
strakisis this the right place for a question/bug/problem?00:01
compilerwriterYea I have Jave and flash working now.00:01
yofelif you need help with something, fire away00:01
compilerwriterthanks yofel and apparle00:02
strakisjust upgraded to 10.04 (after some hours of downloading/installing) and desktop is responding very slow00:02
strakisi managed to type kwin --replace (since i was using compiz with version 9) and everything almost was ok00:03
strakisbut the notification says compositing was too slow and was stop or something like that00:03
strakisdesktop responds ok without compositing but is it just me or a bug or something?00:04
strakisfyi glxinfo says i have direct rendering so it shouldn't be the gpu (9800gt)00:05
andreoh, is there a good package manager for kde?00:10
andrethis KPackageKit is not really good00:10
Raubtier__aptitude ;-)00:11
Raubtier__+ konsole00:12
andreRaubtier__: i mean something with an ui00:13
andrei hate the terminal!00:13
Raubtier__I thought packagekit might have been improved - but no, it hasn't. so for example if you are asked something during installation, it goes wrong with kpackagekit00:16
strakisi think i found my problem, xorg.conf has been replaced with a default(?) one during the upgrade, so this could be it... if anyone else has compositing errors check xorg, it may help00:16
Raubtier__(I tried to install openafs - so use terminal whenever possible)00:17
asifhi all00:21
asifhaving java probs with ubuntu 10.0400:22
apparleandre: I have plans for developing one... but it will take time :P00:22
asifcan anyone help?00:22
strakishello again, X crashed...00:30
strakisany easy way to rebuild x for nvidia module?00:31
geniiIt's usually the other way around. eg: you build a module to work within the framework of X00:34
xrfangakonadi server is not running, why, and where can I make it auto-start when booting? thanks00:35
okapi14what is akonadi?00:36
strakissorry, i didn't mean to rebuild x, i meant the configuration xorg.conf00:36
IzinucsSo what's up with bluetooth?  My adaptor works and will connect with my cell but won't connect with a headset.. Is there a library that I need to add?00:37
supermagnumHi, sometimes my computer hangs during boot, the screen goes black and i have to shut it down and try again. Does anyone know what causes this ?00:39
supermagnumi have only kubuntu 1000:39
apparlesupermagnum: the screen goes black and monitor turns off?00:40
apparlesupermagnum: which graphic card.. or onboard graphics processor00:41
supermagnumATI Technologies Inc RV530LE [Radeon X1600/X1650 PRO]00:42
supermagnumkubuntu 9.10 never behaved like that00:42
apparlesupermagnum: have you tried disabling kms00:43
supermagnumi have disabled nepomuk00:44
xrfangsupermagnum: I have same problem before, but never happened on 10.04 yet, using ATI X200M00:44
xrfangsupermagnum: is this a notebook?00:45
supermagnumno, a stationary00:45
xrfangsupermagnum: my problem during 9.10 was cured if I unplug the USB mouse... this problem happened around 1 in every 3-4 boots...00:46
xrfangsupermagnum: but did not happen if I unplug the usb mouse, and plug-in after boot.00:46
supermagnumi do have some problems with the usb too.. somethmes the usb mice is unresponsice, but unpligging and plugging it in again solves it00:47
apparlexrfang: I don't think that is related to mouse, because I have X200 and I had the same problem but it got cured in 10.0400:47
supermagnumi cannot find any warnings in the system log00:48
xrfangapparle: ok, anyway it is gone in 10.04 :)00:48
apparlexrfang: Can't say actually, it may come back with KMS :P Right now I have KMS disabled00:48
supermagnumdoes anyone know if the touchscreen configuration setup related to a panasonic CF-29 has been fixed?00:50
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supermagnumhttp://forum.notebookreview.com/panasonic/369483-cf-28-touch-screen-installation-recent-linux-distributions.html  thats what i am talking about00:53
|sysop|hi guys. I am running 9.10 and I having issues with akondi and the akonadi-kde-resource-googledata plugin00:53
|sysop|I put in my info and it says online but the akonadi console says.00:54
|sysop| CREATE "akonadi_googledata_resource_0" 0 (MIMETYPE (text/directory) REMOTEID "google-contacts" CACHEPOLICY (INHERIT true))  NO Could not create collection00:54
|sysop|any ideas?00:55
xrfangapparle: KMS is by default ON or OFF?00:56
apparlexrfang: in 10.04 I think it is on00:56
xrfangapparle: my laptop has heating problem, I changed to ati driver, but does not work for X200,00:56
xrfangI did not touch KMS setting, and it works well now00:57
xrfanghowever, the driver still has some bug I think. this bug exists long ago and I discovered it when I was trying mandriva 2009.100:57
apparlexrfang: good for you, if I have KMS enabled I don't get compositing00:58
apparlexrfang: heating problem? and changed to ati driver=?00:58
xrfangsymptom of this bug which still happen occasionally is the whole pc get locked and the screen "melted", showing very scaring "plasma" pattern...00:59
apparlexrfang: actually the driver is a total mess, neither do I get proper acceleration nor suspend etc. Also unnecessarily cpu load is quite high01:00
supermagnum_anything on the touchscreen calibration ?01:00
bertoldoHi every one. It's my first time here.01:04
strakishello bertoldo01:05
bertoldoI'm a Brazilian developer and I'm trying to figure out how to help kubuntu to get better.01:06
apparle!hi | bertoldo01:06
ubottubertoldo: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:06
|sysop|hi who here is good with akondi?01:12
|sysop|hi who here is good with akonadi, i mean?01:13
apparlewhat all backends are available for phonon01:15
progre55hey slackers)01:19
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contrastGreets, everyone... Is it possible to make a window not be included in KWin's window switchers?01:29
LucidaBuenas A Tod@s....!!!01:30
LucidaAlguien que me pase el canal en español del konversation?01:30
Dragnslcr!es | Lucida01:32
ubottuLucida: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:32
zuswhen opening up kontack i get akondai server-selftest window shows 3 red x's.  this is the first time i've opened up kontact.01:43
zusno resources agent fount / previous akonadi server error log / previous akonadi control error log found01:45
Marko38hi all, could use a little help, new to linux here, I've just updated to the latest ubuntu kernel, solved the problem of missing title bars on windows, got the radio buttons back on the right hand side of the monitor where they belong, now i need to get icons back on my desktop and restore the right click menus there, any suggestions?01:48
progre55Marko38: gnome or kde?01:53
Marko38good question.. as I said, new to linux let me look see...01:54
progre55Marko38: well, is it ubuntu or kubuntu?01:54
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progre55cause half of what you've done sounds like ubuntu, and the icons on desktop and right click sounds like kde01:54
Marko38gnome and ubuntu01:55
progre55oh okay, this is the kubuntu channel though..01:55
progre55what's up with your desktop icons, you say?01:56
Marko38there are no icons on my desktop01:56
Marko38they are there if i look in desktop folder under the places menu01:56
progre55Marko38: and what kind of icons were you expecting there to be?01:56
progre55oh, I see01:57
avihayHow can you setup kubuntu to work with multiple languages like in windows?01:57
progre55I dont remember how it was done on ubuntu, but try to right-click and see the menus..01:57
progre55I remember there was an option to show/hide the icons01:57
zusMarko38,  i dont think in ubuntu there are any icons on the desktop initially.01:57
Marko38right click on the desktop does not work...no pop up menu01:58
progre55zus: but he has there is stuff in his Desktop folder..01:58
progre55Marko38: well that's weird..01:59
Marko38there should at least be short cuts to the cd drives also..01:59
progre55Marko38: not unless you have a CD inside01:59
Marko38there are disks in there01:59
zusMarko38, try  in the #ubuntu channel. i dont remeber if there would be any icons even if there is stuff in the folder01:59
zusMarko38,  yea when you mount the drives then they appear02:00
Marko38also if i drag an item to the desktop it ignores me... will try there, this was just the default chanel...02:00
zusMarko38,  like putting in a usb or a cd,  hmm draggin any thing then should appear in both destop folder and on the desktop02:01
progre55sounds like the kubuntu desktop =)02:02
zuslol i like my widget02:02
zusim actually thinking on installing the ubuntu-desktop02:02
progre55yeah I have that )02:03
progre55used to have ubuntu, then installed kubuntu-desktop02:03
progre55like a week ago02:03
progre55and kinda like the way kubuntu looks02:03
progre55it's really pretty)02:03
zustoo blue02:03
Marko38i dunno they were there b4 I updated, and looking under the system menu I see about gnome not kde02:03
progre55zus: there are other themes, you know )02:03
zusthis afternoon i asked how to install  icons  i downloaded i got no reply02:04
progre55zus: I install them from the settings directly02:04
progre55"get more themes" or "get more icons"02:05
progre55Marko38: try #ubuntu02:05
Marko38heading there now, thats for your time02:05
zusMarko38,  i would try the #ubuntu channel then. i dont remember much from gnome i've been learning so much of kde02:05
zusMarko38,  youre welcome02:06
zusprogre55,  i did, and nothing showed up, its marked as installed but i dont see it as an option i went straight to kde-look.org02:06
zusi got the .tar.gz and i dont know how to from there02:07
progre55zus: after installing, you should chose it to be the "active" one )02:07
zusprogre55,  i went and grabbed all i wanted i didn't see any available to change as i download02:08
progre55zus: and also, open systemSettings > appearance02:08
progre55and try "Install Theme File"02:08
progre55zus: it will ask you for the location02:09
progre55choose the tar.gz file you have02:09
zusthis theme is not a valid icon file,...02:10
progre55zus: oh, you said you downloaded icon themes, right? you'll need to chose "icons" in the appearance02:10
progre55can you send me the link to the theme?02:10
progre55I'll download it and try02:10
progre55or at least the name of the theme02:11
zusgot to find it again gimme a sec :)02:11
jkenkubuntu ibus add wubi input?02:12
progre55no idea what you just said )02:12
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zusprogre55,  oxygen green is the name of the icons and its under latest and  on my window is the first one02:15
progre55zus: hmm.. it's not even respoonding to my "install" =)02:16
zusprogre55, so its not just me.02:17
progre55zus: yeah, maybe it's the icon theme..02:17
zusprogre55,  it not the only one though there are few other wallpapers and such02:18
zusprogre55,  try here the http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+Green?content=12422602:18
progre55wow, it'll download it for ages)02:21
marcoftheknighthow do I make a new channel or room02:22
progre55just click here #mynewchannel02:22
progre55yeah, now you need to advertise it =)02:23
marcoftheknightcan I make a channel from file> ... or another way02:24
progre55no idea02:24
progre55what client are you using?02:24
marcoftheknightOH dude02:26
marcoftheknightjust join channel02:26
zusprogre55,  did it work for you?02:26
marcoftheknightand it will make a new one and you can set the password02:26
marcoftheknightfile> join channel02:26
progre55zus: nah, still downloading )02:26
marcoftheknightmake what ever you want02:26
progre55marcoftheknight: good for you =)02:27
kubunterohow do I see a Software raid from the Live CD ?02:27
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zusmarcoftheknight,  what are yu using for irc chats?02:30
progre55konversation, I suppose02:31
progre55Konversation 1.202:31
zusi grew used to x chat02:32
progre55yeah, I was also using xchat some days ago..02:33
zusi will tackle quassel (sp) soon02:33
progre55btw, I was on ubuntu, then installed konversation02:33
progre55it pulled in a bunch of kde libs with itself..02:33
progre55then wanted to remove them, and came into this channel02:34
progre55and ended up installing kubuntu-desktop :)02:34
kubunteroprogre55: Hmm ok02:34
kubunteroprogre55: welcome to Kubuntu then :)02:34
progre55zus: btw, the theme didnts install02:34
progre55kubuntero: thanks)02:34
progre55zus: it says it's not a proper theme archive02:34
zusprogre55,  i get the same thing,...02:36
zusprogre55, so much for mint colors...or close to it02:36
progre55zus:the ones that say "for KDE 4" install properly..02:38
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zusprogre55,  got the link? please02:43
progre55zus: no I mean directly from the systemSettings, when you click on "get more themes"02:44
progre55zus: and some of they say "for kde 4" in their descr.02:45
zusprogre55,  one sec02:47
amorphoushey! I just installed lucid 10.4 kubuntu, but no mp3 support, no ubuntuone and nothing online relating to anything about either :/ is there no kubuntu-restricted-extras?02:49
zusamorphous,  there is02:49
amorphouszus... there is which?02:50
amorphousthere seems to be only 9.10 support02:50
amorphousand there is not mp3 or ubuntuone (not here anyways) even after i installed ubuntuone-client-kde and run  ubuntuone-launch02:51
zusamorphous,  http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid this is what i've used to get going02:52
amorphousthanks zus - going in now... ;)02:53
zusamorphous,  welcome. i knw the kubuntu-restricted extras are in there (somewhere)02:55
zusprogre55,  also the kde4 crystal icons aint working  either..02:58
amorphouszus - no. they're not.03:00
amorphousnor is anything apropos ubuntuone03:00
bazhang!info kubuntu-restricted-extras03:01
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 39 (lucid), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB03:01
amorphousAahhhh.. multiverse... sources.list does not include multiverse...03:01
bazhang!info ubuntuone-client03:03
ubottuubuntuone-client (source: ubuntuone-client): Ubuntu One client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 23 kB, installed size 476 kB03:03
amorphoushow do i get ubuntuone on my new kubuntu-lynx03:20
bazhangamorphous, install it03:22
amorphousbazhang, have done... ubuntuone-client-kde, yes? it's installed but no dir in my home dir, and no little cloud in the system tray. restarted too....03:24
amorphousbut no joy03:24
progre55amorphous: look in the menu > Internet?03:24
bazhang!info ubuntuone-client-kde03:24
ubottuPackage ubuntuone-client-kde does not exist in lucid03:24
bazhangno such package03:25
amorphousit does on my fresh install03:25
progre55amorphous: just install ubuntuone-client03:25
amorphousshould i register this as a bug?03:25
amorphousprogre55, it's installed, but doesnt wok03:26
bazhangit's ubuntuone-client03:26
amorphousbazhang, yep. installed it03:26
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:26
amorphousthen the ubuntuone-clien-kde, but to no avail...03:26
progre55amorphous: open your menu and try to type "ubuntu" on the search panel?03:27
bazhangalt f2 ubuntuone-client03:27
dennisterwhen you're moving lots of files with jaunty, how do you get the progress monitor of that process to stay visible?03:28
amorphousbeen there too, and in term03:28
progre55nope, alt+f2 ubuntuone-launch03:28
amorphousalso lucid runs very slow03:28
amorphousmaybe I should go back to koala03:28
progre55amorphous: did you try alt+f2 ubuntuone-launch?03:29
amorphousprogre55, Nada03:30
amorphousprogre55, Nothing03:30
amorphousprogre55, :(03:30
progre55amorphous: try running it from the terminal, and see if there are any error messages?03:31
dennisterhow's 10.04? LTS server edition? have they got the initial bugs out yet?03:32
amorphousonly ubuntuone-launch exists in the term, and that just seems to return the prompt03:33
amorphouseven with a -v in there with it03:33
amorphousno man page03:34
dennisteramorphous: lynx still slow?03:34
dennisterwhen you're moving lots of files with jaunty, how do you get the progress monitor of that process to stay visible?03:38
darkdelusionsI always move large quanties from command line so i am not sure assuming they are all the same file type03:39
bazhang#ubuntuone may also help amorphous03:39
ErtheHey folks.  Is anyone experiencing the Quick Access Browser plasmoid lagging the plasma desktop when it's open?  Using Kubuntu 10.04, patched up.03:40
dennisterdarkdelusions: well i've been trying to stick with the guis 'cuz I was training newbies on ubuntu, but since I'm not doing that at the moment...03:40
dennisteri want to redo this system of my own this weekend, and have already gotten discouraged by reading the reviews of 10.0403:41
dennisterand my beloved hardy won't be supported much longer, I know03:41
darkdelusionsdennister: 10.04 has been pretty solid for me03:42
darkdelusionsthere have been a few glitches03:42
dennisterno maintenance release out yet, I guess?03:42
zus10-4 has been good and  KDE4.4.3 as well03:42
darkdelusionsbut I havent had to spend 2 hours putting fixes in places like i did 8.04 and 9.0403:42
dennisterdoes kde 4.4.3 keep the progress bar of large-file moves visible? I don't like jaunty's version of kde 'cuz the progress window disappears03:44
darkdelusionsthe only issue i have is I can install the nvidia driver from nvidia website so I am using the one from the restricted drivers which is fine for me03:44
darkdelusionsdennister:  I dont have anythinf on my system to test that for you03:45
zusdennister, in the lower right it hides for me03:45
darkdelusionsbut when I move files it does use the "messages"03:45
zuswith the notifier03:45
dennisterzus: yes, but I don't want it to hide seconds after the move has started...i need to be able to tell when the move is done, and that I'm not told03:46
dennisterzus: which notifier? can I change the option to make it stay visible so I can monitor move's progress?03:46
ErtheIs anyone having any plasmoid issues at all?03:46
zusdennister,  i have, i like it to hide but sometimes it stays on03:47
darkdelusionsdennister: You can click on the notifer button and they should pop back upo03:47
dennisterzus: what's the notifier's name, where is it? if it's in the system tray, I can't find it03:48
zusdennister,  the I by the time03:48
zusi constantly move files from the 9gig home to my 250HDD03:49
dennisterzus: k, i'll go take a look at the other machine where jaunty is loaded...will take some time cuz I have to wait for the projector to warm up03:49
dennisterno other monitor connected :)03:50
zususing a wall for a monitor?03:50
dennisternope, a new real projection screen, to hide the bookcase and washroom door behind it03:50
zusbuddy of mine uses the bedroom wall03:51
dennisteri used to use the livingroom wall when I moved in here a month ago, but the only adequate spot for the projector, really, was on the iwndow sill behind the new spot for the futon03:52
dennisterand the sheet I used at first showed every wrinkle, so hello projection screen03:52
dennisteri also moved this dual core pc into the bedroom, cuz of the noise from the fans, and am only using a 1Gz p3 in the living room03:53
darkdelusionsI really wish I could find a way to get Kubuntu to auto login to wifi and not prompt for the wallet password like you can do in ubuntu03:54
darkdelusionsthis kinda driving me batty03:54
dennisteri can't even login to my wifi with the tablet pc to my own wifi 2wire...it was setup properly at the last place, for the first week or so, but here I end up using a neighbour's wifi for the tablet pc...that's driving me batty :)03:55
dennisterand I'm using ubuntu on the tablet pc03:56
dennisteroh no...sorry, it is kubuntu on the tablet that I use, just the gdm, and it never asks to open kde wallet anymore03:58
dennisterdarkdelusions: maybe that's a clue to my wifi issues :)03:59
zuswould there be any conflicts with installing ubuntu-desktop or even ubuntustudios?03:59
abhifxhi there. plymouth is running even after my system loads up. its eating my resources... any suggestions03:59
darkdelusionsWell in ubuntu you could go in and select all users have access to wireless so it wouldnt ask you for the wallet password04:00
dennisterzus: what do you mean? conflicts between ubuntu-desktop and what else?04:00
dennisteri've never used ubuntustudios04:01
zusubuntu -studios04:01
darkdelusionsabhifx: let me see what i can find04:01
zus also what is plymouth? i came across a youtube video on it but never clicked it04:01
abhifxdarkdelusions, thank you04:02
dennistersorry, can't answer that...will check out the wifi/kde wallet issue on the tablet04:02
hstefanhey, I've installed Kubuntu 10.04 here but the taskbar is half-sized, there's any way to 'expand' this?04:03
darkdelusionsabhifx: google hate me tonight04:03
abhifxdarkdelusions, why so?04:04
darkdelusionsabhifx: everything I have attempted to look up i have stuck out on04:04
darkdelusionshstefan: you can resize the bar04:04
abhifxdarkdelusions, but... about my problem?04:04
darkdelusionshstefan: by clicking on the swirl on right hand side04:05
hstefandarkdelusions: how I do this?04:05
hstefanlet me try.04:05
darkdelusionshstefan:  I wasnt able to find anything about plymoth running after boot04:05
hstefanthank you darkdelusions04:06
darkdelusionshstefan: you get it fixed?04:07
dennisterdarkdelusions: sorry, I think the battery being sc**ed on the tablet means it'll take awhile for me to investigate your issue with the wallet/wifi, it doesn't want to turn on and stay on04:09
darkdelusionsdennister: its not a big deal04:09
dennisterthat's driving me batty...probably time to ask for a new battery for mother's day, eh?04:09
dennisteralthough i'm not sure if it's the battery not holding the charge (or recognizing it, or whether the problem is with the power adapter :(04:10
darkdelusionssigh why do i even sign on to icq anymroe04:11
darkdelusionsincomming spam message i am sure04:12
dennisterthe fact that the battery has been staying at 0% is the clue to the battery itself being the problem I guess?04:12
Dragnslcrdarkdelusions- for the chicks?04:12
darkdelusionsbetter question why does ICQ still exist :)04:12
DragnslcrHeh, that too04:12
dennistercheap porn?04:13
darkdelusionsand why would some company buy it from aol :)04:13
* dennister has never used icq04:13
darkdelusionsdennister: it was all the rage in 1998 :)04:14
dennisterfor chicks?04:14
* darkdelusions shrugs04:14
dennisterif that's the case, my being female, a single mom in 1998, and a workaholic back in 1998 would explain why I never used icq, perhaps04:15
Gamarok__hello people04:15
dennistermy son's babysitter used it to meet men, though, but she was home most of the day...anyway, I'm off to the living room to try and modify the notifier for file transfers on the jaunty pc04:17
rekonerhey kubuntero04:23
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okapi14why it is so hard to find a list of available repositories? Anyone have an idea where to find them?04:43
darkdelusionsis there something specfic your looking for04:43
darkdelusionsthe default repos should have just about everything in them04:44
darkdelusionsthe only extra things I have to add is Wine, metibuntu and every know and then I will run accross a ppa i have to add04:45
thomas___does anyone else have a problem when they log out and leave the computer idle? somereason my screen goes black and mouse and keyboard are unresponsive (caps lock doesnt lite up etc.)04:56
darkdelusionsthomas___:  did you try clicking a botton you mouse?04:58
thomas___ya ive moved the mouse clicked all the buttons, hit space bar, enter, i even tried ctrl+alt+f1 to try to restart kdm but it just sits at a black screen04:58
iconmefistothomas___: ati graphics?04:59
thomas___hell no, nvidia lol04:59
thomas___ive used ati before dont like em i stick with good ol nvidia :p04:59
iconmefistothomas___: I get that too, I assumed it was the new radeon drivers to blame05:00
thomas___well it only happend once i upgraded distro05:00
Gamarok_i have a problem you see the none of the graphic card drivers work for my version of nvida card which is g210m and when ever i insstall them i get a blank screen05:02
thomas___have you went to nvidia site and downloaded them manualy?05:02
Gamarok_well you know the site says that 185 or wont work for it but 195 would so i downloaded the run file installed it but the problem still presists05:03
Gamarok_i really hate the fact that i can't use my card05:04
iconmefistoGamarok_: the opensource driver doesn't work either?05:04
Gamarok_u mean the nouveu driver05:05
thomas___hes talking bout the driver from "driver manager"05:05
thomas___may bad05:05
iconmefistoGamarok_: yes, nouveau05:05
thomas___its "hardware drivers"05:05
Gamarok_it doesnt work either05:06
Gamarok_i had to use nomodeset or safe mode to even boot into the live cd05:06
thomas___im guessings it intergrated?05:07
Gamarok_it is05:08
Gamarok_apparently a lot of people are having this problem05:09
thomas___think i found a fix, http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1361466&page=205:09
thomas___apperently switching SATA to compatibility mode fixed it for a few people05:10
Gamarok_lemme try that sata fix05:12
Gamarok_brb thomas___05:12
Gamarok_and thanks05:12
iconmefistogood find thomas___. who would think it's a bios setting to blame!05:13
thomas___well with ati you never know lol05:15
Gamarok__thomas___ i have no such option in my bios dude05:17
thomas___any SATA options at all?05:18
Gamarok__nah man all my bios allows me to do is change the system date and time set a password and change the boot order05:19
Gamarok__is there anyway around this05:19
thomas___have you looked at your xorg to see if anythings out of placE?05:21
iconmefistoGamarok__: maybe see if you can find a bios upgrade?05:23
gammiesry abt that thomas___ i got dc05:25
thomas___its alright05:25
gammiehttp://bit.ly/9e7pdS why does'nt this work05:25
gammieit says there that my card is supported05:26
thomas___did you uninstall the old drivers before installing these?05:26
gammieofcourse i did05:27
thomas___running 64bit?05:27
gammie64 bit kubuntu on a 64 bit architecture05:28
thomas___type in terminal "uname -a"05:30
gammieLinux ubuntu 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:31
gammiethats what  i get05:31
thomas___have you looked at your xorg.conf?05:33
gammiewhere would i find that05:34
thomas___type in terminal "sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf"05:34
thomas___sudo nano*05:35
gammieit's blank i opend it via kate and it's blank05:36
thomas___thats your problem then05:36
gammieso how do i fix this05:37
thomas___"sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf" then restart x05:37
thomas___should create a new xorg.conf file05:37
gammiehow do i restart x05:37
thomas___just reboot05:38
iconmefistoif there's no xorg.conf, it's not going to work05:38
danchoproblem with nvidia settings and kubuntu05:38
thomas___dancho: whats the problem?05:38
danchoi can't save config to xorg.conf and the second monitor is black, no windows manager05:39
gammierm: cannot remove `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory05:39
gammiethis is what i get thomas___05:39
danchoy cant move de pointer to that monitor but nothing is show05:39
danchoany idea??05:40
danchoalso, there isn't xorg.conf file to save05:40
thomas___dancho: twin view?05:41
iconmefistogammie: you have no xorg.conf you need to create one with nvidia-xconfig (see the readme for the driver you downloaded http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/195.36.24/README/README.txt)05:41
thomas___dancho: can you see your desktop stretched to the other monitor?05:41
danchono, only a black background05:41
danchoi can move the mouse there but only that05:42
thomas___one second05:42
thomas___gammie: "cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version" in terminal please05:42
gammiecat: /proc/driver/nvidia/version: No such file or directory05:43
thomas___gammie: then there is no nvidia drivers currently installed05:43
thomas___dancho: so you can see the mouse cursor on the second screen and thats it?05:44
danchoonly that05:44
thomas___dancho: have you tried disabling the second screen in nvidia settings and reinabling?05:44
danchobut nothing else. I can't move a windows to that screen05:45
gammieyes there is'nt coz i just installed it because it screwed everything up when i tried to install the driver on ubuntu05:45
danchobut happend the same05:45
thomas___dancho: nvidia drivers?05:45
danchothe restricted drives from kubuntu05:45
thomas___dancho: wich version? "cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version"05:46
danchothose of the "hardware driver" application05:46
thomas___gammie: download and install the .run file?05:46
danchoNVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  195.36.15  Fri Mar 12 00:29:13 PST 201005:46
danchoGCC version:  gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5)05:46
danchothat is the output from the command05:46
thomas___dancho: ah, ive only gotten the 173 drivers to work05:47
danchouhmm,, in order to install that version i need to download it manually?05:48
thomas___the 173 should be on the hardware drivers05:48
danchobut wasn't the recommended05:49
thomas___dancho: its not recommended but it does work05:49
danchoso, i have to uninstall this one and instal the other right?05:49
thomas___dancho: just open hardware drivers and click activate on the 173, it will do the rest05:50
gammiethomas___ would installing it create the xorg file for me05:51
thomas___gammie: yes.05:52
gammiealrite time to install it brb man05:54
gammiehey man it says here that i need to close the xserver befor i install it05:56
gammiewhat is the command for it05:56
gammiei uused sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop in ubuntu05:56
thomas___using kubuntu? kde?05:56
gammieyes i am using kubuntu right now05:57
gammieand the above command does'nt work for me05:57
thomas___its "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop"05:57
gammiesilly mistake05:57
kwtm2Hi.  I have Kubuntu 8.04 installed.  What's the easiest way to upgrade to 10.04 if I can't burn a CD?  Will "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" consider 8.04 a LTS version and jump directly to 10.04?05:57
danchothanks thomas__ i will try that05:58
thomas___dancho: no problem05:58
danchoa question05:58
danchoother :-)05:58
thomas___dancho:  shoot?05:58
iconmefistokwtm2: try sudo do-release-upgrade05:58
danchowhat will be better running KDE... kubuntu or opensuse05:58
danchofor school i mean05:59
thomas___kde is kubuntu05:59
kwtm2dancho: I hear OpenSuSE is very polished.  Never used it.  I use Kubuntu for critical mass.05:59
danchowht you mean with "critica mass"05:59
thomas___dancho: kubuntu is great but its got a lot of eye candy, ubuntu is good to if you need something thats faster06:00
danchoand about stability? ubuntu or kubuntu?06:00
thomas___dancho: id say ubuntu its less resource hungry06:01
danchothat is right06:02
danchomy problem is that windows users are more familiarice with kde06:02
thomas___well windows 7 coppied kde so yeah lol06:03
kwtm2iconmefisto: Will do-releaser-upgrade know that I wanto to jump to 10.04 instead of 8.10?  I don't see a man page.06:04
thomas___kwtm2: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:05
iconmefistokwtm2: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Upgrade%20from%208.04%20LTS%20to%2010.04%20LTS06:07
robert__hey all06:10
robert__i've been having an issue with flash videos for a while06:10
robert__they work but after a few minutes it gets all choppy and it doesn't play right06:10
robert__i thought the upgrade to 10 would help06:11
robert__but no luck06:11
robert__i've been all over the internet06:11
robert__even tried different browsers06:11
robert__does anyone have anything for me?06:11
thomas___robert__: gfx card?06:12
eagles0513875also robert__ are you running 32bit kubuntu or 64bit06:14
robert__honestly i don't know06:16
robert__ i'm on a dell inspiron 600m laptop06:16
iconmefistorobert__: uname -m should tell you06:16
robert__i typed that on my terminal06:17
robert__and it says i68606:17
iconmefistorobert__: ok, so it's 32 bit06:17
robert__so can i do anything with it?06:17
thomas___robert__: "lspci" look for your graphics card06:17
thomas___should start with something like this "VGA compatible controller: "06:18
robert__ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)06:19
thomas___ah ofc a ATI card, that explains your problem ATI isnt to great with linux based os's06:20
robert__so you're saying i outta replace it eh?06:20
robert__i suspected that was the problem all along06:20
robert__old computer new software blah blah06:20
gammiehey thomas___ i installed it it asked me if i'd like it to update or create a new xconf file i selected yes it asked me to reboot and i did and now the display  turns off during start up06:20
DarthFrogthomas___: Actually, that's out of date.  ATI is now a great card to have in a Linux system.06:21
gammieand there were no errors during the installation06:21
robert__so what can i do with it?06:21
gammiei am using the live cd right now06:21
thomas___gammie: how is your monitor hooked up? HDMI, VGA, S-Video?06:21
gammiehow i dont know it's a laptop how are the displays connected on a laptop06:22
thomas___ah nvm then06:22
gammiei guess06:22
thomas___robert__: try updating your drivers06:23
gammiehey lisen is there anyway for me to revert the changes and just get my sytem back06:23
robert__oh jeeze06:23
robert__last time i tried that06:23
gammieidc about the card anymore06:23
robert__all hell broke loose and i had to reeinstall06:23
robert__i need instructions on that one06:23
robert__i tried using envy06:24
robert__when i had 9.10 but i guess i picked the wrong driver06:24
gammieu there thomas___06:24
thomas___robert__: check "Hardware Drivers" for any available updates06:24
robert__this looks promising06:25
thomas___gammie: you get to login screen before it goes black?06:25
robert__its telling me i have no proprietary drivers available06:25
epI have 64 bit kubuntu and firefox.  Both the icedtea plugin and sun-java6 plugin are installed.  Icedtea is enabled and I can't remove the plugin.  The update alternative commands i'm finding on the net aren't working.  How do I enable the sun java plugin?06:25
gammiewell i get termnal window which asks me if i want to login06:26
robert__Thomas__: no proprietary drivers are in use on this system06:26
gammieand i did after that i punched in sudo kdm06:26
gammieand the screen went blank again06:26
thomas___robert__: wich version of kubuntu?06:27
iconmefistoep: uninstall the icedtea one, then restart firefox06:27
epiconmefisto: uninstall which Icedtea packages specifically?06:28
robert__most recent 10.04 i believe06:28
thomas___gammie: sounds like x server doesnt want to start06:28
robert__thomas__: most recent lucid lynx06:28
iconmefistoep: sudo apt-get remove icedtea6-plugin06:28
gammiewhat can i do about it06:28
gammieis'nt there anyway to just remove the friggin thing and get and get my system to work again06:29
SandGorgonhi guys.. big problem - KDE 4.4.2 my system tray crashed (not the panel). I added it again after reboot and now my program-specific icons (like qbittorrent, xchat, etc.) no longer appear on the system tray. I can go into settings and see that I can still configure all those invisible icons though. hellpp06:34
StefanTgood morning06:38
lucioneed help on iwl3945..can see neighbors but not mine. any idea?06:39
robert__i'm using lucid06:40
thomas___robert__: um not to sure on how to install ati drives try envyg? or try downloading the drivers from www.ati.com and installing them?06:40
luciowhen i enable/disable wireless..dmesg shows wlan0: link is not ready06:41
lucioam using another laptop with bcm4318 with no problem..side by side with the vaio06:42
thomas___lucio: what version?06:47
luciothomas___: kde 4.4.2 kubuntu 10.04..just finished upgradng06:48
luciothomas___: it's an intel pro i3945 wireless06:49
thomas___lucio: take a look at this it might help, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147601906:51
luciothomas___: ok..will see..thnks..brb06:51
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luciothomas___: that's was something else..my laptop/bcm4318 is working like a charm..need help on the vaio with i394506:55
Gamarok__thomas___ i called in a friend he fixed it but anyways thanks man thanks for being so patient06:56
Gamarok__and thanks for all the help06:56
thomas___Gamarok__: anytime06:56
thomas___lucio: not to sure dont have a laptop with linux on it06:58
luciothomas___: it's ok..thanks anyway..thought you know about wireless intelpro i394506:58
silv3r_m00nhi there07:08
silv3r_m00nafter upgrading 9.10 to 10.04 fonts don't look as before07:09
silv3r_m00nis that a bug or configuration problem ?07:09
silv3r_m00nhow do I fix it ?07:09
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:09
silv3r_m00nya done enough with all those , in karmic I had managed to make fonts look better than windows , but after the upgrade the problem has popped up .......e.g.  http://img532.imageshack.us/i/fontfb.png/   arial font looking like that07:11
silv3r_m00nwhich it shudnt07:11
silv3r_m00ndo you think arial looking like that is correct07:13
gotttoit looks fine to me07:15
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silv3r_m00ngottto: it looked like proper arial in karmic koala07:26
silv3r_m00ncurrently it looks kind of less in height07:27
silv3r_m00narial is supposed to be slightly taller07:27
gotttoset it bigger??07:27
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abhifxhi. plymouth is eating up my resources even after booting up... can someone help me plz08:07
MichelleKI downloaded the "iso" from the kubuntu site, however it's bloody wubi, not an iso file08:09
MichelleKAnd so is everything I try to download08:09
MichelleKWhere can I download a conventional iso file of kubuntu 10.04 so that I can put it on a disk, and not install it in windows08:09
iconmefistoMichelleK: just don't try running the cd in windows. boot with it08:11
MichelleKNo no no no08:11
MichelleKI mean to bur08:11
MichelleKTo a disk08:11
FloodBotK3MichelleK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
iconmefistoMichelleK: wubi is on all iso's. you can boot from the cd, or run it in windows to use wubi08:11
MichelleKOk, well do I have to make an iso out of the files then?08:13
bazhangMichelleK, its already an iso08:14
MichelleKNo, it isn't. It is a rar with many, many folders08:14
bazhangthen you got the wrong thing. did you try and unpack the iso?08:14
iconmefistoMichelleK: what did you download? do you have a link for us?08:14
rorktati: if you want to ask which languages are used here it's english, dutch is supported in #ubuntu-nl (in case you're not dutch "talen?" means "langagues?")08:14
bazhangdownload the iso from ubuntu.com burn to cd, boot from cd (not windows), install.08:15
MichelleKIt's funny how some people get the wrong idea.08:16
* starslights great's the chan08:16
bazhangor kubuntu.org in this case08:16
bazhangdon't boot windows. boot from the cd.08:16
bazhangif you see an option for wubi then you are in windows.08:17
MichelleKI did not say I was going to do that08:17
MichelleKI am not booting off it08:17
MichelleKI am looking at the rar I downloaded08:17
MichelleKAnd realised it is not an iso08:17
MichelleKSo that is what I was asking08:17
bazhangthere is no rar.08:17
MichelleKWell, that is what ended up being downloaded08:17
MichelleKEven when it said it was a link to an ispo08:17
MichelleKSo please don't misinterpret what I'm saying08:18
bazhangthen windows is unpacking it upon download08:18
rorkMichelleK: how big is the file you downloaded?08:18
SandGorgonwhat do you guys use for dropbox in KDE 4.4.2 ?08:18
iconmefistoSandGorgon: what do you mean? I use dropbox08:21
malik_I am fairly new to linux, and I was wondering what I must do to maintain the system, such as cleaning it up a bit. Defrag and such08:21
iconmefistomalik_: defrag is not necessary08:21
SandGorgoniconmefisto, I mean how do u set up Dolphin to sync a folder to dropbox ? or do I need a separate plasmoid or something..08:22
rorkmalik_: regularly install the latest updates trough apt (or any of it's frontends)08:22
abhifxhi. plymouth is eating up my resources even after booting up... can someone help me plz08:22
iconmefistoSandGorgon: it just works in dolphin when installed. you don't need the .deb to install dropbox (that will install nautilus and all the gnome libs it needs)08:23
iconmefistoSandGorgon: hang on, I'll just find a link for you08:23
malik_i already do update my apps and such so cool08:24
SandGorgoniconmefisto, the AMD64 deb that I got from dropbox's website wanted to install the whole lot of gnome libs08:25
iconmefistoSandGorgon: wget -O dropbox.tar.gz http://www.getdropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_6408:25
iconmefistoSandGorgon: do that command ^^08:26
mrabtihello every one08:26
malik_is dropbox free?08:26
SandGorgonmalik_, 2gb is free08:27
mrabtiWhere can I locat the Icone that are used in the notification area on ubuntu ?08:27
iconmefistoSandGorgon: once you've got it installed and running it works just like in gnome, except you don't get the icon overlays and right-click menus that gnome/nautilus has. but other than that, everything works fine08:27
mrabtiis there a directory where they are stored ?08:27
SandGorgoniconmefisto, quick question - when started up does it have a status icon or something. How does one configure it ?08:28
mrabtiany suggestiin please ?08:28
malik_2gb is huge08:28
gotttomrabti: /usr/share/icons   might be the place08:29
mrabtiokkey thx08:29
mrabtiI'll check it08:29
iconmefistoSandGorgon: there is a systray icon. also, first time you run it, it asks for username/password of your dropbox accout08:29
KoobuntooHello! If I run the "compiz -replace" command, then my kubuntu panels aren't transparent anymore. Someone knows the solution?08:29
SandGorgoniconmefisto, gotcha.. cool08:29
mrabtinoo didnt find the iconess that I wase looking08:33
mrabtiI need to find the icone Banshee08:33
mrabtithat is used in the notification area08:33
mrabtiIt's not on the Path that you gave me ?08:33
iconmefistoSandGorgon: sorry, got disconnected. let me know if you have any problems getting dropbox started08:37
SandGorgoniconmefisto, got it running.. thanks!08:37
ranjodhmy kubuntu is corruupting address of some of the files08:38
SandGorgonanybody else here also using plasma-widget-networkmanagement ? looks like there has been no bug fixes in it for a while now08:38
iconmefistoSandGorgon: you might want to add something in .kde/Autostart to start dropbox on login08:38
ranjodhso i can't use them in windows08:38
ranjodhany sugg?08:38
SandGorgoniconmefisto, I considered that.. I already have a lot of services (DB, nginx, etc.) starting up ... so I'll let this be08:39
bawwwdon't mean to flame, but this is a pretty good article: "Goodbye, (K)ubuntu. Hi, Fedora!" http://writerofthings.blogspot.com/2010/05/goodbye-kubuntu-hi-fedora.html08:41
nagiiihow do i install wine?08:49
iconmefistonagiii: sudo apt-get install wine08:49
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nagiiiand do i have to do anything after it or is it installed then?08:50
iconmefistonagiii: nothing to do after that, except try to install windows programs08:51
nagiiiok...can i mount .iso ?08:52
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:53
nagiiiok thanks08:54
thandaHow to enable 3d acceleration in kubuntu in Virtualbox09:00
iconmefistothanda: #vbox might have answers09:01
thandaiconmefisto: Do you know where can I find them09:03
iconmefistothanda: type: /join #vbox09:04
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Reign1guys, does any of you installed crystal project icons?09:05
thomasfustonMornin', could someone tell me if somthing like Dockbarx avail for KDE ?09:14
rorkthomasfuston: what is Dockbarx supposed to do?09:15
thomasfustonwell dockbarx is for gnome is an panel applet, try to imitade the windows 7 stuff, here is a screenshot dockbarx is in the lower left09:17
iconmefistothomasfuston: so... taskbar buttons with no text? is there anything else it does?09:20
thomasfustoniconmefisto, well at least dockbarx is  "icon only taskbar" yah09:21
MichelleKI have downloaded kubuntu 10.04 from kubuntu.org twice from 2 locations, and a torrent file ".iso", yet nothing I download looks like a conventional iso. http://imagebin.ca/view/vtpoepy.html This is what it looks like09:21
MichelleKHow the hell can I make this a bootable disc?09:21
iconmefistoMichelleK: burn it to dis09:21
MichelleKI did09:22
MichelleKI burnt all these files to a cd, and it did not boot09:22
iconmefistoMichelleK: no, not the files. burn the iso to disc. you don't need to open the iso09:22
MichelleKmate, you are not understanding. There is no damn ISO. I wanted to download the ISO, but the rar is not an iso but a rar file09:23
rorkMichelleK: The filename is ubuntu-10.04-beta1-desktop-amd64.iso it is an ISO which is opened by WinRAR by default09:24
iconmefistoMichelleK: you are confused. there is no rar. you are opening the iso with winrar, but it is an iso09:24
iconmefistoMichelleK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Windows09:24
bawwwdoes anyone know if choqok works on Windows?09:26
Tm_Tbawww: does, if someone builds it09:27
bawwwno port?09:27
Tm_Tbawww: it shouldn't need to be ported, just simply packaged09:28
Tm_Tbawww: see http://windows.kde.org/09:28
bawwwTm_T: nice09:29
Tm_Tbawww: also #kde-windows is good place to ask09:30
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ubuntucan anybody direct me to a real clear example of how to use the partitioner on Kubuntu 10.04 LTS the stuff I'm getting ahold of is not clear09:49
thomasfustonI Am using Kubuntu 10.04 LTS, and got a problem installing mozilla-gnash-plugin, getting all the time an error "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"09:53
calumayoohello had anyone here experienced to get only a terminal like screen after trying 10.04 without installing?09:55
iconmefisto!info mozilla-gnash-plugin09:56
ubottuPackage mozilla-gnash-plugin does not exist in lucid09:56
iconmefistothomasfuston: where did that package come from? it's not in repos09:56
thomasfustoniconmefisto, hmm ok, it is in here09:57
iconmefisto!info mozilla-plugin-gnash09:57
ubottumozilla-plugin-gnash (source: gnash): free SWF movie player - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.7-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 42 kB, installed size 220 kB09:57
iconmefistothomasfuston: is that the one you're trying to install?09:57
thomasfustoniso it is avail ?09:57
thomasfustoniconmefisto: it is the one i tried to instal09:58
Gamarok__hello people10:04
iconmefistothomasfuston: try sudo apt-get -f install10:05
iconmefistothomasfuston: then try installing it again and see if you still get the error10:05
RaGNORAKis the install over?10:06
kalgHi, I installed openssh. I don't need it to start always.. but can't find a way to do it :(10:07
thomasfustoniconmefisto: thx for the advice, but still the same error10:07
Freyrhow can i stop for staring the printer applet every time i start my kubuntu box. i dont need that applet to run10:07
kalgI tried rcconf, update-rc.d sysv-rc-conf. but none works10:08
iconmefistothomasfuston: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get -f install10:08
eagles0513875RaGNORAK: ya i managed in a rather unconventional way10:11
thomasfustoniconmefisto: thx again, but nothing happend stilll the same error,10:11
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iconmefistothomasfuston: is your disk full perhaps? df -h /10:14
thomasfustoniconmefisto 100% no, clean fresh kde install, i just switched from gnome over10:14
thomasfustoni mean kubuntu 10.04 since few ours installed still alot free diskspace10:15
iconmefistothomasfuston: sudo apt-get clean (then try installing again)10:16
thomasfustoniconmefisto: tried that already, clean done nothing, and still the error to bad,10:18
eagles0513875RaGNORAK: im here10:18
iconmefistothomasfuston: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/mozilla-gnash*  do you get any files listed?10:23
iconmefistothomasfuston: sorry, that should be ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/mozilla-plugin-gnash*10:24
thomasfustoniconmefisto: i getting 6 files listed10:25
iconmefistothomasfuston: try deleting those (or renaming, in case you want to restore them) then try installing10:26
thomasfustoniconmefisto: http://pastebin.com/Uria8f5g10:26
thomasfustonall of them ?10:27
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iconmefistothomasfuston: yeah, but I strongly recommend keeping them somewhere else or renaming them. I'm not sure if deleting them will cause more problems, so it's a good to be able to reverse if you need to10:28
thomasfustoniconmefisto: strange it worked, i renamed then wiht following .backup, so they still exist, and now install was able to do without error10:32
thomasfustonseems to work, ths alot iconmefisto !10:32
iconmefistothomasfuston: ok, great! :)10:32
Reign1guys, how to make my terminal/console font as bitmap permanent?10:52
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killyhi, is there a script to remove all pakets that came with "kubuntu-netbook"11:07
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buckfastIs it ok if I remove network-manager?11:23
buckfastRemoving network-manager also wants to remove a lot of other packages11:26
buckfastdmraid{u} doc-base{u} docbook-xml{u} faad{u} ffmpeg{u} to name a few11:26
buckfast61 packages in total11:26
=== emilio is now known as Calvino
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david_what do you do when you have the latest kubuntu and realtek drivers and no sound11:41
david_I've tried everything11:41
david_it's a vaio vpceb11fm11:42
=== ale_ is now known as ale__
rorkobert: bar11:58
=== antonio_ is now known as Taravel
obertsynaptic isnt in kubuntu by default?12:01
jussiobert: no, we have kpackagekit12:03
obertjussi:  and it is asking to me to use synaptic in order to install mysql12:03
jussiobert: what is?12:04
obertkpackagekit asking for12:04
obertThere are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation.12:06
Taravelhi; I'm trying to listen to music from a cd but Amarock can't read the CD...is there a way to listen the CDA without rip the CD ? I installed the media pack for Kubuntu and I added the medibuntu rep12:08
jussiobert: are you familiar with the terminal at all?12:12
jussiobert: ok, please open the terminal and type: sudo apt-get install -f12:12
obertsudo apt-get -f install12:13
jussisame thing :)12:13
oberteh ok heh just found same thing in web12:14
obertyouare too fast:P12:14
obertE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  grrr12:15
iconmefistoanother one? obert, what package are you installing?12:16
jussiobert: sudo dpkg --configure -a12:16
jussiobert: oh, and make sure kpackagekit is closed12:17
obertno way. tryin to setup all os. mysql,apache..  this one looks weird mysql-cluster-client-5.112:19
obertwhy cluster too12:20
obertlunch tho.thanks for now (mmm)12:20
MarvinTheMarvHello !12:38
MarvinTheMarvSomeone here ?12:38
ForgeAuswho knows how to use wget properly?12:40
MarvinTheMarvwell there was no one answering in the support forum, so iu came here12:40
ForgeAusI used  wget -t inf -c <file to get> -o <localname>12:41
oberti'll retry another day to use linux :)12:41
ForgeAusI used  wget -t inf -c <file to get> -o <localname> to get a file but it just seems to hang....12:41
Reign1how to install bitmap fonts and make them permanent for terminal/console?12:42
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obertas always it's a pity,though.12:46
obertthanks for now people12:49
rasco79helo all12:52
ForgeAushey rasco12:52
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rasco79im new here12:52
killpilotwowww , there are many people here O_o 295 users .... ^^12:55
ForgeAushehe most of them are idle tho12:55
rasco79mmm... what u all opinion about laptop aspire i3 processor?12:55
ForgeAusto be honest I have no idea12:56
rasco79that laptop can be overclock?12:56
killpiloti connect on this chan because a i m testing the last live ubuntu cd12:56
ForgeAusI want an i7 desktop before I go looking at notebooks... or tablets, etc..12:56
killpilotand she is good ^^12:56
ForgeAusas for overclocking why? I don't recommend it, it just fries your CPU12:57
ForgeAusif you want it to last, run it at standard clockspeed12:57
killpilot... i disconnect byby all, have a good day12:58
rasco79its that laptop good enuf to play games like pes2010?12:58
tinlysi`have laptoop HP PAVILION dv513:00
OxDeadC0dedoes anyone here know icecast? Can I send a stream to it somehow like pacat > lame > send_to_icecast ?13:01
ForgeAusI don't know the game pes2010 so I can't say13:03
tinlyswhit ice laptop\13:03
=== fmagno is now known as bombel
rasco79who here is a girl...?13:07
bazhangrasco79, do you have a kubuntu support question?13:08
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ZoraelDo any KDE webcam applications exist? Like Cheese?13:12
rasco79dun know..13:12
ForgeAus!info aria2c13:15
ubottuPackage aria2c does not exist in lucid13:15
ForgeAus!info metalink13:15
ubottumetalink (source: metalink): Generator for Metalink files. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.6-1 (lucid), package size 53 kB, installed size 184 kB13:15
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mfraz74for some reason I'm unable to login if i use the nvidia or nouveau drivers13:25
mfraz74running kubuntu 10.0413:26
eagles0513875hey guys i need some help troubleshooting some audio issues up until about 2 hrs ago the audio was working then it just died on me tried rebooting and nothing restarting pulse audio and still no sound13:27
eagles0513875im on lucid 64bit13:27
Peace-eagles0513875: remove pulse13:33
eagles0513875Peace-: can i cuz i know gnome must have it13:33
eagles0513875and what woudl replace it13:33
eagles0513875if anything13:33
Reign1guys, dont get it, whats the problem? http://pastebin.com/5MJbJPM113:33
ToxinPowewhen we have 4.4.3 on lucid?13:41
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munnyhi all!13:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:50
munny_anyone has problem with jackd in kubuntu lucid?13:50
gumpert345hi, I am using 10.04 my PC is behaving like crazy, I experienced this problem on 2 PCs with two different mice, the PC acts like I am turning the mousewheel all the time, which makes my PC unusable, it switches between folders, programs options and so on. The thing is: I dont even touch the mouse. . . what can I do?14:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:01
eagles0513875rmeoli: what list do you want the list of channels on freenode14:02
rmeoliciao a tutti14:02
eagles0513875!it | rmeoli14:05
ubotturmeoli: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:05
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:08
Katalizerdes français en ligne?14:13
Katalizerpour un ptit coup de main rapide?14:13
eagles0513875!fr | Katalizer14:13
ubottuKatalizer: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:13
roberto__hey - how can I configure konversation not to show all the purple messages ?14:13
penguinDo you speak english?14:13
eagles0513875penguin: i do14:14
eagles0513875roberto__: purple messages???14:14
eagles0513875penguin: if you have a question just ask yoru question14:14
roberto__people logging in and quitting, timing out .. stuff like that14:14
eagles0513875roberto__: not sure but it has to be under the config somewhere in it you might wanna try ask in kde they could help you more then i14:15
roberto__eagles0513875: thanks, Ill try14:15
eagles0513875roberto__: no problem14:15
thomasfustonAloha, is it usual that Kopete not able to connect to msn messanger network ?14:20
eagles0513875thomasfuston: i am seeing that it takes some time before it connects14:21
werwolfanethow i can reduce a RAM consumtion with KDE workaround?14:22
jota_Hi, I cant get bluetooth to work14:22
thomasfustoneagles0513875: it keeps telling me "cant connect to WLM service ... etc"14:23
werwolfanetmaybe you know some tricks, that help in reducing RAM consumption14:28
eagles0513875thomasfuston: delete the account and recreate it14:30
eagles0513875werwolfanet: no i dont14:30
werwolfanetthank you, anyway14:31
eagles0513875werwolfanet: if you wait a while channel might become more active14:32
eagles0513875and someone who can help you better then i will show up14:32
eagles0513875hey JontheEchidna14:33
thomasfustoneagles0513875: which account? my identiy account in kopete ? or the whole account in msn ?14:35
eagles0513875thomasfuston: the msn account on kopete delete it and recreate it14:35
thomasfustonno results still not able to connenct, hmm i dont see the point why, evil !14:38
eagles0513875thomasfuston: it could be their servers14:39
thomasfustoneagles0513875: hmm ok, so they block kopete14:39
thomasfustoneven more evil14:39
eagles0513875i connect but it takes quite some time14:40
eagles0513875thomasfuston: i would ask in kde about it it coudl be also a bug with kopete14:40
eagles0513875thomasfuston: have you tried to see if you can connect with pidgin or something14:40
thomasfustonoki thx for your help so far14:40
eagles0513875thomasfuston: try pidgin and see if it connects with msn in that client if it does its a bug with kopete14:40
maco!info kamoso | Zorael14:41
ubottuZorael: kamoso (source: kamoso): Tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.5-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 218 kB, installed size 848 kB14:41
Zoraelmaco: I'll try that, thanks.14:41
macoZorael: ive never tried it before, i just started going through the list of packages related to webcams til i found a kde one14:42
jota_Can't start bluetooth server14:42
eagles0513875hey guys anyone have any idea why when i told ubiquity to format my 2tb drive as ext4 when i do an fdisk -l its showing up as a gpt14:43
eagles0513875file system14:43
stirrhello all14:44
stirris there a manual or how-to for post-upgrade on kubuntu 10.04?14:46
eagles0513875!upgrade | stirr14:46
ubottustirr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:46
eagles0513875stirr: see last link14:46
bazhangpost-upgrade? like the basics to install after installation is complete?14:47
stirryes, i did the upgrade, but i am experiencing some problems14:47
speedvindoes someone tried to build wine using gcc-snapshot?14:47
bazhangsuch as?14:47
stirreverything appears to be as expected but after 10" after login the desktop freezes14:48
stirrfreezes.. responds too slow14:48
stirri ran blindly kwin --replace and got rid of compiz14:48
stirrbut apart of compiz even flash playback freezes for a minute or two the system14:49
eagles0513875bazhang: how can i run an fsck check on a 2tb partition that is a gpt file system14:50
eagles0513875!hi | user__14:50
ubottuuser__: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:50
user__any bady gad the drive for Epson SX100 plz14:51
bazhangeagles0513875, what is a gpt file system14:51
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:51
bazhanguser__, check the linuxprinting.org database14:51
eagles0513875bazhang: it seems to be used more on windows to see larger drives but for some reason i told ubiquity to format my drive as ext4 but when i do an fdisk -l showing it as a gpt partition14:52
user__thakns you14:52
eagles0513875bazhang: gpt = guid partition table14:52
eagles0513875i am starting to think a serious issue with gpt file system is the cause of alot of issues im having like super serious system hangs to where i cant recover14:54
eagles0513875with out a reset14:54
eagles0513875as well as programs crashign left right and center14:54
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stirreagles0513875: what makes you think the FS is causing the problems?14:56
eagles0513875stirr: for one i found a nasty bug pre release of lucid14:57
=== ruben is now known as Guest345
eagles0513875stirr: firstly when i installed i told it to use ext4 and it changed it to a gpt filesystem14:58
eagles0513875thougth ext4 was designed to handle drivers larger then 1tb which if its switchign to gpt then something is wrong14:58
eagles0513875not to mention stirr installation and ubiquity is seriously buggy14:59
stirrdid you try other kernels?14:59
eagles0513875the default that lucid comes with same issues15:00
eagles0513875even after upgrading same issues15:00
eagles0513875would eb nice to talk to a dev and maybe help the dev team iron some issues out15:00
stirris it an exotic server (ibm/dell etc?)15:01
stirri did have problems with x3850-m215:01
stirrany debian like os failed to work15:01
eagles0513875custom built deskto stirr15:01
stirrdesktop ok15:01
eagles0513875ubuntu server lucid works fine on my ibm xserver15:02
stirrmy server was a pain to make it work (was only allowed to use debian but it was the worst experience ever to make it work)15:02
eagles0513875stirr: join me in kubuntu-offtopic15:03
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zushow can i fix akonadi server error log found and  previous akonadi server error log found?,15:10
videorechnerhi, I run 10.04 on a 1920x1080 screen and kubuntu detects that (nvidia driver and in the settings) but the screen behaves like it is 640x480 and everything is stretched (this "i" is 1 cm  for example15:39
videorechner) can I somehow reset this?15:39
jpedrozaGood morning all. I am running KNR 10.04 on a little netbook for my daughter. She really loves it, but when I installed (using apt-get install kdegames) the games group, it lost all the launcher apps on the main screen. Anyone know how to add them back in?15:40
jpedrozavideorechner: Are you using the default nvidia driver, or the proprietary driver?15:40
videorechnernvidia blob15:41
jpedrozavideorechner: Ok, are you actually getting the full resolution, just the characters on the screen are too big?15:41
jpedrozavideorechner: If so, go into the System Settings, and in apperance I think it is, there is a setting to force fonts to 96dpi. Click that box and all should be well.15:43
YearningForKDE3Is anyone from the KDE3 team present?15:44
videorechnerjped Ill try that thanks15:44
jpedroza:-D Never hurts to help15:44
jpedrozaIs there another room for the netbook remix?15:48
darkdelusionsHumm anyone have any clue why knetworkmanager would not load after update to to KDE SC 4.4.315:56
darkdelusionsI had to get sneaky with the command line to get any kinda connection going15:56
CQhello, how can I get kubuntu to start in as console mode and then manually start X ? do I just need to edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager and then run kdm manually after login?15:57
jpedrozaCQ: You need to change your boot lever from 5 to 3.15:57
jpedrozaCQ: Sorry level15:58
DarthFrogjpedroza: That information is wrong.  It applies only to RedHat,  not to Debian based systems, such as Ubuntu.15:59
CQjpedroza: and then just sudo init 5 after logging in? I basically need to login (it's a server) and mount a few encrypted filesystems and then stadt kdm normally...15:59
jpedrozaCQ: Aparently I am incorrect on Kubuntu16:00
CQDarthFrog: then what's teh right info?16:00
DarthFrogRunlevel 5 (graphical login) in RedHat is runlevel 2 in Debian/Ubuntu.16:00
DarthFrogCQ: do you wan to make this permanent?  Or is it a one-off?16:01
darkdelusionsodd knetwork is running kinda it has a pid but not showing up in the system tray16:01
CQno, this is permanent for my server at home16:01
jpedrozaCQ: It looks like on Debian based systems (like kubuntu) you need to remove KDM from default-display-manager16:01
darkdelusionskilled it and restarted it and nothing16:01
CQjpedroza: look at my first message, that's what I thought initially...16:01
jpedrozaCQ: Something like "sudo update-rd.d -f kdm remove" ought to do the trick then16:02
DarthFrogCQ: Well, at the GRUB boot screen, you could choose single mode.16:02
jpedrozaCQ: Sorry, I have been in a  RedHad frame of mind for the last week.16:02
CQDarthFrog: is that a different init level then?16:02
DarthFrogCQ: That'll put you in runlevel 1.  It'll ask for the root password.16:02
CQDarthFrog: hm, I think I have no root password, I just have the user with full SUDO access ... how do you get from single to full mode then?16:04
gumpert345hi, I am using 10.04 my PC is behaving like crazy, I experienced this problem on 2 PCs with two different mice, the PC acts like I am turning the mousewheel all the time, which makes my PC unusable, it switches between folders, programs options and so on. The thing is: I dont even touch the mouse. . . what can I do?16:05
CQDarthFrog: ok thanks guess I have to enable the root account then...16:05
CQhow do I get to normal boot then? just exit single mode, or init <something> or ... ?16:06
DarthFrogCQ: CTL-D once you're done will resume normal startup.16:06
FinnArildHow do I get some sense into the bootloader? I edited /etc/default/grub, did update-grub and grub-install /dev/sda ... now it only boots up linux without letting me select16:06
gumpert345FinnArild press shift16:07
FinnArildIsn't there a gui tool to fix the bootloader? There used to be ...16:07
DarthFrogFinnArild: in /etc/default/grub can't you edit the time-out parameter?16:07
FinnArildDarthFrog: yes - set to 1016:07
FinnArildhang on, I'll find me a pastebin16:07
vbgunz_I have a scanner that should be compatible with kubuntu. but what package or app do I need to start scanning?16:08
FinnArildta-da: http://pastebin.com/sfRm8i3c16:08
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR16:08
macovbgunz_: i havent found a good kde scanner app, unfortunately. i use simple-scan (the app that ubuntu includes)16:08
vbgunz_maco: im on kubuntu, I don't see simple scanner, gonna check what ubottu said16:09
DarthFrogvbgunz_: Xsane is very good.16:09
macokooka? i need to try this. i tried skanlite before. ugh.16:09
macoxsane has a horrible interface though16:09
darkdelusionsHas anyone else had updated to 4.4.3 and had issues with knetworkmanager?16:09
macosimple-scan is really...erm...simple16:09
macoits not installed by default on kubuntu, just on ubuntu16:09
FinnArildDarthFrog: ... actually pressing esc got me into the menu - but I wish it was as default ...16:09
DarthFrogmaco: you might not like the Xsane interface (personally, I don't have a problem with it) but you have admit, it's very full featured.16:10
macoDarthFrog: but its not friendly to new users16:10
macooh i see. kooka doesnt exist in lucid16:10
DarthFrogmaco: Well, I'm not a new user. :-)16:11
macooh wow. or jaunty. or karmic.16:11
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macoDarthFrog: i think it took me 2 years before i discovered xsane could do multi-page scans16:11
DarthFrogmaco: You could always use xscanimage.16:11
macobut simple-scan works well ;-)16:12
FinnArildDarthFrog: but basically, I've fried my old bootup that let me select Vista and such. How to get it back?16:12
FinnArildI now actually need to run Vista, since my wife won't use Linux anymore as media pc platform. Too much issues. Can't say I blame her ...16:13
lonely有人在怎么  ?16:13
=== lonely is now known as Guest46468
DarthFrogFinnArild: This is what is in my /etc/default/grub: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=016:14
DarthFrogFinnArild: I wonder if the "0" is disabling?16:14
maco!cn | Guest4646816:14
ubottuGuest46468: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:14
FinnArildDarthFrog: could be ...16:14
Walzmyn!ja | Guest4646816:14
ubottuGuest46468: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい16:14
macovbgunz_: by the way, the default image viewer program, gwenview? it has scanning16:14
* FinnArild grabs shoe-shine for the channelmod16:15
jwc44Lucid has been using Kubuntu 10.0416:15
Guest46468can you speak english ?16:15
macoGuest46468: yes16:15
DarthFrogFinnArild: Did you check the entries in /boot/grub/grub.cfg to ensure that update-grub2 is actuall picking up Vista?16:15
Guest46468and chinese ?16:15
macoGuest46468: only english allowed in this channel16:15
vbgunz_hmm, I installed my printer/scanner drivers. the scanner works but after installing xsane and libsane-extras, it is not picking the scanner up though printing works fine16:15
macoGuest46468: for chinese #ubuntu-cn16:15
vbgunz_the scanner doesn't work. sorry16:15
vbgunz_the printer does, not the scanner16:15
FinnArildDarthFrog: well - I wouldn't recognize it if I saw it either ... prey tell :)16:16
DarthFrogvbgunz_: From the command line, run "scanimage -L"16:16
zusin setting up kmail- what is gmails incoming mail server? pop.gmail.com?16:16
jwc44NVIDIA 8600GTS graphics are using the kid16:16
FinnArildDarthFrog: actually ...16:16
macozus: believe so. or imap.gmail.com16:16
davis__i am finding a camera not displaying in the "Device notifer" on the toolbar, the device does not show on /media or /mnt16:16
jwc44At the boot screen logo comes broken16:16
macoGuest46468: english only16:16
Guest46468my english is not well16:17
YearningForKDE3!cn >Guest4646816:17
ubottuGuest46468, please see my private message16:17
Guest46468what can i do16:17
FinnArildDarthFrog: there is a menuentry /etc/grub.d/30_os_prober, that does vista, but I can't see that in the boot now. Is this a grub/grub2 issue maybe?16:17
jwc4410.04 Kubuntu are using the logo on the boot screen comes broken16:17
FinnArildDarthFrog: did I have grub2 before and now I've overwritten it with plain old grub?16:17
macoGuest46468: go to #ubuntu-cn16:17
jwc44how to?16:17
macoGuest46468: in #ubuntu-cn speak chinese16:17
davis__dmesg shows http://pastebin.org/21059016:18
macojwc44: nvidia proprietary drivers only support 16 colours on the bootsplash. if you use nouveau (the open source drivers) you get a pretty boot16:18
davis__i was using ubuntu 8.10 for two years and the same camera automounted16:18
DarthFrogFinnArild: Doubt it.  I think you've just managed to get the GRUB screen cloaked. :-)16:19
macodavis__: stuff doesnt mount til you click it in the device notifier, so not showing in /media makes sense. does somethng new appear in /dev ?16:19
DarthFrogFinnArild: Esp. since you say that pressing Esc brings it up.16:19
FinnArildDarthFrog: but pressing escape I now see the grub screen, but can't see vista ....16:19
DarthFrogFinnArild: Run "update-grub2" to refresh the entries.16:20
davis__maco: what should i look for in /dev ?16:20
FinnArildDarthFrog: I'm happy pressing escape as long as I can get the vista boot entry back, and default load that (to make my wife happy, so I can get back to her .... charms ...)16:20
macodavis__:   :-/ looks like the kernel is no longer seeing it as usb mass storage. any chance you changed a setting on it regarding how it syncs? i know my camera has a stting for usb mass storage or some other thing16:20
macodavis__: a new /dev/sd*16:20
DarthFrogFinnArild: Oops, "sudo update-grub2". :-)16:20
vbgunz_im gonna try rebooting16:20
macodavis__:  but im guessiing no because dmesg would say if it was assigning it to be a new disk16:20
FinnArildDarthFrog: no such command. There's update-grub, though16:21
DarthFrogFinnArild: That's the one.16:21
lonely_what are you from ?16:22
FinnArildDarthFrog: hm - so apparently I have grub and not grub216:22
zusmaco,  thanks16:22
davis__maco: davis@davis-laptop:~$ ls /dev | grep sd16:22
FloodBotK2davis__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:22
DarthFrogFinnArild: No, you have grub2.16:23
macodavis__: is it sdb maybe? or was that already there?16:23
macodavis__: you can try mounting sdb16:23
macoand see if thats it16:23
FinnArildDarthFrog: sure? It creates a menu.lst and everything, which corresponds with what I'm seeing at boot time - and that is good old grub, afaik?16:24
DarthFrogmaco: You can't mount /dev/sdb.  You have to mount a partition, not a drive.16:24
DarthFrogFinnArild: Which version of Kubuntu are you running?16:24
davis__maco: i think it is sdb , as df shows that that my system is installed on /dev/sda1  how do i  make it appear on the device notifer16:25
FinnArildDarthFrog: 10.0416:25
macoDarthFrog: yes you can16:26
davis__maco:  i am looking in "system settings"16:26
macoDarthFrog: there is *nothing* that says you cant format a full drive without partitions16:26
FinnArildI can't believe it's not a gui interface to the bootloader16:26
DarthFrogFinnArild: and you have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file and not grub.cfg???16:26
FinnArildDarthFrog: yes16:26
FinnArildDarthFrog: but that was after I started messing with it, mind you :)16:26
macodavis__: im guessing the lack of a partition is why the device notifier doesnt list it. you can mount it and get your stuff off, then partition and format it and try again, maybe?16:26
* FinnArild installs grub216:27
FinnArildDarthFrog: ok - so now I apt-got grub216:27
DarthFrogFinnArild: Bizarre!  Well, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install grub2".16:27
FinnArildDarthFrog: I probably removed it by apt-get grub16:27
FinnArildDarthFrog: stupid me16:27
FinnArildDarthFrog: works much better now, I thnk16:28
DarthFrogFinnArild: Good stuff.16:28
BluesKajFinnArild, then do sudo update-grub16:28
FinnArildDarthFrog: ok ... done stuff, now let's try and reboot ...16:29
davis__maco: /dev/sdb did not mount, i noticed when i switched the camer off, /dev/sdb was still there, so i don't think that is the camera16:30
FinnArildDarthFrog: great, now I just need to make it start vista as default (to get my wife talking to me again)16:30
macodavis__: boo. then i think youve found a bug in umm... hrmph. udev, maybe?16:30
FinnArildwell, it's not so much the talking ...16:31
DarthFrogFinnArild: Set your default boot entry in /etc/default/grub.  Remember to start counting from zero. :-)  Then run "sudo update-grub" again.16:31
davis__maco: i think i will connect the camera to a fedora box and then sftp into that machine and grab the images from there16:31
davis__maco: if fedora recognises the camera, then there is a bug in kubuntu 10.0416:32
BluesKajFinnArild, if you find a solution to getting vista as the default OS , pls post it ..I have the same problem with this laptop.:)16:32
macodavis__: ok. which version of kubuntu are you using by the way? mind trying live cds from some after-8.10 before-10.04 versions of kubuntu to see if it is recognized?16:33
FinnArildBluesKaj: just as DarthFrog told me16:33
macoid like to know what release it stopped being recognized in. i suspect the move from hal to udev in 10.04 is the cause16:33
DarthFrogBluesKaj: I just told FinnArild how to do that.16:33
FinnArildBluesKaj: works as a charm ... only I was 1 number off now so it started a ramtest :)16:33
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Set your default boot entry in /etc/default/grub.  Remember to start counting from zero. :-)  Then run "sudo update-grub" again.16:33
BluesKajDarthFrog,ok ,I'll scroll back up ...I was away for a few16:34
macodavis__: on the other hand, the move away from hal is supposed to be taking place across the whole linux ecosystem. upstream kernel devs have decided its not the way to go... so i doubt fedora 13 will have it16:34
roberto__hi :)16:34
roberto__someone please -- how do I get /usr/bin/env ruby to work with ruby1.9.1 ? "/usr/bin/env ruby >> /usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory" -- I know how to make a sym link but .. should I be manually doing that with ruby ?16:34
FinnArildDarthFrog: works like an especially effective charm that has gone to charm school and gone out with top grades in all charm classes16:35
* FinnArild thanks and bows16:35
DarthFrogroberto__: Why not make a script?16:36
roberto__DarthFrog: that's acutally what I'm doing :)16:36
DarthFrogroberto__: If you put the ruby script in ~/bin and have ~/bin at the front of your $PATH, it'll be run.16:37
davis__maco: oh right , the move explains the problem16:39
roberto__DarthFrog: the "preferred" way to write the shebang call in a ruby script is "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" -- that's what is failing16:39
DarthFrogroberto__: Personally, I'd rename /usr/bin/ruby to /usr/bin/ruby.9.1 and have the ~/bin ruby script read: /usr/bin/env /usr/bin/ruby9.116:39
roberto__DarthFrog: if I make it #!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9.1 it works, but I shouldn't have to do that16:39
DarthFrogroberto__: Ah, you're ahead of me then.16:40
roberto__so basically you're suggesting making a sym link then? is there some reason ubuntu ships with a .. if not broken, at least out-of-step ruby?16:40
roberto__DarthFrog: yea16:40
roberto__think so, thanks though16:40
DarthFrogroberto__: You're welcome.  I know nothing about ruby itself, however. :-)16:40
DarthFrogroberto__: Idle question: Why shouldn't you have to specifiy the version of ruby that you want?  Isn't that what the env command is for?  How is it to know otherwise?16:42
roberto__DarthFrog: on another operating system, it would handle it just like perl. Perl creates a $dir/perl.version and then a symlink $dir/perl to that file16:43
roberto__DarthFrog: but the ruby1.9.1 .deb package didnt do  that16:43
roberto__not for lucid16:43
DarthFrogroberto__: How about setting the version in your .bashrc file?16:44
BluesKajok DarthFrog , I reset the default to windows ..let's see if I chose correctly :) ...brb16:45
* DarthFrog thinks that WIndows is always the wrong choice. :-)16:45
roberto__right now I have an alias for ruby=ruby1.9.1 in my bashrc but, taht won't work when I'm writing a script16:45
DarthFrogroberto__: An alias or an environmental variable?16:45
eagles0513875hey guys anyone know how to fix shared object errors16:46
davis__maco: i got it working, i installed digikam , then put the camera into the usb connection and the device notifer recognised the device and said then digikam loads with the images that i can download16:57
davis__maco: if you could suggest to the kubuntu team to have digikam installed by default16:57
roberto__how can I bind altgr+ñ key as a dead key for the ~ accent so I can write things like não (portuguese) ?16:58
macodavis__: we can't. it's too big.16:59
macodavis__: we'd have to not have language packs16:59
macoive heard that bug before though. i wonder what piece of digikam does it. and why my camera worked fine with the device notifier before i installed digikam17:00
maco(maybe mine's usb mass storage, and yours is something else with which digikam knows how to communicate especially/017:00
davis__maco: the device was not showing as usb mass storage, so that must be why17:01
jpedrozaI have a netbook remix install on an Eee PC 900. I installed the kdegames group and now all the icons in the application launcher are gone. Is there a way to add them back in?17:03
jpedrozaOr better, is there a way to revert to the base installation without a complete format install?17:05
roberto__how can I bind altgr+ñ key as a dead key for the ~ accent so I can write things like não (portuguese) ?17:09
oxymoronIs it possible to make SKype or any video chatting app work out of the box with a DV cam?17:16
=== sandeep is now known as Guest40338
CQhow do you set the default boot option in grub2? just list that option first ??17:30
DarthFrogCQ: Edit /etc/default/grub and run "update-grub".17:30
Geliis it the netbook-channel?17:31
CQDarthFrog: don't have that file... or do you mean /boot/grub/menu.lst?17:32
Geli#kubuntu-netbook +i17:32
DarthFrogCQ: If you have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file, you are running GRUB 1, not GRUB 2.  Yes, edit that file.17:33
Geli#kubuntu-netbook (+i)17:33
Gelihelp me!17:34
CQDarthFrog: what's default in karmic? Grub 1 or 2? I wouldn't mind upgrading Grub, not ready to switch to lucid yet though17:34
DarthFrogCQ: Depends upon whether you upgraded to Karmic from a previous version or did a fresh install.  GRUB2 was the default in a fresh install.17:35
Gelihelp meee17:35
bazhangGeli, with what17:35
Gelihow can i join kubuntu-netbook?17:36
DarthFrogGeil: /join <channel>17:36
bazhangGeli, you can't17:36
Gelioh :(17:36
CQDarthFrog: upgraded from jaunty... is there an update-grub script or some such? It's a simple single boot kubuntu setup17:36
bazhangI'd imagine its for developers only17:36
DarthFrogCQ: That's why you have Grub 1.17:37
DarthFrogCQ: If it's working, don't fix it.17:37
Gelibut in the webpage thew wrote:Feel free to join us on #kubuntu-netbook if you have questions.17:38
=== Barridus_ is now known as Barridus
BluesKajodd, i'm trying clean up the grub menu od old kernels , i cd into /boot and do ls vmlinuz* . It lists the kernels . then ran , sudo aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.32-18-generic linux-image-2.6.32-19-generic , but I get the can't find message , yet these oldies are stillisted in grub ...what gives?17:40
Barridusi'm having trouble getting upnp working, can anyone help?17:40
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  Try "dpkg -L | grep linux" and see what's installed.17:41
opengeekv2hello, I have a bug and I don't know in what package I have to report it, someone could help me?17:41
DarthFrogOops, "dpkg -l" not -L17:41
BluesKajDarthFrog, uname -r  lists 2.6.32-22-generic ,dpkg -L | grep linux gives me an error "dpkg-query: --listfiles needs at least one package name argument"17:43
DarthFrogBluesKaj: My mistook.  It should be -l not -L17:45
BluesKajok sudo dpkg -l | grep linux-image gave me the 2 linux images that i know are installed17:45
CQDarthFrog: weird though, /etc/grub.d exists with all the files in it17:46
BluesKajbut the older kernelsm and 19 are still listed in grub , but arent installed17:46
DarthFrogCQ: do you have an "update-grub2" command?  An "install-grub2" command?17:47
=== stephen is now known as Guest52686
BluesKaji miss the old grub menu.lst17:47
CQupdate-grub2 yes17:48
CQDarthFrog: update-grub2 yes17:48
DarthFrogCQ: how about grub2-install?17:50
BluesKajDarthFrog, any alternative to editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?17:51
opengeekv2hello, I have a bug and I don't know in what package I have to report it, someone could help me?17:53
DarthFrogBluesKaj: You shouldn't edit that file.  Edit the files in /etc/grub.d and /etc/default/grub instead, then run update-grub2.  But unless you've installed grub2 none of that will make any difference.17:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  And by install, I mean run the grub2 install script, not an aptitude or apt-get install command.17:54
BluesKajgrub2 is installed17:55
BluesKajI have had installed since jaunty17:55
DarthFrogBluesKaj: In a nutshell, update-grub2 will write your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file for you.  If you edit that file by hand, you'll lose your changes the next time your system is updated.17:56
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  And by install, I mean run the grub2 install script, not an aptitude or apt-get install command.17:56
BluesKaji don't have the grub2 install script , DarthFrog17:57
DarthFrogBluesKaj: If you don't, your system will continue to run grub 1.17:57
DarthFrogBluesKaj: What happens when you run "grub-install"?17:58
BluesKajwhy would you think I'm running legacy grub ?, DarthFrog17:59
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Because you have /boot/grub/menu.lst.17:59
opengeekv2hello, I have a bug and I don't know in what package I have to report it, someone could help me?17:59
DarthFrogInstead of /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:00
bawwwhey does anyone else have a UI issue with Amarok on lucid?18:00
BluesKajDarthFrog, no I don't have /boot/grub/menu.lst ...I said i missed it cuz it was easy to edit18:01
yofelopengeekv2: you should ask this in #ubuntu-bugs, the bugsquad will know more ;)18:01
bawwwamarok keeps forgetting the UI settings...18:01
BluesKajDarthFrog,  /boot/grub/grub.cfg file exists only in grub218:01
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Then I misunderstood you.  Oh hey, I was confusing you with what I was saying to CQ. :-)18:01
BluesKajno biggie , DarthFrog :)18:02
DarthFrogBluesKaj: In the immortal words of Emily Litella, "Nevermind!"  :-)18:02
BluesKajDarthFrog, i fail to understand why the  /boot/grub/grub.cfg doesn't update properly ...strange18:03
BluesKajit list kernels that aren't installed18:04
BluesKajerr lists18:04
mani_mhello! i installed Kubuntu lucid lynx 10.04 amd64 and have a problem regarding "apt-get" to get connection to the internet, because i am behind a proxy server of a university. i already tried almost everything i could find with google...18:05
BluesKajDarthFrog, the update-grub command doesn't totally update18:06
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Run "sudo update-grub2" then.18:07
BluesKajDarthFrog, nothing changed...it has to be a bug of some sort, but it's pretty trivial...it just bugs me, that's all18:17
bawwwok in your opinion what is the best KDE distrobution?18:21
roberto1what could be the problem if applications seem to hang on dns queries, including dig, but dig will respond back with query times like 18ms ?18:23
=== me is now known as Guest69548
vbgunzin Kubuntu 9.10 Ext4 disk checking was extremely blazingly lightening fast. In 10.4, same system, upgraded, disk checking takes waaaaaay too long. What on earth happened?18:40
=== lonely is now known as Guest17780
__-osh-__I just found out that I can't upgrade my server to "Intrepid" (Yes I know i'm way behind) because my /boot is too small. Disk layout is like this /dev/md0 -> /boot. About 100M. /dev/md1 -> lvm -> / -> About 250GB. Is it possible to shrink lvm and transfer to /boot? I'm assuming this isn't possible to do "on line" but from a rescue disc?18:43
eagles0513875!hi | WMP18:44
ubottuWMP: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:44
WMPhow to i can change keyboard layout in 10.04?18:45
__-osh-__vbgunz: Still on ext2/3 here so I can't help you I'm afraid.18:45
__-osh-__WMP: System settings?18:45
WMP__-osh-__: in sysem settings i can't change layout18:45
__-osh-__WMP: Personal -> Region & Language -> Keyboard layout.18:47
__-osh-__WMP: Atleast I have that.18:47
__-osh-__WMP: Could be called something else for you. I'm doing on-the-fly translation from my localized copy here... :-)18:48
WMP__-osh-__: thx18:48
__-osh-__WMP: np18:48
WMPbut, what has name my layout??18:48
WMPThis is keyboard in netbook18:48
WMPi have | \ near left shift18:49
__-osh-__WMP: I think there's a test functionality in there so just pick one and try it out. Choose whatever fits to your keyboard.18:50
__-osh-__WMP: I don't use it, I just pick my country and everything just works.18:50
WMPok, i go to search this18:50
__-osh-__WMP: But there's a long list of keyboards there. Look at your computer and see if you can match it to something on that list.18:51
WMP__-osh-__: i look in this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout18:52
__-osh-__WMP: What about it?18:53
ratshi guys/girls  Im thinking of upgradeng from 9.10 to 10.4 . My question is are there any suprises I can expect or should I just do a fresh install18:59
=== fmagno is now known as bombel
shadeslayerrats: the upgrade should work flawlessly19:01
ratsEverything works well in 9.10 I just like the idea of LTS. thanks shadeslayer19:02
shadeslayerrats: yeah,a LTS is certainly much better19:03
jpedrozaCan anyone tell me why after installing the games packages I lost the launcher in KNR 10.04? There are no icons on the desktop anymore.19:03
joeschmoeAnyone know how to troubleshoot mounting a pre-existing luks encrypted volume? luksOpen and such seem to not work.19:08
=== evil is now known as Guest40253
sheldon__is there a way to silence up gtk app sounds?19:26
PeterDrophi, iam using kde, where or how i can configure audio front panel?19:26
DarthFrogPeterDrop: Have you tried systemsettings?19:31
PeterDropDarthFrog , yes it showme the sound hardware, but i wanna know how to get audio in the front panel,19:33
DarthFrogPeterDrop: Front panel of what?19:34
PeterDropDarthFrog u know i wanna conecct my audio sistem in the pc from panel holes, u know ..19:34
DarthFrogAh, that's got nothing to do with the OS.  You have to connect the appropriate cable from your front panel to the correct audio header on your motherboard, then configure it in the BIOS.19:35
PeterDropthe motherboard is ok19:36
PeterDropthe, just i have to configure the bios?19:36
DarthFrogPeterDrop: Perhaps, I can't be sure.19:37
PeterDropwhat i have to put in the bios?19:37
DarthFrogPeterDrop: In my BIOS, there's entries for enabling/disabling various audio options.  That's where I'd look.19:37
PeterDropok i will try19:38
DarthFrogYou're welcome.  Good luck.19:38
vbgunzis it possible to automatically renice xorg and kwin and change their scheduling priorities too? upon boot? I would like to experiment with my kwin effects and *keep* them smooth. should this even help?19:41
StefanThmm, vbgunz, I would not do it. Using more processing power to visual effects sounds not ideal to me.19:43
vbgunzI just don't like the skipping and stuttering sometimes. I just reniced kwin and maxed it out and I am not sure if it truly made a difference but bouncing from desktop to desktop window to window the effects are smoother or I am crazy :/19:47
vbgunzI also unchecked direct rendering which I thought should be horrid but I think is possibly nicer19:47
DarthFrogvbgunz: What graphics card do you have?  What CPU do you have?19:49
malik_Hey guys I got a lil problemo with my ubuntu setup...after the upgrad to 10.4 some applications are bugging because they are denied permission to my cdrive, when it has been mounted and authorized..any clues?19:49
vbgunzDarthFrog: I have an AMD Phenom X4 9950 (2.6) and an Nvidia GTX26019:50
DarthFrogvbgunz: Well, you certainly have enough horsepower! :-)  So that isn't the problem.  Which video drivers are you using?19:51
vbgunzI am using the latest Nvidia binary drivers 195.36.24 I think19:52
vbgunzyeah 195.36.24 it is19:52
DarthFrogIf you don't want direct rendering, try using the "nv" driver.19:52
vbgunzDarthFrog: not that I don't want it. effects are surprisingly smoother or its all in my head *but* I thought effects would suffer big time without direct rendering. its just not happening19:53
vbgunzI just also switched texture from pixmap to shared memory19:54
oxymoronIs it possible to make SKype or any video chatting app work out of the box with a DV cam?19:54
vbgunzim not sure what the overall effect is there but both my gpu and system ram should have plenty to spare19:54
oxymoronAnd then does Kopete support multiple accounts logged in at the same time?19:54
StefanTvbgunz: you could change texture filtering to "nearest" in the OpenGL settings of kwin. This should make effects smoother too.19:55
oxymoronAh sweet, Kopete support multiple accounts login :D19:57
oxymoronAnyone know how to fix DV webcam support?19:57
vbgunzStefanT: yeah, I had best, gonna ride this for a while, see how it turns out, im just trying to get rid of some intermittent stuttering, jitteriness that shows up here and there19:57
WMPI have new problem - when I'm connected to my wifi network every couple of minutes a window appear requesting a password to this network.19:59
WMPthis window has in title: KNetworkManager20:02
oxymoronAnyone know how to fix DV webcam support?20:05
=== lonely is now known as Guest22206
Snarksterhave some strange things going on. my server keeps telling me it can not identify its old name since i changed its name.\20:12
SnarksterI even changed its name in the hosts file20:12
Snarksterwhere else would it have its old name?20:12
oxymoronAnyone know how to fix DV webcam support?20:14
Snarksternvm i found it in the hostname file.. thank you20:15
malik_how the hell do I get my apps to stop telling me they are not allowed to access another partition of my hard drive?20:26
=== constanza is now known as Lucida
darkdelusionsOk i am confused20:30
darkdelusionsknetworkmanger wouldnt work earlier my laptop goes in hibernate20:31
darkdelusionsnow its working agian20:31
=== lonely is now known as Guest22202
miniBillI'm in the alternate installation cd. any chance of using my soundcard?20:43
miniBill[the installation will be *looong* for me :)]20:43
=== steaminc is now known as SteamINc
NovitaCan anyone please tell me where to set Single Click open to Double click. There are so many options i cant find it.20:45
=== SteamINc is now known as SteamInc
tv_hello, I can not see television with kubuntu dvb 10.04. Has anyone solved this problem?20:47
oxymoronIt seems like #kubuntu abonded their users :P20:48
NovitaJust give them time to respond ;-)20:48
PeterDropany idea for make working audio on front panel?20:49
lantiziaHow can I view my webcam?  (cheese alternative for KDE?)20:49
oxymoronNovita: Nothing have happened for awhile now, but sure I wait some more I guess ...20:49
oxymoronlantizia: Would like to know that as well :)20:49
lantiziaI'm reading something called WebKam exists, but it's not in the repos20:49
oxymoronlantizia: Huh? I got my dv cam working and its forwarded to /dev/dv1394/0 but no application like Kopete, SKype, VLC or anything can detect it, I dont think its forwarded too v4l or v4l220:50
oxymoronvloopback I think I should use, but I think its used by default in Lucid :P20:55
darkdelusionslantizia: it funny you ask that20:55
darkdelusionsI was just looking for the same thing20:55
darkdelusionsI ended up just grabbing cheese20:56
darkdelusionslantizia: there is something out there called webKam20:57
lantiziadarkdelusions, didn't you just see me say that?20:57
darkdelusionslantizia: rolf no :) but I was skimming :)20:58
lantiziaI don't think my digicam can do the function of a webcam anyway - so it doesn't matter20:59
darkdelusionsI need to turn off join and part messages20:59
=== michel is now known as MikHel
lucituafter the botched 4.4.3 update i can't login anymore it keeps coming back to the kdm screen can't see any meaningful err msgs. any ideas?21:40
lucituseen post about consolekit but it's installed..reinstalled xorg radeon kdm..reconfig xorg.conf..running out of ideas21:43
lucituvaguely remember this before but can't remember fixes..has anyone experienced this before?21:44
=== lonely is now known as Guest37221
Guest37221i am come back21:48
lucituGuest37221: ?? you will be back? or you are back?21:50
thechefI just tried to move a window into the left upper corner and expected the analog behaviour as when i move it to the left side of the screen, but it behaved exactly the same instead of resizing the window to a quarter to the screen. Are there settings for this?22:00
edlikplease help. I just upgraded to 10.04 now I have no gui. I can enter in low graphics mode. Any help will be greatly appreciated.22:06
Polemus1i get an error: "cdrecord returned an unknown error....... sometimes using TAO writing mode solves the problem" ... when i try to write a dvd using k3b22:16
Polemus1i get an error: "cdrecord returned an unknown error....... sometimes using TAO writing mode solves the problem" ... when i try to write a dvd using k3b22:21
vbgunzI just had something interesting happen. I walked away and came back and found myself at the KDM login screen. wth. How do I figure out why that happened>?22:32
JontheEchidnavbgunz: could you paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old file?22:34
vbgunzJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/430229/22:36
=== hanzz is now known as Guest22321
vbgunzI don't see anything of interest there... am I missing it? could it be in another log?22:38
JontheEchidnahmm, looks totally normal22:39
JontheEchidnausually, logouts like that happen because the display server crashes22:39
vbgunzJontheEchidna: I did give Xorg higher than usual priority22:40
vbgunzthat though was in the last session. It should be back at normal now22:40
JontheEchidnabut if Xorg crashes do happen, then they should in theory show up in that log22:40
JontheEchidnaso I'm a bit stumped22:40
vbgunzim running all up and down the kde system log gui now22:41
=== fallenangel is now known as MSJonson
oxymoronAnyone know how to fix DV webcam support?23:26
=== Guest9216 is now known as exsodus
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest12907
Guest12907I can't connect to my hidden wifi network23:33
InvaderZimok... 10.04 here, nvidia. Sine 9.04 i cant make it remember my resolution, everytime i boot i need too change it23:33
vbgunzInvaderZim: do this; kdesudo nvidia-settings and make all your changes and save or merge the resulting xorg.conf23:36
InvaderZimalready tried... it works but the letters get so small and unreadable that hurts23:36
vbgunzwhat do you mean? you chose the correct resolution in nvidia-settings and saved the resulting file to xorg.conf in /etx/X11 ?23:37
vbgunzInvaderZim: sorry. its /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... nvidia-settings cannot save or merge to that file unless you explicitly run nvidia-settings as root23:39
=== ner0x is now known as ner0x|away
vbgunzGuest12907: any luck?23:41
vbgunzGuest12907: do you have mac filters?23:41
Guest12907no filters23:41
vbgunzhmm, not too sure then. I know I used to have some major problems and it always had to do with me forgetting to add a devices mac address23:42
vbgunzbut I personally set up my router to do mac filtering, so your case is different23:43
Guest12907vbguns: did you connect through knetwork , gnome, wcid, or command line?23:43
vbgunzGuest12907: im sorry, I do have wireless devices, ps3s, other window powered pc's but my linux workstation is ethernet23:44
vbgunzGuest12907: if you control the router, don't hide the ssid for a moment and see if you can at least see it23:45
Guest12907apartments router, they won't change the settings.23:45
Guest12907I'm not happy with them23:45
vbgunzcould it be case sensitive?23:46
Guest12907I've tried it both ways, but I know the essid is all lowercase23:46
vbgunzI made a mistake just 2 days ago on a ps3. there was a space at the very beginning of the ssid and I almost pulled my hair out23:46
Guest12907key is in hex23:46
bodomInvaderZim: probably it's a dpi issue23:46
InvaderZimwell yes, but how to fix it?23:47
bodomInvaderZim: you can manually specify dpi on xorg.conf, but I don't remember the syntax23:47
InvaderZimso... there is no user friendly gui way of doing it?23:47
bodomInvaderZim: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Display_Size_and_DPI23:48
bodomInvaderZim: I'm not expert about user friendly guis, I almost never use them, sorry23:48
bodomInvaderZim: probably, there is23:48
InvaderZimok... i use kubuntu mainly to see how a new user would face trouble, thats why i dont want manual editing23:49
InvaderZimat least krandrtray was a workaround23:49
InvaderZimit remembered the resolution and at boot it changed when ran... but now it doesnt work23:49
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
bodomInvaderZim: if you have found an bug or a missing user riendly application to configure something, plz fill a bug report23:50
InvaderZimok will do... weird i don't have nvidia-settings anymore23:51
bodomInvaderZim: btw, I have nvidia too, and nvidia always was a pain for me to to get i working right (dual head setup doesn't help).23:53
InvaderZimyeah nvidia was supposed to be good but just blob soft it seems23:53
bodomInvaderZim: are you using nvidia or nouveau driver? Tried nouveau for first time when upgraded to 10.04 and I got surprised on how I got it worked with less hassle than usual23:55
scott_jIm using kubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx). In quick access widget, is it possible to show the contents of a folder without opening the folder in a new window ?23:55
scott_jeven in Folder View widget clicking on a folder opens it in a new window23:55
scott_jor is there some other widget i can use ?23:56
bodomscott_j: that was default behaviour on 9.10, let me check23:57
bodomscott_j: ok, found. Just don't click on the folder23:57
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bodomscott_j: holdn on your mouse over the folder and after about half a sec it should pop-up the content23:58
scott_jbodom: u mean in the quick access widget ?23:58
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scott_jbodom: i tried doing that in quick access widget, but it does not show the folder contents23:59

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