
=== zul_ is now known as zul
nph0rmhi room00:39
nph0rmi've just installed ubuntu 10.4 server on my old P2 machine00:39
handheldCarcool deal00:43
nph0rmit didn't work with carmic00:44
nph0rmi still have to configure wireless network and find out how to mount my usb flash drive, but this i will do tomorrow00:44
nph0rmit is late here00:44
nph0rmgn8 room00:44
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quentusrexsoren, I'm highlighting you in both channels. Are you around?01:43
dominicdinadaAnybody good with working with wireless mastermode01:54
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D4mi4nhi all02:38
D4mi4ndid someone connect a blackberry as modem in ubunto 9.10?02:38
dominicdinadaany help with somebody usingebox ?02:44
dominicdinadaany help with somebody using ebox ?02:44
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:47
jnssshould i get this new version or not02:54
jnssare you happy with you cd?02:54
twbOn a hardy system, does upstart log events anywhere?03:34
cclausentwb: is there upstart on hardy?03:40
twbThere is.03:40
twbIt was pretty useless, since all the init scripts were still in sysvinit03:41
cclausenoh, ok03:41
dominicdinadagod ebox suck a fat one :03:41
cclausenso it wasn't used by default03:41
twbIt was used by default03:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:43
twbIt basically replaced /sbin/init, but none of the init scripts.03:43
SirDerigohi guys! got two questions: in my house i have 2 machines playing server03:43
twbTwo too many :-/03:45
SirDerigoand Intel core I5 with 3 Gb Ram and an Amd Sempron 1.9, they are plugged into an dlink dir-300 with dd-wrt03:45
SirDerigoi want to make them both accessible through from internet, i got a domain pointed to my IP,03:46
SirDerigoi want to know how i set up a subdomain for every server? like srv1.example.com03:47
SirDerigoand srv2.example.com03:47
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)03:47
SirDerigois this possible?03:49
twbdominicdinada: is there a reason you're trying to talk to ebox from lynx instead of just managing the system normally (i.e. from the command line)?03:49
SirDerigoluis_lopez, !hola!03:49
luis_lopezgreetings SirDerigo03:50
SirDerigohow r u luis_lopez ?03:50
dominicdinadatwb: learning via gui is easier Ebox is the worst effort at an front end for server and well Ubuntu doesnt support webmin03:50
twbSorry, I don't agree.03:51
dominicdinadaSomeone told me to...to try SWAT but it will not allow me to run it03:51
dominicdinadaon the brighter note i am learning about samba editing the configs for my shares...03:52
dominicdinadatwb: maybe my ebox install is corrupted.... firewall and dhcp says its down when it is up... I try to add the modules for user and groups and i get "Nasty Bug occured"03:53
twbI wouldn't know.  AFAICT all attempts to provide a GUI to ignorant admins result in a ridiculous farce.03:54
twbI'd rather admins learn how a system works than how to click on things.03:54
dominicdinadafunny you should say that i know how server 2k8 core works03:55
dominicdinadabut this isnt 2k8 so i am learning things03:56
dominicdinadaA nice little GUI will write these useless lines of text in smb.conf and I can change it and review it and do nifty little things... while learning how settings and variables should be written03:57
ScottKtwb: I agree with you generally, but I think as long as the web U/I is used as a learning tool for transition, it's reasonable.04:01
twbScottK: I'd agree, if there was a GUI/web UI wrapper that did much good.04:02
dominicdinadai am game if you wanna teach me twb:04:02
ScottKOne thing I can say for sure about Ebox I can't say about Webmin is I haven't seen a postfix bug filed in Ubuntu due to parts of main.cf getting eaten.04:03
twbI suppose the one OpenWRT ships is pretty solid, but that's because they mangle all their services to accept a UI-friendly intermediary layer04:04
twbIf I was commissioned to build one, I'd use an intermediary layer like puppet; the web UI would just generate manifests and leave the system itself alone.04:04
dominicdinadaok i am running into a problem here :/ my share is set .. writable = yes ^M read only = no, Security = user     and If i remotly try to edit a file say in eclipse it will not let me save to the directory04:06
dominicdinadayet i can copy and create... do i need to add a modify = yes04:07
twbJust pastebin the whole file to start with04:10
dominicdinadachanged the max shares and default drive letter and the network adapter to eth104:17
twbHave you restarted samba since changing the file?04:19
dominicdinadasmbd restart04:20
twbIt should be /etc/init.d/samba restart, or possibly something like "restart samba" in new upstart-based systems04:20
twbIn theory you could say "force-reload" instead of "restart", but I never trust that.04:21
dominicdinadaCough cough WRONG04:21
dominicdinadathey changed samba to smbd04:21
dominicdinadain lucid04:21
twbYou realize I'm talking about the init script, not the daemon itself?04:22
dominicdinadayes there is no samba in init.d04:22
twbYeah, you're right.04:22
dominicdinada32 bit04:22
twbhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/samba/filelist, then.  It'll surely be the same for init file names.04:23
dominicdinadamaybe the cron daily ? or04:23
twbdominicdinada: well, in sysvinit land you would normally just run the init script in init.d with the appropriate argument ("restart", in this case).04:24
twbBut I think the upstart clowns have a specific /sbin/restart(8) program to generate restart events.04:24
dominicdinadai did smdb which restarted correctly i assume it didnt throw errors04:24
twbWell, OK.04:24
dominicdinadadominicdinada@diabolical-fs:/etc/init.d$ smbd restart04:25
twbUm, if . is in your PATH, it shouldn't be.04:25
dominicdinadafor init.d ?04:25
twbWhat does "which smbd" say?04:26
dominicdinadadominicdinada@diabolical-fs:/etc$ which smbd04:26
twbSigh.  Never mind.04:27
twbLet's just assume it's restarted and try to talk to it.04:27
twbTry "smbclient //"04:27
dominicdinadaok it logged me in and returned me to the shell04:28
twbMake that "smbclient -L"04:29
twbThe goal is to make sure that samba's responding, listing the share and allowing you to access it at all.04:30
dominicdinadaoh sorry i paste binned the results04:31
twbOK, good04:31
twbSo you should be able to say smbclient //, and get an FTP-like prompt.04:31
dominicdinadayes i have04:32
twbOK, now try a "PUT" to upload something04:32
dominicdinadanow get04:33
twbIf the PUT worked, then the *samba* part of things is working.04:34
twb...which means that the problem is probably your firewall, or centralized authentication (if any), or perhaps Samba's machine accounts.04:35
dominicdinadaI didnt add samba machine accounts I thought it inherited the accounts from ubuntu04:35
twbThe pam system has no concept of machine accounts, so it won't inherit those04:36
twbFor user accounts, it depends on how it's set up, but I think it can either just look at pam, or take a static copy which you have to keep in sync and is a major pain in the arse.04:36
dominicdinadait is taking from my pam i believe cause i can login as many users04:37
twbSo things you can do next is look at the samba logs; try to connect from windows without eclipse (i.e. start > run > \\diabolical-fs\www), try to use netcat or smbclient from another linux machine.04:37
Guest31208Ubuntu really needs a better office suite.04:37
dominicdinadaAs for this server it is a File-server, Wireless Access Point, Dev Webserver04:37
dominicdinadaopen office04:38
* Guest31208 curses at NickServ04:38
=== Guest31208 is now known as AdamDV
twbdominicdinada: you should probably first confirm that a remote host can see the port open at all.04:38
AdamDVOpenOffice is no match to Office 2007.04:38
AdamDVNo offense.04:38
dominicdinadayes it opens ip04:39
AdamDV(Well, in my opinion its no match)04:39
twbAdamDV: I don't care; I don't use an office suite.04:39
AdamDVOther people might?04:39
twbWell, they're welcome to improve the situation04:40
dominicdinadaAdam Open Office is one of the few Office suites that came from the gitgo to read all microsoft formats04:40
twbdominicdinada: Microsoft Office can, too04:40
dominicdinadaYea but Open Office is Free... And MS OFFICE is like 200$04:40
twbUnless the document is in a newer format than the Microsoft Office install you're running...04:40
dominicdinadai have both04:41
twbI had a lot of problems with that in a heterogeneous organization, once.04:41
dominicdinadaawhile back nothing could read microsoft's .docx mdb etc formats04:41
dominicdinadayou could decompress .docx files as any other compressed file but whatever04:42
AdamDVNo no, the underlying code for OOo is great. Hate the interface.04:43
AdamDVAnyway. I'll stop complaining now.04:43
dominicdinadaYou can change the looks i believe ( dont have OO on this pc ) so i cant guide ya04:43
twbPay someone to fix it.  It'd probably only cost a couple of hundred Microsoft Office per-seat licenses.04:44
dominicdinadaHe is talking about OO04:44
twbdominicdinada: you can make it look a bit like gnome or a bit like KDE, but you can't really change it's look-and-feel.04:44
dominicdinadatwb: ya true04:44
twbdominicdinada: yeah, but what I'm saying is that instead of licensing the latest Microsoft Office every three years, he could invest that money in getting exactly what he wants bolted onto OO04:45
AdamDVThats actually not a bad idea.04:45
dominicdinadaOh well yeah but then he will either miss out on updates or get the custom code over written when it updates04:46
twbI am hand-waving away the gory details :-)04:46
ScottKdominicdinada: Or get the patch done and then convince Ubuntu to include it and it's not your maintenance headache anymore.04:46
twbdominicdinada: I'm not suggesting a fork, I'm suggesting hiring people to contribute directly to the mainline project.04:47
dominicdinadaWell AdamDv: what do you think04:47
twbForking is not worth doing unless upstream is being a total jackass.04:47
AdamDVI'll have to talk to accounting.04:48
AdamDVNot a bad idea though.04:48
kaushalI have a weird issue about logrotate utility slowing down the server running ubuntu linux 8.04 hardy server. My logrotate runs at around05:29
kaushal12:30 pm everyday and during this time it slows down. The load is high on the box.There is no error in dmesg and as well as syslog service.05:29
kaushalPlease suggest/guide me how do i go about in fixing this issue.05:29
wsuthomasI am having problem with $PATH, any ideas why is deferent  from one ssh to another http://paste.pocoo.org/show/210933/05:30
ScottKwsuthomas: Because the Python path is not the same as the system path.05:33
ScottKYou can see this with (in Python)05:33
ScottKimport sys05:33
ScottKprint sys.path.05:33
ScottK(without the last .)05:34
wsuthomasso I need to change the sys.path on the node server05:34
ScottKThat's why they are different.  Since I don't know what you're trying to do, I can't say.05:36
ScottKBedtime for me anyway.05:36
wsuthomasls and df work though05:36
lukehasnonameNight ScottK. Hope you live in the US...05:37
wsuthomasthanks for the idea05:37
ScottKYes.  East coast unfortunately.05:37
lukehasnonameNot terrible. I'm hitting the hay in Texas, so I'll be sleeping Thursday night. :)05:38
wsuthomaswhere is /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games05:42
wsuthomasi think the problem is that I change the .rcbash file and it is not reading it05:43
Callum__okay, what is the difference between Samba in Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04? because my Samba config I used for 9.10 doesn't want to work properly at all06:29
clintbCallum__: can you be more specific as to "doesn't want to work properly at all" ?06:32
clintbprints errors06:32
clintbdrops clients?06:32
Callum__nothing can access its shares at all06:32
Callum__they come up but no machines can access it, Windows OR Linux06:33
Callum__well, the machine itself, the share list won't even work properly06:33
Callum__NFS works fine but Samba doesn't >_>06:33
clintbany errors in the logs?06:33
Callum__no idea06:33
clintbI don't know where the logs are exactly .. but probably somewhere under /var/log there is an 'smb' dir or an 'smbd.log'06:37
clintbor could be in one of the other files like 'daemon' or 'messages'06:37
Callum__nevermind, found my issue, god damn it >_>06:37
Callum__somehow the "guest account" configuration got uncommented, and yeah, the guest account mentioned didn't exist... recommented, now works06:38
clintbCallum__:   :)06:44
clintbCallum__: sometimes just talking to somebody else helps you to think about a problem. :)06:45
Callum__yeah =P06:45
Callum__NFS > Samba, always =(06:45
clintbI dunno06:46
clintbNFSv4 maybe .. but even then... samba does seem to work well...06:47
kaushalchecking in again for my query ?06:52
clintbkaushal: you might want to re-state it06:53
cclausenkaushal: run logcheck more often, or get fewer logs06:56
cclausenit apparently just takes that long to compress your old logs and rotate them06:56
clintbshouldn't that be niced?06:56
cclausendo you have dedicated spindles for the log files themselves?06:56
cclausennice doesn't nice I/O06:56
cclausen(or does it now?)06:56
clintbthere was some progress on an ionice though06:58
clintbLinux supports io scheduling priorities and classes since 2.6.13 with the CFQ io scheduler.07:00
clintbaccording to 'man ionice'07:00
cclausenthat might help07:00
cclausenalthough it probably means logrotate will take longer07:00
cclausenand that may not be desirable07:00
kaushalI did nice -n 19 too it didnot worked07:01
cclausenkaushal: try and figure out if the process is cpu-bound or disk I/O bound07:01
cclausenif disk I/O is the problem, get faster disks07:01
cclausenI guess actually, could also be memory contrained.  is your system swapping when logrotate runs?07:02
cclausenare things actually going slow?07:03
cclausenor are you just seeing high load and freaking out?07:04
clintbor maybe log less. :)07:10
kaushalcclausen: yes the system becomes very slow07:15
kaushalThe load is high too07:15
clintbkaushal: do you have sysstat running? if you type 'sar -b' do you get numbers? if so, pastebin.com them07:24
kaushalclintb: sure07:38
sveinseAfter I upgraded a server to karmic, ssh-server seems to allow login for the users even before fsck is done checking the disks with the user's home. How can I change the order, or delay ssh login?08:08
billybigriggeranyone aware of a graphical stats generator for denyhosts?08:13
twbtcpwrappers keeps logs of hosts it denies?08:14
billybigriggeri meant like something like awstats or webalizer for denyhosts08:16
billybigriggeralso, just started reading up on ossec, any comments on it? or will denyhosts be fine for me?08:16
billybigriggerrunning on a non-commercial server, just used to host my blog08:17
clintbI use denyhosts, and it has definitely reduced the number of attempts quite a bit08:17
clintbthe website for the project does export some aggregate stats..08:18
billybigriggeryeah i wanted to see that for my site08:18
billybigriggeroh well, i have it set to email me on a denied host....08:18
clintbyou could write a munin plugin for it08:18
billybigriggertime to setup a new folder and message filter :)08:18
clintbbut I bet the rate is so low.. graphs wouldn't be all that useful08:19
billybigriggeri expect a ton of emails from denyhosts now...just went through auth.log....what a nightmare...didn't even bother with .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 ....etc :P hehe08:19
billybigriggerjust had denyhosts running for all of 10 mins08:19
billybigrigger4 emails already08:19
clintbthe bigger part is that you get all the hosts that others have already identified as evil08:20
billybigrigger18 hosts denied lol08:20
clintbits really a great project08:20
billybigriggeryeah, i have it set to download/upload to the central server...that is such a great feature08:20
billybigriggerdon't know why its disabled by default on a ubuntu server install!!! geeeez08:21
twbI think you're talking about RBLs08:36
twbOh, oops.  denyhosts as in denyhosts.sf.net, not hosts.deny(5)08:37
twbThat stuff's only useful if your sshd can't be configured passphrase-only, or whitelisted-IPs-only, or at least netfilter -m recent and -m hashlimit.08:38
sorenquentusrex: I am now.08:55
sorenquentusrex: I try to be asleep at 02:43 at night. Usually I manage.08:55
twbThen you're a bigger man than I08:56
twbI usually knock off at 3AM08:56
RickyWh1what is the command to check how much freespace ?08:58
quentusrexsoren, I was going to ask if you could role an updated version of glusterfs09:01
quentusrexI'm trying to use glusterfs on lucid, and having rather difficult problem with ip auth.09:02
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RickyWh1is there a quick and easy way for me to test if my server has open relay turned on?09:08
sorenquentusrex: If you can hunt down the patch that fixes it, I can sponsor an upload, sure.09:21
MkoolsHi, I want to add a virtual host to tomcat6. Can someone please verify the steps that I followed?10:04
* abogani waves10:25
aboganiSorry for really stupid question but Google don't had help me and I unfortunately missed the server session at OpenWeek.10:25
aboganiIf Desktop and Server share the same components (deb archives) How can discover if a package will be supported for 5 years (instead of 3)?10:25
aboganiThanks in advance!10:25
sorenabogani: apt-get show <package name> shows it.10:26
sorenapt-cache, I mean.10:26
sorene.g. apt-cache show apache2 says:10:26
sorenSupported: 5y10:26
aboganisoren: Thanks a lot!10:31
MkoolsWhen I am shutting down my instance of tomcat6 server I am getting: SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 1 column 1: Content is not allowed in prolog.10:32
sveinseAfter I upgraded a server to karmic, ssh-server seems to allow login for the users even before fsck is done checking the disks. How can I change the order, or delay ssh login until fsck is done? It is pointless to allow users to login if their homes are not mounted yet10:35
Mkoolshey, Can any one help?10:38
jherrlinhey folks!11:10
jherrlini have a question about connect a Ubuntu Server 10.4 to a OS X Server 10.6 Open Directory11:11
jherrlini want to share the Open Directory from my OS X Server to the Ubuntu Server11:12
jherrlini gues my Ubuntu server would act as a Replica=11:12
uvirtbot`New bug: #576910 in php5 (main) "Regression: getPathInfo() doesn't return parent info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57691011:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #576913 in dovecot (main) "Backport dovecot 1.2.11 to Lucid?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57691311:46
uvirtbot`New bug: #576949 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "[lucid] LOAD DATA INFILE fails in replication, simple patch available in 5.1.43" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57694913:11
stanman246anyone running ubu as an openvz host?13:34
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
ScottKmathiaz: Would it be possible to repost my last post to planet Ubuntu onto the server blog so it gets wider viewing?14:38
cclausenjherrlin_: I don't think you can get non-Mac OS to act as an Open Directory replica and have everything work correctly.14:43
cclausensveinse: you can change it so that init launches sshd last14:44
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
sveinsecclausen: How?14:53
uvirtbot`New bug: #576805 in samba (main) "Samba machine not browseable from windows ( 7, XP, ... )" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57680515:32
npopehello fellow server people.  I am trying to use sed to search for a word, and if that word is there i want to append text to the end of the line15:51
npopeso far i have no success15:51
npopesed -i '/^kernel/s|$|/ rdblacklist=nouveau vga=0x318/g'15:51
cclausennpope: try and simpler command to make sure you are using sed correctly first15:57
npopewell i can do sed -i s/$/ replacementtext/g' filename just fine15:58
npopebut that appends to everyline15:58
npopewhich is not useful to me15:58
cclausencan you pastebin teh file in question?16:00
cclausenor if its a default ubuntu file, let us know which one?16:00
npopeits just a grub.conf file from an old distro16:01
npopei want to append a kernel setting to the end of the kernel line16:01
cclausenah, ok16:01
cclausenwell, paste it then16:01
cclausenyou are tryint to append to line 2 ?16:03
cclausenyou have LANG= in there twice?16:05
npopecclausen: that is unimportant to the question16:06
cclausenwell, whatever.  I just wanted to make sure that sed wasn't duplicating thigns16:06
cclausensed -i -e "s/quiet$/quiet rdblacklist=nouveau vga=0x318/g"16:06
cclausenappears to append to that line for me16:06
cclausenalthough is it safe to assume that the line ends with quiet all the time?16:07
npopecclausen: yea that works for me as well, however i can not be sure that quiet will always be there thats why i want to look for kernel16:07
jherrlin_cclause: okey :/ i have to think something out then16:11
cclausennpope: do you have to use sed ?16:13
cclausenI think I can do this with perl16:13
npopeno i can use awk or something16:13
npopeah perl might be tricky because it needs to run in the %post of a kickstart16:14
npopei am pretty sure perl is not avail during that point16:14
cclausenhmm... ok16:16
npopecclausen: i know i like it complicated :)16:17
npopecclausen: how would you do this in perl?16:18
npopei could write an init script that would run the perl code, then force a reboot, that way perl is avail16:18
cclausensed -i.backup '/^kernel/ {s/.*/& rdblacklist=nouveau vga=0x318/}'16:20
cclausentry that16:20
cclausen(although you might not need the .backup file created)16:20
npopeuh, that doesnt seem to do it?16:22
cclausenit appears to work for me16:22
cclausendo the lines actually start with kernel ?16:22
cclausenin teh first column?16:22
cclausenthe pastebin adds spaces so I'm not sure if matching on ^kernel works or not16:23
npopei think there might be a space16:23
npopelet me take a llook16:23
cclausenwell, put a space in if needed16:23
npopeah that works man!  the problem is a tab in the front of kernel16:25
npopeyour awesome!16:25
wack47i upgraded my distro from 8.10 to 9.04 and now for some reason i get this error in my kernel log http://pastebin.com/FRL35Zpm16:30
wack47it happens no matter what kernel i load16:30
halvorsI have a problem with my email server, here are the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429576/16:30
cclausenwack47: do you have a different /boot partition?16:31
ScottKhalvors: What does the mail log have to say about it?16:31
cclausenwack47: what is your patition layout?16:31
cclausenhalvors: didn't we go over this before?  you need an /etc/hosts and/or DNS entry for ss1 added16:32
wack47cclausen: i just did default: 143GB linux  used by /16:33
wack475.42 GB linux swap for virtual memor16:33
wack47and then there is a 5.42 extended16:33
jrwrenskip teh swap partition and install swapd :)16:34
cclausenwack47: does ls -l /boot list the files?  are you suing default ubuntu kernels?16:35
cclausenjrwren: what does swapd do?16:35
wack47ls -l /boot ---> http://pastebin.com/7SSAhRiv16:36
wack47and yes default kernels16:36
halvorscclausen: We have talked about this before but the problem is not svolved ;)16:37
warlock_mzahi everyone, I'm trying to enable mod_rewrite without success. apache2ctl -l doesn't list the module although it's already symlinked in mods-enabled dir16:38
warlock_mzaenabled with a2enmod rewrite16:38
warlock_mzawhat am I missing ?16:38
cclausenwack47: hmm... that looks ok to me.  try running update-initramfs -v and see if you see any odd errors16:38
npopecclausen: seriously thanks man that works out great for my needs16:39
cclausenwarlock_mza: did you restart apache2 after enabling the module?16:39
warlock_mzayes sir16:39
cclausenwhat is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load ?16:40
warlock_mzaLoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rewrite.so16:40
cclausenwarlock_mza: does that file exist?16:40
cclausenwarlock_mza: is this on lucid?16:40
wack47do i need to be in the /boot directory?16:41
wack47or does it not matter16:41
cclausenwack47: no, shouldn't.  update-initramfs should work from anywhere.  I usually run things from /tmp, just in case they dump random files into the current directory16:41
wack47b/c when i run it, it says "You must specify at least one of -c, -u, or -d."16:41
cclausenoh, right16:41
cclausenI forgot16:42
cclausen-u should work for you16:42
cclausenseeing as you have an existing initrd16:42
warlock_mzacclausen, does lucid have any specific thing about mod_rewrite ?16:42
wack47so update-initramfs -uv16:42
cclausenwarlock_mza: no, I'm just looking at a lucid system myself16:42
cclausenwack47: yes16:42
cclausenwarlock_mza: it loads for me.  anything in /var/log/apache2/error.log ?16:43
wack47ok no errors when i ran that16:43
wack47ill see if it shows up in the logs now16:43
cclausenwack47: ok, that is good.  maybe check your grub config then?16:43
cclausenwack47: did you change any partition layouts during the upgrade?16:44
cclausenhalvors: pastebin your /etc/hosts file again16:44
wack47ok will do, nope didnt touch the partitions16:44
warlock_mzacclausen, nothing strange there16:44
cclausenwarlock_mza: are you just testing using apache2ctl -l to look for the module?  Did you actually try to use it?16:45
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
cclausenwarlock_mza: I think apache2ctl -l  just lists compiled in modules16:45
wack47cclausen:i am getting that error on the hour, so i should no in about 17 min or so16:45
warlock_mzacclausen, ok, thanks cclausen It might be a gallery2 config problem ...16:45
halvorscclausen: here is my /etc/hosts file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429585/16:46
cclausenhalvors: try adding a fe80:0:0:0:0:0: ss1.skymiastudios.com ss1 entry to your /etc/hosts file16:54
halvorsis fe80:0:0:0:0:0: ss1.skymiastudios.com ss1 right?16:58
halvorstrying now ;=16:58
dominicdinadaWhat exactly are you trying to do because that is an address thats not routeable ?17:00
cclausendominicdinada: yes, just like the entry currently in his host file17:00
cclausenits just hte IPv6 version of it, right ?17:00
halvorscclausen: Its doesn't work :(17:00
cclausensame error17:01
cclausenhalvors: did you restart postfix?17:01
halvorsrebooted whole server17:01
cclausenor whatever program that is17:01
dominicdinadathat is a link local address... in ipv6 the only routable address' are 200*17:01
dominicdinadayeah its a local address the ssl.skymiastudios.com threw me17:01
cclausendominicdinada: just trying to get rid of "Name service error for name=ss1 type=AAAA: Host not found"17:01
wack47cclausen: still did it! :/ it should require a reboot should it?17:02
cclausenI assume that "AAAA" is a IPv6 record, right?17:02
dominicdinada2001 -2003 are the only routable ipv6 address's17:02
npopecclausen: yea17:02
cclausenwack47: I am not sure what is causing that error.  probably some legacy code left over from the upgrade17:02
cclausendominicdinada: so what do you suggest?17:03
cclausenhalvors: do you need IPv6 support in that program?  Can you just turn it off?17:03
halvorsIt is not an upgrade i installed clean version of 10.0417:03
dominicdinadawell what is the ip he is actually trying to route it to ? the ssl.skymiastudios.com ?17:03
cclausenhalvors: that was for wack4717:03
cclausendominicdinada:, but it is trying to do AAAA record lookup for some reason and there isn't such a record17:04
halvorsWill i need ipv6 support for be a emailserver for ipv6 customers?17:04
wack47cclausen: ok, thanx for the help17:04
halvorsMaybe i can turn it off17:04
cclausenwack47: purge and try clean install of grub and the initramfs tools ?17:04
halvorsDo you need my Postfix main.cf file+17:04
cclausen(note that could be dangerious)17:04
wack47yeah, its the webserver for the business17:05
wack47so i cant risk that17:05
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:05
cclausenhalvors: postfix config files wouldn't help me.  I install exim4 so I don't have to deal with these issues17:05
wack47i been thinkin about doing a new web server anyway :p17:05
dominicdinadais what i came up for
halvorsWhat is this?17:06
wack47:/topic #ubuntu-server17:07
wack47crap sry17:08
wack47:/topic #ubuntu-server testing17:08
Piciwack47: What are you trying to do?17:08
wack47lol idk17:08
wack47just playing around really17:08
wack47what irc client do yall use?17:09
Piciwack47: Well, this channel is for support, if you're bored, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic17:09
wack47im in here getting support pici17:09
dominicdinadawack you are working with your ipv6 correct ?17:09
dominicdinadahmmm where did that guy go17:09
wack47it was halvors i think17:10
wack47and cclausen was helping him17:10
wack47i believe17:10
dominicdinadahalvors: ??? your working with your ipv6 and a forest dns server ?17:10
dominicdinadafe80: is not a routable address... when i googled for's ipv6 I came up with 2001:db8::1   per http://www.sixxs.net/forum/?msg=apps-3520117:11
halvorssruy caps lock17:11
halvorsSo will i need IPV6 then?17:12
dominicdinadaok i guess i missed the conversation when you said that17:12
dominicdinadaYou really shouldnt.... but a record in your file might be causing the problem. While ipv6 is all around last i heard it is not widely implimented17:13
_ruben2000::/3 are the routable addresses, 2000:: till 4000:: (exclusive)17:15
Wack479cclaussen you still there?17:15
Wack479i guess he is gone17:17
halvorsShould my MX record in DNS look like this: skymia.netMX1 ss1.skymiastudios.com ?17:19
dominicdinada_ruben: only 2001 - 2003 are routable :/17:19
_rubendominicdinada: nope17:22
_rubenor even simpler: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space/17:23
dominicdinadaI was going off of rfc 5156 :/17:24
Wack479when running apt-get upgrade i get these errors, and im not sure why, sense they all seem to be working properly! http://pastebin.com/2YZpWAYj17:24
halvorsHave the new kernel for server been keept back?17:27
halvorsyour working with your ipv6 and a forest dns server ? No i dont to17:28
dominicdinadaok cclausen told me you were trying to use a AAAA forest dns server17:29
dominicdinadaWhile you mentioned something in regards to email when i googled it I came up with this http://www.sixxs.net/forum/?msg=apps-35201  ( I googled it because the fe80 is a local link only address which is unroutable ) As for the MX the ipv6 is 2001:db8::117:32
halvorsI only try to setup a simple email server17:32
halvorsonly b8::117:32
halvorsBut need i ipv6 for a email server?17:33
dominicdinadano like i was saying before unless you changed things by default they should have been set...17:33
dominicdinadaThe address's set i mean...17:34
halvorsyes so my /etc/hosts file should look like?17:34
cclausendominicdinada: halvors is getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429576/17:34
halvorsYes :(17:34
cclausenI was just trying to get rid of it by giving the program an AAAA record to lookup17:35
dominicdinadaShouldnt your hosts file be set with your own routers ip addy to use you IPs DNS ?17:35
cclausenWack479: you had just upgraded right?  did teh upgrade fail?  b/c it looks liek a lot of stuff is half installed17:36
halvorsSo how can i disable ipv6 lookup in postfix?17:36
lamontinet_protocols = ipv417:36
lamontI expect17:36
npopehalvors: sorry i missed most of your problem here want to give a quick overview of whats wrong17:38
dominicdinadasorry phone call17:38
halvorsI get this message when send a email to the server: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429576/17:39
Wack479no, it said it was successful17:39
npopeare you trying to do ipv6 or is it a side effect?17:39
Wack479cclaussen: and it said it was successful, and apache and php and mysql are all working17:39
npopeyou should try adding "options single-request" to /etc/resolv.conf17:40
Wack479cclause: but when i apt-get update it gives me that17:40
halvorsclausen: some ideas about solotions?17:41
npopehalvors: you should try adding "options single-request" to  /etc/resolv.conf17:41
npopehalvors: on the postfix server17:42
dominicdinadahalvors have you read this ?17:42
Wack479cclausen: your just too popular! lol17:42
halvorsyes i writed it for a week ago it worked on my other email server17:43
dominicdinadaOk...  lol i am dumb17:43
halvorsI too ;)17:45
halvorsBut whay i get this error?17:46
dominicdinadawell the error 5.4.4 refers to Cannot find the next hop, check the Routing Group Connector.  Perhaps you have Exchange servers in different Routing Groups, but no connector.17:46
npopehalvors: did you try what i suggesteD?17:46
halvorsno but it should be fine by default?17:47
halvorsIt the Ubuntu configuretion files wrong?17:47
dominicdinadawell what does you resolv.conf look like17:47
npopehalvors: obviously you are trying to lookup a ipv6 address.17:48
halvorshere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/429615/17:49
halvorsBut WHAY?17:49
cclausenWack479: hmm.. well, try and remove the packages and reinstall17:49
Wack479cclaussen: i have removed some, but not all and reinstalled and it didnt work17:50
npopehalvors: why is the final-recipient halvors-skymia.net@ss1?17:50
Wack479cclausen: i might have to remove all and reinstall17:50
cclausenWack479: you can try doing an apt-get install listing all of the packages that are missing17:51
halvorsbecaouse it is the user i send it to ;)17:51
dominicdinada@ssl isn't proper17:52
dominicdinadais it ?17:52
Wack479cclausen: that gives me the same "error"17:52
cclausenWack479: hmm... well, I am not sure what to do then17:52
dominicdinadaok halvors are you on a home IP?17:53
Wack479cclausen:  yeah thats prob why im gonna end up having to just build a new one :/17:53
halvorsHome is behind NAT?17:54
dominicdinadayour resolv.conf in my opinion is wrong there is no gateway ( your isp ) to route the traffic correctly17:54
halvorsthe traffic goes via the router hvo have the dns option17:55
dominicdinadayou are issuing the command to use BUT.... you list no gateway while npope suggested that there might be another problem...17:55
dominicdinadabut in your resolv.conf    it doesnt refer to your routers gateway/dns17:56
halvorsMaybe i should reinstall the emailserver?17:56
dominicdinadaremember the error 5.4.4 ( cant find next hop ? ) you can just comment out or change your resolv.conf to (routers ip ) and ummm you are running dns on your server?17:57
halvorsonly for get more domains on my server17:58
dominicdinadaok like i said 4x you have no route specified to the internet...17:58
halvorswhat should i do?17:58
dominicdinadachange your to your routers gateway17:59
stgraberwhy would changing a resolv.conf make any change to the routing ? it's only the DNS that's configured in resolv.conf, if the route is wrong it won't change a thing ... and it's only in limited cases that the router is also the DNS server and only in that kind of case that it should be in resolv.conf (haven't read the whole backlog though)17:59
dominicdinadabecause in your network that is the next hop to the internet from there it can be routed correctly17:59
halvors10.0.0.1 is the router and the gateway :)18:00
dominicdinadaare you sure  ?18:00
cclausenhalvors: can you ping ?18:00
cclausenstgraber: I concur.  resolv.conf shouldn't affect routing at all18:01
halvorsi can ping is18:01
halvorsworks fine18:01
cclausenhalvors: ok then, now try and see if is a DNS server too18:01
cclausenhalvors: dig www.google.com @
cclausen(is that the correct syntax for dig?)18:02
failoverI'm  got this error when try to install a vm with virt-install: libvirtError: internal error unable to start guest: libvir: QEMU error : cannot set ownership on /root/ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso: Permission denied - I'm  trying to install as root, someone has a idea, about what i'm doing wrong ?18:02
cclausenfailover: is that mounted right now?  probably can't change a mounted iso file18:02
stgraberhalvors: can you get me the output of "ip route get" then to make sure your local routing table is ok18:02
failovernot mounted !18:03
cclausenfailover: can you run chown on it manually?18:03
stgraberthat and cclausen's dig command should tell us if the routing and DNS is working, if doesn't work as DNS, then the easiest will be to try again with a public one (like google's)18:03
halvorsit is a dns server it worked18:04
dominicdinadacclausen: http://www.fots.nl/index.php/ndr-and-smtp-reply-and-error-codes/ ??? idk18:04
failovercclausen, to test i already set to chmod 777 and nothing...18:04
cclausendominicdinada: wouldn't a DNS failure cause the 5.4.4. error too?18:05
halvorswhat should i do?18:05
dominicdinadayeah it could be this is causing the problem.... Final-Recipient: rfc822; halvors-skymia.net@ss118:05
dominicdinadathat is what npope pointed out18:06
halvorsbut what should i do now?18:06
dominicdinadahalvors why is it trying to send mail to halvors-skymia.net@ssl ?18:07
halvorsnot ssl18:09
halvorsit is the domain on my server and i will send email to it18:09
dominicdinadaok let me try to email that address once18:11
dominicdinadacclausen: so what do you think is the problem ?18:14
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InsyteI set up a (Hardy) server to use LDAP authentication.  Worked great.  Now I need to switch it back.  I'd like to revert completely to the default auth config.  Is there a package I can just dpkg-reconfigure to make that happen?18:25
l3dxIs this a reasonable disk/raid/lvm setup? http://pastebin.com/egVWAm9h19:10
cclausenl3dx: what makes you think it isn't?19:13
cclausenInsyte: you can probably just edit /etc/nsswitch.conf and put it back to its original state to disable LDAP auth.  Might be some PAM changes needed as well though.  uninstalling the packages should revert changes in these configs19:14
InsyteYeah, I can manually put it back pretty easily.  I'm hoping for an easily automatable task that will revert to the original state.19:15
l3dxcclausen: it's my first lvm setup, so I just wanted to get a warning if I'm on my way heading for failure :)19:15
deslectorl3dx, is there any reason why you have a separate /boot partition ?19:18
deslectorjust curious19:18
jpdsl3dx: Can /boot be on LVM?19:18
l3dxI'm just used to creating a separate /boot and formatting it as ext219:18
l3dxjpds: you tell me :)19:18
jpdsMaybe it can with GRUB2, haven't checked.19:18
deslectorjpds, I believe so19:18
deslectorjpds, at least with lucid19:19
deslector(grub 2, as you said)19:19
jpdsdeslector: Very interesting.19:20
deslectorjpds, yes... it's a nice feature19:23
hggdhjpds: yes, /boot can be under LVM (mine is)19:23
hggdher. *was*. Latest reinstall I forgot to put it there19:24
jpdshggdh: Hehe.19:25
deslectorl3dx, hmm... encrypted swap may be a problem with hibernating...19:26
deslectorhmm... wait, this is #ubuntu-server... you probably don't want your server to hibernate :-)19:30
l3dxdeslector: guess not ;)19:35
halvors1I should some domains with Ubuntu, how can i create the domains on the server?19:37
cclausenhalvors1: what do you mean by "domains" ?19:37
halvors1Yes, so the server can have serval websites email ftp.19:38
halvors1How can it be done?19:38
halvors1Do you host on your server?19:38
halvors1Like a WebHotell19:38
halvors1cclausen: Where are you from?19:39
l3dxhm, ext2 + lvm = no good?19:39
l3dxI bet norway!19:40
deslectorl3dx, no good in what sense?19:41
halvors1Jeg er fra Norge jeg også, hvor bor du?19:41
l3dxno wait, I bet halvorsen = norway. sorry19:41
l3dxdeslector: I get "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext2 in LVM VG SYstem, LV boot at /boot failed."19:42
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!19:42
deslectorl3dx, hmm... weird I thought LVM was filesystem agnostic...19:43
halvors1For setting up a working email server is all i need this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html ?19:47
cclausenhalvors1: I work at UIUC19:47
cclausenhalvors1: I run some web sites on computers here on campus.  are you using apache?19:48
cclausenhalvors1: are you running your own DNS?19:48
guntberthalvors1: do you intend to connect the server to the internet?19:48
halvors1What is UIUC?20:03
halvors1cclausen er du norsk?20:04
halvors1cclausen are you Norwegian?20:05
guntbert!ot | halvors120:05
ubottuhalvors1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:05
Wack479halvors1: er du norsk?20:27
Pici!no | Wack479 halvors120:28
ubottuWack479 halvors1: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!20:28
Wack479lol im not even norwegian!20:28
Wack479Pici: wow dont get your panties in a wad20:28
PiciWack479: How would I know that? I'm just letting you know that there is a norwegian channel.20:28
Wack479Pici: NO is norway/norwegian! i thought you were yelling at me saying NO, as in no talking norwegian20:29
Wack479Pici: lol20:30
PiciWack479: 'no' is the country code for norway :)20:30
mdasilvahas anyone had a problem where deleting a file with rm doesn't reclaim the disk space?20:30
Wack479Pici:  haha yeah i figured it out!20:30
Wack479Pici: sry20:30
Wack479mdasilva: you sure it wasnt just a symbolic link?20:31
halvors1Ja Wack479 jeg er norsk vet du ;)20:31
npopemdasilva: are you sure a running program does not have it open still20:31
mdasilvaWack479 im sure20:31
npopemdasilva: sudo lsof | grep filename20:32
mdasilvaim reading something that the kernel wont free the space until file handles are closed?20:32
Wack479mdasilva: ok that was my only thought!20:32
npopemdasilva: sudo lsof /location/of/rmed/file20:33
npopemdasilva: that will list the processes that currently have it open20:33
Wack479halvors1: haha Vel jeg er ikke norsk, men jeg bruker google oversetteren å skrive på norsk!20:34
npopemdasilva: the only way to get the space back is to remove the lock on that file (usually done by restarting said process)20:34
mdasilvayah they have filehandles on them20:34
mdasilvaah its trickling back20:36
mdasilvathanks npope20:36
uvirtbot`New bug: #577165 in vsftpd (main) "Typo in etc/init/vsftpd.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57716520:36
npopemdasilva: no problemo20:36
cclausenhalvors1: UIUC is a university in the USA: http://www.uiuc.edu/20:42
cclausenhalvors1: to add virtual hosts for your website domains, take a look at how /etc/apache2/sites-available is setup and add additional config files, one per domain, as needed20:43
marshalli've got 2 domain names, i want all mail sent to one domain name to go to another domain name. i think i've set up the dns properly, but how do i get postfix to accept messages addressed to this other domain?21:05
mikelifeguardHow can I nominate something for the server-papercuts project?21:05
halvorsWill i need to open port 587 in my firewall for running a email server?21:18
cclausenyou probably should21:19
ScottKmarshall: Needs to be in mydestinations.  See the Ubuntu Server Guide for details.21:22
marshallScottK: ok21:22
ScottKhalvors: If you want people to submit mail via the submission port, yes (this is a good thing).21:22
guntberthalvors: please don't run a publicly connectd mail server if you are not *very well knowing what you are doing*21:23
cclausenguntbert: that is good advise21:29
cclausenfor the record, I don't run a public mail server from linux b/c I don't know what I am doing21:29
cclausen(do have Exchange server though...)21:29
guntbertcclausen: then you even have no chance of knowing what you are doing ;-))21:30
cclausenyeah, I know :-)21:32
bogeyd6halvors, why port 587?21:32
cclausenbogeyd6: see RFC 2476 -> http://www.mostlygeek.com/tech/smtp-on-port-587/21:34
bogeyd6cclausen, i wanted to get a feel for what he wanted it for21:34
cclausenbogeyd6: I think he is trying to run email for some domains21:35
bogeyd6prob should just get turnkey linux zimbra21:36
cclausenif that even.  IMAP works for a lot of people too.  don't need the hassle of zimbra21:37
bogeyd6ease of use and everything being graphicaol21:37
bogeyd6we cant just tell people ITC to not do something because they dont know. that is in fact why they came here21:38
cclausenThunderbird is graphical too21:38
bogeyd6server side*21:38
cclausencan one apt-get install zimbra?21:38
cclausenbogeyd6: sometimes advising them not to do it themselves is the best advice we can offer21:39
cclausenI'm not here to provide free tech support21:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .21:39
guntbertbogeyd6: but it makes a big difference if you run a local mail server (to get your feet wet) or if you run a publicly connected one21:40
bogeyd6My conservatism knows no bounds21:40
cclausenbogeyd6: if that document says that we should help people do whatever they want, its clearly wrong and I'm not going to bother reading it21:40
bogeyd6cclausen, just wow21:41
bogeyd6When we are unsure, we ask for help. Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the Ubuntu community. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are encouraged.21:41
cclausenbogeyd6: telling people not to run services they don;t understand also avoids problems down the road21:41
guntbertbogeyd6: cclausen: please cool down again :-)21:42
bogeyd6cclausen, you are right about being in the wrong channel21:42
bogeyd6<cclausen> I'm not here to provide free tech support21:42
cclausengood bye21:42
bogeyd6this whole channel is for tech support21:42
bogeyd6oh, he left21:42
halvorsI cant recive email on my email server, in the logs i got this: May  7 22:18:43 ss1 dovecot: deliver(halvors-skymia.net): Fatal: Plugin cmusieve not found from directory /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lda21:43
halvorsWhat should i do?21:43
bogeyd6halvors, did you mean to use the cmusieve plugin21:44
halvorsi got this in logs and i can not recive email21:44
halvorsSo what do you think i should do?21:44
bogeyd6!english | halvors21:44
ubottuhalvors: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:44
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:44
ubottuIMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol21:45
halvorsI talk english21:45
bogeyd6halvors, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/51604021:45
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 516040 in ubuntu-release-notes "dovecot sieve plugin renamed from cmusieve to sieve" [Undecided,Fix released]21:45
halvorsok will try21:46
dominicdinadaBlast it stupid @ Ebox...22:20
bogeyd6where do you go see what ubuntu has relased for new packages in 9.1022:22
dominicdinadabogeyd6: wouldnt that be like update?  apt-get update ?22:26
bogeyd6yeah but they dont tell you why they got upgraded22:26
dominicdinadathen check the internet for the changelogs?22:27
bogeyd6trying to find it obviously dominicdinada22:27
dominicdinadaGoogle (package name+version) changelog ?22:32
dominicdinadaI cant get my stupid network configured correctly I tried setting it via Ebox.... Broke... Undid what I set in ebox... then I configured it manually then nothing wow22:33
dominicdinadaI cant get my stupid network configured correctly I tried setting it via Ebox.... Broke... Undid what I set in ebox... then I configured it manually then nothing wow22:43
bogeyd6dominicdinada, ubuntu 9.10 ?22:43
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
dominicdinadaIm think that Ebox needs to go it is really a Piece of crap. While webmin is better...... Ubuntu decided to go a different route22:45
bogeyd6dominicdinada, www.turnkeylinux.org22:47
dominicdinadaOk looking at that22:47
dominicdinadaok not looking at that.... Garbage but thanks for the offer22:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #576957 in libpam-ldap (main) "passwd crashed when the password is changed through pam_ldap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57695723:05
dominicdinadaIm think that Ebox needs to go it is really a Piece of crap. While webmin is better...... Ubuntu decided to go a different route23:10
JanCdominicdinada: webmin doesn't work correctly with Ubuntu/Debian package management23:12
dominicdinadaJanC: yeah it doesnt and well Ebox is not done breaking my system23:14
JanCI don't know about ebox, it might have other bugs23:14
dominicdinadasudo aptitude install dhcp   = 0 upgrade 0 install 68remove and 0 updated lovely23:15
JanCthere is no package named 'dhcp'23:15
dominicdinadadhcp3-common ?23:16
JanCthat one exists, but really, you should know what you want and act accordingly23:18
JanCand I have no real experience with ebox, so can't really help with that23:19
dominicdinadaWell lets see I followed directions using ebox to bridge my network connection and set everything correctly but at that point it would not allow any other machine to communicate with the server so I undid the changes23:20
JanCbut AFAIk it will pull in all dependencies of the module you need23:20
dominicdinadaafaik ?23:20
JanCas far as I know23:20
JanCI use the commandline for my servers  ;)23:21
dominicdinadaYea once ebox killed the system it took all of the depends... dhcp3 etc23:21
dominicdinadaI made a correct interfaces file but ebox still left everything binded... so.... no network connection on the other machine to grab the packages i need23:22
dominicdinadacd bind23:23
=== uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot
dominicdinadaNote to self Blacklist ebox23:49
dominicdinadaI have a question in regards to network bridging. All the documentation refers to the bridge as br0. But I have an interface virbr0 ???23:52

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