
TheSheepGiZy: do you have the /tmp directory with proper rights etc.?00:00
XorgproblemTheSheep:  stopped gdm service, executed Xorg -configure command, then execute the testcommand thats displayed after00:00
GiZyhmmm.... /dev/sda1 free 428G00:00
GiZyjrhers 878Mb00:00
TheSheepstill plenty00:01
TheSheepI wonder why it failed to setup ICE auth00:01
XorgproblemGiZy: u can always try to remove all preferences by deleting user data (/home/.*) right ?00:01
TheSheepXorgproblem: never do that command00:01
TheSheepXorgproblem: .* matches ..00:01
Xorgproblemlol i meant .(all folders and files) sorry :(00:02
GiZyXorgproblem: yep00:02
TheSheepXorgproblem: I was bitten by it a couple of times00:02
TheSheepGiZy: you can also just create a new user and try if it works00:03
GiZybut i have onlu 2 users, root and admin))00:03
GiZyso i think my choice is new user00:03
TheSheepuseradd -m mynewawesomeuser00:03
GiZynice name)))00:04
TheSheepthen passwd mynewawesomeuser to set his password00:04
GiZythis stage i know)00:04
GiZy'cuz i had some problems with root passwd00:05
XorgproblemTheSheep: now how do i get gdm? :) since the Xorg will not start00:06
TheSheepXorgproblem: start gdm00:06
GiZystupid russians -___-00:06
TheSheepGiZy: hey!00:06
GiZyi about myself*00:06
TheSheepGiZy: you don't have to be representative ;)00:07
GiZywhait a minute00:07
GiZyi'll change encoding =DD00:07
TheSheepcyrillic passwords may be a problem00:07
Xorgproblemu mean startx?00:07
TheSheepXorgproblem: no, I mean 'sudo start gdm'00:08
GiZynow))) i mean irc client encoding00:08
GiZyi'll be back00:08
GiZyi'm here00:09
GiZythanks for help ^_^00:09
TheSheepso it works?00:10
Xorgproblemwell i did startx in another Ctrl Alt F* and im in gdm00:10
GiZyit works)))00:10
TheSheepGiZy: it would be nice to know why it broke though00:10
GiZyTheSheep: yes, it would be nice00:11
GiZyit was after i login xfce and switch window them00:12
GiZyi mean xfce session, not xubuntu00:12
TheSheepI gotta go, good luck00:13
neozenhow can one post a bounty to get http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6230 fixed01:50
_Techie_neozen, i dont think you can post a bounty01:51
neozenoh but I would01:52
neozenmust've hit it ~20 times today01:52
_Techie_neozen, i have no doubt you would01:52
_Techie_purchasing paid support may help, but i cant gaurantee any results as ive never used this service and never plan to01:53
neozenits almost enough to make me try to grok C again01:53
_Techie_hang in there01:53
_Techie_ive seen bugs come and go01:53
neozenI'm really surprised this one made it into a release.....01:54
neozendo people actually use icon view? :P01:54
_Techie_im not sure01:55
_Techie_i myself use gnome on a standard ubuntu install01:55
_Techie_but i choose to provide help for xubuntu users01:55
* neozen nods01:55
neozenstill the same base01:55
neozena few different default apps01:56
_Techie_yes, which is why i can provide support for most things01:56
=== haavaros is now known as zer0
=== zer0 is now known as xer0
om3n5150Simple question, anyone to answer?03:05
neozen............is that a ping?03:06
neozenif yes.... pong03:06
om3n5150Lol... I guess it kinda was.03:07
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:07
om3n5150Pfft I'm new >.>03:07
neozenno worries03:07
neozenits just a bot03:07
neozenand some hard-coded boilerplate03:08
neozenso... what's your question03:08
om3n5150So, I'm looking for a lightweight media player that supports ffmpeg. I was using MPC in Windows... I liked that. Can I use it now?03:08
neozenI tend to use mplayer03:08
om3n5150Brand new to the whole linux thing... learning quickly though03:08
neozenI haven't found much that it doesn't support03:08
om3n5150sounds good to me, thanks03:09
om3n5150Wrong button...03:10
neozenbe advised.... all input to mplayer is keyboard03:11
om3n5150sorry, lol. used to a tray... anything near that in ubuntu?03:11
om3n5150no gui?03:11
neozenif buttons are more your style... use one of the frontends: gmplayer or kmplayer03:11
neozengnome and kde-based respectively03:12
neozengmplayer should pull in less03:12
neozenpackage for gmplayer is mplayer-gui03:12
om3n5150gmplayer isn't showing up in synaptic?03:12
neozenno problem03:12
neozen(had to look it up myself)03:13
om3n5150so for programs, I use this synaptic thing, rather than google for them myself, right? any sort of sources I should add to my source list for packages?03:14
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:14
neozeneg.... libdvdcss03:14
neozen(useful if you want to watch dvds)03:15
om3n5150ah, I added that one03:15
om3n5150so libdvdcss, any other useful things I would want?03:15
neozenyou'll discover as you go03:15
neozenI've built up a list of packages I install on a clean machine over the years03:16
om3n5150i found a libdvdcss2, is that what i'm looking for?03:16
* neozen nods03:16
neozenvlc is more useful for dvds then mplayer I've found03:16
neozenbut that's based on a few years of bias03:16
neozenthey might've fixed the things which irked me by now03:16
om3n5150is there any way to add a custom list of programs(packages?) to my top bar?03:18
om3n5150Like... Under applications, my own subfolder of selected apps03:18
neozenI usually just put launchers on the panel03:18
neozenor set keyboard shortcuts for the really frequent ones03:19
neozenright click on panel.... "Add new items..."03:19
neozenpick Launcher" then give it an icon and a command to run03:20
neozensound acceptable?03:20
om3n5150oh awesome, thanks03:20
om3n5150just got it03:20
neozenthe menu (as I understand it) is a pain in the arse to mess w/03:20
neozenthough its getting standardized03:21
om3n5150I like organization, so trying to find what I want in a list every time is annoying.03:21
neozenthere's also xfce4-appfinder03:22
neozenit crawls the menus... so you don't have to03:23
om3n5150crawl... new term03:23
_Techie_whats wrong with mplayer-nogui?03:23
neozenhe's used to a gui03:23
om3n5150i'm still learning text commands03:23
_Techie_use yor keybaord, its easy03:23
neozenspace still = pause03:24
om3n5150i just switch from windows... all this text is scary @_@03:24
_Techie_righ = skip ahead 10 secs, left = rewind 10 secs, up = skip ahead 1 min, down = rewind 1 min03:24
neozenit grows on you03:24
_Techie_page up = skip ahead 10 mins, page down = rewind 10 mins03:24
neozenthe ability to get what you want QUICKLY w/o having to find the right gui button to push or menu item to click03:25
om3n5150now I can't get the ffmpeg codec i just installed to show up in mplayer video preferences03:25
_Techie_space = pause, [ + ] = play sped control, f = fullscreen, shift+t = stay on top03:25
neozen....... what codec?03:25
_Techie_mplayer has its own codecs03:25
neozentry playing what you're trying to watch in mplayer first03:26
neozenunlike totem (the default player) it WON'T pull down more codecs on demand03:26
om3n5150i just need to be able to upconvert03:26
_Techie_om3n5150, aah, i see03:26
_Techie_hes trying to do what i do in windows03:27
_Techie_use ffmpeg to upscale his audio, if im not mistaken03:27
om3n5150video, but yes03:27
om3n5150makes a sharper image on my display03:27
_Techie_post processing filters03:27
_Techie_fun stuff03:27
_Techie_for post processing you may wish to use vlc03:28
om3n5150i know how to make it work with ffmpeg and MPC03:28
om3n5150but i dont think you can get MPC on ubuntu eh?03:28
_Techie_good ol' mpc03:28
neozenom3n5150: well... there's wine03:28
_Techie_no mpc-hc doesnt exist for linux, its purely win32 only03:28
neozenbut there's a better way03:28
_Techie_i would just use VLC03:28
* neozen nods03:29
_Techie_theres post processing filter built in03:29
_Techie_very cool stuff03:29
om3n5150alright, another very simple question.03:30
_Techie_however, it doesnt quite do the trick for me, as i use ffdshow codecs to upscale all my mp3's and video from 2.0 audio to 5.1 audio03:30
om3n5150how do i delete packages?03:30
neozensudo apt-get remove <packagename>03:30
_Techie_sudo apt-get remove packagename03:30
om3n5150why thank you lol03:30
om3n5150maybe i'm getting ffmpeg and ffdshow mixed up03:30
neozenyeah... you remove using a program that has "get" in the name03:31
neozennow that I think of it..... not really all that intuitive... but ::shrugs::03:31
om3n5150so what does the apt-get part mean?03:31
neozenalso... you were saying you're using synaptic to get / install things03:31
_Techie_while the naming doesnt make sense in some aspects, from a program point of view it does03:31
neozenapt-get is a command line interface to the same package management system03:32
_Techie_aptitude if you wanna say the whole thing03:32
neozenwell... aptitude is ANOTHER frontend03:32
_Techie_a good one03:32
neozen(more complicated then apt-get)03:32
om3n5150xD frontend is...03:32
neozen........::ponders for a good analogy::03:33
_Techie_frontend is a GUI that allows you to use a basic program or application easily03:33
om3n5150oh okay, like the frontend of mplayer was the gui controls03:33
* neozen nods03:33
_Techie_eg mplayer, is a command line media player, but you can get frontends which give it a easy to use interface03:33
neozen....."easy to use" is a relative thing03:34
om3n5150alright, so does mplayer work with ffdshow?03:34
om3n5150or vlc?03:34
_Techie_VLC doesnt work with ffdshow as per say03:34
neozenffdshow is a windows thing as I understand it03:34
_Techie_but it does have its own built in post processing filters03:34
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:34
om3n5150alright, time to play in those...03:34
_Techie_well, thats useful03:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:35
_Techie_ignore that stuff03:35
om3n5150links, bleh. too much reading that i'm in the mood for03:35
_Techie_with VLC it doesnt actually mean jack03:35
_Techie_VLC has its own built in codecs, like mplayer does03:35
_Techie_so really, that is a very misleading factoid03:35
* neozen nods03:35
* neozen whacks ubotu with a bit of a stick03:36
_Techie_neozen, if you catch a moderator around can you request that be removed from triggering on VLC03:36
_Techie_i gotta go03:36
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs03:36
om3n5150alright, well thanks for the info =]03:36
_Techie_cool, !mplayer is fine03:36
_Techie_anyway, catcha03:37
om3n5150so the post processing filters in vlc, what am i looking for in the menu?03:37
om3n5150i have it up03:37
_Techie_om3n5150, if you see me lurking in here feel free to ask for help, if im at my computer ill help ya out03:37
om3n5150alright thanks =]03:37
_Techie_neozen, you seem to have a handle on this03:37
neozen(just installed lynx so vlc hasn't been installed yet)03:38
_Techie_[ _Techie_ ] is away, rollerblading into town03:38
neozenbasically haven't needed it yet :P03:38
neozengenerally use the ps3 for dvds these days03:38
* neozen fires up vlc03:38
om3n5150lol, I have a library of movies on my other HDD, so ill need it soon03:39
neozenopen a movie03:39
om3n5150wtb a 2.5in 1tb03:39
om3n5150or a 2.5in 32gb SSD03:39
om3n5150either would be nice =]03:39
neozenunder Video menu... many things under Post processing03:39
neozenplay around and find a setting you like03:40
om3n5150i dont see post processing...03:40
om3n5150nvm... simple menu ftl03:40
neozen.... on bottom of video menu in my case (though its grayed out since I'm not playing anything)03:40
neozenany other questions about vlc?03:42
neozenbefore I remove it?03:42
om3n5150naw, lol, thanks03:42
arthurjohnsonXubuntu is like 1.8 gigs installed right?03:43
neozensounds heavy.... but these days... yeah .. probably03:43
neozenit's been getting fatter03:43
arthurjohnsonWell, Ubuntu Netbook Remix is almost 3 gigs.03:43
om3n5150i have to go for a while, thanks for the help neozen, ill probably be on later scratching my head at all this new stuff.03:43
om3n5150have fun =]03:43
neozennp om3n515003:43
arthurjohnsonOn an Eee 901A, with a 4 gig SSD, thats like everything.03:44
neozenhave fun03:44
neozenarthurjohnson: no doubt03:44
neozenarthurjohnson: http://lxde.org/03:45
neozencan always start from command-line only install and add only what you know you'll use03:45
arthurjohnsonMy daughter keeps running out of space.  She has an Eee 901A with a 4gig SSD03:46
arthurjohnsonneozen: That method works great for people who know what they are doing, but she is only 10. Can't expect her to run a package manager all day every day just to get her desktop usable.03:46
neozensplitting off /home onto its own partition helps keep large files in userspace from filling up / too03:46
neozenarthurjohnson: heh... its true03:46
neozenarthurjohnson: they claim to be lighter these days... perhaps it'll work better for your needs03:47
arthurjohnsonneozen: I didn't care for Lubuntu.  It was okay, but lacked for me.03:48
neozenarthurjohnson: same here03:48
arthurjohnsonFelt like Xfce4 4.003:48
neozenarthurjohnson: but if space is a concern... you have to sacrifice something to get lighter03:48
neozencommand-line installs are VERY light03:48
neozenbut.... they're command-line only03:48
neozenits tradeoffs all the way down03:49
arthurjohnsonneozen: Oh, I know.  Check it:  http://leanubuntu.blogspot.com03:49
arthurjohnson<--- Thats me03:49
arthurjohnsonSo your preaching to the choir ;)03:49
arthurjohnsonI have several machines that I run from cli + just what I need.03:49
arthurjohnsonCompaq Presario 700 (500 mhz and 256 megs ram) and it boots in under 40 seconds03:50
neozenbut again... as you said.... some want it small AND simple03:51
neozenand that's...... hard03:51
neozens/simple/easy to use for beginners/03:51
arthurjohnsonBut I don't want to stick my daughter, who is still learning the craft, with a cli only system.  It would work great for me, but I want my baby to have a full desktop.03:51
* neozen nods03:51
arthurjohnsonI mean cli+xfce4+whatever03:51
arthurjohnsonYou know I won't get everything she needs.03:51
arthurjohnson"Hey, where's the PDF reader"03:52
arthurjohnsonand so on.03:52
neozenrunning out of space on / the first few times is part of running on a small machine :P03:52
neozenand where, as I see it, valuable bugs can be filed03:53
arthurjohnsonStill, Ubuntu Netbook Remix should have an option for a leaner install.03:53
neozenb/c if I EVER fill up a production linux server.... I expect it to be graceful and let me un-bork it03:53
arthurjohnsonI had that problem with Ensim + Clamav EOL03:55
neozenarthurjohnson: good blog.... consider yourself watched :P03:55
arthurjohnsonHard drives filled up on about 30 machines.  Spent 18 hours fixint it.03:55
arthurjohnsonneozen: Thanks ;)03:55
neozenI run xu on older machines but nothing actually in its target area (ie... I have a gb of ram and a 1.4ghz processor)03:56
neozenall this means for me is when MY machine runs/boots xu slowly... something is REALLY messed up03:57
arthurjohnsonI'm running Xubuntu 10.04 on a Core2Duo 2.8 with 2 gigs of RAM.  It screams.03:58
* neozen nods03:58
arthurjohnsonAt one point I was running a cli+xfce4 on it.  It was stupid fast!03:58
neozenwell... yeah03:59
neozenwell... time to head out for the night04:02
lucas-arghey guys, im on an ubuntu installation, ive installed xubuntu-desktop, but i cant get xubuntus theme for the gdm nor for xfce04:06
lucas-argany help04:07
lucas-arghello, ive installed xubuntu-desktop, but i cant get xubuntus theme in gdm nor in xfce, how can i reconfigure them?04:12
om3n5150is there an *on connect* script area?06:19
om3n5150in xchat*06:19
moetunesafauk no om3n5150 but you might try in #xchat06:21
om3n5150alright thanks06:22
moetunesom3n5150: sorted?06:28
moetuneshello NoradIV :]06:29
NoradIVHow are you?06:30
moetunesNoradIV: the weekend is here- how could I be anything but great :]06:30
NoradIVheh! happy to hear that!06:31
moetunesyourself even :]06:31
NoradIVa bit tired, since its about 1.30 AM here06:31
moetunes3.30 pm and i have my first beer in my hand :]06:31
NoradIVwhoa! starting early boy XD06:32
NoradIVeum, as you probably already figured out, I'm here because I have a problem :-(06:32
moetunesthat's ok :]06:33
moetunesit's what the channel is for norad06:33
NoradIVAs many, I'm trying to recycle an old crappy laptop06:33
NoradIVIts an Toshiba portg 3490CT06:33
om3n5150yessir, thanks =]06:33
NoradIVand the problem is that it wont boot on CD06:34
NoradIVI tried Debian, and it install (probably because the nogui install) but id wont work with Xubuntu 9.10 CD06:34
_Techie_NoradIV, does it support booting from CD?06:34
NoradIVI suppose not06:35
_Techie_i mean USB*06:35
NoradIVnot either06:35
moetunesmight help...06:36
NoradIVHere i see 2 problems,06:37
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:37
NoradIVthere is the fact that my laptop have only debian core installed, and I have an Xircom PCMCIA network card only06:37
NoradIVoh ho06:38
NoradIVi like this06:38
NoradIVCan read from CD-ROM but  will not boot06:38
NoradIVbut here is another problem06:38
NoradIVi dont have a floppy either XD06:38
om3n5150hey, so techie, i'm still confused on what exactly i need to upscale video quality. i googled around and found that mplayer can do it, but all i found was some script info, which doesn't really tell me much. any ideas?06:38
_Techie_om3n5150, well, as far as upscaling goes, by definition its impossible06:39
NoradIVtell me when you are back to me06:39
_Techie_the only thing you can do is add filters06:39
_Techie_which you still want to use VLC for06:39
om3n5150alright, well go ahead and help NoradIV, ill wait =]06:40
NoradIVthere is no hurry man, you were here before me!06:40
om3n5150i've been here half the day ;D06:40
ubottuUbuntu has an $adjective $animal naming scheme, summarized (and with a list of suggested words which you can add to) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames06:40
NoradIVoh... lol06:40
_Techie_okay, not the faction i was after06:40
NoradIVwhat about the alternate CD06:41
om3n5150goodwill has floppy drives for under $1 =D06:41
* om3n5150 whistles06:41
NoradIVbut there is no place tu put it XD this laptop is so tiny06:42
NoradIVdont work06:42
NoradIVits a P3 73306:42
om3n5150oh, cant get drivers huh06:42
NoradIVwith the crappyest bios i ever saw06:42
NoradIVtoshiba ones06:42
om3n5150p3 733.... old i suppose?06:42
NoradIVcame with a win2k key06:43
om3n5150that's not TOO bad...06:43
NoradIVI wish I wasent anymore a student, so I may have money, and I may have a proper EEPC06:43
NoradIVor an ASUS06:44
om3n5150the most practical use would be a paperweight... or give it to a son or daughter to take to elemtary school. it will increase their popularity tenfold.06:44
NoradIVwell, I intent to make an Starcraft Console with it06:44
om3n5150ehhhh, i've heard asus mobos are junk06:44
moetunesseems the only option for the portege 3490ct is the pxe boot06:45
NoradIVthoses are the best price/product i-ve seen06:45
NoradIVvas ist das?06:45
om3n5150There are several ways computers can boot over a network, but the one mandated by PC99 is called PXE. PXE is a kind of DHCP extension, so all you need is an up-to-date DHCP server and a TFTP server.06:46
* om3n5150 wanted to sound smart too06:46
NoradIVthat was i thought XD06:46
NoradIVthere is an brain fart over there XD06:47
om3n5150i much prefer this channel over #ubuntu... even though i'm not even running xubuntu.06:47
NoradIVI have an PFSence router, thats probably ok06:47
NoradIVi guess06:47
NoradIVso how i do that?06:48
om3n5150alright, well moetunes has norad, so techie, about vlc options06:49
moetuneslots of links today from me - google.com/linux ftw06:49
NoradIVi get it06:50
NoradIVI have to Install the core of ubuntu06:50
NoradIVinstall the Xserver06:50
NoradIVI feel soooooo stupid since I tried Linux06:51
moetunesNoradIV: I didn't read the links just copy/pasted them mate - I don't have that lappy...06:52
NoradIVI'm kinda hot with windows06:52
om3n5150dude me too06:52
om3n5150i'm trying to broaden my horizons"""06:52
moetunesone min and I'll have a read06:52
NoradIVand I grow tired of all those Close Too Expensive I'm A Badass Software And You Have No Control On What You Do06:53
moetunesNoradIV: you need a comp on the lan running windows - do you have one?06:53
om3n5150lol, i just like playing on a different OS06:53
NoradIVwhen I saw Win7 at 400 buck, I grew so insulted06:54
NoradIVthat I said that there is other possibility06:54
moetunesNoradIV: I'm following this link - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=327597 - does your lappy have pxe boot capabilities(it should have since this link is about that lappy - the bios should tell)06:55
om3n5150_Techie_, did you get off?06:55
om3n5150nevermind then ;D06:56
om3n5150just was wondering if you could help with the vlc settings, if you arent busy06:56
NoradIVits just written LAN06:56
_Techie_well, im gonna be leaving to go dancing then heading to a party in about 5 minutes06:56
NoradIVthere is a ooops there06:56
NoradIVi have an PCMCIA network card06:57
NoradIVi have the extension06:57
om3n5150alright, well have fun, lol06:58
NoradIVI'll try that06:58
NoradIVthen I'll come back tommorow if it dosent work, ok?06:59
moetunesNoradIV: you need to install    http://tftpd32.jounin.net/    on the windows comp06:59
NoradIVI'm trying the alternate install CD07:06
NoradIVand its working07:06
NoradIVsorry for wasting your time07:06
moetunesNoradIV: glad you found a way :]07:07
om3n5150NoradIV, yay you win!07:18
NoradIVits installing now07:18
NoradIVits not over, until its over07:19
om3n5150well, i have to go for now.07:19
om3n5150good luck NoradIV =]07:19
NoradIVyou too man07:19
om3n5150laters =]07:19
eLBatican't login to xubuntu 10.04 live09:01
eLBatiuser ubuntu with blank pass doesn't work09:02
moetunesyou shouldn't get that screen - did you do the cd chack?09:03
moetunesor check even09:03
eLBatiwhat is the cd chack?09:03
psycho_oreoshe meant check09:04
eLBatidownloaded xubuntu 10.04 , burned , started live09:04
psycho_oreoswhere did you get that copy of 10.04 from?09:04
moetunesat the boot you have the option to do a cd check - it is a good idea09:04
eLBatipsycho_oreos, http://xubuntu.org/getubuntu09:05
moetunesit checks the burn - burners are sooo cheap I think they cut corners09:05
eLBatiI'll check cd09:05
moetunesthat'swhat normally gives that error09:06
moetuneshere's the  I forgot09:06
psycho_oreoseLBati, weird09:06
moetuneseLBati: always do the cd write at the slowest speed too - 4x is best from my experience09:09
eLBatimoetunes, maybe I have  a ramshackle cd reader09:11
eLBatiit's old09:12
moetuneseLBati: more than likely the writer is to blame09:12
moetunesbut some readers don't like cd's written on other drives09:12
moetuneshard to say from here :]09:13
eLBatimoetunes, ;-)09:14
eLBatimoetunes, just tried on another pc. xubuntu live works (without login screen)09:19
eLBaticd reader deceased09:19
moetuneseLBati: well there you go then - sorry for you mate09:20
psycho_oreosat least you solved that issue :)09:21
PrebenRanybody here have problem with that thunar doesn't show usb devices? I have this behavior now on 3 different computers amd64,i386, eee all after going to 10.0409:30
moetunesPrebenR: thunar has some probs in 10.04 apparently - only seen issues in passing - never seen the usb one tho09:32
PrebenRseems that this is a issue many have09:33
PrebenRbut it seems to be ubuntu09:33
PrebenRI mean seems people also see it in gnome desktop09:33
mr_pouitit's a known bug of hal in lucid09:33
psycho_oreoswasn't lucid supposed to be hal-free?09:34
psycho_oreoshmm ok my bad09:34
mr_pouit(not for xubuntu)09:34
mr_pouitPrebenR: Bug #54699209:35
PrebenRok will test what is suggested09:37
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gr8m8it seems my post wasn't worded right or was misconstrued - I am a fluxbox user because I am a fluxbox fan - I tried openbox because so many posts lauded it yet it fell so far short of flux - hence my question "is it marketing"09:52
gr8m8oops wrong channel09:52
nikolamStill no LTS update in update manager..11:30
nikolamdid someone updated from ext3 to ext4 directly, with all ext4 new things inside?11:40
dreamercan I set how many colors for the screen ?12:11
psycho_oreosscreen as in the actual `screen' program itself?12:11
dreamerI don't understand12:12
dreamerI'm root12:12
dreamerI want to set low color12:12
psycho_oreosI don't understand what you mean by screen in this context, you mean in GUI?12:12
dreamerin X12:13
psycho_oreosahh ok, not sure, I think 16bpp is the lowest palette12:13
psycho_oreosbleh scratch that12:13
dreamer16bpp is 16'000'000 ?12:13
dreamer16 bit per pixel ?12:14
dreamerwhere can I set it12:14
psycho_oreosyeah but that could be just resolution (i.e. screen size, which I could be mistaken)12:14
psycho_oreoswhy not just use vesa driver instead?12:14
dreamerI use a pc for linux media center12:15
dreamerI need proprietary driver of nvidia12:15
dreamerbut I want to use not a true color12:15
dreamermy tv not have hd12:16
psycho_oreoswell if you installed the proprietary nvidia driver, you should get nvidia x server settings appearing under system menu12:17
dreamerbut it don't work12:20
dreamerI try to write a configuration manually to /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:20
psycho_oreoswell if nvidia x server settings doesn't work, you're probably not using nvidia driver12:20
dreamerI use a nvidia driver, but the nvidia server setting can't wrtite a configuration to xorg.conf12:21
dreamerprobably it must be run as root12:21
dreamerI think12:22
dreamer(or with sudo)12:22
psycho_oreosprobably better with gksu/gksudo :p12:22
dreameralso the setting to autostart must be run with gksudo12:23
dreamerbecouse if I can to add program by user it can't write a configuration12:24
psycho_oreosnormally it should ask for user password12:24
psycho_oreospersonally I have not encountered such issues installing proprietary drivers via jockey12:25
ocshi, I insalled 10.04 some days ago. I'm noting that this version is full of bugs and problems which are not present in 9.10. Is there a feedback for that?13:09
ocsfor example... thunar is really instable!13:11
arthurjohnsonocs: I'm running Xubuntu on six workstations, I've not noticed any major bugs other than Hald on my upgrade machines.13:15
arthurjohnsonDid you look at http://www.launchpad.net13:15
ocsarthurjohnson: what's hald?13:16
arthurjohnsonIts what thunar needs to manage volumes like removable drives.13:16
ocsarthurjohnson: I don't understand if you experienced my same problem13:18
ocsarthurjohnson: I see that there are too many bugs... I wonder if someone else experienced that and switched to 9.1013:20
arthurjohnsonocs: Like I said, I have it running on six radicaly different workstations.  I'm not seeing excessive instability.13:28
arthurjohnsonocs: Why don't you take each problem your having, and lets tackle them one at a time.13:29
arthurjohnsonocs: As in, take one problem, state the symptoms, and we will do our best to assist you in repairing it.13:29
ocsarthurjohnson: I would do that if problems are few.13:30
ocssince there's a sea of problems, I can't do that13:30
arthurjohnsonWell, your unique.  I'm not experiencing a sea of problems.13:31
arthurjohnsonXubuntu couldn't be better for me13:31
arthurjohnsonAlso, this is a support channel, not the complaint department.  All comments and complaints should be directed at the #xubuntu-offtopic channel.13:33
arthurjohnsonOur goal here is to assist people with specific problems in relation to Xubuntu13:33
ocsarthurjohnson: xubuntu is excellent for me too (the old version). please understand that I'm not here in order to complain: I noted so much problems that it seemed strange for me. therefore I asked a feedback. For example, thunar many times opens but doesn't allow to open subdirs! In addition panels often cover windows corners and so on13:38
ocsarthurjohnson: note that I use (k/x)ubuntu since a lot of time... and It's the first time that I see so much instability in the newest stable version13:39
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Prajwaljoin #fedora-india16:32
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lucas-arghello, how can i share and see samba shares in xubuntu?18:55
charlie-tcain Applications - system menu18:55
charlie-tcaor if not on lucid - remote file systems18:55
lucas-argcharlie-tca: with that i can see and share? or just see?18:56
charlie-tcashould be both see and share18:56
charlie-tcain #ubuntu-classroom in 4 minutes, How to participate remotely at an Ubuntu Developer Summit18:57
lucas-argcharlie-tca: i dont see any option to share...18:57
lucas-argcharlie-tca: do i need to install samba?18:58
charlie-tcaI believe so, but I don't use samba or gigolo myself18:58
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:59
]Spectre[hi,I'm having troubles with the lastest xubuntu live cd,after the boot up,when I push on "install xubuntu on hard-drive" I get a pop up windows that tell me "live-install",and nothing more18:59
]Spectre[Any suggestion ? thanks18:59
charlie-tcatry installing from the desktop, then?18:59
charlie-tcano, sorry19:00
]Spectre[I have also tried to run the live-cd,but I get the same problem,a pop-up with a message,and nothing more19:00
charlie-tcaTry installing using a terminal, 'ubiquity --debug'19:01
]Spectre[my pc is an athlon 1400 plus 1gb of ram19:01
]Spectre[thanks,I'll try it19:01
George_EWhat length of time would be considered excessive for a Xubuntu boot?19:29
George_ECuz I'm at about 20-25 minutes so far.19:29
George_E* boot from the CD, of course19:29
charlie-tca30 minutes? Depends on the machine. I have one that takes about 8 minutes to show anything, and a full 22 minutes to gdm19:29
George_EOh, okay.19:30
George_EIt's quite old... I assume a HD install would make it quicker?19:30
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: I would recommend the alt installer19:30
George_EAlt installer?19:30
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: What are your specs?19:30
charlie-tcayes, George_E, it does19:30
charlie-tcasame machine after installing boots in about 3 minutes19:31
George_EPentium MMX ~200 MHz19:31
George_E160 MB RAM19:31
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: Yes, there is a text based installer.19:31
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: ouch, thats not going to run Xubuntu very well at all19:31
George_EATI Radeon 9600 Video Card w/ 128 onboard RAM19:31
charlie-tca160MB won't allow the desktop installer to work. It will freeze up19:31
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: Check out my blog:  http://leanubuntu.blogspot.com/19:31
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: your going to need to do a Command Line install and then add just what you need.19:32
George_EI'm looking at the desktop right now... sort of.19:32
George_EAll I see is a blue tree and the cursor is an X19:32
charlie-tcashould be able to use the alternate installer, but the desktop is going to be really slowwwwww19:32
George_EA command line install?19:32
George_EI just want to try it.19:32
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: Check out the blog link.  It explains it pretty well19:32
George_EWithout installing.19:33
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: Those specifications are not enough to try Xubuntu.  You might want to try Lubuntu.19:33
George_EThe Gnome panel appeared! Hooray!19:33
George_EMan, it's slow.19:33
charlie-tcaahem..., that's xfce panel in xubuntu19:33
George_Earthurjohnson: Lubuntu?19:33
George_Echarlie: Oh yeah.19:34
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: http://lubuntu.net/19:34
charlie-tcaI was able to see the livecd desktop with 128MB ram, so be patient19:35
arthurjohnsoncharlie-tca: How long did it take to start Firefox on that beast?19:35
charlie-tcaI could even run an application at a time. (one)19:35
charlie-tcawe don't like to talk about that19:35
George_EIt probably didn't help that I used a CD-RW to burn the ISO to.19:35
George_EThe icons appeared!19:36
* charlie-tca thinks George_E is braver than himself19:36
* George_E is not brave - just determined19:36
charlie-tcaIt only takes a few minutes to get firefox to start (5-10)19:36
arthurjohnsonI threw out all my Pentium stuff five years ago.19:36
George_EI'm not even going to try Firefox :)19:37
charlie-tcathat's what I got19:37
charlie-tcaP2, p3, p419:37
arthurjohnsonI only have Duron's and Pentium D machines in my house any more.19:38
charlie-tcaP4's are fast here19:38
George_ESo, I see that Lubuntu is using x11.19:38
charlie-tcaThe P2 is to find the minumums for Xubuntu. That's the one I try with 64MB, 128MB, 160MB, 256MB ram19:39
George_E64 MB RAM :O19:40
charlie-tcaGot to know if it will work19:40
George_EDid it?19:40
George_EIs there a screenshot of Lubuntu in action? Just curious...19:41
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: I would try their website.  It was just a suggestion, I don't use nor support Lubuntu.19:42
George_EHey, I found a glitch, I think - the display is off-center slightly and I have to manually correct it with my LCD controls.19:42
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: I know their suggested minimum requirements are PII and 128 megs of ram.19:42
charlie-tcano :-(19:42
charlie-tcaGeorge_E: yes, it depends on the actual video card19:43
George_EThis happens with all the other linux distros I use, though - common problem I guess.19:43
arthurjohnsoncharlie-tca: I don't even think a cli+xfce4 would work on 64 megs of ram, at least not well.19:43
charlie-tcaNot well19:43
charlie-tcaPretty much kills any gui19:44
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: Thats the fault of the monitor.  Most LCD's have an autoadjust button, I have to hit mine usually.19:44
arthurjohnsonGeorge_E: On Win or Lin19:44
George_EYa - I have another really small distro that runs nicely on the machine.19:44
George_EI think it uses xvesa.19:44
charlie-tcaTry it with my 4mb stb riva128 card... ;-)19:45
George_ENo thanks.19:45
charlie-tcaIt does still work, though.19:46
George_EMaybe text mode isn't so bad :) I need the GUI, though... it's not really for me anyway.19:46
MantelisBIf I will start Installing Xubunt in my PC over Linux (When I put CD I saw that I can do that) so it will automaticaly takes space from my Windows, creates new disk and install it?20:20
MantelisBOr it will install just in Windows, like Virtual Machine?20:20
MantelisBSorry s/over Linux/over Windows20:21
charlie-tcaYou have a choice between installing in windows or installing separately from windows20:22
MantelisBHmm, ok. Going to try.20:23
charlie-tcaYou can have it install in a separate partition along side of windows and dual boot to either one20:23
charlie-tcaMake sure you have a backup of windows first20:24
MantelisBcharlie-tca, maybe you know or Xubuntu is friendly with USB Wireless adapter?20:26
charlie-tcaSome work, some don't.20:27
charlie-tcaMantelisB: I don't use one, so it is hard for me to say for sure20:28
MantelisBOk, I understand. Anyway, I buy Adapter which was (writed on documents) friendly with Linux.20:28
MantelisBSo, hope so Linux will be friendly too :)20:28
charlie-tcashould be20:29
charlie-tcaMost are working now20:29
MantelisBcharlie-tca, I not really understand which I have to choice:20:32
MantelisBTry demo or install Full /or/ install inside windows20:32
MantelisBTo either is writed almost same things.. :/20:33
charlie-tcatry first, make sure it works. Install can be inside windows or you can replace windows or you partition the hard drive and have both windows and Xubuntu20:33
charlie-tcaInstall inside windows is easiest. It is just like installing anything else in windows, then.20:36
lucas-arg1hello... im missing some icons in ubuntu software center... is it fixable?20:39
lucas-arg1!missing icons20:42
Sysiwhat kinda icons and where?20:42
Sysido you use default icon set?20:43
lucas-arg1Sysi: in Ubuntu Software Center20:43
lucas-arg1if i click in any category sub-categories icons does not show20:44
lucas-arg1Sysi: http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/3608/capturadepantalla.jpg20:47
Sysiinteresting.. it works for me20:48
Sysiis it always like that?20:48
lucas-arg1Sysi: its a clean installation of xubuntu, could it be because its in spanish?20:49
Sysii guess not20:49
lucas-arg1then im lost20:50
lucas-arg1ill try changing language and see what happens, synaptic doesnt work in spanish either20:50
lucas-arg1i mean, search with search button and try to apply changes, it gives errors... first time i have problems with language so i guessed that could be the problem20:50
lucas-argtried changing language, but didint resolve it20:57
lucas-argi think its a bug20:57
MantelisBI installed my Xubuntu, but I don't know my root password.22:25
MantelisBMaybe it's set by default?22:25
Sysiuse sudo22:26
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:26
knomeMantelisB, your "root" password is the same as your first account pw22:26
MantelisBLogin to root with "su", yes?22:26
knomeMantelisB, you should not "login" to root in ubuntu22:26
Sysisudo -i22:27
MantelisBknome, why? :)22:28
knomeMantelisB, that's how ubuntu is built. if you need to run something as root, use sudo22:30
knomeMantelisB, not logging in as root is safer for your computer22:30
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam
MantelisBknome, I know, but I need it.23:03
MantelisBBecause now I can't configure my bluetooth.. I need make file in /etc/bluetooth/pin23:04
MantelisBAnd I can't do that with sudo..23:04
knomewhy not?23:04
MantelisBAnd When I try in console: "su" and write my user password it fails.23:04
MantelisBI don't know, no permission.23:04
knome'sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/pin' ?23:04
MantelisBI tried 'sudo echo "1234" > /etc/bluetooth/pin"23:05
MantelisBBut I will try your way too23:05
MantelisBThanks, your way is working.23:07
MantelisBBut why "vi" is not working ? :/23:07
MantelisBMaybe I should add some permissions?23:08
Sysiyou may need to install it23:09
knome'sudo vi /etc/bluetooth/pin' ;)23:09
ksoshi there23:25
ksosxubuntu is it take less space ?23:25
charlie-tcaless space than what?23:26
ksosubuntu ?23:27
charlie-tcayes, it does take between 30-50% less disk space than those23:27
ksoshow to install xubuntu ?23:29
charlie-tcadown from http://xubuntu.org/get23:29
ksos no i don't want to download and install as normaly23:32
ksos i want to do different install23:32
ksoshow to install via terminal ?23:32
charlie-tcaYou would google that and see if it is possible23:32
charlie-tcaWe don't support such a method23:33
Sysialternate installer is text-based23:33
ksos 23:33
ksosno i just only want to install via terminal23:33
knomeksos, do you have a ubuntu system already installed?23:33
knome'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' will install everything you would get with a normal xubuntu installation23:34
knome!purexfce | ksos, to remove other packages, see:23:35
ubottuksos, to remove other packages, see:: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »23:35
ksosok thanks knome23:35
ksosi try that23:35
knomeno problem23:35
xubuntu072Hi folks. Xubunto n00b here. Anyone awake?23:42
xubuntu072Yes? No?23:43
xubuntu072I'm installing Xubuntu at this very moment, and have a question or three.23:44
_Techie_fire away23:44
xubuntu072OK, thank you.23:44
xubuntu072Now... problem(s) I've had are: hmm... how to explain?23:45
xubuntu072I'd start by installing Ubuntu, then (using Synaptic) would install Xfce and all.23:46
xubuntu072Gnome would disappear.23:46
_Techie_what version>23:46
xubuntu072Anyone know why? 'Cuz I kinda like having both.23:46
xubuntu072Version? 10.0423:47
xubuntu072It did the same thing with 9.10 though.23:47
charlie-tcaWhen you login, at the bottom should be a tab labeled 'session'. You don't have Ǵnome in there?23:47
xubuntu072Initially I'd see Gnome and xterm. After rebooting I'd see Xfce, KDE and xterm.23:48
xubuntu072And sometimes I wouldn't even see that. Just xterm.23:48
charlie-tcaIn lucid, you should have xubuntu, xfce, xterm, gnome23:49
xubuntu072Even worse, sometimes when I'd enter my password it wouldn't go to a desktop at all, just kept reloading the login screen.23:49
charlie-tca10.04 uses a session called 'xubuntu' to set the desktop up. If you installed xfce and nothing else, you don't have all the dependencies satisfied.23:50
xubuntu072I went and downloaded the Xubuntu ISO and am installing it right now. I'm hoping it'll be less problematic and give me what I'm after from the get-go.23:51
xubuntu072I kinda like KDE 'cuz it's quite Windows-like.23:52
xubuntu072Which would be perfect for guests on my computer.23:53
xubuntu072But I can't figure out how to make it activate the wireless adapter.23:53
charlie-tcaThen you probably should be installing Kubuntu.23:53
Sysiuse gnome's network manager if kde's own fail23:54
Sysiit's commonly known bad23:55
_Techie_or you can use wicd23:55
_Techie_grrr, ubbottu23:55
Sysiif "windows-like" means panel at the bottom, it's easy to set up in all three23:55
charlie-tca!info wicd23:55
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB23:55

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