
ubuntujenkinsI am still reading about maintainer scripts (following links etc) . On another topic I would like to get a package into universe is there some form of guide/details on what requrements it needs to meet?00:00
persiaBasic guidelines are: lintian-clean, nicely packaged, of interest to some Ubuntu developer.00:01
persiaDepending on the relative cycles, it's often easier to get into Debian, and it's almost always easier to continue to maintain it in Debian.00:01
ubuntujenkinsok its not much use to debian as it would be for the ubuntu-manual project but what does "interest to some Ubuntu developer." mean? The program is only really usefull to new users would it get in? It would basically retrive the manual in their langauage00:02
ubuntujenkinsalso where should i send it?00:03
=== zul_ is now known as zul
persiaubuntujenkins: What is this program, and waht does it do?00:22
ubuntujenkinspersia: It basically provides a way for the user to get the latest version of the manual (pdf) in their language and view it, keeping it up to date.00:27
ubuntujenkinsI say "view" but htey will just see it in their pdf reader00:29
persiaThis really doesn't sound like more than a .desktop file.00:31
persiaIs there another package in which it could be sensibly included?00:32
* persia is imagining a .desktop file and a script that checks a file location, and if absent, downloads something to make it present, and then opens a PDF viewer00:33
ubuntujenkinspersia: It does have a gui as the manual might not be avalible in their language, so we ask them to choose one and suggest the could help translate. (Thats the idea). It is a glorified .desktop file . I00:37
ubuntujenkinsI am not aware of a package we could add it to off the top of my head00:38
persiaI'm not sure it's enough to have meaningful value as it's own package if it's a glorified .desktop file.00:38
persiaYou could upload it to REVU, but I believe the backlog is larger than will be processed during the maverick cycle, which makes it awkward.00:39
persiaAnd I agree there's no point trying to get it in Debian: it doesn't belong there.00:39
ubuntujenkinsok thanks i will have a go at making it thanks for your help persia00:40
ubuntujenkinsI think our project lead will be very pleased if we get it in00:41
micahgpersia: so since REVU queue is backlogged, if I want a new package in Ubuntu for Maverick, I should push it through Debian?00:41
persiaThat's usually best practice anyway, unless it's a package that's interesting to have Ubuntu-local, or needs to be (e.g. for trademark reasons).00:42
carstenhubuntujenkins: you should read something about what debhelper is or how it works in general and then read the man page of dh_installtex00:45
ubuntujenkinscarstenh: thanks I like your script its very helpful. I think i will look in the morning its gettting late now00:45
carstenhubuntujenkins: dh_installtex is not used by default because it is not standard debhelper module (it's in another packge) and it should take care of the changes you need to make to the maintainer script00:46
ubuntujenkinsok, got it I did not think i would be doing all this 4 months ago all so much fun :)00:47
carstenhyou're welcome :) http://stateful.de/~carsten/tmp/100507UsG9s93sBD8/dir2deb includes a fix for a typo, fixes displaying the error message if a required variable is not set and adds the possibility to overwrite the short and loond description using environment variables. you can check the differences using diff -u oldfile newfile00:50
carstenhubuntujenkins: the only change that is visible in a generated package is the typo in debian/copyright (unless you substituted it with something useful). so there is not need to rerun it for an existing package00:52
ubuntujenkinsok thanks carstenh00:52
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nhandlerScottK: I can't see any reason not to get it applied in Debian. The pkg-perl team (the real maintainer) are very responsive to applying patches that we need in Ubuntu03:44
ScottKnhandler: Thanks.  Would you please push it up to their svn?03:44
ScottKI'll be glad to if your rather merge boost1.42.03:45
nhandlerScottK: I can take care of it, but it will need to wait until at least the weekend.03:45
ScottKnhandler: That's fine.  It's been unmerged for almost two years, another two days won't hurt.03:46
bilalakhtarpeople, what is the process for a contrib to update a package in universe06:55
micahgbilalakhtar: version update or patch?06:57
bilalakhtarmicahg: version update06:57
bilalakhtarmicahg: yes?07:01
* micahg is looking, it's late for me :)07:01
* bilalakhtar understands why micahg is busy07:01
\shmicahg, it's never too late...;)07:01
imbrandonbilalakhtar: not only that it can be alot of things because the packaging may need updating too07:02
\shmicahg, btw...are you attending the upcoming UDS?07:02
imbrandonbilalakhtar: and it may also be actively maintained in debian, and would be better to be updated there in some cases07:02
micahgimbrandon: maybe you can take over this Q07:02
micahg\sh: yes :)07:02
imbrandonmicahg: :)07:02
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yeah, it requires a test build, test run, and, dch!07:02
imbrandonbilalakhtar: yes, but quite a bit before that07:03
\shmicahg,nice...so we can meet in person :)07:03
bilalakhtarimbrandon: INCASE it doesn't work07:03
micahg\sh: indeed, that will be nice07:03
bilalakhtarimbrandon: otherwise, its simple to package, and upload07:03
imbrandonbilalakhtar: first you need to dertimine if it should actualy be updated in Ubuntu, or should it be updated in debian and synced07:03
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yes that is also there, but my question is, what is the process for a non-motu to do that?07:04
imbrandonbilalakhtar: THEN you download the new tar, and update the conrtol/rules/*.install as needed07:04
micahgbilalakhtar: here's the link I was looking for: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/#MOTU%20Processes07:04
imbrandonbilalakhtar: the same as a MOTU the only diffrence is you need to get a sponsor to upload it once completed07:04
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yes, but, should I upload the package to revu or what?07:04
micahg\sh: night07:05
imbrandonbilalakhtar: depends on what your sponsor wishes, but normaly no07:05
imbrandonbilalakhtar: most of the time you put a diff on an LP bug or Debian BTS attachment07:05
\sh micahg have a good one :) /me just starts to work :(07:05
* micahg needs to be up in 6 hrs :(07:05
bilalakhtarimbrandon: thanks. using pbuilder to do some stuff right now :)07:06
bilalakhtarimbrandon: but one cannot update a universe package in a stable release like karmic or lucid, right? but we can do it for maverick?07:06
imbrandonright , well you can but it must follow SRU policys07:07
bilalakhtarimbrandon: if its just a small update, like from 3.1.2 to 3.1.507:08
bilalakhtarthen what?07:08
imbrandonbilalakhtar: again though if your updating to a new version please make sure you shouldent be doing it in debian first07:08
imbrandonbilalakhtar: dosent matter how small or big , still folows same steps07:08
imbrandonbilalakhtar: and thats 3 revisions so its a larger update :) not a small one07:08
bilalakhtarimbrandon: fine, now I am getting training on how to pakage well :)07:10
imbrandonbilalakhtar: :) its a long processes with alot of variables07:10
imbrandonthats why its hard to give a solid awnser, almost every package needs individual attention07:11
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yes, and you people, as motus, may be getting a lot of needs-packaging bugs and all the stuff!07:11
imbrandonsure, but most needs-packaging should be filed as ITP's in debian07:12
imbrandononly the rare case does it nned to be in ubuntu first07:12
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yes, its  *better* to upload to debian and then sync07:13
imbrandonbilalakhtar: not only better but damn near a requirement depending on your sponsor07:15
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yeah07:15
bilalakhtarThis is a debian question: Where can I find info on how to get packages into debian on wiki.debian.org?07:17
imbrandonbilalakhtar: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp07:18
imbrandonand mentors.debian.net07:19
bilalakhtarimbrandon: thanks07:19
imbrandonbilalakhtar: np07:21
imbrandonbilalakhtar: its alot to take in, if you have more specific questions be sure to ask :)07:22
imbrandon( i'm sure you will )07:22
bilalakhtarimbrandon: these are the reasons why windoze stinks. no community support. no way to add packages to the windows repo (there isn't one) !07:22
bilalakhtarimbrandon: so I should target  debian squeeze and ubuntu maverick?07:36
persiaDebian unstable.  uploading towards squeeze is almost never right.07:36
bilalakhtarpersia: isn't squeeze the debian unstable right now?07:37
bilalakhtarsorry I am new to debian packaging, though I know about ubuntu packaging07:37
bilalakhtarwhat is unstable?07:38
bilalakhtarwhat is squeeze then?07:38
imbrandonits called "unstable" though, they dont use the names in the changelog as ubuntu does07:38
persiaDebian has a permanent "unstable" repository.  Packages that are in that repository and unbuggy for a configured amount of time are copied into the "testing" repository, which happens to currently be "squeeze".07:38
imbrandonsqeeze is testing07:38
bilalakhtaroh, I got confused when I came to debian. feeling at home with ubuntu07:39
imbrandonmoins persia07:39
persiahey imbrandon07:39
imbrandonbilalakhtar: they are very similar and very diffrent at the same time ;)07:39
* bilalakhtar creates a chroot for maverick07:39
persiabilalakhtar: If Debian confuses you, stick to bugfixing in Ubuntu for a while, rather than packaging/updating new stuff.07:39
imbrandonbilalakhtar: yea i second what persia just stated07:40
persiaAfter you've become familiar with the tools, etc. Debian may make a lot more sense.07:40
* persia doesn't think new packaging or updating is a good place to start *at all*: it's like jumping in the deep end of the pool when one is learning to swim07:40
bilalakhtarpersia, imbrandon: thanks for your lecture :)07:40
imbrandonheh yea, or an ocean07:41
imbrandonif your comming form windows07:41
* bilalakhtar has been fixing bugs for a while now07:41
macoi tend to think that reviewing patches and turning them into candidate uploads is a good place to start07:41
imbrandonmaco: agreed07:41
bilalakhtarimbrandon: no, I switched to ubuntu when gutsy came07:41
bilalakhtarhave used hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic and now lucid07:42
imbrandonbilalakhtar: :)07:42
bilalakhtarnot to forget the GUTSY!07:42
bilalakhtarI took up app development in ubuntu a year ago07:42
persiabilalakhtar: We don't mean to imply you're not active: we just haven't seen you around that much yet, and like to suggest easy stuff at first :)07:42
persia(at least not around in *this* channel: I've certainly seen you lots of other places)07:43
bilalakhtarpersia: maybe in #ubuntu-offtopic07:43
imbrandonbilalakhtar: definately but it is ALOT to take in, i started somewhere arround breezy's release and still have alot to learn ;)07:43
bilalakhtarimbrandon: wow, you have been here since the BREEZY BADGER?07:44
imbrandoni ahve be developing since then, i was using before that, yes07:44
imbrandonas has persia and ajm*itch and Scot*tK and TONS of other ubuntu-dev's ;) some of us are quite old-ish07:45
bilalakhtarimbrandon: you develop in which languages?07:45
imbrandonbilalakhtar: mono,php and c++ mostly , although the last year or so i've been picking up some python07:45
bilalakhtarimbrandon: I develop in php, c++, gave up python just a month ago07:46
bilalakhtarI didn't get any major libraries to have a python bin ding07:46
bilalakhtarlike, you can see a media player I am currently developing, https://launchpad.net/gnome-media-player07:47
imbrandonpython has a binding for almost everything ;)07:47
bilalakhtarimbrandon: does python have a libvlc binding? gstreamer binding?07:47
imbrandonyes and yes07:47
imbrandonand its trivial to wrap other things like mplayer07:47
bilalakhtarbut python can never match the vast library support of c07:47
imbrandoninfact i just wrote a proof of concept python qt app that used gstreamer to play some rtsp streamd mkv videos 2 days ago, in like ~100 loc07:49
imbrandoneven had pretty qt overlayed controls on the video surface :P07:49
bilalakhtaroh, just found python bindings for libvlc and gst :)07:50
imbrandonhehe yea , youb be suprised at the vastness of python binding and libs07:50
bilalakhtarimbrandon: ok, find a way to create a kernel module in python :)07:51
imbrandonhahaha right tool for the job, when you only know one language everything looks like a nail07:52
bilalakhtarimbrandon: but c is the only language in which you could make a kernel module07:52
imbrandonc/c++ is about perfect for kmods, cuz its not too low level like asm to where its proc specific, but still can be compiled standalone07:53
bilalakhtarpraise gcc, the gnu compiler collection! the app without which gnu/linux wouldn't be like what its now !07:54
imbrandonand rapid app dev is done well in python or ruby or gambas , everything has its place ( then you can always optimize parts that need c++ or asm later ) :P07:55
bilalakhtarimbrandon: agreed. php would be my language of choice of it had better support for cli and many people had it installed by default07:55
bilalakhtarphp-gtk should become official07:55
persiaPlease, no.07:56
imbrandonbilalakhtar: heh if you only knew hahahahah i love php, but then again i feel the right tool for the job is applicable there too, but dont get me wrong where most people here would write a bash or python script i write php-cli apps :) i have a few dozen on my hdd i've written for various things over the years07:56
imbrandonbut most ( /me looks at persia ) would kill me for it ;)07:57
bilalakhtarimbrandon: yeah, I also prefer php and love it, for many reasons07:57
* bilalakhtar has his maverick shroot ready07:58
imbrandon99% of the time php is my "fallback" if i need something done *NOW* i do it in php, then i find the best tool for it after07:58
persiaI've just never seen a "best coding guidelines" doc for PHP.07:58
persiaAnd most of the PHP stuff I've seen can be broken with a bit of effort.07:58
bilalakhtarone more thing where php is the best is its manual07:58
imbrandonpersia: there really isnt one, there are alot of best practices but its like perl, its chnaged so much over the years07:59
persiaBut I wouldn't kiil anyone: I tend to grab make when I want something done quick-like, and I know most folks don't prefer it.07:59
bilalakhtarthe *best* and *most documented* manual. every function has a page07:59
imbrandonbilalakhtar: i have to agree, the php docs are BY FAR the best i have ever had to use07:59
imbrandonthat and its hard to find a webserver that dosent support PHP and thats where i make my $$ ( i re-brand websites for people/companys )08:00
imbrandonbut i also use it for many things most would cringe at, like i have a 34k+ file mp3 collection that i backup,index, and manipulate nightly on cron via php, and then serve up a frontend to access it while i'm away form $HOME08:03
imbrandoni wasent happy with any of the available solutions at the time ( arround 2001 ) so i made my own, it has grown form a simple ~30 line script to a fill blown suiet of php scripts even with their own conffiles and debian package08:04
imbrandoni should really re-write it in c# or c++ someday, but i never seem to have the tuits and i put a ton of hours into the php already08:06
imbrandonwhat would be really nice is if rhythmbox started using something like couchdb , then i could replicate the db from rhythmbox nightly and use that as a backend for my frontend08:07
imbrandonbut that dident exist ~8.5 years ago08:08
imbrandonand i would be tied to one gui08:08
\shimbrandon, shouldn't be a rpoblem to integrate couchdb into rhythmbox08:08
RAOFDoes it really make sense to replicate the metadata but not the data?08:09
\shRAOF, just attach your mp3s to the couchdb database documents...there you go ;) but I wonder if it's really a good idea to replicate 10G of mp3s ;)08:10
dholbachgood morning08:10
\shhey dholbach08:10
RAOFOr ~40GiB of assorted mp3, wavpack, flac and aac :)08:10
dholbachhi \sh08:10
imbrandonRAOF: the data is replicated via rsync nightly anyhow, i want the metadata for my front end08:10
imbrandonmy php script spends about ~60 minnutes a night reindexing the meta data08:11
imbrandonto put into a mysqldb08:11
imbrandonfor my frontend08:11
\shBut what would be nice to tell rhythmbox to sync some of the music files via desktopcouch to ubuntu one (or an eventually opensourced compatible service) and have your data also synced to other computers you have hands on ;)08:11
\shimbrandon, I have ampache running at home :)08:12
imbrandon\sh: yea i've looked at Ampache, its close to what i have, but i did my first and long before that one08:12
RAOFIt would be nice to have Banshee play from my U1 account on all my computers…08:13
imbrandonone sec lemme see if i can add a .htaccess entry for ya for a moment to look at it08:13
imbrandon\sh RAOF : http://bobsmusic.sytes.net/   user:temp pass:brandon08:15
imbrandonthats the "front end"08:15
imbrandon( be kind to it, its on my cable modem )08:16
\shgarry glitter ... I see that we have a very similar taste of music ;)08:17
imbrandon\sh: lol, i have a littel bit of everything08:18
bilalakhtarimbrandon: how do I force pbuilder to use maverick archive?08:18
\shok...it looks like ampache without the shinyness ;)08:18
bilalakhtarI added that line in .pbuilderrc, in my package dch, what else?08:19
imbrandon\sh: yup exactly, but arround way way before ampache ;)08:19
\shimbrandon, :)08:19
imbrandonbilalakhtar: depends on your pbulder setup, first you must have a maverik base.tgz08:19
imbrandonbilalakhtar: something like "DIST=maverick sudo pbuilder create" should work08:20
bilalakhtarimbrandon: I added the line in .pbuilderrc, then ran build, do I need to do something else also?08:20
imbrandonbilalakhtar: something like "DIST=maverick sudo pbuilder build some.dsc" should work08:21
bilalakhtarits DISTRIBUTION=maverick08:21
bilalakhtarok, then, I will run update --override-config08:21
imbrandonbilalakhtar: like i said depends on your pbuilder setup ;) mine i have the DIST varible08:21
bilalakhtarcreate seemed to recognise the distribution variable, but not build08:22
bilalakhtarwhen I ran create, it said "Distribution is maverick"08:22
bilalakhtardoes that mean I have a maverick base?08:23
imbrandonshould , but as i said it all depends on the .pbuilderrc and the rest of the setup, pbuilder is very very custom per person/setup08:23
imbrandonbasicly just go through the same steps you did to make a lucid one08:24
imbrandonbilalakhtar: http://paste.debian.net/72368/08:29
imbrandonbilalakhtar: thats my pbuilderrc for refrence08:29
bilalakhtargot it. I am updating base.tgz08:29
imbrandon\sh: imbrandon@enterprise:/storage/websites/bobsmusic.sytes.net$ du -sh /storage/users/imbrandon/Music08:33
imbrandon83G     /storage/users/imbrandon/Music08:33
imbrandona little more than 10g :)08:33
\shimbrandon, hehe08:35
* imbrandon turns off access since this channel is logged , dont want everyone eating up my bandwidth08:39
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bilalakhtarlifeless: Why is your mugshot an upside-down person?09:04
ajmitchbecause he's upside down?09:05
lifelesskiko's sense of humour09:08
lifelessthen I decided I liked it09:08
imbrandonheh or hes downunder09:08
bilalakhtarlifeless: Why is your mugshot an upside-down person?09:12
ajmitchand again...09:12
bilalakhtarajmitch: I went offline09:12
bilalakhtarso missed the answer *probably*09:12
bilalakhtarblame my connection09:12
imbrandon03:05:29 < ajmitch> because he's upside down?09:16
imbrandon03:08:25 < lifeless> kiko's sense of humour09:16
imbrandon03:08:29 < lifeless> then I decided I liked it09:16
imbrandon03:08:30 < imbrandon> heh or hes downunder09:16
imbrandonajmitch: i updated the packages on p.u.c to include the rythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store now too, and filed an ITP for it today09:29
ajmitchthough it'll only work when rb uses python 2.609:37
imbrandonnah i made it work with 2.509:38
imbrandonit works on my sqweeze laptop now09:39
imbrandonthe packages a a mess of mix between 2.5 and 2.6 though lol09:39
imbrandoneverything is forced 2.6 except for the musicstore which is forced 2.5 to work with rb09:40
imbrandonbut it "works" just not clean as i'd like09:40
imbrandoni'd really like to hear from jak soon, so i can poke him to atlease update aptdaemon and software-center, and possible give us the ITP's09:42
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bilalakhtarPeople, I have uploaded a new version of the package "clamtk" to revu on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/clamtk . I have run a test build using pbuilder, checked for errors using lintian, filed bug #57690211:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576902 in ubuntu "New upstream version of ClamTk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57690211:01
bilalakhtarPeople, I have uploaded a new version of the package "clamtk" to revu on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/clamtk . I have run a test build using pbuilder, checked for errors using lintian, filed bug #57690211:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576902 in ubuntu "New upstream version of ClamTk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57690211:17
bilalakhtarWhy are people joining and leaving this channel so much?11:19
LaneyThat's what happens11:20
Laneyyou can ignore them if you like (I have)11:20
bilalakhtarLaney: Are you a motu?11:21
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* Laney goes suspiciously quiet11:32
* bilalakhtar searches for a sponser for an updated package11:33
Laneyyou should just use the sponsor queue11:34
bilalakhtarLaney: what sponsor queue?11:34
bilalakhtarwhere is it?11:34
bilalakhtarI have subscribed the bug to the ubuntu-sponsors team11:34
Laneythat's it11:36
bilalakhtarjames_w: According to the schedule on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews , you are reasy to sponsor packages now11:37
james_wbug number?11:38
bilalakhtar1 sec11:38
bilalakhtarbug #57690211:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576902 in clamtk "New upstream version of ClamTk" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57690211:38
bilalakhtarjames_w: oh didn't see the recent comment. sorry. no need  to review11:39
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* stefanlsd makes my people i need to buy a beer list for uds14:01
azopstefanlsd: It might be easier to grab a keg14:25
stefanlsdazop: hehe. yeah. def :)14:26
azopstefanlsd: with that in mind, what can I do to help you so I get added to the list?14:27
stefanlsdazop: haha. i'll buy u one anyways. just find me14:37
mirsalHello :)14:52
mirsalCould you have a look to the last two revisions of php5-mcrypt ? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/php-mcrypt/lucid14:52
mirsalIt looks like patches were applied in the wrong order14:53
mirsal(on lucid)14:53
mirsalzul, ping14:54
mirsalah, great14:54
mirsalzul, cf. my last messages =)14:54
zulmirsal: k...ill hhave a look when i get a chance14:55
mirsalzul, Thanks14:55
mirsal(it should be trivial)14:56
JontheEchidnaCould an ubuntu-sru person take a peek at bug 576660 please?14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576660 in soprano "soprano crashes on multiple simultaneous queries" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57666014:58
JontheEchidnaThe reporter happens to be upstream of an affected app, so I'd like for this to not get lost in the morass14:58
ScottKJontheEchidna: jdong is probably your best bet.  He's got a ton of projects to get done before the semester ends so he's probably procrastinating.15:03
nigelbabuScottK: procrastinattion 101 :D15:03
\sh./mirror_lucid --to-laptop && echo "done"15:11
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, Can you attach a debdiff or link to bzr branch revision?15:24
JontheEchidnacody-somerville: debdiff attatched15:25
cody-somervillewhy do you guys prepend kubuntu_ to your patch filenames?15:27
ScottKTo distinguish from patches that come from Debian.15:27
JontheEchidnaConincidentally, there's a spec to make things a bit more sane in that regard: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/MaverickPatchPolicy15:29
JontheEchidnaThe naming scheme, and patch policy in general for kubuntu15:30
* jpds wishes we had ubuntu_* patches.15:30
\shjpds, wasn't that somewhere documented, that we should use "ubuntu_" prefix for ubuntu patches?15:33
cody-somervilleI thought we were going to use patch tags or something for that.15:33
\shcody-somerville, inside the patch file...but it would be nice to see before what is "upstream" patch (means: debian patches) and what is ubuntu only15:35
cody-somerville\sh, Can you give a use case?15:38
cody-somervilleif I'm working with the files locally, executing grep is almost as easy as executing ls.15:39
dholbachLast day of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starts in 21m in #ubuntu-classroom with "Introduction to Ubuntu Development"15:39
cody-somervilleplus, patch tags or just good ol' revision control would give greater flexibility to see who did what since a patch could easily start upstream but then by modified by Debian and then be modified by Ubuntu. are you going to have upstream_debian_ubuntu_01_blah.patch?15:40
cody-somervillewow. I actually really don't like that spec. Adds way too much confusion/bureaucracy, especially for new contributors or contributors not familiar with Kubuntu policies, for very little benefit when a good comment in the patch could be so much more helpful and accurate.15:43
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, Your SRU request needs a bit of improvement. Please describe the change that is actually being made (ie. the commit message is pretty descriptive). Also although the patch being done upstream and upstream history can be a factor in your regression analysis, the meat and potatoes should be based on the actual change your proposing.15:47
\shcody-somerville, I can't right now without searching....but in general...even when someone only changes some sources which are "ubuntu specific" (e.g. launchpad integration in the help menu)...16:07
\shanyways...I think we have enough time next week to discuss some of those little things ;)16:08
* \sh still needs to setup something for next week16:08
ari-tczewdholbach: what are tasks of day-to-day maintenance ?16:15
dholbachari-tczew: I'm giving a open week session right now16:16
dholbachari-tczew: can you mail me?16:16
ari-tczewdholbach: sure16:16
JontheEchidnacody-somerville: fixed16:34
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, have you tested the patch yourself?16:43
JontheEchidnacody-somerville: yes, it fixes the crash with the given testcase16:43
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cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, I'm not really sure you provided the information I requested. The commit message says "Instead of checking for the connection state in the current thread, actually try to connect.". I'm curious as to the affect that will have and if it could potential cause other crashes or maybe memory/descriptor leaks.16:45
JontheEchidnaAll I know, is that upstream made a point to release a bugfix release for this patch, and upstream is going to get pissy with us if we don't include it.16:46
psusitemugen: say, maybe your python skills could help me some more... so far I have been doing this by hand with grep and sed... could you whip something up that can take the ureadahead --dump output and translate it into a file that lists their inode numbers, one per line?16:50
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, Although I appreciate the delicacy of maintaining healthy relationships with upstream developers,17:35
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cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, the objective here is to protect our users from regressions while providing a critical fix to a stable release.17:37
ScottKcody-somerville: If there's s clear test case and the diff is reasonable, I think that's what the procedure requires.17:38
JontheEchidnathe rest will be taken care of during the verification-needed bit17:39
cody-somervilleI don't like the idea of blindly applying patches from upstream SVN which is why I want to see some level of understanding of the change being made.17:44
JontheEchidnaThis is not blindly taking a patch from upstream svn. It is isolating the major fix of a point release of the software, as is SRU protocol, in order to solve a regression that makes an application very unstable.17:46
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, Thats why if you link to say a changelog then it'll help me get that.17:47
cody-somervilleas I suspected, the fix is "quick and ugly".17:47
JontheEchidnaobviously clean enough to warrant a point release from upstream,though17:48
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, So, I'm curious if when soprano tries to connect, does it have to explicatively close the connection? What are the ramifications of it trying to connect every time isConnected() is called?17:51
cody-somervilleJontheEchidna, I can understand why you want to provide this fix to users. However, from my perspective I think a little extra care here is warranted since this is a "quick and ugly fix" (sic).17:55
l3onHi all... I've some doubts about quilt use: I created patch as described in this tutorial:17:56
l3onnow, have I to add some lines in debian/rules to make sure build operation calls quilt patches?17:57
JontheEchidnacody-somerville: if there is already a connection, connectInCurrentThread() will return the existing socket17:59
JontheEchidnaso it will not result in creating connections that will never be closed18:00
temugenpsusi: yea, no problem18:00
JontheEchidnaFrom what I've seen in the comments, the whole socket architecture needs redone, which is likely why the fix was called "quick and ugly"18:14
JontheEchidnaa stopgap measure for a class that really just needs redone18:14
jdongJontheEchidna: what's the testing scope of the upstream fix? e.g. how many distros/users have adopted that solution?18:16
jdongJontheEchidna: I totally sympathize with the motivation to adopt upstream's workaround, but I've been-there-done-that with KTorrent's "trade one race condition for another" approach, and I'd hate to go through a SRU verification cycle just to get a new batch of slightly different versions of this bug18:17
JontheEchidnajdong: Fedora has pushed the entire 2.4.3 (this fix plus what looks like some apidocs updates) to Fedora 11, one of their stable releases18:19
jdongJontheEchidna: fedora's also pushed iptables packages with the binary missing, alsa packages that can't even install due to nonexistent dependencies.... more importantly than them pushing, what have their users reported?18:19
jdong(oh yeah, they also had a bind9 update that shipped a conf file with mismatched braces.)18:20
ScottKRight.  They would be the ones who did so great with KDE that Linus switched to Gnome.18:23
JontheEchidnathey also switched over to 4.0 the first release they could18:24
psusitemugen: a few caveats about it though... 1) symbolic links need followed and their destination looked up instead, and 2) could you separate the directories from normal files?  it seems that normal files don't share the buffer cache of the block device, so I need to read directories through the block device, and normal files the normal way, so I'd like to keep them separate on the disk18:24
ScottKSame thong18:24
temugenpsusi: do you want it to print JUST the inodes?18:25
psusitemugen: basically... defrag wants a list of inodes to prioritize... one inode number per line... it also takes a priority number though, so basically I want a line that says "=-2" then all of the directory inode numbers, then a line that says "=-1" followed by all of the normal file inode numbers18:26
psusithat should pack the directories first, where they can be read quickly through the block device, then the files, which can be read normally... all without seeking18:27
jdongJontheEchidna: I mean don't get me wrong, Fedora's awesome, but good judgement in pushing out updates is not their claim to fame. The information I'd like to hear from Fedora is "1000 users installed and there's concensus it fixed the bug" type feedback from the users18:27
BlackZI'm unable to upload a package on revu. The last upload was for lucid the 15th feb 2010 but it was signed with another pgp key, however the currently key I'm using to sign the package is imported in launchpad. Any idea?18:28
psusitemugen: eventually I'd like to have the package build an alternate initrd for you to choose from your grub menu that will parse the pack file, delete it, then defrag using that information to optimize, and reboot18:29
\shok...guys...I'll see you at UDS...(arrival: sunday around 1700 GMT+2)18:33
temugenpsusi: hmmm.... does ureadahead list any directories in the dump?18:33
temugenpsusi: I stat'd every realpath and check S_ISDIR, but came up with no directories18:34
jdongJontheEchidna: anyway, bottom line is, cody-somerville and I are not trying to be bureaucratic jerks making your life harder... We'd just like to make sure you're filing this SRU because you believe it'll fix the bug, not because upstream committed a hackish fix and we're being puppets and following along for the fun of it18:35
jdongif you have that confidence in the fix, I'm willing to give you the SRU approval18:35
psusitemugen: it does in my version ;)18:37
psusitemugen: ohh, and probably going to need --root parameter so you can run it on a fs mounted in /mnt for example18:38
jdongor a --pack parameter in general.18:39
psusithink --root... because you will need to prepend that to each path when stating it18:40
temugenI just pushed a script with fragraph (that relies on fragraph)18:40
temugenbut what about --root/--pack now? :)18:40
temugenok, so you want a prefix added?18:41
psusitemugen: if I mount the fs in /mnt from say, a livecd, there needs to be a way for that to work... normally ureadahead --dump looks for the dump on the current root, which won't work from a livecd18:41
JontheEchidnajdong: it does fix the bug. I've confirmed that18:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: If an SRU is too hard, I'll approve a backport.18:42
psusiso need to point ureadahead to the pack file in /mnt, and then the file names it spits out will be relative to /mnt, so need to add /mnt when stat()ing18:42
temugendo you have /sys /dev to work with too? (since this script just uses Ureadahead from fragraph, it needlessly reads in the block device too)18:42
psusithough actually I think ureadahead does not support --dumping a pack file from another system either...18:42
jdongJontheEchidna: ok, I'll give an ACK for the bug to continue testing then :) sorry for the hassle18:43
temugenpsusi: I can allow you to pass in a dump of a packfile and you specify a prefix?18:43
psusitemugen: do you run ureadahead --dump, or do you parse the pack file yourself?18:43
temugenpsusi: I can do either18:43
JontheEchidnaThank you. I will be perfectly fine to let it go if the verification process catches regressions in -proposed18:43
psusihow does it work now?18:44
temugenpsusi: I do ureadahead --dump, but I can make it so you pass in a filename of --dump output18:44
psusitemugen: yea, then to work from another system either ureadahead needs fixed, or you have to run ureadahead in a chroot... hrm..18:45
temugenpsusi: right now it does ureadahead --dump, needlessly reads /sys /dev stuff like it does for fragraph, and then goes through stat'ing realpaths and checking if they're directories or not18:45
jdongJontheEchidna: thanks. I've commented on your bug report.18:45
psusiwhat does it look in /sys and /dev for?18:45
temugenpsusi: it finds the device from the dump and uses it to pass into blockdev to get sizes18:46
psusiohh, to know how big to make the graph?18:47
temugenpsusi: for various things, yes18:47
psusihrm... actually, I guess nevermind on the --root parameter... will just need to run it after chrooting into the mounted fs18:47
psusifor now...18:47
temugenpsusi: alright, just ping me if you want something modified18:48
psusicool, thanks18:49
psusiI'll give it a try tonight... must.... break... 10 second barrier...18:49
temugenpsusi: that would be awesome :)18:50
temugenpsusi: and you did point out in needs to follow symbolic links before grabbing the inode, doesn't that mean some of the symlink names are too long to fit in the inode?18:51
psusiI had it down to 13 or 14 seconds last night18:51
temugenit needs*18:51
psusitemugen: dunno... don't care really... I just want to make sure the REAL file is packed in the proper place ;)18:51
psusithough actually I guess stat() will follow the symlink to the real file won't it?  it's lstat that doesn't18:52
temugenpsusi: does ureadahead seek to read the symlink first to find the realpath, though?18:52
temugenpsusi: and yea, you're right.18:52
psusiall I know is that when I was running ls -i at first, it gave me the inode number of the symlink instead of the file it points to, hehe...18:52
psusiit will if the link is too long to fit in the inode, but I don;t think a typical system has any of those18:53
temugenpsusi: ok, that's fine, I wasn't sure. 13 seconds is awesome :)18:54
psusiI think I can get it down to 8 ;)18:54
psusimaybe 718:54
psusimy ssd boots in 5 ;)18:55
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psusiohh, actually I just scanned for non fast symlinks with find / -mount -type l | xargs du and it did find a few19:01
psusihrm.. quite a few actually...19:02
temugenpsusi: possibly prioritize those inodes as well? :)19:03
* psusi wonders wtf there are font files in /var/lib for on a server19:03
psusitemugen: no need if they aren't used by ureadhead ;)19:03
temugenpsusi: no no, of course. just wondering if you want me to list any if they exist in the dump with the python script19:04
psusiI wouldn't worry about it for now...19:04
psusiI seem to have a bunch of symlinks in /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType that point way over to /usr/share/fonts/some/retardedly/long/name... which is odd seeing as this is a server install19:06
psusiLOTs of long symlinks in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages... hrm...19:22
ScottKPlease don't break the Python symlinks.19:22
psusihoho... not breaking any symlinks... was just checking to see if there are many that could benefit from being moved by the defragger19:23
psusiI'm surprised to find so many long ones19:23
psusiwhat are all these needed for?19:24
ScottKJust be glad we don't also have python2.5 anymore or there'd be a lot of similar symlinks for  /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages19:24
psusiwhat are they all for and could they not use hard links instead?19:24
nigelbabuwhen we have a package with delta from debian, its not autosynced next cycle?19:26
ScottKIt's part of the magic that allows us to support multiple Python versions at the same time when upstream totally doesn't support it.19:26
psusiScottK: couldn't hard links be used instead?19:27
ScottKpsusi: I don't know.19:27
ScottKnigelbabu: Correct.  The packages have to either be merged or if the diff is no longer needed a sync needs to be requested.19:27
nigelbabuScottK: oh,ok.  Thanks :)19:28
fabrice_spWill the sync process change this cycle? I mean, I've been subscribing archive admin to sync request. Is it still the way to go?19:43
geseryes, at least I didn't read an announcement that it changed19:59
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ScottKfabrice_sp: Why did you think it might change?20:21
fabrice_spScottK, because I remember a lot of emails on a sync script 1 or 2 months ago (after the luca's email, I think)20:25
ScottKAh, right.  Such a script exists, but it's not the preferred method.20:26
fabrice_spand I understood that the purpose was to allow developpersto do the sync by their own20:26
fabrice_spok: so no changes then20:26
ScottKNot yet20:26
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