
ubottuLinuxGuy2009 called the ops in #ubuntu (meowbuntu)01:00
dholbachgood morning07:17
jussioooh lookee, its a Madpilot :D07:55
Madpilothey jussi07:55
Madpilotbeen a while - was away in Hawaii for a week, among other things07:55
jussiMadpilot: hows flying going? when are you coming over to teach me?07:55
Madpilotnot currently flying much at all, actually... long story. Still want to, but you know that line about real life being what happens while you make other plans? That.07:56
jussiyeah... I hear you... Im guessing $$... ;)07:57
Madpilotthat too07:57
Madpilotso I was drinking beer in the Hawaiian warmth on release day - how insane was #ubuntu?07:58
jussimad... but -r-p was madder07:58
FlannelMadpilot: We hit 2120 in #u, and 1519 in -r-p07:59
jussibut still, -r-p was worse...08:00
Madpilotis that the first time we've broken 2k in #u?08:00
jussiI think so08:00
elky2120 is more than we've had by about 300 or 400 i believe. karmic didn't increase much over the previous release by the reports i heard.09:33
Tm_Telky: 1980 was last record, said someone10:13
elkyi thought it was around 1800 last time.10:20
jussinice post from rww: http://rww.dreamwidth.org/6196.html11:13
XorgedOneWhy does xchat-gnome have auto accept dcc enabled default?12:47
XorgedOnestupid irc clients that auto accept dcc12:48
PiciFile a bug?12:48
XorgedOneI think I did a couple years back12:48
XorgedOneI have bigger issues right now12:48
XorgedOneXorg is not playing nice on 10.04 amd6412:48
topylixchat-gnome does not auto-accept dccs by default btw13:39
topyli(if my memory serves)13:39
elkyxchat gnome is, if my memory serves, hard in terms of changing port numbres13:50
topyliyou use foo.com:#### in the network settings14:00
topylinot gnomey, but not alchemy either14:00
elkynot newbie friendly either.14:01
elkywith normal xchat, it's at least obvious with every config what the port is.14:02
elkyunless xchat-gnome has like improved lots since the last time i tried it and dissolved in to fits of rage within minutes.14:03
topylino idea14:07
topyliit certainly doesn't have all the options visible that xchat does :)14:08
topylianyway, that's how you define a port14:09
elkymust be a topyli's dream14:09
topylii don't dream of irc clients very often, but i do use xchat-gnome :)14:09
Picitopyli: Then you aren't using irc enough14:10
elkyPici, either that, or he's not really an IRCCer14:10
topylii'm actually a proxy for drderek14:13
elkytopyli, you do realise we now need to exorcise you, right?14:14
topylii was sort of hoping it would not come out this quickly :(14:15
jussihrm...I need to find someone with a mac...14:16
jribjussi: ?14:38
jussijrib: I deleted OSX of my macbook and forgot an important peice of firmware...14:38
jribjussi: the cam?14:39
jribjussi: I have whatever the version before the latest OS X was on my macbook, want that?14:39
jussijrib: yes please14:39
bazhangapw, how may we help you14:58
jussijust as a heads up, this was pointed out to me: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24687/14:59
IdleOnejussi what is the IRCC position on that idea?15:04
IdleOneif any at this time15:04
jussiIdleOne: there currently isnt one. we havent discussed it.15:05
funkyHatIt seems to me that it would make sense to use the main #ubuntu channel for the first year of the LTS, as normal releases would be supported there for longer than that. That would save having discussion about 2 releases that are 2 years apart in the same channel15:06
funkyHatAlternatively release-specific channels like #ubuntu-hardy and #ubuntu-lucid, perhaps15:06
PiciI don't like it.15:07
bazhangNor I15:07
IdleOneI have mixed feelings, on the one hand I see the users point about getting help from other LTS users who may be using older versions of an app but at the same time it adds work load and more channels to monitor15:07
jribthere's no point15:07
IdleOne-1 at the release specific channels15:07
IdleOnethat is just insane15:07
* IdleOne huggles funkyHat 15:08
funkyHatWhy's it more insane than -lts? ;P15:08
bazhangits just a stealth move to break up #ubuntu15:08
jribit's rare for a question in #ubuntu to be unique to a release.  When it is, it's usually covered in release notes.  And most people helping in #ubuntu can help regardless of version15:08
IdleOnefunkyHat: an -ltsd channel would at least be around for 5 years15:08
PiciThink about the amount of work we already do when telling people to join #ubuntu+1 for devel releases.15:08
Tm_Tor the split knowledge15:08
Tm_Tspreading people around, just more of cross-channel postings and discussions15:09
Tm_Tno real benefit, lot to lose15:09
funkyHatOn a somewhat related note I joined -meta yesterday, and as a result helped about 10 people that I wouldn't have otherwise15:10
IdleOnemay I suggest floodbots auto kick when a release version number is misused i.e. 10.4 (drive me nuts)15:10
IdleOnefunkyHat: nice job :)15:10
Tm_TfunkyHat: ye, it's great service15:10
jussifunkyHat: tried the meta client yet?15:11
funkyHatI think I'm more likely to just go straight to -meta to look for questions than watch #ubuntu15:11
funkyHatjussi: no, I'm not sure about the idea :/15:11
jussifunkyHat: its quite cool.15:11
funkyHatI'll give it a go then15:11
Tm_Tjussi: meta client?15:12
jussiTm_T: see topic in #ubuntu-meta15:13
Tm_Tah, will do15:13
jussi@now new york15:14
ubottuCurrent time in America/New_York: May 03 2010, 10:14:0815:14
Tm_Tsomeone should comment that brainstorm item15:14
* jussi finds this rather funny..15:32
jussi[17:31:26] <_pg_> does anyone use ubuntu studio and E?15:32
Tm_Tjussi: I stick with A and D15:33
* Tm_T hides15:33
Tm_Tor D and G, like "Lady In Black" is15:34
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux15:37
Tm_Tshould that, or separate factoid have something about "linux vs GNU/linux battles doesn't belong to ubuntu support channels" ?15:38
PiciTm_T: I don't think that we need to write down a factoid for every possible rule that we could have.15:39
Tm_TPici: true that too15:39
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;)15:49
Pici10:57:13 <Micheal`> anyone else having issues with evolution?15:57
Pici10:57:30 <_pg_> Micheal`: several billion years in im doing alright ;-)15:57
Tm_Tso does anyone know why pete and andy are here?16:09
elkytried asking them?16:20
elkythey seem to be #ubuntu-kernel ops not sure who is telling them to hang here16:21
Tm_Telky: that's my question, who/in where is telling them to come here (:16:22
elkyhence my first response16:23
Tm_Tasked, no answer16:23
elkythen I suggest that the IRCC engage via an alternative means of communication16:26
Tm_Twe send out Igor?16:27
PiciI thought we already did send out the carrier pigeons.  Let me poke some people.16:27
Tm_TI prefer Igor16:27
topyliPici, mark pilgrim used to recommend thunderbird, because it's "just like evolution, but intelligently designed"16:31
Tm_Treminded DarthFrog in #k to not tell people to use google so easily (:16:42
PiciAnyone know enough about nouveau to update the factoid?17:06
ubottuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive17:14
charlie-tcanot experimental any more, it is in 10.0417:14
h00kthat part is true17:15
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner" »17:15
Pici^ updated17:15
h00kit will also be included in 2.6.33 by default \o/17:15
h00k...er as opposed to being included not by default?17:16
charlie-tcaUbuntu adds it now to the distro. It will become part of the kernel instead17:17
h00k!nouveau is <reply> an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, this does not support 3d rendering. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:19
Tm_Th00k: does not support?17:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, h00k said: !nouveau is <reply> an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, this does not support 3d rendering. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:19
Tm_Toh, right17:20
h00kTm_T: not right now, it doesn't17:20
h00kit will in the future17:20
Tm_Th00k: ye, some functionality is there, been some time, but it's "unsupported"17:20
h00kthe wiki says: Any 3-D functionality that might exist is still unsupported. Do not ask for instructions to try it. But you can read GalliumHowto in case you are brave enough.17:21
h00k!nouveau is <reply> an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, h00k said: !nouveau is <reply> an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:22
h00kthanks for your attention to detail, ubottu. Never missing a beat!17:22
charlie-tcaLooks good to me. thanks, h00k17:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:23
h00kThanks, also, Tm_T :)17:24
Tm_T!nouveau is <reply> an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:24
ubottuBut nouveau already means something else!17:24
h00kubottu: you're silly17:24
Tm_Tubottu: no, nouveau is <reply> an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:24
ubottuI'll remember that Tm_T17:24
ubottuan open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:24
Tm_Tbah, I knew this would happen17:24
Tm_Tubottu: no, nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:24
Tm_Th00k, charlie-tca: done17:26
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:26
h00kshould the D on 3D be cap?17:26
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04.  Currently, 3d rendering is unsupported. More information can be found here: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/17:27
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04. Currently 3D rendering is unsupported. More information can be found in http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ - See also !nvidia17:28
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:31
charlie-tcaNot true! For Nvidia, you must use the hardware drivers installer now17:32
Tm_Tsofixit (=17:34
charlie-tcaI don't think I have ability to17:34
Tm_Tyou have an ability to suggest the replacement/update/correction/pimp-up17:35
h00kcharlie-tca: !factoidthatisbroken is <reply> New stuff here!17:41
Tm_Tthe <reply> part isn't mandatory17:57
h00k:( oh17:58
jussibut it helps18:05
Tm_Tif used right way, that is18:13
Tm_Toh noes it's Pici!18:19
* Tm_T hides18:19
Picimy linode crashed18:22
jussicheck out the topyli awesomeness! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqVRd1FOMc8&feature=PlayList&p=67D3165D812D4CA7&playnext_from=PL&index=019:13
funkyHatPici: sudobash seems to be ban evading in #ubuntu22:27
jpdsOh, fun.22:29
jpdsTheOracle: He can't.22:30
ubottujoaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu (sudobash)22:30
TheOraclejpds: Yeah, I know. :-/22:30
TheOracleWant to boot him back out if he's actually banevading?22:31
PiciI'm a bit busy here with a financial report at work, can someone else take care of this?22:31
PiciI banforwarded him earlier to -ops due to his attitude, comments are on the bt22:32
TheOracleI can if a named op can't.22:32
Tm_The is known trouble22:32
h00knevermind, Tm_T is aware22:33
TheOracleI just don't want to get yelled at for opping in a #ubuntu- namespace channel without permission. :-p22:33
Tm_Tjpds: thanks, I'm busy crawling thru silly bans here22:33
Tm_TGryllida: hi how can we help you today?22:34
GryllidaTm_T, no, no how, i'm just reading the topic here, i'll leave soon22:35
sudobashdo you all always harass people that come in here for support?22:35
TheOraclesudobash: Learn how to ask a question without insulting people.  It's not that hard.22:35
sudobashwow I only asked 20 times22:35
sudobashall day long22:35
Tm_TGryllida: ok then, bye (:22:35
TheOraclesudobash: And a lack of response usually means nobody has the answer / noticed the question if they did.22:35
sudobashit's always something with you all22:35
Tm_Tsudobash: I'm just watching your ban records, I'm sure you already know how you are supposed to behave in ubuntu channels22:36
sudobashalways breaking some rule or not being patient enough for you all, why can't Canonical stop messing with shit and leave the stuff that works alone? why does it always have to change constantly22:36
sudobashPPD are removed22:37
sudobashSKIP_CHECKS removed (blacklist hardcoded)22:37
sudobashyeah TM_T I cant speficify custom PPD drivers for printers in Ubuntu 9.10?22:37
Tm_Tsudobash: we are here dealing only your behaviour in #ubuntu22:37
sudobashno place to tell it what driver to use in the printer applet22:37
sudobashno I cam in for support and constantly get harassed22:38
sudobashby youre asshole ops22:38
TheOraclesudobash: In the time you've been in here whining I did some googling and found the answer to your question.22:38
jpdssudobash: FYI: http://wiki.compiz.org/Hardware/Blacklist22:38
Tm_Tsudobash: that's not the point, your bad attitude towards others in #ubuntu is not acceptable22:39
Tm_Tsudobash: it's _your_ behaviour that stops you getting support22:39
sudobashyeah that functionality was removed dumbass the blacklist is hard coded in 10.04 wow you don't know shit do you22:39
sudobashso you let ops harass people22:39
TheOracleI can't *imagine* why people aren't lining up to help you, sudobash.22:39
macothe only person i've seen being harassing toward anyone is YOU22:40
macoPici: got it22:40
sudobashno I constantly come in and I am harassed by ops telling me stupid shit like I'm 5 years old maybe it's just because all your ops are retards22:40
Tm_Tsudobash: please, that doesn't help dealing this matter22:40
sudobashyou found my answer too bad it was wrong22:40
sudobashit's the truth should people come in to get support and be harassed?22:41
Tm_Tsudobash: you've been aggressive towards others because you didn't get the answer quick enough, that is not acceptable22:41
Tm_Tany kind of aggressiveness towards others is not acceptable22:42
sudobashyou all jump on ppl because 1 op says hey this guy is starting a commotion but you all don't even know what it's about you all just jump in on the 1 person22:42
Tm_Tsudobash: as said, I have your ban records in front of me22:42
sudobashwhatever what you don't have is what lead up to them huh?22:43
sudobashwhat the ops said22:43
sudobashI'm sure you have what I said though...22:43
Tm_TI do22:43
sudobashwhere is the log of the ops saying shit in pm's and shit22:43
sudobashyeah you have everything plus the complete confidence that your whole team is rock solid and trustworthy22:44
macothis channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/05/03/%23ubuntu-ops.html22:44
sudobashyeah +maco once again I am not 5 years old thanks for pointing out the obvious for everyone though.....................22:44
Tm_Tsudobash: actually, you are _still_ banned from #ubuntu since Nov 200822:44
sudobashfor something stupid no doubt22:44
Tm_Tthat's your words (:22:45
sudobashI am spreading the word the Ubuntu and Linux are slowly taking our freedoms away22:45
sudobashI guess Richard Stallman is right, don't follow Linux unless you don't want complete freedom22:46
sudobashso explain why we can't bypass compiz blacklist anymore?22:47
Tm_Tsudobash: #ubuntu is not place to express freedom, it's place to have ubuntu supportin friendly atmosphere22:47
sudobashand why we can't manually load PPD driver in Ubuntu 9.10 and above?22:47
Tm_Tsudobash: we don't discuss those things here now, we discuss about your behaviour22:47
jpdssudobash: We can, I did so two days ago.22:48
sudobashwhich on jpds?22:48
sudobashblacklist is hard coded in binary, that seems sketchy to say the least22:48
jpdssudobash: Lucid.22:48
sudobashPPD or Blacklist?22:49
jpdssudobash: That seems more like an upstream desicion and not our problem.22:49
sudobashyeah well maybe they forgot that Open Source Software is supposed to be about Freedom?22:49
macojpds: i already explained in #ubuntu that ubuntu developers do not make such decisions about features of upstream software22:49
sudobashhard coded something seems closed source to me22:49
Tm_Tsudobash: we don't discuss those things here now, we discuss about your behaviour22:50
sudobashok lets talk about why I got upset for being harassed by ops when coming to a support channel22:50
Tm_Tsudobash: you began your misbehaviour well before I interrupted it22:51
sudobashI ask a question and wait, then ask again and be bombarded with DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF, then wait more, then ask again, nothing, wait and watch all the retarded questions that could be answered by google22:51
sudobashthen wait some more then ask again and get nothing except harassment from OPS22:51
sudobashI wonder why I got upset22:52
Tm_T0029.39 < sudobash> I don't have time to watch a bunch of BS scroll down the screen talking about stupid stuff that could be handled in the forums by  something called a SEARCH ENGINE22:52
Tm_Tthis is well before any ops interfered22:52
sudobashwell then you have stupid ass users that think and act like they are ops and need to stop that stupid shit before it pisses off the wrong person22:53
Tm_Tsudobash: I rather have those users than bad attitude towards others22:55
sudobashmy attitude is bad because of the way you all handle shit22:55
sudobashyou can't even create separate channels for separate issues and more advanced uses, you stick everyone in one channel and expect everything to be gravy22:56
Tm_Tsudobash: we have been at this many times in past years, I don't like to discuss it all over again22:56
sudobashthen stop pissing off people22:56
Tm_Tsudobash: we don't piss off people (on purpose atleast), and our behaviour, or anybodys behaviour is not an excuse for your bad behaviour22:57
sudobashI wont be back and no one else will either I don't want to have to fucking migrate 40-50 users off of ubuntu because Canonical can't make up their fucking mind about what applets they are going to allow long term and stupid shit like that22:57
sudobashyou don't even see my side you closed minded bunch of idiots22:58
Tm_Toh well...22:58
knomepromises, oh those promises22:58
Tm_Tit's not first time this end up this way with him, nor last22:58
knomeoops :)22:58
Tm_Tknome: ...22:58
jpdsNo-one forced him to use Ubuntu in the first place.22:59
jpdsHe could always use Gentoo.22:59
macofor the record, these are the *only* things said to sudobash in #ubuntu by ops:22:59
maco[18:48] <Pici> sudobash: You know this channel's rules, please take a break if you cannot follow them.22:59
maco[18:51] <maco> sudobash: please don't shout, please calm down, and please file a bug if there is a regression (ie feature went missing). likely an ubuntu developer did *not* decide to remove a feature but rather upstream made some change which we can certainly talk to them about or patch at the ubutu level22:59
Tm_Tmaco: what is timestamp of the ban?23:00
macowell those are irclogs.ubuntu.com timestamps so umm...23:00
jpds18:51:16 [!] mode/#ubuntu [+zq sudobash!*@*] by Pici23:01
Tm_Toh, that's the old one, right?23:02
Tm_Tsudobash: hello, how can we help?23:02
maco13:52 is my client's timestamp for what i said, so 5 hours off.  17:33 is the timestamp i see for the ban, so 22:33 i guess23:02
Tm_Tsudobash: if you have no desire to discuss about your behaviour, I have to ask you to leave this channel23:04
sudobashshe I was eating and your already getting on me for nothing23:04
sudobashyeah I want to get my answers23:04
Tm_Tno I'm not getting on you, I'm just following the procedure23:04
sudobashthis is like some dictator shit23:05
macosudobash: this channel isnt for idling in though, so if you're not here to discuss the ban, you've no reason to be here23:05
sudobashyes I would like to talk about my behaviour please don't beat me23:05
Tm_Tsudobash: please, stay calm23:06
sudobashread then please23:06
macoas i'm sure you've been told before, bans get lifted when you demonstrate a willingness to fix your behaviour, not when you become extra-annoying23:07
sudobashor I could just change my mac ip and nick and come back without you even knowing maco23:07
sudobashthen you could say its against network policy to evade bans23:07
macoexactly :)23:08
topylisudobash, evading a ban is against freenode policy and you will be k-lined23:08
sudobashtell me how you are going to know?23:08
topylinever mind, that's our job23:08
sudobashwow on the delayed reaction thanks topyli23:08
sudobashyou won't thats just it...23:08
sudobashnot if I switch OS'es as well23:09
sudobashgood luck with that though...23:09
tomawsudobash: it doesn't matter if we know or not.  if you continued being off topic then someone would spot it.  if you rejoined and were a perfect citizen then who cares. :)23:09
Tm_Tsudobash: you could also switch your irc network and fool us more23:09
sudobashyeah but why when this is the offical support server for Ubuntu23:09
sudobashI have 2 ubuntu questions I have been trying to get answered all day23:10
macobecause your attitude is not welcome here23:10
macochange your attitude, and things'll be fine23:10
topylisudobash, do you actually have something to discuss that is on topic here?23:10
sudobashmy attitude is a reflection of the way I have been treated here23:10
Tm_Tsudobash: there's no excuse for bad behaviour23:10
sudobashthat is on topic ass hole23:10
sudobashsure if I get treated like shit here by stupid users and ass hole ops I think I have reason to be pissed off23:11
sudobashyou would be pissed as well23:11
sudobashunless your a robot23:11
Tm_Tsudobash: there's no excuse for bad behaviour, no matter what23:11
sudobashtell that to some of your ops23:12
sudobashyou cant accuse someone of something if your ops are guilty too and not even do shit about it with the staff members23:12
Tm_Twe are not discussing about them, we are discussing about your behaviour23:12
topylisudobash, the operators' competence is not an issue we discuss on this channel, we have an appeals process for that. if you don't want to make progress towards removing your own ban, you should leave the channel as we do not allow idling23:12
sudobashwhat are you a fucking dictator telling me what I can and can't talk about?23:12
sudobashwhat are you a fucking dictator telling me what I can and can't talk about?23:12
sudobashwhat are you a fucking dictator telling me what I can and can't talk about?23:12
macosudobash: could you please be civil? i don't believe any of us have sworn at you23:13
sudobashI'm putting this on slashdot23:13
* knome is eagerly waiting23:13
Tm_Tsudobash: as topyli said, if you're not willing to deal this matter so we could remove your ban, please leave the channel23:14
macoknome: ditto. irclogs are great, aren't they? :)23:15
sudobashwhat the fuck I told you my attitude is a reflection of how I have been treated here what the fuck else do you want me to fucking say you fucking dicks?23:15
knomemaco, definitely :)23:15
maco"sorry", maybe?23:15
macothatd be a start23:15
sudobashcan I just get my answers?23:16
sudobashyou all are unbelievable23:16
Tm_Tsudobash: not until you are willing to be calm and behave properly towards others23:17
Tm_T...actually that's the answer23:17
sudobashI am calm you all just have fun fucking with people and one day it's gonna bite you all hard in the ass23:17
Tm_Tsudobash: in that case, I have to ask you to leave (:)23:18
sudobashI am calm I just want my answer so I can fix someones damn printer god this is retarded23:18
sudobashI hope you all feel good about acting like Hitler and all23:18
topyliooh hitler23:18
TheOracleTm_T: You are a model of catalyzation.23:19
Tm_TTheOracle: I am not ):23:19
TheOracleTm_T: You handled that better than I likely would have.23:19
topylivery patient indeed23:19
sudobashyou all can't even be nice23:19
TheOracleFWIW, I think there's a way to do what he wants to do but...23:20
sudobashsupport team that are complete dicks23:20
Tm_Tnow it's up to you, staff?23:20
TheOracleTm_T: For what, ban evasion?23:21
Tm_Twell, he has that kind of habit...23:21
TheOracleTm_T: We'll keep an eye out.23:21
topyliTm_T, remember to remove the ban tomorrow or so23:22
Tm_Ttopyli: he is already banevading in here, tbh23:22
Tm_Tin here too, that is23:22
topyliif so, the ban only adds up to the list :)23:24
topylii think it's night time for topyli. cheers!23:25
Tm_Tgood night23:25
funkyHatDear me.23:29
Tm_TI'm actually explaining things to him in P;23:30
funkyHatGood luck...23:31
Tm_TPM that is23:31
Tm_Tseems to work somewhat23:33
Tm_Thow dull, he's calm and reasonable now23:35
* h00k arrives back from dinner23:54
h00koh my.23:54
h00kTm_T: Your patience is commendable.23:54
Tm_Tit's easy to be patient here, when they cannot pull your hair23:55

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