
LinuxPhreakI'm looking for the Wubi source for 9.10 or 10.04. I can only seem to find Wubi Hardy00:06
evLinuxPhreak: bzr branch lp:wubi wubi.trunk00:07
jetoleDoes anyone know if there is any way to give a host a random hostname when doing a preseed install?06:40
persiaYou might be able to do it by setting up your DHCP server to pass an IP and nameserver that reverse-resolves to a random hostname (requires fussing with the DNS server).  You might also be able to do something with early_command06:44
jetoleThe hostname doesn't have to be completely random but I am thinking if I install in  environment where I always want these machines to be automatically setup i.e. let's say office workstations or in a school and I don't want to have to preconfigure every host.06:54
ogracjwatson, do you have any idea about all these Xserver issues when people upgrade grub-pc ? (my suspicion is the screensaver kicked in but i'm not 100% sure it would actually make the upgrade fail)09:18
ogracjwatson, i also think it would make a lot of sense if apport would collect /etc/default/grub automatically, there are so many people following broken docs to change their cmdline for nvidia/fglrx09:23
cjwatsonI don't know, sorry.  and yes that would be a good idea09:33
cjwatsonI'm at somehands so totally behind09:33
ograyeah, i know09:38
ograabout 10-20% of the currently coming in grub bugs are mis-edited /etc/default/grub files, there is a blog entry from ubuntugeek they copy/paste to change plymouth on proprietary drivers that has a linewrap in the default cmdline options ...09:39
ograsadly the terminal log isnt always clear09:39
cjwatsonwe could theoretically work around that, but it's still DDTT09:42
cjwatsonfeel free to mark such bugs as Invalid with a suitable explanation if you aren't doing so already09:43
ograwell, first of all i always try to get the default file09:44
cjwatsonthe one thing to be careful of is that grub configuration can include the boot password09:44
ograouch, i didnt know that09:44
cjwatsonso apport would have to be careful of that09:44
cjwatsonit's only if manually configured09:45
ograstill, its something that needs to be stripped :)09:45
evcjwatson: so, I profoundly disagree with Joey in Debian bug 357118 (hide passwords in debug logs) and would like to keep a delta of your patch against debconf.  Are you okay with that?12:50
ubottuDebian bug 357118 in debconf "debconf: exposes passwords in debug messages" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/35711812:50
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