
jbuncher_can someone help me fix my plymouth splash on lucid?  Running on intel chipset, but booting from grub 1 installation00:22
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mrnounHey everyone. I am trying to build a package, before I modify it. I am trying to use debuild, is this the proper way?04:12
micahgmrnoun: try #ubuntu-packaging04:14
mrnounokay thanks, ill probably be back when im trying to patch it04:15
cshongHello! Can someone help me? I need to know which package is related to my bug, so that I can make report.05:55
ddecatorcshong: have you tried this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage05:56
cshongTried to look at that website. Even looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting still don't know which package related to the bug. Let me describe the problem now.05:58
cshongI purchased a new laptop (came with Windows 7) and installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. There is no eject button on my DVD drive, but there is a eject button on my keyboard to open the DVD drive. The button does work during BIOS boot screen and also work when using Windows 7. But, after I boot into Ubuntu, the button not working anymore in Ubuntu, still not working even if I try to restart to Windows. I have to turn off the laptop and turn on again to make the06:04
cshongbutton working. This problem just after boot into Ubuntu.06:04
ddecatori feel like i've seen that before. let me look on launchpad a sec06:06
cshongFound one at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/56999406:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 569994 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "eject hotkey fails to eject cd on gnome lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,New]06:12
ddecatorgood find, i was only seeing one for mac laptops06:12
ddecatorcshong: if that's what you're experiencing, then go ahead and mark that it's affecting you =)06:13
cshongMarked. But, if I can know which package is related, may be I can just leave a comment here to tell the developers.06:15
cshongSo, no other possible ways to know which package?06:22
ddecatorsorry, i'm not familiar with bugs dealing with key-bindings. others more familiar with bugs in that area probably know, but this is a slow time for this channel. it's likely that the developers will know what package it should be assigned to06:24
cshongI subscribed to the bug, and already run apport-collect command to send some information. Hope this can help the developers.06:28
cshongI am going to leave this channel now. If anyone have anything to tell about the bug, please leave the comments on the bug web page. Thank you and have a nice day.06:31
ddecatorcshong: see you later06:32
LaibschI'd appreciate if somebody familiar with modems and dial-up (pon, gnome-ppp) took a look at bug 574192.  Would further information can I provide?06:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 574192 in gnome-ppp (Ubuntu) "Japanese emobile-branded Huawei E220 (D26HW) fails to connect (regression from karmic) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57419206:44
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BUGabundo_remoteDrive, drive! Drive your life one-way street!08:43
kermiachi BUGabundo_remote :)08:44
BUGabundo_remotekermiac: ready for a new release or what?08:44
kermiacanother one? I'm still up to my neck in lucid installs hehe08:45
kermiachowdy yofel :)08:49
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: get on your Marks, get set, GOOOOO08:51
arandSo... I first ran tasksel and selected "virtual machine host" then ran it again, and now it's uninstalling my system as we speak, how amusing08:53
arand*ran it again, removing the virtual machine host selection...08:54
BUGabundo_remotenext it will remove your phisical network card :)08:58
arandOh nice, it pretty much cut the system headless, /me is not amused09:01
yofelit didn't remove grub?09:02
arandyofel: no, but everything even remotely desktop-y, down to xserver-xorg09:03
arandDang! Even notify-send is gone, no irc-pings for me :(09:03
BUGabundo_remotearand: $ sudo rm --no-preserve-root /09:05
arandMight as well, I'm just trying to figure out if there is anything on here in need of saving before I reblast the backup image... Gah, it removed vim!09:08
arandHmm, what would I attach to the bug report apart from dpkg.log and a few well choosen swearwords?09:14
arandThere: Bug #574287   /me is off to restore backups09:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "tasksel uninstalled my system! (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428709:34
BUGabundo_remoteahahaaha nice descriotion09:36
arandWOuld someone care to bless Bug #574287 with some importance please? (suggestion high)12:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "tasksel uninstalled my system! (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428712:14
arandFor the apt tasks that are used by tasksel (e.g. virt-host^), is "tasksel" the correct package to report bugs against?13:18
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arandFor the apt tasks that are used by tasksel (e.g. virt-host^), is "tasksel" the correct package to report bugs against?15:28
arandBUGabundo_remote: Well, I've actually narrowed down the (highly reproducable) cause quite neatly, just wanting to make sure the package is the correct one.15:32
arandSince those tasks can equally be installed using " apt-get install taskname^ "15:32
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cmeiklejohnHi there.17:51
BUGabundo_remotehey cmeiklejohn17:53
cmeiklejohnI was just wondering if someone could help me diagnose something.17:55
cmeiklejohnI have a thinkpad edge, and the volume keys were working fine this morning.17:55
cmeiklejohnAnd, have been for weeks.17:55
cmeiklejohnBut, all of a sudden they stopped working.17:55
cmeiklejohnI've attempted to debug this with keymap, which registers events for the skipsong events, etc, but not for volume, or brightness.17:56
cmeiklejohnJust wondering what the next step might be to further debug this.17:56
astraljavacmeiklejohn: Care to explain what's so funny? Or is it something only you can see? ;)18:03
cmeiklejohnHahaha, oh nothing.18:06
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RunePhilosofhttps://help.ubuntu.com/ is not up-to-date18:56
RunePhilosofit lists the current stable version as 9.1018:56
charlie-tcaShould have a bug filed for that19:30
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RunePhilosofwhere would I file a bug against the site https://help.ubuntu.com21:35
yofelRunePhilosof: please read the bottom line on that page21:37
charlie-tcaAccording to the page: To report a problem, visit the bug page for Ubuntu Documentation21:37
RunePhilosofgreat :)21:40
yofelhggdh: as we both are looking at bug 88330 right now it seems, wasn't patch not supposed to be used for debdiffs?22:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 88330 in wifi-radar (Debian) (and 1 other project) "[apport] wifi-radar crashed with AttributeError in <module>() (affects: 6) (dups: 3) (heat: 53)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8833022:04
yofelmeh, it would be nice if the retracer could set bugs to confirmed once a crash gets a duplicate22:10
hggdhyofel: indeed, my bad22:12
* hggdh is cross-eyed now22:12
hggdhyofel: I am not even sure the patch still applies, old version targeted22:12
micahgyofel: I would suggest filing a Malone bug for when a bug that's NEW gets a duplicate, it moves to confirmed22:13
hggdhgood idea22:13
* micahg thought there was one22:13
yofelhggdh: erm... bug 231297: we just seem to be getting in our ways today :P22:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 231297 in wifi-radar (Ubuntu) "wifi-radar crashed with [line 47] in _read() (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23129722:55
yofelmark it as a dup of bug 353456 maybe?22:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 353456 in wifi-radar (Ubuntu) "wifi-radar crashed with [line 18] in _read() (affects: 33) (heat: 212)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35345622:56
hggdhyofel: heh. I will stop (am tired, no matter what). Yes, I think so.22:57
yofelOk, I'll do it then22:58
hggdhyofel: it would be something to find out where the bad line came from... but I doubt we will be able to22:58
yofelindeed, but for now I would rather fix wifi-radar so that it doesn't crash but rather gives a sane error message instead22:59
hggdhit should be simple, just add an exception handler for this. But how will you know what was wrong?23:09

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