
=== Baybal__ is now known as Baybal
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asacogra_cmpc: nice10:26
asac(27M for X)10:26
ograasac, do you mean RAM ?10:43
asacogra: thats what you said, right?10:46
ograthats the whole system10:47
asacogra: what plymouth theme to use for a console only image?10:47
asacor can i get rid of that completely?10:47
asacwhen i remove the initramfs-tools scripts all is fine ... if not i stay on a console 7 with a SEGV of plymouth and have to manually go back to the console 1 etc.10:47
ogramountall needs plymouth10:47
asaci know10:47
asacbut not the initramfs hooks ;)10:47
asac(it seems)10:48
ograthere was a command to select the theme10:48
* ogra forgot which10:48
asacogra: but which theme to use?10:48
asacplymouth-theme-text -> SEGV10:48
asacubuntu-text works i think10:48
ograis that installed ?10:49
asaci will try that again now ... but plymouth-theme-text crashes for sure10:50
ograits what i get on my server installs10:50
asacogra: i made an autologin by hacking tty1.conf ... is that the "normal" way? ;)10:50
ografor a text console ?10:51
ograits usrely not "normal" but likely a good way to do it :)10:51
asaci made a /usr/bin/autologin script that just run login -f root10:51
asacand it works.10:51
asacjust wastn sure if thats good10:51
ograwe had something for that in the ume images10:51
asacbceause tty1.conf you cannot really change from outside .... dpkg-divert on a conffile feels painful10:52
ograwhich was a bit cleaner10:52
asacogra: whats the clean way?10:52
ograan upstart job10:52
asacassume there is no user installed ;)10:52
ograi need to dig up the old code10:52
ograwell, why isnt there any user ?10:52
asactty1.conf is an upstream job10:52
ogracreate one during build10:52
ograyou can create a fresh upstart job10:52
ograno need to mangle an existing one10:53
asachmm. but tty1 is taken ... or can i just take any tty?10:53
asachow can i ensure that that tty is the default after boot?10:53
ograno idea :) ask a plymouth dev :)10:53
ograyou should be able to use console= on the cmdline but that will kill plymouth10:54
asaclet me first try if plymouth is happier with tubuntu-theme text installed10:54
asacin the meantime i have to cleanup this disk ... not enough space to copy a live netbook image to it10:55
ograthat should have the old upstart files10:55
asacok thanks. will check that out10:56
asac(if my browser ever opens) ;)10:56
asacthat stars the gui ;)10:57
ogramodify that10:57
ograand use it as upstart job10:57
ograyes, it starts the gui10:57
ograso you have to modify ;)10:57
asacright. so you dont hvae to bother about switching to a "new" tty10:58
ograrigh, but *you* can use openvt and switch to tty9 or so ;)10:58
ograiirc openvt just takes the next free tty10:58
asachmm. there is a chvt command10:59
ograchvt needs a number10:59
asacogra: putting that switching feels like a racy thing.10:59
ograopenvt checks for the next free one or so10:59
asacis that a replace for getty?11:00
ograi think not11:00
ograyou still need to run login or something11:00
ogratry it :)11:00
ograi havent touched that stuff since 1.5y11:01
asacwill try ;)11:01
asacmy tries "on started tty1 -> chvt 1" ;)11:04
ograthat wont work11:05
ograsince you already have a getty running there11:05
asachmm. but its chvt11:05
ograyou will end up with two processes controlling the tty11:05
ograwhich will get you funny output if you type anything :)11:05
asacits just chvt11:06
asacit manpage it says its similar to using f1 etc.11:06
ograsometimes one sometimes the other process will reply to enter11:06
ograoh, indeed, if you dont run login it will just change the vt11:06
asachmm. but chvt isnt really controlling anything11:06
ograi thougth you wanted autologin too11:06
asacyes, thats the idea11:06
asacogra: oh right ;)11:07
asaci still have the hacked tty1.conf so it auto logs in11:07
ograso you need a fresh tty11:07
ogrause openvt11:07
ograif thats for a higly embedded system you should cut down the amount of ttys anyway though11:07
ograi think each running getty will eat up to 800k11:08
asacogra: how can i get the ttys down ... they are all shipped by upstart :(11:08
asacat least without forking11:09
* ogra would recommend an upstart-embedded package that has all that stuff adjusted11:09
ograbuild from the same source but ship other configs and conflict with upstart11:09
ograor some such11:09
ograseems cleaner than diverting config files11:10
ograeither that or use openvt :)11:11
asacok kbd isnt installed in an essential only system11:11
* asac adds that11:11
ogragpgv also11:12
asacogra: i have added gnupg11:12
asacwhta do you need gpgv for?11:12
ograwell, gpgv is enough11:12
ograapt needs it for the Release.gpg11:13
asacright. i need gnupg for apt-key11:13
asacto make the ppa fly11:13
ograyeah, that should bring in gpgv anyway11:13
asacgood ;)11:13
ograyou also want to add something to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ that makes not installing recommends the default11:14
asacogra: so where is the omap uboot?11:14
asacdidnt we package that?11:14
ograit uses the upstream naming11:14
asacogra: i am not installing recomments11:14
ogralook for u-boot11:14
ograi have to switch the other u-boot packages too or revert that in maverick11:15
ogranot sure yet11:15
asacthere it is ;)11:15
asacogra: so what do we chip for omap in lucid?11:15
asacdo we put uboot on it at all? or assume its all setup on beagel?11:15
ograin lucid we assume its in NAND11:17
ografor maverick i have to come up with something clever11:17
ograsince some of the future HW wont have NAND11:18
ografor beagle we dont need to care though ... there is NAND for all released versions11:18
asacogra: where does the uboot we assume is there look for boot.scr?11:20
asacon fat in / ?11:20
ograiirc on fat on mmc0 0:011:20
ograasac, ./include/configs/omap3_beagle.h in the u-boot-omap3 source11:27
asachmm. guess that uboot cant do ext2load?11:30
asacseems it can :/11:30
ogranot on omap11:30
ografails miserably11:31
asactoo bac11:31
ograespecially soice you cant put /boot on fat11:31
asacwhats that?11:31
ogradpkg uses hardlinks when it unpacks files11:31
asachmm. but we use fat on all images for /boot, dont we?11:32
ograso it creates a vmlinuz-$(uname -r).bak when it tries to put the new file in place ... that file is a hardlink11:32
ograone thing i was trying is to have a separate fat patrition that flash-kernel writes uImage, uInitrd and boot.scr to but for lucid lool convinced me to rather use NAND11:34
ograin maveric where we cant use NAND for everything i think i'll have to revisit that setup11:34
asacogra: how does the sdcard boot then? not oob?11:35
ograthe images are on vfat so there u-boot can read boot.scr11:35
ograduring install i write the boot options, kernel and initrd to NAND11:36
ograso then it doesnt matter11:36
ograit only matters on systems that have no NAND but we dotn support any with the lucid install11:36
ogramaverick *will* support these though11:36
ograwhich means we'll need a separate fat somewhere11:37
asacwe need it for this directly booting rootfs setup too11:37
ograright, that needs tweaks in flash-kernel11:37
ograso once linux-image is installed it needs to temporary mount the fat and write uImage and uInitrd to it11:38
ogra(or after update.initramfs)11:38
asacok at least plymouth ubuntu theme text doesnt play games on me anymore ;)11:38
asacnow back to openvt ;)11:39
asacogra: does uImage in nand win over uImage on fat mmc0?11:42
ograsee the config i pointed to above :)11:42
asace.g. could we live with shipping "not changing" uImages on some fat partition? and flash-kernel updates the nand11:42
ograit only cares for boot.scr11:43
ograerr, no11:43
ograactually it doesnt11:43
ograasac, how would you update a nonexisting NAND ? :)11:44
ograi will use NAND on all boards where we know we have it  in flash-kernel11:44
asacwell. i am currently targetting beagle. .. but without installer11:45
ograflash-kernel needs to detect the hardware anyway and needs special casing for each board11:45
ograwithout installer, hmm11:45
ograthen you need MLO and u-boot.bin as well as boot.scr11:45
ograand a fat partition11:46
ograloadbootscript=fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} boot.scr11:46
ograso you also need the first partition being the fat11:46
ograthough note that if you use flash-kernel from lucid it will automatically write to NAND atm11:49
ograand assumes your system is properly set up for uboot-envtools11:49
ogra(which is done by flash-kernel-installer)11:50
asacogra: yes, but for that to work we would need to prefer nand over fat as fat will become outdated ... which creates a chicken egg problem etc.11:51
ogra(thats what flash-kernel-installer does at the end of d-i/ubiquity11:51
asacso plymouth is still broken even with ubuntu theme ... was tricked because i still had my hand hacked image loop mounted and umounting it seems to have wiped the new img11:51
ogra(not that it wipes the u-boot defaults so it wont look for boot.scr anymore)11:52
asacso it wiped the defaults11:53
ograonly if you used the ubuntu install11:53
asacthat would work. e.g. put just the uboot bits on a first fat partition11:53
asaconce flash-kernel runs all will be nand11:53
ograbut you somehow need to run that flash-kernel-installer.postinst bit11:53
ograwhich is tricky without any kind of installer11:54
ograflash-kernel-installer is a udeb and not installed anywhere but in d-i/ubiquity11:55
asacogra: why isnt cmdline="root=UUID=$uuid ro quiet splash vram=12M omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60 fixrtc"11:58
asacetc .that run in normal flash-kernel?11:58
asace.g. the stuff from http://paste.ubuntu.com/426937/11:58
ograflash-kernel (like update-grub) doesnt touch the cmdline11:59
ogracreating the cmdline is job of the installer11:59
ograafter install that shouldnt be changed by any bootloader tool11:59
ograunless yuo change it manually (by editing /etc/default/grub or in case of beagle using fw_setenv)12:00
ograflash-kernel only flashes the kernel (and initramfs)12:01
ograflash-kernel-installer sets up the environment for flash-kernel during installation12:01
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/426943/ <- flash-kernel ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/426937/ <- flash-kernel-installer12:03
* ogra takes a break12:04
asacogra: so openvt didnt work ... chvt worked fine ;)12:05
asacprobably just working around the fact that plymouth still fails miserably12:05
ogra_cmpchow did you call openvt ?12:10
ogra_cmpcsure ?12:10
asacyes. it opened a new terminal on all other terminals12:11
asacso i got funny stuff like login -> hit return -> root shell -> hit return -> login prompt12:11
ogra_cmpcwhat was yous commend ?12:12
* asac tries again12:12
asacexec /bin/openvt /bin/autologinroot12:12
ogra_cmpcyou need at least -s12:12
* asac checks manpage12:13
ogra_cmpcprobably even -e12:13
ogra_cmpc /bin/openvt -e -s -- /bin/autologinroot12:14
ogra_cmpc /bin/openvt -e -s -- su -l root -c /bin/bash12:14
ogra_cmpcjust copy the original tty1.conf for that and replace the exec12:15
ogra_cmpcwell, after exec, exec needs to persist12:16
asacok that worked ;)12:18
asaca bit dumb that its now on tty812:19
asacbut well. so be it12:19
asacplymouth is still unhappy, but thats normal it seems12:19
ogra_cmpcfor flash-kernel-installer you could do some ugly first login magic in /etc/bash.bashrc12:21
ogra_cmpclook for "if [ ! -e "$HOME/.sudo_as_admin_successful" ]; then" in there12:21
ogra_cmpcthough thats not very sexy12:22
asacgreat. yeah12:22
asacgrr. something is editing 10-help-text :(12:23
asacin update-motd.d12:23
asaci get a conflict when i change that ... dont get that for other conffiles i change in the same way12:23
ogra_cmpc10-help-text ?? where does that belong to ?12:24
asacbase-files of course12:24
ogra_cmpcor where doe it live12:24
asaclike verything related to branding is stuffed into the corest of core things ;)12:24
asacand seems something is messing with that during a bootstrap12:25
asace.g. changing it post install12:25
ogra_cmpcupdate-motd likely12:25
asacwhat does update-motd do with it?12:25
asacit shoud just source it12:25
asacguess i will sed it in postinst ... seems its modified anyway, so nothing to loose12:26
ogra_cmpchmm, indeed12:26
asacthe conffile mechanism is really a mess in ubuntu/debian ... folks seem to not get it. you need a) package defaults + b) admin defaults (thats conffiles) and user changes in $HOME ... a) and b) are far too often not separated, but just shipped in etc12:28
ogra_cmpcwell, ucf will only kick in if there is a three way diff12:29
ogra_cmpci.e. if two defaults changed at the same time12:30
asacwhat is ucf?12:32
ogra_cmpcupdate config file12:32
ogra_cmpcthe tool that prompts during debconf12:32
asacyeah. well. the fact that there were changes int he first place scares me12:33
asaci hope its some hack cody added to the live-helper i didnt find yet12:33
asacok /me spins new image and hopes for the best12:33
ogra_cmpclive-helper surely shouldnt touch it12:41
ogra_cmpcelse thats a bug12:41
Amit_Karpeogra, Do we have support for ethernet gadget in latest ??15:19
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