
=== magic_ninja420 is now known as magic_ninja
raevolit looks like XDG_DATA_DIRS doesn't include /usr/share01:40
raevolshould it?01:40
raevoli mean, /usr/local/share01:40
raevolit has /usr/share01:40
raevoldoes anyone know where the xdg environment variables get set in xubuntu?01:50
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xnoobtuevenin everyone03:26
xnoobtuwas hopin maybe I could find some help03:27
xnoobtui think the install just answered my own question for me :) well thanks anyway. hope you all have a good night03:28
JuanantonioHello. I would like to know some opinion on X10.0403:40
JuanantonioIs there someone?03:42
neozengreetings all04:29
bcgrownwhere are the xfce panel settings stored?  i just want to reset it to normal but removing ~/.config and ~/.cache didn't do it04:40
moetunes!resetpanel | bcgrown04:45
ubottubcgrown: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:45
moetunesI think that works in xubuntu04:45
_Techie_moetunes, xfce4-panel04:46
moetunesso that bot link isn't for xubuntu then _Techie_ ?04:47
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:48
ubottuSupport: #xubuntu | Developer Discussion: #xubuntu-devel | Offtopic chatter: #xubuntu-offtopic04:48
moetunesjust thought the bot links in here would be for xubuntu is all04:49
_Techie_some things are, but it iwll also use ubuntu factoids04:49
bcgrownso... nobody knows?04:50
_Techie_i could figure it out easy enough, but not whithout looking at an xubuntu system04:50
bcgrownwhat would you look for?04:51
bcgrownyep, me too but there isn't one04:52
moetuneskill the panel then remove ~/.config/xfce/panel I thought04:52
bcgrownthere's a ./config/xfce4 but removing did seem to do anything04:52
bcgrownmaybe because i didn't kill the panel first04:52
_Techie_how did you kill your panels?04:52
moetunesdid you kill the panel before removing it?]04:52
_Techie_sudo killall xfce4-panels && rm ~/.condig/xfce4 && xfce4-panels04:53
bcgrownyep, that did it!04:54
_Techie_sudo killall xfce4-panels && rm ~/.config/xfce4 && xfce4-panels04:54
bcgrowni just did "killall xfce4-panel though04:54
_Techie_i see04:54
_Techie_you had removed the config fiel04:54
_Techie_but not fully killed the panels04:54
bcgrownyeah, it must've just re-written it when i logged out04:55
bcgrowni hate it when my computer outsmarts me04:55
_Techie_si there anyone onjline that can add to ubuntu's factoids?04:55
_Techie_what do people think of the case im getting on wednesday?05:00
bcgrownnot a fan of windows05:02
moetunesI like mid sized cases-that looks cool :]05:02
_Techie_im getting that because its one of the few cases where all the internals are painted black aswell05:14
bcgrowndoes it come with a power supply05:14
_Techie_nah, i got my own PSU05:14
_Techie_a 500W im throwing in it05:15
bcgrowncool.  some of those included ones are shall we say... not so good05:15
=== markkiteflyer is now known as mkf
_Techie_this isnt a good PSU anyway05:15
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_Techie_im upgradign to a Vantech ION when i can afford it05:15
=== kite is now known as mkitef
bcgrownsome name brand ones aren't so good either: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/41005:15
bcgrownmight want to read through that before you buy a new one05:16
neozenI think I'll look @ xfce #6230 as a blessing in disguise ..... time to bone up on the mc shortcuts.05:32
mkitefAnyone able to help me debug a graphics problem preventing me logging in to my upgraded Lucid laptop?05:34
_Techie_please pastebin /var/log/xorg.log05:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:35
=== anom01y_ is now known as anom01y
mkitefHaving to run IRC on another machine as the textmode console resolution is wrong as well.  I'll try via ssh from this machine05:37
raevoldoes anyone know where the xdg environment variables get set in xubuntu?05:38
mkitefSorry ubottu - I don't understand the reference to the channel topic.05:40
raevoli have a bug i need to file and i want to make sure i write it up correctly05:40
mkitefSorry - ubotto I should have said - the laptop is Xubuntu Lucid05:40
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:41
mkitefHi Techie - Xorg.0.log is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/426803/05:42
_Techie_mkitef, does your screen support 800x600?05:44
mkitefTechie - should support 1024x768 I think as well as 800x600 - it's an old Toshiba R10005:45
_Techie_you may wish to try another screen05:45
_Techie_as theres no actual errors int xorg.log, but it is using a very low resolution05:45
mkitefDo you mean plug in an external monitor?05:45
_Techie_... is this a laptop>05:46
mkitefYes it's a laptop05:46
_Techie_excuse me while i run and hide in the corner, i hate graphics problems on laptope05:46
mkitefI know what you mean - it was working in an interesting manner in Xubuntu Karmic, now I can't log in and the console mode if wrong05:47
mkitef^h^h is wrong05:47
_Techie_you may need to use xrandr to change the resolution, or create an xorg.conf05:48
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1205:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:48
_Techie_have fun05:48
moetunesmkitef: you need to make a xorg.conf and set better hsync and vrefresh settings05:52
moetunesline 214 suggests that05:53
mkitefI just tried running xrandr, but I get "Can't open display" error, even with sudo05:53
moetunesis X running?05:54
mkitefIt was, then I tried after "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" and still got the same error05:54
moetuneswell while X isn't running do   Xorg.configure   to make an xorg.conf.new in your home folder05:55
moetunesoops that should have been Xorg -configure mkitef05:56
mkitefGot a cannot move old log file error - will try as root05:56
mkitefNo X server with errors: f000:50b4: 01 ILLEGAL EXTENDED X86 OPCODE!06:00
mkiteferror setting MTRR (base = )x.......) Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)06:00
moetunestrident cards do bite06:01
moetunesmkitef: try    killall -v X    and see if it was still running06:02
mkitefI'm going to try again over ssh so I can cut & paste the results06:03
mkitefcan't start X over ssh06:04
moetunesif you do the killall -v X on the lappy or through ssh does it say it was already dead?06:05
mkitefssh says - user not authorised to run the X server (even with X11 tunnelling turned on)06:06
moetunestry it on the lappy and use sudo then06:06
mkiteftrying X -config xorg.conf.new on the lappy returns blank screen of Ctl-Alt-F8, no change to text on Ctl-Alt-F7 and long text on console that ends in the error about illegal extended x86 Opcode and inappropriate ioctl06:09
mkitef  /var/log/Xorg.0.log has a line near the start Unable to locate/open config file: xorg.conf.new but I know the file is there06:11
moetunesthe command   sudo Xorg -configure   on its' own make a file   xorg.conf.new   in your home folder that you can edit to add better vrefresh etc then move to /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:11
mkitefOk - now I get the Xorg.0.log generated and the usual errors about refresh rates.  The console still has the error about ILLEGAL X86 OPCODE06:19
moetunesmkitef: did you add to the vrefresh setting in the xorg.conf?06:24
mkiteftrying - I added HorizSync 50-70 and VertRefresh 50-70.  Still getting the same errors.  Just googling for correct settings06:25
moetunesmkitef: http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/4570/toshiba-tecra-m1-stuck-on-800x600-maximum-screen-resolution/06:28
mkitefTrying this one as well http://borderworlds.dk/writings/xorg.conf06:28
mkitefcame from this site http://borderworlds.dk/writings/freebsd_on_toshiba_portege_r100.html which is the same model06:29
moetunesshold work but the vrefresh seems very high at 11006:30
moetunesthe one I posted has the same vid card and a vrefresh rate of only 6006:32
mkitefI'll trying bringing it down06:33
moetuneshigh settings can fry the tft06:33
mkitefstill doesn't seem to work - screen is black.  Xorg.0.log reports (II) TRIDENT(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)06:39
mkitefAlso found this: (--) TRIDENT(0): Virtual size is 1024x768 (pitch 1024) (**) TRIDENT(0): *Default mode "1024x768": 65.0 MHz, 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz (II) TRIDENT(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0   65.00  1024 1048 1184 1344  768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz)06:41
moetunescan you paste that xorg.0.log mkitef ?06:43
mkitefpasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/426825/06:45
mkitefWe have progress - I just rebooted and now the GDM login screen is the right resolution and so is the console mode.  However, I still can't login to the GUI06:51
mkitefJust did a "less Xorg.0.log" in the console and now the text goes off the bottom of the screen again :-(06:52
moetunesmkitef: I would change the vrefresh to 40-70 and hsync to 25-55 'cause the log still says they are out of range06:55
mkitefCurrently in the log they say they are (II) TRIDENT(0): Monitor0: Using hsync range of 31.50-50.00 kHz (II) TRIDENT(0): Monitor0: Using vrefresh range of 43.00-60.00 Hz06:56
moetunesthat's why I suggested  vrefresh to 40-70 and hsync to 25-5506:58
moetunesall we can do is change those until the "out of range" error goes and you get a gui06:59
S0210How do I remove "Wildbush" theme from the list in the Settings Menu? (It screws up my system.) What should I delete?07:03
mkitefstill getting vrefresh out of range - should I be widening the range to allow more options or reducing the range to prevent it choosing the wrong ones?07:03
moetunesmkitef: slowly increase the upper setting - I would go 5 at a time07:05
mkitefSo far - got vrefresh up to 90 and now only getting hsync errors - do I go up or down on that one?07:09
mkitefCurrent hsync = 25-5507:10
moetunestry upper limit up 5 at a time mkitef07:10
S0210How to start memenu from theterminal07:12
mkitefmoetunes - hsync = 25-70, vrefresh=40-90.  No more out of range errors, but I do have "(II) TRIDENT(0): Not using default mode "1024x768" (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan)"07:14
moetunesmkitef: you might have to change the driver to vesa not trident then mate07:15
moetunesS0210: is wildbush in /usr/share themes?07:16
moetunesS0210: is wildbush in /usr/share/themes?07:16
mkitefmoetunes: tried vesa and got only top left quadrant of screen visible and still not logged in07:17
moetunesmkitef: paste the x log again and we'll see what it says07:18
S0210moetunes: yes, there is a directory like that. I just delete it, right?07:18
moetunesS0210: yep - you'll need admin rights tho07:19
mkitefmoetunes: Xorg.0.log = http://paste.ubuntu.com/426840/07:20
PeacimowenSo.. why would upgrading to 10.04 leave in graycale with a resolution that is lower than my actually display size? (meaning that the lower portion of my screen was below the bottom edge of the display)?07:21
S0210moetunes: thanks! :-)07:21
PeacimowenI scrapped Xubuntu completely as a result - it was really unusable and rather difficult to try to fix since I couldn't see half of what I was doing... but I'd like to find some kind of explanation.07:23
moetunesmkitef: seems it might be ddc module that's your prob line 15007:28
moetunesmkitef: try a reboot maybe07:29
rshakinhey ppl07:29
rshakina quick question about dropbox07:29
mkitefmoetunes: is there a way to disable ddc? - I don't see it named in xorg.conf07:30
rshakinfor some reason when it's loading it makes my background flicker anyone else has the same issue in xubuntu07:30
moetunes(II) LoadModule: "ddc" (II) Module "ddc" already built-in - would suggest not...07:30
moetunesmkitef: ^^07:31
mkitefOh dear07:31
moetunesmkitef: that's only a guess - I can't see another reason  for it not going fullscreen07:33
mkitefmoetunes: I get the ddc error under vesa & trident drivers from the beginning.  Reboot makes no difference unfortunately07:35
moetunesmkitef: that card is getting old now - xorg updates prob didn't take it into consideration - you might have to consider an older distribution for the lappy :{07:37
mkitefmoetunes: trident gives me the right resolution for GDM but an error about (bad mode clock/interlace/doublescan).  Whereas Vesa driver gives me no errors but the wrong resolution.  Both give me the ddc error.  You think it is an old card or old processor? - the error says "X86 EXTENDED OPCODE"07:38
moetunesmkitef: to be honest i don't know - it is the only error and it comes straight after the ddc module is loaded - so adding !=! gives...07:40
moetunes1+1 I meant07:40
mkitefCheers - I'll try googling the error - found 1 hit already, but doesn't seem to help http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=4287207:42
moetunesmkitef: he had a fix with   HorizSync 28.0 - 51.0   VertRefresh 60.0 - 60.007:47
mkitefThat gets me the right resolution with the vesa driver - but still no login and still the ILLEGAL X86 EXTENDED OPCODE! error07:50
moetunesmkitef: mint would have been using older ubuntu stuff - might pay to see if lucid uses a newer Xorg then07:53
mkitefmoetunes: tried tail -f Xorg.0.log during a login attempt:  got the error07:59
mkitef(II) Power Button: Close07:59
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"07:59
mkitef(II) Video Bus: Close07:59
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"08:00
mkitef(II) Power Button: Close08:00
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"08:00
mkitef(II) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Close08:00
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"08:00
mkitef(II) PS/2 Mouse: Close08:00
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"08:00
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "synaptics"08:00
mkitef(II) Macintosh mouse button emulation: Close08:00
mkitef(II) UnloadModule: "evdev"08:00
mkiteff000:50b4: 01 ILLEGAL EXTENDED X86 OPCODE!08:00
mkitef ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log08:00
Sysipastebin please08:03
mkitefSysi - sorry (new to irc)08:03
moetunesmkitef: the close bits would be because X was exiting08:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:08
moetunesmkitef: from the second last post here - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/problem-with-setting-right-screen-resolution-in-debian-lenny-769707/ - HorizSync       31.50-81.00 & VertRefresh40.00-75.0008:09
mkitefSorry - still a step backward with the vertrefresh error and still the DDC08:19
moetuneshmm well I'm outta ideas then mkitef sorry08:26
mkitefmoetunes: I appreciate the help.  Now tried starting X from console with GDM turned off.  I get this recurrent message "No protocol specified /n .. /n " repeats until X killed08:28
moetunesmkitef: how did you try to start x?08:28
moetuneswithout gdm you should use     startx08:29
mkitefI stopped GDM.  Then used "startx" from the console command line.  There is another error that scrolls off the screen and doesn't go into Xorg.0.log08:29
mkitefI get the OPCODE error then: error setting MTRR (base=0xf00000 ...)  Inappropriate ioctl for device (25).  No protocol specified .. waiting for X server to begin accepting connections.08:31
mkitefmoetunes:  PROGRESS - if I run sudo startx I get a GUI!08:36
moetunesthat's strange...08:36
mkitefCould this relate to the upgrade and using the same username and not reformating the /home partition causing a problem?08:38
moetuneshas the comp lost power while running?08:38
mkitefnot that I recall08:39
moetunesdid you mount the old /home as /home ?08:39
moetunesit should be fine - I do that08:39
mkitefls -l of my home dir give the owner of most files as "501" but some new ones as "myusername"08:41
moetunesis there a .ICE file?08:42
moetunesor .ICE*08:42
mkitefThere is a .ICEauthority file08:43
moetunesyou might have to   sudo chmod 777   that file and chown the rest08:43
mkitefI just did the chown -R, I'll try the chmod08:44
mkitefno luck from chmod08:48
mkitefnow it won't work for root either!08:49
moetunesmkitef: you might have to go to tty and kill X08:49
mkitefI did08:49
moetunesdid the chown -R work? - I always use -Rv to make sure08:50
=== Mikolynx is now known as Hey
=== Hey is now known as Mikolynx
MikolynxI need serious help...08:51
mkitef8GB of files later the chown seems to have worked08:52
MikolynxI can't seem to boot 10.04...updated from karmic...08:52
moetunesany error with startx?08:53
moetunesmkitef: ^^08:53
Mikolynxbeen all over the forum trying to figure out how to get past the bliking cursor at boot...08:53
MikolynxI get the blinking cursor then a black screen...08:53
MrNazin the new screensaver dialog, how do you download the screensavers that arent already on the system?08:53
mkitefsorry - chown still running I can just catch the "permissions retained" messages as they go by08:54
MrNazaptitude serach screensavername doesnt bring naything up08:54
mkitefoops - it says "ownership retained" - I guess the last chmod worked08:55
mkiteflooks like I am getting a GUI - with my default windows open!08:56
mkitefmoetunes: Thank you for all your time and help.  I have a GUI and it survived a reboot and ordinary login!08:58
moetuneswell done mkitef :]08:58
mkitefIt must have been a permission problem preventing Xserver - client talk or XFCE starting08:59
moetunesyep sounds like it08:59
mkitefMany thanks :-)08:59
moetunesnp :)09:00
MikolynxSee, when I reboot I see the system stuff run through and then I get a blinking cursor that lasts for 30 seconds and then a black screen.\09:00
moetunesMikolynx: is that in the recovery mode?09:02
=== mkitef_ is now known as mkitef
MaxFramesstrange... #xubuntu-it is automatically forwarded to #ubuntu-it09:56
knomethere is no localised channels for xubuntu09:56
knomethe #ubuntu-it will answer quoestions about xubuntu as well, as long as they have the knowledge09:57
knomethat is what they don't have09:59
MaxFramesI have an issue with synergy+ since I have upgraded to 10.04, sometimes when I switch the mouse to the client (xubuntu) from the server (windows), the client "thinks" the mouse button is depressed10:03
MaxFramesthus a selection rectangle appears and moves around as I move the mouse10:03
MaxFramesI have to logoff to stop that10:03
MaxFramesin other words, it's like I was constantly keeping my finger on the mouse button10:05
MaxFramesI don't know what is causing this, it does not happen every time10:05
MaxFramesbut often enough10:05
knomeMaxFrames, have you tried pressing esc?10:07
MaxFramesyes, I've tried to press almost every key :)10:07
MaxFramesapparently, the only way to stop it is to log off and back on10:07
mouseoverI want to apt-get g++4.2 which is not available in the Lucid repo. Tho it is available in the 8.10 repo. How can I get something from an older Ubuntu repo?10:10
mouseoverHow do I apt-get a package from an older Ubuntu repo? For example, g++-4.2 is not available in 10.04, but available in 8.10.10:12
freimhi, quick question: is pulseaudio an optional or required dependency in Xubuntu 10.04?10:32
mr_pouitit's not required for xfce, only for gdm10:33
freimok, good10:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
freimdoes anyone know how to make keyboard shortcuts using the "windows key"? I can't seem to get them to work11:06
moetuneshow are you trying to set them?11:14
freimI used the keyboard settings dialog. Added an entry which looked like <Super_L>+a11:15
freimwhich then was set to start up the xfce terminal11:16
freimI tested the same with <ctrl><alt> and that one worked fine11:16
freimbut the one with the windows key didn't react at all11:16
freimin KDE and Gnome it is recognized as <Mod4>, not <Super_L>11:17
moetuneswhy not just use the application shortcuts in keyboard settings?11:17
freimnot sure what you mean by that11:18
moetunesit's  a tab in the systems settings - keyboard applet11:20
freimthat's where I set it I believe11:20
freimunless there are several places to set shortcuts11:20
moetunesk - it would have asked you to press the keys you wanted yes?11:21
freimnot that I can see how it helps to change where I set it when it seems XFCE doesn't recognize the windows key as a modifier11:21
freimmoetunes: yes it did11:21
freimit wasn't a problem to add the entry. The problem is that it doesn't work :)11:22
moetunesdo you have a right and left windows key? - super L is the left one11:22
freimand I set and tested the left one11:23
moetunesseems strange11:24
freimI tried googling it, but only found old entries with no definitive answer other than that it just didn't work11:25
freimsome people apparently had some luck messing with xmodmap, but I didn't see a difference11:25
moetunesfreim: do you have a file ~/.config/xfce4/shortcuts/"theme-name".xml?11:36
freimdon't know, at work atm11:37
freimI need to hand-edit it?11:38
moetunesseems if you bypass the shortcuts gui and edit that file directly it can work11:38
moetunesit's from an old post tho11:39
freimwill check when I get back home11:40
arthurjohnsonDoes anyone here happen to know what provides automounting in Xubuntu?13:44
mr_pouitthunar + thunar-volman (+ hal)13:44
arthurjohnsonI'm running Ubuntu Cli and installed just the Xfce4 components, and with Karmic automounting worked fine.  Once I upgraded to Lucid, it stopped working.13:44
arthurjohnsonOne of my machines is using Xubuntu, and automounting is working fine there.  So I doubt its a thunar problem.13:45
mr_pouitdo you usedo you use autologin on the machine?13:45
mr_pouit*do you use13:45
arthurjohnsonyes, in fact I do.13:45
arthurjohnsonInterestingly enough, not on the Xubuntu machine.13:46
mr_pouityeah, it fails because of that, probably13:46
freimhasn't 10.04 migrated from HAL->udev?13:51
mr_pouitxfce components still use hal13:53
freimso both can run side-by-side?13:54
freimthe way it has been described it seemed like hal was being ripped out and wouldn't work correctly anymore13:55
arthurjohnsonHa!  That solved it mr_pouit14:12
arthurjohnsonI put /usr/sbin/hald in /etc/rc.local, rebooted, and ta-da!  Automounting started working again.14:12
arthurjohnsonHow is #xubuntu handling it?  I thought hald didn't load during upstart?14:20
arthurjohnsonI should say, Xubuntu 10.04, I didn't mean the channel.14:21
impulse255i recently installed xubuntu and it worked perfectly but then i restarted the machine and i don't have the panels14:28
impulse255the sort of dissappeared i only see the desktop ..14:28
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/14:29
impulse255yeah i was just writing that i can run that command and it works it shows the panels14:29
impulse255but the problem is they dont reappear when i restart ..14:29
impulse255also there are some criticals right after i start xfce4-panel14:29
arthurjohnsonimpulse255: When you restart or log out, did you click save session?14:30
impulse255nope ..14:30
arthurjohnsonTry that and see if it solves your problem.14:30
impulse255there is a checkbox on the logout window14:30
arthurjohnsonYes, is that checked on?14:30
impulse255that says 'save sessions for future logins'14:30
impulse255i think it was on the first time i restarted ...14:30
impulse255i can try again and see if that works14:31
arthurjohnsonmake sure your panels are loading, restart making sure that "save session..." is checked on.14:31
arthurjohnsonloading == loaded14:31
impulse255just restarted the laptop14:32
impulse255it works ^^14:32
impulse255thank you14:32
arthurjohnsonimpulse255: your welcome ;)14:33
charlie-tcaUbuntu OpenWeek starts at 15:00 UTC today15:19
craigbass1976Someones top menu bar disappeared.  How can I tell her to get it back?  She's got no menus15:40
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/15:40
craigbass1976charlie-tca, thank you much.  Never heard of it, and on my end, I couldn't figure out how to delete on in a hirry on my end to test.15:42
charlie-tcaYeah, not an uncommon issue15:42
craigbass1976How'd she delete it?15:44
charlie-tcashe didn't. It crashed15:44
charlie-tcaAn easy way to see it happen is to boot the live cd environment, then click the 'quit' icon two times15:45
craigbass1976Hey, while I've got you, is there an issue in general with openoffice in regards to a hardy to lucid upgrade?  Last night at my house on regular ubuntu, there was some issue but I was able to go through with the upgrade.  Today on Xub (at work) the upgrade wouldn't continue.  I've uninstalled and will give it another go.15:45
charlie-tcaI don't know of any other workaround, then to uninstall and reinstall OO.o15:46
=== angus is now known as casper3
ocshi. I'm trying to install 10.04  with the live cd. Unfortunately, it doesn't see any root filesystem. I obtain the same error with 9.10, while 9.04 works...16:07
Prajwalany command to start a new terminal16:12
Prajwalother than xterm16:12
charlie-tcaboth should work16:12
Prajwalit should have all the setting applied to terminal16:13
Prajwalthat was my idea16:13
rgnrhey ppl16:13
Prajwalanyway thanks let me check with this16:13
rgnris 10.04 worthy yet?16:13
charlie-tcaPrajwal: xfce4-terminal  is the command used in xubuntu to start your terminal16:13
charlie-tcargnr: worthy of ???16:13
rgnri saw some posts made a few days ago16:14
rgnrreportin 10.04 is being mighty problematic16:14
charlie-tcaI run it on three systems with a problem16:15
charlie-tcaThere is a bug in thunar, which freezes it if you use detailed view16:15
Prajwalthanks charlie-tca16:16
Prajwalactually i had my manual setting applied there ...xterm was showing me a white background16:16
Prajwalthis helped me better16:16
ocs"no root file system is defined. please correct this from partitioning menu" during installation from live cd... But I'm unable to correct it... what should I do? I don't have this error with 9.04 (on the same hardware)16:18
charlie-tcaDid you select a partition to install in ?16:19
charlie-tcaThe partition menu has changed since 9.0416:19
rgnrand what's with grub?16:19
charlie-tcargnr: ??16:19
charlie-tcaspecifics, please16:20
rgnrlike many users complain on grub bug16:20
rgnrafter updating16:20
charlie-tcaIf they downloaded the early test images, it is broken16:21
rgnrupgrading to 10.0416:21
charlie-tcaDid they read the release notes? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#GRUB%20menu.lst:%20install%20the%20maintainer%27s%20version%20vs.%20keep%20the%20local%20version16:21
rgnrcool thanks16:26
rgnri'll keep that in mind16:26
craigbass1976thanks charlie-tca.  Off to upgrade16:29
=== [1]Prajwal is now known as Prajwal
vikhello, I cannot write my usb after update from Karmic, please help16:56
arthurjohnsonvik: Can you elaborate? What kind of USB device?17:01
vikIt's usb pen drive17:04
vikIt mounts, but I cannot write on it17:04
vikit was ok with Karmic17:05
arthurjohnsonvik: can you past the output of dmesg here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17:22
arthurjohnsonvik: Then send me the link.17:22
charlie-tcaAre you using auto-login?17:23
Guest96887hi, why flash drives are not automounted?17:23
charlie-tcaAre you using auto-login?17:24
vikarthurjohnson, http://pastebin.com/Sp2S8d8417:24
charlie-tcaThat is a bug. the workaround is to login manually17:25
charlie-tcabug 54699217:25
Guest96887okaaaay, so if i change autologin to manual login, there's nothing more to do, just reboot?17:25
arthurjohnsonGuest96887: Actually, there is another workaround17:26
arthurjohnsonGuest96887: You can put /usr/sbin/hald in /etc/rc.local just before "exit 0"17:26
arthurjohnsonGuest96887: Thats what fixed it for me.17:26
Guest96887arthurjohnson, ok, will try that, thx17:26
charlie-tcaThat was a good workaround for most users.17:27
charlie-tcaThank you, arthurjohnson17:27
arthurjohnsoncharlie-tca: I just fixed my Lucid installs that way this morning ;)17:27
Guest96887will now reboot and see if it works17:28
arthurjohnsonvik: Can you do the same thing for the "mount" command17:28
arthurjohnsonvik: Just run "mount" and put it in pastebin and send me the link17:28
lsemplehi, after instaling xubuntu 10.04,and finally getting the nvidia drivers to work for me,  my splash screen for turning on my computer and booting the O/S has been changed to something that looks like its in 256 color mode (low resolution also)17:30
lsemplehow do I put it back to the default xubuntu 10.04 bootsplash ?17:30
=== mike is now known as Guest63985
Guest63985okay, that actually did the thing, great thx to everybody:)17:30
arthurjohnsonGuest63985: Glad I could help!17:30
charlie-tcalsemple: yes, that is a bug in the nvidia drivers. It is acually something like 4-color mode17:30
lsemplecharlie-tca: yeah thats uuugly17:31
lsemplemakes me super unsure of my system17:31
lsempleI bet they did that on purpose17:31
arthurjohnsonvik: Thats really odd.  From your dmesg and mount command, everything is read only.17:31
charlie-tcaHere, this tells you about it - http://www.netsplit.com/2010/03/30/all-about-kernel-mode-setting/17:32
arthurjohnsonI'm sorry, I meant read-write17:32
arthurjohnsonvik: And you say you can't write to /media/usb0?17:32
lsemplecharlie-tca: no way to fix this hey ?17:32
lsemplewhat about making my own bootsplash17:33
charlie-tcalsemple: see that last link I gave17:33
vikarthurjohnson, yes, i am sure17:33
arthurjohnsonvik: Open a terminal and type "touch /media/usb0/testfile"17:33
charlie-tcalsemple: yes, you could create one. It is mainly those of us with the Nvidia cards that are screwed on it17:33
viktouch: cannot touch „/media/usb0/testfile“: Permission denied17:34
vikarthurjohnson, I was doing an upgrade from Karmic, that's it17:34
arthurjohnsonvik: Do an "ls -alh /media/usb0" and put that in pastebin17:36
lsemplecharlie-tca: what did you do to your system ?17:36
arthurjohnsonvik: Or better yet, do a sudo touch /media/usb0/testfile"17:36
lsempledid you get a bootsplash made ? or just leave it ?17:36
arthurjohnsonvik: sorry, "sudo touch /media/usb0/testfile"17:36
vikviso 6,0K17:36
vikdrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 2,0K 1970-01-01 03:00 .17:36
vikdrwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4,0K 2010-05-03 19:19 ..17:36
charlie-tcaI cleaned up the overspray in the logo17:36
charlie-tcaHere is the one I use as an attachment to the bug - https://launchpad.net/bugs/55200017:37
viknothing happens with sudo touch...17:37
vikjust another line17:37
arthurjohnsonvik: Your usb device is mounted as root17:37
charlie-tcajarnos: referring to???17:37
arthurjohnsonvik: cat /etc/fstab and put that in pastebin.ubuntu.com17:38
arthurjohnsonvik: don't flood the channel17:38
charlie-tcalsemple: take a look at the bug report.17:38
charlie-tcajarnos: the answer is in the wiki17:39
charlie-tca!grub2 | jarnos17:39
ubottujarnos: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:39
vikarthurjohnson, I have installed USBmount previously, just after update, because it my usb did not turn on at all17:40
arthurjohnsonvik: Thats not the proper fix17:41
arthurjohnsonvik: sudo apt-get autoremove usbmount17:41
arthurjohnsonvik: Then put /usr/sbin/hald in /etc/rc.local just before "exit 0"17:41
arthurjohnsonvik: Reboot, and you will be all set.17:42
jarnoscharlie-tca: ok, thanks17:42
vikarthurjohnson, what about /usr/sbin/hald???17:42
vikarthurjohnson, once again what should I put in rc.local?17:45
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
Sysithey removed hal to be fast and now usb-mounts fail?17:48
lsempleman upgrading is painful17:48
lsempleI hope this xubuntu lasts 10 years17:48
lsemplethats the goal isnt it ?17:49
vikarthurjohnson, it's not working, my usb is not mounted at all.17:49
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:49
vikI need help. My usb is not being mounted after upgrade from karmic to lucid. I would appreaciate help. Thanks17:51
vikPlease, i really need help with mounting usb, I cannot solve it myself18:02
lsemplecharlie-tca: yeah ok I saw your post in that bug report that you cleaned up the logo18:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:02
lsemplecharlie-tca: what did you do to it ?18:02
charlie-tcaI opened it in GIMP and removed all the excess white around it18:03
charlie-tcaIt looked like it had been spray painted, so I cleaned up the overspray18:03
lsempleohh yeah I see that18:04
charlie-tcaIt still shows up big for nvidia users, but it looks sharper on my system18:04
lsempleyeah, well I am going to make my own18:05
lsemplekeep the colors simple18:05
charlie-tcaOkay. Let us see it when it is done?18:05
lsemplewhat color mode should I use ?18:05
charlie-tcaYou have an nvidia card, gotta stay in 16-color18:05
lsemplesounds good18:05
lsempleI will keep the logo the same and the icon, maybe do something cool to it though18:06
charlie-tcaI'm no artist, myself. The best I can do is letters18:06
lsemplecharlie-tca: yeah same18:08
lsempleI was thinking of making an ansi art logo or something :)18:08
lsempleout of text18:08
lsemplethe matrix18:08
lsemplecould probably just download something18:08
arthurjohnsonvik: I'm out of ideas, sorry I wish I could help.  I had the exact same issue yesterday, and thats what I did to solve it.18:22
arthurjohnsonWhops, he left.18:23
arthurjohnsonWished I could have helped him, darned need to eat sustenance to survive.18:25
arthurjohnsonAnybody around for an easy question?19:51
arthurjohnsonI saw that one of the features of Xubuntu 10.04 is Xfce4 Classic look.  How do I set that?19:52
arthurjohnsonI poked and poked, but couldn't find anything.19:52
charlie-tcaIt is?19:52
charlie-tcaOh, yeah19:53
charlie-tcaAt the gdm screen, select xfce-session instead of xubuntu-session19:53
charlie-tcaI think19:53
anom01yis it me or does everyone seem to be having problems with this "new" ubuntu 10.04 ??19:55
anom01yand video card drivers, specifically nvidia19:56
charlie-tcanot really problems here. Incompatible with the new plymouth screen, though19:56
arthurjohnsonCute!  Wished it saved as much memory as vanilla Xfce4 install, but still pretty cool trick19:56
arthurjohnsonanom01y: I had issues with them trying to get rid of hald, once I figured that out, everything worked as normal19:57
anom01yI can't get my nvidia drivers to stay loaded, whenever I reset the compter I have to go back into recovery mode, reinstall drivers, then restart, but then I restart again, and they are broke again19:57
charlie-tcaDid you install them with hardware drivers?19:57
charlie-tcaarthurjohnson: anything?19:58
anom01ynvidia geforce 6200,19:58
charlie-tcaI run that card without those issues19:58
anom01ycharlie-tca, ohh yeah, is it agp ?19:58
anom01yI've been having this problem for a day or two now19:58
anom01yhmm yeah mine is AGP,19:59
charlie-tcaMy mx-4000's are agp19:59
anom01yI am going to reset the computer (again).. hopefully this time they work... trying version 172 for the nvidia drivers..19:59
arthurjohnsonI had issues with nvidia.  I wound up, of all things, removing SLiM and going back go gdm.20:00
anom01ycharlie-tca, what version of drivers do you use ?20:00
charlie-tcaI use the version called nvidia-current20:00
arthurjohnsonI'm using nvidia-glx-185, I don't know if that helps or not.20:00
anom01yok brb20:01
charlie-tcaarthurjohnson: that's old for 10.0420:01
charlie-tcanvidia-current is 19520:01
arthurjohnsonThis machine has been upgraded a few times.20:01
arthurjohnsonI'll play with upgrading when I'm not working.20:01
charlie-tcaIf you installed them from nvidia's site, you have to remove the drivers completely before installing with 'hardware drivers'. The new nvidia installer in no longer usable by us.20:02
arthurjohnsonyeah, strangest thing. I used Slim display manager, worked good under karmic, but under lucid, where slim is in the repos, I get all kinds of artifacts on the screen.20:03
arthurjohnsonSwitched back to gdm, and the problem went away.20:03
charlie-tcaIt mioght be that old driver causing it, but it might be something to do with gtk too20:03
arthurjohnsonRight now I'm trying to figure out why one of my laptops won't come back from suspension.20:04
* charlie-tca thinks it is because it is broken20:05
arthurjohnsonMy Acer 5315 suspends and comes back without problems, but the Dell Latitude D600 does not.20:05
* charlie-tca hides again20:05
arthurjohnsonUsed to work under Karmic.20:05
arthurjohnsonWell, the Latitude is an issued machine from my company, and I hate it.  Runs hot, touchpad is buggy, etc etc etc20:06
charlie-tcathey broke some of the suspend stuff again, as I recall20:06
arthurjohnsonSometimes when I click something I have to "wiggle" the cursor to get it to wake back up.20:06
charlie-tcaHaven't heard that one, though20:07
arthurjohnsonSame with a terminal, start typing, its locked up, wiggle, and all the text I was typing appears all at once.20:07
anom01yyeah charlie-tca arthurjohnson can't get this computer to boot20:07
anom01ywithout going through fail safe and low-graphics mode20:07
charlie-tcaI am finding without using suspend/hibernate, my desktop is not responding always. Sometimes have to hit the key two or three times to get a response20:08
anom01yI have nvidia geforce 6200 and everything was working fine until I "upgraded"20:08
anom01y(more like downgraded)20:08
charlie-tcadid you have the nvidia site driver installed?20:08
anom01ycharlie-tca, no I never used that one20:09
anom01yman once I get this computer going I am NEVER upgrading ever again20:10
arthurjohnsonyou could reinstall from scratch ;)20:10
anom01yarthurjohnson, I just did that20:10
charlie-tcaI upgraded three systems without that problem20:10
anom01yafter having the exact same problem after upgrading using synaptics upgrade tool20:10
anom01yI should just put 9.10 back in20:10
arthurjohnsonor 8.04, and wait for the next LTS ;)20:11
arthurjohnsonOh wait...20:12
anom01yyeah this is BS20:13
anom01yI hate upgrading20:13
anom01ycan't even work20:13
arthurjohnsonI did four upgrades and four installs.  All seem to be working pretty well for me.20:28
arthurjohnsonOther than the hald problem on the upgrades, that is, and the artifacts with Slim display manager.20:28
charlie-tcathree upgrades and 16 installs20:29
arthurjohnsonI can't get the install to boot off the usb stick for my laptop thou, ticking me off.20:29
charlie-tcaYeah, mine are all cd based20:29
anom01ywell I may or may not switch to ReD hat20:36
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
arthurjohnsonDONT do Debian Testing whatever you do. Nvidia is completely broken.20:37
anom01yis red hat good with nvidia ?20:38
anom01yI would like something that has xfce20:38
arthurjohnsonno idea20:38
arthurjohnsonhaven't used Red Hat since they renamed to Fedora ;)20:38
arthurjohnsonSwitched to Debian in 199920:40
arthurjohnsonThen to Ubuntu in 200720:40
arthurjohnsonAh crap, reinstalled on the Dell and forgot what I did to get wireless working *sigh*20:43
charlie-tcaHello, slow-motion20:48
slow-motionhi charlie-tca20:48
slow-motionso, the update is done20:48
anom01ycomputers are all about fixing them it seems nowadays20:48
anom01yusing them is a thing of the past20:49
arthurjohnsonSeems that way sometimes!20:54
arthurjohnsoner, b43-fwcutter21:08
=== Nisse is now known as Guest5538
=== lsemple is now known as anom01y
anom01yanyone here figure out the nvidia bug ?22:18
anom01yanyone here know of a good video card that is not ati or nvidia but well supported in Ubuntu, AGP or PCI-E 8x,22:26
anom01yhas to be well supported in Linux22:26
charlie-tcaWhat's left if you don't use nvidia or ati?22:29
anom01ysomething good22:31
anom01yI don't know just sick of Nvidia22:32
anom01ysick of ATI22:32
anom01ythey both owned by Intel or AMD are they not ?22:32
anom01ynvida is on its own ?22:32
charlie-tcaThey are separate companies. Intel makes it own video chips, as far as I know22:33
anom01yohh yeah22:33
anom01yAsus as well22:33
anom01yThere has to be an alternative video card22:33
anom01ythat handles say 3d support, and has about 512 MB or so ram22:34
anom01ybecause you really don't need that much just to do basic stuff22:34
anom01yI used to play Ghost Recon online like 9 years ago,22:35
anom01yon 64mb22:35
knome!hi | sebsebseb23:12
ubottusebsebseb: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:12
arthurjohnsonWell, that was easy!  Switched to Ubuntu + Xfce4 to Xubuntu just by installing xubuntu-desktop, log out, and log in as xubuntu session23:47
arthurjohnsonhad to set the theme, but the menu changed with the log out and back in, and the extra services were installed.  Couldn't be easier.23:49
arthurjohnsonDon't know why I thought it wouldn't be ;)23:49
knomearthurjohnson, congrats :)23:50
Martiinihow can I disable getting any KDE packages ...23:51
knomeMartiini, there's no way to stop installing them if you install something that needs them23:51
MartiiniI wish there was an option in "synaptic" .. to disable any KDE packages23:53
knomeno, unfortunately there is not.23:53

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