
lifelesshmm, 25 failures to go00:20
Peng_Um. :D Oops. irssi fail.00:20
lifelessPeng_: and here I thought you were prognosticating00:32
Peng_No, I just forgot that you put the / before the command.00:47
mkanatmwhudson: So, are you going to merge my fix, or are you waiting on additional reviews?01:35
mkanatOh, wait, I mean Peng.01:36
Peng_I'm off-duty.01:37
Peng_Wait...why am I at the computer at all? I forgot.01:37
mkanatPeng: Haha, okay. :-)01:52
Peng_mkanat: Regarding your email, the current state of the history-db stuff is that it would not be optional.01:57
mwhudsonmkanat: want to set a commit message on that merge proposal?01:57
Peng_(Still off-duty! I just check my email too much...)01:58
mwhudsonmkanat: nm, merging anyway02:03
Peng_mwhudson: Ping?03:08
lifelesshmm, I needs review :P03:26
mkanatPeng_: Oh, okay.03:30
rm200910Hi . I cannot do a launchpad checkout. "bzr checkout lp:epics-base/3-14 base1" throws out these exceptions: http://pastebin.com/R96AFfJc Any suggestions?04:00
* rm200910 uses Bazaar (bzr) 2.1.104:01
lifelesswow thats fun04:02
lifelessmwhudson: can you have a peek at that ?04:02
mwhudsonPeng_: hi?04:02
mwhudsonlifeless: looking04:02
lifelessmwhudson: looks like we're not getting a header we need or something04:02
lifelessmwhudson: btu I can't see why that would be the case04:02
mwhudsonlifeless: i think it's a ****ed proxy04:03
rm200910i'm using an http_proxy04:03
rm200910I must add04:03
lifelessrm200910: is it anonymising or something ?04:03
TresEquishmm, I was just able to get it via 'bzr branch' on my machine using bzr 2.1.104:03
mwhudsoni don't understand the details though04:03
lifelessrm200910: try 3.14 rather than 3-14 ?04:03
rm200910lifeless: I don't know if it's anonymizing04:04
lifelessrm200910: try this command: bzr checkout lp:epics-base/3.14 base204:04
lifelessTresEquis: using the exact command line, or did your subconscious fix the typo ?04:04
rm200910lifeless: bzr: ERROR: Connection error: while sending CONNECT xmlrpc.edge.launchpad.net:443: [Errno 111] Connection refused04:05
Peng_mwhudson: Eek. Too late. I was just going AFK again.04:05
lifelessrm200910: figuring out what an lp: url refers to requires direct access to ssl at the moment04:06
lifelessrm200910: I think that that might be fixed in 2.2 (but I'm not sure)04:06
Peng_mwhudson: Are there any plans for when Loggerhead's next release will be?04:06
lifelessrm200910: you can use http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~epics-core/epics-base/3.14 as a workaround (or bzr+ssh instead of http if you have write access)04:06
mwhudsonPeng_: not from my end, i guess "soon" would be nice04:06
lifelessactually, I mean04:06
TresEquislifeless: yup, my fingers fixed it04:06
lifeless'bzr+ssh instead of http if you have done bzr lp-login'04:07
TresEquisand I used 'bzr branch' rather than 'bzr checkout', too ;)04:07
lifelessTresEquis: :)04:07
rm200910lifeless: I will try "bzr checkout http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~epics-core/epics-base/3.14 base3"04:07
rm200910lifeless: yay! it's doing something04:08
Peng_mwhudson: Personally, I'd like there to be a release before we go killing backwards compatibility, so anyone who isn't going to be upgrading to 2.0 or 2.1 just yet will still be able to enjoy the other bug fixes and whatever, but...I'm not the release manager, so I'm not going to demand anything.04:08
lifelessPeng_: you could be04:08
Peng_Yeah, I'm aware of that. Never done it before, so I dunno.04:09
rm200910I don't seem to be able to do lp-login over a proxy either: "bzr: ERROR: Connection error: while sending CONNECT launchpad.net:443: [Errno 111] Connection refused"04:13
rm200910thanks for translating the lp: URL to an http url.04:15
Peng_IIRC the LP proxy issues should be fixed in 2.1.1?04:15
lifelessmwhudson: bug 55834304:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558343 in bzr "NotImplementedError: "should resend request to http://feeds.edge.launchpad.net/bazaar/, but this isn't implemented" during lp name lookup" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55834304:16
rm200910I agree with the last comment on that bug: It's not low importance for me!04:17
lifelessrm200910: well its got two elements04:17
lifelesswe can and will fix it in bzr independently of launchpad changing, as I read it04:18
lifelesshowever, medium for us is wrong04:18
lifelessrm200910: you should click on the 'does this bug affect you' bit04:18
mwhudsonlifeless: looks like it indeed04:18
mwhudsoni think the importance of low for launchpad is ok really, the problem on the server side is a strange response to a seriously bogus request04:19
lifelessits probably a simple losa thing to fix04:20
lifelessI'm looking at the bzr side of it now04:20
mwhudsonyeah, i have an unfounded suspicion that the redirect is coming from apache or something04:21
rm200910Wow: it is of high importance now!04:21
lifelessrm200910: in bzr, yes I upped it04:22
lifelessrm200910: do you have pycurl installed ?04:22
rm200910lifeless: I checked the "rpm -qa" list and did not find it.04:24
lifelessrm200910: thanks04:29
rm200910lifeless: I found this pycurl "/tools/RHEL5/src/bzr-2.1.1/bzrlib/transport/http/_pycurl.py"04:30
lifelessyes, thats our adapter04:30
lifelessonly used if you have pycurl installed (don't install it, I was just gathering data)04:31
lifelessrm200910: can you do some data gathering for me ?04:31
lifelessapply that patch to your bzrlib04:32
lifelessand show me what it prints (when you have your proxy set as normal)04:33
rm200910lifeless: sorry it's going to take a while. This is bazaar installed by my sysadmin04:36
rm200910i'll look at installing something in my home directory04:37
=== Guest31208 is now known as AdamDV
lifelessrm200910: it can run from source04:38
rm200910I suppose I could do "bzr checkout lp:bzr"04:38
lifelessrm200910: just grab our tarball, or branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/bzr/~bzr-pqm/bzr.dev04:39
rm200910bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/bzr/~bzr-pqm/bzr.dev/"04:41
rm200910http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/SourceDownloads doesn't give me the 2.1.1 sources.... i wonder where my sysadmin got it from04:43
rm200910lifeless: I got 2.1.0 and I'll put your patches in04:44
rm200910lifeless: it prints "xmlrpc.edge.launchpad.net"04:49
lifelessthanks, I'm looking deeper now04:50
rm200910It's doing a checkout when I substitute the "3-14" by "3.14" /home/rm200910/tools/bzr-2.1.0/bzr checkout lp:epics-base/3.14 base104:51
parthmin a pqm failure mail is an AssertionError in 'File ".../testtools/testcase.py", line 276, in expectFailure' a failure or is it expected failure?04:57
rm200910it takes for ever though. Still doing it 5 minutes on. The http checkout was almost immediate04:57
parthmi am trying to understand why https://code.launchpad.net/~parthm/bzr/181124-ls-short-opts/+merge/24414 is failing while tests pass locally04:57
rm200910thanks for your help. Good-bye05:03
lifelessrm200910: ok, bye05:03
lifelessparthm: expectFailure is an assertion that something should error05:05
parthmlifeless: thanks. so thats nothing to worry about. will look some more into the log.05:07
parthmaah. its was test_help which was failing. hmm.05:15
parthmi was thinking the huge pqm error log should be a text attachment rather than inmail content. made FF crash :(05:31
lifelessparthm: that would be good to; though its meant to filter and not be so hgue :(05:55
parthmlifeless: it was 3.1M for me as a mail (on gmail). FF takes a looong time for search and hangs when i copy. When I had gmail save, it saved as html :( .... had to run it through html2txt05:58
parthmthen used vim with text ... and all was well :)05:58
parthmlifeless: i thought there might be some filtering ... but this is the first time i had to go through it so i wasn't sure.05:59
parthmfiltering would be real neat.05:59
parthmis it possible to submit the same patch to pqm ... i know p1 is running and will fail. can i put in p2 without waiting for p1 to finish (with nothing between p1 and p2)?06:01
parthmp2 is p1 with some fixes.06:03
parthmlifeless: cool. thanks.06:04
* parthm goes to resubmit ls-short-opts patch with fixes.06:05
AfCSomeone in my office just said "Hudson doesn't directly support bzr" but I could have sworn I heard lifeless talking about how he'd been using Hudson of late for $something. Surely Hudson and Bazaar get along just fine, no?06:14
lifelessAfC: they lied06:14
lifelessAfC: it supports bzr as much as it supports CVS or svn06:15
lifelessinstall the plugin from the plugin admin page.06:15
lifelessThen Go Hit Them.06:15
AfC(the client just typed that)06:15
AfClifeless: thank you very kindly Robert06:15
lifelessAfC: sorry :P06:16
AfCha, no, he just typed "ouch" to convey his appreciation of your humour.06:16
lifelessoh phew :>06:16
sangiwhile running serve-branches to install loggerhead,its throwing an error like No handlers could be found for logger "bzr"07:09
Peng_sangi: You said that earlier. It's not a problem.07:09
Peng_sangi: And serve-branches doesn't install Loggerhead, it just runs it.07:10
sangiPeng_, but it is not proceding07:10
Peng_sangi: What you pasted earlier looked fine.07:10
sangiPeng_, http://pastebin.com/ws0AwuGn07:11
Peng_sangi: Visit in a browser. It's not working?07:11
sangiPeng_, thanks, i am able to view it07:12
Peng_OK then.07:13
parthmreally trivial docstring patch at https://code.launchpad.net/~parthm/bzr/trivial-doc-followup-549310-mandatory-whoami/+merge/2487707:30
parthmif someone can approve it i can land it. ... i don't want to approve myself as i am the one who proposed :)07:30
* parthm looks at vila07:31
parthmvila: thanks.07:33
lifelesshi poolie07:33
pooliehi lifeless, parthm07:35
parthmpoolie: hi07:35
parthmpoolie, lifeless: i like the suggestion from lifeless to do 538868-message-for-heavy-checkout more broadly i.e. if revs to be pulled is > N.07:48
vilahi all08:01
vilaparthm: what happened with your short-ls patch ? It landed in bzr.dev apparently...08:10
GaryvdMHi vila08:28
GungaDinHow do I un-add a file that hasn't been committed?08:29
avuGungaDin, bzr rm --keep <file>08:30
GaryvdMvila: Nudge for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/more-colo/+merge/2359208:31
GaryvdMvila: You reviwed it previously. Branch has been update since you last reviewed.08:32
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
parthmvila: hi. short-ls patch had test failures (test_help) ... i had a little difficulty (bug #576800) finding the test failure but its fixed and landed :)09:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576800 in bzr "pqm failure log should be attached as a text file" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57680009:14
=== khmarbaise_ is now known as khmarbaise
vilaparthm: ok, thanks for the feedback09:15
vilaGaryvdM: I'm looking into it09:15
sangistarting loggerhead throws an error like sudo: no passwd entry for loggerhead! Loggerhead is *not* running11:37
Peng_sangi: That sounds like an issue with however you're trying to start it, not Loggerhead itself.11:57
Peng_Err, um.11:57
Peng_I missed the "sudo".11:58
Peng_sangi: That has nothing to do with Loggerhead. From the error message, it sounds like you're trying to sudo to/from an account that either doesn't exist or doesn't have a password set.11:58
sangiPeng_, ok12:05
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
GaryvdMHi bialix13:24
bialixhi Gary13:24
bialixmy last day online13:24
GaryvdMbialix: I'll try find you on Sunday13:25
GaryvdMI should be there by midday.13:25
bialixis somebody wants a souvenir from Ukraine -- shout13:27
Tak/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/lockable_files.py:61: UserWarning: 'LockableFiles(<bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport url=file:///Users/levi/Code/mono-repo/monodevelop/.bzr/branch/>)' was gc'd while locked13:30
Takproblem? or no?13:30
bialixTak: during selftest?13:30
Takno, at runtime13:30
bialixnot a critical problem, but it seems some code forgot to unlock13:31
bialixI'd say file a bug13:31
Takmeh, be nice if I had a stack trace13:33
bialixthere is no stacj trace13:34
bialixit's a from garbage collector13:34
bialixsome code locked the branch and then forgot to unlock13:35
bialixis it from regular bzr operations?>13:35
bialixor some plugin involved?13:35
Takbzr-svn at least is involved13:42
Takand bzrlib is being used, although I'm using the ui cmd classes as much as possible13:43
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
lifeless_Tak: so, its possibly a bug in bzrlib13:49
lifeless_Tak: or, and arguably more likely, a bug in your code. As bialix says, its happening from the object finaliser, so there isn't a stack to refer to to get a backtrace - or at least, not one related to the finalising code13:49
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
Takoh, it definitely could be a bug in my code13:50
TakI'm only locking manually in a few places, and I'm trying to always unlock in a finally block, but I could have missed something13:50
TakI'm also manually deleting objects in a few places13:53
lifelesswell, deleting won't unlock13:57
lifelessso be sure you've unlocked before you delete13:57
Takyeah, I need to make sure I'm doing that14:04
GaryvdMbialix: Are you still here.14:38
GaryvdMbialix: If so, please check you email.14:38
bialixwhich one?14:38
GaryvdMRe: Threads14:39
bialixguys, during the sprint, please use my gmail account14:39
GaryvdMbialix: Sent to ml14:39
GaryvdMNot sure where that goes to14:39
bialixI see the mail14:39
bialixGaryvdM: cool@14:40
bialixGaryvdM: cool!14:40
bialixI don't have time to read your code right now, sorry14:41
GaryvdMbialix: Ok np14:41
bialixbut perhaps we have to carefully testing it on PyQt 4.4.x which is still default for windows14:42
GaryvdMbialix: Did we not say we were going to upgrade that14:42
bialixwe said, but 2.1 unlikely will be upgraded14:43
bialixonly 2.2 and up14:43
GaryvdMbialix: Yes ok.14:43
bialixso I'd better double test14:43
bialixalthough based on your estimate we'll have 2.2 as defult14:44
GaryvdMbialix: Yes, Try for 2.3...14:44
bialixor rather target trunk2a of qbzr with threads to 2.2+14:44
* bialix has to go, hope will be online sometime tomorrow, or maybe not. see ya soon!15:00
GaryvdMluks: Hi. I sent a mail re threads in qbzr to the ml. I would really like it if you could take a look at that code. It is only 123 lines.15:09
GaryvdMluks: Any pit falls for picard would be valuable to.15:10
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javatexanhey guys, I have totally messed up my local repos, is there a easy way to revert to the network version?  bzr pull is not doing it....23:04
xnoxIs there bzr equivalent of git reflog?23:33
xnoxi did a rebase of 10 commits and I did it wrong23:33
xnoxI need to checkout the old head again but I don't know the revid.23:33
xnoxWhere can I look up all available revids in the repository?23:34
fullermdYou can use 'heads' to try tracking it down, since it's presumably a dead head at this point.23:36
lifelessxnox: bzr heads --dead23:43
xnoxfullermd, that gave me the current tip23:45
xnoxlifeless, that worked23:46
* xnox panic is over23:46
xnoxthank you23:46
a212901390231901hmpf, sister has managed to forget her laptop again, so I have nothing to borrow to bring with me23:55

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