[00:25] why am i banned from the #ubuntu channel? [17:46] hi [17:47] Hello. [17:48] i want to make a loco team irc channel [17:49] how could i do that [17:49] i created the channel [17:49] but when i join to it [17:49] it tell me that faild to open privat chat [17:49] what is that meanning [17:50] ahmedalttai: What is the channel name? [17:50] and how are you trying to join it? [17:52] i do this command /JOIN #ubuntu-iq [17:52] the channel name is ubuntu-iq [17:54] ahmedalttai: You have the channel set to invite only currently. You'll need to identify to your nickserv account first and then issue /msg chanserv invite #ubuntu-iq [17:56] You'll need to identify to your nickserv account 'ahmedabukilal' [17:57] thanx now its working [17:57] how can i set the topic [17:57] what to do after i creat the channel [17:57] ahmedalttai: Take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels [18:03] when i change the topic it tell that im not allowed to do that [18:03] even when i logged in [18:04] and im the one who created the channel [18:05] You need to be opped to do that. [18:14] how can i be that [18:19] ahmedalttai: have a look at /msg chanserv help [18:40] how could i join people to the channel befor it become open and how i can open the channel to the public [18:42] ahmedalttai: /mode #ubuntu-iq -ims [18:42] what does that do? [18:43] It sets #ubuntu-iq to allow people to enter (-i), allows them to talk (-m), and lists it in searches (-s) === radoe_ is now known as radoe [22:18] hey, what software do you use to keep track of bans, quiets and unruly users in general? is it something I could copy and use myself on loco channel? [22:19] kklimonda: bantracker plugins for supybots ? [22:19] ok, thanks - I'll check it [22:20] kklimonda: #ubuntu-bots [22:29] kklimonda: most of these solutions use supybot [22:40] kklimonda: eir also has some features to help with that [22:41] thanks, I'll check them out