
macinnisrrHi! My name is Dick MacInnis, and I have been working on an Ubuntu based multimedia distro much like ubuntustudio. My distro is called "Dream" and I am trying to keep it as close to stock Ubuntu as possible, while also including the most up to date versions of applications.  I'm wondering about a couple things: 1) are there plans for an rt-pae kernel? 2) has anyone had luck making plymouth work properly with the 2.602:22
macinnisrr4) If I make such a kernel on my own, would you be interested in including it? I am quite good at binary packaging. I can compile/troubleshoot source code easily enough. The problem is I have no experience making source packages (which is why I host my own repo as opposed to using launchpad).02:24
holsteinmacinnisrr: hey03:20
holsteinthat sounds like an awesome project03:20
holsteinare there links to anything yet?03:20
macinnisrractually you can add this line to your apt sources "deb http://www.dickmacinnis.com/dream lucid main universe multiverse non-free". Once you've done that you can download Ardour 2.8.7,  new calf lv2 plugins, autotalent (an autotune-type plugin, ladspa-trigger, matching gtk themes (that go with the custom themes I have installed for Ardour), an rt-pae kernel (although it is based on 2.6.31 so only the text plymouth s03:25
macinnisrrI'm working on a new kernel as we speak, and should have an iso ready in a few days.03:26
holsteinwould you mind to share that over at #opensourcemusicians ?03:26
holsteinthe PPA ?03:27
macinnisrrabsolutely, although I don't have it gpg signed yet (so it's not a proper ppa, I'm not sure what else I might need to do to make it so, but I'm working on it). Feel free to send out a link to whoever you want, although keep in mind that I would consider all of my packages beta at least for a couple weeks (most everything has been tested here on six different machines, and the base is Ubuntu, so blame them if major s03:29
holsteinmacinnisrr: i'll save that info you just dropped03:31
macinnisrrI also forgot to mention one of the coolest packages, which is my custom pulseaudio-module-jack package. It's a dropin replacement for the original, but contains a script to easily connect all system audio to jack. Just fire up jack and issue the "pulsejack" command. If you do a fresh install with my custom qjackctl package, this will happen automatically for all users03:31
holsteinim not really 'on the team' so to speak03:31
holsteinim just hanging out, trying to figure out what i can do03:32
macinnisrrholstien: sweet. The more people who try this out, the more feedback I can get, and the more I can improve it.03:32
holsteinBUT the folks at #opensourcemusicians will test03:32
holsteinand talk it up03:32
macinnisrrholstein: What are you interested in helping with? Maybe I could use your expertise....03:32
holsteinthats the issue really03:33
holsteinim a musician03:33
holsteinand im very interested in helping03:33
holsteinBUT i have no coding skills03:33
holsteinim not really a newb03:33
holsteinbut im still learning03:33
macinnisrrholstein: I was in the same boat as you, but during Karmic's cycle I got tired of waiting for new Ardour packages so I started compiling. Then I got annoyed compiling for all my machines, so I started packaging. Then I thought, why not make a distro?03:35
macinnisrrso I started reading...03:35
holsteinwell, im not quite there yet03:36
scott-workpersia, are you around for a question or two?18:31
scott-workinteresting view on the staid and conventional desktop -> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/05/03/google_acquires_bumptop/22:05
scott-workwish troy was here to see that22:05

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