[00:02] ooohh... what will happen next [00:02] :P [00:03] ave caesar! [00:03] morituri te salutant [00:03] he promised to come back later calmly [00:04] :) [00:06] small victory, I guess [00:07] winning a battle, losing the war [00:13] knome: naysayer! [00:13] :P [00:17] knome: so are you a kde user that switched to gnome or vice versa? [00:17] maco, actually went from gnome to xfce... [00:17] * Tm_T huggles maco [00:17] so whats the k for? [00:17] Tm_T: what? [00:18] * maco huggles Tm_T back [00:18] maco, for the sake i wanted a nick starting with "k" (i know, that's ridiculous) [00:18] * maco is unsure why there is huggling, but doesnt mind it [00:18] had this nick even before using linux [00:20] maco: just felt like it, isn't that reason enough? (:) [00:20] Tm_T: hehe ok :) [00:23] d'aw. teh love. [00:23] * knome can smell the love in here [00:23] wait... [00:24] ;) [00:24] knome: no, it's you [00:25] yes, i just noticed that [00:25] * knome blushes [00:43] Tm_T: Thanks for dealing with sudobash earlier. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I lost a day's worth of transactions and the finance department was breathing down my neck. [00:44] Pici: cat /dev/urandom > transactions.db [00:44] h00k: if only... [00:45] Pici: heh. [00:45] Some nightly job failed over a week ago and no one noticed until now. === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [01:13] Pici: np [01:47] ubottu: login [01:47] The operation succeeded. [01:47] use @login [01:47] @btlogin [01:50] Apparently I suck at using this search interface. [01:50] how so? [01:50] well, I'll tell you if I got it as soon as it loads... [01:50] http://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?channel=%25&operator=%25&query=soundconjurer&kicks=on&bans=on&oldbans=on&mutes=on&oldmutes=on&floodbots=on [01:50] I want to look up kicks/bans on that nick [01:50] in any channel, by anyone [01:51] yes? [01:51] No matches for: "soundconjurer" in % by %; [01:52] that's it then? [01:52] apparently? [01:52] They just asked if I rememberd them from Release Day [01:52] I do remember having problems with them [01:54] apparently I didn't have any activity in #u-r-p [01:54] http://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?channel=%23ubuntu-release-party&operator=h00k&query=&kicks=on&bans=on&oldbans=on&mutes=on&oldmutes=on&floodbots=on [01:56] h00k: the real ubottu wasn't in #u-r-p, so no bans were recorded [01:56] Oh. I should have known that. [01:56] rlease party not in db [01:57] * h00k facepalms [02:03] hey there [02:03] any -ot ops, could you keep an eye on bobby [02:03] starting to get a bit punchy [02:04] thanks [02:05] np [02:13] Perhaps someone should move the conversation with bobby to pm [02:13] Hello. MTechnology is on a crusade to whine at people over language that a reasonable person would not consider problematic. It is highly irritating and I would appreciate it if someone would look into his history of this and get him to quit it. [02:13] I've just spoken to him [02:14] feel free to poke me if you need help, I'm only halfway paying attention here. [02:16] bazhang: was just about to remove him but I won't tread on your toes [02:16] funkyHat, no toes to tread on :) [02:16] bean ops?! [02:17] bazhang: doesn't have toes? [02:17] ohonez! === TheOracle is now known as KB1JWQ [02:17] Igor took 'em [02:17] it happens. [02:18] KB1JWQ: Oh, that was you. [02:20] Also, a "rww, I think you're crazy and biased" would be better than just ignoring me ;P [02:20] rww: I thought funkyHat replied to you. [02:20] but I like ignoring you too. [02:20] I thought funkyHat replied to you! [02:20] oh [02:20] I was replying to rww [02:20] !who | funkyHat :( [02:20] funkyHat :(: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [02:20] rww: Also, good IRC related blog post. [02:21] funkyHat: oh, okay. In that case, thank you. [02:21] haha [02:21] hehe [02:21] Pici: Thanks. Will be interested to see if anything comes of it at UDS :) [02:21] let's just get everyone to use irssi? [02:21] * Tm_T hides [02:22] ⢁D [02:22] Tm_T: in a perfect world! [02:22] rww: in a perfect world, we wouldn't have anything like IRC [02:23] heresy :( [02:24] but yeah, not having a decent IRC client really is a problem, and if any of you are going to UDS or otherwise can help with the situation, I would really appreciate it :) [02:24] rww: jussi is [02:25] * persia is convinced there are no good IRC clients, sadly (although irssi comes very close) [02:26] I find irssi good, not perfect but good [02:26] been using it some 10 years now, only [02:27] my irssi is starting to exhibit emacs syndrome. i use it for irssi, IM, identica, am working on email and rss... [02:28] heh, good boy [03:16] Paddy_NI: You weren't here earlier, would have made more sense to you if you were. [03:16] there you go [03:20] Paddy_NI: everything ok? [03:21] Mob mentality [03:21] IdleOne: I wish no harm but cant stand this [03:22] seems to me like having ops is like living in a small village with a flaming torch [03:22] I wish it was not [03:23] Paddy_NI, please take a time out first before you continue [03:23] Paddy_NI: not sure what is going on but I don't think anybody is ganging up on anyone. I do know this. I am sure that if you need to speak to any op about a particular issue you can always PM if you need to. [03:23] or like you did [03:23] come here and ping that op :) [03:23] IdleOne: I tried to but was denied [03:23] I am done [03:24] rww is not an op [03:24] Well unless I am wrong the #*buntu ops don't block pm [03:24] yeah rww is not an op [03:24] I was not quite paying attention at the time, I could read backlogs though. [03:25] Paddy_NI: care to explain the situation to us and maybe if there is something that needs to be done one of us can take care of it [03:26] OH dear.. it seems I got ahead of myself.. [03:26] mistaken identity? [03:26] :) [03:26] happens on irc all the time [03:26] I really do not want to cause fuss on this channel as I have come to love #ubuntu [03:27] its my first IRC channel [03:27] this channel is all about fuss [03:27] and I guess I am the self obvious "tw*t" [03:27] :) [03:27] no harm intended [03:27] twit is not a bad word afaik [03:28] that was not what he meant [03:28] now I need to put my head under the sheets [03:28] IdleOne: s/i/a/ [03:28] :P [03:28] Paddy_NI, okay then [03:28] okay cool down time [03:28] Paddy_NI: cool beans then, have a good night. [03:28] great idea [03:28] sorry guys [03:29] cya later [03:29] bazhang: no harm [03:29] calm too [03:29] :) [03:29] Paddy_NI: you ain't got to go home but you got to get out of here :) [03:29] oh woops [03:31] odd [03:31] I think it was just like rww said, mistaken identity [03:32] Guess what I did? [03:32] you will never guess [03:32] banned yourself from somewhere. [03:32] I apparently have so much money that I forgot to submit my hours for last week [03:32] hah [03:32] h00k: no :P [05:20] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) [05:44] mook_ seems to be trolling [05:53] think we need to drop the entire subject and get back to support in there. [05:54] I agree [06:01] bazhang: It's perfectly appropriate for that channel with regard to the way he's addressing it. [06:01] and trying to get him to come here is just going to cause more disruption [06:02] hmm? [06:02] discussion of removal is appropriate for here, always has been in the past. [06:02] indeed here, not in support channel [06:02] or in PM [06:02] -ot right now [06:02] bazhang: appropriate for here, yes. But "here" isn't the only place it can be discussed [06:04] Howdy syn-ack, how can we help you? [06:04] syn-ack, he was making a sarcastic comment [06:04] ah [06:04] nm then. :P [06:04] ie Semitones [06:05] he is pushing it. needs a ban. I don't have ops or he would be banned already [06:05] that is not the proper channel for it. [06:07] now he is banned in -ot and #ubuntu [06:08] a simple request for him to come here and discuss from the outset would have perhaps alleviated the necessity for that [06:08] well he can come here and insult us and be banned again [06:08] * IdleOne will stay out of it if he does. [06:08] is he gonna be auto-redirected here? [06:08] I'm a little upset [06:08] if so a gandalfian "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" could be amusing [06:09] nope not banforwarded [06:09] * maco hugs IdleOne [06:09] * IdleOne huggles maco [06:13] so what is the IRCC policy on this? removes/kicks/bans OKAY to be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic ? or should they be asked to join here? My impression was that outside of PM this was the sole location to discuss. [06:14] bazhang: Why would discussion of community events/policies be offtopic in the community offtopic channel? [06:14] bazhang: I would think this is the place to discuss that [06:14] IdleOne, that was my impression (longstanding) as well [06:14] By the time he got really going, it was less about his particular kick, and more about ranting in general [06:15] Flannel, up until now, it has been here. to my knowledge discussion of such has not changed. I may well be mistaken though [06:16] allowing it to go as far as it did was a mistake imo but there really is no way to tell how far a person is going to take the rant so :/ [06:16] bazhang: "Discuss your [disciplinary action] with the ops in here" Not "Discuss community policies with [arbitrary people]". [06:16] the entire rant was about being removed. [06:18] bazhang: He didn't have to come here to get unbanned or anything, I don't see why he needs to rant in here as well. That puts a chilling effect on any sort of discussion of those sorts of things. [06:18] Once he becomes an issue in -ot, that's another story about it being inappropriate for that channel. [06:19] but had he done it in a calm, polite, etc manner, that wasn't abrasive, or disruptive to -ot's other discussions, I don't see any reason we should be worrying about it [06:36] I personally wouldn't trust the -ot crew to not make a circus of it. [06:38] elky: actually he got a roaring smackdown from the -ot crew [06:39] circuses can go both ways [06:39] the -ot crew has been known to take the gender and race "weaknesses" when doing their "roaring smackdowns" [06:40] Hence why we tend not to trust them with nice things. [07:24] good morning === popey_ is now known as popey [13:16] @login [13:16] The operation succeeded. [13:17] @btlogin [13:17] @help [13:17] (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [13:17] @help mark [13:17] (mark [] []) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if was kicked from with the comment , if is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, is only needed when send in /msg [13:57] * Pici sighs [14:05] macr0x called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [14:07] ohai ops [14:07] before we start: [14:07] !guidelines [14:07] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [14:07] shall we sing rick astley first please? [14:07] I want you to read the stuff at the link above. [14:08] but my browser only renders korean text [14:08] =/ [14:09] i think kubuntu is better than any ubuntu derivative because its more windows-ish [14:09] So? [14:09] also i got the source for NT 6 [14:09] i tought that you want [14:10] why u mad tho elky [14:10] I want you to read the guidelines. [14:10] guidelines,where? [14:10] !guidelines [14:10] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [14:10] Those ones. [14:11] it redirects to my own apache server =/ [14:12] jussi, care to try? [14:12] elky [14:12] elky [14:12] elky..... [14:12] macr0x: It is very easy... Either you abide by the guidelines or you are not allowed on the channels [14:12] It is up to you [14:13] what a kindergarden :) [14:13] was about to do it... [14:13] txwikinger: welcme to normality... [14:13] in -irc now [14:13] :D [14:13] jussi: I have one at home, so I am used to it :D [14:13] rude [14:14] the perfect ubuntu person always tries to support [14:14] other people [14:14] but you guys kick me [14:14] shame [14:14] macr0x: if you are not willing to deal with us without silly games, you can leave [14:14] macr0x: We try to support you to learn proper ettiquette [14:15] Tm_T:are you provoking me to a challenge? [14:15] macr0x: no, I'm asking you to behave [14:15] macr0x: but your part of it is to listen and obey.. [14:15] u mad? [14:15] I have no reasons to be mad (:) [14:16] then why you mad [14:16] macr0x: Nobody is mad [14:16] except you man [14:16] you are really angry [14:17] macr0x: You just need to behave or keep out of our channels.. it is very easy [14:17] and if i dont want to [14:17] yall get mad [14:17] =[ [14:17] this is pure bdsm [14:17] no, we just do our job with smile [14:18] macr0x: please grow up and learn to accept your limits :D [14:18] :D [14:18] you funny guy [14:18] your internet explorer can render good jokes [14:18] as i se [14:18] macr0x: this is not a discussion, you are expected to follow the rules. Don't and we will be forced to ban you. [14:18] Holy Qu`ran [14:18] why you do this [14:19] because that is our job [14:19] That, meaning, this, Book, which Muhammad (s) recites, in it there is no doubt, no uncertainty, that it is from God (the negation [lĀ rayba fĪhi] is the predicate of dhĀlika; the use of the demonstrative here is intended to glorify [the Book]). A guidance (hudĀ is a second predicate, meaning that it [the Book] ‘guides’), for the God-fearing, namely, those that tend towards piety by... [14:19] ...adhering... [14:19] ...to commands and avoiding things prohibited, thereby guarding themselves from the Fire; [14:19] Amen [14:20] enjoy your inexistent girlfriends linuxfags [14:20] ): [14:20] I think we can stop it there. [14:20] indeed [14:20] someone lift it in ten or so if i forget [14:21] there was no talking with him and he won't change his position. [14:21] troll is troll [14:21] IdleOne, there was never a chance of it. we just go through the motions of trying. [14:21] inexistent? [14:21] shame though, he seems like he is fairly intelligent [14:21] He is from Romania [14:21] nonexistant. [14:21] maco, i dont think english was his native tongue [14:22] Pici: , oh that last sentence makes sense now [14:22] wait my girlfriend is *totally* non-existent [14:22] IdleOne: not really [14:22] IdleOne, the smartest person in my family is my brother. a jailbird truckie. life is funny like that. [14:23] IdleOne: back to that bit in -ot where he was asking about linus's sexual preferences [14:23] the last line i mean [14:24] I didn't even see that [14:24] I just sat down at the computer 10 seconds before I spoke in here [14:24] oh [14:24] ill pm you [14:24] sure :) [14:24] I love morning pm's from maco :) [14:26] everyone loves morning pms from taco [14:27] ...I need some food -> [14:28] lol [14:36] yo quiero Taco Bell [14:37] txwikinger: Pues, no lo puedes tenir. [14:37] :D [15:20] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois [15:20] I would like to have the "pour les Quebecois" part removed. It reads as exclusive :/ [15:21] like if your not from -qc then we don't want you [15:22] ubottu: !fr is Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [15:22] In #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: ubottu: !fr is Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [15:26] In #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas-train said: !esr is insane [15:27] ubottu: no, fr is Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [15:27] I'll remember that Tm_T [15:28] IdleOne: ok now? [15:28] yup thank you. [15:28] !fr [15:28] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [17:47] ubottu: join #ubuntu-packaging === KB1JWQ is now known as MrPancake [21:25] ubottu: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2898723&group_id=131204&atid=720419 [21:26] Error: Sourceforge bug 2898723 not found [22:20] MrPancake called the ops in #ubuntu (Barley) [22:21] Hey there. I am trying to enter #ubuntu, but it keeps telling me that I am banned. I believe that it is a mistake. Can you check that? thanks :) [22:22] Someone want to take care of barley? :-) [22:23] I just quieted him for ten. [22:23] Anyone? [22:24] one moment [22:24] thanks [22:24] peleg: You are using the web gateway [22:25] Pici: Is the bot not working again? [22:25] nhandler: that's true. I am using a machine which is not mine - I am not allowed to install here any software [22:25] nhandler: but I am also a registered and identified user. [22:25] peleg: Yeah, there is a bot that should give you a ban exemption to join #ubuntu , but it breaks every now and then [22:26] I see. I can wait :) [22:31] nhandler: thanks [22:31] :) [22:33] peleg: you should be fine now. Just make sure to /part #ubuntu-proxy-users first before trying to join #ubuntu again [22:33] Pici: I am there already, thanks :) [22:40] peleg: If there is not anything else we can help you with right now, would you mind /part'ing here ? [22:40] sure, sorry :) [23:03] Urm... the channel ban list is full in #ubuntu [23:07] Pici: Ping. [23:07] A lot of 'em look like they're ancient; anything set by operserv is from the ircd migration. [23:07] Really, really tempting to clear the ban list entirely and repopulate it as needed. [23:13] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from barley) [23:15] Slart called the ops in #ubuntu (Barley) [23:19] Heh, now I have Barley in PM. [23:33] !server [23:33] server is Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !$curLTS ($curLTSLong $curLTSNum). For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support. [23:33] hrm. [23:33] oh. spelling [23:35] !server > sebsebseb [23:37] sorry to be a bother but, I would like to know why I was banned from the #ubuntu channel? [23:42] ThomasG33K: give me a second [23:42] oh. [23:46] sorry thought this was wrong channel for me [23:47] ThomasG33K: We current;y ban freeshell.org due to an inordinante amount of abuse from that host. [23:47] I can add an exception for you though. [23:47] Pici: thanks, I was trying to look up that information but couldn't find it :) [23:47] sorry. Just switched to that host [23:48] some of those regular users are pretty bad IRCers from what I have noticed [23:48] thanks for your help :) [23:48] ThomasG33K: I can't garuntee that the exception will be there forever though, we regularly prune that list. [23:49] Pici: Okay, Ill let you know if I have further problems [23:53] Also, the host sverige.freeshell.org has the paying users on it, not the free users. So I think they tend not to abuse as much as the other hosts. Some consideration for modifying the blanket ban to make an exception for sverige.freeshell.org would be appreciated