
nhandlerhttp://blog.bofh.it/debian/id_375 :(00:25
persiaThat's the next hurdle.00:27
persiaFirst we need to get on top of the patches Ubuntu is completely ignoring.00:27
persiaThen we can apply our skills to the patches that Ubuntu is hoarding.00:27
nigelbabujust an announcement, we're at 69 bugs.  can we make it 0 before UDS?02:59
ddecatoralright, i'm thinking of trying to review a patch. is anyone here in case i run into any trouble?04:20
dholbachgood morning08:10
dholbachnigelbabu: so... what did we get out of the patch day? how did it pan out? :)09:03
nigelbabudholbach: 116 patches reviewed11:41
nigelbabudholbach: I'll send out a mail and blog post today11:41
nigelbabupersia: you about?11:51
nigelbabuwe need to have that debate :D11:51
nigelbabudholbach: in belgium?11:55
dholbachnope, I'll get there on sunday11:55
nigelbabuah, ok11:55
dholbachI'm sorting out a few smaller things, then get to planning my UOW session11:55
nigelbabuoh, yeah, the first 2 hours :)11:55
nigelbabudholbach: got a minute for me? can you look at the latest ubuntu-review-overview code and see if things look okay?13:13
dholbachnigelbabu: link? :)13:13
dholbachnigelbabu: will take a look13:14
nigelbabuthank you :)13:15
nigelbabuddecator: you wanted to get started with review?13:16
nigelbabucyphermox: /ws 2813:18
nigelbabusorry :)13:19
nigelbabuanyway since I pinged you by mistake...13:20
nigelbabuThanks for being a review lead, we managed to get the count down to 69 unreviewed bugs now13:20
nigelbabucyphermox: a total of 116 bugs reviewed :)13:20
cyphermoxdidn't really do much, but np :) it's great that things are going well13:20
dholbachnigelbabu: just small changes: http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/patch13:25
dholbachfixed imports13:25
dholbachfixed the filename13:25
nigelbabuthank you :)13:28
nigelbabudholbach: why is the tasks line removed?13:29
dholbachnigelbabu: because it's called twice13:30
dholbachnigelbabu: and the second time "tasks" is not used again13:30
nigelbabudholbach: oh yeah, grr why didn't I see that one13:30
dholbachno big deal :)13:31
nigelbabuit takes a good deal of time to run, planning to run it overnight13:31
* nigelbabu is making graphs13:44
nigelbabupersia: I have holes in the data, we didn't post hourly :(, neither you nor me13:48
persianigelbabu: I suspect there wasn't that much variation for many of the gaps, but extrapolate where you can :)14:10
nigelbabupersia: I have an unpretty graph14:13
nigelbabuI dunno how to make it pretty, suggestions welcome14:13
nigelbabupersia: ^14:14
hyperairnigelbabu: now differentiate the graph with respect to time and make a new one =p14:20
nigelbabuhyperair: it is differentiated with time14:20
hyperairwhat's the timezone of the times in the graph?14:20
hyperairnigelbabu: no, i mean dy/dx14:21
hyperairnigelbabu: which would get you a graph of the gradient per time14:21
nigelbabuhyperair: oh, that14:21
nigelbabuok, prettier now, http://people.ubuntu.com/~nigelbabu/patch-day-2.jpg14:28
nigelbabupersia, dholbach, hyperair: ^14:29
nigelbabuno, I didn't do the dy/dx14:29
hyperairwhat did you use to draw the graph anyway?14:30
nigelbabuopen office14:30
nigelbabuit sucks, I know14:30
nigelbabuoh no, the graph is statistically wrong14:38
nigelbabuhyperair:can you look at the second graph...14:50
nigelbabuyou'd notice that I had some gaps in time, is that okay?14:50
nigelbabui mean mathematically14:50
hyperairnigelbabu: there are gaps?14:58
hyperairi didn't notice14:58
hyperairand i didn't know openoffice could make graphs14:59
yofelI don't mind the gaps, if the graph wouldn't look like it's bending space and time...14:59
nigelbabuhyperair: how else do you make graphs15:00
hyperairnigelbabu: gnuplot.15:01
hyperairnigelbabu: they look quite bad though15:01
nigelbabuyofel: the distance between 1 hour and 3 hours look the same15:01
nigelbabuhyperair: they look bad now? or on gnuplot?15:01
hyperairnigelbabu: gnuplot.15:02
hyperairnigelbabu: let me look for a graph i did sometime back..15:02
hyperairnigelbabu: ^15:04
nigelbabuhyperair: I <3 it!15:05
hyperairnigelbabu: !!15:05
hyperairnigelbabu: but the font hinting is not really good.15:05
hyperairnigelbabu: well you could use plotdrop, it's fairly easy to use.15:06
hyperairit's a drag-drop gtk+ ui for gnuplot15:06
nigelbabuhyperair: yuck, only command line?15:09
hyperairnigelbabu: unfortunately so.15:09
hyperairnigelbabu: but like i said, plotdrop's pretty good. i made that graph using plotdrop.15:10
nigelbabudouble yuck15:10
nigelbabuupdating, cant apt-get for another 15 mins15:10
nigelbabuhyperair: will the current graph do for basic stuff?15:15
hyperairnigelbabu: i think it's fine really15:15
* nigelbabu needs to move to next item on "things to do"15:15
nigelbabuok, ty15:16
nigelbabuI'm writing a mail to devel, anyone care to help me edit the thing more finer?15:28
dholbachnigelbabu: NICE15:33
nigelbabudholbach: :)15:34
popeyyup, good to me15:35
nigelbabuthanks popey :)15:36
popeynp, anytime15:36
nigelbabupersia: new plan, as soon as mails from the mailing list hits of new patches, attack them, so we keep the count to down19:12
nigelbabuyesterday and today, there were 2 that were supposed to be ignored but one task was not a blacklist, so we eneded up getting sub'd19:12
nigelbabuI'm doing some wok on standard replies.  If anyone would like to create new ones or correct the ones I have there, please go ahead19:22
nigelbabuI'm sure Patch Day might have given some ideas of what to write19:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ddecatornigelbabu: yah. not sure how much i can help, but i'm interested in learning how the process works so i can do it if i have extra time or a need to review one at some point20:48
yofelhm, I didn't read the whole page in a while, but I just noticed that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Patches doesn't mention the review team at all...22:00

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