
thumperwgrant: what do you mean 'not exist publicly?'00:06
wgrantthumper: ISD maintains no public support presence for the issues that frequently arise with their service.00:08
* drubin agrees00:09
lifelesswgrant: canonical-something-or-other on freenode01:13
lifelesssysadmins I think01:13
wgrantlifeless: That seems to be more actual sysadmins than ISD -- or is that the officially blessed location?01:14
lifelessthere isn't really a separate feel to them AFAICT01:15
lifelesseven internally01:15
pijuhello, i got problem building PPA01:18
pijufor amd6401:18
maxbYour package's upstream Makefile is not honouring DESTDIR properly. You'll need to fix it01:19
wgrantI suspect that rather debian/dirs has leading slashes.01:20
wgrantOh, wait, misread.01:20
wgrantYes, maxb is correct.01:20
pijushow me the money01:20
pijuill fix it01:20
maxbActually, looking a bit higher up in the log, your package's upstream Makefile defies conventions01:21
wgrantIt'll probably still work, but yes, that's more than a bit odd.01:21
maxbYou'll need to think a bit more in depth than minimal modifications to the dh_make basics01:21
pijudo i need to modify the sources ?01:22
pijudependencies correct?01:23
Some_Person"Oops! Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. (Error ID: OOPS-1588O28)01:23
Some_PersonJust how long will this likely take to fix?01:24
pijumaxb; how ?01:29
wgrantSome_Person: What were you doing at the time?01:29
pijuwgrant; have any idea?01:29
wgrantpiju: You need to alter the upstream Makefile to install files into DESTDIR rather than /.01:30
wgrantOr perhaps use something other than DESTDIR that the Makefile already respects.01:30
Some_Personwgrant: I was trying to copy a package01:32
pijuwgrant; im using amd64 karmic. i can compile it on my machine01:32
pijuwgrant; i dont know why there is problem when building amd64 ppa01:32
wgrantpiju: Which command were you using tou build locally?01:39
quentusrexsoren, are you around?01:43
pijuwgrant; debuild -S01:43
wgrantpiju: Not with sudo, or otherwise running with elevated privileges?01:44
pijuwgrant; im using root01:45
pijuill try with pbuilder01:45
wgrantpiju: You shouldn't be.01:45
wgrantIt needs to be able to build as a normal user.01:45
wgrantAnd those package builds will have just copied stuff all over your system.01:45
quentusrexwgrant, do you know if it is possible for someone to upload an updated package that is already in the ubuntu repo?01:45
quentusrexI found that the current package has a lot of bugs that have been fixed upstream, in the package gluster.01:46
wgrantquentusrex: You should either file bugs or talk to #ubuntu-motu about that.01:47
pijuwgrant; should i try with pbuilder?01:51
wgrantpiju: Yes.02:09
wgrantYou should always try with pbuilder or sbuild.02:09
pijusbuild ?02:09
pijuwhat is the differences ?02:09
wgrantDifferent tools for the same purpose.02:09
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
dcolesG'day. My VCS import for the hg trunk for the Go programming language is failing.04:17
dcolesIt's the first time I've tried to import from a Mercurial repository.04:17
mwhudsondcoles: bzr-hg isn't very good :(04:19
mwhudsoni've not seen that error before though04:20
mwhudsondcoles: file a bzr-hg bug?04:20
dcolesHeh. Jelmer's going to hate me. :)04:20
dcolesI did try bzr-hg on my computer to checkout the trunk - but doesn't look like it has remote.04:22
dcoleswgrant: I see you lurking there :)04:23
wgrantHeh heh.04:23
dcolesI guess I could grab the git mirror of the hg mirror for our bzr mirror.04:26
Some_PersonI'm still getting an "Oops!" message when I try to copy a package04:43
wgrantSome_Person: That's correct the bug should be fixed today or tomorrow.04:44
Some_Personah, ok04:44
wgrantInsert necessary commas into that broken sentence as you wish.04:44
Some_PersonI'm not the grammar police.04:45
=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
sangiwhile running serve-branches to install loggerhead,its throwing an error like No handlers could be found for logger "bzr"07:07
lifelessserve-branches doesn't install loggerhead; do you mean to run it ?07:10
BlindFreakazoidhttps://code.launchpad.net/~konradgraefe/pidgin-birthday-reminder/trunk is still updating :(08:06
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
bilalakhtarmrevell: Hi there! I didn't get your mail10:32
sangistarting loggerhead throws an error like sudo: no passwd entry for loggerhead!11:35
sangiLoggerhead is *not* running.11:35
sangiwhere should we mention the loggerhead's passwd11:36
idnarsangi: that error from sudo means that you tried to run a command as the user "loggerhead", but no such user exists on your system11:38
idnaryou could try creating a loggerhead user, or changing the user it runs as (I don't know anything about loggerhead, so I can't tell you how to do the latter)11:38
sangiidnar, i am running from root11:39
idnarsangi: the loggerhead startup scripts (?) appear to be trying to change the user to loggerhead, though11:40
sangiidnar, do i need to create a user named loggerhead11:41
sangiand run from that11:41
idnarsangi: it's already trying to run it from that user11:42
idnarthat's what's producing the error11:42
idnarcreating the user is probably the easiest; I can't offer any advice beyond that, I just know what the error message from sudo means11:42
sangiidnar, since that user is not there in the machine,it is throwing that error11:42
sangiidnar, am i correct11:43
idnarsangi: yes11:43
DamasceneI want to upload some files and use launchpad system to translate it. is it possible?11:46
drdanzHi! I'm trying to setup a team in launchpad my team's ppa doesn't have a signing key... Anyone knows why?12:17
noodles775drdanz: Yes, the script that generates the keys for PPAs was out of action for the last few days, but is now working through the backlog.12:19
drdanzSo I just have to wait?12:21
noodles775Yes, it should be done within 24hrs (generating the keys without hardware entropy takes time :/ ).12:24
noodles775(that is, the backlog should be clear within 24hrs)12:24
effie_jayxhello all, I am having an issue adding one of my emails to my launchpad account. A while back I registered a team and added thamt email address as  a contact address but since then I have changed it to the mailing list in launchpad12:28
effie_jayxcould anyone offer some guidance?12:28
drdanznoodles775: I already built some packages on the ppa, they be signed or I have to rebuild them?12:34
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noodles775drdanz: Once your key has been generated, the next time your archive is published, the Release file will be re-signed whenever it changes. So, if I've understood correctly, it'll require uploading something, but not necessarily those packages.12:42
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Morbusanyone know if the branch Atom feeds are supposed to be working?14:41
Morbusjust get a 403 on the one i'm interested in.14:41
easter_egghenninge, evening =]14:44
_kb9vqfGetting a lot of OOPS-1588A1441 messages when trying to copy packages from a staging PPA to the main one15:48
_kb9vqfIs there something wrong with Launchpad?15:48
_kb9vqfAnd another one... OOPS-1588M138615:51
maxb_kb9vqf: It got broken in the last rollout15:52
maxbStevenK: Any ETA on the fix?15:53
jpds_kb9vqf: bug #57542615:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575426 in soyuz "SHA1-based copy checking breaks when there are expired sources in the target" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57542615:53
TresEquisstatik: I have a question for you about the zope transaction package16:12
TresEquisI'd like to transfer maintainership to the zope-admin group, set up an LP tracker, and get a new-style version import going16:13
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l3onHi all.. I dputted some dsc in a my ppa, so now I deleted packages in order to dput newer version. But I'm conitinuing to receive errors like this:19:02
l3onThere is a packages in your ppa with the same source package name.19:03
l3onIn fact, I'm seeing that there are still on ppa:19:03
l3onHow can I remove them permanently ?19:03
* easter_egg is away: Estou ocupado19:21
* easter_egg is back (gone 00:00:10)19:21
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kb9vqfAny progress on the bug preventing copying of packages to another PPA?21:35
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mtaylorthumper: ping?23:06
xnoxis branch scanning still slow? I've clicked upgrade-branch it upgraded but now sits in the "Updating branch" state23:11
* xnox wonders if I should have pushed upgraded branch and renamed.....23:11
jtimbermanis launchpad borked? I'm trying to copy packages in my ppa and get:  (Error ID: OOPS-1588M2210)23:56
jtimbermanthat link is not helpful, i get an htauth prompt.23:56

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