thumper | mwhudson: care to take a look at a change for me? | 02:57 |
thumper | mwhudson: it is in resposne to BjornT's comments on the job runner oops tests | 02:58 |
thumper | mwhudson: I'd feel happier if someone else took a look at the changes before I submit | 02:58 |
mwhudson | thumper: ok | 02:58 |
thumper | mwhudson: I've replied to the original review with a diff, which you should get | 03:04 |
thumper | RSN | 03:05 |
thumper | hmm, a spike in scanner load? | 03:06 |
thumper | my branch isn't being scanned | 03:07 |
thumper | heh | 03:07 |
mwhudson | it's the distro branches | 03:07 |
thumper | yeah | 03:07 |
thumper | mwhudson: you should see the email now | 03:08 |
mwhudson | yep | 03:13 |
thumper | mwhudson: what oops related apis? | 03:29 |
mwhudson | thumper: getLastOopsReport, maybe? | 03:30 |
thumper | mwhudson: it is still used | 03:30 |
mwhudson | oh ok | 03:30 |
jtv | mwhudson, are you free for a tiny but urgent review? | 05:13 |
jtv | Hmm... why isn't that diff updated? | 05:15 |
mwhudson | jtv: the diff isn't updated yet, probably because the scanner is behind with all the new distro branches | 05:15 |
jtv | mwhudson: all I did was make the unit tests that exercise the failing code switch to the right db user. Maybe the diffs should be updated SJF. :-) | 05:16 |
mwhudson | jtv: well it generally sounds fine to me | 05:17 |
mwhudson | (apart from 'fiera' being a terrible username) | 05:17 |
jtv | Yes, but it made me use the config instead of a hard-coded name. :) | 05:18 |
jtv | mwhudson: at last, my diff has updated! | 05:52 |
mwhudson | jtv: approved | 05:55 |
jtv | mwhudson: ta | 05:55 |
noodles775 | intellectronica: /w 4 | 08:41 |
noodles775 | hrm... sorry intellectronica, I meant to say, very simple RC MP if you've got a minute: | 08:42 |
noodles775 | Or anyone else who fancies a simple review ^^ :) | 08:43 |
thumper | noodles775: You'll probably find the diff takes many hours to generate as the scanner tries to catch up with 36k branch scans | 08:44 |
thumper | due to mavrick | 08:44 |
thumper | noodles775: I suggest pastebin | 08:44 |
noodles775 | thumper: thanks, doing so now. | 08:44 |
thumper | please pass the information on to the europeans | 08:44 |
thumper | I expect the scanner to catch up sometime in the next day or two :-| | 08:45 |
thumper | good thing we've fixed this for next time | 08:45 |
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=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: **Paste your diffs for review due to scanning 18k mavrick branches ** On call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: || | ||
noodles775 | And here's mine: | 08:45 |
thumper | noodles775: I'd strip the _bug_574246 from the method name | 08:47 |
thumper | noodles775: but other than that r=me | 08:47 |
noodles775 | thumper: Done.. thanks :) | 08:47 |
noodles775 | BjornT: when you've time, a simple RC: | 08:51 |
BjornT | noodles775: approved | 08:54 |
noodles775 | BjornT: Ta. | 08:55 |
thumper | jml: ping | 09:48 |
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: **Paste your diffs for review due to scanning 18k mavrick branches ** On call: abentley || reviewing: - || queue: [noodles] || This channel is logged: || | ||
leonardr | abentley, can you review ? diff is in mp | 14:52 |
abentley | leonardr, okay. | 14:52 |
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: **Paste your diffs for review due to scanning 18k mavrick branches ** On call: abentley || reviewing: noodles || queue: [leonardr] || This channel is logged: || | ||
abentley | leonardr, what happened with your Vary header branch? | 14:53 |
leonardr | abentley: i was able to land it on thursday | 14:53 |
abentley | Cool. I'm eager to see how my lp clients perform with that changed. | 14:54 |
abentley | noodles775, your branch looks okay on its own merits, but it is part of an effort that I am concerned may duplicate or contradict our own efforts. | 15:01 |
noodles775 | abentley: ok, good to know... in what way? | 15:02 |
abentley | noodles775, well, I want to have a system that provides an overview of jobs that are running, have run, etc. I termed it the "Job console". | 15:02 |
noodles775 | Aha (btw: we're not getting rid of the link to services.job with this work, contrary to the diagrams). | 15:04 |
abentley | This seems to be basically the same goal as | 15:04 |
abentley | I tried to start an LEP for it a couple of months ago, but jml decided we don't need that feature yet. | 15:05 |
abentley | I am glad that the link to Job hasn't been severed. | 15:05 |
noodles775 | abentley: I think it might be different... this is just ensuring that in the context of a PPA, we can show different types of builds (binary, recipe etc.) | 15:05 |
noodles775 | There may be convergence in the future though... currently what I see happening after this current work: | 15:06 |
noodles775 | 1) getting rid of our special tables that link 'builds' to services jobs and instead just having a reference to the job directly from BuildFarmJob, and then: | 15:06 |
abentley | noodles775, the LEP discusses using the context of the builders | 15:06 |
noodles775 | 2) eventually merging as much of BuildFarmJob off (as it duplicates what you've already got on Job). | 15:07 |
noodles775 | abentley: yes, sorry, and teh buildmaster builders context. | 15:07 |
abentley | noodles775, But we already have a display in the context of the builders, and I'm working right now on a home page for individual sourcepackagerecipe builds. | 15:08 |
noodles775 | (but (1) and (2) are just speculation on my part atm., the current focus is just to enable general builds to display in those contexts). | 15:08 |
noodles775 | abentley: a display that presents both binary and recipe builds batched together? | 15:08 |
abentley | noodles775, yes. AFAICT, It Just Works. | 15:08 |
noodles775 | Where can I see it? | 15:09 |
abentley | noodles775, dogfood. | 15:09 |
noodles775 | abentley: hrm, which branch should I merge in? | 15:10 |
abentley | I don't think you need to merge anything in. When I started creating sourcepackagerecipe builds, they just started showing up in that listing. | 15:11 |
noodles775 | abentley: I expected them to show up in this listing: | 15:11 |
noodles775 | but am surprised that they've shown up in the build history: | 15:12 |
noodles775 | as it currently is a list of Soyuz binary package builds afaik. | 15:12 |
abentley | noodles775, it seems like the results of my earlier experiments on dogfood have been destroyed, so I can't be certain either way, but that's what I recall. | 15:14 |
noodles775 | abentley: the results will still be there, I just had to disable the config as per email, because it was expecting a SourcePackageRecipeNavigation class which isn't present in db-devel? | 15:15 |
noodles775 | (which is why I assumed a branch needed to be merged in that includes that class?) | 15:15 |
abentley | noodles775, Yes, Julian had merged in my recipe-build-index branch. | 15:17 |
noodles775 | (it could just be that it was renamed to SourcePackageRecipeNavigationMenu and the config on dogfood hadn't been updated?) | 15:17 |
noodles775 | Ah. | 15:17 |
noodles775 | abentley: if you look at lib/lp/soyuz/browser/builder:BuilderHistoryView and follow it, you'll end up at IBuilder.getBuildRecords() which currently returns IBinaryPackageBuildSet.getBuildsForBuilder() (ie. only soyuz binary builds), so I'm guessing what you saw was just displaying your recipe builds (which I'd hoped Just Worked and am glad it did :) ). | 15:20 |
abentley | Okay. | 15:22 |
abentley | So you suggested that my Job Console and your General Build History are different because the build history is filtered by PPA or Builder context. | 15:25 |
abentley | I think that the filtering isn't terribly important. | 15:26 |
abentley | I have no problem imagining filtering the Job Console per builder or per archive. | 15:27 |
abentley | The Job Console meant to be filterable by branch, and General Build History would fall down a bit there, because it would show only Jobs that were also Builds. | 15:28 |
abentley | noodles775, so I see the Job Console as a more general idea. I would hate for us to end up with duplicate systems: a Job Console and a "Job Console for Builds". | 15:30 |
noodles775 | abentley: no, I was thinking they were different because currently (in devel/db-devel), builds have nothing to do with service jobs. They are only temporarily related while they are queued. | 15:32 |
noodles775 | The generalised build history doesn't change that, it is just refactoring all the common info on the different build classes, so that a builder .... actually, do you mind calling? It might be easier to find out where the convergence might be? | 15:33 |
abentley | noodles775, sure. | 15:33 |
abentley | noodles775, did you mean Skype? | 15:35 |
noodles775 | abentley: yep, just call when ready. | 15:35 |
abentley | noodles775, I am ready, but I don't see you online. | 15:35 |
noodles775 | Skype lag ;) | 15:36 |
noodles775 | abentley: | 15:55 |
abentley | noodles775, could distro_series go on IPackageBuild instead of IBinaryPackageBuildView? | 16:30 |
noodles775 | abentley: it's based on the db-column, BinaryPacakgeBuild.distro_arch_series? | 16:33 |
abentley | noodles775, it's a field that SourcePackageRecipeBuild and BinaryPackageBuild will have in common. | 16:34 |
abentley | noodles775, of course, the implementation on SourcePackageRecipeBuild will not be based on distro_arch_series. | 16:35 |
noodles775 | Well, SPRecipeBuild has a db-column for distro_series, where as BinaryPackageBuild has a db-column for distro_arch_series. | 16:35 |
noodles775 | Yeah. | 16:35 |
noodles775 | We looked at adding distro_series to PackageBuild, but couldn't see how to do it without redundant info for a binary package build (I was chatting with Julian about it the other day). | 16:36 |
noodles775 | We'd thought we could instead store something on BPB that just represented "architecture", but that didn't seem right either (as it would have to be a text arch_tag, afaics). | 16:37 |
abentley | noodles775, this seems to be a similar problem to the IPackageBuildDerived ones. | 16:37 |
abentley | noodles775, basically, it's interfaces being limited by the implementation. | 16:38 |
abentley | noodles775, diff lines 342-343 need to be re-indented. | 16:45 |
noodles775 | abentley: Right. So do you mean that we should provide IPackageBuild.distro_series (even if it raises NotImplementedError), and just have implementations on BPB/SPRecipeBuild? | 16:45 |
abentley | noodles775, I think that would make sense. | 16:46 |
noodles775 | Great, will do (you'll update the MP with all this right?) | 16:47 |
* noodles775 has to run out the door. | 16:47 | |
abentley | noodles775, Okay. | 16:49 |
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abentley | leonardr, what does the "lp" in lp_delete stand for? | 17:02 |
leonardr | abentley: shamefully, it stands for 'launchpad' | 17:03 |
leonardr | or rather, 'launchpadlib' | 17:04 |
leonardr | it's a naming convention used to distinguish lazr.restfulclient (formerly launchpadlib) methods from the named operations defined by the web service | 17:04 |
abentley | leonardr, I see. If it's already established as a convention, I'll let that be. | 17:05 |
leonardr | abentley: i wish you could tell me to change it and i'd be able to change it, but it's too entrenched | 17:05 |
abentley | leonardr, r=me | 17:06 |
leonardr | cool | 17:06 |
leonardr | i've got a wadllib branch for you in a minute | 17:07 |
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leonardr | can i get someone to review my and james's wadllib branch? | 17:41 |
leonardr | | 17:41 |
leonardr | gary, maybe you'll take it? | 17:42 |
gary_poster | leonardr: On lunch now, and a bit swamped when I get back. Maybe I'll get a chance to look at it later today, but if you can get someone else to do it that would probably be better for you. | 18:18 |
leonardr | gary, ok | 18:21 |
leonardr | bac: can you do a quick review for me? | 18:21 |
leonardr | or maybe barry or jml? | 18:24 |
leonardr | | 18:24 |
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sinzui | flacoste, I have an RC request. BjornT agreed it was RCable. bac reviewed the change | 20:02 |
flacoste | sinzui: merge proposal? | 20:06 |
sinzui | flacoste, | 20:06 |
bac | flacoste: i have an RC request too. i believe sinzui already ran it by bjorn and sinzui has reviewed it: | 20:07 |
flacoste | sinzui, bac: unless you already know ran it through EC2, it will have to be cherry-picked though | 20:08 |
bac | flacoste: it has not been through ec2 | 20:08 |
sinzui | bac: flacoste: I did discuss the bug with BjornT The oopses over the weekend were caused by Edwin's landing on Friday that wrongly reverted the ProductSeries branch link | 20:09 |
flacoste | sinzui: is your branch passing all tests? | 20:10 |
flacoste | now, i mean | 20:10 |
sinzui | flacoste, yes mine does | 20:10 |
flacoste | sinzui: ok, land it now | 20:10 |
flacoste | bac: your's will have to wait tomorrow | 20:10 |
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado | ||
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=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara |
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