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pittiGood morning06:55
pittidobey: hello06:55
baptistemmhi pitti07:27
pittibonjour baptistemm! comment vas-tu?07:28
baptistemmI'm fine07:28
baptistemmyou work early07:29
baptistemmperhaps I could ask you a question about a bluez problem that might be related to dbus07:30
pittibaptistemm: I'm not very bluez literate, but I'll try :)07:31
baptistemmabout bug 533730, I don't understand why the reporter has the error "Method "RegisterAgent" with signature "os" on interface "org.bluez.Adapter" doesn't exist" this method should exist on the default adapter07:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533730 in gnome-bluetooth "All widgets and actions are disabled." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53373007:33
pittibaptistemm: it might be a race condition on dbus activation?07:38
pittibaptistemm: (I assume that the signature is correct?)07:38
pittibaptistemm: it'd be worth trying to launch bluezd manually in a foreground terminal, ensure that it's running, and then run bluetooth-applet -d07:39
pittiand check if it's still the same error07:39
baptistemmperhaps I should use dbus-monitor to trace dbus traffic?07:40
baptistemmI tried to play with it yesterday but I didn't succeed to have sensible so I end up using 'dbus-monitor | grep org.bluez' :)07:41
pittiyou can do that, but at this point it rather looks like a startup problem07:43
baptistemmyeah, okay, I thought I already asked to do that, but apparently i mixed up with another bug07:44
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seb128mvo, opening duplicates, no tea for you today!08:14
baptistemmhello seb12808:15
pittihey seb12808:15
seb128lut baptistemm08:15
seb128pitti, guten tag08:15
seb128pitti, did you move updates to -updates?08:15
pittiyes, a few08:15
seb128I was not sure I though we still had one day to go for those08:16
seb128thanks ;-08:16
pittinp :)08:16
seb128mvo, the issue you are having seems to be bug #55316208:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553162 in language-selector "GDM and language-selector should agree on setting the LANG variable" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55316208:18
seb128bug #57559108:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575591 in gdm "Does not set LANGUAGE on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57559108:18
seb128pitti, did you spent some time looking to those LANG LANGUAGE mismatch issues?08:19
pittinot yet08:19
pittiit's not a regression, after all08:19
pittijust something not perfectly working yet08:20
seb128pitti, not sure, it seems people get half english half their locale desktop where they used to have a proper translated GNOME before updating to lucid08:21
seb128see the bug from mvo there08:21
pittiseb128: which is mvo's?08:22
seb128pitti, bug #57559108:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575591 in gdm "Does not set LANGUAGE on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57559108:22
mvoseb128, pitti: happend on my wifes machine08:24
seb128mvo, how many wifes do you have now? ;-)08:24
seb128mvo, scnr08:24
* seb128 hugs mvo08:24
mvoshe was using german before the upgrade and after the gnome bits are english08:24
mvo*pfff* ;)08:24
pittimvo: what is your $LANGUAGE?08:24
pittigdm isn't supposed to change $LANGUAGE, it doesn't have controls for it08:25
seb128it's not clear to me if the issue is language selector or gdm08:25
mvopitti: LANGUAGE=en_DK (that is the system wide setting and what I use)08:25
pittiit's something that we added to language-selector, and once you do that you have to keep using it, I'm afraid08:25
pittimvo: this is broken08:25
seb128but seems quite some users are being bitten by it08:25
pittimvo: but if your LANGUAGE is "en", your desktop should be in English08:26
mvoso gdm can't unset/change LANGUAGE?08:26
seb128why did we made l-s set LANGUAGE?08:26
pittiseb128: it's language-selector and gdm beign differently flexible08:26
mvowell, I want my desktop to be english08:26
mvobut she does not want that08:26
mvoI also want the system wide default to be english08:26
seb128seems to me that l-s should let LANGUAGE alone tghere08:26
pittifor now she'd need to run language-selector herself to set LANGUAGES to "de"08:26
pittiseb128: it was a new feature in lucid, to be able to set $LANGUAGES separately08:27
mvohrm, I know how to fix it, but that is not a good solution for everyone08:27
pitti(and it has been requested for ages)08:27
mvoespecially since it was working in karmic08:27
pittimvo: well, you couldn't set $LANGUAGE in the first place :)08:27
pittikarmic's gdm did set $LANGUAGE, yes08:28
pittibut that screwed up legitimate use cases08:28
pitti(it actually set it to something completely broken)08:28
pittiI don't currently see an easy solution for this, I'm afraid08:28
mvoI didn't do anything with lucid language selector08:28
pittithis requires a long and in-depth discussion08:28
mvoit used the karmic settings and did something with it08:28
seb128it seems that was "working" in karmic because gdm was overwritting LANGUAGE (in a buggy way though)08:29
mvoits a corner case setup, but for the people using it it is a regression IMO08:29
seb128not sure what to do on upgrade08:29
pittiseb128, mvo: FYI, gdm screwing up $LANGUAGE caused bug 40730008:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407300 in ubuntu-translations "/etc/gdm/Xsession breaks LANGUAGE" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40730008:29
* mvo looks08:30
pittino matter how you want to have the system work, but this was absolutely and entirely screwed08:30
mvoyeah, that is totally wrong08:31
mvobut https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/407300/comments/6 describes exactly the problem I have08:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407300 in ubuntu-translations "/etc/gdm/Xsession breaks LANGUAGE" [Low,Confirmed]08:31
pittione solution would be to add yet another widget to gdm to be able to change $LANGUAGES (but ugh complex)08:32
mvocould we simply "if GDM_LANG != LANG: unset(LANGUAGE)"?08:32
pittianother one to remove $LANGUAGES if you change it in gdm08:32
pittisomething like that, yes08:32
mvowhy another widget?08:32
seb128no other widget no08:33
mvothe user says "I want german, not english"08:33
pittimvo: gdm doesn't have a languages selector08:33
pittiit has a locale selector08:33
seb128users don't know what a locale is08:33
seb128they use that as a language selector08:33
pittithey do, they just don't know the name for it :)08:33
seb128right ;-)08:33
pittiusers complain very loudly if their date for numbers are misformatted08:33
pittior paper formats, etc :)08:34
seb128well they want the standard set for their country08:34
pittiright, so you need a country as well08:34
seb128ideally you need a country "only" no "as well"08:34
pittiyou also need a language08:34
pittiseb128: you currently are in a country where that matters a lot :)08:34
seb128grumpf, yes ;-)08:35
seb128I'm wondering how other os-es deal with that08:35
pittiseb128: langpack solution #6, I say08:35
seb128well ideally you want one list08:35
mvoI still don't get it (sorry). LANGUAGE is useful beyond the ability to give a fallback language? in gdm I can choose "german (germany)" or "german (belgium)". so it will setup LC_* correctly, no?08:35
seb128with things like "Belgium - wallons (french speaking)"08:35
mvowhy do I need LANGUAGE for anything other then the fallback ?08:35
pittimvo: $LANGUAGES is useful if you want a different desktop translation than locale08:36
pittimvo: e. g. most Scandinavian folks, or even you, want their desktop to be in English08:36
pittibut still want a correct sv_SE or de_DE locale for paper format, time, etc.08:36
pitti(this is also a very popular setup in the CJK areas)08:36
mvobut shouldn't these people use language-selector than? because they know they want something that is not covered by the widget in gdm?08:37
pittithe other use is that you can define different fallbacks08:37
pittiif I speak French better than English, I can set $LANGUAGES=de:fr:en08:37
mvowhereas people like me do not know this?08:37
pittimvo: exactly08:37
pittithose people have set $LANGUAGES in the past at some point08:37
pittiwhich karmic and earlier didn't provide an UI for08:37
pittimvo: I think the GDM_LANG != LANG -> unset LANGUAGES is a reasonable approach08:39
mvoaha, I get it now08:39
pittimvo: so in your case it would have probably been more polite to set LANGUAGES in your ~/.profile only, not system-wide08:40
mvopitti: yeah, because when we do this, most users with the previous setup that manually added LANGUAGE will not affected08:40
mvopitti: the odd thing is that I never touched the lucid version of language-selector08:40
mvopitti: so either it was there before08:40
mvopitti: or it wrote/updated it on upgrade08:40
pittimvo: right, I suppose it was there way before08:40
pittiby default l-s also just writes to ~/.profile08:40
mvopitti: I do want it the system wide default, just not for my wife :)08:41
pittiand en_DK is an invalid value, too08:41
mvoheh :)08:41
pittimvo: then set it in ~wife/.profile ?08:41
pittimvo: for your wife that workaround wouldn't even help then, though08:41
mvoright, *I* know how to fix it, but I doubt most other users will know08:41
pittisince I suppose she also uses de_DE.utf808:41
pittithus GDM_LANG == LANG08:41
mvoI did not setup anything for her in her  ~/.profile08:42
mvoI used the GUI for all language releated settings08:42
mvogdm for german08:42
mvoand l-s for the system default08:42
mvoso the workaround should work08:42
didrockslool: ok, I'll see if there is something conflicting in the schedule and see with ogra08:44
ogradidrocks, awesome, thanks08:44
mvopitti: thanks for updating the bug, I assume you are at somehands, so if you are too busy I'm happy to look into this and prepare a SRU (if the unset solution looks good enough)08:46
pittimvo: I duped your bug and currently updating the master one08:46
pittimvo: SH> I will be08:46
pittiI'm still in Leuven at some friends of mine08:46
pittiI'll come over around noon08:46
mvoaha, ok, even better :)08:46
mvojust let me know if your time does not permit it and I will try to make room for it08:47
pittimvo: I did a braindump to the bug now08:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553162 in language-selector "Unset $LANGUAGES if the user picks a different locale in gdm" [Undecided,Fix released]08:49
mvoseb128: what do you think about a "use compiz-from-debian" session?08:55
mvoseb128: or blueprint, not sure we need a session08:55
seb128mvo, blueprint, no session08:56
seb128it's a matter of just doing it I think08:56
mvoi think its uncontroversial08:56
pitti. o O { not-use-compiz ? }08:56
seb128pitti, who need a wm when you can switch between nice kms vts?08:57
pittiseb128: once you finally upload gtk-asciiart, we won't :)08:58
* pitti remembers those Turbo Vision times08:58
seb128mvo, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-overriding-defaults-on-upgrade09:05
seb128mvo, you might want to subscribe to this one?09:05
mvoseb128: thanks, done. isn't that more of a gconf problem? i.e. if you set your preference back to default should it still be a user pref or should it considered "unset" again09:06
mvoseb128: do we have good examples ?09:07
seb128mvo, themes?09:07
seb128mvo, it might be mainly gconf yes, but I want to use the session to discuss how we handle cleanly user config changes on upgrade09:08
* mvo nods09:08
seb128mvo, ie like adding indicators to gnome-panel09:08
mvolets add some examples09:08
seb128I don't like the current "add an autostart which check a gconf key until end of time or later"09:08
seb128mvo, feel free to edit the summary ;-)09:08
mvono permissions, but I can edit the whiteboard09:09
seb128oh, let me add the examples09:12
seb128you did in the whiteboard, seems good enough09:13
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:24
pittihey chrisccoulson09:25
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?09:25
pittiI'm great, thanks09:25
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:29
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you too?09:30
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks!09:30
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?09:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'm good too thanks09:31
seb128getting ready for uds? ;-)09:32
chrisccoulsonmvo - did asac ask you whether we are still concerned about making hardy->intrepid->jaunty->karmic->lucid upgrades work, or just hardy->lucid?09:32
seb128thanks for doing some desktop bug triage yesterday btw09:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - sort of ;)09:32
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've got loads of bug mail i need to work through at some point09:32
mvochrisccoulson: he did not09:32
mvochrisccoulson: what is the context? I mostly care about karmic->lucid and hardy->lucid currently, but if there is a specific issue or low-hanging fruit I'm open09:33
chrisccoulsonmvo - i'm working on the ff3.6 backport for hardy currently. if we only care about hardy->lucid upgrades, then that makes my job for hardy much easier09:34
chrisccoulsonbut if not, then i'll have to do the work for karmic, jaunty and intrepid first09:34
chrisccoulsonwhich complicates things ;)09:34
chrisccoulsonand i'd rather not do anything on intrepid09:34
mvochrisccoulson: I can not see why someone would want to upgrade from hardy to intrepid at this point really, we should not even offer the upgrade anymore09:36
chrisccoulsonmvo - that's what i want to hear :)09:36
mvochrisccoulson: I will check that now (that we don't actually offer the upgrade)09:36
mvowell, in a little bit, need to prepare a SRU first :)09:37
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milanbvugh... I hope I'm wrong, but...10:02
milanbvisn't our /etc/dbus-1/system.d/xorg-server.conf completely wrong with interfaces?!10:03
milanbv<allow send_interface="org.x.config.display0"/> will allow this interface on *all* objects10:03
milanbvthat was bug 318753...10:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318753 in network-manager "D-Bus Policy needs checking" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31875310:03
qenseIs there really no way of passing a Python list over DBus that contains lists containing both integers and strings?10:20
qenseAh, 'v´10:22
nigelbabuseb128: whats you're take on bug 508632? Are we going to include the patch for maverick?10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508632 in nautilus "[FFe] Toggle button for Nautilus location field gone" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50863210:59
seb128nigelbabu, no10:59
seb128it's not a bug it's an upstream decision10:59
nigelbabuseb128: can you comment on it so I can reject the patch?11:00
seb128I already did11:00
nigelbabuthen close to wont fix?11:00
seb128not recently but I don't see the point to keep arguing with users who don't want to listen11:00
seb128I don't care enough to start a bug closing war, we will get the change if upstream does it11:00
nigelbabuwhat would you want me to do? ask the patch author to forward upstream and hear their take? (it sounds kinda ironic)11:01
nigelbabuseb128: thank you, I came across this during patch review11:08
nigelbabusince you commented on it, I just wanted your take :)11:09
seb128nigelbabu, it's up to you to know what you want to do11:09
seb128nigelbabu, I would just stay out of the discussion11:09
nigelbabuI've directed everything upstream11:09
seb128use whatever tag is not used to say we are not going to use the change unless upstream does11:10
nigelbabuok :)11:10
pittiI'm off now for going to La Hulpe; see you there!11:10
pittiseb128: you are at the sprint, I take it?11:10
pitti(for saying hello, etc.)11:11
seb128pitti, yes, but feel free to jump in when you arrive11:12
pittiseb128: ok, I'll go back to IRC once I'm there, and prod you :)11:12
* pitti waves11:12
seb128pitti, ok, have a safe trip, see you soon11:12
baptistemmhmmm, I've no sound in mysession, and the sound capplet lists me no audio device, just a dummy one11:15
seb128baptistemm, buy a soundcard ;-)11:15
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asacmvo: the question was really: do we still offer the upgrade path to intrepid12:58
asaci hoped we didnt but wanted to get a confirm on that one12:58
mvoasac: we do right now, but I want to fix this today and give people lucid instead12:59
asacmvo: isnt intrepid already moved out of the archive?12:59
asacto old releases or somehting?12:59
mvonot yet12:59
mvobut it will be very soon I expect12:59
asacyeah. ok12:59
asacplease make that happen quickly ;) ...13:00
asacotherwise we have to roll everything at once ... now we can just upgrade hardy to 3.6 and leave jaunty/karmic at 3.5 which is still supported for a few weeks13:00
mvojaunty will be support for 6 more month and karmic for 12m, no?13:03
asacmvo: right13:08
asacmvo: situation is like this: hardy has ffox 3.0 -> EOL upstream ... jaunty/karmic have 3.5 -> still supported ... lucid has 3.613:09
asacso fi upgrade path through jaunty is still supported we first have to update jaunty/karmic before we can update 3.0 to 3.613:09
asacif not, we can focus on hardy for now ... which would be much better13:09
baptistemmseb128, I do have one13:09
mvoasac: aha, it would be nice to support jaunty, but its not super important13:09
mvokarmic we definitely need to support13:09
baptistemmseb128, it is listed as alsa layer but not at pa layer13:10
mvoasac: intrepid EOL, so no worries13:10
asacmvo: we are supporting that ;) ... its just that we dont need to hurry and upgrade jaunty/karmic to 3.6 in order to upgrade hardy if we dont offer upgrades to intrepid anymore13:10
asacmvo: or do you want to offer hardy -> jaunty upgrades?13:10
asaci would hope just lucid13:10
chrisccoulsonasac - jaunty also has 3.0 (3.5 is only in universe) :(13:14
mvoasac: no, just hardy->lucid13:15
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asacchrisccoulson: bummer thats bad :/13:16
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milanbvhow are users supposed to configure their serial/usb 56k old-style modems in Lucid? network-admin lost its tab to do it, and ModemManager doesn't support them?14:08
milanbvwho's supposed to know how all of this works? ;-)14:08
milanbvif that's the case, we may need to bring back network-admin's tab...14:09
milanbvasac_: thoughts on this? ^14:27
asacmilanbv: network-admin doesnt exist anymore, does it?14:29
asacwe definitly dont want to have that installed by default14:29
milanbvno, it's not installed by default14:29
milanbvand the Connections tab has been removed14:30
milanbvthe problem is,14:30
milanbv1) docs still mention it for modems14:30
milanbv2) there doesn't seem to be a way to configure traditional modems in Lucid anymore14:30
asac_milanbv: yeah. modemmanager should get plain modem support. its not a big deal, but noone does that as the amount of users that need it seems to be really smallish14:33
asac_contributions welcome14:33
benjamintheyonDidn't see it in the channel info - is this the Desktop team as in desktop release of ubuntu or graphical desktop? I'm a new jack,  tryna find my way around.14:34
milanbvasac_: sure, in the long run we want modem-manager14:34
milanbvbut for lucid, what's the best solution: completely lose modem support and remove the docs, or bring back the Connections tab?14:35
milanbv(UbuntuStudio seems to require that tab too)14:35
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rodrigo_kenvandine, around?16:06
rodrigo_seb128, pitti: I seem to not have permissions to push to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/couchdb-glib/ubuntu/, I thought I got permissions now that I had upload rights?16:08
seb128rodrigo_, no, you are not in the ubuntu-desktop team16:13
seb128rodrigo_, we should move that to the canonical location I think16:13
rodrigo_seb128, ah, so still need to propose branches for merging?16:13
seb128we should change the bzr to not be in our team I guess16:13
seb128I don't think it's going to happen this week though16:13
seb128since people are travelling and some going to somehand etc16:14
rodrigo_ok, np, I've got instructions from kenvandine on how to upload, and he told me to push to trunk once uploaded16:15
rodrigo_I'll propose the branch for merging16:15
rodrigo_seb128, another question :) where are the karmic package branches?16:15
seb128depends, we don't have a strict policy, often we don't bother doing a stable serie16:15
seb128ie we just do change and upload to ubuntu without using a vcs16:16
seb128or we use trunk as long as there is not a newer version16:16
rodrigo_for couchdb-glib, trunk already refers to maverick, so I guess it was branched?16:18
rodrigo_seb128, so, lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/couchdb-glib/karmic has the tarball's source code, isn't there a similar karmic branch with just debian/ dir, as lp:~ubuntu-desktop/couchdb-glib/ubuntu?16:48
seb128rodrigo_, no idea, I don't work on this source16:48
seb128the first one is an auto import of uploads I guess16:49
rodrigo_pitti, ^^ ?16:49
seb128the second one is the packaging one16:49
rodrigo_seb128, ah16:49
seb128ie what we work on16:49
rodrigo_seb128, yes, but I need to submit a change to karmic package, so looking for the package branch16:50
rodrigo_doesn't seem to exist, or can't find it16:50
seb128as said before we often don't bother doing a stable vcs16:50
seb128especially that we didn't upload anything yet newer that lucid16:50
seb128oh karmic16:50
seb128well usually we get the source, do the change and upload16:51
rodrigo_seb128, ah16:51
seb128we not have a common defined workflow for stable series16:51
seb128some people might make stable series16:51
seb128we usually don't bother for desktop, stable doesn't change a lot16:51
cjohnstonthanks sabdfl !17:02
sabdflcjohnston: that was entertaining :-)17:02
cjohnstonI missed half of it.. :-/ at work today17:02
cjohnstonlooks like all went well though17:03
jcastromdeslaur, what was that gwibber bug again?17:16
mdeslaurjcastro:: 55222717:17
Nafaijcastro: should I attempt to re-register or should I wait?17:17
jcastroNafai, yeah try now please17:17
jcastroNafai, sorry for the inconvenience17:17
Nafaino prob :)17:19
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Nafailunch / errands18:08
NafaiI just checked the UDS schedule before I left18:10
Nafaisomeone scheduled my two sessions (from my assigned blueprints) back to back! :)18:11
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RAOFMorning funky people.23:44
* bryceh waves23:56

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