
sainI need help with upgrade from ubuntu 10.0402:17
holsteinhow so?02:18
holsteinwhat are you running now?02:18
holsteinsain: are you familiar with synaptic?02:19
saini want to get studio desktop studio on lucid02:19
holstein yes02:20
holsteinBUT, are you familiar with synaptic?02:20
holsteinsynaptic package manager?02:20
holsteinOR do you use the software center02:20
sainYes i am. here is the thing though...02:20
holsteinin synaptci02:21
holsteinjust search ubuntustudio02:21
holsteinand you'll see all the meta-packages02:21
holsteinand you can read about them02:21
sainI tried studio 10.04 but had networking problems02:21
sainNetwork manager wasn't installed by default02:21
sainso i installed Ubuntu 10.04 and want to upgrade from there02:22
holsteinALSO read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:22
holsteinnot that one02:22
holsteinthat one :)02:22
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation02:22
holsteinsain: are you interested in audio or video?02:23
holsteinor both?02:23
sainI fear i have same networking issues after upgrade02:23
sainso ..in the event that u get networking issues, is it possible to undo an upgrade?02:24
sainexcuse my typos02:25
holsteinno worries02:25
holsteinthis is just like adding software02:25
holsteinyou dont have to add it all02:25
holsteinthe themes and wheat-not02:25
holsteinyou dont HAVE to install any of it02:25
holsteinif you just want the GIMP02:25
holsteinjust install the GIMP02:25
sainbut i like the look and feel of studio02:26
holsteinIN THEORY02:26
saini just want to get the desktop environment.02:26
holsteinyou can sudo apt-get auto-remove ubuntustudio-*whatever_meta_package02:26
holsteinsain: you might just want to search gnome-look02:27
holsteinOR some other theme site02:27
holsteinmight be easier02:27
holsteinjust be sure you read about all those packages02:27
holsteini think you just want ubuntustudio-desktop02:27
holsteinBUT im not sure02:27
sainthanks. and did you also experience network manager missing?02:27
holsteini just get the audio apps myself02:28
holsteinsain: AFAIK02:28
holsteinits not in there02:28
holsteinbecause it can conflict with audio interfaces02:28
sainthen how do u get it if you dont have internet connection in the first place?02:30
sainIAW cant run synaptic02:30
holsteinsain: you see that other link?02:38
holsteinin there is an explaination about how to use a CD as the repo02:39
holsteinSO you can install from synaptic using the ubuntustudio DVD02:39
holsteinin theory02:39
* holstein has never tried it02:39
holsteinive just always had internet02:40
sainholstein: i forgot to mention that the install of Network manager from the DVD failed02:41
saini kept getting errors saying to place studio dvd in rom. it was already there02:42
saintried for 3 hours and gave up.02:43
holsteinyou are missing nm-applet02:43
holsteini bet02:43
holsteinBUT im not sure02:43
sainI'm missing that too. network manger package was missing.02:45
sainI'll try installing studio desktop over Lucid and see what happens02:45
sainmy only concern is in case i screw up, will i restore my original settings when i uninstall studio desktop?!02:48
holsteinsain: in theory02:53
holsteinyou should onlly be getting themes02:53
holsteinand wallpapers02:53
holsteinand should be able to remove them no problem02:54
sainholstein: thanks02:54
XaseHey anyone alive here?04:07
holsteinXase: whats up?04:07
XaseWell I am trying to set up a ubuntu studio guest in Vbox so I can test some of the products with out mucking up my current ubuntu install... but when I go to install guest additions, it says It cant build the kernel modules as it cant find the source.04:08
holsteinXase: why do you want guest additions?04:09
XaseAcidentally selected jackd realtime kernel at setup... dunno if that's the problem, and why it can't find it.04:09
XaseFull screen capabilities.04:09
Xase1024x768 kills me.04:09
holsteini havnet tried to get the guest additions installed in lucid04:10
holsteinit would be the same as vanilla ubuntu04:10
holsteinOR should be04:10
holsteinyou just go to qjackctl04:10
holsteinand you can uncheck the realtime option04:10
XaseBut doesn't it go to realtime kernel now... or is the realtime kernel default anyways?04:10
holsteinXase: you know much about jack?04:11
holsteinXase: RT kernel is not default04:11
holsteini would say only install it if you need it04:11
holsteinyou might be cool with the generic one04:11
XaseNo. Not much really outside of knowing i've used it indirectly I believe.04:11
XaseI think I should be cool with generic... but it lists the rt kernel in my kernel sources directory under /usr/src/linux04:11
XaseThat was the cause of my trepidation in working out a solution on my own.04:12
holsteinwhat about uname -a ?04:12
XaseBooting up as we speak.04:12
XaseThe gdm background is rather trippy. who designed it?04:15
holsteinnot sure04:15
holsteini've always really enjoyed the ubuntustudio art04:15
XaseYeah me as well.04:15
XaseIt's running Generic.04:15
XaseBut it still reports unable to build kernels...04:16
holsteinif you dont need it04:16
holsteinyou dont need it04:16
holsteinyou can just do sudo apt-get install linux-rt04:16
holsteinif you need it04:16
holsteinAND edit grub204:16
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:16
XaseDo I need more than the headers and build-essential to compile a kernel module?04:16
holsteini wouldnt think so04:17
holsteinBUT i usually just apt-get the whole package04:17
holsteinand i havent built one on my own yet04:17
XaseWell I don't need to build one. Virtualbox Guest Additions install just needs to be able to build a module... perhaps a lack of DKMS or something or other?04:19
holsteinim not sure04:19
holsteini tried in karmic04:19
holsteinto get compiz going under virtualbox04:19
holsteinin snow leopard04:19
XaseSnow Leopard?04:20
holsteinand i gave up after a bit04:20
XaseRunning Compiz?04:20
holsteinwith lucid as a guest04:20
holsteinrunning compiz04:20
XaseI thought someone finally accomplished a way to fully install a mac os x guest in vbox.04:20
holsteini did get the guest additions installed though04:20
holsteinand i didnt do anything crazy04:21
holsteini just ran the script04:21
XaseWell this eats chunks...04:21
holsteinon the guest additions ISO04:21
holsteinin xubuntu 9.1004:21
holsteinand mint04:21
holsteini want to say that was jaunty based04:21
holsteinare you getting an error when you run the script?04:23
holsteincan you try again04:23
holsteinand pastebin it?04:23
XaseSeveral times04:23
holsteinthe output?04:23
Xaseow.ly/1G64A I believe should get you there04:26
holsteini think you should paste that in a normal support channel too04:27
holsteinyou got a LOCO?04:27
holsteinwhere are you?04:27
holstein#ubuntu is a mess04:27
XaseI am US > Mass04:28
holsteinXase: i think we need /var/log/vboxadd-install.log too04:30
holsteini bet this is a lucid support issue04:31
holsteinin virtualbox04:31
holsteinXase: is this windows?04:31
holsteindo you have the latest Vbox version?04:31
holsteinlucid just went final thursday04:31
XaseThat is the install log.04:32
=== Xase is now known as xase-brb
psidrummy audio stopped working, when i try to play a music it says Failed to connect: Connection refused09:52
narendraHI everybody..10:25
narendraI want to ask the feedback on Big Live DVD and its disadvanges10:26
narendramay you give the your experience10:26
narendraI belongs to India, and we are preparing custom live DVD of Linux... I want to know what can be the disadvantages,,10:27
narendrahow can i contact main developers and users ?10:28
jussinarendra: our DVD is not a live DVD.11:07
narendraYes, I know,, but I am creating a Live DVD based on Live CD of ubuntu, this is going to distribute hundreds of students, now, I am asking for potential diadvantages11:10
narendrajussi, ..|11:11
narendrajussi, I am asking to share Or give feedback for this purpose based on ubuntu studio experience11:11
jussinarendra: large download size, need to have  dvd handy...11:11
astraljavanarendra: I think he meant that you're asking in the wrong channel, try the plain Ubuntu devs.11:11
astraljavaOh, okay. Sorry I misunderstood.11:12
narendraastraljava, but I am was asking like having a BigDVD , how it will behave on 512Mb ram11:12
narendraastraljava, which most of the school have11:12
narendraastraljava, also, I am making a mannal for creating live usb... for for creating a live usb, I have to give then iso image inside DVD11:13
astraljavanarendra: DVD versus CD doesn't matter there, it's all about how big a chunk needs to be loaded into the memory.11:13
narendraastraljava, See, my custom live DVD is having almost all packages which a student needs, and current size is 2.1GB and expected to grow upto 2.5GB11:14
astraljavanarendra: I'd expect a lot of swapping then, but again I'm not an expert on live systems, as we don't do that here.11:15
narendraastraljava, So booting from USB will fast,,11:16
narendraastraljava, what u think?11:16
narendraastraljava, but I afraid , school hardware will support usb booting or not....11:16
astraljavanarendra: That's the tricky part, yes, most older hardware might not support that function.11:17
astraljavanarendra: But I'm not sure how well a live system will work on 512MB RAM anyway. You might wanna ask for experiences from the measurements from the vanilla Ubuntu devs.11:18
narendraastraljava, where i can find them?11:19
astraljavanarendra: To me it sounds like a problem. But what do I know.11:19
Blank__you can't pull off a liveCD environment with 512MB ram without it being very sluggish after only a few programs are opened11:19
astraljavanarendra: You can ask for further pointers in #ubuntu-devel.11:20
Blank__i'm thinking in terms of a full gnome environment, though11:20
narendraastraljava, thanks,, asking -devel list11:21
astraljavaBlank__: Well, from the aforementioned website: School OS is complete and fully functional operating system based on the Gnome window managers11:21
Blank__hmm... that would be a problem if RAM is in short supply11:22
Blank__for instance, this old laptop has 448MB ram and it was hopeless with gnome (on a proper install), so I ended up switching to XFCE then LXDE11:23
astraljavaYeah, I can imagine so much of swapping, it's not even funny.11:23
Blank__i can run gimp and a few other things at once, but even under LXDE things get very slow11:24
Blank__i barely use firefox because of how much ram it uses11:25
narendraBlank__, Thanks for input,, I am looking for network install methods.. too11:28
Blank__good luck narendra, glad to see people working on this sort of thing12:17
narendraBlank__, thanks, My only problem how to make the live DVD bootable on small ram like 512 MB ram  .....12:20
psidrumwineasio included in next ubuntustudio?12:27
Blank__narendra, it would probably require a lot of changes to the stock gnome desktop12:27
narendraBlank__, I am not intending for lot of changes, Intension is to install SchoolOS in all indian schools..12:28
Blank__narendra, things like stopping certain services from running... i don't know much about the workings of gnome sadly12:29
narendraBlank__, ok ,,  I got your point !12:30
Blank__narendra, were you intending on including openoffice?12:30
narendraBlank__, yes, visit http://schoolos.org12:31
Blank__narendra, that could be a problem... whenever i open up the word processor my system gets very slow12:32
narendraBlank__, case 1 - booting from live CD which has openoffice   case 2 - booting from live CD which has openoffice and openning it12:34
narendraBlank__, are both same things ?12:34
narendraBlank__, ln boot time and general speed12:35
Blank__there's no problem with having openoffice on the cd, but the system would get slower when opening it12:35
Blank__i just ran it on my other computer, which is much faster and better, and openoffice writer took up 15MB of memory, so it's probably not a problem, narendra12:43
narendraBlank__, ok12:45
astraljava31179 jaska     20   0  173m  57m  43m S    0  2.9   0:01.30 soffice.bin12:46
astraljavaConsiderably more than 15MB.12:46
astraljavaResident is 57MB, 43MB shared.12:47
astraljava$ cat /etc/lsb-release: DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 9.0412:47
mrAZhello, i have freezing ubuntu studio 10.04 installation with rt kernel. any issues known ?12:49
astraljavamrAZ: I'd suggest filing a bug about it, no issues known, thus no workarounds.12:55
astraljavamrAZ: Which version of linux-rt are you using?13:00
mrAZthere is message after grub menu : mounting none on /dev failed13:02
mrAZthen it boots, but after 5min or so freezes. i tried to not install any 2d/3d audio and video software - as minimal as possible13:03
astraljavamrAZ: Not sure what the status of rt kernel is at the moment, so like I said, file a bug and let's see what kind of commentary we get there from the dev.13:06
mrAZi will try to write some diagnostic logging to see first what part of system cuses that. i am used to debian only, has ubuntu some special lastlog settings ?13:08
astraljavamrAZ: Not that I know of, but you could try asking from some devs about it.13:09
Blank__astraljava, i stand corrected... i wonder why it was so small on my other computer13:14
astraljavaBlank__: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Maybe they have tweaked it for better performance.13:17
Blank__Ubuntu Studio 10.04 RC is what was on it at the time13:18
mrAZwhich nvidia should i choose for geforce 9500 gt ? i suspect graphics to cause freezing.13:20
astraljavamrAZ: You mean the graphics driver? Have you tried nouveau?13:21
mrAZi will try it13:22
_pg_does anyone use ubuntu studio and E?15:30
jussi_pg_: dont tempt me with such easy ones :P15:32
jussi_pg_: but I dont. do you have an issue you would like to ask about?15:32
_pg_jussi: just wondering if anyone does it, I have it going but have all kinds of silly problems. E is just so gorgeous...and everyone in #ubuntu hates E and everyone in #e hates ubuntu so progress is slow lol15:33
astraljavaJust to clarify, we're talking about E17, right? ;)15:36
_pg_astraljava: yessir15:37
RemunJ66problem(s) upgrading to 10.04. No desktop, just black terminal screen :-\19:21
astraljavaRemunJ66: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:25
RemunJ66sorry? i am sort of newbie to linux problems19:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:30
RemunJ66OK, but i can´t copy anything from a terminalsreen at my laptop to my desktop, or can i??19:34
astraljavaRemunJ66: Networking still works, right?19:38
RemunJ66I may hope so, but network means desktop, shared folders, printer and laptop19:40
RemunJ66Just upgraded my laptop from 9.10 to 10.04 Ubuntu Studio LTS19:40
RemunJ66Can not access graphical desktop on my laptop19:42
astraljavaRemunJ66: Are you machines in the same subnet? You could scp the file over to your desktop.19:44
astraljavaRemunJ66: For that you need openssh-server installed on the desktop machine, of course.19:45
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:46
RemunJ66Shall try a clean install and will come back later, ok?19:46
astraljavaRemunJ66: Might not fix the issue, if it's driver-related. :)19:47
RemunJ66ok astraljava, you have my attention19:47
RemunJ66How can i check if openssh-server is on my desktop and how futher?19:48
astraljavaRemunJ66: Read the message from ubottu a few lines above, helps you pastebin the file from the laptop.19:48
Dwelwhen I installed and got a black terminal screen I typed startx19:50
RemunJ66pastebin: command not found19:50
astraljavaRemunJ66: sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:51
astraljavaRemunJ66: Please read the instructions all the way.19:51
RemunJ66what instructions, i just installed pastebinit succesfully i may hope ;-)19:54
astraljavaRemunJ66: I meant the ubottu message. :)19:54
RemunJ66can not read ubottu message, why?? Is it xchat gnome?19:58
astraljavaRemunJ66: Nevermind. Now that you have pastebinit installed, do:19:58
astraljava$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:59
RemunJ66just typed ¨patebinit Xorg.0.log¨ at /var/log$ prompt, was that right to do?19:59
astraljavaRemunJ66: Please read above your latest line.20:02
RemunJ66type mistake you mean? I typed pastebinit Xorg.0.log20:03
astraljava$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:03
RemunJ66http://pastbin.com/yfiYu2u2 shows my Xorg.0.log file20:26
astraljavaRemunJ66: I'm sorry, but it's an empty page. Was there something wrong with the command I listed above, or did you not try it?20:27
RemunJ66http://pastebin.com/yfiYu2U2 shows it here, but i can download it for you?20:31
astraljavaRemunJ66: No need, now I see it.20:32
astraljavaRemunJ66: Hmm... seems to cut off in midst. What graphics card do you have?20:36
RemunJ66What is in one capital letter, is it :-)20:36
RemunJ66I will be back in about half an hour20:39
astraljavaRemunJ66: I need to get some sleep before that, so I hope you get someone else to help you. Good luck!20:41
astraljavaRemunJ66: Might wanna check out this page when you return: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146423920:47
RemunJ66Thanx for your excellent help so far astraljava. I shall check the last link you mentioned.21:18

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