
ddecatormicahg: i couldn't find anything upstream or downstream related to it, but i need to get some dinner. i can look more later tonight, but if you know what search terms to use that'd be helpful00:48
micahgddecator: k, I'm sure I'm subscribed to it, so I'll check email later for it00:49
ddecatormicahg: sounds good, thanks00:49
ccheneymicahg: yes03:56
micahgccheney: should we have a session on dictionaries or can I roll it into the mozilla generic session or neither?03:57
ccheneymicahg: as i understand it rene is planning on dropping the backwards compat symlinks altogether soon in Debian03:57
ccheneymicahg: enchant still hasn't been ported to use the new dir on Ubuntu03:57
micahgccheney: ok, so we don't need anything specific?03:57
ccheneymicahg: probably not, we just need to make sure someone makes certain to get all the dictionaries updated in this cycle and prod Rene to drop the backwards compat asap03:58
ccheneymicahg: that way we don't have to maintain a delta to drop the compat bits03:58
micahgccheney: would it be ok if I add that to the mozilla generic work tasks?03:58
ccheneymicahg: sounds ok to me assuming no one else has objections :)03:59
* ccheney isn't going to be working on mozilla this cycle but can help with the dictionary stuff if needed03:59
ccheneyits pretty straightforward what to do though03:59
ccheneyeverything needs to be in hunspell as xx_YY (iirc) and nothing under myspell once backwards compat is dropped04:00
ccheneyi assume rene will probably update the policy to reflect that once he is ready to do it04:00
ccheneydropping xx-YY should be doable at any time though afaik04:00
micahgccheney: added to whiteboard :)04:01
micahgccheney: should I subscribe you?04:01
ccheneythats fine04:01
micahgccheney: thanks04:07
ccheneymy flight leaves about 7pm on saturday, still need to buy some new clothes and pack04:13
ccheneymicahg: are you going to be at UDS?04:13
micahgccheney: yes04:13
ccheneyok, see you there then :)04:15
micahgccheney: yep :)04:16
ddecatormicahg: poke04:41
* micahg hides04:41
ddecatormicahg: you told me to poke you later, but idk if you actually meant tonight still, haha04:42
micahgddecator: I did04:43
micahgddecator: is this it upstream: mozilla 50427504:52
ubottuMozilla bug 504275 in Menus "Bookmark favicon images with menus_have_icons=false" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50427504:52
ddecatormicahg: oh, i saw that one, but didn't think it was what i was looking for since it just mentions favicons04:52
* micahg isn't sure what the bug is04:53
ddecatorhaha, i'll look at it04:53
micahgddecator: is it the desktop menu that has the icon?04:54
micahgor is this in the app?04:54
ddecatormicahg: the impression i had was that the menus showed icons when the menus_have_icons=false was set, but i guess it works, firefox just needs to be restarted for it to happen04:55
micahgddecator: icons in the menus inside firefox?04:55
ddecatormicahg: right04:55
* ddecator looks at lp bug04:55
ddecatorin Terminal or Liferea icons from menu disappers but in firefox are still04:56
ddecatorheh, he's slovak04:57
micahgddecator: you've confirmed this on trunk right?05:12
ddecatormicahg: i think i did (been a while since i tested) let me test it right now05:12
micahgddecator: k, I got the ok to file upstream05:13
micahgand I can't find a dupe05:13
ddecatormicahg: alright, setting it to false does work (except for bookmarks, but i think that's what the favicon bug was about, favicons stay), but it does require restarting ff05:15
ddecatoroddly, i still have icons in Places and Applications...might be fixed by logging out and back in, not sure05:15
micahgddecator: what about other apps?05:19
ddecatormicahg: terminal and nautilus change instantly05:20
micahgwhat about liferea, rhythmbox?05:23
ddecatorone sec05:23
ddecatormicahg: they also change instantly05:28
micahgddecator: k, can you please file the bug on bgo, use the same category as mozilla 41581005:28
ubottuMozilla bug 415810 in Widget: Gtk "Respect the user's settings of icons in menus" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41581005:28
ddecatormicahg: it's a gnome issue?05:30
micahgddecator: oops05:30
micahgI meant bmo :)05:30
* micahg is tired05:30
ddecatorhaha, i wondered05:31
ddecatorbtw, i'm going to build the latest songbird daily tonight to see if it still builds alright05:31
micahgddecator: please give me the bug number when done05:39
ddecatormicahg: sure thing, i'm filling it out right now (got caught in a political discussion, sorry haha)05:40
micahgheh, k, I"ll be on about another half hour05:40
ddecatormozilla 56435705:44
ubottuMozilla bug 564357 in Widget: Gtk "GTK icon settings for menus are not honored until Firefox is restarted" [Trivial,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56435705:44
ddecatormicahg: want me to link it to the downstream report?05:45
micahgddecator: k05:47
ddecatormicahg: ...is that a yes? haha05:50
micahgYou can link LP, I'll add the LP bug to bmo05:50
ddecatorgood deal. thanks05:50
micahgddecator: BTW, you might want to be explicit when mentioning software not in the archive in LP (i.e. Firefox 3.7a5 from the Mozilla Daily PPA) as well as archive version if applicable, when upstreaming, trunk is what counts generally for reporting, but it's also good to know how many releases back are affected by an issue06:24
ddecatormicahg: alright, i'll keep that in mind. should i add that or call it good this time?06:25
micahgddecator: I think it's ok this time06:25
ddecatormicahg: alright. i'll definitely remember that for next time though06:26
micahgddecator: take a look at the profile_pluginreg file attached to bug 57675606:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576756 in firefox "Firefox reports wrong version of Flash Player installed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57675606:27
ddecatormicahg: i did. did i miss something?06:27
micahgddecator: what version of flash does it show?06:28
ddecatorFlash 9.0 r12406:28
micahgalso, user gave flash versions in the description06:29
ddecatormicahg: right, he says everything says flash 9, but that he saw it say flash 10 had been installed06:30
ddecatorso i didn't know if synaptic would show 9 or 1006:30
micahgddecator: right, you can see in the plugin_reg file what firefox sees (i.e. 9), you can see what's installed with apt-cache policy as well as synaptic06:30
ddecatormicahg: ooooooooooh, i didn't see that in the apport info..06:31
micahgddecator: that was teh user :)06:31
ddecatormicahg: ...in the terminal output06:31
micahgddecator: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-browser-apport/ in case you're interested06:31
ddecatormicahg: should i "participate" in that?06:32
micahgddecator: you can if you want to remotely, but it'll be 4 in the morning on Wed :)06:33
ddecatormicahg: heh, i just meant subscribe to it, i doubt i'll be up that early on wednesday06:34
ddecatormicahg: btw, any suggestions for that bug report, i'm at a loss atm06:34
micahgddecator: k, that's fine06:34
micahgddecator: possible manual installation of flash at some point?06:34
ddecatormicahg: could be...i'll ask06:35
ddecatormicahg: if i try to subscribe to the blueprint, it says "participation essential" so should i just not subscribe to it?06:35
micahgddecator: don't check the box06:36
ddecatormicahg: says it's required06:36
micahgddecator: no, checking the box means required06:36
micahgddecator: I'll subscribe you06:36
ddecatormicahg: ah, gotcha. haha, thanks06:36
micahgddecator: I wonder if that bug is because of a flash alternative06:37
ddecatormicahg: like gnash or something?06:37
micahgno, that's not it, it would just move where it would be06:37
* micahg checks files in gnash06:38
ddecatori did see another bug that had swfdec-mozilla installed that was 9, and flash installed that was 1006:38
micahgddecator: yes, but you can see what it is in the filename06:39
micahgddecator: you're correct about the version06:39
ddecatormicahg: true...i'll just ask if he ever installed it manually for now. if not, i'll look more into other possibilities06:41
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BUGabundo_remoteSay Guud Bye to the Sun, say Hello to the rain :O08:47
ddecatorhaha, hey BUGabundo_remote08:47
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Greenerymy firefox kde integration for kubuntu 10.04 is not working. I did install kmozillahelper and still no integration10:59
rethuswhere can i set that thunderbird don't use -- in front of a signature?13:13
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jdstrandchrisccoulson: fyi:13:25
jdstrand07:21 < pitti> jdstrand: looks safe to me, I think it's fine to include it13:25
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I know it took awhile, but I finally got an answer :)13:26
jdstrandchrisccoulson: (that is regarding the now 5 apparmor commits)13:26
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - thanks. i've uploaded the latest version to the u-m-s PPA now though, so i'm not sure if we'll get the changes in to this release, or wait until 3.6.513:51
chrisccoulsoni wasn't planning to do another upload now before UDS13:51
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - i wanted to discuss how we're going to handle the ff3.6 rollout for hardy / jaunty at some point when you have some time13:54
jdstrandchrisccoulson: re new upload-- understood, but we are at least clear for next time. if you do another upload, please add the fixes14:10
jdstrandchrisccoulson: perhaps you can drop into one of the security team roundtables (first thing in the mornings) at UDS14:13
jdstrandchrisccoulson: and we can discuss the ff36 rollout14:13
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, sure, that sounds good14:14
micahgjdstrand: can I come too?14:17
jdstrandmicahg: absolutely14:18
jdstrandyou two drop by a roundtable one morning-- it is open to anyone14:18
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm just about to get the seamonkey updates uploaded14:19
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I guess I'll have to poke upstream about the xul191+cairo issue over the weekend14:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, that one is a bit of a pain, but i'd rather not convert to in-source cairo just for that. hopefully we can resolve it in the next security update14:21
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm still hoping to get it in this update :)14:22
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's still possible. we can still do another PPA upload before the release14:22
chrisccoulsonbut i want to try and get as much as possible in to the PPA today with UDS being next week14:22
micahgchrisccoulson: well, unfortunately, Thunderbird hasn't been tagged yet14:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a shame14:24
micahgchrisccoulson: when do you leave?14:24
chrisccoulsoni leave on sunday afternoon, but i wasn't planning to work tomorrow14:24
micahgah, ok, me too14:24
micahgchrisccoulson: well, if I catch it Sat night or Sun morning, I'll try to get it ready so you just have to push a couple buttons at UDS :)14:25
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll also try to the have SRU for gjs and gnome-shell ready in a couple hours14:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - excellent, thanks14:28
chrisccoulsonis there a bug report for that btw?14:29
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't think I filed one yet14:29
* micahg checks14:29
chrisccoulsonah, ok. we will need one for that14:29
chrisccoulsoni can approve the lucid nomination for that too14:29
micahgchrisccoulson: can I put both on the same bug?14:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, both on the same bug is fine14:29
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 57699114:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576991 in gnome-shell "Add a wrapper for LD_LIBRARY_PATH to gnome-shell so we don't have to rebuild gjs for xulrunner updates" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57699114:34
chrisccoulsonmicahg - excellent, thanks14:34
thekornhi, does anybody have a sample Makefile for a xpcom component for FF3 written in c++?15:36
thekornI somehow fail to do the linking correctly, with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~thekorn/%2Bjunk/sampleextension/annotate/head:/Makefile I get a couple of undefined symbols15:37
chrisccoulsonthekorn - you could check something like chmsee, which uses the xpcom standalone glue16:15
chrisccoulson(i've not looked at what you're trying to do yet though - i probably won't have time to this week)16:16
thekornchrisccoulson, no worries, thanks for your help16:30
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chrisccoulsonjdstrand - we're planning to roll out nss 3.12.6 to hardy/jaunty at some point aren't we?18:07
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering whether nows the right time to do it18:07
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to update seamonkey in hardy/jaunty to 2.0.5, and it needs the latest NSS18:07
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I think the friday before UDS is not optimal18:08
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's probably not the best time then18:08
chrisccoulsoni could get that in to the PPA though couldn't i?18:09
jdstrandchrisccoulson: feel free to put it in the ppa18:09
jdstrandchrisccoulson: I am not keen on a usn on it for next week though18:09
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - that's fine, just as long as i can start getting other things which depend on it in to the PPA18:10
chrisccoulson(eg, ff36)18:10
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - do we use a new USN for that, or the one that was used for karmic? (USN-927-2)18:11
jdstrandchrisccoulson: our previous agreement was that we would not update nss in hardy-jaunty until firefox in those releases was updated to ff36 (which uses the embedded nss)18:11
jdstrandchrisccoulson: -2. but you don't have to reference it in the changelog18:11
jdstrandchrisccoulson: remember, we only preassign USNs for mozilla products where they don't give us the info beforehand18:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's fine. i'll get that in to the PPA this evening then18:12
jdstrandchrisccoulson: with the new nss, we'll need to verify to not introduce the regressions on hardy-jaunty for bug #559881 and bug #55991818:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559881 in nss "libnss3-1d 3.12.6-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 breaks ssl/fips support in firefox" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55988118:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559918 in thunderbird "Thunderbird cannot initialize the security component when libnss3-0d 3.12.6 is installed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55991818:13
jdstrandthe first should be fixed by waiting on ff36 aiui18:13
chrisccoulsonjdstrand - yeah, i'll make sure of that. the last bug should be mitigated by the fact that we're going to update tb to tb3.0.x soon too18:14
jdstrandchrisccoulson: so tbird may need an update for hardy-jaunty to handle the new nss, iirc18:14
chrisccoulsonwell, i think the plan is to update tb too18:14
jdstrandyeah, this is way to much to soordinate/test/etc during UDS18:14
chrisccoulsoni need to check with asac though (2.0.0.x is EOL now)18:14
jdstrandbut I have no problems with you doing your work in the security ppa18:15
micahgchrisccoulson: unfortunately, gnome-shell fix is not easy, I'm having mozjs issues during build18:31
micahgchrisccoulson: I suggest we rebuild gjs this time and fix it before
LLStarksacross 50 different fresh installs of ubuntu over the past year, not once has the plugin installer ever worked for me20:29
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LLStarkswhat gives?20:29
LLStarksflash always fails20:29
LLStarksjava always fails20:30
LLStarkswhat am i doing wrong?20:30
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micahgchrisccoulson: any last thoughts before I go offline?22:53
micahgchrisccoulson: please send an e-mail if you need me to do anything before Monday23:15
LLStarksi know why the plugin installer always fails23:20
LLStarksit needs a pristine sources.list in order to work23:20

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