolphin ?14:43
James147achilleslaststan: :S dident think partition could be seen with out a partition talbe14:43
Kottalizerachilleslaststan: You might have to mount it first.14:44
achilleslaststanit's the whole point of gpart I think14:44
hal9000Kottalizer; i found only the windblows vers. what would it be in the system packages?14:44
achilleslaststanI don't know how to mount a partition this way14:44
achilleslaststanis it possible to mount a partition just knowing its first and last block ?14:44
Kottalizerhal9000: I'm not quite sure if there is a Linux package of Real Player. What do you really want, just a music player?14:45
Kottalizerhal9000: I think Amarok (comes with Kubuntu) is good, try that.14:45
hal9000well when i go to live cam it askes me to download a video player14:45
KottalizerWhich site and which browser?14:45
hal9000nasa website for live cam on station14:45
Torchsupermagnum: with the debug packages for kdebase-workspace, i think14:46
Kottalizerhal9000: I see. Go to the package manager and search for "kubuntu-restriced". Install that package.14:46
Kottalizerhal9000: I don't use Firefox myself, but I think that would solve the problem.14:46
hal9000appriciate your input and time14:47
supermagnumTorch: ok14:47
supermagnumit has the habit of crashing for no apparent reason..14:47
urlwolfany recommendations for programming fonts on kde?14:47
Kottalizerurlwolf: Kate (the text browser) uses a nice font, but I don't know its name. Try to figure it out.14:48
urlwolfI'm using kate14:49
UbuntuLilyI am trying to do a fresh install of Kubuntu and under prepare disk it gives me options of Use Entire Disk or Specify Manually.  Is this something I should configure manually?14:49
Kottalizerurlwolf: You want to know the name of the font that Kate uses?14:49
TorchUbuntuLily: yes.14:49
James147achilleslaststan: http://www.mohdshakir.net/2008/01/03/recover-lost-partition-table-using-ubuntu-live-cd-gpart << you might want to try thins14:49
TorchUbuntuLily: we had that yesterday, remember?14:49
KottalizerUbuntuLily: If you just want Kubuntu, and no Windows, no, there's nothing.14:49
TorchKottalizer: wrong14:49
achilleslaststanThanks a lot, I'll look14:50
TorchUbuntuLily: you want a separate home partition14:50
UbuntuLilyYes,  Hi Touch -)  Oh yes14:50
UbuntuLilyHow do I do that again?14:50
DarthFrogagrees with Torch.14:50
UbuntuLilyhi froggie14:50
urlwolfI think is dejavu sans mono14:50
urlwolfbut not too good at size over 1114:50
DarthFrogGood morning, UbuntuLily14:50
iconmefistohal9000: sudo apt-get install gecko-mediaplayer14:50
UbuntuLilyTis night here but thanx!14:50
KottalizerTorch: Why that? Normal desktop users don't need that, I use it only for servers.14:50
UbuntuLilySo how should I size up these partitions?14:51
TorchKottalizer: because UbuntuLily came here yesterday asking how to back up her data priot to installing a new os.14:51
KottalizerTorch: Btw., are you the same Torch as in Teeworlds?14:51
TorchUbuntuLily: 20 to 30 gib for / should be enough14:51
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: How big is the hard drive?  How much RAM is in the machine?14:51
iconmefisto!info gecko-mediaplayer | hal900014:51
ubottuhal9000: gecko-mediaplayer (source: gecko-mediaplayer): Multimedia plug-in for Gecko browsers. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 201 kB, installed size 724 kB14:51
KottalizerTorch: Ah, ok, I wasn't here then.14:51
urlwolfI think thinkering with hinting on system settings is needed for good fonts14:51
TorchKottalizer: i have no idea what that is14:51
achilleslaststanOh my god James147 you just saved my life14:52
KottalizerTorch: Ok.14:52
UbuntuLily320 gig HD and 2 gigs ram14:53
achilleslaststan(and you saved me a lot of stressful time)14:53
DarthFrogUbuntuLily:  I'd have about 20 GiB for /, 1 Gib for swap and the rest for /home.14:53
James147UbuntuLily: ubuntu dosent noramally need more then about 15-20 gigs for /14:54
UbuntuLilyIm talking to you now from the live cd while I am installing14:54
TorchDarthFrog: swap should be larger than ram due to suspend to disk14:54
DarthFrogTorch: Not with that much RAM, you don't need that much swap.14:54
James147^^ but creating a swap file is another option :)14:54
KottalizerUbuntuLily: Go to the K at the left-down corner, search for "IRC" and join this room with the program Quassel. It's much better than the web chat.14:54
UbuntuLilyI have to use web chat, proxy14:55
KottalizerUbuntuLily: Proxy or blocked ports?14:55
KottalizerAnyways, it's time for me to reboot. See ya soon!14:55
UbuntuLilyBlocked ports I think14:56
UbuntuLilyI never really tried messing with bipassing it, I just tried the native client and it wouldn't connect so I went to web client14:56
UbuntuLilyOnly 1GB for swap?  Why did Ubuntu by default try to give me a 20GB swap?14:57
TorchDarthFrog: suspend to disk, did you read that?14:57
DarthFrog20 GiB swap??  What a waste.14:57
James147UbuntuLily: :S 20 is way too much14:57
hal9000it worked, thanks :)14:57
DarthFrogTorch: Is this a laptop?14:57
UbuntuLilyCan it being too big slow pc?14:58
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: No.  If you actually use swap, you don't have enough RAM.14:58
asranielhi there, i just started my laptop, and i had no network connection (wired or wifi). the knetworkmanager tells me that the network is not "managed" and ifconfig only shows the loopback device. panic?14:58
James147UbuntuLily: its a waste of space,14:58
UbuntuLilyI use VirtualBox alot though14:58
UbuntuLilySo should I set this bigger like 5GB ?14:59
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: If you want.  But if you actually use anywhere near that much, you'll think your machine is running in molasses.14:59
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: Especially if you want to use VirtBox a lot, you need more RAM.15:00
UbuntuLilyYea, it does, but occationally I need to bootup like 3 VM's at once for a short time15:00
DarthFrogRAM is cheap.15:00
DarthFrog<- spending other people's money.15:00
KottalizerIt's amazing how fast this system shuts down!15:01
=== Guest24164 is now known as N0xTrUm
UbuntuLilyOkay kool so I got 3 partitions.  30GB = /  - 285GB = /home and 5GB = Swap15:03
TorchUbuntuLily: sounds reasonable15:04
UbuntuLilyIs there a preference to putting swap first?  I know windows ran smoother if I forced it to put the swap file at the begining of drive15:04
DarthFrogDoesn't matter.15:04
TorchUbuntuLily: only if you believe in voodoo15:04
Zhenyahi everyone! does a blinking caps lock light and no response from machine mean kernel panic?15:04
UbuntuLilyokay here goes15:04
TorchZhenya: yes15:04
DarthFrogZhenya: Doesn't mean goodness.15:04
ZhenyaTorch: i keep getting that. I renamed my .kde and it built a new one15:05
Zhenyastill same thing15:05
ZhenyaDarthFrog: hahah15:05
TorchZhenya: that can't help15:05
Zhenyaso it's not my computer winking at me and telling me how awesome i am15:05
ZhenyaTorch: gotcha15:05
TorchZhenya: if the kernel has severe problems, it's not related to kde15:05
Zhenyais that a "severe" problem?! ;P15:05
DarthFrogIt isn't running, is it? :-)15:05
UbuntuLilyHey I am already trusting Kubuntu more than I ever trusted windows.  I woulda never installed a new os before SP1 was released before ;p15:05
TorchUbuntuLily: well, there are people not installing new (k)ubuntu release in the first couple of weeks15:06
la_poisseHi, a little problem with ktorrent on lucid15:06
StevenRhi. How do I put two openoffice spreadsheets on the same screen? I've got them both open, but when I click on one on the task bar, it appears. The other one minimises. I can't get them both to show.15:06
la_poisseSince I upgrade from kubuntu karmic koala to lucid I cannot seed the  torrents on ktorrent15:06
la_poisseDoes anybody experience the same problem?15:07
DarthFrogStevenR: Interesting.  I have no idea but that does sound useful.15:07
UbuntuLilynow u tell me ;p  still a few weeks beats out how long it takes for MS to release a SP15:07
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: Just do it. :-)\15:08
UbuntuLilyIts going,  about 70% done15:08
UbuntuLilyIts doing apt-gets15:08
StevenRDarthFrog: we're trying to compare two spreadsheets, but we can't make it show them both15:08
DarthFrogStevenR: I suggest that this is the wrong forum to seek such help as you want.  An OpenOffice.org channel or support forum would be more likely to give you the help you want.  Perhaps there's a wiki?15:10
compilerwriterGood day all.  It just dawned on me that the .rc files I archived and the mail I archived were from a 32 bit system and I just did a fresh install on a 64 bit platform.  This in my estimation should not matter or am I missing something?15:10
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: I shouldn't think that data bitness matters.15:11
compilerwriterThe other thing is I now have a / partition; /home partition/; and a swap partition.  Just how much wrangling will it take to get my data stored in the /home and not in the / partitions?  I would think almost anything native to kubuntu would automatically put things in the proper place, but things like Opera and chromium just might not.15:13
StevenRDarthFrog: I put it down to a kde/kubuntu problem. I can put two sheets on the same screen on any other computer I've tried, but our kubuntu desktop just won't.15:13
KottalizerHow do I create my own boot splash?15:13
tkeslerQuestion>> Is anyone haveing problems with rythmbox on Kubuntu 10.04?15:13
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: If you have the /home partition actually mounted on /home, it'll be properly used.15:14
DarthFrogStevenR: I don't know one way or the other, I've never tried to do what you want to do.15:15
ubottuKottalizer: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork15:15
UbuntuLilyhere goes15:16
KottalizerDarthFrog: Thank you!15:16
tkeslerQuestion>> Is anyone having problems with rythmbox on Kubuntu 10.04?15:17
urlwolfwhat hinting is good for programming fonts?15:17
sashi need some help plz.... fresh installed kubuntu 10.04 today--- since then i got 3 sysfreezes...x-log sayss.....mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.......anyone an idea?found nothing that helped me on google15:17
DarthFrogtkesler: Why would you be using rhythmbox when you have the wonderfullness that is Amarok? :-)15:17
compilerwritertkesler I have not tried it yet.  Be patient and someone will chime in to your need when they info that is pertinent to you.15:18
tkeslerDarthFrog: It's integrated with the UbuntuOne MusicStore...Wanted to try it out...^_^15:18
compilerwritertkesler that is the other thing that being repetitive will do.  It will get you grief.15:18
DarthFrogsas: It sounds like you perhaps had a bad install.  Try again?15:18
tkeslerDarthFrog: No prob...it looked like my first request didn't post...that was all15:19
KottalizerDarthFrog: http://pastebin.com/U8C7RxJb, how do I solve that? :/15:19
sasDarthFrog: install works fine cd is ok (tried on other systems) but on this my windowbar is also black after a reboot...only the clock has the default gray background15:19
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tkeslerDarthFrog: Believe me, I love Amarok15:20
DarthFrogKottalizer: Sorry, I just knew of the bot entry.  I know nothing about usplash itself.15:21
=== Billy is now known as clark8
KottalizerDarthFrog: Ok.15:21
compilerwriterDarthFrog: here is a paste of my df http://paste.ubuntu.com/427041/15:21
compilerwriterIt appears that I got it done correctly.15:22
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: Looks fine to me.  Except that /home/keith/.Private.15:22
txwikingerHas anybody good instructions how to use ssh-agent ubiquiously in kde?15:22
compilerwriterDarthFrog: what is wrong with that?  When it asked me how I wanted the password used I ticked the one about logging in and decrypting my home directory.  Have I bungled something?15:24
jimmy51_i've got issues.  after i updated from 9.10 to 10.04 kde would begin to login but then drop me out.  i narrowed it down to nvidia drivers and removed them.  then i had grabled video in kde and proceeded to mess up xserver.15:24
jimmy51_is there anything i can do to force a reinstall of all of the kubuntu video/kde related components?15:25
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: I doubt it.  I've just never seen that before.  Mind you, I've never encrypted my /home either. :-)15:26
compilerwriterI do love that I can put my quickstart back on the right click :-)15:26
compilerwriterWould someone be so kind as to bring me up to speed on just what in hell activities are?  I have not been keeping up with development as of late.  I have been busy with my writing and missed the whole activity thing.15:28
amichairis there a kde version of dasher that better integrates with everything, more like the virtual keyboard utility?15:30
achilleslaststancompilerwriter: activities are widget layers, similar to desktop but each activity is carrying its own set of widgets15:30
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jimmy51_is there a command that will force the re-installation of all of the video components?  i tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that didn't seem to run anything15:33
compilerwriterso achilleslaststan if I were to tick each desktop has its own activity I would be able to set up different widgets on different desktops and they would not carry over to each other?15:33
achilleslaststancompilerwriter: that's right15:34
achilleslaststancompilerwriter: it's really handy15:34
compilerwriterI am tending to agree with you achilleslaststan.  After all who needs a calculator widget on the desktop upon which he works with spreadsheets.15:36
DarthFrogI really like tabbed window groups.  Right now, I have Firefox, Thunderbird and Amarok all running as tabs on a single window. :-)15:36
KottalizerI really like KDE.15:36
KottalizerThat's all.15:36
dan08new kubuntu 10.04 ;) hehe15:37
compilerwriterDarthFrog: I am beginning to think that you only use one desktop now that you can do the tabbed window group thing.15:38
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: You could.  But you don't have to.  That's what's great about KDE: you do it your way. :-)15:39
jimmy51_DarthFrog: my way is currently an ugly command prompt :(15:40
UbuntuLilyWell Im installed ;)  Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to get aquanted with KDE?15:40
DarthFrogjimmy51_: That's my preferred way of doing sysadmin. :-)15:40
UbuntuLilyBecause I am already having stupid issues getting around15:40
compilerwriterNow if I could just figure out what to tick to get quassel to let me have multiple lines in the input box instead of just scrolling off to the left?15:40
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde415:41
jimmy51_compilerwriter: Settings, Configuer Quassel, Input Widtet15:41
iconmefistoUbuntuLily: http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid_Lynx_10.04_LTS15:42
jimmy51_compilerwriter: although now that i've tried it, it doesn't seem to do anything15:42
urlwolfkate doesn't get bold fonts for e.g. droid sans mono, but other katepart editors, eg RKward, do. Why is that?15:42
compilerwriterI have the thing ticked to allow at most 5 lines but get only the scrolling one.15:43
jimmy51_compilerwriter: yeah, that seems weird.  definitely not how you would expect it to function, based on the wording15:43
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: Google for "KDE4 tutorial" and see what works for you.15:43
jimmy51_can i re-initiate the 10.04 install/upgrade on a box where i've already upgrade but video got broke?15:44
DarthFrogjimmy51_: apt-get has a --reinstall option.15:44
UbuntuLilykPackage kit.  Is that was I use to download other apps?15:45
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: Yes.15:45
UbuntuLilyDoesn't seem as organized as the gnome equalivant15:45
UbuntuLilyNot finding some apps I had before either15:45
=== compilerwriter is now known as Guest21529
DarthFrogUbuntuLily: Or use "apt-cache search" from the command line.15:45
iconmefisto!info kubuntu-docs15:47
ubottukubuntu-docs (source: kubuntu-docs): kubuntu system documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 10.04.3 (lucid), package size 2813 kB, installed size 4304 kB15:47
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jimmy51_DarthFrog: trying the reinstall option on xserver-xorg, kubuntu-desktop.... are there any others?15:48
=== angus is now known as casper3
casper3Dragon Player doesn't play flv files well in lycid, can anyone help me?15:49
iconmefistocasper3: try vlc15:49
casper3um... I don't want to change the player..15:49
speedvinvlc or kaffeine15:49
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Those are meta-packages.  You won't get the result you're after.15:52
compilerwriter_Oh bugger!  I just accidently drug my input widget off the main window.  How do I get it redocked?15:52
jimmy51_DarthFrog: sure didn't.  should i remove/install?15:53
Takahanipulseaudio crash here with lucid from time to time when using amarok and kopete at the same time, the sound went garbage, and i have to killall -9 pulseaudio, then knotify4 and then restart amarok and kopete  again before it start again (On Lucid). Anyone else experiencing this ?15:53
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Are you comfortable editing your xorg.conf file?15:53
jimmy51_DarthFrog: sure, if it will help15:54
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Try using the "vesa" driver.  See if it helps.15:56
Takahaninot exactly a crash just then sound wish is garbage and it always happen when listening to some music, and when a notification appears from kopete (and with it a sound) after that everysound are like a robot speaking "kkr krk rkkrkrkr krkr" :)15:56
zuscasper3,  i personally have VLC installed for the files dragon player wont/cant play. i to dont want to change players and even thought VLC can play pretty much everything i've opened in it. i use it when the default players on a fresh install wont play a file. hope my preference and advice works for you15:56
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x15:57
DarthFrogjimmy51_: My xorg.conf file is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/427069/  You would only need to chang the Device and Screen sections from yours.15:58
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Don't use my BusID line! :-)15:59
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Where I have "fglrx" you would put "vesa".16:00
jimmy51_DarthFrog: thanks.  i'll try that now.  i leave all of the other crazy stuff?  (twinview, etc)16:00
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Do a pastebin of your current xorg.conf file.16:00
jimmy51_DarthFrog: it's pretty long.... i'd have to type it by hand16:02
jimmy51_hang on... maybe USB copy16:02
DarthFrogjimmy51_: No you don't.  Cut 'n paste.16:02
DarthFrogOr just do the edits and see what happens. :-)16:03
jimmy51_it's on a different machine (this one works, the other one has trouble)16:03
=== tkesler is now known as Gargoyle1976
UbuntuLilyWhat is the name of the app I use to create a bootable USB stick?16:03
DarthFrogrsync -avv --progress <different machine IP>:/etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/jimmy51/16:04
Gargoyle1976Anyone know how to setup the UbuntuOne MusicStore?16:04
funkyMetaubuntulily: usb-creator-gtk16:06
jimmy51_DarthFrog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/427071/16:07
ocshi. I'm trying to install 10.04  with the live cd. Unfortunately, it doesn't see any root filesystem. I obtain the same error with 9.10, while 9.04 works...16:07
funkyMetaubuntulily: sorry, probably not as you're on kubuntu. SIlly meilly me16:07
UbuntuLily;p nope, KDE now16:08
DarthFrogjimmy51_:  Either: change the "Device" line in your Screen section OR change "nvidia" to "nv".  One or the other.  "nv" is preferable.16:08
compilerwritercan someone please tell me why my pointer is now a hand when it is not in a window these days?16:08
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: Cuz you're special?  <grinning,ducking and running>16:09
compilerwriterDarthFrog: is that the way things are now or am I in some special activity level or something?16:10
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: I haven't a sausage, sorry.16:10
saintlygood morning all :)16:11
DarthFrogHide the cheese, saintly's here. :-)16:12
jimmy51_DarthFrog: when i boot, i get a ton of text scrolling too fast to read and get dropped to a command prompt.  i guess it's still not happy.16:12
DarthFrogjimmy51_: What does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?16:12
UbuntuLilyfunkyMeta so what would I use in KDE for making bootable USB?16:13
saintlyDarthFrog: what did somebody say...16:13
DarthFrogsaintly: I know nothing.  Nothing, I tell you.16:13
jimmy51_DarthFrog: Warning, couldn't open module nv.  Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist).  Fatal server error: no screens found.16:14
saintlyhey ,quick Q anyone know how i can change my login screens theme?16:14
jimmy51_(thanks, btw... i didn't know it logged olike that_)16:14
DarthFrogjimmy51_: install xserver-xorg-video-nv16:15
DarthFrogsaintly: I think you can from systemsettings.16:16
saintlyty DarthFrog16:16
DarthFrogjimmy51_: When you have a problem with Linux, /var/log is always a good place to check. :-)16:17
jimmy51_DarthFrog: Saweet!  now I get an X server login prompt.  now i'm back to my original problem of it kicking me right back out when i try to log in. (starts to log in, black screen, right back to prompt.)16:18
ocs"no root file system is defined. please correct this from partitioning menu" during installation from live cd... But I'm unable to correct it... what should I do? I don't have this error with 9.04 (on the same hardware)16:18
jimmy51_DarthFrog: is there a log for KDE logins?16:18
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Off you go, with your Intrepid Explorer's Kit. :-)16:18
DarthFrogjimmy51_:  Can you add a guest account and log in to that one?16:19
jimmy51_DarthFrog: useradd tempaccount?16:20
DarthFrogWhatever account name/password you want.16:20
phoenix_hello everyone16:21
DarthFrogHello, phoenix_, I see you've risen from the ashes again.16:21
phoenix_ya DarthFrog16:21
jimmy51_DarthFrog: kicked me back out too.  i just read kdm.log and it says stuff about failing to load GLX.16:21
phoenix_now i am 10.04 lts16:21
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Bingo!16:22
eagles0513875is anyone else noticing hte kubuntu isos having mismatched isos16:22
zuswould ubuntu tweak work in kubuntu?16:23
phoenix_DarthFrog: the file indexer takes a lot of cpu sometimes my computer hangs, untill i suspend the indexing, is there a way to solve it problem16:23
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DarthFrogjimmy51_: Issue this command: alias lspkg="dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | less"16:24
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Then: lspkg | grep glx16:24
DarthFrogWhat comes up?16:24
compilerwriterDarthFrog: I think I had a hand because I somehow had more than one activity layer going on the same desktop.16:25
DarthFrogphoenix_: You could try removing nepomuk.  I've not done it and don't know if doing so will screw up your system.16:25
DarthFrogcompilerwriter: Interesting.  I've not played with activies yet.  I'll have to keep that in mind if/when I do.16:26
jimmy51_DarthFrog: nothing comes up.16:26
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Then try installing libgl1-mesa-glx16:27
crashevanyone could tell me - why there is no skype in kubuntu ?16:27
jimmy51_DarthFrog: sorry...  type.  got it:  libgl1-mesa-glx, nvidia-glx-180, nvidia-glx-18516:27
phoenix_DarthFrog: i could disable it, but is there a way to use it  without using consuming much cpu16:27
DarthFrogphoenix_: No idea, sorry.16:27
DarthFrogcrashev: I believe it's because skype is proprietary.16:28
zusis anyone using firefox 3.7 or is it now available for linux yet16:28
DarthFrogcrashev: I believe it's been replaced by sipwitch.16:28
crashevDarthFrog: any other way to install it besides - manualy downloading .deb file ?16:29
DarthFrogcrashev: How about Googling for "skype Lucid" and see what you get?16:29
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:29
jimmy51_DarthFrog: it's isntalled.  so... the error "Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)" seems to be the key, right?16:34
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jimmy51_DarthFrog: there's also a BUS::open: Can Not get ibus-daemon's address.  does that matter?16:34
jimmy51_DarthFrog: thanks, but the way.  i'll better be able to troubleshoot X/KDE troubles from now on.16:34
DarthFrogjimmy51_: the GLX error is what's causing your problem, methinks.  And it sounds like the system is still trying to use the nvidia driver.16:35
crashevdesti: ok, thx, got the idea16:36
DarthFrogjimmy51_: You might have a mismatch between the nvidia driver and the nvidia-glx version.16:36
=== ep is now known as Guest32492
saintlyDarthFrog: how do i cinfigure irc to give me another username to switch to?16:40
Guest32492Just installed the latest nvidia driver, running glxgears to test i get the following: XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"16:40
Guest32492      after 43 requests (43 known processed) with 0 events remaining.  How to fix?16:40
blip-hi, I tried running "do-release-upgrade" on an 8.10 machine (remotely via ssh)... after a lot of computation, it tells me "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: The package 'kubuntu-desktop-kde3' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.".    Any idea what's happening ?   thanks16:42
Guest32492glxgears works, i might mention.  I just get the above error message when i terminate it16:42
pibarnashow do I install nvidia drivers?16:43
DarthFrogpibarnas: Do you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed?16:43
pibarnasDarthFrog: I think I don't.16:44
saintlyDarthFrog: how do i cinfigure irc to give me another username to switch to?16:44
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:44
DarthFrogsaintly: sorry, don't know.16:44
saintlyDarthFrog: okay lol time to hit the help button16:44
doleybpibarnas: did you try jockey-kde to get nvidia thing?16:45
pibarnasDarthFrog: is it a package?16:45
jimmy51_saintly: that depends on your client.  if you're using Quassel, go to settings, Identities16:45
DarthFrogpibarnas: Yes.16:45
pibarnasDarthFrog: I am downloading it. Is it related t nvidia driver, also?16:46
mavErikhi, i've got a problem in my 10.04 on hp pavillion dv9585...amarok works fine but in youtube i cant't hear the sound...any solutions?16:48
DarthFrogpibarnas: It should help you to install them.16:48
pibarnasDarthFrog: okay, thank you.16:48
ubottupibarnas: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:49
AranelAnyone has a clue why KDE and Pulseaudio doesn't work well? I cannot get any sound from KDE apps :/16:49
jedixWhy is konsole really slow switching betweent tabs?16:50
Torchjedix: might be font-rendering related.16:50
jedixTorch: I'm using nvidia drivers on G98M [Quadro NVS 160M]16:51
jedixshould be fast enough, no?16:51
Torchjedix: should be. is scrolling fast?16:51
mavErikanyone could help me?16:51
jedixTorch: yes16:52
delightjedix: i ain't got such a problem ... right now on GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a16:52
jedixit's switching tabs takes 0.5 seconds16:52
jedixit used to be instant in 9.1016:52
delightmavErik: look into the kmix ... look @ the pcm16:53
delightmavErik: turn it up16:53
Fleckjedix same here - i type faster that letters apear on screen :( everything is so slow, and 100% CPU uses xorg, when i kill plasma-desktop things get better but not good anyway :(16:53
TorchFleck: nvidia too?16:53
delightmavErik: with other word click on kmix then on mixer and get the second slider up16:53
mavErikdelight: thank for reply...where i have to seen?16:53
mavErikdelight: where is kmix?16:54
jedixTorch: maybe I should ditch the nvidia driver in the release and try nvidia.com's?16:54
delightjedix: don't know what its called in english ... systemtray ?16:54
Torchjedix: not recommended.16:55
mavErikdelight: i'm working!16:55
jedixdelight: hmm?16:55
delightmavErik: : don't know what its called in english ... systemtray ?16:55
jedixTorch: what about xserver-xorg-video-nouveau ? is it usable yet?16:55
Torchjedix: no16:56
DarthFrogjedix: How about using the nv or noveau driver instead?  If that doesn't clear up the issue, then perhaps the problem isn't a video driver problem.16:56
mavErikdelight: i found kmix but it doesent star...16:56
jedixDarthFrog: I can't use nv because the LCD is 24" and using 1920x1080 with that driver.. I actually watch the refresh line move up my screen16:56
jedixit's very painful16:57
DarthFrogjedix: Ouch!  That's painful. :-(16:57
delightmavErik: its in the systray ... that little speaker thing16:57
mavErikdelight: the PCM one?16:57
jedixTorch: NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  173.14.22  Sun Nov  8 20:26:31 PST 200916:58
delightmavErik: second slider on the mixer16:58
jedixwhy is it using such an old driver?16:58
delightmavErik: yes pcm ... turn it up16:58
jedixmaybe update to nvidia-glx-185 somehow?16:58
Torchjedix: yes16:58
Fleck[   13.155335] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  195.36.15  Fri Mar 12 00:29:13 PST 201016:59
mavErikdelight: oks...many thanks..16:59
jedixTorch: how?16:59
delightnvidia-current would be aproppriate, wouldn't it ?16:59
delightmavErik: does it work for you ?16:59
jedixjesus, there's 5 packages installed17:00
mavErikdelight: yes! thanks! sorry for the stupid question...17:00
jedix(nvidia packages)17:00
jimmy51_DarthFrog: man, i still can't get this working.  i don't get the GLX errors anymore, but it still kicks me right back to the UI login prompt.17:00
delightmavErik: well we all start at the beginning you know ... but go out and tell (blog, twitter ... whatever is best) everybody about your experience so ppl can benefit of you new knowledge ;)17:01
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Any new info in the log?17:01
mavErikdelight: oks! you forgot faceb.. ;)17:02
jimmy51_DarthFrog: it says some stuff about "BUS::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address"  but i don't know if that's relevant17:02
delightmavErik: you mean f*ckbook :) ... lol ... forget about that morron side17:03
jimmy51_DarthFrog: one thing i'm noticing is the Kubuntu splash screen (before X is running) is very ugly.  like.... even before X loads the driver being used is terrible.17:03
mavErikdelight: yes...f*ckb...what is te morron side?17:03
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Neither do I, sorry.  It occurs to me that if you're getting a KDM login screen, that X is working.17:03
jedixokay, I bet the issue is the mess of nvidia packages I have installed17:03
delightdid anybody notice that in lucid usermanagement is not working 100% correctly ? if you add a user and tell it the user should be able to administer the system its not adding the group admin its adding the group adm .. which is not in default sudoers file ... result no admin rights for the new user ... bummer ...17:03
jimmy51_DarthFrog: can i check to see if the proper KO is loading on startup?17:03
DarthFrogjimmy51_: If it were me, I'd make a backup copy of your current xorg.conf file, then rip out the sections that refer to the nvidia driver, leaving only those that refer to the nv driver and see what happens.17:04
jimmy51_DarthFrog: lsmod?  i see nvidia, vga16fb, vgastate17:05
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jimmy51_DarthFrog: i'm just puzzled that there's no way to say.... start over video17:06
DarthFrogjimmy51_: BTW, my Kubuntu splashscreen is fugly, too.  And I'm running an ATI 5770 card.17:06
jimmy51_DarthFrog: i'd like to have it do whatever a fresh install does when it comes to video.17:06
delightmavErik: http://images.google.com/images?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=moron&oe=utf-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=de&tab=wi17:06
delightmavErik: its moron ... sorry for the tippo17:06
mavErikdelight: hahah!17:07
delightmavErik: you got the idea17:08
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Then perhaps you could rip out all the nividia packages and just leave the nv driver.  Get that working before trying for 3D.17:08
jedixyeah, that fixed it.17:10
jedixthanks everyone17:10
draikHow do I get DVDs to load? It is not reading either of my drives17:11
|eagles0513875|draik: you tried using the mount command on the commandline17:11
draik|eagles0513875|: No, I didn't try that yet. I don't have anything showing up in my Device Notifier. Not a DVD and not the external HDD I plugged in via USB.17:13
|eagles0513875|draik: whats showing in /media/ if anything via commandline17:14
delightdid anybody notice that in lucid usermanagement in systemsettings is not working 100% correctly ? if you add a user and tell it the user should be able to administer the system its not adding the group admin its adding the group adm .. which is not in default sudoers file ... result no admin rights for the new user17:14
draik|eagles0513875|: Nothing in /media/17:15
Flecki removed my xorg.conf and added old - default, seems to be fixing my xorg 100% cpu usage :)17:15
|eagles0513875|draik: anything listed for your drives in fstab17:15
draik|eagles0513875|: bad tab completion. That was for /mnt17:15
draik|eagles0513875|: cdrom cdrom0 cdrom1 disk17:15
|eagles0513875|draik: then all you need to do in there is type sudo mount cdrom17:16
|eagles0513875|and that should mount it17:16
draikOK. Running it now.17:16
draik|eagles0513875|: mount: can't find cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:17
|eagles0513875|draik: ok humm.....did you upgrade from karmic or clean install17:17
ep_nextdoorFresh install, kubuntu 10.04.  Is pulse audio no longer used by default? Jack Audio Connection Kit is listed on the output devices in sys settings17:18
FleckDarthFrog thanks for idea - although it wasn't for me ;)17:18
delightep_nextdoor: i only had pulseaudio in my way when i installed from an ubuntu-cd and added kubuntu after .. @ least in 9.10 .. since then i'm not installing any gnome or from ubuntu-cds ... just straight to kubuntu ;)17:21
delightep_nextdoor: there is no pulseaudio on kubuntu 9.10 fresh install either ... don't know about installing ubuntu 10.04 and adding kubuntu ... maybe its fixed by now17:22
|eagles0513875|draik: did you have this issue on karmic as well17:23
draik|eagles0513875|: Nope.17:23
ep_nextdoori think i might of installed ubuntu-restricted-extras (leaving out the k)  by mistake.  Could that be a problem?     I had PA in 9.1017:23
|eagles0513875|ep_nextdoor: shouldnt be a problem17:24
* |eagles0513875| thinks about draik's issue and ill brb17:24
delightep_nextdoor: @least in 10.04 there is no dependency from ubuntu-restricted-extras to PA17:24
draikThank you, |eagles0513875|17:24
|eagles0513875|draik: you would have to add the cd drive to the fstab but not sure how to go about setting that up17:25
delightep_nextdoor: but i don't see any usefull dependency either ;) ... @ least not for a kde/kubuntu-user17:25
|eagles0513875|draik: do you have a backup of ur fstab17:25
delightep_nextdoor: maybe maybe w32codecs .. which i never needed thou17:25
draik|eagles0513875|: No17:26
saintlycn i help anyone :P17:26
|eagles0513875|draik: ill brb17:26
saintlyrobwlo531: hi.17:27
robwlo531i need some help with the "boot splash" resolution17:27
jimmy51_DarthFrog: hmm.... is there a command to show what nvidia packages i have installed?  i know i can apt-cache policy an individual package.... is there one that will list them all?17:27
saintlyrobwlo531: ur not the only one lol. alot of ppl are having that issue17:28
|eagles0513875|hey saintly you know what im finding even with a freshly downloading iso17:28
|eagles0513875|of lucid is that there is checksum mismatch with the iso has and what the has table is showing17:28
robwlo531just installed 10.04 and got the nvidia driver runnning, but since it's running, the splash resolution is darn low17:28
saintly<|eagles0513875| whats that?17:29
RalphSpencerI'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 on a VM of virtualbox. The installation hangs at "Scanning the mirror (43%)".17:29
RalphSpencerPlease help.17:29
saintlyrobwlo531: HMM17:29
robwlo531saintly: is there a way to turn on text boot?17:29
saintlyrobwlo531: did you adjust your rez at all?17:29
yuswonoanyone could help me?17:29
robwlo531saintly: no, just activated the legacy hw driver17:30
|eagles0513875|saintly: the checksums dont match whats on the checksum table on the site17:30
saintlyrobwlo531: if you mark you spash screen as no splash at all, thatsw what should happen, s a verbose boot.17:30
robwlo531saintly: it created a minimal xorg.conf that only loads the nvidia driver and I believe that might be the problem17:30
Torchjimmy51_: dpkg -l '*nvidia*' | grep ^ii17:30
RalphSpencerI'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 on a VM of virtualbox. The installation hangs at "Scanning the mirror (43%)".17:31
delightrobwlo531: Bug:551290 "Plymouth theme ugly on binary nvidia driver." Fix is in lucid-proposed for testing and will go into lucid-updates soon17:31
saintly|eagles0513875|: ouch. :( figured annything out yet?17:31
jimmy51_Torch: thanks!17:31
RalphSpencerPlease help.17:31
|eagles0513875|saintly: ended up back on windows17:31
robwlo531saintly: how/where can I set it to "no splash at all"?17:31
|eagles0513875|even this morning i was having issues getting that installed17:31
saintlyrobwlo531: hit alt, f2, and type in splashscreen.17:31
crashevanyone is experiencing slow speeds while copying to/from usb flash in kubuntu 10.04 ?17:31
saintly|eagles0513875|: you on windows right now?17:32
robwlo531delight: thanks17:32
|eagles0513875|yes saintly after fighting wiht it blue screening during install for me17:32
RalphSpencerI'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 on a VM of virtualbox. The installation hangs at "Scanning the mirror (43%)".17:32
RalphSpencerI'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 on a VM of virtualbox. The installation hangs at "Scanning the mirror (43%)".17:32
RalphSpencerPlease help.17:32
FloodBotK2RalphSpencer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:32
RalphSpencerSorry for repeat17:32
|eagles0513875|!patience | RalphSpencer17:32
robwlo531saintly:thanks, too. text mode is better commercial for kubuntu than that wired screen ;-)17:32
ubottuRalphSpencer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.17:32
saintly|eagles0513875|: oh damn. thats painful man.17:32
|eagles0513875|saintly: ya so im staying as is17:32
|eagles0513875|i think gonna try ubuntu server on my server17:33
|eagles0513875|kinda apprehensive17:33
saintlyRalphSpencer: what do you need?17:33
RalphSpencersaintly, I'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.04 on a VM of virtualbox. The installation hangs at "Scanning the mirror (43%)".17:33
saintly|eagles0513875|:  you could runn everything as a live CD17:33
RalphSpencerI've checked CD integrity and the CD is valid.17:34
saintlyRalphSpencer: hmm. well firstly, y not install 10.04?17:34
draikI just formatted my new drive using gparted, but it doesn't appear in my Device Notifier. Is there something I'm missing?17:34
RalphSpencersaintly: I got this internet connection of like 5 kb/s (disgusting?) and I made that disk about 11 months ago and still works.. Why download for another 8 days.17:35
robwlo531saintly: i didn't mean the ksplash that comes after the login, I'm having trouble with the "kubuntu" screen when booting kubuntu to the login screen17:35
saintlyRalphSpencer: at 5KB/s its gonna take like 3 weeks bud. lol17:36
Torchrobwlo531: you would need to pass "nosplash" to the kernel in grub217:36
RalphSpencersaintly: Yup.. So I gotta install 9.04 .. my last hope XD17:36
saintlyrobwlo531: that, i cant help you with. mines a lil fuzzy too i just dont worry about it.17:36
robwlo531Torch: ok, will try that, tnx17:36
Torchrobwlo531: that's not so simple ;-)17:37
draikIs Nepomuk Strigi File Indexing necessary?17:37
robwlo531Torch, why not?17:37
Torchrobwlo531: you need to edit /etc/default/grub as root and add "nosplash" to the variable GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT17:37
RalphSpencersaintly: so can you help me with this?17:37
robwlo531Torch: that's what I was going to do ;-)17:37
Torchrobwlo531: then you have to re-generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:38
Torchrobwlo531: great.17:38
saintlyRalphSpencer: well then i suggest if its hanging on, not moving just close out and reinstall. but i dk, ive never run it in a virtuall box and had issues.17:38
saintlyim running XGAME in one right now, its flawless.17:38
RalphSpencertried that twice already.. will hang at that spot :/17:39
saintlytorch, you know anything about virtual box?17:39
robwlo531Torch: I'm quite firm with grub and lilo ;-) (need lilo on my Clevo M570U, as grub writes to the bios preventing the cd/dvd-drive from being detected in linux+windows(!))17:39
RalphSpencerI'm monitoring the size of the virtual media.. Doesn't grow that.17:39
RalphSpencer*doesn't grow at all.17:39
saintlyRalphSpencer: maybe its caught up on something.17:39
RalphSpencerso i gonna need new disk :X ?17:40
saintlyRalphSpencer: you dont let your computer go to screensaver at all during install right?17:40
crashevhow to set up usb in kubuntu so the write speed is normal ?17:40
RalphSpenceri have the alternate disk .. text mdoe17:40
Torchsaintly: what is the question?17:40
saintlyTorch: RalphSpencer is having issues with installing 9.04 in a virtual box, and its stalling during download.17:41
robwlo531in 10.04 what's the right one to do: update-grub or update-grub2?17:41
saintlytext mode. ouch.17:41
TorchRalphSpencer: bad media?17:41
RalphSpencerchecked cd integrity17:42
RalphSpencersays the disk is valid17:42
|eagles0513875|saintly: i know but would prefer to have it installed cd's comparet to bootable usbs are so slow17:42
progre55hi people! got a question for those who are bored..17:42
saintlyTorch: ive never had issues with virtual machines. or a speed of 5KB/s. im crying for you right now RalphSpencer. :(17:42
TorchRalphSpencer: i have it running somewhere as a vm. don't remember any problems installing it.17:43
TorchRalphSpencer: check the VM settings17:43
TorchRalphSpencer: does your cpu support vm-extensions? 32 bit or 64?17:43
saintly|eagles0513875|: what now? lol srrywas busy with ralph.17:43
RalphSpencerI gave it 980 mb ram, 96 mb video memory..17:43
RalphSpencerTorch: 64 bit AMD Phenom X2 54517:44
RalphSpencerI currently run gentoo on the host.. Gentoo is 64 bit17:44
|eagles0513875|saintly: thats that with kubuntu unless i can manage to get a 2nd desktop then convert this one to a linux box along with my server17:44
nikhil_anyone know anything about the battery monitor always showing 0% on lucid?17:44
rdalei'm having trouble creating a usb stick with usb-creator-kde running under Lucid - a get 'Checksums do not match' - is it a known problem?17:44
progre55I have everything set up nicely, all the animations and stuff work.. well I havent changed the default much. but after a reboot, the graphics and animation become a bit "harsh". for instance, no fading effect while moving windows, or an "auto-hide" panel does not slide, but just disappears/appears. after I change a theme to some other, and change it back, everything is perfect again. any suggestions, please?17:44
TorchRalphSpencer: nothing comes to mind. try playing with the settings in vbox under system.17:44
progre55wow I wrote a novel =)17:44
saintly|eagles0513875|: so your saying a virtuall machine?17:45
|eagles0513875|saintly: those i dont have issues with installing17:46
saintlyprogre55: hmm. that is wierd. graphics are choppy til you change ur themes?17:46
|eagles0513875|i might go virtual on my server im not sure17:46
|eagles0513875|righ tnow exams first17:46
|eagles0513875|that will give lucid a chance to stable up17:46
progre55saintly: or I change "graphical effects" in fine-tuning to "high display resolution and very high cpu" and then change it back to "high resolution and high cpu"17:47
saintlyhmm. try low rez, high cpu, and reboot.17:48
progre55saintly: hmm.. actually I havent tried to set it "high resolution and very high cpu" and rebooting..17:48
saintlythe cpu has to be able to cover it all.17:48
jimmy51_DarthFrog: I'M IN KDE!  i removed all of the nvidia stuff and now i'm in on the NV driver.  no 3d, but at least i'm in...17:48
saintlyprogre55: that would work17:48
progre55saintly: let me try that.. brb17:48
robwlo531thanks for helping, bye17:50
RalphSpencerTorch: Got some diea?17:52
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:52
TorchRalphSpencer: huh? like i said, nothing comes to mind.17:52
DarthFrogjimmy51_: W00t! I'm glad to hear it.  Glad I was able to help.17:52
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:52
jimmy51_DarthFrog: indeed. ton's of help!  now i know where to look in the future.  now i'm off to break it again trying to install the nvidia drivers :)17:53
nikhil_anyone know anything about the battery monitor always showing 0% on lucid?17:53
BentJi have upgrade my kubuntu from hardy to lucid, afterwards the sound has gone (tested by using Amarok). A workaround to bring the sound back, is to stop Amarok, and then to delete ~/.pulse/*runtime .. The sound is back until next reboot ... But what is the root cause?17:53
DarthFrogjimmy51_:  Save your  current config so you can go back to it when you screw things up.  DAMHIKT. :-)17:54
RalphSpencer"Configuring Medvedev" :D17:55
kaitosso, my mouse disappers after i wake it back up from sleep mode,  does this happen to anyone else?17:59
kaitosthis is in lucid17:59
pantherI've prob18:00
progre55saintly: the same thing with "low resolution and very high CPU". but if I open fine-tuning and not even changing anything, just pick the same option and apply, it works.. weird..18:01
jimmy51_DarthFrog: nvidia-current  kills it again18:01
jimmy51_apparantely whatever that installs is problematic18:02
DarthFrogjimmy51_: Do you need 3D?18:02
jimmy51_DarthFrog: definitely18:02
jimmy51_should i try older versions?18:02
DarthFrogWhat's the card?18:02
jimmy51_or possibly not even use the repos..... get from nvidia?  8800 GT18:02
DarthFrogOlder version.  Rip out what you currently have.18:03
progre55damn stupid graphics..18:07
=== SwissTorExit is now known as starslights
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starslightshello , i need help, when i put a empty disc cd or dvd , it's reconize but i can't use it with "startup disc cretaor" and it's not see by dolphin anyway18:14
starslightsit's only see as new peripherical18:15
starslightskubuntu 10.04 64 bits for info18:15
starslightsbut i can burn a ISO or file for exemple via a application18:15
coreberserkerHay there everyone, I can't seem to get the touchpad settings to work right, I can't seem to use any of the setting that use more then one finger...can some one help with this please? =]18:17
saintlyi just realized i dont have adobe flash, how do i get that? i have the file downloaded/18:19
DarthFrogsaintly: Use kpackagekit to install flashplugin-installer18:20
starslightsgo in kpackagekit and search about it, or via apt.get :D18:20
MegabitesHi, im need a help for Kubuntu 10 and nvidia drivers18:23
dcorbin1I've just upgraded to 10.4. X won't start, and the log is showing now errors. It simplye ends with "ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log".  I see a graphics screen briefly. Ideas?18:23
starslightsoh that's was exctelly my pronlem before... :/18:24
starslightsi really want to have a opinon about that,18:24
Megabitesmodule nvidia.ko don't load18:24
progre55so, can anyone help me out with the graphics problem?18:26
dcorbin1Megabites: I just install "nvidia-current", and don't see any error saying it won't load.  And I see the NVIDA splash screen.18:28
progre55as I brought it earlier, after a reboot, my graphics are choppy and after I change (or not even change, just pick the same and apply) a graphics effects in fine-tuning, it works properly.. suggestions, please?18:28
miasmaare there some performance problems with the kubuntu 10.4? I haven't heard a single positive comment yet. personally I witnessed how it brought a rather "new" amd64 pc to its knees18:29
pucko-dcorbin1, can you start x from command-line with "xinit" ?18:29
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jimmy51_where do KO's normally live?18:30
miasmafor instance typing characters to a fullscreen (1920x1200) kate windows results in approximately 1-2 characters per second. with both nouveau and proprietary nvidia drivers, using geforce 218:31
Torchjimmy51_:  /lib/modules/`uname -r`18:32
dcorbin1pucko-: yes, I can, but nto via startx18:33
dcorbin1I think it's something in KDE crapping out, but don't know where to look for such errors.18:33
starslightsdcorbin1:  have you tried update with proposed uptade?  i mean for nvidia18:33
starslightsit was right after make the update18:34
starslightspucko-:  startx, xinit say their not possible18:34
dcorbin1starslights: no, but my one attempt to "build" the nvidia driver with 10.4 wasn't "successful". (used to do it all the time)18:34
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jorginoofkz fo18:35
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starslightswell for me with only the min updated worked but since i use alternate and LVM i need 4 hours to wiping the swap , so actually i just run without driver but work bad, so if more peoples can try or have possibilty to can back, i will be very greatful18:36
starslightswell one told me to try rmrf nvidia if it's the case again but i better wait a few while it's my last syste,m lol18:37
pucko-dcorbin1, it's something in /usr/bin/startkde18:38
pucko-dcorbin1, see if "sudo ldconfig -f /usr/lib/mesa" fixes is18:39
pucko-if it's anything similar to what I had problems with18:39
dcorbin1pucko-: Looks way better.  what is mesa?18:40
starslightsi see that same bug for ATI , so i suspect that it's a more general bug . but thankd pucko-, i wil write your possibility and anyway will try again to install the driver, i have HD screen and without driver xorg make many errors and  freeze a loz18:40
pucko-dcorbin, libGL.so specifically18:41
miasmaare the kubuntu 10.4's requirements the same as with ubuntu 10.4?18:41
starslightsit is another way to start if your command not work ?, i will sad to must one more time format ;/(18:42
miasmae.g. is 512 MB RAM realistic. here the plain desktop without any apps running seems to consume 500 MB of ram18:42
iaiaI had an unbelievable   accident while installing Kubuntu Lucid: my cat walked on the Keyboard. I dunno which key(s) she pressed, but suddenly the dialog box disappeared, leaving me with the backgound ble image only18:42
iaiawhat can i do to bring up the dialog box again?18:42
starslightsbut except that, it's really nice KDE 4.4, the best graphic i see so far :D18:42
dcorbin1Thanks much.  Rebooting for final check.18:44
miasmaiaia: what's background ble image?18:44
starslightswhat guys would recommend? having pre update accepted too or not ? with previous version i always accept it  but from this prolem i have fear that i can restart it gain18:45
starslightsdcorbin1:  worked ?18:45
starslightsah ok18:45
iaiamiasma:sorry "ble" was "blue...  Imean the beackground wallpaper18:45
iaiasorry, but I amnow typeying from a eeepc which I amnot used to... my normal pc is stuck as described above18:46
iaiaanyone about how to make the install dialog box reappear after my cat hit some key(s) ???  I can presently see the wallpaper now18:49
iaiareally no one has an idea?18:51
jimmy51_what does it mean if hitting CTRL-ALT-F5/4/3/2/1 gives you a screen of colorful ascii gibberish?18:52
dcorbin_workOne change I notice is that my desktop icons are now all smaller (half size?).  Is there a setting for that somewhere?18:52
iaiawow,i couldn't imagine it was such a difficult question!18:53
iaia321 users and no one knows?18:54
draik|eagles0513875|: Now everything works. Seems it just needed a reboot.18:55
|eagles0513875|nice draik its funny how just a reboot fixes things just like on windows lol18:56
draik|eagles0513875|: I know :/18:57
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
iaiaDuring Kubuntu Lucid installation my cat hit some key(s) and the dialog windows disappeared (closed? minimized?) leaving thescreen with just the wallpaper. How can I try to bring up the dialog windows again?18:59
iaiaor doI switch off by brute force and start again?18:59
starslightsdcorbin_work:  so you was able to restart your system finally  ?19:00
dcorbin_workYep.  the mesa thing fixed it.19:01
dcorbin_workNow i'm just dealing with annoying kde differences.19:01
dcorbin_worklike dinky icons and white backgrounds19:01
apparlehi guys19:02
starslightsthanks, i am really happy to know that , so i can accept again pre update and if there only icone size problem, we wil able to fix, but i was really in prolem with one pc not more working  ;M)19:02
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:05
didooiaia, you have hacker cat :D19:06
starslightswell i think that i can try again install my nvidia driver...19:06
starslightsdcorbin_work:  use you preposed updated too or not ?19:06
iaianot exactly didoo: she is a cracker19:06
starslightswhile t was the bug only with it19:06
didooiaia, lol19:06
iaiaanyway....i'mnow using brute forceand starting again from scratch19:07
didooiaia, in my opinion it is better to know what options you choose during installation, also with new installation you will loose only like 2 hours nothing else like data or stuff19:07
draikHow do I change the order of operations for a file type? I keep changing it with File Association, but any time I want to play any MP3 files, it wants to go directly to Converter19:07
didooiaia, it is your choice19:07
iaiadidoo: it seemsno one could help....19:08
iaiasheesh I HATEthis eeepc keyboard19:08
draikAnd now I have audio coming all out of one speaker again :(19:09
didooiaia, i told you what i would do in your situation19:09
iaiadidoo, as said I dunno which keys were pressed and if the dialog window was minimized or closed19:11
iaiaand it seemedno oneknewnhow to try tobring it up again19:12
iaiathis space key suckslol19:12
didooiaia, so you do not know if some options were chosen .. what were they .., when i work with computers i like to have full contorl not leaving things unclear19:12
dcorbin_workstarslights: "preposed updated"?19:12
iaiadidoo: you are good and I am bad. Now, if you can be of help please do.If not pleasse shut up19:13
didooiaia, ok when you are asking so polite19:14
dcorbin_workHow can I change my desktop background color.  I cannot find it in System Settings.19:15
draikHow do I eject a disc?19:16
iaiaoh, i know I am not at the hights of your knowledge and total control didoo. Only I csnnot avoid sharing my little space with that cat. You are undobtely superior,I totally agree19:16
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starslightsdcorbin_work:  i mean in the source , we can choose, security, pre, bacport etc..19:20
starslightsbasicly are the 2 first , security and recommebded19:21
didoodraik, write eject in your shell19:21
draikdidoo: It just sites there.19:23
dcorbin_workstarslights: I don't event know what you're talking about.  source for what?19:23
draikdidoo: "sudo eject /media/cdrom0" "sudo eject /media/cdrom1", they all sit there with nothing else going on.19:23
starslightswell egal, my english are too bad...19:23
starslightsif you can boot again , that's the importnat :D19:24
didoodraik, so there is a process that uses it?19:24
dcorbin_workstarslights: Certainly that's important to me.  :)  Sorry if I can't answer your question.19:24
draikdidoo: Not right now. There shouldn't be.19:24
didootry to search with ps aux | grep "cdrom"19:25
didoodraik, or dvd or your device19:25
dcorbin_workstarslights: what is your native language?19:25
draikdidoo: Just did and I don't see anything really using it. I see the 2 ejects that I ran earlier still there. I'm going to kill them really quick.19:26
didoodraik, yes kill them19:26
didoodraik, try firs sudo -i to get root and the just eject command19:27
starslightsdcorbin_work:  french19:27
draikdidoo: ran eject again as instructed and it just sits there19:27
draik^C does nothing,either.19:28
didoodraik, does the eject command give you some error19:28
draikdidoo: Nope. I just checked again and those processes are not being killed19:29
starslightsok, i will try see if i am lucky :D19:29
didoodraik, kill them with kill -9 pid19:29
draikdidoo: I PM'd you my konsole output so I don't flood the channel19:31
dcorbin_workMy french is very rusty, but if you want to try phrasing the question in french, I'll see if I can understand it (or maybe someone else here will)19:31
draikThat's exactly what I've been doing, didoo19:31
didoodraik, also in new shell tabs open tail -F /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log to monitor for errors while you execute your commands19:31
draikdidoo: Just did and I got nothing.19:32
draikdidoo: No errors, that is19:32
didoodraik, do you have /dev/cdrom were this cdrom working before19:33
didoodraik, or /dev/dvd19:34
draikdidoo: Yup. It was working a few moments ago when I inserted the DVD. I see no mention of it in "mount" either, if that should happen to matter.19:34
didoodidoo, it should happen if it mounts it automatically or if you mount it manually19:36
draiklol. I know that was for me ;)19:36
didoodraik, so the dvd is inside and maybe your device can not read it19:36
didoodraik, correct :D19:37
draikLet me see if I can get Kaffeine or VLC to read it right now.19:37
didoodraik, if it is not mounted you can not read anything from it19:38
draikdidoo: Well, they don't have any errors, but they also aren't playing anything right now.19:38
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didoodraik, if you press the hardware button to eject it it does not respond either?19:38
draikdidoo: Nope, not at all. That's why I'm going for the "eject" command19:39
draikBTW, I didn't think it to be an issue, but I'm wondering if my external HDD is causing an issue. I have a few GB being xfer'd to my external HDD and I'm wondering if it may be tying something up right now.19:40
yuri_hi there, hi have a Compaq CQ61 Notebook but i'm having some issues with my audio card, can someone help me? thank you19:40
draikIf it is, it should be done soon. I have about another 20-22GB left to copy to the external HDD19:40
draikyuri_: What's the issue with your audio, exactly?19:40
didoodraik, normally it should not be an issue, your dvdrom would have an issue if it can not read the dvd19:41
draikdidoo: Right. Didn't think so either but thought it might be worth mentioning.19:41
didoodraik, sorry i did not read that you are transfering data, this may be in issue if they are on the same bus internally19:42
yuri_draik: sometimes it work fine, another time my os seems to not recognize it...i cannot found it on system setting>multimedia19:42
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didoodraik, i thought your external hd is just mounted not transfering data19:42
draikdidoo: OK. I'll wait it out. Should be less than 20GB now19:42
draik20GB to go, that is19:43
didoodraik, wait a bit, although it is still strange that it does not eject at all, also that it hangs while working before19:44
tessarakt2How do I get a Bluetooth headset to work?19:44
draikand now I have vlc as <defunct>19:44
tessarakt2in 9.10 killing KBluetooth and using bluetooth-applet worked19:45
draikyuri_: What do you have setup within System Settings > Multimedia ?19:45
tessarakt2but in 10.04 that does not seem to work19:45
draiktessarakt2: Can you assure that they are running and broadcasting for pairing?19:45
tessarakt2one moment19:47
tessarakt2is headset supposed to work with KBluetooth now?19:47
yuri_draik: i have "playback/recording through th PulseAudio sound server" and "jack audio connection kit"...no mention to my audio card!19:47
draik!audio | yuri_19:48
ubottuyuri_: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:48
tessarakt2that's on the Konsole19:48
draikThose links should help you assure that your audio card are recognized.19:48
tessarakt2KBluetooth says it connects to the headset19:48
tessarakt2but Mumble cannot use it19:48
yuri_draik: i'll try, thank you19:49
draikyuri_: YW19:49
tessarakt2any idea?19:49
draikIn "top", What is the meaning for TIME+ ?19:55
markitI would like to have the grub menu at boot, but pressing "esc" does not work... something else has to be configured?19:56
draikmarkit: Trying SHIFT19:56
tessarakt2http://pastebin.com/HTZ4uwqj - any idea?19:56
tsimpsondraik: "The same as 'TIME', but reflecting more granularity through hundredths of a second." <- from "man top"19:56
markitdraik: oh, I'm so tired... yes, I had to press shift :(19:56
markitdraik: thanks19:56
draiktsimpson: Thanks. I should be looking at the 'man' first before asking.19:57
draikdidoo: It finished, but I'm still having the same issue19:58
BluesKajmarkit, you could try sudo update-grub , then you won't to press any key19:59
BluesKajneed to19:59
didoodraik, do you execute the kill command as root20:00
didoodraik, because if kill -9 does not work then your processes are zombied20:00
draikYes, all kill -9 are done as root20:01
progre55_any flashget like native programs under kubuntu?20:01
didoodraik, and the eject commands still run20:01
Saintlyno sound in internet now :S20:02
draikdidoo: I suppose it is running because I don't get a prompt after running it and ^C does nothing. I have to close the tab for it to stop.20:02
didoodraik you did not get prompt after inserting the dvd? What do you mean with running it?20:03
draikdidoo: I run eject as root and there is no output. I can't terminate it, either.20:04
didoodraik, or after running eject it does not finish normally and no new line is showed20:04
didoodraik, i see now20:04
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progre55anyone?  after a reboot, my graphics are choppy and after I change (or not even change, just pick the same and apply) the graphics effects in fine-tuning, it works properly.. suggestions, please?20:07
terminator_ide írjak?20:07
terminator_vagy mi20:07
didoodraik, i can not thing of anything else, try to find some error message in the system logs, i really do not understand why you can not kill the processes either20:07
draikdidoo: I'm trying to terminate the defunct VLC as root "kill -9 PID" and it comes back to the prompt, but it is still running. No error message output20:08
didoodraik, instead of pid you are writing the assigned process id number, aren't you?20:09
draikdidoo: Yes, I am.20:09
draikdidoo: I was debating on my response there for a sec.:p20:10
Saintlyno sound hmm20:10
draikdidoo: I also tried "killall vlc" as root, but that didn't work, either.20:11
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didoodraik, try to kill it using "kdesu ksysguard"20:12
didoodraik, maybe it will give you some error message20:12
Saintlyalrighty, whats the code again to see if your audio driver is being used.20:13
draikdidoo: I just killed my desktop. I did CTRL+ALT+ESC and clicked on my desktop :(. How do I get it back?20:13
draikHow do I start plasma over again?20:14
moshevdraik: try ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to konsole, then log-in and type20:15
didoodraik, do you have shell prompt now?20:15
moshevDISPLAY=:0 plasma-desktop20:15
draikdidoo: Yes, I still have shell prompt from yakuake20:16
zighi all, networkmanager seems to have stopped working after 2 days on my freshly installed 10.0420:16
draikmoshev: Would that also work from a shell in KDE?20:16
zigI can still configurate my interfaces manually,but networkmanager just does respond to anything (I don't see the knetworkmanager appled either)20:17
BluesKajzig, seems to have stopped ?20:17
zigBluesKaj, I mean, it doesn"t configurate any interface20:17
draikdidoo: mount - disk sleep,  mount - disk sleep,   eject - disk sleep,   vlc - zombie20:17
BluesKajzig, wifi or ethernet?20:17
zigBluesKaj, both20:17
moshevdraik: yes20:17
didoodraik, there is not much to do with zombie processes as far as I know, i would restart, maybe someone else knows other solution20:18
draikmoshev: Awesome. I got it back20:19
BluesKajzig, there is an alternative to NM , wicd20:19
zigBluesKaj, ok, how can I install it instead ? just aptitude install wicd ?20:19
BluesKaj!info wicd20:19
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB20:19
zigalright, let's try that the n ...20:20
BluesKajit wil disable nm when you install it20:20
zigbut that's really weird what's happening now20:20
compilerwriterBluesKaj good to see you old bean.20:20
BluesKajhi compilerwriter , how's things ?20:20
* compilerwriter pours BluesKaj a snifter of Napoleon.20:20
* BluesKaj accepts graciously20:21
compilerwriterBluesKaj: things are fine.  I have been wicked busy though.  Totally missed Lucid until the update notifier told me.20:21
aidanjt_hrmm.. why are windows ignoring their previous window states when I drop apps to the tray?20:21
zigok let's reboot and see what happen with wicd ???20:22
BluesKajcompilerwriter, Lucid is surprisingly good for me so far , even NM wifi works on my laptop , now20:23
compilerwriterSo in the wee hours I did a fresh install with a /, a /home, and a /swap partition.  That way I should be able to do an upgrade or a reinstall without losing all of my settings.  Backups must be made in any event, but perhaps the next one will be simpler this way.20:24
compilerwriterIf you folks will excuse me I must install Kmymoney20:24
compilerwriterBluesKaj: So far lucid is being quite friendly to me.  Even installed my printer without my so much as having to think about it.  The activity thing though threw me for a wee bit of a loop.20:26
compilerwriterBluesKaj: I am so happy that I can have my quicklaunch on my right click again too:-)20:26
BluesKajyeah compilerwriter , i mostly ignore that activity thing20:27
BluesKajgood for setting wallpaper etc20:27
compilerwriterBluesKaj: Make certain you don't accidently get yourself two activity layers going on the same desktop.  Can leave one a bit adrift until he realizes that is what he has done.20:28
Saintlyalright, my sound works for login and logout, but nothing else.20:28
Saintlywhats my issue?20:28
compilerwriterIf you tick the thing so that each desktop can have its own activity though;  You get to choose different widgets for different desktops.  I like that.20:29
BluesKajSaintly, make sure all your alsamixer ctrls are unmuted and turned up to 75% or more20:29
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draikBRB. Going to reboot.20:30
compilerwriterhappy rebooting draik20:30
arvindI've installed 10.04 using a live-DVD. I have a separate /home partition. Installation went well, some bumps but okay, now I want the 'original' 10.04 theme (like seen on the live-DVD). KDE seems to use all the settings on my /home, so now I have the same desktop I had on 9.10. Does someone has an easy fix?20:30
compilerwriterarvind copy the rc files from the dvd to your home rc files.20:31
SaintlyBluesKaj: mixer?20:31
arvind@compilerwriter: all rc-files?20:32
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compilerwriterarvind the ones that are pertinent to what you want your system to look like.20:32
SaintlyBluesKaj: mixer?20:33
arvind@compiler-writer: thank you very much, I'll try that!20:33
lexbcn76Hola a todos20:35
Saintlyalright, my sound works for login and logout, but nothing else.20:35
BluesKajSaintly, in the terminal type alsamixer , then follow the instructions20:35
compilerwriterBluesKaj: I just hate kpackagekit.  I can't get it to find Kmymoney to install.20:35
ScorpKingBluesKaj: you beat me to it ;)20:35
lexbcn76I think i have connected to the wrong IRC sever ;)20:36
aidanjt_why is kwin ignoring previous window states when I drop apps to the tray?20:36
lexbcn76I'm spanish20:36
BluesKajcompilerwriter, check your sources.list ,make sure all debs are uncommented20:36
fabio_hi all20:36
lexbcn76Anyone knows why is not working Vsync in Lucid? It works perfectly in Opensuse 11.220:37
compilerwriterI can apt get it fine.  BluesKaj I just can't seem to find it in Kpackagekit.20:37
ScorpKingBluesKaj: that's usually the first thing that i check when having sound problems. weird that some of the channels are all the way down after a new install.20:37
SaintlyBluesKaj: now how do i save, or will it do it automatically20:37
fabio_hi someone of you use kdevelop?20:37
ScorpKingfabio_: i think there is #kdevelop20:38
fabio_Yest ScorpKing...already tried...nobody answering...20:38
daweeddid any one know abouth grub20:38
SwissTorExitwowwwwwwwwwww, i have change my approche, accpeted all update and upgrade the system wihout nvidia and after done install it. I don't get the bad bug and it's absolute splendide :D20:39
compilerwriterBluesKaj: Am I just dense about Kpackagekit or is it just crap.20:39
ScorpKingfabio_: maybe you can ask the devs in one of the dev channels.20:39
fabio_thankyou ScorpKing. I will try.20:40
BluesKajnope compilerwriter , it's  a bit flaky , you're correct :)20:40
compilerwriterBluesKaj: I may just install synaptic.20:41
lexbcn76Anyone knows how to configure vsync for nvidias in Lucid... is not working again!20:41
BluesKajSaintly, once you exit the terminal the settings should autosave20:41
SwissTorExitwell i will report it but their a problem when Nvidia are installed, the taskbar as 2 color because in all update of kernel, it come on wrong size20:41
pibarnasdo I have to edit xorg.conf to have desktop effects in kubuntu lucid? I don't have them, even trying to enable it with right click on windows titlebar...20:41
SwissTorExitneed just adjust a little bit and it come back right20:41
SaintlyBluesKaj: thanks so much, works again. i think it was a corrpupted Flash trasitiion i downloaded, tryin to get my youtube less choppy.20:41
BluesKajcompilerwriter, did you check your etc/apt/sources.list ?20:41
SwissTorExitpibarnas:  have you same as i say yet ?20:41
=== SwissTorExit is now known as starslights
starslightsdamn old name :/20:42
pibarnasstarslights: sorry, I didn't understand what you've said...20:42
BluesKajSaintly, make sure you have kubuntu-restricted-extras and flashplugin-nonfree installed20:42
starslightsneed i report as Nvidia or xorg ?20:43
daweedhow can i conect to freenode irc network?20:43
aidanjt_why does kwin forget previous window states when I drop apps to the tray?20:43
starslightshang on , i upload the screen20:43
SaintlyBluesKaj: the nonfree, s what did it?20:43
compilerwriterBluesKaj: most of the debs are intact and not commented out.  I was able to apt-get install the thing so that should not have been the problem.  It just took me a second to realize that it was called Kmymoney220:43
starslightsbut i must say one more time, splendid KDE 4.4 :D20:44
aidanjt_daweed: you're already on freenode20:44
arvind@compilerwriter: please forgive my ignorance, but I see no rc-files on the DVD, could you specify which directory?20:44
daweedohh tnks god20:44
daweedand how can i open other chat?20:45
daweedy wanto to join sbrub20:45
ScorpKing!irc | daweed20:45
ubottudaweed: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:45
aidanjt_daweed: /join #channelname20:45
compilerwriterI honestly have no clue where they are arvind.  perhaps if you ask BluesKaj he will set you straight with more knowledge of the file locations.20:45
BluesKajSaintly, flashplugin-nonfree is a flash webplugin for sites like youtube20:45
Saintlyi have another one, let me find the name after i finish resricted extras20:46
compilerwriterBluesKaj: take care of arvind or set him up with a guru who can will you please?20:46
starslightspibarnas:  http://lookpic.com/d2/i2/3824/4lsGYUFC.png20:46
daweedubottu: tnks20:46
starslightsthat's the taskbar after booting if upgarde was done20:46
daweedaidanjt_: tnks20:46
BluesKaj!ko | sinsahoo20:46
ubottusinsahoo: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko20:46
pibarnasstarslights: I don't have these glitches anymore, I think I have nvidia installed and working... but no desktops effects.20:47
progre55anyone?  after a reboot, my graphics are choppy and after I change (or not even change, just pick the same and apply) the graphics effects in fine-tuning, it works properly.. suggestions, please?20:47
starslightsyeah, it go away if i just move for a milimeter the size of taskbad in up side20:47
arvindBluesKaj: could you point me to a direction to the rc-files on the 10.04 DVD?20:48
starslightsafter it's normal but it come like that ...20:48
BluesKajcompilerwriter, arvind ? I don't see his text20:48
starslightsmabye it's because of first upgarde,20:48
SaintlyBluesKaj: it wont let me install Kubuntu restricted.20:48
compilerwriterarvind: tell BluesKaj what you need again.  BluesKaj it was some time ago I tried to point him down the correct path but he needs more technical knowledge than I can provide.20:49
BluesKajSaintly, kubuntu-restricted-extras , type or copy and paste that exactlty20:49
ScorpKingarvind: rc-files as in rc.? files used during boot?20:49
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daweedi had a winxp working on my computer then install kubuntu and doesnot found the other os xp on my computer and does not apear any list of operating sistems to chose what can i do?20:50
arvind@compilerwriter: thank you very much for your help!20:51
progre55daweed: did you update?20:51
progre55daweed: your ubuntu after installing20:51
progre55daweed: or kubuntu, I mean =)20:51
progre55daweed: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:51
ScorpKingarvind: what rc files are you talking about? all files on the live disks are in the squash image20:52
daweedprogre55: no i didnot upgrade after installing i found on xubuntu that when i upgrade after instaling then i canot login again my user was like bloked and then i install xubuntu20:52
compilerwriterno problem arvind.  I do what I can.  The rest I try to refer to those more qualified.20:53
progre55daweed: are you using xubuntu now?20:53
arvind@BluesKaj: I've have used the live-DVD to install 10.04 on a existing 9.10 installation, separate /home. Now, I want the 'original' 10.04 (I guess Plymouth)-theme. 10.04 uses the rc-files of my existing /home (9.10). How do I change that to the most recent (10.04) theme?20:53
Espinoza_anybody fancy helping me mount a seemingly hidden partition on my pen drive?20:54
daweedprogre55: and i afraid that happens the same on kubuntu after upgrade that i canot join my user and was the only user so i canot join the computer at all only ask for passwor after showing the user20:54
daweedprogre55: yes is xubuntu now20:54
BluesKajarvind, check dolphin/etc/rcSd20:54
SaintlyBluesKaj: what am i copying it to, just to make sure im doin this right :)20:54
daweedprogre55: no no20:55
Espinoza_df -h says that I'm using 39% of the partition when there are no files in it20:55
progre55daweed: it should update.. just run the command I wrote20:55
daweedprogre55: i mean kubuntu20:55
BluesKajSaintly, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras , in the terminal.20:55
ScorpKingarvind: .kde/share/config/ contains the rc files20:55
BluesKajSaintly, same goes for flashplugin-nonfree20:55
daweedprogre55: yeah i have even a pop up that askme many times if i want to upgrade to ver 10.0x im using the last of 9.x20:56
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progre55daweed: oh, I see.. try "sudo update-grub"20:58
ScorpKingarvind: system wide in /etc/default/ or in the app directories. run find for the rc in /usr/share/ for the rest. there should be a skel directory in there somewhere20:58
daweedprogre55: but i dont think that whit the upgrade to 10.x install the grub and make a serch for operating sistems, the kubuntu think" that is the onliy os in the system20:58
aidanjt_so does nobody know why kwin forgets previous window states when you drop apps to the tray?20:59
ScorpKingarvind: /usr/share/kde4/config/20:59
* ScorpKing goes back to doing some work..21:00
arvind@ScorpKing: I'm on it!21:01
compilerwriterarvind seems you have met with success.21:01
BluesKajScorpKing, intersting , I have a /etc/rcS.d  file but no  .kde/share/config/ file21:02
rezaBluesKaj: you're looking in the home directory right? /home/user/.kde/share/config21:03
=== reza is now known as dolomite
dolomitewhere user is your username21:03
ScorpKingBluesKaj: /etc/rcS.d is shutdown files so don't mess with it and as dolomite said21:04
BluesKajrealslix, ~/.kde/share/config ...ok21:04
daweedprogre55: whit sudo update grub i should type it on the command line?21:04
dolomitedaweed: yes but it's sudo update-grub21:04
daweedprogre55:  or is a software to download?21:04
BluesKajarvind, sorry I thought you were looking for rc.d files21:05
progre55daweed: terminal, or the command line21:05
* dolomite is stepping away for a minute21:05
progre55daweed: sudo update-grub21:06
BluesKajScorpKing, I've used the rc.d files for some startup scripts in the past21:06
SaintlyBluesKaj: it said somethin strange21:06
zusi've got a wireless mouse (7button) and the transmitter is a finger print reader how can i get them to work in Kubuntu 10.4 (only the left-right-scroll- thumb buttons forward and back work) the tilt left and tilt right do not21:06
arvind@ScorpKing: okay, I found the rc-files at /usr/share/kde4/config, but where on the DVD are the original rc-files located?21:06
SaintlyFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cabextract/cabextract_1.2-3_i386.deb  Something wicked happened resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)21:07
ScorpKingarvind: on the squash image21:07
* ScorpKing will be back in a sec21:07
daweedprogre55: Generating grub.cfg ...21:07
daweedFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic21:07
daweedFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic21:07
daweedFound memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin21:07
daweedis that all? does it work?21:07
FloodBotK2daweed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
progre55daweed: are  you sure there is XP installed?21:08
SaintlyBluesKaj: it said | Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cabextract/cabextract_1.2-3_i386.deb  Something wicked happened resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)21:08
BluesKajSaintly, , in your kpackagekit , make sure you have "other software sources" and third party sources, if there are any listed, enabled21:08
ScorpKing!remaster | arvind21:09
ubottuarvind: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:09
arvind@ScorpKing: this might be a language problem, since English isn't my mother-tongue, but where on earth is the squash-image?21:09
ScorpKingarvind: follow the steps in there ^ to extract the files21:09
BluesKajdaweed, looks ok , should be fine , unless you have another partition like windows , which isn't listed21:10
SaintlyBluesKaj: where at? edit software sources?21:10
draikdidoo: Rebooting worked21:10
arvind@ScorpKing @ubuttu: thanks so far! I'll be back!21:10
BluesKajyup, Saintly21:11
draikI used a different DVD this time and it ejected just fine.21:11
SaintlyBluesKaj: what do i need to select ther21:11
daweedprogre55: haahaha yes i install it myself, ive been workin there some time and im new on linux so i chose to try it on kde but yes it was working very good and i have some files downloading like 8gb and was like 7 alrready donloaded and i want to login on xp only to let it to finish the download cuz was by peers at very low speed21:12
BluesKajSaintly, select all, except your cdrom21:12
ScorpKingBluesKaj: rc.d files are indeed usefull for custom startup stuff :)21:12
BluesKajok, gotta go for a while , stuff to do...BBL21:12
ScorpKingme 2. bbl21:13
progre55daweed: so are you saying you havent installed xp yet??21:13
hans_Anyone know how to resolve the no sound issue when playing Flash video's in version 10.04?21:13
mavErikhans_: in firefox?21:14
daweedprogre55: hahahaha xp is installed befoere i install the xubuntu and the kubuntu21:14
hans_Firefox and Chrome21:14
didoodraik, nice21:14
mavErikhans_:  youtube video?21:14
SaintlyBluesKaj: i dont know what i did but my Konsole just had multiple orgasm of information.21:15
progre55daweed: =) then I guess you have installed kubuntu over your xp, on the same partition =)21:15
mavEriklook the icons of the volume and turn high the "pcm"21:15
progre55daweed: what size is your hard-disk?21:15
progre55daweed: overall21:16
mavErikhans_: double click on the volume icons and on mixer21:16
mavErikthen put up the pcm one21:16
SaintlyBluesKaj: and what file do i need for flash21:16
hans_I did this they are all up at maximum but what do you mean by PCM one?21:17
mavErikin mixer menu i've got 3 bars21:17
mavErikone for the volume21:17
mavEriksorry, one for the master21:18
mavErikone called PCM and the last called Headphone21:18
mavErikpull up the pcm ones21:18
hans_I have more then then 3 controls. But All with PCM are up at max.21:18
daweedprogre55: hahahhaha nop i have for xp 2 partitions one of xp system and other of ntfs for data and then i resize the partition so then i make a swap partition and other partition type 4 for the linux / and other partition for linux /home and the data still on the ntfs partition and even the osXP is on the other parititon21:19
mavErikhans_: today i had the same problem21:19
mavErikbut i resolved with the pcm21:19
mavErikhans_: i'm sorry21:19
hans_The starnge thing is it played earlier today and after a reboot it was gone.21:19
dolomitedaweed: before you do update-grub command, do sudo apt-get install os-prober21:20
progre55daweed: but you are not able to log into your xp?21:20
dolomiteprogre55: it sounds like the LL grub bug21:20
progre55dolomite: yeah, but he says he's got 9.10, he hasnt upgraded yet..21:21
daweedprogre55: nop im not able to load on my xp and i dont want to try to repair the xp first cuz i will not be able to login then on kubuntu21:21
dolomiteprogre55: whoops. so it's not showing up on the grub?21:22
progre55dolomite: nope21:22
daweeddolomite:  tnks sudo apget install os prober is in the command line?21:22
BluesKajdaweed,  sudo update-grub21:22
dolomitedaweed: yes21:22
progre55daweed: try "uname" and paste here21:22
BluesKajoh sorry , daweed I jumped in before i saw your real problem21:23
draikHow do I disable the monitor timeout?21:23
daweedprogre55:  dolomite BluesKaj ok tnks ill try21:24
kebomix1hello , how can i upgrade to kde 4.4.321:25
progre55anyone? dolomite?  after a reboot, my graphics are choppy and after I change (or not even change, just pick the same and apply) the graphics effects in fine-tuning, it works properly.. suggestions, please?21:26
daweedprogre55:  dolomite BluesKaj os-prober is already the newest version.21:26
daweedprogre55:  dolomite BluesKaj now what?21:26
progre55daweed: what did you do now?21:27
dolomitedaweed: refresh me: when did this start happening?21:27
dolomiteprogre55: I don't know about your graphics issue.21:27
BluesKajdaweed, could you paste your /etc/fstab file in pastebin pls , you could  be missing the ntfs entry21:28
dolomiteBluesKaj: I thought he's missing the entry on grub21:28
kebomix1how can i upgrade to kde 4.4.3 . any ppa , i use kubuntu 10.04 ?21:28
BluesKajdolomite, well , we have to check fstab too , we need to see if he can at keast mount the windows partition , if it still exists21:30
BluesKajat least21:30
daweedprogre55: i try this sudo apt-get install os-prober21:30
dolomiteBluesKaj: good call.21:31
progre55daweed: do the fstab thing BluesKaj told you about, and also paste the "uname" output21:31
BluesKajdaweed, do you gparted installed , we can see your windows partition there too21:32
progre55just to make sure you really have 9.10 and it's not the LL grub problem21:32
jimmy51_how can i output a percentage of my disk utilization (capacity) for all drives?21:32
daweeddolomite: i was using the osXP and then i install Xubuntu and then i update it to the last 10.xxx and then i canot login to my user and then i canot use Xubuntu so then i decide to install kubuntu and sisince i was using Xubunti i had this problem the distribuition of Xubuntu whas the one who make the problem  or when the problem start21:33
progre55jimmy51_: "df -h"21:33
daweedBluesKaj:  hahahhaha nop i have for xp 2 partitions one of xp system and other of ntfs for data and then i resize the partition so then i make a swap partition and other partition type 4 for the linux / and other partition for linux /home and the data still on the ntfs partition and even the osXP is on the other parititon21:33
progre55jimmy51_: well, but it only shows your current partition =)21:34
daweedBluesKaj:  that i told to progre55 before and i just copy paste and so i can see my ntfs partition now on my sistem21:34
zusi've got a wireless mouse (7button) and the transmitter is a finger print reader how can i get them to work in Kubuntu 10.4 (only the left-right-scroll- thumb buttons forward and back work) the tilt left and tilt right do not21:34
BluesKajdaweed, did defrag XP before you resized it21:35
daweedBluesKaj:  well the acronis make that job 4 me21:35
progre55well then I assume it's the LL grub problem.. as the problem occurred after installing xubuntu lucid21:36
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BluesKajcan you see your XP partition in dolphin , daweed ?21:37
dolomitezus: I think the program xbindkeys will help you21:37
daweedBluesKaj: sorry im to be newbie on linux, what is dolphin?21:38
zusdolomite,  never heard of it...will google it now thank you21:38
jimmy51_progre55: THANKS21:38
jimmy51_(sorry... capslock)21:38
dolomitezus: I'm installing it right now. also install the xbindkeys-config file and you'll get a gui21:39
Walzmyndaweed: dolphin is the default file viewer in KDE21:39
jimmy51_How do i cancel a file copy initiated in dolphin?  I see the progress bar in the lower right but can't seem to find how to cancel it.21:39
IceflamePhoenixHeh. Just installed Kubuntu 10.04 from Webi onto my Vista laptop.21:39
daweedWalzmyn:  hahahaha sorry :#21:39
BluesKajdaweed, look in the kmenu / system settings / dolphin file manager21:39
zusdolomite,  this should make kubuntu 10.4 recognize tilt wheel and the thumb reader?21:39
progre55IceflamePhoenix: welcome to the world =)21:39
IceflamePhoenixprogre55: Thank you. Learning curve time.21:40
dolomitezus: yes, and if you google something like xbindkeys config you'll get plenty of info on how to configure it21:40
IceflamePhoenixprogre55: Any advice as to how I can grab a bunch of proprietary audio/video codecs at once that won't have been installed by the OS? (I'm not sure what's installed or not)21:40
progre55so, anyone with graphics? after a reboot, my graphics are choppy and after I change (or not even change, just pick the same and apply) the graphics effects in fine-tuning, it works properly.. suggestions, please?21:40
zusdolomite,  and this is found in the repos? yeah im looking for it now.21:40
dolomitezus: yep, it's in the repos21:41
daweedohh yeahh21:41
BluesKajdaweed, sorry , correction: look in the kmenu / system / dolphin file manager21:41
progre55IceflamePhoenix: I'm kinda new to kde myself.. try asking dolomite =)21:41
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: you probably want the medibuntu repo21:41
IceflamePhoenixHeh, okay.21:41
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: Link please? Or ... do I do it some other way?21:41
jimmy51_oh man.  it's trying to copying a folder full of CD and DVD iso's.  that's going to take forever.  can i cancel the copy?21:41
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: the repos you want are called medibuntu21:41
zusdolomite,  thank you.21:41
daweedBluesKaj: ohh yeahh i can view and acces all my files of the other partition on dolphyn21:41
dolomite!medibuntu | IceflamePhoenix21:42
ubottuIceflamePhoenix: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:42
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: http://www.medibuntu.org/21:42
f4b10_hi there21:42
dolomitegotcha Walzmyn21:42
Walzmyncurse you dolomite, with your speedy fingers21:42
progre55IceflamePhoenix: add "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ lucid free non-free" to your /etc/apt/sources.list21:42
dolomitewell I do have 16 ounces of freshly brewed coffee in my hand21:42
f4b10_anybody can help me with bluetooth problems?21:43
daweedBluesKaj: ohhh sorry21:43
WalzmynBetter to use the repository howto on their site, it sets up the keys and everything21:43
dolomite+1 Walzmyn21:43
daweedBluesKaj:  i can acces only one of my ntfs of 221:43
daweedBluesKaj:  the one whit the os is not reading21:43
progre55+1 Walzmyn =)21:44
progre55people, can somebody help me out with my graphics, please?21:44
dolomitejimmy51_: yes you can cancel the copy but you can't guarantee that the copied files will be complete21:44
phoenix_my kubuntu version is 10.04 lst .i am trying to install qt, i am getting this error when i try to run the installer "qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2010.01.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected"21:45
dolomiteprogre55: start by revealing what kind of graphics card you have; then move to what kind of driver you're using21:45
IceflamePhoenixdolomite: Like this? sudo apt-get --yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu21:45
progre55sec )21:46
dolomiteprogre55: when do the choppy graphics start? after grub?21:46
daweedBluesKaj:  what can be the reason there is the mft wrong? or defective? is there a soft on kubuntu that i can donwnload to correct that problem?21:46
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: did you follow the directions on the website; they're thorough and easy to follow21:46
IceflamePhoenixdolomite: Good point. *clicks*21:46
dolomitephoenix_: sounds like a bug. have you googled the error?21:47
phoenix_dolomite: ya21:47
dolomiteany bug reports or info?21:47
BluesKajdaweed, yes install gparted partition editor , you can use it in kubuntu to relabel or rename and make active your xp partition21:47
progre55dolomite: "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M92 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series]", kernel driver in use - fglrx_pci.21:48
dolomiteand when do the choppy graphics start?21:49
progre55dolomite: well, here is the problem.. I of course have that splash screen bug, that I was not able to fix, but that's fine. But when I log into kubuntu, the animations are kinda choppy. for instance when you're moving windows,they dont fade, or auto-hide panels dont slide, but just appear/disappear. and it's all fixed when I open systemSettings>appearance>fineTuning and reset graphicalEffects. I have them as "low display resolution a21:51
progre55nd very high cpu" and I just choose the same and apply, and it works. but after a restart, ti's all the same21:51
progre55wow, that was too much of info =)21:51
IceflamePhoenixdolomite: I've followed the instructions and entered two commands into Terminal, but I'm not sure if that's all I need to do or not.21:51
daweedBluesKaj: ok tnks im downloading it on the kpackagekit21:52
dolomiteprogre55: no such thing as too much information. what if you turn off desktop effects altogether and reboot?21:52
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: look for a package... hold on lemme find the spelling21:52
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: yeah, it's an easy process. now you've enabled the repository21:52
daweedBluesKaj: but i dont know how to find the aplications after the download21:52
progre55dolomite: what do you mean, turn off desktop effects? and where do I turn them off?21:52
daweedBluesKaj:  i try to install a pyton or like that to burn and did not found it im having tttrobles with my current burner21:53
dolomiteprogre55: you're still on kde right?21:53
dolomiteprogre55: system settings>Desktop21:53
progre55dolomite: and I'm not leaving it easily =) I like it a lot21:53
kebomix1guys , anybody have this bug , while trying to drag any file into terminal and cover switch effect enabled ,  kde crashes !21:54
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: look for kubuntu-restricted-extras it's a metapackage that'll pull in a whole bunch of stuff21:54
dolomiteprogre55: I knew you would! but, if there's an issue with desktop effects, you might need to leave them.21:54
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: Thanks. 10.04 is Lucid, right?21:54
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: yes21:54
progre55dolomite: hmm.. I've turned them off.. but I'm actually try to fix them, not just turn off21:54
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: then the other one you're probably going to want is libdvdcss221:55
dolomiteprogre55: then it might behoove you to discover whether or not they're causing the problem21:55
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: Thank you for your help, I'm trying to get them now.21:56
daweedBluesKaj:  i've try to download the videos of youtube cuz ill gonna go to the beach live over 2 weeks and i want to take some videos to go, and i donwnload some flv and some avi to buurn on a bvd but when i inser the disk say that the disk is empty and when i try to burn the disk say that i have to insert a valid disk and also i have try with diferent brands of dvds am i doing someting wrong21:56
progre55dolomite: well actually my complaint is about the desktop effects themselves.. I mean, the graphics is fine. but as I said, the effects are lost after a reboot, and reappear if I change something and apply. Other than than, everything's fine21:56
BluesKaj!medibuntu | daweed21:57
ubottudaweed: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:57
progre55other than that*21:57
dolomiteprogre55: ok. nevermind my troubleshooting method. are desktop effects enabled? have you tried a different setting for the slider bar?21:57
* progre55 experiencing sloppy touch-typing21:57
progre55dolomite: yeah they are enabled. and it's not only the slidebar. it's about all the effects, like the way windows minimize/maximize, fading effect when moving windows around, etc21:58
dolomiteI suspect your driver; the open-source ATI drivers are a fright apparently.21:59
dolomiteprogre55: that's the extent of my support.21:59
progre55dolomite: yeah no problem.. I guess I'll have to open the systemSettings every time I turn the computer on =)22:00
dolomiteprogre55: alternately, you can attempt to setup compiz22:00
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: kubuntu-restricted-packages succesfully installed. Did I want anything else?22:00
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: libdvdcss222:00
progre55dolomite: nah, I'm fine with the current one )22:01
dolomitewill enable you to play DVDs22:01
BluesKajdaweed, after you do the medibuntu tutorial , then install with libdvdcss2 with kpackagekit22:01
IceflamePhoenixdolomite: How do I get that one?22:01
daweedBluesKaj: ohhh yeahh i was wonderingg abouth if there are some distribuitions of ubuntu like unatended versions like in windows the u10 wolf edition colosus edition or others distribuitions cuz i dont want to install the flash player every time that i install a new os of linux22:01
progre55dolomite: but thanks for the time man, appreciate22:01
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: same process: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss222:01
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: libdvdcss2 - it's the decoder library for DVDs and is used for other stuff too. not nessacary but makes several video related things work better22:01
progre55daweed: were you able to fix the XP partition problem?22:01
dolomiteprogre55: np, man. I'm done with finals so I figured I'd come on here and spend a few hours with all ya guys!22:02
progre55dolomite: oh cool, how were they btw?22:02
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: I'm not sure what all's covered by that meta package, you might run into something that won't play down the line, just search Synaptic for it and install whatever ya need22:02
dolomiteprogre55: altogether alright. diff eq's and fluid dynamics were a bit of fun.22:02
daweedthe g parted are installed now22:02
daweedprogre55:  no it just install the software22:03
progre55dolomite: good to hear =) and I also did my presentation today, on penetration testing and stuff )22:03
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: Synaptic? Related to KPackageKit?22:03
BluesKajWalzmyn, it also rids media files of drms when burning to cd or dvd22:03
dolomiteprogre55: excellent. happy time off.22:03
daweedprogre55: is there other directions to do?22:03
WalzmynBluesKaj: yeah, I knew it did something else useful22:03
progre55daweed: well, try that gparted solution you've been told..22:04
BluesKajok, time for a break ...bbl22:04
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: synaptic is gnome's version of KPackageKit but lots of folks like it because it's easier to search though the database with it22:04
daweedBluesKaj: is there a disk instalation software to install lot more of software kit for after install linux22:04
phoenix_dolomite: i solved the problem,it was a binary file so i had to run it with this prefix "./"22:05
dolomitephoenix_: good to know; always great to learn something22:05
progre55oh and another problem.. with skype.. I've always had this issue with ubuntu, but when I first installed kubuntu, it was fine. but now it's not. The thing is, when I open my own video, the other parties video gets cut and duplicates from the line my video starts.. any suggestions, please?22:05
phoenix_dolomite: ya.thanks for your support buddy22:06
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: Is Synaptic something else I would have to install?22:06
WalzmynIceflamePhoenix: yeah, you would need to install it. It's not required for anything, but I prefer it to KpackageKit22:07
dolomitephoenix_: no problem, though I didn't do much!22:07
IceflamePhoenixWalzmyn: I found libdvdcss2 in kpackagekit and installed it seemingly without error, so I'll try this way for now. Thank you.22:07
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: if you can, try to get used to using command line "apt-get install"22:08
Walzmynsure, I'm out. Gotta pick up my kids. You enjoy the new install22:08
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: kpackagekit has been reported to have some issues *sometimes*22:08
IceflamePhoenixdolomite: What sort of issues?22:08
WalzmynYeah, I only use synaptic to search for something i'm not sure about. CLI  FTW!22:08
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: at least in 9.10, there were times when kpackagekit didn't resolve dependencies properly22:09
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: it's really easy; use kpackagekit to search for the package22:09
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: and switch to command line "sudo apt-get install <package name>"22:09
dolomiteWalzmyn: hope the kids don't give you any trouble!22:09
daweedprogre55:  i does not found an option like repair disk or repair partition or repair mft22:09
hans_With some luck I fixed the Flash video sound Issue here, Thanks all for the help22:09
James147dolomite: or just use "aptitude search <part of package name>"  :)22:09
IceflamePhoenixdolomite: Ah, so just copy the package name after that command in terminal?22:10
daweedprogre55: i only found the format option22:10
dolomiteJames147: I know that; but I'm trying to get IceflamePhoenix comfortable with CLI first22:10
progre55daweed: dont =)22:10
James147dolomite:  :)22:10
daweedprogre55: is there other software to repair ntfs22:10
IceflamePhoenixThe notifications bit in the bottom right is blinking and tooltips every time I'm highlighted. :|22:10
progre55daweed: dont know man, sorry22:11
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: i think you can turn that off in preferences of your IRC program22:11
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: and yes. in this case, "libdvdcss2" is the package name22:11
James147daweed: best tool for fixing ntfs are in windows :S I dont know how good the linux version are (havent hear anything good about them yet)22:11
dolomiteIceflamePhoenix: so "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2" would've worked22:11
daweedJames147: in windows what is the best that you know?22:12
dolomiteJames147: he's trying to fix his windows install :-022:12
hans_Daweed doestn't booting from the orginal CD and select the repair option not your problems?22:12
daweedprogre55:  ok tnks by all22:12
James147dolomite: ahh, then that would be a prollem L:S22:12
yamimilleniumhi everyone22:13
dolomiteJames147: haha, what does that smiley symbolize?22:13
yamimilleniumi'm having some troubles with Kubuntu...22:13
daweedhans_:  that was what i tougt to do but my next problem after that is how to recober my kubuntu again22:13
dolomiteyamimillenium: we'll try to help ya22:13
James147dolomite: is symbolizes me hitting too many keys22:13
dolomiteJames147: haha. it was like looking at a heiroglyph for a minute there22:13
James147daweed: what problem where you having again (sorry only jsut joined )22:14
yamimilleniumin fact it's not a real problem (i had some in the past and it made me uninstall it...)22:14
daweedhans_:  how can i install grub again?22:14
yamimilleniumbut it's just the name that shock me...22:14
hans_After that boot the unbuntu live CD and run grup. It should detect the linux partitions again.22:14
James147!grub2 | daweed22:14
ubottudaweed: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:14
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James147daweed: ^^ if you have grub 2 that is22:14
hans_Worked here when I made a serious mistake22:15
yamimilleniumKubuntu Karmic Koala... does anybody find that it reads KKK if you take only the first letter ? I just saw it today, and it shocked me22:15
James147daweed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD << the direct link to fixing grub 2 from live cd22:15
SaiNumerianyone know how to create a virtual drive on kubuntu by any chance?22:15
dolomiteyamimillenium: I hope you're not being serious; do you have a legitimate issue or not?22:15
James147^^ dam link detection dident fully work :(22:15
dolomiteSaiNumeri: mounting .iso or more complex?22:17
yamimilleniumhere is my question...22:17
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SaiNumeribasically, i need to create a drive so i can save all my personal stuff away from harm so that when i update kubuntu, i wont accidentally delete it...22:18
yamimilleniumis there only one style for KDE? I mean, the blue containers are useful, but they are limited, is there a way to benefit KDE functions with a normal desktop system?22:18
yamimilleniumin the past I couldn't put icons evrywhere22:19
James147SaiNumeri: why do you need a "virtual" drive for that? just backing up the files should be good enough22:19
James147yamimillenium: kde has many 'styles' -> kde-look.org22:20
SaiNumeriyeah, not so much... i have no external hard drive, and nothing else to save it on. beyond that point, im broke, and even furthermore, my laptop has USB 1.022:20
SaiNumeriso it would take forever and a half22:20
James147yamimillenium: not sure what you mean by a 'normal desktop system'22:20
yamimilleniumlike on windows or with gnome22:21
yamimilleniumIcons that you can put evrywhere one the desktop22:21
yamimilleniumalso is there a way to disable ambient light sensor without having to uninstall the driver?22:21
James147SaiNumeri: creating a virtual drive on teh same drive as you want to reinstall on would have the same effect as putting all the files in a folder on teh drive you are going to reinstall on22:21
SaiNumerijames147: ah. so basicly, im screwed at both ends...22:22
daweedJames147: i cant acces my xp and is not reading by dolpyn may be is cuz there are some errors on the mft or the partition or the ntfs and i just ask what is the software whit  i can repair that problems in my kubunto that is what im using now and someone tellme to download the gpart and it only showme the option to format and i was looking to on option like repair the mft or repair disk or repair clusters or somthing with the file table or the disk but22:23
daweed only options where delete and format partition so then someone else tellme that with the disk of windows i can repair my windows and i also know the hirens cd that may be can work  with and repair the problem with the partition but then later i say that i will not be able to load my kubuntu cuz windows will format the mft and could not be able to start and how can i reinstall the grub again and if i can install it from the disk of kubuntu or xubuntu that22:23
daweed i have alrready download22:23
FloodBotK2daweed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
James147SaiNumeri: I would back up anything you can offord to lose on a nother medium... I think the kubuntu installer wont format a drive unless you tell it to and i think (but am not sure) it will move all old files into their own folder ( if you want i can run a simulation in virtual box to conferm it if you want)22:23
dolomiteSaiNumeri: what about adjusting your partitions and creating a new partition for backups?22:24
SaiNumerijames147: you would be my idol if you did friend22:24
SaiNumerithats what i meant to say22:24
James147SaiNumeri: ok, it will take abit of time though :)22:24
SaiNumerihold on a second, if you would22:25
dolomiteSaiNumeri: wait, so does James147 need to go through that?22:25
James147dolomite: I want to see what happens if you try it :D22:25
dolomiteJames147: then by all means!22:25
SaiNumerijames147: indeed!22:25
SaiNumeriok then, if i were to create a partition, would it s**tcan my files?22:26
dolomiteSaiNumeri: install gparted and create a new partition for backups.22:26
SaiNumeridolomite: available in the package manager?22:26
dolomiteSaiNumeri: kubuntu won't touch that partition unless you authorize it22:26
dolomiteSaiNumeri: yes22:26
zusdolomite,  where  or how do i learn what number are my ctrl shift keys? to set the hot keys?  as per this page http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/5949422:27
James147SaiNumeri: you will need to create the partition from a live cd it you wish to edit the one that contains /22:27
dolomiteSaiNumeri: be very careful and aware of what you're doing when you create the partition; don't overwrite anything22:27
SaiNumeridolomite: ah, tyty. lemme just download the 802 BLOODY UPDATES that i just found out that i havent kept up with...........22:27
dolomiteJames147: good point22:27
daweedcan i use the disk of instalation on kubuntu to only install the grub?22:28
James147daweed: So from what I under stand you have a problem with bootin in xp and want to (or have you already tryed) to use the xp disk to fix the problem? Grub is easy to reinstall over windows bootloader with a *ubuntu live cd22:28
zusdolomite,  never mind  i think it's in the terminal.22:28
SaiNumerijames147: sooooooo, i would need to make a live cd in order to edit the partition? ...confused...22:28
dolomitezus: xev22:28
James147SaiNumeri: You cannot edit a partition that you have mounted, you cannot unmount a partition that is in use (unless you can find a way to stop useing / then a live cd is the eisest way)22:29
ilyaI'm trying to access my music library on my Windows partition through Banshee. I can import through the software and it works fine, but after I reboot, the song list is still shown correctly, but the files will no longer be playable (it says File Not Found). Anybody have any idea why and how I can forever have all the music imported and playable?22:29
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* James147 is confused, he just heard the kde login sound :s22:30
LeonidaHello, I need a MTB!22:30
SaiNumerijames147: my extent of computer lingo is about this long <    >22:30
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dolomiteilya: is the ntfs (windows) partition mounted?22:31
James147SaiNumeri: basically you can mess around with partition that are in use22:31
dolomiteilya-x: is the ntfs partition mounted (can you view it in dolphin)?22:31
daweedJames147: yeahh i want to fix the problem not really with the windows disk but i know that maybe i could not load back kubuntu and im asking in adbance if i can install only grub with the instlation disk of kubuntu cuz i alrready have that disk and doesnot need to download the live disk of ubuntu22:31
dolomiteSaiNumeri: correct; burn yourself a live cd and reboot. then you can adjust the partitions22:31
progre55oh btw, how do you tell/predict the sequence of windows on the panel? I mean, in gnome at least, the last opened window is placed on the most right side of the panel.. but in here, it's kinda confusing.22:32
ilya-xdolomite: yes. I even have access to all the files through Banshee itself, but only if I specifically tell it to re-import it all -- which creates duplicates in my music library list inside Banshee, so the newly imported ones play, but the old ones don't22:32
daweedcuestion is not the same the ubuntu live cd and the installation disk of ubuntu?22:32
James147daweed: you can reinstall grub from a live cd (or usb) just make sure you have one that works before you try to fix windows :)22:32
dolomiteilya-x: and if you delete all of the entries before re-importing?22:32
daweedJames147:  cuestion is not the same the ubuntu live cd and the installation disk of ubuntu?22:33
SaiNumeridolomite: hmmm... ok then... now all i have to do is find a cd or a jump drive... fun... lol22:33
SaiNumerii hate being broke22:33
James147daweed: not sure I under stand, you will need the live cd not just the installer22:34
dolomiteSaiNumeri: I'm with ya; bought 100 CD-Rs when I could22:34
ilya-xdolomite: well, I can delete it all and re-important without problems, but it seems like if I reboot again, I'll lose access to those files again (I haven't tried yet, but I'm just guessing on what's happened before...)22:34
dolomiteilya-x: can you post your /etc/fstab? paste it into paste.ubuntu.com22:35
James147progre55: in the task bar windows are placed alpabetically (by probram name) you can edit this by right lcikking the task bar and hitting the settings :)22:35
progre55James147: oh thanks man )22:35
SaiNumeridolomite: yeah, i'll prolly follow that example when i get my check this week... ok, so when you mentioned editing my partition, you meant editing the size, correct? (sorry, had to get into the frame of mind for this kind of talk)22:35
progre55James147: and actually, you might probably help me out with my other problem, too ))22:35
James147SaiNumeri: if you have a spare usb about (!gig or more) yoiu can create  alive usb :)22:36
dolomiteSaiNumeri: yes. let's say you have a 60GB hdd and your / partition is 60GB. you can adjust the size of that partition to make room for another one22:36
James147progre55: you can ask, but i am stuggling to keep up with akll the comments :s22:36
dolomiteSaiNumeri: then format the new partition you created as ext422:36
ilya-xdolomite: http://paste.ubuntu.com/427248/22:37
dolomiteSaiNumeri: be sure to resize the partition from the END22:37
progre55James147: yeah you were not here when I asked.. let me try to find it =) it was a long one though )22:37
daweedtnks everyone22:37
SaiNumerijames147: yeah, thats how i installed kubuntu on my laptop in the first place. i would repeat that, if i hadnt loaned my jumpdrive to a friend and thier kid thrown it around somewhere in thier cluttered house... lol22:37
* dolomite is going into PM mode to help ilya-x22:37
progre55daweed: were you able to fix it?22:37
daweedJames147: no man22:38
James147daweed: ??22:39
daweedJames147: i guess that i will work with the hirens cd22:39
SaiNumeridolomite: ah, ok, i understand now. i do have one question however: with my having a 320 GB HD, if i were to create a partition, lets say half, would that impede at all with the systems' functionality?22:39
daweedJames147: and maybe reinstall windows22:39
dolomiteSaiNumeri: no it won't. it all depends on how much storage space you want on either partition22:39
James147daweed: whats the hirens cd?22:40
SaiNumeridolomite: and if, by some chance, the upgrade process screwed up and deleted the contents of my disk, it would only effect the partition on which it is installed, correct?22:40
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zelharI use Kubuntu but also have ubuntu installed and I want to make gnome-power-manager to be the default power manager for kde is it possible ?22:41
James147SaiNumeri: Not alway, it depends on how you screwed up :)22:41
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progre55James147: well the thing is.. my desktop effects are not working after a reboot. although they are enabled. then I open systemSettings>appearance>fineTuning and just "re-apply", only then it loads the effects. maybe disabling/enabling the effects themselves would help, too. But after a restart, again, no effects, so sliding effects, no windows fading on move..22:42
James147SaiNumeri: There is always a chance somehting goes wrong when you start to repatrition drives the only real way to protect agienst it is to backup to a different media, but that said it is usually the user who messes things up so if your careful it shoul be fine22:42
SaiNumerijames147: uhm... Kubuntu upgrade manager craps out and says "NO! BAD HARD DRIVE! BAD! SIT! Staaaayyyy..."= deletion of partition, whereas Laptop + Wall = Total destruction22:43
SaiNumerijames147: you havent met me, so you wouldnt quite realize what kind of screwups im capable of, lol22:44
James147SaiNumeri: :S you should be fine with reizing the drive if your careful with what you do, I just metion things so that you know the risks and backup anyhting importnat22:44
James147progre55: you can try disabling teh functionaly checks, that might help (or it might not :P )22:45
progre55James147: which ones?22:45
dolomiteSaiNumeri: always know your risks.22:45
progre55sec, let me open it actually22:45
dolomiteSaiNumeri: but it's better than not having any backup at all.22:45
SaiNumerisounds kind of like an AIDS campain... "Always know the risks of riding bareback!"22:46
SaiNumerithanks for the warnings though22:46
James147progre55: ... > Desktop effects > Advanced tab22:47
James147SaiNumeri: we should eb able to walk you thorgh it inside the live cd :)22:47
progre55James147: done, now need to restart to test =) btw, what are the functionality checks? does it do anything special? )22:48
SaiNumerilets just say that i have 159 gigs of awesomeness on my drive, and i have a 200 gig drive. if i were to create a partition that was equal to the remaining space plus some that wasnt available, what would happen?22:48
James147progre55: they disable the effects if they think your system cant handel them22:48
progre55oh I see )22:49
James147SaiNumeri: you would need to shrink you drive first, and the partition manager will complain that you dont ahve enough free space22:49
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apparleoxymoron: hi22:49
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oxymoronapparle: Hi :)22:49
apparlehi guys22:50
SaiNumerijames147: so it wouldnt just delete and overwrite to make the space?22:50
James147SaiNumeri: no, that would be silly :) think of all the lost data that could happen... the developers are smatter then that :D22:50
SaiNumeriall that lost porn... what a pity...22:50
SaiNumerigood point though22:51
TorchSaiNumeri: partition manager will check if it's safe to do before it does _anything_ with your data22:51
SaiNumeritorch: just making sure that i cant lose something that is dear to my heart, know what i mean?22:52
TorchSaiNumeri: yes, but as long as you do not have backups you are under the risk to lose it ALL any minute. you should be aware of that.22:53
James147SaiNumeri: :s the installer just warned me that installing to a drive that has not been marked for formatting will delete any directorys contains file systems  (/usr /lib /etc /var etc).... i am not sure if that inclues /home but i doupt it22:53
SaiNumerijames147: ah... hmm...22:54
* James147 goes to place a `critical` file in /home to test it22:54
oxymoronapparle: We need to expand or team rapidly, I talked to one on IRC who actually have start programming own OS :P22:56
oxymoronapparle: We need someone knowing more about hardware parts and low level languages and assembles.22:56
SaiNumerijames147: sooooooo, like, it would reformat all of the system files and folders, but leave the home folder alone is what your telling me22:56
oxymoronSaiNumeri: pr0n isnt good for you anyway :P22:56
SaiNumerioxymoron: you the pope? lol22:57
apparleoxymoron: agreed22:57
oxymoronSaiNumeri: No I am the almighty god :D22:57
James147SaiNumeri: reformat no, delete yes... I DO NOT know what will happen to /home22:57
* James147 is testing that now22:57
dolomiteSaiNumeri: now's the time to be brave my man!22:58
SaiNumerioxymoron: so when my computer short circuits because of the electrical surge sent through the net when you get struck by lightening, i can sue, right?22:58
oxymoronapparle: I was asking how its working in general and its more things to understand that we cannot just test us forward :P Especially the part from MBR too bootloader and then there into some kind of Kernel we probably need some kind of assemble code :P22:58
SaiNumerihmmm.... "one small step for man..."22:59
oxymoronSaiNumeri: Hahaha, you can try :D22:59
SaiNumerioxymoron: ill get that dude that helped OJ, what was his name?23:00
dolomite!politics | SaiNumeri23:00
ubottuSaiNumeri: Please take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you!23:00
dolomitehey it works!23:00
apparleoxymoron: I am right now pissed off reading (exam tomorrow) and sleepy(3.30am here). So I am not at all in the mood to be technical..... I need some humour :P23:00
SaiNumeridolomite: lolz23:01
dolomiteapparle: sure you're in the right place for humour?23:01
apparledolomite: no..... but I was just idling..... thought I'd take a break of 5 min and chat with you guys..23:02
SaiNumerialrighty then, i guess that i'll just have to buy ANOTHER jumpdrive, and then ill have to try what you guys are telling me, and possibly blow up my laptop... yay!23:02
dolomiteapparle: well hello! I finished my exams today; I've been spending a lot of time with this group of people23:03
dolomiteSaiNumeri: that's not the linux spirit. experimentation is.23:03
* James147 has examds in may, and still a ton of source work to do :(23:03
oxymoronSaiNumeri: OJ? :P23:03
SaiNumerithanks for all the help, dolomite, james147. oxymoron, try not to hang around any tall objects.23:03
dolomiteoxymoron: the great orange juice trial of '9523:04
SaiNumeriyeah, OJ Simpson23:04
James147SaiNumeri: but I am a tall object :S23:04
dolomiteSaiNumeri: have fun!23:04
SaiNumeriJames147: bend your knees23:04
oxymoronapparle: Haha alright, well I wish you good luck with the exam ;) Then I am not sure how much humour I can provide :D23:04
oxymorondolomite: Which means? :D23:04
dolomiteoxymoron: I'm just messing around. there were requests for a little more humor23:05
oxymoronSaiNumeri: I am tend to hang around large objects :D23:05
oxymorondolomite: Haha, yeah too much humour so I didnt understand it :D23:05
apparleany one can tell me in brief what is SaiNumeri 's problem23:06
SaiNumeridolomite: yeah, experiments, disecting computer programming to further the advancement of my own personal needs and desires... HORRAY FOR BOOBIES!23:06
SaiNumeriapparle: i want to update kubuntu, and i dont want to lose my info. checking to see if i created a partion on my drive, when i update if it would trash my stuff...23:07
dolomiteSaiNumeri: luckily, we're not smart enough to get into the programming itself23:08
James147dolomite: but programmings fun :D23:08
dolomiteJames147: ugh, java and perl were enough for me23:08
* oxymoron thinks web programming is most fun :P23:08
Torchdolomite: well, they're enough for everyone ;-)23:08
James147dolomite: java is a nightmare... python on the other hand :D23:09
ddfireone question, how i set kdm as my default loggin manager?23:09
apparleSaiNumeri: so you have all your system, and data on a single partition.... and no other partition on the drive... or no spare drive?23:09
dolomiteJames147: python is my goal this summer; I think it should be doable.23:09
SaiNumeriapparle: indeed23:09
dolomiteapparle: that is correct. but we've already advised SaiNumeri on what to do. he just needs to do it!23:09
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Tm_Thi sebsebseb23:09
apparleSaiNumeri: something with only one solution................. data loss :D23:10
sebsebsebHi Tm_T23:10
SaiNumeriBut alas, i am slow, and i am broke and without any spare media upon which to back up my pr0n and illegally downloaded movies and music!23:10
James147ddfire: sudo update-alternatives --config kdm    I think23:10
dolomiteSaiNumeri: more humor more!!23:11
SaiNumeridolomite: ok, lemme see here...............................................23:11
SaiNumerinope, im dry, sorry23:11
ddfireJames147, thanks23:11
dolomiteI suppose we're getting OT, back to it.23:11
Torchddfire: edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager if James147's suggestion does not work23:12
SaiNumerigive me something to work with... oxymoron! open your mouth again! there seems to be gold seeping out with that crap that pours from that gaping hole in your head!!23:12
ddfireSaiNumeri, James147 update-alternatives dosent work23:12
apparleI can tell you guys an awesome joke if .... you guys knows differentiation (mathematics)23:12
SaiNumeriddfire: Que?23:13
dolomiteapparle: just had my final exam for diff eq's today; shoot23:13
SaiNumeriapparle: blow our minds23:13
ddfireSaiNumeri, que lo de james no funciona23:14
SaiNumeriddfire: i dont speak latin damnit!!!23:14
ddfireSaiNumeri, why you wrote "que"?23:14
apparlesorry for being offtopic here....23:14
ddfireSaiNumeri, why did you write "que"? i barely speak english apparently :P23:15
apparlehere you go guys SaiNumeri dolomite23:15
apparleOnce a Constant and e^x were walking on road. Suddenly constant screamed "I hv to run coz differentiation is coming. He will eliminate me." e^x stands firm and said to differentiation "you cant destroy me. I am e^x and will always be e^x". Differentiation starts laughing and said, "I am not d/dx, I am d/dy...."23:15
SaiNumeriddfire: because im an idiot and i like to confuse people, lmao23:15
dolomiteapparle: haha! that's a great joke23:16
James147apparle: Lol23:16
ddfireapparle, we can do a collect an buy you a life...23:17
SaiNumeriapparle: yup. just blew my mind. thank you. i'll spend the next five hours trying to figure it all out and then i'll prolly go to sleep crying because of you...23:17
oxymoronQue is Spanish and not Latin :D23:17
apparleSaiNumeri: you didn't get it? xD23:17
oxymoronSaiNumeri: Sorry I cant feed everyone at the same time, I need to feed my girl as well :D23:17
starslightsbye, guys23:18
apparleddfire: I didn't get what you are saying23:18
progre55starslights: night23:18
SaiNumeriapparle: NOPE! oxymoron: so you feed your GF gold laden crap?23:18
oxymoronapparle: Hahaha good one :D23:18
apparleSaiNumeri: you know differentiation right?23:18
dolomiteI'm guessing SaiNumeri is a youngin'23:19
SaiNumeriapparle; if i told you that i barely graduated highschool because of math, would you laugh?23:19
oxymoronSaiNumeri: Shes not exactly my girlfriend, almost though :P And second of all shes not crap, shes beautiful and wonderful :)23:19
SaiNumeridolomite: not quite, just not very edumacated23:19
oxymoronapparle: I am proud I understood your joke in english, even though I have learned math in swedish school :D23:19
apparleSaiNumeri: but still...... its not that complicated in maths..... unless a person has never seen derivative23:20
dolomiteoxymoron: please don't make me think twice about being single right now23:20
dolomiteSaiNumeri: didn't mean offense23:20
SaiNumerioxymoron: didnt say that she was crap, just what your feeding her. then again, you are what you eat, lol, jk23:20
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:20
oxymorondolomite: Hehe :P Well I was happy being single before all my life, but then she came and took me with storm :$23:20
SaiNumeridolomite: none taken, lol apparle: im an idiot when it comes to anything with numbers in it... more or less... lol23:21
dolomiteoxymoron: I was being facetious; I regret being single23:21
apparleok guys enough of time pass..... lets get back to helping guys with simple kubuntu problems and forget complicated things like girls23:21
oxymoronSaiNumeri: aha sorry, misunderstood you :D Haha well not exactly, I am still thin though I am eating a lot of food. If I were what I am eating I would be fat, but I am not :D23:21
oxymorondolomite: Single isnt mostly a choice, or well maybe first time before find anyone :P23:22
oxymoronapparle: Girls are a Kubuntu problem, theyre not enough girls using Kubuntu :D23:22
dolomiteoxymoron: however, it is a choice to spend an afternoon and an evening on #kubuntu. I'm not saying I regret *that* choice.23:22
apparleoxymoron: so guys continue... we are still ontopic23:23
SaiNumerii agree with apparle, and being as how im out of simple questions to ask, and am of limited to no help to the others that come here looking for guidance, i think that im going to make my leave. thanks all for the help, ill try not to trash my drive, and ill get back to you guys one of these days when i hopefully accomplish my task23:23
dolomiteSaiNumeri: please do. take care.23:23
apparleok guys bye... my break over.... I'll get back to study23:23
dolomiteapparle: hope we brightened your day!23:24
oxymoronapparle: Haha xD Well I am glad to help IF someone have questions, but none yet :P Not regarding Kubuntu specific ones :P23:24
SaiNumeridolomite: same to you, and thank you kind sir23:24
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SaiNumerijames147: thanks for your help also, and apparle, thanks for trying to help in something that was already taken care of, lol23:24
oxymorondolomite: I regret I got my own desktop when I was like 8 years old from my dads company, then I got sticked with computers, then it went on and on, mostly with designing and programming websites though :P23:25
James147SaiNumeri: oo, hte virtual mechien has finished installing, now lets see if anything is left in /home :D23:25
SaiNumerioxymoron, try not to get your wang stuck in the disk drive23:25
SaiNumerioh, sure, tell me the results right quick23:25
dolomiteJames147: didn't know you were still doing that!23:25
oxymoronI be DAMN, hahahah yes yes yes, The Kmix logo have finally changed :D23:25
James147dolomite: i kept forgetting about it :)23:25
oxymoronJames147: I removed all those ones we discussed before and replaced them :P Now I only need to change Spotify logo xD23:26
James147dolomite: probally took my 10 mins to get past the installer as i kept comming back here as the pages loaded23:26
SaiNumerijames147: anything left in the home folder?23:26
oxymoronSaiNumeri: Wang? Is that what I think it is? xD23:26
SaiNumeriyes, yes it is23:26
SaiNumeriexactly what you think it is23:26
SaiNumeridont do it23:26
SaiNumerisex with computer components can be dangerous23:27
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:27
James147SaiNumeri: booting... (dident give it much ram)23:27
dolomiteJames147: this is a very active forum today; it's making me happy23:27
SaiNumerijames147: ah, ty, sorry if im being impatient, i have to pee and my cousin is here with me and ready to leave the residence in which we are now located... did i mention i have to pee? lol23:28
James147seems like kubuntu dosnt like the 300mbs of ram i gave it to run in a vm23:28
* James147 waits for the kmenu to appear23:29
* James147 waits for the vm to respond to any clicks23:29
* James147 wonders how he can switch to a virtual console in vbox23:30
oxymoronSaiNumeri: Haha, well I will think about that before put some liquids into my computer components next time, warning warning, meltdown meltdown :D23:31
oxymoronDoes someone accidently know how to change Spotify icon ine systray bar in Wine? :P23:32
James147SaiNumeri: Looks like the two files I created are still there (as well as the old user home directory)23:32
James147SaiNumeri: that is in /home   not sure if anything si preserved from anywhere else23:32
oxymoronHmm VLC crashes when trying to watch 720p HD movie and goes full screen mode xD Gah sucky grpahic drivers these days :P23:33
James147SaiNumeri: but either way I still suggest shrinking your drive and placing /home on the new drive (seperate partitions make thing easier :))23:33
* dolomite needs to move on with the rest of his evening23:33
dolomitegoodbye all.23:33
AmateurEngineerI just upgraded to 10.04, and my laptop won't suspend anymore when closed, although in system settings the option to suspend when closed is enabled. Anybody know anything?23:34
James147AmateurEngineer: can you manually suspend? (via the shutdown menu or anyother way)?23:34
AmateurEngineerIf I go to leave, the only choices are logout, shutdown, restart.23:36
archerCan anyone help a new user?23:36
James147!hi | archer23:37
James147!ask | archer23:37
ubottuarcher: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:37
ubottuarcher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:37
archerI'm trying to look for my computer specs (see if I'm 32 or 64 bits)23:37
AmateurEngineerJames147, and if I lock the screen, the password box is completely grey. I can type my password and press enter to unlock the screen, but I can't see the field or any of the buttons on it.23:38
James147archer: run "uname -m" in a terminal23:38
James147archer: although not sure if that will tell you the os bit or procerror bit :S23:39
James147AmateurEngineer: hmm, not entirly sure you might want to search the fourms for suspend issues in lucid (sorry I cant be of more help) or ask again hrere later23:41
archerthanks James23:41
apparlearcher: I think there is some command like dmidecode and smidecode but I don't know exact23:41
AmateurEngineerJames147, thanks for the help I'll try the forums23:42
Torcharcher: if you're on linux already, pastebin the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo23:42
SaiNumerisorry about not replying, my cousin was checking her facebook farm....23:42
oxymoronSaiNumeri: Haha :D Remember me of the last Facebook episode from SOuthpark, hahaha :D23:43
SaiNumerijames147: thanks for the info, I have to let my cousin use the laptop again, bbiam23:43
SaiNumerinever watched that one23:44
James147SaiNumeri: No problem :)23:44
James147!pm | archer23:44
ubottuarcher: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:44
James147archer: i686 (and i368) are 32bit23:45
Martiinianyone know ubuntu irc rooms, please23:45
fbxxklAnyone know how I could copy my data off a Macbook Pro HDD to my Linux its giving me a lot of permissions problems I have tried to chown/chmod but it just says read-only23:46
James147^^ i386 even23:46
James147!ubuntu | Martiini23:46
ubottuMartiini: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the GNOME interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.23:46
James147Martiini:  :( #ubuntu23:46
Torchfbxxkl: you have that hdd physically connected to your linux box?23:47
James147thourght the bot was sparter then that :)23:47
James147smarter ^^23:47
angelo_which is italian channel???23:47
fbxxklThe hard drive is connected through a Vantec SATA to USB connector23:47
fbxxklmy laptop crashed and I need to back up the data23:47
Torchfbxxkl: whatever. so the linux box has the mac hdd connected?23:47
Martiinifbxxkl: mac use HFS+ filesystem. I usually seach ubuntuforums.org23:48
fbxxklI tried to just CP the data over but it said that I don't have permission to do that23:48
Torchfbxxkl: in a terminal, as root, you should be able to copy all you need to your internal drive.23:48
Torchfbxxkl: you need root23:48
fbxxklso sudo cp -r source destination?23:48
Torchfbxxkl: sudo cp -av23:49
fbxxklthen apply the permissions23:49
ubottuav is <alias> virus - added by Pici on 2008-02-18 19:01:2723:49
James147fbxxkl: "sudo rsync -avhP <source> <dest>" will copy everything in source to dist without chaning file premistions or breaking links (i think)23:49
fbxxklI will give that a god23:49
James147fbxxkl: not sure how cp handles file premisions but I know rsync with -a will essentally create a duplicate of the file structer so can be run as root without worring about having root files every where23:51
TorchJames147: in this case, the permissions and owners will be all off.... it's a mac os hard drive, after all.23:52
fbxxklWell when I look at the permissions when I right click and go to properties23:53
James147Torch: yes, but if you need to restore them back they will be right, and you can chown/chmod them after anyway :)23:53
fbxxklIt says they cannot be determined23:53
TorchJames147: true, but it's still the same as cp -a23:53
James147Torch: dont tend to use cp -a so I dont know what it will do, but I do know how rsync behaves :)23:54
Torchfbxxkl: you cannot really access the permissions as long as the files are on the HFS+ drive, i think23:54
James147Torch: Thus I cant really suggest cp when I dont know how it behaves23:54
Torchfbxxkl: it's HFS+, it's totally different from what linux (and probably most importantly dolphin) expects23:55
fbxxklI am new to learning linux but I prefer it over all other op-sys23:55
fbxxklWell it appears to be doing something23:56
James147Torch: does dolphin care about teh filesystem? I assumed it was lower level stuff that took care of that and dolpihn jsut used what information it was given?23:56
TorchJames147: yeah, i think so too.23:57
Torchanyway, time for bed. night all.23:57
andre_hi there23:57
andre_just installed kubuntu23:58
fbxxklnight torch thanks for the help23:58
andre_the time i used ubuntu, a window popped up that allowed me to install the driver for my graphics card23:58
andre_how cah i get that installation assistant here on kubuntu23:58
fbxxklI thought I would be moving a small folder with my documents folder but appearently thats where mac stores Virtual Machine files23:59
James147andre_: run jockey-kde (Hardware Drivers)23:59
muesliare there any good twitter clients which support lists?23:59
apparleandre_: goto system settings > advanced > hardware23:59
andre_James147: it shows me an empty window23:59
apparleandre_: which card?23:59
andre_grey box with two empty white areas23:59

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