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stevecrozzis there a problem with launchpad ppa right now? I uploaded a package using dput a few hours ago and still haven't gotten a message01:42
stevecrozzusually it sends a message (accepted or denied) within a few minutes01:42
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dholbachgood morning07:17
slytheringood morning07:45
Rhondaslytherin: Thought you had fetched it already, did some cleanup in my waste dump, sorry. :)07:45
slytherinRhonda: As i said, I was updating ISO images. And my internet connection is of limited speed.07:46
RhondaI remember, I just didn't think about that when I cleaned up. %-)07:47
slytherindholbach: I was referring to bug 486450 the other day. It has been fixed for a while. Still it shows on sponsorship queue page.07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 486450 in gst-plugins-ugly-multiverse0.10 "Typo in package description: "This packages"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48645007:49
dholbachslytherin: alright, I'll take a look in a sec07:49
slytherinRhonda: Can you please republish the packages? I have time today so I can do basic testing. And I want to upgrade my PC to lucid soon.08:19
dholbachslytherin: that's not a bug in the sponsoring overview08:24
dholbachslytherin: the bug is closed, but the merge proposal ist still marked as "needs review"08:24
slytherinhow to i solve that?08:25
dholbachjames_w can mark it "merged" ... if it is08:25
Rhondaslytherin: Yes, I'm currently uploading. :)08:28
Rhondaslytherin: http://deb.at/~rhonda/waste/2010-05-03-9GYi1r0kKWs/08:31
slytherinRhonda: did you change version? These are backport packages, right?08:32
RhondaThese is the source from lucid built in a karmic environment.08:32
RhondaDidn't change the version, no.08:32
RhondaOr … wait.08:33
RhondaNo, didn't change the version.08:33
slytherinRhonda: The packages you published before has ~bpo** in version. That's why I asked.08:33
RhondaThen I handed you the wrong ones before anyway. Good that I got rid of them!08:34
RhondaThose were built in a Debian lenny chroot.  %-/08:34
RhondaSo thanks a lot for asking!08:34
slytherinI am downloading these packages right now. Will take at least 2 hours.08:34
RhondaEnjoy ;)08:35
slytherinpersia: Is u-u-s team still relevant? Or should I let my membership expire?08:38
RhondaIs there a faint of a posibility that wesnoth 1.8.1 might be accepted into lucid proposed instead of lucid backports?08:39
slytherinRhonda: Ideally you should cherry pick fixes from upstream. Also considering that 1.8.1 release add a new UI element it may not be acceptable as it is in -proposed.08:40
Rhondaslytherin: It doesn't add a "new" UI element, it adds back an _old_ UI element because the new one doesn't work properly. :)08:44
slytherinRhonda: hmm. In that case it might be acceptable. Still you should discuss before hand with someone from SRU team.08:45
RhondaBut sweet to know that you are tracking it, too. ;)08:45
slytherinI keep checking project news every now and then. I am actually eager to check the new artwork in 1.8.08:52
slytherinAnd of course new campaigns08:52
Rhondaslytherin: There is only one new campaign - but that one can even be played in multiplayer. ;)09:13
james_wdholbach: you should be able to mark it "Merged" as well, along with anyone else that can upload the package09:37
slytherinjames_w: I don't see an option to mark it as merged even though I have upload rights09:43
james_wthere's no edit icon next to the status at the top?09:44
james_wwhat's the URL?09:45
james_wI have one, that's a bug then09:46
james_wslytherin: can you file a bug against launchpad-code please?09:47
james_wI have merged it now09:47
slytherinjames_w: wait, is it because the reviewer assigned is 'ubuntu branches'?09:48
james_wslytherin: that may have something to do with it, but you should still have the button09:50
slytherinI will file a bug09:50
slytherinjames_w: Did you just mark it as merged?09:50
geserIIRC the button was once there, but apparently vanished again09:51
james_wI did09:51
dholbachjames_w: I'm not member of ubuntu branches09:57
dholbachjames_w: maybe that's the reason why?09:57
james_wbut that's not supposed to be the way it works09:58
dholbachI see09:59
james_wit's supposed to be that if you have upload rights you can change these things09:59
james_wand I fixed it a few weeks ago09:59
james_wbut it seems to have broken again10:00
ricotzLaney, directhex - fyi Docky 2.0.3 is released :-)10:12
sorenricotz: How does it relate to the 2.1.0 think in the PPA?10:26
ricotzsoren, 2.1 is the development/trunk branch which will end up in a 2.1.0 release with new features10:27
ricotz2.0 is feature frozen so it can meet a SRU10:28
sorenricotz: I see. Is there a PPA with the stable one in it?10:29
sorenNot that the 2.1 one has been unstable, really. It works very well for me.10:29
ricotzsoren, no there is no stable ppa10:30
sorenThe only problem I've had with Docky is that when I start a guest session, I have both the gnome panel at the bottom as well as docky.10:30
kklimondaahow do you keep control over all sources, branches and tarballs you end up with because of various motu related activities?10:30
sorenkklimonda: Carefully. Very carefully.10:30
sorenricotz: Alright.10:31
kklimondasoren: I can barely contain the mess in ~/code/ and prevent it from spreading it all over my home directory ;)10:31
ricotzsoren, there is nothing we can do about it, the panel needs to be removed somehow10:32
sorenricotz: Yeah, not blaming you guys at all. I understand the problem.10:33
ricotzRAOF, you are arround, perhaps you want to take this docky release update ;-)10:34
slytherinRhonda: Tested the backport. Played first 3 scenarios of 'Tale of Two Brothers'.11:27
Rhondaslytherin: Can you please add it as comment to bug #57060911:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570609 in karmic-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8-3ubuntu1/universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57060911:33
slytherinRhonda: Done.11:35
slytherinI will go ahead and install Lucid on my PC now.11:35
RhondaSo what's next? Should I mark it as confirmed?11:37
slytherinI don't know how backports procedure work. It has been really long since I requested any.11:39
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RhondaScottK, persia: Shall I set bug #570609 to confirmed, or shall I rather try to get some more tester?13:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570609 in karmic-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8-3ubuntu1/universe)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57060913:01
RhondaThe backup process in the wiki isn't too clear on that part, it's a bit fuzzy.13:02
persiaI'm not a backporter, but I usually see two testers beyond the requestor.13:02
RhondaAlright, thanks for the response anyway. :)13:02
ari-tczewwhere maverick is looking in Debian? testing or unstable?13:04
micahgari-tczew: should be unstable, as should be lucid now13:05
micahgoh maybe not13:05
ari-tczewmicahg: lucid? LTS = work with testing13:05
micahgno, I was right, pull-debian-source pulls from unstable now in LUcid13:05
ari-tczewmicahg: but I mean about development cycle like autosync... I think that you know what I mean about13:06
micahgari-tczew: dev for Lucid was with testing, now dev for Maverick on Lucid is with unstable13:07
ari-tczewmicahg: ok. btw. now is time to fix forever libjdic :>13:07
micahgari-tczew: as soon as I finish porting about 30 other packages in Hardy/Jaunty :)13:08
ari-tczewmicahg: nice! good luck ;-)13:08
Laneyjames_w: is the debian importer off?13:15
ari-tczewkklimonda: are you interested in merging transsmision?13:18
kklimondaari-tczew: yes13:19
james_wLaney: yeah, for at least a few more hours yet13:19
Laneyok then13:20
james_wshould make it such that it only pauses one distro when there is a release13:20
ricotzLaney, can i provide you a debdiff for docky?14:03
Laneyricotz: just saw your pm, what is it for?14:10
ricotzLaney, it fixes bug 573294, bug 540688, bug 555562 and an installation problem on kubuntu14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573294 in docky "Crash reading Crossover launcher" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57329414:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540688 in docky "banshee_control.py crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54068814:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 555562 in docky "crash accessing Gnome keyring in Lucid" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55556214:12
ricotzLaney, this should really go in14:13
Laneyso you already have the diff?14:13
ricotzLaney, it should be no backport14:13
Laneythen what needs doing is the sru paperwork14:13
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:13
ricotzyes, i have14:13
ricotzLaney, infact the whole release could be considerd that way14:16
ricotzi will attach my debdiff to a one of these bugs14:16
Laneyplease do the SRU stuff and then subscribe ubuntu-sru to one of the bugs14:18
Laneyi'll sponsor it for you if they approve it14:18
* Rhonda wants a usable git-bzr %-(14:23
imbrandonRhonda: me to14:23
Laneyusable how?14:24
LaneyI've managed to use it before14:24
RhondaWell, working and stuff. To be able to clone from bzr and push back.14:24
Laneyoh, not pushing14:24
Laneybut cloning worked14:24
imbrandonyea need both, e.g. i work on lots of debian stuff on alioth and github, and lots of ubuntu stuff on LP14:25
imbrandonand it would be great to use one rcs14:25
imbrandonyea i know there is bzr-git , but afaik you cant push with it14:25
LaneyI just have ubuntu branches in git if there's the need14:25
Rhondaimbrandon: and bzr-git is the other way round, too. ;)14:26
imbrandonRhonda: yea, git-* would be ideal imho14:26
imbrandongit-svn git-bzr etc14:26
* imbrandon yawns15:01
imbrandonScottK: prod15:15
imbrandonpoke , all that good stuff15:15
imbrandonScottK: i added a new task to LP bug 571986 , forgot that dapper ( server ) is still supported , not sure if you'll get an notification or not15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571986 in karmic-backports "Please Backport apt-mirror 0.4.7-0ubuntu1 to to Hardy" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57198615:16
Rhondaimbrandon: Why is it in karmic-backports when it's wanted to get backported to Hardy?  *puzzled*15:22
RhondaOh. Meta-backports-bug :)15:23
imbrandonRhonda: yup ;)15:31
* Rhonda blames ubottu for cofusing.15:31
imbrandonRhonda: and actualy its backporting to dapper, the others are done ;)15:31
Rhondaconfusing even, so much that I can't even type anymore.15:31
imbrandonthats ok , i've switched my "dev" machine to squeeze over the weekend, talk about confused ;)15:32
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starting in 23m in #ubuntu-classroom15:38
ari-tczewcould someone open a task on karmic in bug 574262 ? I want to prepare a patch to fix it by sru.16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574262 in gdm "Please backport to Karmic GDM fix for bug #463376" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57426216:06
MTecknologywhat's SRU?16:43
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:43
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imbrandonScottK: ty17:53
imbrandonScottK: i dident realy think about it before but it fell under the "server" support17:53
ScottKRight.  Makes sense.  Most people don't think much about Dapper anymore.17:54
imbrandonsince its cli and ment to be run mostly on servers even if desktops "can" run it17:54
imbrandonthere probably isnt even any users of it in dapper still, but ya never know ;)17:54
imbrandoni think from here on out though i'm gonna try the SRU route, it might make more sense until 0.5 is released ( 0.4.X are bugfix releases )17:55
imbrandon0.X being new feature-sets17:55
imbrandonclean.sh being the next major function i need to "fix" e.g. it works but ummm not all that great and not how most would think it does , honestly suprised there isnt more/any bugs filed about it upstream/in debian/in ubuntu17:58
* imbrandon goes back to making the ubuntuone music store work in debian17:59
stevecrozzi sent a few packages to my ppa yesterday but got no confirmation and they don't appear in my ppa build queue... is there a problem with the build system right now?18:00
imbrandonstevecrozz: hrm, PPA's should still build, have you actualy checked the status on LP for the PPA , maybe the email went to spam/blackwhole18:00
stevecrozzimbrandon: yeah, I don't see any updates here in LP18:07
stevecrozzI used dput and it looked like it worked fine18:07
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imbrandonstevecrozz: then it likely got silently rejected , i would try to reupload, if it was waiting on a buildd it would say so on LP18:10
stevecrozzok, I'll try again18:11
ScottKimbrandon: I know there are still server users on Dapper.  I've gotten Dapper specific clamav bugs in the not too distant past.18:13
imbrandontrue i still get bugs from debian old-stable18:15
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bilalakhtarhyperair: You recently commented on the package in revu. I didn't understand this line of yours:- Packaging appears to be licensed under GPL-3, rather than "GPL-3 or later." This can cause legality issues in the future.18:40
hyperairbilalakhtar: it's what someone mentioned on IRC before.18:40
hyperairbilalakhtar: your package is considered a "derivative work" of the upstream package.18:41
bilalakhtarhyperair: It means that I should change it to only GPL3?18:41
hyperairyou need to make it GPL-3+18:41
hyperairbasically GPL version >= 318:41
bilalakhtarhyperair: in upstream or package?18:41
hyperairin package.18:41
hyperairupstream is GPL-3+18:41
hyperairpackage is GPL-318:41
hyperairGPL states that you must license derivative works under the same version or greater of GPL.18:42
hyperairso if upstream changes to GPL-4, your packaging is no longer usable.18:42
hyperairit becomes illegal to use it18:42
hyperairyou'll have to repackage from scratch18:42
bilalakhtarhyperair: fine18:43
AnAnthyperair: repackage for scratch ? or just change the license ?18:43
Rhondahyperair: Why would one have to make it gpl3 or later and can't stick with gpl3 only?18:43
Laneyis it a derivative?18:43
Laneyi can't imagine that 3 and 3+ will be incompatible18:43
hyperairpackaging work is considered a derivative, is it not?18:43
hyperair3 and 3+ aren't incompatible18:43
RhondaBecause gpl3 only actually is a sub amount of gpl3 or later and thus compatible.18:43
hyperairthis is a theoretical case, where GPL-4 comes out, and upstream changes to GPL-4+18:43
RhondaThe other way round is an issue.18:43
RhondaNot this direction.18:43
RhondaYes, at _that_ point it might become incompatible.18:44
hyperairyes, so this is providing for the future.18:44
RhondaBut only with incorporating future changes.18:44
hyperairare you saying that we should just ignore the fact that GPL-4 might come out in the future and not plan ahead?18:44
RhondaIt won't render the current version invalid, neither now nor in the future.18:44
hyperairmeaning tht the packaging becomes useless once upstream switches to GPL-4?18:44
hyperairwon't it?18:44
RhondaNo, it won't.18:45
hyperairwhy not?18:45
RhondaBecause it doesn't incorporate code now that is gpl4 (or later)18:45
bilalakhtarhyperair: I have uploaded the package with ALL the fixes to revu, should be available soon18:45
hyperairRhonda: that is now.18:46
hyperairRhonda: i'm talking about if/when upstream upgrades to GPL-418:46
hyperairthe packaging won't be able to be relicensed to GPL-4+18:46
Rhondahyperair: Me too. Even _then_ _this_ now created package can stay gpl3.18:46
hyperairRhonda: and the packaging won't be able to be ported forwards.18:46
RhondaWhy won't it be able to be relicensed?18:46
hyperairbecause GPL-3 != GPL-3+?18:47
RhondaWhy do you think so?18:47
joaopinto"per license X" is not compatible to " per license X and  >X"18:47
RhondaRight. But the person who wrote it might still relicense it.18:47
carstenhpeople die18:47
joaopinto per license X and  >X includes an extra clause which you dropped18:47
Laneywhy would it necessarily be a problem anyway?18:47
Laneystuff with multiple licenses is combined all the time18:47
RhondaThe packaging isn't that voodoo magic anyway.18:48
Rhondacarstenh: The world dies too, slowly.18:48
* hyperair facepalm18:48
joaopintosomeone picking up the derivative work would not be able to re-distribute to a new license, violating the original license statement18:49
RhondaAnd actually people like to stick to gpl2 only because of not being happy with some of the additions in gpl3. The same might happen with gpl4 too.18:49
hyperairhow about "let's just play safe"18:49
RhondaSo people might actually prefer to _actively_ decide themself wether they might want to transition with their code.18:49
bilalakhtarhyperair: check the new upload now on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-media-player18:49
Rhondahyperair: Exactly. gpl3 only might be a "play safe" approach for some people. :)18:49
carstenhRhonda: the world will die only once because there is only one. all people die sometimes and additionnally some stop beeing reachable by mail even earlier18:49
hyperairRhonda: but upstream is GPL-3+18:50
Rhondahyperair: So? The packaging isn't magic, again. :)18:50
hyperairRhonda: meaning "let's throw away existing packaging and repackage because we didn't make accomodations for the future"?18:50
Rhondahyperair: %:\n\tdh @$@@$18:51
Rhonda… or such.18:51
ScottKIf the packager doesn't want to license their work under the terms of whatever oddity FSF thinks up next, they should be able to do so.18:52
Rhondahyperair: Actually it's even better to suggest to put packaging under BSD or MIT and _not_ what upstream chooses.18:52
bilalakhtarhyperair: is the package ok?18:52
RhondaThat way it is possibl eto share packaging amongst different packages where upstream sources are incompatible with each other.18:52
hyperairbilalakhtar: i'm not a computer. i take time to review things! given how fast these people are pinging me, it'll take even longer >_>18:53
hyperairand yes, since we've got so many concerned MOTUs discussing this package, why don't you all also review it?18:53
Rhondahyperair: GPL3+ might not be the best option neither, that's what I'm saying.18:53
hyperairbilalakhtar: why is vlc suggested?18:53
bilalakhtarYes, a fellow motu is asking for help, please help a fellow motu!18:53
bilalakhtarhyperair: Try running the app, you will come to know18:53
hyperairbilalakhtar: why don't you tell me, since i'm lazy to run it.18:54
bilalakhtarhyperair: ok telling18:54
bilalakhtarhyperair: This app uses 3 engines for playing media (libvlc, xine-lib, gstreamer)18:54
bilalakhtarhyperair: the app allows you to select an engine for playing the particular file18:55
carstenhbilalakhtar: not that this hinders uploading the package, but making packages lintian clean even when all checks are turned on doesn't hurd and makes sponsors happy (or sad because they are not able to find minor possible enhancements)18:55
hyperairbilalakhtar: so why "vlc" and not just "libvlc"?18:55
Rhondahihi, "doesn't hurd". Sweet typo. ;)18:55
bilalakhtarhyperair: libvlc is NOT enough for playing videos in gnome-media-player, you need the x components of vlc also, which are (unluckily) found in vlc18:55
hyperairbilalakhtar: your watch file doesn't work. run 'uscan --dehs --no-download' to test18:56
Rhondahyperair, carstenh: Sorry for the meta discussion, but I still believe that chosing explicitly _not_ GPL for the packaging work is the best option.18:56
bilalakhtarhyperair: with libvlc you can play audio files, but playing video files in vlc mode requires one to have vlc installed18:57
bilalakhtarhyperair: will check that out18:57
* hyperair wonders what the dh_make copyright template is licensed under18:57
RhondaNow my young one needs food18:57
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bilalakhtarhyperair: CAn you please help me with this? the current source tarball is located on http://launchpad.net/gnome-media-player/development/0.1.2/+download/gnome-media-player-0.1.2.tar.gz . How do I make a regex for it?18:58
hyperairbilalakhtar: is there a page with a list of all tarballs?18:59
bilalakhtarhyperair: This project is registered on lp, so the page is https://launchpad.net/gnome-media-player/+download18:59
carstenhRhonda: everything more restrictive than mit, 2-clause bsd or our beloved former project leader's license is imho not a suitable license for debian/*, so we seem to agree :) (and GPLn-only is the worst free license one can choose)19:02
hyperairbilalakhtar: https://launchpad.net/gnome-media-player/+download .*/gnome-media-player-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz19:02
bilalakhtarhyperair: thanks A LOT19:02
Rhondacarstenh: Actually I'm thinking of suggesting the WTFPL as sole packaging license for the pkg-games team.19:02
hyperairwhat's WTFPL?19:03
bilalakhtarhyperair: Shouldn't it be https://launchpad.net/gnome-media-player/+download/.*/gnome-media-player-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz19:03
hyperairbilalakhtar: no, the space is needed.19:03
macohyperair:  do whatever tf you want with the code19:03
Rhondahyperair: I could tell you but then I might get kicked from the channel ;)19:03
bilalakhtarhyperair: fine19:03
carstenhhyperair: do what the hell you want with it19:03
hyperairRhonda: just say it. we're very lenient people...19:03
hyperair...i think =p19:03
hyperairbilalakhtar: see "man uscan"19:04
Rhondahyperair: it's the What The F... Public License19:04
macohyperair: nah im pretty sure the F isnt allowed in here19:04
carstenhactually not "hell"19:04
Rhondahyperair: It has one statement: Do What The F... you want to do with it19:04
hyperairbilalakhtar: when there's a space, it means that it's two arguments, i.e. first the page to look at, second, the regex to look for in the hrefs19:04
bilalakhtarhyperair: saw it, thanks19:04
hyperairmaco: the dots helped.19:05
hyperairbilalakhtar: okay, i don't see any more issues with it. time for a test build.19:05
bilalakhtarhyperair: uploaded, waiting for revu to show it on the page19:05
* Rhonda actually wonders wether the license, as it uses profanity, is a violation of the Ubuntu CoC and such licensed stuff should get banned from ubuntu. ;)19:06
carstenhRhonda: you are right, debian/patches/* licensed under bsd 2-clause with upstream gpl would be suboptimal19:06
* hyperair waits for his maverick cowbuilder to finish installing.19:06
Rhondacarstenh: Why so?19:06
hyperairRhonda: because the patches are derivative works...19:06
RhondaDoesn't the bsd 2-clause permit relicensing?19:06
hyperairRhonda: upstream gpl.19:06
hyperairRhonda: those patches are not legal to be applied.19:07
RhondaAh, because of the context …19:07
Rhondahyperair: Of course they are legal to be applied.19:07
hyperairfine, the result of applying cannot be legally distributed19:07
Rhondahyperair: They will get relicensed as per GPL and are allowed to get reliccensed as per their own license.19:07
hyperairbilalakhtar: cowdancer with a pbuilder interface.19:07
hyperairbilalakhtar: copy-on-write builder.19:07
RhondaOf course it can be legally distributed.19:07
carstenhRhonda: one clause says "please include me in source" which would make (at least) one file in upstream licensed under gpl and bsd if upstream meges the patch19:08
RhondahyThe patches _themself_ are because of the contained context a violation of the GPL if put under a different license.19:08
Rhonda_That's the issue.19:08
* bilalakhtar prays to god to get the package inside with no more problems :)19:08
hyperairRhonda: i'm not cut out to be a lawyer19:09
hyperairbilalakhtar: heheh it's looking bright. you just need one more advocate after me, if all goes well =p19:09
bilalakhtarhyperair: its up on revu19:09
fabrice_sphmm, what happened to mk-sbuild-lv?19:09
fabrice_spit was there in karmic and not in lucid19:09
hyperairoh speaking of which i was supposed to try sbuild..19:09
carstenhRhonda: neither bsd nor mit permit relicensing (if you define relicensing as removing the old license text and adding another one)19:10
* hyperair groans. my .pbuilderrc was wrong and cowbuilder create failed!19:10
* bilalakhtar wishes he had the knowledge to use pbuilder so he could help hyperair 19:10
hyperairbilalakhtar: that won't work.19:10
hyperairbilalakhtar: well you should test your packages in pbuilder/cowbuilder/sbuild first, before uploading to revu.19:11
hyperairyou mean you didn't?19:11
hyperairand after building, you should still run lintian on the binary packages19:11
fabrice_spfyi, mk-sbuild-lv became mk-sbuild19:11
hyperairfabrice_sp: thanks19:11
bilalakhtarhyperair: oh, I built it using debuild (which runs lintian) and have tried many ppa uploads of it19:11
hyperairbilalakhtar: and after that, the sponsor still has to pbuilder/cowbuilder it to make sure that the sponsor didn't bluff =p19:12
hyperairbilalakhtar: well, learn to use pbuilder =p19:12
hyperairbilalakhtar: it's not so hard, especially with pbuilder-dist around19:12
hyperairgood grief. this ayatana list is really active.19:13
hyperairi look away for 20 minutes to do some review work, and next thing i know, i've got another 20 odd emails in my inbox!19:13
hyperairbut i just cleared 20 odd emails 20 minutes ago...19:13
* hyperair weeps19:13
bilalakhtarhyperair: are warnings after running lintian on binary deb ok?19:13
hyperairbilalakhtar: cowbuilder still creating..19:14
hyperairbilalakhtar: pardon my slow machine.19:14
bilalakhtarhyperair: fine, I am having a question. Is it fine to have lintian warnings?19:14
ScottKIt depends on the warning.19:15
hyperairbilalakhtar: well, if you know what the lintian warning is, and you have a good reason for not fixing the warnings, then you should override.19:15
hyperairbilalakhtar: see "man dh_lintian"19:15
hyperairand mind, that's only *if* you know why the warning is there and have a good excuse (the excuse should be inserted as a comment into the lintian-override)19:15
bilalakhtarhyperair: omg I have a lintian E (error). Its FSSTND-dir-in-usr . What is it? It is not documented on lintian page19:16
hyperairlintian-info -t FSSwhatever19:16
Rhondalintian -i gives you extended informations19:17
hyperairdir-in-usr.. judging from the tag name, do you have a new directory in /usr?19:18
hyperairbilalakhtar: what does dpkg -C blah.deb say?19:18
bilalakhtarhyperair: Looks like its an upstream problem. Will fix it.19:18
hyperairbilalakhtar: okay, what's the problem? out of curiosity.19:19
hyperairseems to be a pedantic error?19:19
bilalakhtarhyperair: It DOES create a new directory in /usr19:19
hyperairwhy for?19:20
bilalakhtarhyperair: now I have to make the change in orig as well19:20
hyperairbilalakhtar: release a new tarball and use that as your new .orig19:20
hyperairnaturally, you should also bump the version19:20
hyperairthe upstraem version i mean19:20
hyperairadd a .119:20
hyperairor something like that19:20
bilalakhtarhyperair: This app was developed by Michael Lamothe, maker of me-tv, on Anjuta. Looks like the problem is with the Anjuta IDE19:21
bilalakhtarhyperair: is it important?19:21
hyperairlemme seee.... once i get pbuilder working19:21
bilalakhtarhyperair: ok I think its fine now19:27
bilalakhtarhyperair: beginning to upload19:27
bilalakhtarhyperair: uploaded. should be available soon19:29
bilalakhtarhyperair: see it now.19:32
hyperairbilalakhtar: did you change the tarball version?19:41
bilalakhtarhyperair: no19:42
hyperairbilalakhtar: you should have. also did you fix the lintian warnings on the binaries?19:42
hyperairW: gnome-media-player: extra-license-file usr/doc/gnome-media-player/COPYING19:44
hyperairW: gnome-media-player: wrong-name-for-upstream-changelog usr/share/doc/gnome-media-player/ChangeLog19:44
bilalakhtarjust a min19:46
jcfpbilalakhtar: you are installing NEWS and README files via debian/docs, but both are empty19:47
guidoihi there19:50
bilalakhtarjcfp: Can I remove these files?19:51
guidoii need some advice regarding a kinda-resolved bug19:51
guidoii don't know how to proceed19:51
bilalakhtarhyperair: solving the warnings19:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207065 in compiz "Bad Compiz Bindings Bug" [Low,Triaged]19:52
guidoiI've posted a working patch,19:52
guidoiand today it was commited upstream19:52
guidoiso the next release of compiz will include the fix19:52
guidoibut as of the package in lucid repos, the bug is still there, and the patch is therefore still useful19:53
guidoihow should this affect the status of the bug?19:53
bilalakhtarhyperair: do I need to put a debian/source/format ?19:53
hyperairbilalakhtar: yes.19:53
bilalakhtarhyperair: ok19:54
hyperairyou should put "3.0 (quilt)" unless you have a reason to continue using the current format19:54
bilalakhtarhyperair: thanks19:55
hyperairit's a sebner!19:56
bilalakhtarhyperair: should I build-depend on quilt?19:56
hyperairbilalakhtar: no.19:56
hyperairbilalakhtar: the whole point of "3.0 (quilt)" is to not have to make any patch-system related changes to packaging19:57
hyperairwell, one of the points.19:57
bilalakhtarhyperair: done. uploading now , again19:57
bilalakhtarhyperair: no warnings!19:58
hyperairbilalakhtar: by the way, in the future, you should never re-release a tarball of the same version once it has been released once.19:58
bilalakhtarhyperair: I agree. Since I am one of the upstream developers, I shall fix this problem in the development branch also.19:59
bilalakhtarhyperair: check it out. up on revu20:00
jcfpbilalakhtar: empty files aren't much use as docs, so unless they magically get filled in during build, don't install those.20:00
bilalakhtarjcfp: removed them from the doc file.20:00
jcfpalso, your diff has changes outside the debian dir: gnome-media-player-0.1.2/Makefile.am20:01
bilalakhtarjcfp: Sorry, didn't note them!20:01
bilalakhtarhyperair: abort, will have to re-upload20:02
hyperairbilalakhtar: okay.20:02
hyperairbilalakhtar: if you have changes outside the debian dir, please use a patch system (with "3.0 (quilt)", you can just use a quilt-styled patch + quilt-styled series file in debian/patches with no further changes)20:03
hyperairhuh Makefile.am disappeared.20:04
hyperairbilalakhtar: what happened to the Makefile.am from the upstream tarball?20:04
bilalakhtarhyperair: Its not required in the debian package, so no need to have it in that place, right?20:04
hyperairrule of thumb: never repackage the tarball if not necessary.20:05
bilalakhtarhyperair: well, in the upstream tar, i don't think its there. I just added it manually, to generate makefile.in, forgot to remove later20:05
hyperairquestion. where's this Makefile.in now?20:06
bilalakhtarhyperair: Its there20:06
hyperair8e8f6b966b93880f150b304d937c3f33  gnome-media-player-0.1.2.tar.gz20:06
hyperair676db492be4e9b61130adc49e5b1f21f  ../gnome-media-player_0.1.2.orig.tar.gz20:06
hyperairplease use the upstream tarball.20:06
hyperairif there are changes to be made, please use a patch system.20:07
bilalakhtarhyperair: should I re-generate changes from upstream tar?20:07
hyperairbilalakhtar: use a patch system.20:07
hyperairbilalakhtar: specifically, use quilt.20:07
bilalakhtarhyperair: done20:10
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
bilalakhtarThese things make me think how stable Ubuntu is intended to be :)20:12
bilalakhtarhyperair: check it now. up on revu (again)20:13
hyperairbilalakhtar: i mentioned something about a patch system, did you read/20:15
bilalakhtarhyperair: I used the upstream tar as the orig, so it was a patch sys for me20:15
hyperairbilalakhtar: do you have files in your debian/patches20:15
bilalakhtarhyperair: yes, of course20:16
hyperairwhat are they?20:16
jcfpbilalakhtar: I: gnome-media-player source: quilt-patch-missing-description debian-changes-0.1.2-0ubuntu120:16
hyperairyeah, that20:16
hyperairanother thing, your patch.. touches Makefile.in, but not Makefile.am20:16
hyperairplease make changes to both Makefile.am and Makefile.in at the same time20:16
hyperairin the same patch, i mean20:16
bilalakhtarhyperair: becoz makefile.am is not in the upstream tar20:16
hyperairbilalakhtar: it is.20:17
hyperair$ tar -tzf gnome-media-player_0.1.2.orig.tar.gz  | grep Makefile.am20:17
bilalakhtarhyperair: uploaded. should be available soon20:18
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ
bilalakhtarhyperair: sorry for truobling you for silly reasons :|20:19
hyperairit's part of the learning process20:19
bilalakhtarhyperair: yes, this is the first package I am getting into universe. I also want liboauth and python-tweepy to get into universe. should prepaer source for them soon20:20
hyperairbilalakhtar: i'd actually advise you to try getting packages into Debian as well.20:21
bilalakhtarhyperair: you can see the package on revu now. up20:21
hyperairbilalakhtar: the best way is to get them into Debian, then file sync requests to bring them into Ubuntu20:21
hyperairbilalakhtar: there's still the issue about your debian-changes-NNNN patch. could you rename it, and give it a proper description for the patch does, please?20:22
hyperairbilalakhtar: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ <-- see this for a guideline on how to write patch headers20:23
bilalakhtarhyperair: renaming means just rename the file? i think one needs to specify the new name somewhere else also20:24
hyperairbilalakhtar: yes, in debian/patches/series.20:24
bilalakhtarhyperair: thanks20:25
hyperairbilalakhtar: you can actually just do something like "QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt rename -P debian-changes-0.1.2-0ubuntu1 some-other-name.patch20:25
hyperairthen to change the header you can just do "quilt header -e"20:26
hyperairassuming you've configured the EDITOR environment variable properly20:26
hyperairand QUILT_PATCHES also20:27
hyperairor you can just edit it and change the top20:27
bilalakhtarhyperair: uploading. sorry for the delay20:36
carstenhbilalakhtar: libgstreamermm-0.10-dev is not in debian unstable, only in experimental. the other build dependencies seem to be available in unstable. you could ask its maintainer if he indends to upload it into debian unstable and also file an "itp bug" against the debian bug tracking system.20:38
bilalakhtarcarstenh: I shall think about debian later20:38
bilalakhtarhyperair: uploaded. should be available soon20:38
hyperaircool, gstreamer has gotten an mm20:39
carstenhok, how you like. you did already most of the work, getting it into debian shouldn't be a problem anymore20:39
bilalakhtarcarstenh: is libgstreamer-0.10-dev there in debian stable?20:39
carstenhbilalakhtar: no, only in experimental20:39
bilalakhtarhyperair: available on revu now20:40
hyperairbilalakhtar: getting a package into debian is slightly harder than getting it into ubuntu, but once you've gotten it into debian, it's very easy to get it into ubuntu (just file sync request and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors then someone will come and sync it along)20:40
bilalakhtarhyperair: thanks for the info20:40
bilalakhtarhyperair: I am going the opposite way20:40
hyperairbilalakhtar: and that's the hardest =p20:40
bilalakhtarhyperair: first ubuntu, then debian20:40
carstenhbilalakhtar: there is stable, testing and unstable and additionally single, often experimental (hence the name) packages that are not considered to be stable enough for unstable are uploaded to experimental20:40
hyperairbilalakhtar: ah sorry, i didn't notice this before, but g++ shouldn't be in the build-dep, it's already installed afaik.20:41
hyperairminor issue though20:41
bilalakhtarhyperair: so should I remove and re-upload?20:41
bilalakhtarhyperair: ok re-uploading20:41
hyperairbilalakhtar: debian/docs is an empty file, please remove20:43
bilalakhtarhyperair: told in the nick of time20:43
carstenhdo people still recommend cdbs to people learning packaging?20:44
hyperaircarstenh: some do, some don't.20:44
hyperaircarstenh: i don't, personally.20:44
hyperairdh7 ftw20:45
bilalakhtarhyperair: I use cdbs to make my rules file look good20:45
hyperairbilalakhtar: dh7 makes your rules file look even better20:45
bilalakhtarhyperair: uploaded and available on revu20:45
hyperair<tab>dh $@20:45
carstenhdh7 needs only one line (if you use ";")20:45
hyperaircarstenh: heh, yes that's right20:45
bilalakhtarhyperair: did you do a test build?20:46
bilalakhtarhyperair: or you are going to begin one?20:46
hyperairsee /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny for DH720:46
hyperairbilalakhtar: going to begin one.20:46
bilalakhtarhyperair: any more packaging errors? ready for test build?20:49
hyperairbilalakhtar: building.20:55
bilalakhtarhyperair: thanks a lot. I don't know how much I can thank20:55
hyperairbilalakhtar: no, don't thank me. i should be thanking you for your contribution to ubuntu =)20:55
bilalakhtarhyperair: I held you for 2 hours. you must be bored of telling me errors in the package :)20:56
hyperairbilalakhtar: i'm a flexible multitasker ;-)20:56
hyperairbilalakhtar: you didn't realize what i was doing in the background20:56
bilalakhtarhyperair: ohk20:57
bilalakhtarhyperair: well, so, how far has the build gone?20:57
hyperairdpkg is still installing build-deps20:57
hyperairmy notebook sucks with i/o20:57
hyperairand i've ioniced it to keep my machine usable while building20:57
bilalakhtarhyperair: I think using pbuilder, cowbuilder, etc reuires a fast internet connection20:57
hyperairbilalakhtar: yes it does, but only once.20:57
hyperairi mean the .debs are cached20:58
hyperairthe next round will just use those cached debs20:58
hyperairbilalakhtar: either way, the download only takes a few seconds/minutes for me, since i live on the same network as the nearest ubuntu mirror ;-)20:58
bilalakhtarhyperair: lucky20:59
hyperairbilalakhtar: yeah, i agree ;-) especially when i maintain that mirror =p20:59
hyperairbilalakhtar: it doesn't build.20:59
bilalakhtarhyperair: which country? I am in saudi arabia (yes)20:59
hyperairNo package 'gstreamer-interfaces-0.10' found20:59
bilalakhtarhyperair: what?20:59
hyperairbilalakhtar: i'm in singapore, the mirror i maintain is "linux.ntuoss.org"20:59
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
hyperairweird, it built earlier21:00
hyperairbilalakhtar: you removed libgstreamermm!21:00
bilalakhtarhyperair: 'coz it was not needed. I later realiosed the app didn;t use mm, it used the plain one21:00
bilalakhtarhyperair: re-upload21:00
hyperairbilalakhtar: but configure.ac looks for mm, so you'll have to change it21:00
bilalakhtarhyperair: didn';t think of that, fine, re-uploading21:01
bilalakhtarhyperair: uplaoded21:02
bilalakhtaryou are very patient21:02
bilalakhtarup on revu21:03
hyperairwell i've finished exams, so i've got all the time in the world21:04
bilalakhtarhyperair: you are a high-school student or a college student?21:04
bilalakhtarhyperair: I am a high-school student21:04
hyperairuniversity student =)21:05
bilalakhtarhyperair: lucky :) My exams are coming close . The indian system of education is damn tough21:05
bilalakhtarI am an indian, in case you might ask21:05
hyperairi'm chinese.21:06
hyperairyour name sounded very arabic21:06
bilalakhtarI am an indian living in saudi arabia. There are many foreign nationals living here. My name might sound arabic, but I am an indian :)21:06
hyperairah, that makes sense =)21:07
bilalakhtarhyperair: began build?21:07
hyperairwait wait21:07
* hyperair re-dgets21:07
hyperairweird, i keep getting the old one?21:11
bilalakhtarhyperair: old one?21:11
hyperairbilalakhtar: did you change configure.ac?21:11
bilalakhtarhyperair: nope21:11
hyperairthen how did you fix the build error?21:12
bilalakhtarhyperair: just changed control back to mm version21:12
bilalakhtarhyperair: I realised the app did use the mm version for some features21:12
hyperairheh okay21:12
bilalakhtarhyperair: worked?21:12
bilalakhtarhyperair: looks like I have to go off to sleep. late night here. did it work?21:17
hyperairstill building21:17
hyperairwell chances are it'll work. if it does i'll give you an advocate21:18
bilalakhtarhyperair: ok, and if it doesn't, comment. thanks a lot21:18
bilalakhtarshall leave now21:18
hyperairnp =)21:18
hyperairgood night21:18
ari-tczewwhen maverick will be open for uploads?22:51
ScottKWhen they are done getting the toolchain in place.22:52
ScottKProabably ~a week.22:52
ari-tczewIn ~a week include other changes like rearm MoM, pbuilder, ubuntu-dev-tools etc. ?22:55
ScottKIIRC MoM is already done.  The other things should be done already (and in Lucid)23:00
ajmitchno doubt we'll be encouraged to use bzr branches to do the merges rather than use MoM's supplied package23:05
LaneyI wonder if requestsync shouldn't fall back to using rmadison in case the LP Debian import is out of date23:07
ari-tczewis there any tool like grab-merge but based on bzr branches?23:08
Laneythat would be an exceedingly simple shell script23:09
Laneyyou could write it :)23:09
ari-tczewwait... using bzr in merge? how? what about debian?23:09
LaneyLP has had Debian imports for a while now23:09
ajmitchbzr merge-package lp:debian/sid/package23:09
ajmitchor something like that23:09
ari-tczewmhm, interesting23:10
ajmitchI think that requires bzr-builddeb23:11
ScottKLaney: "Fall back to rmadison"?  Arghhh.  I guess it's been improved again.23:11
ajmitchLaney: or the debian import stuff should just be fixed :)23:12
LaneyScottK: I believe it's been like this for a while23:12
Laneyajmitch: It's somewhat systemic23:12
ajmitchLaney: I know, I filed a bug about it23:13
ajmitchbug 568745 if you want to poke it23:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568745 in soyuz "Debian unstable record of gpt missing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56874523:13
LaneyI just pushed a fix to that effect to udt trunk23:28
Laneyhowever I suspect it isn't idiomatic python so please review23:28
Laneyajmitch: I've filed a few such bugs in the past :)23:29
ajmitchLaney: I'm not surprised :)23:30
Laneywhich leads me to think that working around is not a bad idea for now23:30
Laneymaybe requestsync should spit out a warning23:30
ajmitchhave you done a workaround?23:31
Laneycheck udt trunk23:32
ajmitchlooks like an easy change, I should have realised there'd be the interface to rmadison there already23:36

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