
=== Will| is now known as great
tstonehi, i have just added upstart to ptxdist. The problem is that dbus is running but not responing to any connection any more?! I only change the init method...10:27
pgmcgeehey guys, im having issues with writing an upstart script for nginx, nginx starts up fine, but the pid upstart gets for nginx is wrong and so i can't stop or restart it14:55
sorenDid you try "expect daemon"?15:08
sorenpgmcgee: ^15:08
sorenpgmcgee: See the init(5) man page for details.15:09
sorenpgmcgee: Ah, make that "expect fork", apparantly:15:10
pgmcgeesoren: i did try expect fork... hmm15:14
sorenTry expect daemon then.15:15
* soren wanders off15:15
pgmcgeesoren: yep, trying that now15:16
pgmcgeehmm.. on expect daemon, the start and stop commands just hang (don't give any output and don't exit) and nginx keeps running even on stop15:19
halflinesadmac: if i have one thing that does "stop on starting runlevel" and one thing that does "start on runlevel"16:05
halflinesadmac: the stop on starting runlevel job should be synchronously stopped before the start on runlevel job is run right?16:05
sadmachalfline: runlevel is an event, not a job (in fedora's stack anyway) so there is no starting runlevel16:05
halflinesadmac: oh, there's no way to trigger on the edge before the level? 16:06
sadmachalfline: try working relative to the rc job rather than the runlevel event16:07
halflinesadmac: basically i need prefdm.conf to finish completely before runlevel 5's rc scripts start shutting down16:07
sadmachalfline: start on starting rc16:07
halflineso you saying "stop on starting rc" ?16:07
halflinesadmac: so if i do that16:08
halflinesadmac: and then do "start on stopped prefdm" for a task16:08
halflinewill that task get run synchronously before rc is run?16:09
sadmachalfline: don't think so. start on stopping prefdm would do that though, but you'd run before prefdm16:09
sadmacbefore prefdm stopped16:10
halflineis there a way to hook in after prefdm is stopped before rc is started?16:10
halflinecan i put in my stopping script some sort of barrier?16:11
halflineinitctl wait on prefdm stopped  or something?16:11
sadmachalfline: start on starting rc and stopped prefdm16:12
sadmachalfline: you are tapping into overwhelming evil with that line but it should technically work16:12
halflinehmm i guess i need to filter that a bit though16:13
halflinestart on starting rc RUNLEVEL=0 or RUNLEVEL=6 and stopped prefdm ?16:13
sadmacwell, wrong16:14
halflinei can just put an "or" like that?16:14
sadmacstart on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[06] and...16:14
* halfline tries16:14
halflinehmm seems to just be sitting there instead of rebooting16:18
halflineso prefdm seems to be caught up on stop on startng rc RUNLEVEL=516:19
halflinethat should be stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[!5]16:20
halflineseems to work16:22
halflinesadmac: hmm16:44
halflinesadmac: so if i boot into runlevel 3 and type reboot things go awry16:45
halflineit's just sitting there16:45
halflinesadmac: could it be stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[!5] is cuasing problems if prefdm is already stopped?16:47
halfline(that line is in prefdm.conf)16:47
sadmachalfline: no, should be fine16:48
halflinehmm if i do "start prefdm"16:48
halflineand then type reboot again16:48
sadmacits the and line thats creating the problem when prefdm is already stopped16:49
halflineit reboots16:49
sadmachalfline: I have to run out though. bbiab16:49
JayTIs hwclock startup script necessary for an Ubuntu system to boot? if my RTC is screwed (perhaps because of a dead CMOS battery), can I do 'update-rc.d -f hwclock remove' (and the same for hwclockfirst), install ntp, set it up, and reboot?21:48
JayTon hardy that is21:49
JanCJayT: that sounds like an Ubuntu question, and not an upstart question  ;)22:18

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