
Sarvattsomething like that as your xorg.conf00:00
Sarvattpalm detect does some screwy things on a few of my laptops though, might need to mess with PalmMinWidth and PalmMinZ values00:06
Sarvattdoes it not stick when you enable palm detect in the touchpad properties in gnome?00:06
Sarvattor was that a gpointing-device-settings option..00:06
Sarvattah yeah it is, bdmurray try just installing gpointing-device-settings00:07
Sarvatthas a bunch more touchpad options in it00:07
aarcane_so, a day or two ago there was a big poulsbo-build-fest going on in here, while I was away..  what ever came of that ?01:43
RAOFaarcane_: That looks to have ended up in a merry X server crash.01:45
aarcane_RAOF, I figured it would have culminated in many of them to date.  I'm wondering more if it's making any appreciable forward progress, as I've got a nice system with a poulsbo graphics chipset :(01:47
* RAOF suggests a rethinking of the calibration for “nice system” :(01:47
RAOFBut there appears to be significant forward progress.01:48
aarcane_RAOF, if you want to know why I say nice, google up the T91SA01:49
aarcane_RAOF, anyway, I'm glad to hear that the progress is forward.01:49
libvbjsnider: i lost my job at suse, and while this did mean a bit of a career and personal setback, it now does allow me to hang out the dirty laundry properly04:53
libvbjsnider: this is just a fraction of the stories/crap i have on bridgman04:53
libvit is high time that he stops spewing his lies and bullshit and that he finally leaves free software the hell alone.04:54
virtualdlibv: do you think you have some abillity to "sense" what other people are thinking?05:19
Bernardogood morning08:08
Bernardolucazade: did you see the launchpad group created by sloanua?08:09
lucazadehe did everything by his own.. i believe08:09
Bernardoyes, that is what I found strange08:09
Bernardobut we can always keep both repositories in sync... :)08:10
lucazademore is better08:11
Bernardoyep. I'll try to upload the latest changes I did to xpsb-glx08:11
Bernardointeresting that disabling all acceleration the driver is stable08:11
lucazadeon kde is it stable?08:12
BernardoI thought it was stable for you with AIGLX, Render and Composite disabled08:12
lucazadea little bit better... gdm is stable... desktop crash after a while08:13
lucazadeicons are visible08:13
lucazadenothing more08:14
Bernardowell, noiw we have to start filling the code with debug statements08:15
lucazadei don't have a great experience in this08:15
Bernardowe have to start from our backtraces08:16
Bernardosee where the failing functions are being called08:16
BernardoI was wondering if we can get a more detailed analisys qwith 08:17
Bernardowith valgrind or even going full debug with gdb08:17
lucazadei really don't know08:17
RAOFWhat parts are open-source, and thus amenable to debugging?08:18
Bernardomost stuff, you have a binary firmware blob, and xpsb-glx has 2 binary libs08:19
Bernardocorrect me if I'm wrong, lucazade08:20
Bernardounfortunately I think the problem is most likely to be in those libs and the code around them.08:21
RAOFWell, disabling acceleration should keep you out of xpsb-glx.08:21
lucazadeand it still crash08:21
RAOFWell, that should be debuggable.08:21
lucazade** was looking for Imagination support (designed the gma500 HW) http://www.imgtec.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=610 .. but is is all about intel08:23
Bernardoyep... should be08:23
Bernardolucazade: can you register at that forum and ask for any help they can give on this effort to port the drivers?08:25
lucazadei was going to do (even with my childish english)08:25
BernardoI'm going to try to follow this guide - http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/ServerDebugging#Debuggingwithonemachine08:33
Bernardohave to reboot into lucid, bbl08:33
lucazadeBernardo switching migrationheuristic from greedy to smart i get another segfault09:19
lucazadei knew MigrationHeuristic to greedy caused icon corruption09:20
lucazadebryce miCopyRegion was a common issue during lucid development?09:36
lucazadebryceh miCopyRegion was a common issue during lucid development?09:37
RAOFI recall that being associated with a bug.09:37
lucazadeit the same backtrace on gma50009:38
lucazadeor really close to it (i have libfb.so instead of radeon_drv.so)09:39
RAOFHm.  That's fixed in a PPA, but should be SRU'd.09:43
lucazadeBernardo: selecting gnome emergency from gdm session type is far more stable10:34
lucazade5min uptime!10:34
lucazade(i've also tried 2.6.31 on lucid and IgnoreABI but nothing changed)10:34
lucazadeglxgears: 1249 frames in 5.0sec (like in karmic)10:55
fkeferis there a way to force X using a certain driver (vesa) when booting???12:40
fkeferfailsafeX does not work but freezes the machine12:40
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=== Bernardo|away is now known as Bernardo
BernardoI just tried bryceh ppa to see if the backtrace we get pointing to miDoCopy in psb was also fixed by it, but alas, it was not to be18:52
* Bernardo isn't sure if it is running X with gdb that is awfully slow, or if the system has crashed already19:00
furanare you ssh'd in for the gdb session?19:13
furanthat's what I do19:13
Bernardofuran: yes, but I am still waiting for the desktop to show19:57
BernardoWhat usually takes a couple of seconds had taken over one hour until now19:58
furanBernardo: so break in and look at stacks?20:50

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