
sebsebsebTelvana: I tried and tried when testing Ubuntu 10.04 in development to like the default black theme, but I kind of do, but then open Firefox and things look way to black for my likeing.00:00
bobbyand the "move to the deleted folder" or whatever - seriously?00:00
Scunizioly562: then you have a choice to make.. we all get a little fat eventually :)00:00
sebsebsebbobby: no they aren't00:00
sebsebsebbobby: this is only the start of it, they want Ubuntu to be more like Mac OS X00:00
kevroly562> you might tryout wireshark m8.00:00
demifurorhello, how can i make empathy launch on system startup?00:00
bobbysebsebseb: yeah that was my firstr thought00:00
sebsebsebbobby: maybe in Gnome 3 they will be on the right, but probably not for the Canonical themes.00:00
bobbyi'd drop ubuntu and go with debian in a heartbeat00:00
oly562so my original question needs rephrasing, what is a nice gui driven wireless sniffer designed for wireless networks that my son could use, he is 900:01
mfoxsebsebseb: thats BAD00:01
oly562something simple00:01
rick_how do i get the cpu scaling monitor in 10.04 to default to ondemand instead of performance when i boot my pc?00:01
oly562pretty yet featured00:01
Telvanaok, well I have found one serious dealbreaker with Ubuntu One. It requires me to use Firefox to sync my favorites. No dice. I have been a pretty big fan of Chrome lately. =(00:01
sebsebsebmfox: They want Ubuntu to compete more properly against Mac OS X00:01
kevroly562> ..what do you mean by sniffer m800:01
running_rabbit07No, they want Ubuntu to be like ubuntu!00:01
bobbyi'm setting up a new system, and didn't like kubuntu - absolutelly awful, ubuntu was going to be my savior, but now i'm unsure00:01
kevrlooking at the network packets, or cracking wireless?00:01
ktzqbpTelvana: fair enough then, if ubuntu one's got features you like. I don't have experience with the paid service myself sorry :)00:01
sebsebseb!controls | bobby00:01
oly562i have wireshark ethereal so forth, not what i want for him00:01
mfoxoly562: use wireshark00:01
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oly562just something simple00:01
kevri see.00:01
lee_I deleted my intel_drv.so driver now the highest my resolution is 1024x768? Is there anything I can do00:01
bobbyubuntu is becoming commercial - free 2gb space00:01
oly562mfox: he is 900:01
sebsebsebbobby: indeed00:01
bobbyit feels dodgy and wrong00:01
oly562not simple enough00:01
kevroly562> if hes 9, why does he need a packet sniffer?00:01
GeekSquidlee_: reinstall xorg-video-intel00:02
kevri doubt he can even understand what he'd be seeing00:02
sebsebsebbobby: 9.10 was the start of the commerlisation, more will be coming00:02
oly562kevr: i dont think that is relates, think of it as a toy00:02
lee_GeekSquid how?00:02
oly562i gave him my old linux lappy00:02
Telvanaktzqbp: Do you know of any other file backup utilities kinda like (GASP) Mozy that will work with Linux? I suppose I could always get some hosting space that has SSH access and just rdiff it.00:02
bobbysebsebseb: i've only used 8, and was happy with that00:02
kevroly562> you could setup wireshark for him so that its a few clicks and ready to go..00:02
sebsebsebbobby: well Canonical is a for profit company they want to make money,  so that's ok, but depending on how they do it,  they will annoy certain users, and others will really like it00:02
kevrmaking it simple00:02
bobbyi think it may be time for me to look elsewhere then00:02
oly562i would like to also purchase a prism2 usb or pcle card with that chipset for him to play around with00:03
sebsebsebbobby: well there's Debian sure,  and  Mandriva and loads of great other distros out there00:03
oly562kevr: wireshark is info kill lol00:03
Naryacan I run KDE based games on gnome?00:03
bobbysebsebseb: i understand, but then why contribute your time freely to dev for an os so they can make money from what you do00:03
kevralright, alright00:03
sebsebsebNarya: yes00:03
lee_GeekSquid also the reason why I deleted it I wasn't able to see the login screen in lucid, it just went to a black screen00:03
oly562now that you know, other suggestions00:03
bobbyit'll kill the community00:03
bobbynever tried mandriva00:03
Naryasebsebseb, thanks!00:03
sebsebsebbobby: Are you a dev?00:03
conneralrighty, im in need of some more help someone, i got a dell desktop with a wireless linksys card in it, well ive tried running xubuntu, pupy arcade, the Gadget Os, and everything, but none of them will use to wirelsess card00:03
kevroly562> im still looking for another one i used to use...00:03
running_rabbit07It is nice to see ubuntu get bashed in the ubuntu help irc00:03
kevrit was really great00:03
kevrand simple00:03
Loshkirunning_rabbit07: :-)00:03
Guest49523Can anyone help me with Python? I have a simple question00:04
kevrlike you need :P00:04
bobbyi remember this one great windowsey nice-looking pc-linux i think00:04
bobbysebsebseb: no, but i've thought abotu it00:04
oly562i was thinkin bout the kde desktop for him, but the new 9.10 look is too much, he likes gnome better00:04
oly562father like son ;)00:04
sebsebsebbobby: Going off topic even more,  and probably not really the best place to say this,  but maybe you should find out about Canonicals copy right assignment as well.00:04
kevroly562> tried out darkstat?00:04
ubuntu_madCan someone PM to advise on this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:04
bobbysebsebseb: i've dev'd for other open source projects though :)00:04
kevrmeh actually00:04
Kitsunecurrently playing pwi on windows box from jaunty box using vnc, the update rate is so slow its impossible to play on the jaunty box, however, with a mounted monitor above the jaunty box connected to the windows box, the annoying mouse/keyboard problem is now solved ^~^ thankies for the help.00:04
kevrdarkstat is a bitch to setup00:04
kevrforget it.00:04
bobbysebsebseb: they own and can sell everything you do?00:04
* kevr continues looking00:04
FloodBot4kevr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
FyreFoXhi since upgrading to lucid, my keyboard seems to get stuck on random key and repeats. in the end I have to reboot. have tried several keyboards since00:05
kevrno, it works through hosting a local web server on a non-standard port00:05
vinpani can get into my network and when i go to files nothen shows. can anyone help?00:05
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sebsebsebbobby:  no not exactly, but sort of for some of the apps00:05
kevrthen access the network analyzer through web00:05
kevrit runs as a daemon00:05
oly562i have a web server00:05
AcolyteVersion1Aha!  I finally got the Windows hostname mounting working!00:05
cordellCan some1 give me the web address on how to fix grub so it detects my other partition. Thanks00:05
bobbydoes mandriva have the same deb package management?00:05
kevryes, it runs its own web server, on a non standard port..00:05
oly562ill take note of that,, darkstat00:05
sebsebsebbobby: no it uses RPM00:05
kevrf.e, if you want to look at darkstat00:05
bobbyi looked at suse but really didn't like theirs00:05
kevror whatever00:05
oly562yah, that would work00:05
oly562i want him to work with apache00:05
AcolyteVersion1Had to install Winbind and edit /etc/nsswitch.conf00:05
bobbyi'm really liking the debs, though some of them are awfully out of date00:05
sebsebsebbobby: nice graphical control centre and so on as well00:05
ReilithionFyreFoX: Have you noticed any odd messages on boot?  Perhaps something about udev?00:05
running_rabbit07cordell, sudo update-grub00:06
kevrthis thing runs its >own< tcp web00:06
kevrnot through another server00:06
AcolyteVersion1That... wasn't obvious.  But got there in the end.  No idea if this is the proper way of doing things, but hey, it works.00:06
oly562its it apt-get00:06
oly562is it00:06
bobbyyou think u will lose a lot of users over this?00:06
Nullifi3dhow do you change the color of the splash screen?00:06
connercan anyone help me with the wireless on my desktop?00:06
kevrshould be in there00:06
vinpanshould i install samba anyway00:06
kevrnot sure, im running arch00:06
bobbywith linux, jumping ship is trivial00:06
sebsebsebbobby: let's continue in pm00:06
ktzqbpTelvana: that would work... I've seen some favourable comments about Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx) around the place, so maybe that's worth a look too00:06
bobbythough i can understand the long run to compete as a serious os00:06
bobbysebsebseb: why? this is related to #ubuntu?00:06
sebsebsebbobby: 1. we are off topic 2.  this kind of convo isn't really  the best one to have in this channel00:06
Guest49523In PyShell, how do I make it so I can do multi-line coding with out it interpreting every line00:06
ubuntu_maddropbox is great00:06
Guest40262is openoffice 3.2 available in backports?00:07
vinpandropbox there is a hack to trick it to host ur website00:07
oly562its a stand alone prog, it doesnt look like from synaptic description that it requires anything,,, ill try it out00:07
rick_can anyone tell me how to get my pc to default to ondeamd instead of performance on the cpu scaling?00:07
bobbywhy, it's ubuntu, and it's honest criticism. i have been an ubuntu user for 2 years or so now, my opinion matters ;)00:07
ubuntu_madhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent I dont know which one to choose00:07
conner... how can i get my linksys wirelss card in my dekstop to work correctly when running a unix OS?00:07
sebsebsebbobby: well if we continue long enough in here, someone will say that we are off topic00:08
kevroly562> vnstat is nice too.00:08
ReilithionI have a few problems since upgrading to 10.04.  Most notably, sound no longer works, and I get some strange errors from udevd on boot.  Something about worker [220] did not accept signal -1 ... kill it00:08
RolcolDoes Ubuntu automatically change the CPU frequency?00:08
Guest49523How do I do multi line coding in pyshel so it doesn't interprest each line individually?00:08
h00kbobby: this channel is for Ubuntu support, you are free to discuss this but elsewhere is best, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic00:08
sebsebsebbobby: there we go see00:08
sebsebsebhi h00k00:08
h00khello, sebsebseb :)00:08
oly562those are terminal progs00:09
kevrah yeah, sorry, forgot :P00:09
Loshkihi sebsebseb00:09
latDoes anyone here use msmtp to send mail through a bluehost.com server?00:09
kevrbut darkstat is just a daemon00:09
sebsebsebbobby: heh if you want an audiance to complain about Ubuntu and so on, I guess #ubuntu-offtopic will work00:09
kevrso he wont even use CLI00:09
kevrfor that00:09
GeekSquidRolcol: yes, by default if the chip supports it00:09
bobbyh00k: i am receiving support, and because of the support i got, i kinda realised that it isn't for me!00:09
mfoxoly562: i think you should wait till your son got 15 :D00:09
sebsebsebbobby: however depending on how it's done, may not last that long in there00:09
bsmith093have there been a lot of updates for lucid because im running it and ive barely seen any00:10
Loshkilat: No, but I use ssmtp to send mail thru a comcast.com server. It should be broadly similar...00:10
sebsebsebyes hi Loshki00:10
Guest49523Does anyone know how to turn the interactive mode off in PyShell? So it doesn't interpret each line?00:10
FyreFoXReilithion: no I havent00:10
GeekSquidbsmith093: not yet, it is only a week old,00:10
sebsebsebbobby: since Ubuntu is based on Debian, it's rather much so like Ubuntu, but with out the commercilisation and such00:10
oly562kevr for my own edification, darkstat, do i pipe stdout somewhere or is there a log in /var00:10
LoshkiGuest49523: weren't you asking about this yesterday?00:11
vinpanim connected file sharing but when i go into it no file in the folders not show.00:11
sebsebseb!debian | bobby00:11
bobbysebsebseb: exactly and is why i'd migrate naturally there00:11
ubottubobby: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!00:11
MaximLevitskywill ubuntu 10.10 mandate gnome-shell?00:11
bobbyubuntu is a commercial debian ;)00:11
kevroly562> the program outputs the correct web formats including what its receiving, it probably stores in files00:11
sebsebsebbobby: there's a good article  quite recent, about someone who  went back to Debian from Ubuntu,  but yes we are off topic in here00:11
oly562mfox: why?00:11
kevrthen displays depending on the parses00:11
MaximLevitskyor compiz will be supported too?00:11
oly562mfox: he likes linux00:11
latLoshki, would you please share your .msmtprc? I haven't been able to get it to work.00:12
kevroly562> im glad to see a 9 year old using linux, the new generation will be kickass :)00:12
Loshkisebsebseb: got a url for the ubuntu to debian article?00:12
kevr13 year old c/cobol gurus00:12
oly562kevr: i just see a process in ps ax00:12
sebsebsebLoshki: I can probably find it, there have been quite a few articles like that00:12
kevrbecause its running as a daemon00:12
Telvanakevr: Cobol? =) Brings back fond memories.00:12
oly562kerv test monitoring port 2200:12
sebsebsebLoshki: people leaving Ubuntu for another distro, for whatever reason,  recent articles00:12
mfoxoly562: no i dont mean linux, most sniffers are advanced, command-lines such nvstat or GUI like wireshark shows protocols and headers! he'll confuse!00:12
kevrTelvana> i know right? :)00:12
sebsebsebLoshki: aritcles/blogs whatever00:12
kevroly562> find out how to monitor a range of ports00:13
kevrget the top port, its 65XXX (cant remember the last... might be 65500)00:13
oly562mfox: zackly, that is why i mean a nice little pretty fun game like wireless sniffer to watch things go by on the screen00:13
Loshkilat: ssmtp uses /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf instead. Want to pastebin your  .msmtprc (take out any passwords) and tell me what your problem is?00:13
oly562heck i could just run tcpdump for that lol, no i want a pretty little fun gamey gui for him, kinda like DS00:13
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:13
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kevrwell, sufficite to say.. there aren't any net traffic gui's that act as simple as nintendo ds games00:14
Loshkikevr: it's 2^16 - 1 (65535)00:14
kevrah k. ty00:14
con-man!info unrar-free00:14
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (lucid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB00:14
oly562Loshki: yap00:14
Nullifi3dhow do you change the color of the splash screen?00:14
kevroly562> you could always code your own simple one00:14
OooHi Room..00:14
localgh0stMy sound (via spdif) stopped working after lucid lynx upgrade and all, anyone know some things I should check or read to help me figure this out?00:14
kevrin python or something00:14
oly562kerv i guess00:14
localgh0stIt crackles...00:14
Oooi want to delete one of my raid disk..  check out this pastbin00:14
appaHello people, I am having problems getting Lucid Lynx Live CD to boot proper on a computer where I want to install it. Seems after doing a verbose boot that it stops at the cupsd daemon and then nothing. Just dead.00:15
sebsebsebLoshki: can't just find it at the moment00:15
Oooi have also installed OS.. so which and how should i delet RAID..00:15
kevroly562> sorry i couldn't find what you needed man, i fail.00:15
kevrbut i have to go clean up for a short bit00:15
kevrbe back soon.00:15
appaNot very easy to do anything with the Live CD as it isn't installed on the computer yet, so if anyone knows a workaround to get it working please let me know A.S.A.P00:15
Loshkisebsebseb: no matter, I'll poke around in google...00:15
jiohdiappa, you could try the NBR version, it has less stuff and is lighter load, perhaps easier to install, you can get other packages later00:16
Loshkilocalgh0st: it *just* crackles, or you have sound but it's crackly...?00:16
oly562im starving, going to take my ubuntu laptop to starbucks, ill be another time00:16
oly562thanks guys00:16
sebsebsebLoshki: well you can get on similar articles maybe  even the one if you search the archive of http://www.linuxtoday.com  link to the archeive is towards the bottom of the page00:16
vinpanappa: i had same problem would not boot, so i installed 9.04 and then updated it but it takes a long time00:16
appaJiohdi: Thanks for the suggestion, is that one available on the same page where you get the desktop version?00:16
localgh0stLoshki, let me double check, pretty sure it *just* crackles00:17
sebsebsebLoshki: articles/blogs whatever00:17
jiohdiappa, yes00:17
OooI have two Disks, i want to free up one of my 80GB hard drive whic is now RAID.. so how and which should i delete ??00:17
jiohdiappa, less people seem to want it, so its faster to download as well00:17
tharveyanyone know where I can get a users crontab?  I'm restoring files from an offline linux system so 'crontab -l' doesn't access the 'old system'00:17
appaAlso -- I think Ubuntu should boot proper from the full desktop CD - its quite a turnoff when you want to try it and you come up against a bug.00:17
localgh0stLoshki, yup. Nothing discernible.00:17
appaPersonally I run ArchLinux but this one is for a friend who is new to linux and wants to try it out :)00:17
jiohdiappa, NBR is pretty noobie friendly00:18
running_rabbit07How does one add Windows to grub when update-grub is not working? http://pastebin.com/tBbgQ5PA00:18
Reallycoolnever installing enlightenment again... is it supposed to try to take over gnome or is that just a glitch?00:18
p1und3racicula_ friggin fixed it by blacklisting nouveau :D w0000t00:18
Loshkilocalgh0st: in that case, I had good luck with the nosound link of this article: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/937-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004-lts-lucid-lynx, but note I had *no* sound, not even crackles, so it might not work for you...00:18
localgh0stLoshki, I'll give it a looksee thanks!00:19
appayes but don't anybody know what to do to get the GUI to boot proper, is there a way to bypass cupsd entirely during the bootup?00:20
opopi'm a little concerned that there hasn't been a 10.04 update on amd64 since thursday.  Also, anyone experiencing repetitive crashes in openoffice?00:20
Loshkitharvey: user's crontabs are completely custom. Unless you have a backup, there's no way to know what was in there...00:20
Oooappa: r u using live CD or do you have installed copy of ubuntu ?00:21
Loshkiappa: why is ArchLinux good enough for you but not for your friend?00:21
mfoxbye guys00:21
kevrahhh damn00:21
kevrhe just left and i just found the old program i used00:21
kevrperfect one :(00:21
bluebaron_My laptop keeps hanging.  The scroll lock starts flashing.  What's the best place to look?00:22
Loshkikevr: this channel is notorious for people asking questions and not staying for the answer...00:22
tharveyLoshki, found it in /var/spool/cron...00:22
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:22
localgh0stLoshki, what exactly in that pertains to sound? Am I missing it?00:22
Loshkitharvey: very good..00:22
macman_hi all .. what does this mean s1.addVariable('config', encodeURIComponent00:22
kevriptraf = win :)00:22
Loshkilocalgh0st: 2nd paragraph, search for 'nosound', there's a link...00:23
LoshkiI notice that I have daemons running named jfsIO, jfsCommit and jfsSync. Nothing in init.d seems to be responsible for them. Anyone know what they are and where they came from?00:23
localgh0stLoshki, oh sorry, I didn't see that as part of the article :300:23
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ActionParsnipLoshki: are you using JFS ?00:24
bluebaron_anyone know what logs might exist if my system hard crashes, the scroll light starts blinking and the computer is unresponsive.00:24
DarkHelmutI've just finished the upgrade and my whole screen is "fuzzy" any ideas on how to address this?00:24
LoshkiActionParsnip: definitely not!00:24
maximi89hi people, Ubuntu Lucid what kernel version use_00:25
ActionParsnip!info linux-image | maximi8900:25
ubottumaximi89: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)00:25
maximi89thanks ActionParsnip00:26
LoshkiDarkHelmut: find out what graphics chip your mobo uses and then see if there's a better driver for it...00:27
DarkHelmutLoshki, kk00:27
DarkHelmutwill start there00:27
bluebaron_My laptop keeps hanging.  The scroll lock starts flashing.  What's the best place to look?00:28
drclueAnyone know how to fix the broken 9.10 -> 10.04 Ubuntu upgrade, and perhaps a moment to help a fellow through it? I've got a machine that the best I can get out of it right now is an old 9.10 shell prompt and as it uses a USB WiFi connection that won't work either, I'm sorta stumped00:29
SegfaultDr.Clue what seems to be the trouble with your wifi?00:29
Loshkibluebaron_: hangs are extremely hard to diagnose. Did it run something else previously that didn't hang?00:29
ActionParsnipdrclue: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:30
drclueSefault: Well , it won't connect. I have been able to get it to come up under the Ubuntu CD's test drive mode but thats about it00:30
SegfaultDid it work in 9.10?00:30
SegfaultWhat kind of hardware?00:31
SegfaultAlso is the connection secured?00:31
balleyneI'm trying to sync Tomboy notes using sshfs but getting a pretty vague error ("Error connecting", "something went wrong"). Log file is practically empty. Any suggestions?00:31
TheMozartis this a proper command I can type in terminal: "$gnome-cups-manager"00:31
zagabarHow can I forward ports to a computer that is below my servers external IP Through ICS?00:32
TheMozartincluding the $ ?00:32
ActionParsnipTheMozart: tab complete it, if it completes then yes00:32
drclueAfter the upgrade , GRUB could not mount the file system, and only the oldest entry in the GRUB list would do anything and only in the shell mode.  The WiFi thing is a netgear USB adapter.00:32
ActionParsnipTheMozart: you dont need the $00:32
TheMozartActionParsnip: so the command starts with a dollar $ symbol?00:32
TheMozartActionParsnip: ok00:32
ActionParsnipTheMozart: just means run as user00:32
TheMozartActionParsnip: so I type the $ first?00:33
ubuntu_madhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent which one??00:33
latLoshki, here it is: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GR3ydvPW00:33
ActionParsnipTheMozart: no, just from the first g00:33
ActionParsnipTheMozart: try tab completing the command too, makes sure you got it right00:34
drclueubuntu_mad: I'll have to look up which model that was again. Just a sec00:34
ubuntu_maddrclue which model...what you mean?00:35
duliis upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 recommended? or should I make a fresh install?00:35
lee_I deleted my intel_drv.so driver, just to be able to boot into Lucid, but now I would like to install another intel driver is that possible?00:35
drclueYes , I had that model number around here somewhere , it started with a w and ended in a v2 , but I need to look it up again00:36
ubuntu_madduli upgading was straight forward for me00:36
RichiieAnyone here whit Amsn that can help me whit a quick question ?00:36
duliubuntu_mad: hum, great to know that...00:36
Gangrelanyone knows how to create ad-hoc on ubuntu ? i am trying to create an ad-hoc station from my desktop (ubuntu) and connect my laptop (windows 7) on it, Any idea how?00:36
aplundI've just installed 10.04 and updated to grub2.  Now I have no boot splash until X loads.  Is this how things are meant to be?00:36
drclueWG111v2 I think the model number is for that USB WiFi stick00:37
Loshkilat: is it missing the 'From: ' header? like in http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=8492800:37
ubuntu_maddrclue i ment which method to put ubuntu on usb00:37
minjooHow to command in terminal to see one's graphic card driver version?00:37
drclueOh , no , I did not put unbuntu on the USB stick. The USB stick is a WiFi adapter00:38
acerimmerminjoo: ls00:38
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acerimmerminjoo: lshw00:39
drclueThe original Ubuntu installation was from a CD mailed to us ForUbUntu00:39
ubuntu_maddrclue ok00:39
mitchellwith the ambience look, is there any way to move the controls to the right side like they always have been? why would you change it now, to confuse people?00:39
minjoothanks acerimmer00:39
drclueDang cats are trying to help me type00:39
acerimmermitchell: ubuntu tweaks will do that00:39
ubuntu_maddrclue just looking to know best method to have ubuntu on usb00:39
mitchellacerimmer, well all you have to do is change the controls to another look such as clearlooks or new wave00:40
greezmunkeyminjoo: try lspci | grep VGA00:40
mitchellbut that will change the menus as well and controls00:40
acerimmermitchell: good to know00:40
mitchellacerimmer, no, it's not good00:40
captjackanyone available to help me get my wireless USB working?00:40
mitchellit will also change the menus and controls00:40
minjoogreezmunkey, Thanks. It Works well00:40
greezmunkeyminjoo:  :)00:40
VladimirBGhmmm, totem's youtube funtionality isn't working in 10.0400:41
minjoogreezmunkey, I've just done memo. hehe thanks00:41
drclueI'm just looking for the best route to recover from the 9.10 ->10.04 upgrade problem where GRUB cannot mount the OS. I get the message00:41
drclueKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown wn-block(0,0)    /etc/default/grub00:41
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ubuntu_madanyone have ubuntu on a pen drive?00:42
plouffeVladimirBG, totem's youtube functionality?00:42
VladimirBGyes, totem has a dropdown menu with youtube00:43
VladimirBGyou can search and watch videos without using browser00:43
VladimirBGbut it does not work now00:43
plouffeVladimirBG, thx, doesn't work for me on 9.10 either00:44
VladimirBGit says: The response from the server could not be understood. Please check you are running the latest version of libgdata.00:44
lampe_if got some problem i isntalled linux from a usb stick and now grub is only starting when the usb stick is in the laptop!00:44
plouffeVladimirBG, same here00:44
soundconjurerI'm having an issue getting past the splash screen on my other laptop with Ubuntu 10.0400:44
soundconjurerIt just dies after loading the splash.00:45
daftykinssoundconjurer: have a quick google for 'nomodeset'00:45
Guest62884Is openoffice 3.2 available in the repos for 9.10?00:46
latLoshki, yes. That seems to be the problem. But that link seems to give no solution. Or did I miss something?00:47
ZykoticK9!info openoffice.org karmic | Guest6288400:48
ubottuGuest62884: openoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): full-featured office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.1.1-5ubuntu1.1 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 52 kB (Only available for armel i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 amd64 ia64 lpia ppc64 s390x sparc all arm)00:48
Dmoleanyone know of something like curl/wget that will save a file using Content Disposition filename without getting it twice?00:49
Guest62884ZykoticK9, is it available in some back ports repo?00:49
demifurorguys, ever sicne ive installed my gfx card using the restricted drivers, teh boot screen of ubuntu is ugly, very low res and poor color quality. how can i make it go back to teh nice boot up image splash screen?00:49
JosieSo I have this weird issue with my internal dns server, I was wondering if anyone could help? It appears if I try to ping/resolve any hostnames that the internal dns provides, it takes _forever_, but external dns works fine.00:50
ZykoticK9Guest62884, no idea.  best of luck.00:50
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DmoleJosie: how long for dig?00:50
acerimmerlampe: try to reinstall grub to your active partition00:50
ZykoticK9demifuror, you might want to have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146947500:50
Loshkilat: well they (and I) recommend changing to ssmtp. Is that a possibility for you?00:50
Josie2msecs on one client00:50
drclueAfter the Ubuntu 9.10->10.04 upgrade , I simply get the Kernel panic about VFS not being able to mount root fs. The only thing I can get to load at all is Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic in recovery mode, and then when I try to drop to root with networking , several DHCPDISCOVER requests go by and the WG111v2 USB WiFi adapter is never able to make a connection. Sorta up the creek without the paddle otr the boat00:51
demifurorZykoticK9: cheers dude!00:51
DmoleJosie: and ms of ping?00:51
bluefox83ubuntu keeps auto-mounting a hard drive to a really odd directory: /media/c420de04-c112-48da-bdee-174cf332844c   how the heck do i fix that? O.o00:51
JosieDmole: Excuse me, that's wrong. 909 msecs for dig00:51
ZykoticK9demifuror, if you're using nvidia, after making the change verify that your virtual console (f1-f6) still work, if they don't you might want to undo the change(s) you make to correct it00:52
DmoleJosie: wow00:52
latLoshki, yes. I'll give ssmtp a try. Thanks. I appreciate the help.00:52
luis__I need urgent help: something went totally wrong with the actu to 10.04, some packages are missing, the boot is failing, I try to repair files with safe mode but in cannot access the server, not able to get any package, please help!00:52
JosieDmole: Amazing, ping _reports_ accurate statistics, but it takes _forever_ to actually ping.00:52
darolu!fstab | bluefox8300:52
ubottubluefox83: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:52
Loshkilat: let me know if you need a sample config for ssmtp....00:52
Josieluis_: Live cd?00:52
clglso like, ubuntu eats through my batteriez!!!00:52
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bluefox83darolu: nothing like that is listed in my /etc/fstab D:00:52
ZykoticK9clgl, if you are comparing Ubuntu to Windows battery life - i'm affraid MS is going to win00:53
DmoleJosie: accurate statistics like what?00:53
JosieDmole: I have  zywall router that's on this network, only my ubuntu machines seem to have trouble with it.00:53
M1ck3y1Hello all, does anyone know about VPN's?00:53
darolubluefox83: I know, that's the problem; it's mountint with your hard drive's UUID, edit fstab file to mount to the mount point you want; labeling the HD may help too00:53
drclueluis_: you and I have the same problem it seems, and it appears many others have had this issue , but thus far I've not been able to find any answers myself00:53
latLoshki, yes, please. I've wasted several days on this already.00:53
clglZykoticK9, is it cause of drivers or acpi?00:54
JosieDmole like the same as directly pinging the ip, < 1.5ms.00:54
bluefox83darolu: it's the only drive it mounts that way, and i would really like it to automatically put something on my desktop like it did the other drive...00:54
ChogyDanluis__: you may need to burn a livecd00:54
JosieDmole: It just moves in extra-slow motion, like it takes forever to send the packet, but it comes back immediately00:54
ZykoticK9clgl, linux doesn't do as good a job at powering things down as Windows, or so someone who knows much more about the subject then me said.00:54
guest1Ubuntu Geeks, please help me.. getting very frustrated with new Ubuntu install00:55
darolubluefox83: I told you, you have two options, one is to label your hard drive and see if it mounts it with that name, the other way is to add a line to your fstab file.00:55
drclueChogyDan: I have the liveCD that was mailed to us when we installed 9.10 , would that be of use in solving this issue?00:55
DmoleJosie: pastbin some stuff... did you ntpdate00:55
acerimmerguest1: problem descriptions...00:55
ChogyDanclgl: I've heard you can use a program called powertop to see what is using power00:55
guest1hello Acerimmer00:55
bluefox83ZykoticK9: my laptop got (on average) an hour more of time out of the battery while running ubuntuk, than it ever did running windows00:55
guest1my default panel has disappeared and i dont know how to restore it00:56
ChogyDandrclue: I would give it a try00:56
JosieDmole: I'll give you anything you wanna know. Just tell me what you need?00:56
guest1desktop is completely blank except trash icon on lower right corner00:56
Blue1guest1: ru running gnome?00:56
ZykoticK9bluefox83, good to hear :)  You are the exception, not the rule i'm affraid00:56
acerimmerguest1: you on Gnome or KDE?00:56
guest1i have unbuntu 10.04.. thats all i know .. sorry00:56
clglChogyDan, i tried that00:56
clglonly changed two things00:56
Blue1guest1: well we need more info00:56
guest1i just installed 10.04 yesterday00:57
luis__ChogyDan: to install everything again? but I will loss all my data!00:57
acerimmerguest1: what picture is your desktop background?00:57
guest1purple solid00:57
wildbathi~ i have a problem in ssh keys ~ i have two machine running ubuntu~ x64 and x86, i tried to setup ssh keys on both so that i don't need to enter password. funny thing, when x64 one try to ssh x86, "Agent admitted failure to sign using key". how ever after i log in x64 from x86 and ssh back to x86 ~ the key works~ anyone got a clue?00:57
daroluguest1: no icons on your desktop is normal if that's what you mean00:57
drclueChogyDan: I know that the live CD boots and will run the demo mode of the desktop with the WiFi USB working , but what should I do to correct the boot problem resulting from the 10.04 upgrade? Install the 9.10? Use the CD in some other way?00:57
guest1darolu i and acer i have no panel on the top00:57
ChogyDanluis__: drclue one second00:58
guest1no System Places Applications icon because the whole panel has disappeared00:58
mxe5Hi Setting up a webcam for a friend that I setup with Lucid 10.4 - Anyone have any suggestions on a webcam that "Just Works" in Lucid ? ?00:58
ActionParsnipwildbat: ownership of thefile etc?00:58
myeyespyI need help configuring compiz with 1 option. I am using CCSM. I want to the rollup function stopped (doubleclicking top bar "rolls" the window up). Which option is it? Feels like I've tried them all00:58
DmoleJosie: do you have >1 dns server listed?00:58
ActionParsnip!webcam | mxe500:58
ubottumxe5: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:58
JosieDmole: No, just one, my zywall
daroluguest1: press Alt+F2, a window should pop up, type "gnome-panel" in (no quotes) and hit enter, see if that makes it appear00:58
acerimmerguest1: go to an empty area of your desktop and rightclick to get display properties - check your screen resolution00:58
ZykoticK9myeyespy, if you don't get an answer here try in #compiz good luck.00:58
mxe5ActionParsnip; Thanks00:59
=== Guest27900 is now known as Companion-Cube
latLoshki, I just realized I can't use ssmtp as it requires that postfix be removed, and I use a program that requires postfix.00:59
guest1darolu, I will be right back. I have to log back into my original account that had icon disappeared. I will try this and come back00:59
wildbatActionParsnip, of which file?~00:59
ChogyDanluis__: drclue https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery00:59
diffraHi, upgrading wubi 9.10 -> 10.04, and i've got a prompt asking me what device to instlal grub to, but the loop device isn't listed.00:59
ActionParsnipwildbat: the key file00:59
Loshkilat: you should be able to use postfix for the smtp stuff that msmtp is doing now, though postfix configuration is a scary business...01:00
soundconjurerSo when nomodeset doesn't work what do you do next?01:00
wildbatActionParsnip, belong to the account ~01:00
JosieDmole: The Zywall's DNS is setup to contact comcast's dns servers if it doesn't know an address.01:00
sontekIf i'm plugged into wired, is there a way to create an access point with my wireless so others can get Internet?01:00
drclueChogyDan: OK, I'll go read on that , and hopefully I'll only be back to say thank you , but either way , I'll be back01:01
ZykoticK9soundconjurer, have you already tried removing "quiet splash" to see if you get any additional ouput (or removing splash corrects the issue)?01:01
ZykoticK9soundconjurer, you might also want to try noacpi or noapic01:01
ChogyDandrclue: luis__ you guys want the update failure section01:01
DmoleJosie: and dig taks a long time for local and foreign lookups?01:01
soundconjurergoing to go try01:01
drclueChogyDan: Update failure section CHECK and RODGER01:02
_pHI_kernel-ppa question: i was wondering what it means that the kernels there "don't come with ubuntu drivers"... i'm trying to assess how different my experience is going to be if i update to 2.6.33 for lucid?01:02
bluefox83oops, lol01:02
DmoleJosie: dig @ -x
cordellCan some1 give me the web address on how to fix grub so it detects my other partition. Thanks01:02
S-001can someone help me?01:02
ZykoticK9cordell, grub2?01:02
latLoshki, yes. It is scary. But I'll give it another try. Thanks again for the help. At least I understand the situation better now.01:02
acerimmers-001: state issue01:03
cordellyes in ubuntu 10.0401:03
ChogyDan_pHI_: just go for it, and keep your normal kernel.  The worst is that it won't boot01:03
DmoleJosie: gtg eat good luck, you could test with a second dns server (just install it on an ubuntu box) and see if you get the same thing01:03
ZykoticK9!grub2 > cordell01:03
ubottucordell, please see my private message01:03
S-001i just tried to install ubuntu 10.04, and now when i boot, it gives me a black screen w/ a blinking cursor01:03
acerimmercordell: wait 101:03
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JosieDmole: Thanks. I'm getting around it by adding certain things in the hosts file. lol01:03
S-001and it won't do anything after even after sitting for an hour01:04
drclueChogyDan: is apt-get in this instance going to be able to fetch from the CD? As is with the WiFi adapter down , there is no network connection01:04
_pHI_ChogyDan: i tried on a ddifferent machine but the nvidia native drivers stopped working..01:04
_pHI_ChogyDan: i thought DKMS would fix that01:04
acerimmercordell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20201:04
MikeH_hi guys, I'm trying to fix my 10.4 server install (grub broken), however when trying to chroot to my install from the rescue mode, I get: chroot cannot execute /bin/sh exec format error01:04
ChogyDan_pHI_: dkms is one of the things that is missing01:04
soundconjurernomodeset removing quiet splash didn't work01:05
_pHI_ChogyDan: so i have to download the drivers from nvidia.com and run their .run script?01:05
soundconjurerThe wubi fails and so does the live disc... also the install...01:05
ubuntu_madIs this proceedure correct?? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:05
psusiMikeH_, you trying to chroot across machine architecture (32bit vs 64)?01:05
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MikeH_psusi: hrm, possibly actually if I've mounted the wrong partition - is there any way of listing how big each drive is?01:06
MikeH_df -h01:06
ChogyDandrclue: well, you would need the 10.04 cd to do that anyway....  I'm not sure...01:06
MikeH_oops, wrong keyboard01:06
S-001can somebody please help me? I don't mean to annoy anyone, but my primary machine won't boot to windows or ubuntu.01:06
drclueChogyDan: would it work as well if I booted to the live demo (where the networking is functioning) , dropped to the shell , went over to the main drive and issued those commands?01:06
acerimmers-001: error messages??01:06
drclueThe updates I mean01:06
guest1hello darolu01:06
guest1I am back01:06
S-001just a blinking cursor01:06
daroluguest1: hey, did they show up with that?01:07
guest1I tried alt f2 and typed in Gnome-panel01:07
guest1no luck01:07
ChogyDan_pHI_: I dunno, its not supported to do that, so you may have issues.01:07
LoshkiS-001: but the live cd worked ok?01:07
acerimmers-001: have installed ubuntu or are you running live cd01:07
soundconjurerUbuntu does boot into failsafe graphics though01:07
S-001i'm running it now01:07
guest1it says could not open //home/username/  something01:07
S-001but i had tried to install, and it does that every time01:07
soundconjurerjust won't boot the normal way.01:07
Theravadanhow do i get a frickin' 3d cube desktop going?01:07
guest1as a temporary fix, what i did was create a new admin account and i am logged into machine with that new account to access the default panel01:07
S-001running the live cd now, but won't boot to any hard drive now01:08
guest1i need that panel restored to my original account01:08
acerimmers-001: what version of Ubuntu *.iso?  32 bit/64 bit/kubuntu/ubuntu?01:08
S-00164 reg Ubuntu01:08
tophyris there any performance or "real" difference (ie non-legal, non-ideological) between openjdk-6 and sun-java6 package sets?01:08
FeasibilityStudyTheravadan: install compiz-settings-manager01:08
S-001burned to a disc01:08
ChogyDandrclue: yes,  that's actually what a livecd recovery is01:08
acerimmers-001: are you SURE you need 64 bit?  and that your box runs 64 bit?01:08
acerimmers-001: easy fix, download and run 32 bit.  Most issues should fix01:09
S-001i'm sure i need 64, i've got 6GB of ram, running on a core 2 quad q9550 and w/ a GTS 25001:09
FeasibilityStudyTheravadan: compizconfig-settings-manager01:09
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S-001and I'm doing graphics01:09
guest1any other suggestions darolu/acerimmer01:09
S-001yes i do need 6401:09
daroluguest1: go back to the faulty session, press Alt+F2 and run a terminal with gnome-terminal, once you're there run "sudo debconf gnome-panel" (no quotes) that should restore your panels01:09
daftykinsdoes anyone recall that boot CD you can make which will allow booting of USB flash drives / CDs / etc ?01:09
drclueChogyDan: Cool, I just wanted to make sure I was not reading too much into the answer01:09
wildbathi~ i have a problem in ssh keys ~ i have two machine running ubuntu~ x64 and x86, i tried to setup ssh keys on both so that i don't need to enter password. funny thing, when x64 one try to ssh x86, "Agent admitted failure to sign using key". how ever after i log in x64 from x86 and ssh back to x86 ~ the key works~ anyone got a clue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/427305/01:09
MikeH_hrm, if an ext4 volume becomes unmountable01:09
MikeH_because its busy, could it be it needs checking?01:09
FeasibilityStudyTheravadan: First make sure you got your graphics drivers installed.  Then make sure "Desktop effects" are set to all or full or whatever it is.  Then install the package I just listed above.01:10
acerimmerguest 1: coffee is gone - I'm out of ideas for u.  sorry01:10
daroluguest1: if it fails, make sure permissions and ownership are correct in your $HOME01:10
garicwhich port do i need for xchat file transfer?01:10
psusiMikeH_, no, if it is because it is busy, then it is because it is busy...01:10
psusii.e. already mounted01:10
MikeH_psusi: its not being used by anything though01:10
ChogyDandrclue: yeah.  You just boot the cd and get internet working.  The tricky part is setting up an upgrade which gets your HDD install, the the live install.  That's where the webpage will help01:10
MikeH_I can mount /boot (/dev/sdb1) fine, but not / on /dev/sdb5 - it isn't mounted either01:10
S-001acerimmer: are there problems w/ 64 bit? cuz I kinda need 6401:11
zbanksI've talked to someone before about memory issues, but today I noticed something really strange. Right on boot, I was using 980MB/2GB of RAM (not including caching!). My computer always seems to gobble up memory, but this is rediculious. I'm running karmic x64, if that indicates anything.01:11
garicwhich port do i need for file transfer on xchat, or where do i set the port?01:11
Loshkiwildbat: never seen that message before. Try ssh -v for the failing case and see if verbose output tells you anything interesting...01:11
acerimmers-001: I've GOT  a 64 bit dell laptop, dual core, etc.  For some reason, I couldn't get the 64 bit ubuntu to load up or install.01:11
S-001well, i don't exactly have a way to dload 32 now and burn it01:12
S-001cuz i'm running off the live cd01:12
acerimmers-001: try 32 bit and if it runs, cool.  If not, research the forums.01:12
S-001i don't have a way to burn it01:12
zbanks(I've ran htop and was unable to find any process that was using any crazy amount of mem. a few programs were using 1-2%, but not *that* many!)01:12
S-001cuz i'm running the live cd01:12
guest1darolu, let me try this and i will be right back.. hope this works01:12
soundconjurerI am beginning to dislike the fact Ubuntu isn't booting on my other laptop. 8.04 worked fine01:12
acerimmers-001: time for  a trip to your local coffe shop/hi speed wifi.01:13
soundconjurernow 10.04 hangs after splash screen.01:13
S-001heh, i wish01:13
daroluguest1:  yeah, it should work, good luck; the other option is to delete the gnome-panel conf files from your home with "rm -f ~/.gconf/apps/panel"01:13
S-001and i need 6401:13
S-001so 32 isn't an option01:13
acerimmers-001: actually, can you install under wubi? assuming you dual boot01:13
MikeH_Am I right in thinking that with guided + LVM setup that / would be on sd*5?01:14
S-001acerimmer: Not anymore. Ubuntu borked my windows bootloader too.01:14
xomphi, I'm attempting to compile something for the first time provided I can learn this. Any extremely easy to use SVN software for ubuntu out there?01:14
Hawaiian_Eskimohow do i install software that comes in a tar.gz file rather than a .deb file?01:14
daroluMikeH_: that's the most common way but it's not always like that01:15
acerimmers-001: DOH!  well if you still need windows, install that FIRST, then do ubuntu.01:15
garicwhich port do i need for file transfer on xchat, or where do i set the port?01:15
wildbatLoshki, hmmm ok ~ http://paste.ubuntu.com/427309/01:15
daroluMikeH_: find out with "sudo fdisk -l"01:15
S-001it was installed01:15
S-001acerimmer: so i gotta reinstall?01:15
keith_well hey all,01:15
acerimmers-001: wait01:15
darolugaric: go to Config-preferences in xchat, you'll find network options there01:15
S-001grr... 3rd reinstall in as many days...01:15
ChogyDanHawaiian_Eskimo: extract the archive, and read the included directions.  That aren't any set tricks.  What are you trying to install?01:15
Hawaiian_EskimoChogyDan: ddrescue01:16
acerimmers-001: ok, sounds like maybe you got bit by grub.  If you're dual booting, it's easy to mess up BUT01:16
acerimmers-001: if it's noly a grub issue, windows should still be there.  XP/Vista/7?01:16
garicdarolu, yes i did look at those, but no option for ip port.01:16
ChogyDan!info ddrescue | Hawaiian_Eskimo01:16
ubottuHawaiian_Eskimo: ddrescue (source: ddrescue): copy data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.14-1 (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB01:16
MikeH_I have sdb2 as extended and sdb5 as linux lvm01:16
S-001acerimmer: 7 ultimate x64. I think the bootloader for 7 was installed on the drive that i formatted for Ubuntu, but i thought Ubuntu would work around it.01:17
S-001acerimmer: stupid mistake?01:17
MikeH_So should I be able to mount one of them?01:17
MikeH_Is it an issue with LVM?01:17
keith_this is more complecated than i thought,01:17
acerimmers-001: yes and no.  easy way to find out is run the windows repair01:18
S-001ok, will that allow me to at least boot to windows?01:18
quesoTrying to use easy_e17.sh, got this configure error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/209550  I'm on Ubuntu Desktop 10.04.01:18
Hawaiian_Eskimook, i got some of it figured out01:18
amdsolutionBoot from cd windows and repair installation01:18
queso(Sorry, wrong channel.)01:18
Hawaiian_Eskimohowever, what package do i need to install to be able to use make?01:18
acerimmers-001: if windows comes back, then keep going.  Am I correct, Ubuntu will not INSTALL?01:18
Loshkiwildbat: ah, it's something to do with the ssh-agent. http://jimmyg.org/blog/2008/beginners-guide-to-ssh-keys-with-ssh2.html, see 'Disabling SSH Agent'. Dunno what the fix is though...01:19
darolugaric: you can always edit options manually, "gedit $HOME/.xchat2/xchat.conf"01:19
zetheroowhen I leave my computer for a bit it automatically locks the screen after a few minutes ... how do I stop this ?01:19
rodrihello, i need help01:19
ChogyDanHawaiian_Eskimo: I think build-essential   but it is in the repos, so if you are running ubuntu, you don't need this01:19
S-001acerimmer: it INSTALLS, just won't boot after it finishes installing.01:19
rodrii can not run livecd of ubuntu 10.0401:19
wildbatLoshki, kk let me take a look01:19
acerimmers-001: send me private chat invite01:19
beav_35how do i get mythbackend (built from source) to start at boot?01:19
daroluzetheroo: System - Preferences - Screensaver01:20
garicdarolu, thanks, dcc_port_first and dcc_port last is there...01:20
zetheroodarolu:: ok thanks01:20
xompjust installed Bazaar SVN yet can't find it anywhere. It was grabbed from the "Ubuntu Software Center", where can I located this installed program?01:20
Loshkibeav_35: you build mythbackend from source? You need to add a script to /etc/init.d and softlinks to it from /etc/rc*.d...01:20
rodridebo tener un error con mi placa de video01:21
rodriI have an error with my video card01:21
amdsolutionvenet0:0 help01:21
Loshki!es | rodri01:21
ubotturodri: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:21
acerimmers-001: multibooting is always fun.  I've got ubuntu/win7/mac osx.  It can be done - CAREFULLY01:21
VigoHawaiian_Eskimo: : Just dropped in, maybe this will help:> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/make.1.html01:21
S-001acerimmer: can i do that from the freenode web interface? or do i need to use somethin else?01:21
acerimmers-001: right click on my nick and send the direct chat invite command01:22
haavarosIs it possible to use another kernel, and still run lucid?01:22
zetheroodarolu: do you know if it's possible to select a folder of pics as a screensaver slideshow?01:22
daroluhaavaros: yes01:22
Loshkiwildbat: that's why it happens the first time but not the second. On the first invocation, ssh consults ssh-agent. On the second, it doesn't, because only sessions started from the console use ssh-agent...01:22
beav_35loshki: do u know where i could find one? can i use the ones for fedora?01:22
soundconjurerHaving trouble with a computer not booting ubuntu. It gets to the splash screen and crashes and hangs01:22
jmspeexI ran update-grub to try a boot option and now I seem to have lost some of the original options (like boot splash and all). How can I re-install grub with the same options as it was installed.01:22
jmspeexI'm running Lucid BTW01:22
daroluzetheroo: yes it is possible, you have to create a directory with the images in it and create a xml with the options, they need to be in /usr/share/backgrounds (I think)01:22
hydesteri'm trying to flash a bios on a motherboard that requires a dos EXE program.  i tried to make a bootable cdrom via k3b and using "edit boot image" and then dragged the files i wanted in the project and burned.  it boots fine, but i don't see the files i added. any suggestions?01:23
xompjust installed Bazaar SVN yet can't find it anywhere. It was grabbed from the "Ubuntu Software Center", where can I located this installed program?01:23
Loshkibeav_35: hold on, let me see if I can pastebin my 8.04 ubuntu script...01:23
bobbybazaar cvs is slow01:23
bobbyuse git01:23
zetheroodarolu: oh ok ... I know nothing of creating an xml file etc ... I thought there may be a simpler way ...01:23
bobbyit's VERY slow as a cvs infact01:23
Picixomp: bzr is a command line application.01:23
xompbobby, thanks will do01:23
bobbygit is niiiiiice....01:24
haavarosHow do I use another kernel for Lucid? Any of the ones from Karmic would do ... my hw has problems with the kernel in lucid.01:24
rodrisomebody speak spanish ? Cause in the spanish channel, no there arent nothing.... (sorry 4 my english)01:24
daroluzetheroo: there may be a simple way to do it but I don't know it, it's easier for me to create the XML :p it's very simple, xml is a very simple language, open the cosmos one with gedit to study it01:24
ChogyDanhaavaros: Ive used different kernels without any trouble.  It is just unsupported.01:24
Loshkibeav_35: http://pastebin.com/1nXYcqDJ01:25
cmwslwis grub normally installed on drives, rather than partitions?01:25
daroluzetheroo: gedit /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml01:25
haavarosChogyDan: Yeah, but how do I get there? I.e. what do I do to install the kernels? Just via synaptic?01:25
ChogyDanhaavaros: there is something called the mainline ppa01:25
beav_35Loshki: got it thanks01:25
cmwslwi need to select where to install grub on since i'm upgrading to lucid01:25
ChogyDanhaavaros: you may want to file-a-bug01:26
zetheroodarolu: so you have to specify each photo to be used in the xml file?01:26
daroluhaavaros: yes you can install them via Synaptic, that would be the smart choice; there is a PPA with the latest kernels, you can use them too but they are not 100% reliable01:26
xompbobby, installed gitk guessing it's one of them command line apps too huh?01:26
rwwcmwslw: yes, it's usually installed on drives01:26
cmwslwrww: thanks01:26
daroluzetheroo: yes01:26
ivo_guys do you think btrfs will be in the next release of ubuntu?01:26
haavarosdarolu and ChogyDan, thx for helping01:27
Loshkibeav_35: there should be something like it in the sources somewhere, or in the mythtv ubuntu package...01:27
luis_I think I will have to reinstall Kubuntu from a live CD again lossing all my data... for some reason the actu to 10.04 is broken and fucked my OS. At the start of the boot, before user and password, something related to an kernel error is displayed and after login some packages are broken and there is not application panel, just the pic of the desktop, is there some way to install again the OS without losing data?01:27
rwwivo_: stuff like that won't be decided until the Ubuntu Developer Summit, which hasn't happened yet01:27
rwwluis_: watch your language, please.01:27
wildbatLoshki, hmmm ~ thanks ~ didn't know that gnome will cache my id01:27
MikeH_Hrm, managed to reinstall grub01:27
wildbatLoshki, worked after rm the key and relog gnome01:27
cmwslwhooray, the new grub can distinguish between vista and the vista recovery partition01:28
Loshkiwildbat: gnome does altogether too much if you ask me :-)01:28
MikeH_but wheen booting, I still get a flashing white cursor01:28
cmwslwits always been a major confusion01:28
daroluluis_: do you have separate /home partition?01:28
ChogyDanluis_ can you get to a terminal?01:28
MikeH_no grub screen, no kernel boost messages01:28
wildbatLoshki, hehe ~ too nosy ! XD so they have to name it NGnome ~01:28
luis_darolu: No, ChogyDan yes01:28
Loshkiivo_: I'm not convinced they even have ext4 working fully yet...01:29
ChogyDan!tty | luis_ not even this way01:29
ubottuluis_ not even this way: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.01:29
=== Guest82984 is now known as Xffix
amabois there a shortcut or some way to detect displays? i like to disable the display for my laptop when its plugged into my monitor but if i unplug the monitor (or close my laptop) i can't re-enable it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated01:29
daroluluis_: you can still save your data, back up your /home files, either via terminal, creating a new user with default options or (if necessary) using a LiveCD/pendrive01:30
dassoukiwhat's the netbook ubuntu remix ? called again01:30
acerimmerdassouki: ubuntu netbook edition; UNE01:30
ChogyDanluis_ what happens when you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade  ?01:31
U-b-u-n-t-uI did a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 and there was always an i/o error so I downloaded the iso again reinstalled same issue... so I reverted to 9.04 and went through the updates and its running perfect now... I dont know why it happen but im mentioning it just in case someone else is in the same situation01:31
dassoukiacerimmer: thanks01:31
wildbatMikeH_, make sure you are booting the correct HD in your BIOS setting01:32
monty_halldelemi:  thanks, your suggestion fixed the slow wine problem.01:32
juancacan anyone help me here to use ubuntu server in virtualbox... I mean how to comunicate with the host and use it from there01:32
KaOSoFtIs it just me, or since 9.04 (or 9.10), whenever the installation ends, it ejects the installation disc, and then starts displaying errors?01:33
juancathe host is ubuntu desktop01:33
GeekSquidjuanca: best bet ask in #virtualbox01:33
U-b-u-n-t-uKaOSoFt, thats what happen to me01:33
LoshkiU-b-u-n-t-u: if it ever happens again, you can check the iso without having to re-download it by running an md5sum on it, and also if you see it again, please write down the exact text of the i/o error message, ok?01:33
aguitelU-b-u-n-t-u, you upgrade to 10.04?01:33
KaOSoFtOh, I did a fresh install.01:34
KaOSoFtAlways do.01:34
demitriusI didn't get errors at the finish of installing 10.04 Netbook, but I got lots of errors when I added software.01:34
U-b-u-n-t-uaguitel,  yes01:34
aguitelU-b-u-n-t-u, the problem is fresh install01:34
KaOSoFtIn any case, the errors appear, but the OS works just smoothly fine.01:34
demitriusI wiped 10.04 and put back in 9.10 Netbook01:34
MikeH_wildbat: I am01:35
MikeH_out of curiosity01:35
cmwslwdemitrius: were there any improvements in 10.04?01:35
U-b-u-n-t-uaguitel, I have no idea why it happen... however after reverting and upgrading its running wonderful01:35
MikeH_what do I need to run after updating grub config?01:35
aguiteldemitrius, what netbook01:35
luis_ChogyDan: this is whats shows when I type your command:http://pastebin.com/YB0vLJsr01:35
demitriusI didn't see any compelling improvements in 10.0401:35
soundconjurerSeems the bug is really much deeper than just grub lines.01:35
RhamphoryncusKaOSoFt: the release notes say it's a harmless error in the installer.  The worst it does is hide the message telling you to reboot :)01:35
demitriusbut it did *look* cooler!  ;-D01:35
LoshkiMikeH_: update-grub :-)01:35
j800rwow. still so many people having problems with 10.04..01:35
U-b-u-n-t-uLoshki, when it happen i posted the i/o error msg in here01:35
demitriusAcer Aspire One 531H01:36
KaOSoFtRhamphoryncus- Ough, didn't read the release notes. :s01:36
ChogyDanluis_  well, you are uptodate.  Maybe try creating a new user and loging in there01:36
KaOSoFtIn any case, like I said, it works marvelously. :)01:36
Loshkij800r: it's only been out a couple of days. Come back in a month...01:36
LoshkiU-b-u-n-t-u: very good, that's all I would've asked of you...01:36
luis_ChogyDan: Mmm maybe I am up to date but I have still the kernel problem01:36
soundconjurerIt just can't get past the splash screen without it flat out crashing.01:36
demitriusI have to say for the first time I was disappointed with an Ubuntu install with 10.0401:36
demitriusbut I'll get over it.01:36
luis_ChogyDan: can you explain me how to make a backup of my home folder? I am gonna reinstall01:36
MikeH_what the hell01:37
KaOSoFtdemitrius- Why...?01:37
MikeH_where has menu.lst gone in 10.4?01:37
amabois there a shortcut or some way to detect displays? i like to disable the display for my laptop when its plugged into my monitor but if i unplug the monitor (or close my laptop) i can't re-enable it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated01:37
cmwslwMikeH: grub201:37
j800rLoshki, lol. i'm just surprised at the huge volume of people with issues. it's working fine for me. juast as good as 9.10, in fact, better01:37
h00k!grub2 | MikeH_01:37
ubottuMikeH_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:37
demitriuslike I mentioned, I got errors when adding software01:37
j800ri love the social networking integration etc01:37
U-b-u-n-t-uLoshki, np I tried to send a report but the os wasnt functioning and was crashing... but like I said its great now01:37
demitriussomething about MS fonts01:37
wildbatMikeH_, you are in grub2 now ~01:37
ChogyDanluis_ I use rsync -aS01:37
j800rdemitrius, ms core fonts?01:37
wildbat!grub2 | MikeH_01:37
ubottuMikeH_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:37
luis_ChogyDan: lol wut01:38
j800rhave you installed the ubuntu restricted package?01:38
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:38
demitriusyeah, the social networking stuff was pretty cool on 10,0401:38
soundconjurerI've installed all the proposed updates01:38
Loshkij800r: me too, but actually I think 10.04 has had fewer problems than the 9.X releases, and in a few months I hope it will be as stable as 8.0401:38
soundconjurerdone all the grub modifications01:38
demitriusyes, MS core fonts01:38
soundconjurerand it still doesn't boot.01:38
j800rdemitrius, did you install the restricted extras package?01:38
demitriusoh yes! I got errors when installing restricted package too!01:38
j800ro.0 that is strange01:39
MikeH_apparently what would normally be in menu.lst should be in .etc/default/grub yet theres nno entries?01:39
LoshkiMikeH_: and grub2 is a nightmare compared to grub1...01:39
demitriusJ800r,  yes, I did.01:39
U-b-u-n-t-usoundconjurer, was it a fresh install? and you just get a cursor?01:39
ChogyDanluis_: something like, on a terminal: sudo rsync -aS /home/. /backup_location/.        You _might_ be able to just reinstall as is, but you should always have a backup of your important stuff01:39
soundconjurerIt doesn't even cursor01:39
U-b-u-n-t-usoundconjurer, but it was a fresh install?01:39
soundconjurerIt just goes black and does nothing endlessly01:39
LoshkiMikeH_: /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d...01:39
soundconjurerThat and live disc fails too01:40
demitriusI'll try again in another month or so with 10.x01:40
h00kMikeH_: Actually, Grub2 is quite nice, if you check out the wiki, you'll see the menu list is generated and uses defaults and things you change in /etc/default/grub and then there are other ways to customize the entries01:40
soundconjurerbut booting from recovery on failsade graphics works01:40
cmwslwi'm taking my chances with 10.0401:40
Loshkih00k: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that point :-)01:40
MikeH_h00k: I want to add vga= to kernel params01:40
j800rbest thing about 10.04 imo. Chromium in the repos ^^01:40
CNLiberalUbuntu 10.04 x64 with iPhone 3GS, I plug in the phone, its recognized on desktop.  GTKPod opens automatically, and as soon as I open RhythmBox, the iphone icon disappears from the desktop.  What am I doing wrong?01:40
cmwslwif it screws up I could always use a reinstall every now and then01:40
h00kMikeH_: you can do that!01:40
h00kLoshki: and I'm okay with that :)01:40
=== d is now known as Guest11673
U-b-u-n-t-usoundconjurer, I had this issues too and it said i had a disk error or grub would sit there... but I reverted to 9.04 then upgraded to 9.10 then 10.04 it boots perfect now... I know this is a long way of doing it but just saying what worked for me01:41
MikeH_h00k: I've yet to find my default entry yet?!01:41
h00kMikeH_: in /etc/default/grub, check line 801:41
soundconjurerWell your way sucks and I am not going to do it that way.01:41
U-b-u-n-t-usoundconjurer, lol01:42
Loshkisoundconjurer: please keep it civil...01:42
U-b-u-n-t-uits ok01:42
luis_ChogyDan: /backup_location/ what I type if it is a USB and also how I can save the back up in the new reinstall?01:42
h00kMikeH_: you can add that to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT01:42
phearret_hey all.. just browsing the diff from koala and thus far .. I LOVE IT !!01:42
synicalcan anyone suggestion a frontend gui or possible webgui for KVM?01:42
zainhi there. I'm running ubuntu 10.4 server, and for some reason, nothing in /etc/hosts is being picked up. I add something there and ping says "unknown host" when i try to ping it. ideas?01:42
TheOraclezain: Sure you got the syntax correct?01:42
soundconjurerSo any fixes? Any takers?01:42
mackeydoes anyone know a command to get the label of a particular ext2/ext3 volume?01:42
h00kMikeH_: you should see 'quiet splash' there right now, you can just add more stuffs after that01:42
sebsebsebzain:  you can get help in #ubuntu-server01:42
U-b-u-n-t-usoundconjurer, the only thing that was worse than my way was looking at a black screen and cussing01:43
soundconjurerOr is this release just a flop?01:43
ChogyDanluis_ where ever the usb is mounted, maybe something like /media/sdf983kj49d8f983l4kj9d8f3klj49e8f01:43
zainTheOracle: pretty sure. "     testing "01:43
soundconjurerOr maybe a different distro01:43
soundconjurerGot it.01:43
mrbook1I'm a nwbie Is there someone here available to help me get my webcam to work.01:43
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:43
MikeH_not keen on this, but fair enough :/01:43
h00kMikeH_: once you do that, do sudo update-grub and it will generate a new grub menu01:43
MikeH_I'll try it01:43
h00kMikeH_: so, that line would look like blablabla="quiet splash VGA=yourptionshere"01:44
mrbook1Seems that no camera is loaded when I use Cheese01:44
MikeH_h00k: yeah. done that, just rebooting now to see01:44
MikeH_I just don't like the idea of not being able to specify my menu entries01:44
h00kMikeH_: you can01:44
phearret_but I have a few residual issues ...  on boot the resolution halts and makes me choose the correct setting, how do I make it permanent ??01:44
MikeH_ffs, still jsut a flashing cursor01:44
h00kMikeH_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#User-defined%20Entries01:45
h00kMikeH_: did you do a sudo update-grub after?01:45
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:45
S-001acerimmer: Didn't work... Reinstall windows?01:45
soundconjurerHey Hook remember me, release day.01:45
soundconjureryou did a number on my IP changes01:45
CNLiberalanyone have an issue with an iPhone and RhythmBox?  i open RB and the iPhone icon on desktop disappears and the phone itself doesn't think it's connected anymore01:45
soundconjurerGo it01:46
gluonmanI just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a separate HDD from my current 9.04 installation.  How can I restore my grub menu from my 9.04 installation (which has now been replaced by a fresh install of grub on my 10.04 partition)?01:46
soundconjurerno answers here01:46
acerimmers-001: NOOOO!01:46
acerimmers-001: details01:46
phearret_looks like MikeH has same issue ... I'll follow his trail..01:46
S-001acerimmer: same deal, nothing changed after i did the repair01:46
MikeH_phearret: black screen, flashing cursor?01:47
acerimmers-001: you mean WINDOWS, right?01:47
altavatarI'd like to have a 3 monitor setup where 1 monitor is cloned. Can anyone recommend a graphics card that'll make this work? (dont have spare pci ports)01:47
njbairisn't there a way to have qt apps use gtk widgets in ubuntu?01:47
ItsMeMariohello guys, i'm on lucid. My pendrives are not mounting automatically. What can i do?01:47
S-001acerimmer: didn't boot to windows, just did the black screen, flashing cursor01:47
S-001acerimmer: changed boot order, repeated, got a "grub-rescue" prompt01:47
ItsMeMariohello guys, i'm on lucid. My pendrives are not mounting automatically. What can i do?01:48
vanishinghi everybody01:48
vanishingis it possible to change a window's title?01:48
acerimmers-001: ...from grub rescue?01:48
localgh0stThere's no sound in mah flash... And I've looked about and tried many fixes to no avail01:48
ItsMeMariohello guys, i'm on lucid. My pendrives are not mounting automatically. What can i do?01:48
localgh0stAnyone have thoughts? It worked before I upgraded to lucid...01:48
j800rlocalgh0st, you using Firefox?01:49
localgh0stand chrome01:49
S-001acerimmer: I booted from the windows dvd, repaired, rebooted, got a black screen w/ blinking cursor, just like before.01:49
armencesynaptic has a whole bunch of "doc" packages, but I can't quite figure out where that documentation goes after I get the package. What's the easiest way to look for said doc?01:49
j800rlocalgh0st, google chrome??01:49
KaOSoFtWhere can I find what does the + mean in "service --status-all"?01:49
ItsMeMariohello guys, i'm on lucid. My pendrives are not mounting automatically. What can i do?01:49
j800rchromium is in the repos. don't bother downloading google chrome01:49
U-b-u-n-t-uwhat is secret storage service01:49
S-001acerimmer: changed boot order, repaired from windows dvd, got a grub rescue prompt01:49
KaOSoFtI see some services with -, others with +, and most with ?.01:49
j800rinstall chromium from the repos. flash works great with it01:49
crdlbvanishing: can you be more specific?01:49
ItsMeMariohello guys, i'm on lucid. My pendrives are not mounting automatically. What can i do?01:49
ItsMeMariohello guys, i'm on lucid. My pendrives are not mounting automatically. What can i do?01:49
vanishingcrdlb: like01:50
acerimmers-001: private01:50
localgh0stj800r, I'll give it a try01:50
vanishingcrdlb: change firefox title01:50
TViYHdoes 10.04 have as many sound problems as 9.10?01:50
j800rlocalgh0st, it's practically identical to google chrome but a little more stable on linux01:50
j800rthat's what i've found anyway01:50
amabois there a shortcut or some way to detect displays? i like to disable the display for my laptop when its plugged into my monitor but if i unplug the monitor (or close my laptop) i can't re-enable it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated01:50
vanishingcrdlb: usually firefox's title is "Firefox", is it possible to change it to "something else"?01:51
crdlbvanishing: you mean what is displayed in the titlebar?01:51
TViYHi'm sure there is an extension01:51
vanishingcrdlb: yes01:51
LoshkiU-b-u-n-t-u: secret storage service: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1423760&page=201:51
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:51
U-b-u-n-t-uLoshki, thanks01:52
guest1Darolu, still no luck01:52
rhettI need to do some xrandr commands to get video the right resolution to my external monitor01:52
rhetthow do I make that happen automatically?01:53
siavashserverHi, can somebody share his grub.cfg please? :)01:53
rhettit went away when i rebooted01:53
crdlbvanishing: here, it is: current page title - Mozilla Firefox ; what do you want it to say?01:53
MikeH_Any suggestions on my black screen, white cursor on boot? :/01:53
hemangpatelhey anyone there01:53
GalaxorHi.  I just upgraded to Lucid.  My network-manager appears to be on the fritz.01:53
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:53
LoshkiTViYH: not quite as many sound problems, but still not zero...01:54
vanishingcrdlb: can you change it to "something"?01:54
wildbatMikeH_, you have boot menu?if you hold shift while boot?01:54
=== randomusr is now known as Guest46867
gluonmanI have an installation of Ubuntu 9.04 on my primary HDD (/dev/sda) and recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my secondary HDD (/dev/sdb).  Now the boot menu from the grub installation on /dev/sdb is the default one.  How can I make my grub installation from /dev/sda, where I would prefer to boot from, become default again?01:54
hemangpatelWhen i first install ubuntu01:54
hemangpateli need to update it01:54
GalaxorMy network manager now says "networking disabled".  I can bring up the network myself using ifconfig, iwconfig, dhclient.  What can I do to make network-manager do this work for me?01:54
hemangpatelto run some video files01:54
hemangpatelhow can i update without internet01:55
hemangpatelmeans offline01:55
sebsebsebrww:  Typed this here since it was an Ubuntu support issue, and your in here as well.  Just tried what you suggested to sort the Plymouth issue out in other channel, in a virtual machine,  has worked there.  Splash  was in another line though, which made me think what you meant by remove splash.  So I removed splash and the space after it in that line.01:55
StuckMojoGalaxor: if you right click on it, can you check the box to enable it?01:55
siavashservercan somebody share his grub.cfg?01:55
haavarosHi! How do I make the grub menu appear in Lucid? I can't find /etc/default/grub anymore01:55
StuckMojoGalaxor: should be 2 checkboxes, one for wired and one for wireless01:55
kzmanhello, i try install a .run, and happens : /home/pablo/.setup3179: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:55
j800rhemangpatel, i'm not sure that's possible i'm afraid01:55
GalaxorStuckMojo:  Yes, that worked gloriously.  Thanks!01:55
j800ryou'd need a distro with native support for the formats01:55
MikeH_wildbat: nope :/01:55
StuckMojoGalaxor: np01:55
GalaxorI wonder how that got unchecked.01:55
j800rwhich in most cases costs :\01:55
siavashserverhaavaros : /boot/grub/grub.cfg :)01:56
crdlbvanishing: you could try this firefox extension I just found: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1457601:56
StuckMojohi. the last step of the upgrade, removing of "obsolete packages". if i choose not to (because there's a couple i want to keep and it doesn't let you select) how can i regenerate that list later?01:56
haavarossiavashserver: thx man :)01:56
MikeH_I've selected the correct drive to boot, and also done a grub-install /dev/sdb to no avail :/01:56
vanishingcrdlb: thanks01:56
StuckMojosomeone suggested compter-janitor01:56
hemangpatelso i need internet to update ubuntu01:56
StuckMojobut when i run that with "find", it produces a slightly different list01:56
hemangpatelis it provided in live cd???01:56
matthew123I'm trying to edit an .inf file, but i can't get past the "read-only" property no matter what I try01:56
Little_Ba_FruitPIs ubuntu restricted extras illegal in the US?01:56
wildbatMikeH_, a) you don't have bootloader installed, so reinstall grub2  b) you set the wrong frst boot HD in bios01:56
j800rhemangpatel, to download restricted packages you'd need internet access. including from the live cd01:57
guest1can some one please please help.. darolu was helping me but looks like he left01:57
chenmjit can't be cancelled?01:57
Guest46867What are my options for installing openoffice 3.2 on Karmic?01:57
wildbatMikeH_, then make sure your /boot partition is flagged boot01:58
GneaLittle_Ba_FruitP: not if it's for a personal playback01:58
daftykinsGuest46867: probably find a repo or install from the site01:58
Tapoutis there a list of wireless nics that ubuntu supports?01:58
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:58
LoshkiI notice that I have daemons running named jfsIO, jfsCommit and jfsSync. Nothing in init.d seems to be responsible for them. Anyone know what they are and where they came from?01:58
Andrew12This is really cool. I can google something I'm having an issue with and I get IRC logs for someone else who had the same issue in here. :D01:58
StuckMojoTapout: sup01:58
wildbatguest1, what you need?~01:58
TommyThaGunIf I just reinstalled Ununtu, but kept my original '/home' mounted partition, can I just create a user with the same name that I was using before and keep all it's old settings?01:59
Guest46867daftykins,  the site isn't working. and it's not available in the backports. do you know of an http mirror that I could use?01:59
GneaLoshki: if you have any partitions mounted on your system that use the JFS filesystem, they're basic01:59
quesoJust installed Lucid, my volume control disappeared from my notification area.  How do I get it back?01:59
guest1wildbat my DEFAULT PANEL disapeared and i m ahving hard time restoring it01:59
haavarosHow do I get the grub menu to show every time in lucid?01:59
daftykinsGuest46867: no idea sorry. have you queried ubottu for open office related aid?01:59
haavarosqueso: Tried right-clicking and adding volume control?01:59
guest1as a temp fix, i created a new admin account and default panel is there on new account however, i need that panel on my original account01:59
wildbatTommyThaGun, yes~ but keep in mind that some setting may not be fully compatible02:00
Pici!resetpanels | guest102:00
ubottuguest1: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:00
mrbook1i have no idea what I'm doing. I am looking for a webcam driver. I went to http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/#download and ran in terminal02:00
TommyThaGungot you, thanks wildbat02:00
localgh0stj800r, yeah still no sound.02:00
matthew123I'm trying to change the autoplay value in an .inf file that is embedded in my western digital MyBook, but I can't get past the read only property no matter what I try. Any advice?02:00
LoshkiGnea: I'm all ext3, plus one windows NTFS partition and a usb stick that's FAT32. I wouldn't know jfs from a space alien...02:00
mrbook1git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git uvcvideo cd uvcvideo git remote add uvcvideo git://linuxtv.org/pinchartl/uvcvideo.git git remote update git checkout -b uvcvideo-master uvcvideo/uvcvideo02:00
quesohaavaros: In the 'Add to Panel' dialog?  Yes, "Volume Control" isn't an option there.02:00
guest1i am lost wildbat02:00
wildbatguest1, can you run gnome-panel ?02:01
j800rlocalgh0st, how did you install flash?02:01
localgh0stvia adobe.com02:01
crdlbkzman: it looks like jaunty was the last release to offer gtk+-1.202:01
Little_Ba_FruitPare they legal?02:01
haavarosqueso: weird. Did you upgrade or do a clean install?02:01
j800rlocalgh0st, there's your problem02:01
_pg_Are there any e17 distros that run on ppc? For a g3 iMac.02:01
quesohaavaros: Upgrade02:01
guest1darolu had me try ALT f2 gnome-panel and it came u p with an error cound not find //home/uname something02:01
j800ryou should've installed the Ubuntu restricted extras package02:01
hiexpowhat is the command to see the list of my drives02:01
matthew123guest1 just follow ubottu's instructions, just copy and past everything between the arrows (not including the arrows)02:02
j800rit would've included flash and a lot of other useful codecs, and it's better supported02:02
crdlbkzman: anything that relies on gtk1.x is probably so old that it wouldn't work for other reasons though02:02
stevecamhiexpo, ls /dev/sd*02:02
guest1matthew i am sorry what instructions ?02:02
stevecamhiexpo, are you new to linux?02:02
hiexpostevecam, oh ya thanks02:02
localgh0stj800r, what is the package?02:02
kzmanyes, i fixed it, i go to old repo02:02
guest1i am new to linux matthew and wildbat02:02
matthew123!resetpanels | guest102:02
ubottuguest1: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:02
hiexpostevecam, no just being lazy lol02:03
GneaLoshki: are the processes eating up more resources than usual?02:03
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electronicsjaris there a way to install gpe-contacts onto ubuntu-10.4 as I'm having trouble with some gtk and pango libraries?02:03
wildbatguest1, run a terminal and do gnome-panel pastbin errors if you see02:03
MikeH_wildbat: I've disconnected all other hard drives, checked fdisk -l that boot flag is present and grub-install /dev/sda02:03
MikeH_oh hell02:03
MikeH_about 3 minutes later grub just loaded02:03
stevecamhiexpo, you sound new, you should have a linux in a VM so you can experiment with it02:04
phearret_sorry mike was reading the notes02:04
LoshkiGnea: they use no cpu as far as I can see, so it's not critical, just unexpected...02:04
quesohaavaros: I can control the volume using System->Preferences->Sound, but obviously that's not as convenient02:04
phearret_no its having the system choose the correct resolution @ boot02:04
MikeH_Is it possible the hard drive has died? or could there be some other reason for grub taking so long to load?02:04
guest1matthew and wildbat so i just type this >>  !resetpanels |  in terminal02:04
j800rlocalgh0st, search "ubuntu restricted extras" in the software manager02:04
wildbatMikeH_, you are suffer from grub delay bug :< just grub1 ~02:04
j800rbut make sure you uninstall your current flash installation first02:04
MikeH_wildbat: oh, how do I go back to grub1 then?02:05
matthew123no guest1, in terminal paste this:   gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel02:05
phearret_did you try starting the xserver ?  either xstart or startx02:05
cordellI installed ubuntu 10.04 and in addition to grub not detecting the windows partition, it says it might be corrupt. What do i do02:05
GneaLoshki: are you doing any virtualization or mounting iso's anywhere or anything like that?02:06
kzmanis it possible mount a  directory like a CD?02:06
j800rcordell, reinstall grub02:06
MikeH_this bug isn't an issue, the machine will be on 24/702:06
electronicsjaris there a way to install gpe-contacts onto ubuntu-10.4 as I'm having trouble with some gtk and pango libraries?02:06
j800reither do it from the live cd or reinstall ubuntu entirely02:06
MikeH_but now I know its there, I've figured out the other problem :D02:07
haavarosqueso: is volume control ticked off in System / Preferences / Start-Up Applications?02:07
Gneakzman: what do you mean?02:07
phearret_MikeH: did you try starting the xserver ?  either xstart or startx  ?02:07
wildbatMikeH_, the info is in !grub2 ;p ~02:07
radhikaHi, I don't think this question belongs here, but how do I join the opengl channel on xchat02:07
HardDiskor sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:07
LoshkiGnea: no isos mounted, and the only virtualization is running vmware workstation with XP inside it. Otherwise just surfing and email. I was running 8.04 on this same rig 2 days ago...02:07
quesohaavaros: It's not even listed there :/02:07
rwwradhika: type /join ##opengl in your message box02:08
GneaLoshki: if you shutdown vmware altogether, do the jfs processes stick around?02:08
radhikathanks rww02:08
LoshkiGnea: good question, let me do it and report back...02:08
Paddy_NIHello, as someone who advocates Ubuntu to all my clients/Customers is it now possible to use 'Empathy' to IM, Video and talk to MSN/Windows Live clients?02:08
radhika@rww: this is what I get [##OpenGL] As per http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#aboutchannels we are now ##OpenGL. If you were using irssi and tried to join #OpenGL, you might need to part and join again, irssi is a bit flaky with redirects.02:09
radhikaand I cannot send any messages02:09
kzmani am trying install the UT game with the intaller for linux, and it tells: "Please mount Unreal Tournament Disc One. Choose Yes to retry, no to cancel"02:09
phearret_MikeH: if you run commands like lsusb does it list anything ??02:09
kzmanand i have it in a folder, not in a CD02:09
LoshkiGnea: vmware is stopped, no change, still have jfs daemons (and xfs daemons too, come to think of it)...02:09
localgh0stK well that's not working02:09
rwwradhika: you need to be registered and identified to nickserv to talk in that channel02:09
rwwubottu: register | radhika02:10
ubotturadhika: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:10
daftykinskzman: temporarily symlink it to /mnt/cdrom or whereever it's looking02:10
localgh0stanyone have any other ideas as to why my flash has no sound?02:10
localgh0stIt was working fine until lucid02:10
Gneakzman: is it an .iso file?02:10
GneaLoshki: by 'stopped', did you actually type:  sudo /etc/init.d/vmware stop ?02:10
dharrisonhello room.....im looking for an expert on rsyslog please?  :-)02:10
kzmanGnea, is not, it is a folder02:10
dante123hi all, im pulling my hair out trying to help 70 year old dad get on internet at his home with isp that uses pppoe?  Can anyone help?02:10
Gneakzman: should be able to just run the files from there02:10
LoshkiGnea: yes, that's exactly what I typed. ps ax confirms it's gone...02:11
dante123First, is pppoe/dsl broken in 9.10???/02:11
anon0hey is there a /sbin/chkconfig NetworkManager off command in 9.1002:11
Gnea!pppoe | dante12302:11
ubottudante123: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:11
anon0or stop02:11
gluonmanI have Ubuntu 9.10 installed to /dev/sda and Ubuntu 10.04 installed to /dev/sdb.  Right now when I turn on my computer, I get the grub menu from /dev/sdb showing up by default.  How can I make the grub menu from /dev/sda (which I customized a lot) become the default instead?02:11
kzmanGnea, no, the installer is independient to the cd02:11
haavarosqueso: gnome-volume-control seems to be a part of gnome-media. Can you check it's status in Synaptic?02:11
Gneakzman: is the installer asking for the cd?02:12
guest1hello matthew and wildbat02:12
guest1that command does not work. i copied and pasted into terminal02:12
kzmanGnea ,yes, this installer is downloadable only02:12
dharrisoni have data coming into rsyslog and into a mysql database, but now i need to break it up in chunks. does anybody know how please?02:12
Dark_WolfAlright.... the upgrade to the new version of Ubuntu botched everything on my Ubuntu installation. Now GRUB is flashing "Windows Recovery Environment." Should I be worried?02:12
wildbatguest1, waht error msg you got then?02:12
GneaLoshki: and the output of this command: df -Th  shows no JFS or XFS partitions mounted?02:12
guest1command filter not identified or something like that02:13
Gneakzman: may I ask what the installer is for?02:13
GeekSquidlocalgh0st: have you tried flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound ... fixes some problems02:13
guest1i copied and pasted just like you gave me02:13
quesohaavaros: gnome-media is installed02:13
kzmanGnea, i did it, Unreal Tournament02:13
=== krafty_ is now known as krafty
Gneakzman: which version of UT?02:14
haavarosqueso: I'd suggest marking it for reinstalling02:14
dante123cant u setup dsl (pppoe) through the network manager (no way this terminal stuff will go very far with my dad)02:14
haavarosqueso: see if that helps02:14
kzmanGnea:first version02:14
wildbatguest1, copy and paste the errors then02:14
Dark_WolfAnyone know about the upgrade issue?02:14
Gneakzman: that's a bit old...02:14
guest1also wild bat the new admin account created have some problems too now with the PANEL02:14
quesohaavaros: okay, I'll try that.  when I run gnome-volume-control in a console, it opens up the same window as System->Preferences-Sound02:14
localgh0stGeekSquid, yes it's installed, should I try without it?02:15
kzmanGnea, it is a good game02:15
phearret_dante123: yes you can as long as you have root access to make it system wide on all users02:15
LoshkiGnea: nope, just the expected ext2, ext3, devtmpfs, tmpfs, vfat and nfs filesystems. A quick google turned up this from 2005 where someone was complaining of the same thing: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11721.html so maybe it's not a new problem after all?02:15
guest1network manager icon keeps disappearing on new admin account. I removed and reinstalled Network Manager applet and it does not show up in the system notification area02:15
aprendiendo_linuhola a todos alguien me puede ayudar02:15
Gneadante123: is this ubuntu 9.10?02:15
Pici!es | aprendiendo_linu02:15
ubottuaprendiendo_linu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:15
Loshki!es | aprendiendo_linu02:15
LoshkiWow, Pici is fast...02:15
quesohaavaros: Shouldn't there just be some command I can run that would open it up?  if you edit Volume Control in Startup Programs, what command is there?02:16
dante123well, i tried like ten times over the phone with my dad...but to no avail.  It just won't connect....it tries but fails.  We have checked and double checked the username and password with ISP.  Of course, they say the do not support linux....so no help from them.02:16
phearret_guest1: did you sudo it when you installed or ran it  ??02:16
dante123I thought it might be the authentication that is giving the problem....like eap, etc.02:16
haavarosqueso: It's gnome-volume-control-applet02:16
guest1wildbat we can troubleshoot panel issue later.. just tell me how do i bring back network manager icon on the panel/system notification area02:16
matthew123guest1 try just:  killall gnome-panel. I'm going to be honest though, upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10 caused major issues for me with the panels. I had to do a fresh install.02:17
justntimeI used to go with i386 just because I knew there was more support..say flash, drivers..etc.  Is there any awesome performance advantage to compel me to go with the amd64 version if I can support it?02:17
Gneadante123: so what version of Ubuntu is he using?02:17
gluonmanIf I have two installations of grub on two separate discs (/dev/sda and /dev/sdb), how can I change the default regarding which grub gets loaded when I start my computer?02:17
LoshkiGnea: let me do a reboot and see if that makes a difference...02:17
GneaLoshki: okay02:17
dante1239.10 Gnea02:17
quesohaavaros: haa, that did it, lol.  thanks for your help!  I'll try reinstalling gnome-media anyway, maybe it'll add it the way it should be.02:17
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dante123I was wondering Gnea if there is something broken in 9.10 pppoe/dsl02:17
localgh0stGeekSquid, same result without the package...02:17
acerimmergluonman: the most recent write will be default02:17
GeekSquidlocalgh0st: another thing, in order for flash sound to work you need to be running the desktop kernel.. disabling "it" doesn't technically change anything, except it falls back to esound, then OSS then ALSA, depending on how your sound is setup in lucid .. as we are using pulse audio in lucid by default, you'd need to have "it" un installed for it to fall back to pulse, except that in my case it works with or without it installed02:17
guest1matthew this was a fresh install. i wiped vista and only installed linux ubuntu for first time.. i am a newbie and hence FRUSTRATED02:17
gluonmanacerimmer, I know. How do I change the default has been my question.02:18
haavarosqueso: Np. Yeah, or just add it to startup programs02:18
hiexpooops booted myself02:18
acerimmergluonman: sudo update-grub?02:18
quesohaavaros: Thanks again ;)02:18
haavarosqueso: glad to help :)02:19
gluonmanacerimmer, that was my initial idea, but it didn't work.02:19
Gneadante123: not that I'm aware of, but then, I haven't done dsl/pppoe in years.  When I did, I used pppoeconfig, like the website suggests to do.  after a few runs through it, I got it to connect, so it wasn't easy, but it wasn't impossible either.02:19
wildbatguest1, try run nm-applet02:19
localgh0stGeekSquid, what are you suggesting I do then?02:19
justntimeI'm taking no response as no compelling reason to use amd64 if I want good performance but maximum support & compatibility.. :) thx02:19
codygmanHas anyone ever had the terminal stop displaying?02:19
Gneadante123: not sure if this will help or not: http://www.khattam.info/2009/11/08/solved-dsl-pppoe-not-able-to-connect-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/02:19
codygmanthat is in xx02:19
dante123Gnea we just did that, and we seemed to connect but still no internet on his firefox...02:19
GeekSquidlocalgh0st: please paste the output of uname -a in terminal02:19
guest1wildbat you mean type run nm-applet in terminal02:19
acerimmergluonman: pretty sure the answer is here...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:20
localgh0stGeekSquid, 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux02:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:20
gluonmanacerimmer, I'll check that out. thnx02:20
codygmanMy terminal doesnt display, only the canvas (or panel) behind it. What is the problem?02:20
localgh0stGeekSquid, Also my desktop just crashed and is acting really funky. Can't type in some windows... If I disappear I'll be back in a few02:20
Gneadante123: he's not using a proxy, right?02:20
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wildbatguest1, that or in alt-f202:20
dante123Gnea he plugs right into adsl modem02:21
guest1yeah i tried it in alt f202:21
guest1nothing happend. no error either02:21
Gneadante123: I meant in his firefox configuration02:21
connerdoes anyone know if gimp will open a psd file from photoshop cs5 portable?02:21
guest1i did alt f2 and simply tried nm-applet02:21
Tech-Mikesup peeps, uped to 10.04 and the purple boot screen sux - what are my customize options?02:21
sebsebsebTech-Mike: there are some plymouth themes in the repo02:21
Gneadante123: it might be worth exploring at some point, just to keep your bases covered.02:21
GeekSquidconner: it should, as the psd format is  a standard, however it may not have all the extensions that have been added to CS502:22
dante123not that I am aware of, but he often gets the welcome to ubuntu screen..which is a file on the computer.....how do I check that proxy thing on firefox02:22
sebsebsebTech-Mike: also some of us have had some right issues with it, but  a little while ago I found out how to fix mine,  thanks to rww02:22
wildbatguest1, did to install gnome-panel at all? ;p02:22
Gneadante123: go to preferences and check advanced->network02:22
hiexpoTech-Mike, go to sofypedia it tells all the options to fixing that problem02:22
connerGeekSquid: thanks man much apreciation im new to Ubuntu much less any other unix based OS just got xubuntu last night02:23
hiexposoftpedia sorry02:23
dante123okay, what should he select No proxy, or use system proxy or what?02:23
Gneadante123: it should say "Connection" with a 'settings' button to the right of it, that's the button to click on02:23
Tech-Mikesebsebseb: "right issues" ?02:24
gluonmanacerimmer, that doesn't seem to have mention of switching defaults between two different installs of grub on the same computer.  If I boot from the liveCD and use the root command in grub and specify the partition where my desired grub install is located, will that make it default? Or will that actually re-install or overwrite it?02:24
deborahi just got wubi and i have an nvidia gpu, should i dl anything else to run video games? I play wow02:24
dante123yeah, what should that look like.....which choice should he go there02:24
amabois there a shortcut or some way to detect displays? i like to disable the display for my laptop when its plugged into my monitor but if i unplug the monitor (or close my laptop) i can't re-enable it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated02:24
GeekSquidconner: go ahead, keep in mind I don't have all the answers02:24
sebsebsebTech-Mike: yes Plymouth doesn't like propritary Nivida and ATI drivers02:24
=== dabomb69 is now known as Chazz
Gneadante123: should be 4 choices, and it should be set to 'no proxy' (which connects directly through the internet connection)02:24
acerimmergluonman: I belive that will overwrite it02:24
sebsebsebTech-Mike: so when that's installed,  there will be problems02:24
dante123choices are no proxy, autodetect for this network, use system and manual02:24
gluonmanacerimmer, that's what I was afraid of, and so didn't try it.02:24
localgh0stGeekSquid, did you see my response? Any ideas?02:24
Tech-Mikesebsebseb: ya ive got nvidia geforce 8800 gt02:25
dante123okay will try02:25
sebsebsebTech-Mike: Plymouth has been loading up ok for you though, it sounded like02:25
sebsebsebTech-Mike: did you install propritary driver?02:25
GeekSquidlocalgh0st: you are back, yes, no02:25
Tech-Mikesebsebseb:  yes02:25
sebsebsebTech-Mike: Plymouth is still loading up alright though?02:25
Companion-Cubeugh. i hate my router.02:25
deborahi installed linux 64bit from the nvidia site02:25
localgh0stGeekSquid, yessir, it started behaving02:25
connerGeekSquid: i have  a dell desktop with 4 gigs ram duel core at 2.4 ghz ea, hd radeon graphic card, and a linksys wireless car, i use a live boot unix/linux based os such as xubuntu or something like that but it never registers my wireless card02:25
sebsebsebTech-Mike: well depends on card and driver if there are issues or not02:25
Tech-Mikesebsebseb:  the driver was installed before my distro upgrade02:26
sebsebsebTech-Mike: the driver was stilll installed, when I upgrded from 9.10, and then I had Plymouth issues02:26
GeekSquidconner: have you tried using the Restricted Drivers Manager? in System>Admin02:26
deborahi read that radeon card drivers arent typically linux friendly, is that true or still true?02:26
Tech-Mikesebsebseb: i havent noticed any issues, just dont like the purple02:26
sebsebsebdeborah: ATI is known for bad Linux support02:26
goddardI have some ideas I would like to write down but I was wondering if there was a good program that had the ability to draw and put forumlas in code highlighting maybe flow charts and what not anything like that around?02:27
sebsebsebTech-Mike: right well as I already told you, some other themes you can use instead, that are in the repo02:27
connerGeekSquid: no, not sure how to use it after all this is only my first full day with xubuntu02:27
sebsebsebTech-Mike: also that's the new colour of Ubuntu, purple02:27
Tech-Mikesebsebseb:  alright ill check it out02:27
goddardUbuntu's color for me is Gold :D02:27
GeekSquidconner: If you run it, it may solve your problem02:27
sebsebsebTech-Mike: aburgine or whatever it's called02:27
Tech-Mikesebsebseb: well whoever is in charge of picking these colors - has bad taste02:27
the20yris there a way to find out if i'm running a persistent build of ubuntu on a USB drive or not?02:27
sebsebsebgoddard: for me  it will still be brown in 10.04 as well, yep the old human theme02:28
the20yr(from the ubuntu desktop?)02:28
connerGeekSquid: alrighty ill try that real quik since im talkn to you through my lappy02:28
sebsebsebTech-Mike: yeah brown is better than purple02:28
Scunizithe20yr: yea.. save something to it.. then restart and see if it's still there.02:28
Tech-Mikesebsebseb:  indeed02:28
sebsebsebTech-Mike: for an OS02:28
goddardsebsebseb Radience is sweet02:28
Eddy4My apache is showing 403 (forbidden), & "namei" shows the dir as "drwx" - http://pastebin.com/EU03N5SA -  how can I fix it?02:28
GeekSquidthe20yr: save a file on the desktop, reboot, if it is still there you are in persistant02:28
mrbook1What does this mean ---- Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100429)/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs02:28
mrbook1Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100429)/dists/lucid/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs02:28
mrbook1Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.02:28
FloodBot4mrbook1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:28
the20yrk , i don't think things are saving , is there a way to change settings , or did I burn the wrong ISO?02:28
amabohow do i refresh the battery indicator on the panel?02:28
sebsebsebgoddard: the black theme you mean?  the black theme is alright yeah, untill Firefox is opended, then things like way to black for my likeing02:28
sebsebsebgoddard: look not like above02:29
goddardsebsebseb not it is kinda Goldish light brown02:29
deborahfor some reason my adobe flash isnt running farmville. any fixes to that? i just dl and restarted my comp after getting the dl from the adobe site02:29
Scuniziare CD/dvd drives listed in fstab anymore?02:29
winXPuserthey should?02:29
anom01yis the plymouth and Nvidia issue fixed yet ?02:29
GeekSquidmrbook1: you have the CDROM set to be one of your software sources, in that case you need to have the LUCID disk in the drive when updating02:29
sebsebsebgoddard:  Tech-Mike  I use the older version of human, so the one before 9.10.  human-clearlooks if you install Human.  also with 10.04 depending on the user it's being set up for.  i'll remove stuff from top panel,  and  have how it is, or do gnome icons02:30
vago_hi it's me again :-) I try to find some prog in repo to change my login form and splash screen, but I can't find anything work..02:30
gluonmanHow can I change the default grub that is loaded when my computer starts when I have two installations of grub (one on /dev/sda and the most recent on /dev/sdb)?02:30
Scunizisebsebseb: hey there.. can you cat your fstab and see if there is a listing for your cd/dvd drive in there?02:30
sebsebsebgoddard: users as in my brothers,  I get to set up there accounts.02:30
the20yrit's amazing how much faster ubuntu is than windows (even though ubuntu is on a USB drive) on my 1.6ghz system02:30
mrbook1GeekSquid; I am running Ubuntu as a guest using Vbox. Where do i change this02:30
ZykoticK9Scunizi, no cdrom entry here02:31
goddardI have some ideas I would like to write down but I was wondering if there was a good program that had the ability to draw and put forumlas in code highlighting maybe flow charts and what not anything like that around?02:31
wildbatgluonman, by changing the first boot HD inbios02:31
sebsebsebScunizi: Mandriva One 2010 on here as my host :)  I am actsauly running  updated Lucid from RC in a vm at the moment still, but that was since,  I was testing my issue fixer for Plymouth,  and seeing if I could get xplash to work instead easilley02:31
GeekSquidmrbook1: in virtualbox on the host it will allow you to mount the cdrom or iso prior to booting02:31
sebsebsebScunizi: so in other words, someone else will do that I guess02:31
vago_Somebody can help me ?02:31
hoglahoo-LeeI just upgraded to the Lucid LTS and the sound sucks.  it seems like the volume is about 10% of what it should be when it is turned all the way up for both speakers and headphones.  Sound worked fine in 9.04 :(  Any ideas?  I've looked through some bug reports but none are describing exactly this issue02:31
ScuniziZykoticK9: ok.. thanks02:31
gluonmanwildbat, lol I strangely hadn't thought of that. Thanks, I'll give that a try.02:31
hoglahoo-Leevago_: I hope so02:31
=== vago_ is now known as NoobInUbuntu
FloodBot4hoglahoo-Lee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
Scunizisebsebseb: np.. thanks02:32
mrbook1GeekSquid: i check this out. i should be mounted as iso02:32
goddardhoglahoo-Lee did you check alsa mixer?02:32
hoglahoo-Leegoddard: I turned everything up to 100% for good measure02:32
stoneDJayHi, is it possible to change my kernel and keep the drivers (modules) working? I just installed some modules manually and I need to change my kernel02:32
the20yris there a way to make ubuntu persistent while running ubuntu?02:33
goddardthe20yr what do you mean?02:33
bazhang!usb > the20yr02:33
ubottuthe20yr, please see my private message02:33
the20yri'm running ubuntu off of a USB drive , last time I did it , it was persistent , so when I installed stuff, it worked02:33
the20yrhmm, for some reason , your PM isn't showing up02:33
avisi couldn't install a persistant desktop of lucid today02:34
Scunizithe20yr: if you're not registered on freenode then it won't02:34
avison usb drive (sorry for double enters)02:34
winXPuseravis, what is the exct problem that you have?02:34
PiciScunizi: that isn't true anymore.02:34
avisthe slider never appears02:34
ScuniziPici: really?  didn't know that.02:34
avisits faded out02:34
avisit took once with 10.04 but then i couldn't get past boot:02:35
deborahI'm trying to instal wow and i get an error message   End-of-central-directory signature not found. is there a dl i should get to run games? i should i stick with windows for gaming?02:35
the20yryeah , this SN isn't registered on freenode02:35
Eddy4My apache is showing 403 (forbidden), & "namei" shows the dir as "drwx" - http://pastebin.com/EU03N5SA -  how can I fix it?02:35
anom01ywell team Ubuntu; even though the whole Nvidia vs Plymouth deal didn't work out... Version 9.10 Xubuntu is still a beautiful OS.,02:35
ChaorainHey I just installed 10.04 and I love the new theme but having the close, minimize, and maximize on the left confuses me ALOT. Is there a way to keep the theme but put those on the right?02:36
Pici!controls | Chaorain02:36
ubottuChaorain: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d602:36
ZelozelosChaorain, yes its very simple, alt f2, type gconf-edit02:36
lakeofteahow do i make it so that a shell script i wrote can be ran from any place in the file system?  like move it to /usr/bin or something?02:36
cruudHi, I just installed ubuntu for the first time. I want to move the title bar to the external display, how do I do this?02:36
gartral|pWhat the hell is wrong with ubuntu.. fresh install wants to run disk checks every boot and crashes.. completly.. after 25 minutes.. alt sysreq k/alt ctrl bksp does nothing, have too hard reboot and all logs are continuosly blank..02:37
anom01yavis: yeah thats why I reinstalled Xubuntu 9.1002:37
Zelozelosnavigate to app, metacity, general, find the right key and change it to menu:minimize,maximize,close02:37
phearret_conner: it wont ever register the wireless as your booting from a -r-w disc02:37
ChaorainPici: Zelozelos: thanks02:37
hoglahoo-Leegartral|p: that is unfortunate indeed02:37
Bash128I promise that I will never buy any shit Acer laptop anymore in all my life. My laptop is old, ok, was made in 2005, but today don't load the bios, only a black screen. Anybody has some idea for this? (sorry for my poor english :P )02:37
anom01yavis: make sure you /home folder is on its own partition (can do that in the Ubuntu Installer in manual partitions mode)02:37
amabois there a shortcut or some way to detect displays? i like to disable the display for my laptop when its plugged into my monitor but if i unplug the monitor (or close my laptop) i can't re-enable it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated02:37
anom01yreinstalling after that is a breeze02:37
lakeofteahow do i make it so that a shell script can be ran from any place in the file system?  like move it to /usr/bin or something?02:38
GeekSquidEddy4: seems like you are trying to run a webserver off a pendrive? yes then sudo chown www-data:www-data /media/4gb-flash-drive/www -R02:38
Eddy4cooool yes!!02:38
Eddy4i am, thanks02:38
lampe_i can not ajust the brightnes of my laptop screen02:38
=== cordell is now known as cordell_brb_in_1
ScuniziBash128: battery might be dead.. go into the bios so it looks up all your hardware then save/exit/boot ..02:38
crdlblakeoftea: either ~/bin for your user only, or /usr/local/bin for all users02:38
ScuniziBash128: not the main battery but the bios battery02:38
lampe_i can not ajust the brightnes of my laptop screen when i try to change it nothing happends02:38
cruudI have an external display hooked up to my macbook. It will not let me put the titlebar on the external display02:39
ZykoticK9lakeoftea, so long as it's your user - just create a ~/bin folder and copy the script into it (by default this is in your path, although the directory doesn't exist by default)02:39
winXPuserlampe_, what is the exaact problem? do you not know ehere to adjust the brightness, or do you know it and try it but it does not work?02:39
lampe_i try it and it dont work its a intel hd450002:39
deborahAnyone able to help me? I'm trying to install WoW and i get an error message:   End-of-central-directory signature not found. how can I run wow on ubuntu 10.4 or should i use another version of linux or use windows for gaming?02:39
Bash128Scunizi if I press any button ... 5 seconds... beeps02:40
hydesterdoes a SATA drive need to be added in pairs?  i have an abit av8 motherboard and it isn't detecting the single SATA drive I added, and i tried setting it to 1.5 Gb/s.02:40
anom01ydeborah: you have to go to #winehq02:40
deborahk ty02:40
ScuniziBash128: what is the button you have to press on boot to get to the bios?02:40
nb72Just installed Lucid, installed Nvidia driver (version current).  Seems fine, but when I run firefox the screen goes blank for a second, and when it comes back it's angled, any ideas?02:40
Bash128Scunizi also I hear motherboard beep02:40
lampe_i can not ajust the brightnes of my laptop screen when i try to change it nothing happends. its a samsung x120 with a intel 450002:40
gartralhoglahoo-Lee: yea no shit... but this a production system that ive trusted ubuntu on for some 8 years.. all of a sudden, without any prevocation or major changes, the thing wants to stand on its head like a loony patient even after complete system reinstall and hdd swap. im really pissed cause i was just starting to like 10.04...02:40
haavaroshydester: No, s-ata drives can be added one by one. Do you see it in BIOS?02:40
=== cordell_brb_in_1 is now known as cordell
cruudHow do I set my external monitor to be the default monitor and have a titlebar while still using laptop screen?02:41
anom01ygartral yeah I wen back to 9.1002:41
hoglahoo-Leegartral: I haven't much cared for it yet02:41
Scunizigartral: this is a "G" rated channel.. watch the expletives02:41
hoglahoo-Leebut it's free :)02:41
hydesterhaavaros: no02:41
haavarosgartral: I've been beaten up by the lynx too, let it mature for some months02:41
Bash128Scunizi, Delete (Suprimir in spanish) but also don't see Acer initial logo02:41
zetherooI don't know why of all things networking in Linux seems to be such a  pain ... something as simple as sharing files etc ... or printers ...02:42
gartralScunizi: if your $2500 computer started randomly locking up on you, you'ed swear.. trust me02:42
zetherooit hardly ever works ..02:42
ScuniziBash128:  so you're saying you can't get into your bios?02:42
zetherooand this is stuff that should be working like a breeze ...  especially in Linux02:42
progesteroneQuestion: It sound a bit funny and stupid. I remove the button near the close menu button on the top right corner of the screen. And the close button disappears together. How can I make that button appear?02:42
Scunizigartral: I build my own.. they never cost that much.. but still.. I'd say it to myself outloud but not here.02:42
cruudDoes anyone have any idea? I've never used ubuntu before had to get rid of osx02:42
gartralhaavaros: well now that upstart has nuked my hal stuff in my /home drive, i cant revert, cause the system wants upstart now.. not hal.. im screwed02:42
lampe_i can not ajust the brightnes of my laptop screen when i try to change it nothing happends. its a samsung x120 with a intel 450002:43
Bash128Scunizi, yes, I don't show anything02:43
ScuniziBash128: ouch.. sorry I'm stuck from here.02:43
gartralScunizi: this was a home build, i never buy prefabbed cause they all come broken02:43
hydesterhaavaros: any suggestions?02:43
hipitihopI have a swap partition defined but top shows 0k total so is it possible to enable swap while running or is that something I need to do via livecd02:43
ejvi've had my laptop crash twice on 10.04, way to go Lucid! \o/02:43
NoobInUbuntuhelloooo somebody will help me or no?02:43
Bash128Scunizi, ok thanks02:43
wildbat!anyone| NoobInUbuntu,02:44
ubottuNoobInUbuntu,: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:44
haavaroshydester: Well, check and doublecheck all cables (if you havent done so already), and then check in BIOS if you have an option to enable/disable RAID02:44
gartralScunizi: i7 860, 8 gigs ram, gtx 275, p55 ftw mobo, bluray and dvd burners, 4x1tb hdds and all in a very nice case02:44
daftykinsejv: that's a little open a problem to pin down to a specific OS version :P02:44
matthew123NoobInUbuntu, what issue are you having?02:44
NoobInUbuntu I try to find some prog in repo to change my login form and splash screen, but I can't find anything work..02:44
ejvdaftykins: well never did it on 9.10 lol02:44
ZykoticK9hipitihop, try "swapon <device>"02:45
GeekSquidhipitihop: sudo swapon /dev/sdxxx xxx being your swap device02:45
cruudPlease help! I just installed, can someone at least say hello?02:45
NoobInUbuntumatthew123, and sometimes I have problem with my sound.. it's gone... but after sometime it's again work02:45
winXPusercruud, sure, help with what?02:45
ejv!hello | cruud02:45
daftykinsejv: they're not exactly the same thing strictly :)02:45
Scunizigartral: random locking can be lots of things.. outside the os that is.. ram, cpu overclocking/heating, vid card, bios setting.. etc.. wow sounds like a nice system.. have you considered removing all hardware back to the basics, bare neccessities and trying .. then adding one piece at a time to see what might happen?02:45
ubottucruud: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:45
haavarosgartral: Wouldn't just reinstalling 9.10 be the thing to do?02:45
hipitihopGeekSquid, ZykoticK9 thanks02:45
ejvdaftykins: of course, i was just celebrating the annoyance02:45
hydesterhaavaros: raid is on, and i checked the cables.  unfortunately i was only using IDE before, so have nothing to swap with :(02:45
nsahoowhat is the difference between google-chrome official and ubuntu chromium?02:45
cruudI'm using an external display, I can't get the titlebar to go to just the external display not the laptop one02:45
haavaroshydester: Turn off RAID; seems like your motherboard is expecting a RAID array, which requires at least two disks02:46
ZykoticK9nsahoo, Chromium is the opensource basis of proprietary Chrome.  new features are in Chromium first.02:46
matthew123you want to change the look of your login and splash screens?02:46
winXPusernsahoo, google chsomr is proprietry, icludes some closed source featuyres, otherwise no difference02:46
gartralto recap: my system is running fine.. for about a half hour between lockups, all the lockup seem too be happening with wine sound events more than anything.. but none of the logs are being written too, despite proper permissions..02:46
daftykinsejv: ok :)02:46
ejvdaftykins: im wading through dmesg right now, looking for some clue-age02:46
NoobInUbuntuand again nobody answer ..02:46
ejv!patience | NoobInUbuntu02:46
ubottuNoobInUbuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:46
cruudI don't know what you mean by login or splash screen02:47
matthew123noobinubuntu http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-do-you-change-the-boot-splash-screen-image-for-10-04-lucid-lynx.html02:47
daftykinshydester: sorry not read your issues in much detail, but just wanted to check you're aware of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Dmraid%20active%20by%20default%20on%20Desktop%20CD02:47
NoobInUbuntuejv,  u wanna say, that nobody never change splash screen and login form? or not activate animated wallpaper?02:47
bazhangNoobInUbuntu, no one has an answer for you at the moment. Please be patient02:48
kermit`Dear all, I can't use touchpad on my current user in ubuntu-10.04. But if I login with another new user, I can use it normally. How can I solve it? Thanks.02:48
Dr_WillisI tweaked my GDM a bit. and use a diffrent  Plymouth theme. (i like the solar/sun one)02:48
NoobInUbuntubazhang, ok...02:48
hipitihopGeekSquid, is that the same if I used gparted swapon option ?02:48
GeekSquidhipitihop: yes02:48
NoobInUbuntumatthew123, I read this one, but I don't understand how to set up splash screens or something else from art.gnome.org ?02:48
Dr_Williskermit`:  sounds like some user setting is causing an issue. Find what setting file, and remove it.02:48
cruudHow do I change primary monitor?02:48
zetheroowhat is my "Server name"?02:48
* hipitihop oops wrong window02:49
Bash128My laptop does not display anything on screen. Do not show the bios, but it tries to read the CD and the hard disk. I have not given any shock or anything, any idea?02:49
lampe_i can not ajust the brightnes of my laptop screen when i try to change it nothing happends. its a samsung x120 with a intel 450002:49
anon0<Bash128> video card quit02:50
Dr_WillisBash128:  if the laptop isent even showing the normal boot up/bios screen - it could be the thing is set to use the external monitor (check your laptop's special fn keys) or it has a broken lcd.02:50
anon0always? or just with cd<Bash128>02:50
daftykinslampe_: there's a slider in power management that might be worth a try02:50
lampe_daftykins, iam using the slider and nothing happens02:50
progesteroneQuestion: How can I restore Ubuntu close button near clock at the top right corner of the screen?02:50
=== Ertwin is now known as phillipsjk
cruudHow do I change my primary monitor?02:50
daftykinslampe_: ah, what make of laptop?02:50
Dr_Willis!controlls | progesterone02:51
amabois there a shortcut or some way to detect displays? i like to disable the display for my laptop when its plugged into my monitor but if i unplug the monitor (or close my laptop) i can't re-enable it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated02:51
Dr_Willis!controls | progesterone02:51
ubottuprogesterone: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d602:51
daftykinsoops sorry you already said02:51
lampe_samsung x120 with intel 450002:51
daftykinslampe_: i'm out of ideas then, sorry02:51
GeekSquidgartral: yeah, I know the feeling02:51
bazhanggartral, no caps02:51
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:51
Bash128anon0, always02:52
macrocatCan anyone read this?02:52
progesteroneDr_Willis no ... I mean the button to shut down the machine or logout.02:52
kermitweidr i killed some volume control applet and now suddenly all these applications have sound effects that i've never heard in 2 years using ubutnu02:52
cruudHow do I add a panel to an external display?02:52
phillipsjk /topic is supposed th have FAQ listed, but I don't see it....02:52
cruudmacrocat I can but I'm a noob sorry02:52
ZykoticK9progesterone, add to panel - indicator applet session02:52
wildbatmacrocat, i read you02:52
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | progesterone02:52
ubottuprogesterone: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:52
gartraldamnit! does noone here have a clue as too what went wrong here. is anyone else seeing similar issues.. what the fuck is happening here..02:52
anon0Bash128: i have a stack of those in my garage02:52
macrocatOkay thanks wildbat02:53
Dr_Willisprogesterone:  or right click  panel - add to panel - its one of those items in there.02:53
bazhanggartral, language02:53
lee_How can I tell what video driver i'm using - in Lynx lucid02:53
hoglahoo-Leegartral: you should get your money back for sure02:53
wildbatDr_Willis, any idea y my speakicon in the tray is missing?02:53
anon0<lee_> lsmod02:53
Dr_Williswildbat:  you tried to remove the mail icon..and it went with it?02:53
chuyzozHelp  - I've upgraded to lucid lynx, my microphone is not working at all.. when i go to sound preferences.. the microphone seems to be disabled ( highlighted grey) how can I enable it  ?02:53
Bash128Dr_Willis, I was trying whit external monitor via VGA and dont have singnal02:53
daftykinsgartral: what's happening?02:53
gartralhoglahoo-Lee: shut up ok.. im in no mood to be toyed with.02:53
krummlaufi have a strange question02:53
wildbatDr_Willis, mails icon is there~ i did a setup ~ not didn't help02:53
krummlaufi installed a dual-boot using wubi02:54
winXPuserkrummlauf, sure, just ask.02:54
nb72Really weird video problem.  When I open gmail the screen flashes black for a second.  It will then keep flashing every couple seconds.02:54
daftykins!enter | krummlauf02:54
=== patrick is now known as Guest92292
ubottukrummlauf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:54
Zelozelosheay Dr_Willis ive been hoping to catch you in here if anyone knows, you will my places with the menu bar wont open the locations, its not a bookmark issue ive already tried that resolve w no luck, even the desktop one dosent work which isnt a bookmark, the error is "Could not open location 'file:///home/ed'  No application is registered as handling this file02:54
* NoobInUbuntu ... :-(02:54
nb72fresh install of lucid tried nvidia current and 18502:54
cruudHow do I put a panel on an external display02:54
Dr_WillisBash128:  i would try plug in external monitor again, try the laptosp special fn keys see if  display comes back to one of them. Normally that key has   several modes it goes through. Internal, extermal, clone,02:54
nb72any ideas?02:54
lee_anon8 I looked in lsmod but don't see the video driver02:54
Bash128anon0, I have not understood02:54
wildbatNoobInUbuntu, sorry idk your issue ~ don't cry ~ /hug ~02:54
krummlaufi installed a dual-boot using wubi, then i reformatted without uninstalling wubi on my netbook, im supposed to have 160 GB, but it seems im missing 10 GB...is there a hidden partition im not aware of?02:55
daftykinsZelozelos: you need to open nautilus and change the default action for folders02:55
deborahi dl'd wine and WoW still wont install and i get the same error. am i doing something wrong? I got wubi ubuntu 10.4, should i get a different version02:55
Bash128Dr_Willis,  ok I will try this another twice02:55
zetheroodoes anyone have any input on shared printers and folder in Ubuntu?02:55
moesDownloaded lucid 10.04 using windows and instructions from Ubuntu documentation I continue to get a different md5sum on each download02:55
cruudWhat's the best itunes replacement? I have a Droid.02:55
Dr_WillisZelozelos:   file assoication with the 'directory' type has been messed up I think. I normally just reset all my gnome settings.  try a new user see if it works for them as a test Zelozelos02:55
winXPuser!anyone | zetheroo02:55
ubottuzetheroo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:55
wildbatKrumar, you have 160 GB not GiB ;p ~02:55
daftykinszetheroo: how to do it? see samba02:55
gartraldaftykins: system is randomly locking up, i cant boot sabayon or fedora cause HAL crashes while trying to get conf info from my /home drive (HAL being removed from ubuntu in favor of upstart breaks /home partitions that are needed by OSES that still use HAL. making reverting to old ubuntu impossible) and wine is causing lockups at sound events02:55
Dr_Williszetheroo:  it works ? :) is that input enough?02:56
localgh0stI guess I'm just destined to exist without sound in my flash :(02:56
ZelozelosDr_Willis, i will , and if so how do i reset those settings?02:56
zetheroowinXPuser: read the question before answering!02:56
matthew123cruud, I believe songbird works on droid, I may be wrong though02:56
Krumarwildbat, what?02:56
zetherooDr_Willis: ha ... yeah .. no ... it doesn't  ... it does and then it doesn't02:56
daftykinsgartral: sorry for suggestions that you may have already heard, but is your computer perfectly stable? passes memtests?02:56
=== Guest92292 is now known as Sp0t
NoobInUbuntuwho know where i can download plymounth themes?02:56
Dr_Williszetheroo:  ive had quirks where as a user. i had to connect to a share . befir i could print02:57
kermitzetheroo: i like them!02:57
Dr_WillisNoobInUbuntu:  theres several in the repos.02:57
wildbatKrumar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibibyte02:57
cruudI figured it out! You can drag panels like windows! Awesome!02:57
progesteroneDr_Willis Thanks02:57
zetheroodaftykins: yeah ... I have been through all of that so many times .. but no sooner do I have it set up then it ceases to work suddenly02:57
progesteroneZykoticK9 ubottu Thanks02:57
anon0<localgh0st> try apt-get autoremove flashplugin-nonfree and then compile from source and put the .so file in /usr/lib/mozzilla/plugins as root02:57
NoobInUbuntuDr_Willis, how i can find it ? what I should write in repo ?02:57
cruudmatthew123 thanks!!!02:57
Dr_WillisNoobInUbuntu:  fire up the synapatic package manager and search for 'plymouth'02:58
ZykoticK9progesterone, glad to help02:58
localgh0stanon0, I've never compiled from source...02:58
zetherooDr_Willis: I just find that 80% of the time I cannot access anything on the network ... be it printers, files or folders02:58
daftykinszetheroo: it might be worth talking to samba people about your config02:58
anon0<localgh0st> at your own risk02:58
greenjonprogesterone, you got it figured out now?02:58
Krumarwildbat, you auto typed th wrong name, and i have over 2 TB02:58
cruudbye guys! happy already, first hour away from osx02:58
anon0<localgh0st> it is easy go read02:58
daftykinszetheroo: could also be a driver issue with your server's given LAN interface02:58
ZelozelosNoobInUbuntu, keywords work, just keywords itll search filenames, package names and descriptions02:58
Dr_Williszetheroo:  could be a sign of a deeper samba issue.02:58
localgh0stanon0, I've tried everything else, why not02:58
zetheroo kermit: I like them too ... who are we talking about? :P02:58
lee_How can I tell what video driver i'm using - in Lynx lucid. I deleted my intel driver, and don't know what driver i'm currently using. There is no xorg.conf file, so...02:58
matthew123cruud, also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131684202:58
anon0<localgh0st> yeah sure that's my motto02:58
cruudthanks again matthew12302:58
MefachedHow to install GRUB from Xubuntu 10.04? I didn't see the option in the installer.02:58
deborahanyone able to help me? I dl'd wubi unbuntu 10.4 and wine 1.0.1. I'm trying to install wow but it wont work and i also restarted my system but I still get the same error message. what should i do?02:58
wildbatKrumar, ooh ~ sorry ;p ~02:58
raviepic3_help | when ever i install or upgrade a package using apt-get i receive this error dialogue http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/3059/errorze.png02:58
kermitzetheroo: shared folders and shared printers, you asked for input on them02:58
raviepic3_please help me understand whats happening02:59
gartraldaftykins: win7 runs fine with superpi running 72 hours straight, memtest passed.. i even swapped out hdds that could be bad.. ive narrpwed this down to a specific ubuntu/upstart error..02:59
raviepic3_help | when ever i install or upgrade a package using apt-get i receive this error dialogue http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/3059/errorze.png02:59
NoobInUbuntuZelozelos,  and do you know, how I can change that themes after I install it?02:59
progesteroneQuestion: I have two monitors showing the exact things. How can I make them to be able to use side by side?02:59
zetheroodaftykins; I don't know man ... I have had this working so well in 7.10 and 8.04 .... but not since then02:59
winXPuserdeborah what is the error message text?02:59
ZykoticK9lee_, "lspci -vnvn" then find the VGA section and the line "kernel driver is use" good luck.02:59
progesteronegreenjon Yeah02:59
zetherookermit: ah ...02:59
ZykoticK9lee_, s/is/in02:59
deborahArchive:  /media/Lich King/Installer.exe02:59
deborah[/media/Lich King/Installer.exe]02:59
deborah  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not02:59
deborah  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the02:59
deborah  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on02:59
FloodBot4deborah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:59
deborah  the last disk(s) of this archive.02:59
moesDownloaded lucid 10.04 using windows and firfox and instructions from Ubuntu documentation I continue to get a different md5sum on each download02:59
daftykinszetheroo: pretty sure hardy (8.04) still has a bit of support left, could be worth keeping it going02:59
greenjonprogresterone: ok good stuff :D02:59
Bash128Dr_Willis,  fn keys don't works with VGA external connection. Says "No hay entrada de video"03:00
ZelozelosNoobInUbuntu, yup, right click desktop, hit change background (easiest way to get to appearance)03:00
daftykinsmoes: do you rename the downloads after they're done?03:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:00
zetheroodaftykins: just extremely annoying that there are all these options in the GUI to share files and folders, but none of it works withotu tinkering in the background anyway03:00
anon0<localgh0st> basically go find the source tar.gz at the adobe site03:00
ZelozelosNoobInUbuntu, then click the theme tab ;)03:00
gartraldaftykins: also, i cant reformat my home cause i have so many different conf files, and i dont have a external or enough cds to hold it.. had i known upstart would completly fry hal i wouldnt have upgraded03:00
ZykoticK9debes, use pastebin next time - install wine first then "wine /media/Lich\ King/Installer.exe" from a terminal *should* work03:00
lee_zykotick9: what is s/is/in03:00
LtHummusCan someone help me set up x11vnc?  It's set up right now, but I want it to launch a new gdm session instead of using the one that I normally use (if that makes sense)03:00
zetheroodaftykins: I left 8.04 a while back ...03:00
NoobInUbuntuZelozelos, and u think it will show me plymounth themes too ?03:00
ZykoticK9deborah, see above not to debes03:01
moesdaftykins, no I do not rename03:01
daftykinszetheroo: ah i see just the GUI stuff, mmm that and properly configured samba will be totally different03:01
r3dhatI have a slight issue with 10.04...I accidentally removed the icons from the top panel for empathy and all that. how do I get them back?03:01
daftykins!resetpanels | r3dhat03:01
ubottur3dhat: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:01
ZykoticK9lee, when i make a spelling or typo -- it's like a regular expression s/ for substitude "is" for "in"  :)03:01
zetheroodaftykins: exactly ... I think all that rubbish GUI stuff should be banished until it actually works!03:01
NoobInUbuntuZelozelos, I install some of themes, but it's not any effect :-) in right click > background :-)03:01
ZelozelosNoobInUbuntu, idk, probably any themes, but i personally dont care much bout the themes, i'll stick w the default one, but backgrounds on the other hand, i change all the time03:02
phillipsjk<localgh0st>, I am not sure why anon0 was telling you to compitle from source. The Falsh player from Adobe is a Binary blob. Just put the .so file (from Adobe) in ~/.mozilla/plugins  (As a normal user: flash will only affect that user)03:02
raviepic3_please help me understand whats happening03:02
raviepic3_help | when ever i install or upgrade a package using apt-get i receive this error dialogue http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/3059/errorze.png03:02
zetheroodaftykins: its totally misleading ...03:02
daftykinsmoes: hmm, you could always just take the plunge and try it03:02
r3dhatthanks daftykins03:02
daftykinszetheroo: i know it works for some, plus things can't be trialled unless they're included. i understand your point though03:02
moesdaftykins, I cannot burn an iso03:02
anon0<phillipsjk> good call03:02
zetheroodaftykins: although in 8.04 and prior to that it actually seemed to work pretty well .... I don't know what happened since then to mess it all up03:02
ZelozelosNoobInUbuntu, itll help if i check out what plymouth themes are, 1 sec ;)03:02
localgh0stphillipsjk, and what about if I use chrome? Same path or somewhere else?03:02
daftykinsmoes: what's your intention as to how to install then?03:03
lee_Well I found the Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel? With this driver I can't get higher then 1024x768 resolution03:03
lee_I'm on a 32in. screen03:03
Bash128Dr_Willis,  if I put the ubuntu CD does not show me anything. A few seconds separating the hard disk.03:03
MefachedHow do I install Grub2?03:03
hiexporaviepic3_, are you useing sudo in front of apt-get03:03
gartraldaftykins: as far as suckage factor goes: this system was FINE a few days ago.. and now ubuntu is haywire03:03
moesdaftykins, I have a second drive designated to ubuntu and want to install on that drive03:04
Zelozelosahhhh now i see, you're tkin about the flash screen rofl, idk anything about that i thought you was talking about window themes03:04
raviepic3_hiexpo, ye03:04
raviepic3_in order to install03:04
raviepic3_is that the cause of this error ?03:04
raviepic3_hiexpo, ^^03:04
Bash128My laptop does not display anything on screen. Do not show the bios, but it tries to read the CD and the hard disk. I have not given any shock or anything, any idea?03:05
hiexporaviepic3_, looks like it or you have another repo open03:05
daftykinsgartral: fine in Lucid and the same config, or?03:05
daftykinsBash128: booting a livecd or booting a previously working installation, or...?03:05
Zelozelosanyone know how reset the nautilus settings?03:06
hiexporaviepic3_, oh you have synaptic open is what it says03:06
gartraldaftykins: yea, lucid was up and flying, all my games were playing nicely, even alongside compiz.. running for months like that and all of a sudden: even firefox is fucked03:06
raviepic3_hiexpo, another repo open  ! !03:06
Bash128daftykins,  previoustly working normally with Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows XP03:06
phillipsjklocalgh0st, I think Chrome uses Mozilla's plugin directory, but I am not sure.03:06
raviepic3_but it didnt open synaptic03:06
raviepic3_hiexpo, ^^03:06
lee_Nope I made a mistake Kernel Modules: i91503:06
zetheroodaftykins: my household has a shared MF unit as well as a lot of media content that we are used to having shared over the network ... and with Windows it all works 80 - 90 percent of the time ... whereas with Linux it's the complete opposite ... makes it very hard to use Linux at all with those issues ... I have even been over the Ubuntu docs and what I have seen is all really old material ...03:06
bazhanggartral, stop cursing here03:06
ZykoticK9gartral, i think the language has already been mentioned to you03:06
hiexporaviepic3_, yes close synaptic or ubuntu software center or something is still installing and yu clsed the terminal03:07
lee_Anyway to get it widescreen?03:07
gartrallook.. im mad alright. im using speech to text and it aint filtering.. sorry03:07
daftykinszetheroo: i am totally not a Linux fanboy, i actually run windows 7 on my desktop at the moment, but i genuinely believe there to be more than just Ubuntu or Linux to blame there03:07
winXPusergartral, any firefox problem I caan help you with?03:07
gartralwinXPuser: if you can tell me why firefox INSISTS on using a proxy even after ive purged it.. that'd be great03:08
Bash128daftykins, 2 months ago it happens, but last weekend returned to work until now (sorry for my english)03:08
zetheroodaftykins: how so ...03:08
temonhello ...03:08
ejv!hi | temon03:08
ubottutemon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:08
winXPusergartral, edit preferences advanced networking tab settings button03:08
daftykinszetheroo: well if i'm reading you right, you refer to a multi-function printer device, those have shocking Linux support at the best of times03:08
gartralwinXPuser: "no proxy" is set.. i tryed taht03:09
temonhelp me to upgrading bios in my lucid..03:09
zetheroodaftykins: the one I have works very very well and has Linux support03:09
gartralwinXPuser: no proxy set for gnome prefs too03:09
zetheroodaftykins: it's an Epson03:09
progre55hi guys! where is the splash screen wallpaper located?03:09
winXPusergartral, where is proxy set then? in your router?03:09
gartralwinXPuser: ITS NOT03:09
temonhelp me... how to upgrading bios in my lucid.. my mobo is msi h55m e3303:10
GeekSquiddaftykins: I think you were referring to the Brother line of products,,, If you run linux By HP or Epson printers03:10
winXPusergartral, where in thereal end does the system know that there is a proxy? (dont shoud, we can read lowecase too))_03:10
progre55I have installed "kubuntu-desktop" on my ubuntu, and now the splash screen has changed to kubuntu. Although I have that bug with reeeeally low resolution splash, I still want it to be ubuntu =)03:10
daftykinsGeekSquid: nah03:10
temonhelp me... how to upgrading bios in my lucid.. my mobo is msi h55m e3303:11
Bash128daftykins,the strange thing is that I do not show or bios or the manufacturer's logo at startup. Shows nothing03:11
ejv!patience | temon03:11
ubottutemon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:11
GeekSquidtemon: you may want to ask your question in #hardware03:11
temonubottu: ha ha ha Iam sorry...03:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:11
CavalierPrimeBash128:  is this everytime you boot up or are you stuck from a hibernation?03:11
phillipsjkgartral: ISPs have been known to use "transparent" proxies. What are the symptoms you are complaining about?03:12
temongeekSquid: ok... I go to #hardware now...03:12
kofleri wanted to feel intelligent. so i came here03:12
kofleris ubuntu any better since 8.10 or whenever i stopped using that piece of junk?03:12
Bash128CavalierPrime Yes, I remember I try to hibernate in Ubuntu last good boot!03:12
kofleron a serious note, does ubuntu have kickstart working yet?03:12
hiexpoIdleOne,  - got a dvdshrink written for linux working on here no wine neccesary   :)03:12
Guest249hello all03:13
CavalierPrimeBash128: hold power for 4 secs to fully power down then reboot03:13
gartralphillipsjk: i know it isnt my isp.. chrome works, wine-firefox works, it's speciffically ubuntu ff thats borked.. it's saying the proxy is refusing connections when i have n damn proxy03:13
kofleri remember that was one really interesting bit about the ubuntu project03:13
DarkHelmutI've just finished the upgrade and my whole screen is "fuzzy" any ideas on how to address this?03:13
rainofkayosit appears programs are not starting properly when called from the indicator applet in my taskbar.. mail/pidgin/gwibber.. looks like they go into the process table and are running but not on a desktop anywhere,, and tty is ? for them.. is that a known issue?03:13
temongeeksquid: to join #hardware need an invitation...03:13
bazhangtemon, register03:13
daftykinsBash128: oh i see, so you get no POST screen at all. how old is the computer? sounds like it needs some maintenance03:13
bazhang!register > temon03:13
ubottutemon, please see my private message03:13
bazhangtemon, /join #freenode for help03:14
gartralphillipsjk: i even SET a proxy with adb with my droid (ADB teathering by proxy) and ff complains, when chrome and others just work03:14
temonubottu: thanks..03:14
Guest249I have just installed 10.14 and when I go to change the screensaver I get white lines and the screen blinks why03:14
Bash128daftykins, Acer Aspire 1692WLMi 200503:14
GeekSquidkofler: alot of things happend since 08, and in my opinion ( which means nothing ) it is better, ubuntu uses upstart, not kickstart as you call it and it does work,03:14
Bash128I don't show anything :(03:14
gartraldaftykins: wow..im impressed, ubuntu stopped crashing03:14
Mefachedgartral, why don't you just use chrome?03:15
CavalierPrimeBash128: hold power for 4 secs to fully power down then reboot03:15
koflerGeekSquid: what's the boot time like? still 1 minute+?03:15
NoobInUbuntuhelp me please! I install some plymouth themes from repo but I don't know how to change it now ? how to set one of them ?03:15
daftykinsBash128: oh a laptop. have you tried removing the mains power, removing the battery, then plugging in the mains only (and no battery) and trying?03:15
gartralMefached: gmail: "your browser/operating system isnt test and may crash" and it does, unless i use ff..03:15
GeekSquidkofler: uh, my lappy boots in about 35-40 seconds, I have heard good stories of 10 second boot times with Lucid, (in some cases)03:16
gartralanyway.. im done for now.. im rebooting into win7 so i can at least game03:16
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, got to softpedia there is a tutorial there on how to do it03:16
raviepic3_hiexpo, nope i didnt open anything, i installed app using apt-get03:16
raviepic3_thats it03:16
NoobInUbuntuhiexpo, can you give me link ?03:16
ejvmine takes around 1003:16
* NoobInUbuntu lol03:16
safeDoes anyone know if there's a way to make recieved messages minimized by default in emesene?03:16
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, one sec03:16
Mefachedgartral, unless you're using some absolutely ancient version of chrome, that doesn't make any sense.03:16
MefachedUse the HTML interface, then.03:16
ZykoticK9progre55, if you are using lucid these directions *should* work (i haven't tested though) http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/04/how-to-select-the-splash-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/03:17
phillipsjkgartral: on my computer Edit> preferences>(Advanced)>(Network)>Settings (button)>is set to "Use system proxy settings"03:17
zetheroothis information is useless and does not work! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu03:17
koflerGeekSquid: hahaha, still 35-40?03:17
koflerGeekSquid: wow, i'll come back in 5 years then03:17
zetherooespecially the Ubuntu 9.04 info03:17
GeekSquidkofler: 4 year old laptop03:17
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml03:17
koflerGeekSquid: yeah, i had a 3 year old laptop and it took a similar amount of time03:17
koflerstill all eye candy and no solid ideas03:17
perry_can anyone help me with a quick issue please?  I am trying to run a script that amends a couple things in /sys/devices (trackpoint settings).  The permissions appear fine, but it tells me 'Permission Denied' if I try sudo echo, but I can sudo vim or sudo gedit and change/save with no problem.  Anyone have any directions on where to read up on it?03:18
* Mefached wonders why cold boot matters when hibernate and suspend take even less.03:18
greenjonkofler: i'd say it depends. my acer aspire one boots in 30 TOPS and my custom desktop is about the same. easily 30 secs or less03:18
progre55ZykoticK9: thanks, let me have a look.03:18
Guest249has any1 had problems when trying to change screensavers??03:18
kofleroh really? my noncustom, stock archlinux boots in less than 1003:18
koflerthat's fully setup with wireless and kde403:18
Mefachedkofler, lol "stock archlinux" clearly you don't understand what rolling release means03:18
koflersad. why is ubuntu so far behind. quite seriously, i'd like to see it succeed03:18
GeekSquidkofler: you may have better luck with Lucid than I, my machine is really crap, but it works... 10 second boot times are possible on newer machines in Lucid running Grub2 and other enhancements provided by the newer kernels03:18
MefachedThere's no such thing as stock Arch. Get out.03:18
koflerMefached: no, as in, i didn't use any custom kernels03:19
CavalierPrimewhat OS do you run kofler?03:19
phillipsjkperry: script must be set executable.03:19
psychHey guys is anyone aware of an alternative to remastersys? Or when remastersys might be back03:19
Bash128yes daftykins03:19
greenjonkofler: awww come on. 30 isn't bad at all lol03:19
koflerMefached: nice strawman though.03:19
NoobInUbuntuhiexpo,  no u don't understand my question... I here is no any info how change themes :-)03:19
Mefachedkofler, lol @ arch users who don't use custom kernels03:19
perry_it executes, it just doesn't save the settings.03:19
MefachedGrow some balls or don't03:19
NoobInUbuntuhow select one other :-)03:19
bazhangpsych, ubuntu customization kit03:19
ZykoticK9perry_, you might ask in #bash if you don't get an answer here.  FYI sudo do not cross pipes so if your script relies on them you need to use tee instead.  good luck man.03:19
psychbazhang, thanks i'll check it out03:19
koflerMefached: ah, still the lowest common denominator occuping the user base i see03:19
MefachedMy laptop uses a kernel I customized because if I'm going to run Arch or Gentoo I'm going all out03:19
GeekSquidbazhang: Hammer, nails, glue03:19
bazhangGeekSquid, what?03:19
MefachedJust stopping by Ubuntu to test 10.04 on my family desktop03:19
koflerhahaha, going all out. i used gentoo back in my "i'm hardcore" phase03:19
GeekSquidbazhang: ubuntu customization kit?03:20
Mefachedkofler, spoiler: I actually use Arch. :)03:20
perry_thanks for the responses.  10.04 working pretty well for me.   Take care all.03:20
bazhangkofler, Mefached lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic03:20
Guest249Im soooo lost help pleases03:20
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, themes or splash screen to change theme right click on desktop/change desktop back ground/ click themes / drop your file you downloaded in there and than hit customize03:20
daftykinsperry_: it would seem from a quick google to check, that /sys is a kernel related folder and may not actually be anything you can edit (i may be wrong). just as /proc is a virtual filesystem provided by the kernel03:21
Bash128CavalierPrime, I think isn't hibertating, cause the CD do sound when I introduce a CD03:21
mdelwhy is the default refresh rate set to 50hz?03:21
NoobInUbuntuhiexpo, it's plymouth theme, and I download it with sinaptic manager03:21
GeekSquidmdel: are you in europe?03:21
Bash128CavalierPrime,  is so strange this pffffffff03:21
h00k!ask | Guest24903:21
ubottuGuest249: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:21
mdelGeekSquid: nope03:21
mdelGeekSquid: wait... ok nom definitely not03:22
psychbazhang, this may be silly but I've already done whatever I wanted to do in virtual box. I'd like to export that to a iso or something03:22
Trolumhow i can edit the inittab in Ubuntu?03:22
perry_daftykins:  I am able to edit it, just not via echo.  Thanks for the added input though, I will do some more looking.03:22
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, so the theme you wanna change is in the enviroment right03:22
phillipsjkGuest249 !ask03:22
psychubuntu customization kit would make me do it all over it seems03:22
phillipsjk !ask03:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:22
rwwubottu: inittab | Trolum03:22
NoobInUbuntuhiexpo, I think yes03:22
ubottuTrolum: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/03:22
hoglahoo-Leemy sound preferences volume bar always reads "unamplified 100%" no matter where I slide the bar. Is that normal?03:22
FeasibilityStudyCan anyone tell me how I can change the system from metric to imperial?03:23
Guest249ok, so I was trying to change the screensaver in the new distro and I guess the thing locked up. It changed the screen to white lines halfway down the screen and then it blinked onn and off03:23
* phillipsjk didn't read all the back-scroll03:23
FeasibilityStudyI have looked and looked and see nowhere to do this.03:23
crdlbhoglahoo-Lee: those are marks on the bar, not the curent status03:23
FeasibilityStudyIn KDE, it's simple03:23
GeekSquidmdel: the monitor is reporting that back to the video card, which is strange, as 50hz is commonly used in europe, you may have one of those strange monitors that reports that back, normally 60hz, 70hz or 85hz is the norm03:23
crdlbhoglahoo-Lee: ie the first notch is unamplified, and the second one is 100%03:23
hoglahoo-Leeah, lol.  thanks03:24
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, ok than right click on desktop / than click change desktop back ground / than click theme and change it and you can customize it to by clicking customize03:24
mdelGeekSquid: yeah I thought it seemed weird. i just set it to 60hz03:24
losingAny reason why applications on lucid can't seem to connect to a network?  Web browsing works fine, but nothing else can connect to the internet / local network03:24
hoglahoo-Leewidening the window makes it obvious. thanks03:24
NoobInUbuntuhiexpo,  there is no any of plymouth themes..03:24
phillipsjkGuest249: did you check some kind of "use fullsceen" button? maybe the monitor does not like the chosen screen mode.03:25
deborahi have a 1tb hard drive that has windows vista on it and also linux. i tried installing a game and it said i need at least 15GB of space for the game. how do i get more space on the linux side?03:25
Guest249oh, I also have lucid on my laptop and i have had no trouble with it at all03:25
progre55ZykoticK9: thanks man, appreciate =) it worked03:25
hiexpoNoobInUbuntu, when you get to themes click customize youll find it03:25
Bash128CavalierPrime,  any more ideas?03:25
Bash128(thanks for all)03:25
phearretkofler: as usual the boot time is dependent on variables like which manager, how many effects, how much eye candy .. etc and then the hardware bottleneck issues03:25
progre55ZykoticK9: now I somehow need to fix the poor resolution problem..03:25
ZykoticK9progre55, glad to help03:26
magn3tsAfter upgrading, my Nvidia kernel extension has taken to requiring me to reinstall it constantly. I have to uninstall all of my nvidia packages and reinstall them, and then when I reboot, it's managed to get screwed up again.03:26
bikcmpErm, I was upgrading to ubuntu 10.04, and it says 3 hours remaining... this can't be right, can it? lol03:26
ZykoticK9FeasibilityStudy, are you using lucid?03:26
bikcmpthat's... a lot of time.03:26
jiohdibikcmp: yes03:26
magn3tsbikcmp, my upgrade took like 5 hours total03:26
Guest249phillips, i went to do the preview and it just locked up. so I tried again and while browsing thru them it did it03:26
* bikcmp hits head on table03:26
magn3tsbikcmp, its worth it03:26
bikcmpI wish I knew that before I started it at 10:30 hehe03:26
greenjonbikcmp: really worth it :D03:27
phillipsjkbikcmp: how many packages at 10 seconds each?03:27
* bikcmp kills the process.03:27
bikcmpYea, I know, it's a joke.  :p03:27
FeasibilityStudyZykoticK9: yes03:27
ZykoticK9FeasibilityStudy, System / Admin / Language support - Text tab - "Display numbers, dates and currency ammount in the usual format for" dropdown to a country that uses the format you want.03:27
bikcmpbut gosh, why is it going to take so long?03:27
rainofkayosis there a place indicator-applet errors would get logged?03:27
Code_BleuI ran the 10.04 upgrade alternative CD and it got to prob 99 percent complete just before the cleanup part and crashed.  It is complaining about selinux.  I installed this a long time ago, and thought that i remove it.  What do i need to do to get selinux off and verify that the upgrade can finish successfully?03:28
magn3tsbikcmp, it takes a long time to generate this much magic. except my nvidia problems of course03:28
Bash128My laptop does not display anything on screen. I can't see the bios, but it tries to read the CD and the hard disk. I have not given any shock or anything, any idea?03:28
wizard_Code_Bleu: go into Synaptic and unmark SELinux03:28
CavalierPrimeBash128:  unplug your laptop, take the battery out.  After 2 mins put it back in and try to reboot03:28
phillipsjkbikcmp: because you are updating all the installed software at the same time.03:28
deborahI have a 1tb hard drive and it's partitioned with windows and linux. i tried installing a game on it but it says i need at least 15GB of space. how do i fix this problem so that i have more space on the linux side?03:28
Code_Bleuwizard: I have tried 'sudo apt-get remove selinux' with and without -f and nothing works...do you want me to paste the error?03:29
siOuX_where i find a virtual print to BMP?03:29
CSSnubI'm having a lot of trouble with my laptop wireless (Intel 5100) and 10.04, anybody else had issues? It drops the connection about every 15secs if I'm using the web - command line I'm fine though. Haven't had an issue in IRC or using apt-get, but Google Docs kills my wifi repeatedly.03:29
zetherooow do you restart samba in Lucid?03:29
phearretBash128: what happens without the disc after what CavalierPrime: states03:29
CSSnubI uninstalled NetworkManager and I'm using WICD now, not much better.03:29
wizard_Code_Bleu: try sudo apt-get purge packagename03:30
doleyb_CSSnub: i have trouble with ath5k wireless driver, but I guess you have a different chip.03:30
Bash128ok CavalierPrime03:30
kandinskiGnome starts but Metacity doesn't03:30
wizard_Code_Bleu: then apt-get autoremove03:30
hoglahoo-Leewhat game requires 15gb of space. holy cow03:30
ZykoticK9siOuX_, not sure about the print to BMP - but you might find using screenshots easier03:30
kandinskihow can I recover it?03:30
bikcmpwhat's the command to start the lucid upgrade from the command line?03:30
Bash128pheareet nothing, it dont boot03:30
bikcmpapt-get dist-upgrade doesn't do much.03:30
siOuX_ZykoticK9, How?03:30
Sylphidbikcmp, do-release-upgrade03:30
CytotoxicTCellDoes ubuntu support turbo mode on I5?03:30
Code_Bleuwizard_: that doesnt work either03:30
FeasibilityStudyZykoticK9: Thanks.  What I really want, though, is to get rid of the 0 in front of my time.  For instance right now I am showing "09:30" PM.  I want to get rid of that 0.03:30
Bash128don't show me anything03:30
Code_Bleuwizard: this is what i get "E: selinux: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 127"03:31
CavalierPrimedeborah: d/l partition magic03:31
Picibikcmp: sudo do-release-upgrade03:31
Picibikcmp: check do-release-upgrade -h   for options03:31
deborahwill do ty03:31
wizard_Code_Bleu: I suggest you use the Synaptic GUI and make sure it and all dependancies are removed.03:31
ZykoticK9FeasibilityStudy, siOuX_ both get ? as a reply i'm affraid :)  good luck guys.03:31
phillipsjksi0uX_ ouch! What resolution are you thinking of?03:31
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phearretpower it down & disconnect the HDD .. double check the video cables then try to boot to see if you get anything03:31
Code_Bleuwizard_: i did, and that is the error i got "E: selinux: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 12703:31
CSSnubCan somebody help me diagnose these wifi issues? Is there some sort of error log generated by WICD?03:32
ZykoticK9siOuX_, to take a screenshot Application / Accessories / Take screenshot - and configure it to only take a window, the timer is handy as well.03:32
wildbatdeborah, gparted can do it03:32
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amabois there a terminal command to log out? the keyboard shortcut brings up the prompt but i'd like a keyboard shortcut to just log out03:32
rainofkayosyou can also hit print screen button..03:32
siOuX_ZykoticK9, ok.. thanks03:33
wizard_Code_Bleu: that's odd.  Hmm.. I cant think of anything else at the moment, but if I find anything I'll let you know ASAP.03:33
hololighttrying to use the broadcom sta (wl) driver. It loads and is shown by lsmod, but there is no interface (iwconfig). kern log shows no error03:33
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rainofkayosor ALT + prt screen to get a specific window03:33
CytotoxicTCellWat kind of kernel is linux?03:33
Bash128phearret, is a laptop03:33
bazhang!ot > CytotoxicTCell03:33
wizard_Linux is a Linux kernal.03:33
ubottuCytotoxicTCell, please see my private message03:33
jiohdiCytotoxicTCell: marine :)03:33
jiohdispecial forces03:33
exobiti just got ubuntu03:33
GeekSquidamabo: Lucid, the default kbs for logout is Ctrl-Alt-Delete03:34
exobitand its awsome03:34
phillipsjkCytotoxicTCell, This sounds like a homework assignment...03:34
rainofkayosis it normal for the indicator applet thing to not work at all?03:34
amaboGeekSquid: it just brings up the prompt to shut down, restart, hibernate, etc03:34
amaboGeekSquid: i'd like to *actually* log out03:34
CytotoxicTCellno its not =)03:34
scratchmeHi all.  Is there any remote admin interface besides using ssh to manage iscsi-scst and related?03:34
bazhangCytotoxicTCell, its offtopic here03:34
CytotoxicTCelli know03:34
konnerWhy does firefox keep saving my tabs when I quit firefox03:34
phearretBash128: ok ... should still be able to disconnect the hard drive.. trying to get the system to boot without HDD or cd03:34
zetheroohow do you restart samba in Lucid?03:34
CytotoxicTCellsince ubbotu told me03:35
Guest249woould it be the monitor that screws up when it does the lines on-screen and blinks....or is it the PC?03:35
rainofkayosrestart smbd03:35
Guest249cause it is not set to be fullscreen03:35
hololightGuest249: could be the cable/ connectors03:35
wizard_konner: go into preferences and make sure it isnt set to save opened tabs.03:35
hoglahoo-Leekonner: the firefox setting tells it to do so03:35
Bash128phearret, ok03:35
CytotoxicTCellhow can i make it so i dont need to enter my password on synaptic?03:35
CSSnubI've turned on debug mode in WICD - is it now generating a log file I can view somewhere?03:35
Guest249but I use this on my laptop running this distro03:35
wizard_CytotoxicTCell: that's generally not a good idea, for security reasons.03:35
konnerI have it to start up to the homepage03:36
konnernot keep the tabs03:36
CytotoxicTCelleven if i am the only user on my laptop?03:36
konnerbut it keeps them anyways03:36
bazhangCytotoxicTCell, why would you ever want to do that03:36
wizard_bazhang: lazyness.03:36
ZykoticK9CytotoxicTCell, lets just say "it's not supported"03:36
jiohdiCytotoxicTCell: its part of the reason viruses have no foot hold on linux03:36
phearretBash128: if there is nothing to boot from you should get the BIOS screen or a bunch of beeps03:36
connerneed help running crunchbag on dell desktop with linksys wireless card but crunchbag isnt picking up the wireless card03:36
wizard_conner: CrunchBang is not an official Ubuntu derivitive.  You might want to ask them.03:37
bazhangconner, join #crunchbang for support03:37
konnerHurts my feelers when it saves my tabs03:37
scottyghi how do i add a facebook acct to empathy?  it wont work?  neither does my google talk!03:37
connerahh ok thanks03:37
konnerI like a nice startup for firefox but it decides to keep them anyways03:37
theGmanI'm running 9.10 in a VM and I have the guest additions installed. The shared folder is my host system's html folder and I was wondering if I could symlink the ubuntu /var/www/html folder to the /mnt/html or should I just change apache's conf to handle it?03:38
Code_Bleuanyone else have any ideas on this:  I ran the 10.04 upgrade alternative CD and it got to prob 99 percent complete just before the cleanup part and crashed.  It is complaining about selinux.  I installed this a long time ago, and thought that i remove it.  What do i need to do to get selinux off and verify that the upgrade can finish successfully?03:38
zetheroohow do you restart samba in Karmic and Lucid?03:38
phillipsjkI am in a non DMCA country; how do I go about installing the dcss  (DVD descrambling) library?03:38
scottyghi how do i add a facebook acct to empathy?  it wont work?  neither does my google talk!03:38
ZykoticK9scottyg, re:facebook chat - for the detail for empathy see "other" on http://www.facebook.com/sitetour/chat.php03:38
GeekSquid!medibuntu | phillipsjk03:39
ubottuphillipsjk: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:39
zetheroosudo /etc/init.d/samba restart returns with Command not found!03:40
GeekSquidphillipsjk: install that repository and install libdvdcss203:40
ZykoticK9phillipsjk, two options i use http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/enable-dvd-video-playback03:40
phillipsjkThanks, GeekSquid.03:40
losingAny idea why Chromium connects to the internet just fine, but Boxee and XBMC can't on Lucid?03:40
leetuserWhats a really good bittorent client? Ive tried transmission, deluge and qbitorrent.. I dont like any of them compared to utorrent.03:41
hololightor rather smbd?03:41
phillipsjkZykoticK9, I did have libdvdread4 installed already :P03:42
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uLinuxHow do I update ClamTk? I go to 'Help > Check for updates' but there is no button to update...03:42
ZykoticK9phillipsjk, did you run the script!03:42
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phillipsjkZykoticK9, didn't know about the script :)03:42
GeekSquiduLinux: install freshclam, it grabs the updates for clamav which is the backend for ClamTK03:43
ZykoticK9phillipsjk, it's the important part - that actually installs03:43
CSSnubIs there any easy way to downgrade to 9.10 to get my wireless up?03:43
uLinuxGeekSquid it's already installed03:43
phillipsjk  "http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/"  <- it used the mubuintu repository I see.03:43
theGmanI'm running 9.10 in a VM and I have the guest additions installed. The shared folder is my host system's html folder and I was wondering if I could symlink the ubuntu /var/www/html folder to the /mnt/html or should I just change apache's conf to handle it?03:43
ZykoticK9CSSnub, i was really tempted to send you the !downgrade factoid, but what do you mean?03:44
GeekSquiduLinux: I don't have to worry about viruses, they arn't written for linux... are you running ClamTK as gksudo03:44
uLinuxit shows 2 updates: Signature updates and GUI Updates03:44
uLinuxi also have windows partition03:45
uLinuxand wine03:45
ZykoticK9phillipsjk, yup :)03:45
diego_Anyone knows how to make the microphones work on a HP tx2500 with lucid ?03:45
CSSnubZykoticK9, 10.04 is causing my Intel 5100 agn wireless adapter to drop the connection every 15-30 seconds, but only when I'm doing something that requires bandwidth like Google Docs or video03:45
uLinuxGeekSquid command is "clamtk %F"03:46
CSSnubZykoticK9, I already tried swapping out NetworkManager for WICD03:46
nb72Now I'm really confused.  When I go to gmail the screen goes blank (all black) for a second, does this a few times, and then gets stretched diagonal.  It's consistent and I've tried two of the nvidia drivers, and the default one with no change.03:47
ZykoticK9CSSnub, sounds like it might be this bug - you should read it, see if it applies to you and add yourself if it does.  good luck.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37818903:47
Avaszis there wifi problem in lucid?03:48
ZykoticK9CSSnub, it's probably a driver for the card issue, so no matter what frontend you use it probably won't make much difference.  good luck man.03:48
GeekSquidAvasz: not on my machine, yet some hardware seems to have a problem03:48
Avaszwhen i start the pc i can see lots of networks.. i can even connect to one.. but after sometimes.. it doesnt show anyhing and disconnects03:49
diego_Anyone knows how to make the microphones work on a HP tx2500 with lucid ? I do have sound, and I was working with Karmic03:49
AvaszGeekSquid, so.. is there solution to it?03:49
nikunji cannot mount some new partiotions i made03:50
zipperhow do i uninstaller a driver?03:50
CSSnubZykoticK9, It worked great with 9.10 though - Read that thread and tried those fixes. So if I decide to go back I had better just format and reinstall?03:50
phearretBash128: anything yet ??03:51
zipperhow do i uninstaller a driver? can any1 assist?03:51
omgircis there a secret to making 10.04 mount an ext3 file system ?03:51
Avaszhow do i make my wifi working in lucid?03:51
omgirchow do you mount a usb drive in 10.04 when it's not dected?03:51
ZykoticK9CSSnub, downgrading can go VERY wrong, so it's not supported.  are you sure there are no other options?03:52
deborahwhats the best partition code for linux? it's default on msdos03:52
Bash128phearret I don't know what disconnect the GD03:52
GeekSquidAvasz: as of yet, IDK, we are a week into lucid and things take a little longer to fix, we have to know the problems first before we can fix them, ... I got lucky, more stuff works on my machine than ever before, probably because it is an older machine,03:52
AvaszGeekSquid, mine is old too.. :(03:52
AvaszGeekSquid, but it will be solved wont it?03:52
amabois there a terminal command to log out? the keyboard shortcut brings up the prompt but i'd like a keyboard shortcut to just log out03:52
ZykoticK9CSSnub, do you happen to know if the wireless works ok from the livecd?03:53
phearretBash128: what make of laptop ?? there should be a cover on the underside that you need to remove.03:53
GeekSquiddeborah: msdos is fine for a partition block code, in fact it is what ext2,3,4,+++ is designed for03:53
tech-mikesebsebseb: i installed the solar theme and i now notice the uglyness of the resolution and right offset03:53
zipperCan ANY1 ASSIST ME how can i uninstall MY driver from LINUX?03:53
omgirchow do you mount a usb drive in 10.04 when it's not detected?03:53
phearretBash128: there should also be a cover for the RAM.03:53
GeekSquidzipper:  what driver?03:53
sebsebsebtech-mike: I have a fix for the plymouth issue I had :)03:53
Avaszzipper, calm down03:53
daftykinszipper: funnily enough repetition frustrates people. which driver?03:53
Bash128yes, but I cant extract the HD directly, i'msearching an pdf manual03:54
tech-mikesebsebseb: do tell03:54
zipperGeekSquid: my 3g card03:54
phearretnot GD ... HD = hard drive03:54
sebsebsebtech-mike: well this is for getting rid of Plymouth03:54
lee_Hello. I need help getting my cd/dvd drive to work.  Any one want to help me?03:54
Bash128phearret, yes, but I cant extract the HD directly, i'msearching an pdf manual03:54
Bash128yes, hard drive03:54
tech-mikesebsebseb: softpedia said something about startupmanager03:54
AvaszGeekSquid, are there problem similar to mine in others too?03:54
diego_Anyone knows how to make the microphones work on a HP tx2500 with lucid ?03:54
GeekSquidzipper: you want to "uninstall it" so something else can work?03:54
CSSnubZykoticK9, I don't but I suppose I could try. Would that be different somehow?03:54
zipperGeekSquid: yea03:54
sebsebsebtech-mike: nah you don't need that,  rww told me how to do it :)03:54
tech-mikesebsebseb: well i dont want to get rid of plymouth03:55
GeekSquidzipper: do you have network manager installed?03:55
ZykoticK9CSSnub, don't know - just that the livecd would be a fresh install vs an upgrade03:55
tech-mikesebsebseb: i like the solar boot theme03:55
asrGuest80542 lee_ techhelper1 CSSnub MetaMucil fassl Code_Bleu magn3ts Rondom anom01y_ sunzoje losing samrose CPAMX gaurdro faron1 Rhamphoryncus quesada_ barna pvelkovski gladiator jerone-mobile t_pol Cpudan80 CarlosKnight keffie_jayx reprore Andorin perry_ progesterone tk_mr mdel SkiDawg Sylphid hggdh naquan alpharesearch Grim76__ hypetech leetuser jbicha jGarrido Destine Chipaca jdobrien ronj Matrice64_ temon atompower Pet_R ikepanhc the[V]oid basix di3gopa03:55
asrluis_lopez Sp0t GRUBaDubDub hebz0rl Kravlin radioman Dreaming askhader lucas-arg Pokeruler r3dhat zdwc01_ davidk01 hiexpo porter1 awolfson SirDidi alberto wet jedlhl jonazdnb Reallycool Cory` deborah phillipsjk thesnarky1_ munz YBH_1 zetheroo mosno jamur2 adalal Krumar Vampire0_ greenjon switch10 lakeoftea Bash128 Toews M- Viciu5 SpaceTime Enissay__ FourDollars murrayc_ okto goddard Companion-Cube angusb winXPuser Grande rizzuh Horus codygman eggonlea03:55
sebsebsebtech-mike: well that's what startup manager will do as well03:55
zipperGeekSquid: no idea03:55
sebsebsebtech-mike: if you use that03:55
tech-mikesebsebseb: oh03:55
sebsebsebtech-mike: well I think so anyway,  yes if it does stuff wtih Grub it will03:55
ade2_lee_ : why not give us some details?  What cd drive, and what is going wrong?03:55
Destinewhat's wrong here?03:55
Martyr2k6heya, can anyone offer some help to me? I'm a newb who is learning how to use Wine03:55
lee_I have a toshiba satalite laptop03:55
CSSnubZykoticK9, This is actually a fresh install as I had problems the first go so I formatted the system partition and reinstalled.03:56
lee_Im not sure what make the drive is03:56
lee_I know that I can see it in file browser03:56
tech-mikesebsebseb: theres another option, editing the grub config and initramfs-tools03:56
bsmith093new version of banshee isnt seeing my ipod03:56
lee_but I can read or write to it03:56
tech-mikesebsebseb: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml03:56
sebsebsebtech-mike: I like most of those themes as well, but now have a proper reason to get rid of Plymouth (except for the two packages that won't just go of course, but don't need to remove those anyway) on other computer03:56
ZykoticK9CSSnub, oh :(  that's not promising.  sorry man, best of luck.03:56
scottyghow do i get my google talk to work in empathy?03:56
AvaszCSSnub, are you having wifi problems too?03:56
zipperGeekSquid: i have network manager installed just that i wanna uninstall my 3d card03:56
amaboi've plugged my ipod in but i can't find out where it might be located on the file system - anyone got an idea? i'm trying to scrobble it thru the last.fm app03:56
scottyghow do i get my google talk to work in empathy?03:56
* ikepanhc wakes up, looks around, and dives again03:57
TraceRouteany of you figured out a fix for the nvidia drivers issue and how it breaks usplash?03:57
Martyr2k6anyone now how to apply a nocd patch to a Windows game in WINE?03:57
scottyghow do i get my google talk to work in empathy?03:57
ade2_lee_, has the drive worked at all?  that is, was it working earlier, and it failed now?03:57
GeekSquidMartyr2k6: for questions about wine there is a channel for that #winehq03:57
Martyr2k6ah cool03:57
bsmith093but i do see a share thats never been there before firefly svn 169603:57
lee_I hasnt worked in ubuntu at all03:57
scottyghow do i get my google talk to work in empathy?03:57
lee_It wokrs in windows xp03:57
ZykoticK9!repeat | scottyg03:57
ubottuscottyg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:57
bazhangscottyg, please dont repost every 5 seconds03:57
scottygdoes anyone have a google talk account?03:58
diego_Anyone knows how to make the microphones work on a HP tx2500 with lucid ?03:58
scottygif they got it to work in empathy, please tell me how!03:58
ade2_lee_ could it be a permissions thing?  Are you in group cdrom?03:59
CSSnubZykoticK9, Thanks for your help03:59
amabois there a terminal command to log out? the keyboard shortcut brings up the prompt but i'd like a keyboard shortcut to just log out03:59
lee_I dont beleive I am.  How would I check?03:59
ZykoticK9CSSnub, glad to help :)03:59
Martyr2k6how about how to get my zune working in ubuntu?03:59
primetimeAny idea why my internet doesn't react for 15-30 seconds?  If I try to go to a website, it takes that long before it tries to load a webpage.  Pinging something like weather.com fails for the first 30 seconds03:59
ade2_at the command prompt, run "groups".03:59
AvaszZykoticK9, did u just fix CSSnub's wifi?03:59
lee_Im looking at the permission window and it says the permissions of cd/dvd drive could not be determined03:59
TraceRouteAny of you with nvidia figure out how to fix usplash after installing drivers?04:00
ZykoticK9Avasz, not even close!04:00
AvaszZykoticK9, oops!04:00
mark_Hi all, I am trying to install a wireless driver using ndiswrapper; the card is a Zonet 1602, and I am following the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=403139 ; this card works on my 32-bit machine but I can't get it working on my 64-bit machine (and I am using 64-bit drivers). When I do "modprobe ndiswrapper", nothing happens.04:00
zipperno 1 seems to wanna assist me04:00
hypetechscottyg, my google talk works fine in empathy04:00
zippermy question again is HOw do i uninstall my 3d card from linux????????04:00
hypetechzipper, you do the opposite of whatever you did to install it04:00
bazhangzipper, how was it installed04:00
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zipperbazhang: via hardware driver04:01
djamaya2010Is there specifc channel for hardware issues?04:01
zipperbazhang: i can just pull out the graphic card right?04:01
bazhangzipper, deactivate? or completely uninstall?04:01
zipperbazhang: completely uninstall04:02
bazhangdjamaya2010, ##hardware04:02
nb72I'm just really confused.  Can anybody think of a way gmail could mess up screen resolution?  I'm at a loss.04:02
primetimeAny idea why my internet intermittently freezes?04:02
greenjonnb72: not that i've heard of04:02
nb72It's consistent and I can't seem to make it happen on any other site.04:03
zipperbazhang: any idea how?04:03
nb72within a couple seconds of gmail loading, my screen will go blank for a second.  It will flash blank some small number of times before the screen gets stretched diagnal (top left corner is correct, but bottom right is wrapped around back to about the middle)04:04
lee_This is what it cam up with... adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare04:04
nb72It's nvidia 6800 over DVI04:05
zipperbazhang: ok i think i solved e problem already04:05
kswannb72: just a guess, but try running firefox without any extensions04:05
greezmunkeyWHere should I join to ask questions about web based forms (that I want to interact with mysql)? I'm thinking #php, but not sure where to start.04:05
nb72I haven't installed any, just did a fresh lucid install.04:05
decogreezmunkey: #web04:05
greezmunkeydeco: many thanks :)04:06
deconp :04:06
kswannb72: wow, very strange04:06
primetimeAny idea why my internet intermittently freezes?04:06
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m1ndctrlhey folks - does anyone know how to check whether xserver-xgl or xserver-xorg is running?04:07
nb72and it's only gmail, youtube is fine, facebook is fine.04:07
abadabad00something is wrong with my sound configuration in Ubuntu 10.04 64bit. When I start up Ubuntu I see three dashes next to my volume icon (instead of the normal three waves). Indeed something is wrong with the sound - playing audio files produces a strange oscillating sound... To fix the issue I run paconfig and choose advanced configuration, and 'combine all sinks into one'. After this, my volume icon correctly displays waves and p04:07
abadabad00laying audio works correctly. The issue is that if I restart, or even log out and log back in, the problem reappears and I have to repeat the solution... Can anyone help?04:07
kswannb72: so after loading gmail, when you open the System -> Preferences -> Monitors,  it shows a different resolution?04:07
Avaszhow to make my wifi wok? it will give me problem if it doesn work.04:08
zetheroowhy has Guest access been disabled in Sharing Options?04:08
nb72No, the res stays the same.04:08
blazai have a gateway lt2104u, the scroll does not work in the new netook version. any ideas?04:08
TraceRoute_anyone with a nvidia card here using 10.04?04:08
nb72It flashes like it's changing the resolution, but it doesn't, just stretches it.04:08
abadabad00TraceRoute - yes04:08
kswannb72: hmm, do you have compiz running?04:09
deborahI'm feeling slightly horrified. but i just did msdos partition with gparted and I'm not sure how to proceed with the unallocated space or if I in fact erased the windows side of the hard drive04:09
TraceRoute_ok, well did installing drivers break usplash for you all?04:09
nb72When I have the nvidia driver installed I can change the resolution to something else and back to fix it04:09
nb72I turned off all effects04:09
Bash128phearret, I just extract the hard disk and restart but i dont see anything, back screen always04:09
nb72It was the middle selection, but I turned off all effects.  haven't even installed compiz04:10
greezmunkeydeco: Me thinks their all asleep x_x04:10
abadabad00something is wrong with my sound configuration in Ubuntu 10.04 64bit. When I start up Ubuntu I see three dashes next to my volume icon (instead of the normal three waves). Indeed something is wrong with the sound - playing audio files produces a strange oscillating sound... To fix the issue I run paconfig and choose advanced configuration, and 'combine all sinks into one'. After this, my volume icon correctly displays waves and p04:10
abadabad00laying audio works correctly. The issue is that if I restart, or even log out and log back in, the problem reappears and I have to repeat the solution... Can anyone help? [More background info: I upgraded from 9.10 and this problem didn't exist before the upgrade. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 4 and an M-Audio Audiophile 192. I just got the M-Audio card after the upgrade to 10.04, but the problem was there before putting in that04:10
abadabad00second card.]04:10
FloodBot4abadabad00: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
ZykoticK9Lernid appears to have 2 bugs on my system, but I believe one is infact due to a settings issue.  Anyone have any idea how I could reset all the settings (i'm worried they are in gconf).  There does not appear to be any ~/.lernid or ~/.config/lernid directories.04:10
abadabad00Traceroute - no. My video works just fine04:11
abadabad00Traceroute - I have the Nvidia 8800 GTS 768mb card04:11
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Zelozeloswhat dock in the repos will let me have more then 1 dock like docky?04:11
decogreezmunkey: yeah lol forgot to tell you they are mostly active during work hours well usa pacific work hours04:11
nb72I started with the recommended nvidia driver, tried the 173 (I think) and tried with turning off the nvidia drivers and none of that seemed to make a difference.04:11
kswannb72: another guess, have you tried Chrome?04:12
m1ndctrlanybody know how to see which version of xserver is running? I want to get xserver-xgl in use but I think X is still using xserver-xorg04:12
TraceRoute_strange.. i have a gtx260 and after i installed nvidia it screwed up TTY and the res of plymouth is messed up04:12
Zelozelosheh, seems like every time in in this room thers someone with nvidea issues, makes me glad i dont have nvidea04:12
nb72I'll give chrome a try04:12
YankDownUndernb72, Just a quick question mate...have you, in between mucking about with the different nvidia drivers, deleted your xorg.conf - just as a test?04:12
abadabad00TraceRoute and nb72 - I am using the 195 NVIDIA drivers and everything is okay here...04:13
abadabad00Can anyone help with my sound issue?04:13
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:13
ScuniziI'm into my new upgrade but I have no idea what video driver is being used.. It won't let me install the nvidia binary and I uninstalled the neuvou (sp?) driver.. xorg.conf isn't controlling anything at the moment.  What do I enter in cli to find out what driver is being used?04:13
abcabcis there a configuration menu somewhere for the (what I think is called the) MeMenu? the indicator-applet-session display in the top right of gnome?04:14
Cornwall1Hi, how do I run a script at resume? I keep seeing posts about placing a script in /etc/acpi/resume.d, but there is no such folder. Creating one doesn't make it work04:14
YankDownUnderScunizi, lsmod04:14
GodricBrutussometimes it takes me at least 3 double-click tries to double click something. can anyone help me with that?04:14
bastid_raZorZelozelos: cairo-dock will.. you can have sub docks that are detached from the main dock04:14
acegiakdoes 10.04 netbook remix have a decent on screen keyboard?04:14
ZykoticK9abcabc, i don't think the me-menu is very configurable at the present time.04:14
Zelozelosahh thank you bastid_raZor ill give that one a look04:14
Bash128My laptop does not display anything on screen. I can't see the bios, but it tries to read the CD and the hard disk. I have not given any shock or anything, any idea?04:14
ScuniziYankDownUnder: looks like it's the nouveau driver but I thought I'd uninstalled it.04:15
phearretBash128: ah .... ok did you try the BIOS key ie esc or F1 etc ??04:15
h00kBash128: if you can't even see the BIOS, your backlights might be out04:15
ZykoticK9abcabc, me-menu relies heavily on Gwibber, so check for your setting in there.04:15
abcabczykotick9 or anyone: can i turn off the thing where it sometimes shows a bubble with chat text in it, floating on the screen?04:15
raviepic3when i try to install any package using synaptic i get this error http://pastebin.com/7y0J4N2K04:15
ZelozelosBash128, do you see anything at all?04:15
abadabad00something is wrong with my sound configuration in Ubuntu 10.04 64bit. When I start up Ubuntu I see three dashes next to my volume icon (instead of the normal three waves). Indeed something is wrong with the sound - playing audio files produces a strange oscillating sound... To fix the issue I run paconfig and choose advanced configuration, and 'combine all sinks into one'. After this, my volume icon correctly displays waves and p04:15
abadabad00laying audio works correctly. The issue is that if I restart, or even log out and log back in, the problem reappears and I have to repeat the solution... Can anyone help? [More background info: I upgraded from 9.10 and this problem didn't exist before the upgrade. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 4 and an M-Audio Audiophile 192. I just got the M-Audio card after the upgrade to 10.04, but the problem was there before putting in that04:15
abadabad00second card.]04:15
FloodBot4abadabad00: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:15
nb72Ok, just had the same thing happen with crome browser.  One second while I un@#$ the display.04:15
Bash128phearret, yes, don't see anything04:16
phearretBash128: any of the bios beeps ?04:16
YankDownUnderScunizi, delete your /etc/X11/xorg.conf => reboot => check to see what the recommended hardware driver lists for your machine to use => should be two or three => start on the first, etc etc etc...if they don't work, again, delete the xorg.conf and try again...04:16
nb72OK.  I can see again.04:16
abcabczykotick9: i've uninstalled gwibber and i use pidgin instead of empathy04:16
zetherooanother LTS release with broken network shares ... doh04:16
zetherooI am glad at least we have a new Ubuntu look ... :P04:17
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Works fine here amte.04:17
onetinsoldierabadabad00: did you click on the speaker icon and then click on 'Sound Preferences and then configure the sound card in there?04:17
zetherooYankDownUnder: you sharing folders and printers?04:17
raviepic3when i try to install any package using synaptic i get this error http://pastebin.com/7y0J4N2K04:17
nb72YankDownUnder: what was that bit about deleting Xorg.conf?  think I should try that?04:17
kswanabadabad00: try booting into the live CD.  See if it works there.  If it works in the live CD, it might be an upgrade problem.04:17
YankDownUnderzetheroo, yeppers mate...however, I did manually double check my smb.conf beforehand...04:18
Bash128h00k batery seems work ok04:18
OddbioHello. I have a screen brightness issue after installing the new 10.04 LTS.  I had Windows XP on it and the screen brightness was set to the lowest setting.  Once I installed Ubuntu, the screen brightness is now stuck at that low setting even though the Ubuntu screen brightness applet says it's at 100%. It also won't let me move the brightness slider at all, it's stuck at 100% (even though screen is dark).  Is there perhaps a way to change it 04:18
phearretBash128: is the ubuntu disc live boot ? if so what if you use it ?04:18
FeasibilityStudyHow much RAM are your systems running?  I have 2GB and am using about 60%.04:18
Bash128Zelozelos, anything04:18
YankDownUndernb72, Worked here in the lab mate.04:18
h00kBash128: your backlight might be out on your monitor, then04:18
YankDownUnderFeasibilityStudy, RAM works differently in unix/bsd/linux than under M$04:18
deborahi tried partitioning my hard drive for more space on the linux side and I'm slightly freaked out because I think i may have erased the windows side of the hard drive. what do i do to try to partition my drive? also, did i really just erase my drive? it says unallocated 1tb04:18
ScuniziYankDownUnder: did one better.. just renamed it.. nothing shows in the driver list.. looking in synaptic I see the nvidia drivers up to vers. 185 but I've been running the 195 binary blob from nvidia.. when trying to install that it complains that the kernel was either compiled with a lower version of gcc or it has a residual left from (insert 2 file names here that I forgot.)04:18
nb72YankDownUnder: so just delete the Xorg.conf and reboot?04:19
zetherooYankDownUnder: I have been in there too .. nothing seems to make it work ... I had it working to the point where I could see the other systems shared folders ... but that lasted for just under 2 minutes ...04:19
YankDownUnderbacklight on an LCD is called the F/L inverter04:19
Bash128phearret,  whith any CD, I try supregrub disk, Ubuntu, Windows....04:19
abadabad00onetinsoldier - Yes. If I click on the icon and then 'Sound Preferences' BEFORE fixing the issue with paconfig the Sound preferences never come up. I forget the exact copy, but it tells me something like it is trying to load it, but never does. It all works fine after running paconfig though...04:19
FeasibilityStudyYankDownUnder: I know that.  I am not talking about cached RAM here.04:19
Bash128h00k, a hardware problem no?04:19
onetinsoldierabadabad00: hmmm, roger. i don't know, sorry04:19
h00kBash128: that is what it sounds like to me04:19
YankDownUnderScunizi, You're using the stuff directly from NVidia instead of what's in the repos?04:19
YankDownUnderFeasibilityStudy, Just checking04:19
Scunizipolkitd is hammering 100% of 1 of my cpu's04:19
zetherooYankDownUnder: also when i share a folder I cannot select the Guest Access option anymore ... can you?04:19
phearretsounds like there is an issue with the bios if that doesnt load then it doesnt see any hardware04:20
ScuniziYankDownUnder: I have since 6.06.. it just seems to work better on my system..04:20
YankDownUndernb72, ya - rename or delete - poweroff is best.04:20
noahhello, I'm new to ubuntu, and am trying to get terminal server client to connect to my vista machine on same network, but keep failing.  Anyone have a suggestion?04:20
Bash128h00k, but... i was boot this system this week, and the problemhas been ocurred last year04:20
abadabad00onetinsoldier - I guess what I need to do is get whatever paconfig is doing set up in the startup of the machine04:21
nb72YankDownUnder: poweroff as in click the shutdown right? not hold the power button?04:21
YankDownUnderzetheroo, If you use a "brown bag" version of the smb.conf, and add the shares using the Samba configuration admin utility, all should be happy mate.04:21
abadabad00onetinsoldier - where are sound configuration things placed in ubuntu 10.04?04:21
onetinsoldierabadabad00: yeah, sounds like that might be a reasonable solution04:21
zetherooYankDownUnder: what part of "down under" are you from?04:21
YankDownUnderScunizi, S'all good - I just gave up mucking with it and stuck to the "repo" stuff for clients - do other things for my personal systems04:21
zetherooYankDownUnder: is that in synaptic?04:21
h00kBash128: If you cannot see your BIOS come up, that means that you are having a problem occuring before the SO even boots04:21
Bash128h00k,  in the past, I can boot this system when this problmen was04:21
h00kBash128: OS *04:21
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Shire - below Sydney04:21
Scunizixorg also goes to 200% of cpu rather regularly including dbus-daemon and rtkit-04:21
wildbat_laptopnoah, what do you mean by connecting terminal server client? windows don't have ssh support04:22
zetherooYankDownUnder: oh ok .. I am in Adelaide04:22
nb72OK.  I'll be back after I give this a try.04:22
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Yes...you'll find the Samba admin util there04:22
onetinsoldierabadabad00: i don't know. i'd have to start looking around.04:22
Bash128yes h00k04:22
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Adelaide is great - when it's not COLD04:22
zetherooYankDownUnder: yeah .. moving back to Sydney in August04:22
onetinsoldierabadabad00: perhaps in --> ~/.pulse04:22
mark_having trouble getting a wireless card working in ubuntu - wireless chipset is 88w8335, using ndiswrapper on 64-bit machine, can anyone help?04:22
zetherooYankDownUnder: is it system-config-shares ?04:23
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Sutherland Shire, mate. Cheap, and far enough away04:23
mark_I can install the driver with ndiswrapper but when I do "modprobe ndiswrapper", nothing happen04:23
Bash128h00k,  the update of my bios is impossible... there is an updater in Acer's website but ir runs in windows04:23
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Hang on...04:23
caldwellcan someone tell me how to fic the lag in movie player plz04:23
decocaldwell: what CPU do you have ?04:23
ScuniziYankDownUnder: yea.. this box I just upgraded from 8.10>9.04>9.10>10.04 yesterday.. everything was smooth until I hit 10.04 then the trouble began.. not much really.. just little annoyances.. like not being able to boot to the recovery kernel but desktop work.. dropping to TTY2 and issuing a gdm stop then trying to install the nvidia driver only to have it tell me X is still running.. etc.. weird..04:24
Bash128and I try to make an bootable USB whith the BIOS but dont boot from USB04:24
YankDownUnderzetheroo, /usr/sbin/system-config-samba04:24
caldwellamd turion 6404:24
Scunizicaldwell: use vlc04:24
YankDownUnderScunizi, Ain't happy on "upgraded" boxen mate...too much clutter laying about, and dangerous on my end04:24
Jordan_UBash128: http://www.flashrom.org/04:24
zetherooYankDownUnder: ok .. thats the one ... I suppose I should reinstall samba now that I have mucked with it04:24
h00kBash128: Yeah, I guess I'm not sure if it's a BIOS problem, graphics card problem, or a monitor problem04:24
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Just steal a blank smb.conf and work from that...04:25
caldwelli had to use movie player to watch this quicktime clip to do my homework off the internet or can i switch it to vlc04:25
ScuniziYankDownUnder: yea.. I though I'd try it this time.. typically just fresh install.. I do have a cd so I may go that route still.04:25
bikcmpIf I restart/shutdown the computer when it's upgrading to lucid... will it explode? (you get what I mean. as in what will happen?)04:25
noahwildbat, is it possible to connect remotely to a windows machine using terminal server?04:25
zetherooYankDownUnder: as in completely blank?04:25
Scunizibikcmp: you'll be toast with burnt edges04:25
un214explode no, but you have a slim chance of needing a rescue cd to fix it booting again04:25
Bash128h00k ok thanks04:26
Jordan_Ubikcmp: Is it still downloading or actually installing packages?04:26
YankDownUnderScunizi, What can be done, with a live cd, is to manually blow out all the mods and kernel source links to the nvidia driver - then start again - know what I mean?04:26
Bash128Jordan_U, thanks too04:26
bikcmpactually installing.04:26
zetherooYankDownUnder: btw, was there a Lucid release party in Sydney?04:26
bikcmp4 hours left.  it's 12 here. lol04:26
Jordan_UBash128: You're welcome.04:26
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Not completely blank, no - just the "barebones" smb.conf that comes with the original code04:26
ScuniziYankDownUnder: oh yea.. I just reformat / for the fresh install leaving the /home partition intact04:26
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Not sure - I had it on a boat...hehehehehehe04:26
tech-mikesebsebseb: well i tried what was on that softpedia link, and it didnt work - dont know if its because of nvidia or my resolution 1440x900-2404:26
zetherooYankDownUnder: where would I find one of them?04:26
zetherooYankDownUnder: ahh ... good an ya04:26
Jordan_Ubikcmp: Things could be very hard to fix if you reboot then.04:26
YankDownUnderScunizi, Yeah - tha'ts always a good one - just don't touch the /home part and you're good as gold - Bob's yer uncle!04:27
bikcmpJordan_U: Oh.04:27
un214thank goodness glibc is binary compatable backwards or you could be in a world of hurt04:27
bikcmpwouldn't apt-get -f install fix it?04:27
YankDownUnderzetheroo, www.sydneytallships.com.au => had a to-do there04:27
IdleOneanyway I can use the Brother mfc-240c printer drivers which are included in lucid 32bit on 64bit?04:27
un214bikcmp: if the machine comes up, yes04:27
caldwellhow do i direct my ? to a certain person on xchat04:27
bikcmplol, I see my pc transforming too.  Background changing, all that stuff.04:27
Scunizizetheroo: YankDownUnder you'll find it in /usr/share/doc/linpopup/examples/smb.conf  .... also /usr/share/samba/smb.conf04:27
onetinsoldiercaldwell: /msg <nick>04:28
Jordan_Ucaldwell: Include their nick in your message.04:28
zetherooScunizi: thank you04:28
YankDownUnderScunizi, Ta mate!04:28
ubuntui pulled my HD from one computer an6d stuck it in a 2ed computer i need to revover the system how??04:28
PCHey guys04:28
un214ubuntu: it probably boots04:28
PCabtibe gere04:28
ubuntuthe sceen6 is messed up04:28
Scunizizetheroo: the seocond reference is probably more like the original.. the other might be an "example" version04:28
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un214if not, you need rescuecd to chroot in and reinstall grub04:28
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Mate, use that one, manually edit it and DON'T do anything other than change the workgroup name and add a share - should be all ya needs04:28
zetherooYankDownUnder; I hope its that simple04:29
nb72No luck.  Still gets stretched.04:29
MrKeunerhi, how can I see what version of the microcode does the iwlagn driver use in kernel 2.6.32-21-generic04:29
ubuntuthe system is messin6g up, i n6eed to recover the files04:29
ScuniziSee ya all04:29
zetherooYankDownUnder: although that Guest Access option is greyed out now ... is it the same for you?04:29
nb72Although now I can't configure with the nvidia display tool04:29
YankDownUnderzetheroo, shut down Samba, then edit...should be right as rain from there04:29
phillipsjkGha! I tried to load an old CD-ROM game: I'm not allowed because the file is not set as executable, even though the filesystem doesn't support execution permissions!04:30
nb72I assume that's because the xorg.conf isn't there.04:30
ubuntuis there a recover mode on6 this live cd?_?_?_04:30
zetherooYankDownUnder: ok ... thanks for your help mate!04:30
onetinsoldierphillipsjk: is this using wine?04:30
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Set it up for "Security settings = share" and not "user"04:30
zetherooYankDownUnder:: yep, I had that in my old file04:31
safeHow do I make gnome resize by alt+right click, instead of middle click?04:31
ravibnI need the system tray to show up in Karmic 9.1004:31
phillipsjkIt may be possible to mount the CD-ROM with a blanket mask making all the files executable.04:31
ubuntuthere is no recovery?_?_?_?_?_?_04:32
un214how would one fix a system so that logging into X as root is no longer inherently dangerous?04:32
onetinsoldierphillipsjk: i has the same thing with Dune 2000 with the setup.exe in the root folder of the CD. however, there was a 'setup' directory on there, and in it there was a setup.exe which worked04:32
un214ubuntu: there is04:32
un214at worst case, reinstall on top of the existing w/o reformat04:32
ubuntuwhere is it?_04:32
h00kubottu: punctuation | ubuntu04:32
ubottuubuntu: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter04:32
crdlbsafe: gconf-editor /apps/metacity/general/resize_with_right_button04:33
safecrdlb: Perfect, thanks.04:33
zetherooYankDownUnder: btw, what command do you use to restart/stop/start samba?04:33
faron1Yesterday,I was cleaning off the ol' keyboard.But,before I began doing so,I completely spaced shutting down the ol' browser.Needless to say - I now have a bit of a problem.My main problem seems to be that I have no min/max/close/shade/hide buttons.That whole top row there seems to be gone.Anybody got any ideas what I did ?04:33
YankDownUnderzetheroo, service samba restart (in a term as root)04:33
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Else, /etc/init.d/smb restart04:33
onetinsoldierphillipsjk: is there an 'autorun.exe' on there? have you tried that?04:33
LoshkiGnea: turns out I'm having hardware problems (flaky disks)...04:34
faron1Shoot.I'm sorry guys/gals.I really didn't mean to send that until tomaorrow04:34
ubuntuhow do i recover my system usin6g the live cd?_?_?_04:34
safecrdlb: Ah, forgot to mention I'm using compiz.04:34
safe(emerald that is)04:34
h00kubuntu: what is wrong/what are you needing to fix? also, please drop the unnecessary punctuation04:34
zetherooYankDownUnder: see when I put samba in the first command I get "samba: unrecognised service"04:34
zetherooYankDownUnder: instead I have to use smbd .... why is that?04:35
un214ubuntu: it's hard without knowing exactly what's broken. However reinstall over the existing w/o formatting/erasing should do it in most cases.04:35
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Strange that - well, you do the /etc/init.d/smb restart04:35
phillipsjkThe problem is the autorun.exe is not set executable, neither is setup.exe  DOS/Windows9x used extensions to determine if a file was executable.04:35
crdlbsafe: well, that setting will work with gtk-window-decorator04:35
pepeezetheroo, SaMBa Daemon04:35
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Not sure mate...however, that's a mystery to ponder under the influence of beer...!04:35
ubuntui pulled the hard driver from on6e computer that didn6't have a grapichs card, an6d in6satlled it in6 a computer that has a card an6d its all screwed up04:35
safecrdlb: Gotcha, I'll go into the compiz # instead.04:35
un214phillipsjk: remount with umask=02204:36
zetherooYankDownUnder: And this command "sudo /etc/init.d/smb restart" doesn't work at all .... command not found04:36
un214isn't it samba restart?04:36
zetheroopepee: meaning?04:36
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Checking on machine here...hang one04:36
onetinsoldierphillipsjk: roger. the only thing i can think of at the moment is to copy the cd to the hard drive, where you can set it as exec04:36
hackelWhy does simply formatting an external drive bring my computer to a near halt?04:37
un214hackel: I/O contention04:37
ubuntuhw d yu d that??04:37
crdlbsafe: now that I think about it, it should work with emerald too04:37
charels88is anyone having problems with the lucid lynx live cd? i cant install from it04:37
caldwellcan someone tell me how to switch movie player to x1104:37
pepeezetheroo, it means that samba will run as a daemon (in background)04:37
phillipsjkonetinsoldier, both I and un214 mentioned an alternative: mount the disk such that all files are deemed executable.04:37
winXPusercharels88 what is the exact issue of yours?04:38
onetinsoldierphillipsjk: ahh, sounds like that would work04:38
zetheroopepee: ok ... but why are those commands not working for me?04:38
charels88i can boot from it but it wont install i just stalls when i select it04:38
YankDownUnderzetheroo, Ah....ah ha...one of the machines HERE didn't have Samba installed on it - hence it didn't have the smb or samba service - however, the SMB configuration was there, and it's able to access SMB shares via GnomeVFS....right...so I'm installing Samba on that machine now (apt-get install samba)04:38
Jordan_Ucaldwell: If you mean totem, and you mean the video backend, use "gstreamer-properties". But before you do that, what are you trying to accomplish?04:38
hackelun214:  So it's normal? I don't remember this being so bad before.  It took me 3 minutes to type this sentence!04:38
zetherooYankDownUnder: ok ... well I have samba installed for sure ....04:39
onetinsoldierphillipsjk: you could also try asking in the #winehq channel about this04:39
pepeezetheroo, sorry, I wan't giving attention... do you have the "samba" packages installed? checked the init files?04:39
un214hackel: low-level format must be able to hog the system bus to function04:39
intokAnyone give me a hand with this? 10 hours and nothing on the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9227361#post922736104:40
zetheroopepee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/427372/04:40
YankDownUnderzetheroo, So, once it's installed/happy, then it's "service smbd restart" - or whatever...right...04:40
zetherooYankDownUnder: are you running Lucid?04:40
VarangerI've been having problems with the Lucid installation in both regular and alternate versions04:41
pepeezetheroo, try sudo /etc/init.d/smbd start04:41
YankDownUnderzetheroo, On four laptops, one box => the rest here (two laptops, two servers) are Karmic for the moment. The one Lucid laptop has been a test server and have been rebooting after changes (cuz I'm lazy)04:41
pepeezetheroo, if you want the daemon to start automatically, you should use update-rc.d04:41
TeenySHAD0Wis there an easy way to get the old version of evince from jaunty in karmic?  this new one has bugs...04:42
zetheroopepee:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/427390/04:42
VarangerIn regular, everything is installed but no X after the installation. My laptops is a Dell Inspiron 6400. ATI Mobility Radeon X1300, RAM 2 GB, HDD 80 GB. There is not /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /var/log/Xorg.0.log What can it be?? please help04:42
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jribTeenySHAD0W: bug number?04:42
caldwellim trying to fix the choppyness of movie player because im using it to watch a quicktime clip04:42
zetherooYankDownUnder: and on the Lucid system "sudo /etc/init.d/smb restart" works?04:42
pepeezetheroo, that's just a warning, not an error04:43
YankDownUnderzetheroo, /etc/init.d/smbd restart04:43
zetheroopepee: ok04:43
nb72Gaaaa.  Still no luck.04:43
TeenySHAD0Wjrib: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60609004:43
pepeezetheroo, if does not work, try service smbd start04:43
ubuntuwell i guess i have to erase my damn6 systrem, lost every damn6 thin6g04:43
TeenySHAD0Wjrib: i installed the update, but it still lacks.04:43
caldwellhow to get to ggstreamerproperties04:43
un214"Logging in to X as root may cause very serious trouble." I want one good reason why that's acceptible.04:43
pepeezetheroo, or service start smbd04:43
Guest99344QUESTION: I'm having a problem. The desktop vanished, icons missing, can't right-click desktop. I tried using gconf-editor and setting apps->nautilus->preferences->show_desktop to "true", and it works, but as soon as I log out and back in again it is once again broken. Any ideas? Packages I can reinstall? Help!04:44
zetheroopepee, YankDownUnder: ok now with my fresh and clean smb.conf file and samba stopped I will attempt to add my shares using that Samba utility and then start Samba again ...04:44
un214Guest99344: don't bother reinstalling anything, the problem is resident in your home directory04:44
Guest99344un214: How so?04:44
ubuntun6eeds to b5e a damn6 system recovery on6 the live cd this is b5ullshit04:44
Guest99344un214: The problem exists on all 4 accounts on the system.04:44
jribGuest99344: nautilus is responsible for your desktop04:45
un214find . -user root might yeild the reason04:45
Guest99344jrib: Yes, I understand.04:45
jribTeenySHAD0W: best thing to do is probably to rebuild with the workaround in the comments04:45
un214you see, the problem has to do with the config file change not sticking04:46
Guest99344un214: yields nothing04:46
jribTeenySHAD0W: assuming the workaround isn't already in lucid04:46
TeenySHAD0Wi was able to find and install the workaround, but it doesn't do everything the original did.04:46
Guest99344un214: I checked the ~/.gconf/.../%gconf.xml file relating to nautilus04:46
Guest99344un214: the config is set04:46
un214I lose04:46
TeenySHAD0W99334, i had that problem before.04:46
jribTeenySHAD0W: well you can build the jaunty source package if you really want04:47
TeenySHAD0Whad to load desktop and panel manually in startup.04:47
TeenySHAD0Wthe jaunty binary won't work in karmic?04:47
VarangerWhen I install Ubuntu Lucid, there is no X after the installation. My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 6400. ATI Mobility Radeon X1300, RAM 2 GB, HDD 80 GB. There is not /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /var/log/Xorg.0.log What can it be?? please help04:47
jribTeenySHAD0W: wait, why are we talking jaunty and karmic and neglecting lucid?04:47
TeenySHAD0Wi'm sorry, the karmic worked fine, the lucid one has issues.04:48
jribTeenySHAD0W: right, rebuild the karmic source package, that's the cleanest way I can think of.  You're also gonna have to pin the version so it doesn't get upgraded04:48
Guest99344QUESTION: I'm having a problem. The desktop vanished, icons missing, can't right-click desktop. I tried using gconf-editor and setting apps->nautilus->preferences->show_desktop to "true", and it works, but as soon as I log out and back in again it is once again broken. This happens for all 4 accounts on the system.04:48
TeenySHAD0Wcan't just run the karmic binary?04:49
jribGuest99344: was it false before you changed it to true?04:49
TeenySHAD0W99334, i had that problem before.04:49
TeenySHAD0Whad to load desktop and panel manually in startup.04:49
YankDownUnderGuest22032, Have you also cleared out the /tmp dir => possibly also renaming the .gnome* and .nautilus* dirs in your homes for your other accounts?04:49
jribTeenySHAD0W: maybe.  Just rebuild it from source as that's safer04:49
TeenySHAD0Wokay, thank you.04:49
jribTeenySHAD0W: you understand that by "source" I mean "source package".  Not the make install dance04:49
TeenySHAD0Wi'll probably just wait.04:50
Guest99344jrib: No, it was always true.04:50
jribGuest99344: so how do you set it to true...?04:50
phillipsjkun214, umask does not apply to iso9660 filesystems according to the mount man page. umask applies to "msdos, umsdos and vfat "04:50
un214oh yes it does04:51
Guest99344jrib: I opened the gconf-editor, on a hunch, turned it to false, then BACK to true, and that fixed it temporarily.04:51
VarangerPlease help, there is no Xorg after the installation. My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 6400. ATI Mobility Radeon X1300, RAM 2 GB, HDD 80 GB. There is not /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /var/log/Xorg.0.log What can it be??04:51
Guest99344jrib: upon logging out and back in, however, it was broken again.04:51
jribGuest99344: create a fresh new user and verify the problem exists there please04:51
Guest99344No problem. I'll PM you.04:51
YankDownUnderVaranger, Er...so you're only getting to the cli login?04:51
Lovesyncyay ubuntu~04:52
almoxarifeGuest99344: add a startup action with this command 'compiz --replace'  , no quotes. I assume you are using compiz, that's how I beat the monster04:52
NaryaI can't change the default program for mp3 players for some reason04:52
VarangerYankDownUnder: The first time my laptop crashes with a black screen and red points in the upper screen04:52
CogitoErgoSamVaranger:  Do you mean an X session doesn't start, or just that you don't see an xorg.conf (which isn't really needed)04:53
VarangerYankDownUnder: Then I only get the cli login04:53
jrib!defaultapp | Narya04:53
ubottuNarya: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.04:53
Guest99344almoxarife: tried compiz --replace, no effect.04:53
Naryajrib: tried that04:53
YankDownUnderVaranger, Boot using livecd, copy the xorg.conf from the liveCD to the /etc/X11 dir on the local drive, reboot => see where that leads...eh?04:53
jribNarya: and what happened *exactly*?04:53
Guest99344almoxarife: the problem is nautilus, or more specifically, whatever keeps forgetting nautilus' settings.04:53
CogitoErgoSamVaranger:  Are you able to use recovery mode to get a lowered graphical session04:53
_pg_i downloaded xubuntu 9.10 for PPC iso but its 757 mb! how can i burn this on a cd?04:53
Naryajrib: I right click a file, open with, choose program, check box04:54
VarangerCogitoErgoSam: First my PC crashes and in the 2nd boot, X session doesn't start04:54
Naryaand go to open a file of the same type04:54
Naryaand the program isnt changed04:54
jribNarya: read what ubottu said more closely.  You are missing a step (click properties, before "open with")04:54
CogitoErgoSam_pg_: you sure you didn't download the netbook version?  It's meant to go on a > 1gb usb drive04:54
Naryajrib: Im an idiot04:54
_pg_no, Xubuntu-9.10-PowerPC Desktop04:54
jribNarya: nah04:54
VarangerYankDownUnder: isn't the liveCD's /etc/X11/xorg.conf vesa?04:55
GodricBrutussometimes it takes me at least 3 double-click tries to double click something. can anyone help me with that?04:55
jribGodricBrutus: try with a different mouse04:55
GodricBrutusits not my mouse settings04:55
GodricBrutusi tried with a different mouse04:55
intokAnyone give me a hand with this? 10 hours and nothing on the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9227361#post922736104:55
YankDownUnderVaranger, Doesn't matter - just give it a go - see if it gets you to a graphical desktop of any sort...at least you're giving X something to work from...04:55
GodricBrutusi set the double click to really slow04:55
Guest99344jrib: Just created a new user. Logging in... No desktop interactivity. Can't right-click, and no icons display.04:55
jrib!enter | GodricBrutus04:55
ubottuGodricBrutus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:55
=== Freek` is now known as Freek
jribGuest99344: what ubuntu version?04:55
_pg_i downloaded xubuntu 9.10 for PPC iso but its 757 mb! how can i burn this on a cd?04:56
loftus49I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu Lucid on one hard drive and Windows xp on the other.  The default boot is to Ubuntu.  However, if I want windows then I scroll down to it and select within 5 seconds.  However, most times, the keyboard doesn't respond and I am unable to scroll down.  How can I fix this?  I could not find a grub.conf file.04:56
Guest99344jrib: 10.04 -- installed the minimal ISO then did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to install the remainder of the system -- the system has a dodgy CD drive, and no other ISO images would work.04:56
VarangerYankDownUnder: Ok I'll re-install Ubuntu. I tried to install Ubuntu from the alternate CD and it can even finish the installation04:56
jrib!grub2 > loftus4904:56
ubottuloftus49, please see my private message04:56
jribloftus49: that tells you about how to configure grub, don't know about your issue though04:57
VarangerYankDownUnder: ... can't even finish04:57
YankDownUnderVaranger, Didn't say to re-install mate...just use the xorg.conf from the livecd...04:57
onetinsoldierintok: what video card does that system have? make/model04:57
jribGuest99344: anything in ~/.xsession-errors?04:57
CogitoErgoSamVaranger:  If you can get in through recovery mode's low-graphic session you might need to change your grub boot parameters to include i915.modeset=104:57
Guest99344jrib: let me check.04:57
VarangerYankDownUnder: I know you told me that, but I have a broken installation so I have to re-install everything04:58
YankDownUnderVaranger, AH...sorry mate...didn't catch that bit...yeah...coolbeans04:58
Luija1006I got one doubt about lucid 10.04: The resolution is not the correct, but the system of getting the right nvidia resolution has now changed, before u had to enter hardware drivers and download the driver, now the windows simply says the laptop is not using private drivers, how I can download the nvidia driver in 10.04? (Kubuntu)04:58
_pg_i downloaded xubuntu 9.10 for PPC iso but its 757 mb! how can i burn this on a cd?04:59
henkboomI'm writing an application which needs to write out errors to a log file, is there somewhere specific that log file should that log file go?04:59
Juzzy_pg_: dvd?04:59
phillipsjkApparently not being able to execute software without the executable bit set is Ubuntu policy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/ExecutableBit  However, I can not set that bit on a read-only medium. Should this be reported as a bug?04:59
_pg_Juzzy xubuntu 9.10 desktop ppc cd04:59
YankDownUnder_pg_, Er...use the program you usually use to burn CD's with? Just "create from image file" ??05:00
adityagcan i update from 9.10 to 10.4 from a live cd?05:00
onetinsoldierintok: hello... you here?05:00
_pg_YankDownUnder: 757mb. cd=700mb05:00
Guest99344jrib: Nothing in .xsession-errors mentioning show_desktop, nautilus, or anything I can immediately relate05:00
Juzzyphillipsjk: heh :D05:00
wildbat_laptopphillipsjk, like what ? can't you cp over your home?05:00
onetinsoldierintok: hello... you here?05:01
Guest99344jrib: polkit, power-manager, compiz (GLXFBConfig), evolution, update-notifier, gnome-terminal05:01
Juzzyadityag: you dont need to even do that. change /etc/apt/sources.list to "lucid"; then apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade, reboot when finished05:01
* SuNk8 http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/contributor/SuNk8/ideas/05:01
YankDownUnder_pg_,      cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=0,0,0 src.iso05:01
VarangerCogitoErgoSam: I should use i915.modeset=1 in grub.conf even I have an ATI card (ATI Mobility Radeon X1300) ?05:02
craigdoes anyone know what happened to the upnp plugin in 10.405:02
HinHinI found a rather nice script for new Ubuntu installations05:02
HinHinsaves on a bit of work05:02
_pg_Yankin osx?05:02
FloodBot4HinHin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
_pg_YankDownUnder: im in osx*05:02
HinHin:P basically it's a script to install things like flash, non-free codecs etc all automatically05:02
phillipsjkwildbat_laptop, trying to run an old CD-ROM game under emulation. The official Wine policy is that Windows should be emulated, rather than circumventing any "Disk check"05:02
CogitoErgoSamVaranger:  Hmm...forgot it was for intel drivers.  Can't hurt to try before makin anything permanent though if you do it this way:  At grub, select the kernel and press E05:02
jriburl 205:02
YankDownUnder_pg_, What program in OSX do you use to burn disks with?05:02
HinHinall the things really needed for a Ubuntu desktop05:02
CogitoErgoSamadd it after "quiet splash"05:03
CogitoErgoSamthat will try it once but not save the setting05:03
_pg_YankDownUnder: disc utility, or burn, or toast05:03
adityagJuzzy: where do i type "lucid"?05:03
mikebanksdoes anyone know how to set up synergy?05:03
YankDownUnder_pg_, Then Toast is yer answer mate05:03
CogitoErgoSamMikebanks:  Yeah what's your setup05:03
=== winXPuser is now known as Gryllida
_pg_YankDownUnder: ill look around for overburning. ive never heard of that before05:03
Guest99344jrib: Rebooting -- I just "aptitude reinstall"ed gconf2 and nautilus05:03
wrinkliezhey guys, is there a way to make gwibber minimize to the indicator applet? it seems to close every time05:04
VarangerCogitoErgoSam: It means it is a kernel option not a new line.05:04
intokonetinsoldier just the IGP, it only has PCI, I've only got an ancient rage 2+ dvd which doesn't like newer xservers05:04
un214I feel like answering questions with "Does somebody" or "Does anybody" with "Yes, but I don't."05:04
wildbat_laptopphillipsjk, you can mount cd with mask with exec bit on then~?05:04
adityag: Juzzy: where do i type "lucid"? /etc/apt/sources.list to "lucid"05:04
un214where it says jaunity or karmic05:05
jribHinHin: please don't recommend "magic scripts"05:05
nocturnusafter running unetbootin on my usbkey it says "no valid operating system when i try to boot it", boot flag is set, what's wrong?05:05
onetinsoldierintok: i looked at the forum post. only recently clicked on where you show your lspci output... you have an Intel 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device05:05
HinHin:p jrib i don't use it on my own systems05:05
phillipsjkno, according to the man page that is not supported for iso9660 filesystems05:05
Juzzyaddisonj: yep, you'll need to change every line there that has your current distro name in it05:05
HinHinit's for installs on other computers05:06
HinHinthat i want to get done quickly05:06
MrKeunerhi, how can I see what version of the microcode does the iwlagn driver use in kernel 2.6.32-21-generic05:06
Guest99344jrib: System reboted after reinstalling nautilus and gconf2 -- no effect, still having the issue.05:06
jribHinHin: I see "force" and "rm" all over the place, not even going to bother reading the rest05:06
dnivrahello. I am updating my sources and I get the error "ppa.launchpad.net Lucid Release signature couldn't be verified: no public key". How do I add the public key then?05:06
crdlbGuest99344: does adding a 'nautilus -n' autostart entry work around the problem?05:06
jribGuest99344: does it happen if you don't use compiz?05:06
un214yeah that's bad05:06
dnivraupdating package lists*05:06
YankDownUnderGuest99344, Have you tried creating a BRAND NEW USER and checking if that issues applies to the new user?05:06
Guest99344jrib: I'm not using compiz.05:06
onetinsoldierintok: it's known bug... there's nothing you can do but wait. see here at bottom of the Release notes titled "Intel 8xx X freezes/crashes" --> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100405:07
Guest99344YankDownUnder: Yes, same problem as the other 4 users.05:07
tomatowhat user permissions is recommended for storing non critical files such as movies, photos, and music? 777?05:07
Guest99344crdlb: no effect05:07
=== ruben is now known as Guest99910
YankDownUnderGuest99344, So you've JUST NOW created a brand new user, and the same thing happened?05:07
Guest99344yankDownUnder: Yes, already tried this a while ago.05:07
CogitoErgoSamIntok:  Just caught the conversation...having probs with intel integrated graphics?05:08
YankDownUnderGuest99344, Is this a fresh install, or an upgrade, or a reformat of the / leaving the /home partition?05:08
CogitoErgoSamIntok: I might have a fix for you05:08
intokonetinsoldier dam, cause the box isn't mine, working in new linux converts from broken windows installs05:08
wildbat_laptopphillipsjk, isn't mode and dmode aer for that?05:08
Guest99344YankDownUnder: Fresh install of 10.04 from minimal ISO -- apt-get install'd ubuntu-desktop and set up new users. Having the issue now. Tried making a new user, same problem.05:09
CogitoErgoSamIntok:  Nm you said 8xx, I thought you were referring to i8xx/i9xx laptop chipsets05:09
GodricBrutusis there any way to convert an x86 .deb to an x64 .deb?05:09
jribGuest99344: keep an eye on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/57394705:09
onetinsoldierintok: i imagine they'll fix it... it's just going to take a little time for 'em to do so05:09
VarangerCogitoErgoSam: I am sorry but I still don't understand why I should use i915.modeset=1 in an ATI card ?05:10
onetinsoldierintok: perhaps CogitoErgoSam can help you somehow05:10
bz0bhey guys does anyone here know how to use lpr drivers in ubuntu, i am trying to get this brother printer hooked up05:10
adityaghow do i update from 9.10 to 10.4, my internet connection stops after some time so  i cant update it from update manager05:10
fabianhjralarm-clock is crashing after a few minutes. Defeats purpose.(1.2.5-1) Happened After Upgrade. Anyone experiencing the same problems?05:10
tomatoif i created a user named sabnzbduser to use sabnzbd, does it make sense to add the sabnzbduser group to my main login so that i can access its files?05:10
chetnickanyone good with sound troubleshoting? I need help really bad http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147151105:11
CogitoErgoSami915.modeset seems to help with a lot of the "black screen after grub" probs05:11
maxxistWhat is a good app in the repos for decrypting dvd's?  kinda like dvd-decrypter for windoze.  i am not looking for transcoding.05:11
jribadityag: you can update from update-manager, it will resume the download.  But you could also use the alternate CD I suppose05:11
CogitoErgoSammight even just be a conflict that stops other drivers from loading for all I know05:11
bz0bi installed the lpr driver but it still doesn't detect the driver in the gui printing service05:11
Guest99344jrib: Thanks for the link. I'll submit my information as well. Problem is, this is a family computer, I'm only visiting for a week. By the time this gets fixed, I'll likely be out of the state.05:11
* ramenfan123 has had i915.modeset problems05:11
YankDownUnderGuest99344, Ok...strange thing this - what about just quickly installed windowmaker on the system (small install), setting that as the default, make sure X boots graphically? Otherwise, I'm beginning to think that there is a residual issue in the /home dirs relating to .gnome* or .nautilus* or .config* or .cache* => but I'm guessing on history of your issue mate05:11
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jrib!dvd > maxxist05:11
ubottumaxxist, please see my private message05:11
adityagjrib: whats the alternate cd?05:11
CogitoErgoSamRegardless, its a quick fix to try just by using E at the grub list and adding it to the boot params05:11
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal05:11
CogitoErgoSamif it works, great, if it doesn't, it only applies it for that session05:11
jribGuest99344: see if you can workaround it by running gconftool on startup05:11
bz0bdoes anyone have any idea on how to help me with my prob05:11
Guest99344YankDownUnder: The window manager boots fine. The issue is that I can't right-click the desktop or see any icons.05:12
maxxistjrib, ty.05:12
adityagjrib: and it does not resume when i restart05:12
stanley_Hi guys, just upgraded from 8.10, I am using a dell dimesnion 2350 and I can't get the enhanced graphics to work...I still have the integrated graphics card05:12
linuxgeckoi am currently trying to install lucid to my brother's soon-to-be pc. i'm in the livecd environment, and i get a black gui.  what am i missing?05:12
stanley_any suggestions?05:12
jrib!alternate | adityag05:12
ubottuadityag: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal05:12
YankDownUnderGuest99344, Yes...this you've stated...05:12
aigooAny suggestions of a good pdf viewer for Ubuntu05:12
jribaigoo: the default one... evince05:12
bz0bhey does someone have an idea on how to use lpr drivers?05:12
Guest99344YankDownUnder: basically, gconf2 is missing the show_desktop variable.05:12
YankDownUnderGuest99344, That's why I'm trying to get to things from a Gnome related thought train...05:13
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgecko:  Does the PC have intel integrated graphics05:13
intokonetinsoldier CogitoErgoSam any hope to get the ATI Rage2+ DVD going on 10.04? Currently it just crashes at boot, I'm guessing not thoguh since it's a GPU from '9605:13
onetinsoldieraigoo: evince works ok for me05:13
onetinsoldierintok: no idea... sorry05:13
Guest99344YankDownUnder: I don't see how this is relevant... How would a different window manager matter? The issue is with nautilus in gnome.05:13
linuxgeckoCogitoErgoSam:  yes 82865G.05:13
abadabad00can anyone help me fix my audio in ubuntu 10.04. I simply want my sound to work. really frustrated at all the hooplaa regarding audio and soundcards in ubuntu... alsa, pulse, 20 million different set-up tools. Hand holding. Sure, maybe i need some after dealing with this for as long as I have and googling so much useless outdated information.05:14
CogitoErgoSamintok:  I'm honestly not sure, I just know that the i915 fix seems to help with a fair amount of the "black screen" probs05:14
adityagi want to download a 64 bit for intel i3 processor, but there is no option for downloading 64-bit intel processors05:14
jribadityag: amd6405:14
YankDownUnderGuest22032, IF you can right-click the desktop in something else...ergo ergo ergo...checking to see if it's not something more...elimination of "the obvious" narrows down the "not so obvious"05:14
adityag jrib: that must be for amd processors, right?05:14
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgecko:  Not sure if it will help with that particular line of cards, but you can try the fix that worked for me by selecting the kernel from the grub list and pressing E05:15
jribadityag: no, that's just the name for the architecture05:15
jribadityag: I'm using it on my core 2 duo right now :)05:15
Guest99344YankDownUnder: Trying windowmaker.05:15
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgecko:  then, right after where it says "quick splash" you can add "i915.modeset=1" on the same line05:15
adityag jrib: so i should download the alternate 1, right?05:15
CogitoErgoSamthen boot with that and see if it works05:15
jribadityag: right05:15
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:15
CogitoErgoSamif it does, great, if not, it only uses that parameter once05:15
jribadityag: then follow the instructions on using it to upgrade05:16
bz0bhey anyone here know how to use lpr in 9.10?05:16
adityagthanks jrib05:16
chetnickanyone good with sound troubleshoting? I need help really bad http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147151105:17
bz0bno one here know anything about lpr seriously man like how long does it take to get a frickin response here05:17
stanley_hey guys, dell dimension, just upgraded would really like to get extra effects working but I can;t - REALLY need help05:17
TUplinkif im looking to see what chipset my system has where can i find it?05:17
Geoffrey2since upgrading to Lucid, I'm getting a configuration server error on startup, telling me gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25605:17
chetnickbz0b: i've been waiting for years05:17
bz0bso chetnick do u know how to use lpr?05:18
fabianhjrAnyone having issues with alarm-clock 1.2.5-1? It is crashing after a while. Trying to downgrade.05:18
ade2_bz0b, it would help to have a little more info.  Have you added the printer?  What happens when you try to use the lpr command?05:18
macobz0b: if there's nobody online right now that knows how to answer your question, ubuntuforums.org is a good place to ask since it doesnt depend on getting the right timing05:18
chetnickbz0b: go to gentoo, you'll probably get some help there.05:18
jribbz0b: 1) ask a better question than "anyone know anything about lpr".  If someone doesn't answer, repeat the question.  2) We're users like you volunteering our time and we're more likely to help you without the attitude05:18
macochetnick: are you the one that i told to file a bug earlier today?05:18
bz0blol really? i dont think gentoo ppl like ubuntu ppl05:18
abadabad00i have a sound blaster audigy 4 and an m-audio audiophile 192 sound card in my pc running ubuntu 10.04. Simple question, how can I get Ubuntu to make the Audigy the sound card taking care of output (playback) and the Audiophile the sound card taking care of input (recording)05:18
chetnickmaco: yeah.05:18
TUplinkWonder why   APPLE MICROSOFT dont like each other LOL05:18
macochetnick: you just have to wait for the bug to be fixed05:18
chetnickbz0b: lpr is not ubuntu utillity.05:18
bz0bjrib: ok well whats a better question how about can someone help me figure out how to hook up my brother mfc490cw printer up?05:19
jrib!print > bz0b05:19
ubottubz0b, please see my private message05:19
macobz0b: thats a cups question more than an lpr question, i think05:19
chetnickmaco: i dont think it's a bug. By the way i read the rules for filling the bug, and i dont meet the requirements.05:19
macobz0b: lpr just sends jobs to the printer. cups is how you setup the printer05:19
Besogonhello. I can't share my home dir for guest account with samba. Could you please help me?05:19
macochetnick: "dont meet the requirements"?05:19
chetnickbz0b: try man lpr05:20
bz0bok so how do i get the cups driver for my brother printer05:20
phillipsjkOk, I can't file a bug report because the package in question (wine) is following Ubuntu policy. How do I file a bug report against a policy? should I file a bug against mount because it does not support "umask" for iso9660 filesystems?05:20
abadabad00i have a sound blaster audigy 4 and an m-audio audiophile 192 sound card in my pc running ubuntu 10.04. Simple question, how can I get Ubuntu to make the Audigy the sound card taking care of output (playback) and the Audiophile the sound card taking care of input (recording)05:20
macoabadabad00: install pavucontrol and you can move streams between devices05:20
macophillipsjk: er...what? because its following ubuntu policy? what do you mean? whats teh bug?05:21
macochetnick: what do you mean you dont meet the requirements to file a bug?05:21
kepp1oabadabad00:  I have essentially the same setup05:21
linuxgec1oCogitoErgoSam: is that card a known issue? i lost my connection05:21
chetnickmaco: you need to be able to reproduce condition, and some other stuff i read today.05:22
abadabad00kepplo - any help would be appreciated. I just installed pavucontrol and am looking into it05:22
macochetnick: does it consistently Not Work?05:22
macochetnick: if so: reproducible05:22
think_hi all05:22
think_Hey guys, I'm trying to install a .bin app on Ubuntu and it doesn't work at all... Do the .bin files work on Ubuntu? If yes how? Thank you05:22
kepp1oabadabad00:  I just set the input and output to the different devices.  You'll have to figure out what the devices are referenced as05:22
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgec1o:  Yes I believe the intel prob is in the bug database05:22
pvl1think_, whered u get it from05:23
phillipsjkmaco: to file a bug, you must identify the package at fault. In this case, wine on executing files on a CD-Rom is doing the right thing according to Ubuntu policy, but the wrong thing according to the policy of the wine developers05:23
pvl1think_, link plz05:23
Guest99344YankDownUnder: Installed wmaker -- how do I set that as the window manager?05:23
chetnickmaco: i think what they meant is, get working system, and hibernate again, if it doesn't work ... then file a bug. I will try to file a bug, and see what happens.05:23
aigooWhat should I download to make the mouse work in cli?05:23
abadabad00kepplo seems like my audigy is being referenced as "dummy device". i think Ubuntu is the "dummy device" here...05:23
phillipsjk*not executing05:23
macophillipsjk: what are the right thing according to wine and the right thing according to ubuntu?05:23
macochetnick: im a developer ;-) i know what they mean05:23
mook__ I am sick of this system asking me for a password on everything i do? how do i setup up my main user name as root or super user or what ever? the frist password i enter should be the LAST passoword i am sick of these damn passwords and not able to enter the ROOT FOLDER or the lost and found, i am sick of ubuntu restriceding me, this is worse then windows...05:24
think_ried /.name.bin and it gave me the following error:./GoogleEarthLinux.bin: command not found05:24
pvl1aigoo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83848205:24
macochetnick: because the hardware varies from system to system, trying it on some random other system and finding diffrent behaviour doesnt make it not-reproducible05:24
kepp1oabadabad00:  not recognized?  Does it work in windows?05:25
pvl1mook__, or u can rewrite ur access. i guarentee iwth a root account sooner or later ur gonna screw this ups05:25
macochetnick: if your installed system and a live cd behave the same, it verifies that its a bug and not "chetnick was screwing around and messed up the configuration" which makes it perfectly valid for you to file05:25
=== PhilMath- is now known as PhilMather
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:25
CogitoErgoSamEau du humanity05:25
abadabad00kepplo - yes. sorry to say, but everything seems to work in windows. only a headache to get it installed here05:25
mook__the fuck is that flood bot05:25
macomook__: watch your language05:25
Guest99344YankDownUnder: Installed wmaker -- how do I set that as the window manager?05:25
bazhangmook__, watch the language05:25
phillipsjkmaco: Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/ExecutableBit Wine: http://wiki.winehq.org/CopyProtection05:26
chetnickmaco: there was a bug filled for sound not working after coming out of hibernation. But after reboot sound is back. My completly broke.05:26
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macochetnick: i dont care what /other/ bugs are filed. as i said, hardware varies.  what about *your* bug?05:26
=== hunter is now known as Guest61642
safeSomehow I can't see the menu in nautilus, is there a way to reset all values to default?05:26
=== Guest61642 is now known as z3row3b
phillipsjkmaco from the wine site; "Wine cannot and will not break the functionality of these copy protection products. Wine's goal is to be compatible with Windows software including copy protection. Although some would advocate the use of illegally modified or 'cracked' games, Wine does not support, advocate, or even view this as a solution."05:27
pvl1CogitoErgoSam, #ubuntu-fr05:27
vexati0nSo... I purchased 2 albums from the Ubuntu One store, and the songs are in by Ubuntu One files, but not syncing anywhere on my PC... wtf ?05:27
YankDownUnderz3row3b, Oyo...hang on a tick05:27
pvl1aigoo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=838482 just making sure u got it05:27
linuxgec1oCogitoErgoSam:  i don' have a gui to peruse it..  is the a readerss digest workaround?05:27
fabianhjrManually downgrading from alarm-clock 1.2.5-1 to previous Karmic Latest version fixed the alarm-clock crashes. Thanks for the help :|05:27
CogitoErgoSamI was making a joke, not actually tryin to speak french05:27
pvl1CogitoErgoSam, oh lol just making sure05:28
kepp1oabadabad00:  on my setup I have a built in soundboard encoding aux into a stream and an external USB SoundBlaster for playing audio.05:28
nawk_what system is responsible for providing multiple workspaces?05:29
abadabad00kepplo - nice. now how did you get it working in ubuntu? and what version of ubuntu are you using?05:29
mxe5what is the Shell command to tell what version of Ubuntu you are running ? ?05:29
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgec1o:  Send me a pm and I can walk you through the i915 fix05:29
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:29
safeLet me rephrase: Where does the conf files for nautilus exist?05:29
linuxgec1oCogitoErgoSam:  kk..  sending soon.05:29
onetinsoldiermxe5: lsb_release -a05:30
mxe5bazhang; Thanks05:30
linuxgec1omxe5: head -n 5 /etc/apt/sources.list ??:)05:30
onetinsoldierdoh.. i was too late05:30
macophillipsjk: where on the executable bit page does it say anything about cracking software though? im a bit confused. and this should probably go in #ubuntu-bugs ...05:30
kepp1oabadabad00:  I set it up initially on ubuntu, but then I moved the box to dreamlinux.  Same setup though05:30
abadabad00which is..........05:31
abadabad00same hardware setup you mean??05:31
kepp1oabadabad00:  playback is on /dev/dsp1 and recording on dev/dsp05:31
kepp1oabadabad00:  dreamlinux is another flavor of linux.05:31
phillipsjkMaco: since I cannot mount the disk with an executable mask, I would have to copy the files to the hard-disk; requiring the circumvention of any "copy protection"05:31
abadabad00i know that05:32
kepp1oabadabad00:  same hardware05:32
abadabad00sigh. i'm god damned tired of tinkering with this crap for hours rather than making music, or building circuits, or reading a book, or writing code, or being in the sun.05:32
kepp1oabadabad00:  it's always a pain to setup audio though.  Have you tried both the ALSA and OSS ?05:33
YankDownUnderz3row3b, You can change it at the login screen (it's in the SESSION option dialogue)05:33
mclark1129Hello, I am having difficulties using WPA encryption with my Ubuntu 9.10 setup.05:33
macophillipsjk: ah.... i dont see umasks being mentioned particularly on the wiki page though. is it actually not possible to mount them executable or not default?05:33
abadabad00kepplo - i don't really know how. I have been messing around with pulse audio05:33
ravibnHi! How to get back the system tray in Karmic 9.10  ?05:34
mook_How do i remove the stupid password window and become the suprem super user of the system, i should olny have to enter the password at boot up not a million passwords just to do simple stuff, this is some big brother type shit, can't even acces the root folder, i havem my acount in the group ADMIN but it still asking me for a password... i want rid of thar crap, i have a firewall and there are no virus and i know what i am installing, at least windows alows me05:34
mook_full access05:34
FloodBot3mook_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:34
FloodBot1mook_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:34
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YankDownUnderravibn, Er...right-click the panel, ADD => System Tray ....?05:35
phillipsjkMaco: the umask feature is limited to umsdos, vfat, hfs, fat05:35
kepp1oabadabad00:  I used audacity to switch devices around to figure out which one was which.05:35
bazhangmook_, you have been asked not to curse here05:35
onetinsoldiermook_: sudo -i05:35
kepp1oabadabad00:  haven't mucked around with pulse audio much05:35
Horussomeone knows how to get again my file login 'cause i deleteed it with seahorse, i waas trying to delete a code and deleted all the file05:35
=== MikeH__ is now known as MikeH_
UbuntuJeffI was wandering if anyone here has used cairo-dock before? If so do you know how I can make it smaller? its really big to me and I want the dock and all the icons to go smaller.05:36
ravibnYankDownUnder : cannot see the system tray in that list of applications05:36
krelboynemook: sudo -s if you want to shoot your feet ;-)05:36
mclark1129What does it mean when it says wpa_supplicant[822]: Association request to the driver failed in the syslog?05:36
skydromemook_ try windows05:36
macophillipsjk: i see. i'll poke some other developers when they wake in a few hours and see if they know anything about making iso9660 play nice with that. thanks05:36
mook_thats it?? sudo -i? will i have to enter it ever again?05:36
think_pvl1_  it  worked think u05:36
YankDownUnderUbuntuJeff, Change the size under the Appearance => Icons05:36
onetinsoldiermook_: no05:36
macomook_: thatll get you a root shell05:36
YankDownUnderravibn, Gnome or KDE or XFce or what ??05:36
mook_i want to stay root forever!05:36
pvl1think_, ty too, never thought to do that05:36
mclark1129My router is periodically will not let me authenticate05:36
macomook_: you could also read "man sudoers" and learn how to make sudo run without a password05:36
ravibnYankDownUnder : Gnome05:37
gnufunmook_: man sudo05:37
pvl1think_, oops wrong person. but np05:37
Loshkimook_: that is *such* a bad idea. Not doing everything as root is one of the reasons linux has almost no viruses...05:37
YankDownUnderravibn, "Notification Area"05:37
macoLoshki: stop it with your logic :P05:37
UbuntuJeffYankDownUnder, thanks that helped a lot, fixed just what I needed to :)05:37
Loshkimaco: :-)05:38
ravibnYankDownUnder : what is that ?05:38
YankDownUnderUbuntuJeff, Awesome mate - deposit 40 mil in my account and we're cool mate! :)05:38
PsynoKhi0greetings, I was wondering if the old partition alignment applied even in dual-boot with other previously installed linux distros05:38
mook_ubuntu is a SERVER... not a desktop... you never see windows asking for passwords05:38
abadabad00wow... how about that.... audacity just works. No bs. I just tell it "hey, this is my output card and this other one here? its my input card". Audacity goes - "oh yeah, super. let me just do that without a hassle!"05:38
UbuntuJeffYankDownUnder, lmao! I wish I had even 1 mil lol05:38
YankDownUnderravibn, Add => Notification Area05:38
macomook_: thats because windows is Doin It Wrong05:38
mxe5linuxgec1o; I just used the shell command - head -n 5 /etc/apt/sources.list - and it said this -  http://imagebin.org/95506 - So is this the Final release version ? I have been doing updates all along ? ?05:38
abadabad00now to get ubuntu proper to do this.....05:38
krelboynemook: if you really want to... go on and get a password for your root acount, that way you could access from gdm as root05:38
YankDownUnderUbuntuJeff, Ok..I'll take beer, and women05:38
macomook_: why do you think windows gets so much malware issues?05:38
UbuntuJeffYankDownUnder, all I got is whiskey and no women sorry, but if you like whiskey got a full bottle in there05:38
krelboynemook: not a good idea by the way05:39
ravibnYankDownUnder : Thanks a lot man got back all that was minimized05:39
macomook_: i suggest you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo to get an idea of the security implications of what you want to do05:39
YankDownUnderMS Windows was designed from the beginning as a single user OS => basically a graphical menu system sitting ontop of MSDOS. It hasn't changed in the past 18 years much.05:39
pvl1maco, what about a keyring?05:39
macopvl1: what?05:39
mook_i do not have full access to the entire system, i can't mod system files with just copy and paste like i can in windows, i been modding windows since 95..05:40
PsynoKhi0YankDownUnder: cancel or allow? hehe05:40
pvl1maco, if mook_ sets up a keyring, would the sys still bother him05:40
YankDownUnderPsynoKhi0, Both.05:40
linuxgec1omxe5:  that output makes no sense to me..05:40
macomook_: hint: thats a GOOD thing because it means *neither can crackers*05:40
macopvl1: yes05:40
macopvl1: the keyring has a password too :P05:40
pvl1mook_ ,ever crash a system05:40
pvl1maco, oh right05:40
mook_linux is suppose to be OPEN SOURCE....05:41
mxe5linuxgec1o; ok - try a different one ?05:41
UbuntuJeffI know this is random, but I will say in my opinion I think 10.04 is better then 9.04 to me anyways. Seems to run smoother and faster.05:41
Adman65I'm on 8.04 LTS, is there some way to upgrade to 10.04 LTS ?05:41
Out_Coldmook_, maco also means you can't 'accidentally' mess up your compy05:41
macomook_: read th wiki page i linked you to05:41
macomook_: itll answer your questions and tell you why you're making a big mistake05:41
pvl1mook_, OPEN SOURCE means u can DOWNLOAD the SOURCE CODE05:41
FeasibilityStudywhy is Ubuntu One downloading all the stuff I uploaded when I do a sync?  I don't want it all back on my PC.05:41
macoOut_Cold: oy yeah that too05:41
UbuntuJeffAdman65, yeah upgrade to 8.10, then 9.04, then 9.10, then 10.04. you would be better off just doing a clean install.05:41
macoFeasibilityStudy: because thats what "sync" means05:41
mxe5linuxgec1o; I know that why I'm confused about it reporting something about Beta05:41
Out_ColdFeasibilityStudy, that's One for ya... syncs all computers connected05:41
bazhangAdman65, UbuntuJeff lts to lts upgrade is supported in one step05:41
macoFeasibilityStudy: synchronized... matching... whatever's on your desktop matches the server05:42
FeasibilityStudymaco: yeah I understand that, but is there a way to turn off downloading?05:42
PsynoKhi0mook_: open source and privileges have nothing to do with each other actually05:42
UbuntuJeffbazhang, oh! sorry. I didn't know that.05:42
Adman65bazhang: how ?05:42
macoFeasibilityStudy: so you just use it as an ftp server?05:42
PsynoKhi0user privileges*05:42
FeasibilityStudymaco: basically yeah05:42
bazhang!upgrade | Adman65 please read this05:42
ubottuAdman65 please read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading05:42
FeasibilityStudyremote storage05:42
mook_i would be making a misstake by using windows, which can easily play all my games without locking them out, thats why i have firewalls, i never got a virus on windows in 3 years, i always checks my system prossess05:42
LoshkiAdman65: note that if you are accustomed to and like 8.04 stability, I think it's premature to upgrade to 10.04...05:43
AbuMaia1mook_ so why are you coming to Ubuntu if you haven't had problems with Windows?05:43
macoFeasibilityStudy: im not sure about that...its probably possible to set the server up as an ftp network folder, but i wouldnt know the info to give it to do that05:43
Out_Coldmook_, linux isn't for everyone. if you love windows so much, stick to it05:43
Adman65need more up to date ruby packages05:43
YankDownUnderFunny that - after years and years of folks ALWAYS saying "Don't upgrade" - and that advice is reflected all over the net - everywhere you look - you still find people doing upgrades and wondering why they have issues...sorry, just had to state the obvious.05:43
mook_i only needed 15 process to run windows!!!05:43
macomook_: good for you05:43
PsynoKhi0Out_Cold: bad answer >.<05:43
UbuntuJeffAdman65, try this link, its for the beta but should work still for what you want. http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta105:44
Out_ColdPsynoKhi0, can't change the unwilling05:44
macoYankDownUnder: eh? i dont tend to see lots of "dont upgrade!" rather "zomg the new stuff is so cool!! UPGRADE!"05:44
UbuntuJeffAdman65, has a section called "Upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10 or Ubuntu 8.04 LTS"05:44
Loshkimook_: I was interested that you mentioned modding above. I would say that modding takes on a whole new dimension when you have the source code for everything...05:44
PsynoKhi0Out_Cold: you can always direct them to other distros with separate root user and let them trash their system to heir heart's content :P05:44
YankDownUndermaco, Well, then after 32 years, I must be wrong, and must be researching in the wrong areas/places/groups/sites. Thanks for the insite!05:44
IdleOne!windows | mood705:45
ubottumood7: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:45
macoYankDownUnder: 32 years? ubuntu's only been around for 5...05:45
goddardIs it possible to put a link up so people can download one of my Ubuntu One files?05:45
mook_this is like the govement telling me it would be unsafe for me to have a gun... that they would protect me...............05:45
IdleOne!windows | mook_05:45
ubottumook_: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:45
abadabad00kepplo - so Audacity worked and it is isung ASLA. Ubuntu doesn't and apparently it is using PULSE. How do I get Ubuntu to use ASLA instead of Pulse?05:45
IdleOnesorry mood7, tab fail05:45
Out_ColdPsynoKhi0, i thought that was the point of windows... linux is not for the closed minded05:45
macomook_: if you dont like the way ubuntu works, then *dont use it*05:45
bazhangmook_, stay on topic please05:45
FeasibilityStudyPsynoKhi0: You don't need a different distro for that:  I use Ubuntu and I have a root user.05:45
doleyb_abadabad00: you can simply apt-get remove pulseaudio05:45
macomook_: nobody is forcing you to switch to ubuntu05:45
CogitoErgoSamYank:  I think some of the problems might be that people interpreted 10.04's status as an LTS to mean it is completely and utterly stable, perfect, etc...05:45
AbuMaia1methinks mook is trolling05:45
YankDownUndermaco, Linux => Since 1992. MS Windows => Since 1992 => OS/2 => Since 1988 => UNIX => since ferever05:45
abadabad00you guys are all being really hard on mook05:45
Flannelmook_: Please calm down and stay  ontopic.  If you'd like Ubuntu support, we can help, but you'll need to remain polite and rational.05:45
PsynoKhi0FeasibilityStudy: shhhhhh!!05:46
jud1i don't suppose anyone can help me? I got a bit out of my depth and messed my operating system up a bit05:46
AbuMaia1what's the issue jud1?05:46
macoYankDownUnder: ok but whats that have to do with whether people tend to say you should or shouldnt try the latest ubuntu release?05:46
karma_policei want to install ubuntu to a flash drive so i can use it on multiple host pc's. what is the best way? i have been using live usb but it takes long to boot and shut down05:46
aaaoooaaahi guys, im running virtualbox on karmic and am having issues getting winxp on VB to find any connected devices besides my mouse; can someone help me?05:46
LucidFoxI try to boot the Lucid desktop CD, and it says:05:46
PsynoKhi0btw I was wondering if the old partition alignment applied even in dual-boot with other previously installed linux distros05:46
goddardIs it possible to put a link up so people can download one of my Ubuntu One files?05:47
macoYankDownUnder: i will agree that some people say to wait a month or two after release so the remaining kinks get worked out05:47
macoYankDownUnder: but "dont upgrade EVAR"... not so much05:47
YankDownUndermaco, "Using" "Installing" and "Upgrading" are three different things, my friend...upgrading from versions ain't always a nice happy clean way to go...05:47
Flannelmook_: sudo exists to protect users from a variety of things, including malicious things but not solely for that purpose.  It also protects you from accidentally screwing up your system, and a variety of other things.05:47
LucidFoxBUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [plymouthd:1062]05:47
vexati0nkarma_police, that's the best way i've found. you might get a real install to work but it won't load all the drivers for different computers (which is what takes the live usb so long to boot)05:47
IdleOnegoddard: not in here05:47
Semitonesgoddard, I think you're talking about public links05:47
AbuMaia1I actually enjoy the hunting and problem solving it takes to get a new system up and running ^_^05:47
FeasibilityStudyPsynoKhi0: What is your question?  The way you worded it makes no sense.05:47
macoYankDownUnder: wait are you making a distinction between upgrading via reinstall versus upgrading over the network?05:47
goddardSemitones yep05:47
Semitonesgoddard, I don't know the details of ubuntuone, but I think it's possible -- just look for how to find the public url05:48
karma_policethats what i thought.. i like the versatility of having multiple computer access.. that and i can show linux off to windoze users when i fix there crap05:48
=== huber is now known as huber-
CogitoErgoSammook_: the sudo setup also helps log actions taken with the higher level of authorization to help you audit and/or fix changes made through sudo05:48
macogoddard: yes you can make things public/shareable. might require using the web interface05:48
MrKeunerintel wifi 5300 keeps getting disconnected, anybody has a solution for that? Lucid...05:48
Out_ColdCogitoErgoSam, how is that?05:48
goddardmaco cool good to know05:48
YankDownUndermaco, Here, in my biz and my lab, upgrading is NOT an option. Backing up data, blowing out the entire workstation (even the /home dir) is the best way. Path of least resistance. Least trouble, least work, least support. Hot donuts!05:48
CogitoErgoSamIts been a while since I needed to check, but don't commands run with sudo get logged?05:49
IdleOnegoddard: sorry I misunderstood your question05:49
karma_policeis there a way to get it to save your settings and log in with a user other than root when you boot it?05:49
=== AbuMaia1 is now known as AbuMaia
PsynoKhi0FeasibilityStudy: oh? hmm ok so the release notes state that "By default, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS aligns partitions on disk to 1 MiB (1048576 bytes) boundaries."05:49
mook_i already had t reinstall my entire system 10 min again becuse the grapics driver failed and everything went down hill, i don't think i need t worry about a crack or sudo screwing up my system05:49
mxe5onetinsoldier; Does this shell return mean I'm running the Final release version ???  http://imagebin.org/9550705:49
bazhangmook_, on a server?05:49
AbuMaiajud1: are you still there?  what's your issue?05:49
LucidFoxOr alternatively. How do I show the Lucid boot menu?05:49
macoYankDownUnder: oh sure, blowing everything away is the most foolproof, but its far from the most convenient if you dont want to spend 3 hours reconfiguring everything and cherry-picking bits of your .kde/ to get all your mail back05:49
onetinsoldiermxe5: yes05:49
LucidFoxfrom the live CD05:49
FeasibilityStudyPsynoKhi0: Yes there were a lot of controversy about that.  Ubuntu changed the way KB and MB are counted.05:50
pvl1mook_, in modding your system did u ever crash it? also you have to worry about viruses on windows. here you dont. also, dont u get bored of looking at windows05:50
pvl1or thru05:50
mclark1129I am having trouble with WPA2 Personal encryption on my router authenticating me.  What does it mean when it says wpa_supplicant[822]: Association request to the driver failed in the syslog?05:50
goddardIdleOne its all good05:50
mclark1129I am using the right password, and sometimes it works just fine, other times it times out and gives this message.05:50
pvl1mclark1129, did u install wpa_supplicant yourself or what05:50
macopvl1: there are linux viruses (though not in the wild for current systems) but the more common issue on linux systems is targetted attacks... where passwords are a *good* thing05:50
pvl1mclark1129, oh what about your driver then05:50
mxe5onetinsoldier; Cool - Thought so - just wasn't sure - Thanks05:50
mclark1129no, it came stock on my 9.10 setup then05:50
macoFeasibilityStudy: ubuntu didnt change it. the IEEE did05:51
PsynoKhi0FeasibilityStudy: oh actually I'm wondering about the implications of the new partition alignment05:51
onetinsoldiermxe5: sure. your welcome05:51
mclark1129I'm using the hybrid_wl driver for BCM431205:51
YankDownUndermaco, Kmail/Kontact is backed up...(or was)...always a good thing! (but renamed it, and re-imported to save from any KDE related strangeness - as there is ALWAYS strangeness with KDE applications)05:51
pvl1maco, well sure u can rip a system with SUDO rm -r /*05:51
mclark1129I installed that myself05:51
macoFeasibilityStudy: ubuntu just started following the established standard terminology05:51
vexati0nWill Ubuntu One still sync while I am logged out?05:51
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:51
mook_i never got virus on windows, never will, i have crashed every linux system out well over 50 times in the last 5 years, most of the crashes was from the system screwing up05:51
PsynoKhi0FeasibilityStudy: I way past the MB vs MiB thing05:51
pvl1maco, but making it run via an email?05:51
macopvl1: sure, email someone a .desktop file and tell them it's an e-card05:52
amabodoes anyone know how to get the Last.fm official application to scrobble a connected ipod? it asks "where is your ipod mounted" and i don't know where to direct it :-\05:52
macopvl1: yay trojans :)05:52
karma_policei love 10.04. very snappy... i'm using linux mint menu tho >:)05:52
pvl1mook_, then that just means that ur arrogant and ignorant. why did u even choose to come to linux if youwere so happy with windows?05:52
Flannelmook_: If you've used Linux for five years, you'll have no problem figuring out how to make it so sudo doesn't bother you.  Is there anything else we can help you with today?05:52
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d605:52
goddardWhats the project website for deb?05:52
CogitoErgoSamJust double checked, and yes, sudo actions are logged in /var/log/auth.log05:52
macoamabo: type "mount" in a terminal and itll tell you. should be /media/IPOD or something like that05:52
bazhangpvl1, keep it civil and on topic05:52
FeasibilityStudymook_ GTFO05:52
CogitoErgoSamso commands you run at the higher level of rights can be checked to try and undo anything terrible05:52
pvl1maco, my friend did that exact thing and manage to rewrite every filename to "penis" on another friend05:52
chetnickmaco: i filled a bug.05:52
mook_it seems ubuntu removed ROOT? uhh crap05:52
pvl1bazhang, my b05:53
h00kFeasibilityStudy: that attitude is not welcome here05:53
IdleOneFeasibilityStudy: don't please05:53
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, that is enough05:53
Flannelmook_: No, that's not true.05:53
macochetnick: bug number?05:53
karma_policeubuntu tweak is the best way to fix the button placement.. simple gui05:53
mook_no wonder its not working05:53
amabomaco: nothing for iPod05:53
macoamabo: is there anything listed as being in /media ?05:53
chetnickmaco: Bug #57491805:53
phillipsjk<YankDownUnder>, you may be interested in Debian stable ;)05:53
YankDownUnderI've tried to undo past commands to rectify the present, however, my ex-wives never agree...05:53
macomook_: there is a root user, but its password is locked, thats all05:53
_pg_Is there a room for ppc?05:53
macomook_: if you'd read the wiki page i pointed you to, you'd know this05:54
amabomaco: no but i found some software for it - going to try that05:54
CogitoErgoSamIts been said several times but root is not removed, it is simply disabled by default for a number of well-described reasons05:54
YankDownUnderphillipsjk, Heheheheheh...good one mate....05:54
CogitoErgoSamBut you can reenable it in seconds if you really want05:54
macoamabo: is the ipod plugged in? it should show up on your desktop when its mounted...05:54
FeasibilityStudymook_: are you just now noticing Ubuntu locks the root account?  Wow, perceptive aren't ya?05:54
FlannelFeasibilityStudy: Let it go05:54
aaaoooaaahi guys, im running virtualbox on karmic and am having issues getting winxp on VB to find any connected devices besides my mouse; can someone help me?05:54
linuxgeckoCogitoErgoSam:  no fix.05:54
amabomaco: it does05:54
_pg_I need help installing ubuntu on a ppc g3 iMac.05:54
macoYo, folks! Please be nice!~05:54
amabomaco: mount only tells me where the macintosh HD is l05:54
macoamabo: ok can you double click it and bring up a file browser?05:54
UbuntuJeffaaaoooaaa, try install virtualbox guest addons, its under one of the menus at the top of the window with XP in it05:55
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgecko:  Bleh, sorry it didn't work.  Was worth a shot at least and won't change anything permanently05:55
_pg_ I need help installing ubuntu on a ppc g3 iMac. I downloaded ppc xubuntu but it won't fit on a cd. And I cant get any intel macs to boot to it to install via target disk mode.05:55
linuxgeckoCogitoErgoSam: no other solution?/ this box has no working cd drive.05:55
pvl1_pg_, got a thumb drive?05:56
mxe5onetinsoldier; What would be a good shell command to list some of you're hardware - specifically your CPU & ram - etc. ? ?05:56
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgecko:  I'm sure there's some other way, but I am still relatively new and don't know much about network booting and other methods05:56
macomxe5: sudo lshw | less05:56
* phillipsjk wasn't going for funny...05:56
onetinsoldiermxe5: lshw or lshw-gtk05:56
Geoffrey2it appears that when I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04, some options were left in Gnome, looking for file for programs that aren't installed anymore...is there some preferences file that can be blown away and automatically rebuilt to eliminate that?05:56
macomxe5: thatll list all your hardware05:56
pvl1mxe5, free for ram/swap05:56
gerzelQ: sudo chown <user> <filename> doesn't appear to actually be changing the owner of the file05:56
abadabad00so I removed pulseaudio and sound mystically works now. But my volume icon has dissapeared from my taskbar and when I launch System --> Preferences -->Sound, I am told to please wait while sound preferences load (which never happens)05:56
gerzelwhat am I doing wrong?05:57
_pg_pvl1: G3 cant boot from USB.05:57
mxe5maco; Thanks05:57
karma_policei've been using linux since 9.04.. its still new and fresh to me.05:57
macoGeoffrey2: hit ctrl+h in a file browser to see your hidden configuration files in your home directory05:57
CogitoErgoSamAnyone else that can help linuxgecko with post-grub video driver issues?05:57
pvl1_pg_, aw that blows. get a smaller ubuntu disc and just install w.e else u need. im guessing xubuntu is xfce?05:57
macogerzel: you need to give it user & group i think.  sudo chown user:group filename05:57
abadabad00any way to get my colume icon back in the taskbar? (presumably i am no using 'ALSA'05:57
UbuntuJeffabadabad00, curiousity, what were you having troubles with sound working in? with pulseaudio I mean.05:57
macoabadabad00: the volume icon is a pulseaudio thing. youre going to have to use "alsamixer" in the terminal to make adjustments05:58
macoabadabad00: wait your issue was just audacity, right?05:58
karma_policewhats the easiest way to backup a list of what all you have installed to make it easier for next install?05:58
macoabadabad00: just use pa-suspender with audacity05:58
abadabad00sorry about that om....05:58
krelboynegerzel: is root the owner of the file?05:58
_pg_pvl1: Yeah. But the g3 won't boot to any disc I burn.05:58
IdleOne!clone > karma_police05:58
ubottukarma_police, please see my private message05:58
mxe5onetinsoldier; Thanks again - trying to see if my granddaughter older lappy will run Lucid - should be fine - wasn't sure what version of Ubuntu I had installed on there before.05:58
abadabad00my issue was sound working in all of ubuntu. it seemed to work only in Audacity (ALSA). This prompted me to uninstall pulse audio05:59
pvl1_pg_, y not, and im guessing uve checked bios? or does it not have that either05:59
CogitoErgoSamkarma_police:  If you just want a list of all the packages, you can also do dpkg -l and pipe it to a text file or somethin'05:59
CytotoxicTCellhow often are updates released?05:59
onetinsoldiermxe5: ah, roger. good luck!05:59
gerzelYes root is the owner05:59
macoabadabad00: is it that it didnt work in anything else while audacity was running?05:59
_pg_So I tried target disk mode but my intel macs won't boot to the ppc disks. And no bios haha05:59
abadabad00maco: yes..05:59
gerzeltried giving it the group no dice.05:59
abadabad00oh no05:59
PsynoKhi0ok I'll try again with a concrete example: I currently run karmic/arch linux as dual boot on an oldish laptop, ubuntu manages grub, both share a partition for home, different users... I'm planning to upgrade to Lucid, do I need to pass the partman/alignment=cylinder parameter at the start of the ubuntu installation?06:00
karma_policety.. thats what i was lookin for06:00
dabaRmaco: you're saying that the volume icon in the panel is a pulseaudio thing, and if one uses alsa they can't have it/use it?06:00
macodabaR: right06:00
gerzeltried giving it the group no dice.06:00
abadabad00look... it didn't work in anything at all. but it did work in audacity. (nothing to do with simultinaety)06:00
mxe5onetinsoldier; Thanks - she is a progressive 17yr old that thanks to her Papa loves Linux :o)06:00
dabaRmaco: and do you happen to know how I can tell which I am using?06:00
gerzelThe original owner is root and I need to change the ownership to my user.06:00
macodabaR: ps -ef | grep pulse06:00
abadabad00so it 'happened06:00
abadabad00'happened' to work in audacity06:01
mook_i just06:01
dabaRmaco: interesting06:01
pvl1_pg_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40593406:01
pvl1_pg_, all i found06:01
dabaRmaco: I thought all you have to do is have indicator-sound installed, and a notification area in your panel06:01
macoabadabad00: please file a bug about your issue. "ubuntu-bug pulseaudio" and in the meantime i suggest either using alsamixer or... installing kmix (kde's mixer applet) should work too06:01
_pg_pvl1: Qlready read thatbwhole rhing lol06:02
macodabaR: that applet talks to pulse though. no pulse, no applet06:02
mook_i just installed ROOT i am now login as root, i can now delete system files and do what ever i want! thats freedom! something windows has and you all will never have06:02
dabaRgerzel: I would like to see some output on a pastebin, if possible. do a ls -l file, then chown, then ls -l again, and paste all output to a pastebin, please.06:02
onetinsoldiermxe5: 17 years old... pretty old relic there, hehe. i wouldn't think lucid would run on that, but i don't know.06:02
gerzelgerzel@gerzel-desktop:~/WebSites/EmpoweredGame$ ls -l index.html06:02
gerzel-rwxrwx--- 2 root plugdev 3675 2010-05-04 00:33 index.html06:02
gerzelgerzel@gerzel-desktop:~/WebSites/EmpoweredGame$ sudo chown gerzel:gerzel index.html06:02
gerzelgerzel@gerzel-desktop:~/WebSites/EmpoweredGame$ ls -l index.html-rwxrwx--- 2 root plugdev 3675 2010-05-04 00:33 index.html06:02
FloodBot3gerzel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
CogitoErgoSammook_:  Yes, we'll never have that...unless we take 15 seconds to enable it.06:02
macodabaR: it just goes "oh look i have nothing to talk to *disappear*" because gnome has decided that pulseaudio is their preferred sound server (replacing esound)06:02
pvl1_pg_, yeah then im at a loss. post in the forum then06:03
dabaRwell that's been for a while, rgght?06:03
gerzelget it?06:03
onetinsoldiermxe5: nvm.. i thought you were talking about a computer. my bad06:03
macomook_: you can go on thinking that's what software freedom's about, but it's not. it's about the freedom to read and modify and share *source code*06:03
CogitoErgoSammook_: And I'm not going anywhere near the irony of you referring to windows as being more "free" than *nix06:03
macodabaR: 9.10 was like this too, yes06:03
orlokDoes anybody here have a logitech C600 webcam?06:03
CogitoErgoSamTry looking at the source of the *nix kernel, and then at windows' os06:04
orlokI'm seeing a green tinge on the right hand side of my images under low light conditions06:04
gerzeldabar: see my paste?06:04
CogitoErgoSamOrlok:  Does it follow images if you drag them around the screen or stay in place06:04
dabaRmaco: well, really software freedom is about what that sharing/availability brings :)06:04
MrKeunerintel wifi 5300 keeps getting disconnected sporadically, anybody has a solution for that?06:05
dabaRwhich is I guess the same thing06:05
mxe5onetinsoldier; It is a computer - It's a laptop (a.k.a. lappy) my granddaughter is running linux on - .........06:05
onetinsoldiermxe5: roger :-)06:05
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* dabaR wonders what mook_ was even saying...it was not very clear from his sentence06:06
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nocturnushelp me pls06:06
nocturnusunetbootin won't creata  a boobletable usb (it says there's no bootable drive -- but boot flag was set in fdisk), from an ubuntu iso06:06
PsynoKhi0dabaR: he sounded very confused06:06
mxe5onetinsoldier; Ah - I just saw yer other post further up - there are so many posts after a new release the screen is constantly scrolling - ha06:07
Geoffrey2ok, I'm looking at .xsession-errors, and it appears gnome is trying to open a bunch of programs that simple don't exist anymore, like...Unable to open desktop file /usr/share/applications/firefox-3.5.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory06:07
FeasibilityStudymook_ OFTG06:07
CogitoErgoSammook made up his mind to be dissatisfied no matter what anyone said06:07
orlokCogitoErgoSam: it stays in the image, just wondering if its a common probllem06:07
Geoffrey2obviously, that's because 10.04 doesn't install the 3.5 version of Firefox.....06:07
futsuriaiHello, is there some way to install a clean 10.04 from within an instance of 9.04 w/o access to external peripherals?06:07
CogitoErgoSamorlok:  I've never run into it, but my point in asking was to determine if it was a software (follows image) or hardware (stays still) issue06:08
mxe5onetinsoldier; The laptop if I remember is a Dell Latitude D600 w/2gb's ram or so.06:08
onetinsoldiermxe5: roger. i've always built my own06:08
orlokCogitoErgoSam: oh - def. hardware06:08
mxe5onetinsoldier; It's older but should be fine.06:08
CogitoErgoSamif it stayed still I'd say it was a problem with the monitor, like stuck pixels06:08
jeeezi installed xp and did 'grub-install' again to get grub back. now it doesn't show the menu, directly boots into ubuntu, how do i fix this?06:08
dabaRgerzel: I saw it, just makes no sense.06:08
Geoffrey2so, is there some file I can edit to strip out this fun stuff?06:08
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: what version of unetbootin and how do you point to the ubuntu ISO?06:08
orlokCogitoErgoSam: i'm using it for astrophotography, i just painted over the LED to make sure it wasnt light bleedfrom that06:09
mxe5onetinsoldier; Your own laptops? or Desktop clones?06:09
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: select it in the GUI06:09
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: unetbootin vers 42406:09
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: drop down menu or browsing for the file?06:09
YokanzoAnyone familiar with A8V motherboards?06:09
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: either or06:10
onetinsoldiermxe5: desktops. i've never had a laptop06:10
aaaoooaaahi guys i just added a line into fstab to make something work and was wondering what it actually is doing:  none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=userid,devmode=664 0 006:10
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: is it known to matter?06:10
Pike6Hi Does anyone knows a way to get rid of Grub lines?06:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:10
mxe5onetinsoldier; Ah - makes perfect sense.06:10
CogitoErgoSamOk who farted06:10
onetinsoldierlol CogitoErgoSam06:10
aaaoooaaaCogitoErgoSam: damn barking spiders06:11
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, Coulda been me - I ate beans last night...06:11
UbuntuJeffYankDownUnder, well that explains the smell then lol06:11
CogitoErgoSamI didn't know beans were a standard part of penguin diets06:11
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: I never use the drop-down menu06:11
mxe5YankDownUnder; That'll do it...06:11
YankDownUnderYes...my bad... :)06:11
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: the drop-down menu doesn't select an iso06:11
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: it downloads one06:11
Callum__o_O massive netsplit06:12
YokanzoI got this problem which is partially related if anyone doesn't mind helping me out for a sec06:12
crucialhoaxWhen I plug in my usb flash drive it freezes the whole system, ubuntu 10.04 x6406:12
PsynoKhi0that's why I never use it :P06:12
aaaoooaaahi guys i just added a line into fstab to make something work and was wondering what it actually is doing:  none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=userid,devmode=664 0 006:12
engineerI want to know basics about System administration, which channel should i join? any help06:12
_pg_How o install from06:12
_pg_How do I install ubuntu on an external06:13
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: how did you format the USB?06:13
_pg_From ubuntu06:13
aaaoooaaaengineer: maybe redhat?06:13
IdleOne_pg_: with a cd or USB06:13
YankDownUnder_pg_, Can the machine boot to an external? You said it was a G3, right?06:13
YokanzoArgh.... VIA8237 southbridge controller is driving me insane06:13
aaaoooaaaengineer: or gentoo?06:14
_pg_Yes I don't think it can boot USB and it won't boot any ubuntu cd don't know why06:14
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: using fdisk06:14
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: ext306:14
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: mkfs.ext3 rather06:14
engineeryes aooooaa06:14
YankDownUnderNot Gentoo - RHEL, RH straight, SuSE or CentOS is best for "learning" the ins and outs of sysadmin06:14
engineerits linux administration06:14
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: ah, here's your problem, unetbootin works only with FAT32 AFAIK06:14
engineeri want to know wehter i can learn linux administration at home06:14
wersfor some super weird reason, i can't install Adobe Air with the .bin file. whenever i run the .bin, the output says that the file does not exist. i'm 100% sure that i entered the right file location06:15
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: good call!06:15
wersany idea/06:15
engineeror do i have to join any particualr06:15
PsynoKhi0mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdx06:15
dabaRengineer: well, what are you trying to learn? Anything specific?06:15
PsynoKhi0I think06:15
dabaRI mean, pick a distro, install it, and take it from there.06:15
YankDownUnderwers, The command SHOULD be: ./AdobeAir.bin (and you have to make sure  you're doing it as root, and that it's been chmod +x *.bin)06:16
aaaoooaaaYankDownUnder: where down under are yuou?06:16
wersYankDownUnder, i did that. it worked on another laptop but not here06:16
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: correction, it works with fat16 to but... :|06:16
YankDownUnderAnother tool for playing with system administration is "Webmin"06:16
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crucialhoaxShould I add all my USB drives into fstab or is mtab? They are freezing my laptop upon insertion.06:16
CogitoErgoSamwers you tryin to run it through the console?06:16
CogitoErgoSamahh ignore that06:16
YankDownUnderaaaoooaaa, I'm in Sydney (basiically)06:16
CogitoErgoSamscreen wasn't scrollin to keep up06:16
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wersCogitoErgoSam, yep. that's the way i'm trying to do it06:16
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: so it doesn't work with ext2/3 ?06:16
aaaoooaaaYankDownUnder: cool06:17
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: did you install ubuntu from USB?06:17
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: nope06:17
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: No, a CD.06:17
CogitoErgoSamdid you put ./ in front of it, assuming you're in the directory it resides in06:17
aybabtuIm having some issues getting stickam.com to work properly for me. When I click into a livechat, the flash looks all plain and messed up, and it displays my webcam but only when it wants to. Anyone heard of such errors?06:17
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: thanks a lot06:17
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: hmm ok, had an issue previously with USB acting up because fstab thought they were CDs06:17
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: np06:18
dabaRYankDownUnder: What kind of an advice is "go to another distro" on #ubuntu when someone asks about learning to administer linux systems....06:18
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: It did it even in 9.1006:18
YokanzoI have an ubuntu 64bit edition but the problem is that my harddrives aren't recognized by the VIA SATA controller attached to my harddisk. I'm forced to use Promise which doesn't have drivers that work in 64 bit unless I raid my drives06:18
Yokanzobut I don't want to raid them06:18
steven__why cant i change stuff in compiz06:18
YankDownUnderdabaR, Not "advise" the person wanted to study up on sysadmin.06:18
Geoffrey2ok, what exactly is the .xsession-errors file?06:18
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: might be a HAL (or lack of) related issue06:18
dabaRYankDownUnder: so they should get another distro?06:18
CogitoErgoSamwers: did you put ./ in front of it, assuming you're in the directory it resides in06:18
linuxgeckohow do i force a gui to work???  i can get the pre-gui ubunut loading screen, with dots for s progress bar, but i can't get a gui, and i can't get any errors to help..  it's like it's blindly goofing up.06:18
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: can mkfs make fat32 partiitons?06:19
wersCogitoErgoSam, yep. i even tried putting the whole location06:19
* wad wonders why the heck they moved the window control buttons to the left side of the title bar. Then made it so that there is no simple radio-button somewhere that lets you choose which side you prefer them to be on.06:19
YankDownUnderdabaR, They should look at every linux distro - and NOT look at M$. We don't have to be distro-centric, but info-centric.06:19
linuxgeckoeven if i have to force a vesa driver06:19
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: Is there a workaround or a fix? When I plug it in, the usb light dies then the laptop just freezes lol, its quite weird.06:19
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: yes, scroll up, I typed the line you need earlier06:19
PsynoKhi0mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdx06:19
ZykoticK9linuxgecko, try removing "quiet splash" from your kernel boot option06:19
QuarterstaffFor those that cannot get compiz to work in Ubuntu 10.04. I fixed it for gnome by running sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager06:19
dabaRYankDownUnder: OK, just sounds like a bit of a weird advice to suggest another distro when someone asks for help with learning sysadmin on ##ubuntu06:19
AbuMaiaIf I have to cd to directory, then ./program --modifier to run the program, how do I set that up in startup programs06:20
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steven__why cant i change compiz06:20
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: text is flying by so fast, can you just psate it again?06:20
dabaRYankDownUnder: makes it sound like...if you want to do sysadmin, Ubuntu is not really the right tool.06:20
nocturnus01:15:12 < PsynoKhi0> mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdx06:20
linuxgeckoZykoticK9:  noted.. how does that help?06:20
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: got it ;/06:20
dabaRsteven__: you tell us06:20
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: is the partition type in fdisk w95 fat32?06:20
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, just use the whole path to the script06:20
CogitoErgoSamTo support what yank's saying, the fact is that different distros come "out of the box" suited for different tasks, and while certainly you can customize any of them to fit your needs, if someone was looking to learn to do sysadmin / hosting stuff, there are specific distros that are more commonly used06:20
nocturnus01:15:12 < PsynoKhi0> mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdx06:20
steven__dabaR: i like to but i cant06:20
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: can't even reach a terminal session with e.g. ctrl alt F206:20
ZykoticK9linuxgecko, you'll get more output, and X might start booting06:21
dabaRsteven__: is there something you do in particular, and you get an error, or what?06:21
AbuMaiaZykoticK9: without the ./ ?06:21
dabaRCogitoErgoSam: and Ubuntu is poorly suited to being a server?06:21
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: Nope, everything is dead. I even tried killing X with Ctrl+alt+Bkspc absolutely nothing works but the power button.06:21
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: yes but for some reason I've never gotten it to work from fdisk :P06:21
YankDownUnderdabaR, If someone is studying history, you can't tell them to only study US history...study EVERYONE'S history. Either which, I'm not a zealot in any sense of the word. As long as they're using linux, that's all that matters.06:21
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, ./ means from this directory just use /home/USERNAME/REST_OF_PATH -options06:21
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: what do you mean?06:22
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, try running it with full path from a terminal first06:22
CogitoErgoSamdabaR:  I didn't say that at all.  I admit in the spirit of full disclosure that I don't do much sysadmin stuff, but my point is that there are legitimate reasons to recommend someone interested in learning to sysadmin look at several distros, not just ubuntu exclusively06:22
futsuriaiHello, is there some way to install a clean 10.04 from within an instance of 9.04 w/o access to external peripherals?06:22
steven__dabaR: idk when i was running 10.9 i could not do it and now when running the upgraed i cant06:22
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: have you activated ctrl+alt+bkspc? in case you're unaware of it it's off by default nowadays in ubuntu06:22
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: Yes, it is activated...06:22
* dabaR wonders now whether he should do the same since he uses Ubuntu at work for servers. Maybe there is some purpose in trying out some other distro.06:23
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: that setting the partition type as fat32 in fdisk has never worked for me, I use mkfs.vfat06:23
dabaRsteven__: What do you click, what happens.06:23
dabaRsteven__: That's the relevant info.06:23
roger_Hey everyone06:24
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: ok hmm... unfortunately I haven't had my hands on lucid yet, I'm speaking from experience in Arch linux with usb not behaving nice06:24
wershow do I install a 32bit deb on 64bit lucid (yes, i need to install this 32 bit one. there's no 64bit version)06:24
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: well you gotta set the partition type with fdisk, and then build the filesystem - so how could you just have skipped it?06:24
chmacAnyone know if keyserver.ubuntu.com is down / having issues?06:24
linuxgec1odabaR: i tried 3 different ditro's before i settled on my home distro of choice. ubuntu is my "this is your first time away from M$." distro. extreme power-users like myself,  i recommend aanother disstro.06:24
steven__dabaR: nm i didnot reload it a noob lol06:24
ZykoticK9wers, "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture $PACKAGE.deb"06:25
dabaRlinuxgec1o: am I on #ubuntu or what?06:25
chmacI'm trying to add key id B1572604 but getting a timeout error and the web interface isn't loading...06:25
sean12837I have a PHP script that simply reads some entries from a remote mysql database.  I am running this script on a linux machine which has 4 IPs (eth0, eth0:1 eth0:2, eth0:3).  Is it possible to force the PHP script to use a specific IP to access the remote database?06:25
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: Thats fine, anything will help, I am at a loss. I do not understand how inserting a usb drive causes the system entirely to die, usually at the worst times :(06:25
wersZykoticK9, thanks a lot!06:25
linuxgec1odabaR: yes, you are. i've learned the hard way that while it's good for many thing,   ubuntu us not the best for  EVERYTHING.06:26
DanaGinteresting thing: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/Screenshot-netbook.png06:26
chmacsean12837: I'm not sure if you can force that within the PHP script itself, but you could probably bind apache to one IP06:26
DanaGany of you read Mark Shuttleworth's thing about the new notifications?06:26
YokanzoCan anyone tell me if Ubuntu supports booting from PCI SATA controller cards on older motherboards?06:26
DanaGMy screenshot shows why it's STILL better to have the buttons on the right. =þ06:26
chmacsean12837: Maybe more relevant to ##php or #apache though06:26
YankDownUnderYokanzo, Should do fine mate06:26
DanaGYokanzo: Depends on the motherboard BIOS and the add-in card's ROM, partly.06:27
YankDownUnderChanging the buttons ain't a hard thing to accomplish...just a gconf hack...06:27
dabaRlinuxgec1o: whatever works is the best for anything, for sure, anyway, thanks for your input.06:27
Geoffrey2ok, what is the .xsession-errors file?06:27
YokanzoI got an A8V Deluxe which means that it came out when SATA was still new06:27
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, Um...it contains the errors that X spits forth when not playing nicely...06:27
DanaGAnd even if the motherboard doesn't natively support it, you could put a small boot partition on a main drive, and then the rest somewhere else.06:27
YokanzoIt has a SATA controller attached to the bios but only supports SATA1 while my drives are SATA 206:28
Yokanzoi wanted to make a file server06:28
roger_Yokanzo: I used to have one. It worked great back in the day with other ubuntu distros pre-dating 9.0406:28
YankDownUnderThe real difference between a workstation and a file server: The file server doesn't have your pr0n on it.06:28
Yokanzooh great, so the general consensus is that its possible to boot from a SATA controller?06:28
PsynoKhi0nocturnus: my bad, yes, partition type W95 in fdisk, choice code "b"06:28
roger_lol at yank06:28
CogitoErgoSamYank:  Depends how much pr0n you're talking about :D06:28
YokanzoThanks guys, very much appreciated.06:29
roger_and Yokanzo: I would say yes, That being my experience. But again, not every system is alike.06:29
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:29
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, Ok...true true true....but I was "generalising" :)06:29
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, mine has error messages created by it looking for stuff that doesn't exist anymore...06:29
CogitoErgoSamI'm just playin' along06:29
nocturnusPsynoKhi0: right-o06:29
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, It's actually safe to delete that file mate...it gets recreated every time you fire up Xorg...06:29
linuxgec1odabaR:  yeah..  i tried installing a web app developed in debian by a narrow-minded dev. had some nasty, hard-to-maintain pinning i had to do,  jsut to get it to START working. when you have to go off-road like that,  i hate some things about ubuntu. my other distro is better at "off the normal path" stuff like that.06:29
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, which file?06:30
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, the .xsession-errors06:30
YokanzoWhat kinda transfer rates can you expect with a SATA card anyway?06:30
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, yeah, but that won't solve the errors I keep getting06:30
CogitoErgoSamno, it won't.  Not all errors are critical though06:30
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, gconf-sanity-check has a cow every time I boot up06:30
DanaGYokanzo: what matters more is that the add-in card has an "option ROM".06:31
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, What you can do (the purpose of this file) is to chase down the programs you DON'T have any longer, and remove them from your desktop environment, or any other related place...(or in settings, etc etc etc)06:31
YokanzoWhat's an option ROM?06:31
DanaGfor example, with a silicon image sata controller, some boards have a jumper to enable or disable it.06:31
linuxgec1oZykoticK9: what will removing quiet and slapsh from the boot do for me, to get a non-blank gui?06:31
DanaGWith it enabled, and with the motherboard set to allow "scsi" (and other such terms) boot, it's usable.06:32
linuxgec1oZykoticK9:  just unhide all the guts?06:32
CogitoErgoSamlinuxgec1o:  Its no guarantee but, like the i915 attempt, if you do it via the grub menu it can't hurt06:32
DanaGWhen a motherboard boots, it pokes all its add-in cards to see if they offer a boot ability.06:32
ZykoticK9linuxgec1o, it might not do anything - but you might see an error message, or if plymouth splash is the problem will remove it.  Yes unhide all the guts.06:32
YokanzoEven older mobos Dana?06:32
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, I'd simply like to get rid of the nice box that pops up and tells me gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with a status 25606:32
chmacAnyone know if keyservers operate on a port other than 80/443?06:32
YokanzoMy A8V came out around 200506:33
abadabad00hi. i reinstalled pulse audio and my sound finally works. I lost my volume indicator in the taskbar though. I've searched ixquick and google, but no answers. Anyone know how to get the volume icon in the task bar?06:33
ZykoticK9abadabad00, if lucid - right click, add to panel, indicator applet06:34
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, Have you tried removing gconf-sanity-check from the startup applications?06:34
nomad77abadabad00: try gnome-panel --restart if ZykoticK9 's tip fails06:34
DanaGYokanzo: yeah, old motherboards can likely do it, too.06:34
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: *06:35
abadabad00ZykoticK9 - yes, I am in Lucid. Indicator applet unfortunately only adds the envelope (for email)06:35
DanaGNext time you reboot the thing, if you already have the add-in card, try poking around in the BIOS settings.06:35
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: darn sorry, bad paste, hang on06:35
DanaGThough, something to note: PCI-based SATA controllers are a pain.06:35
ZykoticK9abadabad00, if you see the mail icon, but no volume - i'm sorry i don't know.  good luck.06:35
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, it's not needed?06:35
DanaGThe PCI bus is a bottleneck... heavy disk activity bogs down absolutely everything else.... even things not touching the hard drive.06:36
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HAL#USB_sticks_and_drives_do_not_automount_correctly this is what I experienced in Arch, might be useful to you06:36
abadabad00nomad77 - "Unknown option --restart"06:36
term_oldcomp1? got buntu 10.04 setup on this old athlonxp2800+ with 256Mb RAM.  if I upgrade RAM to 512 will it auto detect new amount?06:36
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  It might be possible through gconf-editor...I'm digging around the Panel settings to see if I can find something corresponding to the volume06:37
DanaGYokanzo: what's the onboard chipset?  With ordinary hard drives, you may be better off sticking with onboard SATA.06:37
roger_term_oldcomp1 yes it will06:37
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - thanks!06:37
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, Well, depends on yer perspective. Does everything work already without it spitting forth a cow every time you boot?06:37
ZykoticK9nomad77, abadabad00 to restart gnome-panel, just kill it and it should auto restart with "killall gnome-panel"06:37
YokanzoI have two onboard chipsets06:37
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: Thanks :)06:37
Yokanzoa Promise SaTA 378 TX206:37
PsynoKhi0term_oldcomp1: most probably yes, unless maybe the sticks are bad06:37
PsynoKhi0crucialhoax: np!06:37
mellodo you speak spanish?06:38
Neffhello i installed the ISO on a SD card for my netbook and it stops at the initramfs prompt with mount usage06:38
ZykoticK9!es | mello06:38
ubottumello: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:38
DanaGhmm, if "Promise" is real SATA raid, that may still be worthwhile.06:38
Yokanzoand a VIA VT8237 Southbridge06:38
YokanzoThese controllers are a part of the motherboard06:38
Yokanzonow the VIA has been giving me shit ever since I had this machine06:38
itsfaithI have an AMD K3 3D processor, this laptop has 28mb ram. Is there a version of Ubuntu that'll work on it?06:38
mello!uk mello06:39
DanaGyeah, VIA is a pain.06:39
abadabad00ZykoticK9 - the taskbar momentarily disappeared and came back, but no volume06:39
maluI want to know Tamil to english transliteration tool?06:39
YokanzoIt wont detect either of my harddrives because they are SATA206:39
Yokanzoeven if I set a jumper to limit it to 150 mb/s06:39
DanaGHmm, check the drive for a jumper to set them to SATA1 mode.06:39
term_oldcomp1? another q, this old comp has a raptor 74Gb.. doesn't seem to be running full speed.  any way to confirm it's set right switch wise?06:39
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: 28MB? is it a typo? :)06:39
grung0rSInce upgrading to 10.4,there is something funky about my graphics driver settings. I can't get above 1152x864, and it resets to 640x480 upon every restart. furthermore, the window widgets are missing in gnome until I enable the extra effects, which I also have to do upon every restart. any suggestions?06:39
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  I'm also looking around and there might be a way through the user settings as well, located at /home/<username>/.gconf/apps/panel06:39
itsfaithNo, rofl06:39
YokanzoYeah I tried using a jumper the VIA will have none of it06:39
roger_wow dude06:39
itsfaith3gb harddrive06:39
DanaGbleh.  stupid Via.06:40
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  If I find a key for the volume app specifically I'll let ya know06:40
itsfaithHeck, I just want any linux on it06:40
DanaGPromise sounds.... uh... pun.  never mind. =-þ06:40
Neffhas anyone successfulling installed the netbook ubuntu with an SD or flash drive?06:40
YokanzoThe promise would've been fine and that is how i'm able to talk to you06:40
Yokanzobut i'm trying to dual boot with windows 706:40
Yokanzo64 bit06:40
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - Okay06:40
Yokanzoand theres no such thing as promise drivers for 64bit in IDE mode06:40
Yokanzoi'd have to cheat and make a raid with 1 drive06:40
Yokanzobut that means losing valuable data on these drives06:40
term_oldcomp1hey itsfaith...  try out Puppy Linux for that comp.  it's a dream for older systems06:40
DanaGhmm, no option to put it in RAID mode yet not configure RAID?06:40
itsfaithIt's not my main computer or anything just a play around old one06:40
crucialhoaxPsynoKhi0: I might have found something...06:40
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: hmm not sure you'll be able to use anything that the net install, and don't count on having a GUI :P06:41
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: anything else than*06:41
itsfaithdang, but windows 98 runs on it06:41
YokanzoLike the promise controller was intended for a 2 disk raid but i set it to IDE mode which is basically JBOD06:41
ZykoticK9abadabad00, do you have indicator-sound installed?  to verify in terminal "apt-cache policy indicator-sound"06:41
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: and win98 is 12 years old ^^ BUT!!06:41
Yokanzothe bios allows me to do this06:41
Yokanzothe VIA on the otherhand is totally fussy06:41
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: check out DeLi Linux06:41
YokanzoThats why i have two options06:41
itsfaithi heard of this mintlinux thing, is that good?06:42
Yokanzoeither somehow beg for a refund on my Win7 ultimate edition 64bit and get 32 bit instead once again underusing the 64bit capabilities of my CPU06:42
amaboi installed the radel-egtk theme and i'd like to remove it and try reinstalling it - how might i do that?06:42
term_oldcomp1Linux Mint using more resources than normal ubuntu06:42
Yokanzoor get a controller06:42
nomad77itsfaith: maybe tinycore on that06:42
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: mintlinx is based on ubuntu... ubuntu no-go = mint no-go06:42
DanaGYokanzo: what actual motherboard is it?06:43
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: DeLi Linux is aimed at computer with 20.30MB RAM06:43
YokanzoAsus A8V Delux06:43
itsfaithoh cool06:43
YokanzoAsus A8V Deluxe*06:43
GadenaWhy mint? Is it better?06:43
abadabad00ZykoticK9 - Installed "none"06:43
itsfaithi just heard http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100304122412AAzXd6V06:44
itsfaither saw it suggested there06:44
sujiLet me know any web conferencing tool for ubuntu?06:44
ZykoticK9abadabad00, "sudo apt-get install indicator-sound" then :)06:44
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  I'm afk a few minutes but then I'll keep look around for ya, if you find an answer in the meantime send me a PM so I can know how to do it too :D06:44
prayiiitsfaith: take all yahoo answers with a grain of salt06:44
itsfaithfor sure, thats why i came in here06:44
roger_Prayii: I totally agree.06:44
YokanzoIf Promise tech actually made 64bit drivers instead of acting like a bunch of jerks I'd have no problems06:45
roger_Most are stupids copy+paste06:45
term_oldcomp1? is there a way to edit grub menu from windows x64 ?06:45
PsynoKhi0Gadena: depends, Mint ships with all the proprietary codecs pre-installed, has a different theme, and a few extra tools...06:45
DanaGYokanzo: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-IE/vistawu/thread/3b5e83b6-fe37-48a4-8f8f-77d911879ad706:45
DanaGthough, that's a topic more for ##windows06:46
itsfaithug, slow going deli linux dl06:46
PsynoKhi0there should be torrent06:47
itsfaithtinycore have a ui?06:47
DanaGtry other mirrors.06:47
itsfaithger gui06:47
itsfaither gui, rather, hah. forgive me06:47
term_oldcomp1btw I want to thank the ubuntu team for making samba sharing work by default06:47
malu I want to know Tamil to english transliteration tool?06:47
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: another alternative: lowRAM flavour of SliTaz06:47
nomad77itsfaith: check distrowatch.com,yes a gui06:48
itsfaithok swell06:48
crucialhoax!fstab > crucialhoax06:49
ubottucrucialhoax, please see my private message06:49
PsynoKhi0itsfaith: http://www.slitaz.org/en/get/flavors.html06:49
itsfaithheard it doesn't support usb drives06:49
itsfaithon that page?06:50
ftabcan I have /etc/default/grub file content please, I am using Lucid Lynx but the file is empty for me06:50
datroublergood morning i have a problem installing the fglrx driver since the update to 10.406:50
YokanzoThanks Dana I'll check it out06:51
=== Cylon is now known as monkyness
PsynoKhi0ok I'll try again with a concrete example: I currently run karmic/arch linux as dual boot on an oldish laptop, ubuntu manages grub, both share a partition for home, different users... I'm planning to upgrade to Lucid, do I need to pass the partman/alignment=cylinder parameter at the start of the ubuntu installation?06:51
NeoCicakhi all... quick question.. is the amd64 version of ubuntu ISO going to work for intel 64 bits processor ? (i have a core 2 duo laptop)06:51
NeoCicakor is the amd64 ISO only going to work with AMD processors?06:52
Geoffrey2interesting...I'm in the .gnome2 folder in my home directory, and see no session file....assuming it's been moved or renamed?06:52
UbuntuJeffNeoCicak, it will work on your core 2 duo06:52
GneaNeoCicak: no it works with anything 64-bit - intel and amds06:52
CogitoErgoSamNeo:  It works fine with my intel Q660006:52
GneaNeoCicak: but not itaniums06:52
PsynoKhi0NeoCicak: works with intel 64bits (not itanuim)06:53
NeoCicakGnea: thx... the word 'amd' is misleading then :P06:53
amabocould anyone help me in how i might go about installing these themes? http://dg09.deviantart.com/art/Nuala-Port-for-Linux-157697487?offset=10#comments06:53
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.06:53
doleyb_NeoCicak: well amd came out with it first, so intel is like the copycat there..06:53
PsynoKhi0NeoCicak: so is i386 then ;)06:53
NeoCicakhehehe.. yeah, i suppose06:53
GneaNeoCicak: feel free to suggest another :)06:53
NeoCicakthx all06:53
mN-Jackhow can u use linux to see satellite view?06:54
mN-Jackany clue :P06:54
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: satellite view of what ?06:54
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: what about google-earth06:54
Cory`Anyone know where to download the new ubuntu logo font?06:54
PsynoKhi0satellite view? you mean google earth?06:55
mN-Jacknot really06:55
_Zappy__Hello ! How can I force the Software Center to install new software on another partition ?06:55
Streetboyshelo gud day can i ask something06:55
mN-Jacklike live06:55
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: google maps also has a satellite view06:55
ZykoticK9!ask | Streetboys06:55
ubottuStreetboys: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:55
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: live ? how can you do it in windows ?06:55
UbuntuJeffamabo, I am looking for you and trying to figure it out for ya06:55
dhruvasagarStreetboys: just ask :)06:55
Streetboysubunt vs windows 7.. which ic better06:56
mN-Jackimpossible huh06:56
MoheroPlease use the format !ping {location} {# of pings (default of 5, 20 max)}06:56
dhruvasagarStreetboys: ubuntu :)06:56
abadabad00so very close. I got sound working again with pulse (i really want to keep using pulse), but the configuration settings reset upon restart (or logout). Anyone know how to get sound settings to stick even after a logout?06:56
amaboUbuntuJeff: thanks!!06:56
bazhang!ot > Streetboys06:56
ubottuStreetboys, please see my private message06:56
=== ea-haya is now known as urartu
_Zappy__Hello ! How can I force the Software Center to install new software on another partition ?06:56
datroublergood morning i have a problem installing the fglrx driver since the update to 10.406:56
PsynoKhi0Streetboys: depends on what you want to do06:56
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: can you do it in any other operating system !?06:56
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:56
CogitoErgoSamaba:  Where are you saving teh settings06:56
YankDownUnderStreetboys, Cost? Ubuntu. Time spent getting it to do what you want? Ubuntu. Support issues? Ubuntu. Drive space? Ubuntu. Lack of viruses and crap? Ubuntu. Your choice.06:56
dhruvasagar!repeat | _Zappy__06:57
ubottu_Zappy__: please see above06:57
Streetboys<dhruvasagar> why ubuntu06:57
bazhangStreetboys, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here06:57
_Zappy__I guess nobody knows then06:57
PsynoKhi0datroubler: what problem?06:57
dhruvasagarStreetboys: because you have much better control over your system, all the tools that are there are free, there is a huge community of people ever ready to help...the list goes on06:57
YankDownUnderStreetboys, Tell you this - Ubuntu has gone far out of it's way to be the easiest, simplest, fastest install with best apps and best support. End of story.06:57
datroublerPsynoKhi0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146949606:57
shledahi, can some one help me with this issue which I am facing after upgrade -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147158406:57
MrKeunerintel wifi 5300 keeps getting disconnected sporadically, anybody has a solution for that?06:58
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: your asking if its possible to view live satellite view in ubuntu, I am simply asking if it is possible in any other operating system ? do you know any such tool at all!?06:58
datroublerPsynoKhi0 i already talked with minimec here in the chat but we couldn't find a solution06:58
Geoffrey2ok, can someone tell me where the gnome sessions file is?06:58
UbuntuJeffamabo, well I can tell you right off the bat, the NualaBlack and BLue and Graphite and those themes, you need to have emerald installed, then open the emerald theme manager and you can install those .emerald files06:58
alclglis the intel atom n450 processor considered a x86_64?06:58
mN-Jackno i dont know06:58
datroublerPsynoKhi0 in the board nobody answers my qustion06:58
cjaeIf I have openoffice installed shouldn't I have java installed?06:58
amaboUbuntuJeff: i figured - i'm installing emerald now06:58
cjaeCannot install frostwire says no java06:59
=== urartu is now known as ururus
dhruvasagarmN-Jack: I don't know either, i've never heard of any. I know there are some eclipse based tools that NASA uses to do the same, but then they have the direct access to the satellites06:59
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  Got it!  sudo apt-get install indicator-sound06:59
abadabad00Streetboys: Depends on what you are planning to use your computer for. For example, I dualboot between Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04. I use Ubuntu because I don't like constantly being attacked while on the internet (exploits, trojans, viruses, etc.). I also use specific programs in Ubuntu that don't run in Windows. On the flip-side, I use Windows because there are several programs in there that only run in windows (my EPROM progra06:59
abadabad00mmer for example), and I even have hardware that only runs in windows (my scanner).06:59
Prez00who's running intel 965 chipset?  I try to activate compiz and i get windows with no borders...i think i remember having a similar issue with karmic, but not quite sure06:59
shledacjae: you may have to locate java and set its path in your rc profile/shell profile06:59
mN-Jackyep yep06:59
ZykoticK9!emerald > amabo06:59
ubottuamabo, please see my private message06:59
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  Then just remove and add the indicator applet to the panel again06:59
dhruvasagar!repeat > dhruvasagar06:59
ubottudhruvasagar, please see my private message06:59
Cory`Anyone know where to download the new ubuntu logo font?06:59
dhruvasagar!repeat | dhruvasagar07:00
dhruvasagar!repeat > _Zappy__07:00
ubottu_Zappy__, please see my private message07:00
AbuMaiaCory`: I don't know if it's completed yet07:00
MilesTwhats a command for performing arithmetic operations to values while in the command line ( eg program | cut -b25-34 | ?? )07:00
Sna4x8Hi, I'm trying to upgrade to 10.04.  I get this error: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-21-generic\ Can't open /scripts/functions\gzip: stdout: No space left on device07:00
YankDownUnderCory`, I'd check the Ubuntu home page => media and marketing, etc etc etc07:00
ZykoticK9Cory`, I still don't think the font is ready - i could certainly be wrong though07:00
YankDownUnderSna4x8, Sounds like your /boot is, um, full.07:00
ZykoticK9Sna4x8, guess your drive is full07:00
Sna4x8MilesT: You can use bc.07:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:01
ftabhow do I install usplash on lucid lynx ?07:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »07:01
Sna4x8YankDownUnder: Ahh, yea I guess it has 94% usage.07:01
bazhangdhruvasagar, /msg ubottu please07:01
IdleOnedhruvasagar: stop that07:01
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - thanks! I've got things working now! Only thing is my setup (one Sound Blaster Audigy 4 and one M-Audio Audiophile 192) doesn't work properly unless I configure it with 'paconfig'. But the config doesn't stick (if I restart or even log out and log back in without a restart it goes back to 'normal' / nonworking mode). Any idea how to get the settings to stick?07:01
dhruvasagarbazhang: ok will try that07:01
Sna4x8YankDownUnder: I have 123GB free on my main partition though.  So what, I need to resize boot?07:01
YankDownUnderftab, Um - Lynx uses plymouth...07:01
dhruvasagarI was just trying to get a list of commands that ubottu recognizes07:01
YankDownUnderSna4x8, Yeah - just by about 50mb mate07:02
Xcellhey, why is it when i try to install 195.36.24 in 10.04, it tells me that i have logcal errors  ??07:02
bazhangdhruvasagar, /msg ubottu factoids07:02
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00: Where are the settings in question being saved?07:02
Sna4x8YankDownUnder: Word *busts out gparted.  Thanks.07:02
ftabYankDownUnder, when I try to start StartupManager it exits with this error Grub2 detected07:02
ftabUsplash not detected07:02
ftabSplashy not detected07:02
dhruvasagarbazhang: thank you07:02
abadabad00Streetboys: You need more help? Just msg me and we can talk about what you are using your computer for (programs, aims, objectives, etc) and then figure out a solution for you (ubuntu, windows, dualboot, whatever...)07:02
PsynoKhi0datroubler: right off the bat, I think the opensource driver doesn't have powersaving in the versin that ships withLucid, no wonder it turns hot07:02
YankDownUnderftab, Um...cuz usplash ain't installed...PLYMOUTH is installed...07:02
Xcellmaybe 10.04 is still 2 broke to handle it.07:03
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - not sure07:03
datroublerPsynoKhi0 yes but with 9.10 i had no problem with fglrx07:03
_Zappy__What's the point in having a seperate storage partition if in the Software Center you can't say where to install new software to ?07:03
ftabYankDownUnder, how do I fix my boot screen ?07:03
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - I run paconfig from the commandline but it just opens up a GUI. No way to tell what it is doing behind the scenes...07:03
ftabYankDownUnder, is there utility there for fixing that ?07:03
YankDownUnderftab, If you want, you can remove plymouth (and it's themes) and install usplash and startupmangler all in one go.07:03
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  try running it from the command line with the parameter --help07:03
MikaelErikssonHiya folks. Here's my problem. I upgraded the other day from KK to LL. Did it straight from the software update center. Everything went kinda fine, until I got a question about GRUB and which partition it should be installed to. My mouse finger slipped, and I pressed Next, without selecting a partition. Got a message which told me I did bad, but the Back-button didn't work :( The system...07:04
MikaelEriksson...continued to install just fine, but when i rebooted it hung. I get the startup screen with some funky red dots, but it freezes there. What should I do now? Don't really want to install everything from scratch...07:04
YankDownUnderftab, apt-get remove plymouth && apt-get install usplash startupmanager07:04
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - Good call! Unfortunately it still just opened up the GUI07:04
PsynoKhi0datroubler: did you you do a web upgrade?07:05
ftabYankDownUnder, I would like to keep plymouth, but I need to fix the boot image, where the image is distorted ? and the color depth seems to be very low like 8bit,07:05
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  Next up, see if the application has a hidden folder in your home directory for its settings07:05
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - lemme see what ixquick.com can turn up07:05
UbuntuJeffamabo, did you get it to work?07:05
datroubler PsynoKhi0 yes07:05
PsynoKhi0datroubler: ah :(07:05
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - k... checking home folder07:05
PsynoKhi0datroubler: do you have a separate /home partition? >.<07:05
Aimmortalserver irc.prison.net07:06
PsynoKhi0datroubler: I mean, did you do a web upgrade from Karmic to Lucid?07:06
YankDownUnderftab, Then you can just install a different plymouth-theme => and also check the settings in /etc/default/grub07:06
YankDownUnderI was lucid before I installed 10.04...been that way for at least 12 years...07:06
datroubler PsynoKhi0 good question what do you mean with it? i have only one partition for ubuntu and the /home folder is on the same partition07:06
CogitoErgoSamabadabad00:  Most of the time user settings and configurations get saved in a hidden folder in your home directory, and most programs check there first for settings.  Following that, the usual alternative location is the application's folder in /etc/07:07
ftabYankDownUnder, when I try to view /etc/default/grub the file seems to be empty. How can I restore that?07:07
PsynoKhi0datroubler: damn07:07
YankDownUnderftab, That is not an image, it's a text file that contains the settings for grub.07:07
datroubler PsynoKhi0 why?07:07
amaboUbuntuJeff: no i didn't - every time i click the file in emerald theme manager it doesn't change a thing07:07
ftabYankDownUnder, yes, I from view I meant there is no content07:07
amabodoes anyone know of a fix?07:07
urkkiWhere can  I find tomboy-folder, can't find it in home folder, even when hidden are shown07:08
UbuntuJeffamabo, are you running compiz atm?07:08
amabovisual effects?07:08
PsynoKhi0datroubler: ok web upgrades in my experience aren't reliable07:08
CogitoErgoSamftab have you tried reinstalling grub?07:08
YankDownUnderftab, Hmmm...and you're running 10.04?07:08
UbuntuJeffamabo, yeah like the cube and all that07:08
ftabYankDownUnder, yes07:08
amaboUbuntuJeff: believe so07:09
ftabCogitoErgoSam, what would that do? and is there any reason for doing that ?07:09
YankDownUnderftab, Are you "root" when you view this file?07:09
datroubler PsynoKhi0 i believe you. did you read my problem in the thread?07:09
ftabYankDownUnder, yes07:09
UbuntuJeffamabo, hit ctrl alt R I think, it should bring up RUN APPLICATION, type in that emerald --replace, see if that shows it then.07:09
AbuMaiaamabo: alt F2 also07:09
YankDownUnderftab, Strange that. It should contain heaps of stuff...like, um, it's 865 bytes long...07:10
CogitoErgoSamftab:  The majority of apps like grub, when installed, run setup scripts that generate default config files like /etc/default/grub.  If its missing, resinstalling might trigger the creation of those files.07:10
PsynoKhi0datroubler: I was wondering if you had /home on a separate partition, or at least if a clean installation of ubuntu might not imply too much work for you07:10
amaboUbuntuJeff: woo woo :) thanks07:10
YankDownUnderftab, Nab a copy of /etc/default/grub from the livecd, copy it to /etc/default/ and see if that resolves the issue with image resolution...07:10
ftabCogitoErgoSam, how do I reinstall it? YankDownUnder would that be better ?07:10
ftabYankDownUnder, I don't have CD ROM :( , I always upgrade from internet07:11
UbuntuJeffamabo, welcome, now if you want it to stay that way permanently, you will need to change the command that controls the window decorations in Compiz config settings manager, just to let you know.07:11
Geoffrey2there are never times I feel more like drinking than when I'm trying to diagnose some problem with Ubuntu.....07:11
YankDownUnderftab, No...it would not be better...it's simpler to copy a single file than to sit through an entire re-installation...07:11
YankDownUnderftab, Well, it's easy enough to grab the file from the source ftp dirs mate.07:11
ftabYankDownUnder, ok let me give it a try07:11
CogitoErgoSamftab:  Replacing the single file would be easier, definitely.  But if that doesn't work, reinstalling might.07:11
YankDownUnderftab, Roger that - going for a smoko and coffee...07:12
CogitoErgoSamftab:  Since if you're missing one file, there might be more missing too.07:12
amaboUbuntuJeff: what do you mean?07:12
PsynoKhi0datroubler: btw can you translate the last error message about the package system?07:12
datroubleryes mom07:12
PsynoKhi0that sounded way weird...07:12
teratomaim running lucid.  my wireless nic rt2570 stopped working.  iwas running lucid beta.  what do i do ?07:12
UbuntuJeffamabo, meaning if you restart or log out and log back in right now, that will be changed at the top, the window buttons and all that, it will be what it was before. If you want it to use the emerald theme from now on I can tell you how to set it to do so if you want.07:12
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, This is true, but he does have things relatively running...so he needs to get a fish, first, then find out if he needs a boat, crew and gear next...07:12
phoenix_srvHello everyone, I got a bit of a question. Last night I upgraded from ubuntu 9.10 to ubuntu 10.04, and at one point, i was asked a few questions regarding installing grub. I opted to install the grub on all disks and partitions (i.e., /dev/sda, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc) - i have windows seven installed on this system, and now, whenever i attempt to boot it, grub just hangs with the little underscore in the top left of the screen. Is there a way I can rem07:13
amaboUbuntuJeff: that'd be great07:13
Geoffrey2many, many moons ago, gnome had a file called sessions, and it listed all the applications that would be run every time it was fired up...apparently it no longer exists, as i can't find it...anyone know what I should be looking for?07:13
datroubler PsynoKhi0 "the package system is damaged" "check the package sources (third party) if this is the case deactivate them and do apt-get install -f"07:13
YankDownUnderphoenix_srv, I use a Vista recovery disk to rebuild the boot - then it works fine.07:13
datroubler PsynoKhi0 i already did it07:13
UbuntuJeffamabo, System => Preferences => Compiz Config Settings Manager, scroll down till you see  Window Decoration, open that and you will see something that says Command: /usr/bin/compiz-decorator <== change that to emerald --replace07:14
ZykoticK9Geoffrey2, it's gone.  I don't know of a gui replacement currently.07:14
PsynoKhi0datroubler: ok, do this: go to System > Software sources07:14
AbuMaiaI have a program that *only* runs if I use ./ while in its directory.  It does not run if I call it in terminal with the full path.  Is there any way I can add it to startup programs and have it successfully run?07:14
phoenix_srvYankDownUnder: in reference to your reply, thank you, but as stated above, i haven't created the recovery disk yet, and also, i am not able to boot the vista recovery partition07:14
CogitoErgoSamYankDownUnder:  I concede the point; my perspective in recommending reinstalling is related to the number of people with lucid install probs stemming from incomplete or interrupted installations, and reinstalling a single app like grub still tends to be pretty quick, unlike a full reinstall.07:14
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, You get the beer tonight mate!07:15
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, could you share the whole path?  are there spaces in it's name?07:15
YankDownUnderphoenix_srv, There is a d/l on the net of an ISO that's about 100mb in size - does the Vista boot recovery for ya07:15
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - no luck on finding the config files, but that may be because it is just using 'normal' pulseaudio bundled utilities. I dug up where I originally got the file: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=759147   Wonder why the changes in pulseaudio config isn't sticking past a restart07:15
phoenix_srvYankDownUnder: is that a free download (legally)? if so, that'd be a great help :) thanks07:15
ururusdoes anyone get paid doing this tech support?07:15
ururusor do anyone do tech support on side of irc ?07:16
AbuMaiaZykoticK9: no spaces.  full path is /home/abumaia/BOINC/boinc --daemon  Using that full path does not work, it only runs when I'm in the BOINC directory and run ./boinc --daemon07:16
PsynoKhi0datroubler: do you have the Software Source window in front of you?07:16
datroubler PsynoKhi0 yes07:16
Geoffrey2ok, so I'm chased my tail back to the starting point, basically07:16
CogitoErgoSamururus:  Pretty sure we're all just linux nerds, but the way I see it is that the more I help others the more I learn myself07:16
ldezHaving a strange problem where for a few weeks now when I go to a site with an embedded YouTube video, it shows the video, ready to be started, all buttons appear fine.. but I get no response when hitting the play button... Works fine if I pull up YouTube.com and search the name of the video.. seems just to be an issue with embedded YouTube.... other embedded flash player works fine, only have noticed the issue with YouTube specifically... any hel07:16
PsynoKhi0datroubler: ok, what repositories are enabled for yu right now?07:16
YankDownUnderphoenix_srv, Yes mate - got it a while back - just had to google it a bit and WHAM, it was there (and free)07:17
ZykoticK9AbuMaia, i don't know then.  Good luck.07:17
ururusCogitoErgoSam: true07:17
phoenix_srvalright, thanks, i'll take a look07:17
PsynoKhi0datroubler: and on which default server?07:17
=== agnel is now known as agnel-brb
CogitoErgoSamAbuMaia:  try this:  /home/abumaia/BOINC/boinc\ --daemon07:17
PsynoKhi0datroubler: I don't want to stress you but I gotta go to work very soon :/07:18
MikaelErikssonphoenix_srv: I have exactly the same problem...but the opposite. I didn't select any partition (my finger slipped) and now Ubuntu hangs on the start screen. No Vista installation on my system, I just upgraded. I really don't know what to do...07:18
ZykoticK9CogitoErgoSam, affraid that's not correct07:18
muffin2Does anybody run ubuntu guest in sun virtualbox?07:18
_Zappy__Hello !07:18
muffin2I think I found a solution to boot time pause on ubunt lucid when shared folders are in /etc/fstab.07:18
datroublerPsynoKhi0 do you mean this: http://www.abload.de/img/udey45l.png07:18
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: nope, gives me a "no such file or directory" error >_<07:18
phoenix_srvMikaelEriksson: for you, i'd probably recommend just booting up from the live cd, and reinstalling grub from scratch using that07:18
Geoffrey2the immediate question is, since I upgraded ubuntu to 10.04, every bootup has gconf-sanity-check exiting with a status 256...it was suggested I simply remove that from the Startup Applications, but it doesn't even show up on the list of startup applications07:19
phoenix_srvthat should fix your problem07:19
CogitoErgoSamAbumaia:  you could try moving the app to /usr/bin to make it accessible from anywhere07:19
_Zappy__Is it possible to install software from the package manager and tell it to install on another partition then the main one where ubuntu's system lives ?07:19
CogitoErgoSamabumaia:  You'll need to use sudo to cp it there07:19
phoenix_srvand YankDownUnder, i believe i found the updated version of your disk here: http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/07:19
arandmuffin2: Report it on the bug report ;)07:19
phoenix_srvjust in case you ever need the reference07:19
Gypsyfetishcan I update from the 10.04 re lease candidate to the LTS version from the update manager? or is it better to do a fresh install?07:19
muffin2arand : Upstart coders are already on it.07:19
muffin2I just want to provide an impromptu circumvention07:19
ZykoticK9_Zappy__, moving install locations in Linux is Non-Trivial.... ie. very hard to do.  Good luck man.07:19
macoGypsyfetish: if you install updates youre there07:20
MikaelErikssonphoenix_srv: yep, sounds clever. (re)-installing grub is obviously an option on the live cd?07:20
PsynoKhi0datroubler: argh I'm using irssi in xterm, having trouble using URLs :( anyway, try this: change the default server, and reload your package list07:20
CogitoErgoSamabumaia:  or make a symbolic link to it in /usr/bin07:20
Gypsyfetishty Maco07:20
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: I'd rather not.  It contains several files in the middle of being processed, and moving it out of /home renders it vulnerable if I have to do a reinstall07:20
YankDownUnderphoenix_srv, Yeppers - dotssit! Ta!07:20
phoenix_srvMikaelEriksson: yes, there is some official documentation on it07:20
phoenix_srvI'll just grab you a link07:20
ZykoticK9!final > Gypsyfetish07:20
ubottuGypsyfetish, please see my private message07:20
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: ln -s /home/abumaia/BOINC /usr/bin/BOINC ?07:20
_Zappy__ZykoticK9, So . I guess the best thing to do is just increase my Ubuntu system partition ?07:20
CogitoErgoSamAbuMaia:  How about just making a link to it in /usr/bin?07:20
MikaelErikssonphoenix_srv: sweet, much appreciated!07:20
PsynoKhi0MikaelEriksson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:20
ldezAll: Having a strange problem where for a few weeks now when I go to a site with an embedded YouTube video, it shows the video, ready to be started, all buttons appear fine.. but I get no response when hitting the play button... Works fine if I pull up YouTube.com and search the name of the video.. seems just to be an issue with embedded YouTube.... other embedded flash player works fine, only have noticed the issue with YouTube specifically... an07:20
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, I believe you'd suggested simply removing gconf-sanity-check-2 from the startup list...problem is, I don't see it there...is there a file I need to modify to take it out?07:21
arandmuffin2: THis channel, in it's temporary nature, might not be the best medium, forum/blog/bugcomment would likely cater a better audience.07:21
ZykoticK9_Zappy__, i install a lot of commercial gaves, so i have a huge / partition (it drives me a little crazy when all these people recommend 8GB / partitions - they wouldn't work for me)07:21
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, I'll check - hang tight mate07:21
phoenix_srvMikaelEriksson: PsynoKhi0 beet me too it :P07:21
CogitoErgoSamabumaia:  yeah I think that ln command will work07:21
MikaelErikssonAnd thx to you, too, psynokhi0!07:21
PsynoKhi0phoenix_srv: too slow my little padawan!07:21
phoenix_srvhaha, yes indeed07:21
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, okie07:21
PsynoKhi0MikaelEriksson: så lite så07:22
abadabad00CogitoErgoSam - no luck on finding the config files, but that may be because it is just using 'normal' pulseaudio bundled utilities. I dug up where I originally got the file: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=759147   Wonder why the changes in pulseaudio config isn't sticking past a restart07:22
MikaelErikssonpsynokhi0!: Men värt så mycket!07:22
_Zappy__ZykoticK9, So how can you tyell it to install and search apps in another partiton ?07:22
PsynoKhi0MikaelEriksson: tsh english!07:22
MikaelErikssonMay the Force be with you all. Back to work now.07:22
ZykoticK9_Zappy__, you can't07:22
=== excalq1 is now known as excalq-home
_Zappy__ZykoticK9, That's a bummer07:23
PsynoKhi0datroubler: how is it going?07:23
_Zappy__So it can only store data ?07:23
datroublerPsynoKhi0 i get the message that i have 2 damaged packages07:23
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: nope, still no luck.  trying to run boinc by itself raises a not installed error, and full /usr/bin/BOINC/boinc path has same result as before07:23
DanaGhmm, how usable is btrfs with ubuntu?07:23
ZykoticK9_Zappy__, you could mount /usr or /opt to another parition and that would work - but again, non-trivial if you already have stuff installed.07:24
UbuntuJeffI have another cairo dock question if thats okay, when you have a stack on it and your scrolling over the stack it shows parts of the folders around it there names, like faded is there a way to turn that off? its making it hard for me to see what I am clicking on.07:24
excalq-homesimple question - does an ubuntu install customise itself to the computer it's being installed on? i.e. would installing it and swapping the disk to a diff. computer matter?07:24
CogitoErgoSamabu:  the link in /usr/bin should be to the binary itself, not the folder07:24
PsynoKhi0datroubler: do you get any tip as to what to do next?07:24
_Zappy__Thanks ZykoticK9 ... I hoped it to be easier07:24
DanaGexcalq-home: aside from ending up with eth0, eth1, eth2, eth10 (depending on mac address), about the only other issue is video drivers.07:24
datroublerPsynoKhi0 yes i show you mom07:24
DanaGATI and NV binary drivers trample on the open-source drivers for everything else.07:25
excalq-homeDanaG: ok thanks07:25
PsynoKhi0it STILL sound weird :P07:25
PsynoKhi0datroubler: please no URL I can't use them07:25
datroublerPsynoKhi0 no url? can i send u pictures in irc?07:26
PsynoKhi0datroubler: if you get any direction on how to solve the broken package, just do as the message says :P07:26
PsynoKhi0datroubler: I supposed it involves apt-get or dpkg07:26
datroublerthe dialog told me to look after damaged packages07:26
datroublerPsynoKhi0 and id did it07:26
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: still nogo07:26
ZykoticK9datroubler, if you have broken packages try "sudo apt-get -f install"07:26
phoenix_srvdatroubler: you mean look for?07:27
datroublerPsynoKhi0 the two damages packages: fglrx-amdcccle and fglrx-kernel-source07:27
datroublerPsynoKhi0 es look for07:27
ftabYankDownUnder, sorry grub2 was not installed after installing that I got it fixed, but Now I have another problem07:27
FloodBot4datroubler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
ldezAll: Having a strange problem where I go to a site with an embedded YouTube video, it shows the video, ready to be started, all buttons appear fine.. but I get no response when hitting the play button... Works fine if I pull up YouTube.com and search the name of the video.. seems just to be an issue with YouTube when embedded in a different site.... other embedded flash player works fine, only have noticed the issue with YouTube specifically... an07:27
CogitoErgoSamAbumaia:  What's the output of "ls -l /usr/bin/<nameofyourlink>"07:27
ZykoticK9ldez, 64bit?07:27
PsynoKhi0datroubler: sorry gtg to work, hope someone else will be able to help you >.<07:27
PsynoKhi0later peeps07:27
ldezZykoticK9: yes07:27
datroublerPsynoKhi0 ok thanks07:27
ftabI am using Dual monitors, before it was working well, and one window would stretch into one monitor only07:28
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 2010-05-04 00:25 /usr/bin/boinc -> /home/abumaia/BOINC/boinc07:28
ldezZykoticK9: Just got done upgrading to 10.04 and was hoping that would help...07:28
MellowDudehi im getting error on a windows hd mount error driver already mounted07:28
MellowDudebut its not07:28
ZykoticK9ldez, if you're using the flash from repo (which is 32bit) then see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working to correct clicking issue07:28
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, Check this: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=20842707:28
YankDownUnderftab, Oyo boyo - wassup...07:29
MellowDudeand when i do the Disk Utility it says its uses it as a ext4 swap07:29
ftabbut now after maximizing it it would stretch across both the monitors07:29
ldezZykoticK9: Awesome thanks bro, seems to describe my problem perfectly.. I'll check this out07:29
CogitoErgoSamAbumaia:  and /home/abumaia/BOINC/boinc is the binary?07:29
MellowDudebut i didnt give it permission to how i fix it07:29
AbuMaiaCogitoErgoSam: yes07:29
ftabYankDownUnder, but now after maximizing it it would stretch across both the monitors07:29
aranddatroubler: so if you run "aptitude install -f" what does it suggest?07:29
YankDownUnderftab, Um...hmm...sounds like you have to muck with yer xinerama/xorg settings matey07:30
datroublerarand: Aktueller Status: 0 kaputt [-2].07:31
datroublerarand do you understand this07:31
CogitoErgoSamYankDownUnder:  So, since he had to reinstall grub to get it to work, do I get that beer back from ya?  :D07:31
datroublerarand or should i try to translate07:31
MellowDudenvm i find out my self i just re protion a little of the main drive for swap take swap off the other drive07:31
aranddatroubler: I'll manage I think07:31
datroublerarand kapuut= damaged07:31
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, Er...reckon so...but it's a black black beer mate....07:31
ldezZykoticK9: You're a king dude.. easy fix.. big ups to you07:31
ZykoticK9ldez, glad to help07:32
datroublerarand http://paste.ubuntu.com/427453/07:32
CogitoErgoSamI have several bombers of Three Floyd's dark lord russian imperial stout in my basement07:32
CogitoErgoSamDoesn't get much darker than that07:32
CogitoErgoSamBut that's offtopic I suppose07:33
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, Stronger than 6.7? :)07:33
CogitoErgoSamThis year's batch was around 1507:33
YankDownUnderBeer is offtopic? Dang...(ah, well, same in Fedora, Mandriva, Gentoo, CentOS as well)07:33
CogitoErgoSamhehe I'mma send you a PM about beer anyway so we don't clog it up07:34
YankDownUnderCogitoErgoSam, 15 is more than 6.7%07:34
songerhow can i remove firefox?07:35
phoenix_srvsonger: in the terminal, type: sudo apt-get remove firefox07:35
CogitoErgoSamSonger:  A number of ways, from both the command line or from gui applications.07:35
nomad77songer: sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox to remove its configs07:35
soreauwhat is the option to show icons in system>administration?07:36
CogitoErgoSamsonger:  those command line options will be the quickest though07:36
ururusCogitoErgoSam: how do we change permissions of a file the command?07:36
ururusi forgot long time not using linux07:36
songeri need to remove everiting07:36
* YankDownUnder thinks maybe apt-get remove firefox && apt-get install microsoft-internet-exploder might work...07:36
phoenix_srvururus: chmod 755 filename07:36
CogitoErgoSamururus:  chmod07:36
aranddatroubler: If you look in those directories /usr/lib/fglrx and /usr/share/ati what is in there?07:37
ururusoh yeah remember now07:37
phoenix_srvobviously substituting the values for whatever octal values you like :P07:37
ururusor chmod +x filename07:37
_Zappy__Trying to install subversion, but I get the following error:07:37
CogitoErgoSamururus:  The numbers use octal representation, but you can use the letters quickly too (ie x for execute, r for read, w for write)07:37
_Zappy__Couldn't find package libxvidcore4-dev07:37
phoenix_srvSurion: its in the gconf editor somewhere07:37
phoenix_srvim just looking it up for you now07:37
_Zappy__How can I fix that ?07:37
ZykoticK9soreau, i believe you could use "gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons --type boolean true" just use the path if you want to use gconf-editor07:38
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, ok, tried the backup trick...lost a bunch of errors in the errors file, got a whole bunch of new errors, and I'm still getting that exit status 256 on startup07:39
ururusCogitoErgoSam: setting up dsl on ubuntu is fairly easy right? we dont need so much scripts like ppp0 dial up stuff?07:39
phoenix_srvZykoticK9: beat me too it as well P07:39
phoenix_srv:P *07:39
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
CogitoErgoSam_Zappy_:  I'm assuming you're trying to install video codecs?  Easiest way is to just do the whole restricted extras package from the command line or software center07:39
songerCogitoErgoSam,  i already know but I can; with fire fox07:39
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, Have you tried finding out what the "exit status" error means via Google or such?07:39
datroublerarand in /fgrlx: libglx.so.xlibmesa and in /ati http://www.abload.de/img/atizwm6.png07:39
songerCogitoErgoSam,  thanks07:39
_Zappy__Thanks CogitoErgoSam I'll try that07:40
CogitoErgoSam_Zappy_:  From the command line its "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras", or just search the Software Center for "Ubuntu Restricted Extras"07:40
lrc03aab g07:40
songernomad77, says Building dependency tree07:40
ururusis ./configure; make; make install or is it | <--07:40
CogitoErgoSam_Zappy_:  And obviously if you're using a different flavor of ubuntu like kubuntu that'd be kubuntu-restricted-extras or whatever07:40
Geoffrey2YankDownUnder, I've tried, problem is information overload, I get 30 different possible explanations, covering five different versions of ubuntu..figuring out which applies to me, that's the fun part07:41
ururustar -zxvf filename.tar.gz07:41
nomad77ururus: generally but read any install/readme files07:41
_Zappy__CogitoErgoSam, Just trying to install subversion07:41
ururusnomad77: what about dsl setup in ubuntu fairly easy or need ppp0 dial up type scripts ?07:42
CogitoErgoSamururus:  What do you mean installing dsl?  If your router/modem is already set up, ubuntu should automatically detect and set up the connection07:42
ururusnomad77: or it just asks to put my localhost IP?07:42
nomad77ururus: should be auto,uses dhclient07:42
songernomad77,  Building dependency tree , Package firefox is not installed, so not removed07:43
G-manwhat is the best type of file system to use with a fresh install of Ubuntu the latest distro07:43
YankDownUnderGeoffrey2, Well, the niggly stuff is what makes it all the more fun as a puzzle...as long as you can boot and use, it's all good...but it is kinda strange that...could be from a nonexistent program trying to startup via the init scdripts or in your startup....07:43
nopeG-man: for what use?07:43
nomad77songer: then youre good07:43
__danthemanmy vote goes to ext3 or 407:43
G-manweb browsing, video stream, and mp3's07:43
nopeext4 works nice07:43
nopedesktop then07:43
DanaGhmm, how's butterfs?07:43
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  The current newest fs is ext407:43
nopeI run ext4 here07:43
red2kicG-man: Whatever suit you well. ext4 is for me. I like new stuffs. :)07:44
__dantheman< ext4, too07:44
nopeDanaG: I wouldnt use btrfs in production07:44
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  Well, newest commonly used one for personal use; not gonna get into server / data warehouse kinds of situations07:44
nopebut for testing, sure07:44
nomad77production i'd use ext3 myself07:44
songerbut firefox still there, nomad7707:44
G-manshould i make the hard drive partitioned or no?07:44
* YankDownUnder prefers ReiserFS...the professional choice of murder suspects! :)07:44
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  Planning on dual booting?07:44
nopeG-man: if you partition it properly, a reinstall would be a lot easier07:44
nomad77songer: you installed firefox,how?07:44
ldezYankDownUnder: hahahahaha07:45
G-manG-man this is on another computer im looking at it right now07:45
nopeYankDownUnder: I`m probably gonna get stoned here, but I actually prefer ZFS :)07:45
aranddatroubler: hmm, if you run apt-get check, does it indicate which packages are broken?07:45
G-mani popped in the Gparted live cd07:45
CogitoErgoSamYankDownUnder:  Although not technically FOSS, Truecrypt is a nice choice for the sensitive stuff regardless of file system :)07:45
Kitar|sthttp://www.getfreexboxlive.net/?i=2363 did anyone try his viral thing where you haveto invite 5 people to get 1600 microsoft points ? (no need to register or anything)07:45
Kitar|stoops wrong window07:45
FloodBot4Kitar|st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:45
G-manjust goint to choose what file system to use07:45
soreauZykoticK9: Yes, that was it. thanks07:45
ZykoticK9soreau, glad to help07:45
G-mani don't really know much about ubuntu , so one partition should be fine?07:45
YankDownUndernope, ZFS ain't all that bad mate...unless you don't like the letter Z...07:46
ururusCogitoErgoSam: i havent used linux for a while07:46
songerwhen i installed ubuntu came with firefox and i update to namoroka07:46
G-manits just for web browsing music/ videos07:46
ururusCogitoErgoSam: just trying to remember things i forgot07:46
pinoyskullbroadcom wireless is not loading properly or has a bug in lucid, what's the workaround07:46
nopeYankDownUnder: only issue I have with zfs, is that I have to use solaris or freebsd :)07:46
ururusCogitoErgoSam: i use to have to make a ppp0 script and all that before using dsl back in late 90's07:46
red2kicKitar|st: You're lying. You're spamming. :\07:46
nopecould use debian with bsd kernel07:46
nopebut nah07:46
YankDownUndernope, Um...what's wrong with Solaris or FreeBSD? (Looks around to see if Bill Gates is looking) - mate, they're great!07:47
nomad77songer: was it a .deb?07:47
phoenix_srvone more question, for whoever's able to answer it07:47
datroublerarand no but this can perhaps help: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=damagelmms.png07:47
phoenix_srvwhy is the grub in ubuntu 10.04 so slow?07:47
CogitoErgoSamururus:  Nothin to apologize for, I got nothin' but respect for peeps who do all their research ahead of time07:47
nopeYankDownUnder: I know, but I`m more comfortable with linux :07:47
songerwith a sources07:47
Loshkinope: do people really do that? (use debian with bsd kernel)07:47
phoenix_srvlike, it hangs for at least 10 seconds before booting into windows07:47
macoLoshki: yes07:47
macoLoshki: debian even lists it on their site07:47
macoLoshki: debian/hurd as well07:47
YankDownUndernope, I'm more comfy with OS/2, but hey, we're all in the same boat! :)07:47
songeri add a o souces  then i did update07:48
Loshkimaco: amazing. Any idea why?07:48
nomad77songer: then cd to the folder try sudo make uninstall07:48
CogitoErgoSamphoenix_srv:  Are you talking about booting up the first time after installing 10.04, or is this slow-down happening every time07:48
nopeOS2 warp, those were the days07:48
macoLoshki: fun?07:48
phoenix_srvevery time, CogitoErgoSam07:48
Loshkimaco: oh, right. Fair enough...07:48
G-manext4 for the new ubuntu that is downloadable via ubuntu website?07:48
songerif i tiped in terminal firefox open forefox07:49
NerdsFoneis there a way to get grub to install correctly on a macbook?07:49
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  Its included in the distro07:49
nomad77songer try synaptic>search>complete removal then07:49
YankDownUnderNerdsFone, grub207:49
LoshkiG-man: yes, ext4 by default, but you can choose ext3, and I do, except perhaps on a laptop...07:49
stanman246hi in here. I'm running 9.10 on my HP laptop (production) anyone running into bugs upgrading to 10.04 LTS?07:49
* YankDownUnder is going for coffee cuz drugs cost way too much...07:49
NerdsFonelucid doesnt use grub2 does it?07:49
stanman246or should I wait...07:50
macoNerdsFone: yes it does07:50
nopeI got my laptop running 10.04 this weekend07:50
G-manwhat is better ext 4 or ext 3 for music/video/mp3's07:50
nopedamn it boots quick07:50
ZykoticK9NerdsFone, grub2 is default in fresh karmic/lucid installs07:50
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  It is enabled by the package "e2fslibs" which is part of the normal install07:50
phoenix_srvNerdsFone: it does, it uses grub version 1.97 i believe, which is grub 207:50
phoenix_srvgo figure :P07:50
NerdsFoneall my boot options besides ubuntu are broken07:50
G-manI'm running Gparted07:50
stanman246nope: no probs upgrading?07:50
G-mansaving a dying machine07:50
nopeI did a complete reinstall07:50
phoenix_srvNerdsFone: i have the same problem, due to me choosing to install it to all partitions07:50
phoenix_srvstanman246: no problems aside from my own silliness, no07:50
Loshkiphoenix_srv: a masterpiece of version numbering, to be sure...07:51
shelanhi what is the package name for sun-java6-jdk ?07:51
songernomad77,  all greens?07:51
khussein78i cannot access ubuntu one, i can access the website07:51
phoenix_srvLoshki: agreed ;)07:51
nopeshelan: have you enabled partner repo?07:51
NerdsFonePhoenix_srv it won't let me use just a partition.07:51
ZykoticK9khussein78, you might want to ask in #ubuntuone07:51
nopesun java has been moved07:51
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  Realistically speaking most users aren't going to notice any difference between ext3 or 4, you're not going to be dealing with massive files and fs trees07:51
khussein78i am behind juniper firewall, which ports should be opened07:51
nomad77songer: then manually remove the files07:51
phoenix_srvNerdsFone: you don't want to, you only want to use the device (such as /dev/sda) when upgrading07:51
phoenix_srvno partitions at all07:52
LoshkiG-man: fewer problems with ext3, and more recovery options if you do...07:52
NerdsFonebut I have Windows and OSX on the same harddrive.07:52
ZykoticK9shelan, see blue not on top of http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java07:52
shelannope :i will enable it07:52
progesteroneQuestion: how can I make Yakuake to be able to use left/right/up/down key in insert mode?07:52
stanman246I'll just do the upgrade... fingers crossed....07:52
phoenix_srvNerdsFone: that's fine, the boot loader will select them still properly07:52
Austin116Hey Guys, Retard here. I need some help.07:52
Austin116becasue I am stupid.07:52
NerdsFonewith refit too?07:53
phoenix_srvjust backup before you do, NerdsFone07:53
shelanZykoticK9>thank you very much07:53
Austin116I formatted my Ubuntu drive... can't boot into windows.07:53
phoenix_srvand by refit, do you mean resize partition?07:53
phoenix_srvAustin116: you'll need your windows cd07:53
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  The main drive behind ext4 was to provide huge server farms to address volumes up to 1 exabyte in size and files up to 16 tb07:53
phoenix_srvthen boot into the recovery console07:53
Austin116run a repair?07:53
phoenix_srvand type:07:53
FloodBot4phoenix_srv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:53
macoPhilMather: rEFIt is a tool for messing with efi based systems07:53
phoenix_srvor if you're on vista or windows 7, use the recovery tools07:53
Austin116Oh thanks.07:53
phoenix_srvno worries07:54
stanman246can i work while dist upgrading?07:54
aranddatroubler: hmm, I'm not sure but what you could try is to temopraily rename those folders (i.e. disable them) and see if apt manges to finish then07:54
macoPhilMather: er not you07:54
Austin116I really like Ubuntu, I just used actiive killdisk on the WRONG drive.07:54
phoenix_srvstanman246: yes, you can07:54
macophoenix_srv:  rEFIt is a tool for messing with efi based systems07:54
Austin116I set it and walked off.07:54
phoenix_srvmay encounter a few funnies though07:54
Austin116came back and was Super sad. :P07:54
stanman246phoenix_srv: funnies?07:54
Loshkistanman246: because upgrading isn't a big enough gamble all by itself? You can, but don't...07:54
phoenix_srvmaco: which of my questions was that related to?07:54
m0ns00nMore people experiencing weird graphics problems with the nvidia drivers in Lucid Lynx?07:54
m0ns00nBlender is now a blurred smudge07:54
datroublerarand i cant rename them07:54
phoenix_srvstanman246: as in, packages get uninstalled and upgraded while your working07:55
m0ns00nWindow dragging is super slow.07:55
Austin116I owe you a drink, Phoenix. Especially since it was something simple :P07:55
macophoenix_srv: <phoenix_srv> and by refit, do you mean resize partition?07:55
aranddatroubler: Are you currently using the ati drivers there?07:55
phoenix_srvso programs can go haywire07:55
Loshkistanman246: and make a backup first in case it all goes horribly wrong...07:55
phoenix_srvok, thanks maco07:55
datroublerarand no the open source one07:55
phoenix_srvAustin116: i'll keep that in mind ;) glad to help07:55
stanman246I already did and will stop working untill i see the nice purple logon screen, thanks all07:55
DanaGargh, why doesn't ubuntu offer a UEFI-bootable installer?07:55
ldezstanman246: while upgrading i lost a couple icons (firefox).. that was kind of funny... but i didnt lose any functionality while trying to upgrade.... firefox and thunderbird both seemed like they defaulted to original settings but it wasnt detrimental.. just had to recheck an option or two on thunderbird and things were working normally very easily.07:55
ldezprobably no more funnies than you would experience immediately after upgrading...... or so i would assume07:56
aranddatroubler: "sudo mv /usr/lib/fglrx /usr/lib/fglrx_BAK && sudo mv /usr/share/ati /usr/share/ati_BAK"07:56
stanman246will be back after the upgrade!07:56
Austin116wish me luck :P Im off. Also, Active killdisk, AWesome program. its how I managed to get online. Tell your friends. :P07:57
aranddatroubler: After that run "sudo aptitude -f install" again.07:57
phoenix_srvldez: my immediately after upgrading scenario was fine, oddly07:57
cc4hi in what section has Option "UseFastTLS" "2" have to be?07:57
cc4on xorg.conf? if I just put it at the end I have a prob at reboot07:58
G-manokay, just goin to use ext 407:58
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datroublerarand that sholud i do know?07:58
RitleeOK so here be my system, Dell Mini 9 running Lucid; here be the problem, when i try to resume from suspend/hybernation the system appears to not respond,  I installed on saturday and was able to resume from suspend then, never had hybernation working and have given up on that 'till i have a larger HD, i'd like to know what i can do to help resolve this issue07:58
ldezphoenix_srv: mine was groovy also except for having to uncheck thunderbird SMTP authentication and my minimize/maximize/close buttons being on the left side of every title bar.... fixed after i went to System->Appearance and did nothing, lol07:59
jwmcgregoranyone there07:59
LoshkiG-man: use ext3 instead, ok?07:59
ldezphoenix_srv: just was offering my experience to other guy who was debating trying to work while upgrading though07:59
macojwmcgregor: nobody here but us chickens08:00
phoenix_srvldez: yeah, i understand, was just sharing that mine was fine for whoever wanted to know :)08:00
phoenix_srvit surprised me too :P08:00
G-manwhy ext 3?08:00
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  ext4 is quicker to run file system checks on too08:00
Loshkijwmcgregor: ask a question...08:00
jwmcgregorI have a  prob with 10.4 wondering if anyone able to advise08:00
macojwmcgregor: state the problem and if someone can answer they will08:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:00
wildbat_x64!details | jwmcgregor08:01
ubottujwmcgregor: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:01
LoshkiG-man: because ext3 has fewer problems and better support...08:01
jwmcgregorIn 10.4 (just upgraded) I can't get it to save  the visual effects - extra and not sure if there is a config file I can manually set08:02
jwmcgregorevery time I log out it defaults back to basic and I lose stuff08:02
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
ldezjwmcgregor: what kind of visual effects? as in like the shadowing and movement effects when minimizing/maximizing windows, or as in getting monitor settings (resolution, etc) to save properly?08:04
* UT8F Ryts08:05
phoenix_srvim off08:05
phoenix_srvcatcha all later, and thanks for the helps08:05
datroublerarand i also have another problem: if i plug my earphones in but the sound on the speakers didn't mute08:06
donriThe software center doesn't list my PPA for chromium in Lucid.08:06
MouzzWhat is the easiest way to upgrade a 10.04 beta 2 installation to the full release version? (I have all 10.04 iso's available here)08:06
FlannelMouzz: Just regular daily updates08:06
aranddatroubler: When you ran aptitude, what did it say?08:06
jwmcgregorSystem -> Preferences ->Appearance Preferences  - Visual Effects - Extra  * allows you to set but it does not save defaults back to None after logout / login08:07
new2thisHey guys, what is encrypted LVM for?08:07
aranddatroubler: For the sound I have no idea.08:07
ubuntuaddictedhi does someone know if i can debootstrap a system from cd??08:07
datroublerarand do you mean sudo aptitude?08:07
new2thisI mean the differences between one and encrypted's08:07
ha1331This might be silly question, but can I use linux sockets to enable communications between postresql server and client if I have infiniband nic's and switch?08:07
CogitoErgoSamjwmcgregor:  What video card are you using, and are the appropriate drivers needed or installed under System->Administration->Hardware Drivers08:07
aranddatroubler: "sudo aptitude -f install"08:08
new2thisCrap too many newbs like me :D08:08
datroublerarand http://paste.ubuntu.com/427463/08:08
ldezjwmcgregor: CogitoErgoSam read my mind.. the package used for the visual effects is "compiz" and sometimes requires the "Restricted" drivers to be installed........ also.. any relation to Allan McGregor? lol, didnt think so, but man would that be awesome08:09
jwmcgregorAMD 3D graphics card on board - using it from ubuntu 8 -> 10.408:09
livingdaylightI have problem with Ubuntu08:09
aranddatroubler: THat seems to have taken care of the broken packages there.08:09
livingdaylightall the xpansion and xit buttons are on the left like Apple, they used to be on the right, anyway to restore this?08:10
austin116Phoenix? Thanks again.08:10
datroublerarand ok so that should i do?08:10
ZykoticK9!controls | livingdaylight08:10
ubottulivingdaylight: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d608:10
G-manwhy wont this hp auto boot from disc08:10
ubuntuaddictedlivingdaylight ->system->settings08:10
ldezlivingdaylight: I had this same problem, if you go in to System-Preferences-Appearance, change the theme, then change back, and it should be perfectly fine.08:10
G-mankeeps telling me Press a key to reboot08:10
ubuntuaddicteddunno how its sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssspelled in english08:11
G-manwhen i try to Boot from cd08:11
ubuntuaddictedoh sry08:11
livingdaylightthanks people08:11
CogitoErgoSamjwmcgregor:  Have you used that card successfully with the extra visuals before?  Are you sure its compatible?08:12
* man8 hola , hi all08:12
ubuntuaddictedhow to debootstrap from cd??08:13
aranddatroubler: So you were trying to install the fglrx driver from the beginning? (sorry I came in a bit late)08:13
joaopintoubuntuaddicted, I am not sure debootstrap is included on the live cd08:14
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Chripherhow do I flush dns08:14
ChripherI do not nscd!?08:15
ubuntuaddictedjoapinto no i have a running system and installed debootstrap08:15
ChripherI can't find ncsd08:15
ubuntuaddictedjoapinto but the proxy dont let me get to archive url08:15
ubuntuaddictedso i want to debootstrap from cd08:15
jwmcgregoryes definately compatable08:16
RitleeOK so here be my system, Dell Mini 9 running Lucid; here be the problem, when i try to resume from suspend/hybernation the system appears to not respond,  I installed on saturday and was able to resume from suspend then, never had hybernation working and have given up on that 'till i have a larger HD, i'd like to know what i can do to help resolve this issue08:17
ubuntuaddictedany other possibility to get a minimal system installed in /var/chroot?08:17
CogitoErgoSamjwmcgregor:  Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers and see if any proprietary ones show up that need enabled08:18
davertoHi, I need some help, I have a iPod Touch 2nd Gen and I am trying to add music using Rhythmbox provided in 10.04 Lucid. My iPod mounts fine and everything but when I try to add a song to my iPod it gives: "Error while getting peer-to-peer dbus connection: The name :1.65 was not provided by any .service files"08:18
FardadJalili!recover > FardadJalili08:18
ubottuFardadJalili, please see my private message08:18
G-manhow can i get this pc to boot from disc08:18
G-manit keeps prompting me to press a key to reboot08:18
Chripherhow do I flush dns without nscd08:18
ZykoticK9FardadJalili, to see a message from ubottu, without it showing up in channel, you can use "/msg ubottu !factoid"08:19
ldezdaverto: personally, I didn't have so much luck using Rythmnbox to manage my iPod.. I had more luck with gtkpod which you can find in the Ubuntu Software Center08:19
davertoldez: I will give it a go, grabbing it now08:19
datroublerarand ok i try08:20
davertoldez: gtkpod is having no success either.08:21
davertoit won't even load the ipod08:21
macodaverto: have you used it with itunes at least once before?08:22
ubuntuaddictedflushing dns should work through networking restart08:22
datroublerarand it seems that it works08:22
macodaverto: the db has to be set up for the first time with actual itunes08:22
ubuntuaddictedservice networking restart08:22
CogitoErgoSamG-man:  Try changing the boot order in your BIOS to put the CD/DVD first08:22
datroublerarand i have to restart and if it works you are my new god and i wull praise you :D08:23
davertomaco: yes, I even sent over a couple albums to make sure the DB was built, should I try again?08:23
G-manyeah, i just restored the defaults, then told it to load dvd rom first, and voila!08:23
jwmcgregorATI/AMD propietry FGLRX graphics driver installed and working08:23
macodaverto: nah it only has to be done once08:23
zetheroodo XD card readers not work in Ubuntu?08:23
macodaverto: support for ipod touches is pretty new. can you please report a bug about it? i know who to poke to have a look at it08:23
G-mantired of the viruses the kids keep downloading, time for the  kids to break free of the "system", be open-minded and learn a real OS08:23
macodaverto: for starters, id say report it on libifuse08:24
nopethe ati driver that ubuntu bundles is not good08:24
davertoI had it working on this iPod when it was running the 4.0 beta108:24
G-manD: they will thanks me when they get older :D08:24
nopedont support desktop effects08:24
davertobut I downgraded and it does not work now08:24
macodaverto: er, sorry, ifuse08:24
nopenot that I miss it though08:24
FardadJaliliZykoticK9: tnx08:24
macodaverto: 4.0?08:24
willembI just read the linuxjournal.com article on ubuntu cloud services.  It is kindof the opposite of what I want.08:25
davertomaco: yeah, I had the 4.0 beta1, was using it as a review copy, worked perfectly with Rythymbox, but when I moved back down to 3.1.3 it is not working08:25
macodaverto: 4.0 of what? i dont know what youre talking about08:25
willembI don't want to run ubuntu on amazon's cloud, I want to build my own cloud.  Can I do that yet with eucalyptus?08:25
davertomaco: the iPod touch firmware.08:25
macodaverto: oh!08:25
davertomaco: I should have been clearer.08:25
yohannbzhHi! I have some "[drm:i915_hangcheck_elapsed] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung" errors that make my screen crashing. Is there something that I can do?08:26
rwwwillemb: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private08:26
cjaeSo if I want a package from this site namelt frostire and I add the repo and the gpg key, it tells me that I have many uppdates to install, but I only want frostwire not everything there, how I tell I not to update entire repo?08:26
nopewillemb: I seem to remember that you could create your own cloud in 9.1008:26
macodaverto: yeah, definitely report that. working with all currently available versions would be a /good/ thing08:26
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  I take it you have intel integrated graphics?08:26
blinkizI need some help. Have a new installation of 10.04 desktop and can not get apache2 directory index (+Indexes) to work. I really do not know what is wrong.08:26
cjaeSo if I want a package from this site http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/25 namely frostire and I add the repo and the gpg key, it tells me that I have many uppdates to install, but I only want frostwire not everything there, how I tell I not to update entire repo?08:26
willembrww:  And I can create what is esentially a virtual machine on this cloud?08:27
cjaeSorry for typo08:27
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: yes08:27
EmilioTucciHi all08:27
rwwwillemb: I don't know, I haven't looked at it much.08:27
macocjae: you say "sudo apt-get install frostwire" then you remove the repos from your /etc/apt/sources.list and run "sudo apt-get update" again so that it forgets about that repo08:27
macorww: you haz pm08:27
rwwwillemb: You'd probably want to ask question about it directly.08:27
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blinkizI need some help. Have a new installation of 10.04 desktop and can not get apache2 directory index (+Indexes) to work. I really do not know what is wrong. 000-default: http://blinkiz.pastebin.com/tW3xt13P. Error in firefox: http://blinkiz.pastebin.com/V0C85vRe08:28
rwwwillemb: ( https://forms.canonical.com/cloud/ )08:28
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  At the grub menu, select the kernel/OS you are trying to use and instead of hitting enter, press E08:28
ComradeHaz`He HAS PM, not 'haz, you muppet08:28
ComradeHaz`learn to spell08:28
rwwComradeHaz`: Be nice :(08:28
macoComradeHaz`: itd actually be "have"....08:28
EmilioTucciI have just upgraded my Ubuntu 8.10 to Karmik, and mysql server does not work, during the installation it says that the package mysql-server-5.1 had dependencies problems and could not be configured ¿? Any clue? The server was working pretty goog in my old 8.10. Thanks08:28
cjaemaco: that seems to me to defeat the purpose of the repo08:28
jwmcgregorwould the package for combiz restricted drivers be ubuntu restricted extras in Synaptic08:28
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: Ok. What will it do?08:28
willembrww:  thanks for pointing me there08:28
macocjae: if you only want to install one package from the repo...08:28
datroublerarand it works!!!!!!08:28
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  This will show you the full boot command.  At the end of the line that has "quiet" and "splash", try adding "i915.modeset=0"08:28
datroublerarand thanks a lot08:28
arand_datroubler: :D08:28
macocjae: you could learn about pinning if you want to tell it that it should only pull updatess from that repo for a specific package08:28
ComradeHaz`WHY write 'haz' it just sounds stupid :/ (and highlights me! :D )08:29
ubuntuaddictedis it possible to debootstrap from a cd?08:29
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: ok08:29
macocjae: man 5 apt_preferences08:29
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  These are the commands that are passed to the kernel when it boots up.  make sure to add that i915 part without the quotes08:29
macoComradeHaz`: why does it highlight you when i didnt type comrade before it or ` after it? your highlight rules are broken08:29
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  If i915 is hanging and making you crash, that line might disable it and let you boot up normally08:29
jwmcgregorThe only thing that is different is that previously the monitors were detected and they are coming up as unknown in 10.408:29
cjaeCool thanks maco08:30
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: Ok. I'll try it. thx08:30
ComradeHaz`My highlight rules are perfect. My real nickname, even in 'real life' is Haz08:30
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  I have to log for the night, but if that fixes your problem, you can save the changes by adding i915.modeset=0 to /etc/default/grub08:30
masterkeywhere is ? /etc/X11/xorg.conf  - nVidia  kernel -PAE :( updated08:30
ComradeHaz`and thus, that is what my friends usually address me as, given we are all 'Comrades'08:30
masterkeynot configured driver08:30
ComradeHaz`Anyway :D08:30
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: Ok.08:31
EmilioTucciI have just upgraded my Ubuntu 8.10 to Karmik, and mysql server does not work, during the installation it says that the package mysql-server-5.1 had dependencies problems and could not be configured ¿? Any clue? The server was working pretty goog in my old 8.10. Thanks08:31
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  /etc/default/grub has a line for setting those boot parameters where you can add the i915 one.  Once you add it, you need to run "update-grub"08:31
* ComradeHaz` crawls back to his crappy database interrogation java program08:31
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  This will generate the new config file that grub uses, and include that extra option to all the items on the grub list08:31
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: Ok. I know that.08:32
yohannbzhCogitoErgoSam: Thx08:32
jwmcgregorfollowing on should I install libdecoration0-dev08:32
FardadJalilianyone know a way to recover files on the /tmp/ directory? ( I'm already trying !revocer )08:32
ZykoticK9EmilioTucci, see Release Notes http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#MySQL%20upgrade08:32
CogitoErgoSamyohannbzh:  np, hope it works.  Gotta log.08:32
denis12345How do I install Ubuntu 10.04 if it is bigger than the max size of a CD (700 meg and Ubuntu is ~720meg?)08:32
CogitoErgoSamnight all08:32
masterkeyconnect irc.vladislavovo.org08:32
wizard_denis12345: it should fit on the CD, try using the over burn08:32
denis12345wizard_: over burn?08:33
wizard_denis12345: most cd-r can be burned to have more than 700MB of data.08:33
denis12345wizard_: ah ok08:33
wizard_Also, the iso is under 700MB when I downlaoded it.08:33
jwmcgregorcan anyone else help with my compiz problem08:34
wizard_Where did you get yoru iso?08:34
rwwdenis12345: It's probably a unit display issue. Ubuntu and Kubuntu CD images are all under 700MB.08:34
ZykoticK9denis12345, are you sure you are using the Lucid final CD?  There where problems with BETA not fitting on a CD, but this was resolved before final.08:34
EmilioTucciZykoticK9, so it's late for me? I had to remove the mysql-server and mysql-client before perfomring the upgrade?08:34
denis12345ZykotickK9: Yeah I downloaded the final08:34
denis12345rww, they changed to using MB instead of mb so 700MB doesn't fit on a disk designed for 700mb08:35
ZykoticK9EmilioTucci, i'm not really familiar with the issue - i just remember reading about it in the release notes, and thus sent them to you.  Good luck.08:35
crdlbdenis12345: what's the filename?08:35
rwwdenis12345: Umm, no.08:35
crdlbdenis12345: 'mb' would be millibits08:35
EmilioTuccithis is madness08:35
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:36
edakiriIs there any media player besides amarok which can let the user associate ratings with tracks?08:36
progesteroneQuestion: Do I need to install cvs to checkout the project with cvs using Ubuntu?08:36
edakiriprogesterone: yes08:36
EmilioTucciSo nobody has MySQL server in Karmic?08:37
ZykoticK9denis12345, my amd64 image is 697MB08:37
progesteroneedakiri Thanks08:37
DingGGuhow can i upgrade ubuntu 10.04?08:37
denis12345hmm kk08:37
DingGGui can't join ubuntu+108:37
edakiriEmilioTucci: everyone running KDE4 has it whether they want it or not.08:37
jwmcgregorIs anyone able to help me with the installation issue I am experiencing08:37
ZykoticK9!upgrade | DingGGu08:37
ubottuDingGGu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:37
joaopintoDingGGu, lucid support is here now08:37
red2kicDingGGu: There are no #ubuntu+108:37
progesteroneedakiri As I'm not hosting cvs server, I don't understand why I need to install it.08:37
rwwDingGGu: #ubuntu+1 is currently closed. You would be forwarded to here automatically, except you're already in this channel so you get an error instead.08:37
soreaujwmcgregor: Can you pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace' from your terminal to pastebin.org?08:37
ZykoticK9DingGGu, +1 is closed until the toolchain is ready for 10.1008:37
DingGGuoh thanks08:37
denis12345hmm kk08:38
EmilioTucciedakiri, I had mysql server 5.1 in my old 8.10,. I upgraded to Karmic following all the process, and suddenly I can not run mysql server anymore because during the installation there were some dependencies issues????08:38
edakiriprogesterone: the package is both client and server08:38
EmilioTuccisi I have the machine stopped here, no work08:38
edakiriEmilioTucci: I don't know.08:38
EmilioTuccijust after following the upgrade process08:38
aniwhy i am getting problem to plau HD 1080p videos08:38
BUGabundo_remotered2kic: joaopinto MAUAUAUAU but I'm already on maverick :(08:39
ejvlesson: never upgrade a server with production services running...08:39
joaopintoBUGabundo_remote, :P08:39
progesteroneedakiri Thank for explaining me.08:39
anithose r playing at like 3-4 fps08:39
jwmcgregorno output it looked like the screen did a refresh08:39
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ubuntuaddictedsomeone knows a way to debootstrap from a live cd?08:40
edakiriEmilioTucci: you can see in /var/log whether there was trouble if you upgraded using 'aptitude'08:40
ubuntuaddictedor an alternative way?08:41
EmilioTucciedakiri, well, I upgraded with the UBuntu Upgrader08:41
EmilioTucciedakiri, everything works as a charm, except when in mysql server, then it shows that the package mysql-server 5.1 could not be configured due dependencies errors?08:41
EmilioTucciwhat dependencies errors? I am upgrading08:41
aniany solution for bad performance of 1080p videos on lucid08:42
jwmcgregorscreen totally screwed now after compiz --replace08:42
EmilioTucci* Starting MySQL database server mysqld08:43
EmilioTucci   ...fail!08:43
EmilioTucciinvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.08:43
EmilioTuccidpkg: error al procesar mysql-server-5.1 (--configure):08:43
EmilioTucci el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 108:43
FloodBot4EmilioTucci: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
EmilioTucci"the process script port-installation installed returned the error code 1"08:43
soreaujwmcgregor: The output is what may be interesting08:43
psypher246hi all, is anyone else having serious empathy issue wrt msn on lucid? since upgarding people cannot see me online yet i can se them but can't open chat windows08:44
carmelo202hi all08:45
G-manubuntu or windows 7 ?08:45
ubuntuaddictedwho cares about windows08:46
aniwho not08:46
* Reilithion highfives ubuntuaddicted08:46
ZykoticK9ani, what speed is your processor? and what graphics card are you using?08:46
aniGraphics:  Card nVidia G96 [GeForce 9400 GT] X.Org 1.7.6 Res: 1360x768@50.0hz08:46
ani           GLX Renderer GeForce 9400 GT/PCI/SSE2 GLX Version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.1508:47
wizard_ani: a lot of cards cant play 1080p08:47
aniSystem:    Host ani-desktop Kernel 2.6.32-21-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Distro Ubuntu 10.04 lucid08:47
ReilithionI haven't had sound since I upgraded to 10.0408:47
markatto9400 with vdpau should easily be able to handle medium-low bitrate 1080P h.26408:47
aniwizard i can play those vid in win very smoothly08:47
EmilioTucciConfirmed, if Upgrading to karmic, mysql does not isntall correctly08:47
ReilithionI've been through the Ubuntu sound troubleshooting guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting with no luck.  What else can I do?08:48
wizard_I keep having to hard reset after I try switching to a tty and back to gui, so beat that!08:48
EmilioTucciA shame though08:48
=== tuxlinux_ is now known as tuxlinux
EmilioTucciMy system was working before08:48
wizard_ani: do you have the proper drivers installed?  Sometimes the wrong drivers will do that..08:48
aniInfo:      Processes 148 Uptime 45 min Memory 437.8/1250.6MB Client Shell inxi 1.3.208:48
anithats all i got08:48
markattoani: if you aren't using the proprietary nvidia driver, you won't be able to use vdpau08:49
anibut without it i can,t get any acclaration....08:49
davertomaco: I filed the report, it is at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifuse/+bug/57497708:49
aniGLX Version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.15 markatto.08:50
markattoani: what video player are you using?08:50
macodaverto: thanks08:51
NoReflexhello! I'm having a problem with my USB modem (Huawei E220). It used to work in Jaunty and Karmic but in Lynx it asks me for a password. I tried entering the password for my GPRS connection (which I previously entered in the config as well) but it won't work08:51
animarkatto. i try all ..including vlc08:51
davertomaco: would love to see it fixed. I love ubuntu and am glad to see it grow, but now I have to hit the sack08:51
=== daverto is now known as Daverto_AFK
slam-dunki have installed wireshark in ubuntu, but when I run it I do not have the option to capture my ethernet. If I run Wireshark as root I can capture my ethernet device, but am warned that running wireshark as root is dangerous (I know why). Is there anyway around this?08:52
aniin all rendermode of vlc08:52
ubuntuaddictedslam dunk strat as root08:52
macoslam-dunk: i think it has to be run as root08:52
slam-dunkmaco - lol... then what is the point of the message? lol08:52
JdGordonhas autofs broken for anyone else after upgrading from 9.10?08:53
ubuntuaddictedwireshark sets network card in promiscious mode..for that it needs root08:53
JdGordonmy autofs smb mounts arnt working and I have no idea why08:53
jwmcgregorHi back had to restart gnome still trying to resolve issue - unable to save when System ->preferences -> appearance Preferences -> Visual Effects - > Extra08:53
markattoani: try mplayer from the commandline08:53
macoslam-dunk: if you manually set promiscuous yourslef you can probably start wireshark not as root08:53
anii show a patch fix in bug report web site of ubuntu..but dont get idia how to use that08:53
markattoani: mplayer -vo vdpau $VIDEONAME08:53
ubuntuaddictedmaco is that possible??08:53
macoubuntuaddicted: sure, either ifconfig or iwconfig (i forget which) can do it08:53
jwmcgregordoes anyone know where the config is stored08:54
slam-dunkmaco - promiscuous? I'm not trying to have wild sex here, I'm just trying to run Wireshark. :)08:54
ReilithionI bet it'll be ifconfig.  Isn't iwconfig for wireless interfaces?08:54
NoReflexI get a " stage1_prepare_done(): GSM modem connection failed: (32) Sending command failed: 'Resource temporarily unavailable'" in syslog...08:54
macoslam-dunk: its the mode where the wireless card picks up things that arent directed specifically to it08:54
Reilithionmaco: Not just wireless cards.  Ethernet too.08:55
markattoani: let me know if you see a line like "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."08:55
ReilithionOnly it won't work if you're connected to a switch.08:55
macoReilithion: yeah guess so... ive never tried using wireshark for wired internet08:55
slam-dunkmaco - how do I do that08:55
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Reilithionmaco: Probably because most sane people use switches these days.08:55
ubuntuaddictedmaco ifconfig eth0 promisc but it needs root08:55
animarkatto installing mplayer08:56
macoubuntuaddicted: psst tell slam-dunk that08:56
anican vlc used for that?08:56
ubuntuaddictedslam dunk ifconfig eth0 promisc08:56
* man8 hasta luego si you later08:56
markattoani: i'm pretty sure th VLC can output vdpau, but i'm not as familiar with it and it's hard for me to tell you which menu buttons to click08:56
markattoani: this way we will find out if it's the driver or the player08:57
App_Hey , is the keyserver down?08:57
anithen iam instlaiing mplayer..but itsthake some time for my speed 9kbps08:57
markattoani: ouch sorry you're stuck with a connection like that08:57
slam-dunkubuntuaddicted - anything securitywise (negatively speaking) about this command I should be aware of? And do I have to run this on each startup for it to work, or is this a one time deal?08:57
EmilioTucciI uninstall completely mysql server, I install it again, and the same issue08:58
macoslam-dunk: once per boot08:58
ubuntuaddictedslam dunk its just one time...its just for sniffing purposes08:58
arandApp_: Possibly, it tends to be flaky and it wouldn't surprise me now after release and all, you could always use another keyserver I guess08:58
markattoani: it's like what, 24 megs? it might pull in ffmpeg too, but you probably have that already08:58
animarkatto humm..alternate r very high tariff08:58
e-DIO-thow about disappeared icons on gnome desktop? No, show icons is checked in gconftool08:58
aniand give less useg08:59
slam-dunkand the security question?08:59
App_arand like which one? I'm googling for some mirrors and I cant find anyone that seam to wanna work08:59
LeonWPdo I still need the alternate installer for installing ubuntu next to a windows installation?08:59
LeonWPor is the desktop installer capable of that meanwhile?08:59
animarkatto its 4mb08:59
ubuntuaddictedslamdunk dont think so08:59
arandApp_: http://pgp.mit.edu/ is always worth a shot I guess09:00
Reilithionslam-dunk: If you're concerned about security, you should research the subject yourself.  It isn't wise to take the word(s) of chat room participants for granted.  That said, I'm not aware of any /serious/ security compromises involved with putting an interface in promiscuous mode.09:00
Adman65_how can i add/remove init scripts from start up?09:00
slam-dunksudo ifconfig eth0 promisc didn't work09:00
App_arand already tried =/09:00
ectospasmI'm having a brain fart (too much stuff going on in my life), what's the command to upgrade from 9.10->10.04, using apt-get or aptitude?  I'm thinking "aptitude dist-upgrade..." Am I correct?09:00
markattoectospasm: you have to change your sources first for that to work, I think09:01
ectospasmmarkatto: OK, I thought it might be something like that.09:01
wizard_ectospasm: sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade09:01
arandApp_: What are you trying to do specifically?09:01
ReilithionSurely I can't be the only one for whom sound stopped working after upgrading to lucid lynx?09:01
wizard_ectospasm: you could open the update manager GUI and do it that way too.09:01
App_add a PPA09:01
ectospasmwizard_: yeah, I knew that09:02
llutzectospasm: dist-upgrade needs your sources.list to be cahnged to 10.04 to work09:02
App_and add the key with apt-key , its jaunty09:02
ubuntuaddictedoutgoing port 11371 needs to be open for keyserver09:02
wizard_llutz: that was durring Alpha and BEta testing only, I think.  I remember upgrading without adding anything to my lists.09:02
ectospasmllutz: OK.  Thanks everyone, markatto, wizard_!09:03
arandApp_: Well, the ppa will work without the key if you don't mind about the slight security lapse...09:03
FardadJalilianyone knows where is the dls command of sleuthkit?09:03
nocturnuswhat's the file called in ubuntu 10LTS that has the grub menu entries?09:03
markattoectospasm: don't trust my advice on that too much, I don't actually use ubuntu ;P09:03
DJones!grub2 | nocturnus09:03
ubottunocturnus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:03
llutzwizard_: read how apt-get /patiude work09:03
nocturnusDJones: no browser, just tell me the name?09:03
grung0r since upgradeing to 10.04, my video drivers have been completely borked. I have no windows widgets in gnome until I change the effects seetings, I have to resinstall the nvidia driver every time I reboot, and I am unable to get out of a fairly low resoultion09:03
DJonesnocturnus: I don't know the name, you have to edit various files with grub2, its not a single file to amend now09:04
ReilithionI know pulseaudio isn't my problem, because I (finally) managed to kill it.09:04
pretender2010anyone got around the issue of the ATI  drivers not working in ubuntu 10.0409:04
App_arand: would just like to get rid of the warnings :D09:04
wizard_llutz: I know how they work, and Im telling you that I dont recall adding anything.  Its offered from the Ubuntu repos by default if you have a karmic system that's been updated.09:04
wizard_nocturnus: you have a browser if you are in cli, use w3m or lynx.09:04
Ritleeanyone know how to get my laptop to resume from suspend? Dell Mini9 with 2gb ram, and 8gb HD09:04
llutzwizard_: you don't know how they work. if so, you wouldn't write this09:04
e-DIO-tSolved: it was a nautilus crash.09:05
arandApp_: So the "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys #######" line doesn't work?09:05
psypher246 hi all, is anyone else having serious empathy issue wrt msn on lucid? since upgarding people cannot see me online yet i can se them but can't open chat windows09:05
SandGorgon_anyone know of a plymouth theme which would look good WITHOUT kms ? that is look good-enough like the olde usplash themes09:05
llutzwizard_: dist-upgrade with unchanged sources never will do a release upgrade09:05
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ReilithionAh, there we go09:05
App_arand does not work , not keyserver.ubuntu.com either09:05
ReilithionThanks, all09:05
llutzwizard_: man apt-get, search for dist-upgrade and read what it really does.09:05
wizard_llutz: Are you trying to be an ass on purpose?  Running update-manager -d brings up an upgrading option.  It has since http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/ was opened.  Pay attention or go away.09:06
Flannellastlog wizard_09:07
llutzwizard_: please read what i said too. i talk about "apt-get/aptitude" NOT about update-manager09:07
arandApp_: Well, you could always download and add it manaully, if you browse to the keyserver and serch for the key by name "0x########" normally...09:07
Rommeafter upgrading to Lynx i can no longer use keyboard shortcuts likt Alt + F2 because i get switched to another virtual console09:07
EmilioTucciNEVER AGAIN, I am leaving Ubuntu09:07
joaopintollutz, apt-get/aptitude show not be used for release upgrades09:07
hasibullahsallam dear all friends i have a question that i can not use projector with ubuntu 9.1009:07
llutzjoaopinto: thats not the point09:07
ubuntuaddictedromme maybe your ctrl alt f2 switches session09:07
Flannelwizard_, llutz: chill out.  update-manager will upgrade you.  dist-upgrade won't by itself (that just gives you current versions of packages on your current version)09:08
llutzwizard_: please read what i said too. i talk about "apt-get/aptitude" NOT about update-manager09:08
wizard_llutz: stop repeating yourself.09:08
=== max is now known as Guest49796
arandApp_: And then download it as an asci-armoured text file and use "sudo apt-ket add Downloads/textfile.asc"09:08
llutzwizard_: stop refferring to things i never talked about09:08
llutzwizard_: which not have been asked09:08
wizard_llutz: stop crying.09:08
Guest49796something better transmission bit torrent client ? Anyone09:08
Flannelllutz, wizard_: again, chill.09:08
ubuntuaddictedguest whats the problem about transmission09:09
arandApp_: *apt-key add....09:09
Guest49796something better than transmission bit torrent client ? Anyone09:09
enteLGuest49796: check out azureus09:09
ubuntuaddictedguest define better?09:09
* wizard_ hates when people try to pull the "im better than you because I spend all day on a computer" crap with me in this channel. I'm out.09:09
arand!best | Guest49796:09:09
ubottuGuest49796:: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:09
apctrhi all..have anyone use globus toolkit on ubuntu??09:10
Guest49796checking it out.09:10
hasibullahsome tell me how to use projector with ubuntu 9.1009:10
markattohasibullah: usually you just plug it in and treat it like a monitor09:11
aniin a month i will change m py isp.. i will go for broadbrand09:13
koltrollhow come the new ubuntu logo isn't on the homepage?09:13
EagleWatchhi all .. I'm trying to connect via ssh from my server to another and I got "Host key verification failed". My known hosts is empty... something else?09:13
RitleeEagleWatch, try straight up rm known_hosts if that doesn09:14
anihow many people use nvidia card here?09:14
arandllutz: Feel your annoyance, the whole dist-upgrade is a common misconception :(09:14
EagleWatchRitlee, I rename it and the same09:14
RitleeEagleWatch, try straight up rm known_hosts if that doesn't work, your may need to have the key regenerated on the computer you are trying to connect to09:15
markattohasibullah: if you can't figure out the the display settings menu, I can't help you09:15
llutzarand: should have been called different09:15
RitleeEagleWatch, try the latter then... if you can09:15
markattohasibullah: and there is no reason that you needed to private message me with that09:15
llutzarand: anyways, got used over all the years to it09:15
hasibullahmarkatto sorry if you got angry09:16
EagleWatchRitlee, about the key09:16
arandllutz: Well, at least aptitude has full-upgrade, now if just aptitude would become common practice...09:16
fsfeto connect to your server through ssh use  : ssh -l <username> <ip>   then it will ask you for passwd09:16
EagleWatchRitlee, I have to regenerate my server key?09:17
RitleeEagleWatch, if you can locally access the computer that you want to ssh to, try the command $sudo ssh-keygen -t dsa09:17
markattohasibullah: I don't have an ubuntu box so I can't explain the menu to you09:18
RitleeEagleWatch, yeah if the key is generated or has become corrupt it could be giving you that error09:18
ubuntuaddictedhow to debootstrap through a proxy?09:18
llutzarand: do you find "full" less confusing than "dist"?09:18
hasibullahmarkatto: ok it doesn't matter much09:19
animarkatto -vo for no video mode?09:19
arandllutz: Yes, at least when matched with safe-09:20
markattoani: I don't think you can have a zero-argument -vo09:20
dupondjeSomebody knows how I can change gwibber to open facebook on add not in french but in english/dutch ? :s09:22
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dupondjeWhen I add a facebook account, it opens the requests in french, no idea why in french :s09:22
A_I_I've a problem with smbmount09:22
AdvoWorkim assuming you can run firefox and google chrome at the same time?09:22
A_I_mount.smbfs //machine/share /mnt/test/ -o password="",ip=
nocturnusi've installed ubuntu to a hardrive a (in sdb2), but when I attempt to boot root=/dev/sdb2, it says root is invalid, and doesn't list any available options, kernel is succesfully loaded from /dev/sdb2/boot though (sd1,1), so what's the problem?09:22
A_I_Segmentation fault09:23
A_I_what can I do ?09:23
A_I_(samba 3.5.2)09:23
anisomething wrong in line no 13  http://pastebin.com/4NBD1edf    @ markatto09:23
haavarosOn a live USB stick, where is downloaded patches stored?09:23
Iowahchy there, I am currently editin my /etc/motd to fit my needs. well I am aware, that with a reboot it gets rewritten. how to disable this? and are there any kind of variables that would be replaced during display?09:24
emahello gents09:24
markattodoes anyone know if ubuntu packages vdpau seperately from the nvidia driver package?09:24
markattoani: 1 second i'm going to open a virtual machine and check out how the packaging is done09:25
emajust did an upgrade from xubuntu 9.10 to xubuntu 10.04 and im having problems with synaptic manager09:25
emaits running without my permission09:25
Adman65Hey, im trying to setup postgresql 8.4 on 10.04. Can't seem to be able to get it running on all addresses? When I try to connect remotely I get blocked09:25
aniema may be it set to auto update09:26
mae_taehello people09:27
emaani how do i quit the auto update_09:27
Rommeubuntu_: ctrl + alt + f2 does the same thing09:27
mae_taewhere can we modify the network proxy in ubuntu?09:27
Rommebut i'm fine with ctrl + alt + f2, i just need the alt + f<whatever> to be captured by the X server09:28
joaopintoIowahc, check /etc/update-motd.d/09:28
aniema check setting09:28
ubuntuaddictedromme seems your key is somehow glued or sthg like this :D09:28
ubuntuaddictedthe ctrl key09:28
Iowahcjoaopinto: thanks very much09:29
aniset reloading outdatingpak info to alowys ask09:29
audegood morning09:29
Adman65is there some firewall manager i can use from the command line? I can't get port 5432 open09:29
arandhaavaros: What Doppp  you mean by patches?09:29
audemy GDM loops, someone can help me?09:29
Richiieanyone here that uses Amsn can you please reply to me and help me whit a question09:29
psypher246hi all, is anyone else having serious empathy issue wrt msn on lucid? since upgarding people cannot see me online yet i can se them but can't open chat windows09:29
Iulyhi! I use aMSN09:29
Iulywhat happens with yours?09:30
arandRichiie: Don't ask to ask ;)09:30
haavarosarand: I'm running a live USB, and it wanted to update. It downloaded lots of updates, and now my USB stick is full. I want to delete the downloaded files.09:30
RichiieIuly: do you know where the option to Embedd Webcam window in chat window is ?09:30
arandhaavaros: look in /var/cache/apt/09:30
Iulyno, never used it, let me take a look, I have it in spanish...a moment09:30
RichiieIuly: i think that Amsn Default if you webcam whit someone the webcam window is separate beside the chat window i cant find that option i looked everywere :(09:31
arandhaavaros: but easier if you simply do "sudo aptitude clean"09:31
Flannelarand, haavaros: sudo apt-get clean09:31
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haavarosarand, Flannel: yep, that did the trick, thx09:32
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markattoani: what version are you on?09:32
aninumber of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one09:32
ani[0x29bd148] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame09:32
markattoani: ubuntu09:32
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markattoani: I think the package you want is libvdpau109:33
markattoat least that looks like it is what provides the .so file09:34
aniok checking09:34
markattoani: and make double sure that you're using the proprietary nvidia driver09:34
aniyes i am sure abt that ..09:35
Iowahcanother question, is there a way to make a "colored" echo?09:35
LinuxPhreakI setup my own local repo and uploaded a package. However by accidently deleted the directories. When I recreated the directories and went to upload the files again get message saying "Already uploaded to local on localhost" How can I reset this so I can upload the package again09:35
ubuntuaddictedlinuxphreak apt-get update09:36
aninvidia-current_195.36.15-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb  is installed  markatto09:36
Mandrew-on-the-nhiya fellow citizens09:37
joaopintoLinuxPhreak, man dput09:37
LinuxPhreakjoaopinto: okay because I already tried apt-get update09:37
markattoani: okay. after you install libvdpau1, make sure that /usr/lib/libvdpau.so exists09:37
Adman65blah this killing me. how come I can't get through on port 543209:37
joaopintoLinuxPhreak, apt-get has nothing to do with local repositories :)09:38
LinuxPhreakI didn't think so09:38
joaopintoLinuxPhreak, I am assuming you are trying to "dput" a source package09:38
Mandrew-on-the-nanyone that knows if the blue-tooth chip consumes more battery than the wifi chip?09:38
LinuxPhreakBut I figured what the hell I'll try it09:38
LinuxPhreakno binary09:38
ubuntuaddictedok  thought the local repo gets updated also09:39
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aniani@ani-desktop:/usr/lib$ dir libvd*                   /              libvdpau_nvidia.so  libvdpau.so.1  libvdpau.so.1.0.0      there file r there markatto09:40
arand_LinuxPhreak: dput normally creates a ".upload" file which "blocks" further uploads09:40
markattoani: okay, try running mplayer again09:40
arand_LinuxPhreak: if you remove the *.upload file, does it work to run dput again?09:41
burkeyhas anyone got the ati 5750 working in ubuntu 10.04. atm locks on ubuntu splash screen09:41
Guillem_Can I configure plymouth to show boot info (as it happened with "usplash "+ "verbose" options at grub kernel line)?09:42
rwwGuillem_: remove anything with "splash" in it on the grub kernel line09:42
LinuxPhreakarand_: looking for upload file tell you in second09:42
rwwGuillem_: this includes, due to a bug, "nosplash"09:42
animarkatto it work like charm.....09:42
markattoani ;)09:42
anino fps issue now09:43
markattoani: vlc should work too now if you give it the right settings09:43
brackiIs it just me or is the font rendering awful with Lucid?09:43
brackiMy eyes hurt.09:43
animarkatto thanks :)09:44
Guillem_rww, OK.. but this is something aside of my question isn't it?09:44
markattoani: yup n/p09:44
brackiChrome and FF look terrible.09:44
salmonopera rules09:45
rwwGuillem_: I don't think you can show boot text within plymouth, no.09:45
gui_I just installed upgrade for 10.04 version but the system load is highest ! around 50% without doing nothing...09:45
rwwcould be wrong on that, though09:45
invesspikin ispañol?  xD09:45
egtuxHi , i upgrade my system to ubuntu 10.4 from 9.10 , all things is ok but only firefox can't open i don't know why any help09:45
Guillem_rww, what about vga=*** ?09:45
invesla madre k os pario09:45
pierohow to install tor09:45
rwwubottu: es | inves09:46
ubottuinves: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:46
invesspeaking spanish?09:46
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Mandrew-on-the-ninves in this channel its just English09:46
salmonyou can use a instant tor09:46
denndaHow can I emulate the win7 window management in compiz? (i.e., move win to top==fullscreen, move to right==use right half of the screen, etc)09:46
impulse255hi can somebody please help me ... i seem to be unable to install ubuntu as a secondary OS on my machine ...09:46
salmonit's in the freesbie09:46
invesacgon dios09:46
impulse255there's an I/o error right after the installation and the windows-linux boot menu is not displayed when i restart ...09:47
markattoegtux: run firefox from the terminal and pastebin the output09:47
invesno entiendo una mierda xD09:47
impulse255i tried installing like 6 times now09:47
salmoni have tried tor, it's crap09:47
rwwpiero: Read http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en , follow option two. Tor is not in our repositories and thus is not supported.09:47
invessi, lo k yo decia09:47
invesk creia k esto era un chat porno, por la x y eso y mira09:47
rwwinves: English here. /join #ubuntu-es.09:47
invesna de na09:47
Iowahchey, I am trying to randomize my motd. I have a file with signatures in it. the sigs are 3 lines long, how to get them to be displayed randomly?09:47
arand_piero: Recommended is to add the repository from the torproject homepage09:47
soreaudennda: Its in compiz 0.9 grid. You can also do it with 0.8 grid using keybindings09:47
Iowahcany shell scripting example for that?09:47
invesmy name is ruben09:47
invesi don't shower neverrrrrrrrr09:48
macoinves: no swearing, even in spanish, please09:48
pieroi have do that i did all that09:48
invesjabon? XD09:48
invesjabon = shower gel09:48
pieroi got here sudo apt-get install tor vidalia09:48
egtux@ markatto: thx for your help this is output "Attempting to load the system libmoon09:48
egtuxSegmentation fault"09:48
invessi, de sudor hablamos09:49
pierothat where i do not know wat to do now09:49
Tm_Tinves: please read channel topic09:49
macoinves: the topic here is ubuntu technical support, in english09:49
rwwpiero: Follow the link I gave you.09:49
denndasoreau: So that means in lucid I have to install a new compiz version manually if I want that since lucid only has 0.8, right? (without keybindings)09:49
invesputo ingles de mierda09:49
macoinves: for spanish go to #ubuntu-es, but be aware that even there you can't swear09:49
phylockmy terminal(atrl+alt+1) text is only showing as white dots at the top of the screen, any ideas for troubleshooting??09:49
markattoegtux: can you pastebin the actual output?09:49
pieroplease can u give me the link again09:50
rwwpiero: http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en , look at option two, be aware that Tor installation is not supported by Ubuntu because it's not in our repositories.09:50
LinuxPhreakby the way I figured it out I use -f to force upload09:50
salmonwhen i boot ubuntu, it connects back to the mothership and updates something09:50
salmonthat's annoying09:51
macosalmon: it doesnt even get online til after you log in09:51
Q|Hey guys. How can I downgrad PHP from 5.3 to 5.2 in 10.04? I already added karmic sources to sources.list and tried "sudo apt-get -s install php5-common/karmic", but it barks at me with this message: "E: Release 'karmic' for 'php5-common' was not found"09:51
Mandrew-on-the-nhow do i install a irc client so i can chat on irc :P09:51
Sachoare you sure php5-common is the package in karmic, Q|?09:51
macosalmon: at some point after you get online, itll check for updates. thats all itll do unless you configure it (its not default) to install updates automatically09:51
macoMandrew-on-the-n: you're here09:51
wildbatMandrew-on-the-n, sudo apt-get install xchat09:51
Mandrew-on-the-nhahaha just messing around ;)09:52
Q|Sacho, shouldn't have changed, and according to this site: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/php/php5-common  it is09:52
salmonit's a good way to install trojan horses i think09:52
macoQ|: i think it's -t=karmic to say you want the karmic version09:52
pierocan u give me another proxy other than tor09:52
wildbatMandrew-on-the-n, haha really ? ban do you need it XD09:52
Q|I'll give it a try maco09:52
xsxixmxIs anybody aware of the option to get your system hooked up for compatability programing? or do you have to send it off, or just buy cirtified hardware?09:52
llutzsalmon: only use signed repos09:53
arand_Q|: ALternatively you cold specify version directly aptitude install package=version09:53
macosalmon: you can check /etc/cron.daily/apt to see what its doing09:53
KloBassis possible to setup network-manager to force use  other default interface?09:53
rwwsalmon: Ubuntu's repositories are cryptographically signed. Unless your installation medium is compromised, automatic updates will warn you before installing unsigned software.09:53
markattoegtux: I think that the problem is that you don't have moonlight installed but firefox is configured to use it. Your problem will likely be solved by either installing the moonlight package or removing/renaming your firefox config files (~/.mozilla)09:54
impulse255is it possible im getting an i/o error after ubuntu installation because i made a bootable dvd instead of a cd ??09:54
psypher246 hi all, is anyone else having serious empathy issue wrt msn on lucid? since upgarding people cannot see me online yet i can see them but can't open chat windows09:54
macosalmon: and as noted, automatic updates are disabled by default09:54
rwwwell, they'll warn you before installing any software. but especially unsigned ones.09:54
blonddreadi have just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 cannt configure wine to run windows chat clients plz help09:54
mkquistanyone...  so what seem to be the problems with the new Ubuntu?09:54
Q|Thanks for the hint, arand_09:54
mkquistso far seems good09:54
daurnimatorI have a problem...: http://pastebin.com/TswKj4sZ09:54
mkquistmusic problems...09:55
psypher246mkquist: empathy and msn doesn't work09:55
mkquistpsypher246: ty for that... pidgin?09:55
xsxixmxwondering if the software repositories can be better navagated w/graphix AI type of stuff.,.,,,09:55
psypher246haven't tried09:55
mkquistpsypher246: ic09:56
ubuntuaddictedpiero there is a repo for it...https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/tor09:56
mkquistblonddread: cant run a linux version?09:56
phylockmy terminal(ctrl+alt+f1) text is only showing as white dots at the top of the screen, any ideas for troubleshooting??09:56
mkquistblonddread: like pidgin?09:56
fsfeyou can use also  amsn messenger and skype on Ubuntu09:57
kalipushow many sucks 10.04?09:57
kalipusi want to know before i destroy my system09:57
winXPuser10.04 is okay09:57
enteLkalipus: 2.3 sucks09:57
blonddreadhaving problems with all cam chat and messaging areas under 10.0409:58
SuN__is there a way to Recover Ubuntu Live CD with my deleted folder / var / how to fix please help...09:58
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winXPuserblonddread, in what client?09:58
hamzaatova1why totem slowing down the system when listening to radio?09:58
kalipushamzaatova1: use amarok?09:58
Q|maco, if using -t=karmic it won't force the downgrade but just tell me, that it's already the latest version installed. man page tells me this: "Alternatively a specific distribution can be selected by following the package name with a slash and the version of the distribution or the Archive name (stable, testing, unstable)"09:59
ani<SuN__> u can may get unhelthy iso after that09:59
hamzaatova1Kalipus, how do i set it to be default?09:59
blonddreadtried all chat clients they worked well under 9.04 now can not get access09:59
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins09:59
Q|maco, So, php5-common/karmic should work (I have it from a user post which has success with it). So, it has to do something with my sources I guess. Is it enough to just add the karmic sources to sources.list or do I have to issue some command after it?10:00
SuN__ani, now please help me !10:00
winXPuserblonddread, try sudo-apt install pidgin, then launch it, will it give same error about access denied?10:00
macoQ|: sudo apt-get update10:00
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Q|That's probably it, maco.10:00
guest1212112Why you don't sopport gma500?10:00
winXPuserblonddread, try sudo-get install pidgin, corrected10:00
kalipushamzaatova1:  look at wiki10:00
derpderpderpI've got a bit of an odd problem with the proprietary nvidia drivers breaking a whole bunch of odd things when enabled (including audio)10:01
aniSuN__ if it windows then i can help u ...i am newbie to linux10:01
Iowahcis there a command to output lines n-m from file x?10:01
blonddreadpidgin is installed cannt get it working10:01
Q|Yes maco, that did the trick. Now it's even working with sudo apt-get install php5-common/karmic, as expected. Thanks a lot10:02
macoQ|: np10:02
viliny_whats the problem blonddread ?10:02
anisun need some fire recovary for ubuntu10:02
winXPuserblonddread, try to uninstall it, then to install it again?10:02
ftabIowahc, what are you trying to do, finding a specific string in a file ?10:02
geirhaIowahc: sed -n 5,10p file10:02
Ritleeanyone know how to get my laptop to resume from suspend? Dell Mini9 with 2gb ram, and 8gb HD10:02
Iowahcftab: no the whole lines geirha: thanks10:02
mkquistRitlee: dell mini9, tried osx? just curious...10:02
winXPuserRitlee, hit power button until it shuts down, then start it up again?10:03
blonddreadcannt get any cam chat clients working even under wine10:03
geirhaIowahc: That will output lines 5-10 of file10:03
winXPuserblonddread, okay, http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com/10:03
winXPuserblonddread, this one shjould install without problems10:03
Ritleemkquist, winXPuser sorry running Lucid forgot to mention that10:03
Ritleemkquist, no, not yet though i am curious10:04
RitleewinXPuser, yeah that be the only way to get back into the netbook10:04
blonddreadi try that thanks10:04
xsxixmx compatiblility question: can I grant ssh for working the system to cirtified hardware??10:06
mkquistRitlee: supposed to run really well, but i think you have to downgrade the bios10:06
Ritleemkquist, on the Mini9 to osx? never upgraded to bios so maybe?10:06
mkquistRitlee: i have a client who does it as a business/hobby...10:07
=== popey_ is now known as popey
SDonatasHey, does your ubuntu one works under ubuntu 10.04 x64? Just installed it and ubuntu one doesn't work at all10:07
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone10:07
mkquistRitlee: the dell minis are supposed to be the 'mac' netbook... unofficially10:07
mkquistRitlee: google it10:07
iflemaRitlee have you any swap space?10:07
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.10:07
mkquistRitlee: whats your problem again?10:08
mkquistRitlee: awake from sleep?10:08
Ritleemkquist, yes awake from suspend and iflema and yes my swap sadly enough equals my ram10:09
mkquistwinXPuser: i wasnt being smug, just giving him a line on something that this channel doesnt support... =)10:09
winXPusermkquist, ok but i would not be able to google it out i think10:09
mkquistwinXPuser: the dell mini osx thing? sure!10:10
mkquistwinXPuser: huge user base/info online about it...10:10
Ritleelol, i have no issues with going to google ;P10:10
Ritleeespecially for an option i am curious to check out10:10
mkquistI know a guy who does it as a business/hobby, converts for people, charges like $350 for it, but it's on the net...10:11
mkquistenough of that.. offtopic.. sry folks10:11
eycelhow are you10:12
kjeleRitlee: What video driver are you using?10:13
mkquistfor the record, just upgraded one of my netbooks, and it was a breeze... gnite all10:13
Ritleekjele good question10:13
red2kicHello #ubuntu -- What does notify-osd depends on?  ibus?10:14
viliny_red2kic: have you tried sudo apt-get build-dep notify-osd?10:14
rwwred2kic: notify-osd doesn't depend on ibus, no. The dependency list is at http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/notify-osd10:14
red2kicrww: Heh. Well, I'm trying to figure out why I'm having old classic notification daemon bubbles (at bottom right) instead of that fancy new notify-osd.10:16
rwwred2kic: because you have notification-daemon installed instead of notify-osd, I'd imagine10:16
rwwor you have both installed for some reason. either way, remove notification-daemon.10:16
BaramI'm trying to re-install grub2 via the livecd (upgrade didn't go so well), wiki says to edit /etc/default/grub, but it's a blank file...10:16
red2kicrww: I'm on it. Sir110:16
Ritleekjele how might i find out? dmesg | grep ?? or ?10:16
viliny_Baram: iirc grub2 uses a config file that you aren't supposed to manually edit... i might be wrong though10:17
kjeleRitlee: Do you know what video card you are using at all?10:17
Baramviliny_: right, that's callled grub.cfg, which is different from /etc/default/grub10:17
Ritleemost likely a intel based card, but not off hand i can interrogate dell's website possibly10:18
viliny_Baram: Yeah sounds about right, sorry to not been of more help.10:18
kjeleRitlee: lspci | grep VGA should tell10:18
red2kicrww: Do I need to restart X session or something sorta?10:19
belihi, with lucid i have a boot problem...it tell's me that / isn't ready.....dropping me to the ramdisk....when i wait some time and enter "exit" it boots up...i tried to add wait parameters to the init line, but it doesnt work with them....any hints?10:19
rwwred2kic: no idea. probably need to restart dbus at least.10:19
markitoxsvery silly thing, how can i check iptables is runnning?10:19
Ritleekjele, 945gme by intel10:19
kjeleRitlee: Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?10:19
twiztidHi, does anyone know about how to set my gwibber status back to available? when i selected 'offline' as my status, it greys out the rest of the options even the available option so how would i go back 'online'?10:19
belimarkitoxs: running or has active rules?10:20
Ritleedoesn't appear to be one in the X11 dir10:20
llutzmarkitoxs: sudo iptables -L10:20
noelferreirawhat do i need to do to correct this bug in lucid: [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* Failed to parse relocation -12! do i need to blacklist KMS ?10:20
noelferreirai am using a radeon XPRESSS 200M10:21
winXPusertwiztid, does a restart of the client help?10:21
Ritleekjele, doesn't appear to be there10:21
markitoxsllutz, , is iptables actually a service, or does it just write to a file?10:21
red2kictwiztid: Don't use gwibber, me think. Maybe gwibber --help can help.10:21
llutzmarkitoxs: its part of the kernel10:21
twiztidwinXPuser: how would i go about restarting the client?10:21
belimarkitoxs: iptables is a tool to interact with the netfilter firewall...and its kernel based10:21
markitoxsbeli, i understand, txs10:22
winXPusertwiztid, maybe when you restart it, it will be online again?10:22
twiztidhttp://pastebin.com/ie6JB7T4    is the output of gwibber --help10:22
markitoxsllutz, any hint why this does not seem to be executed? iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wccp0 -j REDIRECT -p tcp --to-port 808010:22
twiztidwinXPuser: how do i restart it?10:23
belinoone having timeout problems while booting with lucid?10:23
belimarkitoxs: whats the error10:23
markitoxsbeli, im on the same boat, i need to restart it10:23
Ritleekjele, would xorg not be installed if it's .conf not be present? or is it just not configured?10:23
markitoxsbeli, simply no output10:24
kjeleRitlee: Then you should file a bug with "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel" and describe your suspend issue. In the mean time you can disable suspend with by edit the file /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.upower.policy Where it says "yes" you edit to "no"10:24
ftabhow do I install and change the plymouth theme I am using Lucid Lynx10:24
Radim_can i upgrade from 7.10 or i have to download CD and reformat?10:24
pat109anyone tell me how to change system-read sound at login10:24
red2kicRadim_: Download the Lucid 10.04 CD.10:24
pat109anyone tell me how to change system-ready sound at login10:24
winXPusertwiztid, close it, then open it again?10:24
ubuntuaddictedpat109 system-settings->sound10:24
wildbatbeli, what is the error messag you got?10:25
belimarkitoxs: ok...type the line again and add some ; echo $?10:25
kjeleRitlee: <allow_active>yes</allow_active>10:25
markitoxsbeli, ,ok give me one sec10:25
kjeleRitlee: under suspend to no10:25
Ritleekjele, really... well that sucks... guess i'll be shutting down a lot10:26
kjeleRitlee: Some bug do happen.10:26
beliwildbat: i am upgrading from rc to release atm. so i cannot tell atm, sorry........in words sth. like root drive isnt ready....and it drops me to the ramdisk shell...waiting a minute or so, then typing exit, starts ubuntu10:26
Ritleekjele, yeah :(10:26
twiztidwinXPuser: how do i restart gwibber? what command or where do i go to restart it?10:27
red2kictwiztid: Try "killall gwibber" to kill it.10:27
Ritleekjele, might give me the push to atleast try porting osx on to here in the mean time now that i know it's easily doable10:27
Ritleethanx to mkquist10:27
noelferreirawheres is /boot/grub/menu.lst in lucid?10:28
red2kic!grub2 | noelferreira10:28
ubottunoelferreira: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:28
mondrbeli, it actually returns 010:28
red2kicrww: Any another suggestions?10:28
Ritleeokay well time for me to bounce, thank you for the help.  kjele mkquist iflema10:28
donriTrying to write an audio CD with Rhythmbox but nothing happens when I click the button. Ideas?10:29
belimondr: zero means: command executed successfully, no errors10:29
mondrbeli, im markitoxs, i dont kow why the nick has changed10:29
geekphreakhello all10:29
andy112233Hi everyone. After installing Lucid Lynx, my system frequently crashes (screent turns black, system reboots). Is there a known bug? Also changed from ext2 to ext4. Thanks!10:30
red2kicgeekphreak: Hi. ;o10:30
geekphreakandy112233:  afaik no \pe10:30
beliandy112233: did you take a look into your system  logs?10:30
beliandy112233: after bootup verify if some hardware stuff hasnt been detected correctly...use dmesg10:30
chocolatewhen i browse files wid dolphin i want it to scroll more rows .. it scrolls only a single row or even less when i scroll it wid mouse scroll key.... where can i find the setting for it ?10:31
andy112233No. I'm a rookie linuxer.10:31
andy112233Can I post my dmesg to anyone here?10:31
andy112233Crash has just happened.10:31
geekphreakchocolate:  use page up and down10:31
chocolatethats idiotic10:31
xsxixmxlinux rox my sox10:31
geekphreakandy112233: pastebin please, not in room10:32
chocolatei wanna do it by mouse itself, their must be a way10:32
winXPusertwiztid, "how do i restart gwibber?" hmm10:32
beliandy112233: system logs are under /var/log/  take a look at files like syslog and messages.......... after a fresh reboot type   dmesg   in  a terminal window....you can see what has been going on at boot time....dmesg | less maybe to pageinate10:32
andy112233geekphreak: Thanks. Will pastebin it to you.10:32
noelferreirahow can i edit grub.cfg i need to change the line of the linux kernel10:32
geekphreakwinXPuser: is that a question?10:32
belinoelferreira: look in the /boot/ folder10:32
red2kicrww: Got it on the nail. :)10:33
belinoelferreira: and read the grub manual on howto rewrite stuff10:33
winXPusergeekphreak, yes, but not mine10:33
red2kicIs NOTIFY-OSD still displaying one message panel too low in Lucid?10:33
geekphreakwinXPuser: oh ok, btw howdy :)10:33
winXPusergeekphreak, fine, very fine :)10:33
chocolateCan some one help? plz10:34
chocolatewhen i browse files wid dolphin i want it to scroll more rows .. it scrolls only a single row or even less when i scroll it wid mouse scroll key.... where can i find the setting for it ?10:34
belichocolate: repeating doesnt help10:34
chocolatethen what does?10:34
Iowahchy there. is there a way to teach issue.net to interpret the escape seq from issue ?10:34
belichocolate: read dolphins manual?10:34
andy112233Here it is: http://pastebin.com/yisw81Gp . Could the crash have to do with those fd1-errors? I notice a "floppy drive" in nautilus even though I do not have one.10:34
andy112233And first off: thanks! :o)10:35
rwwred2kic: assuming that you mean it's a panel-height away from the top to leave space for notifications like volume and brightness, yes.10:35
geekphreakchocolate: dolphin if i remember is kde application, right did you ask in kubuntu ?10:35
mondrtis there an iptables log?10:35
chocolateu guys make my query go out of page within seconds10:35
chocolatethats a stupid channel no one replies10:35
llutz!patience > chocolate10:35
ubottuchocolate, please see my private message10:35
mufasiswhats the difference between ubuntu and the server edition10:36
stevenchiucan any one tell me how to install ofonod?10:36
jpdsmufasis: Ubuntu desktop and server edition?10:36
geekphreakmufasis: server edition is primary target for server and it is text based , you can install gui on it though10:36
stevenchiuUnable to hop onto D-Bus: Connection ":1.88" is not allowed to own the service "org.ofono" due to security policies in the configuration file10:36
beliandy112233: sr0 is bad.....io stuff can often lead to locked systems10:36
red2kicrww: Say something again. I'll scrot it.10:37
geekphreakred2kic:  howdy10:37
=== baddog__ is now known as baddog
usamahashimihow can i access ext4 drive from win xp?10:37
Sonderbladeim trying to install java on a ubuntu server machine and it forces me to install lots of useless shit too like libgtk-2.0, x11-common and other xorg packages. how to make it stop?10:37
beliandy112233: remove disks from your optical drivers10:37
geekphreakusamahashimi: you cannot at this time, ext4 drivers for windows have not been develooped10:37
andy112233beli: What's sr0? What means "lock up"? To crash? And why do I have an fd0 floppy drive appearing?10:38
beliandy112233: if this doesnt help, your drives optical lense may have problems10:38
wildbatusamahashimi, you can't ~10:38
usamahashimithanks, one more question, which software is used to develop ubuntu.com website?10:38
beliandy112233: sr0 in common is the first optical drive on your system10:38
andy112233beli: Thanks10:39
geekphreakusamahashimi: software?10:39
andy112233beli: And what's the matter with fd0?10:39
red2kicrww, geekphreak: http://tinyurl.com/25c3c95 :)10:39
beliandy112233: whats your system? scsi? sata?10:40
rwwred2kic: yes, like I said, it's moved down a panel to leave space for brightness or volume adjustment notifications10:40
rwwred2kic: note that I don't say I think this is a sane thing, just that that's why it happens.10:40
usamahashimigeekphreak: yes, i mean which tools are used to develop that website like dreamweaver is used in windows10:40
red2kicrww: Alright. Just wanted to double-check.10:40
rww(i.e., it is not considered a bug)10:40
kjeleusamahashimi: ubuntu.com is using dupal10:41
geekphreakusamahashimi: hehe how can we say ? , not one coder coded that website, every coder has its own set of tools man10:41
andy112233beli: sata. I think I have a BIOS setup which lets SATA drives appear as IDE. Should I turn off this feature? I cannot imagine my optical drive crashing the system since it is quite new and never made any problems with karmic koala.10:41
usamahashimithanks a lot :)10:42
chocolateI also wanna to say thanks alot (:10:42
vakhi all10:42
geekphreakchocolate: sorry i dont use dolphin a lot10:42
=== mondr is now known as markitoxs
beliandy112233: the cd in it could be damaged too....10:43
vakis there any chance to figure out if my RAM is running in dual channel mode?10:43
geekphreakchocolate:  did you check mouse settings?10:43
beliandy112233: but i think something wired is going on....10:43
ja660kso... CPU1 - 3% CPU2 - 6% RAM 17% CPU temp - 70c HDD temp 51c... this looks bad?10:43
chocolatewhere to check for them ? in system settings?10:43
andy112233beli: It's a blank DVD which I haven't used yet.10:43
geekphreakchocolate:  i think it was, there , press alt+f1 , look in system settings10:44
beliandy112233: remove it! blank disks10:44
mufasisis that the only difference10:44
geekphreakkjele: hello sir10:44
andy112233beli: The system crashes appeared even before inserting this DVD.10:44
miaouevolving to lucid :)10:44
kjelegeekphreak: hi10:44
chocolategot that thanks alot !10:44
beliandy112233: just to make sure pls10:44
andy112233beli: Just to make sure I get you right: You suggest that keeping the DVD-burner empty whenever possible will prevent the crashs?10:45
geekphreakmufasis: they use same repos, only the role is changed, desktop version has more bells and whistles10:46
kjeleInteresting it is snowing outside..10:46
geekphreakmufasis:  more information can be found in #ubuntu-server10:47
geekphreakkjele: make some icecreams :p10:47
beliandy112233: try it...it's to find the source of the problem...not ment as a solution10:47
geekphreakkjele: i love the new stable built :)10:48
twiztidhey anyone know why my fresh install of lucid on my laptop wont connect to my secured network even after ive entered in the proper ssid and wpa personal password; my pc is on the same network with lucid and runnin fine... please help10:48
andy112233beli: Okay thanks. I will also try to edit my BIOS setup and disable floppy features and this SATA-as-IDE-feature.10:48
andy112233Thanks a lot, bye!10:48
miaouHi, My brasero don't wanna burn anymore on karmic10:48
henkpoleyusamahashimi: there are ext2, and some ext3 filesystem drivers for XP though10:48
nanodustHi. Is there any auto-tool to configure two videocards? Or should I mess with xorg.conf by hand?10:49
twiztidwhen i enter in the proper info it immidiatly says 'disconnected'10:49
winXPusernanodust, two videocards? what for?10:50
markitoxsanyone knows if the version of SQUID in the repos for server edition comes with wccp enabled?10:50
Raptorsconfigure: error: Could not find the LUA byte compiler.10:50
nanodustwinXPuser: for two monitors. each card have only one out.10:51
Raptorstrying to build latest unstable version of vlc10:51
Raptorswhat package is LUA byte compliler?10:51
beli!search lua10:51
ubottuFound: fi, appreciate, fi-#ubuntu10:51
beliRaptors: lua5010:52
=== guto is now known as [B1T]
Raptorsbeli, thanks10:54
erUSUL!find lua510:54
ubottuFound: liblua5.1-0, liblua5.1-0-dbg, liblua5.1-0-dev, lua5.1, lua5.1-doc (and 75 others)10:54
Anomie2Can anyone help with this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1466289 ?10:54
geekphreakhi erUSUL :)10:55
erUSULgeekphreak: hi; \o/10:55
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
grung0rI'm having rpoblems with my graphics drivers after updating to 10.04. I can't get a high enough resolution, and I'm missing the window widgets in gnome. any suggestions?10:58
beliAnomie2: seems that you have wrong permissions on directories10:58
Anomie2beli: How so? I've CHMODed them all to 0777 so they should work10:59
erUSULgrung0r: what graphic card ? what drivers where you using in before upgrading ?10:59
aboSamoorhow can I revert the window buttons back to the default situation ?10:59
binilhow can i upgrade without loosing my earlier software10:59
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d610:59
erUSUL!upgrade | binil10:59
ubottubinil: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:59
geekphreakaboSamoor: you mean panel?11:00
grung0rerUSUL: it's a Geforce 9800. Unless the drivers upgraded as weel, I was using the proprietariry 173 nvidia drivers11:00
aboSamoorgeekphreak: I mean the window buttons, the close, maximize and minimize11:01
beliAnomie2: make sure www-data can access each directory on the path11:01
geekphreak!controls | aboSamoor11:01
ubottuaboSamoor: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d611:01
erUSULgrung0r: you installed it by hand ? i.e. with the *.run from nvidia ?11:01
grung0rerUSUl: no, I used the hardware drivers app11:01
twiztidcan anyone help me with connecting a clean install of lucid to a secure router from my laptop?11:01
erUSULgrung0r: and it is not working this time ? System>Admin>hardware drivers11:02
beliAnomie2: nice css menu btw ;)11:02
grung0rwell, it tells me to reboot. and drops me to 640x48011:02
gnuskoolI just upgraded to 10.04, but it looks just like before, without gnome3 panel, how do i install that also?11:02
grung0rso it reports it works, but it does not11:03
gnuskoolor am I best to leave well enough alone :D11:03
tarzeauany of you tried the ttf-mplus font yet?11:03
erUSULgrung0r: can you paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?11:03
grung0rin channel?11:04
geekphreakpastebin grung0r11:04
aboSamoorgeekphreak: I moved them to the right but I want to revert to ubuntu default11:05
erUSUL!paste | grung0r11:05
ubottugrung0r: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:05
erUSULaboSamoor: revert the change you made11:05
Avaszis microsoft usb wifi device supported in ubuntu?11:05
beliAvasz: its not generally unsupported, just because its microsoft......it depends on the chipset used11:06
Avaszbeli, ok.. can i check about it even if i have wifi in my own laptop.. ?11:06
Avaszbeli, i mean.. i have default wifi in my laptop. can i join the usb device in it and check if it is working or not?11:07
Rotwang1i have a problem with new ubuntu 10.0411:09
Rotwang1i have grub 1 after upgrade11:09
theadminRotwang1: What is it?11:09
viliny_Rotwang1: shoot11:09
Rotwang1and a config file generated with update-grub11:09
theadminRotwang1: Have you updated from Jaunty/earlier?11:09
Rotwang1with uuids11:09
twiztidhow do i tell lucid to turn on my wireless card?11:10
Rotwang1and grub gives error 1111:10
theadmintwiztid: "sudo ifup wlan0"?11:10
Rotwang1if i change root to /dev/sdaX everything works as expected11:10
Rotwang1so the question is if the update-grub creates wrong config11:11
Rotwang1or grub is broken?\11:11
erUSULgrung0r: i do not see anythng wrong in the file the nvidia driver loads succesfully without errors ...11:11
erUSULgrung0r: sure is the whole file ?11:11
theadminRotwang1: Likely it's just Lucid's version of update-grub, we don't really support GRUB 1 anymore11:11
Rotwang1I wonder why it happened11:11
llutzRotwang1: are the used UUIDs incorrect?11:11
grung0rerUSUL: it is the whole file11:12
theadminRotwang1: Check if /dev/disk/by-uuid/whatever-uuid-it-sets exists.11:12
llutzRotwang1: blkid11:12
=== xyz is now known as hellyeah
erUSULgrung0r: glxinfo | grep -Ei 'vendor|version'11:13
twiztidtheadmin: reads, Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan011:13
grung0rI am not getting any eroor.s I just don't have access to any high resoltuons, and am missing the windows widegts until I aplly the high effects settings in desktop setings every time I reboot11:13
rothsdadhey, my network Interfaces swapped every time, how to solve this problem??11:13
theadminerUSUL: "-Ei"?... i is case-insensetive, right? what is E?11:13
erUSULgrung0r: so only compiz works ?11:13
Anomie2beli: not sure what you mean...www-data has ownership of the folder.11:13
llutztheadmin: regex11:13
erUSULtheadmin: extended regex11:13
theadminerUSUL: Oh.11:13
grung0rcompiz appears to work. as does 3d acceleration. I used google earth with no prob for instance11:14
rothsdadCreate a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules and bind the MAC address of each of my cards11:14
erUSULtheadmin: without it the logical or | does not work11:14
rothsdadbut not work!!11:14
Naibhi, I have just upgraded a desktop to 10.4 and grub wont boot. drops me to a grub propt. any howto on howto fix?11:14
erUSULrothsdad: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules <<<< is there for that reason11:14
theadminCan I make the terminal run a command before it closes, everytime?11:15
Rotwang1theadmin: uuids are correct11:15
llutztheadmin: ~/.bash_logout          if you use bash11:15
Rotwang1and /dev/disk/by-uuid exists11:15
erUSULrothsdad: so it is metacity the one that fails ... weird... if you do « metacity --replace » on a terminal do you see any error?11:15
Rotwang1so everything looks ok11:15
twiztidim desperatly trying to get my buddys laptop up with lucid but it just wont connect to my network... help!!?!?!11:15
theadminllutz: ...How can I NOT use bash? o_O It is even possible to use zsh or something like that on Ubuntu? Anyway, thanks11:15
llutztheadmin: sure it is11:16
brijithHi all I cann't install ubuntu 9.10 in i711:16
erUSULtheadmin: sure you can use whichever shell you like11:16
erUSULtheadmin: run "chsh"11:16
tarzeaubrijith: tried 10.04?11:16
rothsdaderUSUL: mine is kubuntu11:16
geekphreakbrijith: i installed it on i5 , works ok here, not sure about i711:16
rothsdaderUSUL: so command not found11:16
theadminllutz: Hm, doesn't seem to work. I appended "history -c" to that file, yet it does not clean history after exit11:16
erUSULrothsdad: so is kwin the one failing ... no familiar with it11:16
erUSULrothsdad: about the resolution problem... tried with « kdesu nvidia-settings » ?11:17
theadminerUSUL: Okay whozat o_O It asks for password11:17
brijithgeekphreak:after 5 or 10 minutes installation freezes11:17
erUSULtheadmin: your password11:17
theadminerUSUL: And who is chsh?11:17
theadminerUSUL: I see, change-shell...11:17
rothsdaderUSUL: thx11:17
erUSULtheadmin: make sure you have the shell you are ging to change to installed11:17
twiztidanyone else have any suggestions as to why its so hard for a fresh instlal of linux to connect to a wpa2 personal router?11:18
theadminSo theoretically I can even set, say, python as default shell? o_O11:18
erUSULtheadmin: python can not act as shell11:18
geekphreakbrijith: no worries here, did you run md5sum on iso?11:18
erUSUL!details | twiztid11:18
ubottutwiztid: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:18
geekphreaktheadmin: python aint shell11:18
brijithgeekphreak:Iam uisng the shipped version11:19
theadmingeekphreak: I dunno... "#!/usr/bin/env python" in a shellscript works :P11:19
llutztheadmin: thats a shebang11:19
theadminllutz: Right, it tells which shell to use11:19
twiztiderUSUI: hey anyone know why my fresh install of lucid on my laptop wont connect to my secured network even after ive entered in the proper ssid and wpa personal password; my pc is on the same network with lucid and runnin fine...11:19
llutztheadmin: or what interpreter11:19
beli"Gave up waiting for root device"11:19
belithat's the error message11:19
llutztheadmin: in your case ^^11:19
theadminllutz: *facepalm*... I'm stupid.11:19
belidropping me a busybox on the initramfs11:19
geekphreakbrijith:  ok should be ok then11:19
BamieaterTrying to install 10.04, inserted the CD, CD loads and shows a 'chip = man in circle'-logo at the bottom, but nothing else happens.11:20
beliadded rootdelay alreay...no change11:20
belimanually waiting 60 secs or so then typing exit, works11:20
derpderpderpI've got a problem, nvidia-detector isn't detecting nvidia11:20
geekphreaktheadmin:  :p11:20
SammyTheSnakeI have a pretty badly broken upgrade from karmic to lucid going on here, the upgrade was interrupted and now all the usual fixes don't work. I've tried "aptitude install -f" "dpkg --configure -a" and various other things. I'm getting errors like the following and I have no idea what the fix is! "E: I wasn't able to locate a file for the sensible-utils package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (11:21
SammyTheSnakecan anyone help me?11:21
erUSULSammyTheSnake: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ?11:21
SammyTheSnakeerUSUL: I tried that first ;)11:22
erUSULSammyTheSnake: maybe there are still packages to dwonload11:22
erUSULSammyTheSnake: sometimes it takes a few runs of dpkg --configure -a to fix an interruted upgrade11:22
henkpoleyWhat kernel package handles nvidia modules on 10.04 ?11:23
SammyTheSnakeerUSUL: I don't think that's the problem, it's quite happy to download new packages, but can't configure them because of dependencies on unconfigured packages11:23
erUSUL!find nvidia-glx11:23
ubottuFound: nvidia-glx-173, nvidia-glx-173-dev, nvidia-glx-180, nvidia-glx-180-dev, nvidia-glx-185 (and 3 others)11:23
erUSULSammyTheSnake: that's why i said you have to run dpkg --configure -a a few times in a row.11:23
henkpoleyYeah, but their used to be 'non free' package (or somesuch) that contains the modules11:23
SammyTheSnakeerUSUL: every time I run dpkg --configure -a I get the same error, lots of dependency warnings but starting with "dpkg: error processing debianutils (--configure):11:24
SammyTheSnake Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should11:24
SammyTheSnake reinstall it before attempting configuration."11:24
erUSULSammyTheSnake: so dependencies are being sattisfied11:24
henkpoleyWell, I guess I'll see when I reboot11:24
twiztiderUSUI: tried sudo ifup wlan0; got Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0  and sudo lshw -C network says that network: 0 is a Ethernet interface, network: 1 is a network controller, and lastly it says network DISABLED, description, wireless interface11:24
theadminSammyTheSnake: Do what it says? sudo apt-get --reinstall install debianutils?11:24
erUSULSammyTheSnake: sudo aptitude reinstall debianutils11:24
SammyTheSnakeerUSUL: so I try aptitude reinstall debianutils which wants to download some stuff, but comes back with the error message I started with11:25
erUSULtwiztid: disabled? give me the output of « sudo rfkill list »11:25
SammyTheSnakeerUSUL: I can follow instructions, the error message just leaves me completely flummoxed and google doesn't seem to help with the "due to missing arch" bit of it...11:25
theadminhm, is it me or do apt-get and aptitude handle dependencies... differently?11:25
twiztid0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no11:26
twiztiderUSUI: above, sry11:26
erUSULtwiztid: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up11:26
erUSULtwiztid: you are typing my nick wrong ... :)11:27
erUSUL!tab | twiztid11:27
ubottutwiztid: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:27
greenIThi @ all, i have a question: is in ubuntu 10.04 something like the old ubuntu-one client or is there only the link to the dashboard in the user-menu?11:27
brijithHi, is i7 having any issue with ubuntu9.10, I cannot install ubuntu 9.10. it freezes after 10%11:28
twiztiderUSUI: SI0CSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory11:28
erUSULSammyTheSnake: i'm out of ideas; sorry11:28
theadmintwiztid: He's erUSUL, not erUSUI11:29
SammyTheSnakeerUSUL: that makes two of us, then :(11:29
geekphreakbrijith: it run ok in live mode?11:29
Fill23how do you make a .deb package? I jst compiled an mplayer-vaapi, and i want to install it "officialy" so when i try to install smplayer it wouldn't try to install default mplayer but use my version instead?11:29
BamieaterTrying to install 10.04, inserted the CD, CD loads and shows a 'chip = man in circle'-logo at the bottom, but nothing else happens. Is there a way to change some options or show me some more information about what's happening?11:29
theadmintwiztid: That's an "L" as in "Lie", not an "I" as in "Interpid"11:29
erUSULtwiztid: what wifi chip is this ?11:29
greenITis there any way to minimize evolution to the taskbar in the upper right corner?11:29
brijithgeekphreak:my sys has two hard disk 2x50011:29
geekphreakbrijith: how much ram you have?11:29
erUSULtwiztid: broadcom ?11:29
twiztidtheadmin: erUSUL: mybad, and yes Broadcom11:30
erUSULtwiztid: lsmod | grep b4311:30
geekphreakbrijith: 4gb is pretty good, got a pen drive?11:30
NemurenaiHi. I've set up Remote Desktop on Lucid - I can log in fine to the machine, but the desktop won't register clicks....unless I log out and in again after each click, and that's just silly11:30
erUSULtwiztid: only need to know if there is output11:30
twiztiderUSUL: yes11:31
erUSULtwiztid: ok; « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »11:31
erUSULtwiztid: run that command11:31
geekphreakgreenIT: not exactly like kmail, but it ha some addons which you can choose, to bring kinda again saying kinda of similar function11:31
erUSULtwiztid: run that command line11:31
twiztiderUSUL: on it11:32
twiztiderUSUL: will this get it from my live cd or a library on the hd?11:32
gnuskoolive got win7,xp, linux and upgraded to the latest lucid - problem is i want a clean install instead of upgraded, can i just re-install over the old one and keep the setup alive?11:32
erUSULtwiztid: from internet ... you have to be connected by other means11:32
erUSULtwiztid: wired11:33
twiztiderUSUL: i8 gotcha, ill get on that does; is lucid able to share its wireless connection if i attach a ethernet from laptop to pc?11:33
erUSULgnuskool: define "keep the setup alive"11:34
erUSULtwiztid: yes11:34
geekphreakbrijith: i would also check oher options , not sure if it is i7 issue though11:34
erUSUL!ics | twiztid11:34
ubottutwiztid: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php11:34
erUSULtwiztid: should be pretty easy with network manager11:34
geekphreakbrijith: like system is not heating u, maybe try cleaning cd drive and all that11:34
twiztiderUSUL: cool ill get on that and report back when done, i greatly appreciate it!!!11:34
herrgabrielhey! anyone know if it is till possible to make firefox work with globalmenu0.7.9 on ubuntu 10.04?11:34
erUSULtwiztid: no problem11:34
BamieaterOkay, finally managed to get some feedback. Ubuntu 10.04 install CD hangs at 'Loading' with a blinking cursor.11:36
erUSULBamieater: checked the cd for errors ?11:36
SquarismBamieater: Tried windows 7? I like it11:36
geekphreakBamieater: not a good feedback :(11:36
theadminSquarism: That's offtopic.11:37
geekphreakerUSUL: would i7 cause conflict with ubuntu installation ?11:37
erUSULgeekphreak: it shouldn't11:38
BamieatererUSUL: tried that aswell, when I pick that option it 'freezes' at the boot menu11:38
wersfor the first time, something appeared on my gwibber stream. was gwibber buggy or is it just my computer and/or internet connection?11:38
geekphreakthats what i though11:38
Jessica_hi can anyone here help me integrate pidgin into the new memenu .I am on lucid and a total newbie11:38
G_A_CJessica_: I found that it integrated as soon as I installed it in Lucid11:38
erUSULBamieater: tried the cd in other computer ?11:38
G_A_Cthat didn't happen in Karmic, but Lucid was much better in that regard11:39
jartisn't ubuntu focusing on empathy these days instead of pidgin?11:39
G_A_Cbut empathy isn't great11:39
Dead_Pixeli used gtkpod to sync my ipod, then i "safely removed it" to let it charge... now when i plug in my ipod, gtkpod doesnt recognize it, even after i click "load ipod"11:39
BamieatererUSUL: not yet.. good idea to try, because I don't get any useful errors or feedback11:39
G_A_Ca lot of the time when I resume from suspend it either a) won't connect to MSN until I kill telepathy-butterfly or b) looks like it's connected (shows me "online" contacts) and then later I find out that in actual fact I'm offline and it's just showing me contacts that were online ages ago11:40
erUSULBamieater: ruling out a bad burn is a good idea11:40
DarkHelmutFYI, if anyone is having problems with an external monitor being fuzzy on laptops w/ ATI cards, this link worked for me http://beyondteck.blogspot.com/2010/05/flickering-monitor-in-ubuntu-1004-for.html11:40
Squarisma good os, is a shallow os11:40
G_A_Cso I've gone back to Pidgin for now11:40
DarkHelmutthanks to everyone who got me on the right track last night!11:40
gnuskoolerUSUL: by 2keep alive" i mean that I wont lose xp or win 7 or mess the boot loaders11:41
brijithgeekphreak:I think there is some problem with i7 when it comes with Ubuntu11:42
erUSULgnuskool: it should overwritte the existing grub with the lucid version. but the lucid version should include the entries for the windows installed11:42
geekphreakbrijith: i highly doubt it ,11:43
Dead_Pixelbrijith: I think there is a problem with i7 if it came with windows :P11:43
theadminwhoz i7 %)11:43
debclairhi, i have ubuntu installed in my first hard drive and now want to install windowsxp (college u_u') in my second (empty) hard drive. but winxp says it needs a compatible partition on hard drive 1, any option?11:43
geekphreakbrijith: question for you, does it hang at exact same place?11:43
jribdebclair: change the order of your drives in bios?11:43
G_A_Cdebclair: swap your HDs, Ubuntu recognises by UUID not device name by default so it should still boot OK if it suddenly gets thrown onto the second drive11:44
gnuskoolerUSUL: cool thx11:44
brijithgeekphreak:when I install directly it stuck at around 5%11:44
debclairjrib, oh, wow, thanks , and sorry for the inconveniences11:44
Jessica_G_A_C:but how do i do that... I uninstalled empathy.. installed pidgin.. but no it is not there on the memenu11:44
debclairG_A_C, thank you very much11:44
debclairbye everyone11:44
jribdebclair: hold on11:44
brijithgeekphreak:when i install it after booting it live it freezes around 45 %11:45
MikeH_Does 10.4 server have iptables configured by default?11:45
Jessica_G_A_C: I can see pidgin in application>internet>pidgin11:45
Dead_Pixeli used gtkpod to sync my ipod, then i "safely removed it" to let it charge... now when i plug in my ipod, gtkpod doesnt recognize it, even after i click "load ipod"11:45
debclairjrib, ?11:45
brijithDead_Pixel:is there any work around11:45
geekphreakbrijith: i dont get it11:45
jribdebclair: if you do change the order, grub may break (if you use UUIDs it won't).  Just don't be worried if it does.  If it does break and you aren't sure how to fix it, just come back here.  Also, see ubottu on how to reinstall grub11:45
jrib!grub2 > debclair11:45
ubottudebclair, please see my private message11:45
G_A_CJessica_: you could try logging out/in, or killing the indicator-panel-applet process11:45
Jessica_G_A_C:but whenever I click chat accounts on memenu I dont get anything11:45
brijithit freezes sometimes at 5% some times at 45 %11:45
jribdebclair: that's all I wanted to tell you :)11:46
brijithgeekphreak:it freezes sometimes at 5% some times at 45 %11:46
geekphreakbrijith: honestly, i would clean the cdrom, start the process, when it start, go make me some coffee and watch tv, come back after 20 minutes :d11:46
Jessica_Thanks G_A_C:will do that and come back11:46
debclairjrib, oh, thanks, dont worry about it, i know how to restore grub n_n11:46
debclairjrib, thank you very much11:46
jribdebclair: ok cool11:46
theadminUbuntu installs in 20 minutes, but a version update takes 3 hours :D11:46
lrc03haloo coy11:46
geekphreakbrijith: or use a pen drive to install ubuntu11:47
jribtheadmin: well you need to download the cd too :)11:47
jpdstheadmin: Took one hour here. ;)11:47
theadminjrib: I don't count the download time11:47
jribtheadmin: it takes 3 hours to update after download time?11:47
geekphreakjrib first time i tried net install on my slow connection oh boy, i slept all time lol11:47
lrc03asem lu11:47
lrc03g ndownload apa l cuy11:48
lrc04KUCRUT MU YEA11:48
jpds!en | lrc0411:48
ubottulrc04: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:48
JoshuaLi want to enable the open office quick launch icon but it does not fit in the theme, doesnt ubuntu have a nice icon for that?11:48
theadminjrib: well, actually around 2.511:49
theadminjrib: It's a fairly old hardware11:49
geekphreaktheadmin: what connection you on?11:49
theadmingeekphreak: a 256kbit/sec, but as stated, I ain't counting the download time11:49
Jessica_Hi G_A_C: the chat accounts option on the memenu has disappeared now... I had earlier uninstalled gwibber and now the memenu only shows ubuntuone.. though when i login through pidgin i can see my status changed as available on the memenu11:50
geekphreakbrijith: can you borrow pen drive from friend?11:51
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YankDownUnderIf anyone ever gives me a Canon LBP-1120 laser printer, I'm going to throw it into Yowie Bay. End of story.11:53
brijithgeekphreak:how can I install it using pendrive11:53
gr0gmintHow come my netbook begins swapping when virtual memory exceeds the physical limit. I have vm.swappiness=0. I mean pidgin can use up 150mb in virtual memory its ridiculous11:55
theadminHm, I have a problem with transmission, quite a ridiculous one. Despite whether I tell it to download or not to download those, it downloads any and all text/plain files in torrents. what the?11:56
MikeH_Anyone here use Avahi to advertise AFP shares?11:56
YankDownUndergr0gmint, Have you tried something like using 20 or 30 instead of 0 => just to see what the result is?11:56
jartgr0gmint: there are sadly a lot of programs which abuse memory.  but don't be afraid of the swap.  sometimes it can help yoru system go faster11:56
geekphreakbrijith:  connect the pen drive, boot from the live cd, it has option of making a bootable usb for ubuntu under >> system>>administration, use that11:56
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brijithgeekphreak:I think my hard disk is raid, it shows two 500gb ...11:57
brijithgeekphreak:that could be the issue..11:57
brijithgeekphreak:any idea about it ?11:57
JohnGUKany idea how to get the compiz show mouse feature working?11:58
radhikaAny ideas for a good dock for the desktop?11:58
JohnGUKdockey ^11:58
theadminradhika: Awn, Cairo...11:58
Jessica_Hi can anyone here help me integrate pidgin into the memenu(on lucid).. I have removed empathy.. have installed pidgin.. can see the status as available on memenu when i login but the chat accounts thing that was there on memenu is not availabale any more.... can anyone help11:58
YankDownUnderradhika, cairo-dock => description at: http://glx-dock.org => s'good mate11:58
radhikaAwn or Cairo? which one would you suggest?11:58
radhikaoh great!! Thanks11:58
Jessica_docky is good too11:58
rayneJust a quick question to confirm something. I just got a notification saying Ubuntu 10.4 is available. I am running Xubuntu 9.4 on this computer. If I install the Ubuntu 10.4 will I have Gnome installed by default?11:59
JohnGUKcairo seems to conflict at times11:59
YankDownUnderradhika, Cairo is, well, cooler and more configurable - however, it's like tea and coffee...s'up to you mate...11:59
theadminrayne: No, XFCE11:59
radhikathanks all :)11:59
YankDownUnderrayne, Get the Xubuntu 10.04...else you might have consequences...11:59
balabalaif you have enough memery , i don't worry about it11:59
jribrayne: please not it's 9.04 and 10.04, the .04 represents April (notice there is also 9.10 and 10.10 for 2009 October and 2010 October)12:00
theadminrayne: Update manager won't change the desktop environment :P It will use XFCE12:00
ryeAnybody running Lucid in KVM with -vga std and got resolution more than 800x600 ?12:00
geekphreakbrijith:  i dont work with raid that much, i will let the big boys handle that question :)12:00
rayneAdmin, thanks! I was thinking that may be the situation if I upgraded to 10.0412:01
theadminrayne: theadmin is not same as "Admin" :D12:02
brijithHi all, ubuntu 9.10 Installation freezes after a while,my hard disk is raid having 2x500 Gb. please help12:02
radhikaI have a problem as well.. when I boot the laptop, I often get WLAN in deep sleep printed over and over again, and then if it boots, wlan is not recognized12:02
radhikaI have to start a couple of times to get to WLAN12:03
radhikaany idea what hte problem might be?12:03
erUSULbrijith: what type of raid ? bios/fake raid ?12:03
borealisHello! We have made our own stripped down distro based on ubuntu 8.04 that I'm trying to upgrade to 10.04. I thought that just installing the fglrx package would give me the support for ATI screen, but that's not enought it seems. Any ideas?12:03
rayneI thought that may be the case after sending the message. Thanks for the information theadmin12:03
brijitherUSUL:I will not able to answer that question. what I know is I have two hard disk 2 500gb hard drives i7 processor..12:04
erUSULbrijith: but where you configured the raid array ? in the bios of the motherboard ?12:05
YankDownUnderbrijith, Er...have you checked the BIOS to see if RAID was being used - and if that's the case, have you then waited for the POST to display the RAID configuration and check that?12:05
YankDownUnderbrijith, Just like erUSUL said...12:05
erUSULbrijith: i ask becouse to install in thar raid arrays you have to follow some steps in the livecd *before* the install can begin12:06
erUSUL!fakeraid | brijith12:06
ubottubrijith: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:06
erUSULbrijith: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:06
SaladinI'm having a problem with mysql in 10.04... I am unable to connect to my (locally stored) server and also cannot restart the service. I tried the usual /etc/init.d/mysql restart but get told to use the new service command. This then outputs an error. Any ideas?12:08
zentahello all,12:08
FlynsarmyDoes cgmail work at all on 10.04? It loads but when it comes to actuall ychecking gmail numbers its pure fail12:09
abonjour à toutes et à tous12:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois12:10
YankDownUnderEn ingles?12:10
ekrreshallo everybody I am new here12:13
YankDownUnderekrres, Blessings12:13
ater31Hello! anyone knows how I can add to the gnome COMBINATIONS one key to delete files and directories? supr like teak?12:14
eycelhows everyone?12:14
theadmineycel: Any support-related questions?12:14
Azelphur!ot | eycel12:14
ubottueycel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:14
YankDownUnderater31, Um...trying to understand the question...12:15
eycelhi ;)12:15
ater31I need the F1 key works as the Delete key12:15
eycelno question12:16
theadmineycel: Then try to go to #ubuntu-offtopic12:16
SammyTheSnakeso, I've got a very broken upgrade to lucid with some key packages in a "badly broken" state, but when I try to re-install them, as aptitude recommends, I get an error message of the form "E: I wasn't able to locate a file for the sensible-utils package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)". What does "due to missing arch" mean? How do I go about trying to "manually fix" the 12:16
YankDownUnderater31, Righty oh...Preferences => Keyboard Shortcuts12:16
ater31My "delete" key is broken! I need to replace it by another12:16
SammyTheSnakeater31: ctrl-D12:17
ater31Yes, I know, but what is the command?12:17
Meekoater31: Use Caps Lock. Useless key.12:17
zentahello all12:17
theadminubottu: info enigma12:18
YankDownUnderater31, Preferences => Keyboard Shortcuts => Add (or delete)12:18
=== agnel is now known as agnel-away
theadminubottu: !info enigma12:18
theadmini sezzit12:18
FloodBot4theadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:18
YankDownUnderDang! Wife's home! Have to do real work! Yargh!12:18
ater31YankDownUnder, If I add a key, but what is the command?12:19
theadminater31: I actually don't think it's a command in your circumstance, you probably would have to somehow configure a custom layout12:20
theadminIs scroll lock of any use in Ubuntu at all?12:21
geekphreakater31: you can also try this, keep files select press >> alt , then e , then v12:21
ny00123theadmin, yes, if you have two keyboard layouts in usage12:21
llutzater31: "in those days" we just mapped (KP_)Delete with xmodmap to another key. no idea if that'll work today too12:21
theadminny00123: huh? I do, so what?12:22
ny00123At least in my case, when it's English, scroll lock LED is off12:22
ny00123otherwise it's turned on.12:22
theadminny00123: I switch between em by Alt+Shift12:22
geekphreakllutz: hello12:22
theadminAnyway, doesn't seem it's much of use. Good... Cause I just broke it :/12:22
FardadJalilimy friends laptop tilted after some random keystrokes, he turned it off by pushing the power button for 5 seconds, after that, it doesn't recognise the hard drive, and sudo fdisk -l on live cd doesn't have any output. anyone experienced the same problem?12:22
ny00123Now it also displays the currently selected layout at the top12:23
larsemili am looking for opensync-plugin-syncml in lucid, but seems to be removed. Anyone know where to get it?12:23
ny00123(by default) so maybe indeed less userful12:23
llutzhi geekphreak12:23
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FlynsarmyDoes cgmail work at all on 10.04? It loads but when it comes to actuall ychecking gmail numbers its pure fail12:24
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theadminFlynsarmy: Define "pure fail", please12:24
Fudgehi guys, i am getting usb errors i think in consoles, how can i stop the dmesg messags from appearing like that?12:24
Flynsarmytheadmin, firstly it doesn't recognise there is new mail. when i right click - preferences it doesn't say its got my email address loaded in the list. when i readd my email address it apperas in the list twice but still doesn't check mail12:25
theadminFudge: Use a different TTY, say the second12:25
Fudgeits actually y the 4th and 5th, i think they all do it12:25
ausrAny one know which email account works in Evolution?12:25
geekphreakausr: huh?12:26
zentai ahve winxp in my pc and also ubuntu , and redhat winxp work normally but the bootloader doesnt give u a ubuntu and redhat to select when it boot so i did grub for ubuntu as     sudo grub>root (hd0,0)    > setup (hd0)   > exit so after restart i got ubuntu only and when i select otheroperatin give me Error 11: Unrecognized device string12:26
bersiHi ice123412:26
=== ProbleM is now known as ZiBiBBo
ausrI can't set up my email account in Evolution.12:26
wildbat!grub2 | zenta12:27
ubottuzenta: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:27
geekphreakausr: work ok here, which service you use?12:27
Tim_Smartausr: Lots of email accounts work in evolution..12:27
Tim_Smartausr: As above, what service are you using12:27
Hawkeyenow I'm just testing12:28
ausrMaybe it is the service provider's problem.12:28
silv3r_m00nhi there12:28
silv3r_m00nI installed ubuntu on the first partition , now how do I install windows ?12:29
zentawildbat: ok , but u know i cant enter to winxp12:29
cpbtklogicsilv3r_m00n: install windows second.   :-)12:29
geekphreaksilv3r_m00n: should have installed windows first12:29
Dr_Willissilv3r_m00n:  2 hard drivces make it a lot easier also.12:29
FlynsarmyWhy does the 10.04 freeze the applications menu as it loads SFTP bookmarks. they stopped it doing that like 3 releases ago but it's back again in 10.0412:29
cpbtklogicnot the right approach (as geekphreak poited out)12:29
wildbatzenta, follow the the installation instrustion you should be able to12:30
zentawildbat: ok , thankuo i will follow now and see what happen12:30
cpbtklogicsilv3r_m00n: put the disk in and have windows install itself.  Then, once completed, reinstall linux (if it isn't too much work)12:30
silv3r_m00nearlier I felt I won't need windows , but now can't stay without games12:30
silv3r_m00ncan't reinstall linux , lots of work in there12:30
Fudgeok the error is like usb 2.1 not accepting input or somethign error 1 - 1012:31
Fudgehopefully someones seen that12:31
cpbtklogicsilv3r_m00n: learn to 'play' Linux?12:31
cpbtklogic:-)  It is a fun game with lots of programming missions.12:31
Azelphursilv3r_m00n: have you tried any of the free native Linux games? How about trying to run your game in wine?12:31
silv3r_m00nofc linux hasn't the good games like windows12:31
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: depends on taste12:31
silv3r_m00nit works in wine but not good12:31
silv3r_m00nin virtualbox the game is not able to use directx12:31
apersonis there a way to clone the 'automatically group windows' like in kde4?  The group/tab plugin in compiz isn't quiet there12:32
apersonquite even12:32
Azelphursilv3r_m00n: virtual machines don't do gaming, we're talking about wine. What game is it?12:32
cpbtklogicsilv3r_m00n: so you can install windows... just getting your linux back may be challenging.12:32
VigoGeneral question, can I install Lubuntu and Ubuntu and have a choice at boot or would I need to alter some configurations?12:32
cpbtklogicPrepare a boot disk, start the windows install, then try and repair the installation with a LiveCD or grub boot floppy.12:32
silv3r_m00nAzelphur: the nomad soul12:32
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: frets on fire is awesome, penumbra overture is proprietary but awesome12:33
silv3r_m00nI needs a crack which wine can't do12:33
bazhangVigo, lubuntu-desktop package, choose in login window12:33
Vigobazhang: Thank you12:33
Cr-404How i can connect to AP what has WPA encryption, but without using network manager?12:33
ActionParsnipCr-404: iwconfig12:33
llutzCr-404: iwconfig/wpa_supplicant12:33
ActionParsnipCr-404: or wicd12:33
icerootsilv3r_m00n: stop speaking about cracking games, buy the game but dont use this channel for something like that12:34
ActionParsnipCr-404: wicd has an ncurses interface too :)12:34
cpbtklogicsilv3r_m00n: classy.  You need to crack proprietary software protection schemes to play software.  Yeah, I agree with iceroot.  Use Free software or pay for software.  Cracking and stealing is wrong.12:34
silv3r_m00niceroot: ok , I was just asking how to install window12:34
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: did you check the appdb for the game to see if there are any tweaks to make it run better?12:34
icerootsilv3r_m00n: ##windows12:34
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: yes , no entry for that12:34
theadminPay? Why would someone ever pay for... oh well, whatever.12:34
Azelphursilv3r_m00n: there are entries?12:34
Cr-404Ho i use wpa_supplicant, without making any changes to my files12:35
Azelphursilv3r_m00n: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=4729&iTestingId=4071012:35
llutztheadmin: not everyone was born as a thief12:35
Azelphurand it tells you how to make it work reasonably well, too12:35
Cr-404If im in coffee house or something like that12:35
theadminllutz: Uh, FOSS world is there, and everyone may enter.12:35
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=472912:35
theadminllutz: That's what I mean.12:35
Vigobazhang: wait, so install it and then select after Plymouth loads or can I have a choice at machine boot?12:35
ActionParsnipAzelphur: snips :)12:35
Dr4gHow to add a user to the www-data group, so that www-data can write to all folders owned by this user ?12:35
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: hmm , let me check12:35
bazhangVigo, the login window where you enter your username and password12:36
Fudge[ 4020.364069] usb 2-1: device not accepting address 55, error -11012:36
Fudge[ 4020.364084] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 112:36
belierm...i edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg and did update-grub, but my changes are gone....any ideas?12:36
ActionParsnipDr4g: use the user manager in the administration menu12:36
Fudgethats what i am getting in console12:36
silv3r_m00nbronze rating12:36
apersonbeli, edit /etc/default/grub12:36
silv3r_m00nno use12:36
Dr4gActionParsnip, command line please ?12:36
ActionParsnipbeli: you dont edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg   that file is generated with update-grub12:37
Vigobazhang: I thank you, I wanted to test this out in a large way.12:37
Chripheris there a swedish ubuntu channel?12:37
llutzDr4g: adduser12:37
goodjob66How to install language support by command line, apt-get install ?12:37
bazhangChripher, #ubuntu-se12:37
ActionParsnipDr4g: iwconfig then, you may be able to install wicd without pulling in xorg12:37
wizzlerhi. anyone know where i can find a guide to create a bootable external hdd from windows?12:37
greenITis there a way to minimize evolution in the iconbar in the upper right corner?12:37
Dr4gActionParsnip, i have ubuntu on CLI, i'm connecting via SSH12:37
llutz!ot | wizzler12:38
ubottuwizzler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:38
ActionParsnipbeli: you edit /etc/default/grub and the other files, grub.cfg is made after the changes12:38
Dr4gand need to make my user 'attic' part of the www-data group so www-data can write to folders owned by 'attic'12:38
bazhangwizzler, any thing about Ubuntu in there?12:38
llutzDr4g: adduser12:38
wizzlerbazhang: im trying to make ubuntu bootalbe12:38
ActionParsnipbeli: as you saw, editting the file is not advised and its even marked as read only, even to root and it even states at the top of the file to NOT edit the file. Did you not read that?12:38
wizzlerhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/installing-ubuntu-to-a-usb-hard-drive/ found this guide. but it requires me to first burn the cd12:39
bazhangwizzler, not sure about hdd, but unetbootin has a windows version for flash sticks12:39
wizzleri would like to do this from windows12:39
Cr-404Ah... How I can get booting information to shown again. In older versions of ubuntu i could see what daemons etc are starting to run. But this new is showing just ubuntu logo12:39
goodjob66How to install language support in command line, what's the packet's name? thanks for help!12:39
greenITis there a way to minimize evolution to the taskbar in the upper right corner?12:39
bazhangwizzler, unetbootin.sourceforge.net12:39
tubularI just read this article http://www.stealth-x.com/articles/the-problems-with-full-disk-encryption.php could anyone tell me if this could cause a problem with The Debian LUKS full disk encryption option?12:39
jken146Cr-404: boot without the --quiet and --splash options at GRUB12:39
Dr4gllutz, i've tried adduser and it says "user already exists", i want to modify an existing user.12:39
ActionParsnipbeli: if you run: cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | head -n 5   you will see it.12:39
tubularkiller kernel12:39
beliActionParsnip: useless use of cat ;) just use head -n5 /boot/grub/grub.cfg ;)12:40
Cr-404jken146, i think i tried it once12:40
bazhangtubular, by debian you mean Ubuntu?12:40
tubularbazhang, yes12:40
Cr-404But it didnt start gnome at all afterwards ;P12:40
ActionParsnipbeli: whatever, still read the files. they tell you stuff12:40
wojtekwho has got windows too?12:40
beliActionParsnip: i didnt read it....i used to edit the grub.cfg times ago....but that wasnt on ubuntu system12:40
Cr-404Maybe i make mistake12:40
beliActionParsnip: you are right, but stuff happens ;)12:40
bazhangwojtek, for dual booting?12:40
jken146Cr-404: strange. Maybe you chose Recovery Mode12:41
wojtekno like system12:41
ActionParsnipbeli: yeah, people ignoring warnings is great isnt it12:41
bazhangwojtek, anything related to Ubuntu there?12:41
Cr-404Where is grup config12:41
ActionParsnipgreenIT: try running it with alltray12:41
beliActionParsnip: i tried to add the rootdelay options while editing the grub entry on boot time....it was also not taken!12:41
ActionParsnipDr4g: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/12:41
greenIThey, does anyone know if it is possible to minimize evolution to the icontray?12:41
tubularbazhang, are you able to answer my question?12:41
theadmingreenIT: Try using alltray12:41
Fudgedid anyone have any idea how to stop those messages on my consoles12:42
beliActionParsnip: so i tried to change it manually in the file....overreading the introduction :912:42
ActionParsnipbeli: those are set in /etc/default/grub   i believe12:42
greenITtheadmin, what is alltray?12:42
jken146Fudge: which ones?12:42
bazhangtubular, not sure about that, I know the alternate cd can do encryption12:42
theadmingreenIT: Think to minimize anything to tray12:42
eagles0513875bazhang: are you an ubuntu dev by any chance12:42
theadmingreenIT: thing*12:42
ActionParsnipgreenIT: it puts any app except terminal, into the system tray12:42
greenITtheadmin, thx, i'll try it :)12:42
beliActionParsnip: it didnt work....if you are able to alternate the config with the edit option on startup...it should work also12:42
Fudgelike this, [ 4020.364069] usb 2-1: device not accepting address 55, error -11012:42
bazhangeagles0513875, no of course not12:42
ActionParsnipgreenIT: run it with:   alltray evolution    in an ALT+F2 dialogue12:42
eagles0513875i think i found a rather serious issue with checksums12:42
eagles0513875the hastable on the site vs iso checksums :(12:43
geekphreakbeli: what are you trying to do?12:43
bazhangeagles0513875, then file a bug12:43
ActionParsnip!grub2 | beli12:43
ubottubeli: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:43
greenITactionparsnip: thx :)12:43
ActionParsnipbeli: its explained there :)12:43
airtonixgreenIT, http://gnome.eu.org/evo/index.php/Evolution_Tray12:43
eagles0513875ok bazhang12:43
craZZteranyone have a clue why my ssh keys are not working in xterm and gnome-terminal opened in any other way than using the shortcut icon? SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set in the other shells - and ssh-add cannot open authentication agent12:43
_Narc_Hello all. I just wondered if any of you knows why Thunderbird 3 is not displaying the little red star anymore on a folder to signal new mails. I'm using a fresh Lucid. Thanks a lot.12:43
greenITairtonix, thx12:43
airtonixgreenIT, alltray is ok but it has a few quirks.12:43
beliActionParsnip: well yes, but you first try the things as you've done them all the time, right? ;)12:43
Fudgeany ideas?12:44
craZZterI used to use ssh-agent but I am trying to use gnome-key-thing since the agent is causing trouble (too)12:44
ActionParsnipbeli: ive played very little with grub as I always single boot12:44
jken146Fudge: ah, that means you have a problem. Troubleshoot your USB device.12:45
geekphreak_Narc_: check the option >> for alert option with new email?12:45
Fudgeim happy to unplug them but its still happening12:45
phpsdoes anybody have problems with vmplayer3 on lucid 64bit. I have sometimes a constant 100% cpu usage, not so on hardy heron 32bit12:45
ActionParsnip_Narc_: tried the mozilla ppa, it may have a later build12:45
Fudgeits a g41gigabyte board12:45
Johnny_Smith_14join/ #ubuntu-fr12:45
beliActionParsnip: this is just a testing environment....one physical disk with w2k3server and one with ubuntu desktop12:45
ActionParsnipphps: is it a known bug?12:45
bazhangJohnny_Smith_14, /join12:45
phpsActionParsnip: have nothing found in launchpad12:46
AustadHi, can any one help in installing identd?12:46
ActionParsnipphps: what about the vmware forums?12:46
Austadi installed oidentd, started it, but server shows no ident response.12:46
beliAustad: oidentd is nice12:46
idefinewhen enabling xinerama I get erratic mouse movements switching between screens, has anyone experienced this issue?12:46
Fudgeif you mean an irc server oident won thelp with that12:47
Austadbeli: i installed that.. and12:47
Austad113/tcp open  auth12:47
FloodBot4Austad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:47
Austadyou can see the port is open.12:47
phpsActionParsnip: not tried yet12:47
beliAustad: well you need to configure it12:47
Fudgeit makes users use the real username instead of a fake one12:47
Austadbeli, how?12:47
beliAustad: read the manual? man oidentd   man oidentd.conf12:47
Austadi couldn't find any thing on ubuntu forms12:47
Austadregarding configuring oidentd.conf12:47
ActionParsnipidefine: if you switch to metacity instead of compiz, is it better?12:48
TopKatzI jsut upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04.  I have emerald runnning but want to o back to the default window manager... anyone know how?  Just uninstalling emerald does not work12:48
idefineActionParsnip: compiz is disabled12:48
ActionParsnipidefine: sweet12:48
Austadbeli, can i send you a PM?12:48
beliAustad: no, read http://linux.die.net/man/5/oidentd.conf12:48
idefineActionParsnip: but I still face that issue, any ideas?12:48
ActionParsnipTopKatz: did you upgrade to 9.10 in between?12:48
airtonixTopKatz, you still want compiz though ?12:48
TopKatzsorry I was on 9.112:49
TopKatzand I want compiz still12:49
Fudgestill get usb complaints with no devices plugged in12:49
ActionParsnipidefine: is it a known bug?12:49
airtonixTopKatz, i recommend you install fusion-icon12:49
Dr4gCan someone advise how to change the primary group of a user ?12:49
airtonix!info fusion-icon | TopKatz12:49
TopKatzok, but I want to dump ererald first12:49
ActionParsnipTopKatz: press alt+f2   run: metacity --replace12:49
ubottuTopKatz: fusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-2 (lucid), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB12:49
idefineActionParsnip: yes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/56310012:49
geekphreakDr4g: system >>admin >>user and groups12:50
_Narc_Hello all. I just wondered if any of you knows why Thunderbird 3 is not displaying the little red star anymore on a folder to signal new mails. I'm using a fresh Lucid. Thanks a lot.12:50
Dr4ggeekphreak, CLI12:50
beliDr4g: take a look at the /etc/passwd file  and read about userdmod12:50
brijithHi all,I have got a new PC, in That I cann't install Ubuntu9.10. installation freezes after a while ...12:50
TopKatzthat did it12:50
Austadbeli, where is oidentd installed? what will be the path?12:50
TopKatzthanks ActionParsnip12:50
airtonixTopKatz, if you use the metacity --replace then you wont have compiz anymore.12:50
geekphreakDr4g: usermod command12:50
ActionParsnipidefine: then watch that bug, you should also comment to say "yes I get this too"12:50
beliAustad: depends....you can setup it as standalone service or as a inetd subservice12:50
Dr4gusermod, ok thanks.12:50
john_btrying out 10.04 and mouse quits working, will still move but not select windows or toolbar items12:50
omacDoes this channel discuss 10.04?12:50
greenITerm... how can i add plugins to evolution?12:50
geekphreakomac:  yes12:50
jken146omac: yes12:51
ActionParsnipTopKatz: now you have a vaguely usable system try: alt+f2    compiz --replace12:51
brijithHi all,I have got a new PC, in That I cann't install Ubuntu9.10. installation freezes after a while .12:51
geekphreakgreenIT: download from synaptic?12:51
Dr4ggeekphreak, beli thanks12:51
airtonixTopKatz, because the default window-decorator for compiz is called gnome-window-decorator and the easiest way to switch between emerald and gnome-window-decorator is using fusion-icon12:51
ActionParsnipbrijith: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?12:51
jken146brijith: Have you checked the CD for errors?12:51
geekphreakDr4g:  np12:51
brijithActionParsnip:no errors12:51
brijithjken146:no CD errror12:51
ActionParsnipbrijith: tried some boot options or disabling pointless hardware for the duration of the install?12:52
FardadJalilimy friends laptop tilted after some random keystrokes, he turned it off by pushing the power button for 5 seconds, after that, it doesn't recognise the hard drive, and sudo fdisk -l on live cd doesn't have any output. anyone experienced the same problem?12:52
jken146brijith: At which point does it fail?12:52
ActionParsnipFardadJalili: possibly fried hdd then. does it show up in bios?12:52
_Narc_john_b : Do you use a usb mouse ? I had problems like this in Karmic, try to plug your mouse in PS/2 and see.12:52
brijithjken146:some time at 5 % some times at 45 %12:52
brijithActionParsnip:I tried the nornam installation12:53
Dr4ggeekphreak, i'm looking at usermod -g, is this the correct option ?12:53
john_bnarc_: i use usb mouse - the only choice i have - newer pc - had no problems with 9.1012:53
Austadbeli, i configured oidentd from that link.12:53
ActionParsnipbrijith: try turning off lan and sound and stuff like that in bios until you get installed12:53
Austadwhen i try to run it, it gives error.12:53
Austadbeli: [line 23] This construct is valid only for user configuration files12:53
omacI created an 8GB USB Thumb drive with the 10.04 iso release.  When I booted at work, it was all good and identified the hardware perfectly and quickly.  BUT when I got home, I tried it on my box and it gave me a "unable to mount root fs on unknown block(8,1).  It freaked me out because when I rebooted without the usb key, my harddrive was corrupted by it somehow.  I didn't expect that.  I had to resort to another previous version and boot off of it to fsck my i12:53
geekphreakDr4g: yes12:54
Dr4gdoes it have to bea GIF ?12:54
Dr4gGID *12:54
brijithActionParsnip:my processor is i7 and it has got 2 harddrives 500 gb each12:54
omacI must say the pc it worked on was recent motherboard with dual-core on it.12:54
Dr4ggeekphreak,  cat /etc/group -> grab the GID then usermod -g ..12:54
Dr4gyes ?12:54
ActionParsnipbrijith: yes but if you can disable the sound and lan then do so. the cpu and whatnot is moot12:54
_Techie_how do i recompile alsa using the alsa-source package?12:54
omacThe one I got the "unable to mount root fs on unknown block(8,1)" on was a BENQ FP71G+.12:55
omacI can't be more precise than that.12:55
beliAustad: are you running oidnetd standalone? or from inetd/xinetd or whatever superserver?12:55
omacIt's an older box with Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz.12:55
_Narc_john_b : Sorry, I don't know then. Plugging it with a USB to PS/2 adapter solved it for me. Maybe it's not the same bug. Your mouse still moves but you can't click buttons and windows, right ?12:56
theadminInterpid is dead, right? Just to make sure12:56
geekphreakDr4g: just use the name :)12:56
_Techie_how do i recompile alsa using the alsa-source package?12:56
brijithActionParsnip:I wonder the harddisks are raid. Will it matter in the installation12:56
Dr4ggeekphreak, usermod -g www-data atticmedia12:57
Dr4guser is atticmedia, www-data being the group12:57
brijithjken146,I wonder the harddisks are raid. Will it matter in the installation12:57
john_b_Narc_ : Correct, it works, comes and goes, very annoying, I think it may be related to udev12:57
geekphreakDr4g:  sudo :)12:57
ActionParsnip_Techie_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45514712:57
ActionParsnipbrijith: try it without, see if its friendlier12:57
Austadbeli, i have configured it.. but still no ident response12:57
Austadcan any one help me regarding identd?12:57
beliAustad: answers to my questions might help12:57
brijithActionParsnip:with out installing ??12:58
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jken146brijith: I don't know12:58
Austadbeli, from /etc/init.d/oidentd start12:58
beliAustad: that seems to be standalone then, ok12:58
llutzDr4g: "sudo adduser user group"12:59
tavihow i can verify whats my cd-rom a dvd-rom or a cd-rom?12:59
beliAustad: so if you did any changes...you need to reload config or restart the service12:59
theadmintavi: Look at what's written on it :/12:59
Austadbeli, i did this after saving file12:59
Austad: /etc/init.d/oidentd start12:59
Dr_Willistavi:  you mean the 'drive specs' ? or what disk is in the drive specs?12:59
beliAustad: /etc/init.d/oidentd      gives you a list of options ;)13:00
Austadbeli, * Restarting ident daemon oidentd                                       [ OK ]13:00
ActionParsnipbrijith: just to see if it will boot, you don't get a boot do you? or does it stop partway through the install procedure?13:00
Dr4git seems to make new folders with 'www-data' group :)13:00
Austadso it says it restarted13:00
jari_err, my pc stopped when it was updating to 10.04 and now it doesnt boot correct13:00
omacAnyways, all I'm saying is be careful with 10.04 release.  "unable to mount root fs on unknown block(8,1)" is a show stopper on my old box using the USB thumb drive, BUT to see it affect my internal harddrive to a point that I couldn't boot up really freaked me out.  I was in crisis mode fsck'ing/repairing my internal harddrive partitions just to get my stable 9.04 ubuntu into a running state.13:00
brijithActionParsnip: I can boot it live..13:00
geekphreak  Dr4g what does?13:00
jari_it boots but without x13:01
Dr4gbut there are existing folders with atticmedia:www-data, and apache still having problems writing unless i do chmod -R 777, is there any way to guarentee www-data full write permissions to 'atticmedia's folders.13:01
ActionParsnipbrijith: i see. try fsck-ing your drives. Make sure they are healthy13:01
brijithActionParsnip: But when I install it it freezes in middle13:01
Dr4ggeekphreak, llutz ^13:01
theadminDr4g: 770?13:01
Austadbeli, still no ident response13:01
brijithActionParsnip:Actually its a new PC13:01
jari_with what command do i boot X?13:01
omacThe funny thing is my drives were healthy before 10.04 ubuntu touched it through the usb thumb booting up and accessing it.13:01
ActionParsnipbrijith: it may be DOA13:01
ActionParsnipjari_: startx13:01
tavitheadmin: is noting written on it that tell me what is it13:02
brijithActionParsnip: DOA?13:02
beliAustad: you did /etc/init.d/oidentd restart   or stop/start or reload....i dont know its options13:02
ActionParsnipbrijith: dead on arrival13:02
beliAustad: so your config is broken ;)13:02
ActionParsnipbrijith: newness doesn't garuntee a good drive13:02
taviDr_Willis: i mean what's the machine13:02
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Dr_Willisomac:  ive seen hard drives die at any time.  It could of died /had an issue during the next windows boot without linux t all13:02
brijithActionParsnip: ok13:02
jari_well that was easy13:02
Austadbeli, i did /etc/init.d/oidentd restart13:02
Austadso it means the conf is not right?13:02
brijithActionParsnip: then how to check its health ?13:02
beliAustad: fine...so your config is b0rken.....read man 5 oidentd.conf again ;)13:03
Austadbeli, can i paste the conf on pastebin ?13:03
Austadi think i've configured it alright13:03
ActionParsnipbrijith: sudo fdisk -l    will show the partitions. You can then run: sudo fsck -a /dev/partition_name_here13:03
Dr4gtheadmin,  i'm trying to avoid manual permissioning of folders. i've changed the primary group of user 'atticmedia' so when mkdir is performed www-data can write to it, but still apache can't write without higher permisions than the default13:03
beliAustad: tell me what you want first....username = ident name?13:03
Dr4ggeekphreak, llutz, ^13:03
john_bnew install 10.04 usb mouse moves but does not select windows or task bar items - problem comes and goes13:03
Austadbeli yes, username = ident name13:03
beliAustad: ok, paste the conf13:04
Austadlet me, wait13:04
omacThe good news though is after fsck'ing my partitions and rebooted, I got my ubuntu 9.04 back up and running.  That's really not something I expected to do.13:04
omacIt didn't inspire confidence for me in the 10.04 release.  Please be careful.13:04
=== dad is now known as Guest18683
geekphreakDr4g: sorry whast the questio, working in background here13:04
Dr4ggeekphreak, there are directories here with atticmedia:www-data but still www-data has permission writinng to this unless i change it to 777. Again this involves me manually having to do chmod -R 777, i'm trying to get www-data to be able to write to them by default, without needing me to permission stuff.13:05
macrobitHi! Is the anybody with an ATI Radeon 4850 video card that works in ubuntu 10.04?13:06
_Narc_Hello all. Anyone knows a non-messy way to import mails to Thunderbird 3 in Lucid from a profile folder from Karmic ? Thanks.13:06
macrobitHi! Is there anybody with an ATI Radeon 4850 video card that works in ubuntu 10.04?13:06
beliDr4g: you really should read more about permissions on files and directories13:06
Guest18683 I need to find out what the name of the moduel is to unload lirc before a suspend and after resume'13:06
Guest18683<Guest18683> Im using a dvico reciever and remote13:06
Austadbeli i've sent you the link in notice13:06
NightTailhey everyone.13:06
Dr4gbeli, i'm quite comfortable but i'm very cautious about security and don't want to have to 777 stuff. So i'm here for some reassurance from you guys.13:06
Guest18683how can ui find out the module name13:06
Guest18683when i do a lsmod13:07
beliDr4g: your semi-knowledge is the problem.....and adjusting permissions is a normal thing to do for a *nix admin13:07
wizzlerwhat's the default hotkey command to open a terminal?13:07
beliDr4g: you dont need 77777777713:07
Guest18683the only thingthat looks like it is hiddev13:07
Dr4gor 77013:07
beliDr4g: just g+w === 7  for the group13:07
beliDr4g: and you need to read what differences there are for perms on files and perms on direcotries13:07
Dr4gthe client has to call me up and get me to permissions stuff, as i'm the *nix admin - but i'm trying to get this working without the need to chmod stuff13:07
Guest18683wizzer make one settings keyboard shortcuts13:08
NightTailHey guys i know this sounds like a stupid question but for the life of me I seem to have forgotten something. I know i used to beable to apt-get and install kde but I forgot which package i should grab to do a full kde install from apt13:08
geekphreakcpp_: :)13:08
Austadbeli have you got the link?13:08
furunoNightTail : kubuntu-desktop13:08
cpp_geekphreak: :-)13:08
NightTailso just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and I am good?13:08
cpp_geekphreak: "...and heeeeeeeeeee's back"13:08
furunoNightTail : yeah13:09
geekphreakcpp_: hey sup, how did it go with that issue?13:09
NightTailthanks furuno13:09
beliDr4g: you can start here --> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/10862-linux-file-permissions.html13:09
beliAustad: no sorry13:09
gaivotahi, anyone knows when there will be the next bugfixing update for lucid lynx?13:09
cpp_geekphreak: still a huge problem ... I've been doing some more simple testing ...no solutions so far.13:09
Austadbeli should i notice you again?13:09
NightTailooo and second question. Anyone know if e17 has been ported over nicely for ubuntu?13:09
beliAustad: got it13:09
Dr_WillisNightTail:  theres proberly some PPA repos for it.13:09
Austadbeli ok.13:10
geekphreakcpp_: oh ok urgh13:10
Dr4gbeli someone advised i change the user 'atticmedia's .bashrc file to change default umask to 77013:10
geekphreakDr4g: perm. important for  security :)13:10
wizzlerGuest18683 but how can i navigate there w/o mouse?13:10
wizzleris there an easy way?13:10
wizzlerperhaps select the system bar?13:11
omacthere's another way to get around the perms problem.  umount and mount as root using the command-line.13:11
llutzDr4g: you want to read what a umask is before setting it to 77013:11
jkgaivota: bugfixes are not really scheduled.13:11
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gaivotajk, which means? there are serious problems with intel gpu on kernel and also gimp status bar13:12
cpp_geekphreak: so still ...the only two major bugs ....that right now seems unsolvable as a quick solution ....is the IMAP4 mail issue (huge problem as there is no viable alternative to IMAP for mail sync) ...and secondly, the issue with Impress presentation, that will not be view in prober fullscreen :-(13:12
gaivotawill this be fixed soon?13:12
_Narc_Hello all. Anyone knows how to manually import mails into Tunderbird 3 in Lucid without messing it up ? Thanks.13:12
taviba zdrentelor13:12
tavisunteti niste javre ....13:12
piasdomg'mornin all13:12
tavisa va futtt13:12
macotavi: english, please13:12
beliDr4g: umask adjusting is fine, but 077 ist stupid...umasks are negative...but read what i gave you its all in there!13:13
Guest18683wizzer dont bother just hit ctrl shift and f1 and it will put you in a terminal screen!13:13
tavienglish suck my dickkkkk...this is enough for you?13:13
beliAustad: delete all but the default section and check if that works13:13
Austadbeli i did this, but it did not work13:13
cpp_geekphreak: more and more of my smaller customers a changing to Ubuntu .... its a really hard to argue the change, when these two bugs exists.   As Mail and Presentation are essential for most small businesses.13:13
macotavi: its about enough for me to kick you. use bad language once more and you're out of here13:13
piasdomhow do i remove a hostaname ?13:13
Austadleft just the default section, and restarted earlier. bt it did not wor.13:13
Guest18683wizzer sorry ctrl alt f113:13
beliAustad: ps -ef|grep [o]identd13:14
jkgaivota: if you want to know, you just follow the bug report in launchpad13:14
Dr4gbeli, ok thanks.13:14
geekphreakcpp_: agreed13:14
cpp_geekphreak: but hey ....even Ubuntu work better on its worst day, compared to Windows on its best day ;-)13:14
geekphreakcpp_: did you file a bug?13:14
gaivotajk, ok seems I have to wait :]13:14
beliDr4g: and rememeber....umask is for future stuff then! not for things already setup13:14
Austadbeli, i did that, but nothing happened?13:14
llutzmaco: "about enough"? please adjust your kicklevel :)13:14
Austadshould i restart it now again?13:14
jkgaivota: encouraging developers could help ;-)13:14
beliAustad: so no oidentd is running13:14
gaivotajk, how?13:14
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macollutz: the threat might be enough....13:15
Dr4gbeli, that's OK its for future stuff i need. i added umask 007 (bcoz it is negative of 007), can you confirm this is OK ? http://pastebin.com/rvmv4ygH13:15
Austadbeli i did this:  ps -ef|grep [o]identd13:15
Austadnow should i restart?13:15
beliDr4g: you shouldnt give executable bit for any new file!13:15
macogaivota: the gimp status bar patch was uploaded a couple days ago13:15
pookeydoes anyone know what app provides the volumn applet for gnome?   I'm missing it, and I can't find it in the 'add to panel' diagloge13:15
macogaivota: it should be available for testing in -proposed right now13:15
Dr4gbeli, so what does my umask become then ?13:16
cpp_geekphreak: nope ...I believe it must be part of this bug --> https://launchpad.net/bugs/26504313:16
LogicalDashUh, mine is in the indicator applet13:16
A[D]minSwhere is the testing team , and how  i can volunteer in OS testing ?13:16
cpp_geekphreak: maybe it needs to be "re-opened" or somethin'13:16
gaivotamaco, how can I access it easily? I dont wanna compile the whole package13:16
edi_99Hi guys, anyone here who plays AA?13:16
macogaivota: enable the proposed repository13:16
gaivotamaco, I am short of hdd space :/13:16
gaivotaI ll have a look, thx13:16
geekphreakcpp_:  oh ok13:16
NightTailwow only things in #e17 is a bot.....13:16
beliAustad: start! it isnt started...maybe because of some config error....13:17
macogaivota: proposed is where packages sit when they are expected to fix a bug but we need people to test them a bit before they go to -updates13:17
gaivotamaco, I ll test13:17
gaivotaah great, theres also a kernel update13:18
tavimore bad words...so fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuu13:20
omacOne other comment the usb bootup flash uses 4GB as a max partition to store personal data in because the vfat filesystem type has that limit.  YOu can foresake the vfat if you don't need your partition to be legible from windows.  From what I understand though most people I introduce linux to want the same thumb drive to be accessible from windows too.  The end result for me was that I had a 4GB persistent file and roughly 3GB free for windows to play with.  Th13:20
edi_99Hi. Anyone has a hint on what to do with this warning: http://paste.ubuntu.com/427615/13:20
amabois there some type of program that transforms the window list to resemble something a lot closer to windows 7 (collapsing windows into an icon)?13:21
amaboi'd rather not use a dock13:21
arandedi_99: What are you attempting to run?13:21
edi_99arand: America's Army :)13:21
jken146amabo: gnome-do in dock mode perhaps? But stretched out to the width of the screen13:21
arandamabo: dockbarx mayhaps?13:21
FardadJaliliActionParsnip: sorry, went away. no, it doesn't show up13:21
BluesKajamabo, yeah try W7 :)13:21
craigbass1976What's the best fix for getting my window controls back on the right.  OR, what was the rationale for putting them on the left (I might leave it if it makes sense)13:22
macocraigbass1976: the rationale was experimentation13:22
Henry_BRMy touchpad doesn't work since Lucid. I have an Acer 5610. How could I fix this? Or, how could I report this bug?! I tried to report this bug but I discover that report a bug is confuse! I didn't find the right place to do it. I have found a way to report bugs of a program, like: ubuntu-bug empathy. But how report the touchpad?13:22
Guest18683yep xfce13:22
macocraigbass1976: though check sabdfl's blog to see where the experimetnation is headed13:22
beliedi_99: ldd $(which armystartupfile)13:22
maco!sabdfl | craigbass197613:22
ubottucraigbass1976: Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com13:22
BluesKajamabo, maybe "folder view"13:22
beliedi_99: you need all the shared libs there to be installed and found on your system13:22
omacedi_99:  you need to install the libstdc++ which is part of dev essentials....The question remains, which application was emitting that error?13:23
PeterNLHi, how do I open a program on my second monitor from the terminal?13:23
ActionParsnipFardadJalili: what doesn't?13:23
beliomac: americas army...is the software ;)13:23
arandedi_99: If you run "locate libstdc++.so" does it only show .6 instead of .5?13:23
Dr_Willisamabo:  several tools out to replace the window list with a icon list. 'dockbarx' is one - see  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/dockbarx-030-released-with-window.html13:23
FardadJaliliActionParsnip: ActionParsnip>[#ubuntu] FardadJalili: possibly fried hdd then. does it show up in bios?13:23
Dr_Willisbeli:  i dont know if theres been a update for the AA client for linux   recently. It may be out of date.13:24
edi_99arand: yes, 6 and 6.0.1313:24
ActionParsnipFardadJalili: then its not an ubuntu issue, the hdd is faulty so is OS independant. Buy a new drive and restore user data from backup13:24
greenIThi, does anyone know if i can run empathy through a proxy?13:24
ActionParsnipgreenIT: it may obey the http_proxy variable13:24
arandedi_99: in that case it might work to simply create symlinks with the .5 name which links to the .6 files13:24
airtonixamabo, dockbarx is the closest you'll get to windows 7 taskbar.13:25
greenITactionparsnip thx, didn't know if it does :)13:25
indusActionParsnip, heya13:25
omacedi_99:ok then you need to install the specific libstdc++ .5 version through synaptic or aptitude.13:25
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ActionParsnipindus: yo yo yo13:25
PeterNLHi, how do I open a program on my second monitor from the terminal?13:25
Austadbeli, any idea?13:25
beliedi_99: dont do the symlink trick, if you can install .5 version13:25
Kapondowoh to make ubuntu13:26
gr0gmintYankDownUnder, jart: thanks for the answers.. altho my netbook DOES get very slow when it begins slopping. sometimes halting almost completely13:26
beliAustad: take a look into the logs to see if it stats an error13:26
airtonixPeterNL, you use devilspie to define rules13:26
Dr_WillisPeterNL:  many can take a -geometry option to set teh initial position. Or you can use compiz to set initial positions with the window placement plugin13:26
Austadbeli, how to check logs of oident? :/13:26
beliAustad: system logs13:26
najsowyanybody is good at ubuntu network configuration?13:26
ActionParsnip!anyone | najsowy13:26
ubottunajsowy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:26
arandbeli: It's not available by default on Lucid...13:26
PeterNLI can't use compiz or -geometry for this.13:26
PeterNLCan metacity do this?13:27
najsowysorry, admins13:27
zultelli'm new comerz on ubuntu can anyone teach me13:27
edi_99beli: is there an apt command for installing .5 version; I'm looking through package kit and cannot  spot any difference whatsoever13:27
beliarand: ....any linux system is using a global system logger13:27
Dr_WillisPeterNL:  not that i know of. Perhaps that devilspie app.13:27
airtonixPeterNL, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie13:27
silv3r_m00nI need a password protected folder ... how ?13:27
beliarand: ah sorry, mixed up......not by default, but check the repository13:27
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:27
arandbeli: I meant the .5 library13:27
zultellhow can i install kde desktop13:27
najsowyi have just problem with default network connection... I don't know how change from eth0 to wlan013:27
Dr_Williszultell:  start with the Ubuntu Manual given above.13:28
omacWith respect to the gui changes to the max/min buttons in the window title bar or as some people would say the "window manager decorations area", I think this should be optional.  It is beautiful the way it boots up.  I'm not knocking the changes though.  The windows do look pretty with the new max/min button placement.13:28
arandbeli: Not in any off the defaults no, hence why I'm suggesting the symlink..13:28
Dr_Williszultell:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   for KDE.13:28
jken146zultell: install the package kubuntu-desktop13:28
PeterNLairtonix: thanks!13:28
ActionParsnipzultell: sudo apt-get Install kubuntu-desktop     will install it as well as a whole bunch of kde apps13:28
LordOfWhaleshey, I've got a problem that I was told y'all could maybe fix13:28
Austadbeli, there is nothing there13:28
airtonixPeterNL, i think compiz might have an option like openbox does which basically says "when opening a window, open it at the point where the mouse cursor is"13:28
beliarand: the problem is, that if there is deprecated stuff in .6 the app will fail ;)13:28
najsowyi've got firestarter, network manager, but when i have both connected, then eth0 is deafult, and i can't surf the net.13:28
LordOfWhalesWhen I try to boot Windows XP from GRUB, I get a blinking underscore, forever.  Well, until I turn it off and boot into Ubuntu 10.04 again.13:28
airtonixPeterNL, also you might like to install compizconfig-settings-manager and have a look at the window rules plugin13:29
LordOfWhalesI have already ascertained that GRUB is pointing to the right partition for Windows13:29
najsowywlan0 (WiFi) is my network connection, and eth0 is local, for sharing net13:29
PeterNLairtonix: I can't use compiz.13:29
airtonixnajsowy, you need to change the interface device in firestarter config.13:29
edi_99omac: I've tried this: sudo apt-get install libstdc++5, but apparently, it's obsolete. Any tips?13:29
arandbeli: Indeed, but .5 isn't even available in karmic, so I assume getting old libs would be equally annoying.13:30
LordOfWhalesany ideas?13:30
airtonixPeterNL, then use devilspie.13:30
ActionParsnipnajsowy: are they connected to the same router/13:30
zultellthanks alot Dr_Willis13:30
datacrusherhello everyone. iv uploaded my notebook from 9.10 to 10.04, but now my networking is gone. no 3g, no wireless, no eth cabled.13:30
ocshi. I can't hear audio. my sound card is detected and alsamixer is ok, what I could do?13:30
datacrusherhow do i fix this?13:30
edi_99arand,beli: what should I do then?13:30
beliarand: why? he could build his own, but ok...let him try the symlink...maybe its fine13:30
najsowyi have switch. wlan0 is D-Link Airplus, and eth0 is connected to switch13:30
datacrusherany starting points?13:30
LordOfWhales...hello?  anyone?13:30
ActionParsnipnajsowy: is it the same switch though?13:31
zultelli just want kde desktop for try13:31
darrendtrying to update an LTS server using "sudo do-release-upgrade" and get "No new release found".  Is this because I have a local mirror (apt-proxy)?13:31
airtonixnajsowy, firestarter requires you to specify the interface on which your wan route is at13:31
jken146darrend: Shouldn't be.13:31
darrendjken146: any idea why I would get that?13:32
airtonixnajsowy, same config section where you can enable internet connection sharing13:32
ActionParsnipdarrend: try editting the setting in software to not specify LTS and use normal, may help13:32
guntbertdarrend: LTS upgrades are usually only suggested after the first "point" release (somwhere in june)13:32
jken146darrend: Oh, a *local* mirror you say? Yes, that could easily be the problem. Try using a mirror that you know serves lucid.13:32
FardadJaliliActionParsnip: ok tnx13:32
darrendActionParsnip: that starts an upgrade to Intrepid !!13:32
darrendguntbert: ah.. ok, thatnks13:33
ActionParsnipdarrend: then you can try: sudo update-manager -d13:33
najsowyairtonix, no, only 1 switch, wlan0 is from computer to aerial, and eth0: computer (me) - switch - 3 computers13:33
airtonixnajsowy, so if you are wanting internet through eth0 you need to change it to eth0.13:33
arandedi_99: "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5"13:33
guntbertdarrend: you're welcome :-)13:33
darrendActionParsnip: does that not require gtk?  This is a server13:33
airtonixnajsowy, but if you get internet through wan0 then change it to wan013:33
viliny_last i installed a kub and xub desktops i was left with a very weird system... could be you got the xubuntu loading screen, kubuntu login and gnome desktop13:33
HyperZidHow do I add all possible locales?13:33
zultellbuddies i got error when i open firefox "eror lounching browser:no XBL binding fro browser13:33
najsowyi have everything good in firestarter13:33
zultellusing ubuntu 10.0413:33
HyperZiddpkg-reconfigure locales only generates one now.13:33
omacarand: that's what I want to suggest to edi_99.13:33
arandedi_99 omac: Seems we have consensus :)13:34
najsowybut when i have both connected, then in network manager i have icon of wired (2 cables) and wired is default. I want wlan0 as default! I can show you my post on ubuntuforums13:34
abhijainzultell: try reboot13:34
patrickdhow can I find out which files a specific package is installing and where they are installed, e.g libboost-python-dev13:34
edi_99omac, arand: thank you very much guys :) now lemme try :)13:35
cpp_geekphreak: ok sir ...now I have made a comment on the bug report...hopefully someone will take action :-)13:35
Dr_Willis!info apt-file13:35
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3 (lucid), package size 29 kB, installed size 184 kB13:35
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Dr_Willispatrickd:  try 'apt-file'13:35
geekphreakcpp_: thank you sir :)13:35
patrickdDr_Willis, Thanks. Been all round the apt house's but missed that one13:35
cpp_geekphreak: and thank you too :-)13:35
ActionParsnipdarrend: sudo do-release-upgrade --proposed   is on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades13:35
ascheelGot a question for some of you folks.  Not sure what I should be looking for.  Right now, if a daemon listens on all IPs for a specific port (let's say 1234), then all i see in 'netstatn -an' is :::1234 using tcp6.  That's fine, but do you folks perhaps know how to segregate it out to list ipv4 and ipv6 seperately?  If I had to guess, I'd say it looks like ipv4 ports are redirected internally?13:35
Dr_Willispatrickd:  yea. its not commonly known about13:35
airtonixnajsowy, ok, you need to edit the properties of both the eth0 connection and the wlan0 connection in nm-applet.13:36
zultellhow about restart package can it be13:36
rdzhi all. after upgrading to 10.04, 3d hardware acceleration is not enabled anymore, glxgears says: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". this with a "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller"13:36
rdzhow can i fix that?13:36
airtonixnajsowy, eth0 is only for your lan correct ?13:36
najsowyairtonix, yes!13:36
guntbertdatacrusher: I know its too late now - but please consider testing with the live CD /USB  before the next upgrade13:36
gaivotayeah, the -proposed repo fixes the gimp issue!13:36
airtonixnajsowy, and wlan is only for connecting to internet ?13:36
gaivotathanks maco13:36
najsowyairtonix, yes13:36
denndaWhat tool can I use to bidirectionally read and write to my google calendar? (except the web ui obviously). I failed at setting it up in thunderbird with lightning13:37
macogaivota: yay :)13:37
twiztidLUCID is great!!!13:37
omacthe lib designers do their best to keep the api backward compatible.  If it still doesn't work, you'll have to install the sources for libstdc++ 5. and configure, make, make install13:37
omacthat was for edi_9913:37
datacrusherguntbert, way to late13:37
airtonixnajsowy, edit connections in network-manager, and edit the eth0 entry in question.13:37
cpp_geekphreak: so ...what do we do with the Impress-fullscreen issue ...have you seen it btw ?13:37
yoshuzultell: remove ans reinstall firefox13:37
yohannbzhHello. When we close a terminal in which we have run some things, it closes them. Is there a way to list all the process we have run from this terminal?13:37
edi_99omac, arand: almost there... but another warning appeared: http://paste.ubuntu.com/427624/13:37
jken146yohannbzh: screen13:37
zultelli agree with twiz13:37
darrendActionParsnip: yes, that works.  Thanks.13:37
airtonixnajsowy,  click the ipv4 tab then click the routes button at the bottom13:37
llutzyohannbzh: screen nohup13:37
zultellok i try13:37
geekphreakcpp_: nope13:37
twiztidyohannbzh: in terminal type, 'top'13:37
airtonixnajsowy, tick 'ignore automatically obtained routes'13:38
jken146yohannbzh: oh, sorry, different question than what I thought you asked!13:38
ActionParsnipdarrend: amazing what the official documentation freely available online can tell you says, isnt it13:38
edi_99omac, arand: I created a syslnk using the latest 6.0.13 release13:38
arandedi_99: Ah, that might mean that just linking to the new one won't work after all13:38
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Dr_Willisyohannbzh:  run somthing with '&' at the end.. and use the 'exit' command - do NOT just hit the terminals close button13:38
cpp_geekphreak: its really annoying ...just open Impress ... make one slide....and press F5, for vieweing Slide-show ...see what happens :-)13:38
erUSULyohannbzh: find ot the pid of the shell then search for that pid on the ppid of the rest of process13:38
Dr_Willisyohannbzh:  asio check out the 'nohup' command and docs on bash job controll.13:38
omacedi_99: you need to compile the lib with the sources...which means you might need to get the dependencies for libstdc++ 5.13:38
airtonixnajsowy, ugh the wording of those two tick boxes is bad..i forget what they both do and if you need both ticked for your LAN only interface.13:39
Dr_Willisyohannbzh:   and check out the ps command.13:39
arandedi_99: Possibly those are old functions, which are in 5 but not in 6, and you'll have to get hold of 5 now anyways instead13:39
najsowyairtonix, "najsowy, tick 'ignore automatically obtained routes'" i haven't. It's Ubuntu 9.10. Show you images of setting i have?13:39
kgrandiscan anyone recommend a top tier managed hosting provider that supports ubuntu?13:39
JdGordonhas anyone else had troubles with autofs and cifs after upgrading to 10.4?13:39
airtonixnajsowy, but i do know they prevent an interface from becoming your default route outside of the lan13:39
airtonixnajsowy, i have 9.10 here too and i have those tick boxes13:39
gaivotabtw I released XMoto 0.5.3 a few days ago. is there sb who actualized the packages?13:40
edi_99omac: how do I get the dependencies, apt and search for libstdc++ 5?13:40
omacedi_99: `GLIBCPP_3.2' and `CXXABI_1.2'...seem to be other lib dev sources you're going to need to compile and link.13:40
airtonixnajsowy, give screenshot anyway though13:40
najsowyairtonix, wait. eth0 -> settings -> Ipv4 setting13:40
Jaelaekgrandis - most of the big ones seem to only do red hat and centos.  You could try to find one that will let you install your own distro13:40
airtonixnajsowy, correct13:40
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Jaelaekgrandis - but yiou would have to rent the entire server13:40
airtonixnajsowy, then click routes13:40
omacThis would be under backports repositories.13:40
omacget the sources there.13:40
najsowyairtonix, k, got it13:41
temonhow to login in #hardware???13:41
dakiraIs it possible to remove the "sync with ubuntuone" option from the nautilus context-menu (right-click)?13:41
ActionParsnipdakira: if you uninstall ubuntuone it should13:41
Dr_Willisdakira:  proberly is  - but im not sure what package name would remove it.13:41
kgrandisJaelae: yeah that's what we've found as well. We can do dedicated/unmanaged, but yeah I'm waiting for managed ubuntu.13:41
omacin other words you need backports source as a line in your repository list.13:41
ActionParsnipdakira: depends if you use ubuntuone13:41
omacedi_99:go to synaptic and make sure you have backports as one of your repos.13:41
edi_99omac: would this do: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/i386/libstdc++5/download13:42
najsowyairtonix, select "ignore automatically routes" (or something, Im polish :D ) or "Using the same connection for this network" (or somethin' like this )?13:42
omacedi_99: backports source13:42
darksiferhi guys. i am experiencing slow torrent problems. am using 10.04. i had read many guides on the web how to sort this problem out but in vain. i did not had problem with 9.10. i have enable uPnP both on transmission and my netgear router. i had changed to deluge, vuze and stil have problems. downloadin the same torrent in windows gives me no problem. if someone can guide me please. i will be grateful. i am loving 10.04 and want to keep it. thanks in antic13:42
gaivotawho cares about packages in ubuntu?13:42
arandedi_99: then, remove the symlink "sudo rm /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5" and then try to install this instead http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/libstdc++513:42
Picigaivota: What?13:42
ActionParsnip!motu | gaivota13:42
ubottugaivota: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU13:42
guntberttemon: its ##hardware and as far as I know you have to be registered/identified to talk there13:42
gaivotaPici, theres a new release of xmoto13:42
Dr_Willisdarksifer:  as a test try utorrent.exe in wine.13:42
Picigaivota: okay?13:42
gaivotaPici, ok13:43
Pici!latest | gaivota13:43
ubottugaivota: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.13:43
omacedi_99:  You're not using jaunty.13:43
najsowyshhh, when i connect wired its disconnecting me!13:43
darksiferDr_Willis: ok will try that immediately13:43
temonguntbert: but I cant join...13:43
gaivotaubottu, ok, I clearly13:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:43
gaivotaI see*13:43
yohannbzherUSUL: Where can I see the ppid?13:43
ActionParsnipdarksifer: log some bugs is all i can suggest, maybe your ISP is throttling torrents13:43
cpp_geekphreak: did u try it :-) ?13:43
macogaivota: packaging always happens for the current devel version first13:43
guntberttemon: you are not identified13:43
temonit need invitation... but yesterday I was register and join this...13:43
omacedi_99: It would be best to recompile the libstc++ 5 sources from the 10.04 backports sources repositories which are targetted to compile with ubuntu 10.04.13:43
arandomac: I don't think backports would handle that would it? this would rather need forwardports...13:43
geekphreakcpp_: works ok here13:43
guntbert!register | temon13:43
ubottutemon: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode13:43
zentahello all, i have this issue E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:44
zentaE: Unable to lock the download directory13:44
macogaivota: so youd get it into maverick, and then we can put it into lucid-backports assuming it builds13:44
najsowysh... i love this guy!13:44
gaivotamaco I mean, will the maintainers know that theres a newer version?13:44
geekphreakzenta: another package manager running in background, close it13:44
macozenta: if synaptic or software center is open, close it13:44
erUSULyohannbzh: for example --> ps ax -o cmd,pid,ppid13:44
ActionParsnipgaivota: you can add PPAs to get later builds13:44
geekphreakzenta: also use sudo13:44
pwkHey, I updated to 10.04 recently - and ever since I did that applications will "freeze" for a couple of seconds (1-10s) apparently. E.g. while watching a movie the movie will freeze (picture + audio), same with listening to music and also with writing this text (I type text and the application suddenly stops displaying my typed text, after a few seconds it updates).13:44
macogaivota: if the package has a working watch file13:44
ActionParsnipgaivota: assuming one exists13:44
omacedi_99: hangon... I'll find the right source package for y ou.13:44
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zentaok i will chek13:45
guntberttemon: please ask in #freenode13:45
macoActionParsnip: thats not the question being asked13:45
gaivotamaco hum not sure about that13:45
ActionParsnippwk: after a freeze run: dmesg | tail -n 10    and read, it may give clues13:45
temonguntbert: oke13:45
edi_99omac: thank you very much...13:45
patrickdcan anyone point me to where the lib file for libboost is actually installed, assuming its installed with something like "apt-get install libboost-python-dev"13:45
yohannbzherUSUL: Ok thx13:45
darksiferActionParsnip: No. i had no problems with ISP. on windows i download at about 100~110KB/s13:45
cpp_geekphreak: ok!!? ....did you see the Slide in fullscreen ...or did it show in the background ...with the panels on top ?13:45
Picipatrickd: look at dpkg -L libboost-python-dev13:45
erUSULpatrickd: dpkg -L libboost-python-dev13:45
Dr_Willispatrickd:  try 'locate libboost' also13:45
Chriphersomebody who use Handelsbanken here13:45
ActionParsnippatrickd: sudo find / -iname "libboost*"13:46
patrickdPici, will do13:46
=== nickname_ is now known as enter_name
macoActionParsnip: at least i *think* its "how do i get my software in?"13:46
najsowyairtonix, are You here?13:46
geekphreakpatrickd:  /usr/lib?13:46
ActionParsnipdarksifer: log bugs then, maybe its a known issue. You can always port forward rather than use upnp13:46
geekphreakpatrickd: if you asked install path :d13:46
ActionParsnipdarksifer: you will need to set your torrent client to use the same port each time it runs13:46
=== daverto is now known as Daverto_AFK
enter_namei have a tar.bz2 and i want to 'install' it, the files in it are already compiled though and run as a standalone13:46
guntberttemon: just type /join #freenode13:47
datacrusherhello everyone. iv uploaded my notebook from 9.10 to 10.04, but now my networking is gone. no 3g, no wireless, no eth cabled.13:47
pwkActionParsnip, I consulted the kernel logs already, nothing is written for each "freeze". Often applications will freeze independantly also (app 1 freezes, app2 still works). The only message since boot-up that I can see is "CE: hpet increasing min_delta_ns to 15000 nsec" and the same message again with 22500 nsec13:47
ActionParsnipenter_name: what is the filename?13:47
geekphreakcpp_: fullscreen13:47
Dr_Willisenter_name:  uncompress it to a dir.. cd into the dir.. run the  binaries then13:47
erUSULenter_name: uncompress it in /opt/ make apropiate links to the binaries in /usr/local/bin/13:47
darksiferDr_Willis: by the way even when uPnP is enable on both router n torrent clients i still get port closed. even with port forwarding.13:47
ActionParsnippwk: ok what do they mean?13:47
patrickdlooking at the output from dpkg -L, it has only installed doc's not the actual library13:47
macogaivota: check the current source package and see if a debian/watch exists13:47
Dr_Willisdarksifer:  i dont see that here with my router/clients.13:47
geekphreakDr_Willis: chmod too :)13:47
pwkActionParsnip, I do not know what those messages mean13:47
=== DaZ` is now known as DaZ
najsowyairtonix whereever you are - I love you!13:47
rdzhow is 3d hardware acceleration configured, if there is no xorg.conf file?13:47
enter_nameActionParsnip: Celtx-2,7.tar.bz213:47
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  if they did it right - it will be +x allready :)13:47
gaivotamaco, how to I recognize it?13:47
erUSULrdz: should be autoconfigured in most cases13:48
gaivotaI am not a dev pro, just made a few things and release.13:48
geekphreakDr_Willis: never trust user :)13:48
dakiraActionParsnip, Dr_Willis: I use Ubuntu One. I'm just annoyed by the additional contextmenu entry.13:48
ActionParsnippwk: then time to websearch13:48
gaivotaso it may be its in there13:48
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  never trust binaries that come in tar.gz wither13:48
Tesssaquestion i have 10.4 RC on cd if i load it on my puter can it be upgraded to 10.4 LTS full version13:48
Dr_Willisdakira:  ask in #ubuntuone perhaps13:48
erUSUL!final | Tesssa13:48
ubottuTesssa: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:48
macogaivota: you can just file a bug asking that it be updated, if you like. though might want to check whether its in debian. if so, do that up in debian so we can autosync it13:48
dakiraDr_Willis: good tip. thx13:48
geekphreakanyways i am off, cya folks13:49
Dr_Willisdakira:  perhaps the package --> ubuntuone-client-gnome - Ubuntu One client GNOME integration13:49
=== DaZ is now known as zupelnie`ktos`in
ActionParsnipenter_name: https://launchpad.net/~miry/+archive/ppa   seems to have it for Lucid13:49
gaivotamaco, since its brand new, its probably still in nowhere13:49
gaivotabut nvm, just wanted to know13:49
ActionParsnipenter_name: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:miry/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:50
enter_nameDr_Willis: i would like it in  a system directory with the shortcuts in the launch menu13:50
Tesssai didnt install it before i do i just want to know can it be upgraded to the full version13:50
ActionParsnipenter_name: if you have  celtx already installed it will upgrade it13:50
macogaivota: if a previous version is in debian, ask debian to get the newest version, then itll be autosynced in ubuntu13:50
Dr_Willisenter_name:  you can add menu items to the menus - no matter where they are at on the system13:50
gaivotamaco, ok13:50
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macogaivota: if a previous version is only in ubuntu, then file a bug in ubuntu asking for the package to be updated13:50
Dr_Willisenter_name:  or make a proper .desktop file for it and put that in the proper system dir.13:50
gaivotaits in debian afaik13:50
enter_nameActionParsnip: i dont have it installed i cpuldnt find it in the suppository13:51
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: the deb will have one in from the ppa I gave :)13:51
cpp_geekphreak: do you have compiz turned on ?13:51
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  i wasent even paying attention :)13:51
patdk-wkok, I just attempted to upgrade a karmic 9.10 install to lucid 10.0413:51
ActionParsnipenter_name: then after its ran, run: sudo apt-get install celtx13:51
patdk-wkand it's stuck in an infinate loop about upgrading grub13:51
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: no worries dude, how was the cave?13:51
patdk-wkdo you want to continue without installing grub13:51
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  cave?13:52
=== zupelnie`ktos`in is now known as DaZ
enter_nameActionParsnip: okee dokee, thanks, just to be difficult is there any way to do it from the tar.bz213:52
Tesssa just a simple yes or no please if i install 10.4 RC will it upgrade to 10.4 LTS full version13:53
SammyTheSnakeTesssa: should do, if you ask it to13:54
omacedi_99: anand was right:  http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gcc-3.3/libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb13:54
patdk-wktesssa, I saw no package changes between the two :)13:54
SammyTheSnakeTesssa: i.e. run update-manager as root and click the upgrade button when it appears13:54
BluesKajTesssa, yes, if you just do a normal update and upgrade afterwards13:54
cpp_geekphreak: did you disappear ? :-)13:55
dakiraDr_Willis: hm. that removes all of it. I'll ask the devs to add a switch somewhere.13:55
cpp_geekphreak: .... lost in Fullscreen-mode ;-) he he13:55
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: you said yuo were going to a cave for a week after the release ;)13:55
sharperguyIs it possible to set my default 'chat' client to pidgin rather than empathy?13:55
lorenzohi, what is the command to find out the model of my video card?13:55
ActionParsnipenter_name: depends whats in the file, if its source you will need to compile it13:55
edi_99omac: Ive added jaunty to the repositories and installed it from apt... it works :)13:56
ActionParsnipenter_name: PPAs are good as it gives a good way to remove it as it will appear in software centre et al13:56
edi_99omac: and thank you very much for your help13:56
omacYeah get this...I tried to get empathy connected to irc, but the default image had no menu item for irc.  I immediately installed pidgin after wasting time with empathy looking for irc.13:56
ActionParsnipomac: +113:56
omacthank you action parsnip.13:57
enter_nameActionParsnip: no its not source, ppas are good but i want to avoid adding other suppositories that dont come off my dns server, because my dns server is unmetered when i download from them13:57
arandomac: Yes, on first setup empathy will not supply an IRC account option, partly since the developers admit that it's a poor irc client.13:57
* patdk-wk wonders how you download from an dns server13:58
jken146enter_name: Don't use any suppositories without consulting a doctor!13:58
arandomac: http://rww.dreamwidth.org/6196.html13:58
omacarand: Ok I'll read it right now.13:58
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enter_namejken146: who is linuxs doctor? dr watson just didnt cut it for me on windows13:59
ActionParsnipenter_name: then you can extract it in /opt and symlink the binary to a file in /usr/bin then you will need to manually make the menu item, if you want to upgrade the version you will need to strip it all out and redo which is a waste of time when the ppa gets updated it will update the whole system for you automagically, you will also need to manually see if a newer version is out.13:59
ActionParsnipjken146: made me laugh too :D13:59
fdrakeI have a bluetooth question, regarding a change from 9.10 to 10.04.  I have two bluetooth keyboards of the same type (in different offices), but I seem to only be able to pair with one at a time.  When I move to the other office, I have to explicitly drop the pairing with one keyboard and pair with the other.  9.10 let me keep two pairings active, and would use whichever keyboard was available.13:59
ActionParsnipenter_name: its a repository too, i suggest you look at what a suppository is13:59
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Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  my Man-cave :) the basement13:59
enter_nameActionParsnip: I added the suppository but it didnt turn up in ubuntu software centre, i know i know, suppository is funnier tho14:00
The_ManU_212everytime i open a xterm with alt+f2 i start in a fodler which is not my homefodler how to change this back to ~14:00
tdnI just choose to Upgrade to 10.04 LTS, when the upgrade notification appeared. Now it has been hanging still on the same line for several hours: Preparing to replace portmap 6.0-10ubuntu2 (using .../portmap_6.0.0-1ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...14:01
ascheeltdn: it is safe to click the 'cancel' button and start it over if that's you're concern.14:01
tdnIt is 53% done, ETA 31 minutes. But nothing happens. Is there any way I can see what is going on?14:02
tdnascheel, it is?14:02
tdnascheel, how can I be sure?14:02
enter_nameActionParsnip: its not turning up anywhere, thanks anyway tho14:02
tdnascheel, because that is my concern.14:02
Piciascheel: er, no its not.  Its safe to cancel during the download process, but not necesarily during the install process.14:02
tdnascheel, hmm.... There IS no Cancel button.14:02
chid_heya, just curious how I disable update manager from showing up all the time, and also how to set brightness from command line (or just set it low on boot)14:02
tdnPici, it is beyond download.14:02
ausrSending keys to keyserver.ubuntu.com and "couldn't connect to host",?14:03
ascheeltdn: ah, then if there's no cancel, then you're past where I thought.14:03
nyck143435tmpHello, people. I just updated to Karmic using apt-get and dpkg (to solve some conflicts). Of course, I updated repositories before, including PPA. Now I how not working dbus+upstart (I assume, dbus should start first). I can't write to forums, because software, I used to store passwords, is not available now (I am using LiveCD). Need any help.14:03
nyck143435tmpName me simple Nykeej :D14:03
jadakrenDr_Willis, are you aware of any way to log a users actions (ie when they enter, create a folder or file etc) regardless of whether they are local interactive users or remote login users ?14:03
tdnThis is the process that hangs: root     16992  0.0  0.0   3520  1048 pts/7    S+   11:15   0:00                          \_ stop portmap14:03
nyck143435tmpSory for long name14:03
ChogyDantdn: you can check the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade to see if there is anything there14:03
omacarand:  ok, so empathy does have irc ability in it, but not in the initial wizard menus.  Also, it seems according to the article empathy has some irc useability issues not present in either pidgin or xchat(non-gnome).  I'm not a gnome-xchat lover, but I've grown to love pidgin.14:04
Picitdn: You could take a look at /var/log/dpkg.log and/or the contents of /var/log/dist-upgrade/14:04
tdnI just tried stopping portmap manually with /etc/init.d/portmap stop, but that didnt help.14:04
tachiro<browsing around for it> hmm, is there a simple way to bind the system monitor to a key?14:04
tdnChogyDan, there are several files in there. What to look for?14:04
nyck143435tmpOr better, nycktmp14:04
Oer!resetpanels | Oer14:04
ubottuOer, please see my private message14:04
duffydackWhy is there no option to Unmount a usb drive upon right click.  There are only safe remove/eject which disables the device completely so I cant actually work with it with tools like fdisk or mkfs14:04
ChogyDantdn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager#Debugging Procedures14:04
chid_/proc/acpi/video/VGA doesn't exist by the way14:04
tdnPici, last line in dpkg.log: 2010-05-04 11:15:47 status half-configured portmap 6.0-10ubuntu214:05
Mcl0vinhey guys, i have downloaded a 7.26GB DVD in iso format , but when extract it , it is only 2MB wtf...anyone know what could the problem be14:05
jribtachiro: I believe compiz ccsm has some keybinding facility.  Otherwise, use gconf-editor or xbindkeys14:05
tdnMcl0vin, why would you extract it?14:05
tdnMcl0vin, the iso should be burned to a dvd.14:05
Mcl0vini don't have a 7GB dvd14:05
jribMcl0vin: how are you "extracting" it?14:06
tdnMcl0vin, then download the CDROM iso instead?14:06
chid_bah, irssi so hard to use, when so many people are talking :o14:06
* chid_ loves his guis :)14:06
jadakrenMcl0vin, then why download it ?14:06
tdnMcl0vin, or make a bootable USB?14:06
omacduffydack:  that's a good observation.  I'm also confused by the difference between "unmount" and "safely remove drive".  Shouldn't both of these be the same?14:06
jrib!quietirssi | chid_14:06
ubottuchid_: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS14:06
Braeis it possible to setup software raid on ubuntu 10.04 desktop?14:06
chid_Brae: sure it must be possible14:06
* chid_ just installed 9.0414:07
Braeany ideas?14:07
duffydackomac, there used to be an umount as well, in karmic and also in a beta1 install of lucid which is kept upto date.. yet a fresh install of lucid does not give the option14:07
fdrakeomac: unmount is a per-filesystem operation, and safely-remove is a per-device operation (possibly multiple mounted filesystems).14:07
chid_there's a RAID howto on tldp14:07
duffydackomac, fdrake all I wanna do is unmount the fs, not remove the whole device.14:07
Picitdn: Are their nfs mounts mounted and in-use at the moment?14:07
duffydackomac, fdrake I guess I`ll make do with terminal umount /media/whatever14:08
Qwerty_PolikuI have a problem with my new Ubuntu 10.04 install. Everytime I start up the theme changes to "Clearlooks". I can change most of it back but open folder windows remain in that theme.14:08
fdrakeduffydack: That would do.  I don't use a lot of the GUI stuff for that myself.14:08
tdnPici, not in use at this moment, but there are unused nfs mounts.14:08
jribQwerty_Poliku: can you reproduce the behavior with a freshly created new user?14:08
tdnPici, no nfs is mounted though.14:09
Qwerty_PolikuI have no tried yet. I will go do that.14:09
amabosomething appears to be wrong with my menu buttons (across all themes) and I can't figure out what it is - anyone know? http://imgur.com/0fFr1.png14:09
Braechid_: thanks ill have a look14:09
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omacfdrake:  Then it should say that instead:  "unmount this filesystem only"  and "unmount all filesystems on this drive".14:09
=== Qwerty is now known as Guest60172
jure64how do I turn on ubuntu automatic updates, not only security updates, but ALL updates, do be done daily? there's a file somewhere I can edit. which is it?14:10
fdrakeomac: Perhaps, though that doesn't address the device-disconnection aspect of safely-remove.14:10
Picitdn: is portmap running currently?14:10
dakirajure64: just a sec.. I know what you mean..14:10
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tdnPici, yes.14:11
omacfdrake:  yeah, I'm a terminal user too, I just use mount, sync, sync and umount too.14:11
tdnPici, should I kill -9 it?14:11
Picitdn: Try it14:11
dakirajure64: gconftool-2 -s -t bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false14:11
Braethe only tuts for raid are how to do it for command line while installing server, i need to do it for desktop14:11
duffydackomac, fdrake for me, safely remove turns off the device, stops power to it, while eject just umounts it while still being given power , but is still not available to the system anymore via /dev/sdX14:11
omacThe "unmount/safely remove drive" has been confusing for me, but you just clarified it.  Thanks.14:11
NightTailhmm i was wondering if there was a way to boost ram for linux but using a usb device as a set of ram?14:11
NightTailbut= by even14:11
tdnPici, ok. Now the upgrade continued. Thanks!14:12
Picitdn: weird, but good14:12
tdnPici, I was not sure if it was safe to just kill it.14:12
duffydackomac, fdrake, There is no Unmount option anymore, while there is for the beta1 updated lucid... Odd.14:12
dakirajure64: this gives you back the old behavior of the update-manager. configure the rest in the software settings (e.g. if you want them to be installed automatically)14:12
rambo3I dislike  hindus , that is all14:12
jure64dakira, there's a file in /etc, i think, which you need to uncomment a line to unlock full auto-update capability14:13
fdrakeduffydack: That's unfortunate; there should be an eject option for all filesystems, IMO.14:13
omacAll in all, 10.04 is snappier than the 9.10 and I thought that couldn't be beaten.  Congrats.  Ubuntu and Linux devs are amazing!14:14
fdrakeAnyone have any ideas regarding my bluetooth quandry, described above at 08:59:16?14:14
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duffydackAnyone using the empathy from ppa?  Does it do metacontacts yet?14:14
Braeis there a guide to setting up RAID using ubuntu desktop 10.04?14:15
PolikuSo, I tested my theme problem with another user and it doesn't occur. How do I fix it on my account?14:15
jrib!raid | Brae14:15
ubottuBrae: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:15
fdrakepidgin does metacontacts.14:15
Braei been to those jrib14:15
duffydackfdrake, i know, but I thought i`d give empathy another look maybe.. not impressed at all so far14:15
jribBrae: so use them :)14:16
Braebut they are all say to do it while installing server14:16
fdrakeempathy is good to use when waiting for pidgin to install.  :-)14:16
duffydackfdrake, just trying to 'get onboard' with telepathy :)14:16
jribBrae: no they aren't.  You need to actually read them.  From the first link: If you're building a desktop then you need the "Alternate" install CD for Ubuntu.14:16
dakirajure64: nope.. what I wrote does it. Change the gconf setting and enable autoupdate in the settings. works for me.14:17
Braejrib, alternate??14:17
jribBrae: open the first link, it explains14:18
azi`after I've updated my ubuntu laptop I can't use my external monitor. the LCD monitor has a blurred picture afteR I plug it in14:19
Braejrib: hmm, crap... gonna have to dl another distro just to get raid working? linux is damn confusing..14:19
azi` /names14:20
jribBrae: it's the same distro, just a different installer.  I don't know whether raid can be setup easily using the desktop cd or not14:20
myxomatosisHi, I am looking for a way to kickstart a xen domU using lucid.  I am able to boot using the install vmlinuz and initrd but they appear to be missing the xen network and disk modules.  Is there another initrd for this purpose?14:20
temonwhat the best movie player for playing .iso dvd file?14:20
PratterFakis there anyway to get the xbox 360 to see the new 10.04?14:20
jribtemon: the best one is the one you like the most14:20
myxomatosistemon: vlc is quite good14:20
BluesKajtemon, try vlc14:20
omacfdrake:  hcitool scan, and then place something like in your .bashrc/.profile:  hidd --connect deviceaddrForkeyboard1;hidd --connect deviceaddrForkeyboard2;14:21
Braejrib: well this is just for a home server, and windows is a little aoyying with a few small things, but might be ultimatly easier for me, due to lack of linux knowlege14:21
Braejrib: annoying*14:21
NightTailhmm so is that a no?14:21
temonI try vlc but I cant choose the menu..14:21
NightTailhmm i was wondering if there was a way to boost ram for linux by using a usb thumbdrive as a set of ram?14:21
jribBrae: depends on what you want to do I guess.  Most things are easy, and when they aren't it's usually a matter of spending 5 minutes reading some documentation14:22
temondvd menu...14:22
fdrakeomac: Thanks!  I'll try that.14:22
myxomatosisNightTail: you could use it as swap, but that would probably wind up slowing you down alot14:22
Dr_Willistemon:  odd. I use vlc to play dvd iso files all the time14:22
Braejrib: and a whole bunch mroe time and bandwidth on distros14:22
NightTailhmm alright14:22
frostschutzNightTail, "boost" and "usb" usually do not belong in the same sentence :)14:22
jribBrae: hmm?14:22
NightTaili am running a vm and was hoping to find a way to give my vm a bit more power14:22
jasgi have problem to enable desktop effects in lucid?, I have an intel video card...14:22
guntbertNightTail: as usb is lower than hard disk -- no gain there14:23
temonDr_Willis: odd???14:23
Dr_Willistemon:  yes. I play dvd iso files all the time.14:23
bondiblueos9after upgrading to server 10.04, the boot fails with the messages about plymouth-splash (752) and ureadahead-other (760) (765) terminating with status 1, 4, and 414:23
Dr_Willistemon:  i use vlc to test the dvd isos i make with devede14:23
domcyrusI'm getting ADDRCONF wlan0 link is not ready14:23
Dr_Willistemon:  gnome-mplayer can also play dvd iso files14:23
domcyrusI tried to restart networking14:23
Braejrib: i think ill just stick with windows till i get some proper in person help with linux, thanks for your help though. ^.^14:23
domcyruswith all the shiny new upstart way14:24
jribBrae: ok14:24
temonDr_Willis: devede?? what it is??14:24
domcyruswithout any luck14:24
azi`i am asking that again.. after update of my latop I can't use my external monitor anymore.. after Iplug it in the picture is blurred.. any clue what could that be?14:24
Braejrib: cheers14:24
Dr_Willistemon:  a video -> dvd  tool14:24
CloudLeviI have a little problem. When I leave my Karmic Koala notebook on, it WILL fall into screensaver...but the screen NEVER turns off like it should, which means Matrix code just keeps playing throughout the night. It shuts off when I close the screen, but for some reason it gets hot...even with the hard-drive spin down enabled!!! How do I fix this?14:24
domcyrusdoes someone has any idea how to resolve this14:24
guntbert!enter | domcyrus14:25
ubottudomcyrus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:25
peppoanyone here with performance/link/load stability problems with iwlagn wireless and have a solution? -backports didn't have any effect...14:25
domcyrusguntbert: thanks14:25
omacNightTAil:  I actually thought about that when I was looking into buying a ps2/ps3 and installing linux on it.  USB1.0 is freakin' slow compared ram on a motherboard.  The write times are atrocious. USB2.0 are bearable if you're patient, but still crap.  USB might be interesting but won't compare to DDR3 RAM.  It's all objective though, if you're patient and you have old hardware and you really want to at least run something unbearably slow, then it could be yo14:25
temonDr_Willis: i use vlc but I cant choose the dvd menu and select a language...14:26
Dr4gHey guys if chmod 770 converted to umask becomes 007, what does 775 get converted to ?14:27
wildbatDr4g, 00214:27
guntbertNightTail: why don't you give you VM more RAM to use?14:27
jribDr4g: subtract from 77714:27
=== Opo is now known as mkdir
CloudLeviGuntbert: I have a little problem. When I leave my Karmic Koala notebook on, it WILL fall into screensaver...but the screen NEVER turns off like it should, which means Matrix code just keeps playing throughout the night. It shuts off when I close the screen, but for some reason it gets hot...even with the hard-drive spin down enabled!!! How do I fix this?14:28
=== mkdir is now known as Opo
WelBOM dia14:28
johnny_bestaat er een hoofd menu in xubuntu14:29
Dr4gjrIb - TY14:29
Aw0Lis there a way to run the text-based installer from the standard live CD? (10.4)14:29
guntbertCloudLevi: I saw your question before - but alas I have answer for you - sorry14:29
insignebando de come vaca vao usa windows seus merda14:29
guntbert*no answer14:29
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Oerjohnny_, join #ubuntu-nl14:29
CloudLevi*sigh* thanks anyway, guntbert14:29
guntbert!br | insigne14:30
ubottuinsigne: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:30
SegfaultNo doubt many have asked, but can anyone provide help with the rt2870sta driver being slow as hell and not working with wpa?14:30
peppoanyone here with performance/link/load stability problems with iwlagn wireless and have a solution? -backports didn't have any effect...14:30
CloudLeviTo the forums =/14:30
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zulgabanonce i upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 (server) & my hylafax server went dead (can't answer incoming fax) with a kernel oops!/panic error. any ideas?14:33
RookieStarhi, all14:33
SegfaultHey RookieStar14:33
Segfaultzulgaban: Any more information than that?14:33
sirninjaI get an annoying beep from my laptop. It's from the sound card going into powersave mode. How do I disable powersave for my soundcard?14:34
RookieStarhi, Segfault. im running ubuntu 10.04, it's rly cool. but now i got a prob: it dont let me put in passwd when login, it just login by itself14:34
zulgabansegfault: i don't have it right now. have to get back to the office XD14:35
SegfaultSounds like you told it to auto log when you installed.14:35
RookieStarim a newbie of linux. and i've found ubuntu is rly fantastic14:35
sirninjaRookieStar: go to administration -> login screen14:35
Segfaultzulgaban: Ah! That happens.14:35
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RookieStarsirninja: OH! ic that! thank u so much!14:35
zulgabanmy boss told me this: if it ai't broken, don't fix it XD14:35
airtonixzulgaban, where's the fun in that ?14:36
* airtonix sees something that could be improved...14:36
Segfaultzulgaban: Clearly your boss doesn't have the stomach for tinkering! lol14:36
zulgabanyeah. my boss is an asshole14:37
sirninjaSpeaking of tinkering. Does anybody know what config file I need to edit to disable powersave on my sound card? I think it has to do with pulse audio14:37
zulgabanhe has this mail server that runs on clamav ver 0.88 (very log time ago)14:37
RookieStarok, thanks guys, c'ya!14:37
seismicmikeIs there a room specifically dedicated to the gnomehamster applet?14:37
Segfaultsirninja: I'm checking for it now.14:38
Segfaultseismicmike: whats the problem?14:38
seismicmikeNot a problem so much, I'm just curious if anyone has developped any type of add on that would provide custom fields or whatever14:38
sirninjaSegfault: thanks. In karmic, it was /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf.. That doesn't fix it anymore, so I have a feeling it's pulse audio telling it to do it now14:39
seismicmikelike I have the Category and Name, which I'm using as Client and Project, but I'd like to also be able to get more details and track specific tasks.14:39
Segfaultsirninja: Is it just making a popping?14:39
seismicmikeAlso sometimes I do support and I have a support ticket number associated with that14:39
seismicmikeI just don't know if there's an add on or something that would do that... it'd be nice if there was14:39
Segfaultseismicmike: Its been a while since I've used it. Hang tight a sec14:40
sirninjait's a beep I can only hear when I have headphones in (which is a lot). It happens 10 seconds after audio has stopped or right when I play something after it has been in powersave mode14:40
SegfaultYeah, its pulse.14:40
aciculasirninja, whats your laptop brand?14:42
MacBArgh... Yet again proving my point of Linux still not being suitable for use by "normal" people (me considering myself quite a nerd...)14:42
sirninjaacicula: it's a dell studio 155514:42
MacBI'm trying to get Ubuntu onto a White Macbook, and it is just seeming impossible :S14:42
aciculahmm then i dont know14:42
MacBBoots up, see the purple screen, after that a blinkin underline ( _ ) and then just some randomness before the disk stops spinning and everything stopping....14:42
frostschutzhm, in bash, how do I get all upper case files? [A-Z]* and [a-z]* for some reason include both upper and lower case...14:43
sirninjaMacB: I know exactly what you mean, but if you purchase a laptop with linux in mind, you usually get pretty lucky.14:43
SegfaultMacB: In the boot options add nomodset14:43
aciculamod or mode?14:44
datacrusherhello everyone, after updating from 9 to 10 i lost my network manager and all means of getint online. any clues?14:44
john_25Hi ! teamviewer has linux version. But i do not understand if it is works with wine ? or it has dab package ? http://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx it has tar.gz package. teamviewer is not open-source but how it has tar.gz file ?14:44
jribfrostschutz: well [A-Z]* means a letter between A-Z followed by anything14:44
MacBnomodset? Err... Where should I put that? I mean I get no input before it freezes14:44
SegfaultMacB: sorry nomodeset14:44
patdk-wkjrib, no it doesn't14:44
frostschutzah, LC_COLLATE=C does it...14:44
aciculaMacB, hold shift during boot, you get a menu14:44
MacBHow do I add the boot options?14:44
jribpatdk-wk: I believe it does.  What do you think it does?14:44
MacBANd just nomodeset14:44
patdk-wkit means an upper case letter from 0 to inf14:44
MacBAnything else I should consider?14:45
SegfaultMacB: That will almost certainly cure the issue. I've seen it a few times now.14:45
MacBk, luvya, be back here and whining in like 2min if it doesn't ;D14:45
sirninjaSegfault:Did you figure out what config file I need to poke around in?14:45
aciculathere a re a few lines, use arrows to move, e to edit a line, look for the one that says kernel and just add it14:45
MacBAnd oh yeh, can Ubuntu install just create a grub bootloader or what ever on a mac just as easily as it knows what to do on a "PC"?14:45
kim__is there any function like ctrl-alt-del in ubuntu10.04?14:45
jribfrostschutz: easiest way imo is to just use find14:45
jribkim__: why?14:46
Segfaultsirninja: Still looking for it. Seems to be the one you mentioned. Unless its a different issue.14:46
SegfaultMacB: yup14:46
MacBk :)14:46
airtonixMacB, "" <MacB> Argh... Yet again proving my point "" this is bordering on trollbait...14:46
SegfaultMacB: Its all the same hardware14:46
kim__jrib: some times the system freezes.. Can move the mouse, but cant click on anything..14:46
MacBairtonix, ye I know, but did get peoples attention :P14:46
jribkim__: you can get to a tty with ctrl-alt-f114:46
MacBAnd the last Ubuntu was my first one I've missed since starting with Ubuntu on Breezy (back then as just a toying around one) and now been living only with my laptop abroad for quite some time, and just haven't had the time to fight this through14:47
airtonixMacB, yes and i understand you might be frustrated and i also understand you realise that the laptop manufacturer itself is not totally without cause here.14:47
dmg #ruby14:47
MacBairtonix, definitely not!14:47
airtonixMacB, so last one you tried on this laptop was breezy ?14:48
MacBI mean Ubuntu already supports way more than I could have guessed from just a few years back14:48
MacBNot on this laptop14:48
MacBThis laptop is quite new and only has got OSX on it14:48
econdudehowdy. When I press ctrl-alt-f#, I bring up a terminal (good thing!) but don't know how to exit from said terminal without a restart (bad thing!). What is the secret?14:48
Segfaultsirninja: You modified the alsa-base.conf file?14:48
ChogyDan!tty | econdude14:48
ubottuecondude: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.14:48
sirninjaSegfault: yes14:48
MacBOn my main comp (back home, far far away) I've been running Ubuntus forever :P14:48
airtonixMacB, ok. i understand that the macs have something called EFI on them which does the job of a bios... i dont know much about it do you ?14:48
MacBAware of that14:49
p1und3rhey anyone get forced to check disk and just hang there forever?14:49
econdudeChogyDan Thanks much14:49
radhikaI am thinking of switching to arch linux, coz of the lighter interface.. any reasons why I should stick to ubuntu?14:49
Segfaultsirninja: Well, I'm not sure honestly. Did you restart alsa after?14:49
airtonixMacB, where does it live on the hard-drive ?14:49
MacBAnd well, if this isn't working in some time, I'm off to the hackerspace here in Vienna to ask for some livehelp there :)14:49
sirninjaSegfault: yeah. I'll try again though14:49
MacBairtonix, the "bios" thing?14:49
guntbert!ot | radhika14:49
ubotturadhika: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:49
Segfaultradhika: Xubuntu is great if you need something lighter.14:49
MacBNot completely sure, haven't actually had to play around with that ever...14:49
airtonixMacB, yeah14:49
MacBairtonix, I suggest wikipedia/google ;)14:50
MacBSorry for the answer, but I have no clue14:50
p1und3ris there a way i can skip this force check that doesnt end in 10.04?14:50
MacBI would hope not on the HDD but on the mobo or smthn...14:50
jribpatdk-wk: not in bash14:50
MacBBut, gonna try jamming shift down at startup and writing nomodeset ;)14:50
NightTailanyone know a good app or two for managing touch screen laptops?14:50
NightTaillike to configure buttons on the stylis14:51
guntbertMacB: its the right shift key, not the left one14:51
SegfaultAnyone here running into trouble with the rt2870sta drivers not working with wpa?14:51
rdgI just upgraded to lucid, and now I'm getting prompted every 5 seconds to grant/reject access for my bluetooth mouse14:51
airtonixNightTail, you mean apart from the app already provided in system > preferences > mouse ?14:51
bokenrosieHello, I'm looking for help finding "Display" in Ubunto 10.04.14:51
ChogyDanbokenrosie: monitor14:51
airtonixrdg, sorry i14:51
NightTailO.O i wondered where it was hidding. Thanks airtonix14:51
airtonixrdg, >< mistype14:51
AryanAhi, how can i port forward my router for sshing via internet?14:52
airtonixNightTail, it might not work for you if the touchscreen interface is not synaptics compatiable14:52
kahendid Lucid break gedit-latex-plugin?!14:52
AnxiousNuthey does anybody know what composing_manager in metacity exactly do?14:52
airtonixkahen, did you remove it and reinstall it ?14:52
airtonixAnxiousNut, basic compositing14:53
bokenrosieThanks ChogyDan, that brings up something from NVIDIA that is nowhere near as nice as Display, and seems to reset itself when I reboot.14:53
datacrusheranyone can help me getting my network back on 10.04? im clueless14:53
Segfaultdatacrusher: What seems to be the trouble?14:53
ChogyDanbokenrosie: don't use the grapihcs card tool14:53
kahenairtonix: okay... is that necessary?14:53
AryanAcan anyone help me with port forwarding?14:53
jaclinuxhelpi have a problem upgrading my system, i've got 'error procesing linux-libc-dev_2.6.32-22.33_i486.deb , cant create /usr/include/drm-linux-libc/drm.h.dpkg-new while procesing /usr/include/drm/drm.h: File or directory does not exists' any ideas on how to proceed ?14:53
koltrollIs there a way to do a secure empty trash in ubuntu?14:54
kahenairtonix: apt-get autoremove --purge, right?14:54
airtonixkahen, only if you run apps that require it. http://wapedia.mobi/en/Compositing_window_manager14:54
bokenrosieHey look, it's there.  I'll try rebooting and see if it stays that way.14:54
datacrusherSegfault, i got no network manager on gnome, cant connect via cabled or wireless. Iv updated from 9.10 to 10.04, tested before with 10 desktop boot everything was fine, updated from this very cd14:54
rdgwhat's the keyboard shortcut to bring up the 'start menu' equivalent14:54
bokenrosieThanks for your help.14:54
datacrushernow i got no network, no eth, no wifi, no 3g nothing14:54
macordg: alt+f114:54
airtonixkahen, ugh mistype14:54
lukibenihy all14:54
airtonixAnxiousNut, http://wapedia.mobi/en/Compositing_window_manager14:55
Segfaultdatacrusher: open a terminal for me sudo Networkmanager14:55
airtonixkahen, correct.14:55
lukibenivan valaki magyar? :D14:55
guntbert!hu | lukibeni14:55
ubottulukibeni: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál14:55
otswimif in a script run.sh i have a simple command for instance "calling program" and i want that run.sh arg1 arg2 arg3 calls "calling program arg1 arg2 arg3" for an arbitrary amount of arguments, how can i write this?14:55
onetinsoldierjaclinuxhelp: why are you trying to install that? what version of ubuntu are you running?14:55
Segfaultdatacrusher: sorry sudo NetworkManager14:55
jribotswim: try #bash14:56
guntbertSegfault: tell to use gksudo14:56
datacrusherSegfault, warning networkmanager is already running14:56
Segfaultguntbert: Right sorry14:56
jaclinuxhelponetinsoldier: i'm upgrading karmic koala to lucid lynx14:56
Segfaultdatacrusher: Its not displaying an icon uptop?14:56
onetinsoldierjaclinuxhelp: that's probably not the right version of the package for your ubuntu installation is my frist thought14:56
datacrusherSegfault, no14:56
Vigoradhika: Have you looked at Lubuntu or Kubuntu?14:56
jaclinuxhelponetinsoldier, how can i dont some kind of "cleanup" of packages with problems ?14:57
onetinsoldierjaclinuxhelp: Kamic is 9.04?14:57
onetinsoldierjaclinuxhelp: Karmic* is 9.04?14:57
datacrusherSegfault, iv tryed adding a notification area, but nothing is in it14:57
guntbertonetinsoldier: 9.1014:57
Segfaultdatacrusher: try gksudo NetworkManager restart14:57
onetinsoldierguntbert: roger14:57
NightTailthat sucked14:57
datacrusherSegfault, same error14:58
NightTailis there a good app to monitor system temp?14:58
datacrushernetworkmanager is already running14:58
ChogyDandatacrusher: have you tried nm-applet?14:58
Segfaultdatacrusher: What is the result of ifconfig?14:58
airtonixjaclinuxhelp, if you have /home on a seperate partition i would just do a clean install overwriting the system partition.14:58
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, can someone help me with my edimax (ralink) usb dongle? It is recognised out of the box in lucid, but the connection lasts some 5 seconds then it drops and does not reconnect anymore14:58
datacrusherSegfault, i got eth0 and lo14:58
datacrusherno ip assigned14:58
Le-Chuck_ITAI already tried the latest compat-wireless drivers both from ubuntu and from the official site14:58
datacrusherChogyDan, no, how do i do that?14:58
ChogyDandatacrusher: its a command14:59
Segfaultdatacrusher: Silly question but your ethernet cable is plugged in?14:59
jaclinuxhelponetinsoldier, yes 9.04 is  KK14:59
datacrusherSegfault, yes14:59
isurithello world14:59
airtonixjaclinuxhelp, Karmic Koala is actually 9.1014:59
tyrosinedatacrusher: did you boot with the ethernet cable plugged in?14:59
ianloicargh, so my key input is feeling super laggy and drops keystrokes. plus event/1 takes 30-60% of cpu. where should I ask? how can I debug?14:59
lucida_Hi, Suddenly my wireless is disabled and wlan0 is not ready, don't know whether this is related to the latest lucid updates14:59
airtonixjaclinuxhelp, Jaunty Jackalope is 9.0414:59
sz0Hi.  I'm trying to install 10.4 with a pen drive.  I've copied hd-media image to the pen drive and the kubuntu netbook iso file.  When I get to loading installer components from iso it fails to copy files from CD-ROM, although the iso is mounted to /cdrom.  Where does it look for CD-ROM?15:00
underdevhi, i accidently just wrote over my .emacs file- is there anything that i can do besides jump off a bridge?15:00
radhikaI am running Ubuntu 10.04 on Dell XPS m1530, often on booting I get WLAN in deep sleep, and then the WLAN doesn't work, I have to always boot a couple of times to get it to start, Any ideas on what the problem maybe15:00
Segfaultdatacrusher: lol As I said silly question, do you know how to kill network manager's process?15:00
sz0underdev: do you have a .emacs~ file?15:00
outer_spaceI just did an update/restart and my eth0 stopped working, how do I fix this?15:00
zentahello all , i have this issue # lilo Fatal: Cannot open: /etc/lilo.conf15:00
tyrosineunderdev: jump off a cliff?15:00
onetinsoldierjaclinuxhelp: tell us what the following command says.... lsb_release -a15:00
jaclinuxhelpairtonix, you're right15:00
jribunderdev: recover from your backups ideally...15:00
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outer_spaceis there a way to 'un update' a buggy update?15:01
airtonixjaclinuxhelp, i know it might not help much at this point but i would recommend that you'15:01
jaclinuxhelphow can i boot in runlevel 3? i ve upgraded, and not my machine gets stuck on GDM, no mouse movement, no keyboard reaction...15:01
jrib!downgrade | outer_space15:01
ubottuouter_space: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:01
sz0outer_space: it's called downgrade15:01
airtonixjaclinuxhelp, that your future installations of linux have their / on one partition and the /home on another15:01
rdganyone have any thoughts on why Ubuntu keeps asking me to grant/reject access to my bluetooth mouse?15:01
jribjaclinuxhelp: select "recovery mode" from the grub menu15:01
outer_spacei just want to roll back the update that just killed my ethernet15:01
jaclinuxhelpjrib, where is the grub menu15:01
outer_spaceor fix the ethernet15:01
jribjaclinuxhelp: hold shift while booting15:02
charleyhi, I'm wondering how I 'increase output speed' for console programs15:02
lucida_airtonix, why is it useful to have home in its own partition?15:02
charleyit seems like after increasing the resolution of the console things move slower15:02
rdgframe buffer is slower than the general graphics modes15:02
sz0charley: you can change your terminal at bare minimum15:02
incorrectafter upgrading my laptop my nvidia binary drive has stopped working, the hardware detect tool doesn't seem to be able to locate my nvidia card,  i don't think i have all the packages required, can anyone tell me which ones i need on my system?15:02
charleysz0: how do I do that15:02
ChogyDancharley: I like to pipe the output to a text file15:02
airtonixlucida_, because when you want to reinstall the operating system (new or same version) you only need to overwrite the system partition and tell the partitioing stage of the installer to mount your /home partition as the mountpoint /home15:02
charleyor increase frame buffer15:02
charleyChogyDan: too much typing for every command15:03
charleyand irssi for example15:03
outer_spaceis anyone else having their eth0 killed by a lucid update this morning?15:03
charleytakes ages to load the nicklist ;15:03
airtonixlucida_, clean install is much better than dist-upgrade15:03
charleyalso, I'm wondering how I configure apt-get15:03
User123how come I cannot send any messages in channel #screen?15:03
charleyit seems like some program is always running after I run apt-get install15:03
onetinsoldieri never upgrade myself. i always install new os clean15:03
sz0charley: are you using X11 or teletype?15:03
charleysz0: x1115:04
charleyI think15:04
jaclinuxhelpmy X always boots without keyboard or access reaction15:04
lucida_airtonix, I got your point but I can also copy the /home and cp it again back but yours is a bit easier ;)15:04
charleyjaclinuxhelp: I'm sure you canchange that15:04
zentahello all, any body know how to install lilo ?15:04
_tsolox_how can a sudoer know what commands he is allowed to do under sudo?15:04
rdgcan anyone tell me where this magical bluetooth access list is that's blocking my mouse?15:04
sz0charley: then check other terminals like rxvt, they could be faster than xterm and maybe gnome-terminal or what ever you use15:04
MacBHi again :)15:04
charleyno I'm using tty15:05
charleysorry =P15:05
sz0charley: then you're not in X11 :)15:05
MacBI can't say I don't have "any" input, but I basically don't have any input...15:05
charleyyeah, I got confused15:05
charleyafter I googled teletype15:05
charleythen realised tty = teletype15:05
jrib_tsolox_: sudo -l15:05
bluesparkhello! I would like to completely switch off internal LCD display and siwtch only external on vga port ... i have toshiba laptop and using external monitor attached to vga port. when I connect external monitor then  booth internal LCD and external displaying working at the same time. I woul like to completely switch off the internal LCD and make external working only... any idea apreciated? thank15:05
charleyon another computer googling :p15:05
sz0charley: :)15:05
SegfaultMacB: Welcome back. Any luck?15:05
MacBI mean I get the "jam the shift button down to get to the bootoptions thing" but after that it asks me "Load boot graphics y/n: y"15:05
charleysz0:  is there a way to set default brightness?15:05
MacBBut I have absolutely no input15:05
charleyit sets it to max every time I boot15:05
Take0nhello folks15:06
airtonixbluespark, video chipset ?15:06
_tsolox_jrib: thanks..15:06
lucida_Segfault, I see some one asked you about networking problem, is it that wireless stopped working like mine, is there a bug?15:06
sz0charley: check console-setup package and its /etc/default/console-setup file and of course its documentation files if any15:06
psusihas anyone managed to buy a dell laptop with Ubuntu installed?15:06
MacBThe built in laptop keyboard quite clearly isn't recognized (except that it has to be since it gets the shift button to take me to the boot options? Right?15:06
bluesparkairtonix: I will check...just a moment15:06
airtonixbluespark, it's something you should include in your intial request for help15:06
MacBAlso tried with a USB Logitech KB which wasn't found either, I think, or well, went to the same thing....15:06
MacBRecognized the shift key but nothing else...15:07
charleyhmm okay sz015:07
sz0charley: you welcome15:07
sz0Hi.  I'm trying to install 10.4 with a pen drive.  I've copied hd-media image to the pen drive and the kubuntu netbook iso file.  When I get to loading installer components from iso it fails to copy files from CD-ROM, although the iso is mounted to /cdrom.  Where does it look for CD-ROM?15:07
ChogyDanMacB: how far does the boot process go?15:07
krishnaLahotiubuntu 10.04 rocks!!!!15:07
MacBChogyDan, until "load boot options y/n: y"15:07
airtonixsz0, question: from your description it sounds like you're not using the usb-boot-disk app ?15:07
sz0airtonix: i don't have it15:07
incorrectah there we go15:07
ChogyDanMacB: was that every time?15:07
MacBI have no input at all so that's as far as I can get it15:07
* charley can't find any documentation15:08
MacBWell, if I dont' jam the shift key down I get right past the boot screen15:08
MacBOr the purple thing with basiclly nothing on it15:08
charleyah well.15:08
MacBafter it I get a blinkin _ and it just freezes15:08
MacBTrying this on a white macbook15:08
bluesparkairtonix: "lspci"  gives GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller15:08
MacBSome Mac incompatability shait here clearly15:08
EzeQLi just did a "service /serviceName /start"15:08
sz0charley: well check that configuration file, at least.. by the way what kind of brightness you meant for tty?15:09
airtonixsz0, so you are trying to create a ubuntu usb-boot-disk on another linux variant ?15:09
UbatroalHey, I'm a long time fedora user.. Can anyone explain to me why you use Ubuntu over it?15:09
airtonix!ot | Ubatroal15:09
ubottuUbatroal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:09
EzeQLi just did a "service /serviceName /start" , how can i remove it?15:09
MacBAnyone got any suggestions?15:09
grosrorokikoo amigos15:09
sz0airtonix: i did actually but there is a slight problem about reading the files in the iso file15:09
charleysz0: I mean brightness15:09
charley:( it's too bright15:09
charleykills my battery15:09
charleyanyone else with GMA500?15:10
ChogyDanMacB: have you tried getting to a terminal, al la, ctrl+alt+f1?   (sorry I don't know if macs can do that)15:10
datroublerhello i cant use me microphon sins 10.415:10
sz0charley: oh.  then acpi is the way to go i think.  but i don't have any idea actually.15:10
MacBDidn't try that, but yes, macs do (kind of) have those keys as well :D15:10
dhiliphi.. i have a problem while installing ubuntu 10.0415:10
onetinsoldierUbatroal: well, distro's are always a personal preference thing. years and years ago, i started with red hat. then along came apt-get for debian, and that was it. i've used debian/ubuntu ever since15:10
mbruinshi, i installed ubuntu but my dvd writer doesnt get reconized by any burning applications. any suggestion?15:10
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charleysz0: can't find it in acpi15:11
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ChogyDanMacB: well, I would try that.  Then you can edit the grub config to just always show the boot menu.15:11
MacBChogyDan, even if I was to get it that far, I would definitely not have the balls to do a CL install while trying to keep dual boot! :D15:11
sz0airtonix: i just need where the installer wants to read CD-ROM files from and point that place to /cdrom15:11
NightTailalright i am guessing my system has a failsafe in it that causes it to restart in linux when it gets to hot. I need to disable it15:11
WulfyNightTail, id suggest sorting your heat issues first15:11
HariharakadanHello, how do you get the Xbox 360 (wired) controller to work in Ubuntu 10.04? The only FAQ for this is outdated and leads to files that no longer exist anymore.15:11
ChogyDanMacB: ah, are you just booting the livecd?15:11
datroublerhello i cant use me microphon since 10.415:12
WulfyNightTail, as thermal shutdown is around 90 degrees if its running that hot i susspect you have a colling issue15:12
MacBTrying to get it to install.... :/15:12
radhikasongbird or bashee?15:12
MacBSorry, I was here just like 5 min ago, should have abviously mentioned that again this time when joining15:12
NightTailno its the laptop its known for heating up badly15:12
NightTaili have cooling fans and everything else on it15:12
WulfyNightTail, indeed but if thermal shutdown is kicking in evidently there is a series problem15:13
Wulfyyou duel booting NightTail ?15:13
mbruinsi installed ubuntu but my dvd writer doesnt get reconized by any burning applications. any suggestion?15:13
MacBChogyDan, you reckon this guide would work just as well with the new one? http://fosswire.com/post/2009/3/how-to-ubuntu-810-on-white-macbook/15:13
jon_hello @all. I have an asus laptop and tried to install ubuntu 10.04 now the fourth time. It always stoppes after the loading screen and a gray box appears. nothing happens. I already checked the checksum and tried cd, dvd and usb stick. can't find anything in the internet15:13
datacrusherwhat have i missed?15:13
airtonixsz0, sorry i have no idea how to manually do what unetbootin does15:14
sz0airtonix: okay.  thanks :)15:14
EzeQLi just did a "service /serviceName /start" , how can i remove it?15:14
onetinsoldierwell airtonix, i don't think Ubatroal will be considering switching to Ubuntu for the time being. you scared him off15:14
EzeQLi just did a "service /serviceName /start" , how can i remove it?15:15
airtonixonetinsoldier, mission accomplished. i think his name was a tell.15:15
ChogyDanMacB: I dont know15:15
jon_what am i doing wrong. has this happend to others too?15:15
airtonixonetinsoldier, ubertroll.15:15
datroublerhello i cant use me microphon since 10.415:15
mbruinsi get no media found in any burning program. any suggestions?15:15
MacBWell, worst case scenario, might end up having to repartition some things to get this stuff to work properly...15:15
onetinsoldierairtonix: perhaps. you could very well be onto something there15:15
datacrusherChogyDan, i rebooted, on an older kernel and all worked15:16
onetinsoldierairtonix: have to admit, i wondered about that a a little myself15:16
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ChogyDanMacB: those directions do seem somewhat generic.  If you have to install that EFI bootloader, that may not have changed.  Just make sure to have stuff backed up15:17
MacBThis computer has nothing I can't just reget from the internets15:17
MacBAnd really nothing to back stuff up on... :P15:17
EzeQLi just did a "service /serviceName /start" , how can i remove it?15:18
onetinsoldierEzeQL: replace 'start' with 'stop'?15:18
outer_spaceI updated ubuntu just now and ethernet doesnt work, but on another computer it still does15:18
BluesKajEzeQL, remove or stop ?15:18
EzeQLonetinsoldier BluesKaj , remove it15:19
tachirosee? here we go again, panel and nautilus froze, so now i'm screwed until i restart, there's gotta be a way to resuscitate these programs without restarting everything15:19
outer_spacehow do I make ethernet connect if it says no connection?15:19
BluesKajremove what exactly, EzeQL15:19
berl69comment utiliser la console ?15:19
Bytehwayhas anyone tried the word_count demo?15:19
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ardantushow i can clear httpd port setting then used with another aplication?15:19
onetinsoldierEzeQL: hmmm, perhaps you want to look at the 'update-rc.d' man page15:19
EzeQLif i stop it , would it be removed from the services list?15:19
IdleOne!fr | berl6915:19
ubottuberl69: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois15:19
Bytehwaymaybe i'm off base here, but on pass 3, i'm expecting a result of 1000, but im getting 124615:19
Bytehwayis there something wrong with it?15:20
Phantom_HooverOK, so my computer has started crashing when I try to use some games; it says that the GPU is hung. This did not happen in Karmic, under the exact same circumstances. lspci says that my display controller is "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"; the VGA compatible controller is the same15:20
onetinsoldierEzeQL: no would be the answer to your last question i believe.. if i understand it correctly15:21
sz0airtonix: i remembered this way just works only with alternate version installation discs.  i am trying the kubuntu netbook version!  which is probably the same with desktop version and cannot be counted as an alternate version.  so no luck for me.  i need to use one of those tools.  sad but true. :)15:21
tachirooh i forgot to put it in the form of a question, is there a way to restart individual programs maybe from terminal?15:21
onetinsoldiertachiro: yes. with the kill command.... man kill15:21
BluesKajtachiro, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start , if your desktop is frozen15:21
datroublerhello i cant use me microphon since 10.415:22
outer_spaceis there a way to undo the last update without going to the previous distro?15:22
tachiroblues/one: ok i'll try that15:22
EzeQLonetinsoldier , i have a service calle serviceName15:22
EzeQLwhich is invalid15:22
datacrusherwhats the current kernel version number?15:22
EzeQLonetinsoldier :  service WowzaMediaServer stop          ===>   WowzaMediaServer: not running15:23
onetinsoldierEzeQL: roger15:23
EzeQLbut it is on the services list15:23
EzeQLhow can i remove it from there?15:23
onetinsoldierEzeQL: you look at the man page for 'update-rc.d'?15:24
EzeQLthat alias is pointing to a wrong file15:24
IdleOnedatacrusher: in Lucid 2.6.32-2215:24
administrateur__hello everybody. I'm mounting a PDC samba ldap... and when I type net getlocalsid to verify if everything is OK I get an error message :s15:24
EzeQLi dont have a idea of what update-rc.d is15:24
airtonixsz0, ok i assume there is a reason why you are not using unetbootin or the ubuntu usb boot disk creator15:24
outer_spaceI have to work on an eeepc today if I cant undo this update that broke my ethernet :(15:24
EzeQL:) , newbie here.15:24
datacrusherIdleOne, thanks15:24
onetinsoldierEzeQL: that's why you read the manual for it15:24
IdleOnesure thing datacrusher15:24
EzeQLis not there any easy way for just removing it?15:25
tachirook so i put "nautilus kill" and got this:15:25
tachiro(nautilus:25878): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.15:25
airtonixtachiro, what are you trying to achieve ?15:25
Phantom_HooverOK, so my computer has started crashing when I try to use some games; it says that the GPU is hung. This did not happen in Karmic, under the exact same circumstances. lspci says that my display controller is "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"; the VGA compatible controller is the same.15:25
tachirorestarting nautilus since it's frozen up now15:26
airtonixtachiro, killall nautilus15:26
IdleOnetachiro: killall nautilus15:26
tachirowow i had that backwards15:26
sz0airtonix: first i didn't want to.  but i have to use right now because there is no other choice.  though when i'm gonna install alternate version to my desktop computer i'll do the iso file in a pen drive way and i'm sure it'll work.15:26
tachirook trying that out15:26
IdleOnetachiro: your way you were asking nautilus to commit murder :/15:26
onetinsoldierEzeQL: update-rc.d <service_name> remove15:26
tachiroi'll keep that in mind15:27
FloodBot4tachiro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
airtonixIdleOne, nautius is sociapathic ...15:27
armenceSo, if I install a documentation package from synaptic, how am I expected to use it? Because it tends to provide no easy way to access it... Definitely no menu button...15:27
tachiroomg that is not flooding15:27
tachiroundue parking ticket15:27
EzeQLonetinsoldier => "pdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/WowzaMediaServer exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)"15:27
BluesKajEzeQL, look in the various runlevels in etc/rc*d , substitute the runlevels from 1-5 in path where S is. then you can look for the offending script15:27
sllidei want my close button on the right D:15:27
IdleOnetachiro: X lines in Y time is a Enter key flood15:27
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d615:27
sz0airtonix: thanks anyway, i hope i can tell i succeeded it on desktop later :)15:27
rubbsanyone here having trouble with an atheros AR8132 card and know how to fix it?15:27
sllidethanks xD15:28
tachiroohh i see15:28
jarnosHow do you install ubuntu minimal to a usb stick as regular install? Only one stick and hd available.15:28
tachirogotta change my laugh patterns lol15:28
onetinsoldierEzeQL: update-rc.d -f <service_name> remove15:28
EzeQLI'm a very noob linux user, playing with a produccion server :)15:28
onetinsoldierEzeQL: roger15:28
Trolumi want change the inittan in Ubuntu 10.0415:28
sllidewho got the genious idea to move them in the first place?15:28
tachirowell, no that it died, i'm assuming i just type "nautilus" to start it back?15:28
Trolumi want change the inittab in Ubuntu 10.0415:28
airtonixjarnos, able to run live cd ?15:28
Phantom_Hooversllide: Shuttleworth, evidently.15:28
onetinsoldierEzeQL: i'm not a newb, but i am pretty rusty at linux right now15:28
s0enkehi, is there a virtual package for "basic ubuntu server" which has been selectable during installation?15:28
guest42420hi all, i have busted my arse trying to rip CDs to MP3.  Why is it so freaking difficult to get the right libraries installed?  I have tried SoundJuicer to no avail, and I can't find the version of RubyRipper for Ubuntu 9.1015:28
EzeQLhehehe it is still showing xD15:28
pogdid anybody use a tiny print server (like a router) which works for Linux?15:29
wersanyone else having problems with adobe air on lucid 64? i cant install any adobe air app. adobe air is already installed but whenever i try to install an adobe air app, nothing appears15:29
onetinsoldierEzeQL: hmmm, i'm not sure then15:29
durusDoes anyone know how I can get the current volume for pulseaudio through a cli command?15:29
aMulowhat is the italian language channel of ubuntu help ?15:30
BluesKajdurus, type alsamixer15:30
PiciaMulo: #ubuntu-it15:30
tdnPici, upgrade process hangs again...15:30
tdnThis time on: Installing new version of config file /etc/init/portmap.conf ...15:30
airtonixdurus, pactl list15:30
Phantom_HooverOK, so my computer has started crashing when I try to use some games; it says that the GPU is hung. This did not happen in Karmic, under the exact same circumstances. lspci says that my display controller is "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"; the VGA compatible controller is the same15:31
tdnPici, the process run is: root     30837  0.0  0.0   3792  1116 pts/7    S+   15:56   0:00                              \_ start portmap15:31
durusBluesKaj: I need to get it as a number15:31
caggei updated from Karmic to 10.04LTS now my screen flicker does anyone have a clue15:31
EzeQLonetinsoldier , which is the most secure way for rebooting the server?15:31
amabohow do i add the wireless / wired notifications thing to the panel? i seem to have removed it15:31
BluesKajdurus, are you using irssi ?15:31
tdnPici, if I strace the process, it hangs on: restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...>15:31
durusairtonix: thank you, will try that15:31
durusBluesKaj: no pidgin15:31
airtonixdurus, pactl list | grep Card -A8015:31
onetinsoldierEzeQL: you mean remotely or something?15:32
guest42420I need to rip MP3s in Ubuntu 9.10.  Please help me!!  I don't know how to get the right libraries installed.  This is way too f$cking hard.15:32
caggei updated from Karmic to 10.04LTS now my screen flicker does anyone have a clue15:32
EzeQLGuest22032 , ffmpeg :)15:32
StuckMojoanyone else getting wonky behavior from google-chrome in lucid?15:32
IdleOne!language | guest4242015:32
ubottuguest42420: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:32
BluesKajdurus, maybe you could ask in #pidgin if there is such a room15:32
Picitdn: I'm not really sure what to suggest... let me see if ther are any bugs filed about that15:32
EzeQLGuest22032 , try winff15:32
onetinsoldierEzeQL: i mean.. rebooting is pretty straightforward.... sudo reboot15:32
durusairtonix: thank you15:33
EzeQLonetinsoldier , thanks15:33
onetinsoldieryou're welcome15:33
EzeQLremember taht i am a noob playing with a producction server :)15:33
durusBluesKaj: I need it for an application I am writing, has nothing to do with my irc client15:33
airtonixdurus, there are other commands that start with 'pa' that you might want to look at15:33
caggei updated from Karmic to 10.04LTS now my screen flicker does anyone have a clue PLZ15:33
onetinsoldierEzeQL: roger. no worries.15:33
guest42420Does anyone here rip CDs to MP3?  What app do you use?!?15:33
BluesKajdurus, sorry I meant #pulseaudio15:33
rubbscagge: can you pastebin the output of lspci15:34
tdnPici, I tried killing the start portmap process... Upgrade continued, but I am unsure if I have a broken portmap now... Or maybe an entirely broken system?15:34
tachiroahh, there we go, so i tried "nautilus --check" and everything looks good except for this:15:34
tachiro(nautilus:26019): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed15:34
tachiroi wonder wtf that might mean15:34
rubbs!pastebin | cagge15:34
ubottucagge: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:34
jumpahello. is there an easy way to change from the 64 bit version of 10.04 to the 32 bit version of 10.04?15:34
term_oldcomp1? what would be best way to slim the memory usage on ubuntu 10.04 for 256Mb? using gnome/openbox session already15:34
marinusguest42420: Audio CD extractor is very good and straightforward15:35
IdleOnejumpa: clean install15:35
Phantom_HooverOK, so my computer has started crashing when I try to use some games; it says that the GPU is hung. This did not happen in Karmic, under the exact same circumstances. lspci says that my display controller is "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"; the VGA compatible controller is the same.15:35
Gizmokid2005I need some help, oh great ones. I'm trying to get 10.04 installed in a Dell Dimension 4700 with 3Ghz P4 and 1GB ram, everytime it gets to the installer, it'll either reboot or the video will artifact. I've tried noapic and vga=258 (since 771 didn't work) and always get the same results. Any ideas?15:35
vagvafdo u know where can i find the 'examples' folder that is on the desktop of the live cd ?15:35
BluesKajdurus, the reason i asked about irssi is perhaps you were on a tty as some purists tend to do , hence that question15:35
guest42420marinus: You're talking about soundjuicer, but there are no mp3 libraries.  apparently i have to install LAME, but I can't download from the ubuntu repository and can't figure out what to do.  this is so freaking frustrating15:35
StuckMojoterm_oldcomp1: you could disable starting of all system services you don't need15:35
airtonixdurus, your other option is to use dbus-send to carft a signal which causes pulseaudio to reply via dbus with the desired data you want15:36
Picitdn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/portmap/+bug/503234 looks like it could be a similar issue, although yours isn't getting to the point where it gives you an error.15:36
jumpaIdleOne: That's very much todo, including downloading and burning the image to cd. I hope it will solve my wlan problem15:36
onetinsoldierGizmokid2005: what kind of video card does that system have? do you know the make and model?15:36
airtonixdurus, d-feet is a handy app to help you navigate the dbus tree15:36
caggehere you go http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/427693/15:36
Gizmokid2005onetinsoldier: it's onboard graphics...so I'm not really sure.15:36
term_oldcomp1StuckMojo:  I'll try that.  I do wnat to keep samba, usb, cd/rw support so I'll have to be careful15:36
durusairtonix: that sounds to advanced, I have no idea of what you said :)15:36
durusairtonix: will look that up, thank you15:36
sergiu14anybody knows where should I place the libc sources so gdb can find them? using ubuntu 10.0415:36
onetinsoldierGizmokid2005: any way you can find out? are you running on it right now? if so, what operating system are you in?15:37
airtonixdurus, out of interest : for what purpose are you requiring cli report of pulseaudio volume levels ?15:37
StuckMojoterm_oldcomp1: it's easy enough to turn stuff back on15:37
StuckMojoterm_oldcomp1: update-rc.d15:37
rubbscagge: k, taking a look now just a sec15:38
Gizmokid2005onetinsoldier: I have no way to find out. it came with no HDD in it, so no OS. instead of fighting with windows (since it's going to my brother) and viruses I was just going to load ubuntu. I can see if I can find what chipset it is from Dell, hang on15:38
term_oldcomp1? where do I go to adjust the services/daemons?  I can find it in kde but not sure in gnome15:38
guest42420:( :( :( I am a linux newb and very frustrated because ubuntu 9.10 won' something as basic as rip a CD to an MP3.  I am thinking about gi15:38
caggerubbs thanx15:38
guest42420 :( :( :( I am a linux newb and very frustrated because ubuntu 9.10 won't do something as basic as rip a CD to an MP3.  I am thinking about giving up linux.  Someone please help me.15:39
durusairtonix: I am using spotify which is a music streaming tool. It has some commercials that I don't want to listen to. So I have written an application that lowers the volume during the commercials, but then I want to change back the volume to the old value after the commercials.15:39
airtonixterm_oldcomp1, there is no gui to configure system level daemons for gnome. only commands that run after login.15:39
airtonixdurus, thats pro!15:39
durusairtonix: I can't use mute since the commercials will pause when the sound is muted15:39
rubbscagge: did you install the ati proprietary driver? (if you don't know that's ok, just tell me you don't know ;))15:39
=== eleed-work is now known as eleed
airtonixdurus, you can use pactl to set the volume i believe.15:40
Phantom_HooverOK, so my computer has started crashing when I try to use some games; it says that the GPU is hung. This did not happen in Karmic, under the exact same circumstances. lspci says that my display controller is "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"; the VGA compatible controller is the same.15:40
larsemilmy evolution does not seem to sync with ubuntu one...15:40
term_oldcomp1I'll hit up google then to learn the command line version.  or risk the slowness of kde4.3 to do it. ty15:40
airtonixdurus, i assume you want to return the volume to what it was before you lowered it ?15:40
BluesKajGizmokid2005, to find your graphics card , lspci | grep VGA15:40
durusairtonix: no I am using 'pacmd set-sink-volume'15:40
caggerubbs no last time i tried to install a ATI driver i couldent get screen to work15:40
eleedIs anyone experiencing lockups when playing avi files after upgrading 10.04?15:40
durusairtonix: yes15:40
z0nethow can I make a desktop console like this: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7796/desktopterminal6vw.png15:40
caggerubbs or compiz15:40
Gizmokid2005BluesKaj: I can't get ubuntu to install or boot, that's the problem.15:40
sipiorguest42420: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping15:41
amabohow do i cp a file (in terminal) between root and a user?15:41
airtonixdurus, the masochist in me says use dbus to do this15:41
rubbscagge: ok, just a sec. I'll do a little more digging.15:41
BluesKajGizmokid2005, do you have the live cd?15:41
caggerubbs or compiz15:41
durusairtonix: ok will look that up to, I am pretty new to linux so I do not know much :)15:41
Gizmokid2005BluesKaj: yes15:41
caggerubbs sory hmm maybe we can talk over msn15:41
caggerubbs i'd like to learn som more ubuntu15:42
BluesKajGizmokid2005, can you run kubuntu on it ?15:42
Gizmokid2005BluesKaj: I don't know. I don't have a Kubuntu image/disc available.15:42
z0netanyone knows how to make a desktop console like this: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7796/desktopterminal6vw.png ?15:42
onetinsoldierGizmokid2005: i can only think that it's possible this might be your problem -->  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes#Intel%208xx%20X%20freezes/crashes15:42
larsemilmy evolution does not seem to sync with ubuntu one... what can i do to achieve this? thought it was automagic...15:42
eleedz0net: i use Eterm for borderless transparent terminals15:42
Gizmokid2005onetinsoldier: from what I can find, it's either the 910GL or the 915G intel graphics controller15:43
onetinsoldierGizmokid2005: roger. so, that issue i posted shouldn't be a problem as far as i know then15:43
rubbscagge: I'd help you more, but I'm also at work, and only on this channel because I'm trying to figure out my own problem :(15:43
term_oldcomp1? service --status-all under command line lists services but I'm confused.  are the ones running the ones showing a ? mark on list?15:44
Gizmokid2005onetinsoldier: I hope not. I know for a fact it's not a dedicated card, so It's not Nvidia or ATI specific hardware15:44
Phantom_HooverSeriously, do I not exist?15:44
z0neteleed, but I want a console without the menu and borders.. =\15:44
airtonixdurus, is spotify a standalone app or something that lives in a webbrowser ?15:44
caggerubbs: its ok open a private window if you can i can give you my msn for later use15:44
=== piju[QRT] is now known as piju
jarnosairtonix: no, there is no cd drive in the system.15:44
durusairtonix: its a windows application, so I am running it under wine15:44
airtonixdurus, ok so it wouldn;t have ots own dbus interface... :(15:45
DJ_HaMsTahow can i go back to previous version ?15:45
DJ_HaMsTai upgraded15:45
DJ_HaMsTabut its horrible15:45
EzeQLonetinsoldier , how much can it delay for restarting?15:45
sipiorDJ_HaMsTa: a reinstallation is the only practical solution, i'm afraid.15:45
sinnloskann jemand erlang'isch ?15:46
onetinsoldierEzeQL: i'm not sure what you're asking. but, i have to go to be going to work so i can't help anymore right now. good luck and cheers15:47
Phantom_HooverOK, so my computer has started crashing when I try to use some games; it says that the GPU is hung. This did not happen in Karmic, under the exact same circumstances. lspci says that my display controller is "Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)"; the VGA compatible controller is the same.15:47
=== ryan\n is now known as walkman
sipiorsinnlos: there's an #erlang here on freenode, if that helps15:47
term_oldcomp1Phantom_Hoover: might be a buggy video driver.  thought I saw something about it on the ubuntu forum @ 1 point15:48
kahenhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tircd/+bugs could stand to have a bug opened against it saying that it's _massively_ out of date. 0.10 is out O_o15:48
skeeboSo I use preload, if your not familiar with the program, it is a read-ahead daemon that analyzes the applications I run, then based off the analysis it preloads those applications into ram. I've been using it for quite awhile, so it has saved a lot of information about applications I'm running. My question though, is if there is a way to "back-up" all of this information about the my "application use" in order use it on a "fresh install15:48
Phantom_Hooverterm_oldcomp1: What did they do there?15:48
guest42420AHA!  To rip a CD to MP3 and all I had to do is install ubuntu-restricted-extras.  I can't believe this isn't standard, considering how basic and standard MP3 is today.  Canonical really pisses me off sometimes.  Not a good experience for newbs like me.15:48
IdleOneguest42420: try asunder. I just tried it and it is extremely easy to use15:48
Picikahen: File a bug against it then.15:48
guest42420idleone: i can use soundjuicer now that i'15:48
AnxiousNutis there a way to have tint2 bar vertically??15:48
term_oldcomp1Phantom_Hoover: supposedly bug under 10.04.  try to go back to 9.1015:48
IdleOneguest42420: it is available in Synaptic Package Manager15:48
IdleOneguest42420: soundjuicer is good also15:49
guest42420idleone: i can use soundjuicer now that i've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras15:49
sipiorguest42420: it's a licencing issue. making it standard would involve certain legal complications.15:49
Phantom_Hooverterm_oldcomp1: I doubt that that's possible without reinstallation.15:49
rubbsanyone here having trouble with an atheros AR8132 card and know how to fix it? I'm running 64bit 10.04.15:49
guest42420to sipior & idleone: thanks for your help... the solution ended up being pretty easy after all, even though i spent like 2 hours trying to get it to work15:49
airtonixdurus, i just did some research about pulse and dbus, it seems there is not a way (yet) for dbus to read or write pulse properties.15:50
term_oldcomp1Phantom_Hoover:  nope.  or sadly wait until a bug fix comes out.  I know they were saying something about the system misdetecting which gpu is installed15:50
IdleOneguest42420: just need to ask and have some patience :)15:50
durusairtonix: Thank you for putting time into it to do some reaserch15:50
henrydubbanyone having install issues in software center. Am told its polikit is crashing or not loading.15:50
iamfossyhi all15:51
eonHi! can i use Windows's remote desktop in ubuntu?15:51
durusairtonix: I need to leave now, thank you for all the help15:51
Dr_Willismp3 is one of those nonstandard standards :)15:51
airtonixeon, yes. rdp-client15:51
eonairtonix: nice, thnx15:52
airtonixeon, it should be in your menus, if not open synaptic package manager and search for it to install it15:52
sipiorDr_Willis: the last of the patents expires in only seven more years ;-)15:52
airtonixsipior, unless it gets renewed.15:53
sipiorairtonix: can't be done.15:53
airtonixsipior, rejoice.15:54
iamfossyhey guys, can someone answer a semi noob question ?15:54
sipioriamfossy: that's more or less why we're here :-)15:54
rubbs!ask | iamfossy15:54
ubottuiamfossy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:54
iamfossyin iRC chat how do i get a notification when someone says my name & how should i type other's name or copy and paste ?15:55
netsnail.t bj15:56
iamfossyubottu: i just typed your name, was'ny it easy if i got your name by just clicking on your username15:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:56
rubbsiamfossy: most irc clients do tab completion, so you can start typing the name and hit tab and it should complet it for you. for example typing "ru<tab>" should complete my name.15:56
iamfossyrubbs, got it rubs15:56
=== visof is now known as visof-bot
rubbsiamfossy: good to hear! did you have any other questions?15:57
iamfossyrubbs, i'm unable to use compiz on my ubuntu, its all freezing and making my lucid non responsive15:58
mbruinshello, i installed ubunutu but it does not reconize my dvd writer.. any suggestions?15:58
rdzhi all. i have an intel graphics card and since the upgrade to 10.04, direct rendering is not working anymore. now i find in /var/log/Xorg.0.log this line: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found). Why the heck does Xorg want to load an nvidia driver, when the hardware is intel?15:58
iamfossymbruins, are you using nvidia chipset ?15:58
mbruinsiamfossy: not that i know, no15:59
rubbsiamfossy: did you install any proprietary drivers?15:59
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all. Lots of time ago, with the switch to the new open source drivers, my wifi card stopped working. After trying and trying, I bought a wireless dongle. Then with the switch to the new open source drivers, it stopped working. Now I am a open source advocate but ********** can someone help me debugging this ******* networking system, I am very experienced on linux, but am failing miserably.15:59
Le-Chuck_ITAsorry for the stars.16:00
OpenSourcedNickhello, when I was using windows, I use to have a download accelerator called Internet Download Manager.. it uses multiple connections and gets the files really fast, is there anything like this for linux?16:00
iamfossymbruins, i had a similar problem in lucid beta, i had to use this acpi_enforce_resources=lax as commandline argument, then it worked16:00
Le-Chuck_ITAOpenSourcedNick: apt-cache show axel16:00
mbruinsiamfossy: how?16:00
OpenSourcedNickLe-Chuck_ITA, axel is pretty old, isn't it?16:00
iamfossyrubbs, i did install nvidia-current from synaptic, even glxears working properly16:01
Le-Chuck_ITAOpenSourcedNick: that's the one I know and used 30 seconds ago :)16:01
NightTailhey I am having problems with lm-sensors i nee k10temp installed and I am not sure how. Any ideas?16:01
VigoOpenSourcedNick: Yes there is, one moment please16:01
SuNk8Dr_Willis, Hi, have u used empathy?16:01
Le-Chuck_ITAplease somene direct me to some person that can help me with the ralink edimax dongles. I will start paying people to insult your uncle if you don't. I am in desperate need of something that I paid for, only for the sake of using free software.16:02
mgmuscarii'm moving all my partitions to a larger hard disk, and i'm having some trouble writing grub2 into the MBR... grub-setup /dev/sdb (the new device) is exiting with "Invalid device `/dev/sdb'." any ideas?16:02
marcelh84hi i have setup a webserver and now i want a external user to ftp to it and use the phpmyadmin/mysql database can anyone help me?16:02
mgmuscarii just want to write the IPL and point it to the right partition :/16:03
Anest_Hello! I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 and when I select Windows from the GRUB menu I get a black screen and nothing else. Can someone help?16:03
rubbsiamfossy: mmm... I'm stumped myself. have you tried the forums? it's not as fast, but ther are some knowledgable people there.16:03
bondiblueos9my system is hanging on boot, and when I ctrl-alt-delete it presumably terminates what it was hanging on, but when I boot from cd to rescue and remove that file from /etc/init.d it still does the same thing on the next boot16:04
marcelh84hi i have setup a webserver and now i want a external user to ftp to it and use the phpmyadmin/mysql database can anyone help me?16:04
OpenSourcedNickLe-Chuck_ITA, axel doesn't seem to work with rapidshare :I16:04
mgmuscarii tried dd'ing the MBR (first 446 bytes) from the original disk to the new one, but no dice - since i moved the /boot partition to another location on the new disk, the IPL doesn't know where to look16:05
sipiorAnest_: you can boot into linux fine? does the file /boot/grub/grub.cfg have a menuentry item for windows?16:05
sharperguyAnyone know if it's possible to use OTR encryption in empathy?16:05
sipiorAnest_: or rather, i should ask, what's is the content of the windows menuentry item in that file?16:06
SuNk8sharperguy, Hi, how can i get rid of those huge light bulbs on my contact list page?16:06
duffydackJust wondering, do I need to keep 'defaults' in fstab when using noatime?  for ex: /home           ext4    defaults,noatime        0       2    or is just noatime enough?16:07
Peteinhow can i extract the audio from a WMV ?16:07
VigoOpenSourcedNick: Have you looked at gwget?16:07
IdleOnewhat package includes the Workspace Switcher?16:07
OpenSourcedNickVigo, yes, it doesn't accelerate with multiple connection, simply arranges the downloads from what I've seen16:08
sharperguySuNk8, In empathy? I haven't got much experience with it I'm afraid. It doesn't seem to be very configurable however.16:08
VigoOpenSourcedNick: Ok, I found one yesterday, let me look again.16:09
Anest_sipior: Yes, Linux boots fine. The content is :16:09
SuNk8sharperguy, k thanx anyways...16:09
Anest_### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###16:09
Anest_menuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)" {16:09
Anest_insmod ntfs16:09
Anest_set root='(hd0,1)'16:09
FloodBot4Anest_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:09
Anest_search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a85430805430537416:09
sipiorAnest_: best to pastebin that...16:09
sipior!pastebin > Anest_16:09
ubottuAnest_, please see my private message16:09
VigoOpenSourcedNick: MultiGet?16:10
SuNk8 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set a85430805430537416:10
wanganyone has ever install minix3 on virtualbox?16:10
=== jexmex_ is now known as jexmex
ricardocerverablHi, i need some help with my asus eee 1000h wifi.16:11
OpenSourcedNickVigo,  interesting.. I'll check it out.. thanks.. oh by the way, I've just discovered that Jdownloader have a version for linux (also for ubuntu specifically but in development so you have to install Bazaar).. sounds promising :)16:12
ricardocerverabljust finish  installing ubuntu 10.04 and i can't get it to turn on.16:12
VigoOpenSourcedNick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1226413&highlight=gwget16:12
nikos_LTSevery time my computer go to sleep the login window comes again. how to get rid of that. ubuntu 10.0416:12
IdleOneI am unable to click on any workspaces to go to that workspace. I can right click and send to workspace. any idea what package handles that so I can report a bug?16:12
Miroftarhi ppl16:12
Miroftarthere is any issue about samba performance in ubuntu 9.10??16:13
MacBArgh... Can't boot up a live CD, can't defragment my HDD, can't create a second partition because of no chance to defrag... :S16:13
VigoOpenSourcedNick: Scroll down to near bottom, I am not certain if it is official repos , yet, but it looks like what you are talking about.16:13
=== xyz is now known as hellyeah
ricardocerverabli can't find any information about it in the web, anybody has any idea?.16:13
OpenSourcedNickVigo, Mutliget seems interesting.. I'll be messing with it.. thank you16:14
ricardocerverablhow can i check out if the drivers are properly instal?.16:14
caffeinehey all I'm doing an update from 9.10 to 10.04 and the update hung on setting up udisk (1.0.1-1build1).16:14
caffeineam I hosed or does this package just take a realy long time?16:14
IdleOnecaffeine: how long has it been?16:14
caffeinelike 20 min or better16:15
IdleOnecaffeine: seems a little long yeah. any HD activity?16:15
underdevthanks for the suggestions regarding my emacs screw-up.  I lost internet for a while, so i'm sorry it took so long to thank you16:15
simarPlease help me with running a executable in linux in my home/crclient folder16:15
simarthis comes there16:16
simarimar@simar-laptop:~$ crclient/crclient -u 10090302916:16
simar./crclient: You can run the executable with name `crclient' only.16:16
FloodBot4simar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
caffeinenope, and actually I was afraid I was hosed as the computer is totally unresponsive. Can't Ctrl-F1 to a term, ssh in, nothing16:16
adncafter upgradeing my ubuntu my latex document does not compile. it claims that glossary.sty is not found. does someone know whihc package i do miss now?16:16
caffeineif I reboot can i get the system back or you think I'm looking at a reinstall?16:16
IdleOnecaffeine: worst case a reinstall yeah16:17
dewmanwhy is it everytime i connect to freenonde I get a cctp version from frigg?16:17
ViaNocturna85am i the only one or is 10.04 a big fail...im trying AGAIN to do a fresh install, made 3 cds all ok, and now, when it loads it loads but i see background a white box and thats as far as it goes16:17
dewmanerr ctcp16:17
IdleOnedewman: frigg is a service bot that checks for open proxy16:17
dewmanIdleOne, Ahhh16:17
shogun_my 10.04 installer died almost immediately, but it dropped to liveCd desktop and could install from there16:17
dewmanIdleOne, thanks16:17
term_oldcomp1? is there a way to add google documents to the right click desktop Create Document feature?16:18
IdleOnedewman: yeah16:18
OerViaNocturna85, did you check the md5sum ?16:18
ViaNocturna85Oer: I did, all was well16:18
OerViaNocturna85, what videocard do you use ?16:18
alien92how to install sun java?16:18
IdleOne!java | alien9216:19
ubottualien92: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)16:19
skeeboIf I were to make a backup of preload (a read-ahead daemon) from "/var/lib/preload/preload.state" that had been used for a few months on fedora, and move it to a ubuntu partiton, could I cause issues for myself if / when it may try to "fetch those binaries and their dependencies" from fedora that may not exist on ubuntu? Or, is this nothing to worry about? I know little to nothing about preload, and whether this could matter.16:19
ViaNocturna85Oer: Nvidia Geforce 8200M16:19
Anest_that is the link:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/427717/16:19
rskhelp recivded16:20
rsknext in line16:20
skeeboanyone maybe understand what I'm saying?16:21
nikunjhow should i get sun java on ubuntu 10.0416:21
andaiWhat software should I use to get a good idea of time, like plan stuff, like Google Calendar16:21
term_oldcomp1nikunj: I think you can install it under the ubuntu software center16:22
Trezkerso, firefox hangs every time I try to leave a video page on youtube, help?16:23
xinwenmaybe upgrade your flash plugin16:24
TrezkerI've removed pulseaudio and installed restricted extras16:24
ge_rohi, i've just updated to 10.04, but the installation process interupted, so now i ve got a running system (I'm happy its still running) but also 9 defect pakages whitch have to be repaired anyway. when i run "apt-get install -f" i get the system message "Errors were encountered while processing: texlive-latex-base-doc E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"16:24
=== kiran is now known as Guest34892
term_oldcomp1Trezker: upgrade the flash plugin.  does flash freeze under google chrome too?16:24
Trezkertesting... chrome seems to choke too16:25
kahenis it, or is keyserver.ubuntu.com utter garbage?16:26
Trezkerhey, at least chrome gives me a chance to kill the page16:26
kahen*is it _me_16:26
term_oldcomp1it's flash then.  on chrome you should be able to enable html5 video beta16:26
Trezkerso, hmm, upgrading flash?16:26
OerViaNocturna85,  did you try the 'nomodeset' option ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9195971&postcount=1416:26
kjele_ge_ro: Can you remove the package?16:26
Trezkernot all sites have html5 alternatives16:26
term_oldcomp1Trezker: get.adobe.com/flashplayer/16:27
Pici!keyserver | kahen it can get unresponsive at times due to load, see16:27
ubottukahen it can get unresponsive at times due to load, see: The ubuntu key server is to be found at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371. If this one is unresponsive you can use most other gpg key servers as well - for instance http://pgp.mit.edu/16:27
ViaNocturna85Oer: I'll give that a try thanks16:28
ge_rokjele_: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get-f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).16:28
jason__I just nuked my window borders.16:28
jason__how do I get them back16:28
kjele_ge_ro: I mean to remove the packages not install them16:28
mohawkboiHas anyone had any luck getting a G25 Steering wheel to function correctly with Force Feedback?16:29
ge_rokjele_: you mean apt-get remove packet?!16:29
MacBDoes this mean that I actually won't be getting Ubuntu onto my laptop? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook5-216:30
kjele_ge_ro: yes16:30
Trezkerthe whole desktop choked on something now...16:30
ge_rokjele_: this is what i did, and this message appears16:30
term_oldcomp1Trezker: from the flash?16:31
Trezkermaybe... I closed firefox instead of leaving the page and then gnome-panel and desktop froze16:31
kjele_ge_ro: You able to remove texlive-latex-base ?16:31
term_oldcomp1Trezker: try ctrl-alt-backspace16:32
ge_rokjele_: no its defect, when i try to remove, reinstall or what ever i do, this error appears16:32
term_oldcomp1Trezker: that'll restart gnome16:32
caffeineThanks for your help IdleOne, I was able to get a Maint term back and do a dpkg --configure -a and the update is going again.16:32
Trezkeralready done, xchat froze too so I wouldn't be chatting otherwise :)16:32
term_oldcomp1Trezker: ouch.  sounds like buggy flash causing issues.16:33
IdleOnecaffeine: sure thing but I didn't do anything to help really :)16:33
kjele_ge_ro: Ok which version is installed?16:33
fastaI get a segfault when I mount an external harddisk in mount.ntfs-3g: http://paste.debian.net/71980/16:33
blazahello i have a gateway lt2104u and the card reader does not work wiht the lucid unr, any ideas16:33
Trezkerhow exactly do I fix flash?16:33
r043vdoes anyone got gd.so file for amd64, i search it with the full gd support (imageantialias), i was try to compile gd myself, with no result :/16:33
thedukehey guys, I'm struggling with getting my vpn ( pptp ) server working... when I try to connect from a windows 7 box , after verifying username and password , during "registering your computer on the network" I alway get a 720 error... which logs can I check to see whats going on on the server side?16:33
caffeineYou answered my question and that's always worth a thanks in my book16:33
term_oldcomp1Trezker: sec, checking16:34
kjele_ge_ro: Just use synaptic and search for textlive and look if you find any package which has not upgraded to 200916:34
mohawkboiTrezker are you using 64bit?16:34
Trezker32 bit16:34
mohawkboiTrezker I did my flash install through the Ubuntu Software Centre and didn't have any problems at all.16:35
=== jason__ is now known as Roasted
Trezkerwell it says adobe flash plugin is installed...16:36
term_oldcomp1Trezker:  tell it to remove it and then reinstall16:36
term_oldcomp1Trezker:  it might have borked itself16:37
ge_rokjele_: there are serveral packages marked as defect with a "!" and the packet texlive-base-bin-doc is still 200716:37
mohawkboiHas anyone had any luck getting a G25 Steering wheel to function correctly with Force Feedback?16:37
Trezkernot inconceivable, I've messed around a little16:37
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
kjele_ge_ro: under edit there is an option to fix broken packages use it16:38
term_oldcomp1Trezker: just make sure all browser windows are closed when you do it16:38
Trezkerhmm, minitube?16:38
mohawkboiTrezker I also restarted my computer after it installed (Before I checked it was installed). Not sure if that would make a difference though.16:38
term_oldcomp1mhawkboi: should never have to restart linux except for kernel update16:38
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
Trezkerahh, you can press install on several programs now :D16:39
kjele_ge_ro: If nothing happen then I will show you to manually delete the package.16:39
ge_rokjele_: http://pastebin.com/ruiUh2QG16:40
mohawkboiterm_oldcomp1 Me a newbie (Only been using Ubuntu for 2 weeks) I will never go back to that microcrap sruff again. Slowly I am teaching myself and learning all the time from this awesome chat.16:40
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: don't feel bad.  first time I'm using it even part time.  been at it piecemeal since 1997 (mandrake  {now mandriva} 5)16:41
ge_rokjele_: any idea what might help?16:42
Flare183!hi | MattCubuntunoob16:43
ubottuMattCubuntunoob: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:43
MattCubuntunoobI've been having some problems with my wifi I was hoping somebody could help?16:43
Trezkerstarted chrome from terminal hoping to see something logged but no...16:43
Flare183!wifi | MattCubuntunoob16:43
ubottuMattCubuntunoob: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:43
Trezkeranyway, flash still crashes16:43
kjele_ge_ro: download the package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/all/texlive-latex-base-doc/download try to install it and remove it16:43
Dr_WillisTrezker:  on every site?16:43
Trezkerwell, youtube is mainly the flash site I use16:44
Flare183Dr_Willis: it could also be his architecture16:44
chandbrendzhello everyone16:44
chandbrendzim new here16:44
=== sloopy is now known as Guest74081
MattCubuntunoobOur hotspot is WPA protected, but every time it tries to auto-connect it asks for a WEP passkey, and gives me no WPA option to choose from.16:44
term_oldcomp1Trezker: ouch.  flash works on my old, buggy system (bad memory controller lol). does it only freeze on youtube?16:44
Flare183!newuser | chandbrendz16:44
Schnitzhi all, how can i minimize ubuntu to the notification area (like empathy). i can't imagine that this shouldn't be possible. why it's not???16:45
mohawkboiterm_oldcomp1 You wouldn't happen to know of any one that knows anything about USB HID device settings with Force Feedback. I used a program (Key Touch) to add the extra media buttons in my keyboard and make them work. I have emailed the people that make the programe to see if their is one available for steering wheels. I have searched all the forums I can for Wine, Logitech, Ubuntu and just about everything else I can think of and can't find such a16:45
mohawkboiprograme anywhere...16:45
Flare183Schnitz: what? you can't minimize Ubuntu to the system tray, Ubuntu is an operating system16:45
underdevSchnitz: ubuntu is the operating system.  not sure what you mena16:45
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: no idea on that one. I got a force feedback joystick and flight controller though I only use them in windows sadly16:46
Dr_Willis!info alltray16:46
Schnitzmy bad. i mean how can i minimize evolution. i'm doing too many things at the same time....16:46
MattCubuntunoobanybody have any ideas?16:46
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB16:46
ge_rokjele_: he tells me something about defect dependencies16:46
MattCubuntunooboh! I have lucid btw16:46
Flare183Dr_Willis: that's what Schnitz needs16:46
kjele_ge_ro: We just have to remove it manually then16:47
underdevSchnitz: yeah, i'd try alltray, but your mileage may very16:47
Dr_WillisFlare183:  i dont know why the normal min buttin dosent work for him. :) or he could use virtualdesktops16:47
Schnitzalltray is _not_ what i want16:47
ge_rokjele_: ok, great ;D16:47
underdevnot everything works swimmingly with alltray16:47
kjele_ge_ro: Go to /var/lib/dpkg/info16:47
mohawkboiterm_oldcomp1 thanks anyway. I was going to dual boot just for my games but have decided to try to fix it in Ubuntu.16:47
Flare183Dr_Willis: I understand what your saying16:47
Dr_WillisSchnitz:  we dont really know what you want then.16:47
Trezkertried a game at onmorelevel.com, also hangs at exit16:47
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: hmm... is it a g25?16:47
Schnitzi've been using alltray with thunderbird. now i want to use evolution because it integrates a lot better with the desktop16:47
ubuntuczy na live cd mozna sie zalogować na root??16:47
skkeeperi cant login in freshly installed lubuntu, it just doesnt login, no error no nothing : x, just keeps asking for a login name and password. Anybody with the same problem?16:47
underdevSchnitz: then no, it can't be done16:47
kjele_ge_ro: And delete all files begining with the package name16:47
Flare183!english | ubuntu16:47
ubottuubuntu: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:47
_maX_hi all16:48
Schnitzi have already a mail icon in the notification area where i can start evolution and which goes green on incoming mail. so why should i want a second tray icon or taskbar entry? know what i mean?16:48
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: you try the iforce module? I just saw something on that on a google search16:48
essialis there a good tutorial on creating a proftpd user for accessing /var/www?16:48
om26erhow to make a deb file from python code?16:48
ge_rokjele_: all texlive* files?16:48
kjele_ge_ro: "sudo -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info/texlive-latex-extra-doc*"16:48
mohawkboiterm_oldcomp1 yeah it is. In previous versions you had to patch the kernel. I was never successful. I have read on the Ubuntu official site that it is a supported hardware.16:48
Schnitzi want it to behave like empathy16:48
Flare183!package | om26er16:48
ubottuom26er: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!16:48
Flare183!motd | om26er16:48
mohawkboitern_oldcomp1 I'll check16:48
* Flare183 fails16:48
Pici!msgthebot > Flare18316:48
ubottuFlare183, please see my private message16:49
outer_spaceanyone having trouble with ethernet this morning?  An update killed my ethernet, trying to fix this.16:49
MattCubuntunoobuh, well thanks to the one guy(bot?) who sent me a link. Best of luck to the rest of you.16:49
underdevSchnitz: yes, adding software to the menu is going to be pushed by 11.04, according to the ubuntu blogs16:49
=== Rafael is now known as rafael
underdevSchnitz: but right now, not everything goes in the menu16:49
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: I'll keep looking16:49
=== rafael is now known as insano
essialI'm trying to set up proftpd to add some users that can access /var/www16:49
Flare183Pici: I know, you guys change the factoids so much its hard to keep up with them :P16:49
mohawkboiterm_comp1 Thanks.16:49
kjele_ge_ro: Done it?16:50
Flare183!packaging | om26er16:50
ubottuom26er: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:50
* Flare183 found it :D16:50
ge_rokjele_: sry, how can i delete them all at once?16:50
kjele_ge_ro: "sudo -rf /var/lib/dpkg/info/texlive-latex-extra-doc*"16:50
kjele_ge_ro: That command will delete it all16:50
kjele_ge_ro: See the * star?16:51
Schnitzunderdev: thanks, but it is however disappointing. that already made me second guess my thunderbird->evolution migration after upgradingto 9.1016:51
ge_rokjele_: yes but i dont get it, i allways get the help message of rf^^16:51
kjele_ge_ro: What you mean?16:52
ge_rokjele_: sry my fault16:52
underdevI'm being asked for to use my id_rsa.pub-file, locate doesn't find it, does anyone know what the file is, or where it comes from16:52
ge_rokjele_: its done16:52
Flare183underdev: ~/.ssh16:52
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: I just checked using grep _FF /boot/config-`uname -r`and it shows force feedback to be on by default.16:52
Flare183underdev: if its not there, then you haven't generated it yet16:53
ge_rokjele_: but shouldn't i delete the base-files too?16:53
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kjele_ge_ro: I need you to edit the file /var/lib/dpkg/status16:53
StormTideis there any way to configure an ubuntu machine to sent the grub/early boot cycle msgs to another box or to a logfile on a secondary drive? Craptastic host wont give me a kvm, and ubuntu 10.04 upgrade hangs the box.16:53
underdevSchnitz: well, yes, that me-menu or whatever is a new feature, it will get more mature in future releases16:53
underdevFlare183: thank you16:53
kjele_ge_ro: No16:53
Flare183underdev: No problem16:54
kjele_ge_ro: Are you inside the file?16:54
ge_rokjele_: jep16:54
underdevFlare183: can you point me in the direction of how to generate it (i don't have one)16:54
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: I think under kde4.3 there is a control panel for joysticks if I remember right.16:54
Flare183underdev: sure16:54
kjele_ge_ro: If you are search for Package: texlive-latex-base-doc16:54
nprasath002hi i want to change login as root user through command prompt, bt as i remeber i have a user account. wt is the default password for root account or how to create a root account. pls help16:54
Flare183!ssh | underdev16:54
ubottuunderdev: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:54
albechim so thrilled about the new 10.04 great job all the devs16:55
Flare183underdev: see the first link :)16:55
ge_rokjele_: found it16:55
Flare183albech: :)16:55
mohawkboiterm_oldcomp1 So I should install kde? Does wine still work fine with kde?16:55
underdevFlare183: right :), thanks16:55
kjele_ge_ro: It should be a text block. Just delete it16:55
Flare183underdev: no problem :)16:55
kjele_ge_ro: The whole block16:55
Schnitzunderdev: sure. i mean besides that 10.04 is an amazing release. i already had the MSDNAA windows 7 burned (after 10 years of linux) but then decided to give 10.04 a try and...here i am convinced again16:55
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi:  wine works evern under lxde and xfce.  I'd install it and see.  only takes something like 300mb of space16:56
ge_rokjele_: there are several positions it appears16:56
kjele_ge_ro: wait then it should look something like16:56
CytotoxicTCellHow often are updates released?16:56
Schnitzfinger underdev16:56
term_oldcomp1mohawkboi: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/08/install-kde-43-in-ubuntu-jaunty-904.html16:56
jdavisI have a fresh install of ubuntu, and I would like to make sure the same software is install as on my other machine. Can aptitude do some kind of export of the things that I installed?16:56
underdevSchnitz: i like ubuntu too16:56
mohawkboiterm_oldcomp1 Thanks heaps. I will run away and go try that now and will let you know how I get on.16:56
jrib!clone | jdavis16:56
ubottujdavis: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:56
Flare183CytotoxicTCell: ARe you talking about upgrades?16:56
kjele_ge_ro: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/427747/16:57
CytotoxicTCelllike secuirty/bug fix updates16:57
ge_rokjele_: ok, found it16:57
CytotoxicTCelllike how Micro$oft releases updates second tuesday of everyone month16:57
kjele_ge_ro: Then delete the whole block16:57
frxstremis it possible to change what port the OpenSSH client connects to?16:57
nprasath002hi i want to change login as root user through command prompt, bt as i remeber i have a user account. wt is the default password for root account or how to create a root account. pls help16:57
jdavisubottu: thanks!16:57
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:57
ge_rokjele_: done16:57
Flare183CytotoxicTCell: Not sure, but I think that they do it when they fix the bug16:58
theGmanWhy is it that network mgr can see my linksys wusb100, and even "labels" it right when you left click on the systray icon but it never connects? It DOES attempt but returns "disconnected"...and it is an UNSECURED conn16:58
sergiu14hi, were should source files stay in what directory. (for example libc source files)16:58
Flare183!root | nprasath00216:58
ubottunprasath002: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:58
kjele_ge_ro: Save the file and install the new version from with "sudo apt-get install textlive-latex-base-doc"16:58
Flare183frxstrem: YOU can't unless you have control over the server's ssh port16:58
nonameı install with wine "revealer keylooger" to ubuntu. but it can not log the keys ? :( can you hep me please ?16:58
TrezkerI removed all flash-plugins and restricted extras but chrome still plays videos and hangs as before16:59
Flare183!piracy | noname16:59
ubottunoname: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:59
Jie_Shenghi, i install apache2 and tomcat6 on ubuntu server 10.04. but outside my home network, no one could connect to my server, giving timeout issues? anyone have any idea why?16:59
vexati0nAssuming Ubuntu One ever starts syncing my purchased music, where will it be saved on my PC?17:00
term_oldcomp1Jie_Sheng: sounds like the firewall on ubuntu is enabled17:00
Flare183Jie_Sheng: I do, you have to port forward17:00
egchas anybody fixed a problem in lucid with firefox 3.6.3 having a slightly blurry font?17:00
nonameFlare183: what that means ?17:00
Jie_Shengterm_oldcomp1: i check ufw and it was disabled from the start17:00
kjele_Jie_Sheng: If you use nat then I think you need to forward the ports17:00
Dr_Willisegc:  ive noticed the fonts diffrent then gnome. but not blurry17:00
Flare183noname: We WON'T answer that because its illegal17:01
Jie_Shengkjele_: i forward 80 to my private ip address17:01
ge_rokjele_: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get-f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).17:01
Flare183Jie_Sheng: is it a dynamic ip address?17:01
TrezkerI have an active entry for nm-applet in startup application, but it doesn't start. Why?17:01
nonameFlare183: it is not illegal ! it is my computer, the program is has bought too. i17:01
egcDr_Willis, ah, mine is very slight, different from gnome, but also not as crisp as it was on karmic17:01
Jie_ShengFlare183: no, internal network is static and port forward done properly. my laptop tomcat on win xp running well. but not ubuntu server17:02
AUX129hi carldani17:02
kjele_ge_ro: Ok can you see which other texlive package that are old (2007)17:02
carldaniHas anyone tried USB<->Parallelport (printer) adapters and do they work?17:02
Dr_Willisegc:  i always enlarge all my fonts anyway. so i rarely notice.17:02
triniumhello, in mi laptop not exit wlan0 :S  only etch1 etch0 :S17:02
Dr_Williscarldani:  yes - ive had them work. well the one i have.. worked.17:02
Flare183Jie_Sheng: PM me? I want to understand fully, what your trying to say17:03
jdavisubottu: is 1200 lines about right? I didn't select that many manually, but it's still less than if I remove the "!?automatic" part (1700 lines).17:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:03
ge_rokjele_: no, but i've just run apt-get install -f and it seems to work (it didnt break yet)17:03
EzeQLlinux analogue for type on dos?17:03
lcarvalhohow can I restore grub using a ubuntu disk? but my base distro is another one. when I run setup (hd0) it looks for /boot/grub/stage1 and it does not find.17:03
EzeQLlinux analogue for "type" in DOS ?17:03
kjele_ge_ro: Ok17:03
* jdavis feels dumb for talking to a bot17:04
carldaniDr_Willis: Do you know per chance if that one had a ftdi USB chip? I'm trying to find one that can do bitbanging on the parallel port, and not all of them support it.17:04
AUX129i installed skype on a fresh xubuntu 10.04 installation, and i cannot seem to get my mic working. how do i configure pulseaudio to detect my microphone?17:04
om26erEzeQL, what does that mean?17:04
kjele_ge_ro: Try to remove texlive-latex-base now then17:04
Dr_Willislcarvalho:  you chroot into your installed disrto and use its command/tools.17:04
PiciEzeQL: cat?17:04
EzeQLi want to type the content of a .txt17:04
Dr_Williscarldani:  no idea. Its over 5+ yrs old.  I dont even know where its at.17:04
bondiblueos9I'm trying to boot from the 9.10 live cd, but I think after giving me the live cd option screen, it fails to continue booting because it can't find the scsi cd drive it booted from17:05
carldaniDr_Willis: thanks anyway.17:05
ubuntu_madChecksums do not match.  Retry? got this with start up disc creator17:05
om26erAUX129, type gstreamer-properties in terminal and press enter17:05
ge_rokjele_: still working^^ but i can see progress17:05
shashwatpnwhich is the best graphical bootloader?17:05
sebsebsebbondiblueos9: boot from 9.10 CD why? your trying to install Ubuntu?17:05
om26erAUX129, there change default input to ALSA17:05
theGmanWhy is it that network mgr can see my linksys wusb100, and even "labels" it right when you left click on the systray icon but it never connects? It DOES attempt but returns "disconnected"...and it is an UNSECURED conn so security is NOT an issue!17:05
sebsebsebshashwatpn: well most distros use  the new Grub 2 now I guess, but some are still using the older Grub17:05
kjele_ge_ro: Well do not cancel it17:05
ge_rokjele_: off course not :D17:06
NightTailhey i am trying to install k10temp in .33 kernal and i cant seem tog et my make file to make the k10temp.ko file17:06
lcarvalhoDr_Willis: it looks for /boot/grub/stage1 which does nto exists.17:06
doug_i am a beginner with ubuntu, and i just installe the music player Amarok, i would like to connect to the databas of last.fm, but everytime when i save my settings, i get the message, "No running Kwallet found. Would you like to save your Last.fm credentials in plain text? it doesnt matter if i choose yes or no my login datan isnt saved. now i installed the kwalletmanager, and i try to start it. but nothing happened.... is there anybod17:06
doug_y who can help me?17:06
AUX129om26er, there's no such command available. only gstreamer-codec-install17:06
* theGman says if his wifi issue can't be resolved he will have to use a diff os, not good...17:07
ge_rokjele_: ok done, shall i restart the dist-upgrade process now?17:07
sebsebsebdoug_: ok Amarok17:07
* theGman would really like to give ubuntu a fair go...17:07
bondiblueos9sebsebseb: I'm trying to fix my already installed system17:07
sebsebsebdoug_: I am expereinced  Desktop Linux user since 2004, I have never liked Amarok much, and never understood what the big deal is about it.  Anyway you in Ubuntu/Gnome or Kubuntu/KDE ?17:07
Dr_Willisiceroot:  ubuntu uses  grub2, other disrtos may use grub1. You should boot a live cd, and 'chroot' into the installed system after setting up all directorie and /dev/ and /proc/ and perhaps other locations  properly.17:07
bondiblueos9sebsebseb: and I have the 9.10 desktop live cd handy17:07
kjele_ge_ro: hmm what does lsb_release -a says?17:07
doleyb_theGman: what ubuntu version did you get?17:07
sebsebsebbondiblueos9: I see, well 10.04 is latest version etc17:07
shashwatpnsebsebseb: grub 2 is graphical?17:07
theGmandoleyb_: 9.1017:08
doug_sebsebseb: i am using ubuntu 10.0417:08
sebsebseb!grub2 | shashwatpn17:08
ubottushashwatpn: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:08
bondiblueos9sebsebseb: but that shouldn't prevent me from booting a previous version17:08
ge_rokjele_: Description:Ubuntu 10.04 LTS17:08
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sebsebseb!grub | shashwatpn17:08
ubottushashwatpn: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:08
user_hello i need help about grub17:08
Diverdudesebner, 10.10?17:08
user_when i boot os i get error 22 no such partition17:08
egcsweet, fixed it17:08
sebsebsebbondiblueos9: sure you can use your 9.10 Live CD to fix your 9.10 install17:08
theGmandoleyb_: It's a prod env so aplha isn't an option.17:08
doug_sebsebseb: maybe you know a better mp3 player for my system?17:08
sebsebsebbondiblueos9:  and can use it to fix a 10.04 install17:08
ge_rokjele_: but there was a whole bunch of packages still not updated17:08
sebsebsebdoug_: of course17:08
egcDr_Willis, i used this link to fix my prob, if anybody else asks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146710017:08
UbuntuLilyI am trying to remove a USB hard drive and I right clicked and selected "Safely Remove" but its been stuck at "Writing data" for about 15 minutes, and nothing should be writing to it.  Any ideas?  I don't want to lose any data on it17:08
theGmandoleyb_: And I've seen many having iss with the 10.x release.17:09
sebsebsebdoug_: oh right yeah you said about last.fm didn't you?17:09
kjele_ge_ro: And the file /etc/apt/source.list does it point to lucid too?17:09
bondiblueos9sebsebseb: I'm actually hoping that it will recognize my tape drive17:09
Anixis bluez working or not? its not leting me to pair my phone.17:09
doug_sebsebseb: yes, a last.fm plugin to play my personal radio station of last.fm17:09
sebsebsebdoug_: Banshee used to work great with last.fm I am not to sure about now though17:09
sebsebsebdoug_: I mean I can scrobble music17:09
sebsebsebdoug_: ,but on this distro not Ubuntu,  the stations  don't work.  also I think it was like this in 9.10 don't remember17:10
sebnerDiverdude: ?17:10
kjele_ge_ro: it is sources.list17:10
sergiu14is there a command in ubuntu like fedora's debuginfo-install?17:10
sebsebsebdoug_: anyway give the default Rythombox a try for last.fm  or install Banshee17:10
doug_sebsebseb: ok, i will try the rythmbox  :-(17:10
sebsebsebdoug_: why :(  Rythombox is pretty good17:10
bondiblueos9after booting the 9.10 server cd and select rescue system, how can I get my tape drive into /dev ?17:11
ge_rokjele_: no idea what your talking about :D http://pastebin.com/BrBvi88c17:11
sebsebsebdoug_: still prefer Banshee though, well I went to Banshee when Rythombox sucked17:11
sebsebsebbondiblueos9: you can get server help in #ubuntu-server17:11
shashwatpnsebsebseb : how do we edit it to make it graphical17:11
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sebsebsebshashwatpn: oh right you mean a graphical theme17:11
sebsebsebshashwatpn: by playing around with Grub 2 config which won't be much fun at all17:12
kjele_ge_ro: Ok. I suggest you use the update-manager to update17:12
sebsebsebshashwatpn: with the old Grub, graphical can be done, or just un comment pretty colours, and got a nice colour background and such17:12
ge_rokjele_: yes i did17:12
doug_sebsebseb: other people told me that Rythmbox sucks very much :p so i deciced to use amarok...and i didnt have any probs with ubuntu 9.04 but now i cant login ....17:12
kjele_ge_ro: Then everything alright?17:12
sebsebsebdoug_: I see17:12
sebsebsebdoug_: were they KDE fan boys by any chance? :D17:12
ge_rokjele_: hope so, im starting update process now, right?17:12
UbuntuLilyI am using Ubuntu 10.4 and I am trying to remove a USB hard drive and I right clicked and selected "Safely Remove" but its been stuck at "Writing data" for about 15 minutes, and nothing should be writing to it.  Any ideas?  I don't want to lose any data on it.  Should I force shutdown?17:12
kjele_ge_ro: Yes17:12
Diverdudedoes emphaty support file transfer?17:12
sebsebsebDiverdude: I think so, don't use it, Pidgin :)17:13
kjele_ge_ro: Did is past tense which means you already done it.17:13
Wandererok,  I'm doing an upgrade ofm y host.  10 packages have been 'held back'.   Is there an easy way to upgrade those other than to manually install them one or two at a time and type the names in?17:13
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  check output of 'dmesg' command.17:13
JackStonerHey can anyone help me on how to delete a note on gnote17:13
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  if you see ny messages about usb failing, well thats a bad sign17:13
Diverdudesebsebseb, why is pidgin better?17:13
doug_sebsebseb: no,they were also ubuntuusers like me ;-) the told me about all the features and i liked it17:13
JackStonerHey can anyone help me on how to delete a note on gnote17:13
emmanuelHi, I was using ubuntu 9.10, firefox 3.6 and I cannot close java applet window, Recently upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 and I have the same problem!!17:13
fandezHi guys17:13
ge_rokjele_: great, its running, thanks alot!!17:13
sebsebsebdoug_: heh some would be like no Banshee, don't use that, it uses Mono.  yeah yeah at that,  but even so great player,  altough as I was saying last.fm may now give an issue for the statiions try it17:13
UbuntuLilycommand not found.  should I apt-get util-linux?17:14
theadminAfter the update to Lucid, VLC has started sluttering the videos every now and then. What gives?17:14
ojiihi everyone17:14
ge_rokjele_: i hope it will not abort again^^17:14
doug_sebsebseb: ok, i wil give it a try17:14
sebsebsebDiverdude: depends on the user, and Pidgin was the default instant messaging program in Ubuntu untill 9.1017:14
kjele_ge_ro: Is that what you did last time?17:14
ojiiI use karmic and ubuntu one tells me my files are up to date but there's a whole folder missing (which is on one.ubuntu.com tho), does anyone know how i can tell it to actually sync it?17:14
sebsebsebDiverdude: quite a lot of distros are using Empathy as the distro, but some are still doing Pidgin by default or at least one17:15
theGmanCan someone try and help me get my wifi going on my 9.10 fresh inst or am I gonna have to dump it and go with something else? I'm NOT trying to be rude, I just don't have much time to flap in the wind here... :P Deadlines you know... :)17:15
doug_sebsebseb: thx for your advice (hope thats the correct engl. word for your hint...)17:15
sebsebsebDiverdude: or whatever17:15
sebsebsebDiverdude: no such thing as best, just try some apps, and use what you like I guess17:15
sebsebseb!best | Diverdude17:15
ubottuDiverdude: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:15
kachnik Ihave upgraded to 10.04 and noticed that I can not any longer move windows between desk to by draging them with mouse to the edge of the screen, how can I fix this?17:15
sebsebsebdoug_: engl?17:15
ge_rokjele_: no, last time, i used the dist-update button, that appears after startup, now i'm updateing via synaptics, but i thing it doesnt make a difference, does it?17:15
UbuntuLilyDr_Willis: I am getting a command not found error.  What package do I need to run this command?17:15
jumpaHello. If tried 8 hours to get my wlan adapter working, now i notice, that it works, when i use it without wpa2-encryption. are there any known bugs about wpa2 together with ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit)?17:16
sebsebsebdoug_: I think last.fm might have broken some of the support in Banshee, but I am not sure17:16
kjele_ge_ro: No17:16
sebsebsebdoug_: try for yourself, and hopefuly it all works17:16
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  'dmesg' is a rather standard command.   should be installee by default17:16
sergiu14does ubuntu contain source packages ? ( in .deb format)17:16
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
Dr_Willissergiu14:  you can get the source debs with the package manager if you want17:16
sebsebsebsergiu14: uhmm17:16
UbuntuLilycade@UbuntuHP:~$ dmseg No command 'dmseg' found, did you mean:  Command 'dmesg' from package 'util-linux' (main) dmseg: command not found cade@UbuntuHP:~$ sudo apt-get install util-linux [sudo] password for cade:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done util-linux is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. cade@UbuntuHP:~$17:16
theadminUbuntuLily: Uh, you made a typo17:17
* JackStoner got it fixed ...stepping out17:17
doug_sebsebseb: i mean the word advice i dont know if this is the correct word... my english is very bad, sorry17:17
sebsebsebdoug_: ok17:17
natrixnatrix89now after the upgrade when I run ooffice presentation in full screen, I still see both panels. That looks weird. Does anyone know why?17:17
OttifantSir1Is there a way to fix invalid coding without going through 15000+ MP3s and see which ones are marked?17:17
sergiu14Dr_willis, how do I do that?17:18
pelegHello good people, I am having an emergency here. Last night I have upgraded from 8.04 to 10.04, despite my fears, using sudo do-release-upgrade. there were a few errors, but in general it looked good (took about 4 hours, so I wasn't watching the screen all the time). After a restart, my computer will not boot any more. at all.17:18
UbuntuLilyHow do I dump the output to a text file?  dmesg >textfile.txt ?17:18
Dr_Willis!apt | sergiu1417:18
ubottusergiu14: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)17:18
theGmanOk, thanks anyway all...guess I go bow away my ubuntu and put something else on instead... Would have been great to give it a go but...since wifi isn't working and wired is not an opt...I have no choice...(am in win7 atm UGH!)17:18
sebsebsebpeleg: How did you upgrade from 8.10 to 10.04?  Did you go through 9.04 and 9.10 first, like you are meant to?17:18
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  the messages of imporntance should be at the end.17:18
theadminUbuntuLily: Yup17:18
theGmanbow -> now17:18
sergiu14apt doesn't download the source package in .deb format..17:18
natrixnatrix89so I guess no one is using ooffice here..17:19
kjele_doug_: advice is the noun while advise is the verb. So she advised you something useful. You took her advice and graced it.17:19
sergiu14like in fedora src rpms..17:19
pelegI get, after "Starting up ...", a message "mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device", and then a series of errors, ended up with and alert and drop to shell.17:19
theadminnatrixnatrix89: Many people are, huh. I am.17:19
pelegsebsebseb: no, both are LTS, so I can upgrade directly.17:19
Dr_Willissergiu14:  read up on the apt manual/guides.    the 'build-dep' command  to apt-get may be whata you want.17:19
sebsebsebpeleg: 8.10 is not a LTS, so you meant 8.04?17:19
doug_kjele_: thx :-)17:19
pelegsebsebseb: I wrote 8.0417:19
kachnik I have upgraded to 10.04 and noticed that I can not any longer move windows between desktops by draging them with mouse to the edge of the screen, how can I fix this? I am using compiz and hav no idea where to set it in ccsm, thx.17:19
theadminsebsebseb: And 8.10 is EOL anyway17:19
caldwellhow to install assualtcube step by step new to ubuntu17:19
shogun_I have noticed the same thing as kachnik17:20
squarebracketit's safe to delete what's in /var/tmp right?17:20
sebsebsebpeleg: ok I read wrong17:20
natrixnatrix89theadmin: Could you please take a look. when you run a presentation in full screen. do you see both gnome-panel too? Before the upgrade i used fullscreen normally, but now i still see both panels..17:20
sergiu14apt-get source doesn't get a .deb.. so its useless17:20
sebsebsebtheadmin: indeed sadly17:20
kachnikshogun_, wellcome to the club :)17:20
theadminnatrixnatrix89: Nope, they dissappear17:20
pelegtheadmin: that's why I waited for 10.0417:20
UbuntuLilyDr_Willis: this is all I see that may be relevent - [85320.390113] INFO: task umount:10724 blocked for more than 120 seconds.17:20
zniavre_good evening17:20
zniavre_there is a way to install nvidia.run from nvidia website?17:21
sebsebsebpeleg: well you could mess around trying to get it so you can boot  it up properly again,  or you could get hold of data put live CD in access the partition move data some where else for example.   Clean install Ubuntu with 10.04 and whilst doing so,  get the Ext4 file system and Grub 2 by default.17:21
natrixnatrix89theadmin: thanks. I guess ill just have to reboot. That often solves things.17:21
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  not sure what to do then. You could reboot the box i guess. You may want to check the filesystem of the deivice afterwards.17:21
theadminnatrixnatrix89: On windows maybe :/17:21
madjoehow can I delete old version of kernel in my Karmic? during the boot I've got multiple options/instances of Ubuntu..17:21
Dr_Williszniavre_:  its best to use the drivers from the repos. Not the ones from nvidia.com17:21
ny00123EzeQL and om26er, I guess that "cat"?17:21
sebsebsebpeleg: or do something that isn't default, but set up a seperate /home before you install, assuming you don't already have one, which can be rather useful, if you ever need to clean install Ubuntu, or want to distro change17:21
chavezhowdy. why is there no IRC protocol in the accounts dropdown for Empathy?17:21
zniavre_Dr_Willis, i understand this point and agree but why they are uninstalable?17:22
Dr_Williszniavre_:  dkms/kernel/version issues17:22
pelegsebsebseb: how can I "mess around"? I am in this weird shell, where most of the commands I know are just not there. I can't see my home directory there, I don't have vim, etc.17:22
om26erchavez, check if telepathy-idle is installed..17:22
Dr_Williszniavre_:  you 'can' instgall them.. but you can also break things badly17:22
sebsebsebpeleg: ok so it messed up a lot17:22
chavezom26er, it is AFAIK17:22
UbuntuLilyDr_Willis: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/QeTFPG01  this is full output17:22
sebsebsebpeleg: ok got Live CD?17:22
netbookHi, I get an brasero error when burning the Ubuntu 10.04 AMD64 Desktop image: http://pastebin.com/wc1jUkGz What is the problem?17:22
natrixnatrix89theadmin: do you mean theres no way for me to make both panels disappear during presentation?17:22
sebsebsebpeleg: I meant mess around spending time trying to fix it, rather than just clean installing17:22
ny00123if I understand that correctly, at least17:22
theadminnetbook: Problem is that Brasero is friggin' buggy. Use gnomebaker.17:23
datacrusherSegfault, i used the older kernel and all worked17:23
zniavre_Dr_Willis,  i m a bit "oldschool" and im usualy install them manualy from .run17:23
zniavre_but now i understand  thank you17:23
kachnikshogun_, I googled this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/55754717:23
sebsebsebpeleg: when install mess's up big time, you can chroot the file system and try and fix or whatever it is, but easier to just clean install.17:23
netbooktheadmin: is this error common?17:23
pelegsebsebseb: no. I am in the uni right now, since I don't have internet in my laptop any more :(  - I don't believe I have a burner around here. I do have a mobile usb hard-drive, though.17:23
Dr_Williszniavre_:  for my nvidia systems i never need to. boot up first time. click click.. done . :)17:23
theadminnetbook: Well happened to me :D17:23
quenbertHi there, how can I know a swap partition is encrypted?17:23
netbooktheadmin heh ok all i needed to know17:23
sebsebsebpeleg: well you probably also need the Live CD or USB to fix,  not just to clean install17:24
billybigriggeranyone know when plymouth is going to be fixed on nvidia machines? im getting sick and tired of looking at the ugly text boot-up17:24
zniavre_if you got jockey installed wich it's not my case  (but anyway i was believing a wrong stuff from me)17:24
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Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  you got some WEIRD error messages in that dmesg output -->    3945.486930] Buffer I/O error on device loop0, logical block 3620864017:24
zniavre_thank you17:24
chavezom26er, i just reinstalled telepathy-idle and still don't get the option to setup an IRC account in emapthy :-(17:24
pelegsebsebseb: ok, so suppose I want to clean install (I understand you think it is the easiest way) - can I do it with a usb external HD ?17:24
squarebracketanything i should know before i upgrade?17:24
sebsebsebbillybigrigger:  Have you got the propritary Nivdida graphics card driver installed?17:24
Dr_WillisHow in the world can the loop0 device get an IO error... Hmm17:25
UbuntuLilyI had mounted the drive17:25
kjele_theadmin, netbook, Feels more that cd-rom is useless. USB pen is the future. Easy and fast17:25
sebsebsebpeleg: uhmm I guess so, if you treat it like a USB stick or something17:25
sebsebseb!usb | peleg17:25
UbuntuLilyI removed it using umount /path17:25
ubottupeleg: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:25
theadminsquarebracket: 1) It's slower then a clean install. 2) It will reinstall the -desktop package, so all "default" programs you deleted will be back (argh!) 3) It might break some stuff randomly.17:25
sebsebseb!install | peleg17:25
ubottupeleg: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:25
FardadJaliliDr_Willis: I got that error when I tried to install lucid17:25
UbuntuLilylemmie clarify17:25
kkojibandhey, can anybody help me to change gnome-terminal's default screen size in ubuntu 10.417:25
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billybigriggersebsebseb, according to hardware drivers, yes17:25
delachello! has anyone ever managed to disable "Network" and "Connect to Sever" from Places-menu and Nautilus?17:25
UbuntuLilyI have a Image file on the USB drive and I mounted the image17:25
UbuntuLilyBut I unmounted it before I tried to remove the USB device17:26
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: yeah I got serious issues on other computer with Plymouth when I had the driver installed17:26
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  some of those messages about 'ata3.00' seem a little scary.  But this is a USB flash drive you are having issues with?17:26
kkojibandin previous ubuntu, i modified /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm17:26
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: however I know how to disable plymouth :)17:26
UbuntuLilyWell a USB Hard drive17:26
UbuntuLilyWith my life on it .... ;(17:26
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: also if you really want to 3D OpenGL game,  I know it may sound a bit sucky, but you could if your computer can handle it with enough RAM and such,  Virutalbox a distro for the games17:26
pelegsebsebseb: thanks! One more thing: will a clean install not mess with my home directory? Will I need to reinstall also all of my packages? (apache, mysql, etc.) - or will it know that it is there?17:26
squarebracketsigh. i should probably do a clean install, considering the amount of unnecessary stuff i have installed.... but i don't really want to. maybe one of these days i'll actually do that. thanks, theadmin. the usual :)17:27
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: you only really need the propritary driver installed if you want to 3D OpenGL game17:27
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: well I haven't tested with this new open source driver, but I think it lacks support17:27
UbuntuLilyNothing else to try  than but rebooting?17:27
kjele_kkojiband: right click on it and under profile you select the one you are using17:27
Dr_WillisUbuntuLily:  yea. thats about all you can do  as far as i know.  I would be backing up that HD real soon.17:28
kjele_kkojiband: Then profile perference17:28
netbooktheadmin: Back... I can't figure out how to do a straight copy with gnomebaker17:28
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: you can keep your /home directory, but yes programs will need to be re installed, also some programs for example email client17:28
kjele_kkojiband: On the first fan you can set the default size17:28
pelegThe usb installation page talks about 9.10 - is it the same for 10.04?17:28
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: if you have a email client set up,  so it's got whatever in home, but after re installing, it might not just detect that17:28
netbooktheadmin: I don't want to make a data cd, i want to burn image to disc17:28
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: your emails and such I mean17:28
Dr_Willispeleg:  doing a full install to usb - basically the same.17:28
theadminnetbook: Let me take a quick look17:28
sebsebsebbillybigrigger: for this kind of reason,  that's one reason I don't bother with email clients :)  and oh yes even in Windows they can be a right pain when they mess up,  and web mail is :)17:29
kkojibandkjele_: thank you, i will try now17:29
netbooki wonder if I can dd an iso to a blank cd heh17:29
squarebracketnew jack if i'm lucky..? here goes nothing!17:29
theadminnetbook: The "Tools" menu17:29
Dr_Willisnetbook:  ive heard it can work17:29
netbooktheadmin: thanks17:30
layoafter log in or log out resolution is change17:30
pelegDr_Willis: thanks, but I meant installatio FROM a usb, not TO usb. Is that what you also meant?17:30
layoin gdm is normalan17:30
layoin gdm is normal17:30
sebsebsebbillybigrigger:  don't bother with email client these days,  that's been quite a while over a year :)17:30
kjele_Dr_Willis: Depends on what you mean by installing to usb. If you install the live cd version is much better than the os.17:30
Dr_Willispeleg:  use unetbootin or usb-disk-creator to make a bootable installer flash drive.. boot it.. install :)17:30
sebsebseblayo: What's this about GDM?17:30
pelegDr_Willis: thanks :)17:31
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layowhen i start computer resolution is good , 1900 x 120017:31
Dr_Willispeleg:  you aer not trying to do a SERVER install from a flash drive are you?17:31
layowhen i log in resolution is 1280 x102417:31
pelegDr_Willis: what's the difference? My ubuntu always acted also as a server (apache, etc.)17:31
layothen i go in nvdia server config17:32
sebsebseblayo: GDM  2 sucks :(  KDM :)17:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:32
Dr_Willispeleg:  server install WONT work from a usb-installer :) is one big differance17:32
sebsebseblayo: also yes if xorg isnt' set up properly,  you may get issues with the log in screen17:32
layoand i set resolution17:32
kkojibandkjele_: wow, there is very simple way to change default size. thank you^^17:32
TommyThaGunis there a way to make the edges of the windows larger? when I try to resize, it's like I'm playing a game of "How long does it take to find the edge of this window?"17:32
pelegDr_Willis: but I don't understand what IS a server installation. ubuntu is ubuntu... are there different versions now?17:32
UbuntuLilyHow does one do a check of an NTFS drive via Ubuntu?17:32
kjele_kkojiband: Sometimes you just need to see what the preferences offer you before being hardcore and edit conf files...17:32
sebsebseb!server | peleg17:33
ubottupeleg: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support17:33
sergiu14how you debug libc on ubuntu?17:33
Dr_WillisTommyThaGun:  try some differnt themes. the windows borders and buttons can be easier to use with a theme like 'bluecurve' or some others.17:33
layothis is my xorg http://paste.ubuntu.com/427678/17:33
datacrusherrecurrent questioning: how do i put the minimize, close buttons on the right side?17:33
sebsebsebthat factoid should be updated, since current LTS version is now 10.0417:33
xtynthe notifications system is driving me nuts17:33
xtynand i can't stop it17:33
pelegsebsebseb: oh, so no problem; as long as I can run apache on the normal version, I guess everything is ok...17:33
sebsebsebpeleg: yes you can17:33
TommyThaGunDr_Willis, is there a way to customize it? maybe in gconf-editor?17:33
sebsebsebpeleg: on the  normal  version17:33
kkojibandkjele_: yeah, i think so i should check preferences above all17:34
pelegsebsebseb: thanks17:34
Dr_WillisTommyThaGun:  I just use different themes.17:34
sebsebsebpeleg: ok np17:34
Dr_WillisTommyThaGun:  i tend to use ones that have nice big corner buttons in different colors17:34
airoxHi guys17:34
sebsebsebpeleg: also maybe you missed it above, but they should update that factoid :D17:34
slipperychickendatacrusher, gconf, there's a registry setting.17:34
xtynhow do i purge the bloody notifications system?17:34
sebsebsebpeleg: since it's 10.04 now17:34
sebsebsebxtyn: oh you want to remove notify-osd ?17:34
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airoxIs there any way to detect webcams and get a fixed name for them in /dev? Instead of video0, video1 etc ?17:35
xtynsebsebseb, yes17:35
pelegsebsebseb: yes, I have noticed that.17:35
Dr_Willisxtyn:  whats giving you so many notifications?17:35
datacrusherslipperychicken, thanks!!!17:35
Johnny_Smith_14join/ #ubuntu-fr17:35
xtynDr_Willis, the battery17:35
netbooktheadmin: I had same error with gnomebake actually... "wodim cannot fixate disk"17:35
pelegsebsebseb: oh, I can't run usb-creator, since I don't have root priveleges on this ubuntu (at the university)17:36
theadminnetbook: Hm.17:36
Dr_Willisxtyn:  weird. I rarely see any notifications on my netbook aboiut the battery17:36
theadminnetbook: Is the image file fine?17:36
linuxgeckoseveral statements and a question. i am trying to install lucid from a usb stick, that was created by unetbootin. i am getting a black screen on the gui after the animated loading splash. i can get to the CLI of the livecd. how do get a gui working?17:36
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)17:36
netbooktheadmin I'll check, I got it from http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/10.04/17:36
netbooktheadmin I'll dl another copy from another place17:36
sebsebseblinuxgecko: ok have you installed just trying?17:36
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Oerlinuxgecko,  what videocard do you use ?17:37
xtynwhen i tried ti purge the notifications-daemon, it tried to pull ubuntu-desktop with it17:37
Trezker_Now I've removed all flash from my system and restarted, but firefox and chrome can still play videos on youtube. Why?17:37
kjele_xtyn: You can change the notification setting in gconf-editor. Should be under apps > gnome-powermanager17:37
linuxgeckooer: intel 82865G.17:37
linuxgeckosebsebseb:  installed just trying?17:37
Dr_WillisTrezker_:  right click on the video and see what its using.17:37
sebsebseblinuxgecko: Your getting Plymouth issues  don't even  have a propritary Nivida or ATI driver installed hrm17:37
layosebsebseb: any solution17:37
sebsebseblinuxgecko: yeah just trying to install Ubuntu?17:37
nfmHi, I'm trying to run cdrdao read-toc, but the cd is like a hybrid audio/data thing and cdrdao is complaining it can't get a lock on the device (I'm guessing because both the audio and data parts are mounted). Anyone know a workaround?17:38
sebsebseblayo: not sure, but I guess  maybe you need a graphics card driver installed17:38
sebsebseblayo: system > administration > hardware drivers17:38
Trezker_adobe flash player 917:38
layoi done that17:38
linuxgeckosebsebseb:  I'm trying to install lucid. I've installed hardy and karmic previously on other systems. this one is getting lucid if this will work.17:38
sebsebseblayo: Which card you got?17:38
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layonvidia 7300 GS17:39
delacHello! Has anyone ever managed to disable "Network" and "Connect to Sever" from Places-menu and Nautilus?17:39
sebsebseblayo: ok after you installed that driver17:39
sebsebseblayo: is your boot up ok?  I mean before the log in screen loads17:39
teddy_1004 desktop ok to use?17:39
sebsebsebteddy_: depends17:39
sebsebsebteddy_: on the user, and to some extent their hardware17:39
pelegSo, do I have any hope making a usb hard-drive good for fresh install, if I don't have any way or using usb-creator, or should I give up / run to a friend somewhere?17:39
netbooktheadmin: gnomebaker and brasero both use wodim17:39
xtynkjele_, thanks, i hope this works17:39
linuxgeckoOer:  that help?17:39
layosamo problem with splash screen17:39
theadminnetbook: No idea who wodim is, actually.17:40
sebsebseblayo: ok are you seeing black screen and such, when it trys to load, before you get the log in screen?17:40
theadminnetbook: Altough no, I have a brief understanding but not much17:40
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teddy_what is the most common problem users have with 1004-desktop?17:40
linuxgeckoXorg fires up,  and i have no EE ,  and only barely a WW,   but nothing definative.17:40
layoi must see17:40
JenniferBis there a good svn gui client for ubuntu ?17:40
sebsebsebteddy_: I guess the Plymouth issue for the boot up, for those that have installed a propritary Nivida or ATI driver for the graphics card17:40
PudgyHas anybody tried to install VBoxAddition on a clean 10.4 (64b)? I'm getting a load of cryptic errors about a kernel, can't imagine I'm the first ;)17:40
theadminteddy_: "most common", doubt such thing exists. I hardly have any problems at all, for instance :P17:40
pelegJenniferB: rapidsvn17:40
netbooktheadmin, it is the program that does the actual writing to disc http://man.cx/wodim%281%2917:41
sebsebseblayo: ok17:41
sebsebseblayo: you got boot up screen issue?  ,but also  the log in screen itself, won't show properly?17:41
aciculaPudgy, can you paste the output on pastebin17:41
sebsebseblayo_: I think when it comes to the log in screen, just make sure that Ubuntu/Gnome is using the correct resolution,  and your log in screen will probably also be ok.17:42
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Oerlinuxgecko, iḿ following nvidia gpu problems, and read a intresting solution, maybe works for you 2 ( part of delay starting GDM [daemon] GdmXserverTimeout=60) http://www.mikesplanet.net/2010/05/10-04-workarounds/  ( ubuntu is booting too fast ? )17:43
carlosgaldinoHi, does anyone know how can I resize the icon that appears in the window list?17:44
linuxgeckogar.....   why the livecd doesn't have links/lynx and gpm on it,  i don't understand..          i can't use that link Oer.17:44
Pudgyacicula: Actually, that's not that simple on a clean 10.4 without networking up ;) (copy/paste doesn't work). It says something about kernel configuration is invalid. missing autoconf.h or auto.conf.17:44
xTheGoat121xWhat might cause my Karmic installation to stop showing the splash screen?17:44
layomz login screen is ok17:45
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: propritarty Nivida or ATI driver17:45
layothe problem is when i login17:45
layothen resolution is change17:45
Pudgyacicula: got the info from the log file btw17:45
sebsebseb!xorg | layo17:45
ubottulayo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:45
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: oh Karmic not Lucid, nevermind17:45
aciculaPudgy, make sure kernel headers are installed, think build-essential pulls them in17:45
xTheGoat121xsebsebseb, I have neither of those. I think it's got something to do with the new bootloader I installed.17:45
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: new boot loader?17:46
Pudgyacicula: ah... ok, gonna try that one.17:46
Trezker_aha! Found the flash plugin hiding in ~/.mozilla/plugins17:46
Take0nHello. where can I find guides and info about how to embed a python app with the message menu in lucid?17:46
xTheGoat121xsebsebseb, yeah... have you heard about BURG?17:47
sebsebsebTake0n: the Canonical website I think, but not sure17:47
KanocHey, who can help me pls? My Notebook doesn't start the new lucid lynx17:47
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: no what's that17:47
Trezker_now, which of all these flashplugins is recommended?17:47
paddy_I have made a user account and need to give it write permissions to a folder, how do i do that without 777'ing the folder?17:47
vivekHi .. I noticed that indicator applet and the gwibber service suddenly  surges upto use 100% of CPU . It remains like that for close to a minute  before going down. I am using Lucid.. it is a fresh clean install.. and  could someone also educate me on "desktop couch service". I see two  instances of it running in my system monitor. And then there is Ubuntu  one sync daemon & the "Ubuntu one login" which are together using  close to 26MB of RAM. Why is it 17:47
datacrusherslipperychicken, cant find the key... any clues?17:47
xTheGoat121xsebsebseb, https://launchpad.net/burg -- it's a graphical bootloader, adds some of the theming options they'll eventually implement in GRUB17:47
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: oh ok17:48
Trezker_flashplugin-nonfree or adobe-flashplugin?17:48
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: thanks I guess17:48
gswainDoes the ubuntu private cloud only make xen vms? or does it do kvm as well?17:48
bluebaronanyone know about an issue with youtube and flash versions?17:48
sebsebsebgswain: your on about Ubuntu One or?17:48
xTheGoat121xsebsebseb, it allows you to have the icon for your operating systems as opposed to text if you're running more than one OS17:48
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: icon as in logo?17:49
Trezker_bluebaron, mine hanged after leaving a page with flash17:49
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: of the OS?17:49
xTheGoat121xsebsebseb, yeah17:49
layoafter i restart gdm evrzthing is ok17:49
paddy_ I have made a user account and need to give it write permissions to a folder, how do i do that without 777'ing the folder?17:49
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: that sounds interesting17:49
solovoyi have a problem with ubuntu, don't mount the SD card of my cell phone, just mount the cellphone's memory17:49
sebsebsebgswain: ok try this channel #ubuntuone17:49
bluebarona lot of people must have my issue though.  can anyone with ubuntu 10.04 watch youtube videos?17:49
xTheGoat121xsebsebseb, it's really cool but it's screwed up the splash screen for me -- I don't get anything except a blank screen when I'm booting.17:50
Trezker_bluebaron, I could watch them, just crashes afterwards17:50
sebsebsebxTheGoat121x: heh in a way, well I guess that's why for stuff like that, it's useaully best to stay with the default17:50
pelegI think I have found my issue: "If you choose to upgrade your / or /boot filesystem in place from ext2 or ext3 to ext4 (as documented on the ext4  wiki), then you must also use the grub-install  command after upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to reinstall your boot loader. If you do not do this, then the version of GRUB installed in your boot sector will not be able to read the kernel from the ext4 filesystem and your system will fail t17:50
sebsebsebTrezker_: Which version of Ubuntu?17:50
pelegMy question is: can I do something NOW, after trying to boot, in order to fix that? Can I fix that grub now somehow?17:50
Trezker_10.04, upgraded17:51
Bombohi i'm trying to get online via DSL with ubuntu 10.04, i found the settings. i can enter connection name (my dsl isp name) then username, password, and service, what does the service mean? what do i need to type in there?17:51
Trezker_and I fixed it!17:51
sebsebsebTrezker_: How?17:51
noahHello, I'm new to ubuntu.  Is it possible to remote connect to a vista machine using terminal server client? I keep getting an error.17:51
ReBoRnE33Hi guys...17:51
c3lneed help with my printer. Im managing to get a testpage printed, but nothing else. (hp laserjet 1020)17:51
Trezker_after removing flash player 9 I reinstalled adobe flashplugin17:51
vivekguys the indicator applet on my system shows 100 %CPU usage in between. Gwibber was doing the same.. so i uninstalled it.. can someone please help me with it17:51
solovoyi have a problem with ubuntu, don't mount the SD card of my cell phone, just mount the cellphone's memory17:51
sinuxBombo, just enter any name you want17:51
sebsebsebtheGman: yes17:52
sebsebseb!caps | theGman17:52
ubottutheGman: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:52
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sebsebseb!ask | theGman17:52
ubottutheGman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:52
theGmansebsebseb: Thanks.17:52
sinuxvivek, use top command in the terminal to verify the CPU usage17:52
theGmanI apologize, but when I was asking questions two diff times earlier today I never got any kind of response.17:53
sebsebsebnoah: not sure abou that, but you could with RDP or VNC, well if your version of Windows supports RDP17:53
abstraktwhere does firefox store bookmark backups17:53
abstrakti've checked in ~/.mozilla/firefox/bookmarks.html17:53
abstraktbut my bookmarks aren't actually in there17:53
BluesKajBombo, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/ ..this will help you connect with ethernet without needing the network manager17:53
abstraktit does have some default bookmarks, but i can't find my bookmark toolbar folder17:53
theGmanThe prob I'm having is when I boot into ubuntu (am in win7 atm UGH!) it sees my linksys wusb100 wifi adapter, and idents it correct...17:54
eortegaHi, I can't connect my iPod Touch to Gpixpod, can someone help me?17:54
sinuxabstrakt, what you want do take a backup of the bookmakrs17:54
sebsebseb!wireless | theGman17:54
ubottutheGman: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:54
aciculaabstrakt, ~/.mozilla/firefox/<somenumber>/bookmarkbackups/17:54
PrajwalxTheGoat121x, thanks for the link on Burg17:54
abstraktacicula, i looked in there too17:54
abstraktit's all JSON files17:54
abstraktnot very human readable17:54
viveksinux: thanks ... but it is not always using 100% CPU... sometimes it does.. my thing here is that I have nothing to do with the indicator applet.. it just sits in one corner.. why should it ever use 100%CPU17:54
Take0nsebsebseb, what is this "message menu" called? I am not sure what to look for17:54
BomboBluesKaj: but i need to dial with my modem17:54
abstrakti need to add some bookmarks "en masse" to my bookmarks toolbar17:54
nocturnuswhat grub command parses grub.cfg in a readable form ?17:55
xTheGoat121xPrajwal, No problem. Just be careful installing it -- it can be a bit tricky if you don't do all the steps. There's a few guides for it on the forums17:55
theGmanAnd even shows me access points avail to conn too....but when it attempts to...after a few secs...it returns "disconnected..." Anyone have an idea why?17:55
ReBoRnE33I've done an in-place upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04. This hasn't caused me any problems in the past with previous Ubuntu release updates on the same hardware. Now the dovecot pop3 server and Bacula director aren't coming up.17:55
sinuxvivek, might the applet is buggy just remove it and use top if you want to see the CPU usage17:55
aciculaabstrakt, ~/.mozilla/firefox/<somenumber>/bookmarks.html does not exist?17:55
abstraktacicula, yes that exists17:55
pelegDo you know if there's a way to "manually update grub" AFTER I have restarted? At the moment ubuntu can't read my filesystem (since it tries ext4, while my filesystem is ext3, I believe) - is there ANYTHING I can do at this point? Or should I try a fresh install now?17:55
abstraktacicula, it just doesn't have my *actual* bookmarks in it17:55
aciculaabstrakt, then you are asking the wrong question, you have the bookmark backups, but want to import them into firefox?17:56
BomboBluesKaj: i got a username and password from my isp, but im not sure what to enter in the service form field17:56
ReBoRnE33These haqve previously started on boot.17:56
BluesKaj!modem | Bombo17:56
ubottuBombo: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up17:56
sebsebsebTake0n: indicitor applet I think,  anyway I got a link for you,  that goes to the  Canonical link as well, which might be useful.17:56
sebsebsebTake0n: if I am correct you want  your app to use their thing instead of the notificaiton area, yes?17:57
Prajwalyea sure :)17:57
vivekthanks sinux: will try removing the indicator applet though I am not sure if I would really want to remove it... by the way could you please tell me what is this desktop couch service17:57
BomboBluesKaj: *reading*17:57
viveksinux: i see two instances of it on my system monitor17:57
sinuxpeleg, It's better if you do a clean install it's little trouble than trying to fix the current17:58
sebsebsebTake0n: or you really weren't clear in what you were asking17:58
sinuxvivek, give me sec17:58
ActionParsnipyo yo yo17:59
viveksure sinux: please take your time17:59
rohanis there any way to get rid of _all_ traces of ubuntu one from your system?17:59
sebsebsebTake0n: no reply, no link17:59
pelegsinux: well, it is not a little trouble, that's sure, since I can't burn a CD and I can't use usb-creator here, since I don't have any root permissions (in the university). If only there was a way to create a bootable CD without root permissions...17:59
Take0nsebsebseb, I want my app to appear in the messaging menu (the mail icon) like pidgin does. and show things below it like empathy does with new chat messages17:59
ondraMůžu se zeptat ?17:59
ActionParsniprohan: sudo apt-get --purge remove ubuntuone*17:59
Take0nsorry for answering I was googling it but with no luck17:59
pelegI have also read that this switch to ext4 might corrupt my data. Is that true? I am terrified :(  -  I have a backup, but it is only from about a week ago, not really up-to-date.18:00
rohanActionParsnip: thanks.. will that remove the metapackage ubuntu-desktop too?18:00
ReBoRnE33Can anyone explain why the dovecot pop3 server & bacula director daemons aren't being started on boot anymore after an in-place update from 9.10?18:00
sebsebsebTake0n: ok I have a link  that goes on to a link to do with what you seem to want to do, but  it doesn't tell you how, well you'll see18:00
ondraNainstaloval jsem ubuntu kterémi na virtuáluu jelo česky ale zde nejde.18:00
sebsebsebTake0n: I guess18:00
ActionParsniprohan: then you may want to run: cd ~/; ls -a    make sure no config folders shown smell like ubuntuone, also run:   cd ~/.config; ls -a      and do the same there18:00
Take0nthank you18:00
Take0ncould you please provide me with that link?18:00
sinuxvivek, Bro this might help you http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/How_Desktopcouch_Works18:01
sebsebsebTake0n: yeah hold on18:01
rohanthanks, atrus18:01
aciculanocturnus, grub.cfg is autogenerated, settings go in /etc/default/grub18:01
rohanerr.. thanks, ActionParsnip18:01
linuxgeckoOer: sorry.. doesn't work.   their fix involves a file/directory that isn't there on the livecd..    how do i get this mostrossity installed??? all my other ubuntu installs went nice enough i recommend it for most users switching to linux.18:01
ActionParsniprohan: let mecheck for you18:01
sinuxvivek, but thing is I don't see that kind of a thing on my desktop18:01
xtynkjele_, it did work, thanks18:01
nocturnusacicula: thanks18:02
ActionParsniprohan: no it doesnt remove the metapackage18:02
ondraI am install Ubuntu to my netbook and this system is english but in my virtual computer is system czech.18:02
rohanActionParsnip: great, thanks18:02
viveksinux, is that not surprising.. i have a clean install of lucid on my system and if you are using lucid too. should we both not have the same things running18:02
neverbluehow do I set my IP, behind my router, on my Ubuntu machine ?18:02
ActionParsniprohan: its ok to remove te metapackage, it doesn't do anything when removed18:02
solovoyi have a problem with ubuntu, don't mount the SD card of my cell phone, just mount the cellphone's memory18:02
sinuxguys got to go I'm too sleepy I was up for 48 hours straight18:02
theadminneverblue: I think you'll have to make the router do that for ya18:02
nocturnusacicula: where's the file that's like menu.lst in grub1 ?18:02
ActionParsniprohan: just read the screen before you authorise the removal18:03
theadminnocturnus: /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:03
dirtyharoldhello all18:03
ActionParsnip!grub2 | nocturnus18:03
ubottunocturnus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:03
rohanActionParsnip: i will, thanks18:03
neverbluetheadmin, for some reason, my VMware Ubuntu machine changed its IP....18:03
sinuxvivek, I'm running lucid 64bit and yes it's a clean install18:03
aciculaneverblue, its usually handed out by the router, and this is also the default for ubuntu. if you need to specify static configurations you can right click the network applet in the panel and select edit connections and fill in connection dtails18:03
theGmanOk, went to that link but not seeing anything for the wusb100! Only seeing stuff for the wusb600N which doesn't seem like it would help...18:03
neverblueand I would like to keep it set statically, if possible18:03
solovoyi have a problem with ubuntu, don't mount the SD card of my cell phone, just mount the cellphone's memory18:03
neverblueI know DNS settings can be adjusted in Windows18:03
dirtyharoldwhat proxy do you guys use for IRC -if any?18:04
ActionParsnipnocturnus: editting /boot/grub/grub.cfg is not the way to edit grub as the file is generated so next time you install a new kernel, the cange you made will be lost18:04
viveksinux. i am running lucid 32 bit .... possibly that should be the diff.....18:04
ActionParsnip!proxy | dirtyharold18:04
sinuxvivek, I've to sleep now my eye lids are dropping bye for now, Yes might be18:04
nocturnusActionParsnip: ok what's the right way?18:04
sebsebsebTake0n: browser issues hang on18:04
Take0nsebsebseb, no problem =)18:04
theadminActionParsnip: Editing that is fine with me, because I try to stick to specific kernels, those which work best18:04
evol_Hello, I've managed to get that little envelope (message notification thingy) icon go away from my notification area.. how can i get it back18:04
aciculanocturnus, that is now grub.cfg i believe, you edit the file in /etc/default/grub to set grub settings18:04
ActionParsnipnocturnus: read the grub2 factoid ubottu gave, you need to edit gub's config files then run: sudo update-grub   for the changes to stick18:04
theGmanAnyone have a suggestion/idea? I really don't want to have to dump my ubuntu unless I have no choice...18:05
phillipsjksolovoy: I don't know if it is related to your problem, but SD cards use a DRM scheme known as CPRM http://www.sdcard.org/developers/tech/18:05
linuxgeckoplease help.  the installer shoudl not be this borked..  how do i get the gui working? i have a normal 10.04 iso i used, and i can only get the loading screen..   with quiet and spalsh removed, i just get more console stuff before the black screen.18:05
ActionParsniptheadmin: its generated so new kernels will lose the settings, thats why its marked as read only, even to root (but the access may be changed) and the file says it is not to be modified18:05
dirtyharold!proxy | dirtyharold18:05
ReBoRnE33Can anybody help me with issues related to an upgrade from karmic - lucid??18:05
ActionParsnipdirtyharold: ubottu used to have a proxy factoid18:06
uLinuxHow can I fix hour format at Login, Pidgin, etc?18:06
=== Trezker_ is now known as Trezker
evol_Hello, I've managed to get that little envelope (message notification thingy) icon go away from my notification area.. how can i get it back?18:06
woodyjlwis the open source driver for ati cards better than the the one from ati  yet?18:06
nocturnu1what''s the grub1 line supposed to look like?18:06
trismevol_: add the indicator applet to the panel18:07
neverbluethanks acicula18:07
evol_thanks trism18:07
solovoyphillipsjk, don't know18:08
ActionParsnip!anyone | ReBoRnE3318:08
ubottuReBoRnE33: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:08
ActionParsniplinuxgecko: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?18:08
neverbluehmmm, someone has hopped onto my wireless network18:08
jpdsneverblue: Nice.18:08
linuxgeckoActionParsnip:  no..  but i never had to before18:09
neverbluejpds :D18:09
neverblueits just weird, as I have it password protected...18:09
ActionParsniplinuxgecko: then you have no way of knowing the iso you downloaded is complete or consistant18:09
=== jason_ is now known as Roasted
ActionParsnipneverblue: mac filtering can help too18:09
neverblueActionParsnip: about to do it :D18:09
ActionParsnipneverblue: depends on the router, you will have to RTFM18:10
ReBoRnE33ubottu: I've performed upgrade from karmic to lucid. Now bacula-director & dovecot pop3 server daemons aren't being started on boot. How do I fix this?18:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:10
ActionParsnipReBoRnE33: reinstall them and it may get sorted, or you can manually edit the startup to add the entries18:10
Take0nsebsebseb, brb18:10
yellabswe really need an what you see is what you get web editor for webdesign18:11
ActionParsnipneverblue: I also have hidden SSID, disabled DHCP and use a weird subnet and mask. Keeps folk out nice18:11
avsuHi! How can I see a full list from "top" command? It doesn't fill in my screen.18:11
ReBoRnE33ActionParsn: I would do if I could be guaranteed that it wouldn't mess up the custom config I've setup on the rig in question.18:11
dirtyharoldwhen I look at "cat /proc/cpuinfo" it shows both cores (I have an AMD dual 3.1 Ghz) but shows 1 core @ 3.1 Ghz and the other @ 800 Mhz. Is this current load? Or is cool n' quiet toning down the clock speed?18:11
ActionParsnipavsu: top -n 99999999    should do it18:12
ActionParsnip!startup | ReBoRnE3318:12
ubottuReBoRnE33: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:12
ActionParsnip!boot  | ReBoRnE3318:12
ubottuReBoRnE33: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:12
theGmanI guess I'm stuck then...since that link for the wireless isn't helping...I'm gonna have to (regrettably) dump my install and use something else...so sad.18:12
ReBoRnE33ubottu: thx18:13
ReBoRnE33ubottu thanks18:13
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:13
theGmanUnless I'm missing something in that link...18:13
DavidJHeinrichhi all18:13
DavidJHeinrichcan anyone help me with file-naming conventions?18:13
bumbblebee guys i just installed firefox -3.6 using sudo apt-get install, now there is something called namoroka (firefox pre release), i dont want that, i want firefox 3.6 what shld i do?18:13
bondiblueos9ok, my boot fails silently if I don't have all my drives listed in fstab connected; any suggestions?18:13
DavidJHeinrichI am naming photography files, and want to put the exposure in the file-name, i.e., 1/15s. How can I do this? Ubuntu won't take / in filenames18:14
Piciavsu: er, that command won't help. use top -b -n 118:14
ryankrizanIs anyone available to help me figure out why the nvidia driver is not working properly?18:14
theadminbumbblebee: That is FF3.6, final. It's named differently to not mess it with 3.518:14
ani__ani@ani-desktop:~$ sudo sdptool browse 00:0F:DE:FF:DD:A618:14
ani__Failed to connect to SDP server on 00:0F:DE:FF:DD:A6: File descriptor in bad state18:14
Jake2|cflneverblue: change your passphrase of course18:14
ani__Whats that mean.. how can i slove it?18:14
pelegI just realized that using "recovery mode" with an older kernel, I can boot to a normal shell (bash), and I can see my home dir and use vim and etc.  - Now I am trying to find a way to fix my installation somehow.18:14
avsuPici: Jep thx!18:14
bumbblebeetheadmin, are u sure?18:14
aaron-n-nikkigot a question. Does Ubuntu ever need defrag?18:15
barberanwhere can i configure software sources ?18:15
theGmanCan ANYONE tell me if the drivers for the wusb600N will still work for my wusb100(it's a G really) ???18:15
theadminbumbblebee: Yes.18:15
barberanI mean sources.ist18:15
schweegi1hello! can you help me? i want to reinstall ubuntu lucid, but  after installation is finished i can't type my password because ubuntu  tells me that the password is wrong but its defendly right!18:15
bastid_raZorbarberan: /etc/apt/sources.list18:15
theadminschweegi1: Let's perform a password reset.18:15
ActionParsniptheGman: what chip does it use?18:15
linuxgeckobarberan:  i've never know it to need it.. why?18:15
glibi have attempted to change my pointer (in appearance>customize>pointer) but instead of changing the theme i have a bizarre hybrid of two themes.  any idea how to fix this?18:15
barberanbastid_raZor thanks18:15
bastid_raZor!defrag | aaron-n-nikki read the links for more detailed information18:15
ubottuaaron-n-nikki read the links for more detailed information: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.18:15
bumbblebeetheadmin, cause when i installed that on jaunty it did not updated to namoroka18:15
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pelegthat's quite an interesting shell; when I type "dsfdsfs" I get "Sorry, command-not-found has crashed!" :)18:16
schweegi1theadmin: how can i do that? i'm on the live cd yet because i can't login into ubuntu :(18:16
theadminschweegi1: Boot into the recovery mode, choose "drop to root shell", type "passwd username" (where username is the name you chose on install), and enter a new password.18:16
theGmanActionParsnip: Apparently the ralkink chipset, in other distros it used the rt287018:16
htcanyone familiar with server 10.04 / cannot set static ip problem?18:16
paddy_ I have made a user account and need to give it write permissions to a folder, how do i do that without 777'ing the folder?18:16
linuxgeckoActionParsnip: if i co back and test my iso and it passes md5,  what am i looking at for an issue?18:16
bumbblebeetheadmin, but on hardy it shows namoroka18:16
ActionParsniptheGman: you can check with: sudo lshw -C network18:16
ryankrizanhtc: have you tried the old method of using /etc/network/interfaces?18:16
htcryankrizan, supposedly - got a shitty host apparently18:17
bastid_raZorpaddy_: add them to the group of the folder18:17
theadminbumbblebee: Sorry, no idea about those old releases :/ Only ever used 3.6 on Karmic and Jaunty18:17
aaron-n-nikki<bastid_raZor> Thanx18:17
ActionParsniplinuxgecko: you may need some boot options or disable some hardware in bios, also if you are using a CD/DVD then burn as SLOWLY as possible18:17
AnxiousNutdoes totem movie player saves what i streamed from youtube? searching for something18:17
htceither the server didnt have the driver on the cd, or the guy's just incompetent, or its a real bug18:17
schweegi1theadmin: thank you, i try it now..18:17
theadminpaddy_: Add that account to group which owns the folder18:17
htci've seen it on vm images with 10.0418:17
paddy_how do i do that18:17
theadminbumbblebee: Err, Karmic and Lucid18:18
theadminpaddy_: See "man adduser" and "man chown"18:18
bastid_raZorpaddy_: adduser username groupname18:18
theGmanActionParsnip: So, since I would have to reboot into it I need to get as much info now, what will that tell me exactly?18:18
bumbblebeetheadmin, one of the guys in firefox community is suggesting to upgrade to lucid, thats latest right?18:18
theadminbumbblebee: Yes.18:18
theGmanActionParsnip: And how do I use the info?18:18
bumbblebeeis it same for lucid18:18
paddy_how do i find the group i need to add the user to?18:18
bumbblebeenamoroka ;)18:18
theadminbumbblebee: Nah, it displays just as "Firefox" for Lucid18:18
pelegso the release notes say "you must also use the grub-install  command after upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to reinstall your boot loader" - now that I am finally seeing my shell, how can I use that command? It asks me to provide an install_device.18:18
theadminbumbblebee: Cause it uses 3.6 as deafult18:19
ActionParsniptheGman: read the product line for the wireless interface and use it in websearches. I also suggest you use a wired connection to get full updates before any of this as the updates may fix it for you18:19
bastid_raZorpaddy_: ls -hal /path/to/directory18:19
erichyndsdoes alt+drag no longer work for moving a gnome panel?18:19
theadminerichynds: Does.18:19
erichyndstheadmin, any reason why it wouldn't for me?  I'm on a fresh install of 10.04.18:19
linuxgeckoActionParsnip:  the machine has no cd drive,  i'm using a unetbootin usb thumb drive.  i've used it successfully for 9.10.  I'm typing from the livecd environment.  what kernel options do i need? i've already tried some. and please don't treat me like a linux noob.18:20
theadminerichynds: Hmnh. I'm on a update from Karmic, but...18:20
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | linuxgecko18:20
ubottulinuxgecko: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions18:20
theadminerichynds: They're kicking out the panel for the next release anyway18:20
erichyndscorrection, i cannot drag new panels.  the default 2 can be dragged18:21
paddy_bastid_raZor "drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K May  3 23:52 html"18:21
theGmanActionParsnip: Sadly, a wired conn isn't an option at the moment or I could be in here while booted in ubuntu... :(18:21
linuxgeckoActionParsnip:  so you just want me to throw the dictionary of kernel options at it? no diagnosis?18:22
erichyndstheadmin, answered my own question.  I needed to put something on it before it could be dragged, for whatever reason18:22
Patrinstarhow do i update firefox? i have version 3.5.918:22
htchey linuxgecko you got any dmesg|tail /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages output thats interesting?18:22
ondraGood evening. I installed Ubuntu in a virtual computer system in the Czech language. Now I have installed the system into a notebook is in English. How do I translate into Czech?18:22
theadminPatrinstar: Best solution: Update Ubuntu to Lucid.18:22
bastid_raZorpaddy_: you  would need to change the group permissions and the group.. sudo chmod 775 html  .. then change the group to something that isn't root .. say that users name. then they shoudl be able to read read write execute the directory18:23
theadminondra: System - Admininstration - Language Support18:23
Patrinstartheadmin, whatrs lucid? im new to this18:23
ActionParsniplinuxgecko: try a few, see what you get. The MD5 will hopefully pass so you know the data you are using is good. If not, you know where the error lies18:23
theadminubottu: lucid | Patrinstar18:23
ubottuPatrinstar: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100418:23
hwildehello, a samba mount failed and then all the icons on my desktop disappeard?18:23
pelegBut actually I prefer to stay with ext3. I am worrying for my data. But it looks like I just can't make a fresh install... I have an external HD and I have an internet connection on this ubuntu here - but I don't have admin permissions. Why would I need admin permissions in order to create a bootable usb??18:23
ondraTo nefunguje.18:23
ondraIt does not work.18:23
zippytechhi I am running 8.04 where is the trash folder located at for each user?18:24
chazcoThe Ubuntu 10.04 live cd can't reach a desktop environment on my desktop PC. I'm guessing this is due to the changed nvidia free drivers. Is this something that is likely to be fixed in 10.04.1?18:24
htcpeleg, writing to disks is a admin thing, and iirc ntfs/fat only automount without permissions needed, but its been a while since ive tried other fs's18:24
bastid_raZor!trash | zippytech18:24
ubottuzippytech: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:24
schweegitheadmin: thank you! that solved the problem :)18:24
htcchazco, what sort of PC do you have? is it a dell?18:24
bastid_raZorzippytech: /home/username/.Trash for each user18:24
chazcohtc - Nope, just a basic self build18:25
htcchazco, first thing i always try is getting the alternate CD installer, and going from there. they take out all the nice stuff and fill it with drivers18:25
ondraGood evening. I installed Ubuntu in a virtual computer system in the Czech language. Now I have installed the system into a notebook is in English. How do I translate into Czech? Lagnuage support its not work.18:25
bastid_raZorpaddy_: please keep questions in the main channel. and i do not know what that means18:25
Patrinstartheadmin, so i update to lucid? or am i reinstalling everything?18:25
phillipsjklinuxgecko: did you try "Check disk for defects. " that check the MD5 hash I believe.18:25
htcchazco, k what hardware's in it?18:25
kjele_zippytech: in ~/.local/share/Trash/files18:25
theadminPatrinstar: You can just update.18:25
theadminPatrinstar: Use the update manager18:25
paddy_how do i change the group?18:25
theadminpaddy_: chown :group somefile18:26
Patrinstartheadmin, what do you mean use the update manager?18:26
bastid_raZorpaddy_: sudo chgrp groupname html18:26
linuxgeckophillipsjk: sorry if i'm frustrated..  i've said a few times that i unetbootin'd my iso to a usb stick. and i use the stick for other things too.18:26
theadminPatrinstar: system -> admininstration -> update manager.18:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:26
chazcohtc - I normally need the live cd to do some other bits and pieces (cleaning up /home partition for example). Not sure what's in it anymore :D Its got a nvidia geforce 6200LE video card (+ an unused on-board nvidia card)18:26
pelegThe problem that in this shell I'm in, at the moment, I connect the external HD, and it is mounted (I see it it /media, with its real name), but it appears it has no files in it at all. As if my system can't read it now. I feel lost... that is, there's really nothing at all I can do to have a computer running again :(18:26
theadminbastid_raZor: chgrp? Who needs that. We have chown18:26
bastid_raZortheadmin: if changing just the group then it is useful.18:27
theGmanActionParsnip: Could I boot into a diff distro's live cd that can conn and maybe chroot and work with it? Would that even work?18:27
htchm, nvidia chipset on the mobo chazco ?18:27
sebsebsebTake0n: browser issues as  I was saying18:27
sebsebsebTake0n: so uhmm18:27
zippytechthanks everyone18:27
theadminbastid_raZor: Dunno... chown :group somefile or chgrp group somefile... really same effect18:27
OttifantSir1Is there a faster way of finding and correcting invalid coding (using Scandinavian letters in filenames) than going through 15000+ MP3s and see which ones are marked?18:27
chazcohtc - Yes, can't give you specifics because i'm not sure without taking it apart to check :)18:27
ActionParsniptheGman: possibly, its free to try :)18:27
sebsebsebTake0n: well one last try finding in my IRC log18:27
sebsebsebI guess18:27
PiciOttifantSir1: I *think* that easytag will do that automatically.18:28
htcchazco, sure you can18:28
pelegI guess my only option is to install a live-cd somewhere else, and try my luck booting from it.18:28
htcsudo lspci -vvv >somefile18:28
datacrusherdoes anyone knows if ubuntu 10 have support for intel 82945G/GZ vga?18:28
htcthen pastebin it18:28
khiderHello all, I cannot get open office to work and get the following error--http://pastebin.ca/187141518:28
OttifantSir1Pici: Is that in the repos?18:28
bastid_raZortheadmin: it isn't something to bluster about. both work and for someone who has no idea what they are doing chgrp simplifies it.18:28
PiciOttifantSir1: Yes, it is.18:28
Patrinstartheadmin, how do i get update manager to find lucid?18:28
zippytechhmm when i click on the trash can I see folders but when I look in the folder with terminal as root I see nothing18:28
malice /quit18:28
ActionParsnipOttifantSir1: you can use the find command in conjuction with -exec to script it18:28
theGmanActionParsnip: Just not sure WHAT to try in that scenario...?18:28
theadminPatrinstar: What is your current Ubuntu version? (please run "lsb_release -src"18:28
ActionParsnipOttifantSir1: te guys in #bash have some crazy scripting skills18:29
PHLAKI have irssi set up on a remote server and am sshed into that server, now how do I get my local terminal to blink the taskbar icon on a bell?18:29
chazcohtc - This pops up a fair bit nVidia Corporation MCP6118:29
OttifantSir1ActionParsnip: I know. Been there a few times and gotten help18:29
Patrinstar9.10 karmic18:29
phillipsjklinuxgecko: did you try "F4. Graphics Modes. If video is unacceptable during the operation of the CD, selecting the "Safe graphics mode" may provide better results during LiveCD operation or until video issues can be resolved after installation."18:29
Patrinstartheadmin, 9.10 karmic18:29
pelegOk, I have no choice, then. Thank you for your help. I will run to catch a friend somewhere.     Cheers.18:29
* jae isn't really sure what OttifantSir1's problem *is*, but then again, with encodings, he knows too much :P18:29
CyberManall ji18:29
Take0nsebsebseb, hope u do18:29
CyberManall hi*18:29
CyberManhabeone question18:29
theadminPatrinstar: sudo apt-get update && update-manager - should display "New release available blah blah blah 10.04 Lucid Lynx"18:30
OttifantSir1ActionParsnip: I'll check Pici's suggestion first18:30
ryankrizanHas anyone seen anything like this before? http://www.youecho.com/nvidia-blue.png18:30
paddy_thankyou. i think that worked, what is a good gui ftp client?18:30
kjele_zippytech: Your or other's trash?18:30
sebsebsebTake0n: right guys in other channel,  helped me get link since they can Google18:30
linuxgeckophillipsjk:  cna you share those kernel options? i don't have the iso where i can get to that menu.18:30
CyberManhow can I add user on ubuntu 9.10 server?18:30
sebsebsebTake0n: where as I got browser issues at the moment,  could install another browser and try etc, anyway right18:30
khiderHello all, I cannot get open office to work and get the following error http://pastebin.ca/187141518:30
sebsebsebTake0n: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/ubuntu-ditching-notification-area.html18:30
cyberjackHi, can anyone tell me how I can install the php 5.2.13 packages from dotdeb on ubuntu 10.4? The packages in 10.4 are newer (version 5.3.2) but I need php 5.2 for work.18:30
ActionParsniptheGman: you need the driver files (could even use ndisgtk just for the now until you get the system updated)18:30
sebsebsebTake0n: that links to the Canonical link about it as well18:30
bastid_raZorcyberjack: sudo adduser username18:30
bastid_raZorCyberMan:  ^^18:31
chasmanrors__reposting: How do I move my wine/emacs/all packages/email/everything en mass     to new hardware?   Also how do I know if linux will run on that hardware?18:31
ActionParsnip!adduser | cyberjack18:31
ubottucyberjack: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo18:31
linuxgeckophillipsjk:  and no, I've not tried it,  because i don't see it..  where on the livecd does it store those?18:31
sebsebsebTake0n: maybe I should have just told you to Google :D18:31
zippytechnot sure yet18:31
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d618:31
Take0nsebsebseb, thanks! I will read it asap =)18:31
cyberjacklol, I don't want ta add a new user :)18:32
infidi'm doing an upgrade to lucid and it's asking me which grub install devices i have. (/dev/sda, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda5 which is my / root partition, /dev/sda6 and /dev/sdb which is my external usb drive). which one(s) should i install it on?18:32
sebsebsebTake0n: also this thing18:32
ReBoRnE33OK... Added the services to System>Preferences>Startup Applications. Pointing both of them to their respective /etc/init.d scripts and re-booted the system. Services STILL don't appear in System Monitor. What am I doing wrong?18:32
khiderHello all, I cannot get open office to work and get the following error http://pastebin.ca/187141518:32
sebsebsebTake0n: this stuff, is not part of upstream Gnome, other distros won't have it,  so that's something to think about as well18:32
kjele_infid: a df command will show you18:32
htchey i gotta crash m8. but it can be done, if your having trouble fall back to 9.18:32
htc9.10, and do an upgrade18:32
bastid_raZorcyberjack: yeah, wrong tab completion18:32
htc@ chazco18:33
kjele_infid: you want to install in /dev/sda18:33
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd18:33
infidkjele_: but how do i know it's safe18:33
phillipsjklinuxgecko: vga=771  is listed as a common option, not sure what resolution that corresponds to.18:33
aaron-n-nikkiI used to have to delete temp. Int. Files. Flush DNS Cache.You know? Does Ubuntu also?18:33
ReBoRnE33ubottu: Done what you suggested. Makes NO difference.18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
kjele_infid: Because that is where / is in /dev/sda it will install to the mbr of that disk.18:34
cyberjackbastid_raZor: no problem :)18:34
kjele_infid: And /dev/sdb is your external usb drive18:34
Patrinstartheadmin, doesnt say there is a new update18:34
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:34
infidKebap23: df doesnt say anything about /dev/sda1 and 2, it just says /dev/sda5 is /, udev is /dev, none, none, none, none, /dev/sda618:34
khiderokay, what is the command line thingy to (re)install openoffice because the GUI installer does not work18:35
ReBoRnE33Well... I'll try a re-install.18:35
ActionParsnipTommyThaGun: theres a nice ppa with themes in, takes up 250Mb if you install them all but you can install individual themes too18:35
[diablo]hi, I have a Samsung R20 with an ATI Radeon XPress 1250 card (sadly). 10.04 install done adding the nomodeset option. However now when booting up after installation I have no X server. Can I install the Catalyst drivers via apt-get at all please?18:35
Patrinstarhow do i upgrade to lucid?18:36
TommyThaGunActionParsnip, do you know the ppa?18:36
ActionParsnipTommyThaGun: https://launchpad.net/~bisigi/+archive/ppa18:36
linuxgeckophillipsjk:  smallller than 10x7 i think..   as long as it installs and i get a gui, i can manage from there.18:36
kjele_infid: Show me your fdisk -l output. Need to run as root18:36
ph8hi all, i'm on lucid - on a media centre PC with an Nvidia 6150 LE - i have nvidia drivers installed (Recommend) but they're not active and i can't get them active. Glxinfo shows direct rendering: no (/mesa) but my xorg.conf shows "Driver "nvidia"" in my device section - nothing obvious in Xorg.0.log - any ideas?18:36
ActionParsnipTommyThaGun: http://www.bisigi-project.org/?page_id=6&lang=en18:36
jfWhat should I do to get my speed back in my nvidia ion after upgrading to 10.04? 9.10 it played 1080p, now it doesn't.18:36
ActionParsnipTommyThaGun: I use the showtime theme18:36
[diablo]It´s really frustrating not getting this running18:36
neverblueok, in attempting to setup eth0, statically, I need to enter a search domain, what is that going to be, the address of my router?18:36
khiderHello all, I cannot get open office to work and get the following error http://pastebin.ca/187141518:36
kjele_jf: You have the binary driver enabled?18:37
_Zappy_Hello, I installed Ubuntu yesterday on my computer. Created a 15 gig partition just for Ubuntu and a 100 gig ntfs partition for data to share with win7. Is there any way for ubuntu to install new software in the 100 gig partition ?18:37
theGmanActionParsnip: Though, I don't know where I could get a live cd that is close enough to ubuntu that will get the wifi working so that I can use aptitude etc...18:37
jfkjele_: Yep.18:37
phillipsjklinuxgecko: wikipedia says 800x600x8bit18:37
infidkjele_: the menu says /dev/sda (640135 MT, WDC_WD6400AAKS), /dev/sda1 (1024mb), /dev/sda2 (0mb), /dev/sda5 (102396mb), /dev/sda6 (527495mb)18:37
jfkjele_: nvidia-current.18:37
bastid_raZorneverblue: #ubuntu-server is a good place to ask.. if no one here has answers18:37
_Zappy_With win7 I can , but Linux doesn't seem to give me that option18:37
linuxgeckophillipsjk:  good enough for me..    as long as it works.. I'll be back if it doesn't.18:37
ActionParsnipkhider: are any OOo apps running now?18:37
neverbluethanks bastid_raZor18:38
khiderActionParsnip: No18:38
kjele_jf: Maybe the open source driver will boost it.18:38
melaniewhen i start my computer and the login come my screen turn black! help please (lucid)18:38
infidkjele_: fdisk -l says /dev/sda1 is linux swap/solaris, sda2 is extended, sda5, is linux, sda 6 is linux, sdb1 is hpfs/ntfs18:38
ActionParsnipkhider: check with :   ps -ef | less18:38
TommyThaGunawesome, thank ActionParsnip18:38
dajhorn_Zappy_: This is very difficult to do. Resize your partitions if you can.18:38
ActionParsniptheGman: i'd use ndistk and use the xp driver (well I'd use a wired connection, much smarter)18:39
khiderActionParsnip: What happens is I get oowriter (for instance) for about five seconds and then it crashes18:39
castiellgalera, meu phpmyadmin esta dando esse erro: #2002 - O servidor não está respondendo (ou o soquete do servidor MySQL local não está configurado corretamente)18:39
Patrinstarhow do i upgrade to lucid?18:39
kjele_infid: ok a bit unusual to use swap as primary and the system as extended. But just install grub to /dev/sda18:39
_Zappy_dajhorn, Thanks ... Too bad18:39
infidkjele_: ok, and sda6 is my /home parition18:39
ActionParsnipkhider: have you tried renaming the openoffice config folder (hidden) in your home folder?18:39
ActionParsnip!upgrade | Patrinstar18:40
ubottuPatrinstar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:40
khiderActionParsnip: No, why would I do that?18:40
aaron-n-nikkimy browser is slow. Is there temporary Internet to delete with UBUNTU?????18:40
[diablo]anyone please?18:40
ActionParsnipkhider: it can help sometimes, run: cd ~; ls -a18:40
kjele_infid: Is there a problem to install it to /dev/sda?18:40
infidkjele_: dunno, i told it to and now its finishing the upgrade18:41
ActionParsnipkhider: any openoffice named folders, rename them (or you can do it in nautilus / whatever)18:41
theGmanActionParsnip: Sure, if I HAD a wired, would be no issue eh? :P18:41
kjele_infid: do a update-grub just to be sure18:41
ActionParsniptheGman: less of an issue, wired connections are dead handy18:41
infidkjele_: i'm running a 'sudo do-release-upgrade'18:42
khiderActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ca/187142918:42
theGmanActionParsnip: I know.18:42
kjele_infid: After the upgrade you run grub upgrade to be sure.18:42
infidkjele_: what wil that do18:42
ActionParsnipkhider: run: mv ~/.openoffice.org ~/.openoffice.org_old     then retry an openoffice app18:43
kjele_infid: "sudo update-grub" will update grub18:43
infidkjele_: btw i'm using swap as primary because i read that it makes swap faster to have it first18:43
khiderActionParsnip: I ran the command, still the same error18:44
uLinuxHow can I fix hour format at Login, Pidgin, etc?18:44
jshriverHow to you get the wireless network manager back in the top bar?18:44
ActionParsnipinfid: drives are  logically circular so it makes no difference18:44
whatmy friends pidgin wont let him enable his account18:44
whathmmm cheese18:44
aaron-n-nikkiwhere can i find a list of SUDO COMMANDS?18:44
ActionParsnipkhider: ok then you can rename it back if you wish18:44
=== bastique is now known as cary
Shunt31jshriver: can't you just right click and goto lock to panel, then move it to the top?18:44
infidaaron-n-nikki: man sudo or sudo --help18:45
plutonium45Hi, guys, I am not able to install flash player18:45
khiderActionParsnip: This seems strange for Ubuntu, is there some kind of update command I can do?18:45
BluesKajinfid, swap should be at the end of the OS partition18:45
jshriveraaron-n-nikki: all commands can be ran in sudo, just means run as root.. if you're looking for root specific check /sbin and /usr/sbin18:45
lappertJust installed ubuntu 10.04 any reccomended tweaks for a clean install?18:45
sirninjaplutonium45: are you installing it from the software center?18:45
jshriverShunt31: there's nothing to lock to panel, after the update it's missing18:45
plutonium45@sitinija: from adobe website18:45
IdleOneIF I run evolution from ssh -X session and then close it out by clicking the close button does that also close it on the host?18:45
jshriverif I try to add to panel nothing for network is listed18:45
khiderActionParsnip: Even better, what is the command line command to install openoffice?18:45
Shunt31is it? it's still here for me18:45
jshriverIdleOne: yes should18:46
fbdystangHi all! What would cause a black screen in remote desktop?18:46
caryHi all!  Upgraded to 10.04 on my MacBook, had an external monitor that was working, now I see an *third* monitor "Unknown monitor" and my extra monitor is not displaying anything while being apparently properly configured.18:46
jshriverfbdystang: power management perhaps18:46
Shunt31jshriver: have you installed nm-applet?18:46
infidsudo apt-get install openoffice18:46
IdleOnejshriver: ok and what if I don't want it to stop running on the host?18:46
khiderThis is frustrattting, I am trying to get work done here and my time is getting strangled18:46
jshriverShunt31: aye, I tried to runit manually and says it's running even though it's not up there18:46
ActionParsnipkhider: sudo apt-get --reinstall install openoffice.org*18:46
khiderOpenoffice should not be this hard18:46
frostschutzinfid, correct, however the question is whether swap needs to be fast. most people hardly ever use swap these days, since machines have enough ram :)18:46
sirninjaplutonium45: In ubuntu, it usually best to install programs from the ubuntu software center which can be found under applications. You can find the flash plugin there. Are you running 64 bit?18:46
tsoloxanybody know how to make X100e ThinkPad not to sleep/hibernate? It's running in gentoo, and after few minutes of inactivity it turned-off and I could not wake it up..i have to power it down...abnormally..18:46
jshriverIdleOne: run it in a screen session then detach when you are done18:46
NetLarIrvineCan anyone help me with a usb wireless adapter for 10.04??18:46
Shunt31have you got the notification area / indicator applets running?18:47
fbdystangjshriver: haha, I am just logging onto a 2nd session on same computer. Would that still be power managnment?18:47
NetLarIrvineIt is a WUSB600N18:47
plutonium45My pc was totally messed up..Nothing works..but some how I got the xscreen and i am on 10.0418:47
kjele_khider: Focus on the text and not the layout18:47
plutonium45update was messed up because of a font18:47
aaron-n-nikkiok. NONE of the commands tell me how to change processor speed. Can anyone help me?18:47
caryI've been reading on net searches there's some external monitor issues, although I haven't found an adequate resolution.18:47
bluebaronanyone know about an issue with youtube and flash versions?18:47
NetLarIrvineAnd it is version 1 which is compatable , but still is not working18:47
khiderActionParsnip: I get an error when I try to run the command:http://pastebin.ca/187143718:47
lappertomg i'm pro!, just managed to install vlc using the terminal :D18:47
Theravadani had wireless on 10.04 with my broadcom card working just fine until last night i installed compiz/played an open gl game, now wireless doesnt work, the wireless eth1 comes up but i can't see any networks, anyone know what may be the problem?18:47
z3row3bPROBLEM: I've got a computer, somewhat old, and it's been freezing (as in unresponsive, keyboard num-lock light won't even change). It seems to go when the screensaver is activated, but I'm not 100% sure. Does this sound familiar to any of you?18:48
plutonium45even sound was not working..just added myself to the group.( totorial found in forums )18:48
BluesKajbluebaron, install flashplugin-nonfree ...you may need to enable some backports in your sources18:48
khiderkjele_: I appreciate the sentiment, but really, openoffice should work18:48
sirninjaplutonium45: Are you having all of those issues or was that only in 64 bit?18:48
infidz3row3b: yeah i had a similar problem a while back, i just changed screensavers and it fixed it18:48
jshriverWbhat is the gnome panel at the bottom?  I am run docky but wondering if that is part of the problem18:48
paddy_how do i change the home folder of an account?#18:49
plutonium45I am on 32 bit..18:49
plutonium45btw, apt-get update doesnt work for me.. ( even sudo )18:49
kjele_khider: Usually when stuff like broken package happen then try another mirror.18:49
sab0i was trying sudo apt-get install update ...getting this error..http://paste.ubuntu.com/427795/ ; can any one please advice me something ???18:49
plutonium45some font package is broken, please tell me to how to overcome it18:49
MacBBCan anyone look over my forum post, incase someone could have some other ideas what to try? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9235753#post923575318:49
Geoffrey2anyone here running into gconf-sanity-check-2 exiting with a status 256 when the 64 bit Lucid starts up?18:49
kjele_sab0: should be sudo apt-get update18:49
sirninjaplutonium45: Oh... did you check the disk before installing? That sounds like a corrupted installation18:50
aaron-n-nikkiok. NONE of the sudo commands in the list  tell me how to change processor speed. Can anyone help me?18:50
kjele_sab0: if you want to install upgrades then it is sudo apt-get upgrade18:50
sab0kjele_, i would like to install jdk1.6 can u please tell me how can i do that from cli?18:50
khiderkjele_: I don't think it is a mirror issue as my distro upgrade was problematic. ActionParsnip :Do you have any ideas?18:50
sirninjaplutonium45: could you be more specific about the font package?18:50
paddy_how do i change the home folder of an account?18:51
plutonium45update was totally messed up, I just some how installed ubuntu-desktop and I have to type startx18:51
plutonium45to launch GUI18:51
sirninjaplutonium45: did you install from the desktop cd or did you use the alternative installation cd?18:51
latenal** Hello guys, *** wifi swicher doesn't work after upgrade to 10.04. it used to switch both bluetooth and wifi but now it switches bluetooth only. How to adjust the button on my laptop?18:51
khiderIs there a command that will fix broken dependencies and packages?18:51
kjele_I guess it is the java thing you want to install. It would be then sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk18:51
jshriverWhat is the gnome bottom panel doc called? running docky but want to revert back18:51
stryk3rhow can I add the original default desktop panel that goes on the bottom?18:51
aaron-n-nikkiok. NONE of the sudo commands in the list  tell me how to change processor speed. Can anyone help me?18:51
plutonium45I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.0418:51
plutonium45using update manager18:51
=== paddy_ is now known as _paddy_
theGmanActionParsnip: would I be able to locally install that ndisgtk easily if I dl it and the win drivers before booting into ubuntu?18:52
=== _paddy_ is now known as __paddy_
plutonium45everything was upto date..except that font..I clicked ignore and did the distro update :(18:52
MacBBI can't get the liveCD to work, using a macbook and have made a forum post about it, anyone care to have a look? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9235753#post923575318:52
ActionParsniptheGman: ndisgtk is on the livecd so you can add the cd as a repo and use that18:52
kjele_khider: Did you remove openoffice?18:52
sab0i would like to install jdk1.6 can u please tell me how can i do that from cli?18:52
unimatrixwhy do i have to press ctrl+c 3 or 4 times in some cases for it to finally register it?18:52
khiderkjele_: No18:52
unimatrixin nautilus*18:52
sirninjaplutonium45: I've had trouble like that with upgrading. If you have your /home on a separate partition, you could do a fresh install18:52
kjele_sab0: guess it is the java thing you want to install. It would be then sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk18:53
ActionParsnipkhider: sounds like the problematic upgrade is stopping stuff dude. I'd remove openoffice.org completely then reinstall it18:53
jim__nowthat i've apt-get removed openoffice can i just delete /usr/lib/openoffice ?18:53
lost__i cant have full screen mode and resizing icons what can i do18:53
RanyAlbegHi all , i need help in identifying a usb device and writing a udev rules in order to run a script when it is being plugged in. i want to write the following rule : KERNEL=="<UNKNOWN>" ,..some attributes.., RUN+=path-to-script. problem is i don't know how to gather information about my device. any help?18:53
khiderActionParsnip: What is teh command to remove it?18:53
plutonium45can I repair the current one ?18:53
aaron-n-nikkiok. NONE of the sudo commands in the list  tell me how to change processor speed. Can anyone help me?18:53
rdganyone have any recommendations for someone how just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and now his bluetooth mouse keeps asking for permission every 5 seconds18:53
patrickdevening all, Does anyone know how to make pulseaudio (on ubuntu 9.04) direct the sound to my headphones? Looking at the device information the headphones are the seond device on the chain and not the first one which is the M/B speaker18:54
ActionParsnipkhider: sudo apt-get --purge remove openoffice*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove18:54
theGmanActionParsnip: Excellent. Uh...how would I add the cd as a repo? VERY new to the ubuntu/debian way of doing things18:54
leetuserI get "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)" when i try to run command sudo apt-get install vuze18:54
kjele_sab0: Have you tried the new software-center? It is a friendly gui that let you install/remove packages18:54
david__How do I reboot a machine that has a Kernel Panic with a KVM-IP connected to it? SYSRQ key is not available and the machine is 3 hours away18:54
sirninjaplutonium45: I'm sure it's possible, but I personally wouldn't know what you need to do18:54
plutonium45please help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/427800/18:54
leetuserhow do i fix the lock file18:54
khiderActionParsnip: Thanks18:54
ActionParsniptheGman: look in software sources under administration ;)18:54
david__"Kernel panic - not syncing: Out of memory and no killable processes"18:55
kjele_david__: doesn't ctrl+alt+ delete works?18:55
phillipsjkRanyAlbeg: Do you know about 'lsusb'?18:55
sab0kjele_, no, i havent ,i m trying to work from cli18:55
sirninjaplutonium45: are you connected to the internet?18:55
david__kjele_ : nope18:55
GlacerHello, I upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 and my front USB audio speakers works and all, but when I hooked camera up to it, it would not do nothing. What could be wrong?18:55
david__Tried CTRL+ALT+DELETE about 30 times18:55
theGmanActionParsnip: On the cd of the website?18:55
sab0kjele_, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk .........should i try this command for jdk 1.6?18:55
plutonium45@sirninja: yes, I have internet access18:56
kjele_sab0: !java18:56
david__the machine panicked about 30 hours ago18:56
kjele_!java | sab018:56
ubottusab0: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)18:56
ActionParsniptheGman: in the ubuntu OS18:56
kjele_sab0: you can search for packages with apt-cache nameofpackage18:56
aaron-n-nikkiok. NONE of the sudo commands in the list  tell me how to change processor speed. Can anyone help me?18:56
sirninjaplutonium45: that error message just means the cd isn't going to be used for software installation. Is it giving you that error message when you try to install something?18:57
khiderActionParsnip: So in essence, I have to spend hours backing up the computer and  re-install everything?18:57
kjele_david__: Are you remotely connected to the comp?18:57
lost__i need to have resizing icons18:57
khiderIn that case I should go back to windows18:57
amundsenanyone using acerhk-source in a laptop? i can not compile it in lucid lynx18:57
david__Yes, using a KVM-IP. The device is connected to the keyboard, mouse and VGA port and I have a java applet to access it18:57
theGmanActionParsnip: Duh, you meant using the help docs right? I forget about them, not used to having them avail. :P18:57
plutonium45@sirninja: its the log when I tried sudo apt-get update18:57
Glacermy front USB audio speakers works and all, but when I hooked camera up to it, it would not do nothing. What could be wrong?18:58
marinusHi people, I'm having problem adding my USB printer. In the "select device" page, I only have network printer or other (asking for a URI). How can I add my usb printer?18:58
ActionParsniptheGman: it's there as a tickbox dude, go see what you can find :)18:58
lost__no one knows18:58
StPierehello , i cant connect to the router ...any advice ?normaly in windows i type in browser http://fritz.box but ubuntu does not recognize the router18:58
theGmanActionParsnip: Thx. I will.18:58
kjele_david__: If the kernel is drop dead do you think any other services will run? I guess not so it is 3 hours drive to that place. Or if you have remote power line control you can shut that down18:59
sirninjaplutonium45: "apt-get update" updates your software repositories, not your system. I don't think that error message has anything to do with the issues you are having18:59
StPierehello , i cant connect to the router ...any advice ?normaly in windows i type in browser http://fritz.box but ubuntu does not recognize the router18:59
david__stupid kvm-ip doesn't do sysrq18:59
plutonium45linux is cool to use..but its pain when it comes to fix errors :|18:59
infidplutonium45: and windows isnt? :P18:59
kjele_david__: well try the raw mode sysrq then crtl + alt + delete19:00
ActionParsnipStPiere: can you ping that name? if you run: route    you will see the routers internal IP. Can you ping that?19:00
OpenSourcedNickI use to have, at windows, when I pressed the scroll button a rolling icon would show up and I could move up or down in the browser, how do I make something like that work on ubuntu?19:00
ExceptionIOplutonium45: if you know *enough* about the system you can fix it! if not pay someone to do it for you19:00
StPiereill try19:00
vinceI've got a nnoying problem with conpiz effects + Docky + Listen music player19:00
StPierewhat should i do next when i know the router IP ?19:00
phillipsjkinfid: Windows tries to fix itself for you. However, it will sometimes break itself for you instead.19:00
ActionParsnipStPiere: ping it in a terminal, does it reply?19:01
vinceWhen I use listen, docky messesd19:01
YoMeroStPiere, when you know your ip, yous try this ip in your browser19:01
StPiereim in windows right now19:01
StPierehave to restart19:01
C-S-BI have an issue where hitting the eject key gives a notification but doesnt eject. Create a new shortcut with the command 'eject' assigned the eject key does eject, with no notification19:01
tyrosineVOB FILES (from a DVD) TO AVI - I have a folder of VOBs copied from a DVD and I want to conver them to a bunch of web-friendly video files. Is there an easy command I can use to go from VOB to AVI? I can't run a gui, and I don't want many options.19:01
amundseni can't compile de acerhk-source kernel module for wlan laptop button. I've been searching in Google for a solution with no success. Anyone solved this problem ?19:01
StPierebut if ot doesnt reply , what else can be ?19:01
infidthe only thing i'm not liking about lucid lynx is how it put the maximize/minimize/close buttons on window titles on the LEFT side. i feel like i'm in europe and driving on the wrong side of the road19:01
ExceptionIOStPiere: use brute force19:01
david__apparently java console doesn't block sysrq before the kernel does, my desktop just restarted arg :P19:02
kjele_C-S-B: eject what?19:02
erUSULtyrosine: ffmpeg19:02
phillipsjkinfid. You can change that by choousing a different theme.19:02
ExceptionIOinfid: you can change that in less than a minute19:02
aaron-n-nikkiI have had no problems at all with my Ubuntu started all my HDD with all zeros befor installing. No glitches no hardware install just "fluid" operation!!!19:02
plutonium45can any one please tell me how to over come dpkg errors ?19:02
Karim_How do I make script for Xchat?19:02
C-S-Bkjele_, the dvd/bd rom drive on my laptop19:02
infidExceptionIO: how? i only like this theme, it took me forever to find19:02
ExceptionIOinfid: they have a purpose, you will see in Ubuntu 10.10 or later19:03
kjele_david__: Good how you fixed it?19:03
lost__how do i stop visual effects to going back to without???19:03
kjele_david__: No??19:03
david__kjele_ : I did not fix it, my local machine rebooted.19:03
david__kjele_ : LOL19:03
kjele_david__: haha19:03
kjele_david__: Well there you see :)19:03
geekphreakhello all19:03
david__I'll remember this one19:03
ExceptionIOinfid: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/easy-gui-window-button-switcher-for.html19:03
phillipsjkplutonium45: Can you be more specific? I generally find them descriptive.19:03
caryany ideas about the external monitor misconfiguration issue?19:04
david__I have not laughed this hard in ages19:04
kjele_david__: Guess it is 3 hours drive :)19:04
aaron-n-nikkiexcept i need to know how to change processor speed???????????/19:04
phillipsjkplutonium45: with Dpkg, the first one is most important.19:04
david__Trouble is the machine isn't worth a 6 hour round trip on it's own19:04
kjele_david__: I do not think magick keys where suppose to be used remotely19:05
plutonium45A font is broken..and its causing me heavy problems..please see this log19:05
david__args, So other than the magic keys, there is no other way other than a power cycle ?19:05
kjele_david__: Can always ask the power company. Or do not pay the bill19:05
aaron-n-nikkiAM I INVISIBLE?19:05
david__yes aaron-n-nikki, you are invisible19:06
Slartaaron-n-nikki: no.. but a little annoying when you use caps19:06
infidExceptionIO: well why exactly are the buttons on the left in lucid?19:06
Piciaaron-n-nikki: Please put your question all on one line and someone will try to answer if they know.19:06
zleapaaron-n-nikki, i can see you in the list19:06
aaron-n-nikkiok. NONE of the sudo commands in the list  tell me how to change processor speed. Can anyone help me?19:06
plutonium45I have even deleted .deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives/19:06
Glacermy front USB audio speakers works and all, but when I hooked camera up to it, it would not do nothing. What could be wrong?19:07
ExceptionIOinfid: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/33319:07
Glacerdo i need a certain usb driver?19:07
david__anyone here living in Montreal wanna make a fast 20$? Go reboot my machine19:07
caryhttp://imagebin.ca/view/N7VqJfp.html <--  anyone?19:07
Slartplutonium45: the deb file is just kept as some kind of backup copy.. it isn't used when the system is running19:07
kjele_aaron-n-nikki: sudo only let you execute command as root. You need to find the program that let you change cpu freq19:07
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wbmjinfid: Mr Shuttleworth has plans for a notification area on the program windows.... it will be placed on the right of the window tilte bar19:07
aaron-n-nikkiwhat kind of program?19:07
Slartplutonium45: have you tried using another repository? in case that package is broken in yours??19:08
IdleOne!ot | wbmj19:08
ubottuwbmj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:08
erUSULdavid__: tried ? « echo risub | sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger  »19:08
wbmjIdleOne: I was answering a question19:08
plutonium45@Slart: I installed that font by downloading the .deb file from ubuntu19:08
Slartdavid__: kernel panic or something on a remote computer?19:08
crank_PL ?19:08
phillipsjkplutonium45: let me guess: you can't remove the package becuase thing depend on it. Sound like the "pre-removal script" may be corrupt for some reason.19:08
david__Hang on, I'll paste bin it19:08
Slart!pl | crank_19:08
ubottucrank_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:08
IdleOnewbmj: it was not a helpful answer in any way. offtopic :)19:09
ExceptionIOinfid: they want to make something similar for the desktop19:09
crank_write me, please help for linux19:09
geekphreakIdleOne: howdy19:09
IdleOnehello geekphreak19:09
plutonium45@phillipsjk: exactly, unable to remove it19:09
Slartplutonium45: which package was it? ttf-sil-gentium?19:09
Slart!info ttf-sil-gentium19:09
ubottuttf-sil-gentium (source: ttf-sil-gentium): extended Unicode Latin font ("a typeface for the nations"). In component universe, is optional. Version 20081126:1.02-10 (lucid), package size 668 kB, installed size 1444 kB19:09
david__How do I paste bin a screen shot ?19:10
Slart!pastebin | david__19:10
ubottudavid__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:10
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.19:10
plutonium45@Slart: yes its ttf-sil-gentium19:10
aaron-n-nikkiwhat program can i use to change cpu freq.???19:10
plutonium45@Slart: yes its ttf-sil-gentium19:10
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: the cpufreq applet19:10
Slartplutonium45: hang on.. let me try to install that on my machine.. see if something breaks19:10
aaron-n-nikkiwhere? lol19:10
Slartplutonium45: oh.. using 10.04 ? or 9.10?19:10
tyrosineDVD ISO -> MP4 - How can I quickly make a mp4 of vido from a DVD's ISO using console-only tools?19:11
plutonium45I am using 10.04 now..19:11
unamehello. I've installed ubuntu 10.04 on an old ppc emac. After yaboot, though, I can only see a black screen, so I have to shut the computer down. What could I do?19:11
Slartplutonium45: ok.. let me start up my laptop then.. I haven't updated my desktop yet19:11
plutonium45upgraded from 9.10.. ( its broken ) now I had to type startx from terminal to open the GUI19:11
aaron-n-nikki<erUSUL>: where?19:11
phillipsjkplutonium45: according to the ubottu bot, it is an optional package. How much depends on it?19:11
vinceHi! I've got a problem with Listen Music Player...When I use the built-in wikipedia addon, It screws up my compiz effects and disable them...:/19:12
david__The software is called "Lantronix SLS Remote"19:12
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: right click on the panel. choose add to panel. cpu freq monitor19:12
NerdsMcGeeI have Windows and Mac dual booting successfully on my MacBook Pro and I want to put ubuntu on a third partition, but I don't want grub to mess up my boot loader like it has twice now. any suggestions?19:12
Slarttyrosine: I'm not sure there is a "quick" way... there are several dvd ripping tools available in the repos.. dvd::rip is one.. acidrip is another19:12
TLFwhere is the package information (that downloaded by apt-get update) stored? Thanks19:12
plutonium45thing is, before I kept for updating the distro..everything was upto date, except the font was broken19:13
jshriverhiya again, what is the name of the bottom dock for gnome?19:13
tyrosineSlart: no gui?19:13
david__That machine rarely makes it to 90 days of uptime. I abuse it pretty badly19:13
tyrosineSlart: console-only.19:13
sirninjaNerdsMcGee: I don't know much about macs, but during the installation of ubuntu, you can tell it not to install grub, that may be what you want19:13
erUSULjshriver: there are a few dock apps19:13
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: You will not be able to modify the frequency of your machine.  Your machine may be misconfigured or not have hardware support for CPU frequency scaling.19:13
Slarttyrosine: I think both those apps can be run from commnand line19:13
ExceptionIOuname: try http://tinyurl.com/35v7gmc http://tinyurl.com/2crjgjy http://tinyurl.com/28s7lwu http://tinyurl.com/25alfkn19:13
erUSULjshriver: awn; kiba dock; cairo dock; docky etc19:13
NerdsMcGeeI want to put grub on the partition but setup won't let me. :(19:13
plutonium45Cairo is cool <319:13
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: install cpufreq-utils and paste the output of « sudo cpufreq-info »19:14
jshriverwhat is the default dock? I tried docky but seems to have messed up things19:14
Slarttyrosine: and if they don't work from a command line I'm pretty sure you'll find that they are both gui front-ends using console apps to do the hard work in the background19:14
plutonium45there is no default dock19:14
aaron-n-nikkik. I try.19:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:14
jshriverafter installing docky, my nm-applet has been broken19:14
gswaindoes the new LTS come with CFS and Cgroups?19:15
david__When I crash Linux, it has no chance :)19:15
TLFwhere is the package information (that downloaded by apt-get update) stored? Thanks19:15
jshrivera ps-aux shows it's running but if I try to kill the process and run manually it still doesnt show up in my top system tray19:15
AnxiousNutis there a way to change an app's config directory?19:15
unameExceptionIO, hey thanks19:15
geekphreakTLF:  /var/cache/apt ?19:15
ChogyDananyone know how to stop and start HAL?  sudo /etc/init.d/hal stop doesn't work19:15
Slartplutonium45: hmm.. no problem installing and removing that package19:15
tenochslbGuys i have lucid lynx but the xplash screen shows mythbuntu How do i fix this?19:15
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: says cpu %10019:16
plutonium45@Slart: did you try on 9.10 ? or 10.04 ?19:16
SlartChogyDan: I don't think you can stop hal any more than you can stop your kernel.. you might be able to restart it though19:16
Slartplutonium45: on 10.0419:16
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blueyedtenochslb: mythbuntu is a variant.. it's also "lucid lynx".19:16
plutonium45@Slart: Thanks..19:16
ChogyDanSlart: hmmm, how would I restart it then?  (maybe I can figure out how to stop off that)19:16
robertreadmani just tried to install 10.04 64bit and it couldnt install grub19:16
plutonium45and how can make the gdm to auto start ?19:16
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: so is it already set at %100?19:17
blueyedtenochslb: to fix this, try installing ubuntu-desktop, which provides the default ubuntu.19:17
robertreadmanso now im in live cd mode and want to install grub19:17
phillipsjkSlart: the error message si (almost) plain english: the pre-removal script is corrupt. the question is how to force or manually remove the package.19:17
SlartChogyDan: sudo services restart   or sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart    should work19:17
plutonium45now I have to type sudo startx19:17
Lunar_LampI've just upgraded to 10.04, and any time I use ctrl+alt+F1 (for example) to switch to a tty, the machine becomes unresponsive. Is there a known workaround/bug for this?19:17
geekphreak!greub2 > robertreadman19:17
newyorkhi guys, the musicplayback in my kubuntu 10.4 system is very fast, mpd with mpc also in firefox with youtube, the sound playback makes 3second jumps, any idea how i can fix this?19:17
blueyedtenochslb: you could also try only chaning the splash first.. search the installed packages for "plymouth" or "splash":19:17
geekphreak!grub2 > robertreadman19:17
ubotturobertreadman, please see my private message19:17
robertreadmangeekphreak, I need grub legacy, grub 2 doesnt work with my raid19:17
geekphreakoh ok robertreadman  :)19:17
Slartphillipsjk, plutonium45: sometimes dpkg is better at dealing with broken packages.. something like dpkg --remove ttf-sil-gentium  might work.. there are also lots of options for forcing things with dpkg19:18
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tenochslbblueyed, i know i just do not understand why i have the mythbuntu screen instead of the ubuntu. How do i install ubuntu-desktop? What do you mean by that?19:18
plutonium45I actually tried force remove..19:18
robertreadmangeekphreak, i just know i need grub1 and thats about it, because thats what was on 9.10 because grub2 wouldnt install19:18
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tarelerulzCan you install Ubuntu to different partition from a running Ubuntu? so you can  get fresh install with out ever  burning dvd/cdr or even buy sdcard.19:18
blueyedtenochslb: ubuntu-desktop is a package.19:18
ChogyDanSlart: I don't have either of those commands.  o well.  It's not too important, thanks19:19
blueyedtenochslb: you have downloaded probably mythbuntu, not ubuntu.19:19
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: but does it says what frequencies are aviable and so on ?19:19
phillipsjkplutonium45: did it complain about dependencies or the proken pre-removal script?19:19
geekphreakrobertreadman: good luck19:19
tenochslbblueyed, nop i did download ubuntutu cause i did an upgrade from karmic19:19
SlartChogyDan: it might be sudo service instead of sudo services.. not sure19:19
robertreadmanso 10.04 doesnt work with normal grub19:19
plutonium45@phillipsjk: it complained about pre removal script19:19
jim__looking for program to convert .mkv to dvd with linux19:20
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tenochslbtenochslb, that is why is so weird that i have that screen at the start19:20
Slartjim__: tried devede?19:20
Slart!info devede | jim__19:20
ubottujim__: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.8-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1976 kB, installed size 4024 kB19:20
ChogyDanSlart: ah yes, it is service, thanks19:20
Davieyblueyed: during devel there was a plymouth issue making mythbuntu (or lubuntu) splash get set19:20
blueyedtenochslb: oh.. then I don't know.. search for "mythbuntu" in your packages list.19:20
sam1can any one help me to find out drivers for the my system.........please19:20
jim__will that convert .mkv also?19:20
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: how do i tell what they are.19:20
blueyedtenochslb: see Daviey's message above (bug during dev) ^^19:21
Slartjim__: I'm not sure.. but it handles lots of formats.. give it a try19:21
erUSUL!paste | aaron-n-nikki19:21
ubottuaaron-n-nikki: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:21
luisthey.. is there ubuntu software center rebuild as rpm packge for any other distro?19:21
blueyedsam1: what drivers?19:21
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: paste the output i will take a look19:21
jim__yes, I use it for .avi19:21
blueyedluist: see https://launchpad.net/software-center - prolly only tarball.19:22
ActionParsnipluist: they have their own systems, ubuntu software centre is for ubuntu only19:22
Davieyblueyed / tenochslb: bug #55023719:22
geekphreakhmm they have changed darkstat19:22
oru_workhow do I login to mysql ?19:22
david__type mysql19:22
geekphreakoru_work: mysql -u root -p19:22
Geoffrey2ok, once again, Lucid Lynx, 64 bit AMD version, is giving me an error with gconf-sanity-check-2 exiting status 256 every time I boot up, can anyone help me troubleshoot that?19:23
david__if it says "ACCESS DENIED"19:23
david__mysql -p19:23
Hariharakadan!pm | sam119:23
ubottusam1: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:23
TeiseiHello, does anybody know why "udev: starting version 151" takes over 40 seconds to come up? It really slows down my bootup19:23
geekphreakoru_work: replace root ,with username19:23
delacHello! Has anyone ever managed to disable "Network" and "Connect to Sever" from Places-menu and Nautilus?19:23
leed_join ubuntu-x19:23
phillipsjkplutonium45: http://www.khattam.info/2009/08/04/solved-subprocess-pre-removal-script-returned-error-exit-status-2-error/comment-page-1/#comment-834  (tried Google)19:24
jim__ok, using it now and it's working, thank you, didn't think of it for .mkv files :)19:24
shortHi I've got an external hard drive which is not automatically mounted. I know that to mount it I should edit fstab with an entry such as: "/dev/sdb1       /media/seraphin    auto    ro,auto,user    0       0". However how do I know which /dev/xxxx to use for my disk?19:24
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: according to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=917306    sudo chmod 755 /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.system   fixes it19:24
sam1hey i am using asus k8s-mx motherboard & ubuntu 8.10. i cannot able to find out drivers for my system...where i can get it?/19:24
geekphreakshort: sudo cfdisk19:24
Picidelac: You may be able to use pessulus or sabayon, which are both tools to lockdown the gnome desktop, in order to accomplish that.19:24
shortgeekphreak, thanks. I'll try it19:24
uLinuxHow can I fix clock format at Login, Pidgin, etc?!19:25
SlartGeoffrey2: tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91730619:25
uLinux3rd time19:25
TeiseiHello, does anybody know why "udev: starting version 151" takes over 40 seconds to come up? How do I fix this?19:25
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: also run: cd /home; sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./$USER19:25
skberaHi All19:25
TeiseiHello, does anybody know why "udev: starting version 151" takes over 40 seconds to pop out during bootup? How do I fix this?19:25
skberaFacing one problem after installing Lucid19:25
geekphreakTeisei: after typing question wait, if someone knows, they will answer19:26
delacPici: Well pessulus doesn't have anything related to Nautilus. Didn't know about sabayon, though. Going to take a look... Thanks!19:26
Teiseigeekphreak, sorry for dualpost19:26
skberaI can't record any sound19:26
ExceptionIOskbera: state the problem aka don't ask to ask, just ask19:26
Craig`hey guys19:26
TeiseiHad to correct19:26
ChogyDanTeisei: maybe run bootchart, see if that tells you19:26
skberaMy Mic is not working19:26
Craig`how can I record sound from my mic, ubu `10.04?19:26
shortgeekphreak, it shows /dev/sda (I believe my current partition). Do I need to mount the external hard drive manually and then run the command passing some kind of arguments?19:26
Picidelac: np.  I haven't personally used either tool, but thats where I'd start looking.19:26
TeiseiChogyDan, thanks :)19:26
sam1anyone help me for drivers of ubuntu??????19:26
unameExceptionIO, is it possible to modify /etc/yaboot.conf without booting or boot only in text mode from yaboot?19:26
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DarkSectorneed help with partition please.  I have only one partition on my hard drive ext4 mounted on / and that's obviously where ubuntu is installed, I want to install windows and for that I need to make a partition, How do I go about creating an NTFS partition. Should I unmount and use a live cd ? also If I resize a particular partition will any of my data be lost(even though I am backing it up )19:26
shortsam1, what's your problem?19:26
Slartsam1: what kind of drivers are you looking for?19:26
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: i'm a retard when it comes to complicated stuff. says sudo command not found19:26
geekphreakshort:  it should show other drive/ partition, with number as well, then you can mount it manually or fstab it19:27
sam1short..i am using k8s-mx motherboard alongwith ubuntu 8.10, cant find any driver..19:27
ExceptionIOExceptionIO: you have to boot in single user mode, and after that make modifications19:27
skbera<ExceptionIO> I soundcard is working fine but microphone is not working19:27
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: you do not have sudo ?19:27
sam1video drivers....19:27
Slartsam1: driver for what? sound? networking? bluetooth adaptor?19:28
geekphreakshort: if cfdisk , throws a error use sudo fdisk -l19:28
ChogyDanDarkSector: yep.  And your data should be ok19:28
aaron-n-nikkipretty sure i do19:28
U-b-u-n-t-uI have a KVM switch and if I am viewing another computer and start ubuntu when I change to it its a black screen and I have to hit cntrl+alt+del and reboot it while on that screen for it to boot properly any idea why??? this didnt happen with 9.1019:28
sam1slart..its video19:28
DarkSectorChogyDan: even if its the one where ubuntu is installed ?19:28
shortgeekphreak, it shows only one19:28
ExceptionIOuname: try http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/19:28
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: pretty sure i do19:28
uLinuxHow can I fix clock format at Login?19:29
desenGreetings. I need a fast advice, please. I am running 9.04 for over 6 months with absolutely no problem and i was thinking of upgrading to 10.04. Are there any PPPoE issues ? Would you generally recommend the upgrade ?19:29
geekphreakshort: it dosent shows the other external?19:29
shortsam1, can't help with that. Can't you upgrade your Ubuntu version?19:29
RomainKSo it seems upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 made my luks prompt unhappy19:29
ChogyDanDarkSector: resize means the data is kept intact19:29
ExceptionIOuname: you can simply add 1 to the kernel line19:29
geekphreakdesen: i would do a clean install19:29
skberaEven sound recorder is not working19:29
apstanto"ubuntu 10.04 LTS" - What is the "LTS" part?19:29
DarkSector<ChogyDan> DarkSector: resize means the data is kept intact19:29
shortgeekphreak, the last command worked19:29
RomainKIt gets nowhere at all, tough I can ctl-alt-del to reboot19:29
NerdsMcGeeLong Term Support.19:29
sam1actually i tried fedora 12 saboye..but these arnt installed19:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:29
DarkSectorChogyDan: thanks19:29
geekphreakshort:  ok :)19:29
desengeekphreak: sorry, 9.10, not 9.0419:29
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: so ? install pastebinit and run « sudo cpufreq-info | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com »19:29
desengeekphreak: so, 9.10 -> 10.04 ?19:30
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: as i said cpufreq-utils package must be installed too19:30
shortgeekphreak, I'll try to mount it through /etc/fstab19:30
ActionParsnipapstanto: means its supported a long long time after release, 8.04 (released in 2008) is still supported all the way through til 2011.19:30
ChogyDandesen: can you test out with a livecd?  That's the best way to be sure19:30
aaron-n-nikki2.21 GHz (%100)19:30
geekphreakdesen: i always recomend clean install, much less hassels that way :) , justmy option19:30
Craig`how do I record my mic input? ubu 10·0419:30
jim__thanks for the help19:30
desenhmmm good thinking, geekphreak. thanx !19:30
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ExceptionIOskbera: You should go to the sound applet in the GNOME top right panel and click on it select Sound Preferences and go to Hardware and check whether there is an input device + playback device also selected19:30
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: 2.21 GHz (%100)19:31
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone know how to you ubuntu 10.04 with Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ video card??19:31
sam1short:actually i tried fedora 12 saboye..but these arnt installed19:31
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: that's the only output ?19:31
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL; that's all i get from the scaling monitor19:31
Slartsam1: I can't find anything about what graphics chip your motherboard is using.. do you know? amd? nvidia? intel?19:32
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: click on it19:32
sam1its sis 76019:32
ExceptionIOuname: If you manage to boot in single user mode, you need a text editor to edit that file, if you're not familiar with any of them try nano19:32
sam1processor amd atholon 6419:32
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: nothing happens. Only if i rith click19:32
unameExceptionIO, that's strange: at the yaboot prompt I can put "Linux 1" or "Linux single video=ofonly" but still the problem persists19:32
skbera<ExceptionIO> It says, 'Internal Audio' '1 Output / 1 Input' 'Analog Stereo Duplex'19:32
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: what cpu do you have ?19:33
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: amd6419:33
Slartsam1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/4462719:33
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: model ?19:35
ExceptionIOuname: oh, the line with Single and 1, I think only works for Grub bootloader, I'm not familiar with Yaboot bootloader for PowerPC but I'll try to find something on their homepage19:35
sam1slart how to change the xserver19:36
Slartsam1: huh?19:36
ExceptionIOuname: some info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:36
geekphreaksam1: excuse me?19:36
ReBoRnE33OK... That's dovecot running again. Looks like the upgrade to lucid clobbered "/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf". Was complaining at one of the default options "ssl_enabled=yes" not being recognised.19:37
phillipsjkAndre_Gondim: I've heard the Intel cards/chipsets are well supported. Do you have a specific problem?19:37
sam1geekphreak yes19:37
john_doeHi. I'm trying to install 10.04 amd64 and would like to overwrite my x86 install. But I can only choose to installing side by side with other os, erase disk, or partitioning manually. How can I just choose a partition to use?19:37
Andre_Gondimphillipsjk, isn't me, it's my friend, he can't change de resolution19:37
thomshello all19:38
ReBoRnE33Now to get bacula going... Hopefully it'll be a similar problem. (And a simple fix.)19:38
ExceptionIOuname: it says-> To boot into single user mode type this at the yaboot prompt: Linux single19:38
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: 939AGP19:38
unameExceptionIO, thanks I've already had a look there. Point is I cannot boot in single user mode because the video keeps crashing.  Strange.19:38
geekphreaksam1: did not understand the question19:38
ExceptionIOuname: can you selected the recovery mode from the bootloader?19:38
dewmanis there any working drivers for the ati AIW 9600 video card?19:38
unameExceptionIO, actually no19:38
veveronehi... does someone know how can i boot/install Ubuntu 10.4 with the Generic Video driver? (my videocard [nvidia] has some problems and the normal freqency causes random freezes) If i can boot with the generic driver some advanced functions won't be enabled (so it won't freeze)19:39
sam1geekphreak:3d support for Sis 760 DRI OpenGL19:39
Craig`third time lucky? what program can I use to record mic input?19:39
SlartCraig`: audacity perhaps19:39
erUSULaaron-n-nikki: it should use the powernow driver just like my computer does, i dunno why it fails ... maybe a bios setting ?19:39
geekphreakCraig`: sound recorder?19:40
phillipsjkAndre_Gondim: You change that in "display" settings.19:40
cavacI'm currently running 10.04. Is there a apt repo where i can get Thunderbird 2? (TB3 sucks on my netbook)19:40
Craig`geekphreak, where do I find that?19:40
sam1actually my board is not supporting the resolation more than 800 x 60019:40
Craig`found it19:40
Craig`sorry :(19:40
erUSULdewman: the free radeon drivers ....19:40
Craig`I couldn't find it before19:40
FloodBot4Craig`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:40
geekphreakCraig`: no worries19:40
veveronehi... does someone know how can i boot/install Ubuntu 10.4 with the Generic Video driver?19:40
Andre_Gondimphillipsjk, but he said to me that the "display" setting shows unkwon monitor19:40
dewmanerUSUL, can you point me in the direction of getting them?19:41
Slartveverone: a suggestion.. I'm not sure if it works or not.. uninstall the xserver nv driver19:41
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ExceptionIOuname: Ubuntu should create 3 entries in the menu, but this is usual to Grub, I don't know if Yaboot does this19:41
sam1slart: what i have to do with drivers????19:41
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: BIOS setting  may cause the problem?19:41
TommyThaGunHow well does Brasero do at converting videos into DVDs?19:42
Slartsam1: huh? there is no 3d support for your graphics chip.. the company that makes them apparently doesn't want there to be either19:42
TommyThaGunor should I use a different program for that?19:42
veveroneSlart: i need to boot without loading the nvidia driver... (ubuntu 9.10 had this option :|). I can't click the first Next and my computer freezes :P... if i have loaded nvidia drivers19:42
geekphreakTommyThaGun: i would try something different19:42
ChogyDanveverone: it might be nouveau instead of nv19:43
New2LinuxGuyI installed the new Ubuntu 10.4 on my box and now when I go to play a game or something else with serious graphics the entire screen goes lack and then there are white bars that flash in the upper right portion of the screen.  Noway to recover; I have to do a Ctrl-Alt-Del.  I tried to going to tty2 (Ctrl-Alt-F2) but no luck.  Just locked up.  Any thoughts?19:43
Slartveverone: hmm.. some kind of grub setting then.. something to disable the nv kernel module perhaps.. (I'm just guessing now)19:43
CytotoxicTCellDoes ubuntu support Turbo Mode?19:43
ExceptionIOuname: how come graphics is crashing? In runlevel 1 you don't actually have many modules loaded19:43
TommyThaGungeekphreak, do you recommend anything?19:43
TommyThaGuni can google it19:43
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: can cpu speed be controlled in BIOS?19:43
geekphreakTommyThaGun: google :)19:43
naptasticHi, where does ubuntu 10.04 store the Grub boot menu? It doesn't match /boot/grub/menu.lst and grub.conf doesn't even exist.19:43
sam1slart but for better resolution some drivers must be there...i a not able to use more than 800 x 60019:43
jpdsnaptastic: /etc/default/grub19:44
unameExceptionIO, yes this is really strange19:44
ExceptionIOTommyThaGun: as per http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html you could give it a try19:44
westinghousedarmok and jalad at tanagra19:44
jpdsnaptastic: There is no menu.lst with Grub2.19:44
Slartsam1: nope.. there doesn't have to be.. sometimes there just isn't a solution.. you could get a separate video card though19:44
danutzcan someone guide me to add a vhost on apache2?I really need someone guide me..it seems I don`t understand from tutorials..19:44
phillipsjkAndre_Gondim: How is the monitor connected? most monitors made in the pas 10 years should identify themselves with supported resolutions. You may hve to add some display modes you know the monitoer supports to xorg.conf.19:44
CytotoxicTCelldoes ubuntu support Hyperthreading?19:45
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c2d28.04 LTS. Text on the login screen is tiny.  1024x768 Highest supported resolution.  HELP?19:45
sam1Slart: ok thats the solution what u recommend?19:45
geekphreakdanutz: try asking in #httpd19:45
Slartveverone: oh.. there seems to exist a command for the grub boot line..    disablemodules=<modulename>  should keep that module from loading19:45
Slartsam1: I'm not sure how powerful that graphics card is.. but a cheap nv card might work just as well.. I would avoid ati for now though19:46
danutzok,I`ll try19:46
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Slartsam1: from the bug report I sent you the link for it seems this bug has been known since 2007.. if they haven't solved it by now I doubt there will be a quick fix any time soon19:46
david_Ok, I think I found how to send the sysrq key. If the machine has panicked, what is the proper command ? It's SYSRQ + B right ?19:46
veveroneSlart: ok... w8 a sec... i want to test what you said19:47
Guest627how do i install an older sound driver? i wan the sounder driver from ubuntu 9.0419:47
geekphreakdavid_: panicked as in?19:47
david_"Kernel panic - not syncing : Out of memory and no killable processes"19:47
geekphreakoh ok19:48
c2d2what is the 4-5 finger twister combo for restarting gdm or X?19:48
ynkgoog afternoon, people -- depending on where you are, actually.19:48
sam1slart: gr8, how u found information so quickly, surprise..19:48
Slartsam1: my google-fu is strong today.. =)19:48
ynkdoes anyone know how to turn off conversation logging in Empathy?19:48
RomainKc2d2: ctl-alt-backspace ?19:48
geekphreakc2d2: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?19:48
idzmewhen I start docky the lowest part of my wallpaper disappears !! starnge isn it?19:49
c2d2RomainK: that is disabled in 9.04 by default.19:49
Slartc2d2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key  it's a long list.. I'm sure you'll find something useful =)19:49
aaron-n-nikkierUSUL: frequency scaling unsupported19:49
geekphreakRomainK: it aint on by default :)19:49
RomainKdid not knoww that19:49
c2d2geekphreak: that won't work from an gui terminal.  X will die but then so does the proces, so no restart.19:50
Slartc2d2: 'k' seems useful.. not sure if you should do something else before that though19:50
RomainKapparently, entering passphrases for LUKS roots isn't enabled for a 9.10 to 10.04 upgrade by default, either.19:50
geekphreakRomainK: yep you gotta enable it19:50
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Slart!dontzap | RomainK19:51
ubottuRomainK: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap19:51
geekphreakSlart: thanks19:51
stryk3rFor some reason a game under wine is telling me that my video device is NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600, when this is not correct, I have an intel chipset. Could this be why its only saying I have 67mb of video when I should have more? How can I at least see what Ubuntu recognizes my video card as?19:51
Slartgeekphreak: you're welcome19:51
c2d2Slart: I am checking the link you posted.19:51
RomainKwhy am I being told how to enable ctl-alt-backspace?19:52
RomainKI mean, it could come in handy but.. :)19:52
RomainKI'd already be happy if I got to the point where X would load.19:52
geekphreakRomainK: always good to know, how to enable it back on, :d19:52
SlartRomainK: because you suggested that c2d2 use ctrl+alt+backspace to kill X.. that link explains why that key combo is disabled (and also how to re-enable it)19:52
BluesKajstryk3r, lspci | grep VGA19:52
RomainKSlart: okasy19:53
trainerhow do I know if I need to download ubuntu x86 or amd64?19:53
bumbblebeeis there any community for share markets19:53
RomainKor okay19:53
bumbblebeefinance ;)19:53
stryk3rBluesKaj, thanks.19:53
Guest627how do i install an older sound driver? i wan the sounder driver from ubuntu 9.0419:53
stryk3r00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)19:53
stryk3r definitely not nvidia..?19:53
SlartRomainK: I have no idea about your problem though19:53
RomainKSlart: seems no one does, according to Google.19:54
xsaiddxi wanna cchamge my cuso19:54
xsaiddxim usin lubuntu19:54
Slartstryk3r: more than one graphics card? one on the motherboard and one external?19:54
RomainKonly link I found with a similar issue was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=922969519:54
phillipsjkstryk3r: I suppose it is possible wine could be lying to the game since many games insist on a video card from ATI or Nvidia.19:54
diddyIs there a channel for WLAN problems?19:54
nocturnushow can i bypass the login screen that asks for user password? i uninstalled some things in lucid and now whenever i log in, it goes back to the login screen19:55
stryk3rSlart, no i dont think so.19:55
ravenkinWhat's the command to see hard drives that ubuntu can see?  sudo fdisk -l isn't showing me anything, but when I go to install Ubuntu it sees the drive?19:55
Slartnocturnus: it might be your X server crashing.. that will restart it and then it shows the login screen again (so a crash actually looks like you just logged off)19:55
nocturnusSlart: no its not19:55
geekphreakravenkin: try sudo cfdisk19:55
nocturnusstartx works19:55
stryk3rphillipsjk, i see. its just, the game runs but very poorly because its only using 67mb of video, which is very little. it should be able to use more19:55
nocturnusSlart: its not crashing, backgrounds load and everything but the gdm window keeps popping up19:56
ravenkingeekphreak fatal error, bad drive?19:56
c2d2diddy: what is the problem?19:56
diddyMy wireless router won't let me connect. The password is correct. I am using TKIPS+AES and when I scan for wireless devices the router can find the laptop. However, I keep getting a pop up window in Ubuntu 10.04 asking for the password.19:56
geekphreakravenkin: it gives that message?19:56
Slartnocturnus: hm.. then I have no idea.. sorry19:56
ravenkingeekphreak: yes19:56
pulsewaveI have an application thats making a connection and I would like to be able to see all the http headers and responses that are sent back and forth.. Is there a way to do this? I cant use firefox and live headers19:56
Guest627how do i install an older sound driver? i wan the sounder driver from ubuntu 9.0419:57
ravenkingeekphreak: it says "fatal error" so it's a bad drive I'm guessing?19:57
Picipulsewave: You can use wireshark to do that.19:57
ChogyDan1pulsewave: wireshark19:57
BennitI'm on lucid and I wonder how to suspend my laptop from commandline19:57
geekphreakravenkin: not always,19:57
Bennitall sites I find are suggesting tools from <= hardy19:57
geekphreakravenkin: you can try something like gparted then19:57
MrPaghgeekphreak: hi there ... (I'm previously known as cpp_  )19:57
geekphreakMrPagh: hey bud :)19:57
diddyc2d2, I have been trying to get this to work for days now. I suddenly stopped working.19:57
Bennit(acpi, pmi, sending messages to dbus, ...)19:57
Bennitany clues on how to do this in lucid?19:58
ravenkingeekphreak, that's a good idea, but like I said the install for ubuntu sees the drive, but shows nothing on it.19:58
Bennitunless I have to install apci to do this19:58
phillipsjkstryk3r: Are you sure the integrated video is using more that 67MB of memory? (I t proably steals it from RAM)19:58
geekphreakravenkin: do this19:58
trainerhow do I know if I need to download ubuntu x86 or amd64?19:59
geekphreakravenkin:  sudo parted -l /dev/sda << replace sda with your device19:59
RoastedIs there some sort of a forensic data recovery program I could install on Ubuntu to recover data from a failed HDD?19:59
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PiciRoasted: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery19:59
ravenkingeekphreak: not sure which device it'd be, so I'll just try19:59
diddyIs there a max length for the WPA2 key?20:00
stryk3rphillipsjk, yes its supposed to steal from ram20:00
Slarttrainer: do you have more than 4GB of memory?20:00
stryk3rone sec ill show you why i say 67mb20:00
MacBis there a program to defragment my HDD on the livecd?20:00
SlartMacB: nope20:00
geekphreakMacB: you dont defrag on linux20:00
MacBAnd oh yeh, VICTORYYYYY!!! I got the livecd working out of pure voodoo and parying :D20:00
thevishywhich utility I can use to split join videos , especially youtube files flv format ?20:01
SlartMacB: don't fill your drives up and it shouldn't be a big problem20:01
Slartthevishy: try avidemux20:01
Slart!info avidemux | thevishy20:01
ubottuthevishy: avidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 880 kB, installed size 2308 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc all)20:01
weemanGpartedLive is there anyway to format/change inode size ?20:01
guntberttrainer: that depends if your CPU is 32bit (i386) or 64bit (amd64)  -- I cannot tell you how to decide what kind of CPU you have20:01
ravenkingeekphreak: unrecognized disk20:02
thevishythansk I will try that20:02
geekphreakravenkin: just type sudo parted -l20:02
_picAssO_can someone tell me where the file for the user crontab is located?20:02
trainerSlart yes20:02
condaI copied an init script to /etc/init.d ran chmod +x on it then ran "sudo update-rc.d scriptname defaults 90".  If I run "sudo /etc/init.d/scriptname start" the program will start but when I start my computer it does not run.  Any ideas what I am missing here?20:02
MacBSo can I just set the HDD to different partitions using gparted?20:03
Slarttrainer: then get the 64bit version20:03
MacBWithout having to care about it being fragmented to hell?20:03
ravenkingeekphreak: unrecognized disk label20:03
Pici_picAssO_: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/   , but you really should use crontab -u $USER -e20:03
geekphreakravenkin: oh hmmm20:03
_picAssO_Pici, thx20:03
Akos_Beginnerif I install a program - let say openldap - from source code, I have the possibilities to switch on some features that is off by default. If I install a program from the repo of my distro (ubuntu) than can I somehow check with what features was it compiled?20:03
ravenkingeekphreak: ya :-) can I say bad drive now?  lol20:03
htpchello all!20:04
diddyAny WLAN experts in here?20:04
geekphreakravenkin: play with gparted :)20:04
guntbertSlart: are you certain that trainer has a 64bit CPU?20:04
geekphreakdiddy: just ask20:04
diddyMy wireless router won't let me connect. The password is correct. I am using TKIPS+AES and when I scan for wireless devices the router can find the laptop. However, I keep getting a pop up window in Ubuntu 10.04 asking for the password.20:04
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ravenkingeekphreak: thanks for the help20:04
marupaHi all, question, here.  Is there any way to monitor almost-all of a terminal window?  That is, buzz/vibrate/ding/etc when the contents of the terminal changes, except ignoring a specific part?  (The clock on a program I'm running in terminal)  ?20:04
htpcI have an little problem on karmic, when I use shutdown graphic fonction, ubuntu be back to the gdm page...20:04
geekphreakravenkin: no worries20:05
Slartguntbert, trainer: oops.. I .. ahem.. just assumed it was a modern cpu.. The processor has to be a 64bit processor or you can't use the 64bit version of ubuntu.. sorry about that20:05
htpcanyone can help me for an direct shutdown working?20:05
geekphreakhtpc: press ctrl+alt+del20:06
MacBCan I just partition my drive using gParted without caring about deframenting this one first?20:06
atheotskydoes anybody here feel that the new ibus in ubuntu 10.04 LTS consume alot of ram time after time ?20:06
littlepenguindiddy have you tried a different encryption?20:06
_picAssO_Pici: only for the records, i don't want to edit it "by hand"; the current one is damaged, i hope to find a .backup there20:06
htpcgeekphreak, ahahahahahah you're really funny ;-------------)20:06
diddyThe laptop can see the WLAN router and shows excellent signal.20:06
condainit scripts get passed the "start" parameter on startup right?20:07
carminetutto bene??20:07
guntbert!it | carmine20:07
ubottucarmine: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:07
trainerSlart, guntbert, Properties on My Computer says Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8300 @ 2.40GHz ... System type: 64-bit Operating System20:07
diddylittlepenguin, the encryption is set to WPA+WPA2 Personal on both Ubuntu and Thomson speedtouch.20:07
StPierehello, my pc doesn't see the router ... any idea what could be ?20:07
htpcthe command "shutdown -h now" working good... but need password all time20:07
Slarttrainer: sounds like you're running a 64bit version of windows, right? then 64bit ubuntu should work too20:07
guntberttrainer: then you will be fine with amd64 (as Slart already said)20:07
MacBCan I just partition my drive using gParted without caring about deframenting this one first?20:08
littlepenguindiddy has the router a mac filter activated?20:08
XEQTHi .. is there some way to remote use a xwindow to work ion a server version of ubuntu 10 ?20:08
StPierehello, my pc doesn't see the router ... any idea what could be ?20:08
geekphreakMacB: what file system?20:08
diddylittlepenguin, I set the WLAN to join automatically allowed20:08
MacBHFS+ I think20:08
MacBOr HFS20:08
GotSanityMy laptop uses an alps touchpad and pre-lucid I had no issues with side scrolling but after the lucid update I cant side scroll and I dont have multitouch. Anyone know how i can get side scrolling and/or multitouch back?20:08
EdgEyDoes anyone else here have really bad tearing problems with fglrx?20:09
StPierehello, my pc doesn't see the router ... any idea what could be ?20:09
EdgEyI think there must be a vsync setting somewhere I'm missing20:09
MacBgeekphreak, HFS(+)20:09
MacBmaybe +20:09
GotSanityStPiere, can you ping the router address?20:09
geekphreakStPiere: is gateway set ok?20:09
StPiereno, I canzt20:09
StPiereI cant20:09
GotSanityStPiere, can you ping localhost or another machine on your network?20:09
geekphreakMacB: ok, i dont think i would be worried bout it, but thats just me :)20:10
StPierei see no machine20:10
StPiereroute command shows also nothing20:10
GotSanityStPiere, try "ping"20:10
StPierei can ping
Votanhttp://goo.gl/v2GQ is there something like this with google Docs, etc ? Does anyone know ?20:10
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StPierethe router IP is (from ipconfig in windows)
StPierebut ubuntu sees no router20:11
StPiereifconfig shows both eth0 and lo20:12
littlepenguindiddy try to set to a simple pw for testing20:12
MacBgeekphreak, aight, well, worst case scenario, I'll lose my wow install or smthn lifethreatening like that ;)20:12
trainerSlart, guntbert, thanks20:12
XEQTIs there some way to remote use a xwindow to work on in a ubuntu version 10 ? like Freenx (NoMachine)20:12
Slarttrainer: you're welcome20:12
marupaAnyone have any ideas about monitoring a terminal window?20:12
GotSanityStPiere, wired or wireless?20:12
StPiereim using the same router right now ( from windows)20:12
diddylittlepenguin, is the password case sensitive with WPA+WPA2 Personal?20:12
XEQTthis is a server ubuntu20:12
StPierein box20:13
soreauHello, I need some help connecting vncviewer to another box that has soft locked (no keys work) but I can still ssh into it20:13
StPiereall wired20:13
GotSanityStPiere, dhcp or static ip?20:13
Slartmarupa: monitoring? you mean see what someone is typing when they are logged into your machine?20:13
c2d2found it, search for Vulcan Death Grip on this page: http://virdir.ncsa.illinois.edu/slevy/o2-stereo/highres.html20:13
marupaSlart, Not exactly.  As in I want to keep terminal window minimised, but let it alert me if there's any activity other than in a particular spot.20:14
soreauI managed to get vino-preferences with ssh -X but I set it to accept all connections, restarted vnc-server and it is still saying connection refused 111 when I try to connect20:14
soreaubut it doesnt say why the connection is being refused20:14
GotSanityStPiere, try dhclient3 eth020:14
littlepenguindiddy you need to put the charakters in there as you written them on your router20:14
diddylittlepenguin, of course20:14
GotSanityStPiere, you have to run that as sudo20:14
StPieregotSanity: dhclient3 eth0 is command in terminal ?20:14
Slartmarupa: oh.. that actually sounds useful.. I want that too =)20:14
GotSanityStPiere, yes20:14
StPierethank you man20:14
StPiereill try20:15
StPierehave to reboot in linux20:15
Andre_Gondimphillipsjk, the monitor is positivo, how can I install it?20:15
littlepenguindiddy just test to write the pw and see if it occurs correct20:15
felonwhats the default notepad in ubuntu20:15
Slartfelon: gedit20:15
felonthen whats tommy boy notes20:16
monty_hallI'm not a big fan of the indicator applet - to big, but I would like to keep my volume icon, any ideas?20:16
felonthats weird20:16
geekphreakfelon: thats just for taking notes :)20:16
Theravadanturns out wireless not working was because i had pressed F2 on my laptop which disabled it.20:16
* Theravadan pulls hair out20:17
marupaAnother question...Is there any way to 'tile' windows, giving priority to certain apps?  Like firefox has the most space.20:17
Slartmarupa: screen might be able to do it.. I don't know screen well enough myself though20:17
GotSanityMy laptop uses an alps touchpad and pre-lucid I had no issues with side scrolling but after the lucid update I cant side scroll and I dont have multitouch. Anyone know how i can get side scrolling and/or multitouch back?20:17
felonwhats a good place to store username and passes20:17
trismsoreau: have you tried forwarding the vnc port (ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 host) and then connecting vnc to localhost?20:17
geekphreakfelon: mind :)20:17
littlepenguinfelon your head20:17
marupaSlart, Screen can check for activity, but it can't ignore a certain area, so I'd be getting alerts whenever the minute changes.20:17
htpcAnyone can help me for my problem with gdm?20:17
felonwell yea20:18
Theravadanit owuld be nice if ubuntu could tell me when i pressed the disable wireless key of my keyboard, there is no LED for wireless20:18
soreautrism: No I have not. Can you elaborate on how to do that exactly please?20:18
geekphreakhtpc: whats the issue?20:18
mzimbres!aks htpc20:18
htpcgeekphreak, when I click on shutdown ubuntu be back to GDM20:18
* LucidGuy is looking for a decent helpdesk ticketing application. Any recommendations?20:19
geekphreakhtpc: system all updated?20:19
htpcyes, karmic, all updates ok20:19
Rave1monty_hall,  you mean you want to get rid of the envelope icon20:19
littlepenguinlucidguy go to freshmeat net there is a good place for finding such things20:19
c2d2soreau: connection refused it isn't listening on that port.  Could be firewall.20:20
LucidGuylittlepenguin,  very funny20:20
trismsoreau: ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@host (replacing user@host with the user and host you are sshing into), then connect your local vnc client to localhost20:20
littlepenguinlucid??no sure20:20
SandGorgonis there a way to run plymouth without kms, but a _decent_ theme - similar to the themes of older usplash. the current theme looks very, very bad without kms (wich doesnt work on my nvidia board)20:20
htpcgeekphreak, when I use command line "shutdown -h now" that is good and direct shutdown but need password all time ...20:20
trismsoreau: assuming vnc is running on the default port20:20
diddyIs there any option or config file on the laptop that I could try to delete in order to get WLAN to work?20:20
LucidGuylittlepenguin, dude .. thats an ancient joke.20:20
FoxWolfhi all20:20
loddfafnirhello everybody20:20
littlepenguinlucid youre wrong this time..freshmeat net is a really good linux application site20:21
FoxWolfI want to use my ipod touch in rhythmbox, but its not recognised , any idea why it isnt working?20:21
soreautrism: ok, I ran the localhost command and it sshd into the box Im trying to gain access to the X sessions on20:21
c2d2soreau: he was referring to secure shelling into the system to forward the port through the firewall.20:21
geekphreakhtpc: try this >> press alt+f2 >> gnome-session-save --shutdown-dialog20:21
phillipsjkAndre_Gondim: How is it hooked up to the PC? VGA, DVI and HDMI connections should transmit the supported video modes.20:21
GotSanityAnyone know how I can fix edge scrolling for my alps touchpad? Its been broken since the lucid upgrade20:21
Andre_Gondimphillipsjk, VGA20:21
soreauc2d2: I have a feeling this is not the problem since I am talking through vncviewer into another box on the same network20:22
htpcgeekphreak, ko, I trying, will be back if work20:22
trismsoreau: yeah, may not be the problem, was just an idea20:22
c2d2trism: would he do that from the vnc client side or vnc server side machine.  In otherwords. from where to where?20:22
hareldvdOn 9.4 when I was shutting down or logging out I had a dialog with a countdown. After upgrade to 10.04, no more countdown. Can I get it back?20:23
trismc2d2: ssh from the local machine to the remote machine, then vnc from the local machine to localhost (since the ssh command forwards the port to the local machine)20:23
PiciLucidGuy: I'm not sure what you're laughing about. freshmeat.net *is* a website that catalogs open source projects.  Additionally, you may want to look at rt (request tracker).20:23
Maskime_bonjour à tous, je cherche un chan de vs en java vous connaissez pas ça par hasard ?20:24
Pici!fr | Maskime_20:24
ubottuMaskime_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:24
htpcgeekphreak, same thing, return to GDM window20:24
geekphreakhtpc: did you create a new user?20:24
DarkStar1Evening people..20:24
soreautrism: When I did vncviewer localhost, it just vncd into itself20:24
htpcgeekphreak, o, that is the useraccount of install20:24
hareldvdWhat's the broadcast preferences for?20:24
frxstremafter rebooting my computer, my resolution changed its resolution to 800x600 and cannot be set higher than that - why could this happen, and how do I fix this?20:24
htpcgeekphreak, but for sure the problem is link with users account20:25
Dark_WolfDoes anyone know when the upgrade utility will be fixed in Ubuntu? I'm tired of forgetting about it and corrupting my install.20:25
littlepenguinfrxstrem what card and which driver installed?20:25
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c2d2frxstrem: video driver settings.20:25
geekphreakhtpc: just wanted to make sure :)20:25
soreautrism: But I got this output bind: Address already in use \n channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 5900 \n Could not request local forwarding.20:25
marupaNevermind about the tiling.  Compiz's maximumize works fine.20:25
frxstremc2d2: where can I find those settings?20:25
htpcgeekphreak, oh, one user more, user of mythtv20:25
trismsoreau: may be an issue if you have vnc server set up on your local machine too, in which case you should change the port number (ssh -L 5900:localhost:someotherport user@remotehost), and then vnc to that port instead on localhost20:25
geekphreakhtpc: >> press alt+f2 >> users-admin >> choose your account, click advance settings, and enable permisson for that account20:26
frxstremlittlepengiun: I don't know, but it used to work, and I haven't done anything with my settings that should have changed the display resolution20:26
soreautrism: ok hmm...20:26
c2d2trism: soreau: such as using port 590120:26
hareldvdhow can I install a different mouse cursor theme?20:27
DarkStar1Been a while since I been on my linux so just a quick question.. Should I go with a fresh install of Lucid or upgrade.. The last time I upgraded from 8.04 (jackalope, I think) to 9.04 I had issues whereas when I freshly installed it I had much fewer issues20:27
nprasath002hi i downloaded xampp and extracted /opt folder. bt when i start localhot and click phpmyadmin it says Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable! hw can i fix this pls help20:27
Slartmarupa: the command "script -f" will at least give you a file with everything that is typed and printed into the terminal you run it from.. so you'll get a live feed of what is happening in the terminal window.. perhaps by parsing this you might be able to match what you're looking for20:27
geekphreakDarkStar1: fresh20:27
guntbert!xampp | nprasath00220:27
ubottunprasath002: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.20:27
marupaSlart, I'll look into it.20:27
c2d2soreau: trism: then you can vncviewer localhost:1 for display 1.  with most vnc viewers.20:27
DarkStar1geekphreak: Figures :)20:27
geekphreakDarkStar1:  :)20:27
* Dark_Wolf thinks this channel is too crowded to get adequate help >.<20:28
htpcgeekphreak, oh, sorry mythtv is just an group... but I see one thing now, can't unlock user account window for modify20:28
diddyDoes anybody know what auto ip enabled on the wireless router means?20:28
PiciDark_Wolf: Perhaps if you elaborated on your issue or provided a bug # we could help.  We aren't psychic.20:28
Dark_Wolfdiddy: I'm assuming DHCP20:28
bondiblueos9how can I make a floppy disk that will boot me into a shell and give me access to my harddrive?20:28
diddyDark_Wolf, wrong20:28
geekphreakhtpc:  can you use sudo command?20:28
frxstremdiddy: that local IPs are assigned to the connected devices automatically, I believe20:28
Ivan747Hello, which one is the best filesystem for a SSD with Ubuntu Netbook Remix?20:29
geekphreakhtpc:  your account does not have permissons :)20:29
htpcgeekphreak, yes sudo work good with all20:29
c2d2diddy: Dark_Wolf: could be auto-ip or DHCP from the WAN side, (ISP).20:29
guntbertdiddy: dhcp either as server or as client20:29
htpcgeekphreak, that is really strange...20:29
diddyUnder TCP/IP configuration I have to checkboxes: USE DHCP and AUTO IP CONFIGURATION20:29
guntbertdiddy: don't play riddle games with us please - if you want help provide as much info as possible20:29
Dark_WolfPici: It seems in every Ubuntu distro I use on every computer, using the built-in utility to upgrade to the new version, it fails and ends up making the OS unstable and unusable.20:29
htpcgeekphreak, account no permission only on graphical? that is possible?20:29
diddyguntbert, what do you want to know?20:30
geekphreakhtpc: nope20:30
=== mickster14 is now known as mickster04
c2d2Dark_Wolf: do you upgrade from LTS to LTS or are you upgrading between LTS versions as well?20:30
geekphreakhtpc: lets try this , close user setting window please20:30
Dark_Wolfc2d2: 9.10 to 10.0420:30
guntbertdiddy: I was referring to your "wrong" -- why don't you look into the docu of your router?20:30
PwrSurgeHello, can I use e2fsck to repair an ext4 partition?20:30
htpcgeekphreak, ok, sudo users-admin worj20:30
_picAssO_is there a better way to observe a ssh server than by using nagios?20:31
pyropheliaI've been out of the loop for a little while now. Are there any vendors out there that support full hardware decoding of HDAVC?20:31
mickster04so guys what seems to be common problems with lucid? :D or is it people just asking how to do stuff?20:31
geekphreakhtpc:  ok20:31
htpcgeekphreak, work*20:31
serkan_36I am using Ubuntu 10.04. It has no problems. I restart the computer, now Firefox says that Flash is not installed and Opera can open flash but it does not working well (i can not click some buttons on flash). I did not do any think before i restart my computer. Can you help me please ?20:31
c2d2Dark_Wolf: my understanding is that upgrades that Aren't from one LTS version to the next tends to be problematic.  8.04 was the previous LTS.  I am still running it.20:31
geekphreakmickster04:  eh?20:31
diddyguntbert, http://j.imagehost.org/0555/Screenshot_8.png20:32
soreautrism: I tried 5900:localhost:5901 it still just has the same output and says 5900 is in use then sshs into the box20:32
dattaI am having a problem with 10.04 when I first start the desktop, it shows me a keystring asking for my password20:32
Dark_Wolfc2d2: occasionally the upgrade would say something couldn't be installed, so I just ignored it, then later, apparently a key component failed to install and all my applications/terminals stopped functioning, and I couldn't even properly shut down the system.20:32
dattaI want to know what it is because I do not understand it at all20:32
c2d2Dark_Wolf: I intend to upgrade to 10.04 LTS in the near future.  I will not be upgrading my other systems.  I will fresh install them, keeping my data (of course)20:32
soreautrism: I dont understand why I can ssh into the karmic box but not the lucid ox20:32
CornwallHi, how do I make a script run on resume? I've been googling and I see posts about placing the .sh in /etc/acpi/resume.d, but there is no directory there. Trying to make one does not work. 2.6.3220:32
mickster04geekphreak: well by now bugs will have come out, I'm just curious if there are any common ones, or if its ppl asking for help how to use ubuntu...20:32
mickster04Cornwall: resume.d is a directory20:32
Cornwallmickster04: correct20:32
mickster04Cornwall: so just put the .sh in there20:33
Dark_Wolfc2d2: Right now I'm doing a clean install of 10.04, because the data that remained in my home directory screwed some things up in the new version. xD20:33
htpcgeekphreak, adminsystem is assigned to my user... I don't understand...20:33
PwrSurgeWow, I was lagging so missed replies so please reply again.20:33
PwrSurge  I am on my BB20:33
trismsoreau: c2d2 makes a good point, and actually, I got that command backwards, sorry, it is actually ssh -L 5901:localhost:5900 user@remotehost; then you can vncviewer localhost:1;20:33
Cornwallmickster04: There is no directory there, and making one does not work20:33
mickster04Cornwall: put the .sh file into resume.d20:33
soreautrism: ok20:33
c2d2mickster04: I have heard of a keyboard not detected at login problem with 10.04.  I have not attempted to confirm it.20:33
ersoyHow do I become a member of Ubuntu ?20:33
=== james is now known as Guest53364
Cornwallmickster04: There is no directory there. If I make a directory there manually and then put the .sh in there, it does not work20:34
Guest53364Hi all, could anyone tell me how i change the boot resolution it was fine until i installed the restricted ATI Drivers.20:34
htpcgeekphreak, need add any group to my user for can shutdown directly?20:34
Cornwallmickster04: please read thoroughly20:34
erUSUL!member | ersoy20:34
ubottuersoy: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember20:34
geekphreak!register | ersoy20:34
ubottuersoy: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode20:34
PwrSurgeWant to ensure e2fsck is compatible with ext4 partitions20:34
phillipsjkAndre_Gondim: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html has some examples; the "hald" stuff probably doesn't apply.20:34
guntbertdiddy: you didn't tell the whole sentences :-)  -- I guess "use dhcp server" = "enable the dhcp server"  while "auto ip" = use another dhcp server -- but you really should look into the docu of that thing :-)20:34
soreautrism: Now it succeeded but still says channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused20:34
mickster04Cornwall: why make one? it IS a directory, just put the file INTO the resume.d FOLDER20:34
thevishyi need a nice softwware to add videos togethr , join split them20:34
Cornwallmickster04: THERE IS NO DIRECTORY THERE20:34
Andre_Gondimphillipsjk, thanks I will see20:34
mickster04Cornwall: IT IS A DIRECTORY20:34
Dark_Wolfc2d2: is there any real difference between LTS and not?20:35
serkan_36I am using Ubuntu 10.04. It has no problems. I restart the computer, now Firefox shows the flash as empty black block and Opera can open flash but it does not working well (i can not click some buttons on flash). I did not do any think before i restart my computer. Can you help me please ?20:35
geekphreakhtpc: is it set to your username now20:35
mickster04Cornwall: sudo su?20:35
Cornwallokay, does anyone other than mickster04 have an idea? this guy has no clue20:35
trismsoreau: yeah, I got that error when I had the command the wrong way around, seems to indicate the vnc server isn't actually running (at least not on port 5900)20:35
dattahttp://i42.tinypic.com/20pr4ev.jpg this is the image of the popup that pops up20:35
htpcgeekphreak, yes20:35
mickster04Cornwall: sudo su?20:35
G-manwhats the sudo, to get xchat, on the new ubuntu ?20:35
thevishyavidemux didnt work well20:36
dattaI do not know how to get rid of it. do I have to enter my password every time this comes up?20:36
Cornwallmickster04: I'll find another channel. Thanks for trying20:36
guntbertmickster04: don't recommend sudo su please!!20:36
soreautrism: ps ax seems to think it is running 4010 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable20:36
mickster04guntbert: oh didn't know sorry20:36
LoshkiG-man: do you mean sudo apt-get install xchat ?20:36
QuiltPantshi everyone, I have just installed 10.04 and am loving it, but have a few questions that hopefully someone could answer. First thing i'd love to solve is: I'm running a dual monitor setup and would love to have the application switcher window (alt+tab window) stay on the main monitor. Does anyone know how to do this? Haven't had much luck on google20:36
Guest53364G-man: sudo apt-get install xchat20:36
geekphreakhtpc: should work mate, option yo can add that user to other group like admin and all,20:36
c2d2soreau: can that system vncviewer into itself?20:36
guntbertmickster04: if you *really* need a root shell use sudo -i20:36
soreauc2d2: yes, that is what happens if I try localhost20:37
dattais there any permanent solution to my problem?20:37
soreauc2d2: oh wait..20:37
mickster04guntbert: well if sudo mkdir doesn't work, surely sudo (s/su/-i) would work?20:37
nightanyone playing sc2 beta with wine?20:37
c2d2mickster04: he could not find a DIRECTORY there.  It did not exist.  So, what would be the next step?20:37
PwrSurgeTried to resize my root ext4 partition with GParted live CD and now I can't see the partition anymore.  Can I repair with e2fsck?20:37
karmic_koalahi spanish?20:37
alclglhello, when i do startx from the commandline with no gui, fresh installation but with video card drivers alredy loaded, should the X window be a little one or taking up the whole screen?20:37
karmic_koalaalgun canal en español?20:38
htpcgeekphreak, yes can set all group I want to user but don't know group is needed20:38
mickster04c2d2: well, he doesn't need a directory in resume.d cos it is a directory? i dont undertand?20:38
c2d2Dark_Wolf: LTS = Long Term Support.  They support it over a longer term and the disto-upgrades are suppose to be fully tested.20:38
KaOSoFt!ubuntu espanol20:38
guntbertmickster04: probably not - you get the same permission with sudo as with su - only the environment is safer20:38
htpcgeekphreak, and one thing, thank you for help me, and sorry for my poor english....20:38
dattakarmic_koala: I think you should go to the spanish chat for ubuntu20:38
guntbert!es karmic_koala20:38
geekphreak!es | karmic_koala20:38
ubottukarmic_koala: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:38
soreauc2d2: No, if I try ssh -X box1 vncviewer box1, it also says connection refused20:39
dattahttp://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=20pr4ev&s=5 can anyone tell me why is this poping up in ubuntu 10.04?20:39
soreauc2d2: But with the karmic machine it works (vnc into itself)20:39
geekphreakhtpc:  no worries, you are doing good, you can also try poweroff command :)20:39
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htpcgeekphreak, ok, I trying this20:40
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karmic_koalatheres is nobody en that channel20:40
Guest53364G-man: sudo apt-get install xchat20:40
Guest53364Does anyone know how to enable framebuffer in lucid?20:40
noumaanDoes only the Ubuntu Loco Teams have the right to use Ubuntu Logo and trademark for promotion of Ubuntu?20:40
karmic_koalacan i try to say my problem?20:40
dju can too20:40
htpcgeekphreak, working I think but same thins of command line shutdown now, need to be root20:40
KaOSoFtkarmic_koala- El canal está lleno. :s20:40
geekphreakhtpc: yes20:40
htpcgeekphreak, so need password each time I want shutdown....20:41
KaOSoFtkarmic_koala- Quiero decir, #ubuntu-es. Si quieres dale doble clic aquí, sobre el canal que escribí.20:41
karmic_koalaKaOSoFt, thanks20:41
noumaanWho we should speak if a team leader of a loco team asks us to remove ubuntu loco from our facebook group and asks us to stop calling ourselves ubuntu pakistan users group20:41
geekphreakhtpc: password is good for security, i would keeo it20:41
serkan_36I am using Ubuntu 10.04. It has no problems. I restart the computer, now Firefox shows the flash as empty black block and Opera can open flash but it does not working well (i can not click some buttons on flash). I did not do any think before i restart my computer. Can you help me please ?20:41
ChogyDan1noumaan: ask in #ubuntu-marketing maybe20:41
erUSULnoumaan: loco-council ?20:41
htpcgeekphreak, I just want shutdown without password...20:42
Guest53364Hi all, can anyone point me in the right direction for this? Before i installed the restricted ATI Drivers my boot text size was perfect, now its quite big.20:42
c2d2mickster04: exactly, you don't understand.20:42
mickster04c2d2: well then someone clarify?20:42
htpcGeekthras, that is an computer just for TV, want can shutdown with remote....20:42
nightumm anyone playing sc2 beta on linux here?20:42
noumaanerUSUL : how do we reach to loco-council ?20:43
erUSULnoumaan: i'm sure there is a mailing list or even a irc channel for it. hold on20:43
dattahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=91703947f0788f6bd176978c9b1988b9&p=6365451&postcount=5 this post tell me how to do something about it but I think it's for the previous versions, any suggestions?20:43
noumaanerUSUL ok20:43
c2d2soreau: what have you named the 2 systems?  One you are calling karmic and the other is lucid?20:44
c2d2soreau: and you are saying that vnc works fine on karmic?20:44
soreauc2d2: In this case, box1 and box320:44
c2d2ok, box1 and box3.  which is working fine?20:45
Radio-lwhy would the cursor spasm when I place two fingers on the touchpad?20:45
erUSULnoumaan: #ubuntu-locoteams ç20:45
soreauc2d2: Yes on the same LAN, box3 I am vncd into right now and talking on irc20:45
dattacan anyone tell me what this will do in the terminal? sudo rm ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring 20:45
mickster04Radio-l: how does it spasm? two fingers is normally scroll20:45
soreauc2d2: but I am trying to vnc into box1 and it is saying connection refused so I am reading about vnc ports now20:45
Radio-lcursor jumps all over20:45
c2d2and you are running from box2?20:45
linuxgeckoRadio-l:  because it only expects one, and is trying to figure out which one is the "real" finger.20:45
djznhow do I completely remove a User from the system, so that I can re-add the same user, but without ubuntu detecting traces of the previous user20:46
mickster04Radio-l: go to mouse control in system>admin>mouse (i think, may be preferences) and change what the butotn is for mouse scroll...20:46
c2d2soreau: or outside the network altogether?20:46
LeonardI just ran the ubuntu upgrade to 10.04 from within 9.10 but it miserably failed at the end. Didn't let me get the error before it closed though - where would I find a log file?20:46
Radio-lit's a synaptics multitouch20:46
stefgdatta: that will remove the keyring file... BTW that will even work without sudo, since that references one of your own files20:46
mickster04Radio-l: it may be yours isn't set and it gets confused trying to position the mouse20:46
c2d2soreau: are you not currently with that LAN?  at a remote location and working via the VNCd system?20:46
lateganI am looking for help with Evolution and Ubuntu One20:47
linuxgeckoRadio-l:  hmm...  not sure then.20:47
c2d2soreau: working from box3?20:47
dattastefg: will it make my system unsecured?20:47
soreauc2d2: No, everything is right here. its just a switch and some machines20:47
stefgdatta: i don't think so. i think you will have to enter all your passwords again20:47
zoharhi, my mouse pointer on my new monitor turned square, can someone help me solve it (ubuntu 9.1)?20:47
c2d2soreau: okay, can you vnc into box1 from box1?20:47
QuiltPantshi all, how do i get the alt-tab window to remain on my primary monitor?20:47
callum1Hi all, Using docky I have managed to hook it up to my thunderbird contacts. This works fine. I have also changed my default mail to thunderbird. My problem is when i type in an email address -> tab  -> email -> enter it opens a new compose email but the "TO" field is not populated with the address I selected. any ideas?20:47
soreauc2d2: No20:48
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serkan_36I am using Ubuntu 10.04. It has no problems. I restart the computer, now Firefox shows the flash as empty black block and Opera can open flash but it does not working well (i can not click some buttons on flash). I did not do any think before i restart my computer. Can you help me please ?20:48
c2d2soreau: then the vncserver isn't running on box1 or you don't know that port it is running on.20:48
linusoleanderIs it possible to get the name of the file when using find ?20:48
c2d2soreau: box$ ps aux | grep vnc | grep -v grep20:48
linusoleanderfind -name '*.wav' -exec  {} \;20:48
c2d2soreau: brb, going upstairs.20:49
soreauc2d2:  ps ax seems to think it is running 4010 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/vino/vino-server --sm-disable20:49
linusoleanderIs there any variable that contains the name of the current file?20:49
soreauc2d2: and I am pretty sure it is trying to use port 590020:49
lateganWhere can I find help regarding Evolution on IRC?20:49
Radio-lmickster04: I see no such option in Mouse preferences20:49
linuxgeckook, i know this is a bit brute-force, but i'm trying to force the vesa driver on the liveusb i'm using to install lucid. it keeps saying that it refuses to run, because a modesetting kernel driver is in use..  which member of lsmod do i modprobe -r to get rid of it?20:49
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mickster04Radio-l: hmm....20:50
linuxgeckoit doesn't say whick driver is mode-setting20:50
theGmanI FINALLY got my wifi working in ubuntu! WOO HOO! :P Ok, NOW I need to know, I want to install konversation but I can't figure out what provides it...help?20:50
Radio-lxserver-xorg-input-synaptics is installed and up to date20:50
mickster04Radio-l: mayb investigate multitouch scrolling in ubuntu20:50
geekphreaktheGman: sudo apt-get install konversation20:50
guntbert!info konversation | theGman20:50
ubottutheGman: konversation (source: konversation): user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.3-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 2352 kB, installed size 10568 kB20:50
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rhettHi, I have some external monitor settings set the way I like it with xrandr, how do I have it stay this way on reboot? using karmic20:51
theGmangeekphreak: I tried aptitude and is said no package found...20:51
Radio-lthe major issue is that it fails to handle multiple fingers rationally20:51
linuxgeckotheGman:  go into synaptic package manager.  search for it..  simplest way.20:51
=== c2d2 is now known as uncmar
rhettI don't know how to properly write my xorg.conf20:51
geekphreaktheGman: ran an update?20:51
theGmanlinuxgecko: Was actually doing that now.. :P20:51
guntberttheGman: what version of ubuntu?20:52
uncmarsoreau: I am c2d2.  actually, c2d2 is the name of my machine. I am unkmar or uncmar.20:52
TeiseiCan somebody tell me how I could improve my boot time? I think I have serious problems with my boot, I took a picture of bootchart: http://i43.tinypic.com/16i607k.png20:52
CogitoErgoSamrhett:  If you're modifying xorg.conf or using another app to modify it, make sure you're running the app with elevated privs20:52
Radio-las soon as multiple fingers are on the pad, the cursor position erratic and random20:52
theGmangeekphreak: A little intimidated to...last time I did, when I had it install the grub2 stuff (which it recommended) I couldn't boot ANY of the three OS's I have.20:52
ExceptionIOlinusoleander: try #bash20:52
CogitoErgoSamrhett:  i.e. use sudo if via console20:52
barbarellalinusoleander:waht do you want to do20:52
soreauoh hi uncmar, I think I remember you from irc in the past20:52
rhettCogitoErgoSam, i don't have a permissions issue20:53
=== Ivan747 is now known as Ivan_
linusoleanderbarbarella: I need the name of the current file, I want to save the name to a file20:53
rhettI don't know how to properly create it for an external monitor and adding a modeline20:53
linuxgeckotheGman:  that's why i keep my backtrack liveusb handy :) it has grub on there,  and io can craft a bootable config manually :)20:53
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uncmarsoreau: what happens when you do: box1$ nc -l 590020:53
geekphreaktc peeps, i am out20:54
barbarellalinusoleander:use locate and pipe what you want20:54
uncmarsoreau: PS: vnc is one of my specialties.20:54
theGmanlinuxgecko: I have something similar but how can I find out about that and what to do to fix grub? I've tried grub-install --recheck /dev/something and it didn't work.20:54
CogitoErgoSamrhett:  when you say external monitor, do you mean you're on a laptop and using one, or are you talkin about using a second monitor on a desktop20:54
soreauuncmar: waiting on the netcat output :)20:55
EgYPaRaDoXI am using lucid and i have openjdk package installed , I open some java applet through firefox it says that java is not enabled in your browser although its enabled through noscript20:55
fake51evening, wonder if anyone has any experience with an issue that causes the keyboard to change layout now and then ... running lucid lynx20:55
fbxxklAnyone know why my movie player always returns this when I put a DVD in No URI handler implemented for "dvd"20:55
irbdavidselling an old laptop running 10.04 - is it possible to tell it to run the 'inital setup' thing or whatever it is called next time it is booted up?20:55
CogitoErgoSamrhett:  and are you trying to set them up as different sessions or the same one, or as a shared desktop20:55
soreauuncmar: It is just sitting there, not returning, not doing anything20:55
guest42420Hi everybody, I have a laptop with Ubuntu 9.10 and my wireless works fine, but wired ethernet doesn't work.  Is there a troubleshooting guide for WIRED networking?20:55
uncmarsoreau: cool.  type something, then hit enter, then hit enter again.  It should kick you out.20:55
rhettCogitoErgoSam, I'm using a laptop with an external monitor20:55
linuxgeckotheGman:  i'd say install it by hand..   i have a grease-monkey attitude for linux..   if it doesn't work manually,  get under the hood and fix it manually :)20:55
stefg!dvd | fbxxkl20:55
ubottufbxxkl: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:55
htpcGeekthras, ** (gdmsetup:9648): WARNING **: Unable to find users: no seat-id found20:55
rhettthe laptop is closed20:55
soreauuncmar: still just sitting here doing nothing20:56
theGmanlinuxgecko: Install wheat exactly "by hand"?20:56
uncmartype something else and hit enter.20:56
linuxgeckotheGman:  grub.20:56
uncmarsoreau: type something else and hit enter.20:56
guntbertfake51: if I remember correctly there are keyboard shortcuts set for switching the layout -- you might trigger one of them (by chance)20:56
fbxxklStefg, thanks20:56
soreauuncmar: It is still sitting here20:56
uncmarsoreau: and yes, I have been in here before.  that is why I switched back to my nick.20:56
uncmarsoreau: ^C to cancel then.20:56
linuxgeckotheGman:  what i mean is issue the root and setup commands by hand, within grub commandline20:57
theGmanlinuxgecko: Ok, and how do I do that and have it find all my other os'es?20:57
htpcGeekthras, ** (gdmsetup:9744): DEBUG: Failed to identify the current session: Unable to lookup session information for process '9744'20:57
soreauuncmar: yep.20:57
fake51guntbert, been thinking of that but I had it rewired in 9.10 to something I don't hit by chance20:57
FoxWolfi dont understand what this 8.10 is about20:57
guest42420Does anyone know of a troubleshooting guide for wired ethernet for ubuntu 9.10??20:57
htpcGeekthras, all this hen I try to launch "sudo gdmsetup"20:57
linuxgeckotheGman:  why should it? i find them myself and tell it what to go do with itself.20:57
PiciFoxWolf: 8.10 is no longer supported.20:57
stefg!intrepid | FoxWolf20:57
ubottuFoxWolf: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:57
guntbertfake51: it wouldn't hurt to take a look though :-)20:57
FoxWolfi see20:57
theGmanlinuxgecko: Though I did a grub-install instead of grub-update --recheck...maybe THAT would have worked...20:57
fake51guntbert, looking already ;) and thanks20:57
EgYPaRaDoXI am using lucid and i have openjdk package installed , I opened some webpage containt a java applet through firefox it says that java is not enabled in your browser although its enabled through noscript20:58
SandGorgonhey guys.. linux gaming plug - 5 awesome indie games (work great on linux). Pay What YOU Want !  support linux games.20:58
barbarellaguest42420:try lspci and find out what kind device you have20:58
uncmarsoreau: that tells me that NOTHING was listening to 5900, so, kill your current running copy of vino-server or track down where it is listening.  If it has a gui or something to show you.20:58
FoxWolfi think openjdk is a development kit not java20:58
stefgEgYPaRaDoX: don't confuse javascript and java20:58
apersonWhen I move my mouse around, to resume my computer from the screensaver, the screensaver exits normally and goes to the desktop, but immediately afterwards, the screen fades to black and I have to move my mouse again to get to the desktop20:58
uncmarsoreau: nc -l 5900 should give an error if something already has that port.20:58
xangua!ot > SandGorgon20:59
ubottuSandGorgon, please see my private message20:59
stefg!java | EgYPaRaDoX20:59
ubottuEgYPaRaDoX: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository (!partner repository in Lucid)20:59
linuxgeckotheGman:  mebbe..  I'm much more invested in another distro, because i like to tinker more, so i don't know all of ubuntu's ways.20:59
theGmanlinuxgecko: Well, I've found that it's real easy to make mistakes and right now, I don't have the time for that. I have to do a presentation to a client very soon so I just need it to work atm. I can "grease monkey" later. :P20:59
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php20:59
SandGorgon!games > xangua20:59
ubottuxangua, please see my private message20:59
apersonkinda redundant, eh?20:59
EgYPaRaDoXi know the difference20:59
zvacetin Midori when I click on forum tools in ubuntu forums it doesn´t open21:00
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  I joined the channel late so I didn't see your first question, but if its about vnc setup I can help; I just set it up for my computers21:00
EgYPaRaDoXboth java and javascript are enabled by noscript21:00
OddbioHello, I have an issue with laptop screen brightness. It is stuck on a very dark setting, but the brightness applet says it's at 100%. I also cannot adjust the slider at all, if I try to move it it just goes away, but still says it's 100% brightness.  The thing is that I had my laptop screen set to very dark when I had windows installed, so I guess when I installed Ubuntu it didn't reset the screen brightness.  Is there any way to change the b21:00
EgYPaRaDoXjava is programming language21:00
linuxgeckotheGman:  do you need a real fix,  or a shim/kludge?21:00
EgYPaRaDoXand javascript is scripting21:00
linuxgeckorather,  will a shim/kludge work?21:00
apersonzvacet, that'd be a midori issue then, possibly with webkit itself21:00
Barleyzvacet: Use some other browser until Midori gains that skill-level.21:00
theGmanlinuxgecko: I will likely need a real fix once I update. But not sure what you mean really...21:00
soreauCogitoErgoSam: Unless you know about inner workings of vncviewer and vino-server and what connection refused error (111) means, I am not sure you can21:01
zvacetaperson:  do you know can it be fixed21:01
guest42420barbarella: it says i have a 82566mm gigabit network connection21:01
stefgOddbio: you need to mention your laptops  make and model and the ubuntu version you're running21:01
zvacetBarley: I know that but I want to play with Midori it is very fast21:01
apersonzvacet, you'll have to take it up with midori support21:01
fake51guntbert, guess you were right, had another key combo set as well21:01
barbarellaOddbio:have you tried to adjust with FN an brightness on your laptop21:02
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  are you connecting from a lan or from outside of it21:02
zvacetaperson : tnx21:02
linuxgeckoyou said you have a deadline..  do you need the starter on your car fixed. will popping the clutch be good enough for now?21:02
lucasmocellinhi folks, I'm customizing a Ubuntu distro for distance learning, and the main point is to apply online tests. I would like to know if there is someone involved to version control in Ubuntu, mainly related to "what/how it happens" when canonical upgrade a ubuntu version like from 9.10 to 10.04. I would like to upgrade my distro and keep an easy control of everything modified.21:02
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: soreau is doing it all via LAN.21:02
guntbertfake51: you're welcome :-)  -- now and then I manage to mess up my settings in windows (without knowing how/why)21:02
Maddin1Hello everyone, I installed Ubuntu 10.4 Caconical and my Vista partition is gone. Grub 2 is available but vista isnt listed. I can see the files in Ubuntu21:02
Barleyzvacet: Kinda neat. But what if i make a browser called "mybrowser" and it cant read a_by_all_standards_ok_webpage? then i should not complain21:03
Maddin1from windows vista21:03
linuxgeckotheGman: does that analogy make sense?21:03
soreauCogitoErgoSam: yep, lan21:03
ChogyDan1lucasmocellin: typically, everything is upgraded21:03
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: I have not used vino but have worked with vnc extensively.  Ultra, tight, real, Both windows and linux.21:03
Gunner_SrCan someone help me with an upgrade issue to 10.4. I had previous running bind9 and dhcp3 servers, and now I am getting a permission error for the rndc.key. I have made changes to apparmor and set the permissions to 644 to. But still I get the error??21:03
theGmanlinuxgecko: Yeah, the window hadn't refreshed so I couldn't see the reply.21:03
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linuxgeckoMaddin1:  then it's not gone,  just not listed.21:04
CogitoErgoSamI'm using x11vnc and ssh to do mine; haven't messed around with the nitty-gritty of the default vino server21:04
Oddbiobarbarella: the FN keys don't change the brightness... they should though.. I also checked in the keyboard shortcuts to see if I could assign it but didn't see anything for brightness.21:04
uncmarsoreau: have you restarted your vino? so that you know what port it is using?21:04
david_I am having issues with window dragging and dropping. I have visual effects turn off, who is responsible for this? Metacity ? Gnome ? X ?21:04
Maddin1linuxgecko: thanks for your reply. what can I do to make it listend ? ^^21:04
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: yeah. x11vnc is what I use on my linux systems.21:04
soreauuncmar: as I said, I restarted it many times and since I have not set the port, I assume it is using whatever is default21:04
lucasmocellinChogyDan1: ok, but I mean, if I modified some packages (Xorg, casper, removed gnome, installed xfce, modified the boot process, and so on), and now I want to upgrade to 10.04 and keep that modifications, how should I proceed?21:04
Oddbiostefg: It's a SONY VAIO PCG-K45   and I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS21:04
barbarellaguest42420:what happens if you replug it from your computer?21:04
theGmanlinuxgecko: What "popping of the clutch" solution are you thinking of?21:05
Radio-lno luck on the touchpad front21:05
Barleyzvacet: This one is also cool: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dillo21:06
linuxgeckoMaddin1:  add a line to your menu.lst?  there are a bazillion how-to's on the net for dualboot with grub..   just google "grub dualboot" and you shoudl get instructions.21:06
barbarellaOddbio:versions and hardware, like what kind of laptop do you have will help the group21:06
juancahi, how can I mount a hard disk in ubuntu (server) as guest in virtualbox? I've seen a tutorial to mount external usb drives editing /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh  but that shoul be for USB drives only, mine is a hard disk in the machine21:06
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  If the vino server is having so many problems with the connect, you could try setting up SSH so that your client can log in and forward port 5900, so that the programs will be acting as if the VNC session is on localhost21:06
lindahi. after upgrading to lynx, gnomad2 won't work with my creative zen player. reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnomad2/+bug/548967, it looks like installing libmtp2 from karmic is a way to fix it, but how do you do that? ive searched around for ages.. :(21:06
duffydackkeyserver is very slow, and often just fails. anyone elsE?21:06
Oddbiobarbarella: It's a SONY VAIO PCG-K45   and I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS21:06
ChogyDan1lucasmocellin: I don't know.  I'm thinking you should ask on the devel-discuss mailing list.  I'm not familiar with making a custom distro21:07
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  That takes all of the port and connection management work off of the vnc software and lets the ssh server manage it21:07
guest42420barbarella - when i plug in the ethernet cable and try to connect with eth0, the computer searches for a connection and then drops off saying I've been disconnected.  I don't think it's getting an ip address from dhcp....  in case you can't tell i'm kind of a linux newb and haven't been able to find a good troubleshooting guide21:07
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: the port forwarding isn't the problem.  It isn't viewing local to the machine.21:07
electrodoes anyone know of any good Web Based log monitoring apps?21:07
stefgOddbio: try running sudo apt-get install smartdimmer21:07
Oddbiobarbarella: Genome21:07
Oddbiostefg: will do21:07
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:07
kenyabobDoes 10.04 not put samba in a folder titled samba in the init.d folder anymore? Is it now in smbd?21:07
soreauCogitoErgoSam: I tried that but didnt really know what I was doing. I ended up with channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused21:07
uncmarsoreau: I guess I could look up vino-server and see HOW it is suppose to work.21:08
CogitoErgoSamuncmar:  I'm having trouble picturing exactly what you mean by "it isn't viewing local to the machine"21:08
theGmanlinuxgecko: Well? What "popping of the clutch" solution are you thinking of or suggesting?21:08
liminalpidgin crashes on me21:08
lucasmocellinChogyDan1: good idea, I'm looking also for this ideas, I have no idea where to start. =) thanks21:08
Radio-lhow would I go about enabling SHMConfing in 10.04?21:08
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: vncviewer localhost  from the machine running vino-server doesn't work.21:08
liminalwhere can i view the logs?>21:08
soreauuncmar: I am surprised I see this question posted on linuxquestions.org and no one responded :P21:08
=== slide23_ is now known as slide
stefgOddbio: http://lmgtfy.org/?q=+SONY+VAIO+PCG-K45+ubuntu+%20brightness21:08
LoRehi, will do-release-upgrade work on a desktop too?21:08
theGmanlinuxgecko: And what would it really entail to "Fix the starter"? as you put it?21:09
LoReor what is the recommended way to upgrade a desktop remotely?21:09
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:09
juancahi, how can I mount a hard disk in ubuntu (server) as guest in virtualbox? I've seen a tutorial to mount external usb drives editing /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh  but that shoul be for USB drives only, mine is a hard disk in the machine21:09
guntbert!upgrade | LoRe21:09
ubottuLoRe: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:09
duffydackLoRe, dunno about recommended but ive booted the livecd on it and installed ssh, and then just run the installer over X forwarding21:10
BarleyLoRe: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:10
duffydackLoRe, oh, upgrade.  nevermind.21:10
liminalevery time i go to xchat > settings it crashes also21:10
linuxgeckotheGman:  pop the clutch is use a livecd with grub and boot it manually21:10
lindahi. after upgrading to lynx, gnomad2 won't work with my creative zen player. reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnomad2/+bug/548967, it looks like installing libmtp2 from karmic is a way to fix it, but how do you do install packages from an older release in ubuntu? ive searched around for ages, and i cant figure it out... :(21:10
Skaris the keyserver down?21:10
liminalwhere do i find xchat logs that will show me why?21:10
BarleyBarley: Synaptic or so would also be ok.21:10
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:10
guntbertduffydack: you can use another gpg server as well21:10
Oddbiostefg: barbarella: ok I tried smartdimmer, but when I try to increase or decrease it says "init_nvclock() failed!"21:11
linuxgeckotheGman: fixing the starter is fixing the grub on the MBR21:11
uncmarsoreau: in the remote desktop window.  does it state box1:0 ?21:11
Paradigm_ShiftI upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10 using apt, and when now grub 2 displays nothing until my desktop comes up.21:11
stefg!pinning | linda21:11
ubottulinda: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:11
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Feel like trying a different vnc host besides vino?  x11vnc is really easy to set up quickly, and is very commonly used so there's a lot of people who can help with it21:11
Paradigm_Shifthow can I restore graphical boot21:11
superfirelord42Paradigm_Shift: you have to hold shift to get grub to come up21:11
theGmanlinuxgecko: Wow, that's the "long" way round isn't it? Though I can recall ever having to boot a sys manually before. Brb.21:11
superfirelord42Paradigm_Shift: but you can edit the config file to get it to come up by default21:11
soreauCogitoErgoSam: Yea I might do that since all I want to do is vnc in real quick to save a file before rebooting the soft locked machine21:11
stefgOddbio: you have the nonfree Nvidia driver installed?21:11
soreauuncmar: You mean in the vino-preferences window?21:12
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:12
LoReok, i'll just try it, and see what happens :)21:12
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: I just discovered the vino-server is part of the GUI interface to Remote Desktop for ubuntu.21:12
uncmarsoreau: yes.21:12
linuxgeckotheGman:  at least you have a system that will work when you get it booted.. i can't even get the lucid installer working.21:12
liminalwhere are xchat logs held? it crashes for me whenever i try to select the settings menu??21:12
stryk3rI want to make a partition for /home/ seperate from my install, how can I do this if my hard drive doesn't have enough partition spaces. making a logical partition extension?21:12
QuiltPantshello, does anyone know how to force the alt-tab popup to always apprear on your primary monitor?21:12
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  If you just want to log in and don't need a graphical interface, openssh works great too21:12
stryk3rand yes I mean before installing*21:13
soreauuncmar: The closing thing like that it says is Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or box1.local.21:13
stefgstryk3r: run sudo fdisk -l and pastebin the result21:13
barbarellastryk3r:maybe you have to look for an other drive?!21:13
uncmarsoreau: it should say, allow ... view, allow ... control, view using command....21:13
k0d3g3arconsidering the upgrade to 10, but is it stable with the Nvidia proprietary drivers?  I have a multi-head display setup I don't want affected by this upgrade21:13
andaiUsing Transmission, trying to download enormous files to FAT32 (doesn't work). halp?21:13
soreauuncmar: yea it says all of that21:14
juanhola alguien de mexico'21:14
guntbertjuanca: you question is not clear for me -- but as its about virtual box you might get better answers in #vbox21:14
JoshuaLk0d3g3ar, my laptop works fine with nvidia, no idea about multi-head displayt set-up21:14
k0d3g3arJoshuaL, what laptop are you running?21:14
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  do you need the gui to make your changes?  If not, you can sudo apt-get install openssh and then just ssh in with your normal user account21:14
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:14
juandoyou speak spanish?21:14
guntbert!es | juan21:14
ubottujuan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:14
JoshuaLk0d3g3ar, hp pavilion dv5 2140ed21:14
stryk3rstefg, will do. barbarella no its just I want to have two different linux OS'es sharing the same /home/ directory, but I also have windows on this machine so I can't without making the logical partition correct?21:14
Ivan747Andai: it's a limitation of FAT3221:14
soreauCogitoErgoSam: ssh is already up and working. yes, of course I need the gui21:14
zvacetLoRe:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade21:14
andaiIvan747: True that21:15
Oddbiostefg: I have a radeon GPU21:15
k0d3g3arJoshuaL, I have 9.10 working great on my Dell M6300 with multi-head, but its my main rig and I don't want to disrupt my work if 10 craps out on me21:15
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  ok, just checking; trying to cover all of our bases here21:15
soreauCogitoErgoSam: This text editor does not support dbus saving and does not store a temp file21:15
stefgk0d3g3ar: usually thy nvidia driver itself is ok. just the bootsplash is ugly, plymouth has problems with nvidia-glx21:15
andaiIvan747: Can I split it up or something21:15
barbarellastryk3r:I love more info, thanx21:15
linuxgeckohow do i tell my kernel i don't want i915 or probably fb running when i boot?21:15
soreauCogitoErgoSam: Trust me, I am usually the one doing the answering of the questions ;)21:15
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Ok if you already have ssh and you are able to connect the two machines with ssh, I think x11vnc would be your best option21:15
HerrAnkTejpare there any swedish ubuntu support channel?21:15
Ivan747Andai: yes you can but I can't remember how to do it21:15
soreauCogitoErgoSam: I am trying it now21:15
guntbert!se | HerrAnkTejp21:15
ubottuHerrAnkTejp: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se21:15
miscniHi all21:15
Barleyjuan: HoLaaaaaaaa!21:16
linuxgeckoi want to force it to use vesa..  and vesa won't boot,  saying that another driver is modesetting, so it won't even try.21:16
HerrAnkTejpfound it21:16
uncmarsoreau: hold on.21:16
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  the client would ssh with the parameter "-L 5900:localhost:5900" before starting x11vnc -localhost on the host21:16
Ivan747Barley: hola21:16
stefgOddbio: ah, ok. then that tool will be useless. it assumes an nvidia chip. 'sudo apt-get autoremove --purge smartdimmer' will uninstall it again21:16
miscninice to meet other Ubuntu users here21:16
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: he has been down that roard.21:16
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:16
LoRezvacet: yeah, the plain old painfull way, i will try the "do-release-upgrade" on my not so important laptop first :)21:16
superfirelord42miscni: yay!21:16
guntbert!ot | misni21:16
ubottumisni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:16
guest42420barbarella - when i plug in the ethernet cable and try to connect with eth0, the computer searches for a connection and then drops off saying I've been disconnected.  I don't think it's getting an ip address from dhcp....  in case you can't tell i'm kind of a linux newb and haven't been able to find a good troubleshooting guide21:16
CogitoErgoSamI apologize if I'm repeating what others have mentioned; I joined the conversation late21:16
BarleyIvan747: Rock and rolla! :)21:17
guntbertliminal: the logs are in .xchat2/logs21:17
QuiltPantshello, does anyone know how to force the alt-tab popup to always appear on your primary monitor?21:17
guntbertliminal: in your home directory21:17
Take0nHas the bluetooth applet/app changed with the latest upgrades of lucid? I mean, one day I had options for adding devices etc. and the next (after some upgrades) I have an awful settings dialog and I miss all kind of options I once had.21:17
Oddbiostefg: I think something might be wrong then with my configuration.. either that or 10.04 is a lot different than 9.10. Because I also tried the program "spicctrl" and it says can't find /dev/sony, and also I'm reading that I should have a file called "brightness" in /proc/acpi/video/sony  but I don't have anything like that...21:17
stryk3rstefg, got that?21:17
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  I'm assuming you've checked to see if any other apps or instances are listening on port 5900?21:17
Take0nHave I replaced it by mistake with another app or?21:18
Shapeshiftercan someone tell me why mpd won't index my files? It says stuff like "May 04 22:16 : ffmpeg: failed to open /mnt/space/music/Music Library/Rap/Aesop Rock/Float/09 - Oxygen.mp" for almost all the files. I tried: chmod'ing and chwoning all my files so that my user can read them, and I tried changing the paths of the log/db/playlist files to a subdir in my users home dir and the mpd fallback to my user.21:18
miscniwell are there any drivers for Logitech G13, because I am trying to work with it, but my programming is below zero :(21:18
hd1so, for 10.0.4 on an eee 1005, do i want the Freescale or Dove netbook image?21:18
stefgOddbio: what i can tell is that it is an ACPI problem. so  you'll need a workaround for a buggy BIOS21:18
david_!ticket 57538821:18
gutsystill have 7.10/gutsy on one old machine, anyone knows where to get packages for gutsy?21:18
axoloteQUESTION: So, since I installed Lucid on release day & performed an initial post-install update of all the main/standard packages, I haven't received ANY updates upon apt-get update, except from 3rd party PPAs that I installed myself. AM I the only one that hasn't had any updates from the main repos yet?? It seems really strange for a brand new release.21:18
david_Anyone else able to reproduce 575388 ?21:18
soreauCogitoErgoSam: I tried nc -l 5900 but it wasnt very useful (no output)21:18
guest42420does anyone know a basic troubleshooting guide for wired networking?  All the ubuntu documentation i can find is for wireless.21:19
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:19
BarleyShapeshifter: Rock/Float/09 - Oxygen.mp" ... mp3 ?21:19
juancomo entro a ubuntu-es soy nuevo en esto21:19
RomainKSo for round2 , anyone good with fixing wonky md-crypt-rooted systems that won't boot?21:19
Oddbiostefg: hmmm.. now that you mention BIOS, I think my BIOS options might actually allow me to change my brightness from there...  I'm going to try it.21:19
stefgstryk3r: yeah. to really assess the situation it would be best to look at your partition table. Are you on Live CD right now?21:19
linuxgeckoaxolote:  you mean it's strange that they got everything right the first time, and didn't have any fixes come out?? :)21:19
AnxiousNuthow can i use one cursor for two different computers running ubuntu?21:19
ShapeshifterBarley: yes mp3.21:19
Ivan747Juan: entra a el canal ##Spanish, alli hablan español21:20
soreauCogitoErgoSam: Is there some special way to vnc into the box when x11vnc is running? I did 5901:localhost:5900 then x11vnc -localhost, then from the client, vncviewer boxname and it still gives connection refused (111)21:20
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  synergy21:20
stryk3rstefg: no I'm on my ubuntu install21:20
ShapeshifterI also installed w32codecs21:20
guest42420does anyone know a basic troubleshooting guide for wired networking in ubuntu 9.10?  All the ubuntu documentation i can find is for wireless.21:20
juanmuchas gracias21:20
BarleyShapeshifter: youyr url said ".mp"21:20
guntbertjuan: type /join #ubuntu-es21:20
CogitoErgoSamassuming the client is logged into the host via ssh, you wouldn't use vncviewer boxname, you'd use vncviewer localhost21:20
ShapeshifterBarley: I said I mispasted21:20
bokenrosieLooking for help changing GRUB defaults.  Help :)21:20
CogitoErgoSambokenrosie:  /etc/default/grub21:20
stryk3rstefg, I'll give you a snapshot of gparted in a second21:21
soreauCogitoErgoSam: What?21:21
tyler_dlooking for an open source flash development tool for linux?21:21
Jordan_Ubokenrosie: What are you trying to change specifically?21:21
stefgstryk3r: would be best if you boot the machine in question with a Live CD. IRC works best with (Linux) terminal commands and console output21:21
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:21
axolotelinuxgecko: Hey, I'm not complaining, but it's the first time I haven't recieved at least some updates, especially early on. Are you experiencing the same or is it just me?21:21
Wulfyguys is there any clients from the repo that intergrates with ubuntu and afraid.org's dns services?21:21
BarleyShapeshifter: Maybe RAP is out ? I for one think its way too repetetive21:21
tyler_dmore specifically for the graphical end(not actionscript)21:21
uncmarsoreau: nc -v -z localhost 5899-591021:21
stryk3rstefg then okay, I'll do that, I just need to backup some files in this installation21:21
click_zeroIs there any way to reset all configurations (settings) for adobe flash 10 on Ubuntu ?21:21
hd1grumble -- For 10.0.4 on an eee 1005, do i want the Freescale or Dove netbook image?21:21
FoxWolfaxolote, my update manager says updated 4 days ago21:21
Pirate_Hunterwondering if anyone has a fix for this bug found in denyhosts - http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2898723&group_id=131204&atid=72041921:22
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Here's how the process works for me.  box A, the client, logs into the host, box B, with ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 username@hostname21:22
bokenrosieI want to make WinXP the default OS so when M$oft does their updates the machine will reboot and finish on it's own.21:22
uncmarguest42420: you gotta get the right drivers installed.21:22
brontosaurusrexWulfy: they provide an example wget command line, which you can copy/paste to some cron21:22
penrisnick opnet21:22
axoloteFoxwolf: cool. thank you. good to hear. :)21:22
brontosaurusrexWulfy: i mean, i'am doing that21:22
=== penris is now known as opnet
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Then I run x11vnc -localhost with wahtever options I need on the host21:22
uncmarsoreau: does that report any ports open?21:22
soreauuncmar: http://pastebin.org/20179421:22
Wulfybrontosaurusrex, thanks but hazy on cron ussage (past history with cron was via cpanel)21:22
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: the chances of someone knowing what that is with no relational data is slim, even on here21:23
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Then, to open the vnc connection, I use a vnc viewer on the client machine to access "localhost"21:23
NeoPhoenixhi all ! i have a question about graphical card, i want to know a card who have good driver in kubuntu or ubuntu ? i have a 8600 gt nvidia who work very well in windows in 1600*1200 and in my kubuntu the most is 13600*768 ?21:23
FoxWolfaxolote, i dunno though because i updated this morning to some new headers i think also a new kernel but im not sure, still says 4 days ago21:23
theGmanlinuxgecko: Ok, so what would to "poper" fix be?21:23
theGmansry poper -> proper21:23
opnetsomeone, quick, tell me how to change these homosexual buttons from the left back to the right21:23
linuxgeckoaxolote:  nope..   i'm in a deadzone.  i'm ircing from the livecd. i get a blackscreen trying to install lucid fresh. can't get X to show anything. cna't force it to work with vesa, because the vesa driver is crapping at me..    can you help?21:23
opnetsomeone, quick, tell me how to change these homosexual buttons from the left back to the right21:23
guntbert!language | opnet21:23
ubottuopnet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:23
Skaeis the keyserver down?21:23
linuxgeckotheGman:  ??21:23
Wulfyopnet great way to get peopel to help you *claps*21:23
brontosaurusrexWulfy: man crontab, let me find how my cron looks like....21:24
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  the -L 5900:localhost:5900 command that was used to start the ssh session is forwarding any traffic on the host's localhost port 5900 to the client and making it seem like the vnc session is being hosted on the host's computer, not somewhere else21:24
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, huh, did you even look at the link, not saying you didn't but there is plenty of information on their explaining about the bug, which has to do with the denyhosts resyliant downloads21:24
Jordan_UWulfy: ddclient works with dyndns.org (which is also free)21:24
AnxiousNutCogitoErgoSam: i just installed synergy on both systems, now what?21:24
duffydackopnet,  gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"21:24
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: his vino-server is either not running or not using the default port.  PERIOD.21:24
guest42420I am having problems with ethernet on my laptop.  i think i have the right driver, but it is not retrieving an ip address.  i am a newb and figure it should work with minimal tweaking.  can anyone help me out with some basic troubleshooting?  I can't find any good docs.21:24
WulfyJordan_U, many thanks but am i right in thinking that requires a compatible dd wrt router?21:24
soreauCogitoErgoSam: Well it doesnt work because localhost from the client just vncs into itself21:24
marupaErgh.  OK, this is annoying.  Sound seems to drop out and come back at random, giving blips and pieces of sound, sometimes nothing at all, sometimes like a chipmunk'd audio file as it catches up, and now it doesn't respond at all.  What gives?21:24
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: ok, don't take my constructive criticism... just mock it and hang out waiting. GL!21:24
callum1Hi all, Using docky I have managed to hook it up to my thunderbird contacts. This works fine. I have also changed my default mail to thunderbird. My problem is when i type in an email address -> tab  -> email -> enter it opens a new compose email but the "TO" field is not populated with the address I selected. any ideas?21:24
callum1(20:47:57) QuiltPants: hi all, how do i get the alt-tab window to remain on my primary monitor?21:24
wng-I'm not getting any sound from my Creative SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio in 10.04, the system sees it in lspci, and reports its using the snd_ca0106 module, and alsamixer shows all channels unmuted and at full volume, but im still not getting sound, any ideas?21:25
uncmarCogitoErgoSam: port forwarding is not going to do diddly for him.21:25
guest42420uncmar: I am using the right driver i think, e1000e on a lenovo t61 laptop...21:25
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  The client shouldn't be hosting or running any vnc servers21:25
Jordan_UWulfy: No, sudo apt-get install ddclient.21:25
BarleyPirate_Hunter: Whats with your nick name ?21:25
linuxgeckotheGman:  not sure..  i think I'm still using grub1.  i'd have to dig into it,  and I'm still trying to get my own lucid install from scratch working21:25
* Sa[i]nT hides.21:25
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, I guess you didnt understand me and got the wrong idea...21:25
brontosaurusrexWulfy: http://pastebin.org/20179821:25
uncmarguest42420: lenovo t61.  wow, that is old.  I have an old broken t60.  sweet machines.21:25
WulfyJordan_U, thanks! i was hoping apt get could handle it trying to avoid adding outside items21:25
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  Are both of the computers you're usin synergy with linux boxes?  Are you using the QuickSynergy gui front end?21:25
Jordan_UWulfy: And setup is dead simple, installing the package will prompt you for your login and set everything up automagically.21:26
axoloteFoxwolf: Oh. That's really strange.21:26
soreauCogitoErgoSam: The client is running vino-server in this case but I tried killing it and only having the other box run vnc server and it still did not work21:26
guest42420uncmar: t61 isn't that old.  manufactured in 200721:26
Wulfybrontosaurusrex, thanks bud ill take a peek21:26
brontosaurusrexWulfy: np21:26
BarleySa[i]nT: Clearly better then some whiny bitch whining at others over a bit aof spilled milk.21:26
uncmarguest42420: sudo ifconfig -a21:26
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Make sure its dead by running ps aux | grep vino on the client21:26
Oddbiostefg: no my BIOS didn't have a brightness option I even tried setting the defaults and it's still dark... It has to be something like that though because it initially starts bright and then dims very shortly after I turn it on.. but before GRUB even loads so it's not Ubuntu...21:26
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  And killing the process with -9 if you need to21:26
FoxWolfBarley, lol at language21:26
axolotelinuxgecko: I had the same problem b/c of a huge bug associated w/ my graphics chipset. What is your chipset?21:27
soreauCogitoErgoSam: pkill vino does it just fine21:27
bG30310.4 server rebooted and now getting an X seg fault when firing up gdm, any ideas where i start to diagnose this ?21:27
BarleyFoxWolf: Fox one, delta three21:27
m_anishI know its potentially sucidal, but is there any way to get apt to install packages even if there are unmet dependencies/broken packages?21:27
apersonWhen I move my mouse around, to resume my computer from the screensaver, the screensaver exits normally and goes to the desktop, but immediately afterwards, the screen fades to black and I have to move my mouse again to get to the desktop, anyone?21:27
AnxiousNutCogitoErgoSam, installing quick synergy, i installed only synergy earlier, and yea both linux21:28
m_anisheven --force-yes doesnt work!21:28
uncmarsoreau: which x11vnc21:28
uncmarsoreau: does that return anything?21:28
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: so are you saying you have upgraded to python 2.6 and modified your sync.py (line 47 to read timestamp = long(timestamp.strip())? and are still seeing what?21:28
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  The computer with the mouse/keyboard you're using is the host, and the other is a client21:28
Jordan_Ubokenrosie: Change GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub, you can use either a number or the title of the menu entry (quoted). If youi use the title then you don't have to worry about it breaking when you get a new kernel for example.21:29
linuxgeckoaxolote: intel 82865G.... it's an i915 driver.   it seems that driver is not working right, welll,, sorta.    it gives me an Xorg.0.log which is free of (EE),   but it gives me a black screen. i can kill gdm/X just fine,  but i can't get a gui.21:29
p1und3rhey buntoids21:29
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  On the host, you'll see the up down left and right fields?  That shows where the other screen is going to add on to your desktop21:29
soreauuncmar: Of course, it returns the location of the x11vnc binary21:29
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  Type the hostname of the client in the place you want it to extend the desktop21:29
wng-I'm not getting any sound from my Creative SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio in 10.04, the system sees it in lspci, and reports its using the snd_ca0106 module, and alsamixer shows all channels unmuted and at full volume, but im still not getting sound, any ideas?21:29
aperson!hi | p1und3r21:29
ubottup1und3r: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:29
infidflash plugin got removed when i upgraded to lucid. how should i reinstall it so it works for firefox and chrome?21:29
p1und3rlols thanks aperson :p21:29
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, in lucid that line is already changed I dont have to do anything and I still get that and yes 2.6 is installed by default21:30
NeoPhoenixapt-cache search adobe flash :D21:30
Barleyp1und3r: Hello dick :)21:30
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  So if your client box is named cbox and you want it to extend off the left side of your host's monitor, then you'd enter "cbox" in the left field21:30
apersoninfid, either download it manually and install it or just install flashplugin-nonfree21:30
theGmanlinuxgecko: You mentions two options for replacing my "starter" and you gave me the "popping the clutch" vers what's the other option? Grease monkeying grub as you initially mentioned?21:30
p1und3rBarley: hey vagina :D21:30
Jordan_UtheGman: What are you trying to do?21:30
stefgOddbio: maybe http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.linux.acpi.devel/month=20051101/page=25 sheds some light on your issue21:30
linuxgeckotheGman:  yeah..    what do you get when grub won't/can't boot any OS?21:31
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  Then you'd hit execute, go to the other computer, and use the "Use" tab instead of share, and type the IP address of the host computer (the one with the keyboard/mouse)21:31
Barleyp1und3r: Naah, Dick is a valid name you know.21:31
QuiltPantshello, does anyone know how to force the alt-tab popup to always appear on your primary monitor?21:31
AnxiousNutCogitoErgoSam, and the screen name is the username?21:31
infidaperson: when i did that it said flashplugin-nonfree is already at its newest version21:31
uncmarsoreau: try this on box1:  DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 -dontdisconnect -alwaysshared -shared -forever -rfbport 590021:31
guntbertBarley: p1und3r: stop that please21:31
apersoninfid, try re-installing it then21:31
uncmarsoreau: then try to vnc into that system.21:31
p1und3rBarley: i got us both in trouble :|21:31
Jordan_UQuiltPants: If nothing else you can use devilspie21:31
CogitoErgoSamdon't worry about the screen name unless you have multiple X sessions running21:31
RomainKSlart: I figured it out.21:31
NeoPhoenixinfid: and after sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:31
bikcmperm, I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04  last night, and now... a fair amount of stuff doesn't seem to be working.21:31
Oddbiostefg: it worked!! thanks for your help! I guess the BIOS reset did do the trick, it just started dark but it's bright now  lol21:31
RomainKUser error, I'm afraid, sort of.21:31
bikcmpIn the top right corner, there's a black square, flash player isn't working...21:31
infidaperson: how do i reinstall it21:31
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: did you compile from source? 2.6 of denyhosts? or are you using it from repo's?21:32
Barleyp1und3r: Nm, that whiny bitch is ever useless. When that happens, just change nick and network.21:32
RomainKI had some console options in grub, which apparently didn't make 9.10 sad, but 10.04 didn't like21:32
apersoninfid, sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree21:32
QuiltPantsJordan_U: devilspie? sounds interesting. What does it do?21:32
theGmanJordan_U: Deal with the breaks after an update (this is a fresh install of 9.10 live cd) Last time I did it it wanted to install grub2 from the "pkg maintainer" and then I couldn't boot into anything...21:32
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut & soreau:  Afk a min but I'll be right back21:32
stefgOddbio: as i found in some linux developer blog (link above) it seems to have a broken acpi table21:32
uncmarsoreau: oops.  Sorry about all the $2 stuff.21:32
uncmarsoreau: you can remove that section. :P21:32
soreauuncmar: It still gives vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused \n Unable to connect to VNC server21:32
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, repo wouldn't think that would make that much of a difference21:32
CogitoErgoSamRomainK if you mean boot params you can add them back in to the /etc/default/grub file in the right spot then run update-grub21:32
ircipimphi. can i use the live cd to do an encrypted lvm + raid installation? or will i need the alternate installer?21:33
Jordan_UtheGman: What happened when you tried to boot? Do you have more than one hard drive?21:33
infidaperson: why aptitude instead of apt?21:33
xckpd7having a hard time figuring out where to ask this question: is it bad to set in my hosts file, another ip address equal to localhost? will that break anything?21:33
Jordan_Uircipimp: You'll need the alternate21:33
theGmanJordan_U: Yes, and multi os's too.21:33
NeoPhoenixaptitude or apt are the same21:33
apersoninfid, my preference, I suppose.  aptitude is a package manager like synaptic.21:33
RomainKCogitoErgoSam: it's what I had to do, yeah. Booted to rescue, cryptsetup'd my volumes, mounted, shell, edit grub, etc. :)21:33
apersonNeoPhoenix, not entirely true21:33
theGmanJordan_U: I couldn't even boot into the ubuntu install after.21:33
wng-I'm not getting any sound from my Creative SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio in 10.04, the system sees it in lspci, and reports its using the snd_ca0106 module, and alsamixer shows all channels unmuted and at full volume, but im still not getting sound, any ideas?21:33
ircipimpJordan_U: thanks21:33
Oddbiostefg: oh did you see my last message? It's working now  :)  thanks for your help... or do you think the broken acpi table is going to cause other issues?21:34
infid great now google chrome isnt restoring my last opened tabs :(21:34
dk0Does anyone know how to connect empathy, pidgin, or kopete to a sametime server?21:34
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: maybe yes or no, I would recommend compile from source though... possibly running "wireshark" or another such util to sniff while tailing your output log, see what corresponds for errors and network access21:34
NeoPhoenixuse firefox :D21:34
Jordan_UtheGman: I recommend you install grub-pc from lucid, unfortunately grub-pc in karmic stores the device to install grub to like "/dev/sda", which means that if your drive order changes it coud install grub to the wrong drive on upgrades.21:34
stefgOddbio: watch out for your cpu temp and battery life...21:35
apersonPirate_Hunter, and if installing from source, make a .deb with checkinstall to avoid a headache later21:35
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: sorry, wireshark = ethereal21:35
apersonJordan_U, I swear karmic went by uuids21:35
theGmanJordan_U: What's the best way to do that?21:35
Oddbiostefg: is that in general? Or is Ubuntu hard on this laptop model?  My battery is pretty much shot already though, I dont' mind that.21:35
theGmanJordan_U: And is that before or after I update?21:36
Jordan_Uaperson: For finding kernels and everything else yes, for install devices no :(21:36
axolotelinuxgecko: sorry about that. i have no idea. mine is i855 and i finally found a work around that involved re-enabling kms, and that's working solidly now. I posted it here , #118. http://is.gd/bOW4X21:36
uncmarsoreau: look at the output of: DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc21:36
Oddbiostefg: but I'll monitor the temp, thanks for the heads up21:36
uncmarsoreau: does it say it is using port 5900 ?21:36
littlepenguinuncmar does this start the application on disply 0?21:37
infidaperson: i still dont have flash in my browsers even after reinstalling that :(21:37
guest1can some one please help... I have a strange problem21:37
soreauuncmar: http://pastebin.org/20181021:37
littlepenguinask guest21:37
apersonJordan_U, I remember when I installed initially, the /boot/grub/grub.cfg pointed to a /dev/sdx (which was wrong anyways),but once I temp. fixed that and ran update-grub, everything went back to uuids21:37
Pirate_Hunteraperson, got that already safes a lot of trouble and tyler_d I really don't suspect that source would make that much of a difference to the repo, both would be compiled similar, it just seems like more work that is not needed unless your certain that is the problem21:37
apersoninfid, you're re-starting the browser, yes?21:37
Jordan_UtheGman: Before you update, install these packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/grub-pc http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/grub-common21:37
Maddin1Does anyone has a link to a howto for editing the grub.cfg in ubuntu 10.4 ?21:38
Jordan_UtheGman: Or just upgrade to / install 10.0421:38
Maddin1a good howto21:38
apersonPirate_Hunter, indeed.  I just like to make sure everyone knows about checkinstall21:38
wng-I'm not getting any sound from my Creative SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio in 10.04, the system sees it in lspci, and reports its using the snd_ca0106 module, and alsamixer shows all channels unmuted and at full volume, but im still not getting sound, any ideas?21:38
uncmarlittlepenguin: yes.21:38
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stefg!grub | Maddin121:38
ubottuMaddin1: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:38
NeoPhoenixsorry all i have a question if possible to help, i have a 8600 gt nvidia who work very well in windows for game in 1600*1200 but in ubuntu i have 1360*768 with driver nvidia ; i think that my graphical card is bad with linux ; if anyone has a card who work in 1600*1200 can he say the name of the card plz ? :D21:38
stefg!grub2 | Maddin121:38
ubottuMaddin1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:38
apersonMaddin1, you don't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:38
theGmanJordan_U: I would upgrade but I've been seeing alot of the probs folks have been having with it... :P21:38
Jordan_Uaperson: This is separate from what goes in your grub.cfg, "debconf-show grub-pc" will show you the value stored for install devices21:38
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: I would go that route on the basis that you don't know what is the problem... process of elimination, just on a ps. Why not just have a batch that adds people to the hosts.deny(colleague just suggested)21:38
littlepenguini have 2 monitor twin view..but how can i adjust to open in the left or right monitor21:39
whileimherehi I just upgraded to 10.04 and now I am missing my gnome desktop. I get part of a panel at the top but when I try to add more icons or another panel all the options are greyed out21:39
whileimhereanyone know whats up with this?21:39
Jordan_UtheGman: People have problems with every release, I don't think 10.04 has any more problems than 9.10 (and what problems there are are more likely to be fixed since it's LTS)21:39
hugliCan running script (Python|shell|Perl) detect name of active Gnome window? (Ubuntu 9.10) Thanks21:39
littlepenguin@uncmar i tried several combinations..cant i giv it x and y coordinates to start??21:40
uncmarsoreau: what came after pid 5659?21:40
apersoninfid, can you make sure libflashplugin.so exists in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ?21:40
stefgwhileimhere: add a new userfor testing  and try if it's the same there21:40
zentahello all, i have this issue its confused me i tried to update grub2 i did apt-get install grub-pc , so after its coming up blue window and ask to enter this command  upgrade-from-grub-legacy i did this but again ask to update apt-get install grub-pc when i again try this i got E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:40
zentaE: Unable to lock the download directory21:40
infidaperson: it's not in there21:40
Maddin1öhm ok iam eading21:40
soreauuncmar: nothing. that was the last line even after I tried to vnc into it21:40
infidjust checko-mediaplayer-, libjavaplugin.so..21:40
MTughan_webI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 here, and have a problem with UIDs. I changed my Ubuntu UID from 1000 to 500 to match what I use in Fedora (this is a dual-boot system) so that I can access my files without root. That change removed me from the user list at login though. Is there any way to fix that?21:40
theGmanJordan_U: Ok, I can try that...as long as my wifi doesn't end up affected...going to the doc to see what I need to do...21:41
whileimhereok stefg21:41
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, I am making use of tcp wrappers hosts.deny and allow, however another front of protection is always welcomed even if it may not be necessary, will  check that rout out21:41
whileimherestefg I need to disable the auto login for a single user to do that how can I disable this?21:41
NerdsMcGeeAnyone here with a Macbook and booting OSX, Windows, and ubuntu?21:41
Pirate_Hunteraperson, true say everyone should know but I have had some problems with a few packages maybe it was just the options I chose21:41
ph0xidewhat is ssl_esock coz i noticed it listens on tcp and also beam.smp21:41
uncmarsoreau: ^C that and try.  DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc -rfbport 591121:41
ph0xidecand anybody pelase adise21:41
soreauuncmar: maybe it has something to do with the fact that the host is soft locked, stuck on tty1 and not responding to any input (only can ssh to see everything is still running)21:41
littlepenguinmcgee sounds like a rape of a computer21:42
stefgwhileimhere: just log out and log in as that test user21:42
m4rkwhat is the best twitter client?21:42
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: ok, well I would certainly suggest poking around with ethereal(should be simple enough) from the basis of your experience you prolly read this better then me. that would allow you to eliminate some things....21:42
Mandrewlol @ littlepenguin21:42
Jordan_Uircipimp: You're welcome.21:42
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soreauuncmar: Because no matter what I do (even what you just said), I just get the message vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused \n Unable to connect to VNC server21:43
theGmanJordan_U: Well, it seems to upgrade correctly I'm supposed to do the updates...but I believe I can tell the updater NOT to install the grub from the lkg maintainer...that should solve that iss for now right?21:43
apersoninfid, can you runs a: find /usr/lib/ -name libflashplayer.so21:43
aj00200How do I delete locked files with sudo?21:43
MTughan_websoreau: Sounds like there may be a firewall there. Have you checked that?21:43
apersoninfid, mine showed up in /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/21:43
uncmarsoreau: have you have used the 5911 line.  attempted vncviewer localhost::591121:43
NeoPhoenixsudo rm thefile21:44
Jordan_UtheGman: I doubt that that config file is what caused the problem, what exactly happened when booting failed?21:44
aj00200NeoPhoenix: thanks21:44
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, since whereon the subject of sniffers I've looking into snort would you advise me otherwise to stick with wireshark (considering havent looked at what it offers) or something better21:44
BarleyPakistani dude tried to detonate a bomb on times square ??? /A joke right ?21:44
NeoPhoenixyou are welcome :D21:44
aperson!ot > Barley21:44
ubottuBarley, please see my private message21:44
callum1Hi all, Using docky I have managed to hook it up to my thunderbird contacts. This works fine. I have also changed my default mail to thunderbird. My problem is when i type in an email address -> tab  -> email -> enter it opens a new compose email but the "TO" field is not populated with the address I selected. any ideas?21:44
soreauuncmar: You mean ssh -L 5911:localhost:5900 box1?21:44
whileimhereHi I am back. When I created a fresh user and switched I got the same broken gnome desktop21:44
neverbluesomeone able to assist with VNCing over an ssh tunnel?  When I configure the port(forwarded) what is the Destination I should be using (in Putty) ?21:45
ubuntustefg, this is the guy from before lol. that you wanted to get on the live cd21:45
theGmanJordan_U: I couldn't boot into any of my OS's, so I just re-installed fresh, however, it was installed to a usb drive so not sure if that was the issue. It might bave been what you said about the /dev/sda? thing more so that anything else.21:45
Barleyaperson: Please shu up missy.21:45
littlepenguinbarley it was because of the southpark thing with the bear...21:45
Jordan_Uzenta: Read carefully the dialog that you recieved when you first ran apt-get install grub-pc.21:45
guest1littleP, when I attempt to minimize FIREFOX BROWSER, it completely closes instead of getting minimized on bottom pane21:45
soreauMTughan_web: iptables -L show everything is ACCEPT21:45
whileimherestefg any ideas?21:45
soreauuncmar: Still the same message21:45
MTughan_websoreau: Who said it had to be iptables?21:45
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: I suggest wireshark(which is just a graphical front) as its derived from ethereal and provides you with EVERYTHING... so its extremely thorough for sniffing your packets, and being native usually gets my vote. Nice to have in your arsenal.21:45
Barleylittlepenguin: Oh, you never get to blaim beer. We love beer ! :)21:46
soreauMTughan_web: Me21:46
theGmanJordan_U: But I can leave it set to the (hd0,0) that it was wanting to this time. I've installed to the HD instead of usb hd.21:46
Jordan_UtheGman: You might also want to have super grub2 disk on hand to be able to boot your other OSs if anything goes wrong.21:46
axolotezenta: did you get your question answered?21:46
apersonBarley, this channel is for support only, not idle discussion21:46
stefgUbuntu: so first change your nick to something more identifyable, then open a term, run sudo fdsik -l and paste that to pastebin21:46
aj00200NeoPhoenix: also, how do you delete directories?21:46
littlepenguinguest 1 maybe you push the wrong button21:46
ubuntustefg how can i change my nick ?21:46
theGmanJordan_U: Right. :)21:46
apersonubuntu, /nick newnick21:46
stefgUbuntu /nick newnick21:46
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linuxgeckotheGman:  still active?  i need to try a fix for my goofy lucid21:47
brendan_what is the command to run a python file in terminal?21:47
NeoPhoenixwith sudo rmdir thedirectory21:47
infidaperson: not in there either\21:47
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kim__is it possible to read ntfs ?21:47
aj00200brendan: python <file>21:47
uncmarsoreau: and you left the x11vnc running while tried vncviewer from another terminal?21:47
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apersoninfid, nothing? really?  what browser are you using specifically?21:47
guest1what wrong button ? i click on minus sign  to minimize it and window just disappears21:47
zentajordan_u i did but its gave this E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:47
zentaE: Unable to lock the download directory and i didnt open system pakage manger21:47
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, will go with what you said since im non-the-wiser and you said graphical hope it does contain the ability for command line and is much easier than snort to install specially from source :s21:47
aj00200NeoPhoenix: thanks again :D21:47
stefg!paste | stryk3r21:47
ubottustryk3r: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:47
theGmanlinuxgecko: Yeah, what are wanting to do?21:47
linuxgeckokim__: .......   why wouldn't we be able to?21:47
infidff 3.6.221:47
kim__nevrmind.. :P21:47
zentaaxolote: not yet i am very confused21:47
MTughan_webIs there a way that I can put my user back on the GUI login list? Changing UID to 500 seems to have removed.21:47
littlepenguinok gest1 start a terminal21:47
stryk3rstefg, gah! I'm not that noobish ;)21:47
soreauuncmar: of course21:48
littlepenguinand in there start firefox21:48
Jordan_Uzenta: Is there still a window open with a dialog box / prompt?21:48
NeoPhoenixaj00200: No Problem ^21:48
infidaperson: the ff that comes w lucid21:48
linuxgeckotheGman: did you get my query about what it does when it locked and won't boot any os?21:48
kim__yea... I just got an error msg about it couldn't be mounted...21:48
guest1i have the terminal up21:48
AnxiousNutCogitoErgoSam, got it working! thanks a lot buddy!!!! thanks !!!!21:48
kim__but worked out now=)))21:48
stefgstryk3r: just for convienience... no pun intended21:48
theGmanlinuxgecko: Nope.21:48
stryk3rstefg no prob21:48
stryk3rstefg, http://www.pastebin.org/20183621:48
zentajordan_u : no only 1 window21:48
apersoninfid, well, you can download the flashplugin from adobe directly, and copy it (with root privs) to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/21:48
whileimhereHi. I just upgraded to 10.04 and when I log into the system I only get a partial panel and not menus. All right click options for the panel settings are greyed out. Any ideas?21:48
m4rkhey, i am trying to install ubuntu off the CD, and it just sits there with a little symbol of a man at the bottom of the screen21:48
zentajordan_u : only 1 terminal its opened21:49
axolotezenta: see this thread. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=580428  post #821:49
BarleyMTughan_web: man useradd. use uid and gid to specify what numbers they should be listed as. 500 is for regular users and up.21:49
stefgstryk3r: so sda 5 is your Linux partition , right?21:49
tyler_dPirate_Hunter: and to back up the point on source and compiling, alot of things from source don't have versioning, so the check is simply to meet the dependance (has python) or (has kernel) then grabs generic and installs... when compiling you are actually using and referencing system specifics ie. Python v. 2.6 and Kernel blah blah blah..... Just my thoughts though, Good Luck :)21:49
stryk3rstefg, nevermind the bottom part of the pastebin, thats an external hard drive and can't use that21:49
MTughan_webBarley: My user exists. Just not on the GUI login menu.21:49
stryk3rstefg yes thats it21:49
solidsnake204How can I restore the menu files for the menu? It got deleted and now I have no menu.21:49
NeoPhoenixbye bye all21:50
stefgstryk3r:  and that'S sort of 50G in size ?21:50
MTughan_webSeems GDM just shows UIDs 1000 and higher, although Fedora's starts from 500 or below.21:50
stryk3rstefg exactly21:50
BarleyMTughan_web: Then its got a false shell or a non-existent home directory.21:50
Maddin1well user defined entries are a lil bit short on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:50
MTughan_webBarley: Neither of which.21:50
zentaaxolote: ok i will check, but u know why i did this because i have problem in boot i can get my winxp , and redhat so i tried to update to grub221:50
BarleyMTughan_web: You have removed its group ?21:51
Pirate_Huntertyler_d, no problem will definitely take a look at wireshark and make some comparison, on the note for denyhosts will check out the source and compile it under vm first see if I can note down any problems, thanks for the info21:51
Jordan_UMaddin1: Have you tried just "sudo update-grub"?21:51
kim__does anyone know why my cpu jumpes from 800MHz to 1.8MHz?21:51
MTughan_webkim__: The CPU can be slowed down to save power and heat.21:51
trismMTughan_web: correct, gdm (in ubuntu anyway) hides users with uids less than 100021:51
stefgstryk3r: that'S plenty for a Linux root.... you can get away with a / (root) of 10G. Is there already  much stuff in your /home?21:51
MTughan_webBarley: No. I had an existing user that showed up in the menu, which I just changed the UID of, and it disappeared.21:51
MTughan_webtrism: Any way to show a user with a UID of 500?21:52
BarleyMTughan_web: Any other way is not possible. Yeah, it doesnt match group, or shadow21:52
m4rkhey, i am trying to install ubuntu off the CD, and it just sits there with a little symbol of lego block and a man at the bottom of the screen - why?21:52
BarleyMTughan_web: Use a gui instead21:52
CogitoErgoSamI'm back21:52
MTughan_webBarley: Shut up. It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about.21:52
stryk3rstefg, not really. Actually, what I want to do is install ubuntu + linux mint and keep my windows where it is at. I just want to have the /home partition seperate so that both OS'es can access it better21:52
CogitoErgoSamAnxiousNut:  Got synergy workin?21:52
solidsnake204How can I restore the menu files for the menu? It got deleted and now I have no menu.21:53
Guest38936what would be the python command to re-run a python script?21:53
BarleyMTughan_web: I coded the thing. Its quite obvious that i know what im talking about.21:53
n06hey guys I have a question/problem.. I'm trying to install 10.04 on my macbook 2,1 and i've deleted the msdos partition usuing gparted but when I go to change the location of the bootloader there is no "/dev/sda3" can anyone help?21:53
Jordan_UMaddin1: Can you mount your Windows 7 partition (not the recovery partition)?21:53
theGmanlinuxgecko: You still there?21:53
Misantropono updates in the last few days since the release of lucid or is it just me?21:53
uncmarsoreau: Hmm, you can ssh into box1 ?21:53
Maddin1jYes its a vista partition and it is mounted i can see the files21:53
BarleyMTughan_web: Youll learn given a bit of time.21:53
arthursc0HI can someone answer this for me?21:53
MTughan_webBarley: I know how it works. And I've already checked that stuff.21:54
nucc1what is the irc channel for "quickly" ?21:54
LachezarHello all... After upgrading to 10.04 I decided to take a look at my /etc/apt/sources.list. It seems to have some left-overs since 8.10 (first installed). Can I reset sources.list to the default for 10.04?21:54
Barleynucc1: Youre a Mummy :P21:54
soreauuncmar: yes21:54
moesWhen downloading Lucid 10.04 from Ubuntu downloads I continue to get MD5sum difference Where can I download and get a matching md5sum21:54
juancahi, how can I mount a hard disk in ubuntu (server) as guest in virtualbox? I've seen a tutorial to mount external usb drives editing /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh  but that shoul be for USB drives only, mine is a hard disk in the machine21:55
emorrishi, does anyone happen to know what the equivalent of kdeaddons is in Ubuntu Lucid? Thanks21:55
arthursc0Trying to install 64bit onto Dell T3500 with NVidia Quadro NVS 295. Live Cd works and Install completes. When I boot I get BIOS and Disk info then boot switches to flashing cursor after disk read and then Monitor goes into sleep mode. PC appears Not to continue booting. Any ideas? Fedora installs and works fine...21:55
BarleyMTughan_web: then it would appear you are in need of no help my friend.21:55
trismMTughan_web: it appears that you can set MIN_UID in /etc/login.defs to to 500 and they should show up (according to this bug report that's where they are getting it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/247910 )21:55
Lachezarmoes: Try different mirror, Use HTTP21:55
MTughan_webmoes: I downloaded three versions via BitTorrent and all three matched MD5. You could try that.21:55
trismMTughan_web: sorry MIN_UID21:55
trismMTughan_web: arg, UID_MIN, my brain isn't working21:55
lapperti'm using xchat as an irc client, are the an option to show who is in the channel?21:56
MTughan_webtrism: Heh. I'll check it out. Thanks.21:56
moesLachezar, thanks will try21:56
=== stefg_ is now known as stefg
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CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  I've managed to replicate the error message 11121:56
n06can anyone help?21:56
arjunakim unable to access my router configuration page from ubuntu (it works in windows)21:56
soreauCogitoErgoSam: oh neat. what is the cause/solution there?21:56
stefgstryk3r: shouldn't be too hard. sda5 is already a logical partition inside an extended partition (sda4 which isn't mentioned by fdisk). just resize sda5 to 10G'ish in the first step, add another 10G (sda6) to put Mint to and use the rest for /home (sda7)21:56
coz_n06,  I just logged on ...would you mind repeating?21:56
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  It happened after the application that was hosting vnc (for me, x11vnc) closed21:56
stefgstryk3r: btw you don't have swap... that should be corrected21:56
n06I'm trying to install 10.04 on my macbook 2,1 and i've deleted the msdos partition usuing gparted but when I go to change the location of the bootloader there is no "/dev/sda3" can anyone help?21:56
Lachezararjunak: configure ethernet manually.21:56
axolotezenta: did you stop the process while it was installing, or did it crash or something?21:57
infidarjunak: what does route -n say21:57
stryk3rstefg, I should have swap?21:57
Maddin1Jordan_U: Yes its a vista partition and it is mounted i can see the files21:57
wildbatjuanca,  mount /dev/sd<your hd> /path/tp mount21:57
Jordan_UMaddin1: What is the output of "sudo os-prober" ?21:57
theGmanjuanca: You might want to ask in #vbox that's the virtualbox chan and their more likely able to ans your question. :)21:57
arjunakinfid: Kernel IP routing table21:57
arjunakDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface21:57
arjunak117.204.80.1 UH    0      0        0 ppp021:57
arjunak169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 ppp021:57
arjunak0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 ppp021:57
FloodBot4arjunak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  I had to restart the vnc hosting application on my host computer and then I was able to vnc21:57
lapperti'm using xchat as an irc client, are the an option to show who is in the channel?21:57
stefgstryk3r: even if you have tons of ram swap is used for hibernation21:57
MTughan_webtrism: BRB, have to log out to check.21:57
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soreauCogitoErgoSam: Can you please try this if it isnt to hard: make the host on tty1, then try to start the server and vnc into it21:57
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  If you want to go to a private message, we can try to run through it step by step21:57
theGmanlappert: Sure, there should be a list either on the left or right that shows everyone currently joined.21:58
juancawildbat: sdMYDISK /path/...   like this?21:58
stefg!pm > stryk3r21:58
ubottustryk3r, please see my private message21:58
infidarjunak: try loggin into your router on the windows machine and seeing if theres an optoin to allow your ubuntu machine to connect to it maybe the firewall is blocking it21:58
n06coz_: got any idea?21:58
coz_lapion,  hit  View ment   channel switcher then  tabs21:58
smittixHi people, Just installed lucid, my laptop fan is always on? but when i install the non-free ati drivers the fan acts normal? thing is when i do install the ati drivers i lose framebuffer.21:58
stryk3rstefg, really?21:58
stryk3rDo you think 50gb will be enough then21:58
uncmarsoreau: sigh.  I'm still a thinking.21:58
CogitoErgoSamI just did that no prob, on my computer here I started x11vnc -localhost, then ran vncviewer localhost and it showed up21:58
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Maddin1Jordan_U: /dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain21:58
coz_n06,   mm you might want to go to the #gtub channel for that one   and ask for the grub install link ?21:58
wildbatjuanca, ya it should sda sdb sdc .... so on21:58
emorrishi, does anyone happen to know what the equivalent of kdeaddons is in Ubuntu Lucid? Thanks21:59
arjunakinfid: there is no such thing in my router,it happened after installing win721:59
soreauCogitoErgoSam: I think the problem is that even though I can ssh into the machine and start a vnc server, its not fully functional because the machine is soft locked, stuck on tty1 and no input works. but ssh shows it is still running everything21:59
stefgstryk3r: yup... and even if you 8G and never hibernate i'd still use a little swap partition for compatibilty reasons21:59
n06coz_: thanks21:59
djznI wonder why apps like empathy and evolution are storing the crap out of its own directory settings all over the .hidden dirs21:59
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  Want to go to a private convo and we can work on gettin this sorted out for ya?21:59
CogitoErgoSamsoreau:  I'll help you check to make sure no other programs are usin the port21:59
MTughan_webtrism: Thanks, worked perfectly.21:59
trevoris there something wrong with the emerald in the 10.04 repos, it crashes seconds after i launch it every time21:59
trismMTughan_web: excellent, you're welcome21:59
stryk3rstefg alright, so I should give 10gb to ubuntu + 10gb to mint and make the swap then the rest for a /home. sounds good?21:59
juancawildbat: how do I know the letter?21:59
octetwhy i cant send files with empathy on yahoo ?21:59
Jordan_UMaddin1: I assume that an entry for the recovery environment comes up when you boot, and that you can't boot windows 7 normally from there?21:59
zentaaxolote: no b4 it was work normaly  but no bootloader selection so i made boot from live cd ubuntu and i change grub seting afetr that i didnt find winxp and redhat22:00
stefgstryk3r: basically yes. i'd put the swap at the end. How much RAM do you have ?22:00
dupondjehmz, seems like I can't add facebook account to gwibber :(22:00
wildbatjuanca, do a 'fdisk -l' look for it22:00
stryk3rstefg lets say I want to add another 20gb to the linux extended partition, can I just take it off of windows and added to the extended, or would I have to remake the extended partition?22:00
stryk3rstefg, I have 4gb RAM22:00
soreauuncmar: Thanks for you help so far man, I will let you know if I ever get it to work22:00
smittixAnyone else had any problems with laptop fan and ATI drivers?22:00
djznis anyone experiencing major segfaults with lucid ? yesterday I could not even get gnome operating after load.... everytime I was going to execute a terminal or file manager, libc6-2.11.1 would segfault.... the only solution was to dump that user account and startover another one22:01
uncmarsoreau: It appears that vnc isn't opening the port to listen too.22:01
Lachezardjzn: check your memory. there is memtest on boot.22:01
wildbatstryk3r, gparted can do partition resize22:01
soreauuncmar: yea it seems that way22:01
juancawildbat: nothing22:01
djznLachezar: which is the key to call menu grub right after before boot?22:01
Lachezardjzn: Escape, doesn't it display?22:02
acerimmerdjzn: ESC iirc22:02
wildbatjuanca, sudo fdisk -l ~ you need root access22:02
stryk3rwildbat, right22:02
djznLachezar: well it doesnt seem like Memory, because I had another account which was working JUST fine... at the same time22:02
uncmarsoreau: that is why I was trying to force different ports like, 5911.22:02
stefgstryk3r: don't touch the extended partition without making a backup first. you can resize that with gparted, but shifting around logical partitions inside an extended partition is slow. SO slow that you might consider taking a backup, redo your partiion layout and restore afterwards22:02
Lachezardjzn: upgrades tend to take more memory and exhibit errors not previously hit. been there, done that :(22:03
soreauuncmar: Can you verify that you can ssh into a machine that is on tty1 (while X is on some other tty)22:03
uncmarsoreau: I use a different port by default, well, because I like to use different ports.  And to avoid blockingg issues.22:03
Lachezarjdzn: doesn't hurt (much) anyway.22:03
soreauuncmar: Sorry, I meant s/ssh/vnc22:04
stryk3rstefg yea I got a backup already.  can I just delete the extended partition and then reduce the 20gb from windows to have a total of 70gb free and then create a new extended partition?22:04
uncmarsoreau: are box1 or box2 visible from outside. Such as from me?22:04
stryk3rwhatever I do, I don't want that process that takes very long time, Its happened to me by accident and its a pain, stefg22:04
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
soreauuncmar: I doubt it22:04
LachezarRQ: Anyone with a fresh (not upgrade) install of Ubuntu 10.04 willing to share sources.list (privately)22:04
stefgstryk3r: yes, but you'll lose everything inside that extended partition22:04
juancawildbat: Only the virtual disk there (sda). Maybe I should ask in #vbox22:05
uncmarsoreau: try this.22:05
stryk3rstefg, gotcha. and it shouldn't take that long right? I already partitioned those 50gbs anyway :) now I'll just delete the extended22:05
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/571132 => somebody can check it ? :)22:06
uncmarsoreau: DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc -connect uhelpme.unkmar.com::552522:06
wildbatjuanca, did you add the hd you need to mount to the vbox yet ?22:06
infidaperson: i tried to install the flash plugin form adobe and gdebi tried to install install_flash_player_10_linux.deb but said invalid architecture i386 (i have an amd 64)22:06
apersoninfid, that would have really helped to know right off22:07
juancawildbat: no, how do i do that?22:07
infidaperson: sorry :p22:07
littlepenguininfid you need the x64 deb22:07
=== EgYPaRaDoX is now known as Guest38856
wildbatjuanca, turn off the vbox guest and add in the setting22:08
infidi dont see it on http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/22:08
littlepenguinor did you install no 64 bit ubuntu?22:08
sonofjonHi, I am an Emmpathy IRC newbie. Question: How do I stop getting alerts from Nickserv that "This nickname is registered. Please choose a different name..." whenever I connect with empathy. The nickname I am tryingto connect with, sonofjon, is registered by me! I have registered and verified the nick via email. Empathy does not seem to communicate my registration details properly to nickserv? Using Empathy on Ubuntu 10.04. Thanks.22:08
badcloudanyone manage to successfully install a working driver for --> 046d:0920 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express?22:08
infidlittlepenguin: i have 64bit ubuntu22:08
apersoninfid, get the beta x64 flash22:08
badcloudoh, and in Lucid22:08
apersonand install it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins22:08
littlepenguinfor flashplugin there is a launchpad for it i think22:08
xanguainfid: https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash lates adobe flash plugin for x86-6422:08
soreauuncmar: 04/05/2010 15:07:31 Making connection to client on host uhelpme.unkmar.com port 5500 <-- this is from box4, not box1 or 322:08
m4rkbooting off the 10.4 CD, it just sits there with a little symbol of lego block and a man at the bottom of the screen - why?22:08
doleyb_sonofjon: you can manually do the register by typing /msg nickserv indentify password22:08
scourissonofjon, have you added your password to the IRC account list?22:09
soreauuncmar: I dont know what this command is supposed to do...22:09
apersonWhen I move my mouse around, to resume my computer from the screensaver, the screensaver exits normally and goes to the desktop, but immediately afterwards, the screen fades to black and I have to move my mouse again to get to the desktop22:09
uncmarsoreau: DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc -connect uhelpme.unkmar.com:5525   <-- drop a colon22:09
john__Hi. I am still trying to figure out why whern I updated from 9.04 to 10.04 my desktop lower panel disappeared and when I try to change any of the settings by right clicking the top panel everything is greyed out. Anyone know about this?22:09
badcloudI can't get spca5xx or gspca to compile22:09
soreauuncmar: ok22:09
soreauuncmar: Now it says the same with 552522:10
uncmarsoreau: if it works it will reverse connect to me.  I will close it but at least I will see if x11vnc is working.22:10
infidxangua: i dont understand, i have ubuntu 64 jaunty before and just flashplugin-nonfree worked. is this a new problemw ith lucid?22:10
soreauuncmar: It still says connecting..22:10
uncmarsoreau: you did that as :5525 or ::5525 ?22:10
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sonofjonThanks doleyb_! So, I am supposed to do this manually every time I connect? I thought perhaps empathy would do this automatically for me?22:10
axolotezenta: ah, i see. i thought you just had a problem with a locked package archive22:10
Mcl0vini have two hard disk drive on my box , why i only see on e:(22:11
juancawildbat: should add a 'SATA controller' or what? where?22:11
xanguainfid: you maybe downloaded the 64 bits flash from adobe's web, but the repositories version is only for 32 bits22:11
soreauuncmar: you said to drop a colon so I did...22:11
stefgjohn__: check if gnome-settings-daemon is running22:11
axolotei've heard a ton of people who dual boot are having a hard time with grub.22:11
uncmarsoreau: DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc -connect unkmar.homeip.net:552522:11
Barleyen Rock i Velinga!!!22:11
axolotezenta: i've heard a ton of people who dual boot are having a hard time with grub.22:11
uncmarsoreau: I changed the domain that time.22:11
doleyb_sonofjon: normally irc programs have a setting to do that automatically, but i don't know about empathy.22:11
acerimmeraxolote: you've got to pay attention to the details a bit more but once set up it's pretty steady22:11
soreauuncmar: ok22:11
DarkStar1how do I find out which partition my system is mounted on?22:11
zentaaxolote: ohhh its very diff yes22:12
LachezarDarkStar1: mount22:12
acerimmerDarkSTar1: from live cd or booted22:12
Wipsterhey all, synaptic is showing libusb installed and when I plug my devices in or obviously recognises them because it reflashes one and it shows up in lsusb however a program which uses libusb.so doesn't work where abouts is that .so hiding?22:12
roberto_can anyone help me install kverbos2?22:12
DarkStar1acrerimmer: booted22:12
stefgDarkStar1: df -h or mount (w/o parameters)22:12
zentaaxolote: because now i lost my winxp, and redhat i have all my data22:12
sonofjondoleyb_: Thanks.22:12
uncmarsoreau: try it from box322:13
wildbatjuanca, ok ~ in the setting > stroage> you have IDE controller right?22:13
apersonjohn__, you can reset the panels back to default with: http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html22:13
juancawildbat: yes22:13
wildbatjuanca, next to it click add disk22:13
djznis there an application like a console logger22:13
infidxangua: ok aftering adding those lines to sources.list, what do i do to make it download?22:13
Mcl0vini have two hard disk drive on my box , why i only see on e:( can someone help me please22:14
NOL0Galguem do brasil ai?22:14
DarkStar1Bah screw this.. I'm a gonna fresh install22:14
DarkStar1brb in 1 hour22:14
juancawildbat: it asks for a virtual disk... how can I select a real one?22:14
NOL0Gninguem do BRASIL ????22:14
NOL0Gentao voces sao todos bixas?22:14
joelwoodtotally new to linux, need some help22:14
soreauuncmar: just says making connection and sits there22:14
dmj726grr...I'm getting a kernel panic when I try to boot my netbook22:15
linuxgeckough..   and YAY!!!    i'm in the gui of the livecd :)   but i don't like the controls on teh other side :-(22:15
stryk3reverything going good so far, stefg, thanks22:15
littlepenguindmj thats bad22:15
axolotezenta: can't you just boot into the live cd and mount your redhat and winxp partitions, at least to get your data?22:15
roberto_NOL0G - eu conheço um pouco de portuguës22:15
NOL0Gopa rs22:15
NOL0Geae beleza22:15
GeekSquid!br | roberto_22:15
ubotturoberto_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:15
dmj726sdb: detected capacity change from 0 to 1613935411222:16
dmj726sdb: detected capacity change from 0 to 1613935411222:16
coz_switchgirl,  you need a public key?22:16
roberto_NOL0G - o que você precisa?22:16
joelwoodis there a package like vhs to dvd software?22:16
infidxangua: adding those gave me a GPG pubkey error22:17
axoloteacerimmer: so, do you know a lot about the grub issues people are having when it comes to dual booting? zenta seems to be having issues, as are many people. it's why i'm afraid to dual boot beginning with karmic. do you know of thread to point us in the right direction?22:17
coz_joelwood,  look here maybe   http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/248203-Converting-VHS-to-DVD-under-Linux-HOWTO22:17
stefgjoelwood: vlc could do that22:17
roberto_can anyone help me install kverbos2?22:17
axoloteacerimmer: so, do you know a lot about the grub issues people are having when it comes to dual booting? zenta seems to be having issues, as are many people. it's why i'm afraid to dual boot beginning with karmic. do you know of thread to point us in the right direction?22:17
xanguainfid: the instruccions to add the GPG key are right there in the PPA22:17
littlepenguinjoelwood google is your friend..22:17
zentaaxolote: i trieda to add boot select to the menu to select which OS do u want but no success only ubuntu its exist22:17
GeekSquidjoelwood: it is called encoding... vhs is a tape, you'd need an encoder card to go from tape to a digital file, then output to dvd22:17
kim__damn.. I sort of having problems with my firefox.. Sometimes it freezes, and I have to shut it down.. But then I cant start it up.. when i'm looking in my terminal I have multiplies firefox processes..  what to do? ;p22:17
coz_joelwood,   also her eis an older ubuntu forum post about it  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49314322:18
uncmarsoreau: says connecting on port 5525?22:18
Nerds|LinuxAnyone around that has Multitouch working on their macbook with Lucid? I forget which drivers work and which don't.22:18
soreauuncmar: yea until I killed it22:18
Barleydoleyb_: I like to kick either those who have no empathy or have it :P ... My ~new apartment is rotten because i dont decide when some idiots decide its good for me to have the kitchen and bathroom FANs cranked up to full or not. Instead, when it gets really cold outside they decide they should pull in all the cold air they can MUSTER.22:18
uncmarsoreau: DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc -connect
smittixHi people, Just installed lucid, my laptop fan is always on? but when i install the non-free ati drivers the fan acts normal? thing is when i do install the ati drivers i lose framebuffer.22:18
Fingelanyone having problems with mysql after upgrade to 10.04?22:19
MrPancake!ot | Barley22:19
ubottuBarley: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:19
FingelI cant seem to start the server22:19
soreauuncmar: 04/05/2010 15:19:15 Making connection to client on host port 552522:19
NOL0Groberto_ desculpa estava no telefone22:19
NOL0Gconhece alguma rede brasileira? no irc22:20
BarleyMrPancake: <-- evil homosexual with a shrunken dick syndrome.22:20
NOL0Gsei q a brasnet faliu faz tempo22:20
NOL0Gtem alguma outra?22:20
GeekSquid!br | NOL0G22:20
ubottuNOL0G: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:20
MrPancake!ops Barley22:20
uncmarsoreau: have you tried that from box3 as well?  cause. I'm not seeing the hits.22:20
dominicdinada!broadcom 44022:20
slaineanyone know when the xmltv updates will get pushed out ?22:20
danutzok guys look what error I have when I try to install php5 : E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall22:20
MrPancake!ops | Barley22:20
hd1!fr | NOL0G22:20
ubottuBarley: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:20
littlepenguinuncmar when your hostip gets posted on irc there should be some more hits22:20
ubottuNOL0G: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:20
MrPancakeThere we go.22:20
joelwoodI have something called a vidbox that connects via usb and was able to save videos and burn to dvd using software, I just need a similar software program for linux (i am very new to this)22:21
NOL0Gprocuro canais hackers22:21
dominicdinadawhat the F there isnt any topics about the 440x?22:21
slainemy mythtv setup can't run the xmltv grabber for uk_rt22:21
slainedue to that bug22:21
acerimmeraxolote: if by knowledge you mean have I repeatedly crashed and rebuilt my osx/windows7/ubuntu system; yes.  Grub expert: No.22:21
slaineseems it was fixed a month ago22:21
slaineupstream that is22:21
Jordan_Uzenta: Can you run "sudo update-grub" then pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?22:21
GeekSquidjoelwood: that would be an encoder, use lsusb in terminal to get info on the card, then go googleing22:21
BarleyMrPancake: I dont like burnt pancakes22:21
MrPancakeBarley: Please keep it civil.22:22
mavromatishi, can someone tell me a good music player which won't die 267gb or 35k of songs with hotkey support?22:22
acerimmerzenta: One HDD?22:22
BarleyMrPancake. fuck it, im always civil dood.22:22
MrPancakeBarley: This is a family friendly channel.22:22
GeekSquidmavromatis: amarok will handle it22:22
reisioBarley: seriously, go have a family and then come back22:22
wirelessdreameri'm trying to dump a listing of the indexed music, trackerd is running, but i'm having trouble figuring out which tracker-* command line tool I should use to query it, and with what args. anyone familiar with trackerd?22:23
NOL0Gonde encontro hackers?22:23
axoloteacerimmer: LOL. :)22:23
Msh100Hello, I upgraded the ubuntu release, and now when I go to start mysqld, it hangs, I have seen this on a few forums but no fix. Does anyone have suggestions?22:23
BarleyMrPancake: Find one person over 10 years of age (Nope, not possible unless you drag your son infront of this "tv thingy" )22:23
mavromatisI read something about mysql and amarok22:23
mavromatisdo I have to make extra work to get it to work?22:23
con-manI can has debian of google earth please?22:23
mknarrHello, how is everyone doing? I'm having a little issue with my ubuntu 8.04LTS server, I'm trying to install phpBB3.  During the installation process it is saying that "cache/, files/, and store/ are "Found, but Unwritable" though ive allready set each of the folder premissions to chmod 777 and have reset the apache2 server. Any help with this would be really helpful.  Also i have "mysql", "webmin", and "php5" insta22:23
zentajordan_u :  i did sudo update-grub and its updated but thats meaining no i can get boot menu ?22:24
GeekSquidmavromatis: by default amarok uses sqlite, it can use mysql but involves a bit to setup22:24
JoshuaLDoes anyone know if it is possible to see the network SSID im connected to via the commandline?22:24
mavromatisGeekSquid, will that help me?22:24
con-manrut roh22:24
Jordan_Uzenta: Is english your first language?22:24
dominicdinadaSomeone gonna get banned OOOOOOOOOOOO22:24
reisiomknarr: let's see a paste of an ls -l of the dir22:24
con-manPici gonna lay down the ban hammer?22:24
uncmarJoshuaL: iwconfig22:24
GeekSquidmknarr: you need to chown www-data:www-data to those directories22:24
zentajordan_u : no no i knew its broken but its clear to understand !!22:25
dominicdinadaBarley: nice knowing u kid22:25
MrPancakedominicdinada: That's hardly required.22:25
axolotezenta: acerimmer sounds like a lot more knowledgeable at this. This is why I won't dual boot since karmic.22:25
theGmanIf I'm going to do the upgrade through the update mgr, once the update is done, do I need to reboot or can I just click on the upgrade button?22:25
Jordan_Uzenta: Your last sentence was not clear to me, could you try to rephrase it?22:25
JoshuaLuncmar, Access Point: Not-Associated22:25
uncmarJoshuaL: you might need to do: sudo iwconfig22:25
GeekSquidmavromatis: I have had 300gb with 42000 songs running in amarok with sqlite and didn't have any problems22:25
dominicdinadamrp: ok when your done with that i need  hand22:25
marupaHi there, I know the default for ubuntu is pulseaudio, right?  Is there one that's a bit less buggy, and perhaps has the ability to have individual 'streams' per program?  Like, I can turn on and off the 'monitor' for each application, while the application itself doesn't know I've disconnected from it, and continues to play?22:26
JoshuaLuncmar, yup with sudo did the trick22:26
theGmanNvm, answered my own question on the website :P22:26
infidxangua: gpg: keyserver received failed: keyserver error.. keyserver timed out22:26
mavromatisGeekSquid, also is there an alternative to amarok, like a clone that doesn't need 384mb of space with all the reqs?22:26
krasenirhello...i want to create a function that can read some serial number undder ubuntu , using language such as C/C++...what iddea you have?22:26
aciculamarupa, pulseaudio allows doing just that22:26
mavromatisusing vanilla ubuntu22:26
mavromatiswith gnome22:26
GeekSquid!pm | mknarr22:26
ubottumknarr: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:26
xanguainfid: if the key server is down add it some other time22:26
dominicdinadaMrPancake:  ok when your done with that i need  hand22:27
aciculamarupa, select soundpreferences by right clicking the sound icon, and then switch to the application tabs22:27
Oerkrasenir serial number and ubuntu ?22:27
Jordan_Uaxolote: There was a bug in lucid just before release that prevented other OS's from being added to the grub.cfg imediately after install. They would be added the first time update-grub was run though, and the bug was fixed before release.22:27
infidxangua: you're asking me to go without flash for a while :P22:27
infidi'm only human22:27
aciculamarupa, correction left click->sound preferences22:27
=== Guest38856 is now known as help
GeekSquidmknarr: sudo chown www-data:www-data /cache22:27
mknarr! pm | GeekSquid srry man22:27
ubottuGeekSquid srry man: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:27
litropyHi, peeps - why is Two-Finger Scrolling disabled under Mouse > Trackpad > Scrolling?22:27
zentajordan_u :  i did sudo update-grub  and its updated now so thats meaning the boot menu will be ok ?22:27
z3r0-c001Is ubuntu+1 done with22:27
xanguainfid: never said that, you can install it with or without the keys22:27
litropyfor now, z3r0-c00122:28
acerimmerzenta: try it.22:28
xanguainfid: you can add teh key some other time, tomorrow, next week, next month........22:28
Slartz3r0-c001: I think they've temporarily closed it to prepare for the next version22:28
mknarr!pm | GeekSquid ok thanks22:28
ubottuGeekSquid ok thanks: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:28
Jordan_Uzenta: Most likely, yes.22:28
JoshuaLuncmar, is it possible to get the ESSID without sudo? I want to write a script to automatically set a proxy when connected to a certain ESSID22:28
ratcheerz3r0-c001: Until they open it back for 10.1022:28
GeekSquidmknarr: please don't use ubottu on me, I have been here a while and am here to help, I am a volunteer .... Don't use !pm22:28
marupaAnd anyone know why I frequently get freezes, where all applications stop responding, but I can still move my mouse and updates still show up, it's like I just can't click on anything.  Ticking me off >.<22:28
con-manI can has debian of google earth please?22:28
Slartz3r0-c001: afaik they do this every time there's a new version.. close the +1 channel and open it up some time later22:28
zentaaxolote:  sorry what is acerimmer u sent ?22:28
mknarr!pm GeekSquid ok22:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
aciculaJoshuaL, iwconfig22:29
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository22:29
z3r0-c001So this is the 10.04 channel now22:29
mavromatisGeekSquid, easier question, is exaile a full clone of amarok which can do the same job without wasting space or is it not?22:29
acerimmerzenta: sounds like you and axolote got it fixed.  Please try it22:29
Slartcon-man: see ubottu's comment above22:29
zentaaxolote:  ok i will logout and try it now22:29
GeekSquidmavromatis: IDK22:29
adityagi just instll22:29
goku12205i have port 22 (ssh) open and i forgot my password is there anyway i can get my pass back?22:29
tim__help, i am trying to back up. i need to know if i will have any issues with ownership of files when i reisntall ubuntu...22:29
JoshuaLacicula, but to get the info i want i need root rights, i want to make a script to run in the background to automatically change the proxy of the current user logged in22:29
jose__somebody speak spanish?22:29
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest46469
mavromatisok, thanks for the help22:29
Jordan_UJoshuaL: You probably want to hook into network-manager.22:29
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:29
kvand_Hey all, I have a quick question...Is there any way to change the default icon location on the desktop when I mount a drive?22:29
Slartgoku12205: you can set a new password by booting into recovery mode22:30
zentai will bake22:30
dominicdinadaOk since pancake can scold and stuff but not offer support I cant find anything in regards to the broadcom 440x ethernet NIC all I ever see is wireless bullcrap22:30
aciculaJoshuaL, you dont need root to read the ssid22:30
infidxangua: well when i run the update-manager it just says gpg error and doesn't list flash in the update list22:30
dominicdinadaif it helps its a 4600c Deminsion22:30
Mcl0vinhow do i list my harddrives please22:30
aciculaJoshuaL, you dont need root to run iwconfig rather22:30
Mcl0vinif i have two of them22:30
MrPancakedominicdinada: What're you actually looking for?22:30
JoshuaLacicula, tell me how to do so, because iwconfig without sudo doesnt give useful information22:30
MrPancakedominicdinada: Wired chipset?  What does dmesg have to say about it?22:30
kvand_Mcl0vin: sudo fdisk -l22:30
Slartgoku12205: or you're asking if there is a way to retrieve passwords just because the SSH service is listening? =)22:30
adityagi just installed 10.4 on my new sony vaio laptop, i cant enable visual effects, error "Desktop effects could not be enabled", even the sound does not play but the video does22:30
mknarrhow do i whisper to a specific person22:31
krasenirOer: you have an ideea how can i read serial number for uP for example?22:31
xanguainfid: sudo aptitude install flashplugin64-nonfree22:31
aciculaJoshuaL, what output does it give you22:31
tim__when i reinstall the os, after backing up, will i have to worry about file permissions on the new install?22:31
reisiomknarr: /notice reisio you're awesome22:31
Jordan_UJoshuaL: I think you can link a proxy configuration to a given SSID in System > Preferences > Network Connections, and if not there are hooks in network manager to run scripts on certain events.22:31
goku12205goin to try it out Thanks Slart22:31
dominicdinadaMrPancake: yes wired chipset i got the winblows oem drivers but somehow i dont think that will help22:31
reisiomknarr: also, quit wasting your money :p http://silverex.org/22:31
GeekSquidmknarr: that is inappropriate in this channel22:31
Oerkrasenir, ubuntu has no serial numbers, what is uP ?22:31
xanguainfid: or search for it in synaptic22:31
marupaPulseAudio seems to not work very well on my system.  What alternatives are there that are good?22:31
javanhandler : can i msg u in prv 2 min?22:31
krasenirOer: uP=microprocessor22:31
dominicdinadaMrPancake: also if it helps it is for server 10.04 but no one in ubuntu-server knows22:32
nhandlerSure java22:32
reisiomarupa: you don't need pulseaudio or even an alternative22:32
MitchLeBlancHas anyone here compiled libva from source, I'm having a slight issue22:32
infidxangua: that just tells me that it's already installed and no new packages will be installed upgraded or removed22:32
pelegHello. As you suggested, I have started to make a new installation. I have a full backup, but it is dated a few weeks back, and now I can't boot the computer to backup again. So I started the installation process, hoping to keep all of my home folder safe.22:32
reisiomarupa: http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&btnI=&q=ubuntu+uninstall+pulse22:32
Slartmarupa: for ubuntu.. I don't think there is anything else that does the same things22:32
mcgvaci have a creative cam  v0f00 that i am using as a usb mic. it worked under 9.10 in 10.04 it records my voice sounding like a chipmunk in all sound apps does anyone have any ideas?22:32
ratcheermarupa: Some people just remove it. (Not I, though).22:32
reisioJACK does, but you don't need it either22:32
Slartmarupa: you can always go back to plain alsa though..22:32
aciculamarupa, you can run without pulseaudio, but you lose functionality22:32
JoshuaLJordan_U, ty for the info, it does not show any option to add proxy info (unless i look at the wrong place)22:32
Jordan_Upeleg: Why don't you backup from the LiveCD before installing?22:32
GeekSquid!pm > mknarr22:32
ubottumknarr, please see my private message22:32
Mcl0vinkavakava: how to i translate blocks to GB22:32
JoshuaLacicula, http://pastebin.com/RdVSa7Bv22:33
pelegJordan_U: oh, that might be a good idea!22:33
xanguainfid: then uninstall the 32 bit flash package and restart the browser22:33
aciculaJoshuaL, are you connected to an accesspoint right now?22:33
reisiomknarr: yeah, aren't you using XChat from xchat.org?22:33
JoshuaLacicula, im on wifi now yes22:33
Kooothorwhy are the torrents url 404 ?22:33
adityagi just installed 10.4 on my new sony vaio laptop, i cant enable visual effects, error "Desktop effects could not be enabled", even the sound does not play but the video does... any help will be appreciated22:33
reisiomknarr: yeah, but from where did you download it22:34
infidxangua: i did 'sudo aptitude remove flashplugin-nonfree' first, then installed it but google chrome and firefox still say that flashplugin is missing22:34
aciculaJoshuaL, must be a driver thing then, my wireless will update the essid with the network its connected to22:34
SlartKooothor: works here22:34
aciculaJoshuaL, you can just grep syslog/messages for the system names its connecting to though22:34
JoshuaLacicula, ok, thanks for the help. i will look at the network-manager hooks like Jordan_U said22:34
littlepenguininfid have you closed the browser fully22:34
Fingelany issues with mysql after dist upgrade to 10.04?22:34
Jordan_UJoshuaL: For VPNs use the VPN tab, for proxies where you just need to change the route click the "route" button in the "ipv4 settings" tab.22:34
aciculaJoshuaL, network-manager hookds via dbus?22:34
xanguainfid: reinstalled what¿¿ flashplugin-nonfree or flashplugin64-nonfree (emphasis on 64)22:34
adityagi just installed 10.4 on my new sony vaio laptop, i cant enable visual effects, error "Desktop effects could not be enabled", even the sound does not play but the video does... any help will be appreciated22:34
uncmarJoshuaL: /sbing/iwconfig gives me good results.  then again.  I'm running Debian and not use gnomes Network Manager.22:34
infidlittlepenguin: i did22:34
aciculathats probably the proper way to do it22:34
reisiomknarr: I'm sayingn http://silverex.org/ is less encumbered22:35
loquitus1Is there a way for me to tile the windows on my Ubuntu gnome desktop?22:35
KooothorSlart: well, not here : http://nsa14.casimages.com/img/2010/05/04/100504113543157058.png22:35
uncmarloquitus1: yes.22:35
littlepenguininfid go under firefox adress and put about:plugins in22:35
littlepenguinis it there listed?22:35
reisiomknarr: silverex.org's build is free22:35
Slartloquitus1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=658091 this might work.. haven't tried it myself though22:36
axoloteJordan_U: so to clarify, all that is needed now to see the other non-ubuntu OS's that are installed is to do sudo update grub, and all is well again?22:36
uncmarloquitus1: but I don't recall how to do that.  Something simple like setting an environment variable such as TITLE I think.22:36
JoshuaLuncmar, results in the same as iwconfig22:36
JoshuaLJordan_U, that makes sence, thanks22:36
Traveler7HELP: When running the ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD, it doesn't recognize my ext4 HDD that has 9.10 installed22:36
SlartKooothor: what kind of link is that? that's not the url to the isos when I check the ubuntu website22:36
dominicdinadaMrPancake:  well?22:36
kvand_Is there any way to change the default icon location on the desktop when I mount a drive?22:36
JoshuaLthanks for the help, i have enough info to keep myself busy now :D22:36
axoloteJordan_U: or, sudo update-grub, i mean.22:36
Jordan_Uaxolote: If you are hitting the pre-release bug, yes.22:36
Jordan_UJoshuaL: You're welcome.22:36
infidxangua: my bad i didnt notice you said flashplugin6422:36
Oerkrasenir, al i know is 'sudo dmidecode' to get specified info22:36
MrPancakedominicdinada: Do you have any diagnostic data past "it don't work?"22:37
axoloteJordan_U, and is this grub2 that is intalled with lucid now?22:37
loquitus1uncmar: thanks22:37
Jordan_Uaxolote: Yes.22:37
adityagi just installed 10.4 on my new sony vaio laptop, i cant enable visual effects, error "Desktop effects could not be enabled", even the sound does not play but the video does... any help will be appreciated22:37
SlartKooothor: that's not even a link to a torrent file.. just some image22:37
xanguainfid: that's what i suspect S:22:37
infidxangua: it works now thanks for your patience22:37
OlMightyGreekhi. im trying to install a commandline system. i get the message that no netword device is found. but it works fine with karmic. its a Attansic Technology Corp. Device 106322:37
dominicdinadayes it does not even register that eth0 exists22:37
axoloteJordan_U, ah. good to know. thank you for the info.22:37
xanguaadityag: in terminal, what does the comand 'compiz --replace' says¿22:37
Jordan_Uaxolote: You're welcome.22:37
SlartKooothor: oooo.. now I see.. =) a screenshot.. how tricky22:38
mknarrGeekSquid, thx for the help man appreciate it22:38
GeekSquidmknarr: np22:38
dmj726where would a kernel panic during boot be logged?22:38
blahhahahHELP: THe Ubuntu install disc doesn't recognize my HDD that had 9.10 installed22:38
axoloteJordan_U: thanks for helping zenta also. since lucid, grub issues have confused me. :)22:38
MrPancakedominicdinada: And dmesg says what about it?22:38
=== TannerF is now known as TannerF-busy
blahhahah"ls /dev|grep sd" only shows sda & sda1 !!!22:38
dominicdinadai will check'22:38
adityagxangua: http://www.privatepaste.com/301215522a22:39
SlartKooothor: what ip does releases.ubuntu.com resolve to on your machine?22:39
z3r0-c001Was lucid ready to come out22:39
medavoxhello can i get help with 10.04 lts here?22:39
axoloteacerimmer: thanks for helping zenta as well.22:39
SlartKooothor: mine resolves to
Jordan_Umedavox: Yes.22:39
Oerkrasenir, sudo dmidecode | grep Serial http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/dmidecode.8.html22:39
Slartmedavox: yes22:39
Fingelanyone able to help with this? http://pastebin.com/g2fXMnN022:39
reisiomknarr: pastebinit22:39
Pirate_Hunteranyone care to help me with this daemon message - ubuntu mdadm[1655]: DeviceDisappeared event detected on md device /dev/md1, component device Wrong-Level - checked online and got nada, this is on lucid with raid0+lvm22:39
GeekSquid#ubuntu now supporting Lucid Lynx 10.04, released April 29th22:39
andrukim running karmic, and i randomly have a window popup in the window list (but not onscreen) and then instantly disappear.  how do i figure out which program is doing this?22:39
medavoxok thankyou. Well I just upgraded from 9.04 LTS, and GRUB no longer successfully boots my vista partition; it just shows a black screen then takes me back to the grub OS selection menu22:40
OlMightyGreekany ideas?? i need to solve this22:40
mcgvaci have a creative cam  v0f00 that i am using as a usb mic. it worked under 9.10 in 10.04 it records my voice sounding like a chipmunk in all sound apps does anyone have any ideas? im thinking it has something to do with oss to pulseaudio ?22:40
adityagxangua: any solution?22:41
uncmarmedavox: cool.  so, something like that might be why i can no longer boot my winders XP.22:41
medavoxindeed maybe so22:41
KooothorSlart: well, it's an ipv6 adress 8)22:41
zentaacerimmer: i tried it doesnt work its the same i can not enter to winxp its gave me this error Error 11: Unrecognized device string and when i select rehat gave me error 15: file not found22:41
medavoxI am pretty sure that the upgrade brought me from grub 1.97b to 1.9822:41
KooothorSlart: nevermind, I took a direct dl from my provider22:41
z3r0-c001Lol vista...22:42
SlartKooothor: =)22:42
Jordan_Umedavox: Sounds like grub is installed to your windows partition, can you pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc"?22:42
marupaOK, this is ticking me off.  I really need some help figuring out what this is.  I keep getting momentary (around 30 seconds to 1 minute) where things stop responding, I can still move my mouse, but I cannot interact with any window.  After a moment, they unfreeze, and things 'catch up', but after a little bit again, they freeze again.  What the heck?22:42
zentaaxolote: sorry again its the same i am really confused and take long time with u and the others22:42
medavoxJordan_U: ok give me a sec22:42
Mcl0vincan anyone guide me to a doc or something to read about sectors, cylinder etc to be more knowledgeable about hard disks please22:42
uncmarMcl0vin: calculating bytes from blocks require knowing how many bytes are in one of YOUR blocks.22:43
=== rainofka1os is now known as SolarisBoy
infidxangua: the flash plugin works fine in chrome but in firefox it's doing what my old plugin did, which is letting me hear sound but i can't see any video. i'm starting to think i have some firefox addon that's conflicting. any idea what it might be?22:44
blahhahahHELP: THe Ubuntu install disc doesn't recognize my HDD that had 9.10 installed, just my other backup HDD22:44
Jordan_Uzenta: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?22:44
Mcl0vinuncmar: how would i know that , thats why i need someone help to put me in the right path22:44
benkay86infid: Are you by chance using 32-bit flash on a 64-bit machine?22:44
ShibariMstrI need some linux specifiec help not ubuntu can anyone help me with how to load a kernel from usb instead of booting to hdd22:44
xanguainfid: no idea, i use 32 bits S:22:44
Jordan_UShibariMstr: Just the kernel or is the entire distro on a usb drive?22:45
guckoguys I can't find sun JDK in synaptic. Only Open-Jdk22:45
Picigucko: sun java is in canonical's partner repository in Lucid.22:45
Pici!partner | gucko22:45
ubottugucko: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ RELEASE partner" » where RELEASE is lucid/karmic/etc22:45
ratcheergucko: Try adding the Partner repository22:45
red2kicgucko: Lucid? Enable the parnter repo.22:45
ShibariMstrit is the entire distro but it is not the iso file it is made into a bootable musb22:46
infidbenkay86: i was before but now i'm not22:46
zentajordan_u: the output of boot menu when u select winxp Error 11: Unrecognized device string and redhat error 1522:46
MitchLeBlancWhat might I do with regards to this message when trying to configure libva: "config.status: error: cannot find input file: src/Makefile.in"22:46
zentajordan_u: and i tried to update to grub2 but i got many issue22:46
blahhahahCan someone please tell me why 10.04 installer won't recognize my HDD that had 9.10 installed?22:46
Jordan_Uzenta: Ahh, I thought you were using grub2.22:46
marupaThis freeze seems to occur mostly when I try to click on menus, such as right clicking, or left clicking to open a menu.  Any ideas would be VERY helpful right about now.  It's driving me nuts!22:46
benkay86infid: Not sure, then. Video without sound would be a PulseAudio issue. Sound without video... are you doing something fancy with compiz?22:46
Jordan_Uzenta: What issues?22:47
Jordan_UShibariMstr: Did you do a normal install or did you use a tool like unetbootin?22:47
Pirate_Hunternever mind found it here http://man-wiki.net/index.php/8:mdadm apparently raid0 can't be monitored :p22:47
NOL0Galguem que manja bastante de ubuntu ai?22:47
infidxangua, benkay86: about:plugins says shockwave flash libflashplayer.so version 10.0 r45. isnt that the 32 bit version? thats why my 32bit laptop says for firefox. but i just installed the flashplugin64-nonfree. did it not install properly ?22:48
zentajordan_u: apt-get install grub-pc22:48
zentaE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:48
Loshki!pt | NOL0G22:48
ubottuNOL0G: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:48
=== mavromatis is now known as Mavs
Jordan_Uzenta: Run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"22:48
TAELHey friends, AWN or Docky?22:49
switchgirlis it sae to remove gnome-keyring22:49
benkay86infid: ... 64-bit flash won't work on a 32-bit installation of Ubuntu. Are you sure you're using a 32-bit installation of Ubuntu and not a 64-bit one?22:49
NOL0Gubottu ninguem la responde22:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:49
NOL0Gseria só uma duvida22:49
uncmarMcl0vin: why?  can't something else do what you need?22:49
infidbenkay86: i have 64bit lucid22:49
benkay86infid: What does "uname -a" say?22:49
medavoxJordan_U: pastebin of "sudo debconf-show grub-pc" http://pastebin.com/WUZPRiMr22:49
BarleyTAEL: Downcaps your frikken nick dood22:49
reisioswitchgirl: you use GNOME?22:49
guckoguys why can't move a window from a workspace to another using the mouse? This thing is driving me crazy!!!22:49
infidbenkay86: uname -a says 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu22:49
zentajordan_u:sudo dpkg --configure -a22:49
zentaSetting up grub-pc (1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4.1) ...22:49
zentadebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable22:49
zentadpkg: error processing grub-pc (--configure):22:49
zenta subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 122:49
FloodBot4zenta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
zentaErrors were encountered while processing:22:50
infidbenkay86: Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:50
TAELBarley, why?22:50
uncmarMcl0vin: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/5654-linux-disk-block-size-help-please.html22:50
LoshkiNOL0G: sorry, we're English only in here...22:50
switchgirlreisio, yes i am on lucid and gwibber isn't working22:50
BarleyTAEL: Newb22:50
LoshkiBarley: no law against upper case nicks as far as I know...22:50
adityagany help on installing drivers for ATI graphics card series 5000 will be appreciated22:50
reisioswitchgirl: why would you want to remove it?22:50
benkay86infid: Try following these directions then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#x86_6422:50
TAELBarley, what? :D22:50
benkay86infid: You may have better luck installing the "pre-release" of flash from the PPA.22:51
infidbenkay86: i did though22:51
Jordan_Umedavox: I'm guessing that Windows in on the first partition of either your Maxtor or Samsung hard drive?22:51
BarleyLoshki: you should taske my 30 liters of BEER ! :)22:51
IndyHi all22:51
NOL0GPessoal #ubuntu-br para brasileiros22:51
infidbenkay86: i did the stuff on https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash22:51
medavoxJordan_U: yes the first partition of my maxtor drive22:51
switchgirlreisio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/427925/22:51
BarleyGe mig Rövvhål varje dag :P (Eddie Meduza)22:51
benkay86infid: Ah, OK. I see, you have 10,0,45,2 installed.22:52
salvame gusta la version 10.422:52
dapimp53Ok I am completely stumped. I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNewClamAVSpamAssassin to setup my email server. If I am logged in to the server I can get the email but when I use IMAP or POP3 from my windows box on a different network, it never shows me a new email. What do I need to look at?22:52
LoshkiBarley: but there *are* rules about staying on topic :-)22:52
benkay86infid: Is it all website (including YouTube) that don't work, or just some websites?22:52
BarleyLoshki: I shall try22:52
SerephIs there a reason I cant find sun-java6 packages on Ubuntu 10.04 x64?22:52
infidbenkay86: lemme check, i only tried youtube so far22:52
gucko guys why can't move a window from a workspace to another using the mouse? This thing is driving me crazy!!!22:53
benkay86Sereph: Try looking in the partner respositories.22:53
reisioswitchgirl: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22gnomekeyring.ioerror%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org22:53
BarleyLoshki: Its clearly better then me beeing upset and hosing all and everyone with severe DOSes of Pärsk! :)22:53
Serephbenkay86: how can i do that22:53
Barley(Its the new Smurf)22:53
Jordan_Umedavox: First run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gurb-pc" and when it comes to the install devices question, uncheck all partitions (leave only the MBR of the Maxtor drive selected).22:53
uncmargucko: just use another method.22:53
zentajordan_u: i also tried sudo apt-get install grub2 but at end gave this issue Errors were encountered while processing:22:53
zenta grub-pc22:53
zenta grub222:53
zentaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:53
FloodBot4zenta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
benkay86Sereph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Third-Party%20Software%20Tab22:53
guckouncmar: this was enabled in ubuntu 9.10!22:53
medavoxJordan_U: ok thankyou, trying that now22:53
Serephbenkay86: ok I'll take a look22:54
Jordan_Umedavox: Keep the default for all other questions. Some will be blank, that is normal.22:54
infidbenkay86: good one. youtube is the problem because funnyordie.com videos are workin and so are google video22:54
Jordan_Umedavox: You're welcome.22:54
switchgirlalso i cant open ff as it states "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." when i xkill it it dies and same again when i restart it22:54
IndyOk, I'm planning on getting a laptop which has one one of those switchable gpu. Problem is I've read that Linux does not have the drivers to achieve the switch. Any advise?22:54
guckouncmar: I don't want to right click window and choose "move to right workspace" I want to do that on-the-fly22:54
switchgirlthere is no ff window there22:54
zefyranyone come up w a simple solution for get the nvidia drivers to work n the latest kernel?22:54
crdlbgucko: are you using compiz?22:54
=== Rudy_Steiner is now known as Div_By_Zero
benkay86infid: Hmmm... not the flash plugin then. You might try clearing browser cache, rebooting, etc. One never knows why these things happen.22:54
guckocrdlb: does it come in default with Lucid?22:54
Jordan_Umedavox: Then to get windows booting again, follow this guide: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector22:55
crdlbgucko: it can22:55
G-manchat: how do i check the numerical status of the flavor that i have currently installed, i want to see the numbers/ name of the version i am using.22:55
guckocrdlb: so?22:55
axiakI destroyed by build environment by accident22:55
axiakhow do I get it back? :)22:55
axiakshort of reinstalling the OS from scratch22:55
uncmargucko: I use a key combo.  I don't recall which set off hand, since I'm in xfce at the moment.22:55
blahhahahCan someone please tell me why 10.04 installer won't recognize my HDD that had 9.10 installed?22:55
GeekSquidG-man: lsb-release -a22:55
Loshkiswitchgirl: try killing it and then removing the lock file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<something>/lock22:55
crdlbgucko: do you have visual effects?22:55
infidbenkay86: ok thanks man22:55
guckocrdlb: yeah22:55
infidthanks xangua  again too22:55
MrPancakeaxiak: It would help if you described what your build environment was and how it got hosed before asking such a question.22:55
=== Rudy_Steiner is now known as Div_By_Zero
crdlbgucko: that is compiz, and the workspace switcher does not fully support compiz's implementation of workspaces22:56
axiakit was a standard x86 build environment you get from installing lucid lynx22:56
axiakand installing build-essential22:56
guckocrdlb: no22:56
axiakI copied a bunch of files from a toolchain of culibc22:56
MrPancakeNot wise.22:56
axiakand now the files in /usr/include are broken22:56
axiakand I'm sure others22:56
GeekSquid!enter | axiak22:56
ubottuaxiak: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:56
Jordan_UIndy: I think there is basic support for switching between ati and intel with the latest open source drivers (you have to restart X). I doubt that this will be *well* supported any time soon though unfortunately :(22:57
steevHey all, I'm trying to build Wine from git, and it just keeps telling me that it cannot find any OpenGL libraries - I'm on a 64bit system and I have the latest ia32-lib in Lucid, and I've tried pretty much every workaround, and all the bugs I've found in launchpad all seem to be closed as fixed22:57
=== chaz is now known as Guest81251
Jordan_Usteev: sudo apt-get build-dep wine22:57
MrPancakeaxiak: I swear it's like pulling teeth with you.  What are "a bunch of files?"22:57
sebsebsebApparantly unless two x servers are run, it's not possible to use the new open source driver for only Plymouth,  whilst  also being able to use the propritary Nivida driver once logged in, for OpenGL apps?22:57
Div_By_Zerosalve salve comunity22:58
Div_By_Zerogood evening22:58
crdlbgucko: what does that mean?22:58
zefyranyone come up w a simple solution for get the nvidia drivers to work n the latest kernel?22:58
Div_By_Zeroanybody home?22:58
steevJordan_U: when i do that it says 0 new, 0 upgraded, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded22:58
G-mangeeksquid: that didn22:58
blahhahahCan someone please tell me why 10.04 installer won't recognize my HDD that had 9.10 installed?22:58
Loshkiaxiak: next time I'm sure you'll make a backup first. YOu could try simply reinstalling e.g. sudo apt-get install --reinstall build-essential. Might work...22:58
axiakThe bunch of files consist of the entirety of cUlibC's toolchain. Including headers from /usr/include, libraries from /usr/lib, and I'm sure some other ancillary files that would take too long to enumerate.22:58
uncmarDiv_By_Zero: yes, I am at home.22:58
guckocrdlb: sorry, but what to do now?!22:58
GeekSquidG-man: uname -a22:58
steevJordan_U: how do i have it tell me what the 2 are that aren't upgraded22:59
uncmarDiv_By_Zero: wanna come over and cook a steak for me?22:59
guckocrdlb: Ubuntu should get better not worse!22:59
dapimp53Ok I am completely stumped. I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixAmavisNewClamAVSpamAssassin to setup my email server. If I am logged in to the server I can get the email but when I use IMAP or POP3 from my windows box on a different network, it never shows me a new email. How can I get the email to sync with my inbox22:59
Jordan_Usteev: sudo apt-get upgrade22:59
G-manGeeksquid: thank you!22:59
andaiupgrade to lucid broke audio in WINE. halp22:59
MrPancake!ot | NOL0G22:59
ubottuNOL0G: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:59
Jordan_Usteev: They are probably unrelated to wine though.22:59
wildbatblahhahah, won't recognize?22:59
crdlbgucko: the switcher will work correctly with metacity if it is that important to you22:59
axiakLoshki: build-essential will just consist of the metapackage right? not actually reinstalling stuff?22:59
steevJordan_U: ah, unrelated yeah, just chromium22:59
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:59
guckocrdlb: what's metacity?22:59
crdlbgucko: system > prefs > appearance > visual effects > none23:00
steevJordan_U: i definitely do not have libGL stuff in /lib3223:00
blahhahahwildbat: "ls /dev/|grep sd" returns just sda and sda1, not my other HDD which is ext423:00
axiakLoshki: I tried reinstalling libc6, libc-dev-bin, linux-libc-dev, libc-dev to no avail23:00
blahhahahwildbat: Gparted doesn't detect it either23:00
infiddearly gparted23:00
steevJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/rpFTpgPK23:00
reisioinfid: :p23:00
MitchLeBlancHi everyone, I'm trying to compile libva but during the config I get: "config.status: error: cannot find input file: src/Makefile.in" ... does anyone know what I can do to fix this?23:01
Loshkiaxiak: build-essential is a metapackage, but it should cause things to be installed. If not, try also reinstalling gcc and g++. It's inevitably some guesswork because I can't tell what you're overwritten...23:01
Barleyaxiak: When not doing a full bootstrap of the entire system core (Linux-headers, glibc, gcc, binutils, m4, util-linux) etc Build on the side of the real system and then move it Atop of the old system its essential to not talk to idiots :)23:01
sensaeHey everyone, when I was on 9.10 I had to change some GNOME setting to keep my system from automounting my iPod so that Banshee could see it. Now with 10.04 I want to see if I can turn automount back on because Banshee has obviously been upgraded. How do I change the gnome automount settings?23:02
switchgirlLoshki, i sudo rm 'd my profiles for ff23:02
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=== crickets is now known as aperson
screwedmybootanyone here able to give me some tips on how to restore my original boot screen settings23:02
Loshkiswitchgirl: that wasn't *my* recommendation. I just told you to rm the lockfile...23:02
wildbatblahhahah, oh ~ idk then23:02
Barleyaxiak: 95% of all the people in a channel are something close to non-experts23:02
axiakdoes anyone know how figure out what package /usr/include/asm/types.h is, for instance?23:03
axiakBarley: well maybe you can help then? :)23:03
reisiothe other 5% are five out of a hundred23:03
darkyHi, someone can execute an openGL program after update ubuntu from 9 to 10?23:03
Jordan_Uaxon: dpkg -S /path/to/directory will tell you all packages that install files to that directory.23:03
marupaAny ideas on why I'm getting a spamming of 'usb_set_interface failed' messages?23:03
Barleyaxiak: gcc23:03
tyler_dreisio: math... you get an "A" well done!23:03
LoshkiBarley: linux-libc-dev: /usr/include/asm/types.h23:03
Barleyaxiak: or kernel headers23:03
crdlbsensae: open a file browser window and go to edit -> preferences -> media23:03
reisiokernel headers23:04
EgYPaRaDoXcan gcc compile anything as long as the header files exist?23:04
CytotoxicTCellHow do i defrag?23:04
Barleyaxiak: Its apart of the kernel headers23:04
hihihi100u dont need to defrag in ubuntu23:04
Jordan_U!defrag | CytotoxicTCell23:04
ubottuCytotoxicTCell: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.23:04
reisioCytotoxicTCell: with shake?23:04
hihihi100and, AFAIK, its not necessary for any linux duistro23:04
CytotoxicTCellis that apply to EXT4?23:04
steevJordan_U: fwiw, the version of wine from Ubuntu works fine (for WoW) but I need to use git, and patch it for the SC2 beta, which is the only reason I'm trying to build it myself23:04
Barleyaxiak: Sometimes these files overlap. Its apart of something called unity23:04
LoshkiBarley: since there are about 1683 people on line, that's about 84 experts. Not too shabby...23:04
sensaecrdlb: I don't think so. Those are set to 'ask what to do' but it doesn't do that. It was a command-line program to change gnome settings23:04
aciculaEgYPaRaDoX, you need the headers to link to libraries23:04
TailsfanHi There, Does anyone if the Dazzle works with Ubuntu or not?23:04
axiakBarley: what's a good way to just reinstall the basic packages of ubuntu? What are some good core packages?23:05
crdlbsensae: was it gconftool-2?23:05
ZykoticK9CytotoxicTCell, defrag shouldn't be necessary - the only real way to do it however, is to copy all your data to another drive then copy it back23:05
EgYPaRaDoXacicula: elaborate23:05
BarleyLoshki: Awake at one time, cut in half etc etc. But, we are not bad23:05
aciculaEgYPaRaDoX, header files describe the library functionality needed at compile time23:05
EgYPaRaDoXisnt libraries are in the form of a header file?23:05
tyler_daxiak: ubuntu-desktop ?? is this what you are looking for as far as a package?23:05
sburwooda game question. Frozen Bubble ... to make it full screen, how do you do that?23:05
Tailsfanisn't that F>23:06
sensaecrdlb: Possibly..23:06
CytotoxicTCellubuntu dosent fragment like windows?23:06
EgYPaRaDoXsorry for my bad english , whats the difference between a library and a header file?23:06
ZykoticK9CytotoxicTCell, not required23:06
screwedmybootno need to23:06
Barleyaxiak: kernel* / linux* binutils* coreutils* m4* automake* autoconf* bison*23:06
SlartCytotoxicTCell: not really.. if you keep your disks from getting full fragmentation isn't really a problem23:06
LoshkiCytotoxicTCell: that's right,  ubuntu doesn't fragment like windows...23:06
CytotoxicTCellso whats considered full over 80% full?23:06
ScourisCytotoxicTCell, the link that ubottu posted explains why. Explains it very well, I might add.23:07
SlartCytotoxicTCell: more than something like 95% full23:07
TailsfanDoes anyone if the Dazzle Capture Card will work on Ubuntu or not?23:07
Tailsfananyone know*23:07
aciculaEgYPaRaDoX, library is for runtime, headers for compile time23:07
adityagsound does not play but videos does in 10.4, any help will be appreciated23:07
Slartadityag: for all files? or just some? tried installing w32codecs?23:08
Slart!codecs | adityag23:08
ubottuadityag: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:08
screwedmybootare all your non-free packages installed23:08
BarleyTailsfan: TEST or dont. Most people like to see for themselves, to test, to brew their own ale ;)23:08
LoshkiEgYPaRaDoX: headers are for compiling stuff that uses libraries. the other part you need are the library object files, which to the actual work of the library when the program runs. So most libraries contain headers + objects...23:08
SauLusaptitude dist-upgrade gives me: "dpkg (subprocess): failed to exec dpkg-deb to extract control information: Permission denied". What can I do?23:08
TravelerHello, I have an external harddrive from which I would like to install ubuntu on my netbook. However, I am not able to make the external hard drive bootable. Can anyone help?23:08
adityagSlart: most videos play but no sounds23:09
SlartSauLus: try    sudo aptitude dist-upgrade23:09
EgYPaRaDoXdefine objects23:09
EgYPaRaDoXwhat do u mean by objects23:09
Slart!who | EgYPaRaDoX23:09
ubottuEgYPaRaDoX: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:09
aciculaEghie, best pick up a book on C programming23:09
aciculaerr EgYPaRaDoX23:09
SauLusadityag: I did this as root23:09
adityag SauLus: how?23:10
SauLussudo su -; aptitude dist-upgrade;23:10
Loshkiadityag: I had good luck fixing 10.04 sound by following the 'nosound' link in this article: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/937-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004-lts-lucid-lynx23:10
EgYPaRaDoXSlart: I am bit lazy23:10
NOL0GWhat the correct form to configure network (FIXED IP) in ubuntu with gnome?23:10
BravoIs this a good place to talk about the BIOS?23:10
aciculaNOL0G, right click network applet, edit connections23:10
SlartSauLus: I don23:11
SlartSauLus: I don't think that works.. if you want a root shell do sudo -i23:11
NOL0Gacicula its instable23:11
jgcampbell300anyone here know about vuze on ubuntu 10.04 ?23:11
SlartSauLus: if you just want to run one command as root use    sudo <command>23:11
EgYPaRaDoXLoshki: objects like in terms of OOP or what?23:11
fbxxklAnyone here experienced with k3b?  I have a video file I would like to make into a dvd, but I am unsure how to do it with k3b (if I can)23:11
NOL0Gacicula ifconfig eth0 conflicts ??23:11
naptasticWhy is some process called "backend" consuning an entire CPU?23:11
aciculaEgYPaRaDoX, object code is not the same as objectoriented programming23:11
marupaOK, this is bugging me.  My mouse just froze for no apparent reason, and I'm not seeing any updates in any logs, nor dmesg.  Nothing has changed.  What the heck is going on?23:12
LoshkiEgYPaRaDoX: library objects means files containing executable code, not OOP objects...23:12
NOL0Gacicula via konsole conflict?23:12
SlartSauLus:   sudo su -; blablabla    first gets you a root shell.. then when you exit from that it runs "blablabla" as your regular user23:12
aciculaNOL0G, i dont know what you are trying to say23:12
aciculaNOL0G, you can change it via the console too23:12
Loshkifbxxkl: what format is your source video file in?23:12
NOL0Gacicula my network on notebook its instable in ubuntu. Reconecting every time23:12
BarleyMagnus Ladulås Rises Again! Now thats a real king!!!23:13
Slart!ot | Barley23:13
ubottuBarley: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:13
EgYPaRaDoXLoshki: I am just curious, can you elaborate more about objects, if there is a link about libraries , it would be better, I believe you also think thats better right?23:13
aciculaNOL0G, that can have mny reasons23:13
fbxxklLoshki: it is an AVI file23:14
LoshkiEgYPaRaDoX: I'm not sure what you're asking. All libraries contain headers and code, basically to save you having to write the code yourself...23:14
FloodBot4NOL0G: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
EgYPaRaDoXobjects mean like functions, control structures etc.?23:15
Barley!ot | Slart Homophile23:15
ubottuSlart Homophile: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:15
Slart!ops | Barley23:15
ubottuBarley: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!23:15
axiakYes I got it working. For anyone who's wondering, I just reinstalled everything in dpkg -S /usr/include: http://pastebin.com/5bkD1Ez223:15
BravoSo, I installed windows 7 onto a partition after Ubuntu, I normally do it the other way around and so the Ubuntu loader takes over. However, this time the Windows 7 loader took over and Ubuntu isn't an option. What's the best way to go about getting the grub loader back?23:16
Loshkifbxxkl: avi files have to first be converted into dvd files before you can burn them to dvd. There are several programs that will do the conversion e.g. devede, handbrake, tovid...23:16
EgYPaRaDoXLoshki: objects mean like functions, control structures etc.?23:16
Slart!grub | Bravo23:16
ubottuBravo: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:16
RyanPIn gnome, is there some way to tile a bunch of windows in a nice fashion?23:17
SlartBravo: there is a link in there for "lost grub..."23:17
m4dv0yhello folks23:17
m4dv0yi have a issue with /proc/usb23:17
m4dv0ysomething like that23:17
m4dv0yin my ubuntu boot23:17
LoshkiEgYPaRaDoX: yes, objects means files containing functions, control structures etc. which have already been compiled for you...23:17
fbxxklloshki: thanks23:17
m4dv0ycan anyone help me?23:17
SlartRyanP: I think there is something in compiz.. somewhere in the compizconfig-settings23:17
FloodBot4m4dv0y: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:17
Slart!ccsm | RyanP23:17
ubottuRyanP: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz23:17
BravoSlart, a link in where?23:17
exshi, iam sry, but iam writing comments for my code and there is a gramma thing i want to ask grammaexperts from here. can i write @param part represents the component to be added?23:17
Serephhow do i get the buttosn back on the right...23:17
BravoI found this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:17
EgYPaRaDoXLoshki: I really appreciate you answering me, I know I am stubborn, the term is just new for me.23:18
SlartBravo: in what ubottu said to you..   the line starting with   "Bravo: grub is the default boot manager..."23:18
sebsebseb!controls | Sereph23:18
ubottuSereph: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d623:18
SlartSereph: can't you just select another theme?23:18
BravoAh. Thanks.23:19
SlartSereph: oh.. I think ubottus advice is better23:19
CytotoxicTCellwho funds/ supports ubuntu?23:19
ubottuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/23:19
sebsebsebSereph: you can change the buttons to the right,  or just change theme23:19
RyanPSlart: I do have compizconfig-settings-manager installed, and I've been though the settings, but didn't see anything like that. I'll check again.23:19
SlartRyanP: I read some thread in the forums about it.. let me see if I can find anything useful23:20
Serephsebsebseb: does alturl track where it coems from or something, it knows i came from #ubuntu on freenode23:20
sebsebsebSereph: I think they are just short urls, that go to the proper URL23:20
fbxxklLoshki: do you have a preference out of curiosity23:20
RyanPSlart: Thank you. I have an application called xtile, but it doesn't quite do what I want.23:20
sebsebsebSereph: Is Ubuntu 10.04 your first Ubuntu?23:20
LoshkiEgYPaRaDoX: I'm happy to help. Check out google for linux shared libraries for further reading...23:20
Loshkifbxxkl: I prefer tovid because it's all command line, but for a beginner, I'd say try devede first...23:21
fbxxklLoshki: thanks!23:21
Serephsebsebseb: no23:21
EgYPaRaDoX/whois EgYPaRaDoX23:21
sebsebsebSereph: well if you want you can even install the old human lookk, oh and the version of that before 9.10 is :)23:21
Loshkihi sebsebseb23:22
sebsebsebSereph: also your buttons then go to the right as well23:22
sebsebsebyes hi Loshki23:22
Serephsebsebseb: the second link works :)23:22
VCoolioRyanP: there are more tiling apps, like pytile; you could also set keybindings for wmctrl to set size and position of windows23:22
Serephi might just try it tho and see if i like it23:22
SlartRyanP: there's at least a grid plugin.. it's not tiling.. but close =)23:22
sebsebsebSereph: yeah with the buttons on the right you mean?23:22
apersonis there any way I can get around this without recompiling my kernel? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/49315623:23
rolsworthfake raid worked fine with 9.10 but not workign at all in 10.0423:23
Serephsebsebseb: no on the left, i may leave them and see if i cant get used to it23:23
n06hey so can somebody help me figure out how to get two finger scrolling to work?23:23
apersonn06, enable it in mouse setting?23:23
iDopedoes Turboboost work perfectly with Lucid?23:23
sebsebsebSereph: I tried to when testing 10.04 in development in virtual machines, but  still not that keen on it.  Anyway this is only the start of it, they are going to make Ubuntu more Mac OS X like.23:24
Serephsebsebseb: ew23:24
RyanPSlart: Grid might work for me, but I'm not seeing it in the settings manager. Do I have to install something else, or am I just missing it?23:24
n06aperson: haha i did not realize at all that you were in both chans23:24
apersonn06, also: what hardware are you on?  I was *just* looking that up today23:24
n06aperson: thanks dude23:24
Hognonymous'ello 'ello23:24
mattajwitam wszystkich23:24
n06macbook 2,123:24
apersonn06,  I'm in a lot of chans23:24
FloodBot4n06: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:24
Wulfyguys im trying to make /var/www/ writible to my standerd user how do i do so23:24
Pici!pl | mattaj23:24
ubottumattaj: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.23:24
apersonwell, if mouse settings doesn't work, I have a link for you, n0623:24
SlartRyanP: hmm.. I'm still running 9.10 so perhaps they've dropped it in 10.04. On my system it's available in the Window Management section23:25
Wulfyguys im trying to make /var/www/ writible to my standerd user how do i do so23:25
n06aperson: let me try mouse settings real quick23:25
micahhow should I upgrade from 9.04 to Lucid?23:25
Wulfydam didint see if my first post went out23:25
HognonymousI understand ther is (was?) an issue with dual booting the new ubuntu. I don't suppose any of you can tell me if that's been patched (in the iso, or otherwise) yet, eh?23:25
GeekSquidmicah: upgrade to 9.10 then 10.0423:25
n06aperson: that did it... much appreciated23:25
sebsebsebmicah: uhmm 9.04 is better than 10.04 in certain ways :) ,but if you really want 10.04, you can try upgrading through 9.10, or clean install and get Ext4 and Grub 2 by default when doing that23:25
SlartWulfy: I don't think you're supposed to do that... isn't the "official" way to setup apache for a user to just create a new configuration and make it use some other folder that the user already has write permissions in23:26
MrKeunerhello, what is the difference between server and desktop? I kind of got the impression that the fact that I am using this system as a server may not make it a "server".23:26
micahsebsebseb: what sort of ways is it better?23:26
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sebsebsebmicah: 9.04 is still supported untill the end of October, so it's still good to use23:26
Serephis there a reason it was changed from third party software to other software?23:26
apersonn06, if you ever happen to use opera, let me know if two-finger scrolling un-enables you to turn off mouse gestures :)23:26
sebsebsebmicah: depends on the user, and to some extent maybe their hardware23:26
SerephMrKeuner: server doesnt have a window manager23:26
SerephMrKeuner: aka a GUI23:26
aciculaMrKeuner, some defaults are different, and the server edition has a longer support cycle23:26
plouffeis there a way to deactivate a proprietary driver (system>hardware drivers) without uninstalling it and having to re-download it next time?23:26
SlartMrKeuner: server has only a text based interface by default.. and it uses slightly different kernel settings afaik23:26
sebsebseb!server | MrKeuner23:26
ubottuMrKeuner: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support23:26
GrizmaweWulfy, you could always add yourself to the www-data group23:27
Wulfyslart ... i feel so elnglihtend now23:27
aciculaMrKeuner, like some permisisons are set differently, the kernel is tweaked for server loads, etc23:27
fbxxklKubuntu is for kde ubuntu so what is gnome ubuntu?  gubuntu?23:27
GrizmaweWulfy: you could always add yourself to the www-data group23:27
sebsebsebPici: the server factoid should be updated by the way, to say that 10.04 is now the latest LTS version23:27
plouffeubuntu is gnome ubuntu23:27
WulfyGrizmawe,  aye tried that getting no where fast23:27
micahi dont have an "Update Manager" on 9.0423:27
iDopeanyone on Lucid with an i7?23:27
MonkeyZazuThis is my first time using the program??!!23:27
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aperson!anyone | iDope23:27
ubottuiDope: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:27
MrKeuneracicula, what does server processors mean? does my regular quadcore qualify asz a server processor?23:28
fbxxklI am trying to have dual monitor system where one monitor is my desktop and the second is an extension where I can place windows  I am having some difficulties though23:28
MonkeyZazudoes any one know how to compile the linux kernel?23:28
aciculaMrKeuner, there is no distinction really, not for consumer hardware23:28
ZykoticK9!kernel > MonkeyZazu23:28
ubottuMonkeyZazu, please see my private message23:28
apersonacicula, I don't see a special kernel for ubuntu-server, so I don't see how it's tweaked for being a server23:28
Serephfbxxkl: what kind of graphics card?23:28
MrKeuneracicula, I did server installation and installed ubuntu-desktop on top it23:29
fbxxklSereph: It is an nvidia gtx25023:29
iDopeMrKeuner: it generally means processor that were marketed for use with Servers (eg. Xeon, Opteron etc) but as far as what can be done with them goes.. they are like normal processors.. just with different strengths and weaknesses23:29
Serephfbxxkl: did you install the driver?23:29
fbxxklSereph: yes23:29
Serephfbxxkl: run gksu nvidia-settings23:29
fbxxkland it is active23:29
acicula!info linux-image-server > aperson23:30
sebsebsebMrKeuner: and 10.04 is the latest LTS not 8.04 anymore23:30
WulfyGrizmawe, no luck im a member of the www-data group and no luck23:30
ascheelgot a quick question (hopefully quick).  Upgraded 9.10 to 10.04 the other day.  Since the upgrade, the Windows partition (WinXP) won't boot to anything but a single blinking cursor.23:30
MrKeuneriDope, I see. and noticed that the description actually said _supports_ server processors23:30
fbxxklSereph: ok i am there23:30
yacek23I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 using minimal cd. Osd notify isn't working and I hae old style hints like that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=bluez-pairing-before.png23:30
apersongood show, acicula23:30
MonkeyZazuis any one linux+ certified23:30
micahif I dont have "Update Manager (9.04)" how can I get it?23:30
yacek23anyone knows why?23:30
dattain ubuntu 10.04 gwibber's not showing up23:30
Serephfbxxkl: its under x server display configuration, you set the second one to be a twinview monitor by pressing the configure button, make sure you apply it and if it works save it to the x config23:31
zentahello all, i have this issue E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:31
sebsebsebmicah: Your on a version of Ubuntu that is still supported, are you sure you really want to upgrade? Probably not,  for example do you like the colour purple?  Do you want built in features for Facebook and Twitter?23:31
GrizmaweWulfy, The way I work is to set up a srv directory, add my files there and then make a virtual site in apache - make the files that are to be served readable by www-data23:31
micahsebsebseb: this is an HP pavilion, and the user is a very basic desktop user23:31
MonkeyZazuthis is pretty intense!!!!!!23:31
MonkeyZazuand awsome23:31
GrizmaweWulfy, just a mo - I have a tutorial that I saw when I was getting started.....23:31
Serephsebsebseb: i love the colour purple23:31
MonkeyZazulinux kernel23:31
ascheelSorry, forgot the QUESTION.  got a quick question (hopefully quick).  Upgraded 9.10 to 10.04 the other day.  Since the upgrade, the Windows partition (WinXP) won't boot to anything but a single blinking cursor.  Anybody know why Windows won't boot at all?23:31
sebsebsebSereph: well that's the new Ubuntu colour23:32
aciculaMonkeyZazu, why do you need to recompile the kernel, if you are a first time user?23:32
MonkeyZazuthis program .... awsome23:32
apersonMonkeyZazu, feel free to talk about how awesome it is in #ubuntu-offtopic23:32
micahsebsebseb: this is a friend's computer, and I'm only here for the next week, so the upgrade has to happen now, or in another year23:32
Serephsebsebseb: i know isnt it great (sarcasm)23:32
sebsebsebSereph: and the  purple they are using has a proper name abuguine or whatever it's called23:32
MonkeyZazuoh, im learning linux+23:32
MonkeyZazucomptia exam23:32
sebsebsebmicah: oh ok in that case go for it I guess, but probably best to clean install23:32
fbxxklSereph: when I do twin view it makes two desktop instances I can't do seperate actions in the monitor23:32
apersonMonkeyZazu, well, that's more of a subject for the ot channel, this channel is strictly for support23:32
sebsebsebmicah: can even set up a seperate /home for them whilst doing that, makes future re installs easier23:32
MonkeyZazuoohhhh sorry23:32
MonkeyZazufirst time using this program23:33
n06i have one more question.. how do i put chrome in the top bar instead of firefox? I've already downloaded chrome23:33
fbxxklSereph: Oh no wait it worked now23:33
fbxxklSereph: thanks for your help23:33
apersonMonkeyZazu, no worries23:33
WulfyGrizmawe, thanks ill have to book mark it thoe as slades genoues comments has kinda miffed me for this everning to do much more23:33
aciculan06, add a launcher applet23:33
Serephfbxxkl: no problem at all :)23:33
frankbro_wow, the xorg lockup with intel driver is back in 10.04 , yay23:33
_pg_n06: drag n drop23:33
aciculan06, or just drag it from the menu23:33
apersonn06, or right click> add to panel> add launcher23:33
n06ok thanks a bunch guys.. i'm liking linux more by the minute lol23:33
sebsebsebmicah: good idea to check the ISO of 10.04 once you have it by the way, you can md5sum, but also sha1sum and sha2sum or whatever it is23:33
sebsebsebmicah: check ISO is good before burning contents to CD and installing Ubuntu, I mean23:34
aciculafrankbro, formulating a support question will get you help quicker and better then just uttering a random unspecific complaint?23:34
_pg_anyone know good network security channel?23:34
sebsebseb!md5sum | micah23:34
ubottumicah: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:34
benkong2!dual boot23:34
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:34
Wulfy_pg_ you could look up remote exploits website/channel23:34
SlartRyanP: ah, it seems there is a "tile" plugin for compiz .. not sure if it's included in the ubuntu version of compiz though http://cgit.compiz.org/compiz/plugins/tile/23:35
_pg_Wulfy: are those the BT guys?23:35
benkong2!dual boot > ascheel23:35
ubottuascheel, please see my private message23:35
=== Guest88251 is now known as baddog
CytotoxicTCellIs it possible to move partitions out of an extended partition?23:35
soreauRyanP: Here is a simple way to install tile on ubuntu http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1201223:36
Wulfy_pg_ yup23:36
_pg_Wulfy: k thanks23:36
ascheelbenkong, I know how to dual boot.  i've read that entry.  Windows was there before.  It is still there now and is detected by grub2.  It simply doesn't boot when I choose it.23:36
baddogHi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 from a Live USB, but it hangs on startup, staying at the loading screen seemingly forever. :/ My motherboard is a Gigabyte P55-UD323:36
ZykoticK9CytotoxicTCell, you can only have 4 Logical partitions as a BIOS limitation, so you need to factor that into the move23:36
CytotoxicTCellwell i mest up the partitioning and have 100GB out of an extended partition23:36
CytotoxicTCellso 100GB of unused space23:36
GrizmaweWulfy, cant find it. This one seems reasonable: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html23:36
RyanPsoreau: Thanks.23:37
TommyThaGunwhat exactly do you mean by move them out of an extended partition CytotoxicTCell?23:37
storrgieis anyone familiar with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/52219723:37
TommyThaGundo you mean, mount it so you can backup the info on it?23:37
apersonCytotoxicTCell, if you care to go into exact details, you can pastebin a sudo fdisk -l23:37
RyanPSlart: As far as I can see, it's not.23:37
storrgieI am getting this in the terminal and cant boot: init:ureadahead-other main process (1004) terminated with status 423:37
zzacI am having trouble with the KLH10 pdp10 emulator. It is giving me the following error:23:37
zzac[dpni20: Warning - cannot set high priority - Permission denied]23:38
zzac[dpni20: Fatal error: Must be superuser!]23:38
GrizmaweWulfy, apache2 can seem a bit daunting but bear with it. Once it clicks it really is easy if you set it up right23:38
BurzmaliHello, anyone know about volume bugs related to upgrading to 10.04?23:38
WulfyGrizmawe, thanks for that ill have to look it over tommrow, how do i undo the group cahnges ive made to my account (i did have a "custom" tag in my user and groups now im iver admin or desktop user23:38
ZykoticK9zzac, if it's a GUI app try running it with gksu $command23:38
apersonstorrgie, me too!23:38
WulfyGrizmawe, i think my days with WHM/cpanel has made me a bit soft so used to doing this kind of thing via those tools23:38
SlartRyanP: nope.. I'm still looking around to see if there is another way of adding plugins for compiz.. other than the repository way23:38
apersonstorrgie, though I can still boot23:38
TommyThaGunzzac, or sudo if it's in a terminal23:38
zzacI is not a GUI app, I tried it with sudo23:38
storrgieaperson: I cant do anything!!!!23:39
BurzmaliI upgraded and suddenly my USB headphones are at about 33% volume when cranked to 150%23:39
storrgieaperson: I am locked out of the machine23:39
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:39
jken146Burzmali: have a poke at alsa-mixer23:39
sburwoodhow must I get frozen bubble into full screen mode?23:39
jken146sburwood: You probably press F1123:39
apersonstorrgie, my exit with status 523:40
Burzmalijken146: Even with pulseaudio?23:40
storrgieaperson: mine is 423:40
jken146Burzmali: yes23:40
storrgiei dont know what to do23:40
storrgieI cant get the system to boot23:40
sburwoodjken146: Already tried that23:40
storrgieI am about to re-format23:40
FloodBot4storrgie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
zentahello all , i need help with update grub2 E: grub-pc: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 123:40
zentaE: grub2: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured23:40
TommyThaGunzzac, it's possible to do 'sudo su' but I would never recommend it. it scary to me that an app might need total root privledges23:41
Burzmalijken146: All set to 100%23:41
liddellHello friends! I have a problem here I wonder if anybody might have some insight on: I decided to switch my video card drivers from the default xorg ati one to the fglrx one, and my system started booting straight to a command line. I tried removing the fglrx driver and it gives me some error about not being able to remove it. I am booted into a liveCD right now - I tried the command chroot to try and run synaptic to uninstall fglrx a23:41
liddellnd put back the xorg driver on my non-live system but it gives me some error about not being able to fork py. Is there a better way to go about this? Thanks!23:41
infidare there any downsides to doing a release upgrade, rather than formatting/reinstalling?23:41
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions23:41
soreauSlart: Here is for compiz plugins http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=1201223:41
wildbatzenta, can you boot recovery and fix the repos?23:41
shane2peruok, tech question - is there any way on earth to change a name of a file inside a iso file that is mounted with mount -o loop name.iso mount/folder ??23:41
zzacKLH10 Still doesn't work even with sudo because it executes and external executable 'dpni20'. Please help23:41
cordellCan anybody tell me of an alternative to Autodesk Inventor.23:42
Slartsoreau: ah.. that looks kind of useful23:42
soreauSlart: I hope it is, I wrote it myself ;)23:42
Burzmalijken146: I can push it over 100% in pulseaudio manager, but it starts to blare23:42
teamcoltraI am making a forum post to get some help because my computer does not seem to pick up my internal or external mic ports, what kinda information should I include?23:42
TommyThaGuninfid, there shouldn't be as far as performance goes. the only thing is that there might be some unused/unnecessary files and folders left on your system23:43
Slartsoreau: oh.. impressive =)23:43
zentawildbat: i did recovery but  the reall issue cam when boot there is no boot menu to select OSs23:43
jken146Burzmali: Sorry, I don't know what to suggest.23:43
TommyThaGuninfid, you'll have to determine if that makes it worth it, it shouldn't be too much extra space taken up, maybe megs worth23:43
zzacKLH10 Still doesn't work even with sudo because it executes and external executable 'dpni20'. Please help23:43
TommyThaGunwhat is that zzac ?23:44
Burzmalijken146: Ah, I found it, my USB mixer was set to 0 db, that fixed it.  Thanks for the hint23:44
zzacTommyThaGun: A command line DEC PDP-10 emulator23:44
wolfjbwhy do my appearance settings for visual effects always get lost on logout?23:44
wildbatzenta, what about apt-get  check?23:45
Pirate_Hunterreading my kernel log can someone tell me what is the cgroup in memory?23:45
spawnwhere can i get help with grafics on my ubuntu 10.04 i want to set up hybrid crossfire23:45
zentawildbat: apt-get check23:46
zentaReading package lists... Done23:46
zentaBuilding dependency tree23:46
zentaReading state information... Done23:46
FloodBot4zenta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:46
benjamintheyonis it possible to get Empathy to run Skype?23:46
=== wirelessdreamer is now known as dreamerZzz
Homely_GirlGreetings oh brainy guys! I installed java using add/remove on intrepid but java's not working in my browser?? :(23:46
linuxgeckowhat's the smalles size i can install lucid to, and have any breathing room?23:46
zzacTommyThaGun: :-(23:46
wolfjbHomely_Girl: did you install the java plugin?23:47
Q_ContinuumAny easy way to snap a window to the max height between the top and bottom bars? (10.04)23:47
cordellCan anybody tell me of a native linux alternative to Autodesk Inventor.23:47
wildbatzenta, then remove and purge grub2 and reinstall23:47
wolfjbQ_Continuum: if you are using compiz, the middle mouse button on the maximize button will do that for you23:47
liddellI am working out of a liveCD right now - Is there a way to use chroot to repair my system? Synaptic won't do things I ask it to when chrooted.23:47
Homely_Girlwofl: I installed all java runtime connected packages23:47
Grizmawelinuxgecko,  a base install of ubuntu standard is about 3.5GB IIRC23:47
zentawildbat: sorry how can i do it ?23:47
TommyThaGunwell, short of doing 'sudo su' I'm not sure. I'm just curious why you need to use that?23:47
wolfjbif not, then look into your keyboard settings and map a shortcut23:47
Q_Continuumwolfjb, I am not using compiz (yet)23:48
kilraei'm attempting to setup Ubuntu One and try as I might, I can't find the "Add this Computer button"23:48
zzacKLH10 Still doesn't work even with sudo because it executes and external executable 'dpni20'. Please help23:48
spawnwhere can i get help with grafics on my ubuntu 10.04 i want to set up hybrid crossfire should i hit up #ati?23:48
Efreak|PMCan anyone tell me of an apt repository that might have mod_userdir for apache?23:49
Homely_GirlDid u know guys there's less conflict using a 3 mobile b/band dongle on Intrepid than I had on Karmic!!23:49
zakmckilrae: solution to your question is in ubuntu one faq :)23:49
Efreak|PMfor karmic*23:49
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: ok no suprise there I guess23:49
wolfjbQ_Continuum: look in the keyboard shortcuts under the section Window Management, you'll find some shortcuts you can map to keys to maximize like you want23:50
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: since certain hardware that just worked in previous versions of Ubuntu, didn't in Karmic23:50
Homely_Girlsebsebseb: Strange that. lol23:50
zzacKLH10 Still doesn't work even with sudo because it executes and external executable 'dpni20'. Please help23:50
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: as for Intrepid  as you may already know, great release, (well ok the ethernet woudn't just work on the other computer, but that needs a driver in XP as well) but sadly no longer supported as of the 30th April23:50
wolfjbHomely_Girl: in firefox look at about:plugins, do you find java listed there?23:50
wildbatzenta, apt-get autoremove grub2 && apt-get purge grub2 && apt-get install grub223:50
wolfjbHomely_Girl: note, it might be listed as icedtea23:51
TommyThaGunzzac, what is the executable?23:51
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: oh I just seen above your using Intrepid?23:51
Homely_Girlwolfjb: will do.23:51
ZnupiIs it normal for keyserver.ubuntu.com to timeout?23:51
Homely_Girlsebsebseb: It's all I had available to install to wipe Vista off this laptop!23:52
zzacTommyThaGun: dpni20, it is an ethernet module for the pdp10.23:52
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: I see well shoudn't really be using it anymore, since it's gone end of life23:52
sebsebseb!eol | Homely_Girl23:52
ubottuHomely_Girl: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:52
ZnupiI'm trying to add some packages from a PPA and need to add the respective key23:52
Znupibut I get: gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host23:52
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: you said Karmic gave you issues, so time to try Jaunty or Lucid, or another distro23:52
Znupi(On 10.04)23:53
tharveyargh - every time I install a new ubuntu version I thrash around trying to get my SMB shares mounted from a NAS - is there some package I need for smb client thats not on lucid by default?23:53
trevoris there a way to fix the fact that my notification bubbles for ubuntu show up about 1/4 of the way down the screen rather than the top right directly under the panel?23:53
wolfjbI have nVidia Quadro FX 1600M, and I have turned on compiz, but when I log out, it get's disabled for when I logon next time. anyone else having the same problem? know a fix?23:53
Homely_Girlsebsebseb: Will d/load Jaunty or get someone 2 do it for me....someone with unltd bandwith!23:53
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: you can upgrade 8.10 to 9.0423:53
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: that upgrade will probably go quite well as well23:53
tharveyI'm getting a CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22   - No username specified (and I'm using the -o user=tharvey opt)23:53
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: however you might like the default purple look for some stuff, and built in Facebook and Twitter features in Lucid,  a bit of a silly reason to upgrade, really23:54
Homely_Girlsebsebseb: Am low in bandwith on my pay-as-u-go mobile b/band so will do when I can!23:54
=== ahmed is now known as Guest37011
Q_Continuumwolfjb, thanks, that did it!  (Alt+F3 was open so using that)23:54
Efreak|PMnm, just found out userdir is default installed but not loaded23:54
G-manXchat: can anybody read this?!?23:54
wolfjbQ_Continuum: great!23:54
pvl1in yes23:54
Q_ContinuumG-man, yes we can.23:54
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: if your going to do 10.04/Lucid it's best to download a CD yeah, and clean install23:54
Homely_Girlsebsebseb: Is Lucid stable?23:54
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: CD I mean ISO23:55
* wolfjb uses Lucid23:55
MefachedLucid is rather good, in my experience, and I'm not even an Ubuntu user.23:55
Homely_Girllol Will ask my ex to make me a copy of lucid23:55
G-manXchat: nothing like free internet via wireless network card interface :D23:55
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: heh you could make your own?  just need the ISO, and a CD burner basicalley23:55
GrizmaweHomely_Girl, You can get a CD posted to you: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/23:55
MefachedI'm getting speeds that remind me more of Arch than the 8.04 I just installed this over on the family desktop.23:55
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: or you could wait a bit, and get an offical CD sent to you23:56
G-manDownloading Mortal Online on my Windows Machine now :D23:56
hiexpo? when trying to burn a image file it always fails but if i run the burn pre first it always passes is this an intenant that i have bad dvd's23:56
G-manCan't wait to login....23:56
duffydackHomely_Girl, get a friend to download it.. waiting for a posted cd will take weeks23:56
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: and for free, and after ordering of course23:56
liddellI am working out of a liveCD right now - Is there a way to use chroot to repair my system? Synaptic won't do things I ask it to when chrooted and I need to remove a broken video driver package that is stopping me from booting into my system. Any ideas?23:56
ChrisC_I need to use Skype to contact my kids in South Africa. I live in the UK. This is very important for me. Surely there must be a fix by now on 64bit 10.04 to use mic capture or a workaround. Please does anyone know anything??? This is the only bug causing problems for me. It's quite a major thing.23:56
sebsebsebHomely_Girl: is your computer ever connected to a faster connection?23:57
Efreak|PMThis is the third time I've had to change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts after a reboot. Is there some program that might be modifying it, or is it my vps provider?23:57
test34so many bugs in the live CD for 10.04, I hope it get better now that it's installed23:58
duffydackHomely_Girl, Im sure if you goto net cafe and ask nicely, they`ll let you get/burn it..23:58
wolfjbEfreak|PM: probably the settings dhcp picks up from your provider23:58
iDopeliddel: you don't really need to chroot to modify your xorg.conf23:58
aciculaChrisC_, do you have pulseaudio set as input output in skype?23:58
ChrisC_Anyone know?23:58
G-manwow. i guess the server that i am trying to connect to is down.... weird shit23:58
FoxWolftest34, it was pretty good for me, mind you i was  using the netbook edition23:58
VigoChrisC_: Have you tried Ekiga23:58
liddelliDope: I just need to edit something in this file?23:59
Homely_Girlsebsebseb: Sorry was looking thru firefox....need to update that too! I doubt they'll be friendly in this cliquey town I live in!23:59
FoxWolfand a USB flash drive23:59
sebsebsebG-man: oh I so  feel like doing this23:59
ChrisC_I use Skype.23:59
sebsebseb!language | G-man23:59
ubottuG-man: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:59
Homely_GirlIn this blind MS orieented world! :(23:59
ChrisC_Is there a workaround?23:59

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