
vishthorwil: Bug #215341 ;)10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 215341 in human-theme "Add some visual feedback when hover mouse over menubar" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21534110:37
thorwili think there's a gtk bug, too10:38
vishlooks like we lost a lot of members > https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art10:40
vishi recall there being a lot more ~100 , might be because of the spam about the metacity buttons! :/10:41
thorwilgood. that's more realistic10:41
thorwilit feels like that number should be closer to 12 or so10:41
knomewe should take some action to make the artwork team work better10:44
thorwilvish: added a comment with a link to a gtk+ bug report with patch10:53
thorwilstarted in 2006, ugh10:54
graftrahuladead silence11:18
thorwilpoor soul, might never experience the enlightenment of hours of idling on irc11:36
thorwilknome: regarding making the artwork team work better, i think we need better tools, more skills and understanding, better communication ... where would you like to start? ;)11:37
vishhuh , so that was what sabdfl mentioned..11:54
vishgah! delete .. del  , del!  and the ayatan mails are down to ~30 and now no time to read :s12:05
thorwilvish: what "that"?12:15
vishthorwil: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/33312:16
knomethorwil, communication, definitely.12:25
knomethorwil, (i'm serious..)12:26
thorwilknome: will you be in brussels?12:28
thorwilvish: might be goo stuff. a few fellows on ayatana ml are just way to wordy12:44
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vishthorwil: yeah , but it got to a point where i had 200 mails from ayatana alone :(15:01

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