
RAOFbjsnider: I've heard good things about apt-on-cd00:06
RAOFBernardo: Do you have a GMA500 card to play with?  I know that Sarvatt was looking at porting those packages; you should check in with him when he's available.00:08
RAOFWoo!  Looks like the dri2 gem leak with glx > 1.2 may have been *fixed* fixed now :)01:36
brycehRAOF, :-)01:57
brycehnow only for a i855 fix01:58
jgbryceh: you happen to be around?02:26
BernardoRAOF: Hi, I have one05:20
Bernardoand I've been working on lucazade's packages05:20
BernardoI'll try to irc today from work if Sarvatt shows up05:20
=== Bernardo is now known as Bernardo|away
Mrokiihello. Does anybody know what the problem could be if compositing doesn't work on Ubuntu/Gnome, even when according to gconf-editor it should be enabled?09:23
ricotz<ricotz> Mrokii, you should give more info in you question like ubuntu version, graphic card, graphic driver09:24
ricotz<Mrokii> I am using an nvidia-card on Ubuntu 9.10, with nvidias own drivers. They have worked fine upto now, but after the latest restart compositing doesn't work anymore.09:24
Mrokiiand as I said, according to gconf-editor, compositing should be enabled.09:26
ricotzMrokii, which card model, which driver version?09:26
MrokiiThe driver version is 195.30 (a beta-driver I have been using for several days without problems). The card is 9500, I think. Not qute sure about that atm.09:27
MrokiiI don't know if that is related, but yesterday Nautilus acted weird, as when I tried to open a folder from the "Places"-menu, it showed an error-message, that it couldn't open the file. I then followed a tip I found on the net to update the desktop-database which didn't help. But I don't know if this possibly broke something.09:29
MrokiiIf I remember right, the Graphicscard is named "9500 GT".09:32
Mrokiianother thought: Could that be a kernel-problem? I know I have updated the kernel a day ago and used that. Would it make sense to try to start from the older kernel?09:38
Mrokiiricotz:  Sorry, computer crashed. But it seems to work now again (for whatever reason). I tried to enable Visual Effects in the Appearance-prefs and that somehow seemed to enable composition again. Seems it works at the moment, I will have to see if it works when I start next.09:54
Mrokii*next time.09:54
Mrokiiricotz:  Thanks for trying to help. Bye09:54
coz_hey guys... noticed on lucid  ... for 2 of my machines with nvidia agp cards... I cannot enable fastwrites and SBA...any solutions?10:22
coz_well I am going to come back for that answer ... I have to reinstall anyway10:24
jgping bryceh 14:24
SarvattBernardo: sorry, I haven't really been around, been busy as heck here getting ready for UDS15:32
SarvattBernardo: you need to add renamed drm module to the udev rules15:32
SarvattBernardo: grep -R lbm-drm /lib/udev/rules.d/15:33
SarvattBernardo: that'll show you what you need to do for drm-psb or psb-drm, whatever they renamed it to15:34
jgSarvatt: I'm having trouble with an install onto the new laptop I just got; the machine boots all the way (I can here the cheery ubuntu audible logo), but the screen isn't getting properly enabled.  What should I try?15:46
Sarvattjg: problems with the new machine too?! oh no :( what kind of GPU is in the laptop? do you have multiple monitors plugged in or anything?15:48
Sarvattjg: oh you said it was a newer intel right?15:49
jgdoes have a display port connector.15:49
Sarvattwhat brand/model laptop?15:49
jgkeithp didn't expect any particular problems.15:49
jgHP 2540p15:49
jg"Elitebook 2540p".15:50
jgHP is advertizing it will be/is certified on SuSE, so it's one they expect would be supported.15:50
jgand will stand behind.15:50
jgIt's just started shipping.15:51
jgI think I'm probably the first to try Linux on it in the wild.15:51
Sarvattcan you try booting without splash? also does it help if you hit the toggle display button after its booted or anything?15:51
jgI get the initial strange keyboard like logo on the bottom of the screen.  I didn't think to try toggling the display (duh, some days I'm dumb).15:52
jgso I verified the CD's checksum, and tried to just boot into the CD.15:53
jgAt least if nomodeset is set, it gets all the way to audio output.15:53
jgnot sure if that is the case with kms.15:53
jgunfortunately, I'm about to go into a tunnel.15:53
jgbe back this afternoon.15:53
Sarvatti have to run to work too, hopefully I can catch up with ya later and help troubleshoot it, will try to dig up something15:54
Sarvatti've seen similar bugs from people on lenovo x201s' where the gpu was hanging right when X started, hopefully can get some insight there since I cant find anything on HP 2540p specifically yet15:56
SarvattHP actually has linux support for that thing?15:57
Sarvatti have 4 HP laptops and every single one is hilariously linux unfriendly and needed custom DSDT's15:59
Sarvattdont see any here - http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=4138625&lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=321957&prodSeriesId=4138624&taskId=13516:00
Sarvatttseliot: have you seen that libvdpau1 only conflicts with the debian nvidia packages and not the ubuntu ones and some people with libmyth-whatever installed while upgrading are getting the blob installed as well even  if they aren't on nvidia?16:36
tseliotSarvatt: I think I saw a bug about it. Do you have the exact bug number?16:44
bjsniderit's a side-effect of the debian nvidia blob packaging being so far removed from the ubuntu packaging16:47
bjsnidernot only will the packaging of libvdpau1 have to be changed, but an "ubuntux" will have to be added to the new version because of the ubuntu packaging changes. but the latest release is not in lucid, so the updates could be folded into that16:52
hyperairhmm something weird is happening to my system.17:46
hyperairi appear to be going into swapping hell17:46
hyperairbut cached=276M, free=500M, and used=1496M.17:47
hyperairso much unused memory.17:47
* hyperair restarts X17:47
Bernardohi all17:59
BernardoSarvatt: the psb-drm module gets loaded17:59
BernardoI in fact renamed it, adapting the Mandriva patches18:00
Sarvattyeah because psb depends on it but its not set up properly because the udev scripts only work for drm/lbm-drm18:00
Bernardothe problem is that even with debug enabled neither psb or psb-drm show any error18:00
Bernardook, let me check the udev scripts18:00
Bernardobut I had it before as drm, and the problem was the same, /dev/dri never got created18:01
Sarvattjust add a new line changing lbm-drm to psb-drm to each of those 3 files18:01
Sarvattor drm-psb, whatever its called in there18:01
SarvattSUBSYSTEM=="psb-drm", KERNEL=="card*", ENV{ACL_MANAGE}="1" in /lib/udev/rules.d/70-acl.rules, SUBSYSTEM!="drm|lbm-drm|psb-drm", GOTO="drm_end" in /lib/udev/rules.d/78-graphics-card.rules, and SUBSYSTEM=="psb-drm",GROUP="video" in /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules18:04
Bernardodidn't change anything, I'll reboot and check again18:04
Bernardostill no improvement18:06
Bernardopsb and psb-drm get loaded, no errors in dmesg, and the xserver-xorg-video-psb driver fails because /dev/dri never get created18:07
aniis this chennel support graphics problem?18:08
aninvidia driver install fail. today i delete kermic and install lucid. then perform sudo apt-get update.  then try to install the 195 nvidia driver. becouse 185 can't support my card.  but install fail. above i pest the log of install.18:11
Sarvattani: installing from nvidia.com doesn't work in lucid18:11
Sarvattthat driver is in lucid, called nvidia-current18:12
Sarvattthere is no 185 in lucid18:12
anithen what i have to do?18:12
Sarvattrun the installer again with --uninstall, then go to system - administration - hardware drivers and activate it18:12
anisearch in software manager system u will find the 18518:12
Sarvattits a dummy package that gives you the latest version if its there18:13
aniand what about binary files18:13
Sarvattif you activate it in hardware drivers you'll have the 195.36.15 version you tried to install there, its called nvidia-current18:14
aniso i have to do apt-get install nvidia-current18:15
Sarvattno do it through jockey (hardware drivers) or else it wont set up an xorg.conf for you, if you want to do it from the command line use sudo jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current18:15
SarvattBernardo: did you munge all the symbols when you renamed it to drm-psb too?18:17
BernardoSarvatt: yes18:18
aniits saying network connection broken18:18
SarvattBernardo: can you paste your dmesg booting with it?18:18
BernardoI ran the script that they use at mandriva, then generated a diff from the results of the script and the original directory18:18
BernardoSarvatt: yes, let me copy it from the gma500 machine, just a sec18:19
anidbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.18:19
SarvattBernardo: no rush I have to run for a bit again, i started doing the stuff here but haven't had time to go further with the 5 day PPA build queue https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/psb18:20
aniwhat that mean?18:20
Sarvattani: dont have X started?18:20
aniam in gui mode18:20
aniuseing chatzilla18:20
BernardoSarvatt: lucazade created a google code svn rep, we've put everything there18:21
anihow can i do that witout X18:21
aniServer is already active for display 018:22
Sarvattani: just sudo apt-get install nvidia-current and sudo nvidia-xconfig I guess, no idea whats up18:22
BernardoSarvatt: 49k, how do you want me to send it to you?18:22
VladimirBGI need help with radeon driver setup in 10.0418:23
VladimirBGI need to set this: "Option          "DynamicClocks"  "on"   #This is for laptop users, it saves energy when in battery mode." in xorg.conf, but there is no xorg.conf in /etc/X1118:24
VladimirBGanyone.... how do I edit xorg.conf in ubuntu 10.04?18:37
BernardoSarvatt: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6634890/gma500nodri.dmesg18:40
BernardoVladimirBG: you have to create one from scratch, or download one from somewheree18:40
jgSarvatt: still losing.  how do I tell it to boot into the CD, but not try to bring up X?  I see funky stuff on the screen just at the point I'd expect the X server to be starting....21:44
BUGabundobjsnider: FYI remember when we talked about my e-sata disk asking for privs, and you sugested to chown the /media... nada... same thing21:54
BUGabundofrom my POV it's a bug in some protection system21:55
bjsniderwell, some people would call it a "feature" instead of a bug, but not me. that's just a pain21:56
bjsniderwhy should any mount require root privileges? it doesn't affect the root partition because that is in use. nobody can unmount a filesystem that's in use21:57
BUGabundoworse then that21:57
BUGabundoit mounts as *my* user21:58
bjsnidershould be one of t hose "papercuts"21:59
bjsnidermaybe it is. i don't have the list in front of me21:59
BUGabundoI filed it around alpha3 aka beta22:01
BUGabundoguess it was a regression22:01
BUGabundoand never fixed22:01
BUGabundolet me see if I can find it22:01
M0DCM_DaveHey Ho Magicians22:12
M0DCM_DaveHows everything in the world of Poulsbo?22:13
M0DCM_DaveWhere there's a will there's a way22:18
M0DCM_Daveold wise man said that to me22:18
M0DCM_DaveSo what's going on with Poulsbo so far?22:23
AlanI've just upgraded to Lucid, and i'm having real trouble getting my tablet stuff working again - was working fine in Karmic22:29
Alanbiggest problem i'm having right now is that I can get the modifier button to do a right-click, but i can't get it to modify the stylus into a right-click like it used to...22:30
M0DCM_DaveA;an, have you tried in the other rooms?22:34
M0DCM_Davesorry typing with one hand while lighting a ciggy with the other22:34
M0DCM_DaveI've already given up Visual Basic and re-learning C/C++22:35
M0DCM_Davenot giving ciggy's up just yet lol22:36
AlanM0DCM_Dave: which one in particular?22:38
M0DCM_Daveor if #ubuntu+1 is still open try that one22:38
AlanM0DCM_Dave: i'll try, but it's like trying to ask for directions in a waterfall22:42
Alani was hoping somebody here might know, and it's less crowded22:42
M0DCM_DaveI think this is just for the Poulsbo chipset22:43
jcristaueh.  what is for poulsbo?22:44
jcristauthis channel certainly isn't..22:44
M0DCM_Davegot me worried22:44
Alanwhat? I'm confused now!22:44
M0DCM_Daveme to lol22:45
M0DCM_DaveAlan is having a prob22:45
M0DCM_DaveI dunno how to help him22:45
ilmarihah, managed to trigger https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/568138 with a kernel with lock debugging support23:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568138 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[arrandale] deadlock in i915_gem_madvise_ioctl" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:20
ilmarialien arena seems to consistently trigger the hang23:20
AlanOh, if you're interested, i might have figured out how to get my stylus buttons to work23:48
Alanthe TPCButton option23:48
Alanalthough not sure why it's not on already....23:49
SarvattAlan: do you have a serial wacom tablet? that was just fixed recently in xf86-input-wacom if so23:51
AlanSarvatt: technically, yes, i.e. it's a tablet PCR23:51
Alanso you mean that it's actually fixed upstream, but missed the boat for Lucid?23:52
* Alan stabs version freezes23:52
AlanI understand why version freezes exist, but it does suck when it's a case of "oh well, screwed for the next 6 months"23:52
Alanso it's a simple case of setting it manually in my xorg.conf then?23:55
Sarvattlooks like it applies to the xf86-input-wacom in lucid, should file a bug and it can get SRUed probably23:56
Sarvattyeah thats the easiest way23:56
Alanwell that worked23:56
Alanthanks Sarvatt 23:56
AlanI was starting to worry there!23:57
AlanI wonder if/when ubuntu will ever support tablet rotate by default....23:57
Sarvattsomething like http://paste.ubuntu.com/427281/23:57
SarvattAlan: expect to be able to adjust most of the wacom settings in gnome for 10.1023:58
Sarvattwithout screwing with an xorg.conf or xsetwacom or whatever23:59
AlanSarvatt: that would be nice...23:59
AlanI like the fact that xorg.conf is becoming less and less23:59
Sarvattits already there but was too late for gnome 2.3023:59

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