
axisyswhat is a good tuner card ? i need to convert some old vhs tapes to digital ? i would love a solution for ubuntu laptop.. i also have a ubuntu desktop if that is cheaper solution00:04
Shadow__Xaxisys: there are alot of solutions based on usb you can check if they are compatible also takinbg a analog medium and encasing it in a digital one will greatly show you hw bad analog can be00:09
Shadow__Xalso there are ways for you to do it with a tv tuner just need to make sure you have the right inputs you need00:10
axisysShadow__X: what would be a good tuner card for ubuntu lucid ?00:11
Shadow__Xwhatever is compatible? if you goto linuxtv there are a list of comaptible ones or in mythtv wiki00:12
axisysShadow__X: thanks00:13
axisysShadow__X: so I am looking for a analog tuner correct? my goal is conver vhs to digital00:59
Shadow__Xunless someone else knows of a better way01:00
axisyslooks like this should work01:03
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-USB2 - MythTV01:03
Jester05hey guys, I'm currently running 9.10 on my MBE/FE machine.. I did a distro upgrade one of my FE only boxes and its seeming to have difficulty connecting to my MBE.. should I'm debating doing a distro upgrade to my MBE but I want to know how well 9.10 till upgrade to 10.0401:05
Jester05Casper0082, u there?01:06
hyperactivecrondHas anybody gotten the hvr-1600 from Hauppage's ir transmitter to work?01:09
hyperactivecrondI dont' think my system is even recognizing it.01:09
hyperactivecrondnothing comes up in /dev01:11
hyperactivecrondall that's there is lircd01:11
tgm4883Jester05, are you running 0.23 on your MBE?01:13
Jester05tgm4883, no.. i figured out the error ;)01:17
Jester05i'm running 9.10 on the MBE.. which is 0.22, need to upgrade the entire thing to 0.2301:18
Jester05tgm4883, do you know how well it'll take a push like that?01:25
Jester05I don't want to brick my MBE01:25
tgm4883Jester05, You are just upgrading to 0.23?01:26
Jester05mythbuntu 9.10 to 10.0401:26
tgm4883I did the upgrade on my 9.10 backend during the dev cycle, worked pretty well01:26
tgm4883I've only done one upgrade from 9.10 -> 10.04, and it was a regular ubuntu desktop01:27
tgm4883Personally, unless you need some support provided by 10.04, i'd just upgrade the mythtv version on 9.1001:27
tgm4883Jester05, in any case, I would recommend backing up your DB first01:27
Jester05yeah I just did..01:29
Jester05how do you just do a mythtv upgrade?01:29
ZinnAuto builds contain more recent bug fixes than the normal Ubuntu repository contains.  It is available for the latest released MythTV (0.22) on Karmic, as well as semi-unstable trunk on Lucid.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.01:29
Jester05.. in mythbuntu01:29
tgm4883read the link01:30
tgm4883basically you add a package, then update as normal01:30
tgm4883Jester05, but ATM, you can run into an issue with plugins01:31
Jester05may be better off just to reinstall 9.10 on my FE in my bedroom01:31
tgm4883well the issue with plugins will be resolved in a few hours01:31
tgm4883the packages just haven't finished building yet01:32
tgm4883so the core components are a bit newer than the plugins01:32
Jester05well would you say its worth the integration to 0.23?01:32
Jester05I mean 0.22 was working great for me in the past..01:32
tgm4883Yea, I like mythnetvision01:32
Jester05hmm I'll look into it01:33
hyperactivecrondreading, it looks like 10.04 doesn't like haupphage lirc cards.01:33
tgm4883hyperactivecrond, explain?01:34
Jester05oh yeah is there a problem with mythbuntu 10.04 allowing a screen saver? .. my FE in my bedroom has a screen saver coming up which I cannot make go away via remote control01:34
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] Hauppauge PVR250 lirc receiver not working - Ubuntu Forums01:34
Jester05granted.. this FE is also not connecting to MBE so maybe thats why the screen saver is coming up01:34
hyperactivecrondthankfully, i'm at college. i'm getting ~4mbps down on the torrent :)01:34
hyperactivecrondi'm just gonna put 9.10 on01:35
Jester05yeah I think I'm going to put 9.10 back on my system as well01:36
Jester05don't feel like risking it..01:36
tgm4883Jester05, the screensaver should work in the menus, but be disabled while watching tv01:36
Jester05tgm4883, the issue is I cant get the screen saver to go away..01:36
tgm4883hyperactivecrond, so it's just the ir receiver part?01:36
tgm4883Jester05, odd01:36
hyperactivecrondit looks like it's an lirc problem01:36
Jester05I mean I'm not connected to a MBE so maybe thats why but just using my remote as is it will not go away, despite mythtv running01:37
Jester05mythfrontend.real appears to be running, just not connected to MBE.. shouldn't that be enough functionality for it to pull out of screensaver?01:38
Jester05n/m tgm4883 seems to have taken it that time.. wtf lol01:38
Jester05i'd tried it earlier and it didn't work.. now it seems to be fine01:39
Jester05I think I'm going to go ahead and just try to push the 9.10 to 10.04 upgrade01:39
Jester05it'll be interesting :-\ lol01:39
tgm4883well backup your db first, then at least you have fallback01:40
Jester05yeah I did, still won't have a system fallback tho ;)01:40
Jester05but the only real custom bit i remember doing was my samba/nfs/ssh configurations01:40
Jester05and fstab..01:41
Jester05other than those its all "normal" mythbuntu01:41
hyperactivecrondanybody here from upstate NY?01:41
Jester05I hope 0.23 / mythbuntu 10.04 will still support my Dvico cards :-\01:42
qwebirc56591so is MythBuntu a full nix install or just an addon for ubuntu? I gotta friend building a HTPC with ubuntu 9.10 and he we're researching OS and front ends02:51
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MasterPrimehow's this?02:56
MasterPrimeOk. I'll just play games with myself until someone shows up.02:57
MasterPrimeI'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. what is it?02:57
MasterPrimeI'm gonna guess 8.02:57
MasterPrimeyou're awesome at this.02:58
MasterPrimeoh nm. I think we got it.03:00
MasterPrimethanks though. you've been loads of help.03:00
TechnophilDamn, I knew the answer to that one, so impatient!03:10
ZinnTechnophil: Please watch your language.03:10
mcneverhaving some problems with recordings... i record a show and then when i try to play back it says it cant find the recording03:22
mcneveri cant see in the logs where it starts recording and then cant find the file03:23
hugolpI've made a clean install of Ubuntu desktop 10.04 amd64 on the machine I use as a server. Now livetv wont play and also no recordings will be made. I suspect it has to do something with the turner not working (nova-t-500), but I have done all the usual things to solve any problem (force activation of the amplifier, disable remote support) and still the same. Any idea or at least link to someone with the same problem?08:38
liminalmyth tv noob looking for general setup help11:07
liminalcan anyone humour me?11:07
liminalshould my Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T 500 PCI work out of the box in Ubuntu lucid?11:10
liminalwith myth tv11:10
wsuetholzHello,  I have a Foxconn NT330i Netbook that I presently have Mythbuntu 10.04 installed, which is experiencing lockups when watching Live TV, and viewing Videos.16:15
wsuetholzThe lockups are tight..  No consoles, and no ssh access to the box when it happens.16:15
mrandwsuetholz:  Yuck.  Might try flipping vdpau support and see if that impacts things... (if it's off, turn it on / if it is on, turn it off).  Also, you could try enabling verbose playback logging and then go back and look and see what the last log entries are.16:31
wsuetholzOk, I've tried looking at the frontend logs..  Where do I configure the verbose playback logging?16:32
wsuetholzI have tried messing with the different levels of vdpau, from cpu+, cpu++, vdpau full, vdpau normal, and vdpau slim.16:33
wsuetholzAfter I upgraded to the 1.95 NVidia drivers, it actually lasted a whole 5 minutes longer before locking up..16:33
wsuetholzOk, I've found the docs, on playback logging16:36
mrandI believe you can get it by doing mythfrontend -v  "important,general,playback"16:36
wsuetholzyes, thank you..  I guess a mythfrontend -v help will show the options available..16:39
wsuetholzOn the mythfrontend note..  Should I be seeing a whole bunch of terminated mythfrontend processes in my process status list?16:40
mrandwsuetholz: that not uncommon.16:51
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jcpunkOut of curiousity, I just upgraded to 10.04 and now when I boot all my USB devices power down durring the kernel init.  This royally screws up myth.  Any ideas?17:46
mrandjcpunk: you'd probably find more info/help searching the generic ubuntu forums or #ubuntu.  Be sure to include what computer type (and chipset if possible).18:07
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jcpunkI looked around the forums, no help there..... my desktop doesn't exibit the problem so I was expecting this to be somewhat mythbuntu related..... It feels like udev is lagging behind X, but I know that aint true18:10
liminalHauppauge WinTV Nova-T 500 PCI will this card work out of the box in lucid?18:31
Jay2k1i need a hand w/ getting optical spdif out to work on an asus motherboard19:06
Jay2k1my board (m2npv-vm) has an spdif connector, and i bought the spdif extension bracket19:07
Jay2k1now i don't know which settings to change (and where) to get it to light up19:08
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liminalim back21:54
liminaldo any of the menu themes allow for mouse use21:54
liminalor are they all alike osd?21:54
rhpot1991liminal: I believe they all do, but you need to find the setting that hides the mouse and disable it22:00

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