
=== cjohnston|cell_ is now known as cjohnston|cell
jussimorning all05:59
jussiI have good news!05:59
jussiITS FRIDAY! :D05:59
ddecatorHAPPY FRIDAY jussi !06:01
jussiddecator: thanks. its a good feeling :D06:01
ddecatorjussi: especially good since i don't have any friday classes =)06:01
jussiddecator: nice06:02
jussiddecator: Ive had an extremely busy work week and Im looking forward to a relaxing weekend + a great UDS06:02
ddecatorjussi: yah, i'm really looking forward to participating remotely in UDS06:03
jussiddecator: Ill be there in person.06:03
ddecatorjussi: mark me jealous06:03
doctormojussi: Happy UK Election results day :-D06:06
jussioh, its that too. same to you doctormo :D06:06
doctormojussi: I'm happy because the Green party got a seat. Woot!06:06
jussiIm a bit disappointed so far, as the Lib dems arent doing as well as they projected...06:07
jussidoctormo: do you know which party is the "others" that won one seat according to this page? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/election2010/results/06:13
doctormojussi: Mostly DUP, SNP and Plyde Cumry, one green.06:13
jussidoctormo: no, Im trying to work out who the seat went to...06:14
jussilook at the bottom of the list06:14
doctormoIt means Indipendant06:14
jussioh ok06:15
dpmgood morning all07:20
akgranerdpm good morning07:22
dpmhey akgraner, how's it going?07:23
akgranerjust the person I needed to talk to about translation stuff07:23
dpmakgraner, :) do you mind posting the question and me answering later? I need to prepare something before 9:00 (in 40 mins)07:23
akgranerI was hoping you could look over the UWN translations effort that seems to be stalled and advise07:23
akgranerit can wait weeks07:23
akgranerthere is no hurry07:24
akgranerdpm, it's all good  - we can discuss it after UDS :-)07:25
dpmakgraner, sure, thanks :)07:26
dholbachgood morning08:10
dpmmorning dholbach, morning czajkowski08:16
dholbachhey dpm08:16
czajkowskidpm: hey there ,hows you??08:17
dpmheya czajkowski, I'm fine, busy doing general catch up, preparing UDS sessions and this morning the plenary presentation on Launchpad Translations and better upstream integration in translations08:18
czajkowskibusy so :)08:19
akgranerdpm, are there any plenary sessions open?08:19
dpmakgraner, what do you mean by open?08:20
dpmsorry, need to go on a call, bbl08:20
dpmakgraner, (I can probably answer while we sort out this freaking skype). What I know from plenaries is that Jorge is scheduling them, but we lost quite a lot of plenary space because there is a lady doing a 1h one08:24
akgranerahh ok - so just touchbase with jorge08:25
akgranerhe ask me to do one but I wasn't sure if he scheduled it08:26
akgranerand we both got busy - you know how it goes08:26
akgranerwas just sorting out my todo list08:26
czajkowski1hr plenary08:26
Davieyczajkowski: you called?08:35
* dholbach hugs you all08:44
akgranermight be interesting  - sounds like a lunchtime keynote08:44
akgranerdholbach, thanks08:44
dpmThe things people tweet and dent about...08:47
jussiIm tired.08:48
czajkowskidpm: is that real...08:51
dpmczajkowski, course it is, next one is going to be Britney Spears :)08:53
* czajkowski pokes dpm 08:53
* dpm hugs czajkowski ;)08:54
popeyShhhhh it's oooh so quiet!11:51
akgranerpopey be bery bery quiet  - they11:52
nigelbabupopey: lets make some noise!11:53
akgranerare hunting rabbits11:53
nigelbabuheya akgraner11:53
akgranerrabbit season11:53
akgranernigelbabu, hi11:53
nigelbabuakgraner: have be broken records with open week yet?11:53
nigelbabuwe did with -release-par11:53
akgranernah actually attendance it a bit down this release11:54
nigelbabuhm, thats strange :/11:54
akgranernah we didn't have as many people blogging and stuff about open week prior11:55
nigelbabuakgraner: we could consider advertising as part of release announcement or something, at least on our blogs11:56
nigelbabuhave some nice graphics like "I'm going to Open Week" ;)11:56
nigelbabua lot of folks picked up the announcement, if they were to pick up open week too, it would give us nice attention11:57
akgranerThere are open week graphics and stuff11:58
akgranerand there is still good attendance - but we can do better next time11:58
nigelbabuI'll try to help with the publicity party :)11:58
akgraner:-)  I don't think jcastro would disagree about the numbers part for this open week11:59
nigelbabumaybe we need to brainstom more on how to get attendance in classroom beyond contributors12:00
akgranernigelbabu, Karmic release week  - we had scheduled when people would blog12:00
akgranerand kept something on the planet almost daily about12:00
nigelbabuakgraner: you mean spam the planet about it every 6 hours?12:01
qenseI remember Daniel posting a summary of the day's sessions during the OpenWeek.12:01
akgranersomething like that but with various people around the community blogging12:01
nigelbabuthat helps, because some people dont follow the planet because it has too much noise12:02
nigelbabuthey follow individual blogs of community members12:02
akgranernigelbabu, basically like 3 or 4 weeks before open week12:02
nigelbabuakgraner: ah, we'll plan better next time :)12:03
akgranerthere is an open week meeting pep ralley thing in -meeting12:03
akgranerand people say  I can blog on this day12:03
akgranerI will blog on that day12:03
akgranerso everyone doesn't blog about it on the same day12:04
nigelbabuoh, I missed that one then12:04
akgranera controlled blogging campaign if you will to keep buzz about it12:04
akgranerI'll have to go back and look  - this was like 7 + months ago or something12:04
nigelbabuakgraner: we'll just plan for the next cycle better :)12:05
qenseakgraner: This is certainly something to discuss during the planned UDS sessions. I assume you're writing this all down for that, or are remembering it?12:05
nigelbabuthere is a session for it at UDS right?12:05
qensetwo, iirc12:05
qensealthough there were calls to merge thsoe12:05
nigelbabuyes, I've subscribed12:05
qenseakgraner: You could put it on the Blueprints' whiteboards.12:06
akgranernigelbabu, yep jcastro and I already talked about next open week what we can do better kinda stuff  :-) and now you all are making commitments to help get the word out12:06
akgranerso yeah - that's what makes it beautiful - community collaboration for continually awesomeness12:07
nigelbabuakgraner: we have a UUD coming up, so we can plan for a trial run for plans then12:09
akgranernigelbabu, qense I think and could be wrong - but with all the *ubuntu weeks we have - the campaign to promote those could almost be the same12:09
akgranerwe just change the name of the *ubuntu week12:09
akgranerand have a check list  - which I think we started last time12:09
akgranerI'll have to look12:09
qenseWe should make sure the visual identity is right each time, though! Remember the dots!12:09
akgranerand we just keep improving and adjusting and adding to12:10
akgranerqense, *nods*12:10
qenseIt's good to document the processes so others can easily pick it up and continue with it if someone leaves or if they want to help.12:10
nhandlerGood morning12:10
akgranerqense, yep - my "if I get hit by a bus" clause :-)12:10
akgranernhandler, hi12:10
nhandlerGood morning akgraner12:11
akgranerI also think for some reason  - this week - *everybody* was busier than they were last cycle at this time12:12
akgranerI could be wrong but it seems like it12:12
qenseYeah, everyone was really a lot busier the weeks before the release than last year.12:12
akgranerqense, which to me says - wow - community contribution has grown12:13
jussiwe did get a high in #ubuntu - 212012:13
qenseakgraner: It's good news indeed, but not so much for the OpenWeek. ;)12:13
qenseMaybe we should consider a different time for the week?12:13
qenseSome time when everyone's less busy?12:14
akgranerqense, I am not sure you would find a better week12:14
akgranerand now there has been 8 open weeks12:14
qenseThat's true and the week after the release is the peek of Ubuntu-interest...12:14
akgranerit is almost ingrained that it goes release week --> open week--> uds12:15
qenseWe'll cope with it.12:15
akgranerlions and tigers and bears o'my12:15
akgranerqense, the turn out isn't bad by any means12:18
qenseI saw that, you've done a wonderful job at the week. I just think you deserve a greater audience.12:18
akgranerbut yeah  - adapt and overcome :-)12:18
nigelbabuakgraner: we're trying to combat the time problem with uud12:19
nigelbabuits going to be 24 hours (if we get instructors)12:19
akgranernigelbabu, yeah I was following the conversations about it12:20
akgranerI know for me personally I have identified how to narrow my scope without dimensioning the quality of contribution going forward12:23
akgranerthat will help me have time to produce quality and timely posts and "marketing" for events and stuff12:23
akgranerThis week was a good reflection  - of pain points in personal contributions and expectations and the effects on project participation12:26
akgranernot sure if any one else takes the start of each release for a self evaluation re contribution or not  - I may be weird that way12:27
qenseI reflect a bit, but not much. :)12:29
qenseLunch time! afk12:29
nhandlerI know this is slightly off topic for here, but if anyone has some money to spare, I am raising money for the American Cancer Society by participating in the Walk & Roll event in a week: http://identi.ca/notice/3120259512:57
nigelbabuwish i had :/13:17
akgranernhandler, thank you for that!13:50
akgranerit's a great cause and efforts by them made better b/c people like are willing to give of their time and sweat equity!  That's awesome that you are doing that..13:53
akgranerdholbach, you're good with your session and don't need any helpers or anything do you?15:27
akgranerjcastro, you are good with both of yours right? :-)15:27
jcastroyeah. :D15:31
jcastroyou might want to stick around for the last one if you can to get feedback15:31
jcastrodoctormo, !!!!15:32
jcastrodoctormo, I have been thinking about this PXE thing for a long time15:32
nigelbabujcastro: need a little bit of your help15:32
nigelbabujcastro: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/aTor4hFZXZ15:33
dholbachakgraner: I still need to prepare it ;-)15:34
dholbachakgraner: parts of it... I should be good though15:34
akgranerdholbach, :-P15:34
TechnovikingLaunchpad working for anyone ellse?15:44
nigelbabuTechnoviking: which part?15:45
nigelbabubugs are ok for me15:45
Technovikingworking now, but slloooww:(15:49
nigelbabuim querying lp via api, wonder if Im breaking it15:49
nigelbabuTechnoviking: lp is a bit slow due to maverick stuff, expected15:50
nigelbabuexpected I think :/15:50
dpmhey, good luck with the UOW talks dholbach!16:00
=== JFo is now known as JFo-afk
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
jcastroqense: how's the weather over there?17:02
popeynot looking great17:04
* jcastro switches to proper F numbers17:05
jcastrowhat the hell, that's cold!17:05
jcastrotripit's forecast says it's like 10 degrees warmer17:07
JanCweather forecasts for next week show 6-13 °C and rain most days  :-/17:07
JanCfor Brussels17:07
JanCon yr.no17:07
JanCaccoring to the national weather forecast it will be somewhat warmer than 6 °c, but still cold & wet17:09
JanConly day without rain could be Monday...  :-(17:09
akgraner:- D! FYI - Call for nominations for New Ubuntu Women Project  Elected Leadership Committee is now open - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/LeadershipElectionProcess - Good Luck to everyone!17:16
Pendulumat least hotel is inside?17:17
Pendulumerr... sessions17:17
qensejcastro: might rain17:18
qensejcastro: but JanC is a better source for weather info :)17:18
qensePendulum: yes, but Canonical saved money by not renting the roof.17:19
Pendulumhmm... I am now essentially getting paid to play facebook games17:20
qensePendulum: huh? What's your job? :P17:20
qenseI wouldn't want to spend my days playing Farmville.17:21
Pendulumqense: it's my last day at my job and I have no work left to do. so i'm playing them because I'm bored :)17:22
qensePendulum: What was your job and what's your new job then? ;(17:22
qenseBy the way, is Daniel still holding on? He's already talking for more than an hour now, isn't he?17:23
PendulumI was working in publishing and now it is nothing. Unless we count the fact that I keep seeming to pick up new Ubuntu stuff to do...17:23
qenseWill you miss your job>?17:23
Pendulumyes and no. I quit so it's not like I'm being forced out. Just was time to move on and for health-related reasons makes sense to take some time off.17:24
jcastroTechnoviking: when were you planning on opening the maverick forum again?17:28
Technovikingjcastro: I just did:). lol17:36
Technovikingbefore I saw your question17:36
Technovikingjcastro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147602117:36
jcastrooh heh17:37
jcastroI was just going to say, it'd be awesome if it was open for UDS17:37
jcastroto give people a place to discuss stuff17:37
TechnovikingI will link all the rooms to the irc web chat, for IRC newbies17:38
jcastroI will point this out in my session today17:39
jcastroin the lucid forum we ended up with tons of stickies17:39
jcastroI wonder if we can just aggregate the typical "+1" threads into 117:39
jcastroso like, instead of one for the schedule, one for bugs, etc.17:40
jcastroI wonder if 23meg irc's lately17:40
jcastroI have not seen him around17:40
TechnovikingI have not either, you can PM him on the forums17:40
Technovikingjcastro: are the room irc chanels open. wanted to test the web chat link17:41
jcastrothey should be, he set them up a while back17:42
jcastrojussi: ^^17:42
Technovikingwork great17:43
TechnovikingI don't if I will be on much next week, looks to be an 80 + hour work week:(17:43
jcastroTechnoviking: you can probably cut out the uds identica accounts, I don't think anyone is using those anymore17:45
TechnovikingI will try to remote attend session late afternoon your time17:45
Technovikingjcastro: ok, will do, I will remove them from the wiki also17:46
jcastroJust following #ubuntu should do the trick17:46
qensejcastro: Didn't Laura still list the microblogging accounts in her blog post? iirc they are still on the wiki.17:50
jcastroyeah but no one's using them17:51
qensewell, the #ubuntu and #uds hashtags will dp17:52
qenseI think it's easie anyway to let the people tweet and dent with their own accounts.17:52
qenseBut maybe trackspecific tags could be used.17:52
jcastroI think that just gets too complicated17:53
jcastroif we just tell people to do #uds we should be fine I think17:53
qenseyeah, probably17:53
qenseIt's not that everyone will be tweeting every point, I suppose.17:53
jcastrothen people will get all confused and we'll end up with #uds-community-maverick-open-week17:53
qenseLeaving little space for useful stuff.17:54
qensejcastro: still drowning, or are things better now?17:54
jcastrono, I am doomed17:54
Technovikinghow do you hide text as a comment in the wiki?17:54
qenseTechnoviking: # ?17:54
jcastroqense: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu17:55
qensejcastro: We've already been having quite a large discussion on the Ayatana mailing list after I submitted some (bad? :P) mock-ups to the list. They were not good enough to be considered, we can say, but they did kickstart the discussion.17:56
qensejcastro: And now MPT is starting to take part in the discussions.17:56
qensejcastro: Curious how upstream will react to this. I think hyperair will be happier with this than with AppInd. ;)17:57
jcastroI was waiting for him to show up on irc17:57
qensehe's on #ayatana atm17:57
jcastroI like the album art in there17:57
qenseyeah, that would be neat17:58
qensejcastro: I think we should make it more visible to the community they can contribute to this. A lot of people react enthusiastically to Ubuntu's new desktop, but we should tell them they can help making that New Desktop. We had such a thing a bit at the start of our effort to get AppInd support, but it faded away a bit after the two contractors were hired.18:00
* jcastro nods18:00
Technovikinglater, work meeting for awhile18:00
qensebye Technoviking18:00
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day18:02
qensedholbach: bye!18:02
dholbachhave a great WE18:02
dholbachand see some of you in Brussels18:03
qensesee you Monday!18:03
qenseThe ESA did say today that the vulcano at Iceland increased in activity. Would be a shame if it started causing trouble again Sunday or so.18:03
jcastrobye dholbach!18:03
jcastroI would be doomed if I got stuck in belgium18:04
qenseWasn't there a guy that once swam the Atlantic Ocean? Hint...18:04
qenseAh, my first night is overbooked, need to be in a different hotel then.18:06
jcastroyeah I think that's happening to a bunch of people18:10
qenseToo much attendees? :)18:11
qenseI hope the Summit-pains are now over.18:11
qensehello cjohnston!18:14
cjohnston|cellHey w18:15
cjohnston|cellFwiw I hate weddings18:20
qenseEven your own?18:21
cjohnston|cellWouldn't know18:22
cjohnston|cellNot married18:23
czajkowskicjohnston|cell: ah ok didn't know that you refer to her as mrs at times18:23
cjohnston|cellIt's easier czajkowski18:24
cjohnston|cell2 kids a house a business. Might as well be18:24
czajkowskiok :)18:24
nigelbabuczajkowski: congrats on making it to the board :)18:28
qenseczajkowski: yay for you!18:28
czajkowskinigelbabu: qense Thank you :)18:30
czajkowskifound out via irc frm pleia2 in channel. was rather shocked :)18:30
macoi found out that way too18:30
qensemaco: You too a member?18:30
macofor the americas board18:31
qenseI suspected already you wouldn't be doing the EMEA ;)18:31
qensecongratulations to both of you!18:31
macoim sure weirder things happen18:31
macothanks :)18:31
nigelbabumaco: lol wierder? :D18:31
maconigelbabu: than an american on the european board. im sure there've been odder things occurring18:32
czajkowskithere is now an Ubuntu women team member on all of the boards !18:32
nigelbabumaco: when you get to cc or tb you'll still be saying that :D18:32
maco3 on the americas board18:32
czajkowskinot sure there was ever one on EMEA before ....18:32
qenseI've got the feeling that feminism and such doesn't live as much in Europe as it does it the US.18:33
nigelbabuasia has elky since long i guess18:33
czajkowskiqense: what do you mean?18:33
qenseczajkowski: I hear less from European feminism than from American.18:33
nigelbabuws 3418:34
czajkowskiqense: oh true.18:34
czajkowskiand also less of the word feminism as well18:35
qenseYeah, people don't seem to really like the word anymore, they still associate it with the kind of people that became lesbian out of principle because all men were bad.18:35
qenseWhich is a wrong association, but it does happen.18:36
qenseI mean, not everyone is radical.18:36
qensenigelbabu: I'm talking about the sixties and the seventies in the Netherlands here.18:36
qenseA radical kind sure.18:36
qenseradical time*18:36
qensenot kind18:36
nigelbabuqense: too long back, 20 years before I was born (at least)18:37
czajkowskihmm I find this topic wil usually offend someone, so I'll stay quiet, and best discussed over a pint18:37
qenseYeah, it's easy to offend people when a subject lies dear to them.18:37
czajkowskigood article18:38
czajkowskiqense: I find some folks are too blinded by it, as you said different in the EU18:38
qenseThere is more in the world of feminism than 'dungarees feminism' as the radical kind is called here.18:39
qenseYour work is very valuable, but far from being radical or intrusive.18:39
=== JFo-afk is now known as JFo
AlanBellqense: did you miss the spice girls?20:21
qenseAlanBell: Huh?20:21
AlanBelljust reading back on the lack of visible european feminists, but actually I agree with czajkowski this is a conversation that requires a pint to go with it20:24
macooh the things i see with my (girl|girls) highlight rule20:28
AlanBellmaco surely not odder than the things I see with my chicken highlight!20:29
macoyou probably see a lot of what people have for dinner20:30
macoi see trolls, spice girls apparently, hot girl links, and parenting20:30
czajkowskiAlanBell: pint it is so20:53
AlanBellI have a picture somewhere of czajkowski drinking a very small pint20:59
JFothat is rare, they are usually very large pints21:00
czajkowskibaby guinness :D21:00
* AlanBell thinks someone was being a bad influence on others at the time21:01
AlanBellah, there it is21:01
AlanBellblackberry camera isn't very good in the dark21:08
czajkowskinyommy is what they are21:09
AlanBellthey did look nice, what were they? Baileys on top presumably21:11
czajkowskitia maria on the bottom or Kalula21:11
cjohnstonits hot as .... outside...21:14
qenseI'm off, good night everyone!21:16
czajkowskihttp://image22.webshots.com/23/2/52/31/366625231QmaiKo_ph.jpg if the bartender does it properly21:16
akgranerjcastro, just sent you the summary of Feedback session21:24
JanC"feminism" (as we know it) started in Europe, and often time helps to get over the extremes22:33
JanCOTOH, feminism has existed for ages in some form or another...  ;)22:35
JanCand there is no lack of visible feminists in Belgium at least22:39
TechnovikingI really hate Oracle22:46
czajkowskioh? want to narrow the reason down a bit22:47
TechnovikingDoing backup on a Oracle system, rman make my brain  hurt:)22:48
czajkowskiawww tis friday :)22:48
Technovikingczajkowski: yeah, but I will be back at work tomorrow working on this23:05
Technovikinglet me know if anyone wants anything else added to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147602123:06
czajkowskinn folks23:15

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