
storrgieis keyserver.ubuntu.com down right now? I cant import a key03:25
wgrantstorrgie: Looks up from here. Are you behind a firewall that blocks TCP port 11371?03:25
storrgiei shouldnt be03:26
storrgiedoes the new 10.04 have firewall enabled?03:26
storrgielemme pastbin03:27
storrgienot sure what to do03:28
wgrantstorrgie: What happens if you navigate to http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/ in a Web browser?03:28
storrgieon my laptop fine03:29
storrgiebut my server03:29
storrgieI dont have anything03:29
storrgieguess i could install links03:29
storrgiedont want to though03:29
wgrantwget it?03:29
storrgiehrm no keys found03:30
storrgielemme show you the PPA03:30
storrgieapparently wont work?03:30
wgrantIt has a key.03:31
wgrantIt should work.03:32
storrgiehrm... my server... I cant do an update03:32
storrgieuh oh03:33
storrgiemy network on the server is messed up....03:33
storrgienot sure how03:33
thumperstorrgie: it isn't missing nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf is it?03:35
thumperstorrgie: I had an issue with my server with that03:36
storrgiethats fine03:36
storrgieI was trying to do bridge stuff03:36
wgrantThat often gets really messy.03:37
wgrantIt's really easy to break subtly.03:37
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wgrantpoolie: Hm, the tag help text is dodgy, but it does show up for me in Chromium and Firefox.03:57
wgrantThe usual help frame that shows up in the middle of the screen.03:58
wgrantThe one that had a button with no text for several months.03:58
=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: Delays occurring with pulling and scanning branches due to new mavrick branches | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
jorgehi! I've uploaded a package to a PPA and it's been there waiting to build for 38 hours, is that normal?07:57
noodles775jorge: Well, normal during release time (when many of the machines we are loaned for PPA builders are used to support the release).07:59
spivhttps://launchpad.net/builders says the PPA queue for i386 is about 42 hours.08:00
jorgeoh ok then, i thought something was wrong with my package08:00
jorgethank you08:00
jorgedidn't know about that webpage, thank you too08:01
MrKanisterHi there. I've got a question regarding launchpadlib. I want to find out the version of a package in the latest Ubuntu release. How do I get there by using the launchpadlib starting from a source package or distribution object? From the API Doc this seems complicated.10:24
MvGHi there! Updates to branches resp. merge requests seem to take exceptionally long today. Any known problems there?10:34
MvGhttps://code.launchpad.net/~gagern/bzr/bug527878-directoryCommonOption in particular has me worried just now.10:34
MvGBranch still not updated. Something is really broken here, I fear.10:50
MvGpoolie: No reaction here to the lack of branch updates. Do you have any suggestions whom to contact next? Does writing a bug report or asking a question for this make any sense?10:53
poolieand they're still not updating?10:55
poolieah, the topic does mention this10:55
poolietype /topic10:55
pooliejml, are you here yet?10:56
MvGpoolie: Oh, thanks, somehow missed that. Sorry.10:58
poolieit's a bit lame that's not on the blog or the status page10:58
pooliewhich is supposed to be http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus10:59
poolieMvG: so the delay is between when you push to a branch over bazaar, and when it shows up in the web ui?11:00
MvGpoolie: yes. Where web ui includes loggerhead.11:00
MvGAnd the delay may well be infinite for all I know.11:00
pooliei thought loggerhead would be looking directly at the branches11:02
poolieso i'm surprised it can be slow11:02
pooliederyck: ^^11:03
poolievila: ^^11:03
poolielifeless: ^^11:04
lifelessloggerhead accesses branches over http11:04
MvGpoolie: False alarm.11:04
lifelessI think that means it reads the mirrored side only (at least until the split is removed, thats landing soon)11:04
MvGpoolie: For some reason a non-tip revision was encoded in the loggerhead url.11:04
deryckfalse alarm for loggerhead, but there is still general scanner delays?11:05
poolieMvG: you forgot to push?11:05
pooliederyck: so istm that generally speaking, if somebody thinks there are delays enough to change the topic, they ought to update launchpadstatus11:05
poolienot everyone reads irc11:05
MvGhttps://code.launchpad.net/~gagern/bzr/bug527878-directoryCommonOption is at 5179 while http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gagern/bzr/bug527878-directoryCommonOption/changes/ shows it should be 518211:05
deryckpoolie, ah, yes, agreed.  I didn't see the topic here either.11:06
deryckpoolie, and that is *supposed* to be our policy on this.11:06
* deryck will dig up the launchpadstatus info and post11:07
poolieMvG: john landed some changes for caching11:07
pooliethey may be getting too strongly cached somewhree11:08
poolieMvG: ok so the code.l.n page is lagging loggerhead11:08
pooliethat is consistent with what i understand the problem to be11:08
pooliebecause of opening maverick, the scanner is overloaded11:09
pooliederyck: thanks, can you do any other chasing/escalation that seems necessary too11:10
deryckpoolie, definitely.11:10
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fta2hi, eny ETA for the PPA builders to come back to the rescue?12:30
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rodrigo_can I ask bzr-related questions here?13:13
rodrigo_I couldn't find a bzr channel13:13
maxbIt's #bzr13:13
rodrigo_oh, missed it then, thanks :)13:13
maxbIdeally, try to figure out whether your question is Launchpad-specific or not, and pick the appropriate channel13:14
maxbIf uncertain, just pick your best guess, and ask13:14
rodrigo_it's bzr-related, I think13:15
rodrigo_although might be related to launchpad, since it's a problem with branches from vcs-import's13:16
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cos^how long should package be waiting to be built normally?13:19
maxbNormally? not long. Unfortunately, this is right after an ubuntu release, so it's not 'normally'13:20
maxbMost of the PPA builders have been temporarily stolen to assist in release shenanigans13:20
cos^ok, that explains..13:22
micahgare the intrepid builders going offline at a certain point?13:29
A4TechLaunchpad for about an hour to process the request bazaar (commit) is well conceived?13:30
spivA4Tech: see /topic13:38
A4Techspiv: sorry.13:39
A4TechUsually, changes and news writing at the end of topic and not at the beginning13:40
DamasceneI want to create team and upload .op files to it to start translating14:24
DamasceneI've created a team. I want to know how to upload .po files14:25
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: Delays occurring with pulling and scanning branches due to new mavrick branches | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: gary_poster | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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rodrigo_hmm, is launchpad not updating diff's on proposed branches, or is it just my branch? (https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/couchdb-glib/optional-introspection/+merge/24593)15:21
gary_posterlooking, rodrigo_15:23
rodrigo_thanks gary_poster15:24
james_wrodrigo_: probably the issue mentioned in /topic15:26
rodrigo_gary_poster, another one -> https://launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/couchdb-glib/optional-introspection/+merge/2459315:26
rodrigo_oh, didn't see it15:26
rodrigo_ah, ok15:27
rodrigo_gary_poster, sorry, that was meant to be https://launchpad.net/~jdobrien/ubuntuone-servers/exchange-tm/+merge/2458515:27
gary_posterah, I copied and pasted and didn't see it thanks15:27
rodrigo_but yeah, a newest branch has the diff ok, so I guess it's just waiting15:27
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rodrigo_who can I ask for a migration of a couple of vcs imports from bzr 1.1 to 2a?16:34
rodrigo_it makes branches created from the vcs-import take ages to import, since the new branches I create are 2a16:34
jelmerrodrigo_: hi16:38
rodrigo_hi jelmer16:38
jelmerrodrigo_: please create a question in the launchpad-code project about the branches that need to be upgraded16:38
rodrigo_jelmer, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/10943316:45
rodrigo_jelmer, is that ok?16:45
jelmerrodrigo_: yep16:48
jelmerrodrigo_: I'd be curious to hear what about bzr-git doesn't work for you.16:49
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rodrigo_jelmer, bzr dpush crashes bzr16:50
rodrigo_jelmer, following instructions on http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-git-projects.html is that right?16:51
jelmerrodrigo_: yeah, that should be right. Is there any chance I could get you to file a bug about this?16:52
rodrigo_jelmer, yes, of course, I'll file it when I merge the next branch16:53
rodrigo_which should be soon16:54
FloSoftone question: if I set a merge request to "approve" - is it automatically merged, or do I have to do that manually? i dont want to try out, i do not want to kill my repository sync ^^16:54
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vishderyck: hi.. i found another person with the same prob ;) for Bug #57118117:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571181 in malone "LP sends same mail several times [bug mail and maling list mails]" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57118117:00
deryckhi vish.  ok, I'll keep an eye on the bug.  Are you having rampant duplicate emails, or just on the bug that you cite?17:01
vishderyck: not rampant , but often and from other bugs too17:02
vishprobably once or twice a day17:02
deryckvish, the only odd thing I noticed on the bug you mentioned in the bug report was that you were listed as both a direct and dupe subscriber and were part of a team that was subscribed...  my initial reaction was to wonder if something there was going wrong.17:03
deryckvish, however, since it happens with mailing lists too it seems general mail related17:04
vishyeah , there are other bugs too, but i dont think its due to dups, i'll find and attach other bugs too..17:05
jhaigStupid question, but where do I go to raise a new bug?  I've done this before but I cannot see the link now.  I am logged in.17:06
gary_posterFloSoft: it is not automatically merged by LP.  Sometimes people set up external processes to do this (e.g. tarmac) but it's not generically something we offer.17:16
gary_posterjhaig: for what project?17:16
jhaiggary_poster: Well, I will dig around to make sure, but at the moment it seems to be Ubuntu, gnome (panel) or compiz (or a combination of all 3)17:17
gary_posterjhaig: ack.  "Report a Bug" on top right of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu might be a reasonable start.17:18
deryckjhaig, gary_poster -- for Ubuntu packages, it's really preferred to use apport.  So run `ubuntu-bug $package` or use the report a problem link from help menu.17:24
jhaigderyck: Thanks.  I've just found a note referring to that on the launchpad page.17:25
deryckok, cool.17:25
jhaigHmmm, I've got to the 'Send Report' page before actually seeing a 'What exactly is the problem?' text box.  Surely shome mishtake.  :-/17:27
jhaig... or the Ubuntu devs are all mind-readers.17:27
FloSoftgary_poster: okay good, then i can set it to approve even if i merge it manually then, okay :-)17:27
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Christoph^If I have a project whose code is hosted on launchpad and two people are supposed to be able to commit code, do I have to make a team for those 2 people?17:29
jhaigderyck: So, if I click 'Send Report', will it just send it immediately, or will I be given the opportunity to actually describe the problem?  I've tried a few things and I am yet to be asked for a description.17:30
deryckjhaig, apport opens an lp bug page, where you can step through the bug filing process -- dupe search, then you can add further details if no matches.17:32
jhaigThanks.  I just didn't want to send my logs with no explanation, as I am fairly sure that will not tell anyone much.17:33
lucasis soyuz free software? where can I find the code?17:34
jelmerlucas: soyuz is part of the launchpad source tree, which can be found in the Bazaar branch at lp:launchpad17:39
jelmerlucas: and yes, it's free software (AGPLv3+)17:39
lucasjelmer: thanks, I was puzzled by the fact that it is a separate LP project with no branches17:41
jelmerlucas: the launchpad codebase is divided into a couple of different applications (code, soyuz, registry, translations, bugs) that have different projects on Launchpad but they all live in the same branch (and work tightly together)17:42
sinzuilucas, launchpad engineers are hypocrites. They will not let users create projects without a code base, but they do it themselves17:44
lucasheh, I'm not going to comment on that one week from UDS. too dangerous. :)17:45
sinzuiWe talk about removing the false project. The arguments against a single project imply we did not make bugs and milestones to work with large projects and multiple teams17:47
bjsnidercan the lucid ppa build system handle source tarballs that are bzipped with format quilt 3.0?18:06
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jelmerbjsnider: Launchpad can handle the 3.0 quilt format18:14
geseris gina (the LP Debian mirror update script) having problems?18:33
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TblueHi. I have a question regarding Rosetta: The wiki states that PO files should be named using the ISO language code without the country code in most cases. So, if I name my file de_DE.po instead of de.po, will LP reject it?18:42
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gary_postergeser, I suspect that it is related to the delay described in the topic.  If that doesn't sound right to you, let me know and I'll double-check.18:47
gary_posterUrsinha: do you happen to know the answer to Tblue's question, above?18:48
* Ursinha reads18:48
Ursinhagary_poster, hm, I don't know the answer to that18:48
gary_posterUrsinha: me either ;-)18:49
TblueI tried to look into the code, but well... :-)18:49
TblueNo worries, thanks anyway.18:49
TbluePerhaps I should ask in #launchpad-dev?18:49
UrsinhaTblue, the devels are in European tz so are gone already :(18:50
TblueI see18:50
UrsinhaTblue, but you can ask a question using answers.launchpad.net/rosetta, and I'm sure they'll answer soon18:50
TblueThanks :)18:50
UrsinhaTblue, when soon is really soon :)18:51
TblueHeh. Well, the worst thing that could happen is that I have to try whether it works or not. ;)18:51
TblueBut I will ask there, thanks again.18:52
UrsinhaTblue, no problem, sorry for that18:54
gesergary_poster: I doubt it, as it's about the source package itself (and not the debian packaging branch) and the package which shows the problem was uploaded to Debian unstable on 2010-04-14 and still isn't on the LP Debian mirror18:55
gary_postergeser, fair enough.  Let me ask.18:56
TblueOkay, this FAQ entry seems to answer my question (just for reference): https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+faq/61918:56
gary_posterjelmer, do you happen to know about gina (see geser's question above)?18:57
shilbertHi, anyone here in the know about the translations feature of launchpad ?19:17
mtaylorshilbert: sure. what do you want to know?19:22
shilbertI am with the GNUmed project19:34
shilbertwe have set up a branch19:34
shilbertwhich is updated in launchpad19:35
shilbertwhat does not happen (so it seems) is that translations get merged with what is in launchpad19:35
shilbertis there any way to see what launchpad is doing while importing translations from the bzr branch19:36
shilbertit seems the translations are not updated in launchpad although the imported files have updates19:38
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gary_postergeser: The admins know of no issues with the gina importer.  Would you be willing to ask the question here?  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+addquestion19:49
gary_postershilbert: I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question, and the devs who would are not around right now (they work in Europe).  Would you be willing to ask your question here?  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion19:51
james_ware the puller and scanner still lagged?20:03
gary_posterjames_w: I can ask the losas.  do you have reason to believe they are not?20:06
james_wgary_poster: just wondered if anyone knew20:06
gary_posternot me20:06
james_wgiven that I caused the problem I am keen for it to be over :-)20:06
gesergary_poster: done, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/10947020:07
gary_postergeser: great.  I suspect that the answer will come within 24 hours.  The pertinent devs are in a European tz.20:08
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qenseMaybe an interesting blog post for the people here: "“But why isn’t Debian using Launchpad?”" <http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=474>20:46
lucaswell, I expect launchpad devs to at least skim through planet ubuntu ;)20:47
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Delays occurring with pulling and scanning branches due to new mavrick branches | http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
qenselucas: You'd never know. :)20:48
* hyperair is an ubuntu developer who doesn't even look at planet.ubuntu.com20:48
qensehyperair: You bad citizen! :D20:48
thekornlucas, nice blog post20:48
* hyperair hides20:48
hyperairwell that's interesting to know20:50
hyperairthe "why" behind debian not using launchpad, i mean20:50
hyperairi still think that bugs.debian.org could do with a proper web UI20:50
hyperairit's annoying for debian to only have a web interface20:51
hyperairi mean an email interface20:51
hyperairreportbug was hell to learn how to use.20:51
qenseThe Debian BTS annoys me as well.20:51
bulldog98I’ve got an problem20:52
qensebulldog98: Don't ask, but tell!20:53
bulldog98if I try to checkout an bzr branch on launchpad I get following error what’s wrong?20:53
bulldog98sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory20:53
bulldog98bzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory20:53
qensebulldog98: What's the command you execute to check-out the branch?20:54
lucashyperair: are you aware that projects are actually adopting the BTS?20:54
lucascoreutils switched recently20:54
bulldog98qense: bzr checkout lp:ubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-docs20:54
rooliganHello, does anybody now, if I can sort the packages of Ubuntu on the translations-page? So that I only see the not completly translated packages?20:55
qenselucas: But coreutils isn't exactly a classic example of a project that deals with many 'regular' users20:56
qenserooligan: yes you can20:56
qensebulldog98: What happens if you try bzr branch lp:ubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-docs ?20:56
lucasI think emacs is using the BTS too20:56
bulldog98sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory20:56
bulldog98bzr: ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory20:56
lucasclearly the BTS is not for fans of web 2.020:56
lucasbut I very much prefer to deal with the BTS than with slow launchpad20:57
qensebulldog98: Then the branch doesn't exist, iirc20:57
qenselucas: It is slow indeed, but I think I'd be quicker with Launchpad than with BTS anyway.20:58
qensebulldog98: What if you leave the lucid part out?20:58
bulldog98qense: I know it exists because I browsed it in launchpad20:58
bulldog98qense: same error20:58
qensebulldog98: Have you manually adapted your Bazaar settings? You could ahve changed the path.20:59
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rooliganqense: And how do I do that?20:59
qenserooligan: can't you click the headers or signs next to them?21:00
dpmrooligan, qense, unfortunately, you can't, all translations on the overview are always shown21:00
rooliganqense: There are no.21:00
rooligandpm: Okay, thanks.21:01
qensethen I was thinking of a different view, sorry21:01
bulldog98quentusrex: change the path?21:21
quentusrexbulldog98, huh?21:25
quentusrexooh, yeah.21:26
quentusrexfor moving files from where they are installed now in the package(into /opt) to where they should be located21:26
bulldog98sorry qense got out and my client completed to your name21:27
quentusrexit's all good :)21:27
bulldog98ok works now with clone I get what I want22:03
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jelmergary_poster: no idea, I'll see if I can locate the logs22:37
gary_posterjelmer, thank you!  Don't know if you noticed, but https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/109470 was where he put his question more formally, I believe22:38
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