
* JontheEchidna just upgraded to maverick with the libqapt test app \o/00:16
JontheEchidnawhat could possibly go wrong? (tm)00:17
valorieI'm sure you'll tell us00:23
valoriehow many months early are you?00:23
JontheEchidna6, I suppose00:23
JontheEchidnaright now it's not much different than lucid ;)00:24
JontheEchidnaOnly has a few uploads so far: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/maverick-changes/2010-May/date.html00:24
valorieit's beyond bleeding edge00:26
valorieits.......over the edge00:26
JontheEchidnathat, and I upgraded with the test app for an alpha version of a package management library :D00:26
* valorie sees JontheEchidna waving his arms like Wiley Coyote00:27
JontheEchidnazomg, Professor River Song on FlashForward01:15
claydohthe character, or the actress?01:19
* claydoh remembers her from ER01:21
JontheEchidnathe actress02:12
claydohyeah, she has done a lot of work, I often see her on bbc shows on bbc-america02:17
claydohi like her a lot as Professor River Song, even more so than the Doctor's  current companion02:19
JontheEchidnaShe'd definitely make a great companion, except that it'd mess up her mysteriousness02:21
* imbrandon is just sad david tennant isnt the doc anymore ;(02:31
claydohI miss him, but the new one is ok, I am giving him some time before I decide02:36
jjessethe new ones seems disjointed, not as good as the last doc02:37
claydohthat's why I am giving it a few more episodes02:39
shadeslayernixternal: ping09:36
shadeslayerok um,anyone know where the new cd wallet artwork for lucid is?09:37
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shadeslayerapachelogger: there?09:54
MamarokRiddell: I need some Lucid CDs for the next fair (only Kubuntu), can you organise some for me?10:10
shadeslayerMamarok: um,how about using shipit?10:28
Mamarokshadeslayer: I need more than one, and only Kubuntu, that doesn't work with ship.it at all10:29
Mamarokshadeslayer: it sucks, but that's how it is10:29
* Mamarok needs about 50-10010:29
shadeslayerMamarok: actually theres a custom order entry...10:29
Mamarokshadeslayer: believe me, I tried many times, if it is not ignored, I get 10 Ubuntu ones, that's it10:30
Mamarokand the LoCo team pack has only 25 Kubuntu, I need more10:30
RiddellMamarok: when is it?10:30
MamarokRiddell: in July10:31
shadeslayerMamarok: ah ok10:31
RiddellMamarok: e-mail me a postal address and phone number for delivery10:31
MamarokRiddell: OK, will do, thanks a lot :)10:32
MamarokRiddell: mail is sent, thanks again :)10:36
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah11:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh i was wanted to know how to start the ubuntuone gnome client...11:39
shadeslayerim testing out ubuntuone-client-kde11:39
apacheloggerthere is no ubuntuone-client-kde to test :P11:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: what about the git repo?11:40
apacheloggerthat is a tech preview, so unless you also test Qt 7 tp you will not get fare with that :P11:40
shadeslayerhehe :)11:41
apacheloggerespecially since the git repo was built around a much older version of u111:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah  i tried and tried but couldnt start it :P11:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: how much time does it take to build a basic kde svn snapshot and install it seprately in /opt11:44
apacheloggerdepends on how fast your machine is11:53
apacheloggeralso on the definition of kde svn snapsshot11:53
apacheloggerif that includes the whole KDE SC then you will probably need a day11:54
Sputlike, 2-3 hours on a decent machine11:55
apacheloggerSput: for all of kde?11:59
Sputapachelogger: yeah, on my i5 :)11:59
SputI might have an extreme definition for the term "decent"11:59
apacheloggeryou are gentoo user11:59
apacheloggerthy shall be forgiven :P11:59
SputI have a highly optimized toolchain and 8 GB of RAM!11:59
* apachelogger wouldnt even know what to do with that amount of ram, other than let ubuntu leak into it12:00
SputI usually have KDE leak into it12:00
apacheloggerI recon only glib leaks :P12:01
Sputthough.... currently I have 4.5 GB of disk cache here12:01
apacheloggerand fontconfig12:01
* apachelogger is actually wondering why fontconfig is leaking12:01
Sput"something" is leaking like mad on my laptop lately, and it doesn't show up in ps or xrestop12:01
apacheloggermaybe X12:01
Sputbut 3.5 GB in use after half an hour of KDE is madness12:02
Sputand I don't mean disk cache12:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: i mean just basic kde..whatever is needed to get plasma started and the default apps12:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: 2 or 3 hours is my guess on regular hardware (in relation to Sput's decent hardware definition :P)12:03
apacheloggerinitial build that is12:03
apacheloggerdaily rebuilds are usually faster, especially if you add all sorts of magic12:03
apacheloggerlike icecream and ccache12:03
Sputand not cleaning your builddir12:03
alvinlibvirt also leaks12:04
alvinbut veeeery slowly12:04
apacheloggerwe need a minion to valgrind all sorts of stuff!12:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have a 2.1 Ghz T8100 proc and 3 GB if RAM :P12:05
apacheloggersounds regular enough12:05
apacheloggerin my experience linking is the slowest anyway12:05
apacheloggerso above all you need a fast HDD12:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: and what options would i need to install it seprately from my stable kde ?12:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh.. i have a pretty fast HDD...12:06
shadeslayerget me upto 30 MBps12:06
apacheloggerthere is a guide in the kde techbase12:07
shadeslayerhahaha... nepomuk just started on its own in gnome :P12:07
* apachelogger notes that he does not unstand the base64 transcoder he wrote 3 weeks ago -.-12:07
apacheloggerbtw, if anyone ever wants to debug bitwise operations in C -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/429454/12:08
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shtylmanapachelogger: that assumes that the int is 32 bits14:43
shtylmanyou should just shift the original number14:43
shtylmanand avoid the mod operator as we14:43
apacheloggerno, it assumes that apachelogger wants to not see the whole set of bits a datatype carries :P14:45
* ScottK is thinking strigi on by default was a mistake.14:52
Tm_Tit can be io-killer at times14:53
Tm_Talso when UI tends to freeze because of disk activity so easily these days...14:53
JontheEchidnao/ dantti15:21
danttiJontheEchidna: hey dude :D15:22
JontheEchidnaHey, I think libqapt is at the point where I could consider adding things like debconf and conf file support. Wanna plan stuff at UDS?15:22
JontheEchidnayou mentioned a debconf library that we could share15:23
danttiJontheEchidna: sure I think I forgot to subscribe to it15:23
danttiyep, remove it from adept making it a shared lib15:23
danttias there is no kde perl binding to be used in debconf..15:24
JontheEchidnaSo this would be a Qt lib?15:26
danttiJontheEchidna: yup it is15:26
danttiit's part of adept already15:26
JontheEchidnaWill that cause any problems for aptcc?15:26
danttiwe just need to conver that15:26
danttiJontheEchidna: no, aptcc will read packagekit socket file path var and set up before installing things15:27
danttion the kpackagekit side it will link to libdeconf-qt and set a socket passing it's path to packagekit15:28
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: btw, about the patch policy. In some debian packages, debian puts their patches in a patches/debian/ folder In these packages I've put our patches in a patches/kubuntu folder15:31
JontheEchidnakonversation is one such package that leaps to mind15:32
* ScottK finds that practice really annoying.15:47
* ScottK missed this before: http://www.ubersoft.net/comic/hd/2008/06/and-now-stupid16:23
jefferaiRiddell: ping16:26
* ScottK suspects he's busy pondering the effect of a hung parliament on his nation's chances to escape colonial oppression.16:27
jefferaitee hee16:27
ScottKNo, he may really be doing that.16:27
Tm_Tkwin tiling works, KDE 4.5 will rock hard http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/kwin-tiling_01.png16:29
shtylmanTm_T: is tiling going to be in 4.5?16:29
* jefferai tried awesome once and couldn't figure out enough key commands to bother16:30
Tm_Tshtylman: yes, that's there is current trunk16:30
apacheloggerkde bug 23107516:57
ubottuKDE bug 231075 in general "Amarok 2 3 0 ubuntu 9 10 consistently crashes when importing new music library" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23107516:57
Riddelljefferai: hi16:58
Riddelljefferai: amarok bug worries?17:03
jefferaiRiddell: no, we seem to have figured it out17:03
jefferaiRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/+bug/57243217:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572432 in taglib "Amarok freezes everytime I scan my collection" [Undecided,New]17:03
jefferaiUsers blaming Amarok for a TagLib problem which is really a *buntu problem  :-(17:04
apacheloggerdebian bug #38457317:05
ubottuDebian bug 384573 in libtag1c2a "Russian id3 tags problem" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/38457317:05
apacheloggeroh my17:05
* apachelogger is wondering why no one ever implements stuff upstream -.-17:05
jefferaino one meaning debian?17:06
apacheloggerand mandriva17:06
apacheloggerand fedora17:06
apacheloggerand ubuntu17:06
apacheloggerespecially ubuntu17:06
apacheloggerif at least they ware git branching upstream :P17:07
Tm_Tapachelogger: what, ubuntu is not upstream?!17:07
Riddelljefferai: do you know which is the necessary parts of the new version to fix this? people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/taglib-1.6.3.diff17:09
jefferaiRiddell: yes: taglib 1.6.317:10
JontheEchidnathat is not a part of a patch17:10
Riddellwe need a minimal diff for a stable release update17:10
jefferaiTagLib 1 is in maintenance mode17:10
jefferaiit's already a minimal diff17:10
apacheloggerRiddell: I would push 1.6.3 to SRU17:11
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: whatever you do, don't run the SRU past cody. He'll go all obstructionist because he is so much smarter than upstream that upstream's word obviously has zero credence whatsoever.17:11
jefferai* Fixed definitions of the TAGLIB_WITH_MP4 and TAGLIB_WITH_ASF macros.17:11
jefferai* Fixed upgrading of ID3v2.3 genre frame with ID3v1 code 0 (Blues).17:11
jefferai* New method `int String::toInt(bool *ok)` which can return whether17:11
ScottKJust don't ask Cody to approve it.17:11
jefferaithe conversion to a number was successfull.17:11
jefferai* Fixed parsing of incorrectly written lengths in ID3v2 (affects17:11
apacheloggerwe could push everyting individually17:11
jefferaimainly compressed frames). (BUG:231075)17:11
apacheloggerthat is not going to reduce the overall size though ;)17:11
jefferaiSo, three bugs fixed -- you definitely want those17:11
Riddellcan but try17:12
jefferaione new method that is (should be) ABI compatible17:12
jefferaiand which is useful to developers17:12
apacheloggerthat can be checked17:12
JontheEchidnaScottK: what do you recommend I do about cody? Just ask somebody else to do the approval?17:12
apacheloggerthe new method also is used itnernally17:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what is the particular SRU17:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did he comment in the bug?17:12
jefferaiworse comes to worse you can patch it to make the new method private to ensure it doesn't affect ABI17:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also, re, patch policy ... IMHO debian should just fix their flipping naming :P17:12
JontheEchidnabug 57666017:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576660 in soprano "soprano crashes on multiple simultaneous queries" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57666017:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: but I think we should still apply the patch as is to it17:13
apacheloggeronly difference will be that debian is in a sub folder17:13
JontheEchidnaScottK: yes. though I will note that out of 5 other approved SRUs I checked in the ubuntu-sru list, exactly none had anything other than a testcase17:13
ScottKWait until you're sure he's away and ask someone else to approve it.17:14
* apachelogger agrees17:14
Riddellanyone volunteering for the SRU or should I do it?17:15
txwikingerIs maverick out yet?17:15
Riddelltxwikinger: "next week"17:15
apacheloggerRiddell: regarding taglib?17:15
Riddellapachelogger: yes17:15
apacheloggerRiddell: feel free to do it17:15
txwikingeris lernid only working with Gnome or also with kde?17:16
apacheloggerRiddell: debian dir can just be copied and bumped, you can have a build log if you want :)17:16
RiddellI shall, I feel very free today, almost like I've successfully lost a whole needless level of government17:16
apacheloggertxwikinger: jono is not a friend of duplicating software, so clearly he must ignore the existance of either GNOME or KDE17:17
txwikingerRiddell: Yeah.. let's get rid of Westminster17:17
apacheloggerthough I seem to remember he opporunistically ditched maintainership onto someone else17:17
txwikingerapachelogger: While your statement is true you can simplify it.. He must ignore the existence of KDE17:17
* JontheEchidna thinks it's sad when you have to worry about whether an app will be KDE compatible17:18
* txwikinger is tired of all this ubuntu software only running on Gnome... why don't they call it just Gnome then?17:18
* txwikinger wonders if lernid has two spelling mistakes and should really be learnit17:20
JontheEchidnathat shiny strip on the 5, 10 and 20-euro bills is neat17:21
RiddellJontheEchidna: "notes"17:22
ScottKRiddell: You don't live inthe Eurozone, so you don't get to decide.17:22
ScottKOf course it's the fault of the colonial oppressors, but still the case.17:22
txwikingerJono claims to be a contributer to KDE17:23
ScottKnixternal knows about that.17:23
txwikingercolonial oppressors?17:23
ScottKtxwikinger: The English.17:23
jefferaitxwikinger: wait what?17:23
txwikingerEurope is full of them themselves17:23
Mamaroktxwikinger: he used to be, indeed, but that was a veery long time ago17:24
RiddellScottK: just preparing him for the Walloonian vs Flemish language problem he'll get into when he goes to Belgium17:24
jefferai"contributor" makes it sound current17:24
txwikingerMamarok: who is he?17:24
jefferai"past contributor" is more like it17:24
Mamaroktxwikinger: <Jono17:24
txwikingerAh :D17:24
ScottKContributor in the dark, dank reaches of ancient history....17:24
txwikingerScottK: Never tell a Flem that they speak Dutch :D17:24
txwikingerthey do, but they don't17:25
Mamaroktxwikinger: but they do, just don't expect them to speak French17:25
Mamarokthat might cause a stir17:25
ScottKIt's OK.  I'll just use English and if they don't understand, I'll say it again slower and louder.17:25
txwikingerMamarok: In Dutch TV they have subtitles for Flems whn they speak17:25
txwikingerScottK: Ah.. those obnoxious Amis again :D17:26
Riddellactually, I don't even know what language is spoken in the part of Belgium we're going to, it's outside the city limits so it might be Flemish17:26
* apachelogger usually repeats in ruby17:26
* JontheEchidna has a power adapter for Flemish electricity17:26
apacheloggerafter that I usually try klingon17:26
Mamaroktxwikinger: which is total utter rubbish, they just speak a slightly different dialect, still Dutch17:26
apacheloggersurprisingly that usually works out17:26
txwikingerRiddell: Brussels is surrounded by Walloon which is Flemish17:27
Riddellnot sure that's right txwikinger17:27
JontheEchidnahope it works with Wallonian electricity :P17:27
JontheEchidna(j/k, if it wasn't obvious)17:27
apacheloggerwallonian electricity is surely the same, it just wouldnt admit it17:27
txwikingerRiddell: Well.. depends how far outside.. if you go far enough south you will be in the French part17:28
Mamaroktxwikinger: wallon is French, flemish is Dutch, you are mixing things there17:28
Mamarokand Brussels is surrounded by flandres, but is French speaking17:29
txwikingerok. then I mix things17:29
* txwikinger is tired from watching elections17:29
RiddellLa Hulpe is Walloonian but to get there from Brussels you have to leave the French enclaive of Brussels and briefly speak Dutch17:29
* txwikinger does not want to miss Brown the Clown to finally leave17:29
apacheloggerkubotu: np17:30
kubotuapachelogger listened to "Spock's Arrival" by Jerry Goldsmith [Star Trek: The Motion Picture] 3 minutes ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/6gVNMDj4w8Cguy5aELWz7z] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more17:30
apacheloggerlive long and prosper!17:30
JontheEchidnaSo does England use the same power adapter as France and Belgium?17:31
JontheEchidna(among others, not just france and belgium)17:32
MamarokRiddell: you can also travel without speaking I think :)17:32
nixternaltxwikinger: jono used to be a kde dev back in the day...he created an app called kafka, which was like the first blog software really...and that was about 10 years ago :)17:33
RiddellJontheEchidna: no, they use British power sockets which are far superior to those flimsy continental European ones17:33
JontheEchidnawhoa, young jono17:34
txwikingernixternal: lernid still does not work on my Kubuntu17:34
nixternalnot my issue :)17:35
txwikingerRiddell: Are those English or Scottish power sockets?17:35
Riddelltxwikinger: I declaire them for Scotland, since anarchy is due to break lose in England any minute now I don't trust them with 240 volts of potential energy17:36
txwikingerRiddell: Well the Tories have a good majority in *England* :D17:37
ScottKRight, it's why Labour will never let Scotland go.17:37
txwikingerWell.. Labour need to let Brown go.. that would be a start17:38
Riddelltxwikinger: don't remind me!17:38
Riddelljefferai: do we have a test case for this taglib update?  a file which is known to be problematic?17:45
Riddelljefferai: can I get a copy?17:46
apacheloggerRiddell: http://stefan.derkits.net/files/mp3.tar.gz17:46
apacheloggerextracting that to some dir, running amarokcollectionscanner -b  $DIR will result in a bad_alloc termination17:46
apacheloggerwith 1.6.3 it will work just fine17:47
* apachelogger is wondering if we should also SRU karmic17:47
jefferaiRiddell: http://stefan.derkits.net/files/mp3.tar.gz17:47
jefferaiapachelogger beat me17:47
jefferaiyou don't need -b17:47
jefferaijust amarokcollectionscanner $DIR is fine17:47
apacheloggeroh :)17:48
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
jefferaiWhoever Jonathan Thomas is18:23
jefferaihe should go back to bed and wake up on the other side of it18:23
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JontheEchidnaI'm generally ok, unless people are needlessly trash talking kubuntu for stuff we have no control over.18:25
jefferaiWhy are you talking trash?18:26
jefferaiI what?18:26
* ScottK gets popcorn18:26
JontheEchidnaSaying how it was definitely an Ubuntu problem and how we suck so much, and then when it turns out to be a taglib problem you say that we're bad maintainers since we couldn't push the latest-and-greatest since we were in final freeze18:28
jefferaiHrm. Let me break that down.18:28
* jjesse grabs popcorn and settles down into a comfy chair to watch the smackdown18:28
jefferaia) It was absolutely an Ubuntu problem. You guys shipped with a buggy version of TagLib. It certainly wasn't an Amarok problem, even though we were summarily blamed by earlier commenters.18:29
jefferaib) I didn't say Ubuntu sucks so much.18:29
jefferaic) It's also a TagLib problem. I say also since you guys could have fetched patches for the bug fixes against 1.6.2, if you'd wanted.18:29
jefferaid) Before you go saying that (c) isn't true and it's not an ubuntu problem, you guys could also have shipped with 1.6.1, which did not have this bug.18:30
* txwikinger grabs popcorn18:31
jefferaie) You're getting all in a snit over a joke I made that was clearly directed at Harald, and whose context you didn't understand.18:31
JontheEchidnaa) Not our fault.18:31
JontheEchidnab) You did tell everybody to get pissy and moany to us instead of taglib18:31
jefferaiI said for people to get pissy and moany at you instead of Amarok18:32
JontheEchidnawhatever. semantics18:32
jefferaiThat's not semantics at all18:32
jefferaiThe bug report was opened against Amarok and had users bitching and moaning about how buggy Amarok is18:32
jefferaiI'm an Amarok developer18:32
jefferaihence since it's not actually our fault in the slightest18:32
jefferaiI told them to get bitchy and moany at the distro18:33
jefferaiwhich was shipping some sort of buggy package, whichever package it turned out to be18:33
JontheEchidnawhich was the latest stable release before our release that we could include18:33
macoJontheEchidna: i think he has a point... it's an integration bug18:33
JontheEchidnafor which the followup release was not even advertised as fixing a major regression18:33
jefferaimaco: thanks18:33
jefferaiJontheEchidna: did the 1.6.2 release advertise fixing major regressions or bugs?18:34
JontheEchidnasome memory leaks and such, yes18:34
jefferaiAh, okay. Memory leaks are major; crashes aren't.18:34
JontheEchidnawell, except that 1.6.2 was actually announced places18:35
jefferaiWell, except that 1.6.3 was actually announced in the same places18:35
maco32 doesnt actually say anything about crashes being fixed just says parsing errors18:36
jefferaimaco: you have to read between the lines with taglib18:37
jefferaiwhen taglib has an "error" it means your app crashes18:37
macoim not sure its fair to say "well you shouldve known that upstream uses euphemisms for all their bugs"18:37
JontheEchidnaand also I was more of talking about places such as planet kde, which advertised 1.6.2 but not 1.6.3, as well as the amarok-packager mailing list, which only has up to 1.6.1 announced18:37
macoanyway, it's been established that the thing to do is SRU 1.6.3, yes?18:38
jefferaimaco: whoever is packaging taglib should know how to read it -- besides, the bug report numbers are in the release announcement18:38
macoinstead of arguing about blame, how about just fixing it?18:38
jefferaichecking the bug reports shows that it fixes crashes18:39
jefferaiJontheEchidna: Planet KDE is a blog aggregator, not an official mouthpiece for release announcements. And why on earth would amarok-packagers be the definitive place for TagLib release announcments?18:39
macojefferai: ubuntu doesnt have package maintainers like debian. JontheEchidna may upload it once and never again. Riddell another time...18:39
jefferaimaco: oh -- that seems silly18:39
macoits team maintainership18:40
jefferaiSure, but shouldn't the same person do it when possible?18:40
macofor things in universe, all of the developers are expected to step up and pull some of the load18:40
macofor things in main, the core devs, same thing18:40
macosome people will have favourite packages that they know well, sure, particularly if they have hacked on the code a bit and have an interest in it18:40
macobut there's no guarantee that whoever did  a certain upload has ever touched that package before18:41
jefferaiit seems (generally, not targeting Ubuntu) that by not having a particular developer try to generally follow the release announcements for packages they are responsible for that you can easily drop the ball, or have people run into the same packaging errors if there are tricks/trials during packaging18:42
jefferaiI understand team maintainership, but I would think that it'd be better for people to take care of particular assigned packages when possible, and for people to step up and help out when they are unable18:42
macouscan is used with debian/watch files to find when there are new upstream releases18:42
macotool that tells us what packages are out of date against upstream18:43
macobut i think its last run is before feature freeze18:43
jefferaibut that requires you to have a debian/watch file18:43
jefferaiin upstream tarballs/source code repos18:43
macono it doesnt18:44
macodebian/watch is in the packaging and it looks for tarballs of higher version numbers wherever you release them18:44
macovarous other things it can parse too but i forget what18:44
jefferaiah, you guys add that18:44
jefferaiI misread the first part of the man page, I thought when it was scanning it scanned upstream tarballs18:44
maco(kde-apps, however, doesnt have anything with version numbers it can parse through so things from there have to be checked manually)18:45
maco(i mean kde-apps.org... kde.org is fine)18:46
jefferaikde-apps has version numbers...18:46
jefferaiI'm not sure about the API, but they're right next to the app names18:48
macoim not sure what it is about it thats hard to parse. ive only ever used the tarball version parsing18:49
macohttp://www.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/SPIM/spim-(.*)\.tar\.gz  <-- which is like that. it looks for the version string in a directory listing18:50
macobut anyway, i have to go18:50
* txwikinger wonders if there was a draw or a win18:53
jefferaitxwikinger: I'm guessing it depends on your point of view?18:55
jefferaiAlso, I'm not sure what the argument was about18:56
txwikingerhow should I know.. I was not even involved in it, and I won't get into it now either18:56
macousers blame jefferai, jefferai blames kubuntu, kubuntu blame taglib having crappy changelogs :P18:57
jefferaiNonsense, TagLib's changelogs are fine :-)18:57
jefferaiI think it was more like18:57
txwikingerhere we go again18:58
jefferaiusers blame jefferai, jefferai blames Kubuntu with a joke thrown in at apachelogger since he helped debug it, Kubuntu blames taglib for some reason, and Jon gets mad at a joke not directed at him18:58
* txwikinger changes his assessment.. Everybody lost18:59
apacheloggermajor lol19:00
jefferaiI think I won, since it's clearly not Amarok's fault19:00
apacheloggerthat joke is not necessarily a joke19:01
apacheloggerbecause I really was lax :P19:01
apacheloggerit is not like me to let an opporutinity of breaking freeze go by unused ^^19:02
txwikingerapachelogger: you rebel, you!19:02
ScottKjefferai: Your blog post didn't exactly raise the spirit of community and trying to work together to improve free software, help users, etc.  It may not have been wrong, but it certainly wasn't helpful.19:03
jefferaiapachelogger: it was a joke since I was teasing you about it on IRC after we figured out the problem19:03
jefferaithat there was a kernel of truth in it (unintentionally) doesn't make it less of a joke19:03
jefferaiScottK: what blog post?19:04
ScottKThe one JontheEchidna was unhappy with19:04
jefferaiit wasn't a blog post19:04
jefferaibut, good to know you know what you're talking about before getting in on the discusson19:04
apacheloggerI know I know19:04
apacheloggerthough you could blog about it19:04
jefferaiit's true19:04
jefferaiI could19:04
ScottKThere was one and JontheEchidna was unhappy about it.19:04
apacheloggerkmess devs are incredibly uninformed19:05
jefferaiScottK: nope, there wasn't19:05
txwikingerjefferai: You should endeavour to be a barrister19:05
apacheloggerearlier I told them that ubuntu and kubuntu have differen kde packages19:05
jefferaitxwikinger: I'd make a lot more money19:05
txwikingerjefferai: Good luck!19:05
apacheloggerbecause one of them stated that it makes difference if someone is using kmess in ubuntu or kubuntu19:05
ScottKjefferai: Sorry.  My bad.19:05
jefferaiapachelogger: is that really worth the effort?19:05
apacheloggerthey actually fell for it19:05
ScottKI got confused with http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/05/04/a-review-gone-wrong/ and the referenced reivew.19:05
jefferaiubuntu/kubuntu dont' have different kde packages?19:06
ScottKNo.  It's all one archive.19:06
jefferaiScottK: it was a comment in a bug report19:06
apacheloggerjefferai: unlike my blog post kubuntu is not ubuntu would suggest ... no19:06
ScottKjefferai: Sorry about that.19:06
jefferainp :-)19:06
apacheloggerubuntu is a bit of a large entity than people realize19:06
apacheloggernot just the gnome distro19:06
jefferaiI wasn't aware -- Arch has two different sets of KDE packages, so I didn't see why *buntu couldn't/wouldn't19:06
apacheloggerbut the whole eco system around it19:06
apacheloggerjefferai: arch also pushes KDE versions before official release :P19:07
apacheloggerwhere do I push my ubuntuone poking?19:07
ScottKClearly and SRU for Lucid is appropriate19:07
ScottKapachelogger: I'd just make an LP project of it.19:09
apacheloggergotta talk with the nice people over at ubuntuone, they probably want it to be part of ubuntuone-client19:09
* apachelogger pushes 19:10
apacheloggerRiddell: lp:~apachelogger/ubuntuone-client/gsoc any clue why ld fails to find the ctor of my dbusinterface?19:10
apachelogger/home/me/src/bzr/ubuntuone-kde/src/statusnotifier/StatusNotifier.cpp:38: undefined reference to `ComUbuntuoneAuthenticationInterface::ComUbuntuoneAuthenticationInterface(QString const&, QString const&, QDBusConnection const&, QObject*)19:10
* jefferai read that initially as "Combuntu" and wondered what that was19:11
apacheloggeryet the library ubuntuone_kde (which ought to contain that beastie) is in the link0r list19:11
apacheloggerjefferai: a voip and chat buntu possibly19:12
jefferaiooh, maybe19:12
jefferaiScottK/JontheEchidna: you'll be happy to know, btw, that that crappy desktoplinuxreviews review of 10.04 is nowhere near the top hit in Google anymore19:21
ScottKHeh.  Yeah.19:21
* ScottK thinks JontheEchidna shouldn't get fired up over so much stuff so he wouldn't get confused.19:22
apacheloggerthat is because we do not have enough hugging!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven19:23
* apachelogger hugs JontheEchidna, jefferai and ScottK and everyone else19:24
* ScottK reluctantly hugs back (don't want to raise my mood too much the day before attempting trans-Atlantic air travel)19:25
jefferaiYou're asking me to raise my mood while the Narns are still under Centauri opression. I'm sorry; I can't do that.19:27
jefferaiI'm with you, my bruddas19:27
ScottKAFAIK, Riddell, txwikinger, and ryanakca are the only ones here struggling with colonial oppression.19:28
ScottKAlthough I'm not 100% sure about the Canadians.19:28
txwikingerScottK: Well only in so far that the Queen is our head of State when she is in the country19:29
* ScottK was on a roll with some work before he got distracted. Let's try again.19:29
jefferaitxwikinger: where you at?19:29
rgreeningwe Canadians luv the queen and all, but we dont answer to anyone but ourselves.19:29
ScottKI guess it depends on how much one cares about that bit of it.19:30
macotxwikinger: who is head of state when she's not in the country?19:30
rgreeningAnd us Newfoundlanders even have more self independence :)19:30
txwikingerGovernor General19:30
jefferaiCanada's problem is that their relationship with the U.S. is similar to that of Australia and New Zealand19:30
jefferaiAustralians look at New Zealand and go "Oh, what a cute country" even though New Zealand rocks19:30
rgreeningCanadas only problem is that it needs to wait for the US to bankrupt itself so we can take it over :P19:31
jefferaiUnited Statesians look at Canada and go "Oh, what a cute country" even though Canada rocks19:31
macotxwikinger: did you know she's the Queen of Jamaica when she's in Jamaica but Jamaican citizens need visas to fly through (like, transfer flights and not leave the airport)  the UK?19:31
txwikingermaco.. Yes my wife is Jamaican decent19:31
maconeat. theres a jamaican girl at school that was telling me that19:32
macoshe said her sister has to arrange weird flights when she wants to go anywhere in europe to avoid heathrow19:32
txwikingerIt's because there are too many Jamaicans illegally in UK19:32
txwikingerusually the ones that are wanted by the Jamaican police19:32
txwikingermaco: Did you know that anybody who is not from USA or Canada need to have a permission to fly even over US airspace even if the airplane does not land19:35
macotxwikinger: no. wow.19:35
ScottKtxwikinger: Canada's great.  My Dad has a fishing cabin in the bush probably 100 miles away from the nearest school, but they still manage to get him to pay property taxes to support said school.19:35
txwikingermaco: Did you know that Canadian domestic airplanes must send their manifest to the US border control if they fly over US airspace?19:35
macoi assume this is smaller permission than the full visa paperwork crap?19:35
rgreeningScottK: I hear ya on the long flight... I have to fly halfway back across canada just to fly over Newfoundland again and then across the atlantic. Stupid no trans atlantic flights here anymore. It adds 10hrs to my flight plan. grr...19:35
JontheEchidnajefferai: Sorry I was a bit grumpy back there. I had just spent the morning with a particularly contrary member of the ubuntu SRU team, trying to get a stable release update approved for a soprano bug.19:35
jefferaiJontheEchidna: Sorry for putting text on the Ubuntu bug tracker whose meanings could easily be taken the wrong way19:36
macoScottK: on the other hand i cant imagine property taxes are very high on a 5x5 pile of wood19:36
ScottKmaco: Notice how the change in administrations resulted in a general rollback of the restrictions that used to upset the rest of the world so much.19:36
jefferaiI probably should have put some :-Ds by it or something19:36
txwikingermaco: Well. .it is easy for citizens from Visa-Waiver countries19:36
txwikingerOtherwise it is like a visa19:36
jefferaibut I can certainly see how to anyone but Harald it might be looked at as trolling/trashing19:37
JontheEchidnajefferai: ok, if you're cool with it, then I'm cool too. :)19:37
macoScottK: huh?19:37
jefferaiJontheEchidna: :-)19:37
ScottKmaco: Obama campaigned on rolling stuff like this back but has kept all of it.19:37
macoScottK: i see19:37
macoi dont remember that part of the campaign19:37
* jefferai notes that bureauocracy is always super slow19:37
jefferaialso, the democrats are pansies19:38
ScottKmaco: cf Gitmo for a more popular example.19:38
macoi'd expect it to be attacked by every republican in the country on the grounds that "see?!?! he is one of them terrorists! he's getting rid of the security!"19:38
macoyes i remember the gitmo part. grr.19:38
jefferaiIOW, it's not that Obama didn't have good intentions, I believe he simply found it hard to actually deliver on his promises once he got in office19:38
ScottKI also like how when he pushes identical policies to what Bush did it's suddenly OK.19:38
jefferaiwhich policies?19:39
jjesseScottK: that makes me smile as well :)19:39
txwikingerScottK: Didn't you know, politicians are just decoration.. the real people in power are the civil servants19:39
txwikingerin UK there is even a show about that.. Yes, Mr. Primeminister19:40
jefferaithey tried that here19:40
jefferai"That's My Bush!"19:40
jefferaifailed miserably AFAIK19:40
ScottKIt's less true in the US than in parliamentary system countries, but it's not untrue either.19:40
txwikingerWell.. I already left US when it came up so I don't know it19:40
txwikingerthe UK show was really hilarious because it was not targeting any politician or party but the system by itself19:41
jefferaiyeah, I think that's what killed That's My Bush!19:41
jefferaiBush was self-parodying19:41
jefferaiand already endlessely made fun of on various shows19:42
jefferaiit was like...what's the point?19:42
txwikingereven people say Yes, Mr Primeminister was totally modelled according to the Major government19:42
JontheEchidnaScottK: So, my soprano SRU got approved via the heroic efforts of jdong. Are you somebody who can put it through the queue? (bug 576660)19:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576660 in soprano "soprano crashes on multiple simultaneous queries" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57666019:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: I can.19:42
* txwikinger tries to get back to do same payed work19:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: Done.19:45
JontheEchidnaok. Luckily the bangarang dev uses kubuntu, so he'll probably be able to do the verification19:46
neversfeldewill we backport 4.4.3 to Lucid?19:51
Riddellneversfelde: it's in the PPA, getting it in updates proper needs me to update the upstream backports policy which I ought to do nowish19:57
macoJontheEchidna: jdong is always a great person to ask for SRUs19:58
JontheEchidna*nods* I've done a few with him before19:58
JontheEchidnaUnluckily, the user that was always complaining that we never made bugfixes never cared to do the verification testing19:59
neversfeldeRiddell: I asked because of the 4.4.3a packages in there, wouldn't that be a problem?19:59
Riddellneversfelde: why would it be?19:59
* maco goes to beg an sru off of jdong19:59
Riddelltxwikinger: Yes Minister is old, In The Loop/In The Thick of It is the satire for today's governments20:02
txwikingerRiddell: It is the satire for any Westminster government20:02
ScottKAnd Yes Minister was way better than Yes Prime Minister.20:02
txwikingerRiddell: Are there any bets yet on the day of Brown's resignation?20:04
neversfeldeRiddell: 4.4.3-0ubuntu1~karmic1 would not override 4.4.3a, or am I wrong?20:05
Riddellno idea, I've been out for the last hour, for all I know Alex Salmond is Prime Minister now20:05
Riddellneversfelde: there's no 4.4.3 packages in karmic (that I know of) but if you did have 4.4.3-0ubuntu1~karmic1 in karmic and 4.4.3a in lucid then lucid would win20:06
neversfeldeRiddell: sorry, that was a mistake20:06
neversfelde4.4.3-0ubuntu1~lucid1 I meant20:07
txwikingerRiddell: cool.. then I would think Scottish independence is a matter of hours not days20:08
Riddellneversfelde: we would want that to be 4.4.3a-0ubuntu1~lucid120:08
neversfeldeRiddell: ok, if that is allowed :)20:09
Riddelltxwikinger: I was thinking we'd take all of England's natural resources while imposing unpopular taxes on them for a giggle20:09
txwikingerRiddell: they would not even stand up against it20:09
Riddellneversfelde: it's inelegant but if upstream will do updates hours before release that's what we have to do20:10
ScottKRiddell: We normally just use the ~release1 stuff for backports.  Fur updates I think it should be -0ubuntu0.1.20:10
neversfeldeRiddell: k20:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellapachelogger: hum, don't know why it doesn't want to link to the library, compiles find if I put ../libs/Authentication.cpp in the sources20:35
apacheloggerRiddell: does KDE require interfaces to be marked as for-external-use?20:36
apacheloggerbecause if I make the lib static it works20:36
apacheloggerso I suppose there is a problem with stuff not showing up in the table :/20:36
apacheloggeranyhow, static works for now, I'll wrap the dbus adaptors into conveneince libs later anyway :)20:37
Riddellyes was just trying static li bb too20:38
Riddellyes was just trying static li b too20:38
Riddellyes was just trying static lib too20:38
macoRiddell: typing & unicode issues? and where'd the spade come from?20:39
maco<Riddell> yes was just trying static li bb too20:40
macoli space b spade b space too20:41
ryanakcaScottK: You forgot rgreening for the colonial oppression (unless he's moved out of Newfoundland)20:43
ScottKryanakca: I think he's too far in the middle of nowhere for anyone to care to oppress him.20:43
ScottK(but I did forget him, you're right)20:44
ryanakcahehe :)20:45
apacheloggermanually writing dbus introspection files is a bit of a PITA TBH20:46
* apachelogger is wondering what datatype a{sa{ss}} could be ^^20:47
apacheloggerweirdness all around21:12
apachelogger       contents=21:12
apachelogger       [Argument: aa{ss} {21:12
apachelogger          [Argument: a{ss} {"path" = "/home/me/Ubuntu One/kubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso", "share_id" = "", "node_id" = "ef61ddac-5dc1-489d-b777-2626d4cea638", "n_bytes_written" = "0"}]21:12
apachelogger       }]21:12
apacheloggerwhy those need to be 2 ars is a mystery to me21:13
ScottKpassport: found - next item ....21:20
txwikingerScottK: toothpaste21:30
txwikingerScottK: Are you sure there will be flights to Europe... the Vulcano is going crazy again21:31
* apachelogger notes that the ashcloud times where the last time he read any news21:34
* apachelogger is all async with the world21:34
JontheEchidnagrr, I better not miss UDS for a stupid volcano21:34
apacheloggeryou can always fly to nafrica21:35
apacheloggerswitch to a boat and illegally land in italy21:35
shtylmanRiddell: that printer dialog bug is still there21:35
apacheloggerthat is if you dont drown first21:35
apacheloggerthen just take a taxi to belgium21:35
shtylmanif you have lots of printer options ... it is unusable... cause you can never click accept21:35
apacheloggeryou should be there by the end of uds21:35
apacheloggerthat is if you dont go through austria, you might get arrested for being american :P21:36
Riddellshtylman: I know I didn't get time to add the extra wee bit I'm afraid21:44
kubunteroHow do you stop virtuoso ?22:06
kubunteroOpening Kopete on the live CD starts virtuoso. Is is a hard dependency?22:13
apparlewhy aren't some softwares upgraded in the ubuntu repos?23:13
apacheloggerapparle: pardon?23:54
macoapachelogger: when you click the battery applet and it has the dropdown for power mode... does yours only show the first few and then not have a scrollbar to reach the rest? i click, arrow down to the last visible, then hit down arrow 3 more times to reach the "presentation" setting23:56
apparleapachelogger: some packages are not the latest versions in the ubuntu repositories? like "calibre"23:57
apacheloggermaco: I dont have one around right now, but I cant say that I noticed23:58
* apachelogger is wondering where he screwed up his marshaling code -.-23:58
apacheloggerapparle: because ubuntu does not push new versions to the repositories?23:58
apparleapachelogger: that is what I was wondering..... why?23:59

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